



第19卷 第1期太赫兹科学与电子信息学报Vo1.19,No.1 2021年2月 Journal of Terahertz Science and Electronic Information Technology Feb.,2021 文章编号:2095-4980(2021)01-0096-05基于二维光子晶体高Q值微波带阻滤波器司阳1,陈希1,2,陈鹤鸣*1(1.南京邮电大学 电子与光学工程学院,江苏 南京 210023;2.江苏城市职业学院 信息工程学院,江苏 南京 210036)摘 要:为提高无线通信系统的传输质量,提出一种新型的基于二维光子晶体的微波带阻滤波器,该滤波器由线缺陷波导和AAH谐振腔组成。


关键词:光子晶体;滤波器;AAH 谐振腔中图分类号:TN814文献标识码:A doi:10.11805/TKYDA2019520High Q-factor microwave bandstop filter based ontwo-dimensional photonic crystalSI Yang1,CHEN Xi1,2,CHEN Heming*1(1.College of Electronic and Optical Engineering,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Nanjing Jiangsu 210023,China;2.College of Information Science & Engineering, City Vocational College of Jiangsu,Nanjing Jiangsu 210036,China)Abstract:A new microwave band-stop filter based on two-dimensional photonic crystal is proposed in order to improve the transmission quality of the wireless communication system. The filter consists of a linedefect waveguide and Aubry-Andr-Harper(AAH) resonator. By changing the distance between the AAHresonator and the main waveguide, the coupling coefficient between them is increased, and the filtering ofthe microwave band at 1668.3μm is achieved. Based on the Finite Difference Time-Domain(FDTD)principle, simulation is performed in Lumerical platform. The results show that the filter has excellentperformance: the center wavelength of the stop band is 1668.3μm, the stop band attenuation is 25.2 dB,the pass band insertion loss is 0.2 dB, and the quality factor Q value is 1.5×104. The device is of smallsize and simple structure, and it is easy to be integrated on a large scale. It has important applicationprospects for Ultra Wideband(UWB) communication.Keywords:photonic crystals;filter;AAH resonator随着宽带和超宽带通信系统的发展,由于带阻滤波器可以有效抑制不需要的宽带信号,高性能的微波带阻滤波器研究显得十分重要[1–4]。



光电器件研究与应用法拉第旋转镜辅助高阶微波光子滤波器设计王 旭,梁晓东(河南师范大学物理与信息工程学院,河南新乡 453007)摘要:在研究MPF(微波光子滤波器)理论的基础上,针对滤波器的整体性能优化和偏振不稳定性,提出了一种基于法拉第旋转镜辅助设计的MPF结构,得到了一个高阶结构的MPF。




关键词:微波光子滤波器;光纤环延迟线;信号流图;法拉第旋转镜中图分类号:TN713.5 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1005-8788(2013)01-0027-03Design of high-order MPF assisted by Faraday spinning mirrorWang Xu,Liang Xiaodong(College of Physics and Information Engineering,Henan Normal University,Xinxiang 453007,China)Abstract:In order to optimize the entire performances of Microwave Photonic Filters(MPF)and their polarization stability,aFaraday spinning mirror-based MPF structure is presented.This tunable bandpass filter has high Qvalue,high side frequencyselection and high stopband suppression ratio.On the basis of the theory of MPF,the microwave modulated signal flow of Far-aday spinning mirror assisted Fiber Ring Delay Line(FRDL)is analyzed and the transfer function and the expression of Qvaluederived by using the signal flow graph.Finally,simulation is conducted and the effects of coupling coefficient,EDFA gain andfiber ring length on the output spectral characteristics analyzed.Key words:MPF;FRDL;signal flow graph;Faraday spinning mirror0 引 言MPF(微波光子滤波器)技术是将宽带射频信号调制到光载波上,在光纤系统中实现滤波的射频信号处理方法,具有宽带宽、低损耗、无电磁干扰和结构简单等优点,克服了电子瓶颈对采样率的限制[1-3]。



Vol.9 No.3 MaFra bibliotek. 2007个), 通过调节每个调谐螺钉可最终实现滤波器 的良好性能。该谐振器的激励方式采用探针耦 合, 即用一根直径为0.9 mm的镀银铜线将环绕介 质块弯曲大约30度。
图4所 示 是 利 用HP8720D矢 量 网 络 分 析 仪 对 该滤波器进行测试的试曲线图。
图1 截止波导型介质谐振器带通滤波器 本设计的滤波器的主要技术指标如下:
中心频率: 1 915 MHz; 1 dB带宽≥9 MHz; 中心插损≤1 dB; 带 外 抑 制 ≥40dB@1905MHz, ≥ 40dB@1925MHz; 驻波≤1.6。 由现代微波滤波器的设计理论 [3], 采用切比 雪夫低通原型, 并根据已知的带宽、频率、带外 抑 制 、 驻 波 可 算 出 该 滤 波 器 的 阶 数n为6, 而g1、 g2、g3、g4、g5、g6各 参 数 值 的 具 体 设 计 公 式 可 参 考文献 [3], 这里不再祥述。事实上, 不管是用 传统同轴谐振腔, 还是介质谐振腔来实现微波滤 波器, 都必须在谐振腔之间施加电磁耦合, 才能 实现有关滤波器的响应。因此, 耦合系数的计算 和设计既重要又关键, 而且计算十分复杂。根据 通带相对带宽W, 用参考文献 [4] 所述的模匹配 方法来计算耦合系数, 便可计算出滤波器所需的 各谐振腔之间的耦合系数, 本设计的计算结果 为 : K12 =0.0044; K23 =0.0032; K34 =0.003; K45 = 0.0032; K56=0.0044。 腔与腔之间常用的耦合结构有直接耦合、探 针或环耦合、孔耦合。在耦合系统中采用探针、 环等不仅影响滤波器的体积, 而且会对性能有影 响。在谐振器之间的腔壁上沿水平方向开一个长 方形孔是一个有效的方法, 而且这个方法适合用 模式匹配法来进行分析。所以, 本文的滤波器结 构采用直接耦合, 并通过耦合窗等耦合结构来起 变换作用, 以将电磁波耦合至谐振器。腔与腔之 间耦合的强弱可通过调整耦合窗的大小来实现。 通过对介质滤波器谐振频率和介质块之间的 耦合系数的理论计算, 可以得出相应滤波器所需






1.世界最高分辨率"数字人"诞生·在重复性和可控性上具明显优势的单分子整流器·美国制造出世界第一个纳米阀门·可自动化成功分离单个细胞的"光电镊子"·我国成功实现平面运动三级倒立摆·城市污水利用技术新突破 [J],
2.武汉光电国家实验室专场创新技术成果推介会成功举行 [J], 无
3.光子集成技术的基础:微腔激光器的研究——访中科院半导体所集成光电子学国家重点联合实验室半导体所实验区主任黄永箴教授 [J], 王彤
4.武汉光电国家实验室在深圳成功举办专场技术发布会 [J],
5.光电国家实验室(筹)成功举办第9期武汉光电论坛 [J],



Coherence-free cascade IIR microwave photonicfilter with high Q factorL.N.Zhou,Y.J.Cheng,E.M.Xu,U.O.Sterr,A.D.Olver and P.J.B.ClarricoatsA new high-Q infinite impulse response(IIR)microwave photonicfilter is demonstrated,in which two active recirculating delay lineloops based on a semiconductor optical amplifier(SOA)are cascaded.Due to cross-gain modulation in the SOA,interferences between lightbeams travelling along different paths are removed,ensuring stableoperation and linearity of the electrical transfer function.The wholetransfer function comprises a term representing a cascade response oftwo IIRfilters,which significantly increases the free spectral rangeand the Q factor.Thefilter exhibits a Q factor of1870with a rejectionratio of25dB.Introduction:Microwave photonicfilters are attractive because of their low losses,vanished electronic bottlenecks,immunities to electromag-netic interference(EMI),and inherent compatibilities with opticalfibre microwave systems[1].Thesefilters can be operated in eitherfinite impulse response(FIR)mode or the infinite impulse response(IIR) mode.However,the IIRfilters are preferred because they use fewer components but obtain higher Q factors and better frequency selectivity.A variety of IIRfilters have been reported,most of them based on the active recirculating delay line(RDL)[2,3].Nevertheless,the Q factor of such an IIRfilter is restricted by the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE)noise of the active component[4].Formerly,we have reported a semiconductor optical amplifier(SOA)-based IIRfilter to evade ASE noise that exhibits a Q factor of543[5].Cascading the optical processing parts of two IIRfilters is expected to increase the Q factor further by using the‘vernier effect’technique to multiply the free spectral range(FSR). However,without an especial technique,this combinedfilter will suffer from serious optical interferences between light beams travelling along different paths with equal optical distance,which leads to an instability [1]and a nonlinearity of the electrical transfer function[6,7].In this Letter,we present a combined microwave photonicfilter consist-ing of two SOA based RDL loops proposed in[5].The combinedfilter is free from optical interferences,due to cross-gain modulation(XGM)in the SOA,enabling stable operation and a linearity of the electrical transfer function.The whole transfer function comprises two terms.One term represents a cascade response of two IIRfilters,yielding a remarkable increase of FSR and Q factor.Another term represents a weak all-pass response,decreasing stopband ripple.Thefilter exhibits a Q factor of 1870with a rejection ratio of25dB.Fig.1Experiment setupEDFA:erbium-dopedfibre amplifier;SOA:semiconductor optical amplifier; MZM:Mach-Zehnder modulator;TDL:tunable delay line;TOF:tunable optical filter;PD:photodetectorExperimental setup and working principles:The experiment setup is shown in Fig.1.Two SOA based RDL loops are connected in tandem to get a cascade response.To remove interferences between light beams with equal optical distance,the central wavelength of TOF1(l2¼1559nm)is detuning from the wavelength of the modulated light(l1¼1541nm),and the central wavelength of TOF2(l3¼1562nm)is detun-ing from l2.In each loop,the input signal is inverted and copied into the ASE of the SOA in that loop,due to the XGM effect.Then the modulated ASE at the central wavelength of the TOF in that loop is extracted out as a converted signal.When that converted signal traverses the loop again and arrives at that SOA the second time,its power is small so that it cannot modulate the SOA again but is only amplified by it.Thus the circulating optical signal in each loop is an ASE signal,which is at l2in loop1and at l3in loop2.An added OC(OC3in loop1and OC4in loop2)with the coupling coefficient1/10is used to export that circulating optical signal.To ensure the XGM effect happening in loop2,an erbium-doped fibre amplifier(EDFA)is inserted between the two loops to enlarge the input power of loop2.Assuming the optical lengths of loop1and loop2are L1and L2,respect-ively,their corresponding delay time being T1and T2,the coherence lengths of the ASE light of SOA1and SOA2are l1and l2.The input optical signal is divided into multiple beams,each one traverses a different path,circulating different times in loop1or loop2.Two arbitrary beams with equal optical distance are considered here.The evolution of each beam includes XGM twice,yielding its path being partitioned by three segments.In different segments it is emitted from different optical sources.Along the path they are input laser,ASE of SOA1,and ASE of SOA2,in turn.For such two beams,despite the whole lengths of their paths being equal,the interference condition can be broken.If L1is larger than l1,the interferences will be removed when the beams are combined at the output port of loop1.If L2is larger than l2,the interfer-ences will also be removed when the beams are combined again at the output port of loop2.Because the coherence length of the ASE is very small,the interferences can be easily eliminated.It is assumed that the whole attenuation coefficient of the electrical signal amplitude in the electrical-to-optical-to-electrical conversion is j,the XGM conversion coefficients of the electrical signal on SOA1 (from l1to l2)and SOA2(from l2to l3)are k1and k2,the gains of the light by SOA1(at l2),SOA2(at l3)and the EDFA(at l2)are g1, g2and g3,respectively.Supposing the initial modulated optical signal at l1isfiltered out completely by TOF1and TOF2.But the converted ASE signal at l2is notfiltered out completely by TOF2,whose loss caused by TOF2is assumed to be l r,and its gain caused by SOA2is g r.The transfer function of the wholefilter can be deduced asH(z)=jk1k2g3400−g r l r2H2(z)+11−9g1z−1111−9g2z−12H2(z)⎛⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎝⎞⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎠(1)where,z1=exp(j2p T1f),z2=exp(j2p T2f),and f is the RF fre-quency.It can be seen from(1)that the whole transfer function com-prises two terms:H1(z)represents a cascade response of two IIR filters,and H2(z)represents a weak all-pass response caused by the residual inversed ASE signals at l2.Results and discussion:At the start,by tuning the TDL in loop1,the ratio of the FSR of thefirstfilter to that of the secondfilter is adjusted to11:9,as is shown in Fig.2a.In the responses of these two constitute filters,one peak of every nine peaks of thefirstfilter is aimed at a certain peak of every11peaks of the secondfilter.For the whole cascadefilter the aimed peaks are selected and other peaks are removed,as is shown in Fig.2b.Hence,the FSR of the whole cascadefilter is the minimum common multiple of the values of each constituentfilter.Furthermore, the peaks of the response of the wholefilter are sharpened along the front edge and rear edge.Thus the3dB bandwidth(D f23dB)of the wholefilter is even less than the minimum D f23dB of the two constituent filters.As a result of the increased FSR and the decreased D f23dB,the Q factor of the wholefilter is enhanced significantly.At some frequencies several side-peaks emerge out,where the peaks of thefirstfilter overlap partially with those of the secondfilter.The measured data of the whole filter(corresponding to Fig.2b)are as follows:the FSR is174.97MHz, the Q factor is833,and the rejection ratio is29dB.frequency, GHzamplitude,dBfrequency, GHzamplitude,dBa bFig.2Measured responsesa Constitutefiltersb CascadefilterELECTRONICS LETTERS23rd June2011Vol.47No.13Assume the altitudes of the peaks of the first filter and the second filter are h 1and h 2,respectively.If the whole transfer function only comprises a cascade response,the altitude of the highest side-peak should be larger than the maximum of h 1and h 2,because in this case the whole response curve is the sum of those of the constitute filters.Note that here the altitude of the highest side-peak is less than the maximum of h 1and h 2,which results from the all-pass response caused by the residual ASE signals at l 2,yielding a better stopband performance.It can be easily seen that with a smaller difference between T 2and T 1,a larger FSR and a higher Q factor of the whole filter can be reached.By carefully adjusting the loop lengths of the two constituent filters,the ratio of the FSR of the two constituent filters is set to 20:19.Fig.3shows the response of the optimised cascade filter.The measured data are as follows:FSR is 374.5MHz,and the Q factor is 1870.However,with the difference of the FSR of the two constituent filters becoming smaller,the overlapped parts of peaks in their responses are enlarged.As a result,the amplitudes of the side-peaks become larger and the rejection ratio of the whole filter turns smaller.The measured rejection ratio is decreased to be 25dB.frequency, GHza m p l i t u d e , d BFig.3Measured response of optimised cascade filterConclusions:A new IIR microwave photonic filter free from interfer-ences with high Q factor has been presented,in which two RDL loops based on a SOA are cascaded.The optical interferences are effectively removed by using XGM in a SOA.The whole transfer function represents a cascade response and a weak all-pass response.The cascade response causes a large improvement in Q factor,while the weak all-pass response causes a decrease in the stopband ripple.Acknowledgments:This work was supported by a grant from the National Basic Research Program of China (grant no.2006CB302805)and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities,China University of Geosciences (grant no.CUG090112).#The Institution of Engineering and Technology 201115January 2011doi:10.1049/el.2010.3595One or more of the Figures in this Letter are available in colour online.L.N.Zhou and Y.J.Cheng (Department of Physics,China University of Geosciences,Lu Mo Road,Wuhan,People’s Republic of China )E-mail:zln427@E.M.Xu (Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics and School of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Luo Yu Road,Wuhan,People’s Republic of China )U.O.Sterr,A.D.Olver and P.J.B.Clarricoats (Department of Electronic Engineering,Queen Mary and Westfield College,Mile End Road,London E14NS,United Kingdom )References1Capmany,J.,Ortega,B.,Pastor,D.,and Sales,S.:‘Discrete-time optical processing of microwave signals’,J.Lightwave Technol.,2005,23,(2),pp.702–7232Hunter, D.B.,and Minasian,R.A.:‘Photonic signal processing of microwave signals using an active-fiber Bragg-grating-pair structure’,IEEE Trans.Microw.Theory Tech.,1997,45,(8),pp.1463–14663Hunter,D.B.,and Minasian,R.A.:‘Microwave optical filters based on a fiber Bragg grating in a loop structure’.Proc.Int.Top.Mtg on Microwave Photonics,(MWP’06),Genoble,France,2006,pp.273–2764Zhou,L.N.,Zhang,X.L.,Xu,E.M.,and Huang,D.X.:‘Q value 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法 、开波导 法 、变分 法 、突 变端 法等 。利 用 这些
方 法得 到 的介质 谐振 器 的计算 公式 在许 多 文献 中
收稿 日期 : 0 6 1 - 5 2 0 — 2 0
已有 论 述 ,这里 不做详 述 。输 入输 出 可 以采用 各
I 'C i E D nt 20 . 电 手 元 器 件 主 用 2 O W hn C .e W. a 07 3 3
种 不 同的耦 合结构 来实 现 ,可 以用探 针耦 合 ,也 可 以用环 耦合 、小 孑 耦 合 ,以及 传输 波导 直接 耦 L 合等。

的耦 合 系数 的结 构 尺寸 。图2 所示 是基于T 。 的 E。 模
介质 滤 波器 的结构 。这 种 结构具 有 六个 介质 谐振
器 和 五 个 耦 合 窗 ,谐 振 器 间 通 过 耦 合 窗 相 互 耦
第9 卷
2 7第月 o年 3 0 3期
新瓣墓缔 威愿
V1 N. o o . 3 9
M a . 2 07 r o

ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
种高Q 值的T伪 E模介质滤波器 的设计与实现
陈彩 云 ,徐 立 勤 , 包建 烨
200 ; 10 3 2 合肥 博仑微 波 器件 有 限公 司 ,安 徽 . 合肥 2 08) 30 8
合 。输 入和输 出使 用探 针 耦合 .六 个谐 振 器 由直
应 用。
1 介 质 滤 波器 的基 本 原 理 及 设 计 方 法
金 属 空 腔谐 振 器 的主要 损 耗 来 自导 体 损 耗 。 如果 能够 取消金 属 导体 而又 能把 电磁 场 限制 于谐
器 中的介质 可 以是 圆柱 形 ,也可 以是 方形 的 ,其 振 荡模 式 分别 为T 。和T 。。介 质谐 振 器 的分 析 E 。 E。 8 方 法有 数值 法 和解 析法 。其 中解 析法 又分 为 磁壁





因此可以将该结构用作多通道高Q 值频率滤波器。


1.正负折射率含缺陷1维光子晶体多通道滤波器 [J], 熊翠秀;蒋练军;王景艳
2.基于取样FBG的可调谐多通道微波光子滤波器 [J], 王小燕;郑联慧
3.基于二维光子晶体高Q值微波带阻滤波器 [J], 司阳;陈希;陈鹤鸣
4.基于二维光子晶体高Q值微波带阻滤波器 [J], 司阳;陈希;陈鹤鸣
5.含左手介质双缺陷态的一维光子晶体窄带双频滤波器 [J], 王卓远;王一刚;张德荣;陈晓明;李友明;励金祥

一种级联两个IIR滤波器的微波光子滤波器的 特性分析

一种级联两个IIR滤波器的微波光子滤波器的 特性分析

联的无限脉冲响应(Infinite Impulse Response, IIR)滤波器组成。对其进行了详细的理论分析,讨论了 两个IIR滤波器的耦合系数k1,k2,k3、掺饵光纤环的增益g和光纤环的长度L1和L2对微波光子滤波器滤波 性能的影响。通过理论计算和仿真分析可知,在IIR1滤波器的耦合系数为k1 = 0.5、掺饵光纤环增益为2、 IIR2滤波器的耦合系数k2 = 0.5,k3 = 0.9、两个光纤环长度相等时,得到的微波光子滤波器的滤波效 果最佳。
Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/
c 环的长度,c 为真空中的光速。
级联两个 IIR 滤波器的 MPFs 在频域中的传输函数为:
(ω )
(1 −

)k1 e jωT + (2k1 −1) e jωT − (1− k1 ) g


2 + k2k3 (1− k2 )(1− k3 e jωT − (1− k2 )(1− k3 )
Received: May 1st, 2019; accepted: May 14th, 2019; published: May 21st, 2019
A kind of adjustable bandpass microwave photonic filters (MPFs) that can realize a high Q value is presented in the paper. It consists of two cascaded infinite impulse response filters. The theory of it was detailed analyzed, and the paper discussed the influences on the filtering performance of microwave photonic filters the coupling coefficient k1, k2, k3 of the two IIR filters, the gain of Er-doped fiber ring g, the fiber ring length L1, L2 of the two IIR filters. Theoretical calculation and simulation analysis indicate that the best filtering effect of the microwave photonic filters can be obtained when the coupling coefficient of the IIR1 filter is 0.5, the gain of Er-doped fiber ring is 2, the coupling coefficient of the IIR2 filter is k2 = 0.5 and k3 = 0.9, and the fiber ring length of the two IIR filters is equal.



【摘要】介绍了一种基于Nauta跨导-电容积分器的CMOS集成滤波器设计.在滤波器设计过程中,利用改进的Nauta跨导具有可调增益、高线性度、宽频域特点,使滤波器可工作在UHF频段并有高品质因数Q,仿真结果表明,所设计的滤波器采用Charted Semiconductor Manufacturing(CSM)0.35 μmCMOS工艺,工作电压为3 V,Q值可达到40~100,当中心频率为433 MHz,Q值为40时,无杂散动态范围(SFDR)约为61.4 dB,并可通过调节电路偏压达到对中心频率ωC和Q的调谐.【总页数】4页(P992-995)
1.一种中心频率可调节的高Q值微机械带通滤波器初探 [J], 韩建强;朱长纯;袁寿财;刘君华;卢文科
2.CMOS低中频有源复数带通滤波器设计 [J], 魏巍;李智群
3.基于CMOS的OTA-C带通滤波器设计 [J], 杨鹏;杨虹;王智鹏
4.一种基于Gm-C的高Q值模拟中频带通滤波器设计与实现 [J], 段冲;李卫民;文武
5.一种TE_(021)模高Q值滤波器设计 [J], 夏亚峰;李世康;许飞;王永宁;薛亚杰因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

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光 子 学 报 第4 4 卷第 5 期 2 0 1 5年5月 T A P HO T ON I C A S I N I C A A C : / d o i 1 0. 3 7 8 8 z x b 2 0 1 5 4 4 0 5. 0 5 2 3 0 0 1 g
l . 4 4N o . 5 V o M a 1 5 2 0 y
T h e F r e u e n c H o i n B a n d a s s M i c r o w a v e P h o t o n i c F i l t e r q y p p g p c t o r f a w i t h H i h - Q g
, ,HUANG , , a n C Z HANG l i A i n C o n P AN H o n AO Y e L I U C e - - g g
张爱玲 , 黄聪 ,潘洪刚 , 曹晔 , 刘策
( 教育部通信器件与技术工程研究中心 ; 天津理工大学 计算机与通信工程学院 ; ) 天津市薄膜电子与通信器件重点实验室 , 天津 3 0 0 3 8 4
在该滤 摘 要: 提出一种基于 L a c滤波器和级联结构的 高 品 质 因 数 跳 频 带 通 微 波 光 子 滤 波 器 . o t S a n - y g 波系统中 , 利用宽带光源和 L 利用相位调制器 S a n a c滤波器原理实现 波 长 间 隔 可 变 的 连 续 光 载 波 . o t - g y 与单模光纤形成第一级单通带微波光子滤波器 , 光纤环形谐振器作为第二级滤波结构 . 经两级滤波器 级 联, 实现高品质因数跳频单通带微波光子滤波器 . 在使用三段保偏光纤的情况下, 通过调整偏振控制器 , , , , 的偏 振 状 态 ,可 实 现 滤 波 器 中 心 频 率 在 1. 0 1 2 1GH z 1. 2 1 4 5GH z 1. 4 1 6 9GH z 1. 6 1 9 3GH z 之间跳跃 . 由于采用了级联结 构 , 所 设 计 的 滤 波 器 继 承 了 前 后 两 级 滤 波 器 的 共 同 优 点, 故 1. 8 2 1 7GH z 主旁瓣抑制比均在1 最高达 滤波 器 的 滤 波 特 性 良 好 , 品质因数最高可达1 5 5. 6 9; 8d B 以 上, 3 1 且该装置结构简单 , 调谐便利 . 5 1d B. 2 5. 关键词 : 高品质因数 ; 跳频 ; 波长间隔 ; 微波光子滤波器 中图分类号 : T 7 1 3. 5 文献标识码 : N A ( ) 文章编号 : 0 4 1 3 2 0 1 5 0 5 1 0 4 2 0 5 2 3 0 0 1 4 - - -
( T i k e L a o F i E l a n C o D e C o D e a n T e a n i n b o r a t o r l m e c t r o n i c s d mm u n i c a t i o n v i c e s, mm u n i c a t i o n v i c e s d c h n o l o y f j y g y , R e C e i U n o T e T i 0 C h s e a r c h n t e r T a n i n i v e r s i t c h n o l o a n i n3 0 3 8 4, i n a) E n i n e e r i n f j y g y, j g g
:A A b s a n b a n d a s s m i c r o w a v e h o t o n i c f i l t e r b a s e d o n L o t h o i n s t r a c t f r e u e n c a c f i l t e r a n d - g p p y p p g q y , s s t e m a c o n t i n u o u s o t i c a l s o u r c e w i t h v a r i a b l e c a s c a d e d s t r u c t u r e w a s r o o s e d . I n t h e f i l t e r i n y p p p g b r o a d b a n d s o u r c e a n d L o t u s i n w a v e l e n t h s e a r a t i o n i s a c h i e v e d b s a n a c f i l t e r . T h e f i r s t o r d e r f i l t e r - y g g p y g r e s o n a t o r i s c a s c a d e d t o b e t h e s e c o n d i s c o m o s e d o f a h a s e m o d u l a t o r a n d a s i n a l m o d e f i b e r .A r i n p p g g s i n l e h o i n s t r u c t u r e .A f r e u e n c o r d e r f i l t e r i n b a Q n d a s s m i c r o w a v e h o t o n i c f i l t e r w i t h h i h - - g p p g q y g p p g t h r e e s e c t i o n s o f o l a r i z a t i o n t h e t w o f i l t e r s . I n t h e c a s e o f c h o o s i n c t o r i s a c h i e v e d b c a s c a d i n f a g p g y , , ,t 1. 0 1 2 1GH z 1. 2 1 4 5GH z o f t h e f i l t e r i s h o e d a m o n m a i n t a i n i n f i b e r h e c e n t r a l f r e u e n c p p g q y g , t h e o l a r i z a t i o n s t a t e o f o l a r i z a t i o n 1. 4 1 6 9GH z 1. 6 1 9 3 GH z a n d 1. 8 2 1 7 GH z b a d u s t i n p p j g y , c o n t r o l l e r . S i n c e a c a s c a d e d s t r u c t u r e i s u s e d i n t h i s a r t i c l e t h e i m l e m e n t a t i o n o f t h e f i l t e r i n h e r i t e d p a d v a n t a e o f b o t h f i l t e r s . S o t h e f i l t e r h a s o o d f r e u e n c r e s o n s e . T h e h i h e s t Q f a c t o r i s 1 3 1 5 5. 6 9. - g g q y p g , M a i n s i d e l o b e s u r e s s i o n r a d i o v a r i e s f r o m 1 8d B t o 2 5. 5 1d B. B e s i d e s t h e d e v i c e h a s s i m l e s t r u c t u r e p p p a n d i s e a s t o c o n t r o l . y :H ; ;W ;M K e w o r d s i h c t o r F r e u e n c h o i n a v e l e n t h s e a r a t i o n i c r o w a v e h o t o n i c f i l t e r Qf a g q y p p g g p p y : O C I S C o d e s 2 3 0. 4 1 1 0; 0 6 0. 2 6 3 0; 2 3 0. 5 7 5 0
0 引言
随着现当代通 信 技 术 在 各 个 领 域 的 广 泛 应 用 , 人
们对于通信容 量 的 要 求 也 越 来 越 高 , 传统的数字电子 滤波器已经很 难 满 足 这 些 需 求 . 微波光子学是研究微 波信号与光信 号 之 间 相 互 作 用 的 交 叉 型 学 科 , 将微波
) 、 国家自然科学基金应急管理项目( 和天津市自然科学基 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划 ( 0 7 0 6 . N C E T 1 1 . 1 1 4 4 4 0 0 1) N o N o 基金项目 : - - ) 金( 资助 N o . 1 4 J C Y B J C 1 6 5 0 0 , : 女, 教授 , 博士 , 第一作者 : 张爱玲 ( 主要研究方向为光纤通信技术 . 7 3- ) m a i l a l z h a n 2 0 1 2@1 6 3. c o m 1 9 E g , : 通讯作者 : 男, 硕士研究生 , 黄聪 ( 主要研究方向为微波光子滤波器 . 8 8- ) m a i l a l z h a n 2 0 1 2@1 6 3. c o m 1 9 E g ; : 录用日期 收稿日期 : 1 5 0 1 0 5 1 5 0 3 0 5 2 0 2 0
h o h t w a c. c n t w. t o n. ∥w p p:
0 5 2 3 0 0 1 - 1
光 子 学 报
学和光子学两 门 学 科 的 优 势 相 结 合 , 近年来得到了快 速发展 . 例如 , 微波光子相移器的设计
[ 1]
, 微波光子滤
, 加载 射 频 信 号 , 经相位调制器的调制 G e n e r a t o r A S G) 作用 , 射频信号会被调制到光载波 上 , 再通过后续单模 光纤形成的色散延迟系统后可获得所 需 要 的 负 系 数 抽 头特性 , 之后再 接 入 由 耦 合 器 的 两 端 连 接 形 成 的 光 纤 环形谐振器中 实 现 二 次 滤 波 . 最后经过光电探测器检 , ,输 入 频 谱 分 析 仪 测( P o t o e l e c t r i c D e t e c t o r P D) h ( , 中可观察并分析所实现滤波 S e c t r u m a n a l z e r S A) p y 器的滤波特性 .