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The Fourth Industrial revolution Technology-Driven, Human-Centred A:But,moore,let’s talk with you. Are you feeling out mistake? Because you opt mistake. Cause that twitter pole entente the impart of technology and the way people can holnazition the positive way.

B:I think you friend, actually quite beautifully the way you can set it up. Because you know it’s incredible tension right now between this dramatic innovation and this turn ring. But it’s also there is issues of quality. And this is ,I think will go to be really idle work for the next stay kid. We all know this innovation is dramatic if this happening, and you know cause many powerful expects of what we call it through that I’m firm the fourth industrial revolution. The fourth industrial revolution is why range of arrangement innovation. And information technology, bio technology and so word so on, and each one of this they have opportunity to move the world foreword in really incredible ways. If you look each one have yest did you go. We just took some time went through and looked each one and

food and poverty and the ocean and the air earth **

. Across the board, I want to hit some of them leader a session. We can dramatically improve this arrangement of technology. But, I’ll give you like a example though, so, if you have very recently just right here in this harbor there was a major new a battle ship launch. The battle ship that was launch was internal was a battle ship. And it’s not first one launch tear in. Also there is many nation staff for the launch to internal this battle ship.

A:You mine the self-driving battle ship. That bit self-driving anything.

B:I can give you down words that’s batter. But this idea you have * this battle ship, self-driving battle ship, there is no sailors of this battle ship, right? It is the beginning of native without sailors. We can all imagine that, because this ships driving on the ocean right now soft prepared, and there is no sailors on the battle ship, there is no can be any pilots on the plane. You know why, in San Francisco when I am from we have taxi without taxi drivers, we have tracks, you know big tracks going down the high way without track drivers, we have grocery stores in the governor state without cashiers, and we can kind of start to go on and on and on. We have military without infantry, and this is all possible through this incredible way of new technology. But when we look at that technology that is

when we really have to start ask our self, well, ok, here is a amazing new AI technology, by the accident, maybe I’m go to be welfare,because I can treat crown things and this kind of things better. Maybe I’m go to be smarter, because I have accident education this kind of things. Maybe there is something make me go to be healthier. Because all my medical date will be intelligently bright me with smart wise through sentence.So, those is some powerful dimensions, you don’t have to play that individually, you can also look that organizationly. Companies will be batter, with AI. Countries or states will be better. But what about the one if you do not have it, do you see. So that’s when I want to say ok, you can put them all out there, but then, hold on, who have these AI? Is these go to be help by certain companies? Or certain countries?We know there was major nation state leader who said last week, the country control the AI will control the world.

A:That was Russian leader, is n’t it.

B:So,I think the question is out there, all right. Which is you know I talk about this this morning, which is should we think about these AI will basic human right. If you over the United station they have war to basic human right since they believe in, is these do to be so fun to man society that every country should have, every person and every company should have some kind of marked at the axis AI
