

In the modern society, it is acknowledged truth that a man in the passion of a good job and a large mount of property, perhaps even more popular among unmarried women. Most of the girls want to have a real golden bachelor.

As everyone knows, nobody is perfect. No matter what your standards are, there are some more important aspects to consider. When I choose my husband, there will be some standards should be satisfied. Firstly, love is the foundation of a family or a relationship. Secondly, whatever fault your soul mate may have, tolerance and forgiveness are most important. Last but not least, mutual trust and support also play an important role.

It is not easy for everyone to pursue a soul mate. G irls like humorous, careful boy, have feeling of care to caress. However, a careful selection is of vital importance. Because he will be the person who stay with you forever.


THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China (The Special Seal of Management of Marriage Certificate) This application conforms to the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China. We hereby give them the permission to register and issue this marriage certificate. Authorized by: Special Seal for Marriage Register of XX District, Civil Affairs Bureau of Beijing Undertaker (signature): XX XXX Certificate Holder: X XX Registration Date: xx xxx 2009 Marriage Certificate No.: Jing Chao Jie Zi 050920381 Note: Name: X XX Sex: Female Nationality: Chinese Date of Birth: xx xxx 1980 ID No.: 110105xxxxxxxxxxxx Name: X X Sex: Male Nationality: Chinese Date of Birth: xx xxx 1978 ID No.: 120104xxxxxxxxxxxx


Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China (seal) Supervised by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China The application for marriage is in accordance with the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China and allowed to register. Hereby this certificate is issued. Registration Authority: Civil Affairs Bureau of XXX District, XXX City (special seal for marriage registration) Marriage Registrar: XXX (signature)

Certificate Holder XXXXXXXX Registration Date xxx. xxth, xxxx Marriage Certificate No.XXXXXXXXX Remark No Name Xxx xxxxxx Sex Male Nationality China Date of Birth xxx,xx 19xx ID card No.000000 Name Xxx xxxxxx Sex Female Nationality China Date of Birth xxx,xx 19xx ID card No.000000


The People’s Republic of China Marriage Certificate Marriage Certificate of Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China (seal) Under the supervision of Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China Your Marriage application is in accordance with the regulations of <> and is allowed to register, and this certificate is thus issued. Issued Organ: XXX Marriage Registrar: XXX (signature) (Photo) Certificate Holder: xxx Registration Date: xx.xx, xx Marriage Certificate No.: XXXX Remark: The original Marriage Certificate is lost, this is a renewed one. xx/xx/xx Name: xxx Sex: Male Nationality: China Date of Birth: xx/xx/xx ID Card No.: xxxxxxxxx Name: xxx Sex: Female Nationality: China Date of Birth: xx/xx/xx ID Card No.: xxxxxxxxxxxx As requested by marriage law, the dual parities of man and woman to be married must personally come for the marriage registration. If they are in accordance with the marriage law, they will be registered and issued the marriage certificate. Once they have obtained marriage certificate, they are confirmed for conjugal relationship.


精品word. 1 / 5 Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People ’s Republic of China (seal) Supervised by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People ’s Republic of China The application for marriage is in accordance with the Marriage Law of the People ’s Republic of China and allowed to register. Hereby this certificate is issued. Registration Authority: Department of Civil Affairs of XXX City XXXXXXX Province (special seal for marriage registration) Marriage Registrar: (signature) (unclear )

精品word. 2 / 5 Certificate Holder XXXXXXXX Registration Date xxx. xxth, xxxx Marriage Certificate Zi No. XXXXXXXXX Remark No Name Xxx xxxxxx Sex Male Nationality China Date of Birth xxx,xx 19xx ID card No. 0123456789900000000 Name Xxx xxxxxx Sex Female Nationality China Date of Birth xxx,xx 19xx ID card No. 0123456789900000000


命运如同手中的掌纹,无论多曲折,终掌握在自己手中。 你今天的日积月累,终会变成别人的望尘莫及。 11 Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People ’s Republic of China (seal) Supervised by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People ’s Republic of China The application for marriage is in accordance with the Marriage Law of the People ’s Republic of China and allowed to register. Hereby this certificate is issued. Registration Authority: Civil Affairs Bureau of XXX District, XXX City (special seal for marriage registration) Marriage Registrar: XXX (signature)

命运如同手中的掌纹,无论多曲折,终掌握在自己手中。 你今天的日积月累,终会变成别人的望尘莫及。 22 Certificate Holder XXXXXXXX Registration Date xxx. xxth, xxxx Marriage Certificate No. XXXXXXXXX Remark No Name Xxx xxxxxx Sex Male Nationality China Date of Birth xxx,xx 19xx ID card No. 0123456789900000000 Name Xxx xxxxxx Sex Female Nationality China Date of Birth xxx,xx 19xx ID card No. 0123456789900000000


People’s Republic of China Marriage Certificate Page1 Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China (seal) Supervised by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China Page2 The application for marriage is in accordance with the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China and allowed to register. Hereby this certificate is issued. Registration Authority: Special Seal for Marriage Register of XXXX District, XXXX Civil Affairs Bureau Marriage Registrar: XX XXX(signature) Page3 Certificate Holder ***Photo Registration Date ** ** **** Marriage Certificate Zi No. ****** ******** Remark No Page4 Name ** *****Sex Male Nationality China Date of Birth** ** **** ID card No. ****** ******** Name ** *****Sex Female Nationality China Date of Birth** ** **** ID card No. ****** ******** Page5 According to the Marriage Law, both parties applying for marriage must be present at marriage re gistration authority to complete marriage registration. Applicants conforming to the law will be all owed to register and granted Marriage Certificate. Once Marriage Certificate is gained, conjugal r elation is defined. Page6 No ** ** ****


[最新]结婚证英文翻译模板 The application for marriage is in accordance with the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China and allowed to register. Hereby this certificate is issued. Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China (seal) Registration Authority: Department of Civil Affairs of XXX City XXXXXXX Province (special seal for marriage registration)Supervised by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China Marriage Registrar: (signature) (unclear) Certificate Holder XXXXXXXX Photo Registration Date xxx. xxth, xxxx Marriage Certificate Zi No. XXXXXXXXX Remark No Name Xxx xxxxxx Sex Male Nationality China Date of Birth xxx,xx 19xx ID card No. 0123456789900000000 Name Xxx xxxxxx Sex Female Nationality China Date of Birth xxx,xx 19xx ID card No. 0123456789900000000 According to the Marriage Law, both parties applying for marriage Department of Civil Affairs of the must be present at marriage registration authority to complete

结婚证 公证 英译模板

People's Republic of China Marriage Certificate Seal: Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China special seal for Marriage Certificate Prepared under Supervision of Min istry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China The marriage application is pursuant to the regulations under the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China and therefore is approved to register and to issue this certificate accordingly. Registration authority : Special Seal for Marriage Registration of ****Social Affairs Bureau (seal ) Marriage registrar: ** (signature) Certificate holder:*** Registration Date: *** Marriage Certificate No.: *** Remarks: Name: *** Sex: Female Nationality: P. R. China Date of Birth: **** ID Card No.: **** Name: **** Sex: Male Nationality: P. R. China Date of Birth: **** ID Card No.: **** According to the Marriage Law, both parties who apply for marriage shall come to the marriage registration authority in person for registration. If the marriage application is in conformity with relevant regulations of Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China , the marriage registration is approved and the certificate is hereby issued. And


……………………………………………………………最新资料推荐………………………………………………… Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China (seal) Supervised by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China The application for marriage is in accordance with the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China and allowed to register. Hereby this certificate is issued. Registration Authority: Civil Affairs Bureau of XXX District, XXX City (special seal for marriage registration) Marriage Registrar: XXX (signature)

……………………………………………………………最新资料推荐………………………………………………… Certificate Holder XXXXXXXX Registration Date xxx. xxth, xxxx Marriage Certificate No. XXXXXXXXX Remark No Name Xxx xxxxxx Sex Male Nationality China Date of Birth xxx,xx 19xx ID card No. 0123456789900000000 Name Xxx xxxxxx Sex Female Nationality China Date of Birth xxx,xx 19xx ID card No. 0123456789900000000


结婚证英文翻译模板[最新] The application for marriage is in accordance with the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China and allowed to register. Hereby this certificate is issued. Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China (seal) Registration Authority: Department of Civil Affairs of XXX City XXXXXXX Province (special seal for marriage registration)Supervised by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China Marriage Registrar: (signature) (unclear) Certificate Holder XXXXXXXX Photo Registration Date xxx. xxth, xxxx Marriage Certificate Zi No. XXXXXXXXX Remark No Name Xxx xxxxxx Sex Male Nationality China Date of Birth xxx,xx 19xx ID card No. 0123456789900000000 Name Xxx xxxxxx Sex Female Nationality China Date of Birth xxx,xx 19xx ID card No. 0123456789900000000 According to the Marriage Law, both parties applying for marriage Department of Civil Affairs of the must be present at marriage registration authority to complete


中华人民共和国民政部婚姻证件管理专用章(印章) People's Republic of China Ministry of Civil Affairs Marriage Certificate (Seal) 中华人民共和国民政部监制 Produced by People's Republic of China Ministry of Civil Affairs Certificate Holder:

字第********号No. ********** 姓名:Name: 性别:女Gender: Female 国籍:中国Nationality: China 出生日期: Date of Birth: 身份证号码: ID No.: 姓名: Name: 性别:男Gender: Male 出生日期: Date of Birth: 国籍:中国Nationality: China 身份证号码: ID No.: THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE (English Translation) ** AND ***applied for marriage registration. After being examined, their application conforms to the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China. We give them the permission to register and hereby issue this marriage certificate. Ministry of Civil Affair of the People’s Repepublic of China (seal) Special Seal for Marriage Register of ***** District, *****Civil Affairs Bureau Registration Date:


新版结婚证英文翻译 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China (seal) Supervised by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China The application for marriage is in accordance with the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China and allowed to register. Hereby this certificate is issued. Registration Authority: Civil Affairs Bureau of XXX District, XXX City (special seal for marriage registration) Marriage Registrar: XXX (signature)

Certificate Holder XXXXXXXX Registration Date xxx. xxth, xxxx Marriage Certificate No. XXXXXXXXX Remark No Name Xxx xxxxxx Sex Male Nationality China Date of Birth xxx,xx 19xx ID card No. 000000 Name Xxx xxxxxx Sex Female Nationality China Date of Birth xxx,xx 19xx ID card No. 000000


. '. Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China (seal) Supervised by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China The application for marriage is in accordance with the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China and allowed to register. Hereby this certificate is issued. Registration Authority: Civil Affairs Bureau of XXX District, XXX City (special seal for marriage registration) Marriage Registrar: XXX (signature)

. '. Certificate Holder XXXXXXXX Registration Date xxx. xxth, xxxx Marriage Certificate No. XXXXXXXXX Remark No Name Xxx xxxxxx Sex Male Nationality China Date of Birth xxx,xx 19xx ID card No. 0123456789900000000 Name Xxx xxxxxx Sex Female Nationality China Date of Birth xxx,xx 19xx ID card No. 0123456789900000000
