
《英语口语》课程教学大纲一、课程名称:英语口语Oral English二、课程编码:0602026-0603029三、学时与学分:24+32/3.5四、先修课程:英语语音五、课程性质:必修六、课程教学目标及要求本课程的教学目的是通过系统的会话训练,培养学生比较自如地运用英语进行口头表达和会话的能力,使之做到语言清晰,表达较为得体与合乎习惯,语音语调基本正确,能较为顺利地进行日常及事务性的交际与会话。
七、适用学科专业英语八、基本教学内容与学时安排英语口语一第一章(Unit 1)Introductions and Greetings(2课时)【内容】用英语进行自我介绍(Self-introduction)和介绍别人(Introducing others)以及不同方式的问候。
知道和掌握本章要求的Extending greetings和Possible replies to greetings以及Possible replies during an introduction.[重点与难点]在交友(Making friends)时怎样运用介绍语和问候语以及学习课文中出现的语言点(Language points)第二章(Unit 2)Invitations and Announcements(2课时)[内容]邀请(主要是电话邀请)和通知。
知道和掌握本章要求的Informal&Formal invitations: Accepting and declining 和怎样:Beginning&Ending an announcement.[重点与难点]课文(An Invitation to Dinner)及学习课文中出现的常用口语表达短语及句型。

---英语口语教学大纲一、课程基本信息1. 课程名称:英语口语2. 英文名称:Oral English3. 课程代码:XXX4. 学分:25. 学时:32(理论学时:24,实验学时:8)6. 课程类别:专业基础必修课7. 适用专业:对外汉语、英语、国际贸易等8. 适用对象:本科生9. 先修课程:英语精读、英语听说、英语语音二、课程目标1. 培养学生运用英语进行口头交际的能力。
2. 提高学生的英语口语流利度、准确性和得体性。
3. 帮助学生掌握基本的英语口语表达技巧和策略。
4. 增强学生的跨文化交际意识和能力。
三、教学内容1. 基本口语表达技巧2. 日常交际用语3. 专业领域口语表达4. 口语听力训练5. 口语交际策略6. 跨文化交际四、教学方法1. 案例分析法2. 角色扮演法3. 小组讨论法4. 情景模拟法5. 任务型教学法6. 观看视频、音频资料等五、教材与参考书目1. 教材:- 《英语口语教程》,姚保慧主编,高教出版社- 《剑桥流利英语口语》4册,祁尧珊编译,外语教学与研究出版社2. 参考书目:- 《英语中级口语》,吴祯福主编,外语教学与研究出版社- 《英语口语大全》,梁成锦编著,外语教学与研究出版社- 《通俗美语会话》,杨芳林、杨学义编译,外语教学与研究出版社 - 《美国口语思维》,朱红梅、高山编著,中山大学出版社- 《英语口语句型》,陈昆才编著,广州市科学技术大学出版社六、考核方式1. 课堂表现(30%)2. 口语测试(40%)3. 作业完成情况(20%)4. 期末考试(10%)七、教学进度安排(根据具体教学计划填写)八、课程特色1. 注重实践,强调学生口语实际运用能力的培养。
2. 结合实际情境,提高学生的跨文化交际能力。
3. 采用多种教学方法,激发学生的学习兴趣。

(总学时数:32 学分:2.0)

大学英语口语课程教学大纲一、层次与学制:本科,四年制二、教学时数:134学时,第一、二、三、四学期开设;周学时 2三、适用专业:非外语专业四、课程性质与任务本课程为一门重要的必修的基础技能课程,主要通过课堂口语实践,充分唤起学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生通过吸收丰富的预料,快速提高听说能力,深入了解各国文化和社会知识,训练学生用英语进行思考,有效培养他们的英语交际能力。
六、教材与教学参考书教材:《流畅英语口语教程》《Inside Out》第一、二、三、四册,Sue Kay & Vaughan Jones, Jon Hird,上海外语教育出版社(2007年4月)(特色教材)教学参考书:每册包括学生用书、教师用书、拓展练习册、video CD录像、CD-ROM 多媒体光盘、测试光盘。
七、教学主要内容与学时分配第一学期:每周2学时,共14周,28学时,完成第一册的13个单元,其中讲授学时13学时,讨论训练学时 6.5学时,习题课、测验学时 6.5学时,期末考试2学时。

本课程采取“ 教师指导下的网络课堂学习和学生自主学习交替进行”的教学模式,要求学生通过课堂教学和课外自主学习网络课件,完成本课程的学习。
六、课时安排每周 2学时,一学期16周。


大学英语口语教学大纲《大学英语》口语教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程编号: B10551021课程中文名称: 《大学英语》口语课程英文名称: Oral English课程类别: 公共基础课适用专业: 所有专业开课学期: 秋季总学时: 25学时总学分: 1.5预修课程(编号): 大学英语预备级本课程是根据教育部高等教育司2004年1月2日颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》,为大学本科公共英语类网络教学试点班学生开设的课程。
口语是语言基本功:听、说、读、写、译诸项技能之一,在外语教学中占课程简介: 有非常重要的地位。
1(《新视野大学英语视听说教程》1、2、3、4、册郑树棠主编 2004.9版建议教材: 外语教学与研究出版社[1] 《新视野大学英语视听说教程》(教师用书)郑树棠主编 2004.9版外语教学与研究出版社参考书: [2]《新视野大学英语视听说教程》1、2、3、4、册郑树棠主编2004.9版外语教学与研究出版社二、课程教学目的本课程的教学目的是通过大量的口语练习和实践,在本课程结束时,学生能就日常生活中的一般情景进行恰当的交谈,能就社会生活中的一般话题进行连贯的发言,要求能确切表达思想,语音语法基本正确,语言基本得体。

《大学英语口语II》课程大纲《大学英语口语I I》课程教学大纲课程编码:1206056英文名称:Spoken English of College Ⅱ一、基本信息1.学分与学时学分:1.5,学时:302.课程类别学科基础选修课程3.适应专业视觉传达设计专业4.课程目的(1)使学生能就一般日常生活话题进行简单的交谈。
9.推荐教材和主要参考书目推荐教材:《英语口语教程2》(第2版).姚保慧主编. 高等教育出版社.2002年参考书目:(1)《大学英语口语》上、下册.贾正选主编.中国社会科学出版社. 2000年(2)《365天英语口语大全》耿小辉,昂秀主编.中国和平音像电子出版社,天津科学技术出版社.2010年(3)《新编实用英语口语》党晨华主编.复旦大学出版社.2009年(4)《新世纪英语口语教程(功能与语境)》李华东等主编.外语教学与研究出版社.2009年(5)《英语口语教材系列》张淑芳,黄欣编.中山大学出版社.2013年(6)《新理念英语口语互动教程》张雪珍主编.上海交通大学出版社.2010年二、主要教学内容和教学要求Unit 10 Approval and Disapproval(4学时)基本内容:(1)Way to Speak(2)Challenge to Speak(3)Topic to Discuss:Money(4)Fun to Speak:The Happiest Day of My Life基本要求:(1)了解英语中表示赞同和否定的词汇及基本表达方式。

六、教材与教学参考书教材:《流畅英语口语教程》《Inside Out》第一、二、三、四册,Sue Kay & Vaughan Jones, Jon Hird,上海外语教育出版社(2007年4月)(特色教材)教学参考书:每册包括学生用书、教师用书、拓展练习册、video CD录像、CD-ROM 多媒体光盘、测试光盘。

三、课时安排(共72学时)四、教学内容Unit OneAim:Require students to grasp different methods of self-introduction and introducing other people.First Days at UniversityI. Warm up.Work with your partner. Discuss which of the greetings are used in the first meting.⒈ Patterns and expressions1) Introducing oneself2) Introducing someone else2. Useful words and expressions1) Work together with your partner to complete the conversations.2) Work in groups of three. Introduce the other two to each other using the patters of Introducing Someone Else.II. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.III. Pair work1. Develop each of the introductions into short conversations.2. Discuss the following questions.1) Which of the introductions are formal and which are informal?2) What are the possible situations to which they can be applied?IV. Class workIntroduce yourself to at least four people in the classroom.V. Assignment1. Work in groups of six. Make up a chain story according to the pictures, each student talking about one of the picture.2. Talk with three students at English Corner.Unit TwoAim:Require students to learn how to initiate a conversation and shift topics naturally.. Initiating a ConversationI. Warm up.Prepare a short speech to introduce yourself and your roommates based on the guidelines.⒈ Patterns and expressions1) Establishing points of common interest2) Asking polite questions2. Useful words and expressions1) Discuss with your partner and fill in the blanks with appropriate words or phrases according to the given sequence.2) Work with your partner to find a topic of common interest.II. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.III. Pair workDivide the class into two teams. The first person from Team 1 gives a statement, and his counterpart from Team 2 offers an appropriate response. Then the second, the third … until all the members of both teams have finished. The teacher will be the judge.IV. Group workMove about in the classroom, and talk with at least three of your classmate. Try to shift your topics naturally in each conversation.V. Assignment1. Strike up a conversation with people on campus to seek some relevant information about the topics of the weather or the biggest shopping center in the city.2. Ask each other at least five questions about your families and respond as quickly as possible.Unit ThreeAim:Require students to learn how to ask for necessary information.Knowing Your CampusI. Warm up.Describe the location of the places on campus.⒈ Patterns and expressionsAsking for necessary information2. Useful words and expressions1) Work with your partner and complete the dialogues.2) Present your work to the class.II. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.III. Pair work1. Extend Conversation 4 and 6 in the text as much as you can.2. Discuss the following questions.1) How to ask the way in a strange city?2) How to direct the way in English?IV. Class workRetell the story to the group, either as the policeman, the judge or the thief. V. AssignmentStory telling.Unit fourAim:Teach students how to congratulate.Happy BirthdayI. Warm up.Make a birthday party invitation.⒈ Patterns and expressionsTalking about a birthday2. Useful words and expressions1) Make up short dialogues using the expressions given in the chart.2) Work in groups of three. One is having his nineteenth birthday party. The other two are invited. Role-play a birthday party.II. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.III. Pair work1. Have a report about your birthday celebration. The questions below may serve as guidelines.1) When is your birthday?2) What special food do you have on your birthday? Why?3) How did you celebrate your birthday at home?IV. Class workRead the passage and retell the story with your partner.V. Assignment1. Suppose you are going to take part in the birthday party of one of your friends. You are asked to prepare a short speech to be delivered at the party.2. Work out the riddles with your roommates and give an oral report to the class.Unit FiveAim:Require students to grasp how to make inquires and responses.Library and Self-studyI. Warm up.Give an oral introduction of the library to the class.⒈ Patterns and expressions1) Talking to a librarian2) Responses of the librarian2. Useful words and expressions1) Substitution drills2) Role playII. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.III. Pair work1. Work in groups of four and discuss our learning habit that can be very constructive.2. Make a list about the bad habits of learning.IV. Class workLook at the pictures in the textbook and make a chain story with your partners. V. Assignment1. Discuss the question: “How can we get the most out of school?”2. Give an oral report on your study habit to the class.Unit SixAim:Ask students to grasp the expressions of food.MealsI. Warm up.Talk about the differences and similarities between Chinese food and Western food.⒈ Patterns and expressions1) At an eating place2) Inquires and responses2. Useful words and expressions1) Suppose you are eating with your partner in a restaurant. Make up a dialogue.2) Present your dialogue to the class.II. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.III. Pair work1. Wok in pairs. One asks the questions, and the other gives answers.2. Retell each of the stories to the group based on the questions.IV. Class workDebate: Which is better, chopsticks or knives and forks?V. Assignment1. Work in groups of five. Each member chooses one of his favorite dishes, and tellsthe group how to cook it.Unit SevenAim:Require students to grasp how to see a doctor and expressions of medicine. Seeing a DoctorI. Warm up.Read the following sayings and explain their implications for medical care.⒈ Patterns and expressionsMeeting the doctor2. Useful words and expressions1) One student acts as a doctor and the other as a patient. Talk to each other using the patterns.2) Change the role.II. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.III. Pair work1. Extend each of the conversations with more details.2. Present your work to the group and to the class.IV. Class workWork in groups of three. Make the story into a short play.V. Assignment1. Story telling: “I was ill”.2. Oral report.Unit EightAim:Students are required to describe recreational activities they like.Recreation and entertainmentI. Warm up.Name four recreational activities and exchange ideas with partners.⒈ Patterns and expressionsTalking about recreation and entertainment2. Useful words and expressionsPractice the patterns and expressions with one asking and the other answering till you are familiar with them.II. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.III. Pair work1. Fill in the blanks with proper words and expressions.2. Name each of the things in the pictures.3. Make up a chain story.IV. Class workAsk questions about your partner’s likes and dislikes.V. AssignmentThink of somewhere that would be an ideal place to go on holiday. Introduce theplace to the class.2. Oral report.Unit NineAim:Require students to grasp how to make an appointment and suggestions.A Visit to the Foreign TeacherI. Warm up.Discuss the following questions in groups and report your story to the class.1) Have you ever talked with a foreigner?2) Have you ever visited any of the foreign teachers working in your university?⒈ Patterns and expressions1) Making appointments on the phone2) Making suggestions2. Useful words and expressionsComplete the following conversations, each with a different student in the class. II. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.III. Pair work1. Practice the text conversations.2. Telephone one of your teachers and make an appointment with him.IV. Class workV. Assignment1. Make suggestions to your friends.2. Work out the riddles in your group.Unit TenAim:Learn good English study methods.English Learning StrategiesI. Warm up.Discuss the difficulties you have in learning English.⒈ Patterns and expressionsTalking about English learning2. Useful words and expressions1) Practice the patterns and expressions.2) Make up a dialogue about your personal experience of English learning. II. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.III. Pair workPrepare a short speech about your success or failure in English learning. IV. Class workMake a chain story of the pictures in the textbook.V. Assignment2. English Corner: “How do you improve your oral English?”Unit ElevenAim:Students are required to grasp how to express surprise and responses. Back from HolidayI. Warm up.1) Talk about whatever interested and impressed you during the holiday.2) Present your work to the class.⒈ Patterns and expressions1) Seeing a friend after a long holiday2) Using strategic responses2. Useful words and expressionsComplete the short dialogues with proper strategic responses given. II. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.III. Pair work1. Practice the text conversations.2. Ask each other questions about holiday experience.IV. Class workWork in groups of four and talk about the following topics:1) a family dinner3) taking a holiday jobV. Assignment1. A debate: “Traveling as the Ideal Way of Spending a Holiday”.2. A game.Unit TwelveAim:Require students to learn how to report news.News and issuesI. Warm up.Talk about at least four pieces of news or issues widely discussed in the media or on campus.1)What’s the news about?2)What’s your comment on it?⒈ Patterns and expressions1) Talking about good news2) Talking about bad news2. Useful words and expressionsHave at least three conversations about news and issues with different partners. II. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.III. Pair work2. Tell a piece of news about the latest development of telecommunications.IV. Class workDescribe the pictures to your partner and to the class.V. Assignment1. Listen, speak and write.2. Research and report:1) newspapers2) magazinesUnit ThirteenAim:Students are required to grasp the vocabulary on latest development in technology.I Like This MachineI. Warm up.Fill in the blanks with the information.⒈ Patterns and expressionsTalking about computers2. Useful words and expressionsMake up a conversation based on the patterns and expressions.II. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.1. Make up a list of trap words and phrases of your own.2. Give a min-lecture to the class.IV. Class workMake up a role play based on the pictures in the textbook.V. Assignment1. Think it over.2. A debate: “Will computers replace teachers in the future”.Unit FourteenAim:Students are required to introduce famous scenic spots in China. TravelingI. Warm up.Make a short speech to the class about your personal view of traveling.⒈ Patterns and expressionsTalking about traveling2. Useful words and expressionsAsk your partner the following questions:1)When was the last time you traveled by bus?2)Where did you go?3)Did you enjoy the bus trip? Why or why not?II. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.III. Pair work1. Interview:1) Do you like traveling with friends or alone? Why?2) Which do you like best, traveling by road, by sea or by air? Why?2. Present your discussions to the class.IV. Class workTurn the story into a play and present it to the class.V. Assignment1. Respond properly.2. Make up s story according to the picture in the textbook.Unit FifteenAim:Require students to grasp the etiquette of table manners.Table MannersI. Warm up.3)Talk about the eating habits both in China and in western countries.⒈ Patterns and expressionsPolite requests and responses2. Useful words and expressionsOne uses body language to express the meaning of any word or expression. The other figures out the word or expression that matches the body language.II. TextDiscuss the taboos of eating manners you learned.IV. Class workDebate: “It is necessary to have taboos at the dinner table.”V. Assignment1. Group discussion: the differences between Chinese people and American people in treating their guests to dinner.2. Lecture: How to handle the table setting for western food?Unit sixteenAim:Require students to learn business forms in the western countries: corporation, partnership and sole proprietorship.Private Companies at the CrossroadsI. Warm up.Discuss what are the possible advantages and disadvantages of the family management system for a private company.⒈ Patterns and expressionsTalking about business2. Useful words and expressionsMake up a conversation about private business in china.II. Text1. Try to express the ideas in different ways.2. Tell the story to each other in the first person.IV. Class workFind something unreasonable in the pictures and present it to the class.V. Assignment1. Interview one or two owners of private businesses.2. Role playUnit SeventeenAim:Students are required to grasp the meanings of non-verbal communication.Non-verbal CommunicationI. Warm up.If you don’t know the language of a country, how would you express your ideas?⒈ Patterns and expressionsTalking about gestures.2. Useful words and expressionsDemonstrate a non-verbal signal, and ask your partner to guess the meaning of it. II. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.1. Discuss the following questions:1) What would it mean if the same gesture were to be made in Chinese culture?2) What would the gesture be like if the same meaning were to be expressed in Chinese culture?2. Facial expressions and emotions.IV. Class workDiscuss and decide who should be given the chance to board the lifeboat, a teacher or a policeman?V. Assignment1. Posture poses2. Make up s story based on the pictures in the textbook.ExaminationAim:Check whether the students have improved in oral English.。

Spoken English is a compulsory English course for non-English major freshers who have an advanced level of English.Set at the level of Development according to College English Teaching Requirements (2020),this General English course has students taking the lead in their learning,directed by a knowledgeable teacher,coaching them by their side.The course adopts a task-based and cooperative approach and includes individual and group activities,such as read-aloud,retelling,broadcasting,presentation,acting and dialogue,aiming to enable students to speak English fluently,accurately,clearly,and coherently,and use the language to introduce Chinas social,cultural,scientific and economic development to the western world.

《英语口语》课程教学大纲一、课程基本情况课程代码:1101219001课程名称(中/英文):英语口语/Oral English课程类别:外语类通识拓展选修课程学分:2总学时:32理论学时:32实验/实践学时:0适用专业:四年制本科非英语专业(艺术、音乐专业除外)适用对象:四年制本科生先修课程:大学英语(1)、大学英语(2)教学环境:多媒体、网络开课学院:外国语学院二、课程简介1.课程任务与目的英语口语属于外语类通识拓展选修课程。

3)通过第三学期的学习,学生应能经一定准备后, 就一般日常生活和社会生活话题作3-5分钟的连贯性发言和交谈。

三、课时安排(共72学时)四、教学内容Unit OneAim:Require students to grasp different methods of self-introduction and introducing other people.First Days at UniversityI. Warm up.Work with your partner. Discuss which of the greetings are used in the first meting.⒈ Patterns and expressions1) Introducing oneself2) Introducing someone else2. Useful words and expressions1) Work together with your partner to complete the conversations.2) Work in groups of three. Introduce the other two to each other using the patters of Introducing Someone Else.II. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.III. Pair work1. Develop each of the introductions into short conversations.2. Discuss the following questions.1) Which of the introductions are formal and which are informal?2) What are the possible situations to which they can be applied?IV. Class workIntroduce yourself to at least four people in the classroom.V. Assignment1. Work in groups of six. Make up a chain story according to the pictures, each student talking about one of the picture.2. Talk with three students at English Corner.Unit TwoAim:Require students to learn how to initiate a conversation and shift topics naturally..Initiating a ConversationI. Warm up.Prepare a short speech to introduce yourself and your roommates based on the guidelines.⒈ Patterns and expressions1) Establishing points of common interest2) Asking polite questions2. Useful words and expressions1) Discuss with your partner and fill in the blanks with appropriate words or phrases according to the given sequence.2) Work with your partner to find a topic of common interest.II. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.III. Pair workDivide the class into two teams. The first person from Team 1 gives a statement, and his counterpart from Team 2 offers an appropriate response. Then the second, the third …until all the members of both teams have finished. The teacher will be the judge.IV. Group workMove about in the classroom, and talk with at least three of your classmate. Try to shift your topics naturally in each conversation.V. Assignment1. Strike up a conversation with people on campus to seek some relevant information about the topics of the weather or the biggest shopping center in2. Ask each other at least five questions about your families and respond as quickly as possible.Unit ThreeAim:Require students to learn how to ask for necessary information.Knowing Your CampusI. Warm up.Describe the location of the places on campus.⒈ Patterns and expressionsAsking for necessary information2. Useful words and expressions1) Work with your partner and complete the dialogues.2) Present your work to the class.II. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.III. Pair work1. Extend Conversation 4 and 6 in the text as much as you can.2. Discuss the following questions.1) How to ask the way in a strange city?2) How to direct the way in English?IV. Class workRetell the story to the group, either as the policeman, the judge or the thief. V. AssignmentStory telling.Unit fourAim:Teach students how to congratulate.Happy BirthdayI. Warm up.Make a birthday party invitation.⒈ Patterns and expressionsTalking about a birthday2. Useful words and expressions1) Make up short dialogues using the expressions given in the chart.2) Work in groups of three. One is having his nineteenth birthday party. The other two are invited. Role-play a birthday party.1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.III. Pair work1. Have a report about your birthday celebration. The questions below may serve as guidelines.1) When is your birthday?2) What special food do you have on your birthday? Why?3) How did you celebrate your birthday at home?IV. Class workRead the passage and retell the story with your partner.V. Assignment1. Suppose you are going to take part in the birthday party of one of your friends. You are asked to prepare a short speech to be delivered at the party.2. Work out the riddles with your roommates and give an oral report to the class.Unit FiveAim:Require students to grasp how to make inquires and responses.Library and Self-studyI. Warm up.Give an oral introduction of the library to the class.⒈ Patterns and expressions1) Talking to a librarian2) Responses of the librarian2. Useful words and expressions1) Substitution drills2) Role playII. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.III. Pair work1. Work in groups of four and discuss our learning habit that can be very constructive.2. Make a list about the bad habits of learning.IV. Class workLook at the pictures in the textbook and make a chain story with your partners.V. Assignment1. Discuss the question: “How can we get the most out of school?”2. Give an oral report on your study habit to the class.Unit SixAim:Ask students to grasp the expressions of food.MealsI. Warm up.Talk about the differences and similarities between Chinese food and Western food.⒈ Patterns and expressions1) At an eating place2) Inquires and responses2. Useful words and expressions1) Suppose you are eating with your partner in a restaurant. Make up a dialogue.2) Present your dialogue to the class.II. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.III. Pair work1. Wok in pairs. One asks the questions, and the other gives answers.2. Retell each of the stories to the group based on the questions.IV. Class workDebate: Which is better, chopsticks or knives and forks?V. Assignment1. Work in groups of five. Each member chooses one of his favorite dishes, and tells the group how to cook it.Unit SevenAim:Require students to grasp how to see a doctor and expressions of medicine. Seeing a DoctorI. Warm up.Read the following sayings and explain their implications for medical care.⒈ Patterns and expressionsMeeting the doctor2. Useful words and expressions1) One student acts as a doctor and the other as a patient. Talk to each other using the patterns.2) Change the role.II. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.III. Pair work1. Extend each of the conversations with more details.2. Present your work to the group and to the class.IV. Class workWork in groups of three. Make the story into a short play.V. Assignment1. Story telling: “I was ill”.2. Oral report.Unit EightAim:Students are required to describe recreational activities they like. Recreation and entertainmentI. Warm up.Name four recreational activities and exchange ideas with partners.⒈ Patterns and expressionsTalking about recreation and entertainment2. Useful words and expressionsPractice the patterns and expressions with one asking and the other answering till you are familiar with them.II. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.III. Pair work1. Fill in the blanks with proper words and expressions.2. Name each of the things in the pictures.3. Make up a chain story.IV. Class workAsk questions about your partner’s likes and dislikes.V. AssignmentThink of somewhere that would be an ideal place to go on holiday. Introduce the place to the class.2. Oral report.Unit NineAim:Require students to grasp how to make an appointment and suggestions.A Visit to the Foreign TeacherI. Warm up.Discuss the following questions in groups and report your story to the class.1) Have you ever talked with a foreigner?2) Have you ever visited any of the foreign teachers working in your university?⒈ Patterns and expressions1) Making appointments on the phone2) Making suggestions2. Useful words and expressionsComplete the following conversations, each with a different student in the class.II. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.III. Pair work1. Practice the text conversations.2. Telephone one of your teachers and make an appointment with him.IV. Class workMake a chain story of the pictures in the textbook.V. Assignment1. Make suggestions to your friends.2. Work out the riddles in your group.Unit TenAim:Learn good English study methods.English Learning StrategiesI. Warm up.Discuss the difficulties you have in learning English.⒈ Patterns and expressionsTalking about English learning2. Useful words and expressions1) Practice the patterns and expressions.2) Make up a dialogue about your personal experience of English learning. II. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.III. Pair workPrepare a short speech about your success or failure in English learning.IV. Class workMake a chain story of the pictures in the textbook.V. Assignment1. Interview2. English Corner: “How do you improve your oral English?”Unit ElevenAim:Students are required to grasp how to express surprise and responses. Back from HolidayI. Warm up.1) Talk about whatever interested and impressed you during the holiday.2) Present your work to the class.⒈ Patterns and expressions1) Seeing a friend after a long holiday2) Using strategic responses2. Useful words and expressionsComplete the short dialogues with proper strategic responses given.II. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.III. Pair work1. Practice the text conversations.2. Ask each other questions about holiday experience.IV. Class workWork in groups of four and talk about the following topics:1) a family dinner2) helping with housework3) taking a holiday jobV. Assignment1. A debate: “Traveling as the Ideal Way of Spending a Holiday”.2. A game.Unit TwelveAim:Require students to learn how to report news.News and issuesI. Warm up.Talk about at least four pieces of news or issues widely discussed in the mediaor on campus.1)What’s the news about?2)What’s your comment on it?⒈ Patterns and expressions1) Talking about good news2) Talking about bad news2. Useful words and expressionsHave at least three conversations about news and issues with different partners.II. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.III. Pair work1. Collect more information on cloning technology.2. Tell a piece of news about the latest development of telecommunications. IV. Class workDescribe the pictures to your partner and to the class.V. Assignment1. Listen, speak and write.2. Research and report:1) newspapers2) magazinesUnit ThirteenAim:Students are required to grasp the vocabulary on latest development in technology.I Like This MachineI. Warm up.Fill in the blanks with the information.⒈ Patterns and expressionsTalking about computers2. Useful words and expressionsMake up a conversation based on the patterns and expressions.II. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.III. Pair work1. Make up a list of trap words and phrases of your own.2. Give a min-lecture to the class.IV. Class workMake up a role play based on the pictures in the textbook.V. Assignment1. Think it over.2. A debate: “Will computers replace teachers in the future”.Unit FourteenAim:Students are required to introduce famous scenic spots in China. TravelingI. Warm up.Make a short speech to the class about your personal view of traveling.⒈ Patterns and expressionsTalking about traveling2. Useful words and expressionsAsk your partner the following questions:1)When was the last time you traveled by bus?2)Where did you go?3)Did you enjoy the bus trip? Why or why not?II. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.III. Pair work1. Interview:1) Do you like traveling with friends or alone? Why?2) Which do you like best, traveling by road, by sea or by air? Why?2. Present your discussions to the class.IV. Class workTurn the story into a play and present it to the class.V. Assignment1. Respond properly.2. Make up s story according to the picture in the textbook.Unit FifteenAim:Require students to grasp the etiquette of table manners.Table MannersI. Warm up.3)Talk about the eating habits both in China and in western countries.⒈ Patterns and expressionsPolite requests and responses2. Useful words and expressionsOne uses body language to express the meaning of any word or expression. The other figures out the word or expression that matches the body language. II. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.III. Pair workDiscuss the taboos of eating manners you learned.IV. Class workDebate: “It is necessary to have taboos at the dinner table.”V. Assignment1. Group discussion: the differences between Chinese people and American people in treating their guests to dinner.2. Lecture: How to handle the table setting for western food?Unit sixteenAim:Require students to learn business forms in the western countries: corporation, partnership and sole proprietorship.Private Companies at the CrossroadsI. Warm up.Discuss what are the possible advantages and disadvantages of the family management system for a private company.⒈ Patterns and expressionsTalking about business2. Useful words and expressionsMake up a conversation about private business in china.II. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.III. Pair work1. Try to express the ideas in different ways.2. Tell the story to each other in the first person.IV. Class workFind something unreasonable in the pictures and present it to the class.V. Assignment1. Interview one or two owners of private businesses.2. Role playUnit SeventeenAim:Students are required to grasp the meanings of non-verbal communication. Non-verbal CommunicationI. Warm up.If you don’t know the language of a country, how would you express your ideas?⒈ Patterns and expressionsTalking about gestures.2. Useful words and expressionsDemonstrate a non-verbal signal, and ask your partner to guess the meaning of it.II. Text1. Read the dialogue aloud.2. Make up a dialogue by using the phrases used in the text.III. Pair work1. Discuss the following questions:1) What would it mean if the same gesture were to be made in Chinese culture?2) What would the gesture be like if the same meaning were to be expressed in Chinese culture?2. Facial expressions and emotions.IV. Class workDiscuss and decide who should be given the chance to board the lifeboat, a teacher or a policeman?V. Assignment1. Posture poses2. Make up s story based on the pictures in the textbook.ExaminationAim:Check whether the students have improved in oral English.。
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教材:《流畅英语口语教程》《Inside Out》第一、二、三、四册,Sue Kay & Vaughan Jones, Jon Hird,上海外语教育出版社(2007年4月)(特色教材)
教学参考书:每册包括学生用书、教师用书、拓展练习册、video CD录像、CD-ROM多媒体光盘、测试光盘。
约占平时成绩的30%, 抽查时间由教师自定。
(二)精讲多练、重视“Sentence Pattern”(句型),“Reiteration”(反复练习),“Language Environment”(语境)三方面的有机结合。