
第三篇原文:Princess Pip's Holiday1 Ready to goEveryone in Princess Pip’s castle was very busy。
The King was polishing his money, the Queen was choosing sun hats, and the maids were running around with piles of vests.“ Can I take Dobbin on holiday?”aske d Princess Pip。
“I'm afraid there won’t be room for a pony on the coach ,”said the Queen。
“Oh,”said the Princess Pip。
“Can Amanda and Bert come,then?”“There ‘s no room for snakes,"said the King, “not even pet ones。
”Princess Pip scowled . “This h oliday is going to be BORING," she said.They went on holiday in their best gold coach。
“Wave to all the people, dear,” said the Queen.Princess Pip folded her arms 。
“ I ‘m on holiday," she said。
“Are we nearly there yet?”“We won't be there for a long time,” said the Queen firmly 。
It did take a long time to get to the seaside . The coach got very hot,and Princess Pip didn’t feel very well。

1 第一篇Walrus Joins In1What will Walrus do?Everyone at the North Pole was very excited. There was going to be a show and ANYONE could be in it.‘I will do skating,’ said Arctic Fox. ‘I’m good at that!’‘I’ll do tumbling,’ said Polar Bear. ‘No one tumbles quite like me!’‘I’ll do singing,’ said Seal. ‘Everyone says I have a very fine voice!’‘Then I’ll do diving,’ said Whale. ‘I won a prize for diving at school, you know!’They all looked at Walrus. ‘What will YOU do?’ they asked.But Walrus was not good at anything.He wasn’t good at skating, and he wasn’t good at tumbling.He was terrible at singing, and when he tried to dive, he always got water up his nose.He sat and chewed his whiskers sadly.‘Never mind,’ said Arctic Fox. ‘You can watch us.’Arctic Fox and Polar Bear and Seal and Whale practised hard for the big show.Walrus hid behind a snowdrift and watched, and chewed his whiskers.He wished he was good at something.2The big nightAt last, the big night arrived. Everyone sat down and waited for the show to begin. Walrus sat in the front row. He was very excited.Fox came onto the ice and bowed. Everyone cheered.Then Fox began to skate. Fox skated forwards and backwards and sideways. She skated in perfect circles and figures of eight. She was elegant and amazing!Walrus watched and he loved what he saw. Fox made it all look so easy.Walrus was sure that if he really tried he could skate just like Fox.He couldn’t stop himself. He just had to leap onto the ice and join in with Fox. “I can skate,” he cried. “Look at me!”But Walrus couldn’t skate at all. He could only trip up and fall over.He bumped into Fox, and Fox went flat on her face. FLOMP!Fox was very upset. “Walrus has RUINED my act,” she wailed.Next, it was Polar Bear’s turn. He rolled out across the ice like a big, white snowball. Everyone clapped wildly.Then Polar Bear began to tumble. He did jumps and spins and somersaults, and stood on his head.Walrus watched and he loved what he saw. Polar Bear made it all look such fun. Walrus was sure that this time, if he really tried, he could tumble just like Polar Bear.All of a sudden, Walrus just couldn’t stop himself, and he leaped onto the ice.“I can tumble too,” he cried. “Look at me!”But Walrus couldn’t tumble at all. He could only trip up and fall over. He tripped up Polar Bear, who came down with a WALLOP!Of course, Polar Bear was pretty angry. “Walrus has RUINED my act,” he wailed.3From bad to worseIt was Seal’s turn next. She gave Walrus a don’t-you-dare stare, and then she started to sing:“O, how many heart rejoices when I see the Northern Lights.My ear is filled with voices sweetly singing in the night!”Walrus listened. What a beautiful song! Surely if he really tried, he could sing as beautifully as Seal? Oh, dear. Walrus just couldn’t stop himself again.“I know that song,” he cried. “I can sing it too!”He leaped up and started singing along with Seal.But Walrus couldn’t sing! He sounded terrible. In fact, he sounded like a rusty old bucket.Seal stopped singing and burst into floods of tears.“Walrus has RUINED my song,” she wailed.Wale was last. He was pretty certain that Walrus could not ruin his act.Whale leaped high out of the water. Then he fell back with an enormous splash!Walrus watched. He wished that he could dive like that. His flippers began to twitch, and his whiskers bristled with excitement. He tried and tried his very best not to join in.But then he had a brilliant idea.“I’ll hold my nose when I dive,” he thought. “Then the water won’t go up it!”Walrus just couldn’t stop himself. He had to join in.“Everybody, look at me!” he cried, as he leaped into the water. “I can dive too!”But just at that moment, Whale was getting ready to spout a big jet of water.WHOOSH!Whale spouted Walrus high into the air!Everyone was watching Walrus now. They clapped and cheered as Walrus landed back in the sea with a SPLOSH!Whale was furious. “You are a meddling, incompetent BUFFOON!” he roared. “You have RUINED my act. Now GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!”Whale was pretty scary when he was angry. Walrus turned tail and fled. He hid behind a snowdrift, feeling sad and very sorry.4The show will go on!The show was over. Fox and Polar Bear and Seal and Whale stood in a line, blushing and wishing that Walrus had not ruined everything.But everyone was cheering like mad.“Well done, Polar Bear, well done, Seal! Well done, Fox and Whale!” they shouted. “But where’s the clown? Why isn’t he here? Where’s Walrus?”Behind is snowdrift, Walrus heard the cheers. Were they really cheering for him, too?Yes! They were!He shuffled up to Fox and Polar Bear and Seal And Whale.“I’m very sorry,” he said.“So you should be,” said Fox.“At least everyone thought you were part of the show,” said Polar Bear.“I suppose,” said Seal, “if Walrus was really part of our next show, it couldn’t be any worse.”Wa lrus was overjoyed. “Me?” he cried. “Truly? Can I be part of the show? Can I join in next time?”“Yes,” said Whale. “It will bea lot safer that way. You can be the clown. As long as you do it properly.”Walrus practiced hard and became a very good clown indeed. Now he is so good that Fox, Polar Bear, Seal and Whale are glad he is taking part.Sometimes, when Walrus is clowning around, they really just can’t stop themselves. They have to join in too!2 第二篇Noisy Neighbours1Mr FlinchIn a grim, grey house in a grim, grey town lived an unhappy man.It was not his grey house that made Mr Flinch unhappy. It was not that he was poor, because he was not. Mr Flinch was a miser. He never gave away a penny. ( He never gave away a smile either. ) He was a mean and miserable man.Mr Flinch was miserable because of his neighbours.On one side of Mr Flinch’s grim, grey house stood a jolly red one. It belonged to Carl Clutch who mended cars.Carl loved cars – and motorbikes and vans and lorries. Every morning, Mr Flinch woke up to hear hammers banging, spanners clanging and engines revving. The whole street shook with the noise.On the other side, in a bright blue house, lived a music teacher called Poppy Plink. Each morning, Poppy sat down and played grand tunes on her grand piano. After breakfast, her students started to arrive.Violins screeched, drums thundered and bassoons bellowed. Mr Flinch shut his window, but the noise still came through the wall. Brum – brum, tootle – toot, bang! His whole house shook and shivered.He put his fingers in his ears.He rapped on the wall … but his neighbours did not hear.They were far too happy. They were mending cars and making music, and they loved their work.Brum – brum, tootle – toot, bang!Mr Flinch rap rapped until he made holes in his wallpaper. It did no good.Mr Flinch locked himself in a cupboard. He wound old towels round his head.He wrote angry letters, but tore them all up. ‘ Stamps cost far too much money!’ he said.Even in bed, he wore a hat to keep out the noise.But the cars still revved and the music still jangled.Mr Flinch was the grey filling in a noise sandwich.‘This can’t go on,’ Flinch thought to himself. He even shouted it out loud:2Nasty TricksMr Flinch we nt next door to Carl’s house. Carl was mending cars. It was easy to sneak into his kitchen and put a dead rat in the fridge.‘That will get rid of him!’ said Flinch, and smiled a nasty smile. ‘Nobody wants to live in a house with rats!’At midnight, Mr Flinch climbed on to his roof and – carefully, carefully – crawled across the tiles. He put his head down Poppy’s chimney and gave a long, loud, ‘Hooowooowoooo!’‘That will get ride of her,’ he said with a grim grin. ‘Nobody wants to live in a house wit h ghosts!’Then he climbed back into bed.Next morning, Mr Flinch woke to a HUGE noise. Cars and lorries were stopping outside. He looked out of his window.Carl was sitting outside in the rood, with a table, a kettle, a loaf of bread and a bottle of tomato sauce.Carl called to Mr Flinch, ‘Can’t use my kitchen today! Rays, urgh! My mum is cleaning up. She told me to eat my breakfast outside. That’s how I got this great idea! Take – away breakfast!Drivers can stop here and buy breakfast.’Just then, Poppy Plink came running out of her blue front door. ‘Oh, Mr Flinch! Oh, Carl! Guess what happened last night!’‘I give up,’ said Mr Flinch, with a sumg smirk. ‘Do tell.’Poppy beamed with joy. ‘Last night, angles sang down my chimney! They did, I promise!’ She frowned. ‘But the music wasn’t very good! I think they want some new songs to sing! I’m sure they want me to write them, and I shall! Oh I shall!’She did.Poppy still had to teach music all day.But at night she wrote angle music. She made it nice and loud, with lots of cymbals and trumpets.It was all too much for Mr Flinch.3Mr Flinch has a PlanMr Flinch went next door to Carl’s house.He showed Carl a fistful of money. ‘The day you move house, all this is yours!’ he said.‘Anything you say, chief,’ said Carl, wiping his dirty hands on a rag.‘As long as I can mend cars, I’ll be happy anywhere.’ Carl went on, ‘I’ll move out as soon as I can sell the house!’Next, Mr Flinch went to Poppy’s house and offered her a hatful of money. ‘The day you move house, all this is yours!’ he said.‘Of course! If that is what you want, dear heart! Cried Poppy.She had never seen so much money in her life. ‘As long as I have my music, I can be happy anywhere! I will move out just as soon as I can sell my little house!’Mr Flinch went home a happy man – well, as happy as a man like Mr Flinch can ever be.He felt in his empty pockets and gulped. ‘All that money gone! Ah, but soon those noisy neighbours will be gone, too!’In a few days, Mr Flinch’s neighbours had sold up their houses.Now, at last, he would have peace and quiet – nothing but the noise of mice scratching in the empty cellar.4 Moving DayMr Flinch watched as Poppy Plink moved out. Bo-jangle went the piano as she pushed and bumped it down the steps.‘Going already are you, you pest?’ he mutted. ‘I pity the person who has to live next door to you!’Seeing him, Poppy waved up at the window.‘Such luck, Mr Flinch!’ she called. ‘Fancy! A few days ago, I met so meone who wants to move house too! We agreed to swap houses!’Just then, Carl came out of his front door carrying two heavy tool boxes. He saw Poppy struggling with a harp and went to help her. ‘All set, Poppy? he said.‘All set, Carl! Isn’t this fun!’ She replied.Then Carl moved into Poppy’s bright house and Poppy moved into Carl’s jolly red one.They helped each other to carry the big things, like tables and sofas.Then Carl had a house-warming party. He and Poppy sang, because they were so happy: ‘There’s no place like home!’Mr Flinch heard it right through the wall of his house … even inside his cupboard, even with a towel round his head.3 第三篇Princess Pip’s Holiday1 Ready to goEveryone in Princess Pip’s castle was very busy. The King was polishing his money, the Queen was choosing sun hats, and the maids were running around with piles of vests.“ Can I take Dobbin on holiday?”asked Princess Pip.“I’m afraid there won’t be room for a pony on the coach ,”said the Queen.“Oh, ”said the Princess Pip. “Can Amanda and Bert come,then?”“There ‘s no room for snakes,”said the King, “not even pet ones.”Princess Pip scowled . “This holiday is going to be BORING,” she said.They went on holiday in their best gold coach.“Wave to all the people, dear,” said the Queen.Princess Pip folded her arms . “ I ‘m on holiday,” she said. “Are we nearly there yet?”“We won’t be there for a long time,” said the Queen firmly .It did take a long time to get to the seaside . The coach got very hot, and Princess Pip didn’t feel very well.“Here we are,at last!” said the King happily.“But it’s a castle!” said Princess Pip. “Just like home.It’s BORING.”2 Just like homeThere was a girl waiting by the castle door.“This is Daisy,”said the Queen. “She is going to look after you,Pip.”Daisy showed Princess Pip her room.“I don’t want a four-poster bed!” said Princess Pip. “That’s just like home.”“You can sleep on my straw mattress , then,” said Daisy. “ I’ll have the bed.”“Oh, all right.”said Princess Pip.That evening there was a banquet and it went on for hours.“More sprouts?”asked the King happily.This is BORING,”said the Princess Pip.“Nonsense(胡说),dear,”said the Queen. “It can’t be boring. We’re on holiday!”“ I WANT TO GO HOME!” said Princess Pip, the next day. She had been walking round the castle walls all morning and she hadn’t found anything to do.“But we’re having a wonderful time,” said the Queen,from her sun chair.“Just look at the way my money shines in the sun,” said the King. “Wonderful!”“ But it’s BORING!” said Princess Pip.“Why don’t you go and talk to Daisy?” suggested the Queen.Princess Pip stomped off.“That does it,” she said to Daisy. “I WANT TO GO HOME!”3 The road home“If you stayed here a bit longer,you might start liking the seaside,” said Daisy.But Princess Pip wasn’t listening. She was putting all her important things in her suitcase.“I think we’ll have to take some things out,”said Daisy.Daisy found them both backpacks, and they set out for home.Princess Pip and Daisy went across the drawbridge and along the road.It was very hot.“Let’s have a nice,cool snack,”said Daisy.So they got some fish sticks from a stall.“These aren’t bad,” admitted Pri ncess Pip.“They taste best by the seaside,” said Daisy. “ I’ll show you where the fish come from, if you like.”They went down some stone steps to a place where the sea swished backwards and forwards and the ground looked as if it was made of gold.“Look in these pools,” said Daisy.The fish were hard to catch.”You could take your stockings off,” said Daisy, “and use them for nets.”It was nice without shoes and stockings on. It was even nicer once Princess Pip had taken off her coat and crown.The fish looked very cross at being caught,so Princess Pip let them go.“It’s not too bad here,” said Princess Pip,at last. “ I want to stay here all the time.”“Let’s build a sandcastle, then,” said Daisy.“A sand HOUSE,” said Princess Pip.It was hard work, but they built a huge house, with a moat all around.Soon the sea came in and filled the moat.“That’s just right.”said Princess Pip. “Make it stop coming in now,Daisy.”But the sea kept on coming in............ and soon it had washed their house FLAT.“ We built our house too close to the sea,”said Daisy, sadly.“STUPID SEA!”shouted Princess Pip. “STUPID SEASIDE! I WANT TO GO HOME!”4 Riding the dragonPrincess Pip and Daisy put on their shoes and picked up their backpacks.“I’m tired,”said Princess Pip, very soon. “ I want to ride Dobbin. Are we nearly home, yet?”“Why don’t you ride one of the horses on that merry-go-round?” suggested Daisy.“Oh, no,”said Princess Pip. “ I’m going to ride that dragon.”The dragon went very fast, and there was lots of exciting music--but then it all stopped. Everyone got off.“But....we’re still here!” said Princess Pip, crossly, as she got off ,too.“At least it wasn’t boring,” said Daisy.“I WANT TO GO HOME!” shouted Princ ess Pip.“At least it was fun,” said Daisy. “Everything is fun here because it’s a FUN-fair.”Princess Pip sniffed. “ What’s fun about it?” she asked.“I’ll show you,” said Daisy.They went down the roller coaster.Then they went UP and UP and ....DOWN again.“AARRRRGH!” yelled Princess Pip and Daisy.“Let’s go on it again,” said Princess Pip.“ Tomorrow, perhaps,” said Daisy, who had gone very pale.“BUT I WANT...” began Princess Pip.“Hello!” said a voice.It was the King. The Queen was with him.“Where’s Princess Pip?” the King asked Daisy.“Here !” said Princess Pip.The King and the Queen stared at her.“You can’t be Pip!” the Queen gasped. “You’re all dirty,and you have no stockings!”“But I am!” said Princess Pip, and put on her crown to prove it. “Look! It’s me, and I’ve found a place where the ground is made of gold!Come and see.”Daisy and Princess Pip showed them the beach.“ Good heavens!”said the King. “How wonderful! It’s just the color of money.”“What a perfect place for my sun chair,”said the Queen.The beach was a perfect place for picnics and games, and races, too. Everyone loved it.Then one day the King said: “ What a pity we have to go home tomorrow.”Princess Pip scowled, and she said...“I don’t want to go home”4 第四篇Oh, otto!Something importantThe children in Class Four were busy workingThen their teacher, Miss Underwood, said: ‘I have something very important to tell you.’She smiled and said: ‘A new boy is coming to our class. His n ame is Otto and he comes from far, far away. In fact, he comes from outer space…’( this is Otto’s first day at earth school. Here he is…)The door opened and a boy came in. he looked just like the other children-but he was a different colour. he was green.Miss Underwood told Otto to sit with Jo and Charlie and Josh. Then she looked at Jo and added, ‘I want you to take care of our new boy and give him a hand if he needs it.’‘please, Miss,’ said Otto. ‘I’m not NEW. I’m seven and a half. And I don’t already. Look!’‘Oh, Otto!’ Miss Underwood smiled. ‘just sit down and be a dear.’Otto sat down.Then he said, ‘I don’t think I can be a deer…but I can quack like a duck.’He flapped his arms, like wings, and went: ‘Quack! Quack! Quack!’Charlie joined in: ‘Quack! QUACK! QUACK!’Miss Underwood smiled at Otto. ‘No quacking n class!’ she said.Then she frowned at Charlie. ‘Charlie!’ she said. ‘you know better than that! Get on with your work.’‘It’s not fair!’ Charlie grumbled. ‘I get into trouble and that new boy doesn’t!’That’s when Charlie decided he didn’t like Otto. He didn’t like him one bit.Charlie is crossOtto made a lot of mistakes.Charlie leaned back on his chair. Otto tried to do the same thing. But he fell down……and so did all the paints.Now Charlie was green too-and he wasn’t happy about it.Charlie got crosser and crosser and crosser.At playtime, when Otto was in the playground, Charlie decided to scare him.‘If you stand there, you’ll get eaten by a bear,’ said Charlie.‘A bear! Where?’ Otto sc reamed.Charlie goggled. ‘we keep the bear in the head’s office. All Earth schools have a bear,’ he went on. ‘sometimes the bear gets out…and sometimes it’s hungry!’Otto looked very scared.Treasure HuntThat afternoon the class was having a Treasure Hunt. All the children were looking forward to it.Miss Underwood gave each pair of children the same clue.‘I want you to work in a pair with Otto,’ she said to Jo.‘Work in a pear?’ said Otto ‘How? It will have to be a big pear. Not too juicy. We could all get sticky.’Jo laughed. ‘Oh, Otto! You don’t understand anything! ’The Treasure Hunt began.Charlie worked with Josh. Jo worked with Otto.This was the clue that they had to follow:( start at the classroom door.Then walk along.Don’t go right.Then you won’t go wrong.)‘What does that mean?’ said Charlie.‘I don’t know,’ said Josh. ‘But when Miss Underwood hid the treasure last time, it was in the playground.’‘Let’s go there!’ Charlie said to Josh. ‘Quick! We’ll be first.’Otto jumped up to follow them-but Charlie had a plan. He stuck out his foot and tripped Otto up.‘Enjoy your trip!’ Charlie laughed, and ran off with Josh.Jo helped Otto up.All the other children ran out of the classroom and followed Charlie and Josh. They turned right, towards the playground.Jo sighed. ‘Now we’re going to be last.’‘We won’t be last,’ said Otto, ‘because they’re all going the wrong way. Look at the clue.’(Start at the classroom door.Then walk along.Don’t go right.Then you won’t go wrong.Otto pointed at the clue. ‘it means we start here-at the classroom door and we don’t turn RIGHT-because that would be wrong. We have to turn LEFT.’They set off in the other direction to the rest of the children.Charlie and Josh were looking for treasure in the playground and they were getting fed up.‘there’s nothing here,’ said Charlie. ‘Let’s look inside the school.’They went back into the school hall, past the head’s office and that’s when they saw it…‘there IS a bear!’ Charlie said. ‘there really is!’They ran screaming back to their classroom.‘Help! Help! We’ve seen a bear.’Oh, OttoJo and Otto had turned left and walked along the corridor.‘Look!’ said Otto.There was an arrow and it was pointing to a plant pot.Jo picked up the pot and found a map.There was another clue on the map.(clue number2Follow this map if you want to do well.Just look in the place where you find a spell.)Jo and Otto followed the map to the school library.Jo read out the clue again:Follow this map if you want to do well.Just look in the place where you find a spell.‘I understand!’ said Otto. ‘look-there’s a pile of spelling books. That’s where we’ll find a “spell!”’‘You’ve got it, Otto!’ said Jo.Behind the pile of spelling books, there was a box of golden coins. ‘Yum!’ said Jo. ‘It’s chocolate money!’Back in the classroom, Jo and Otto shared out the treasure chocolate.‘But what’s the matter with Josh and Charlie?’ asked Otto.Some of the other children laughed.‘Charlie and Josh thought they saw a bear!’‘A bear!’ said Otto. ‘Jo told me you were making up that story to scare me.’Charlie looked ashamed. ‘It wasn’t really a bear,’ he said. ‘It was the head’s big new coat hanging on the door…’‘But it LOOKED like a bear,’ said Josh.Charlie and Josh went bright red.‘Don’t worry,’ said Otto. ‘Everyone makes mistakes. Have a chocolate.’‘I’m sorry I made fun of you,’ said Charlie.Charlie looked so sad that Miss Underwood felt sorry for him.‘We’ll forgive you, Charlie,’ she said. ‘we all have bad days.’She smiled. ‘You and Josh seem to have lost your heads, today!’‘Oh!’ said Otto. ‘Shall I look for their heads, Miss? I’m good at finding things!’5 第五篇Captain Comet AND THE Purple Planet1 Spanner is boredIt was a quiet morning at Stardust Space Station.Captain Stella was checking the space shuttle.Captain Comet was watering the plants and Spanner the robot was bored.‘Can I sit at the control desk?’he asked.‘All right,’said Captain Comet,‘But don’t touch anything and don’t press that red button.’Spanner sat down at the desk and looked at all the buttons.There were buttons to open all the space station doors and buttons to turn on all the lights.There was even a button to flush all the toilets!There was also a big red button,labelled‘Gravity’.Spanner was not sure what ‘Gravity’was.‘I’ll press it very quickly,’said Spanner,‘to see what it does.’He pressed the red button.Captain Comet was watering the plants when he had a strange feeling.He was floating above the floor!The plant pots were all floating,too.He guessed what had happened.‘Spanner!he shouted ,‘I told you not to touch that red button!’Spanner saw that gravity was what made things stay on the floor.There was no gravity in space,so the space station made its own..Spanner pressed the red button to make the gravity come back on again-and all the pot plants fell to the floor.Comet fell to the floor beside them.‘SPANNER!’Comet groaned.2It must be a plantSpanner was cleaning up the mess for the rest of the morning.When he turned the cleaner off,everyone heard a beeping noise.The noise was coming from the space scanner.Everyone stopped what they were doing and came to look.‘The scanner has found something,’said Comet.He pointed to a flashing dot that was moving across the scanner screen.‘I wonder what it is ?’said Captain Stella.‘Is it an asteroid?’asked Spanner.‘An asteroid is a lump of rock that floats in space.’‘I know that!’said Captain Comet.‘Anyway ,it’s too big to be an asteroid,’‘Then it must be a planet,’Spanner said.‘Where has it come from?’asked Comet,’And why is it moving so fast?’‘You’d better go and have a look,’said Captain Stella.Comet and Spanner set off in the space shuttle to look for the new planet.Spanner was very excited.‘I’ve never found a new planet before,’he said .‘What shall we call it ?’‘Let’s find it first ,’said Comet.But Spanner wasn’t listening.‘I’m going to call it Planet Spanner,’he said.Spanner made a humming noise and a flag came out of a slot in his chest.‘What are you doing?’asked Comet.‘I’ve made a flag to put on Planet Spanner.Then everyone will know that we were the first to find it,’Spanner explained.He showed Comet the flag.It was bright red with two spanners on it.Comet had to s mile.‘Very nice,’he said.3On the Purple PlanetThe planet looked very strange.It was purple and covered in huge spikes.Comet landed the shuttle carefully on the planet.Then he got out to have a look around.Spanner stayed in the shuttle,making a flagpole for his flag.Spanner found a metal rod.He fastened the flag to one end of the rod and put the other end into a hole in his chest.There was a noise like an electric pencil sharpener.When he took the rod out again,it had a nice sharp point.Comet was looking at one of the giant purple spikes.It felt soft and warm.‘That’s very odd,’thought Comet.‘This spike feels like it’s alive.’Just then Spanner arrived with his new flagpole.‘I name this planet-Planet Spanner!’he said proudly.‘NO!STOP!’Comet yelled.But before Comet could stop him,Spanner hammered the sharp flagpole into the ground.There was a huge roar.‘What was that?’asked Spanner.‘Quick,back to the shuttle!’shouted Comet,as the ground began to shake.They strapped themselves into their seats and Comet blasted off.Spanner looked at the screen.The planet’s surface was spinning around.Then the opening of a big,dark cave came into view.Around the outside of the opening were large,jagged rocks.‘Look!’said Spanner.‘They’re like giant teeth!’Comet stared at the screen.‘That’s because they ARE giant teeth!’he said ,as two huge,angry eyes came into view.‘It’s not a planet…’said Comet,’…It’s a SPACE MONSTER!’gasped Spanner.4Space Chase‘Why is it so angry with us ?’cried Spanner.‘You’ve just hammered a big sharp flagpole into its backside,’explained Captain Comet.The huge teeth snapped shut behind them.‘It wants to eat us!’wailed Spanner.’We’ve got to get away!’‘That’s what I’m trying to do!’said Comet.’But it’s too fast!’Comet fired the shuttle’s jets.Then he tried to make a sharp turn,as the monster zoomed towards them..‘What are we going to do ?’cried Spanner.Just then,Captain Stella’s face appeared on the screen.She had been wa tching them on the space scanner.Captain Comet tried to make another sharp turn.The space monster was getting closer and closer.‘Are you all right?’Captain Stella asked.’What’s going on?’‘WE’RE GOING TO BE EATEN!’wailed Spanner,’BY A PRICKLY PURPL E SPACE MONSTER THE SIZE OF A PLANET!’‘Apart from that,everything ‘s fine,’said Comet,making the shuttle dive to dodge the giant teeth.‘Can I help ?’asked Captain Stella.‘No,’said Comet,‘You’re too far away. Is there anyone closer?’Stella looked at the space map and shook her head.‘No,there are no space stations or planets-only asteroids,’she said.‘Asteroids!’Comet said.‘Tell me where they are .I’ve got an idea!’5Into the AsteroidsThe space shuttle zoomed towards the asteroids.Spanner and Comet had never been so close to the asteroids before.Some of the asteroids were as big as office blocks.‘What are you doing?’cried Spanner, as Comet flew through a narrow gap between two giant asteroids,‘If you hit one of them at this speed, we’ll be smashed to bits!’‘It’s the only way to get away from the monster,’explained Comet.‘The gaps are so narrow, it can’t follow us .’Comet was right.The space monster stopped chasing them. Then it flew up to an asteroid-and took a big bite out of it .Comet and Spanner watched as the monster chomped its way happily through two or three asteroids.‘It eats asteroids!’ Spanner said.‘I’m glad it didn’t eat US!’Comet smiled.‘We didn’t find a new planet after all,’grumbled Spanner,on the way back to the space station.‘No,’said Comet.’But we did find a new kind of space monster.’‘That’s true,’said Spanner.’But how will anyone know that we were the first to find it ?’Captain Comet took one last look at the purple monster ane smiled.‘Oh,they’ll know. After all , it does have YOUR FLAG sticking out of its bottom!’he said.6 第六篇。

新版典范英语7(旧版6)1 第一篇Walrus Joins In1What will Walrus do?Everyone at the North Pole was very excited. There was going to be a show and ANYONE could be in it.‘I will do skating,’ said Arctic Fox. ‘I’m good at that!’‘I’ll do tumbling,’ said Polar Bear. ‘No one tumbles quite like me!’‘I’ll do singing,’ said Seal. ‘Everyone says I have a very fine voice!’‘Then I’ll do diving,’ said Whale. ‘I won a prize for diving at school, you know!’They all looked at Walrus. ‘What will YOU do?’ they asked.But Walrus was not good at anything.He wasn’t good at skating, and he wasn’t good at tumbling.He was terrible at singing, and when he tried to dive, he always got water up his nose.He sat and chewed his whiskers sadly.‘Never mind,’ said Arctic Fox. ‘You can watch us.’Arctic Fox and Polar Bear and Seal and Whale practised hard for the big show.Walrus hid behind a snowdrift and watched, and chewed his whiskers.He wished he was good at something.2The big nightAt last, the big night arrived. Everyone sat down and waited for the show to begin. Walrus sat in the front row. He was very excited.Fox came onto the ice and bowed. Everyone cheered.Then Fox began to skate. Fox skated forwards and backwards and sideways. She skated in perfect circles and figures of eight. She was elegant and amazing!Walrus watched and he loved what he saw. Fox made it all look so easy.Walrus was sure that if he really tried he could skate just like Fox.He couldn’t stop himself. He just had to leap onto the ice and join in with Fox. “I can skate,” he cried. “Look at me!”But Walrus couldn’t skate at all. He could only trip up and fall over.He bumped into Fox, and Fox went flat on her face. FLOMP!Fox was very upset. “Walrus has RUINED my act,” she wailed.Next, it was Polar Bear’s turn. He rolled out across the ice like a big, white snowball. Everyone clapped wildly.Then Polar Bear began to tumble. He did jumps and spins and somersaults, and stood on his head.Walrus watched and he loved what he saw. Polar Bear made it all look such fun. Walrus was sure that this time, if he really tried, he could tumble just like Polar Bear.All of a sudden, Walrus just couldn’t stop himself, and he leaped onto the ice.“I can tumble too,” he cried. “Look at me!”But Walrus couldn’t tumble at all. He could only trip up and fall over. He tripped up Polar Bear, who came down with a WALLOP!Of course, Polar Bear was pretty angry. “Walrus has RUINED my act,” he wailed.3From bad to worseI t was Seal’s turn next. She gave Walrus a don’t-you-dare stare, and then she started to sing:“O, how many heart rejoices when I see the Northern Lights.My ear is filled with voices sweetly singing in the night!”Walrus listened. What a beautiful song! Surely if he really tried, he could sing as beautifully as Seal? Oh, dear. Walrus just couldn’t stop himself again.“I know that song,” he cried. “I can sing it too!”He leaped up and started singing along with Seal.But Walrus couldn’t sing! He sounded terrible. In fact, he sounded like a rusty old bucket.Seal stopped singing and burst into floods of tears.“Walrus has RUINED my song,” she wailed.Wale was last. He was pretty certain that Walrus could not ruin his act.Whale leaped high out of the water. Then he fell back with an enormous splash!Walrus watched. He wished that he could dive like that. His flippers began to twitch, and his whiskers bristled with excitement. He tried and tried his very best not to join in.But then he had a brilliant idea.“I’ll hold my nose when I dive,” he thought. “Then the water won’t go up it!”Walrus just couldn’t stop himself. He had to join in.“Everybody, look at me!” he cried, as he leaped into the water. “I can dive too!”But just at that moment, Whale was getting ready to spout a big jet of water.WHOOSH!Whale spouted Walrus high into the air!Everyone was watching Walrus now. They clapped and cheered as Walrus landed back in the sea with a SPLOSH!Whale was furious. “You are a meddling, incompetent BUFFOON!” he roared. “You have RUINED my act. Now GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!”Whale was pretty scary when he was angry. Walrus turned tail and fled. He hid behind a snowdrift, feeling sad and very sorry.4The show will go on!The show was over. Fox and Polar Bear and Seal and Whale stood in a line, blushing and wishing that Walrus had not ruined everything.But everyone was cheering like mad.“Well done, Polar Bear, well done, Seal! Well done, Fox and Whale!” they shouted. “But w here’s the clown? Why isn’t he here? Where’s Walrus?”Behind is snowdrift, Walrus heard the cheers. Were they really cheering for him, too?Yes! They were!He shuffled up to Fox and Polar Bear and Seal And Whale.“I’m very sorry,” he said.“So you should be,” said Fox.“At least everyone thought you were part of the show,” said Polar Bear.“I suppose,” said Seal, “if Walrus was really part of our next show, it couldn’t be any worse.”Walrus was overjoyed. “Me?” he cried. “Truly? Can I be part of the show? Can I join in next time?”“Yes,” said Whale. “It will bea lot safer that way. You can be the clown. As long as you do it properly.”Walrus practiced hard and became a very good clown indeed. Now he is so good thatFox, Polar Bear, Seal and Whale are glad he is taking part.Sometimes, when Walrus is clowning around, they really just can’t stop themselves. They have to join in too!2 第二篇Noisy Neighbours1Mr FlinchIn a grim, grey house in a grim, grey town lived an unhappy man.It was not his grey house that made Mr Flinch unhappy. It was not that he was poor, because he was not. Mr Flinch was a miser. He never gave away a penny. ( He never gave away a smile either. ) He was a mean and miserable man.Mr Flinch was miserable because of his neighbours.On one side of Mr Flinch’s grim, grey house stood a jolly red one. It belonged to Carl Clutch who mended cars.Carl loved cars – and motorbikes and vans and lorries. Every morning, Mr Flinch woke up to hear hammers banging, spanners clanging and engines revving. The whole street shook with the noise.On the other side, in a bright blue house, lived a music teacher called Poppy Plink. Each morning, Poppy sat down and played grand tunes on her grand piano. After breakfast, her students started to arrive.Violins screeched, drums thundered and bassoons bellowed. Mr Flinch shut his window, but the noise still came through the wall. Brum – brum, tootle – toot, bang! His whole house shook and shivered.He put his fingers in his ears.He rapped on the wall … but his neighbours did not hear.They were far too happy. They were mending cars and making music, and they loved their work.Brum – brum, tootle – toot, bang!Mr Flinch rap rapped until he made holes in his wallpaper. It did no good.Mr Flinch locked himself in a cupboard. He wound old towels round his head.He wrote angry letters, but tore them all up. ‘ Stamps cost far too much money!’ he said.Even in bed, he wore a hat to keep out the noise.But the cars still revved and the music still jangled.Mr Flinch was the grey filling in a noise sandwich.‘This can’t go on,’ Flinch thought to himself. He even shouted it out loud:2Nasty TricksMr Flinch went next door to Carl’s house. Carl was mending cars. I t was easy to sneak into his kitchen and put a dead rat in the fridge.‘That will get rid of him!’ said Flinch, and smiled a nasty smile. ‘Nobody wants to live in a house with rats!’At midnight, Mr Flinch climbed on to his roof and –carefully, carefully –crawled across the tiles. He put his head down Poppy’s chimney and gave a long, loud, ‘Hooowooowoooo!’‘That will get ride of her,’ he said with a grim grin. ‘Nobody wants to live in a house with ghosts!’Then he climbed back into bed.Next morning, Mr Flinch woke to a HUGE noise. Cars and lorries were stopping outside. He looked out of his window.Carl was sitting outside in the rood, with a table, a kettle, a loaf of bread and a bottle of tomato sauce.Carl called to Mr Flinch, ‘Can’t use my kitchen today! Rays, urgh! My mum is cleaning up. She told me to eat my breakfast outside. That’s how I got this great idea! Take – away breakfast! Drivers can stop here and buy breakfast.’Just then, Poppy Plink came running out of her blue front doo r. ‘Oh, Mr Flinch! Oh, Carl! Guess what happened last night!’‘I give up,’ said Mr Flinch, with a sumg smirk. ‘Do tell.’Poppy beamed with joy. ‘Last night, angles sang down my chimney! They did, I promise!’ She frowned. ‘But the music wasn’t very good! I think they want some new songs to sing! I’m sure they want me to write them, and I shall! Oh I shall!’She did.Poppy still had to teach music all day.But at night she wrote angle music. She made it nice and loud, with lots of cymbals and trumpets.It was all too much for Mr Flinch.3Mr Flinch has a PlanMr Flinch went next door to Carl’s house.He showed Carl a fistful of money. ‘The day you move house, all this is yours!’ he said.‘Anything you say, chief,’ said Carl, wiping his dirty hands on a rag.‘As long as I can mend cars, I’ll be happy anywhere.’ Carl went on, ‘I’ll move out as soon as I can sell the house!’Next, Mr Flinch went to Poppy’s house and offered her a hatful of money. ‘The day you move house, all this is yours!’ he said.‘Of course! If that is what you want, dear heart! Cried Poppy.She had never seen so much money in her life. ‘As long as I have my music, I can be happy anywhere! I will move out just as soon as I can sell my little house!’Mr Flinch went home a happy man – well, as happy as a man like Mr Flinch can ever be.He felt in his empty pockets and gulped. ‘All that money gone! Ah, but soon those noisy neighbours will be gone, too!’In a few days, Mr Flinch’s neighbours had sold up their houses.Now, at last, he would have peace and quiet – nothing but the noise of mice scratching in the empty cellar.4 Moving DayMr Flinch watched as Poppy Plink moved out. Bo-jangle went the piano as she pushed and bumped it down the steps.‘Going already are you, you pest?’ he mutted. ‘I pity the person who has to live next door to you!’Seeing him, Poppy waved up at the window.‘Such luck, Mr Flinch!’ she called. ‘Fancy! A few days ago, I met someone who wants to move house too! We agreed to swap hou ses!’Just then, Carl came out of his front door carrying two heavy tool boxes. He saw Poppy struggling with a harp and went to help her. ‘All set, Poppy? he said.‘All set, Carl! Isn’t this fun!’ She replied.Then Carl moved into Poppy’s bright house and Poppy moved into Carl’s jolly red one.They helped each other to carry the big things, like tables and sofas.Then Carl had a house-warming party. He and Poppy sang, because they were so happy: ‘There’s no place like home!’Mr Flinch heard it r ight through the wall of his house … even inside his cupboard, even with a towel round his head.3 第三篇Princess Pip’s Holiday1 Ready to goEveryone in Princess Pip’s castle was very busy. The King was polishing his money, the Queen was choosing sun hats, and the maids were running around with piles of vests.“ Can I take Dobbin on holiday?”asked Princess Pip.“I’m afraid there won’t be room for a pony on the coach ,”said the Queen.“Oh, ”said the Princess Pip. “Can Amanda and Bert come,then?”“There ‘s no room for snakes,”said the King, “not even pet ones.”Princess Pip scowled . “This holiday is going to be BORING,” she said.They went on holiday in their best gold coach.“Wave to all the people, dear,” said the Queen.Princess Pip f olded her arms . “ I ‘m on holiday,” she said. “Are we nearly there yet?”“We won’t be there for a long time,” said the Queen firmly .It did take a long time to get to the seaside . The coach got very hot, and Princess Pip didn’t feel very well.“Here we are,at last!” said the King happily.“But it’s a castle!” said Princess Pip. “Just like home.It’s BORING.”2 Just like homeThere was a girl waiting by the castle door.“This is Daisy,”said the Queen. “She is going to look after you,Pip.”Daisy showed Princess Pip her room.“I don’t want a four-poster bed!” said Princess Pip. “That’s just like home.”“You can sleep on my straw mattress , then,” said Daisy. “ I’ll have the bed.”“Oh, all right.”said Princess Pip.That evening there was a banquet and it went on for hours.“More sprouts?”asked the King happily.This is BORING,”said the Princess Pip.“Nonsense(胡说),dear,”said the Queen. “It can’t be boring. We’re on holiday!”“ I WANT TO GO HOME!” said Princess Pip, the next day. S he had been walking round the castle walls all morning and she hadn’t found anything to do.“But we’re having a wonderful time,” said the Queen,from her sun chair.“Just look at the way my money shines in the sun,” said the King. “Wonderful!”“ But it’s BORING!” said Princess Pip.“Why don’t you go and talk to Daisy?” suggested the Queen.Princess Pip stomped off.“That does it,” she said to Daisy. “I WANT TO GO HOME!”3 The road home“If you stayed here a bit longer,you might start liking the seaside,” said Daisy.But Princess Pip wasn’t listening. She was putting all her important things in her suitcase.“I think we’ll have to take some things out,”said Daisy.Daisy found them both backpacks, and they set out for home.Princess Pip and Daisy went across the drawbridge and along the road.It was very hot.“Let’s have a nice,cool snack,”said Daisy.So they got some fish sticks from a stall.“These aren’t bad,” admitted Princess Pip.“They taste best by the seaside,” said Daisy. “ I’ll show you where the fish come from, if you like.”They went down some stone steps to a place where the sea swished backwards and forwards and the ground looked as if it was made of gold.“Look in these pools,” said Daisy.The fish were hard to catch.”You could take your stockings off,” said Daisy, “and use them for nets.”It was nice without shoes and stockings on. It was even nicer once Princess Pip had taken off her coat and crown.The fish looked very cross at being caught,so Princess Pip let them go.“It’s not too bad here,” said Princess Pip,at last. “ I want to stay here all the time.”“Let’s build a sandcastle, then,” said Daisy.“A sand HOUSE,” said Princess Pip.It was hard work, but they built a huge house, with a moat all around.Soon the sea came in and filled the moat.“That’s just right.”said Princess Pip. “Make it stop coming in now,Daisy.”But the sea kept on coming in............ and soon it had washed their house FLAT.“ We built our house too close to the sea,”said Daisy, sadly.“STUPID SEA!”shouted Princess Pip. “STUPID SEASIDE! I WANT TO GO HOME!”4 Riding the dragonPrincess Pip and Daisy put on their shoes and picked up their backpacks.“I’m tired,”said Princess Pip, very soon. “ I want to ride Dobbin. Are we nearly home, yet?”“Why don’t you ride one of the horses on that merry-go-round?” suggested Daisy.“Oh, no,”said Princess Pip. “ I’m going to ride that dragon.”The dragon went very fast, and there was lots of exciting music--but then it all stopped. Everyone got off.“But....we’re still here!” said Princess Pip, crossly, as she got off ,too.“At least it wasn’t boring,” said Daisy.“I WANT TO GO HOME!” shouted Princess Pip.“At least it was fun,” said Daisy. “Everything is fun here because it’s a FUN-fair.”Princess Pip sniffed. “ What’s fun about it?” she asked.“I’ll show you,” said Daisy.They went down the roller coaster.Then they went UP and UP and ....DOWN again.“AARRRRGH!” yelled Princess Pip and Daisy.“Let’s go on it again,” said Princess Pip.“ Tomorrow, perhaps,” said Daisy, who had gone very pale.“BUT I WANT...” began Princess Pip.“Hello!” said a voice.It was the King. The Queen was with him.“Where’s Princess Pip?” the King ask ed Daisy.“Here !” said Princess Pip.The King and the Queen stared at her.“You can’t be Pip!” the Queen gasped. “You’re all dirty,and you have no stockings!”“But I am!” said Princess Pip, and put on her crown to prove it. “Look! It’s me, and I’v e found a place where the ground is made of gold!Come and see.”Daisy and Princess Pip showed them the beach.“ Good heavens!”said the King. “How wonderful! It’s just the color of money.”“What a perfect place for my sun chair,”said the Queen.The beach was a perfect place for picnics and games, and races, too. Everyone loved it.Then one day the King said: “ What a pity we have to go home tomorrow.”Princess Pip scowled, and she said...“I don’t want to go home”4 第四篇Oh, otto!Something importantThe children in Class Four were busy workingThen their teacher, Miss Underwood, said: ‘I have something very important to tell you.’She smiled and said: ‘A new boy is coming to our class. His name is Otto and he comes from far, far away. In fac t, he comes from outer space…’( this is Otto’s first day at earth school. Here he is…)The door opened and a boy came in. he looked just like the other children-but he was a different colour. he was green.Miss Underwood told Otto to sit with Jo and Charlie and Josh. Then she looked at Jo and added, ‘I want you to take care of our new boy and give him a hand if he needs it.’‘please, Miss,’ said Otto. ‘I’m not NEW. I’m seven and a half. And I don’t already. Look!’‘Oh, Otto!’ Miss Underwood smiled. ‘just sit down and be a dear.’Otto sat down.Then he said, ‘I don’t think I can be a deer…but I can quack like a duck.’He flapped his arms, like wings, and went: ‘Quack! Quack! Quack!’Charlie joined in: ‘Quack! QUACK! QUACK!’Miss Underwood smiled at Otto. ‘No quacking n class!’ she said.Then she frowned at Charlie. ‘Charlie!’ she said. ‘you know better than that! Get on with your work.’‘It’s not fair!’ Charlie grumbled. ‘I get into trouble and that new boy doesn’t!’That’s when Charlie decided he didn’t like Otto. He didn’t like him one bit.Charlie is crossOtto made a lot of mistakes.Charlie leaned back on his chair. Otto tried to do the same thing. But he fell down……and so did all the paints.Now Charlie was green too-and he wasn’t happy about it.Charlie got crosser and crosser and crosser.At playtime, when Otto was in the playground, Charlie decided to scare him.‘If you stand there, you’ll get eaten by a bear,’ said Charlie.‘A bear! Where?’ Otto screamed.Charlie goggled. ‘we keep the bear in the head’s office. All Earth schools have a bear,’ he went on. ‘sometimes the bear gets out…and sometimes it’s hungry!’Otto looked very scared.Treasure HuntThat afternoon the class was having a Treasure Hunt. All the children were looking forward to it.Miss Underwood gave each pair of children the same clue.‘I want you to work in a pair with Otto,’ she said to Jo.‘Work in a pear?’ said Otto ‘How? It will have to be a big pear. Not too juicy. We could all get sticky.’Jo laughed. ‘Oh, Otto! You don’t understand anything! ’The Treasure Hunt began.Charlie worked with Josh. Jo worked with Otto.This was the clue that they had to follow:( start at the classroom door.Then walk along.Don’t go right.Then you won’t go wrong.)‘What does that mean?’ said Charlie.‘I don’t know,’ said Josh. ‘But when Miss Underwood hid the treasure last time, it was in the playground.’‘Let’s go there!’ Charlie said to Josh. ‘Quick! We’ll be first.’Otto jumped up to follow them-but Charlie had a plan. He stuck out his foot and tripped Otto up.‘Enjoy your trip!’ Charlie laughed, and ran off with Josh.Jo helped Otto up.All the other children ran out of the classroom and followed Charlie and Josh. They turned right, towards the playground.Jo sighed. ‘Now we’re going to be last.’‘We won’t be last,’ said Otto, ‘because they’re all going the wrong way. Look at the clue.’(Start at the classroom door.Then walk along.Don’t go right.Then you won’t go wrong.Otto pointed at the clue. ‘it means we start here-at the classroom door and we don’t turn RIGHT-because that would be wrong. We have to turn LEFT.’They set off in the other direction to the rest of the children.Charlie and Josh were looking for treasure in the playground and they were getting fed up. ‘there’s nothing here,’ said Charlie. ‘Let’s look inside the school.’They went back into the school hall, past the head’s office and that’s when they saw it…‘there IS a bear!’ Charlie said. ‘there really is!’They ran screaming back to their classroom.‘Help! Help! We’ve seen a bear.’Oh, OttoJo and Otto had turned left and walked along the corridor.‘Look!’ said Otto.There was an arrow and it was pointing to a plant pot.Jo picked up the pot and found a map.There was another clue on the map.(clue number2Follow this map if you want to do well.Just look in the place where you find a spell.)Jo and Otto followed the map to the school library.Jo read out the clue again:Follow this map if you want to do well.Just look in the place where you find a spell.‘I understand!’ said Otto. ‘look-there’s a pile of spelling books. That’s where we’ll find a “spell!”’‘You’ve got it, Otto!’ said Jo.Behind the pile of spelling books, there was a box of golden coins. ‘Yum!’ said Jo. ‘It’s chocolate money!’Back in the classroom, Jo and Otto shared out the treasure chocolate.‘But what’s the matter with Josh and Charlie?’ asked Otto.Some of the other children laughed.‘Charlie and Josh thought they saw a bear!’‘A bear!’ said Otto. ‘Jo told me you were making up that story to scare me.’Charlie looked ashamed. ‘It wasn’t really a bear,’ he said. ‘It was the head’s big new coat hanging on the door…’‘But it LOOKED like a bear,’ said Josh.Charlie and Josh went bright red.‘Don’t worry,’ said Otto. ‘Everyone makes mistakes. Have a chocolate.’‘I’m sorry I made fun of you,’ said Charlie.Charlie looked so sad that Miss Underwood felt sorry for him.‘We’ll forgive you, Charlie,’ she said. ‘we all have bad days.’She smiled. ‘You and Josh seem to have lost your heads, today!’‘Oh!’ said Otto. ‘Shall I look for their heads, Miss? I’m good at finding things!’5 第五篇Captain Comet AND THE Purple Planet1 Spanner is boredIt was a quiet morning at Stardust Space Station.Captain Stella was checking the space shuttle.Captain Comet was watering the plants and Spanner the robot was bored.‘Can I sit at the control desk?’he asked.‘All right,’said Captain Comet,‘But don’t touch anything and don’t press that red button.’Spanner sat down at the desk and looked at all the buttons.There were buttons to open all the space station doors and buttons to turn on all the lights.There was even a button to flush all the toilets!There was also a big red button,labelled‘Gravity’.Spanner was not sure what ‘Gravity’was.‘I’ll press it very quickly,’said Spanner,‘to see what it does.’He pressed the red button.Captain Comet was watering the plants when he had a strange feeling.He was floating above the floor!The plant pots were all floating,too.He guessed what had happened.‘Spanner!he shouted ,‘I told you not to touch that red button!’Spanner saw that gravity was what made things stay on the floor.There was no gravity in space,so the space station made its own..Spanner pressed the red button to make the gravity come back on again-and all the pot plants fell to the floor.Comet fell to the floor beside them.‘SPANNER!’Comet groaned.2It must be a plantSpanner was cleaning up the mess for the rest of the morning.When he turned the cleaner off,everyone heard a beeping noise.The noise was coming from the space scanner.Everyone stopped what they were doing and came to look.‘The scanner has found something,’said Comet.He pointed to a flashing dot that was moving across the scanner screen.‘I wonder what it is ?’said Captain Stella.‘Is it an asteroid?’asked Spanner.‘An asteroid is a lump of rock that floats in space.’‘I know that!’said Captain Comet.‘Anyway ,it’s too big to be an asteroid,’‘Then it must be a planet,’Spanner said.‘Where has it come from?’asked Comet,’And why is it moving so fast?’‘You’d better go and have a look,’said Captain Stella.Comet and Spanner set off in the space shuttle to look for the new planet.Spanner was very excited.‘I’ve never found a new planet before,’he said .‘What shall we call it ?’‘Let’s find it first ,’said Comet.But Spanner wasn’t listening.‘I’m going to call it Planet Spanner,’he said.Spanner made a humming noise and a flag came out of a slot in his chest.‘What are you doing?’asked Comet.‘I’ve made a flag to put on Planet Spanner.Then everyone will know that we were the first to find it,’Spanner explained.He showed Comet the flag.It was bright red with two spanners on it.Comet had to smile.‘Very nice,’he said.3On the Purple PlanetThe planet looked very strange.It was purple and covered in huge spikes.Comet landed the shuttle carefully on the planet.Then he got out to have a look around.Spanner stayed in the shuttle,making a flagpole for his flag.Spanner found a metal rod.He fastened the flag to one end of the rod and put the other end into a hole in his chest.There was a noise like an electric pencil sharpener.When he took the rod out again,it had a nice sharp point.Comet was looking at one of the giant purple spikes.It felt soft and warm.‘That’s very odd,’thought Comet.‘This spike feels like it’s alive.’Just then Spanner arrived with his new flagpole.‘I name this planet-Planet Spanner!’hesaid proudly.‘NO!STOP!’Comet yelled.But before Comet could stop him,Spanner hammered the sharp flagpole into the ground.There was a huge roar.‘What was that?’asked Spanner.‘Quick,back to the shuttle!’shouted Comet,as the ground began to shake.They strapped themselves into their seats and Comet blasted off.Spanner looked at the screen.The planet’s surface was spinning around.Then the opening of a big,dark cave came into view.Around the outside of the opening were large,jagged rocks.‘Look!’said Spanner.‘They’re like giant teeth!’Comet stared at the screen.‘That’s because they ARE giant teeth!’he said ,as two huge,angry eyes came into view.‘It’s not a planet…’said Comet,’…It’s a SPACE MONSTER!’gasped Spanner.4Space Chase‘Why is it so angry with us ?’cried Spanner.‘You’ve just hammered a big sharp flagpole into its backside,’explained Captain Comet.The huge teeth snapped shut behind them.‘It wants to eat us!’wailed Spanner.’We’ve got to get away!’‘That’s what I’m trying to do !’said Comet.’But it’s too fast!’Comet fired the shuttle’s jets.Then he tried to make a sharp turn,as the monster zoomed towards them..‘What are we going to do ?’cried Spanner.Just then,Captain Stella’s face appeared on the screen.She had been watching them on the space scanner.Captain Comet tried to make another sharp turn.The space monster was getting closer and closer.‘Are you all right?’Captain Stella asked.’What’s going on?’‘WE’RE GOING TO BE EATEN!’wailed Spanner,’BY A PRICKLY PURPLE SPACE MONSTER THE SIZE OF A PLAN ET!’‘Apart from that,everything ‘s fine,’said Comet,making the shuttle dive to dodge the giant teeth.‘Can I help ?’asked Captain Stella.‘No,’said Comet,‘You’re too far away. Is there anyone closer?’Stella looked at the space map and shook her head.‘No,there are no space stations or planets-only asteroids,’she said.‘Asteroids!’Comet said.‘Tell me where they are .I’ve got an idea!’5Into the AsteroidsThe space shuttle zoomed towards the asteroids.Spanner and Comet had never been so close to the asteroids before.Some of the asteroids were as big as office blocks.‘What are you doing?’cried Spanner, as Comet flew through a narrow gap between two giant asteroids,‘If you hit one of them at this speed, we’ll be smashed to bits!’‘It’s the only way to get away from the monster,’explained Comet.‘The gaps are so narrow, it can’t follow us .’Comet was right.The space monster stopped chasing them. Then it flew up to an asteroid-and took a big bite out of it .。
典范英语7noisy neighbours翻译

小提琴发出了刺耳的声音,鼓发出了雷鸣般的声音,低音管在咆哮着,Flinch 先生关上了窗子,但这声音还是穿透了墙壁。
Brum-brum ,totle-toot,bang!Flinch先生又砸东西又斥责,直到他在壁纸上敲出了洞,也没有见效。

新版典范英语7(旧版6)1 第一篇Walrus Joins In1What will Walrus do?Everyone at the North Pole was very excited. There was going to be a show andANYONE could be in it.‘I will do skating,’ said Arctic Fox. ‘I’m good at that!’‘I’ll do tumbling,’ said Polar Bear. ‘No one tumbles quite like me!’‘I’ll do singing,’ said Seal. ‘Everyone says I have a very fine voice!’‘Then I’ll do diving,’ said Whale. ‘I won a prize for diving at school, you know!’asked.They all looked at Walrus. ‘What will YOU do?’ theyBut Walrus was not good at anything.He wasn’t good at skating, and he wasn’t good at tumbling.He was terrible at singing, and when he tried to dive, he always got water up his nose.He sat and chewed his whiskers sadly.‘Never mind,’ said Arctic Fox. ‘You can watch us.’Arctic Fox and Polar Bear and Seal and Whale practised hard for the big show.Walrus hid behind a snowdrift and watched, and chewed his whiskers.He wished he was good at something.2The big nightAt last, the big night arrived. Everyone sat down and waited for the show to begin.Walrus sat in the front row. He was very excited.Fox came onto the ice and bowed. Everyone cheered.Then Fox began to skate. Fox skated forwards and backwards and sideways. She skatedin perfect circles and figures of eight. She was elegant and amazing!Walrus watched and he loved what he saw. Fox made it all look so easy.Walrus was sure that if he really tried he could skate just like Fox.He couldn’t stop himself. He just had to leap onto the ice and join in with Fox. “I ca skate,” he cried. “Look at me!”But Walrus couldn’t skate at all. He could only trip up and fall over.He bumped into Fox, and Fox went flat on her face. FLOMP!Fox was very upset. “Walrus has RUINED my act,” she wailed.Next, it was Polar Bear’s turn. He rolled out across the ice like a big, white snowball.Everyone clapped wildly.Then Polar Bear began to tumble. He did jumps and spins and somersaults, and stoodon his head.Walrus watched and he loved what he saw. Polar Bear made it all look such fun. Walruswas sure that this time, if he really tried, he could tumble just like Polar Bear.All of a sudden, Walrus just couldn’t stop himself, and he leaped onto the ice.cried. “Look at me!”“I can tumble too,” heBut Walrus couldn’t tumble at all. He could only trip up and fall over. He tripped upPolar Bear, who came down with a WALLOP!Of course, Polar Bear was pretty angry. “Walrus has RUINED my act,” he wailed.3From bad to worse-you-dare stare, and then she started toI t was Seal’s turn next. She gave Walrus a don’tsing:“O, how many heart rejoices when I see the Northern Lights.My ear is filled with voices sweetly singing in the night!”Walrus listened. What a beautiful song! Surely if he really tried, he could sing as beautifully as Seal? Oh, dear. Walrus just couldn’t stop himself again.“I know that song,” he cried. “I can sing it too!”He leaped up and started singing along with Seal.But Walrus couldn’t sing! He sounded terrible. In fact, he sounded like a rusty oldbucket.Seal stopped singing and burst into floods of tears.“Walrus has RUINED my song,” she wailed.Wale was last. He was pretty certain that Walrus could not ruin his act.Whale leaped high out of the water. Then he fell back with an enormous splash!Walrus watched. He wished that he could dive like that. His flippers began to twitch,and his whiskers bristled with excitement. He tried and tried his very best not to join in.But then he had a brilliant idea.“I’ll hold my nose when I dive,” he thought. “Then the water won’t go up it!”Walrus just couldn’t stop himself. He had to join in.“Everybody, look at me!” he cried, as he leaped into the water. “I can dive too!”But just at that moment, Whale was getting ready to spout a big jet of water.WHOOSH!Whale spouted Walrus high into the air!Everyone was watching Walrus now. They clapped and cheered as Walrus landed backin the sea with a SPLOSH!Whale was furious. “You are a meddling, incompetent BUFFOON!” he roared. “Youhave RUINED my act. Now GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!”Whale was pretty scary when he was angry. Walrus turned tail and fled. He hid behinda snowdrift, feeling sad and very sorry.4The show will go on!The show was over. Fox and Polar Bear and Seal and Whale stood in a line, blushingand wishing that Walrus had not ruined everything.But everyone was cheering like mad.“Well done, Polar Bear, well done, Seal! Well done, Fox and Whale!” they shouted. “B where’s the clown? Why isn’t he here? Where’s Walrus?”Behind is snowdrift, Walrus heard the cheers. Were they really cheering for him, too?Yes! They were!He shuffled up to Fox and Polar Bear and Seal And Whale.“I’m very sorry,” he said.“So you should be,” said Fox.“At least everyone thought you were part of the show,” said Polar Bear.“I suppose,” said Seal, “if Walrus was really part of our next show, it couldn’t be worse.”part of the show? Can I join in Walrus was overjoyed. “Me?” he cried. “Truly? Can I benext time?”“Yes,” said Whale. “It will bea lot safer that way. You can be the clown. As long as you do it properly.”Walrus practiced hard and became a very good clown indeed. Now he is so good that。
八年级英语 典范英语7 The Wrong Letter 3

Role play. Student A - Pippa Student B - Rover’s captain Student C - Narrator
Pippa: Excuse me, where are the fences to jump? Captain: This is a football match. Ponies can’t play.
1.Read Part 1 and Part 2 dramatically.
Thank you! Bye-bye !
1.That’s how the mixture began. B 2.Somebody get me down! C
3.She wasn’t pleased to see it.
Read the following sentences loudly and dramatically. You are given 2 minutes to prepare. Then each group chooses two students to read them.
1.“Pippa! There’s a letter for you!” 2.“Excuse me, where are the fences to jump?” 3. “Goal!” cried Flo. 4.“Flo! Stop that racket and come inside.
Welcome to our class!Fra bibliotekapple
Read after the tape loudly and dramatically. From page 5 to page 8.
Read loudly and dramatically. From page 14 to page 16. Girls-Pippa Boys- Narrator Group 1,2,3 - Rover’s captain
典范英语7cornflake coin英语概括

典范英语7cornflake coin英语概括全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Cornflake CoinI'm going to tell you about this crazy story that happened to my friend Tom. It all started one morning at breakfast when Tom was eating a big bowl of cornflakes. He loves cornflakes, probably more than any other cereal.As Tom was shoveling spoonfuls into his mouth, he felt something hard and crunchy that wasn't a cornflake. He pulled it out of his mouth and looked at it closely. It was an old coin! A really old, dirty coin covered in milk and mushy cereal. Gross!"Mom, there was a coin in my cornflakes!" Tom yelled out. His mom didn't believe him at first, but then she saw the gunky coin in his hand."How bizarre! That coin must be from back when they used to put prizes in cereal boxes as a marketing gimmick," his mom said. "But those haven't been around for decades. I wonder how old that coin is?"They tried cleaning off the crusty milk and cornflake debris to get a better look. Through the grime, they could just make out the date - 1951! That coin was over 70 years old!"No way, this has to be some kind of joke," Tom's older sister Tina said when she saw the ancient coin. She thought maybe their prankster neighbor Mr. Wilson had slipped it into the cornflakes box as a prank. But their box was brand new and unopened.The family argued about what to do with the weird coin for a while. Tom's dad was fascinated by it and wanted to get it authenticated by a coin expert. Tina thought they should just throw it away since it was basically garbage now. But Tom had another idea..."I want to try to spend it!" he declared. "Imagine how confused the cashier would be if I handed them a coin from 1951 covered in old cereal crumbs."His parents didn't like that idea and said Tom shouldn't be tricking people like that. But he begged and pleaded until they finally gave in, as long as he came clean about the coin's weird story if anyone asked.So the next day, Tom went to the corner store near their house to buy some baseball cards. When it was his turn to pay, he dramatically slapped the crusty coin down on the counter.The teenager working the register stared at it in confusion. "Umm, what is this?" she asked, wrinkling her nose at the smelly, decades-old coin.Tom launched into the long explanation about finding the vintage coin in a new cereal box, insisting it was real legal tender from 1951. The cashier clearly didn't believe his wild story, but the coin did have the date 1951 on it."I'm sorry, but there's no way I can accept this...thing," the cashier said. "It's absolutely disgusting. You're going to have to pay with actual normal money."Dejected, Tom paid with his allowance money and gathered up the rejected cereal coin to take home. His plan to spend the bizarre relic had failed!When he got home, the rest of his family laughed at his silly coin stunt. But Tom didn't care, he thought the whole ridiculous experience was hilarious. He decided to keep the crusty old coin as a weird souvenir of the time he tried to buy baseball cards with a 70-year-old piece of cornflake currency.To this day, whenever Tom opens up a new cereal box, he pretends to find another ancient cereal prize coin just to freak his family out. Though he knows the chances of that actually happening again are pretty much zero, it's still fun to joke about. From now on, he'll always shake the box first just in case!The end!篇2Cornflake CoinHi there, boys and girls! Have you ever heard of "Cornflake Coin"? It's a super cool and yummy breakfast cereal that's not just tasty, but also magical! Let me tell you all about it.Cornflake Coin is a special kind of cereal that looks just like regular cornflakes, but it has a secret surprise hidden inside. When you pour milk over it, something amazing happens – the cornflakes turn into golden coins! Isn't that incredible?Now, you might be wondering, "How does this magic happen?" Well, it's all because of the special ingredients used to make Cornflake Coin. The cereal is made with a secret blend of enchanted grains and a sprinkle of fairy dust. When you add milk,the magical properties of the cereal come to life, and voila! Your cornflakes transform into shiny golden coins.But wait, there's more! These golden coins are not just for decoration. They actually have special powers. When you eat a Cornflake Coin, it gives you the ability to do extraordinary things. Some kids say that after eating a cornflake coin, they can run faster, jump higher, or even fly like a superhero!The magic of Cornflake Coin doesn't stop there. It also has different flavors that cater to every taste bud. You can choose from chocolate, strawberry, honey, or even rainbow-flavored cornflake coins. Each flavor has its own unique magic, so you can have a different experience every morning.Not only is Cornflake Coin delicious and magical, but it's also good for you. It's packed with vitamins, minerals, andenergy-boosting ingredients to help you start your day with a burst of energy. It's the perfect breakfast for all the little champions out there!Now, you might be thinking, "Where can I get my hands on some Cornflake Coin?" Well, it's a bit tricky to find because it's a limited edition cereal. You won't find it in regular stores. Instead, you have to embark on a quest to find the magical Cornflake Coin. It's said to be hidden in a secret treasure chest guarded bya friendly dragon. So, gather your friends, put on your explorer hats, and set off on an exciting adventure to find the treasure!Remember, though, Cornflake Coin is not just about the treasure hunt or the magic. It's about having fun, using your imagination, and enjoying a tasty breakfast. So, whether you find the treasure or not, every bowl of Cornflake Coin will bring a little bit of magic to your day.So, boys and girls, are you ready to embark on this magical and delicious journey with Cornflake Coin? Grab your spoons, pour some milk, and let the adventure begin! Remember, with Cornflake Coin, every breakfast is a magical surprise!I hope you enjoyed this little story about Cornflake Coin. Have a magical day, my young friends!篇37 Cornflake CoinHi everyone! Today I want to tell you about a really cool game called "7 Cornflake Coin." It's a game that you can play with your friends and it's so much fun!So, what is "7 Cornflake Coin" all about? Well, imagine you have seven cornflakes in your hand. They're all shaped like coins,just like the ones you use to buy things. Each cornflake coin has a number on it, from 1 to 7.The game starts with one person hiding the seven cornflake coins in different places around the house or the playground. Then, the other players have to try and find them. It's like going on a treasure hunt!But here's the twist: you can only find one cornflake coin at a time, and you have to find them in order from 1 to 7. So, if you find coin number 4, you have to keep looking for coins 1, 2, and 3 before you can find coin number 5.The person who finds all seven cornflake coins in the correct order is the winner! It's not as easy as it sounds because the coins can be hidden in tricky places. They might be behind a book, under a pillow, or even inside a shoe!Now, let me tell you why this game is so much fun. First of all, it's exciting to search for the hidden cornflake coins. You never know where you might find them! It's like being a detective on a mission.Secondly, it's a game that you can play with your friends. You can take turns hiding the coins and trying to find them. It's a great way to spend time together and have a lot of laughs.Lastly, "7 Cornflake Coin" helps you practice your counting skills. You have to find the coins in the right order, so it's a fun way to learn numbers and sequencing. Plus, it keeps your brain active and sharp!Next time you're looking for a fun game to play with your friends, remember "7 Cornflake Coin." It's an exciting treasure hunt that will keep you entertained for hours. Just grab some cornflakes, shape them into coins, and let the game begin!I hope you enjoyed learning about "7 Cornflake Coin." Havea fantastic time playing this awesome game with your friends!篇4The Cornflake CoinThis story is about a boy named Dominic who found an amazing coin while eating his breakfast cereal one morning. It all started when Dominic was pouring his cornflakes into a bowl. As the crunchy flakes tumbled out of the box, something else fell into the bowl too - a weird looking coin!At first Dominic thought it was just an old, dirty coin. But when he picked it up and looked closer, he realized it was really strange. It had weird markings he'd never seen before on bothsides instead of a president's face or numbers. The coin almost looked magical or ancient!Dominic couldn't stop staring at the mysterious coin. He had no idea how it could have gotten inside a brand new box of cornflakes. It was the strangest thing that had ever happened to him. After examining it for a while, he got too hungry to keep wondering about it, so he ate his breakfast. But he made sure to hang on to the strange coin.All day long at school, Dominic couldn't stop thinking about his coin. He kept pulling it out of his pocket to look at it during class when he was supposed to be paying attention. He just couldn't get over how bizarre and out-of-place it looked. None of his friends had ever seen anything like it either when he showed it to them at lunch and recess.Finally, after wondering about it all day, Dominic decided to ask his parents about the coin when he got home from school. His dad thought maybe it was some kind of ancient coin from another country or civilization. His mom joked that maybe it was magical leprechaun or fairy money. But neither of them could figure out where it actually came from or what it was for.That night before bed, Dominic stood at his bedroom window holding the coin and staring at the full moon. He beganrubbing the dirty coin with his thumb while making a wish that he could find out what the coin actually was. Suddenly, the coin started glowing and shaking in his hand! It grew so hot that Dominic had to drop it on the floor.Smoke started billowing out from the coin as a tiny figure began to emerge. Dominic watched in shock as the smoke took the shape of a small person - a goblin or elf or some other mythical creature! The creature looked up at Dominic with a mischievous grin on its face."Well, well!" it said in a high-pitched, cackling voice. "You've certainly had quite the adventure with my cornflake coin, haven't you?"Dominic could barely speak. "Y-your coin? What is it? Who are you?"The creature gave a little bow. "I am Reemus of the Fertile Realm. That coin you found allows me to travel secretly to your world through boxed breakfast cereals. We use them to keep an eye on you humans from time to time."Dominic had a million other questions. Fertile Realm? Travel through cereal? Keep an eye on humans? Before he could ask anything else, Reemus continued speaking."I must say, you've been a very good care-taker of my coin this day. You've passed thetest!""Test?" Dominic asked in confusion. "What test?"Reemus nodded. "Why, the test to see if you are worthy to learn the powers of the cornflake coin, of course! Since you've been so responsible,I will teach you how to use it to travel to my realm. Then you can go on agricultural adventures and learn the secrets of our fertile crops and harvests!"Dominic's jaw dropped. He got to go on magical adventures to a fertile realm full of fantasy crops and learning? This was the coolest thing ever!Over the next few weeks, the tiny goblin Reemus began training Dominic in the powers of the cornflake coin. It turned out the coin allowed him to shrink down tiny and go inside any box of cereal. From there, he could travel through a mystical cereal vortex to different magical farming realms like the Fertile Realm where Reemus was from.On his first trip, Dominic got to help Reemus's people harvest gigantic strawberries as big as pumpkins. He rode around on the back of an enchanted rooster and learned all about soil nutrients and ecosystem balance. On later tripsthrough the cereal vortex, he visited realms of giant mushrooms, talking trees that grew apple crops, and underwater fields篇5The Cornflake CoinBy [Your Name]One day, I was eating a bowl of my favorite cereal - cornflakes! I love the crunch and slightly sweet taste. As I was munching away, I noticed something weird mixed in with the flakes. It was a really old coin!I pulled it out and studied it closely. It was dull and tarnished, clearly very old. I could barely make out the date - 1859! This coin was over 150 years old! On one side was a picture of Queen Victoria's head. She was the queen of England back in those days. The other side had some fancy design and said "One Penny."I couldn't believe an ancient coin like this ended up in my cereal box. How crazy is that? I had to find out more about it. Maybe it was super valuable and I could become rich! I rushed to ask my dad about the old penny.Dad looked at it and his eyes went wide. "Where on earth did you get this?" he asked, stunned. I told him about finding it in mycornflakes. He said coins don't just randomly end up in cereal - someone must have put it there on purpose as a contest prize or something.Dad used to collect old coins when he was a kid, so he knew a lot about them. He said this 1859 penny was from near the end of Queen Victoria's reign. Back then, England used the British penny as their main currency before switching to the decimal pound and pence system.These Victorian pennies were made of copper and quite valuable to collectors, especially ones in good condition from over 160 years ago! Mine was pretty worn out, but Dad said it could still be worth 50 to 100 to a coin collector. Not quite enough to be rolling in riches, but hey, free money!Dad suggested we call the cereal company to see if they knew anything about putting old coins in boxes as a contest. So we found the customer service number and I got to make the call myself. I explained about the 1859 penny in shocking detail.The lady on the phone sounded just as surprised as we were. She said they definitely didn't have any promotions involving putting antique coins in cereal boxes. That would be way too expensive! She figured it must have been some kind ofmanufacturing mishap and the penny slipped into the box by accident.She felt bad about it and said I could keep the penny as a gift from the company. She also offered to send some free boxes of cereal as an apology for the weird surprise in mine! I was thrilled - a rare coin worth over 50 and free cereal? What a lucky day!Dad and I spent the next few days examining the penny closely and looking up information about its history and value. We found out that over 30 million Victorian pennies were made in 1859 alone. That seems like a ton, but nowadays only a small fraction have survived over 160 years.The ones still around are quite collectible. Especially valuable are "uncirculated" pennies that looked brand new and untouched. Those can sell for thousands! Unfortunately, mine was very "circulated" - scratched up, tarnished, and well-used over its long lifetime before winding up in my breakfast.Still, even circulated 1859 pennies in rough shape tend to fetch 50 to 100 from collectors nowadays. They're just getting rarer and rarer as time goes on. I treasured my unexpected find, a little glimpse into the past from the Victorian era over 150 years ago!I kept the penny safe in a little plastic case. Sometimes I'd take it out and just hold it, picturing the journey it must have taken over the decades to somehow randomly end up packaged with my cornflakes. Did it fall through a crack at the cereal factory? Was it someone's old lucky coin that got mixed up on the assembly line? I'll never know for sure, but it was fun to imagine.A few weeks later, a big box arrived in the mail from the cereal company - packed full of free boxes of my favorite cornflakes! Every time I pour myself a bowl, I can't help wondering if I'll discover another crazy surprise inside. Who knows what other long-lost treasures might be waiting? That penny may have been a once-in-a-lifetime lucky find, but I'm keeping my eyes peeled just in case!篇6The Cornflake Coin CaperThis is the crazy story of how my best friend Joey and I found an actual coin inside a box of cornflakes! It all started one Saturday morning when I went over to Joey's house to hang out.Joey's mom had just bought a brand new family-sized box of cornflakes from the grocery store. When Joey opened it up andpoured himself a bowl, something small and metallic fell out with the cornflakes and made a plinking sound against the glass bowl."Hey, what's that?" I asked.Joey peered closer and used his spoon to fish out the small object from among the cornflakes. "It looks like...a coin?"Sure enough, there was a dime mixed in with the cereal! We looked at each other in shock. How did a 10 cent coin end up inside a brand new box of cornflakes?"That's so weird," I said. "We should tell your mom."Joey's eyes went wide. "No way! If we tell her, she'll just return it to the company. We have to investigate this ourselves and find out what's going on!"I grinned. Joey was right - this seemed like a real mystery that needed solving. We spent the rest of that morning examining every inch of the coin and the cereal box, looking for clues.The coin seemed perfectly normal - it had piled on sides and the face of Roosevelt carved into the front. The date was 2010, so it was a pretty new coin. The cereal box looked fine too, with the purple and yellow cornflakes logo and bright pictures of thecereal on the front. There were no holes or signs that the box had been tampered with.Over the next few days, Joey and I interviewed everyone we could think of to get to the bottom of the mystery coin. We talked to Joey's parents, his older sister, the grocery store workers, even the delivery truck driver who dropped off shipments to the store. But no one had any idea how the coin could have gotten inside a sealed cereal box!Finally, we decided to write a letter to the Osseo Cereal Company that made the cornflakes, explaining what happened and asking if they had any idea how this could have occurred. A few weeks later, we got a letter back from one of the company's managers.Apparently, there was a very complex and careful process to make sure no foreign objects ever made it inside their cereal boxes at the factory. The corn is harvested, cleaned, dried, flattened, toasted and sweetened over many steps by both machine and human workers. The cereal is then funneled into an automated box packaging system that seals up each box without any way for outside objects to get in. It seemed impossible that a coin could have gotten mixed in during manufacturing.The manager theorized that it was most likely that a box had somehow come open during shipping or at the grocery store, one of the workers had dropped a dime inside by accident, and then accidentally sealed it back up before putting it on the shelf. But he couldn't be 100% sure.Joey and I were pretty disappointed that we never got to the bottom of exactly how the coin got in the cereal box. But we felt proud of ourselves for investigating the mystery so thoroughly. And we got to keep the dime as a souvenir!Looking back, finding that coin in the cornflakes seemed like such a crazy, once-in-a-lifetime thing at the time. But now I realize stuff like that happens more often than you'd think. Unexpected mysteries are all around us if you keep your eyes open! Who knows what odd, unexplained thing could happen next?。

本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!新版典范英语7(旧版 6)1第一篇Walrus Joins In1 What will Walrus do?Everyone at the North Pole was very excited. There was going to be a show andANYONE could be in it.‘I will do skating, ’ said Arctic Fox. ‘I ’m good at that! ’‘I ’ll do tumbling, ’ said Polar Bear. ‘No one tumbles quite like me! ’‘I ’ll do singing, ’ said Seal. ‘Everyone says I have a very fine voice! ’‘Then I ’ll do diving, ’ said Whale. ‘I won a prize for diving at school, you know! ’They all looked at Walrus. ‘What will YOU do? ’ they asked.But Walrus was not good at anything.He wasn’t good at skating, and he wasn ’t good at tumbling.He was terrible at singing, and when he tried to dive, he always got water up his nose.He sat and chewed his whiskers sadly.‘Never mind, ’ said Arctic Fox. ‘You can watch us. ’Arctic Fox and Polar Bear and Seal and Whale practised hard for the big show.Walrus hid behind a snowdrift and watched, and chewed his whiskers.He wished he was good at something.2 The big nightAt last, the big night arrived. Everyone sat down and waited for the show to begin.Walrus sat in the front row. He was very excited.Fox came onto the ice and bowed. Everyone cheered.Then Fox began to skate. Fox skated forwards and backwards and sideways. She skatedin perfect circles and figures of eight. She was elegant and amazing!Walrus watched and he loved what he saw. Fox made it all look so easy.Walrus was sure that if he really tried he could skate just like Fox.He couldn ’t stop himself. He just had to leap onto the ice and join in with Fox. “I can skate, ” he cried. “ Look at me! ”But Walrus couldn ’t skate at all. He could only trip up and fall over.He bumped into Fox, and Fox went flat on her face. FLOMP!Fox was very upset. “Walrus has RUINED my act, ” she wailed.Next, it was Polar Bear ’s turn. He rolled out across the ice like a big, white snowball.Everyone clapped wildly.Then Polar Bear began to tumble. He did jumps and spins and somersaults, and stoodon his head.Walrus watched and he loved what he saw. Polar Bear made it all look such fun. Walruswas sure that this time, if he really tried, he could tumble just like Polar Bear.All of a sudden, Walrus just couldn ’t stop himself, and he leaped onto the ice.“I can tumble too, ” he cried“Look. at me! ”But Walrus couldn ’t tumble at all. He could only trip up and fall over. He tripped upPolar Bear, who came down with a WALLOP!Of course, Polar Bear was pretty angry. “Walrus has RUINED my act, ” he wailed.3 From bad to worse“O, how many heart rejoices when I see the Northern Lights.My ear is filled with voices sweetly singing in the night!”Walrus listened. What a beautiful song! Surely if he really tried, he could sing as beautifully as Seal? Oh, dear. Walrus just couldn’ t stop himself again.“I know that song,” he cried.“I can sing it too!”He leaped up and started singing along with Seal.But Walrus couldn ’tsing! He sounded terrible. In fact, he sounded like a rusty oldbucket.Seal stopped singing and burst into floods of tears.“Walrus has RUINED my song,” she wailed.Wale was last. He was pretty certain that Walrus could not ruin his act.Whale leaped high out of the water. Then he fell back with an enormous splash!Walrus watched. He wished that he could dive like that. His flippers began to twitch,and his whiskers bristled with excitement. He tried and tried his very best not to join in.But then he had a brilliant idea.“I’ll hold my nose when I dive,” he thought.“Then the water won’t go up it!”Walrus just couldn’t stop himself. He had to join in.“Everybody, look at me!” he cried, as he leaped into the water.“I can dive too!”But just at that moment, Whale was getting ready to spout a big jet of water.WHOOSH!Whale spouted Walrus high into the air!Everyone was watching Walrus now. They clapped and cheered as Walrus landed backin the sea with a SPLOSH!Whale was furious.“Youare a meddling,incompetent BUFFOON!”he roared. “Youhave RUINED my act. Now GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!”Whale was pretty scary when he was angry. Walrus turned tail and fled. He hid behinda snowdrift, feeling sad and very sorry.4The show will go on!The show was over. Fox and Polar Bear and Seal and Whale stood in a line,blushing and wishing that Walrus had not ruined everything.But everyone was cheering like mad.“Well done, Polar Bear, well done, Seal! Well done, Fox and Whale!” they shouted.“B where ’ s the clown? Why isn’ t he here? Where’ s Walrus?”Behind is snowdrift, Walrus heard the cheers. Were they really cheering for him, too?Yes! They were!He shuffled up to Fox and Polar Bear and Seal And Whale.“I’m very sorry,” he said.“So youshould be,” said Fox.“At least everyone thought you were part of the show,” said Polar Bear.“I suppose,” said Seal,“if Walrus was really part of our next show, it couldn’t be worse. ”Walrus was overjoyed. “Me?” he cried. “Truly? Can I be parteofshow?th Can I join in nexttime? ”“Yes,” said Whale.“It will bea lot safer that way. You can be the clown. As long as you do it properly.”Walrus practiced hard and became a very good clown indeed. Now he is so good thatThey have to join in too!2第二篇Noisy Neighbours1Mr FlinchIn a grim, grey house in a grim, grey town lived an unhappy man.It was not his grey house that made Mr Flinch unhappy. It was not that he was poor, because he was not. Mr Flinch was a miser. He never gave away a penny. ( He nevergave away a smile either. ) He was a mean and miserable man.Mr Flinch was miserable because of his neighbours.On one side of Mr Flinch ’s grim, grey house stood a jolly red one. It belonged to Carl Clutch who mended cars.Carl loved cars –and motorbikes and vans and lorries. Every morning, Mr Flinch wokeup to hear hammers banging, spanners clanging and engines revving. The whole street shook with the noise.On the other side, in a bright blue house, lived a music teacher called Poppy Plink. Each morning, Poppy sat down and played grand tunes on her grand piano. After breakfast,her students started to arrive.Violins screeched, drums thundered and bassoons bellowed. Mr window, but the noise still came through the wall. Brum–brum, tootle whole house shook and shivered.He put his fingers in his ears.He rapped on the wall⋯but his neighbours did not hear.Flinch shut his –toot, bang! HisThey were far too happy. They were mending cars and making music, and they lovedtheir work.Brum –brum, tootle–toot, bang!Mr Flinch rap rapped until he made holes in his wallpaper. It did no good.Mr Flinch locked himself in a cupboard. He wound old towels round his head.He wrote angry letters, but tore them all up. ‘Stamps cost far too much money!’ hesaid.Even in bed, he wore a hat to keep out the noise.But the cars still revved and the music still jangled.Mr Flinch was the grey filling in a noise sandwich.‘This can ’t go on, ’ Flinch thought to himself. He even shouted it out loud:2Nasty TricksMr Flinch went next door to Carl ’s house. Carl was mending cars. It was easyto sneak intohis kitchen and put a dead rat in the fridge.‘That will get rid of him!’ said Flinch, and smiled a nasty smile.‘Nobody wants to li a house with rats!’At midnight, Mr Flinch climbed on to his roof and – carefully, carefully–crawledacross the tiles. He put his head down Poppy ’ schimney and gave a long,loud,‘ Hooowooowoooo! ’‘That will get ride of her,’ he said with a grim grin.‘Nobody wants to live in a house with ghosts!’Then he climbed back into bed.Next morning, Mr Flinch woke to a HUGE noise. Cars and lorries were stoppingtomato sauce.Carl called to Mr Flinch,‘Can’t use my ki t chenoday! Rays, urgh! My mum is cleaningup. She told me to eat my breakfast outside. That’ s how I got this great ideaway!Take breakfast! Drivers can stop here and buy breakfast.’Just then, Poppy Plink came running out of her blue front door.‘Oh,Flinch!Mr Oh,Carl! Guess what happened last night!’‘I give up,’ said Mr Flinch, with a sumg smirk.‘Do tell.’Poppy beamed with joy. ‘Lastnight, angles sang down my chimney! They did,Ipromise!’ She frowned.‘ But the music wasn’ t very good!hey Iwantthiksomet new songsto sing! I’ m sure they want me to write them, and I shall! Oh I shall!’She did.Poppy still had to teach music all day.But at night she wrote angle music. She made it nice and loud, with lots of cymbalsand trumpets.It was all too much for Mr Flinch.3 Mr Flinch has a PlanMr Flinch went next door to Carl ’s house.He showed Carl a fistful of money. ‘The day you move house, all this is yours! ’ he sai ‘Anything you say, chief,’ said Carl, wiping his dirty hands onraga.‘Aslong as I can mend cars, I’llbe happy anywhere.’Carl went on,‘I’movell out assoon as I can sell the house!’Next, Mr Flinch went to Poppy’s house and offered her a hatful of money.‘The day you move house, all this is yours!’ he said.‘Of course! If that is what you want, dear heart! Cried Poppy.She had never seen so much money in her life.‘As long as I have my music, I can behappy anywhere! I will move out just as soon as I can sell my little house!’Mr Flinch went home a happy man–well, as happy as a man like Mr Flinch can everbe.He felt in his empty pockets and gulped.‘All that money gone! Ah, but soon those noisy neighbours will be gone, too!’In a few days, Mr Flinch’s neighbours had sold up their houses.Now, at last, he would have peace and quiet–nothing but the noise of mice scratchingin the empty cellar.4Moving DayMr Flinch watched as Poppy Plink moved out. Bo-jangle went the piano as she pushedand bumped it down the steps.‘Goingalready are you, you pest?’he mutted.‘pityI the person who has to live next door toyou! ’Seeing him, Poppy waved up at the window.‘Such luck, Mr Flinch!’ she called.‘Fancy! A few days ago, I met someone who wants to move house too! We agreed to swap houses!’Just then, Carl came out of his front door carrying two heavy tool boxes. He saw Poppystruggling with a harp and went to help her.‘ All set, Poppy? he said.‘All set, Carl! Isn’t this fun!’ She replied.Then Carl moved into Poppy’s bright house and Poppymoved into Carl’s jolly red one.They helped each other to carry the big things, like tables and sofas.Mr Flinch heard it right throug h the wall of his house⋯even inside his cupboard, evenwith a towel round his head.3第三篇Princess Pip’ s Holiday1 Ready to goEveryone in Princess Pip’s castle was very busy. The King was polishing his money, theQueen was choosing sun hats, and the maids were running around with piles of vests.“ Can I take Dobbin on holiday?”asked Princess Pip.“I ’m afraid there won’t be room for a pony on the coach ,”said the Queen.“Oh, ”said the Princess Pip.“Can Amanda and Bert come,then?”“There ‘s no room for snakes,”said the King,“not even pet ones.”Princess Pip scowled .“This holiday is going to be BORING,” she said.They went on holiday in their best gold coach.“Wave to all the people, dear,” said the Queen.Princess Pip folded her arms .“ I‘m on holiday,” she said.“Are we nearly there yet?”“We won’t be there for a long time,” said the Queen firmly .It did take a long time to get to the seaside . The coach got very hot, and PrincessPip didn ’ t feel very well.“Here we are,at last!” said the King happily.“But it ’s a castle! ” said Princess Pip. “Just like home.It ’s BORING.”2 Just like homeThere was a girl waiting by the castle door.“This is Daisy, ”said the Queen. “She is going to look after you,Pip. ”Daisy showed Princess Pip her room.“I don ’t want a four-poster bed! ” said Princess Pip. “That ’s just like home. ”“You can sleep on my straw mattress , then, ” said Daisy. “ I ’ll have the bed. ”“Oh, all right. ”said Princess Pip.That evening there was a banquet and it went on for hours.“More sprouts? ”asked the King happily.This is BORING, ”said the Princess Pip.“Nonsense(胡 ),dear, ”said the Queen. “It can ’t be boring. We ’re on holiday! ”“ I WANT TO GO HOME!” said Princess Pip, the next day. She had been walk ing roundthe castle walls all morning and she hadn ’ t found anything to do.“But we ’re having a wonderful time, ” said the Queen,from her sun chair.“Just look at the way my money shines in the sun, ” said the King. “Wonderful! ”“ But it ’s BORING!”d Princesssai Pip.“Why don’t you go and talk to Daisy? ” suggested the Queen.Princess Pip stomped off.“That does it, ” she said to Daisy. “I WANT TO GO HOME!”3 The road home“If you stayed here a bit longer,you might start liking the seaside, d Daisy. ” saiBut Princess Pip wasn’t listening. She was putting all her important things in her suitcase.“I think we ’ll have to take some things out, ”said Daisy.Daisy found them both backpacks, and they set out for home.“Let ’s have a nice,cool snack,”said Daisy.So they got some fish sticks from a stall.“These aren ’t bad, ” admitted Princess Pip.“They taste best by the seaside,” said Daisy.“ouI’wherellshowtheyfish come from, ifyou like.”They went down some stone steps to a place where the sea swished backwards andforwards and the ground looked as if it was made of gold.“Look in these pools,” said Daisy.The fish were hard to catch.”Youcould take your stockings off,” said Daisy,“and use them for nets.”It was nice without shoes and stockings on. It was even nicer once Princess Pip hadtaken off her coat and crown.The fish looked very cross at being caught,so Princess Pip let them go.“It ’s not too bad here,” said Princess Pip,at last.“ I want to stay here all the time.“Let ’s build a sandcastle, then,” said Daisy.“A sand HOUSE,” said Princess Pip.It was hard work, but they built a huge house, with a moat all around.Soon the sea came in and filled the moat.“That ’s just right.”said Princess Pip.“Make it stop coming in now,Daisy.”But the sea kept on coming in............ and soon it had washed their house FLAT.“ We built our house too close to the sea,Daisy,”saidsadly.“STUPID SEA!”shouted Princess Pip.“STUPID SEASIDE! I WANT TO GO HOME!”4 Riding the dragonPrincess Pip and Daisy put on their shoes and picked up their backpacks.“I ’m tired,”said Princess Pip, very soon.“ I want to ride AreDobbinwe.nearly home,yet? ”“Why don’t you ride one of the horses on that merry -go- round?” suggested Daisy.“Oh, no, ”said Princess Pip.“ I’m going to ride that dragon.”The dragon went very fast, and there was lots of exciting music--but then it all stopped.Everyone got off.“But....we’re still here!” said Princess Pip, crossly, as she got off ,too.“At least it wasn ’t boring, ” said Daisy. “IWANT TO GO HOME!” shouted Princess Pip.“At least it was fun,” said Daisy.“Everything is fun here because it-fair.”’s a FUN Princess Pip sniffed.“ What’s fun about it?” she asked.“I ’ll show you, ”said Daisy.They went down the roller coaster.Then they went UP and UP and ....DOWN again.“AARRRRGH!” yelled Princess Pip and Daisy.“Let ’s go itonagain,” said Princess Pip.“ Tomorrow, perhaps, ” said Daisy, who had gone very pale.“BUT I WANT... ” began Princess Pip.“Hello! ” said a voice.It was the King. The Queen was with him.“Where’s Princess Pip?” the King asked Daisy.“You can’t be Pip!” the Queen gasped.“You’re all dirty,and you have no stockings!“But I am!” said Princess Pip, and put on her crown to prove it.“Look! It’s me, an found a place where the ground is made of gold!Come and see.”Daisy and Princess Pip showed them the beach.“ Good heavens! ”said the King.“How wonderful! It’s just the color of money.”“What a perfect place for my sun chair,”said the Queen.The beach was a perfect place for picnics and games, and races, too. Everyone loved it.Then one day the King said:“ What a pity we have to go home tomorrow.”Princess Pip scowled, and she said...“ I don ’ t want to go home!!!”4 第四篇Oh, otto!Something importantThe children in Class Four were busy workingThen their teacher, Miss Underwood, said: ‘ I have something very important to tell you.She smiled and said: ‘ A new boy is coming to our class. His name is Otto and he comes fromfar, far away. In fact, he comes from outer s pace ⋯’( this is Otto ’ s first day at earth school. Here he is ⋯)The door opened and a boy came in. he looked just like the other children-but he was adifferent colour. he was green.Miss Underwood told Otto to sit with Jo and Charlie and Josh. Then she looked at Jo andadded, ‘ I want you to take care of our new boy and give him a hand if he needs it.‘ please, Miss, ’ said Otto. ‘ I ’ m not NEW. I ’ m seven and a half. And I don ’ t alr ‘ Oh, Otto! ’ Miss Underwood smiled. ‘ just sit down and be a dear. ’Otto sat down.Then he said, ‘ I don ’ t think I can be a deer ⋯ but I can quack like a duck. ’He flapped his arms, like wings, and went: ‘ Quack! Quack! Quack! ’Charlie joined in: ‘ Quack! QUACK! QUACK! ’Miss Underwood smiled at Otto. ‘ No quacking n clas s aid!. ’ sheThen she frowned at Charlie. ‘ Charlie!she’said. ‘ youknow better than that! Get on withyour work. ’‘ It ’ s not fair! ’ Charlie grumbled. ‘ I get into trouble and that new boy doesn ’That ’ s when Charlie decided he didn ’ t like Otto. He didnm one bit’. t like hiCharlie is crossOtto made a lot of mistakes.⋯ and so did all the paints.Now Charlie was green too- and he wasn’ t happy about it.Charlie got crosser and crosser and crosser.At playtime, when Otto was in the playground, Charlie decided to scare him.‘ If you stand there, you’ ll get eaten by a bear,’ said Charlie.‘ A bear! Where? ’ Otto screamed.Charlie goggled.‘ we keep the bearinthe head’ s office. All Earth schools have a bear,went on.‘ sometimes the bear gets out⋯and sometimes it’ s hungry!’Otto looked very scared.本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!to it.Miss Underwood gave each pair of children the same clue.‘ I want you to work in a pair with Otto, ’ she said to Jo.‘ Work in a pear? ’ said Otto ‘ How? It will have to be a big pear. Not too juicy. We could allget sticky. ’Jo laughed. ‘ Oh, Otto! You don ’ t understand anything! ’The Treasure Hunt began.Charlie worked with Josh. Jo worked with Otto.This was the clue that they had to follow:( start at the classroom door.Then walk along.Don’ t go right.Then you won ’ t go wrong.)‘ What does that mean?’ said Charlie.‘ I don’ t know, ’ said Josh. ‘ But when Miss Underwood hid the treasure last time, it was in the playground. ’‘ Let’ s go there! ’ Charlie said to Josh. ‘ Quick! We ’ ll be first. ’Otto jumped up to follow them-but Charlie had a plan. He stuck out his foot and trippedOtto up.‘ Enjoy your trip!’ Charlie laughed, and ran off with Josh.Johelped Otto up.All the other children ran out of the classroom and followed Charlie and Josh. Theyturned right, towards the playground.Jo sighed. ‘ Now we’ re going to be last. ’‘ We won’ t be last, Otto,’ said‘ because they ’ re all going the wrong way. Look at the clue.(Start at the classroom door.Then walk along.Don’ t go right.Then you won ’ t go wrong.Otto pointed at the clue. ‘ it means we start-atherethe classroom door and we don ’ t turn RIGHT-beca use that would be wrong. We have to turn LEFT. ’They set off in the other direction to the rest of the children.Charlie and Josh were looking for treasure in the playground and they were getting fed up.‘ there’ s nothing here, ’ said Charlie. ‘ Let’ s look inside the school. ’They went back into the school hall, past the head ’ s office and that ’ s when they s ‘ there IS a bear! ’ Charlie said. ‘ there really is! ’They ran screaming back to their classroom.‘ Help! Help! We’ ve seen a bear. ’Oh, Otto‘ Look!’ said Otto.There was an arrow and it was pointing to a plant pot.Jo picked up the pot and found a map.There was another clue on the map.(clue number2Follow this map if you want to do well.Jo read out the clue again:Follow this map if you want to do well.Just look in the place where you find a spell.‘ understand!I said’ Otto. ‘ look-there ’aspile of spelling books. That ’wheres we’ llfind a“ spell! ”’‘ You’ ve got it, Otto! ’ said Jo.Behind the pile of spelling books, there was a box of golden coins. ‘ Yum!’said Jo. ‘ It ’ s chocolate money! ’Back in the classroom, Jo and Otto shared out the treasure chocolate.‘ But what ’ s the matter with Josh and Charlie? ’ asked Otto.Some of the other children laughed.‘ Charlie and Josh thought they saw a bear! ’‘ A bear! ’ said Otto. ‘ Jo told me you were making up that story to scare me. ’Charlie looked ashamed. ‘ Itwasn’ reallyt a bear, he’ said. ‘ Itwas the head ’bigs new coat hanging on the door ⋯’‘ But it LOOKED like a bear, ’ said Josh.Charlie and Josh went bright red.‘ Don’ t worry, ’ said Otto. ‘ Everyone makes mistakes. Have a chocolate. ’‘ I ’ m sorry I made fun of you, ’ said Charlie.Charlie looked so sad that Miss Underwood felt sorry for him.‘ We’ ll forgive you, Charlie, ’ she said. ‘ we all have bad days. ’She smiled. ‘ You and Josh seem to have lost your heads, today! ’‘ Oh! ’ said Otto. ‘ Shall I look for their heads, Miss? I ’ m good at finding things! 5第五篇Captain Comet AND THE Purple Planet1 Spanner is boredIt was a quiet morning at Stardust Space Station.Captain Stella was checking the spaceshuttle.Captain Comet was watering the plants and Spanner the robot was bored.‘Can I sit at the control desk?’he asked.‘Allright, ’saidCaptain Comet,‘But don’t touch anything and don’t press that red button. ’Spanner sat down at the desk and looked at all the buttons.There were buttons to open all the space station doors and buttons to turn on all thelights.There was even a button to flush all the toilets!There was also a big red button,labelled‘Gravity’.Spanner was not sure what‘Gravity’was.‘I ’ll press it very quickly,’said Spanner,‘dtoessee.’what itHe pressed the red button.Captain Comet was watering the plants when he had a strange feeling.He was floating above the floor!The plant pots were all floating,too.He guessed what had happened.‘Spanner!he shouted , ‘I told you not to touch that red button! ’ Spanner sawthat gravity was what made things stay on the floor.plants fell to the floor.Comet fell to the floor beside them.‘SPANNER!’Comet groaned.2It must be a plantSpanner was cleaning up the mess for the rest of the morning.When he turned the cleaner off,everyone heard a beeping noise.The noise was comingfrom the space scanner.Everyone stopped what they were doing and came to look.‘The scanner has found something,’said Comet.He pointed to a flashing dot that was moving across the scanner screen.‘I wonder what it is ?’said Captain Stella.‘Is it an asteroid?’asked Spanner.‘An asteroid is a lump of rock that floats in space.‘I know that!’said Captain Comet.‘Anyway ,it’s too big to be an asteroid,’‘Then it must be a planet,’Spanner said.‘Where has it come from?’asked Comet,’And why is it moving so fast?’‘You’d better go and have a look,’said Captain Stella.Comet and Spanner set off in the space shuttle to look for the new planet.Spanner wasvery excited.‘I’ve never found a new planet before,’he said .‘What shall we call it ?’‘Let’s find it first ,’said Comet.But Spanner wasn ’t listening.‘I’m going to call it Planet Spanner,’he said.Spanner made a humming noise and a flag came out of a slot in his chest.‘What are you doing?’asked Comet.‘I’ve made a flag to put on PlanetSpanner.Then everyone will know that we were thefirst to find it,’ Spanner explained.He showed Comet the flag.It was bright red with two spanners on it.Comet had to smile.‘Very nice,’he said.3On the Purple PlanetThe planet looked very strange.It was purple and covered in huge spikes.Comet landed the shuttle carefully on the planet.Then he got out to have a look around.Spanner stayed in the shuttle,making a flagpole for his flag.Spanner found a metal rod.He fastened the flag to one end of the rod and put the other end into a hole in his chest.There was a noise like an electric pencil sharpener.When he took the rod out again,ithad a nice sharp point.Comet was looking at one of the giant purple spikes.It felt soft and warm.‘That’s very odd,’thought Comet.‘This spike feels like it’s alive.’Just then Spanner arrived with his new flagpole.‘I name this -planetPlanet Spanner!’hesaid proudly.‘NO!STOP!’Comet yelled.But before Comet could stop him,Spanner hammered the sharp flagpole into the ground.There was a huge roar.‘What was that?’asked Spanner.‘Quick,back to the shuttle!’shouted Comet,as the ground began to shake.TheySpanner looked at the scree n.The planet’s surface was spinning around.Then the opening of a big,dark cave came into view.Around the outside of the opening were large,jagged rocks.‘Look! ’said Spanner.‘They’re like giant teeth!’Comet stared at the screen.‘That ’s becauseth y ARE giant teeth!’he said ,as two huge,angry eyes came into view.‘It ’s not a planet ⋯’ said Comet, ’⋯ It ’s a SPACE MONSTER!’gasped Spanner.‘Why is it so angry with us ?’cried Spanner.‘You’ve just hammered a big sharp flagpole into its backside,’explained Captain Comet.The huge teeth snapped shut behind them.‘It wants to eat us!’wailed Spanner.’We’ve got to get away!’‘That ’s what I’m trying to do !’said Comet.’But it’s too fast!’Comet fired the shuttle’jets.Then he tried t o make a sharp turn,as the monsterzoomed towards them..‘What are we going to do ?’cried Spanner.Just then,Captain Stella’s face appeared on the screen.She had been watching them onthe space scanner.Captain Comet tried to make another sharp turn.The space monster was gettingcloser and closer.‘Are you all right?’Captain Stella asked.’What’s going on?’‘WE’REGOING TO BE EATEN!’wailed Spanner, ’BYA PRICKLY PURPLE SPACEMONSTER THE SIZE OF A PLANET! ’‘Apartfrom that,everything ‘sfine, ’saidComet,making the shuttle dive to dodge thegiant teeth.‘Can I help ?’asked Captain Stella.‘No,’said Comet, ‘You’re too far away. Is there anyone closer?’Stella looked at the space map and shook her head.‘No,there are no space stations or planets -only asteroids,’she said.‘Asteroids!’Comet said.‘Tell me where they are .I’ve got an idea!’5Into the AsteroidsThe space shuttle zoomed towards the asteroids.Spanner and Comet had never been so close to the asteroids before.Some of the asteroids were as big as office blocks.‘What are you doing?’cried Spanner, as Comet flew through a narrow gap between twogiant asteroids,‘ If you hit one of them at this speed, we’ ll be smashed to bits!‘It ’thes only way to get away from the monster, ’explainedComet.‘Thegaps are sonarrow, it can’ t follow us .’Comet was right.The space monster stopped chasing them. Then it flew up to anasteroid-and took a big bite out of it .Comet and Spanner watched as the monster chomped its way happily through two orthree asteroids.‘It eats asteroids!’ Spanner said.‘I ’m glad it didn ’t eat US! ’Comet smiled.‘We didn’t find a new planet after all,’grumbled Spanner,on the way back to the space station.‘No,’said Comet. ’But we did find a new kind of spacemonster. ’‘That ’s true, ’said Spanner. ’But how will anyone know that we were the first to find it ?Captain Comet took one last look at the purple monster ane smiled.。
新版典范英语7-3Princess Pip’s Holiday原文及翻译

第三篇原文:Princess Pip’s Holiday1 Ready to goEveryone in Princess Pip’s castle was very busy. The King was polishing his money, the Queen was choosing sun hats, and the maids were running around with piles of vests.“ Can I take Dobbin on holiday?”aske d Princess Pip.“I’m afraid there won’t be room for a pony on the coach ,”said the Queen.“Oh, ”said the Princess Pip. “Can Amanda and Bert come,then?”“There ‘s no room for snakes,”said the King, “not even pet ones.”Princess Pip scowled . “This holiday is going to be BORING,” she said.They went on holiday in their best gold coach.“Wave to all the people, dear,” said the Queen.Princess Pip folded her arms . “ I ‘m on holiday,” she said. “Are we nearly there yet?”“We won’t be there for a long time,” said the Queen firmly .It did take a long time to get to the seaside . The coach got very hot, and Princess Pip didn’t feel very well.“Here we are,at last!” said the King happily.“But it’s a castle!” said Princess Pip. “Just like home.It’s BORING.”2 Just like homeThere was a girl waiting by the castle door.“This is Daisy,”said the Queen. “She is going to look after you,Pip.”Daisy showed Princess Pip her room.“I don’t want a four-poster bed!” said Princess Pip. “That’s just like home.”“You can sleep on my straw mattress , then,” said Daisy. “ I’ll have the bed.”“Oh, all right.”said Princess Pip.That evening there was a banquet and it went on for hours.“More sprouts?”asked the King happily.This is BORING,”sai d the Princess Pip.“Nonsense(胡说),dear,”said the Queen. “It can’t be boring. We’re on holiday!”“ I WANT TO GO HOME!” said Princess Pip, the next day. She had been walking round the castle walls all morning and she hadn’t found anything to do.“But we’re having a wonderful time,” said the Queen,from her sun chair.“Just look at the way my money shines in the sun,” said the King. “Wonderful!”“ But it’s BORING!” said Princess Pip.“Why don’t you go and talk to Daisy?” suggested the Queen.Princess Pip stomped off.“That does it,” she said to Daisy. “I WANT TO GO HOME!”3 The road home“If you stayed here a bit longer,you might start liking the seaside,” said Daisy.But Princess Pip wasn’t listening. She was putting all her important thin gs in her suitcase.“I think we’ll have to take some things out,”said Daisy.Daisy found them both backpacks, and they set out for home.Princess Pip and Daisy went across the drawbridge and along the road.It was very hot.“Let’s have a nice,cool snack,”said Daisy.So they got some fish sticks from a stall.“These aren’t bad,” admitted Princess Pip.“They taste best by the seaside,” said Daisy. “ I’ll show you where the fish come from, if you like.”They went down some stone steps to a place where the sea swished backwards and forwards and the ground looked as if it was made of gold.“Look in these pools,” said Daisy.The fish were hard to catch.”You could take your stockings off,” said Daisy, “and use them for nets.”It was nice without shoes and stockings on. It was even nicer once Princess Pip had taken off her coat and crown.The fish looked very cross at being caught,so Princess Pip let them go.“It’s not too bad here,” said Princess Pip,at last. “ I want to stay here all the time.”“Let’s build a sandcastle, then,” said Daisy.“A sand HOUSE,” said Princess Pip.It was hard work, but they built a huge house, with a moat all around.Soon the sea came in and filled the moat.“That’s just right.”said Princess Pip. “Make it stop coming in now,Daisy.”But the sea kept on coming in............ and soon it had washed their house FLAT.“ We built our house too close to the sea,”said Daisy, sadly.“STUPID SEA!”shouted Princess Pip. “STUPID SEASIDE! I WANT TO GO HO ME!”4 Riding the dragonPrincess Pip and Daisy put on their shoes and picked up their backpacks.“I’m tired,”said Princess Pip, very soon. “ I want to ride Dobbin. Are we nearly home, yet?”“Why don’t you ride one of the horses on that merry-go-round?” suggested Daisy.“Oh, no,”said Princess Pip. “ I’m going to ride that dragon.”The dragon went very fast, and there was lots of exciting music--but then it all stopped. Everyone got off.“But....we’re still here!” said Princess Pip, crossly, as she got off ,too.“At least it wasn’t boring,” said Daisy.“I WANT TO GO HOME!” shouted Princess Pip.“At least it was fun,” said Daisy. “Everything is fun here because it’s a FUN-fair.”P rincess Pip sniffed. “ What’s fun about it?” she asked.“I’ll show you,” said Daisy.They went down the roller coaster.Then they went UP and UP and ....DOWN again.“AARRRRGH!” yelled Princess Pip and Daisy.“Let’s go on it again,” said Princess Pip.“ Tomorrow, perhaps,” said Daisy, who had gone very pale.“BUT I WANT...” began Princess Pip.“Hello!” said a voice.It was the King. The Queen was with him.“Where’s Princess Pip?” the King asked Daisy.“Here !” said Princess Pip.The King and the Queen stared at her.“You can’t be Pip!” the Queen gasped. “You’re all dirty,and you have no stockings!”“But I am!” said Princess Pip, and put on her crown to prove it. “Look! It’s me, and I’ve found a place where the ground is made of gold!Come and see.”Daisy and Princess Pip showed them the beach.“ Good heavens!”said the King. “How wonderful! It’s just the color of money.”“What a perfect place for my sun chair,”said the Queen.The beach was a perfect place for picnics and games, and races, too. Everyone loved it.Then one day the King said: “ What a pity we have to go home tomorrow.”Princess Pip scowled, and she said...“I don’t want to go home”第三篇翻译:3.皮普公主的假期1. 准备出发皮皮公主城堡里的每一个人都很忙。
典范英语拼读教程3 Lesson7

A man had a loud hailer." My name is Phil,"he said."You must not go in the waves today."
"You must stay out,"called Phil.'The waves are too high."
All the sailing boats had come in. The boats were put away.
It was a bad storm. It shook the tent. Some hail came down.
But it was snug in the tent.The children played a game.They played snakes and ladders.
In the end,the storm went away.The sun came out.
They went down to Dolphin Bay."Wow!"said Chip."How amazing."
There were lots of starfish on the sand.
"They came in on the waves,"said Phil." Let's call it Starfish Bay,now!" said Biff.
A man had a hard jobto pull down his sail.Phil ran to help him.
The children went back to the tent. "There may be a gale,"said Dad. 'We must make the tent safe."

新版典范英语7(旧版6)1 第一篇Walrus Joins In1What will Walrus do?Everyone at the North Pole was very excited. There was going to be a show and ANYONE could be in it.‘I will do skating,’ said Arctic Fox. ‘I’m good at that!’‘I’ll do tumbling,’ said Polar Bear. ‘No one tumbles quite like me!’‘I’ll do singing,’ said Seal. ‘Everyone says I have a very fine voice!’‘Then I’ll do diving,’ said Whale. ‘I won a prize for diving at school, you know!’They all looked at Walrus. ‘What will YOU do?’ they asked.But Walrus was not good at anything.He wasn’t good at skating, and he wasn’t good at tumbling.He was terrible at singing, and when he tried to dive, he always got water up his nose.He sat and chewed his whiskers sadly.‘Never mind,’ said Arctic Fox. ‘You can watch us.’Arctic Fox and Polar Bear and Seal and Whale practised hard for the big show.Walrus hid behind a snowdrift and watched, and chewed his whiskers.He wished he was good at something.2The big nightAt last, the big night arrived. Everyone sat down and waited for the show to begin. Walrus sat in the front row. He was very excited.Fox came onto the ice and bowed. Everyone cheered.Then Fox began to skate. Fox skated forwards and backwards and sideways. She skated in perfect circles and figures of eight. She was elegant and amazing!Walrus watched and he loved what he saw. Fox made it all look so easy.Walrus was sure that if he really tried he could skate just like Fox.He couldn’t stop himself. He just had to leap onto the ice and join in with Fox. “I can skate,” he cried. “Look at me!”But Walrus couldn’t skate at all. He could only trip up and fall over.He bumped into Fox, and Fox went flat on her face. FLOMP!Fox was very upset. “Walrus has RUINED my act,” she wailed.Next, it was Polar Bear’s turn. He rolled out across the ice like a big, white snowball. Everyone clapped wildly.Then Polar Bear began to tumble. He did jumps and spins and somersaults, and stood on his head.Walrus watched and he loved what he saw. Polar Bear made it all look such fun. Walrus was sure that this time, if he really tried, he could tumble just like Polar Bear.All of a sudden, Walrus just couldn’t stop himself, and he leaped onto the ice.“I can tumble too,” he cried.“Look at me!”But Walrus couldn’t tumble at all. He could only trip up and fall over. He tripped up Polar Bear, who came down with a WALLOP!Of course, Polar Bear was pretty angry. “Walrus has RUINED my act,” he wailed.3From bad to worseIt was S eal’s turn next. She gave Walrus a don’t-you-dare stare, and then she started to sing:“O, how many heart rejoices when I see the Northern Lights.My ear is filled with voices sweetly singing in the night!”Walrus listened. What a beautiful song! Surely if he really tried, he could sing as beautifully as Seal? Oh, dear. Walrus just couldn’t stop himself again.“I know that song,” he cried. “I can sing it too!”He leaped up and started singing along with Seal.But Walrus couldn’t sing! He sounded terrible. In fact, he sounded like a rusty old bucket.Seal stopped singing and burst into floods of tears.“Walrus has RUINED my song,” she wailed.Wale was last. He was pretty certain that Walrus could not ruin his act.Whale leaped high out of the water. Then he fell back with an enormous splash!Walrus watched. He wished that he could dive like that. His flippers began to twitch, and his whiskers bristled with excitement. He tried and tried his very best not to join in.But then he had a brilliant idea.“I’ll hold my nose when I dive,” he thought. “Then the water won’t go up it!”Walrus just couldn’t stop himself. He had to join in.“Everybody, look at me!” he cried, as he leaped into the water. “I can dive too!”But just at that moment, Whale was getting ready to spout a big jet of water.WHOOSH!Whale spouted Walrus high into the air!Everyone was watching Walrus now. They clapped and cheered as Walrus landed back in the sea with a SPLOSH!Whale was furious. “You are a meddling, incompetent BUFFOON!” he roared. “You have RUINED my act. Now GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!”Whale was pretty scary when he was angry. Walrus turned tail and fled. He hid behind a snowdrift, feeling sad and very sorry.4The show will go on!The show was over. Fox and Polar Bear and Seal and Whale stood in a line, blushing and wishing that Walrus had not ruined everything.But everyone was cheering like mad.“Well done, Polar Bear, well done, Seal! Well done, Fox and Whale!” they shouted. “But where’s the clown? Why isn’t he here? Where’s Walrus?”Behind is snowdrift, Walrus heard the cheers. Were they really cheering for him, too?Yes! They were!He shuffled up to Fox and Polar Bear and Seal And Whale.“I’m very sorry,” he said.“So you should be,” said Fox.“At least everyone thought you were part of the show,” said Polar Bear.“I suppose,” said Seal, “if Walrus was really part of our next show, it couldn’t be any worse.”Walrus was overjoyed. “Me?” he cried. “Truly? Can I be part of th e show? Can I join in next time?”“Yes,” said Whale. “It will bea lot safer that way. You can be the clown. As long as you do it properly.”Walrus practiced hard and became a very good clown indeed. Now he is so good that Fox, Polar Bear, Seal and Whale are glad he is taking part.Sometimes, when Walrus is clowning around, they really just can’t stop themselves.They have to join in too!2 第二篇Noisy Neighbours1Mr FlinchIn a grim, grey house in a grim, grey town lived an unhappy man.It was not his grey house that made Mr Flinch unhappy. It was not that he was poor, because he was not. Mr Flinch was a miser. He never gave away a penny. ( He never gave away a smile either. ) He was a mean and miserable man.Mr Flinch was miserable because of his neighbours.On one side of Mr Flinch’s grim, grey house stood a jolly red one. It belonged to Carl Clutch who mended cars.Carl loved cars – and motorbikes and vans and lorries. Every morning, Mr Flinch woke up to hear hammers banging, spanners clanging and engines revving. The whole street shook with the noise.On the other side, in a bright blue house, lived a music teacher called Poppy Plink. Each morning, Poppy sat down and played grand tunes on her grand piano. After breakfast, her students started to arrive.Violins screeched, drums thundered and bassoons bellowed. Mr Flinch shut his window, but the noise still came through the wall. Brum – brum, tootle – toot, bang! His whole house shook and shivered.He put his fingers in his ears.He rapped on the wall … but his neighbours did not hear.They were far too happy. They were mending cars and making music, and they loved their work.Brum – brum, tootle – toot, bang!Mr Flinch rap rapped until he made holes in his wallpaper. It did no good.Mr Flinch locked himself in a cupboard. He wound old towels round his head.He wrote angry letters, but tore them all up. ‘ Stamps cost far too much money!’ he said.Even in bed, he wore a hat to keep out the noise.But the cars still revved and the music still jangled.Mr Flinch was the grey filling in a noise sandwich.‘This can’t go on,’ Flinch thought to himself. He even shouted it out loud:2Nasty TricksMr Flinch went next door to Carl’s house. Carl was mending cars. It was easy to sneak into his kitchen and put a dead rat in the fridge.‘That will get rid of him!’ said Flinch, and smiled a nasty smile. ‘Nobody wants to live in a house with rats!’At midnight, Mr Flinch climbed on to his roof and –carefully, carefully –crawled across the tiles. He put his head down Poppy’s chimney and gave a long, loud, ‘Hooowooowoooo!’‘That will get ride of her,’ he said with a grim grin. ‘Nobody wants to live in a house with ghosts!’Then he climbed back into bed.Next morning, Mr Flinch woke to a HUGE noise. Cars and lorries were stopping outside. He looked out of his window.Carl was sitting outside in the rood, with a table, a kettle, a loaf of bread and a bottle oftomato sauce.Carl called to Mr Flinch, ‘Can’t use my kitchen today! Rays, urgh! My mum is cleaning up. She told me to eat my breakfast outside. That’s how I got this great idea! Take – away breakfast! Drivers can stop here and buy breakfast.’Just then, Poppy Plink came running out of her blue front door. ‘Oh, Mr Flinch! Oh, Carl! Guess what happened last night!’‘I give up,’ said Mr Flinch, with a sumg smirk. ‘Do tell.’Poppy beamed with joy. ‘Last night, angles sang down my chimney! They did, I promise!’ She frowned. ‘But the music wasn’t very good! I think t hey want some new songs to sing! I’m sure they want me to write them, and I shall! Oh I shall!’She did.Poppy still had to teach music all day.But at night she wrote angle music. She made it nice and loud, with lots of cymbals and trumpets.It was all too much for Mr Flinch.3Mr Flinch has a PlanMr Flinch went next door to Carl’s house.He showed Carl a fistful of money. ‘The day you move house, all this is yours!’ he said.‘Anything you say, chief,’ said Carl, wiping his dirty hands on a rag.‘As long as I can mend cars, I’ll be happy anywhere.’ Carl went on, ‘I’ll move out as soon as I can sell the house!’Next, Mr Flinch went to Poppy’s house and offered her a hatful of money. ‘The day you move house, all this is yours!’ he said.‘Of course! If that is what you want, dear heart! Cried Poppy.She had never seen so much money in her life. ‘As long as I have my music, I can be happy anywhere! I will move out just as soon as I can sell my little house!’Mr Flinch went home a happy man – well, as happy as a man like Mr Flinch can ever be.He felt in his empty pockets and gulped. ‘All that money gone! Ah, but soon those noisy neighbours will be gone, too!’In a few days, Mr Flinch’s neighbours had sold up their houses.Now, at last, he would have peace and quiet – nothing but the noise of mice scratching in the empty cellar.4 Moving DayMr Flinch watched as Poppy Plink moved out. Bo-jangle went the piano as she pushed and bumped it down the steps.‘Going already are you, you pest?’ he mutted. ‘I pity the person who has to live next door to you!’Seeing him, Poppy waved up at the window.‘Such luck, Mr Flinch!’ she called. ‘Fancy! A few days ago, I met someone who wants to move house too! We agreed to swap houses!’Just then, Carl came out of his front door carrying two heavy tool boxes. He saw Poppy struggling with a harp and went to help her. ‘All set, Poppy? he said.‘All set, Carl! Isn’t this fun!’ She replied.Then Carl moved into Poppy’s bright house and Poppy moved into Carl’s jolly red one.They helped each other to carry the big things, like tables and sofas.Then Carl had a house-warming party. He and Poppy sang, because they were so happy: ‘There’s no place like home!’Mr Flinch heard it right throug h the wall of his house … even inside his cupboard, even with a towel round his head.3 第三篇Princess Pip’s Holiday1 Ready to goEveryone in Princess Pip’s castle was very busy. The King was polishing his money, the Queen was choosing sun hats, and the maids were running around with piles of vests.“ Can I take Dobbin on holiday?”asked Princess Pip.“I’m afraid there won’t be room for a pony on the coach ,”said the Queen.“Oh, ”said the Princess Pip. “Can Amanda and Bert come,then?”“There ‘s no room for snakes,”said the King, “not even pet ones.”Princess Pip scowled . “This holiday is going to be BORING,” she said.They went on holiday in their best gold coach.“Wave to all the people, dear,” said the Queen.Princess Pip folded her arms . “ I ‘m on holiday,” she said. “Are we nearly there yet?”“We won’t be there for a long time,” said the Queen firmly .It did take a long time to get to the seaside . The coach got very hot, and Princess Pip didn’t feel very well.“Here we are,at last!” said the King happily.“But it’s a castle!” said Princess Pip. “Just like home.It’s BORING.”2 Just like homeThere was a girl waiting by the castle door.“This is Daisy,”said the Queen. “She is going to look after you,Pip.”Daisy showed Princess Pip her room.“I don’t want a four-poster bed!” said Princess Pip. “That’s just like home.”“You can sleep on my straw mattress , then,” said Daisy. “ I’ll have the bed.”“Oh, all right.”said Princess Pip.That evening there was a banquet and it went on for hours.“More sprouts?”asked the King happily.This is BORING,”said the Princess Pip.“Nonsense(胡说),dear,”said the Queen. “It can’t be boring. We’re on holiday!”“ I WANT TO GO HOME!” said Princess Pip, the next day. She had been walk ing round the castle walls all morning and she hadn’t found anything to do.“But we’re having a wonderful time,” said the Queen,from her sun chair.“Just look at the way my money shines in the sun,” said the King. “Wonderful!”“ But it’s BORING!” sai d Princess Pip.“Why don’t you go and talk to Daisy?” suggested the Queen.Princess Pip stomped off.“That does it,” she said to Daisy. “I WANT TO GO HOME!”3 The road home“If you stayed here a bit longer,you might start liking the seaside,” sai d Daisy.But Princess Pip wasn’t listening. She was putting all her important things in her suitcase.“I think we’ll have to take some things out,”said Daisy.Daisy found them both backpacks, and they set out for home.Princess Pip and Daisy went across the drawbridge and along the road.It was very hot.“Let’s have a nice,cool snack,”said Daisy.So they got some fish sticks from a stall.“These aren’t bad,” admitted Princess Pip.“They taste best by the seaside,” said Daisy. “ I’ll show y ou where the fish come from, if you like.”They went down some stone steps to a place where the sea swished backwards and forwards and the ground looked as if it was made of gold.“Look in these pools,” said Daisy.The fish were hard to catch.”You could take your stockings off,” said Daisy, “and use them for nets.”It was nice without shoes and stockings on. It was even nicer once Princess Pip had taken off her coat and crown.The fish looked very cross at being caught,so Princess Pip let them go.“It’s not too bad here,” said Princess Pip,at last. “ I want to stay here all the time.”“Let’s build a sandcastle, then,” said Daisy.“A sand HOUSE,” said Princess Pip.It was hard work, but they built a huge house, with a moat all around.Soon the sea came in and filled the moat.“That’s just right.”said Princess Pip. “Make it stop coming in now,Daisy.”But the sea kept on coming in............ and soon it had washed their house FLAT.“ We built our house too close to the sea,”said Daisy, sadly.“STUPID SEA!”shouted Princess Pip. “STUPID SEASIDE! I WANT TO GO HOME!”4 Riding the dragonPrincess Pip and Daisy put on their shoes and picked up their backpacks.“I’m tired,”said Princess Pip, very soon. “ I want to ride Dobbin. Are we nearly home, yet?”“Why don’t you ride one of the horses on that merry-go-round?” suggested Daisy.“Oh, no,”said Princess Pip. “ I’m going to ride that dragon.”The dragon went very fast, and there was lots of exciting music--but then it all stopped. Everyone got off.“But....we’re still here!” said Princess Pip, crossly, as she got off ,too.“At least it wasn’t boring,” said Daisy.“I WANT TO GO HOME!” shouted Princess Pip.“At least it was fun,” said Daisy. “Everything is fun here because it’s a FUN-fair.”Princess Pip sniffed. “ What’s fun about it?” she asked.“I’ll show you,” said Daisy.They went down the roller coaster.Then they went UP and UP and ....DOWN again.“AARRRRGH!” yelled Princess Pip and Daisy.“Let’s go on it again,” said Princess Pip.“ Tomorrow, perhaps,” said Daisy, who had gone very pale.“BUT I WANT...” began Princess Pip.“Hello!” said a voice.It was the King. The Queen was with him.“Where’s Princess Pip?” the King asked Daisy.“Here !” said Princess Pip.The King and the Queen stared at her.“You can’t be Pip!” the Queen gasped. “You’re all dirty,and you have no stockings!”“But I am!” said Princess Pip, and put on her crown to prove it. “Look! It’s me, and I’ve found a place where the ground is made of gold!Come and see.”Daisy and Princess Pip showed them the beach.“ Good heavens!”said the King. “How wonderful! It’s just the color of money.”“What a perfect place for my sun chair,”said the Queen.The beach was a perfect place for picnics and games, and races, too. Everyone loved it.Then one day the King said: “ What a pity we have to go home tomorrow.”Princess Pip scowled, and she said...“I don’t want to go home!!!”4 第四篇Oh, otto!Something importantThe children in Class Four were busy workingThen their teacher, Miss Underwood, said: ‘I have something very important to tell you.’She smiled and said: ‘A new boy is coming to our class. His name is Otto and he comes from far, far away. In fact, he comes from outer s pace…’( this is Otto’s first day at earth school. Here he is…)The door opened and a boy came in. he looked just like the other children-but he was a different colour. he was green.Miss Underwood told Otto to sit with Jo and Charlie and Josh. Then she looked at Jo and added, ‘I want you to take care of our new boy and give him a hand if he needs it.’‘please, Miss,’ said Otto. ‘I’m not NEW. I’m seven and a half. And I don’t already. Look!’‘Oh, Otto!’ Miss Underwood smiled. ‘just sit down and be a dear.’Otto sat down.Then he said, ‘I don’t think I can be a deer…but I can quack like a duck.’He flapped his arms, like wings, and went: ‘Quack! Quack! Quack!’Charlie joined in: ‘Quack! QUACK! QUACK!’Miss Underwood smiled at Otto. ‘No quacking n class!’ she said.Then she frowned at Charlie. ‘Charlie!’ she said. ‘you know better than that! Get on with your work.’‘It’s not fair!’ Charlie grumbled. ‘I get into trouble and that new boy doesn’t!’That’s when Charlie decided he didn’t like Otto. He didn’t like hi m one bit.Charlie is crossOtto made a lot of mistakes.Charlie leaned back on his chair. Otto tried to do the same thing. But he fell down……and so did all the paints.Now Charlie was green too-and he wasn’t happy about it.Charlie got crosser and crosser and crosser.At playtime, when Otto was in the playground, Charlie decided to scare him.‘If you stand there, you’ll get eaten by a bear,’ said Charlie.‘A bear! Where?’ Otto screamed.Charlie goggled. ‘we keep the bear in the head’s office. All Earth schools have a bear,’ he went on. ‘sometimes the bear gets out…and sometimes it’s hungry!’Otto looked very scared.Treasure HuntThat afternoon the class was having a Treasure Hunt. All the children were looking forwardto it.Miss Underwood gave each pair of children the same clue.‘I want you to work in a pair with Otto,’ she said to Jo.‘Work in a pear?’ said Otto ‘How? It will have to be a big pear. Not too juicy. We could all get sticky.’Jo laughed. ‘Oh, Otto! You don’t understand anything! ’The Treasure Hunt began.Charlie worked with Josh. Jo worked with Otto.This was the clue that they had to follow:( start at the classroom door.Then walk along.Don’t go right.Then you won’t go wrong.)‘What does that mean?’ said Charlie.‘I don’t know,’ said Josh. ‘But when Miss Underwood hid the treasure last time, it was in the playground.’‘Let’s go there!’ Charlie said to Josh. ‘Quick! We’ll be first.’Otto jumped up to follow them-but Charlie had a plan. He stuck out his foot and tripped Otto up.‘Enjoy your trip!’ Charlie laughed, and ran off with Josh.Jo helped Otto up.All the other children ran out of the classroom and followed Charlie and Josh. They turned right, towards the playground.Jo sighed. ‘Now we’re going to be last.’‘We won’t be last,’ said Otto, ‘because they’re all going the wrong way. Look at the clue.’(Start at the classroom door.Then walk along.Don’t go right.Then you won’t go wrong.Otto pointed at the clue. ‘it means we start here-at the classroom door and we don’t turn RIGHT-beca use that would be wrong. We have to turn LEFT.’They set off in the other direction to the rest of the children.Charlie and Josh were looking for treasure in the playground and they were getting fed up. ‘there’s nothing here,’ said Charlie. ‘Let’s look inside the school.’They went back into the school hall, past the head’s office and that’s when they saw it…‘there IS a bear!’ Charlie said. ‘there really is!’They ran screaming back to their classroom.‘Help! Help! We’ve seen a bear.’Oh, OttoJo and Otto had turned left and walked along the corridor.‘Look!’ said Otto.There was an arrow and it was pointing to a plant pot.Jo picked up the pot and found a map.There was another clue on the map.(clue number2Follow this map if you want to do well.Just look in the place where you find a spell.)Jo and Otto followed the map to the school library.Jo read out the clue again:Follow this map if you want to do well.Just look in the place where you find a spell.‘I understand!’ said Otto. ‘look-there’s a pile of spelling books. That’s where we’ll find a “spell!”’‘You’ve got it, Otto!’ said Jo.Behind the pile of spelling books, there was a box of golden coins. ‘Yum!’ said Jo. ‘It’s chocolate money!’Back in the classroom, Jo and Otto shared out the treasure chocolate.‘But what’s the matter with Josh and Charlie?’ asked Otto.Some of the other children laughed.‘Charlie and Josh thought they saw a bear!’‘A bear!’ said Otto. ‘Jo told me you were making up that story to scare me.’Charlie looked ashamed. ‘It wasn’t really a bear,’ he said. ‘It was the head’s big new coat hanging on the door…’‘But it LOOKED like a bear,’ said Josh.Charlie and Josh went bright red.‘Don’t worry,’ said Otto. ‘Everyone makes mistakes. Have a chocolate.’‘I’m sorry I made fun of you,’ said Charlie.Charlie looked so sad that Miss Underwood felt sorry for him.‘We’ll forgive you, Charlie,’ she said. ‘we all have bad days.’She smiled. ‘You and Josh seem to have lost your heads, today!’‘Oh!’ said Otto. ‘Shall I look for their heads, Miss? I’m good at finding things!’5 第五篇Captain Comet AND THE Purple Planet1 Spanner is boredIt was a quiet morning at Stardust Space Station.Captain Stella was checking the space shuttle.Captain Comet was watering the plants and Spanner the robot was bored.‘Can I sit at the control desk?’he asked.‘All right,’said Captain Comet,‘But don’t touch anything and don’t press that red button.’Spanner sat down at the desk and looked at all the buttons.There were buttons to open all the space station doors and buttons to turn on all the lights.There was even a button to flush all the toilets!There was also a big red button,labelled‘Gravity’.Spanner was not sure what ‘Gravity’was.‘I’ll press it very quickly,’said Spanner,‘to see what it does.’He pressed the red button.Captain Comet was watering the plants when he had a strange feeling.He was floating above the floor!The plant pots were all floating,too.He guessed what had happened.‘Spanner!he shouted ,‘I told you not to touch that red button!’Spanner saw that gravity was what made things stay on the floor.There was no gravity in space,so the space station made its own..Spanner pressed the red button to make the gravity come back on again-and all the potplants fell to the floor.Comet fell to the floor beside them.‘SPANNER!’Comet groaned.2It must be a plantSpanner was cleaning up the mess for the rest of the morning.When he turned the cleaner off,everyone heard a beeping noise.The noise was coming from the space scanner.Everyone stopped what they were doing and came to look.‘The scanner has found something,’said Comet.He pointed to a flashing dot that was moving across the scanner screen.‘I wonder what it is ?’said Captain Stella.‘Is it an asteroid?’asked Spanner.‘An asteroid is a lump of rock that floats in space.’‘I know that!’said Captain Comet.‘Anyway ,it’s too big to be an asteroid,’‘Then it must be a planet,’Spanner said.‘Where has it come from?’asked Comet,’And why is it moving so fast?’‘You’d better go and have a look,’said Captain Stella.Comet and Spanner set off in the space shuttle to look for the new planet.Spanner was very excited.‘I’ve never found a new planet before,’he said .‘What shall we call it ?’‘Let’s find it first ,’said Comet.But Spanner wasn’t listening.‘I’m going to call it Planet Spanner,’he said.Spanner made a humming noise and a flag came out of a slot in his chest.‘What are you doing?’asked Comet.‘I’ve made a flag to put on Planet Spanner.Then everyone will know that we were the first to find it,’Spanner explained.He showed Comet the flag.It was bright red with two spanners on it.Comet had to smile.‘Very nice,’he said.3On the Purple PlanetThe planet looked very strange.It was purple and covered in huge spikes.Comet landed the shuttle carefully on the planet.Then he got out to have a look around.Spanner stayed in the shuttle,making a flagpole for his flag.Spanner found a metal rod.He fastened the flag to one end of the rod and put the other end into a hole in his chest.There was a noise like an electric pencil sharpener.When he took the rod out again,it had a nice sharp point.Comet was looking at one of the giant purple spikes.It felt soft and warm.‘That’s very odd,’thought Comet.‘This spike feels like it’s alive.’Just then Spanner arrived with his new flagpole.‘I name this planet-Planet Spanner!’he said proudly.‘NO!STOP!’Comet yelled.But before Comet could stop him,Spanner hammered the sharp flagpole into the ground.There was a huge roar.‘What was that?’asked Spanner.‘Quick,back to the shuttle!’shouted Comet,as the ground began to shake.They strapped themselves into their seats and Comet blasted off.Spanner looked at the scree n.The planet’s surface was spinning around.Then the opening of a big,dark cave came into view.Around the outside of the opening were large,jagged rocks.‘Look!’said Spanner.‘They’re like giant teeth!’Comet stared at the screen.‘That’s because they ARE giant teeth!’he said ,as two huge,angry eyes came into view.‘It’s not a planet…’said Comet,’…It’s a SPACE MONSTER!’gasped Spanner.4Space Chase‘Why is it so angry with us ?’cried Spanner.‘You’ve just hammered a big sharp flagpole into its backside,’explained Captain Comet.The huge teeth snapped shut behind them.‘It wants to eat us!’wailed Spanner.’We’ve got to get away!’‘That’s what I’m trying to do !’said Comet.’But it’s too fast!’Comet fired the shuttle’s jets.Then he tried t o make a sharp turn,as the monster zoomed towards them..‘What are we going to do ?’cried Spanner.Just then,Captain Stella’s face appeared on the screen.She had been watching them on the space scanner.Captain Comet tried to make another sharp turn.The space monster was getting closer and closer.‘Are you all right?’Captain Stella asked.’What’s going on?’‘WE’RE GOING TO BE EATEN!’wailed Spanner,’BY A PRICKLY PURPLE SPACE MONSTER THE SIZE OF A PLANET!’‘Apart from that,everything ‘s fine,’said Comet,making the shuttle dive to dodge the giant teeth.‘Can I help ?’asked Captain Stella.‘No,’said Comet,‘You’re too far away. Is there anyone closer?’Stella looked at the space map and shook her head.‘No,there are no space stations or planets-only asteroids,’she said.‘Asteroids!’Comet said.‘Tell me where they are .I’ve got an idea!’5Into the AsteroidsThe space shuttle zoomed towards the asteroids.Spanner and Comet had never been so close to the asteroids before.Some of the asteroids were as big as office blocks.‘What are you doing?’cried Spanner, as Comet flew through a narrow gap between two giant asteroids,‘If you hit one of them at this speed, we’ll be smashed to bits!’‘It’s the only way to get away from the monster,’explained Comet.‘The gaps are so narrow, it can’t follow us .’Comet was right.The space monster stopped chasing them. Then it flew up to an asteroid-and took a big bite out of it .Comet and Spanner watched as the monster chomped its way happily through two or three asteroids.‘It eats asteroids!’ Spanner said.‘I’m glad it didn’t eat US!’Comet smiled.‘We didn’t find a new planet after all,’grumbled Spanner,on the way back to the space station.‘No,’said Comet.’But we did find a new kind of space monster.’‘That’s true,’said Spanner.’But how will anyone know that we were the first to find it ?’Captain Comet took one last look at the purple monster ane smiled.。
新版典范英语7-3Princess Pip’s Holiday原文及翻译

新版典范英语7-3Princess Pip’sHoliday原文及翻译Princess Pip was excited for her ing holiday。
The King polished his money。
the Queen chose sun hats。
and the maids ran around with piles of vests。
Princess Pip asked if she could bring her pony。
but the Queen ___'t be room on the coach。
When she asked about bringing her pet snakes。
the King said no。
Feeling disappointed。
Princess Pip ___.Despite her disappointment。
they set off in their best gold coach。
The Queen asked Princess Pip to wave to the people。
but she stubbornly folded her arms and asked if they were nearly there yet。
The Queen firmly told her it would be a long journey。
As predicted。
the journey was hot and fortable for Princess Pip。
and she didn't feel well.Finally。
they arrived at their n - a ___。
Princess Pip was unimpressed。
She complained that it was just like home and ___.Just Like HomeAs Princess Pip approached the castle door。

新版典范英语7全文(1-18)新版典范英语7(旧版6)1 第一篇Walrus Joins In1What will Walrus do?Everyone at the North Pole was very excited. There was going to be a show and ANYONE could be in it.‘I will do skating,’ said Arctic Fox. ‘I’m good at that!’‘I’ll do tumbling,’ said Polar Bear. ‘No one tumbles quite like me!’‘I’ll do singing,’ said Seal. ‘Everyone says I have a very fine voice!’‘Then I’ll do diving,’ said Whale. ‘I won a prize for diving at school, you know!’They all looked at Walrus. ‘What will YOU do?’ they asked.But Walrus was not good at anything.He wasn’t good at skating, and he wasn’t good at tumbling.He was terrible at singing, and when he tried to dive, he always got water up his nose.He sat and chewed his whiskers sadly.‘Never mind,’ said Arctic Fox. ‘You can watch us.’Arctic Fox and Polar Bear and Seal and Whale practised hard for the big show.Walrus hid behind a snowdrift and watched, and chewed his whiskers.He wished he was good at something.2The big nightAt last, the big night arrived. Everyone sat down and waited for the show to begin. Walrus sat in the front row. He was very excited.Fox came onto the ice and bowed. Everyone cheered.Then Fox began to skate. Fox skated forwards and backwards and sideways. She skated in perfect circles and figures of eight. She was elegant and amazing!Walrus watched and he loved what he saw. Fox made it all look so easy.Walrus was sure that if he really tried he could skate just like Fox.He couldn’t stop himself. He just had to leap onto the ice and join in with Fox. “I can skate,” he cried. “Look at me!”But Walrus couldn’t skate at all. He could only trip up and fall over.He bumped into Fox, and Fox went flat on her face. FLOMP!Fox was very upset. “Walrus has RUINED my act,” she wailed.Next, it was Polar Bear’s turn. He rolled out across the ice like a big, white snowball. Everyone clapped wildly.Then Polar Bear began to tumble. He did jumps and spins and somersaults, and stood on his head.Walrus watched and he loved what he saw. Polar Bear made it all look such fun. Walrus was sure that this time, if he really tried, he could tumble just like Polar Bear.All of a sudden, Walrus just couldn’t stop himself, and he leaped onto the ice.“I can tumble too,” he cried. “Look at me!”But Walrus couldn’t tumble at all. He could only trip up and fall over. He tripped up Polar Bear, who came down with a WALLOP!Of course, Polar Bear was pretty angry. “Walrus has RUINED my act,” he wailed.3From bad to worseIt was Seal’s turn next. She gave Walrus a don’t-you-dare stare, and then she started to sing:“O, how many heart rejoices when I see the Northern Lights.My ear is filled with voices sweetly singing in the night!”Walrus listened. What a beautiful song! Surely if he really tried, he could sing as beautifully as Seal? Oh, dear. Walrus just couldn’t stop himself again.“I know that song,” he cried. “I can sing it too!”He leaped up and started singing along with Seal.But Walrus co uldn’t sing! He sounded terrible. In fact, he sounded like a rusty old bucket.Seal stopped singing and burst into floods of tears.“Walrus has RUINED my song,” she wailed.Wale was last. He was pretty certain that Walrus could not ruin his act.Whale leaped high out of the water. Then he fell back with an enormous splash!Walrus watched. He wished that he could dive like that. His flippers began to twitch, and his whiskers bristled with excitement. He tried and tried his very best not to join in.But then he had a brilliant idea.“I’ll hold my nose when I dive,” he thought. “Then the water won’t go up it!”Walrus just couldn’t stop himself. He had to join in.“Everybody, look at me!” he cried, as he leaped into the water. “I can dive too!”But just at that moment, Whale was getting ready to spout a big jet of water.WHOOSH!Whale spouted Walrus high into the air!Everyone was watching Walrus now. They clapped and cheered as Walrus landed back in the sea with a SPLOSH!Whale was fu rious. “You are a meddling, incompetent BUFFOON!” he roared. “You have RUINED my act. Now GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!”Whale was pretty scary when he was angry. Walrus turned tail and fled. He hid behind a snowdrift, feeling sad and very sorry.4The show will go on!The show was over. Fox and Polar Bear and Seal and Whale stood in a line, blushing and wishing that Walrus had not ruined everything.But everyone was cheering like mad.“Well done, Polar Bear, well done, Seal! Well done, Fox and Whale!” they shouted. “But where’s the clown? Why isn’t he here? Where’s Walrus?”Behind is snowdrift, Walrus heard the cheers. Were they really cheering for him, too?Yes! They were!He shuffled up to Fox and Polar Bear and Seal And Whale.“I’m very sorry,” h e said.“So you should be,” said Fox.“At least everyone thought you were part of the show,” said Polar Bear.“I suppose,” said Seal, “if Walrus was really part of our next show, it couldn’t be any worse.”Walrus was overjoyed. “Me?” he cried. “Tru ly? Can I be part of the show? Can I join in next time?”“Yes,” said Whale. “It will bea lot safer that way. You can be the clown. As long as you do it properly.”Walrus practiced hard and became a very good clown indeed. Now he is so good that Fox, Polar Bear, Seal and Whale are glad he is taking part.Sometimes, when Walrus is clowning around, they really just can’t stop themselves. They have to join in too!2 第二篇Noisy Neighbours1Mr FlinchIn a grim, grey house in a grim, grey town lived an unhappy man.It was not his grey house that made Mr Flinch unhappy. It was not that he was poor, because he was not. Mr Flinch was a miser. He never gave away a penny. ( He never gave away a smile either. ) He was a mean and miserable man.Mr Flinch was miserable because of his neighbours.On one side of Mr Flinch’s grim, grey house stood a jolly red one. It belonged to Carl Clutch who mended cars.Carl loved cars – and motorbikes and vans and lorries. Every morning, Mr Flinch woke up to hear hammers banging, spanners clanging and engines revving. The whole street shook with the noise.On the other side, in a bright blue house, lived a music teacher called Poppy Plink. Each morning, Poppy sat down and played grand tunes on her grand piano. After breakfast, her students started to arrive.Violins screeched, drums thundered and bassoons bellowed. Mr Flinch shut his window, but the noise still came through the wall. Brum – brum, tootle – toot, bang! His whole house shook and shivered.He put his fingers in his ears.He rapped on the wall … but his neighbours did not hear.They were far too happy. They were mending cars and making music, and they loved their work.Brum – brum, tootle – toot, bang!Mr Flinch rap rapped until he made holes in his wallpaper. It did no good.Mr Flinch locked himself in a cupboard. He wound old towels round his head.He wrote angry letters, but tore them all up. ‘ Stamps cost far too much money!’ he said.Even in bed, he wore a hat to keep out the noise.But the cars still revved and the music still jangled.Mr Flinch was the grey filling in a noise sandwich.‘This can’t go on,’ Flinch thought to himself. He even shouted it out loud:2Nasty TricksMr Flinch went next door to Carl’s house. Carl was me nding cars. It was easy to sneak into his kitchen and put a dead rat in the fridge.‘That will get rid of him!’ said Flinch, and smiled a nasty smile. ‘Nobody wants to live in a house with rats!’At midnight, Mr Flinch climbed on to his roof and – carefully, carefully – crawled across the tiles. He put his head down Poppy’s chimney and gave a long, loud,‘Hooowooowoooo!’‘That will get ride of her,’ he said with a grim grin. ‘Nobody wants to live in a house with ghosts!’Then he climbed back into bed.Next morning, Mr Flinch woke to a HUGE noise. Cars and lorries were stopping outside. He looked out of his window.Carl was sitting outside in the rood, with a table, a kettle, a loaf of bread and a bottle of tomato sauce.Carl called to Mr Flinch, ‘Can’t use my kitchen today! Rays, urgh! My mum is cleaning up. She told me to eat my breakfast outside. That’s how I got this great idea! Take – away breakfast! Drivers can stop here and buy breakfast.’Just then, Poppy Plink came running out of her b lue front door. ‘Oh, Mr Flinch! Oh, Carl! Guess what happened last night!’‘I give up,’ said Mr Flinch, with a sumg smirk. ‘Do tell.’Poppy beamed with joy. ‘Last night, angles sang down my chimney! They did, I promise!’ She frowned. ‘But the music wasn’t very good! I think they want some new songs to sing! I’m sure they want me to write them, and I shall! Oh I shall!’She did.Poppy still had to teach music all day.But at night she wrote angle music. She made it nice and loud, with lots of cymbals and trumpets.It was all too much for Mr Flinch.3Mr Flinch has a PlanMr Flinch went next door to Carl’s house.He showed Carl a fistful of money. ‘The day you move house, all this is yours!’ he said.‘Anything you say, chief,’ said Carl, wip ing his dirty hands on a rag.‘As long as I can mend cars, I’ll be happy anywhere.’ Carl went on, ‘I’ll move out as soon as I can sell the house!’Next, Mr Flinch went to Poppy’s house and offered her a hatful of money. ‘The day you move house, all thi s is yours!’ he said.‘Of course! If that is what you want, dear heart! Cried Poppy.She had never seen so much money in her life. ‘As long as I have my music, I can be happy anywhere! I will move out just as soon as I can sell my little house!’Mr Flinch went home a happy man – well, as happy as a man like Mr Flinch can ever be.He felt in his empty pockets and gulped. ‘All that money gone! Ah, but soon those noisy neighbours will be gone, too!’In a few days, Mr Flinch’s neighbours had sold up t heir houses.Now, at last, he would have peace and quiet – nothing but the noise of mice scratching in the empty cellar.4 Moving DayMr Flinch watched as Poppy Plink moved out. Bo-jangle went the piano as she pushed and bumped it down the steps.‘Going already are you, you pest?’ he mutted. ‘I pity the person who has to live next door to you!’Seeing him, Poppy waved up at the window.‘Such luck, Mr Flinch!’ she called. ‘Fancy! A few days ago, I met someone who wants to move house too! We agree d to swap houses!’Just then, Carl came out of his front door carrying two heavy tool boxes. He saw Poppy struggling with a harp and went to help her. ‘All set, Poppy? he said.‘All set, Carl! Isn’t this fun!’ She replied.Then Carl moved into Poppy’s bright house and Poppy moved into Carl’s jolly red one.They helped each other to carry the big things, like tables and sofas.Then Carl had a house-warming party. He and Poppy sang, because they were so happy: ‘There’s no place like home!’Mr Flin ch heard it right through the wall of his house … even inside his cupboard, even with a towel round his head.3 第三篇Princess Pip’s Holiday1 Ready to goEveryone in Princess Pip’s castle was very busy. The King was polishing his money, the Queen was choosing sun hats, and the maids were running around with piles of vests.“ Can I take Dobbin on holiday?”asked Princess Pip.“I’m afraid there won’t be room for a pony on the coach ,”said the Queen.“Oh, ”said the Princess Pip. “Can Amanda and Bert come,then?”“There ‘s no room for snakes,”said the King, “not even pet ones.”Princess Pip scowled . “This holiday is going to be BORING,” she said.They went on holiday in their best gold coach.“Wave to all the people, dear,” said the Queen.Princ ess Pip folded her arms . “ I ‘m on holiday,” she said. “Are we nearly there yet?”“We won’t be there for a long time,” said the Queen firmly .It did take a long time to get to the seaside . The coach got very hot, and Princess Pip didn’t feel very we ll.“Here we are,at last!” said the King happily.“But it’s a castle!” said Princess Pip. “Just like home.It’s BORING.”2 Just like homeThere was a girl waiting by the castle door.“This is Daisy,”said the Queen. “She is going to look after you,Pip.”Daisy showed Princess Pip her room.“I don’t want a four-poster bed!” said Princess Pip. “That’s just like home.”“You can sleep on my straw mattress , then,” said Daisy. “ I’ll have the bed.”“Oh, all right.”said Princess Pip.That evening there was a banquet and it went on for hours.“More sprouts?”asked the King happily.This is BORING,”said the Princess Pip.“Nonsense(胡说),dear,”said the Queen. “It can’t be boring. We’re on holiday!”“ I WANT TO GO HOME!” said Princess Pip, the ne xt day. She had been walking round the castle walls all morning and she hadn’t found anything to do.“But we’re having a wonderful time,” said the Queen,from her sun chair.“Just look at the way my money shines in the sun,” said the King. “Wonderful!”“ But it’s BORING!” said Princess Pip.“Why don’t you go and talk to Daisy?” suggested the Queen.Princess Pip stomped off.“That does it,” she said to Daisy. “I WANT TO GO HOME!”3 The road home“If you stayed here a bit longer,you might start liking the seaside,” said Daisy.But Princess Pip wasn’t listening. She was putting all her important things in her suitcase.“I think we’ll have to take some things out,”said Daisy.Daisy found them both backpacks, and they set out for home.Princess Pip and Daisy went across the drawbridge and along the road.It was very hot.“Let’s have a nice,cool snack,”said Daisy.So they got some fish sticks from a stall.“These aren’t bad,” admitted Princess Pip.“They taste best by the seaside,” said Daisy. “ I’ll show you where the fish come from, if you like.”They went down some stone steps to a place where the sea swished backwards and forwards and the ground looked as if it was made of gold.“Look in these pools,” said Daisy.The fish were hard to catch.”You could take your stockings off,” said Daisy, “and use them for nets.”It was nice without shoes and stockings on. It was even nicer once Princess Pip had taken off her coat and crown.The fish looked very cross at being caught, so Princess Pip let them go.“It’s not too bad here,” said Princess Pip,at last. “ I want to stay here all the time.”“Let’s build a sandcastle, then,” said Daisy.“A sand HOUSE,” said Princess Pip.It was hard work, but they built a huge house, with a moat all around.Soon the sea came in and filled the moat.“That’s just right.”said Princess Pip. “Make it stop coming in now,Daisy.”But the sea kept on coming in............ and soon it had washed their house FLAT.“ We built our house too close to the sea,”said Daisy, sadly.“STUPID SEA!”shouted Princess Pip. “STUPID SEASIDE! I WANT TO GO HOME!”4 Riding the dragonPrincess Pip and Daisy put on their shoes and picked up their backpacks.“I’m tired,”said Princess Pip, very soon. “ I want to ride Dobbin. Are we nearly home, yet?”“Why don’t you ride one of the horses on that merry-go-round?” suggested Daisy.“Oh, no,”said Princess Pip. “ I’m going to ride that dragon.”The dragon went very fast, and there was lots of exciting music--but then it all stopped. Everyone got off.“But....we’re still here!” said Princess Pip, crossly, as she got off ,too.“At least it wasn’t boring,” said Daisy.“I WANT TO GO HOME!” shouted Princess Pip.“At least it was fun,” said Daisy. “Everything is fun here because it’s a FUN-fair.”Princess Pip sniffed. “ What’s fun about it?” she asked.“I’ll show you,” said Daisy.They went down the roller coaster.Then they went UP and UP and ....DOWN again.“AARRRRGH!” yelled Princess Pip and Daisy.“Let’s go on it again,” said Princess Pip.“ Tomorrow, perhaps,” said Daisy, who had gone very pale.“BUT I WANT...” began Princess Pip.“Hello!” said a voice.It was the King. The Queen was with him.“Where’s Princess Pip?” the King asked Daisy.“Here !” said Princess Pip.The King and the Queen stared at her.“You can’t be Pip!” the Queen gasped. “You’re all dirty,and you have no stockings!”“But I am!” said Princess Pip, and put on her crown to prove it. “Look! It’s me, and I’ve found a place where the ground is made of gold!Come and see.”Daisy and Princess Pip showed them the beach.“ Good heavens!”said the King. “How wonderful! It’s just the color of money.”“What a perfect place for my sun chair,”said the Queen.The beach was a perfect place for picnics and games, and races, too. Everyone loved it.Then one day the King said: “ What a pity we have to go home tomorrow.”Princess Pip scowled, and she said...“I don’t want to go home!!!”4 第四篇Oh, otto!Something importantThe children in Class Four were busy workingThen their teacher, Miss Underwood, said: ‘I have something very important to tell you.’She smiled and said: ‘A new boy is coming to our class. His name is Otto and he comes from far, far away. In f act, he comes from outer space…’( this is Otto’s first day at earth school. Here he is…)The door opened and a boy came in. he looked just like the other children-but he was a different colour. he was green.Miss Underwood told Otto to sit with Jo and Charlie and Josh. Then she looked at Jo and added, ‘I want you to take care of our new boy and give him a hand if he needs it.’‘please, Miss,’ said Otto. ‘I’m not NEW. I’m seven and a half. And I don’t already. Look!’‘Oh, Otto!’ Miss Underwood smiled. ‘just sit down and be a dear.’Otto sat down.Then he said, ‘I don’t think I can be a deer…but I can quack like a duck.’He flapped his arms, like wings, and went: ‘Quack! Quack! Quack!’Charlie joined in: ‘Quack! QUACK! QUACK!’Miss Underwood smiled at Otto. ‘No quacking n class!’ she said.Then she frowned at Charlie. ‘Charlie!’ she said. ‘you know better than that! Get on with your work.’‘It’s not fair!’ Charlie grumbled. ‘I get into trouble and that new boy doesn’t!’That’s when Charlie decided he didn’t like Otto. He didn’t like him one bit.Charlie is crossOtto made a lot of mistakes.Charlie leaned back on his chair. Otto tried to do the same thing. But he fell down……and so did all the paints.Now Charlie was green too-and he wasn’t happy about it.Charlie got crosser and crosser and crosser.At playtime, when Otto was in the playground, Charlie decided to scare him.‘If you stand there, you’ll get eaten by a bear,’ said Charlie.‘A bear! Where?’ Otto screamed.Charlie goggled. ‘we keep the bear in the head’s office. All Earth schools have a bear,’ he went on. ‘sometimes the bear gets out…and sometimes it’s hungry!’Otto looked very scared.Treasure HuntThat afternoon the class was having a Treasure Hunt. All the children were looking forward to it.Miss Underwood gave each pair of children the same clue.‘I want you to work in a pair with Otto,’ she said to Jo.‘Work in a pear?’ said Otto ‘How? It will have to be a big pear. Not too juicy. We could all get sticky.’Jo laughed. ‘Oh, Otto! You don’t understand anything! ’The Treasure Hunt began.Charlie worked with Josh. Jo worked with Otto.This was the clue that they had to follow:( start at the classroom door.Then walk along.Don’t go right.Then you won’t go wrong.)‘What does that mean?’ said Cha rlie.‘I don’t know,’ said Josh. ‘But when Miss Underwood hid the treasure last time, it was in the playground.’‘Let’s go there!’ Charlie said to Josh. ‘Quick! We’ll be first.’Otto jumped up to follow them-but Charlie had a plan. He stuck out his foot and tripped Otto up.‘Enjoy your trip!’ Charlie laughed, and ran off with Josh.Jo helped Otto up.All the other children ran out of the classroom and followed Charlie and Josh. They turned right, towards the playground.Jo sighed. ‘Now we’re going to be last.’‘We won’t be last,’ said Otto, ‘because they’re all going the wrong way. Look at the clue.’(Start at the classroom door.Then walk along.Don’t go right.Then you won’t go wrong.Otto pointed at the clue. ‘it means we start here-at the classroom door and we don’t turn RIGHT-because that would be wrong. We have to turn LEFT.’They set off in the other direction to the rest of the children.Charlie and Josh were looking for treasure in the playground and they were getting fed up. ‘there’s nothing here,’ said Charlie. ‘Let’s look inside the school.’They went back into the school hall, past the head’s office and that’s when they saw it…‘there IS a bear!’ Charlie said. ‘there really is!’They ran screaming back to their classroom.‘Help! Help! We’ve seen a bear.’Oh, OttoJo and Otto had turned left and walked along the corridor.‘Look!’ said Otto.There was an arrow and it was pointing to a plant pot.Jo picked up the pot and found a map.There was another clue on the map.(clue number2Follow this map if you want to do well.Just look in the place where you find a spell.)Jo and Otto followed the map to the school library.Jo read out the clue again:Follow this map if you want to do well.Just look in the place where you find a spell.‘I understand!’ said Otto. ‘look-there’s a pile of spelling books. That’s where we’ll find a “spell!”’‘You’ve got it, Otto!’ said Jo.Behind the pile of spelling books, there was a box of golden coins. ‘Yum!’ said Jo. ‘It’s chocolate money!’Back in the classroom, Jo and Otto shared out the treasure chocolate.‘But what’s the matter with Josh and Charlie?’ asked Otto.Some of the other children laughed.‘Charlie and Josh thought they saw a bear!’‘A bear!’ said Otto. ‘Jo told me you were making up that story to scare me.’Ch arlie looked ashamed. ‘It wasn’t really a bear,’ he said. ‘It was the head’s big new coat hanging on the door…’‘But it LOOKED like a bear,’ said Josh.Charlie and Josh went bright red.‘Don’t worry,’ said Otto. ‘Everyone makes mistakes. Have a chocolate.’‘I’m sorry I made fun of you,’ said Charlie.Charlie looked so sad that Miss Underwood felt sorry for him.‘We’ll forgive you, Charlie,’ she said. ‘we all have bad days.’She smiled. ‘You and Josh seem to have lost your heads, today!’‘Oh!’ said Otto. ‘Shall I look for their heads, Miss? I’m good at finding things!’5 第五篇Captain Comet AND THE Purple Planet1 Spanner is boredIt was a quiet morning at Stardust Space Station.Captain Stella was checking the space shuttle.Captain Comet was watering the plants and Spanner the robot was bored.‘Can I sit at the control desk?’he asked.‘All right,’said Captain Comet,‘But don’t touch anything and don’t press that red button.’Spanner sat down at the desk and looked at all the buttons.There were buttons to open all the space station doors and buttons to turn on all the lights.There was even a button to flush all the toilets!There was also a big red button,labelled‘Gravity’.Spanner was not sure what ‘Gravity’was.‘I’ll press it very quickly,’said Spanner,‘to see what it does.’He pressed the red button.Captain Comet was watering the plants when he had a strange feeling.He was floating above the floor!The plant pots were all floating,too.He guessed what had happened.‘Spanner!he shouted ,‘I told you not to touch that red button!’Spanner saw that gravity was what made things stay on the floor.There was no gravity in space,so the space station made its own..Spanner pressed the red button to make the gravity come back on again-and all the pot plants fell to the floor.Comet fell to the floor beside them.‘SPANNER!’Comet groaned.2It must be a plantSpanner was cleaning up the mess for the rest of the morning.When he turned the cleaner off,everyone heard a beeping noise.The noise was coming from the space scanner.Everyone stopped what they were doing and came to look.‘The scanner has found something,’said Comet.He pointed to a flashing dot that was moving across the scanner screen.‘I wonder what it is ?’s aid Captain Stella.‘Is it an asteroid?’asked Spanner.‘An asteroid is a lump of rock that floats in space.’‘I know that!’said Captain Comet.‘Anyway ,it’s too big to be an asteroid,’‘Then it must be a planet,’Spanner said.‘Where has it come from?’asked Comet,’And why is it moving so fast?’‘You’d better go and have a look,’said Captain Stella.Comet and Spanner set off in the space shuttle to look for the new planet.Spanner was very excited.‘I’ve never found a new planet before,’he said .‘What shall we call it ?’‘Let’s find it first ,’said Comet.But Spanner wasn’t listening.‘I’m going to call it Planet Spanner,’he said.Spanner made a humming noise and a flag came out of a slot in his chest.‘What are you doing?’asked Comet.‘I’v e made a flag to put on Planet Spanner.Then everyone will know that we were the first to find it,’Spanner explained.He showed Comet the flag.It was bright red with two spanners on it.Comet had to smile.‘Very nice,’he said.3On the Purple PlanetThe planet looked very strange.It was purple and covered in huge spikes.Comet landed the shuttle carefully on the planet.Then he got out to have a look around.Spanner stayed in the shuttle,making a flagpole for his flag.Spanner found a metal rod.He fastened the flag to one end of the rod and put the other end into a hole in his chest.There was a noise like an electric pencil sharpener.When he took the rod out again,it had a nice sharp point.Comet was looking at one of the giant purple spikes.It felt soft and warm.‘That’s very odd,’thought Comet.‘This spike feels like it’s alive.’Just then Spanner arrived with his new flagpole.‘I name this planet-Planet Spanner!’he said proudly.‘NO!STOP!’Comet yelled.But before Comet could stop him,Spanner hammered the sharp flagpole into the ground.There was a huge roar.‘What was that?’asked Spanner.‘Quick,back to the shuttle!’shouted Comet,as the ground began to shake.They strapped themselves into their seats and Comet blasted off.Spanner looked at the screen.The planet’s surface was spinning around.Then the opening of a big,dark cave came into view.Around the outside of the opening were large,jagged rocks.‘Look!’said Spanner.‘They’re like giant teeth!’Comet stared at the screen.‘That’s because they ARE giant teeth!’he said ,as two huge,angry eyes came into view.‘It’s not a planet…’said Comet,’…It’s a SPACE MONSTER!’gasped Spanner.4Space Chase‘Why is it so angry with us ?’cried Spanner.‘You’ve just hammered a big sharp flagpole into its backside,’explained Captain Comet.The huge teeth snapped shut behind them.‘It wants to eat us!’wailed Spanner.’We’ve got to get away!’‘That’s what I’m trying to do !’said Comet.’But it’s too fast!’Comet fired the shuttle’s jets.Then he tried to make a sharp turn,as the monster zoomed towards them..‘What are we going to do ?’cried Spanner.Just then,Captain Stella’s face appeared on the screen.She had been watching them on the space scanner.Captain Comet tried to make another sharp turn.The space monster was getting closer and closer.‘Are you all right?’Captain Stella asked.’What’s going on?’‘WE’RE GOING TO BE EATEN!’wailed Spanner,’BY A PRICKLY PURPLE SPACE MONSTER THE SIZE OF A PLANET!’‘Apart from that,everything ‘s fine,’said Comet,making the shuttle dive to dodge the giant teeth.‘Can I help ?’asked Captain Stella.‘No,’said Comet,‘You’re too far away. Is there anyone closer?’Stella looked at the space map and shook her head.‘No,there ar e no space stations or planets-only asteroids,’she said.‘Asteroids!’Comet said.‘Tell me where they are .I’ve got an idea!’5Into the AsteroidsThe space shuttle zoomed towards the asteroids.Spanner and Comet had never been so close to the asteroids before.Some of the asteroids were as big as office blocks.。

典范英语七电子版1. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary: This is a comprehensive English language dictionary that provides definitions, usage examples, collocations and pronunciation guidance for over 185,000 words and phrases.2. Cambridge English Grammar in Use: A popular grammar book that covers all aspects of English grammar with clear explanations and exercises to help learners practice and improve their skills.3. Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary: Another comprehensive dictionary with a focus on American English. It includes over 225,000 definitions, usage examples, etymologies and pronunciation guidance.4. The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White: A classic guide to English usage and style that provides practical advice on grammar, punctuation, and writing style.5. Longman English Grammar Practice: An interactive grammar practice book that includes a wide range of exercises and activities to help learners improve their grammar skills.6. The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation by Jane Straus: A concise and easy-to-use guide to English grammar and punctuation rules with practical examples and quizzes.7. Collins Cobuild English Usage: A comprehensive guide to English usage with over 120,000 examples and explanations of common usage problems, such as prepositions, word order, andphrasal verbs.8. The Chicago Manual of Style: A widely-used style guide for professional writers and editors that covers everything from grammar and punctuation to citation formats and manuscript preparation.9. Essential Idioms in English by Robert J. Dixson: A book that provides a comprehensive list of common idioms and their meanings, along with examples of how to use them in context. 10. English Vocabulary in Use by Michael McCarthy and Felicity O'Dell: A series of vocabulary books that cover a range of topics and levels, with practical exercises to help learners expand their English vocabulary.。

典范英语7-3中英⽂对照翻译PrincessPip’sHoliday 3第三篇PrincessPip’sHoliday《⽪⽪公主的假期》1Readytogo1.?准备出发EveryoneinP rincessPip’scastlewasverybusy.TheKingwaspolishinghismoney,theQueenwaschoosingsunhats,andthemaidswererunningaroundwithpilesofvests.⽪⽪公主城堡⾥的每⼀个⼈都很忙。
PrincessPipscowled.“Thisholiday isgoingtobeBORING,”shesaid.⽪⽪公主阴沉着脸,说:“这个假期肯定特别⽆聊。
”Theywe ntonholidayintheirbestgoldcoach.他们乘坐最豪华的⾦⾊⼤马车度假去了。
Princess Pipfoldedherarms.“I‘monholiday,”shesaid.“Arewenearlythereyet?”⽪⽪公主双臂交叉,抱着胳膊,说:“我在度假。
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新版典范英语7(旧版6)1 第一篇Walrus Joins In1What will Walrus do?Everyone at the North Pole was very excited. There was going to be a show and ANYONE could be in it.‘I will do skating,’ said Arctic Fox. ‘I’m good at that!’‘I’ll do tumbling,’ said Polar Bear. ‘No one tumbles quite like me!’‘I’ll do singing,’ said Seal. ‘Everyone says I have a very fine voice!’‘Then I’ll do diving,’ said Whale. ‘I won a prize for diving at school, you know!’They all looked at Walrus. ‘What will YOU do?’ they aske d.But Walrus was not good at anything.He wasn’t good at skating, and he wasn’t good at tumbling.He was terrible at singing, and when he tried to dive, he always got water up his nose.He sat and chewed his whiskers sadly.‘Never mind,’ said Arctic Fox. ‘You can watch us.’Arctic Fox and Polar Bear and Seal and Whale practised hard for the big show.Walrus hid behind a snowdrift and watched, and chewed his whiskers.He wished he was good at something.2The big nightAt last, the big night arrived. Everyone sat down and waited for the show to begin. Walrus sat in the front row. He was very excited.Fox came onto the ice and bowed. Everyone cheered.Then Fox began to skate. Fox skated forwards and backwards and sideways. She skated in perfect circles and figures of eight. She was elegant and amazing!Walrus watched and he loved what he saw. Fox made it all look so easy.Walrus was sure that if he really tried he could skate just like Fox.He couldn’t stop himself. He just had to leap onto the ice and join in with Fox. “I can skate,” he cried. “Look at me!”But Walrus couldn’t skate at all. He could only trip up and fall over.He bumped into Fox, and Fox went flat on her face. FLOMP!Fox was very upset. “Walrus has RUINED my act,” she wailed.Next, it was Polar Bear’s turn. He rolled out across the ice like a big, white snowball. Everyone clapped wildly.Then Polar Bear began to tumble. He did jumps and spins and somersaults, and stood on his head.Walrus watched and he loved what he saw. Polar Bear made it all look such fun. Walrus was sure that this time, if he really tried, he could tumble just like Polar Bear.All of a sudden, Walrus just couldn’t stop himself, and he leaped onto the ice.“I can tumble too,” he cried. “Look at me!”But Walrus couldn’t tumble at all. He could only trip up and fall over. He tripped up Polar Bear, who came down with a WALLOP!Of course, Polar Bear was pretty angry. “Walrus has RUINED my act,” he wailed.3From bad to worseIt was Seal’s turn next. She gave Walrus a don’t-you-dare stare, and then she started to sing:“O, how many heart rejoices when I see the Northern Lights.My ear is filled with voices sweetly singing in the night!”Walrus listened. What a beautiful song! Surely if he really tried, he could sing as beautifully as Seal? Oh, dear. Walrus just couldn’t stop himself again.“I know that song,” he cried. “I can sing it too!”He leaped up and started singing along with Seal.But Walrus couldn’t sing! He sound ed terrible. In fact, he sounded like a rusty old bucket.Seal stopped singing and burst into floods of tears.“Walrus has RUINED my song,” she wailed.Wale was last. He was pretty certain that Walrus could not ruin his act.Whale leaped high out of the water. Then he fell back with an enormous splash!Walrus watched. He wished that he could dive like that. His flippers began to twitch, and his whiskers bristled with excitement. He tried and tried his very best not to join in.But then he had a brilliant idea.“I’ll hold my nose when I dive,” he thought. “Then the water won’t go up it!”Walrus just couldn’t stop himself. He had to join in.“Everybody, look at me!” he cried, as he leaped into the water. “I can dive too!”But just at that moment, Whale was getting ready to spout a big jet of water.WHOOSH!Whale spouted Walrus high into the air!Everyone was watching Walrus now. They clapped and cheered as Walrus landed back in the sea with a SPLOSH!Whale was furious. “You are a meddling, incompetent BUFFOON!” he roared. “You have RUINED my act. Now GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!”Whale was pretty scary when he was angry. Walrus turned tail and fled. He hid behind a snowdrift, feeling sad and very sorry.4The show will go on!The show was over. Fox and Polar Bear and Seal and Whale stood in a line, blushing and wishing that Walrus had not ruined everything.But everyone was cheering like mad.“Well done, Polar Bear, well done, Seal! Well done, Fox and Whale!” they shouted. “But where’s the clown? Why isn’t he here? Where’s Walrus?”Behind is snowdrift, Walrus heard the cheers. Were they really cheering for him, too?Yes! They were!He shuffled up to Fox and Polar Bear and Seal And Whale.“I’m very sorry,” he said.“So you should be,” said Fox.“At least everyone thought you were part of the show,” said Polar Bear.“I suppose,” said Seal, “if Walrus was really part of our next show, it couldn’t be any worse.”Walrus was overjoyed. “Me?” he cried. “Truly? Can I be part of the show? Can I join in next time?”“Yes,” said Whale. “It will bea lot safer that way. You can be the clown. As long as you do it properly.”Walrus practiced hard and became a very good clown indeed. Now he is so good that Fox, Polar Bear, Seal and Whale are glad he is taking part.Sometimes, when Walrus is clowning around, they really just can’t stop themselves. They have to join in too!2 第二篇Noisy Neighbours1Mr FlinchIn a grim, grey house in a grim, grey town lived an unhappy man.It was not his grey house that made Mr Flinch unhappy. It was not that he was poor, because he was not. Mr Flinch was a miser. He never gave away a penny. ( He never gave away a smile either. ) He was a mean and miserable man.Mr Flinch was miserable because of his neighbours.On one side of Mr Flinch’s grim, grey house stood a jolly red one. It belonged to Carl Clutch who mended cars.Carl loved cars – and motorbikes and vans and lorries. Every morning, Mr Flinch woke up to hear hammers banging, spanners clanging and engines revving. The whole street shook with the noise.On the other side, in a bright blue house, lived a music teacher called Poppy Plink. Each morning, Poppy sat down and played grand tunes on her grand piano. After breakfast, her students started to arrive.Violins screeched, drums thundered and bassoons bellowed. Mr Flinch shut his window, but the noise still came through the wall. Brum – brum, tootle – toot, bang! His whole house shook and shivered.He put his fingers in his ears.He rapped on the wall … but his neighbours did not hear.They were far too happy. They were mending cars and making music, and they loved their work.Brum – brum, tootle – toot, bang!Mr Flinch rap rapped until he made holes in his wallpaper. It did no good.Mr Flinch locked himself in a cupboard. He wound old towels round his head.He wrote angry letters, but tore them all up. ‘ Stamps cost far too much money!’ he said.Even in bed, he wore a hat to keep out the noise.But the cars still revved and the music still jangled.Mr Flinch was the grey filling in a noise sandwich.‘This can’t go on,’ Flinch thought to himself. He even shouted it out loud: 2Nasty TricksMr Flinch went next door to Carl’s house. Carl was mending cars. It was ea sy to sneak into his kitchen and put a dead rat in the fridge.‘That will get rid of him!’ said Flinch, and smiled a nasty smile. ‘Nobody wants to live in a house with rats!’At midnight, Mr Flinch climbed on to his roof and – carefully, carefully – crawled across the tiles. He put his head down Poppy’s chimney and gave a long, loud, ‘Hooowooowoooo!’‘That will get ride of her,’ he said with a grim grin. ‘Nobody wants to live in a house with ghosts!’Then he climbed back into bed.Next morning, Mr Flinch woke to a HUGE noise. Cars and lorries were stopping outside. He looked out of his window.Carl was sitting outside in the rood, with a table, a kettle, a loaf of bread and a bottle oftomato sauce.Carl called to Mr Flinch, ‘Can’t use my kitch en today! Rays, urgh! My mum is cleaning up. She told me to eat my breakfast outside. That’s how I got this great idea! Take – away breakfast! Drivers can stop here and buy breakfast.’Just then, Poppy Plink came running out of her blue front door. ‘Oh, Mr Flinch! Oh, Carl! Guess what happened last night!’‘I give up,’ said Mr Flinch, with a sumg smirk. ‘Do tell.’Poppy beamed with joy. ‘Last night, angles sang down my chimney! They did, I promise!’ She frowned. ‘But the music wasn’t very good! I think they want some new songs to sing! I’m sure they want me to write them, and I shall! Oh I shall!’She did.Poppy still had to teach music all day.But at night she wrote angle music. She made it nice and loud, with lots of cymbals and trumpets.It was all too much for Mr Flinch.3Mr Flinch has a PlanMr Flinch went next door to Carl’s house.He showed Carl a fistful of money. ‘The day you move house, all this is yours!’ he said.‘Anything you say, chief,’ said Carl, wiping his dirty hands o n a rag.‘As long as I can mend cars, I’ll be happy anywhere.’ Carl went on, ‘I’ll move out as soon as I can sell the house!’Next, Mr Flinch went to Poppy’s house and offered her a hatful of money. ‘The day you move house, all this is yours!’ he said.‘Of course! If that is what you want, dear heart! Cried Poppy.She had never seen so much money in her life. ‘As long as I have my music, I can be happy anywhere! I will move out just as soon as I can sell my little house!’Mr Flinch went home a happy man – well, as happy as a man like Mr Flinch can ever be.He felt in his empty pockets and gulped. ‘All that money gone! Ah, but soon those noisy neighbours will be gone, too!’In a few days, Mr Flinch’s neighbours had sold up their houses.Now, at last, he would have peace and quiet – nothing but the noise of mice scratching in the empty cellar.4 Moving DayMr Flinch watched as Poppy Plink moved out. Bo-jangle went the piano as she pushed and bumped it down the steps.‘Going already are you, you pest?’ he mutted. ‘I pity the person who has to live next door to you!’Seeing him, Poppy waved up at the window.‘Such luck, Mr Flinch!’ she called. ‘Fancy! A few days ago, I met someone who wants to move house too! We agreed to swap houses!’Just then, Carl came out of his front door carrying two heavy tool boxes. He saw Poppy struggling with a harp and went to help her. ‘All set, Poppy? he said.‘All set, Carl! Isn’t this fun!’ She replied.Then Carl moved into Poppy’s bright house and Poppy moved into Carl’s jolly red one.They helped each other to carry the big things, like tables and sofas.Then Carl had a house-warming party. He and Poppy sang, because they were so happy: ‘There’s no place like home!’Mr Flinch heard it right thr ough the wall of his house … even inside his cupboard, evenwith a towel round his head.3 第三篇Princess Pip’s Holiday1 Ready to goEveryone in Princess Pip’s castle was very busy. The King was polishing his money, the Queen was choosing sun hats, and the maids were running around with piles of vests.“ Can I take Dobbin on holiday?”asked Princess Pip.“I’m afraid there won’t be room for a pony on the coach ,”said the Queen.“Oh, ”said the Princess Pip. “Can Amanda and Bert come,then?”“There ‘s no room for snakes,”said the King, “not even pet ones.”Princess Pip scowled . “This holiday is going to be BORING,” she said.They went on holiday in their best gold coach.“Wave to all the people, dear,” said the Queen.Princess Pip folded her ar ms . “ I ‘m on holiday,” she said. “Are we nearly there yet?”“We won’t be there for a long time,” said the Queen firmly .It did take a long time to get to the seaside . The coach got very hot, and Princess Pip didn’t feel very well.“Here we are,at last!” said the King happily.“But it’s a castle!” said Princess Pip. “Just like home.It’s BORING.”2 Just like homeThere was a girl waiting by the castle door.“This is Daisy,”said the Queen. “She is going to look after you,Pip.”Daisy showed Princess Pip her room.“I don’t want a four-poster bed!” said Princess Pip. “That’s just like home.”“You can sleep on my straw mattress , then,” said Daisy. “ I’ll have the bed.”“Oh, all right.”said Princess Pip.That evening there was a banquet and it went on for hours.“More sprouts?”asked the King happily.This is BORING,”said the Princess Pip.“Nonsense(胡说),dear,”said the Queen. “It can’t be boring. We’re on holiday!”“ I WANT TO GO HOME!” said Princess Pip, the next day. She had been walking round the castle walls all morning and she hadn’t found anything to do.“But we’re having a wonderful time,” said the Queen,from her sun chair.“Just look at the way my money shines in the sun,” said the King. “Wonderful!”“ But it’s BORING!” said Princess Pip.“Why don’t you go and talk to Daisy?” suggested the Queen.Princess Pip stomped off.“That does it,” she said to Daisy. “I WANT TO GO HOME!”3 The road home“If you stayed here a bit longer,you might start liking the seaside,” said Daisy.But Princess Pip wasn’t listening. She was putting all her important things in her suitcase.“I think we’ll have to take some things out,”said Daisy.Daisy found them both backpacks, and they set out for home.Princess Pip and Daisy went across the drawbridge and along the road.It was very hot.“Let’s have a nice,cool snack,”said Daisy.So they got some fish sticks from a stall.“These aren’t bad,” admitted Princess Pip.“They taste best by the seaside,” said Daisy. “ I’ll sh ow you where the fish come from, if you like.”They went down some stone steps to a place where the sea swished backwards and forwards and the ground looked as if it was made of gold.“Look in these pools,” said Daisy.The fish were hard to catch.”You could take your stockings off,” said Daisy, “and use them for nets.”It was nice without shoes and stockings on. It was even nicer once Princess Pip had taken off her coat and crown.The fish looked very cross at being caught,so Princess Pip let them go.“It’s not too bad here,” said Princess Pip,at last. “ I want to stay here all the time.”“Let’s build a sandcastle, then,” said Daisy.“A sand HOUSE,” said Princess Pip.It was hard work, but they built a huge house, with a moat all around.Soon the sea came in and filled the moat.“That’s just right.”said Princess Pip. “Make it stop coming in now,Daisy.”But the sea kept on coming in............ and soon it had washed their house FLAT.“ We built our house too close to the sea,”said Daisy, sadly.“STUPID SEA!”shouted Princess Pip. “STUPID SEASIDE! I WANT TO GO HOME!”4 Riding the dragonPrincess Pip and Daisy put on their shoes and picked up their backpacks.“I’m tired,”said Princess Pip, very soon. “ I want to ride Dobbin. Are we nearly home, yet?”“Why don’t you ride one of the horses on that merry-go-round?” suggested Daisy.“Oh, no,”said Princess Pip. “ I’m going to ride that dragon.”The dragon went very fast, and there was lots of exciting music--but then it all stopped. Everyone got off.“But....we’re still here!” said Princess Pip, crossly, as she got off ,too.“At least it wasn’t boring,” said Daisy.“I WANT TO GO HOME!” shouted Princess Pip.“At least it was fun,” said Daisy. “Everything is fun here because it’s a FUN-fair.”Princess Pip sniffed. “ What’s fun about it?” she asked.“I’ll show you,” said Daisy.They went down the roller coaster.Then they went UP and UP and ....DOWN again.“AARRRRGH!” yelled Princess Pip and Daisy.“Let’s go on it again,” said Princess Pip.“ Tomorrow, perhaps,” said Daisy, who had gone very pale.“BUT I WANT...” began Princess Pip.“Hello!” said a voice.It was the King. The Queen was with him.“Where’s Princess Pip?” the King asked Daisy.“Here!” said Princess Pip.The King and the Queen stared at her.“You can’t be Pip!” the Queen gasped. “You’re all dirty,and you have no stockings!”“But I am!” said Princess Pip, and put on her crown to prove it. “Look! It’s me, and I’vefound a place w here the ground is made of gold!Come and see.”Daisy and Princess Pip showed them the beach.“ Good heavens!”said the King. “How wonderful! It’s just the color of money.”“What a perfect place for my sun chair,”said the Queen.The beach was a perfect place for picnics and games, and races, too. Everyone loved it.Then one day the King said: “ What a pity we have to go home tomorrow.”Princess Pip scowled, and she said...“I don’t want to go home!!!”4 第四篇Oh, otto!Something importantThe children in Class Four were busy workingThen their teacher, Miss Underwood, said: ‘I have something very important to tell you.’She smiled and said: ‘A new boy is coming to our class. His name is Otto and he comes from far, far away. In fact, he comes from ou ter space…’( this is Otto’s first day at earth school. Here he is…)The door opened and a boy came in. he looked just like the other children-but he was a different colour. he was green.Miss Underwood told Otto to sit with Jo and Charlie and Josh. Then she looked at Jo and added, ‘I want you to take care of our new boy and give him a hand if he needs it.’‘please, Miss,’ said Otto. ‘I’m not NEW. I’m seven and a half. And I don’t already. Look!’‘Oh, Otto!’ Miss Underwood smiled. ‘just sit down and be a dear.’Otto sat down.Then he said, ‘I don’t think I can be a deer…but I can quack like a duck.’He flapped his arms, like wings, and went: ‘Quack! Quack! Quack!’Charlie joined in: ‘Quack! QUACK! QUACK!’Miss Underwood smiled at Otto. ‘No quacking n class!’ she said.Then she frowned at Charlie. ‘Charlie!’ she said. ‘you know better than that! Get on with your work.’‘It’s not fair!’ Charlie grumbled. ‘I get into trouble and that new boy doesn’t!’That’s when Charlie decided he didn’t like Otto. He didn’t li ke him one bit.Charlie is crossOtto made a lot of mistakes.Charlie leaned back on his chair. Otto tried to do the same thing. But he fell down……and so did all the paints.Now Charlie was green too-and he wasn’t happy about it.Charlie got crosser and crosser and crosser.At playtime, when Otto was in the playground, Charlie decided to scare him.‘If you stand there, you’ll get eaten by a bear,’ said Charlie.‘A bear! Where?’ Otto screamed.Charlie goggled. ‘we keep the bear in the head’s office. All Earth schools have a bear,’ he went on. ‘sometimes the bear gets out…and sometimes it’s hungry!’Otto looked very scared.Treasure HuntThat afternoon the class was having a Treasure Hunt. All the children were looking forward to it.Miss Underwood gave each pair of children the same clue.‘I want you to work in a pair with Otto,’ she said to Jo.‘Work in a pear?’ said Otto ‘How? It will have to be a big pear. Not too juicy. We could all get sticky.’Jo laughed. ‘Oh, Otto! You don’t understand anything! ’The Treasure Hunt began.Charlie worked with Josh. Jo worked with Otto.This was the clue that they had to follow:( start at the classroom door.Then walk along.Don’t go right.Then you won’t go wrong.)‘What does that mean?’ said Charlie.‘I don’t know,’said Josh. ‘But when Miss Underwood hid the treasure last time, it was in the playground.’‘Let’s go there!’ Charlie said to Josh. ‘Quick! We’ll be first.’Otto jumped up to follow them-but Charlie had a plan. He stuck out his foot and tripped Otto up.‘Enjoy your trip!’ Charlie laughed, and ran off with Josh.Jo helped Otto up.All the other children ran out of the classroom and followed Charlie and Josh. They turned right, towards the playground.Jo sighed. ‘Now we’re going to be last.’‘We won’t be last,’ said Otto, ‘because they’re all going the wrong way. Look at the clue.’(Start at the classroom door.Then walk along.Don’t go right.Then you won’t go wrong.Otto pointed at the clue. ‘it means we start here-at the classroom door and we don’t turn RIGHT-because that would be wrong. We have to turn LEFT.’They set off in the other direction to the rest of the children.Charlie and Josh were looking for treasure in the playground and they were getting fed up.‘there’s nothing here,’ said Charlie. ‘Let’s look inside the school.’They went back into the school hall, past the head’s office and that’s when they saw it…‘there IS a bear!’ Charlie said. ‘there really is!’They ran screaming back to their classroom.‘Help! Help! We’ve seen a bear.’Oh, OttoJo and Otto had turned left and walked along the corridor.‘Look!’ said Otto.There was an arrow and it was pointing to a plant pot.Jo picked up the pot and found a map.There was another clue on the map.(clue number2Follow this map if you want to do well.Just look in the place where you find a spell.)Jo and Otto followed the map to the school library.Jo read out the clue again:Follow this map if you want to do well.Just look in the place where you find a spell.‘I understand!’ said Otto. ‘look-there’s a pile of spelling books. That’s where we’ll find a “spell!”’‘You’ve got it, Otto!’ said Jo.Behind the pile of spelling books, there was a box of golden coins. ‘Yum!’ said Jo. ‘It’s chocolate money!’Back in the classroom, Jo and Otto shared out the treasure chocolate.‘But what’s the matter with Josh and Charlie?’ asked Otto.Some of the other children laughed.‘Charlie and Josh thought they saw a bear!’‘A bear!’ said Otto. ‘Jo told me you were making up that story to scare me.’Charlie looked ashamed. ‘It wasn’t really a bear,’ he said. ‘It was the head’s big new coat hanging on the door…’‘But it LOOKED like a bear,’ said Josh.Charlie and Josh went bright red.‘Don’t worry,’ said Otto. ‘Everyone makes mistakes. Have a chocolate.’‘I’m sorry I made fun of you,’ said Charlie.Charlie looked so sad that Miss Underwood felt sorry for him.‘We’ll forgive you, Charlie,’ she said. ‘we all have bad days.’She smiled. ‘You and Josh seem to have lost your heads, today!’‘Oh!’ said Otto. ‘Shall I look for their heads, Miss? I’m good at finding things!’5 第五篇Captain Comet AND THE Purple Planet1 Spanner is boredIt was a quiet morning at Stardust Space Station.Captain Stella was checking the space shuttle.Captain Comet was watering the plants and Spanner the robot was bored.‘Can I sit at the control desk?’he asked.‘All right,’said Captain Comet,‘But don’t touch anything and don’t press that red button.’Spanner sat down at the desk and looked at all the buttons.There were buttons to open all the space station doors and buttons to turn on all the lights.There was even a button to flush all the toilets!There was also a big red button,labelled‘Gravity’.Spanner was not sure what ‘Gravity’was.‘I’ll press it very quickly,’said Spanner,‘to see what it does.’He pressed the red button.Captain Comet was watering the plants when he had a strange feeling.He was floating above the floor!The plant pots were all floating,too.He guessed what had happened.‘Spanner!he shouted ,‘I told you not to touch that red button!’Spanner saw that gravity was what made things stay on the floor.There was no gravity in space,so the space station made its own..Spanner pressed the red button to make the gravity come back on again-and all the potplants fell to the floor.Comet fell to the floor beside them.‘SPANNER!’Comet groaned.2It must be a plantSpanner was cleaning up the mess for the rest of the morning.When he turned the cleaner off,everyone heard a beeping noise.The noise was coming from the space scanner.Everyone stopped what they were doing and came to look.‘The scanner has found something,’said Comet.He pointed to a flashing dot that was moving across the scanner screen.‘I wonder what it is ?’said Captain Stella.‘Is it an asteroid?’asked Spanner.‘An asteroid is a lump of rock that floats in space.’‘I know that!’said Captain Comet.‘Anyway ,it’s too big to be an asteroid,’‘Then it must be a planet,’Spanner said.‘Where has it come from?’asked Comet,’And why is it moving so fast?’‘You’d better go and have a look,’said Captain Stella.Comet and Spanner set off in the space shuttle to look for the new planet.Spanner was very excited.‘I’ve never found a new planet before,’he said .‘What shall we call it ?’‘Let’s find it first ,’said Comet.But Spanner wasn’t listening.‘I’m going to call it Planet Spanner,’he said.Spanner made a humming noise and a flag came out of a slot in his chest.‘What are you doing?’asked Comet.‘I’ve made a flag to put on Planet Spanner.Then everyone will know that we were the first to find it,’Spanner explained.He showed Comet the flag.It was bright red with two spanners on it.Comet had to smile.‘Very nice,’he said.3On the Purple PlanetThe planet looked very strange.It was purple and covered in huge spikes.Comet landed the shuttle carefully on the planet.Then he got out to have a look around.Spanner stayed in the shuttle,making a flagpole for his flag.Spanner found a metal rod.He fastened the flag to one end of the rod and put the other end into a hole in his chest.There was a noise like an electric pencil sharpener.When he took the rod out again,it had a nice sharp point.Comet was looking at one of the giant purple spikes.It felt soft and warm.‘That’s very odd,’thought Comet.‘This spike feels like it’s alive.’Just then Spanner arrived with his new flagpole.‘I name this planet-Planet Spanner!’he said proudly.‘NO!STOP!’Comet yelled.But before Comet could stop him,Spanner hammered the sharp flagpole into the ground.There was a huge roar.‘What was that?’asked Spanner.‘Quick,back to the shuttle!’shouted Comet,as the ground began to shake.They strapped themselves into their seats and Comet blasted off.Spanner looked at the screen.The planet’s surface was spinning around.Then the opening of a big,dark cave came into view.Around the outside of the opening were large,jagged rocks.‘Look!’said Spanner.‘They’re like giant teeth!’Comet stared at the screen.‘That’s because they ARE giant teeth!’he said ,as two huge,angry eyes came into view.‘It’s not a planet…’said Comet,’…It’s a SPACE MONSTER!’gasped Spanner.4Space Chase‘Why is it so angry with us ?’cried Spanner.‘You’ve just hammered a big sharp flagpole into its backside,’explained Captain Comet.The huge teeth snapped shut behind them.‘It wants to eat us!’wailed Spanner.’We’ve got to get away!’‘That’s what I’m trying to do !’said Comet.’But it’s too fast!’Comet fired the shuttle’s jets.Then h e tried to make a sharp turn,as the monster zoomed towards them..‘What are we going to do ?’cried Spanner.Just then,Captain Stella’s face appeared on the screen.She had been watching them on the space scanner.Captain Comet tried to make another sharp turn.The space monster was getting closer and closer.‘Are you all right?’Captain Stella asked.’What’s going on?’‘WE’RE GOING TO BE EATEN!’wailed Spanner,’BY A PRICKLY PURPLE SPACE MONSTER THE SIZE OF A PLANET!’‘Apart from that,everything ‘s fine,’said Comet,making the shuttle dive to dodge the giant teeth.‘Can I help ?’asked Captain Stella.‘No,’said Comet,‘You’re too far away. Is there anyone closer?’Stella looked at the space map and shook her head.‘No,there are no space stations o r planets-only asteroids,’she said.‘Asteroids!’Comet said.‘Tell me where they are .I’ve got an idea!’5Into the AsteroidsThe space shuttle zoomed towards the asteroids.Spanner and Comet had never been so close to the asteroids before.Some of the asteroids were as big as office blocks.‘What are you doing?’cried Spanner, as Comet flew through a narrow gap between two giant asteroids,‘If you hit one of them at this speed, we’ll be smashed to bits!’‘It’s the only way to get away from the monster,’explained Comet.‘The gaps are so narrow, it can’t follow us .’Comet was right.The space monster stopped chasing them. Then it flew up to an asteroid-and took a big bite out of it .Comet and Spanner watched as the monster chomped its way happily through two or three asteroids.‘It eats asteroids!’ Spanner said.‘I’m glad it didn’t eat US!’Comet smiled.‘We didn’t find a new planet after all,’grumbled Spanner,on the way back to the space station.‘No,’said Comet.’But we did find a new kind of space monster.’‘That’s true,’said Spanner.’But how will anyone know that we were the first to find it ?’Captain Comet took one last look at the purple monster ane smiled.‘Oh,they’ll know. After all , it does have YOUR FLAG sticking out of its bottom!’he said.。
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• 2.Whom did the crowd want to win? How did 1.How show it? they response todid Fiona come into the ring? Referee [ refə‘ri: ]公断人,仲 公断人, 公断人 Blew them kisses:飞吻 飞吻 裁人; 法律】 受法庭委托的 受法庭委托的)审 裁人;【法律】(受法庭委托的 审 blow---blew---blown
查人,鉴定人; 足球等的 裁判员。 足球等的)裁判员 查人,鉴定人;(足球等的 裁判员。
Swung: swing 的过去式及过 摆动,摇摆,摇动, 去分词 摆动,摇摆,摇动, 挥动, 挥动,摇荡 Ring :赛马场,竞 赛马场, 赛马场 Darling: (leapt,leaped )宠儿; 技场,运动场;(赛 1.爱人 , 情人。2.宠儿 技场,运动场; 赛 爱人,情人。 宠儿; Leap :vi. 爱人 hair streamed behind her. n.河 Her 亲爱的〔 〔现在除成 马的)赌客席 赌客席; 河 马的 赌客席;马戏 宠物。 宠物。My darling! 亲爱的〔夫妻 语外,普通用 jump〕跳跃,跃起;跳 小河; vi. (旗等 飘扬,招 旗等)飘扬 流,小河;川, 旗等 飘扬, 间的称呼〕;宝宝〔父母对儿女 溪 场;(动物展览会的 间的称呼〕 宝宝〔 动物展览会的) 动物展览会的 越;迅速行动 Look before you leap . 头发)飘动 展;(头发 头发 的称呼〕 的称呼〕。 the darling of飘动 陈列场; 陈列场;〔the 〔谚语〕三思而后行。 fortune 幸运儿。 幸运儿。 ring〕拳击场 〕
• 1. What were they doing now? • 2. Was Bertha happy or sad? Do you know why? • 3. the fight went very well. 进展顺利 Go + adj. 表示变化。 表示变化。 食物变质了。 译:食物变质了。 The food went bad. • 4. be upset about sth. 因。。。而不安、心绪 。。。而不安 而不安、 烦乱的 • 5. the flying tail spin 飞身尾旋 • 6. be in such a bad mood 心情如此不好 in a good mood---- moody adj. 喜怒无常的
• 1.What did Bertha do to Fiona? How did the crowd react? • 2. How did Bertha feel? • 3. grab vt. (grabbed; grabbing) 1.攫取,抓取; 攫取, 攫取 抓取; 抢夺, 抓住 2.抢夺,霸占 3.〔美俚〕匆忙上 车)。 抢夺 〔美俚〕匆忙上(车 。 grab a bus 赶搭公共汽车。 赶搭公共汽车。 • 4. yell vi. 叫喊,大嚷;喊加油;(突然 大笑 叫喊,大嚷;喊加油; 突然)大笑 突然 yell with pain 痛得叫喊 yell at sb. 。。。嚷 冲。。。嚷
• 1. What was Bertha doing? Why? • 2. What idea came to Bertha? • 3. fearsome adj. 1.可怕的,吓人的 胆小的, 可怕的, 胆小的, 可怕的 吓人的2.胆小的 副词,-ness 名词 =terrifying/ 羞怯的 -ly 副词 frightening • 4. big-hearted=kind/ generous/ kindhearted/charitable 慈善的, 好心的,大度的 慈善的, 好心的, • 5. bone cruncher:碎骨者 crunch vi/t.嘎扎嘎扎 碎骨者 嘎扎嘎扎 地咀嚼(饼干等 饼干等); 车轮 皮靴等)嘎喳嘎喳地 车轮、 嘎喳嘎喳地(在 地咀嚼 饼干等 ;(车轮、皮靴等 嘎喳嘎喳地 在 砂砾路上)碾过 碾过/踏过 砂砾路上 碾过 踏过
• 1. How about Fiona? What did she do to Bertha? And the crowd’s response? • 2. Then what did Bertha do? The crowd? • 3. Who was the winner at last? • 4. Fiona bounced back with a flying drop 飞身凌空一脚踢去, 又弹了回来。 kick. 飞身凌空一脚踢去, 又弹了回来。 Five rounds:(比赛的 一次, 比赛的)一次 比赛的 一次, • Bounce vi. (球等 跳起,弹起,反跳,弹回; 球等)跳起 球等 跳起,弹起,反跳,弹回; 一回(合 ,一场,一局, 谈判 一回 合),一场,一局,(谈判 (人)跳跃,跳起 (up) ,跳进 跳跃, 跳进(in),跳出 (out),乱 人 跳跃 , , 等的)一轮 欢呼的 一阵, 等的 一轮,(欢呼的 一阵, 跳乱蹦 (about),急促地动 , 一轮, 欢呼的)一阵 (弹药的 一发,一颗;(枪炮等 弹药的)一发 弹药的 一发,一颗; 枪炮等 • Spun---- spin 的过去式及过去分词 使(陀螺等 的过去式及过去分词:使 陀螺等 陀螺等) 一次)齐发 的)(一次 齐发 一次 旋转; 旋转; 车轮)打空转 使(车轮 打空转 车轮 在冰上,沙中〕 〔在冰上,沙中〕
• Did Fiona agree with Bertha? What’s her reason? • Can you guess what would happen next? • Teach sb. how to do sth. 教会某人做某事 Teach sb. sth. (sb. 是宾格) 是宾格) 你能教我如何骑车吗? 译: 你能教我如何骑车吗? Can you teach me how to ride? 王老师教我语文。 译:王老师教我语文。 Ms. Wang teaches me Chinese.
1. Who are they ? What’s the relationship between them? 2. Is there a way to tell them apart? How? 3. What’s the name of the competition?
4. Tell them apart 区别, 区别, 判断 apart 分别, 分别,分开 5. Dye or work 出去工 作
• 1.What’s Fiona’s nickname? Who is her opponent? • 2. How did Bertha come into the ring? And what was the reaction of the crowd? 3.opponent=rival Boo:呸〔表示厌 呸 adj.对立的,对抗的,反对的 对立的, 对立的 对抗的, 轻蔑等〕 恶、轻蔑等〕 n.反对者,对手,敌手 反对者, 反对者 对手, 4.The door smashed open. vt.打碎,打破,打 打碎, 打碎 打破, 压碎,捣烂; 猛冲, 烂;压碎,捣烂;碰撞 vi.猛冲,猛撞 猛冲 铰链,折叶 5.One door came off its hinges. n.铰链,折叶, 铰链 合页 the hinge of the knee 膝关节