
希望以下内容对你有所帮助:题目1:介绍你自己范例:Hello, my name is Jane. I am from Beijing, China. I am currently a sophomore majoring in English at XYZ University. In my free time, I enjoy reading novels and playing the piano. I also love traveling and exploring different cultures. I am excited to improve my oral English skills through this course.题目2:描述你最喜欢的电影/书籍/音乐范例:One of my favorite movies is "The Shawshank Redemption." It is a powerful film about hope and friendship. The story follows the protagonist, Andy Dufresne, as he navigates hislife in prison. The film showcases themes of perseverance, redemption, and the power of human connection. I truly admire the message this movie conveys and the exceptional performances by the cast.题目3:你的梦想是什么?为什么?范例:My dream is to become a successful entrepreneur. I have always been passionate about business and enjoy exploring innovative ideas. I want to create something meaningful and makea positive impact on society. I believe entrepreneurship gives methe freedom and opportunity to pursue my ideas and contribute to the community. Through hard work, dedication, and continuous learning, I hope to achieve my dream and inspire others to followtheir passions.题目4:你最难忘的旅行经历是什么?为什么?范例:One of my most unforgettable travel experiences was when I visited the Great Wall of China. It was an incredible sight to behold, with its vast stretches of walls and beautiful scenery. Standing on top of the wall, I felt a sense of awe and appreciation for the ancient engineering marvel. Moreover, the trip allowed me to learn more about my country's history and culture. It was truly a memorable experience that I will cherish forever.题目5:你认为什么是成功的关键因素?范例:In my opinion, the key factors to success include hard work, perseverance, and a positive mindset. Hard work is essential because without putting in the necessary effort and commitment, it is difficult to achieve significant goals. Perseverance is crucial because setbacks and obstacles are inevitable on the path to success. Maintaining a positive mindset helps to overcome challenges and maintain motivation. Additionally, continuous learning, adaptability, and networking are also important in achieving success in today's fast-changing world.这些题目和范例只是一些常见的口语练习内容,请根据你自己的需要进行练习和补充。

Unit10Handling Personal FinancesTheme:personal financesLanguage functions:Agreeing and disagreeingObjectives:Students shall be able to talk about money-related issues and build skills in managing personal finances.In addition,students should be able to express agreement or disagreement when they discuss and debate how to earn,save,and spend money wisely.Warm-upProcedures:1.Give students one minute to identify the messages contained in the cartoon.Students may have their interpretations,but generally:1)college tuition is quite high;2)the mother is encouraging her daughter to make good use of the pocket money.2.Then,organize a free discussion on the two questions below the cartoon.3.Invite a few students to share their answers about how they pay for college and what they use their allowance for.Activity11.ConversationIn the dialogue,the two students are exchanging their ideas on how to manage personal finance.Their discussion highlights issues many students face—balancing expenses with limited budgets.Lead the students through the dialogue for language points,expressions on agreements and disagreements,and expressions on giving/taking/rejecting advice.Then ask students to have a look at the functional expressions in the Language Bank.Language points:●Agreement:That’s the point./That’s exactly my problem.●Partial agreement:Life at college should indeed be colorful,but we have to draw a linebetween what we need and what we want.●Disagreement:Come on…●Asking for advice:What’s your secret?/Tell me how./What shall I do?●Giving advice:I wouldn’t do that if I were you.●Rejecting advice:That never works for me!2.Discussion●Focus:This task is designed to have students reflect on their financial situations andspending habits.Through the discussion,students can gain greater self-awareness of sensible consumption and learn practical strategies from their peers.●Procedures:1.Divide students into small groups of four.Ask them to take turns to share in groups if they can live within their monthly budget and what actions they take when short on money.2.Then discuss in groups what they believe are healthy financial habits for students.Each member should contribute1-2ideas.3.Bring the class back together.Invite a few representatives to summarize their discussions.4.On the board,make a list of healthy financial habits for students based on their discussion. End up by encouraging students to cultivate healthy financial habits.Additional Resources for Teachers:Here are some suggested healthy financial habits for college students:-Make a budget and track spending:Know where your money is going each month and plan based on income and expenses.-Prioritize needs over wants:Spend money on necessities like food,housing,transportation first before entertainment,shopping,etc.-Save a portion of income:Put aside a percentage of any money you receive into savings. Having an emergency fund is important.-Limit eating out:Eating at the university cafeteria is much cheaper than dining out frequently.-Find free or low-cost entertainment:Take advantage of free events,student discounts,and splitting costs with friends.-Look for freebies and deals:Get free samples,use coupons and loyalty programs.-Establish a fun money allowance:Budget a set amount each week for non-essential spending.-Pay with cash:Studies show people spend less with cash.-Avoid impulse purchases:Give yourself time to think through a purchase.-Earn extra income:Get a part-time job or freelance work to supplement your budget.-Live within your means:Don’t try to keep up with others’spending.Focus on needs.3.Pair work●Focus:This task is designed to have students analyze proverbs related to personalfinances in pairs.This exchange allows students to articulate their financial philosophies while being open-minded to other stances.●Procedures:1.Ask students to review the list of money-related proverbs and select the one they most strongly connect with or find insightful.Students can also discuss one that is not on the provided list.2.Divide students into pairs.Explain to students that they will take turns to share their selected proverb and interpretation with their partner.They may agree or disagree with each other,but they should try to use the expressions that have been introduced.3.Then the teacher may ask some volunteers to share their understanding of a particular proverb with the whole class and see if others would agree or disagree with them.●Suggested Answers:Here are some suggested answers:No one is poor unless he thinks himself so.The proverb tries to persuade people never to be beaten by troubles or difficulties in life or lose hope and confidence in winning their fortune.As long as we believe in ourselves and work hard,we can one day realize our dreams and achieve what we want.Be penny-wise and pound-foolish.Don’t focus so much on saving pennies and nickels that you miss out on bigger opportunities. Being overly frugal about small expenses is counterproductive if you waste money in more significant ways.A fool can earn money,but it takes a wise man to save and dispose of it to his advantage. Financial wisdom involves more than just earning money.Knowing how to budget,save,and use money wisely is more beneficial in the long term.Invest for the future.Neither a borrower nor a lender be.Avoid both relying heavily on borrowed money and lending money to others.Too much debt burdens the borrower.Lending money can also strain relationships sometimes.4.Group work●Focus:This task provides an opportunity for students to research the financial situationsof their peers.●Procedures:1.Divide students into groups of four.Explain to students that each group will survey student expenditures.2.Ask students to review the survey template provided.They can add or modify questions as desired.3.Give students sufficient time to conduct the survey and gather results.Suggest a minimum sample size.4.In groups,students calculate and analyze the survey results.5.Each group should prepare a summary of key findings from their survey and the implications for money management.6.Each group will present their survey methodology,results,analysis,and recommendations to the class.7.After presentations,lead a class discussion reflecting on spending habits and budgeting needs revealed from survey outcomes.8.Optional:Have students write an individual reflection on how they might adjust their own finances and spending based on the survey findings.Activity21.ConversationThis dialogue depicts a married couple,Nick and Janet,arguing over their household finances and inability to budget effectively.They are frustrated by their lack of savings and mounting expenses.The conversation reveals issues stemming from their different spending habits, incomes,and attitudes about money management.This dialogue presents an opportunity for students to analyze techniques for successful financial collaboration in relationships.2.Pair work●Focus:This creative task requires students to analyze the core issues in the couple’sdispute over finances and find reasonable compromises that address each one’s concerns.Through this task,students will demonstrate empathy,communication skills,and problem-solving skills as they work to resolve the conflicting approaches to household budgeting.●Procedures:1.Have students work in pairs.Explain to students that they will play the role of Nick and Janet and resolve the couple’s budget dispute.Give students one minute to re-read the dialogue and analyze the issues presented.2.Have students act out their extended conversation.Remind them to reach a reasonable compromise.The dialogue should end with the couple agreeing on a household budget and financial plan. This may involve:-Deciding on overall savings goals-Creating spending categories with assigned amounts-Agreeing on a system for tracking expenses-Compromising on discretionary spending items3.Invite a few volunteers to perform their completed dialogues for the class.4.Lead a short discussion reflecting on the budget solutions presented.Which compromises were most reasonable?What communication tactics worked best?5.Optional:Have students write a short reflection on what they learned about managing finances as a couple.Sample DialogueNick:I still think we need to control our spending.What if we each have an allowance to spend entirely at our discretion?Janet:But we need transparency,not separation.I don’t want to ask you for money when I need it.Nick:You’re right,that doesn’t work.Hmm,what if we have a shared account for bills and household expenses that we both contribute to based on our incomes?Then the rest ispersonal spending money.Janet:That’s better,but it doesn’t address our different attitudes about what’s worth spending on.For example,you think my books are useless.Nick:Okay,true.I suppose I should be less critical about your minor purchases if you could attempt to somewhat reduce your larger expenses.Janet:Fair enough.And we should agree on our savings goals for the year.Let’s aim to save$5000for vacations and$3000for the kids’college.Nick:Alright,it’s a deal.Should we use an app to track where all the money is going each month?That way we can catch any leaks early.Janet:Definitely.Having it all visible will help us make better choices together rather than pointing fingers.As long as we’re open to each other and work as a team,I think we can do this!Nick:Me too.I’m sorry.This is new to us but I’m glad we talked it out.Janet:Apology accepted.Now,ready to go over these credit card statements?Full transparency!Nick:You got it!Let’s do this.3.Role-play●Focus:This role-play task is designed to have students practice managing householdfinances through an improvised dialogue.The goal is to collaboratively track expenses and deposits to gain skills in household money management.●Procedures:1.Have students work in pairs.In each pair,one student should be the“big spender”and the other be the“miser.”2.Explain to students that they will play the role of a married couple who will review the monthly account book together.Remind them to take on the opposing attitudes of their roles.3.Give students a few minutes to review the account book and prepare for the role-play.The big spender should be ready to justify lavish purchases.The miser should express concern over unnecessary spending.4.Invite a few pairs to present their role-plays for the class.Pairs should aim to reconcile their different spending habits and agree on a reasonable budget and financial plan.5.Lead a discussion on the challenges of synchronizing financial viewpoints with a partner and effective strategies to enhance communication.Sample DialogueMiser:Okay,let’s go over these expenses line by line.RMB557at the shopping center?! That seems extremely high.What did you buy?Big Spender:I got some new clothes for work and a nice pair of shoes.Can’t I treat myself every once in a while?Miser:I suppose,but we need to stick to our budget.RMB80for a football ticket also seems excessive when we could watch it at home.Big Spender:It was a special event!I got to see it live with my friends.Miser:Let’s try to limit recreational spending to RMB100a month going forward.Now,the RMB200at the beauty parlor?!What’s that about?Big Spender:A girl’s got to look good!It was for a haircut and highlights.I can’t help it if the salon is pricey.Miser:Maybe try a less expensive place next time.I think we can cut this category in half. As for the RMB120movie—watching at home is way cheaper.Big Spender:Okay,I see your point.I can cut back on some of these extra treats.But could I still get some personal fun money that I don’t need to justify?Miser:That’s fair.How about we each get RMB200in discretionary spending?And we’ll save more by cooking at home and looking for free entertainment.Big Spender:It’s a deal!I want us to reach our savings goals.And I appreciate that you keep us on track.Miser:Thanks for being open to compromise.Together we’ve got this budget thing down! Activity31.How much money does a student need per month?This text discusses appropriate monthly allowances for college students in China.It centers on a university student dissatisfied with her RMB2,000monthly stipend from her parents, which she argues prevents her from indulging in luxuries like her peers.The author counters that this amount should sufficiently cover a student’s needs,citing a survey showing average undergraduate expenses in major cities were under RMB2,000.Experts advise students to adjust consumption based on family income and remember that education is the priority over material comforts.The issue reflects a generation gap in attitudes toward money, consumption values,and life priorities between Chinese youth and their elders.It also highlights the challenges of managing personal finances independently for the first time as a young adult.The text provides broader commentary on the importance of developing healthy spending habits.2.Discussion●Focus:Through this task,students will analyze their financial attitudes and deepen theirunderstanding of responsible money management and consumption habits.●Procedures:Divide students into groups of four and ask them to share their answers to the questions with group members.Remind students that they should have one member take notes of the major points that group members have made.After the group discussion,the note-takers would report their group discussion to the class.3.Role-play●Focus:This role-play scenario aims to provide an interactive way for students tointernalize the text’s themes revolving around fiscal responsibility and independence.Students could also practice agreeing and disagreeing,as well as offering and accepting suggestions through talking about money issues.Procedures:1.Divide students into pairs.In each pair,one student should be Student A and the other be Student B.2.Give students two minutes to read their role cards and get into character.Students should think about how they would act in their assigned role and improvise conversation based on their role descriptions.3.After five minutes of role-playing,the teacher will invite some students to present their role-play to the class.5.To conclude,students share their experiences and discuss what they learned about from this activity,and the teacher will summarize the insights gained.Sample Dialogue:Student A:I can’t believe my parents haven’t bought me a laptop yet.How do they expect me to do my schoolwork without one?It’s ridiculous that they haven’t provided me with this basic necessity for studying.Student B:I’m sorry to hear you don’t have a laptop,but maybe your parents can’t afford one right now.My parents give me a monthly allowance that’s usually enough,but lately, I’ve been donating some of it to charity so I’m short on cash.Student A:Well,if I were you,I’d tell my parents to give me more money.They should be responsible for making sure you have everything you need as a student.Student B:I disagree.I think we need to learn to be independent and make sacrifices sometimes.Your parents probably want you to focus on your studies rather than expensive gadgets.Student A:I guess you have a point.I don’t need the latest laptop.I should be grateful that my parents provide for my basic needs.It’s admirable that you’re donating your own money to help others in need.Student B:Thank you.But now I’m worried about covering my expenses.Do you have any ideas on how I could earn some extra money?Student A:Hmm...you could tutor younger students or get a part-time job on campus.Let me know if you need help!Student B:Those are great suggestions!Thanks for your advice!Supplementary Activity1.Learn to spend sustainablyThe passage offers advice for developing healthy spending habits and avoiding financial issues stemming from overspending.It targets readers who struggle with impulse purchases or have trouble differentiating between wants and needs.2.Discussion●Focus:This discussion aims to have students reflect on their spending habits andevaluate the effectiveness of the tips for avoiding impulsive purchases.●Procedures:1.Explain to students that the goal of this discussion is to reflect on their spending habits and evaluate strategies for controlling impulsive purchases.Encourage students to be open about sharing their experiences.2.Invite a few volunteers to describe a time they made an impulsive e probing questions to understand their motivations.3.After a few students have shared,facilitate a whole-class discussion on the effectiveness of the tips provided in the passage.Ask students to explain their perspectives.4.Invite students who have tried any of the techniques to describe their experiences implementing them.Did the strategies help manage spending?Have each student identify one tip they would be willing to try and explain why they think it would work for them.5.Leave five minutes at the end for students to reflect individually on new insights they have gained about sustainable spending habits.Definition:Impulsive buying,or impulsive spending,is the tendency of a customer to buy goods and services without planning.When a customer makes such buying decisions at the spur of the moment,it is usually triggered by emotions and feelings.Description:Impulsive buying can’t be categorized for one specific product category. Impulsive buying can be seen in products such as chocolates,clothes,and mobile phones and in big-ticket items such as cars,jewelry,etc.Impulsive buying means making an unplanned purchase.It is based on an irrational thinking.Marketers try to tap this behavior of customers to boost sales.There is a great likelihood that customers end up making a purchase ofproducts after entering the hypermarket without any actual intent of doing so.Many mobile phone makers tend to exploit this trait in customers by introducing products that can be add-on gadgets for their mobiles such as fitness bands,etc.。

1.How do you view those people who strive to seek fame? What influence may fame have on a person's life? AA: Did you watch Voice of China last night? I think the singers are just tried to seek fame.B: Why do you think so?A: Look, fancy clothes, touching story. They are spurred by impure motives such as the desire for worshipping fans and praise from peers.B: Well so how do you view those people who strive to seek fame?A: A person who seeks fame is like a dog chasing his own tail When he captures it, he does not know what else to do but to continue chasing itB: Do you mean that the lure of drowning in fame's imperial gbry is not easily resisted?A: Exactly, and the cruelty of success is that it often leads those who seek such success to participate in their own destruction.B: well you mean fame will likely contaminate a man's soul, aren't you? It's of significant for a man to remains true to himself.A: Yes. But seldom people can remain true. For example, the famous Irish writer Oscar Wilde, paid heavily for remaining true to himself both social and sexual to which the public objected.B: On the other hand, those who gain fame most often gain it as a result of expbiting their talent for singing, dancing, painting, or writing, etc.A: Yes, but there is little deny that it is those who fail that reap the greatest reward: freedom! They can express themselves in unique and original ways without fear of losing the support of fans.B: Unfortunately for most people, however; failure is the end of their struggle, not the beginning.A: That's true. Thomas Edison was thrown out of school in the fourth grade, because he seemed to his teacher to be qu让e dulL But he remains true to himself;and consist to work.B: So what do you think we should do instead of trying so hard to achieve success?A: Try to be happy w让h who you are and what you do. Try to do some works that you can be proud of.B: I agree w让h this point. Maybe you won f t be famous in your own lifetime, but you will be better than before at least.2.What do you think of young people's craze for their idols? AA: You know what, Susan took 3 part time jobs in order to attend Bingbang's concert! And she is on diet to save the money for a shirt which showed up at their ins. That's crazy!B: Come on, idolatry is quite common among the youth nowadays. Generally speaking, young people are inclined to adore the people who excel in appearance;intelligence or talent.A: But if we simply worship the idols by go to their concerts or pursuing fashions unreasonably, the idolatry is certainly a waste of money time and energy.B: Actually, I wonder what the significance of keep shouting out at the concert until their throats go hoarse. Why not make full use of time to create a promising future?A: Yes, What's more, idolatry leads young people to mix the reality with the fancy. You see, the attractive appearances and unusual styles of stars tell nothing about the harsh reality but leave them dreaming of getting something for nothing.B: Yes, idolatry affects both the world and worth values of teenagers. But we will lead a positive life if we endeavor to improve ourselves by bridging the gap between our models and us.A: Howevei; the young people are far from mature to identify what are the truth, the goodness, and the beauty. They will tend to consider their idols as perfect models.B: Exactly. Even the negative aspects of their icons can be beautified, for example, young fans may think their icons' sexy or violent behaviors is cooLA: Well so we should seize our invaluable youth and protect ourselves from blind idolatry.3.What should an effective welfare system be like? AA: I saw the news that because of all kinds of unfair things in the society there is a wide gap between the rich and the poor; and many people live in a great trouble.B: Yes, sometimes I wonder whether we have a welfare system or not.A: Of course we have, but it maybe not that effective.B: So in your opinion what should an effective welfare system be like?A: I think that an effective welfare system should be fair; complete and can brings kindness to the people who really need it.B: Yes, and the government should establish some reasonable policies that can make sure the people who need help really get the assistance payments and can live a happy life.A: And people who needs assistance should be free to develop their talents without guilt or fear一just hold a good, steady job. Besides, some special equipment which can bring some convenient should installs in the public area.B: And the caseworkers should be honest and rich of sympathy, so those policies can work effective. A good system should encourage people to live a better life, not seek evidence all the time to convict them of cheating.A: Well on the other hand, a welfare client is supposed to be honest, they shouldn't tell the caseworker that the landlord raised the rent by a hundred dollars or something like that.B: Yes, exactly. So an effective welfare system need the joint efforts of the whole society.4.Is it justifiable for devetoping countries to invest large sums of money in telecommunication networks? AA: Did you hear that? The latest news said by installing optical fibei; digital switches, and the latest wireless transmission systems, a parade of urban centers and industrial zones from Beijing to Budapest are stepping directly into the Information Age.B: Wow, Places that until recently were deaf and dumb are rapidly acquiring up-to・date telecommunications.A: Yes, that will let them promote both internal and foreign investment. Transformation is occurring that should greatly boost living standards in the devetoping worldB: I wonder how does it work?A: Widespread access to information technologies, for example, promises to condense the time required to change from labor-intensive assembly work to industries that involve engineering, marketing, and design.B: Like Telecommunications is a key to Shanghai1s dream of becoming a top financial center; is that right?A: Exactly.B: But It may take a decade for many countries in Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe to improve telecommunication networks.A: Well How fast these nations should push ahead is a matter of debate. Many experts think Vietnam is going too far by requiring that all mobile phones be expensive digital models.B: These countries lack experience in weighing costs and choosing between technologies. For countries that have lagged behind for so long, the temptation to move ahead in one jump is hard to resist.A: Yes, so it is justifiable for developing countries to invest large sums of money in telecommunication networks.B: Exactly. Just like the old saying goes," No pay no return0.5.How do you understand "I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude"? BA: I saw a beautiful sentence in Wechat.B: What is it?A: T never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude/5 Do you familiar with it?B: Yes, of course. It was told by Thoreau, the author of Walden. Did you ever readthis book?A: Nope, would you mind tell me something about this book?B: Of course not. This book emphasizes the importance of self-reliance, solitude;and closeness to nature.A: So, how do you think? Do you think being solitude can make ones comfortable?B: Well, it's hard to say. For example, a king is alone, and it is always necessary for the king to be alone. He doesn't need to accept any person's identity, or anyone's mercy. The real solitude is noble.A: Yes, I'm quiet agree with you. A solitary man, no matter what kind of environment he is in, he can make himself quiet, he is always able to enjoy himself. We, as human beings, need time to be alone.B: Actually, the cond让ion of loneliness rises and falls; but the need to talk goes on forever. Its more basic than needing to listen. We still need friends we can tell important things to, people we can call to say the daily succession of small complaints.A: Exactly. People deal w让h each other every day. This interaction is at the heart of social life. Its important to be solitude and settle down and make ourselves comfortable. But more importantly; stay rationaLB: I'm totally agree w让h you.6.Do you think theme parks like Disneyland will be a cultural invasion to the local culture? AA: Hey! You know what? I've heard that Shanghai has conditions to build an excellent Disneyland and all preparations are well under way.B: Yes, I r ve heard about that, the news has sparked a heated debate on the Internet. Although some people are exc让ed about what a Disneyland might bring to the city; many expressed their disagreement and worries.A: Yeah, many people view the proposed park as a "'cultural invasion/ They are worried that American cultural and entertainment concepts carried by Disneyland might strike a blow to Chinese culture. Do you think theme parks like Disneyland will be a cultural invasion to the focal culture?B: Well people welcoming the Disneyland challenge that transnational and trans-regional cultural communication is an irreversible trend and the Chinese should welcome the introduction of various foreign cultures.A: The unrestricted introduction of foreign culture might threaten the cultural security of China. No matter how globalization evolves, it is not good to have a world full of Disneyland parks and Hollywood movies.B: As the global brand of a resort theme park, a Disneyland represents happiness and attracts tourists of all ages and from all kind of country. What's wrong w让h building a resort place like this? Besides;Shanghai is well justified in opening another window to show off its image as well as China's commitment to opening up.A: Well that's all right. But while we should regulate foreign investment in the entertainment industry according to law, we must adopt an open mind in developing our entertainment industry trying to absorb good elements of other cultures and mix them into an advanced culture with Chinese characteristics.B: If so, we can create more signature images that are popular; appealing, long-lasting and rich with Chinese cultural characteristics to satisfy people's mental demands.A: Exactly.7・ How do you understand "without the software of emotional maturity and self-knowledge, the hardware of academic training alone is worth less and less"? BA: Did you see the movie called Forrest Gump? I was deep-touched by the hero.B: It is a story about a man who become successful w让h low IQ isn f t it?A: That's right. His experiences proved that people with tow intelligence can be successful, as long as he has a high EQ. I heard a very interesting sentence "without the software of emotional maturity and self-knowledge, the hardware of academic training alone is worth less and less." So, how do you understand it?B: I think it means that the academic training is useless without cultivating emotional intelligent. However; at one point in time, IQ was viewed as the primarydeterminant of success.A: But some critics began to realize that high intelligence is not the only reason for success. Although being smart is very important, but more important is how to well use the intelligence you have. No matter how broad, knowledge is useless until it is applied And application takes high EQ.B: Ho we ven IQ is still recognized as an important element of success, particularly when it comes to academic achievement. People with high IQs typically to do well in school often earn more money, and tend to be healthier in generaL So, I think having a high IQ is really important.A: You're right. But today experts recognize it is not the only determinate of life success. Instead, it is part of a complex array of influences that includes emotional intelligence among other things.B: You mean, one's character determines one's destiny, which stresses on the importance of EQ. And a high EQ will make a person become more optimistic, confident and passionate in his work. Is that right?A: Yes, research has found that individuals w让h strong leadership potential also tend to be more emotionally intelligent, suggesting that a high EQ is an important quality for business leaders and managers to have.B: Therefore, while EQ indeed can't be ignored, IQ is also vital for one to be successfulA: That's right.。

Unit14Celebrating Holidays and FestivalsTheme:holidays and festivalsLanguage functions:Describing what people do on holidays and festivals;talking about future plansObjectives:Students shall be able to describe holidays&festivals and talk about their future plans;they shall also consolidate their command of the functional expressions used to show agreement&disagreement as well as describe past experiences.Warm-upProcedures:1.Divide students into groups of four and ask them to guess what the festivals are according to the descriptions and then discuss the questions in the textbook.The holidays and festivals described in part one are the Mid-Autumn Festival,Tomb-Sweeping Festival/Qing Ming Festival,Thanks g iving,and Halloween.Activity11.ConversationThis text is a dialogue between two friends,Zhang Juan and Peter,discussing holidays and festivals in their respective cultures,China and the United States.The text provides an introductory cultural exchange and comparison of traditional holiday celebrations in China and the United States.It highlights some of the major national holidays in each country and some unique customs.Go through the conversation and draw students’attention to expressions of asking about and describing the holidays and festivals.Then lead students to have a look at the useful words and functional expressions in the Language Bank.In addition,the teacher may ask students to add other important holidays and festivals in China or other countries.2.Pair work●Focus:This task aims to engage students in conversational exchanges about culturalevents and making logical guesses about which festival is being depicted based on the visual information provided.●Procedures:Arrange students in pairs.Ask each pair to make dialogs based on the given pictures, following the pattern in the textbook.They may choose to make three short dialogs or one dialog incorporating descriptions of three holidays.Remind students to use the pictures asprompts to practice talking about different holidays and festivals.The goal is to identify the celebration based on the visual clues.Then the teacher may ask two or three pairs to role-play their conversation(s).Provide feedback on the content and language used.Highlight any new vocabulary or proper holiday names introduced through the activity.3.Mini-speech●Focus:The goal of this task is for students to strengthen their public speaking andpresentation skills by individually preparing and delivering a short speech about a holiday or festival to their peer group.Students will select a celebration from the provided list,research key details about its history,customs,and origins,and create a two-minute informative presentation to group members.●Procedures:1.Divide students into groups.Have each student select one holiday/festival from the provided list.2.Give students a few minutes to prepare a short two-minute presentation about their chosen holiday/festival.They should include key details like the date,traditions,origins,etc.3.Have each student take turns giving their mini-presentation to the group.Encourage them to speak loudly and clearly.4.After each presentation,the other group members could ask follow-up questions about the holiday.This allows the presenter to provide more detail.5.When all students have presented,lead a brief class discussion reflecting on what they learned about different cultural celebrations from their peers.6.Provide positive feedback on the content and public speaking skills demonstrated. Sample Speech and Q&AThe festival I will talk about today is the Lantern Festival.This festival takes place on the15th day of the first month of the lunar calendar.It marks the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations.The Lantern Festival has a history of over2,000years.During this festival,people light lanterns and hang them around temples,in the streets,parks,and even near rivers and lakes.The lanterns come in all shapes,sizes and colors,often with Chinese symbols, animals from the zodiac,or scenes from myths.The lanterns symbolize hope for the new year.Families carry lanterns to join in parades and events.There are often fireworks, dances,and lion dances too.Eating round sticky rice balls called yuanxiao in Chinese is a popular custom,because their round shape matches the full moon on this night.The Lantern Festival is about bringing families together to celebrate while welcoming the first full moon.Q&A:Q:When was the first Lantern Festival held?A:The Lantern Festival began during the Han Dynasty,over2,000years ago.Q:What foods do people eat during this festival?A:Common foods eaten during this festival are sticky rice balls called yuanxiao and round-shaped dumplings.These match the full moon.Q:What makes the lanterns special?A:The lanterns come in all sizes,shapes and colors.Many have Chinese symbols,animals or myths depicted on them.They symbolize hope.Activity21.ConversationsThe two conversations in this activity focus on talking about future plans and usual practice on certain holidays.Lead students through the two conversations and ask them if they know anything about the origin of the April Fool’s Day and the Dragon Boat Festival.Students may also share some interesting April Fool’s stories and some different ways of celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival in different parts of China.2.Pair work●Focus:This task focuses on using the phrase“I am going to”to discuss future holidayplans.This allows students to practice talking about the future in English while learning about their partner’s holiday traditions and plans.●Procedures:1.Divide students in pairs.Ask each pair to follow the instructions in the textbook and remind them to think about what they learned in Unit3to talk about future plans and try to use the expressions they learned.2.Students will take turns using the phrase“I am going to”to discuss their plans.They could discuss activities,food,places they will visit,people they will see,etc.Students should aim to provide3-5“I am going to...”statements for each holiday prompt.3.After both students have had a chance to share their plans,the teacher can invite some pairs to share with the class.3.Story-telling●Focus:This task aims to get students to share some interesting/memorable personalexperiences or stories related to a holiday tradition holidays by using3-5key details.By recounting events in sequence using the past tense,students can improve their ability to narrate a coherent story in English.●Procedures:Divide students into groups.Students will take turns sharing stories about memorable experiences they’ve had on Chinese or Western holidays/festivals.Remind students that they need to give as many details as possible to make their stories vivid and impressive.Stories should focus on a specific holiday event or tradition and past tenses should be used to describe what happened.If a student does not have a relevant personal experience to share, they can share an interesting,moving,or funny holiday story they have heard before.After the group work,the teacher may ask some volunteers to share their stories in front of the class.Activity31.FestivalsThis text explores two major cultural festival traditions—China’s Spring Festival(Lunar New Year)and the American holiday of Thanksgiving.It first provides background on Spring Festival,describing the celebrations,customs,and activities associated with this revered start of the lunar new year.Details are given about the significance of family gatherings,traditions like hanging red banners and staying up late on New Year’s Eve,visiting relatives,and enjoying public festivities.The text then shifts to discuss the origins and modern practices of Thanksgiving in America. It recounts how the Pilgrims started the tradition in1621after surviving a difficult winter thanks to the help of Native Americans.Their inaugural feast and celebration of a bountiful harvest spawned an ongoing national holiday.Thanksgiving is associated with family gatherings,travel,special meals featuring turkey and pumpkin pie,and giving thanks for one’s blessings.Together,the passages showcase two major cultural holiday traditions and how they bring families and communities together through celebration,shared history,and gratitude.Lead students through the text and ask them to summarize what kind of information should be included in an introduction of a holiday or ually,when,how and with whom the holiday or festival is celebrated are necessary,and then the origin,related stories, importance as well as cultural implications may also be included.2.Pair work●Focus:This task allows students to compare and contrast customs and traditions betweenmajor Chinese and Western holidays.Students will work in pairs to identify similarities and differences across six festival pairings.This promotes cultural understanding of how celebrations vary across regions.●Procedures:The teacher may introduce some patterns often used to talk about similarities and differences before dividing the students into groups.Each group may first brainstorm on the customs of all the Western and Chinese festivals in the table and have a discussion of the similarities and differences between each pair.After discussion and completing the table,students will share what they listed with the class and explain the cultural significance.Suggested Answers:Festivals Similarities DifferencesChristmas vs.Spring Festival -Family gatherings-Decorating homes-Exchanging gifts-Christmas:Christianity;turkeySpring Festival:Lunarcalendar;jiaozi;fireworksValentine’s Day vs.Qixi Festival -love/romance-Gifts to loved ones-Festival tales about couples-Qixi:traditional Chinesestory;activities likewatching stars-Valentine’s:more widelycelebratedHalloween vs.Qingming Festival -Respect to the deceased-Rituals and offerings-Halloween:morelighthearted;costumes andcandy-Qingming:more reverentand solemnThanksgiving vs.Mid-Autumn Festival -Family gatherings-Feasts/meals-Harvest origins-Thanksgiving:Americanhistory-Mid-Autumn:mooncakes,lanterns and moon viewing3.Interview●Focus:The task focuses on encouraging students to think about and voice their opinionson Chinese and Western festivals and how people should celebrate them in the present era.The discussion promotes critical thinking on cultural evolution.●Procedures:The teacher may start by asking students how they feel about traditional holidays now compared with how they felt when they were young.Then,students may give their opinions about how people may maintain or adjust the customs.4.Show and tell●Focus:The task is designed for the students to look for information about a particularfestival of an ethnic group and integrate what they have collected into a presentation.●Procedures:The teacher may assign the task in class and leave it as homework for students to look for related information and prepare for the presentation.Divide students into groups of four and ask them to first decide on a festival of an ethnic group.The teacher needs to make sure that each group focuses on a different festival from other groups.Then,ask students to think about what they would like to include in their presentation and how they can make their presentation more impressive.In addition,remind them to have a proper allocation of work and ensure good cooperation among the group members.Finally in class,each group does their presentation and other groups give their comments on the content and performance of the presentation.Supplementary Activity1.ConversationThis is a conversation between Rick,an American exchange student studying Chinese culture at Peking University,and his Chinese friend Cherry.It takes place on the evening of the Mid-Autumn Festival,a major traditional holiday in China.Their conversation provides insight into Chinese traditions around the Mid-Autumn Festival.The teacher may make use of the activity to get students to know more about the festivals celebrated in China and appreciate the cultural diversity of our country.2.Role-play●Focus:This task is for the students to demonstrate an understanding of a key Chineseholiday,the Winter Solstice Festival.Students work in pairs and roleplay the original characters of Rick and Cherry.●Procedures:1.Have students work in pairs,with one partner playing Rick and the other playing Cherry. Explain that the scene is now the Winter Solstice Festival.2.Rick should ask questions to learn about the Winter Solstice Festival,such as its origins, traditions,foods,etc.Cherry will explain details about the festival and how Chinese people celebrate it.Encourage to use prior cultural knowledge.3.Have students perform their role-plays for the class.After each role-play,briefly discuss key information presented about the festival.Sample DialogueRick:Hi Cherry!Happy Winter Solstice Festival!Thanks for inviting me over to celebrate again.Cherry:You’re welcome,Rick!I’m excited to tell you about another Chinese holiday. Rick:Me too!So can you explain what the Winter Solstice Festival is all about?When is it celebrated?Cherry:The Winter Solstice Festival is one of the most important festivals in China.It takes place around December21st,the shortest day of the year.Rick:Interesting!What are the origins of this festival?Cherry:It originated over2,000years ago.Ancient Chinese people celebrated the solstice because it means the days would start getting longer again as spring approaches.Rick:That makes sense.I read the solstice has something to do with yin and yang. Cherry:Yes,exactly!The solstice represents yin transitioning to yang—from the darkness of winter to the light of spring.Rick:Nice.So how do Chinese people celebrate today?What are the traditions? Cherry:There are many fun customs!Eating jiaozi and spending time with family.Also ancestor worship and lighting candles.Rick:It sounds very meaningful.I’d love to experience all of that someday.Well,thanks for telling me about this great Chinese festival!Cherry:You’re welcome!I’m happy to share our culture with you.Ready for our feast?3.Pair work●Focus:This activity prompts students to discuss and compare regional variations incelebrating traditional Chinese holidays and festivals.Students will activate prior knowledge and share experiences to highlight how geography and local culture lead to diverse paring traditions boosts cultural understanding.●Procedures:Have students work in pairs.Students in each pair may start with sharing how certain traditional festivals are celebrated in their hometown and see if there are any differences.In addition,they may share whatever they know of or have heard of the different ways of celebrating traditional festivals in different places.Remind students to make use of the expressions introduced in Task1for Activity3to talk about these differences.Encourage students to explain why certain regional variations developed.Consider geography,ethnic groups,available foods,etc.Have some pairs briefly share their examples with the class.。

---英语口语教学大纲一、课程基本信息1. 课程名称:英语口语2. 英文名称:Oral English3. 课程代码:XXX4. 学分:25. 学时:32(理论学时:24,实验学时:8)6. 课程类别:专业基础必修课7. 适用专业:对外汉语、英语、国际贸易等8. 适用对象:本科生9. 先修课程:英语精读、英语听说、英语语音二、课程目标1. 培养学生运用英语进行口头交际的能力。
2. 提高学生的英语口语流利度、准确性和得体性。
3. 帮助学生掌握基本的英语口语表达技巧和策略。
4. 增强学生的跨文化交际意识和能力。
三、教学内容1. 基本口语表达技巧2. 日常交际用语3. 专业领域口语表达4. 口语听力训练5. 口语交际策略6. 跨文化交际四、教学方法1. 案例分析法2. 角色扮演法3. 小组讨论法4. 情景模拟法5. 任务型教学法6. 观看视频、音频资料等五、教材与参考书目1. 教材:- 《英语口语教程》,姚保慧主编,高教出版社- 《剑桥流利英语口语》4册,祁尧珊编译,外语教学与研究出版社2. 参考书目:- 《英语中级口语》,吴祯福主编,外语教学与研究出版社- 《英语口语大全》,梁成锦编著,外语教学与研究出版社- 《通俗美语会话》,杨芳林、杨学义编译,外语教学与研究出版社 - 《美国口语思维》,朱红梅、高山编著,中山大学出版社- 《英语口语句型》,陈昆才编著,广州市科学技术大学出版社六、考核方式1. 课堂表现(30%)2. 口语测试(40%)3. 作业完成情况(20%)4. 期末考试(10%)七、教学进度安排(根据具体教学计划填写)八、课程特色1. 注重实践,强调学生口语实际运用能力的培养。
2. 结合实际情境,提高学生的跨文化交际能力。
3. 采用多种教学方法,激发学生的学习兴趣。

英语口语中级课程教学大纲课程英文名称:Oral English (2)课程编号:0400342 学时:2.0 学分:32一、课程教学对象《英语口语(中级)》教学对象是非英语专业(四年制)公共英语类基础阶段二年级上学期的学生,是必修课程之一。
通过外教的课堂教学,为学生提供较好的真实语言环境,养成良好的口头交际习惯: 清晰、流畅、达意,培养学生用简单而基本正确的英语表达思想的能力;同时训练学生思维清楚,表达具有一定的逻辑性,为以后深入学习复杂抽象话题的口语表达打下基础。
四、课程的主要内容、基本要求和学时分配建议(总学时数: 32)建议使用教材及参考书1、教材:吴祯福主编《英语中级口语》[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,20032、参考书:[1] 留海燕英语口语教程(二)[M]. 北京:清华大学出版社,2005[2] 李华东新世纪英语口语教程[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2002[3] 李丹红《《英语口语教程——21世纪高校英语专业基础课系列教材下》[M]. 天津:南开大学出版社, 2001[4] 崔琳琳,林立大学英语演讲教程(附光盘)[M]. 北京: 外文出版社,2004[5] 王斌公共英语演讲教程[M]. 北京:中国人民大学出版社,2005六、课程考核方式该课程考核以口试为主,以百分制计,期末考试占总成绩的70%;将教学环节中学生平时表现(出勤率、课堂发言和讨论等)纳入评定成绩,占总成绩的30%。

流畅英语口语教程第二版第3册课后练习题含答案1. IntroductionThe second edition of Fluent English Oral Tutorial consists of three volumes, each contning various exercises that can help learners improve their speaking skills. In this document, we’ve provided the exercises and answers for the third volume of the series.2. Exercise 1: Pronunciation Practice1.Choose a word from the list below and read it aloud, payingparticular attention to the underlined sound:–Smile, slice, slide, slip, sleep–Sun, son, sing, sung, soon–Far, fr, for, fur, fireAnswer:–Smile–Sun–Fr2.Identify the underlined sound in the following words:–Cat, cut, caught, coat–Well, will, whale, wall–Lake, luck, look, lackAnswer:–/æ/–/w/–/ʊ/3. Exercise 2: Vocabulary Practice1.Fill in the blank with the correct word from the list below:–Instead, although, although, however, despite–Strong, happy, cheap, busy, safe–She loves to travel by trn, ______ it can be a bit slow.–He didn’t speak English ______ he had been studying it for years.–She decided to go to the party anyway, ______ she was feeling tired.–He is a ______ swimmer who can easily swim long distances.–The traffic was heavy, but ______ she arrived at the meeting on time.Answer:–Although–Although–Despite–Strong–However2.Match the adjectives on the left with the appropriatepreposition on the right:–Proud–Interested–Afrd–Familiar–Ashamed–Of–In–About–With–ToAnswer:–Proud of–Interested in–Afrd of–Familiar with–Ashamed of4. Exercise 3: Speaking Practice1.Discuss the following questions with a partner:–What kind of music do you like to listen to, and why?–Have you ever been to a concert or live performance?If so, describe your experience.–Do you think music can have a positive effect on people’s mood? Why or why not?Answer:Answers to this exercise will vary depending on the learner’s responses to the questions.plete the following sentences about yourself, using the words from the list below:–Passionate, friendly, creative, organized, motivated–I am ______ about learning new things.–My friends often describe me as ______.–In my free time, I enjoy ______ activities, like pnting or writing.–I am good at ______ my work schedule and getting things done on time.–When I face a challenge, I am ______ to find a solution.Answer:–Passionate–Friendly–Creative–Organizing–Motivated5. ConclusionIn this document, we’ve provided the exercises and answers for the third volume of the Fluent English Oral Tutorial series. These exercises can be useful for learners looking to improve their speaking skills and expand their vocabulary.。
Oral English-1

• • •
As hard as nails 难以相处
• 这个短语字面解释是“像钉子一样硬”。我们知道钉子是用铁或者其它非常坚硬 的材料做成的。如果一个人像钉子一样硬的话,那人想必既顽固强硬又无情无义, 是个相当难相处的人。我们来看个典型例子: They offered me a good job at that company but I hear that the boss is as hard as nails: one little mistake and you're out on the street the next day looking for a new job. 他们向我提供那家公司的一个很好的职位,但是我听说他们的老板是个毫无情义 的人;只要你犯一个小错,他就马上把你一脚踢出公司大门,让你另谋生路。 这个老板不能容忍下属的一个小小错误,一有错就开除革职,可见他是个硬邦邦、 无可通融的人,所以as hard as nails意思是毫无情义、难以相处的。
Bird-dog 严密监督
• Bird-dog虽然由bird和dog这两个名词组成,中间用连字号联接,但是它却可以作动词用。确 实有一种狗叫做bird dog,专门被训练来帮助猎人发现野鸡、鹌鹑之类的飞禽猎物。 Bird dog 有特别敏锐的眼力和嗅觉,每当它发现躲藏在树丛草堆里的猎捕对象时,就全神贯注地静止 不动,把眼睛鼻子直指向猎物的藏身之处。这一来就引起了猎人的警觉,帮他们发现猎捕对 象。这可能就是bird-dog这个习惯用语的出典。 按字典的说法,大约在1930年前后, bird dog这个词组成为习惯用语,用来指被委派观察某 一活动以便随时发现问题的人。这时bird dog当然是个名词词组。这个名词词组中间加上连字 号就变成动词了,常用来表达严密监视、密切注意、搜索情况的意思。 我们看个例子。一家小公司的经理要来告诉我们经过一番辛苦拼搏,他那摇摇欲坠的生意终 于有了转机;他们争取到一家大公司为期五年的承包合同。这可是个让他的企业起死回生的 关键项目,不能出丝毫差错。我们看看他采取了什么防范措施。他要求自己最信得过的职员 Joe做什么? I want to make sure we do a good job. So I'm asking Joe here to bird-dog the whole project and catch any trouble. If he sees any, he'll report it directly to me. 他说:我要确保我们做好这项工作,所以我委派Joe严密监促整个项目,查找任何问题。他一 旦发现差错,就会直接向我汇报。 这段话里的bird-dog含义是严密监督、仔细查找问题。

《英语口语与国际交流1》教学大纲课程编号:02141602英文名称:Oral English & Communication (1)学分:2学时:32教学单位:外国语学院外国语言文学学科修读学期:第3学期一、教学任务《英语口语与国际交流1》是为选修本校英语辅修课程的学生在第三学期开设的主干课程,是把学生已掌握的语言知识转化成交际能力的课程。

流程英语口语教程第二版第三册答案English:In the second edition of the Oral English Tutorial, students will further develop their communication skills through practical activities and exercises. The focus will be on enhancing fluency, accuracy, and appropriateness in spoken English. This edition covers a range of topics including making requests, giving and receiving feedback, expressing opinions, and participating in discussions. Students will also have the opportunity to engage in role plays, debates, and presentations to practice using English in real-life situations. Additionally, they will be introduced to more advanced grammar and vocabulary to expand their language proficiency.Chinese:在口语英语教程的第二版中,学生将通过实践活动和练习进一步发展他们的沟通技能。
oral English(英语口语)

1. Oral english prof iciency is required by the society, the new era as well as college english curriculum requirements.提高大学生的英语口语水平是社会之所需,时代之所趋,大纲之所求。
2. Traditional oral english class f ocuses on drills of situational dialogues, which can't meet demands of the modem society f or talents.传统的英语口语课是以情景会话的训练为主,这种片面的就口语练口语的教学方法已不能适应现代社会对人才培养的要求。
cepd.66wen.c om3. Good oral english is pref erred.英语口语良好者优先。
jobs.zhaopin.c om4. Your oral english is fantastic.你的英语口语太棒了。
5. I learn oral english at guilin.我在桂林学习英语口语。
1. She decided to practice oral english.她决定练习英语口语。
2. Want to improv e your oral english?想提高你的口语吗?admin.dj.iciba.c om3. Why my oral english is poor?我的口语为什么不好?www.juk 4. My oral english is pretty rusty.我的英语口语全荒废了。
5. Did y ou practise oral english online y esterday?你昨天在线练习英语口语了吗?6. I hav e conf idence in my oral english.我对我的英语口语有信心。

oralenglish-英语⼝语1.thousand times no! 绝对办不到!2.Don't mention it. 没关系,别客⽓。
3.Who knows! 天晓得!4.It is not a big deal! 没什么了不起!5.How come… 怎么回事,怎么搞的。
6. Easy does it. 慢慢来。
7.Don't push me. 别逼我。
/doc/24b7120116fc700abb68fc94.html e on! 快点,振作起来!9.Have a good of it.玩的很⾼兴。
10.It is urgent. 有急事。
11.What is the fuss?吵什么?12.Still up?还没睡呀?13.It doesn't make any differences. 没关系。
14.Don't let me down. 别让我失望。
15.God works. 上帝的安排。
16.Don't take ill of me. 别⽣我⽓。
17.Hope so. 希望如此。
18.Go down to business. ⾔归正传。
19.None of my business. 不关我事。
20.It doesn't work. 不管⽤。
21.I'm not going. 我不去了。
22.Does it serve your purpose?对你有⽤吗?2. I quit! 我不⼲了!3. Let go! 放⼿!6. No way! 不⾏!7. Come on.来吧(赶快)10. Not bad.还不错。
11. Not yet.还没。
13. Shut up! 闭嘴!16. Allow me.让我来。
17. Be quiet! 安静点!18. Cheer up! 振作起来!19. Good job! 做得好!20. Have fun! 玩得开⼼!23. I'm home.我回来了。

Conversation Strategies and Techniques
Types of Oral Presentations
口头演讲的类型:探索各种口头演讲形式,如辩论、演讲、研讨会等,并了 解如何准备和传达有效的口头演讲。
《英语oralenglish》PPT 课件
欢迎来到《英语oralenglish》PPT课件!本课程将深入探讨口语英语的各个 方面,帮助你成为一个流利、自信的英语口语交流者。
Introduction to Oral English
Importance of Oral English
口语英语的重要性:了解为什么口语英语是有效沟通和跨文化交流的核心要 素。
Basic Skills Required for Oral English
口语英语基本技能:培养和发展口语英语所需的核心技能,如听力、口语表 达和语言交流能力。
Pronunciation and Intonation
Preparation for Oral Presentations
口头演讲的准备:提供一些建议和技巧,帮助你在口头演讲前做好准备,包 括主题选择、纲要制定和排练。
Effective Use of Visual Aids
有效使用视觉辅助工具:探索如何运用图表、图片和幻灯片等视觉辅助工具, 增强口头演讲的效果和清晰度。
练习和反馈:重要性在于实践和接受反馈,从而不断改进口语英语水平和表 达能力。
Conclusion and Future Goals
总结和未来目标:回顾口语英语学习的重点和成果,并设定未来的学习目标 和发展计划。

英语专业教材列表06013001基础英语Elementary and Intermediate English 【408—6—1、2、3、4】内容提要:消化并提升中学所学的语法知识,并使之成为语言交际的实际技能。
修读对象:英语专业本科生教材:《现代大学英语》外语教学与研究出版社杨立民主编06013002 高级英语 Advanced English 【144—4—5、6】先修课程:基础英语内容提要:本课程是一门综合技能训练课程。
修读对象:英语专业本科生教材:《现代大学英语》外语教学与研究出版社杨立民主编06013003 英语听力Listening 【136—2—1、2、3、4】内容提要:通过本门课的教学,系统地训练和培养学生听英语的能力。
修读对象:英语专业本科生教材:《英语听力教程》高等教育出版社张民伦主编《英语听力梯级训练2000》(上、下)上海外语教育出版社何莲珍主编06013004 英语口语 Oral English 【72—2—2、3】内容提要:通过本门课的教学,培养学生口头表达能力和交际能力,使学生能就日常生活中的一般情景进行恰当的交谈,能对听懂的材料和熟悉的题材进行会话和连贯发言。
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Oral English自我介绍Self-Introduction电话技巧Western telephone etiquette更多了解Effective Question and Answer Techniques制定日程Setting agenda for meetings, travel and events安排事物Inviting, accepting, declining, offering, refusing商业用餐Translations on foods, showing opinions工作之余Choosing and developing topics of conversation工作面试Job interview办公自动化Office Automation商业会议At the MeetingGreetings (打招呼)1、Good morning ,sir (madam)早上好,先生(小姐)2、Good after noon ,ladies and gen tleme 下午好,女士们,先生们.3、Good evening ,miss Price晚上好,普莱丝小姐.4、How are you today ,Mr Brown ?你今天好吗?布朗先生.5、rm quite well ,thank you.我很好,谢谢你.6、Hs good to see you again ,sir( madam)再次见到你真高兴,先生(小姐)7、Nice to meet you ,sir见到你真高兴,先生.Titles (称呼)8、Are you Mrs.Best?你是贝丝特夫人吗?9、You must be professor Ford.你一定是福特教授.10、May I know your name, sir(madam)?我可以知道你的名字吗?先生(小姐).11、Here's a letter for you ,Dr white.怀特医生,这儿有你的一封信.12、you're wan ted on the phon e,Capta in Smith.史密斯船长,有你的电话.13、Welcome to our hotel, miss Henry.欢迎来到我们酒店,享利小姐.14、May I be of service to you,Mr Baker ?我能为你服务吗?贝克先生?15、C an I help you, Ms Blake?我能帮你吗?布雷克小姐?16、W ould you take the seat ,young lady ?请坐,小姐Offering Help (主动提出帮助)17、M ay I help you ?18、C an I help you?我能帮你吗?19、W hat can I do for you ?我能为你作什么?20、M ay I take your bag for you?我可以为你拿你的手提包吗?21、M ay I help you with your suitcase?我能帮你拿你的箱子吗?22、W ould you like me to call a taxi for you ?你需要我为你叫一辆出租车吗?23、T hank you very much非常感谢24、T hanks for the trouble 麻烦你了25、I t's very kind of you?你真是太好了26、N o, thanks不用了,谢谢!Answers to Thanks (对感谢语的应答)27、Y ou're welcome欢迎你28、N ot at all.不用谢29、T hat's all right.没关系30、D on't mention it.别提了31、I t's my pleasure这是我的荣幸Expressing welcome (表示欢迎)32、Welcome ,sir(madam).欢迎光临,先生(小姐)33、Welcome to our hotel ,sir (madam).欢迎光临我们酒店,先生(小姐)34、W elcome to our western restaura n 欢迎来我们西餐厅35、W e're glad to have you here我们很高兴你来到之儿36、rm always at your service ,sir (madam).随时为你效劳,先生(小姐)Apologies (表示道歉)37、rm sorry, sir (madam).对不起,先生(小姐).38、r m very sorry.非常抱歉.39、r m sorry to trouble you.对不起打扰你了.40、rm sorry to have taken so much of your time对不起占用你太多时间了.41、rm sorry to have kept you waiting 对不起让你久等.42、E xcuse me for interrupeing you原谅我打挠你了.43、I hope you'll forgive me.我希望你能原谅我.Answers to Apology (对道歉语的应答)44、It does n't mater没关系.45、I t's nothing.没什么.46、N ever mind别放在心上.47、T hat's nothing没什么.48、D on't bother about that别再想它.49、D on't worry about it.别担心.50、D on't apologize, It was my fault别道歉,这是我的错.Good wishes(良好祝愿)51、H ave a good time祝你们玩得愉快!52、H ave a nice evening祝你晚上愉快.53、H appy Birthday!生日快乐.54、M erry Christmas!圣诞快乐.55、M ay you succeed 祝你成功Parting (分手再见)56、G ood— bye and good luck再见祝你好运.57、H ope you'll have a nice trip希望你旅途愉快.58、W ish you a pleasant journey 祝你旅途愉快.59、H appy Ian di ng祝你安全抵达.60、B on voyage一帆风顺.61、H ope to see you again希望再次见到你.62、G ood night.晚安.63、S ee you Tomorrow明天见.Self—Introduction (自我介绍)64、r m henry, I'm from Golden Lake Hotel, I'm here to meet you 我叫享利,来自金湖酒店,我是来接您的•65、M y name is Irene ,1'm the housekeeping Department waite我的名字是艾琳, 我是管家部服务员•66、r m the receptionist here ,welcome to our hote我是这儿的接待员,欢迎来到我们酒店.67、R eservations ,May I help you 1预订部,我能帮你吗?68、R oom service ,May I come in ?送餐服务,我可以进来吗?69、T his is Henry Adams speaking我是享利.亚当斯.Affirmative Responses (肯定回答)70、S urely.当然可以.71、Certainly ,sir (madam).当然可以,先生(小姐).72、Y es, sir, (madam).是的,先生(小姐).73、That's true ,sir (madam).是这样的,先生(小姐).74、V ery well.非常好.Negative Response^ 否定回答)75、No ,sir (madam).不,先生(小姐).76、I don't think so.我不这样认为.77、O f course not当然不.78、r m afraid that's not a good idea恐怕,那个主意不好.Useful Questions 常用问句79、W hat do you prefer ,tea or coffee你喜欢什么?茶还是咖啡.80、W ould your please sign here 请在这儿签名好吗?81、A table for two?两人的一张台吗?82、How long do you plan to stay ?尔计划住多久.83、Could you please spell your name 请拼一下你的名字吗?84、W hat kind of room would you like ?你要哪类房间?85、M ay I see your passport我可以看你的护照吗?86、M ay I have your telephone number我可以知道你的电话号码吗?87、W hat's the trouble, sir?尔怎么啦?先生.88、S hall I call a doctor for you ?我为你叫一个医生吗?89、D ir you enjoy the play?你喜欢这个节目吗?90、Do you like this song?尔喜欢这首歌吗?Useful Expressions 惯用表达语91、E njoy you breakfast ,sir ?青享用你的早餐,先生.92、H ere is the menii合你菜谱.93、T he service guide is on the desl®务指南在桌面上.94、T he swimming pool is over there 游泳池在那边.95、G o ahead ,pleas青接着讲.96、T he line is busy 线路正忙.97、Y ou look grest .你看上去真棒.98、P lease consult the song listi青翻阅点歌单.99、It's a very touching story这是一个非常感人的故事.100、Without music, the world would be dull.如果没有音乐,这世界将会变得很沉闷•Preparatio n for Part One (In terview)In the first part of the test, the in terlocutor addresses each can didate in turn and asks general questio ns. Can didates will not be addressed in strict seque nee. This part of the test lasts about three minu tes and duri ng this time, can didates are being tested on their ability to talk about themselves, to provide personal information on their home, interests and jobs, and to perform functions such as agree ing and disagree ing, and express ing prefere nee.Seque nee:1. In troduct ion of people concerned2. Marksheets required3. Topics and Questi onsQuesti ons about can didates? n ames and hometow nsWhat?s your name?How to spell your n ame?How do you spell your family n ame/s urn ame/last n ame?Where are you from?Would you say it?s a good place to live in? (why)Do you like livi ng in … ? (why)Where would you ra ther live, … or …? (why)Do you think it would be better to live in … or …? (why)Do you come from a large family or a small one?Can you tell me a bit about …in your family?Questi ons about can didates? ide ntity --- work or studyDo you work or are you a stude nt?What do you do?What do you study?What?s your major?What do you like most about your job?What do you like most about your studies?Questi ons about Can didates? Preference Regard ing Their Work or StudyUn it One AWorki ng with Other PeopleWhat kinds of people do you most like work in g/study ing with? Why?What do you think are the adva ntages of work ing in a team of colleagues? Why?(Is it a good thing to work or study with other people? Why/why no t?)What sort of skills do you think a man ager n eeds? Why?Skills and Qualities for WorkWhich specific skills will you n eed most in your career? Why?(Which skills are most importa nt for your career? Why?)What qualities does a good employee n eed to have? Why?(What should a good employee be like? Why?)Which special qualities do you think a man ager n eed to have? Why? (What kind of people should man agers be?)To what extent is it important to train people in interpersonal skills? Why/why not? (Can people be trained to work well with other people?)Training people in interpersonal skills is extremely important and should be set as top priority. Most jobs are not performed in isolati on and the n eed to in teract is ofte n essential. In fact, most failures in the workplace are not due to lack of technical ability, but rather to shortco mings in in terpers onal compete nee. An in dividual may be a highly skilled worker. However if he or she cannot work well with other employees, cha nces for success are slim.Un it One BUn it One BCommun icati onWhich method of com muni cati on do you like best---letters, phone calls or e-mail? Why?(Do you like com muni cati ng with other people by letter, phone or e-mail? Why?)Do you thi nk methods of com muni cati on at work will cha nge in the future? Why? (Do you thi nk people will com muni cate in differe nt ways at work in the future? Why? Why n ot?)Do you thi nk compa nies should be able to con tact their staff outside worki ng hours? Why or why n ot?(Is it a good idea for compa nies to be able to con tact their staff outside worki ng hours? Why/why n ot?)Busin ess and the InternetDo you find the internet useful for your work or studies? Why/why not? (Does the internet help you in your work or studies? Why/why no t?)Do you think the internet will become more widely used by compa nies in the future? Why/ why not?(Will more compa nies use the internet in the future? Why/why no t?)Do you thi nk the internet is an effective cha nn elfor marketi ng a compa ny?s products? Why /why not?(is the internet a good place for advertis ing products? Why/why no t?)Do you think other forms of advertising will continue to be more important than the in ternet? Why/why n ot?(Will other forms of advertis ing be mort importa nt tha n the in ternet in future?Why/why n ot?)Unit Two AEn terta ining Bus in ess Clie ntsDo you enjoy eati ng in restaura nts? Why/why not?(Do you like eati ng in restaura nts? Why/why no t?)What type of restaura nt would you take bus in ess visitors to? Why? (What type of restaura nt is best for bus in ess visitors? Why?)What kinds of en terta inment do you thi nk are most suitable for foreig n bus in ess clie nts? Why/ why n ot?(What kinks of things do you thi nk foreig n bus in ess people like to see or do?)Un it Two BSpon sori ng Popular Eve nt or Pers on alities of Famous PeopleAre you in flue need by compa ny logos whe n you choose services or products?Why/why n ot?(is the image of compa ny importa nt whe n you decide what to buy? Why /why no t?)What kinds of popular eve nts or pers on alities do you think compa nies should invo Ive in spon sori ng? Why?(What kind of people or eve nts should compa nies support? Why?)Do you thi nk spon sori ng sports eve nts or pers on alities is the most effective form of advertisi ng? Why/why n ot?(Is support ing sports eve nts or people a good way to advertise? Why/why no t?)Do you think companies will make more use of sponsorship in the future as a way of advertisi ng? Why/why n ot?(Do you think that in the future more compa nies will support sports eve nts or people to advertise products? Why /why no t?)Unit Three AUnit Three BUnit Four AAdvertisingAre you in flue need by advertiseme nts whe n you choose a product or service? Why?(Do advertiseme nts help you to decide what to buy? Why/why not)Do you th ink there should be a limit on the amount of advertis ing on TV? Why or why not?(Do you think there?s too much advertis ing on televisi on? Why/why no t?)Unit Four BCompany CelebrationsWhat events do you usually celebrate in your family? Why/why not?(Do you celebrate any special days in your family? And how?)What kinds of occasi ons do you think compa nies ought to celebrate? Why? (Which events should compa nies celebrate? Why?)How important is it to involve all staff in company celebrations? Why?(Is it importa nt to in clude all staff in compa ny celebratio ns? Why?)Unit Five AThe WorkplaceIs it importa nt to you what type of buildi ng you work? Why/why not?(Is the place where you work/study importa nt to you? Why/why no t?)P61 it?s not what you are, it?s here you are.What kinds of facilities do you think should be available in an office buildi ng? Why? (What kinds of facilities would you like to have in an office build ing? Why?)Do you think companies should provide sports facilities for their staff?(Should compa nies have sports facilities for their staff? Why/why no t?)Do you think people work better in an office alone or sharing with other people? Why? (Is it better to work alone in an office with other people? Why?Unit Five BWork and HomeWhich would you rather live in---a house or an apartme nt? Why?(Would you prefer to live in a house or an apartme nt?)Are there any advantages in working from home rather than an office? Why or why not?Do you thi nk our homes or offices will cha nge in the future because of tech no logy? Why/why n ot?(Will tech no logy cha nge our homes or offices in the future? Why/why no t?)Unit Six AUnit Six BUnit Seven AWork and SportWhat types of sports do you enjoy watch ing or play ing? Why?(Which sports do you like watch ing or play ing? Why?)What the ben efits of physical exercise for people who work? Why? (Is physical exercise good for people who work? Why/ why no t?)Unit Seven BUnit Eight AHotelsWhat kind of accommodatio n do you usually stay in whe n you go on holiday? Why? (Do you stay in a hotel or an apartme nt whe n you are on holiday? Why?)What kinds of facilities do you think hotels ought to provide for bus in ess people? Why? (What kinds of facilities should hotels have for bus in ess people? Why?)Do you think companies should pay for their staff to stay in expensive hotels on bus in ess trips? Why/why not?(Should people stay in expe nsive hotels on bus in ess trips? Why/why not?)Unit Eight BStaying in Hotels on BusinessHow do you feel about being away from home on bus in ess? Why?(Do you feel happy about stayi ng away from home on bus in ess? Why /why no t?)Do you thi nk it is an adva ntage to stay in a large intern ati onal hotel rather tha n a small hotel whe n on bus in ess? Why /why not?(Is it better to stay in a large intern ati onal hotel or a small hotel for bus in ess?Why/why n ot?)Do you prefer to stay in a hotel on your own or with colleagues? Why?(Is it better to stay in a hotel on your own or with colleagues? Why?)Unit Nine AWork PatternsHow importa nt is it to you to have flexible work ing hours? Why/why not?(Is it importa nt to be able to choose your work ing hours? Why/why no t?)Do you work more effectively at certa in times of the day? Why/ why not?(Do you work better at differe nt times of the day? Why /why no t?)Do you thi nk the compa nies should con trol the nu mber of extra hours their staff work? Why/ why not?(Should compa nies decide how many extra hours their staff work? Why /why n ot?)Do you work faster whe n you have to meet a deadli ne?(Do you work faster whe n you have to finish your work by a certa in time? Why/why not?)Working and Studying AbroadWould you like to work or study abroad in the future? Why or why n ot?(Do you want to work or study in ano ther country in the future? Why/why n ot?)Do you think compa nies can ben efit from their staff working or study ing abroad?Why/why n ot?(Is it good for compa nies if their staff work or study in ano ther coun try? Why/why not?)What kind of help should companies give to staff who are going abroad to work or study? Why?(How can compa nies help their staff before they work or study in ano ther coun try? Why?)Career OpportunitiesWhat would your ideal job be? Why?(What kind of job would you like to do most? Why?)Do you think all companies ought to provide training opportunities for staff? Why/ why not?(Should all compa nies offer trai ning to staff? Why/why not)Is the opport unity to work in ano ther country importa nt to you?(Would you like to work in ano ther coun try?)Starting a Job or CourseDid you enjoy your? first day at work or college? Why/why not?(Did you like your first day at work or college? Why/why no t?)What do people n eed to know whe n they start a new job or course? Why?(What is it importa nt to know whe n they start a new job or course? Why?)What do you think compa nies ought to do to help employees on their first day at work? Why? (How should compa nies help employees on their first day at work? Why?)Unit Nine BJob InterviewsCan you tell me about a successful in terview you have had?(Why do you think you were successful?)Do you think in terviews are the best methods of judgi ng applica nts? suitability for a job?(Are in terviews the best way to decide whether a job applica nt is suitable?)How do you prefer to prepare for an in terview?What do you thi nk creates a good or bad impressi on at an in terview?How do you prefer to deal with stress before and duri ng an in terview?Career Development and ManagementHow ambitious are you for your career? Why/why not?(What do you hope to achieve in your career? Why/why no t?)Do you think that you are or would be a good man ager? Why/why not?(Is it easy to be a good man ager? Why/ why no t?)Would you rather be a man ager in a small compa ny or a large corporatio n? Why? (Would you prefer to be a man ager in a small or large compa ny? Why?)Would you like to be the head of your own bus in ess? Why/why not?(Do you want to be in charge of your own bus in ess one day? Why /why no t?)*Supplementary Questions for You to PrepareFree TimeDo you have much free time?Do you find you have much free time?How do you spe nd your free time?What do you do in your free time?What?s your hobby?Why do you like …?Is there any particular reas on why you enjoy …?When did you firs t take up/start …? (why did you start then?)TransportHow did you come here today?How did you travel to the test?Did you come here by bus?If you could travel by any form of tran sport you want, what would you choose? (why)Which form of tran sport would you like to travel by?How do you think you will travel to work in (15) years? time?How do you think you will travel to work (15) years from now?Training CourseWhat kind of training course have you ever take n?Have you ever take n any training course?What do you think is most importa nt whe n you choose a training course?What do you usually expect from a training course?Future PlanWhat would you like to do after you finish your studies?What?s your future pla n?What are you doing now for the preparati on of your future pla n?What if you failed to find a job as a …?What would you do if you could n't find a job as a …?TeamworkWhat kinds of people do you most like work in g/study ing with?What do you think makes a good team?What is a good team?Do you think you work in a good team?What do you think are the adva ntages of work ing in a team of colleagues? Why?Preparation for Part Two (Mini Presentations)The second part of the test is a -preSeritation ” .In this part, the candidates are given a choice of topic and about one minute to prepare a piece of extended speech. After each candidate has spoken, their partner will be invited to ask a question about what has been said.Directions:Short presentationSequence:1. A choice of 3 topics2. Preparation for one minute3. Give a one-minute presentation4. Partner ' s question after presentationTask Sheet 1A: What is important when selecting applicants for a job or employeesfor promotion?Suggestion• Work experie nee;• Pers on al qualities;Educati on baekgro und;Curre nt positi on;Busin ess achieveme nts;B: What is important when choosing a new supplier?Suggestion• Prices and disco un ts;• Reputatio n;Pun ctuality of delivery;Scope of bus in ess;C: What' s important when aiming to improve production quality?Suggestion:•Up-to-date equipme nt•Staff trai ningResearch and Developme ntCustomer feedbackTask Sheet 2A: What's important when preparing for a job interview?Suggestion• Study ing the job advertiseme nt• Finding out about the compa nyPsychological preparati onClothesMannerB: What's important when deciding whether to attend a conference? Suggestion • Venue;• Speakers;Content;Schedule;Accommodati on;C: What's important when developing new products?Suggestion• Market Research• Costs In volvedTrial producti onCustomer feedbackTask Sheet 3A: What's important when selecting a job to apply for?Suggestion:• Salary• Career opport unityAdditi onal ben efitsIn struct ions for appl yingResp on sibilities of jobWork ing hoursB: What's important when choosing a magazine to buy regularly?Suggestion•Con te nts•CostTitle of magaz ineAvailabilityIts con tributorsC: What's important when choosing a business book to study from?Suggestion•Topics•WriterPriceSuppliersDate AvailableTask Sheet 4A: What's important when giving a presentation?Suggestion:• Type of audie nee• Equipme nt n eededLen gthAssista nt RequiredReas on for the prese ntati onB: What's important when choosing a business course to attend?Suggestion:ContentCostTypeQualifieati ons offeredCourse leadersFeesC: What's important when choosing a language course?Suggestion:• Len gth of course• CostTitleEntry requireme ntsCourse leadersTask Sheet 5A: What's important when deciding which type of company you would like to work for?Suggestion:• Opport un ities for staff training• Foreign travelType of productsLoeati on of premisesMain activitiesNumber of staffB: What's important when choosing a magazine to advertise a product or service in?Suggestion:• Cost of dvertisi ng• Type of readersCon te ntsPrice of magaz ineNumber of readersC: What's important when planning business trips? Suggestion:• Purpose• Travel arran geme ntsLen gthDest in ati onAccommodati on arran geme ntTask Sheet 6A: What's important when choosing a conference center? Suggestion: • Facilities• Locatio nType of eve nts orga ni zedAccommodati onTran sport conn ecti onsChargesB: What's important when choosing a business journal?Suggestion•Topics in cluded•CostEditorsAvailabilityInten ded readersC: What's important when choosing a business training course?Suggestion•Topics•VenueSuitable applica ntsDatesSpeakersTask Sheet 7A: What's important when choosing the location for a new factory?Suggestion•Tran sport connections•Availability of workforce in areaLocatio nCost to rentSpace availableDate of completi onB: What's important when choosing a training video?Suggestion:• Topics covered• CostTitleDistributorAvailabilityC: What's important when planning a business trip? Suggestion:• Schedule• Con tact personTran sport arran geme ntAccommodati onTask Sheet 8A: What's important when deciding whether to apply for a new post? Suggestion: • Locatio n• Career prospectsPlace where it is advertisedCompa ny in formatio nB: What's important when organizing an in-house training course?Suggestion:• Course content• Participa nts selectedCourse leadersCost invo IvedC: what ' s important when recruiting senior staff?Suggestion:• Recruitme nt age ncies• Finan cial incen tivesRequireme nts from themPosts for themTask Sheet 9A: What's important when attending an interview?Suggestion:•Appeara nee of applica nt• Applica nt?s kno wledge of compa nyPun etualityPromises from compa nyB: what ' s important when planning market research?Suggestion:•Types of questio ns•Type of peopleWays of in formatio n feedbackAn alysis of curre nt compla in tsC: what ' s important when predicting profits?Suggestion:•Curre nt sales figures•Market tren dsTech no logy developme ntChan ges of social codesTask Sheet 10A: what' rnportant when deciding whether to obtain a further qualification? Time commitme nt requiredSuggestion:•Career ben efits•Professi on concernedLoss of experie neeB: what ' s important when placing a newspaper advertisement? Suggestion:•Newspaper sales figures•Cost of advertis ingNewspaper circulati onReadersC: what' s important when considering whether to invest in technology? Suggestion:•Ben efits to the compa ny•Cost in volvedDevelopme nt and researchInno vatio nTask Sheet 11A: what' s important wheplanning a presentation?Suggestion:•Finding out about the audie nee•Research ing the topicTo practice the prese ntati on before givi ng it Differe nt types of equipme ntB: What' s important when aiming to improve customer service?Suggestion:•Staff trai ning•Customer satisfact ion surveysPrices and disco untsRewards for customersC: What' s important when managing a project?Suggestion:•En couragi ng teamwork• Keep ing to scheduleMotori ng progressStaff trai ningTask Sheet 12A: What' s important when motivating staff?Suggestion:•Finan cial ben efits•Career developme nt opport un itiesTraining opport un itiesSocial eve ntsB: What' s important when dealing with competition?Suggestion:•Prici ng policies• Advertis ing strategiesCustomer serviceA wide range of goods or servicesC: What' s important when planning health and safety training?Suggestion:•Selecti ng topics•Selecti ng staff to atte ndLen gthRe-trai ningTask Sheet 13A: What' s important when choosing new office equipment?Suggestion:•Price and disco unts•Bra nd n amesCon sult ing staff before buyingAfter-sales serviceB: What' s important when entertaining foreign business clients? Suggestion:•Venue for en terta inment•Cultural differe ncesIn formatio n about the clie ntCost of en terta ining themC: What's important when aiming to reach new markets?Suggestion:•Market research•Advertisi ngCost invo IvedCompetitors productsTask Sheet 14A: What' s important when choosing a management training course to attend? Suggestion:•Program contents•Len gth of courseReputati on of the course providerFormal qualificati on offeredB: What' s important when relocating a business?Suggestion:•Local workforce available•Location of siteTran sport n etworkThe costs invo IvedC: What is important when advertising a new product?Suggestion:•Target markets•Choice of mediaTimi ngCostTask Sheet 15A: What' s important when starting a new job?Suggestion:•Kno wledge of compa ny procedures•Help from compa ny staffTrai ningAbility to use compa ny equipme ntB: What' s impotant when selecting staff for marketing trips abroad? Suggestion:•Positi on in the compa ny• Previous experie nee of other coun triesForeig n Ian guage skillsSocial activitiesC: What ' s important when aiming to reduce production costs? Suggestion:•Efficie ncy of product ion line•Cost of raw materialsShift workMon itori ng overheadsTask Sheet 16A: What' s important when choosing people to work in teams? Suggestion:•Variety of experie nee• Perso nal qualitiesQualificati onsYour own impressi onB: What ' s imptant when dealing with a heavy workload? Suggestion:•Time man ageme nt•Shari ng tasksTech no logy usedAssista nee from colleaguesC: What is important when developing new products? Suggestion:•Market research•Prici ngProduct test ingCompetiti on from other productsTask Sheet 仃A: What' s important when being interviewed for a job? Suggestion:•n formati on about the compa ny。