南大网院 商务英语 听力第二次作业
高级听说第二作业答案及听力原文集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-《高级听说》第二次作业Exercise6(听力材料1)英语听力原文ClothingStylesAshley:Hey,Jake.Areyoureadyforyourtrip?Jake:Well,notreally.Istillhavetobuysomeclothes.Ashley:Well,what'stheweatherlikewhereyou'regoing?Jake:Well,uh,it'sreallyhotinthesummer,soI'mgoingtobuysomeshorts,sandals,andafe wt-shirts.Ashley:Whatabouttherestoftheyear?Jake:PeoplesaythatthefallcanstillbewarmuntilNovember,soI'mgoingtobuysomejeansa ndafewcasualshirts.Ashley:Willyouneedanywarmclothesforthewinter?Jake:Well,theweatherdoesn'tgettoocold,butitoftensnowsinthemountains,soI'mgoing tobuyacoupleofwarmsweaters,ajacket,andahat.Idon'thaveroominmysuitcasetopackaco at,soI'mgoingtowaituntilIgetthereandbuyitwhenIreallyneedit.Ashley:Areyougoingtotakeanythingelse?Jake:Theysayitrainscatsanddogsinthespring,butagain,I'llprobablyjustwaitandpick uparaincoatoranumbrellalateron.But,I'mgoingtotakeagoodpairofshoesbecauseIplano nwalkingtoandfromschooleveryday.Ashley:Doyouneedanyclothingforformaloccasions?Jake:Well,youneverknowwhenyoumightneedsomethingonthespurofthemomentforawedding ormaybesomeone'sgraduation,oranicedate,soI'llprobablytakesomeniceslacks,adress shirt,andacouple(of)crazytiesortwo.Ashley:Um,thatmakessense.Jake:AndI'lljustrentasuitortuxedoifIneedanythingmoreformal.Hey,maybeI'llgetmar ried.Ashley:YouMarriedHah!Jake:Wait.Whatareyoutryingtosay?Ashley:Ijustcan'timagineyoudeckedoutinatuxedoforanyformaloccasion.[What!]Imean ,forhighschoolgraduation,youworeanoldpairofjeansandtennisshoes.Jake:Hey,therewasareasonforthat,soletmeexplain.[Yeah,ha,ha.]No,really.Yousee,i tgoeslikethis...Exercise6(听力材料1)ClothingStyles1.Whatdoesthemanplantowearduringthesummermonths?A.acoolhatB.casualshoesC.lightpants2.WhatisonethingthemanisNOTgoingtopackforthewinterseason?A.acoatB.somesweatersC.ajacket3.Whatistheweatherlikeinthespring?A.It'swindy.B.It'srainy.C.It'scool.4.Whatisanexampleofanoccasionwherethemanmightneedformalclothes?A.apartyB.abusinessmeetingC.awedding5.Whatdidthemanweartohishighschoolgraduation?A.jeansandtennisshoesB.acasualshirtandtieC.asuitanddressshoesBADCAExercise7(听力材料2).英语听力原文BusinessCommunicationsSecretary:Hello,UltimateComputers.MayIhelpyou?Caller:Yes,thisisJackKordellfromHunter'sOfficeSupplies.MayIspeaktoElaineStrong ,please?Secretary:I'msorry,butshe'snotinrightnow.Caller:Okay,doyouknowwhenshe'llbeback?Secretary:Uh,yes,sheshouldbeherelateronthisafternoonmaybeabout4:30.MayItakeame ssage?Caller:Yes.Ms.Strongsentmeabrochuredetailingyournewestlineoflaptopcomputerswit hadescriptionofothersoftwareproducts,buttherewasn'tanyinformationaboutafter-salesservice.Secretary:Oh,I'msorry.Wouldyoulikemetofaxthattoyou?Caller:Yes,butourfaxisbeingrepairedatthemoment,anditwon'tbeworkinguntilaround2 :30.Hum...couldyoutrysendingthatinformationaround3:30?Thatshouldgivemetimetolo okoverthematerialbeforeIcallMs.Strong,say,around5:00.Secretary:Sure.CouldIhaveyourname,telephonenumber,andfaxnumber,please?Caller:Yes.JackKordellandthephonenumberis560-1287.Andthefaxnumberis560-1288. Secretary:Okay.JackKordell.IsyournamespelledC-o-r-d-e-l?Caller:No.It'sKordellwitha"K"andtwo"l's."K-o-r-d-e-l-l."Secretary:Allright,Mr.Kordell.Andyourphonenumberis560-1287,andthefaxnumberis560-1288.Isthatcorrect?Caller:Yesitis.Secretary:Allright.I'llbesuretosendyouthefaxthisafternoon.Caller:Okay,bye.Exercise7(听力材料2).BusinessCommunications1.Whycan'tElaineStronganswerthephone?A.She'sinameeting.B.She'soutoftheoffice.C.She'stalkingwithanothercustomer.2.Whatdoesthecallerwantthesecretarytosend?rmationonafter-salesserviceB.apictureofthenewestcomputersC.alistofsoftwareproducts3.Whattimeshouldthesecretarysendthematerial?A.2:30PMB.3:30PMC.5:00PM4.Whatisthecaller'sname?A.CordellB.KordelC.Kordell5.Whatisthecaller'stelephonenumber?A.560-1287.B.560-1828C.560-2187BABCAExercise8(听力材料3).英语听力原文CollegeLifeMaria:Oh,hiDave.Longtime,nosee!Dave:HiMaria.Iwasintheneighborhood,soIthoughtI'ddropby.Maria:Comeonin.[Thanks.]Takeaseat.Wouldyoulikeanythingtodrink?IhaveSpriteorora ngejuice.Dave:Spritewouldbefine.Uh,so,howhaveyoubeen?Maria:Oh,notbad.Andyou?Dave:Oh,I'mdoingokay,butschoolhasbeenreallyhecticthesedays,andIhaven'thadtimet orelax.Maria:Bytheway,what'syourmajoranyway?Dave:Hotelmanagement.Maria:Well,whatdoyouwanttodoonceyougraduate?Dave:Uh...Ihaven'tdecidedforsure,butIthinkI'dliketoworkforahotelortravelagency inthisarea.Howaboutyou?Maria:Well,whenIfirststartedcollege,IwantedtomajorinFrench,butIrealizedImighth aveahardtimefindingajobusingthelanguage,soIchangedmajorstocomputerscience.[Oh] .Withtherightskills,landingajobinthecomputerindustryshouldn'tbeasdifficult. Dave:So,doyouhaveapart-timejobtosupportyourselfthroughschool?Maria:Well,fortunatelyforme,Ireceivedafour-yearacademicscholarship[Wow]thatpaysforallofmytuitionandbooks.Dave:Wow.That'sgreat.Maria:Yeah.HowaboutyouAreyouworkingyourwaythroughschoolDave:Yeah.Iworkthreetimesaweekatarestaurantnearcampus.Maria:Oh.Whatdoyoudothere?Dave:I'macook.Maria:Howdoyoulikeyourjob?Dave:It'sokay.Theotherworkersarefriendly,andthepayisn'tbad.Exercise8(听力材料3).CollegeLife1.Whatdoesthemanwanttodoafterhegraduates?A.Hewantstobecomeateacher.B.Hehopestogoontograduateschool.C.He'dliketoworkatahotel.2.Whatisthewomanmajoringin?A.historyB.Frenchputerscience3.Howdoesthewomanpayforcollege?A.Shehasapart-timejob.B.Shereceivedascholarship.C.Herparentsarepayingforit.4.Wheredoesthemanworkpart-time?A.atabakeryB.inalibraryC.atarestaurant5.WhatthingdidthemanNOTsayabouthisjob?A.Hisco-workersarefriendly.B.Heworkslonghours.C.Thepayisokay.CCBCBExercise9(听力材料4)英语听力原文DailyScheduleWoman:So,what'syourusualdaylike?Youalwaysseemsobusy.Man:Well,Iusuallygetuparound5:00a.m.andworkonthecomputeruntil6:00a.m. Woman:Whydoyougetupsoearly?Man:Well,Ihavetoleavehomeattwentytoseven(6:40a.m.)soIcancatchabusat7:00o'clock .Ittakesmeabouttwentyminutestowalktothebusstopfrommyhouse.Woman:Andwhattimedoyougettowork?Man:Uh,mybustakesaboutanhourtogetthere,butitstopsrightinfrontofmyoffice. Woman:That'snice.Andwhattimedoyougetoffwork?Man:Uh,around5:00o'clock.Then,weeatdinneraround6:30,andmywifeandIreadandplaywi ththekidsuntil8:00orso.Woman:So,whendoyouworkonyourwebsiteYousaidonetimethatyoucreateitathomeMan:Well,mywifeandIoftenwatchTVortalkuntil10:00o'clock.ShethenoftenreadswhileI workonmysite,andIsometimesstayupuntiltheearlyhoursofthemorning,butItrytofinish everythingbyoneortwo.Woman:Andthenyougetupat5:00a.m.Man:Well,yeah,butit'simportanttoliveabalancedlife.IenjoywhatIdo,butyouhavetose tasidetimeforthefamilyandyourself.Woman:Iagree.Man:ButIthinkmywifehasthetoughestjob.Shespendsherwholedaytakingcareofourfamily ...takingthekidstoschool,workinginthegarden,buyinggroceries,takingthekidstopia nolessons...[Wow!]It'safull-timejob,butsheenjoyswhatshedoes.Woman:Well,itsoundslikeyou'reabusy,butluckyman.Man:Ithinksotoo.英语单词词组1.catch(verb):togeton-Ihavetocatchabusinfrontofthebusstation.2.getoffwork(verb):finishwork-Sheseldomgetsoffworkbefore6:00p.m.3.dinner(noun):sometimessupper-Weseldomeatdinnerafter8:00p.m.4.stayup(verb):notgotobed-Ialmostneverstayuppastmidnight.5.setaside(verb):reserve,allow,orgiveacertainamountto-Youhavetosetasideenoughtimetostudyforyourclasses.6.toughest(adjective):mostdifficult,hardest-Thetoughestpartaboutbeingaparentissettingasidetimeforbothwork,family,andself.7.takecareof(verb):watch,lookafter-Youshouldtakecareofyourselfsoyoudon'tgetsick.8.groceries(noun):foodandotheritemsatasupermarket-Momisgoingtopickupsomegroceriesfromthestorefordinner.Exercise9(听力材料4)DailySchedule1.Whattimedoesthemangetup?A.at5:00a.m.B.at6:00a.m.C.at7:00a.m.2.Whattimedoeshegettowork?A.at7:00a.m.B.at8:00a.m.C.at9:00a.m.3.Whatdoeshedowithhisfamilyaround6:30p.m.A.Theyreadbookstogether.B.Theyplaygames.C.Theyeatdinner.4.Whatdothemanandhiswifedoafterthekidsgotobed?A.TheywatchTV.B.Theycleanthehouse.C.Theylistentomusic.5.WhatisonethingthemandoesNOTsayabouthiswife?A.Shehastotaketheirchildrentoschool.B.Shehelpsthekidswiththeirhomework.C.Shegoesshoppingforfood.ABCABExercise10(听力材料5)英语听力原文DVDMovieRentalsMan:Hey,Kathy.I'mthinkingaboutrentingamoviefortonight'sparty,andIwanttoknowwha tkindofmoviesyoulike.Woman:Okay.Whatkindofmoviesdoyouhaveinmind?Man:Well,whataboutactionmovies?Woman:Ah,Idon'treallylikeactionmovies.Toomuchviolence.Man:Okay,doyoulikecomedies?Woman:Now,Idoenjoycomedies.Man:Fine.Well,whatdoyouthinkofhorrormoviesorlovestories?Woman:Uh...I'mnotreallycrazyabouthorrormovies,butlovestoriesareoftenfuntowatch .Oh,andIreallylikeforeignfilms,too.Man:Okay.I'llgotothevideostoreandseewhatIcanfind.Thanks.英语单词词组1.haveinmind(verb):tothinkabout-Whatactivitiesdoyouhaveinmindfortomorrow'spicnic?2.crazyabout(phrasalverb):tolikesomethingverymuch-Carlaiscrazyaboutrockmusic. Exercise10(听力材料5)DVDMovieRentals1.Action:A.likeB.dislikeedies:A.likeB.dislike3.Horror:A.likeB.dislike4.Love:A.likeB.dislike5.Foreign:A.likeB.dislike BABAA。
大学英语听力2答案【篇一:全新版大学英语(第二版)听说教程2听力原文】 class=txt>unit 1 sportspart a]listening strategyidentifying numbersnumbers appear very often in every kind of listening material. the ability to catch the exact numbers spoken in english is an important but difficult skill for a chinese learner. a good way isto practice over and over again the pronunciation of the numbers, particularly the different ways to say thirteen and thirty, fourteen and forty, etc. it also helps to practice writing down the numbers you hear quickly in numerical forms,without translating them into chinese. youre going to hear a passage about michael jordan, a retired american professional basketball player.listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing numbers. michael jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time. he was born on feb.17, 1963, in brooklyn, new york. he is 1.98 meters tall and weighs 216 pounds. jordan joined the chicago bulls team for the 1984 season. in the 1986 season he shot3041 points, the third highest score ever. he was named nba slam dunk champion(扣篮冠军)in 1987 and won the most valuable player award in 1988, an honor repeated four times in the next ten years to 1998. jordan guided his team to win sixnba championships during the 1990s, scoring 45 points during the sixth and last game of the 1998 nba finals. in 1999, he was named the greatest north american athlete of the 20th century. jordan left the nba at the beginning of the 1993-1994 nbaseason to pursue a career in baseball. since his baseball game wasnt quite as good as his basketball games, he finally gave it up to rejoin the bulls in 1995. yet, after playing for five more years, he once again announced his retirement in 1999. but he returned for two more nba games in 2001 as a member of the washington wizards.[ti:unit 1 part b]listening tasksa conversationwhy dont you join me at the gym sometime?exercise 1listen to the conversation and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.peter: hi laura. where are you heading with that big bag?laura: hi, peter. im off to the gym. ive got to stay in shape, you know. i try to go three times a week, but im busy so i cant always make it.peter: i know more women who work out than men. whats the main reason you work out? for your health, or to look good?laura: to be honest, for both. with women, good looks are always a very important consideration. peter: if they were honest, most men who work out would admit that they also do it to look better, and not merely for health reasons.laura: how about you? do you get any regular exercise?peter: i do a lot of walking, for exercise and enjoyment sometimes ten to twenty kilometers at a time but i never go to the gym like you do.laura: well, walking is good exercise. how about sports? peter: not since my school days. i used to love playing baseball, but its impossible to get enough people together for a game now. mostly i just watch sports on tv.laura: i play tennis fairly regularly with my friends, and sometimes go swimming and cycling by myself.peter: oh, i forgot about that. i go cycling sometimes too. and i often go swimming on vacation, but only recreational swimming.laura: why dont you join me at the gym sometime? i can get you a guest pass.peter: well, maybe someday, but im pretty lazy about things like that.questions1. what do you know about peter?2. where might the two speakers be having this conversation? speaking taskspair worklisten to the following conversations and repeat after the recording. then role-play them with your partner.conversation 1a: whats your plan for this evening?b: well, theres a good game at the stadium but i havent got a ticket yet.a: im going to the gym. would you like to come along? i can get a guest pass for you. b: thats wonderful. id always wanted to work out in the new gym. thank you very much. conversation 2a: hi, xiao wang. fancy meeting you here! how are you doing? b: cant complain. im busy with my experiments in the lab. but after work i often play some sports.a: like what?b: like swimming, running and sometimes tennis.a: tennis? thats my favorite game. say, whatre you doing this weekend?b: nothing particular. i guess ill probably just work in the lab. a: come on. you need to relax. what about a game of tennis? b: ok.conversation 3a: are you doing anything special tomorrow, bob?b: not really. why do you ask?a: some of us are going motorcycling. would you like to join us?b: motorcycling? ive never done that. isnt it a bit dangerous? a: maybe, but its really exciting.b: i enjoy jogging. its more relaxing.a: thats a good form of exercise. it can help you stay in shape. b: yes, its also safer.now make similar conversations according to the given situations. use the structures and expressions above in your conversations where appropriate[ti:unit 1 part c]test your listeningyoure going to hear five short conversations. listen carefully and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.1. w: i like playing basketball, volleyball and table tennis. what about you?m: well, tennis is my favorite sport.q: what sport does the man like?2. w: you dont like boxing very much, do you?m: its far from being my kind of sport.q: what does the man mean?3. w: i think yesterdays football game was quite exciting.what about you, john?m: you said it. but it was a bit long.q: what does the man think about the football game?4. w: do you like to play chess?m: i like the game, but i dont play it often enough. im afraid im not a very good chess player. q: what does the man mean?5. m: i knew the names of all the football players and the dates of all the games in my high school days. but recently i have failed to keep up with football.w: now you are busy with your golf games.q: what do you know about the man from the conversation?unit 2 food and drinkspart alistening strategylistening between the linespeople do not always say directly what they mean. very often, we have to listen between the lines. the english languageoffers many ways for people to imply, rather than directly state, their meaning. to find out what a speaker really means, we can rely on such things as the context, the meaning of an idiom, and the intonation used. for example, if someone says i havean essay to write in answer to an invitation to go somewhere, we can infer from the context that he cannot accept the invitation. and if someone says andrew passed with flying colors in reply to an inquiry about how andrew did on a test,we can infer from the meaning of the idiom to pass with flying colors that andrew did very well on the test. often, intonation also helps to reveal the real meaning of a message. for example, he is very clever said with an ironic tone means just the opposite. you are going to hear eight short conversations between two speakers.listen carefully and write down yes or no to each of the following questions.1. m: have you ever been to that big restaurant opposite the school gate?w: yes, many times.whenever my friends come to visit me, ill take them there to eat.2. w: is there something wrong, sir?m: my wife and i have been kept waiting for nearly an hour for our meal.3. w: where is the cake i made this morning?m: we ate it, mom. can you make another one for us?4. w: i hear you like chicken very much.m: next to beef.5. m: have you tried this wine before?w: no, never. its my first time, but its really to my taste.6. w: john, do you want a soda?m: soda? i think it tastes like medicine.7. w: why, the fish is left almost untouched.m: well, it would be good if it were less salty.8. m: hi, sue, would you like to eat out tonight?w: oh, id really like to, but my sister may come to visit me this evening..[ti:unit 2 part b]listening tasksa conversationwhat about dining out?exercise 1listen to the conversation and complete the following sentences.peter: hi, kate.kate: hi, peter. how have you been?peter: oh, ok, i guess. and you?kate: not too bad. we havent seen each other for a while, have we?peter: no, we havent. so that makes me ask. do you have any plan for this saturday?kate: no, not yet, i dont think so. why?peter: what do you think about getting together and going out to dinner this weekend? kate: that would be great. do you have any particular place in mind?peter: well, i think id like to eat something thats not too heavy. ive been eating a little too much lately.kate: me too.peter: i love italian food, but maybe we should skip that this time. they always seem to serve so much food in italian restaurants, and you end up eating more than you wanted to. kate: chinese food would be good.peter: yes, or maybe some japanese sushi. that style uses a lot of natural flavors, and not much oil or cream or heavy sauces.kate: yes, either of those choices would be good. lets just meet on saturday night, and decide then where to eat.peter: thats fine by me.speaking taskspair worklisten to the following conversations and repeat after the recording. then role-play them with your partner.conversation 1(at the school canteen)a: what a crowd!b: this is the worst time. the morning classes are just over. everybody is hungry and rushes here to have lunch.a: thats true. im starving and i cant wait. id rather not stand in a long line.b: why dont we have some fried noodles?a: noodles are sold at no. 2 box. no queue there, you see.b: thats great.(at no. 2 box)counter hand: what can i get you?a: one plate of fried noodles, please.b: make it two.counter hand: ok. two plates of fried noodles. anything else? a: how much is the tomato soup?counter hand: its free. it goes with the noodles.a: i see. (to b) do you want any soup?b: yes.a: (to counter hand) two bowls of soup, please.conversation 2(at a fast food restaurant)counter hand: what can i do for you?customer: ill have one order of chicken nuggets and a chicken sandwich.counter hand: anything to drink?customer: a small sprite. no ice, please.counter hand: okay. for here or to go?customer: for here.conversation 3(at a chinese restaurant)waiter: are you ready to order?a: do you have any recommendations?waiter: yes. the sichuan style crispy whole fish is very good.its todays special.a: mary, would you like to try that? i hear its very good.b: why not? and id like shrimp in black bean sauce, too. its my favorite.waiter: okay. anything else?a: what about some vegetables, mary?b: yes. how about spinach?a: spinach is fine with me.waiter: anything to drink?a: yes. id like one bud light, please. whatll you have, mary?b: orange juice, please.waiter: one bud light and one orange juice. is that right?a: right.now make similar conversations according to the given situations. use the structures and expressions above in your conversations where appropriate【篇二:新视野大学英语第二册听力答案】=txt>第二册unit 1 international clock talkshort conversations1- 5.bdcdc6-10.cbbaclong conversation1-5.ddabcunderstanding a passage1-5.cdbcbmovie speech1.upset2.sickw4.harmless5.break6.replaced7.memories 8.natural9.birthday 10.appreciatestory-retelling1. sit quietly and listen to him2. a blank stare3. put it a different way4.speak up in class5. in turn/ a great deal ofhomework listeningtask 1 1-5.d c b d btask 2 1-5.c a b a ctask 31.the age, size and future2.seventy years ago3.increase with distancete that month5.a light year6.distances in space7.other measurements8.support the idea9.slow down and break up 10.or possibly even olderunit 2all that glitters is olympic goldshort conversations1.b2.b3.c4.c5.c6.a7.a8.a9.c 10.along conversation1.d2.b3.c4.d5.dunderstanding a passage1.c2.b3.c4.d5.dmovie speech1.training2.touch5.trouble6.fighting7.three10.borrowhomework listeningtask 1 1.d 2.c 3.d 4.b 5.atask 2 1.a 2.b 3.c 4.b 5.dtask 31.on the ball2.did something unexpected3.at the job or activity4.hit it out of the park3.understand4.appreciate 8.honest 9.cry5.think it over6.is very successful9.how much it is worth10.close to my selling price新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册unit 3 pros and cons of mixed marriagesshort conversations1.d2.a3.b4.c5.d6.a7.d8.b9. a 10.blong conversation1.a2.b3.d4.d5.aunderstanding a passage1.b2.d3.d4.a5.bmovie dialog1.night2.definitely3.love4.wise5.my wife6.267.died8.youngest9.goes by10.gotten oldlistening and speaking1.physically ok2.to the kitchen3.a bowl of ice cream4.i don’t need to write it down5. a plate of bacon andeggssupplementary listeningtask 1 1.a 2.b 3.d 4.c 5.dtask 2 1.b 2.d 3.b 4.c 5.atask 31.they care about2.performed marriages .3.wait longer to get married4.bring people together5.plan a blind date6.follow their culturaltraditions7.meant for the other 8.establishing a relationship9.improve their chances10.meet someone over the internet新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册unit 4 a hunk of burning loveshort conversations1.d2.b3.c4.a5.b6.d7.a8.c9.c 10.blong conversation1.b2.a3.c4.d5.bunderstanding a passage1.c2.b3.d4.b5.amovie speech5.delight6.gathering7.natural8.special9.welcoming10.remindinghomework listeningtask 1 1.a 2.c 3.a 4.b 5.btask 2 1.d 2.c 3.a 4.c 5.btask 31.answer a question2.to be admitted3.copies of all school records4.the results of the tofel5.minimum acceptable tofel score6.additional english training7.conditionally accept students 8.taking regular class9.provides more information10.successfully pass classes新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册unit 5 enough of worries and tearsshort conversations1.c2.d3.a4.c5.a6.b7.d8.d9.d 10.clong conversation1.b2.d3.a4.d5.aunderstanding a passage1.d2.c3.b4.a5.cmovie speech1.everything the light touches2.rises and falls3.will risewith you 4.shadowy place5.never go there6.getting your way7.exists together 8.respect all creatures 9.let meexplain【篇三:现代大学英语听力2听力原文及答案 (1)】txt>task 1【答案】a.1) she wanted to see st. paul’s cathedral.2) she was so surprised because she saw so many englishmen who looked alike.3) they were all wearing dark suits and bowler hats, carrying umbrellas and newspapers.4) because she had often read about them and seen photographs of them, who all looked as if they were wearing a uniform.5) no, he didn’t.6) he used the english saying “it takes all kinds to make a world” to prove his opinion.b.if all the seas were one sea, what a great sea it would be! and if all the trees were one tree, what a great tree it would be! and if this tree were to fall in the sea, what a great splash there would be!【原文】yesterday morning gretel went to the city of london. shewanted to see st. pauls cathedral. she was surprised to see so many englishmen who looked alike. they were all wearing dark suits and bowler hats. they were all carrying umbrellas and newspapers. when she returned home she asked mr clark about these strange creatures. they must be typical english gentlemen, she said. i have often read about them and seen photographs of them. they all look as if they are wearing a uniform. does the typical english gentleman still exist?mr. clark laughed. ive never thought about it, he answered. its true that many of the men who work in the city of london still wear bowler hate and i suppose they are typical englishmen. but look at this. mr. clark picked up a magazine and pointed at a photo of a young man. hes just as typical, perhaps. it seems as if there is no such thing as a typical englishman. do you know the english saying it takes all kinds to make a world? thats true of all countries-including england.seas were one sea, what a great sea that would be! if all the trees were one tree, what a great tree that would be! and if this tree were to fall in the sea, what a great splash that would be!” task 2【答案】a.1) people were much busier2) colder than england; minus thirty degrees; last longer3) much more mountainous; much higher and much more rocky; more beautiful4) tend to be more crowded5) the houses; smallerb.1) t 2) t 3) f 4) f 5) f【原文】john is british but has worked in japan. etsuko is japanese from osaka, but she is studying in britain. in the following passage you are going to hear, they are comparing life as they see it in the two countries. but before listening to it, think of the two countries and try to answer the following pre-listening questions.john: i found that living in japan, people were busier. they seem to work the whole day.etsuko: yes, that’s right. we work from monday through saturday, even in summer. you know, summer in japan is just horrible. it’s very, very humid and hot, and you need to shower three times a day.john: so you find it cooler in england?etsuko: yes, that’s right.john: where i was living in japan, in the north, it was much colder than england, especially in winter, minus thirty degrees centigrade. does the winter in osaka last longer than the winter in england?etsuko: no, i don’t think so. december, january, february, march.john: yes. it’s a little bit shorter if anything.etsuko: ever since i came here, i noticed that the countryside here in england is very beautiful.john: it’s much f latter than in japan.etsuko: yes. japan is a mountainous country and our cities are full of people. there are lots of people in a limited flat area. john: yes, i found japan much more mountainous than britain, especially in the north. the mountains are much higher and much more rocky. i found it more beautiful than britain, i think. etsuko: yes, if you like mountains.john: and therefore the towns and villages tend to be more crowded.etsuko: yes, that’s right.john: yes. so because the cities are more crowded, the houses tend to be smaller, don’t they?etsuko: yes, they are very compact, and we don’t have a lot of space. in big cities we have a lot of taller buildings now.john: is this a problem because there are more earthquakes in japan?etsuko: yes, that’s right and…task 3【答案】a.1) in the us, people usually dance just to enjoy themselves; they don’t invite other people to watch them.2) usually eight people dance together.3) because people form a square in dancing with a man and a woman on each side of the square.4) he usually makes it into a song.5) they wear old-fashioned clothes.b.1) f 2) t 3) f 4) f 5) tc.1) eight people form a square; on each side of the square。
《英语听力教程》Unit2答案高等教育出版社Unit 2 Let Birds FlyPart IB.1.IUCN—International Union for the Conservation of Nature, is the organization established bythe United Nations to promote the conservation of wildlife and habitats as part of the national policies of member states.2.CITES-- Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, / trade/ animals andplants/ 1975/ prohibits/ 8,000/ controls/ 30,0003.UNEP—United Nations Environmental Program/ leadership / environment/ quality of life/4.WWF—World Wide Fund for Nature (formerly World Wildlife Fund)/ 1961/ species/ 3.7million/ Switzerland.C.Questions:1.They work to conserve natural areas that contain endangered wildlife2.They are campaigning to provide sea sanctuaries for some of these endangered species.Protected-nesting sites for turtles have been set up.3.it refers to the places of safety in the sea where sea animals are protected and allowed to livefreely.A: Hallo, I’m calling on behalf of the World Wildlife Fund.B: the what?A: The World wildlife Fund. If you’ve got a few minutes I’dlike to telly ou what that means.B: Oh, all right.A: We work to conserve natural areas that contain endangered wildlife. The seas for example, have become polluted by the industrialized world; whales are being hunted to extinction; turtles are rolled off their eggs when they come ashore to breed or are slaughtered for their meat and oil…B: Oh.A: Crocodiles are killed to make handbags and shoes; walruses are hunted for their ivory.B: I see.A: Seals are bludgeoned to death to provide fur coats and the threat of extinction hangs over several species of whale, dolphin and porpoise.B: really.A: We are now campaigning to provide sea sanctuaries for some of these endangered species.B: very interesting.A: Aided by our campaign, protected nesting sites for turtles have already been set up. As you can see, this is very valuable work and I wonder therefore if you’d like to make a donation?Part II Christmas bird countsA. Jan. 3rd/ more than 40,000 volunteers/ 1,600/ a 15 mile diameter / an American artist/ their natural habitats/ the late 1800sB. start/ sponsored/ outside counting birds/ experienced bird watchers/ anyone that is interested or concerned as well. / scheduled/ 10 people taking part/ hundreds/ 15 mile diameter circle/ the total bird populations / the number of birds / the longest-running bird censusJohn James Audubon was an American artist in the early 1800s, who illustrated birds in their natural habitats. The Society named after him was founded in the late 1800s by conservationists concerned with the decline of birds, which were being killed so their feathers could be used in the manufacture of women’s hats.Sponsored by the National Audubon Society, more than 40,000 volunteers will be outside counting birds from today until January 3rd. V olunteers from all 50 states of the United States, every Canadian province, parts of Central and South America, Bermuda, the West Indies and Pacific islands have begun to count and record every individual bird and bird species observed during the two and one half week period of the count.Jeffrey leBarron is the National Audubon Society’s Christmas Bird Count editor. He says the count is the longest-running bird census in ornithology.This year, according to MR. LeBaron, more than 1,600 separate bird counts have been scheduled. Some would have as few as 10 people taking part, others with hundreds. The logistics of the Christmas bird count, he adds, are simple.“Each individual count is in a circle. It’s a 15 mile diameter circle, um, around the exact center point. And it’s always the exactly same area that’s done every year, usually, even on the same weekend during the count period. And what the ideal would be, which is virtually impossible, is this census: every single individual bird within that circle on the count day.”Mr. LeBaron says experienced bird counters can get a good idea of the total bird populations within the count circle based on the number of birds they actually see. The editor points out, however, that the counts are not only for experienced birdwatchers.“Anybody that is interested or concerned can become involved. Beginners will go out in a party with experienced individuals who know both the area and the birds in the area, in the field where more eyes and ears are better. And then anybody can point out a bird, and someone in the field will always be able to identify the bird.”Part III. Dolphin captivityA. 1 3 4 5 2B. Thesis Statement 1: Dolphins should be kept in captivityThesis Statement 2: there are educational benefits of keeping marine mammals in captivityCRick Troud: stress / sonar bouncing offDeborah Duffield: little difference in average age of death; life getting better for captive dolphinsRick Troud: natural behavior patterns are altered/ beating each other to death; suffering from fractured skulls, ribs or jaws.Doborah Duffield: Can’t learn from animals in the wild how they operate, breed, what they need, etc.(Alan Tu is an announcer for Colorado Public Radio; Peter Jones is a reporter for Colorado Public Radio. The other speakers are identified in the report.)A: A planned aquatic park in Denver is raising the ire of animal rights activists who object to aproposal to include a captive dolphin display. Although officials for Colorado’s Ocean Journeys say they have yet to make a final decision on the issue, local and national activists have already instigated a “NO Dolphins in Denver” campaign . As Colorado Publ ic Radio’s Peter Jones reports, the battle lineshave been clearly drawn.P: Rick Troud, a former navy dolphin trainer based in Florida, is taking an active role in the “NO Dolphins” campaign.R: Average age in the wild ranges anywhere in some of the studies between 30 and 40 years of age. In captivity, you can expect a dolphin to live maybe 5.13 year and every 7 years in captivity, the dolphin population is dead.P: According to Troud, there are many reasons why dolphins can’t live full lives in captivity.R: if you take a look at where the real dolphin is in the real ocean, you find the dolphin who swims 40 miles a day, is very family-oriented. These animals are separated from their mothers; that’s a stress. You put them is a concrete tank where their sona r bounces off of walls, they can’t swim in the same amount of time and direction that they can in the wild.P: Environmentalist and ocean explorer, Jean Michel Cousteau:J: there are some animals which reject captivity right away, and they’re very suicidal. I’ve had one of those in my own arms for many days. The next morning when I came to take care of him, he was dead. And what he’d done was to swim as fast as he could from one end of the pool on…to the other side and destroyed his head by hitting the wall. They have a very sophisticated brain. I don’t think we have any rights to play with the live of these animals.P: Cousteau’s anti-captivity position is challenged by Dr. Deborah Duffield, a biology professor at Portland State College in Oregon. Her 1990 study compared captive dolphins to the wild population of Sarasota Bay, Florida. Among other findings, the study showed little if any difference in the average age of death.And Duffield says life is generally getting better for captive dolphins.D: the ce nsus data say that every time I do a census, I’ve got older and older animals in it as well as this normal age distribution that we’ve been looking at . So my feeling is that the trend in captivity has been that the group of animals that we’re following ar e getting older, and if they continue to do that over the next five years, they will then indeed be older than the wild population.P: There is also a debate over the educational benefits of keeping marine mammals in captivity. According to Duffield, captive dolphins play an important role in our basic understanding of the animals.D: I firmly believe that we cannot learn anything about organisms that we share this world with if we do not understand how they live in an environment, and what they do, and that watching them go by in the wild will not do it. I cannot tell what an animal needs, unless I know how it operates, how it breeds, what it needs metabolically, and I can’t learn that from animals in the wild.P: But Troud says the dolphin displays are anti-educational because the animals’ natural behavior patterns are altered by captivity.R: IN the wild, you don’t have dolphins who beat each other to death. There are no dolphins that I’ve ever seen stranded on the beach, who are suffering from fractured skull, fractured ribs or fractured jaws, as is the case in captivity.P: the Ocean Journey board will take all factors into consideration before making a final decision on whether to include dolphins in the park. For Colorado Public Radio, I’mPeter Jones.Part IV. Birds—a source of wealthA.I. 9,300II. Habitat A. warmer climates/ 300 different species/ B. colder climatesIII. A. 2. habitat alteration B. esthetic valueIV. Birds’ populationMr. Lebaron says there are about 9,300 different known species of birds. Larger numbers of them live in the warmer climates. For example, more than 300 different species have been counted in Panama, while far fewer species are native to colder climates. Aside from their esthetic value, Mr. LeBaron says birds are important to the environment because they can signal changes in it. “Birds are one of the best indicators that we have of the quality of the environment within the given area. Whether it is a relatively local area, or even primarily on the worldwide bases, they are one of the first things to be altered. They are quite sensitive to a habitat alteration or to other threats. And often times when birds are disappearing out of the area, it just means there is a degradation of the quality of the habitat within that area which will adversely affect everything in there including humans”national Audubon society editor Jeffrey Lebaron calls the world’s bird populations a source of wealth that humans must protect.“people get so much pleasure out of looking at birds and listening to birds. And if they start disappearing just the quality of lie, may be not physically, but the mental quality of life can be degraded quickly.”Jeffrey leBaron says that while the National AudubonSociety’s annual Christmas bird counts show a declin e in some species, many types of birds are actually increasing their populations.Part V Do you know…?1.one and one-half million / 20 times2.100/ 40,000/ 65 million3.3,500/ 2 million square miles/ 3%4.200 animal species/ 1,0005. a third/ two thirds/ three quarters/。
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 单选题1(10分) : 第二次作业问题1A: I want to know where tom is.B: I don’t see why tom isn’t here.C: I don’t know tom’s address.D: I want to know tom’s address.2(10分) : 第二次作业问题8A: Tom’s success surprised me most.B: I knew that Tom was going to win.C: No one was surprised when Tom won.D: I didn’t expect Tom to win the prize.3(10分) : 第二次作业问题4A: Everyone in the class is from England.B: Not every student in the class likes EnglishC: Every students in the class finds English difficultD: The only langua ge spoken in Mr. Porter’s class is English4(10分) : 第二次作业问题5A: I don’t know how to get to the Grand Theater.B: I don’t know if the Grand Theater is near here.C: I enjoy seeing movies.D: I often go to the Grand Theater.5(10分) : 第二次作业问题3A: She eats less now.B: She doesn’t eat special food now.C: She is used to eating less.D: She wants to eat special food now.6(10分) : 第二次作业问题6A: I expected easy questions.B: Only I had difficulty with the test.C: None of us could answer the questions easily.D: Only I found the test easy.7(10分) : 第二次作业问题10A: My father has enjoyed good health recently.B: My father’s health has never been so good.C: My father has been ill for a long time.D: My father has been ill these days.8(10分) : 第二次作业问题9A: The temperature on the thermometer is 10 degrees below zero.B: The actual temperature is above 10 degrees below zero.C: The temperature drops because of the cold wind.D: The temperature is abnormal for this time of the year.9(10分) : 第二次作业问题7A: Why are you late?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ B: The first part of the lecture is not good enough.C: It’s a pity you didn’t come earlier.D: You must apologize for being late.10(10分) : 第二次作业问题2A: They are not having lunch.B: They are having lunch.C: They are going to have lunch.D: They are not going to have lunch.单选题1(10分) : 第二次作业问题1A: I want to know where tom is.B: I don’t see why tom isn’t here.C: I don’t know tom’s address.D: I want to know tom’s address.2(10分) : 第二次作业问题8A: Tom’s success surprised me most.B: I knew that Tom was going to win.C: No one was surprised when Tom won.D: I didn’t expect Tom to win the prize.3(10分) : 第二次作业问题4A: Everyone in the class is from England.B: Not every student in the class likes EnglishC: Every students in the class finds English difficultD: The only language spoken in Mr. Porter’s class is English4(10分) : 第二次作业问题5A: I don’t know how to get to the Grand Theater.B: I don’t know if the Grand Theater is near here.C: I enjoy seeing movies.D: I often go to the Grand Theater.5(10分) : 第二次作业问题3A: She eats less now.B: She doesn’t eat special food now.C: She is used to eating less.D: She wants to eat special food now.6(10分) : 第二次作业问题6A: I expected easy questions.B: Only I had difficulty with the test.C: None of us could answer the questions easily.D: Only I found the test easy.7(10分) : 第二次作业问题10A: My father has enjoyed good health recently.B: My father’s health has never been so good.C: My father has been ill for a long time.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D: My father has been ill these days.8(10分) : 第二次作业问题9A: The temperature on the thermometer is 10 degrees below zero.B: The actual temperature is above 10 degrees below zero.C: The temperature drops because of the cold wind.D: The temperature is abnormal for this time of the year.9(10分) : 第二次作业问题7A: Why are you late?B: The first part of the lecture is not good enough.C: It’s a pity you didn’t come earlier.D: You must apologize for being late.10(10分) : 第二次作业问题2A: They are not having lunch.B: They are having lunch.C: They are going to have lunch.D: They are not going to have lunch.。
​2021年秋季南京大学网络教育大学英语入学测试模拟题及答案2 2021年秋季南京大学网络教育大学英语入学测试模拟题及答案231.To be ___with you,I think you’re making a dreadful mistake by refusing tocooperate.A candidB pertinentC mildD vivid正确答案:A32.There are still some___for students of science and engineering,but those inarts and humanities have been filedA positionsB vacanciesC categoriesD applications正确答案:B33.The plants are in a(n)___plastic box,so the children can observe how the rootsgrow with timeA appropriateB intricateC transparentD waterproof正确答案:C34.The united Nations was supposed to ___the role of global peace–keeperA contend B nurture C carve D undertake正确答案:D35.people under a lot of ___may experience headaches,and sleeping difficulties.A stressB exposureC enduranceD endeavor正确答案:A36.The destruction of the Twin Towers in New York ___shock and anger.A summonedB temptedC provokedD enveloped正确答案:C37.His total worldly possessions___little more that the clothes he stood up inA amounted toB settled forC turned upD came at正确答案:A38.A UN official said aid program will be ___until there is adequate protectionfor relief personnelA multipliedB spannedC arrestedD suspended正确答案:D39.Many social problems are caused by the uneven ___of wealthA equalityB justiceC distributionD volume正确答案:C40.The shopkeepers are complaining that business has been reduced to a __of whatit was before the outbreak of war.A fractionB sectionC portionD trifle正确答案:A41.The number 30 on a road sign___that the speed limit is 30 miles an hour.A signifiesB forecastsC illuminesD characterizes正确答案:A42.Our director had ___on the matter for a long time before he made the decisionA hushedB thrashedC ponderedD suspended正确答案:C43.The weather wasn’t favorable and both teams had to __icy rain and a strong windduring the match.A pin downB contend withC get stuck inD take control of正确答案:B44.The word is now widely used in newspaper and magazines,but its origin stillremains___A exoticB widespreadC obscureD adrift正确答案:C45.George__ an agonizing 48-hour wait for the result of the testsA underwentB withstoodC undertookD grilled正确答案:A46.The consumer ___in recent years has led to an explosion of shopping centerdevelopment in big cities like Beijing,Shanghai and CantonA summitB boomC pressureD volume正确答案:B47.The car,at least as we know it,is on the way out,because its exhaust ____athreat to environment.A originatesB posesC offendsD paralyzes正确答案:B48.The offer of a free overseas tour ___him into buying the villa on the hillside.A discouragedB committedC temptedD tangled正确答案:C49.Obviously,no teacher has ___patience.Even Larry,who is always kind andtolerant,lost his temper on that particular occasionA infiniteB definiteC spectacularD plural正确答案:A50.we must get the trapped victims out at once because the building is in ___dangerof an explosion.A opaqueB vividC muteD imminent正确答案:D51.She tried to kick the pajamas loose,but they were ___in the satin sheet.A gougedB tangledC scoopedD submerged正确答案:D52.That morning,on Mount Tai,I saw the most ___sunrise in my life.A mysteriousB opaqueC spectacularD adolescent正确答案:C53.At night,cars often___small animals that are blinded by the headlights.A run overB held upC took apartD drove at正确答案:A54.After Mike left for work,I ___the beds and vacuumed the carpetsA pattedB clappedC strippedD shaved正确答案:C55.Dr.Light,who is ___to be one of the best surgeons inLondon,performed theoperation and successfully removed the tumor in her lungs.A confessedB thrilledC perceivedD reputed正确答案:D56.The aircraft base is protected with specially designed shelters which are builtto___ground and air attacks.A launchB withstandC contestD contend正确答案:B57.I’m pleased to hear of your job offer—all that hard work at school hasobviously___a.paid off B taken its toll C made a difference D shown up正确答案:A58.The talks might ___for weeks before any concrete result is announcedA press onB dragon onC get bogged downD hold out正确答案:D59.We need someone really___ who can organize the office and make it run smoothlyA crucial B realistic C essential D efficient正确答案:B60.Once Mrs.Kirlpatrick___you in conversation,you’re stuck with her for at leasthalf an hour.A submergeB engageC occupiesD launches正确答案:D。
作业名称:商务英语口语第一次作业出卷人:SA学员成绩:100详细信息:题号:1 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:4内容:<作业音频请至导学资料中下载><section1-dialogue1-question1> How long has the company been in business?A、since 1995B、for about 5 yearsC、for about 15 yearsD、since 50 years ago正确答案:B题号:2 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)内容:<section1-dialogue1-question2> Which of the following is NOT true?A、The company is the sales agent of some European office furniture manufacturersB、The company acts as representative for some Asian office furniture manufacturersC、The company provides office furniture for European and Asian marketsD、The company has broad business network in North America.正确答案:C题号:3 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:4内容:<section1-dialogue1-question3>What does the report include?A、marketing programs, company’s history, and trade agreementB、sales relationships, marketing programs and trade agreementC、company’s history, sales relationships, and trade agreementD、company's history, sales relationships, and marketing programs正确答案:D题号:4 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:4内容:<section1-dialogue2-question4>What are the features of the P120 series?A、durable yet lightB、heavy and strongC、heavy yet easy to move aboutD、durable and easy to move about正确答案:B题号:5 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:4内容:<section1-dialogue2-question5> What are the characteristics of J310 series?A、light and durableB、durable and heavyC、light and easy to moveD、heavy but easy to move正确答案:C题号:6 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:4内容:<section1-dialogue2-question6> Why does the P120 series attract Marcus Rodgers?A、It is similar to one kind of the office furniture in American market.B、Its wholesale price is lower than its suggested price.C、It can be sold at a high price at the American market.D、It has great price advantages over similar American products.正确答案:D题号:7 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:4内容:<section1-dialogue2-question7> The price of the American products is about ______higher than similar Chinese products.A、100%B、120%C、80%D、150%正确答案:B题号:8 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:4内容:<section1-dialogue3-question8> Who is Mary?A、the manager of Thompson DongwanB、Joseph Liu’s assistantC、Joseph Liu’s secretary and assistantD、the receptionist and Joseph Liu’s secretary正确答案:D题号:9 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:4内容:<section1-dialogue3-question9> What does Joseph Liu ask Mary to do?A、make an appointment with Jennie WangB、make a telephone call to Jennie WangC、scheduel for an important conferenceD、make a tentative schedule for Jennie Wang and Marcus Rodgers正确答案:D题号:10 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:4内容:<section1-dialogue3-question10> What would Jennie Wang and Marcus Rodgers NOT like to do?A、visit the factoryB、have a look at the J310 seriesC、meet the designers and the production staffD、have a tour in Dongwan正确答案:D题号:11 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:4内容:<section1-dialogue3-question11> How long will Jennie Wang and Marcus Rodgers stay in Dongwan?A、2 daysB、2 weeksC、just 1 dayD、just 1 week正确答案:A题号:12 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:4内容:<section1-dialogue4-question12> How long did Marcus Rodgers’s short tour of Dongwan take?A、around an hourB、about half an hourC、about an hour and halfD、more than half an hour正确答案:C题号:13 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:4内容:<section1-dialogue4-question13> What is about the increasing of the furniture industry in Dongwan?A、The size of the furniture industry is growing by 30% every year.B、The number of the furniture factories is growing by 13% every year.C、The number of the furniture products is increasing by 30% every year.D、The size of the furniture industry is increasing by 13% every year.正确答案:A题号:14 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:4内容:<section1-dialogue4-question14> Why does the furniture industry increase so fast in Dongwan?A、The existing companies expand.B、Furniture manufacturing is one of the major industries in Dongwan.C、New companies appear continually.D、Both A and C.正确答案:D题号:15 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:4内容:<section1-dialogue4-question15> What does Thompson Dongwan do when it faces serious competition?A、It expands its size.B、It establishes new factories.C、It saves money in research, design and advertising.D、It puts more money in research, design and advertising.正确答案:D题号:16 题型:判断题本题分数:4内容:<section2-dialogue5-question16> The man wants to have a walk in the World Park.1、错2、对正确答案:1题号:17 题型:判断题本题分数:4内容:<section2-dialogue5-question17> The woman suggests they go to a concert.1、错2、对正确答案:2题号:18 题型:判断题本题分数:4内容:<section2-dialogue5-question18> Americans walk less and drive more.1、错2、对正确答案:2题号:19 题型:判断题本题分数:4内容:<section2-dialogue5-question19> The Music Hall is presenting a Chinese music festival from September 10th to September 15th.1、错2、对正确答案:2题号:20 题型:判断题本题分数:4内容:<section2-dialogue6-question20> Marcus intends to increase the order for the office cabinet.1、错2、对正确答案:2题号:21 题型:判断题本题分数:4内容:<section2-dialogue6-question21> Marcus has great interest in the office cabinet.1、错2、对正确答案:2题号:22 题型:判断题本题分数:4内容:<section2-dialogue6-question22> Jennie Wang has received the new catalogue from the sales department.1、错2、对正确答案:1题号:23 题型:判断题本题分数:4内容:<section2-dialogue6-question23> The high efficiency makes Thompson Nanjing succeed.1、错2、对正确答案:2题号:24 题型:判断题本题分数:4内容:<section2-dialogue7-question24> Mr. Liu has called Mr. Anderson and left a message for him.1、错2、对正确答案:2题号:25 题型:判断题本题分数:4内容:<section2-dialogue7-question25> D/A is the short-term from Documents Against Payment.1、错2、对正确答案:1题号:1 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:4内容:音频文件请至导学资料下载<section1-dialogue1-question1> How many sets of the J310 series does Joseph Liu have?选项:a、About 40 setsb、About 30 setsc、About 14 setsd、About 20 sets题号:2 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:4内容:<section1-dialogue1-question2>Who suggests a partial shipment?选项:a、Joseph Liub、Marcus Rodgersc、Jennie Wangd、None of the above题号:3 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:4内容:<section1-dialogue1-question3>What will be included in the first shipment?选项:a、40 sets of the J310 series together with 10 sets of P120 seriesb、14 sets of the J310 series together with 10 sets of P120 seriesc、14 sets of the J310 series together with 20 sets of P120 seriesd、40 sets of the J310 series together with 20 sets of P120 series--------------------------------------------------------------------------------题号:4 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:4内容:<section1-dialogue2-question4>Who will make the opening speech?选项:a、Samuelb、Tinac、Jennie Wangd、Joseph Liu--------------------------------------------------------------------------------题号:5 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:4 内容:<section1-dialogue2-question5> How long will be the coffee break?选项:a、15 minutesb、20 minutesc、10 minutesd、5 minutes--------------------------------------------------------------------------------题号:6 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:4 内容:<section1-dialogue2-question6> What will people do during the open forum?选项:a、Report their problemsb、Share successful sales experiencec、Ask questions and get advice from their colleaguesd、Both A and C--------------------------------------------------------------------------------题号:7 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:4 内容:<section1-dialogue2-question7> How long should the open forum last?选项:a、One hourb、Two hoursc、One and a half hoursd、Half an hour--------------------------------------------------------------------------------题号:8 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:4内容:<section1-dialogue3-question8>Who is Malcolm Forbes?选项:a、Joseph Liu’s assistantb、Editor of Forbes Magazinec、Chief executive of Forbes Magazined、Editor-in-chief of Forbes Magazine--------------------------------------------------------------------------------题号:9 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:4内容:<section1-dialogue3-question9>What of the following was not advised by Forbes when he gave advice for writing business letters?选项:a、Tell what your letter is about in the first paragraphb、Call the person to whom you write by namec、Write long concluding paragraphd、Don’t exaggerate--------------------------------------------------------------------------------题号:10 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:4内容:<section1-dialogue3-question10>What advice does Forbes give for writing a good concluding paragraph?选项:a、Short and sweetb、One needs to tell the reader exactly what he or she wants him to doc、Both A and Bd、Neither A nor B.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------题号:11 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:4内容:<section1-dialogue3-question11>Samuel finds Forbes advice选项:a、Reasonable yet uselessb、Useful yet unreasonablec、Uselessd、Reasonable and useful-------------------------------------------------------------------------------题号:12 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:4内容:<section1-dialogue4-question12>Martin prefers on-line sales because it is选项:a、Fasterb、Cheaperc、More convenientd、A.B. and C--------------------------------------------------------------------------------题号:13 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:4内容:<section1-dialogue4-question13> Which of the following is not listed among the four largest mass medium? 选项:a、Internetb、Radioc、Newspaperd、Magazine--------------------------------------------------------------------------------题号:14 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:4内容:<section1-dialogue4-question14>Why does Martin suggest to advertise their products in local newspaper? 选项:a、The cost for newspaper ads has come downb、Local newspaper has a limited circulationc、There are many kinds of local newspaperd、The local newspaper is cheap--------------------------------------------------------------------------------题号:15 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:4内容:<section1-dialogue4-question15>Why do Jennie and Marcus discuss on the different ways for advertising their product?选项:a、Make their names knownb、Promote sales of their productsc、Improve the image of their productsd、Win reputation for their products--------------------------------------------------------------------------------题号:16 题型:判断题本题分数:4内容:<section2-dialogue5-question16>The investment for a furniture plant is smaller in Thailand compared with that in Singapore.选项:2、对--------------------------------------------------------------------------------题号:17 题型:判断题本题分数:4内容:<section2-dialogue5-question17>Thompson Dongwan imports wood from South Korea.选项:1、错--------------------------------------------------------------------------------题号:18 题型:判断题本题分数:4内容:<section2-dialogue5-question18>Joseph is thinking of moving their assembly line from Dongwan to Thailand.选项:2、对--------------------------------------------------------------------------------题号:19 题型:判断题本题分数:4内容:<section2-dialogue5-question19> They need the Dongwan plant to supply the international market.选项: 错题号:20 题型:判断题本题分数:4内容:<section2-dialogue6-question20>The contract does not say clearly on how the supplier is going to pack the goods. 选项:对题号:21 题型:判断题本题分数:4内容:<section2-dialogue6-question21>What need to be packed are mirrors and table cloth.选项: 错内容:<section2-dialogue6-question22>The customer suggests whether the supplier can pack the goods with wooden boxes.选项:对题号:23 题型:判断题本题分数:4内容:<section2-dialogue6-question23>The supplier agrees to pack the products with wooden boxes.选项:错题号:24 题型:判断题本题分数:4内容:<section2-dialogue7-question24>The customer complains that he waits too long for his lunch.对题号:25 题型:判断题本题分数:4内容:<section2-dialogue7-question25>The customer orders a steak, tomato soup and a bottle of bear.选项:1、错--------------------------------------------------------------------------------。
大学听力教程2答案Unit 1Section One Tactics for ListeningPart 1 Phonetics-Stress, Intonation and Accent1.W e haven’t got any in dark blue.2.We can’t make it at nine tomorrow.3.My telephone number is not 65031609.4.I don’t like the black jumper.5.He won’t come by the 7:30 train.(The word or digit in bold has the most stress)Exercise:1. a2. b3. a4. b5. bPart2 Listening and Note-talkingDriving CarefullyDrive carefully and slowly when pedestrians are about, particularly in crowded shopping streets, when you see a bus stopped, or near a parked mobile shop. Watch out for pedestrians coming from behind parked or stopped vehicles, or from other places where you might not be able to see them.Three out of four pedestrians killed or seriously injured are either under fifteen or over sixty. The young and elderly may not judge speeds very well, and may step into the road when you do not expect them. Give them, and the infirm, or blind, or disabled people, plenty of time to cross the road.Drive slowly near schools, and look out for children getting on or off school buses. Stop when signalled to do so by a school crossing patrol showing a Stop-Children sign. Be careful near a parked ice-cream van—children are more interested in ice-cream then in traffic.When coming to a zebra crossing. be ready to slow down or stop to let people cross. You must give way once they have stepped onto a crossing. Signal to other drivers that you mean to slow down or stop. Give yourself more time to slow down or stop on wet or icy roads. Never overtake just before a zebra crossing.Exercise A:1.Drive carefully and slowly when pedestrians are about.2.Three out of four pedestrians killed are either under fifteen or over sixty.3.Be careful near a parked ice-cream van—children are more interested in ice-creamthan in traffic.4.When coming to a zebra crossing, be ready to slow down or stop to let peoplecross.5.You must give way once they have stepped onto a crossing.Exercise B:Driving CarefullyI. Look out for pedestriansA.Drive carefully at crowded shopping streets.B.Drive carefully near a bus stop.C.Drive carefully near a parked mobile shop.II. Look out for the young, the old and the disabledA.Three out of four pedestrians killed or seriously injured are either underfifteen or over sixty.B.The young and the elderly may not judge speeds very well.C.Give them, and the infirm, or blind, or disabled people, plenty of time tocross the road.III. Look out for childrenA.Stop at a Stop—Children signB.Drive slowly near a parked ice-cream vanIV. Coming to a zebra crossingA.Slow down or stop to let people cross.B.Signal to other drivers that you mean to slow down or stop.C.Never overtake just before a zebra crossing.Section Two Listening ComprehensionPart 1 DialoguesDialogue 1 Making ArrangementsMum: Hello.Tessa: Hi, Mum. It’s me. How are you?Mum: Oh, I’m fine, Tessa. I except you’re phoning to find out how thearrangements for your party are going?Tessa: Yes. That’s right. You know, it’s really good of you and Dad to make all the arrangements while I’m away. I really don’t know what I’d do without you! Mum: Oh, there is not that much to do really. In fact, your father and I are quite enjoying itTessa: Good. So how are thing going?Mum: Well, let’s see. I’ve already hired the hall, so that’s OK.Tessa: Have you found anyone to do the disco yet?Mum: No, not yet, dear.Tessa: Well, do you think you could do that soon, Mum? It might not be easy. What about the equipment?Mum: Well, we’re having the sound system and records delivered by a local company next week.Tessa: Good. That should be all right. What about the bar?Mum: That’s all under control. We’re having the drinks delivered next week.Tessa: Great! Have you organised the food? Are you cooking it?Mum: What, for 70 people? You must be joking! No, I think I’ll have it done by thecaterers* in the village.Tessa: You’ll do that soon, wo n’t you? They’ll need a bit of notice.Mum: Mmm. Of course. Now, I had the invitations printed last week. Thestationer’s did them, but I haven’t had time to send them yet…Tessa: Oh, Mum, but the party’s in ten days! Send them soon, will you, or we’llhave no guests!Mum: Yes, I’m sorry, dear. Look, I’ll phone everyone too. I’ve been so busy with allthe arrangements…Exercise:Done To be done Relevant informationThe place The hall has been hired.The disco To find someone to do it.The equipment The sound system and records will be deliveredby a local company next week.The bar The drinks will be delivered next week.The food To have it done by the caterers in the village. The invitations They are printed and will be sent soon.Dialogue 2 Fast Food SurveyA: Excuse me, do you mind answering a few questions?B: No.A: Um firstly, do you ever eat fast food.B: Yes, yes, I do.A: What kind of fast food do you normally eat?B: Oh, er you know, burgers, sandwiches, well sometimes like a pizza or, you know, kebabs*.A: Oh, right. And how often do you eat fast food? Every day, more than once a week or less than once a week?B: Er, well Monday to Friday when I’m working er, yeah every day, um but not…not usually at the weekends.A: And what time of day do you eat fast food?B: Well, at work as I said, you know at lunchtime, um you know, I sort of go outand get a burger or sandwich. Sometimes, you know, if, if I’m going out and I’ve no time to cook in the evenings then I’ll, I’ll send out for a pizza.A: Oh, right. Do you only eat it as a main meal or do you snack between meals?B: No, only as a main meal, you know lunch or, or in the evening.A: And what do you think of fast food? Which statements do you think are true?Um, either“It’s convenient”B: Oh, definitely. I mean, that’s sort of the main reason that I eat it.A: Right. How about “It tastes good”?B: Yeah. Um, I mean, not as good as food like in a, in a good restaurant, but it’s not bad.A: “It’s good for you”?B: No. Sort of eating quickly and standing up. It’s sort of bad for you. The food itself isn’t very good for you, you know there’s not enough greens, um you know, vegetables or salad.A: Mm. How about “It’s an expensive way of eating”? What do you think of that? B: Oh, yes it is, er but you’re paying for the convenience, you know the speed of it.Er, well, I certainly think that it’s cheaper than you know cooking your own food.A: Er, and what about lastly “It creates litter.”Do you think that’s true?B: Yes, yes, it does. Only I, I always put mine in a you know in a litter bin, but er unfortunately a lot of people don’t, um but in the packaging there is a lot of paper involved and plastic and sometimes polystyrene*.Exercise A:How often do you eat fast food?Every day Every weekdays At the weekends OccasionallyAt what time of the day do you eat fast food?Breakfast Lunch Dinner Between meals Exercise B:It is convenient and fast, thought it doesn’t taste as good as food in good a restaurant. However it is bad to one’s health because there are not enough vegetables. It is also quite an expensive way of eating, but you’re paying for the convenience. And it creates litter because in the packaging there is a lot of paper, plastic and sometimes polystyrene involved.Part 2 PassagesPassage 1 SnackIt’s 3:15 in the afternoon and half the office just stepped out* for a coffee break. Your eyelids are starting to close and 7-11 is just around the corner. A soda or a bag ofchips would be just the thing to perk you up*. So you, too, go out for an afternoon snack.Sometimes we eat simply because everyone else is doing it. Other times we eat when we feel tired, bored or depressed. Snacking for the wrong reasons can lead to overeating and unhealthy diet.Of course, there are times when our bodies really need extra energy. Here are four tips to keep your snacking on the right track.1. Know why you’re eating. Using food to change your feelings can be a dangerous habit. An order of French fries might distract* you from feeling sad for a while, but it’s only a temporary cure. Once the fries are gone, the problem is still there. If you’re feeling lonely, don’t reach into the refrigerator. Call a friend. If you’re feeling stressed, take a 10-minute walk.2. Find a healthy pick-me-up*. If you’re truly hungry, a healthy snack can give you the boost of energy you need. If you like fresh foods, bring a small bag of tomatoes or apples slices to work whit you. To tame your sweet tooth, try a handful of dried fruit. A serving of nuts can be a perfect pick-me-up. They have the right combination of nutrients to give you the energy you need. But wait until you’re hungry to find something to eat. Plan ahead and bring something healthy whit you.3. Eat just one serving. Don’t open up a whole box of crackers and start munching away. Instead, pull out just one serving and put away the box.4. Think of snacks as mini-meals. Eating small, healthy snack can keep you from stuffing yourself at the next meal. Instead of eating three big meals each day, split them into four or five mini-meals. You may actually eat less food overall.Use these tips to help you plan snacks ahead of time. The next time you have a snack attack, tame your hunger the healthy way.Exercise A:a soda or a bag of chips; a piece of cake; a sandwich; a small bag of tomatoes; a small bag of apple slices; a serving of nuts; a glass of low-fat-milk; a serving of crackers, etc.Exercise B:1. A2. D3. B4. C5. D6. B7. C8. A Exercise C:1. A soda or a bag of chips would be just the thing to perk you up.2. Using food to change your feeling can be a dangerous habit.3. If you’re feeling lonely, don’t reach into the refrigerator. Call a friend.4. A serving of nuts can be a perfect pick- me-up.5. Eating small, healthy snacks can keep you from stuffing yourself at the next meal.Passage 2 Tips to Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Breakfast fills your “empty tank”to get you going after a long night without food. And it can help you do better in school. Easy-to-prepare breakfasts include cold cerealwith fruit and low-fat milk, whole-wheat toast with peanut butter, yogurt *with fruit, whole-grain waffles or even last night’s pizza!It’s easy to fit physical activities into your daily routine. Walk, bike or jog to see friends. Take a 10-minute activity break every hour while you read, do homework or watch TV. Climb stairs instead of taking an escalator or elevator. Try to do these things for a total of 30 minutes every day.Snacks are a great way to refuel. Choose snacks from different food groups—a glass of low-fat milk and a few graham* crackers, an apple or celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins*, or some dry cereal. If you eat smart at other meals, cookies, chips and candy are OK for occasional snacking.Vigorous work-outs*—when you’re breathing hard and sweating—help your heart pump better, give you more energy and help you look and feel best. Start with a warm-up that stretches your muscles. Include 20 minutes of aerobic activity, such as running, jogging, or dancing. Follow up with activities that help make you stronger such as push-ups or lifting weights. Then cool down with more stretching and deep breathing.Being active is much more fun with friends or family. Encourage others to join you and plan one special physical activity event, like a bike ride or hiking, with a group each week.You don’t have to gi ve up foods like hamburgers, French fries and ice cream to eat healthy. You just have to be smart about how often and how much of them you eat. Your body needs nutrients like protein*, carbohydrates*, fat and many different vitamins and minerals such as vitamins C and A, iron and calcium* from a variety of foods. Balancing food choices from the Food Guide Pyramid and checking out the Nutrition Facts panel on food labels will help you get all these nutrients.Eat more grains, fruits and vegetables. These foods give you carbohydrates for energy, plus vitamins, minerals and fiber. Besides, they taste good! Try breads such as whole-wheat, bagels* and pita*. Spaghetti and oatmeal are also in the grain group.Bananas, strawberries and melons are some great tasting fruits. Try vegetables raw, on a sandwich or salad.A healthy eating style is like a puzzle with many parts. Each part—or food—is different. Some foods may have more fat, sugar or salt while others may have more vitamins or fiber. There is a place for all these foods. What makes a diet good or bad is how foods fit together. Balancing your choices is important. Fit in a higher-fat food, like pepperoni* pizza, at dinner by choosing lower-fat foods at other meals. And don’t forget about moderation. If two pieces of pizza fill you up, you don’t need a third. Exercise A:People should eat natural foods which do not contain chemical additives and which have not been affected by chemical fertilizers widely used in farming today. Eat more grain fruits and vegetables.To keep fit, you should do regular physical exercise every day, such as running, jogging, dancing or riding a bike, etc.Exercise B:1. B2. C3. D4. A5. A6. D7. B8. D Exercise C:1. Breakfast fills your “empty tank”to get you going after a long night without food and it can help you do better in school.2. Walking, biking or jogging is easy to fit into your daily routine.3. You must be smart about how often and how much of them you eat.4. Grains, fruits and vegetables give you carbohydrates for energy, plus vitamins, minerals and fiber.5. To make a good diet you should fit foods together and balance your choices.Part 3 NewsNews Item 1In China the economy expanded at the rate of more than 9% between July and September. The government says China’s total output goods and services was 9.1% higher compared to the same period last year. The strong growth surprises most experts. They have expected expansion to slow earlier this year as the effects of disease SARS curbed* China’s transportation and travel industry. Experts now say they expect the economy to grow by 8.5% for all of this year. China has the world fastest growing major economy.Exercise A:This news item is about the rapid growth of China’s economy.Exercise B:1. F2. F3. F4. TNews Item 2World Trade Organization ministers are meeting in Montreal*, Canada. The trade ministers have been debating the issue of reducing import taxes and government aid for certain services, especially farming. Major agricultural exporters like the United States, Australia and Brazil want all import duties cut to an average of 25%. Importers such as the European Unions, Japan and some developing countries say import taxes should be cut by some reasonable percentage based on the country. The United States and European Unions are under pressure to reach a farming agreement that other WTO members can support. The WTO is also divided on the issue of providing necessary drugs to poor countries.Exercise A:This news item is about a world trade organization meeting on reducing taxes and government aid for certain services.Exercise B:The trade ministers have been debating the issue of reducing import taxes andgovernment aid for certain services, especially farming. Major agricultural exporters like the United States, Australia and Brazil want all import duties cut to an average of 25%. Importers such as the European Unions, Japan and some developing countries say import taxes should be cut by some reasonable percentage based on the country.News Item 3United Nation’s secretary General Kofi Annan has sharply criticized wealthy countries for their trade policy. His statements were read in a letter to delegates Wednesday at the World Trade Organization meeting in Cankon, Mexico. In the letter Mr Annan urged wealthy countries to lower trade barriers* and to approve new ways to develop the world for all countries. He said the delegates decision could make difference between life and death for millions of people. The meeting brings together representatives from almost 150 countries. The WTO delegates are expected to discuss agricultural, trade and other issues. The delegates hope the talk will lead to a trade agreement by the end of 2004. Protestors have demonstrated around the world against the five-day meeting.Exercise A:This news item is about the WTO meeting being held in Mexico.Exercise B:Directions: Listen to the news item again and answer the questions.1. What has Mr Kofi Annan sharply criticized?Mr Kofi Annan has sharply criticized wealthy countries for their trade policy.2. What did Mr Annan urge in the letter to delegates of WTO meeting?In the letter Mr Annan urged wealthy countries to lower trade barriers and to approve new ways to develop the world for all countries.3. What are the WTO delegates expected to discuss?The WTO delegates are expected to discuss agricultural, trade and other issues. 4. What do the delegates hope?The delegates hope the talk will lead to a trade agreement by the end of 2004.5. Are there any people who are against the meeting?Yes, protestors have demonstrated around the world against the five-day meeting.Section Three Oral WorkHow long can anyone live in Germany without a purchase of either a cold stein *of beer or a clock? It didn’t take long for the beer, but my search for just the right clock took a few years.In my search I found a cuckoo clock, an old French Tic-Tac clock, and a gold time piece giving the precise time anywhere in the world. Than came the grandmother clock with the lovely crystal panes*—but still no chiming grandfather clock.Suddenly I received a phone call from a friend. She knew a man whose mother had to move out of her home and furniture was being sold. She asked whether I was interested in a very old clock.I made the trip into the countryside and found a small German home with lovely flower gardens.The family greeted me as a long-lost friend. We had coffee and apple cakes and then we headed for the attic.I knew the minute I saw him—the old grandfather. Surely he would be expensive!I said, “Yes!”We returned to our coffee and I asked the big question. “How much?”I paid 45 German Marks in cash, one large can of peaches, a pound of coffee, anda box of Lipton Tea.Section Four Supplementary ExercisesAn estimated 135 million people have low vision.40 to 50 million others cannot see at all. Healthy experts warm that the number of blind people will increase sharply as the world population grows, and grows older. They say the number of blind people could almost double by 2020.Yet the World Healthy Organization says that in eight out of ten cases, blindness can be cured or avoided. October the ninth was World Sight Day. A campaign called vision 2020 released* materials to help government and health workers develop national plans to prevent blindness.Vision 2020 is a joint effort of the WHO and International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness. The goal is to end prevention blindness by 2020. The campaign targets four main causes.Cataracts cause the lens of the eye to become cloudy. In most of Africa and Asia, cataracts cause at least half the cases of blindness that can be cured. A simple operation can remove cataracts*.Trachoma* is an infectious disease spread person-to-person and by insects. Trachoma causes about 15 percent of all cases of blindness. Most of the cases are in Africa. The disease can be treated with antibiotic medicines and an operation to correct the damage.The disease known as river blindness is also found mostly in Africa. Flies spread the infection. A yearly treatment of the drug Mectizan can control the disease.Finally, a lack of vitamin A as a result of poor nutrition is the leading cause of preventable blindness in children.Vision 2020 says that every five seconds another person in the world goes blind. Most blind people live in developing, nations. India has at least nine million. About six million are in China, and seven million in Africa. Officials estimate that the world economy loses about 28,000 million dollars each year from curable blindness.A resolution passed by the World Health Assembly in May urges all governments to develop national plans to prevent blindness.Exercise A:1. The world Sight Day is on October the ninth.2. The World Health Organization says in eight out of ten cases, blindness can becured or avoided.3. A campaign called Vision 2020 aims at the prevention of blindness.4. The blindness that can be cured or avoided mostly occurs in developing nations. Exercise B:1. Name: CataractsTreatment: A simple operation can remove cataracts.2. Name: TrachomaTreatment: Antibiotic medicines and an operation can correct the damage.3. Name: River blindnessTreatment: The drug Mectizan can control the disease.4. Malnutrition leads to a lack of vitamin A.Treatment: Food and medicine with ample vitamin A can cure the disease. Exercise C:Your opinionDirections: Listen to the passage again and give your opinion on the following topics. “Most blind people live in developing nations. About six million are in China.”1. What part of area in China do you think most blind people live?2. What suggestions could you put forward to prevent blindness?Unit 2Section One Tactics for ListeningPart 1 Phonetics-Stress, Intonation and Accent1. A: My brother is an accountant. He builds bridges.B: But engineers (↘) build bridges (↗).2. A: When are you going to New York? ;B: I' m flying ( ↗) at ten o'clock ( ↘).3.A: How long have you been able to speak French?B: I've been learning French (↗) for six years (↘),4.A: When did you last see Mike?B: Tuesday (↘) was the last time I saw him (↗).5.A: Do I turn it on with this switch?B: Press the red one (↘) not the black one (↗).Exercise:1.a2.b3.b4.a5.aPart2 Listening and Note-takingRalph NaderRalph Nader is a man of few possessions. He owns very little and lives in a small apartment. He doesn't have a car or a TV set. He doesn't have many clothes and he doesn't care about money when he makes a lot of money, he gives it away. He doesn't smoke and he works from six in the morning until late at night, seven days a week: he is paying back to America his debt as a citizen.When he went to parties as a young man, people complained that all he talked about was the dangers of cars, and how bad car design caused the deaths of so many people each year. After he graduated from Harvard, he published an article entitled "Unsafe at Any Speed," which was about a car called Corvair. Later, he made a big attack on the car industry and showed how many deaths in car accidents were because of badly-made cars. He said new laws were needed to make cars safer. In 1966, because of Nader's work, a law was passed to make car safer.After this success, Nader became interested in something very different. This was the quality of meat and the amount of meat that is put into foods like sausages and hamburgers. A year later, in 1967, again because of Nader's work, a law was passed to ensure that products like sausages and hamburgers contained the right amount of meat. In 1968, three more laws were passed because of Nader's efforts. The first was to ensure the safety of gas pipelines -- these are the pipes that take gas across the country from one town to another. The second was to protect people from radiation --that is, the dangerous radiation which may leak from nuclear sources. The third was to ensure the proper standard of poultry -- that is, the chicken and turkey meat.Ralph Nader, now one of the most influential people in the United States, has set a wonderful example of what determined men and women can do to improve the quality of life in their country.Exercise A:1. Ralph Nader is a man of few p ossessions.2. He is paying back to America his debt as a citizen.3. He said new laws were needed to make cars safer.4. A law was passed to ensure that products like sausages and hamburgers contained the right amount of meat.5. Ralph Nader has set a wonderful example of what determined men and women can do to improve the quality of life in their country.Exercise B:Ralph NaderI.Ralph Nader, a man of few possessionsA. He owns very little and lives in a small apartment.B. He doesn't have a car or a TV set.C. He doesn't have many clothes.D. He doesn't care about money.II. His early efforts to make car saferA.He talked about the dangers of car, and how bad car design caused the deaths ofso many people each year at parties.B.After he graduated from Harvard, he published an article entitled "Unsafe at Anyspeed.ter, he made a big attack on the car industry and showed how many deaths incar accidents were because of badly-made cars.D. In 1966, because of Nader's work, a law was passed to make car safer.IIIHis interests in something very differentA. The quality of meat and the amount of meat that is put into foods like sausagesand hamburgersB. In 1968, three more laws were passed because of Nader's efforts.a. The first was to ensure the safety of gas pipelines.b. The second was to protect people from radiation.c. The third was to ensure the proper standard of poultry.IV. Ralph Nader. one of the most influential people in the United StatesA. He has set a wonderful example of what determined men and women can do to improve the quality of life in their country.Section Two Listening ComprehensionPart 1 DialoguesDialogue 1Give Them Time to Get to Know YouFather: Well, whose fault do you think it is, then?Daughter: I don't know.Father: It couldn't be yours?Daughter: What? That I feel lonely because I haven't any friends there?Father: No, that you haven't got any friends.Daughter: But I've told you! They're not very friendly there. They never talkto me! They just leave me alone.Father: But why?Daughter: How should I know?Father: Isn't it possible it's because you're not very friendly towards them?Daughter: What do you mean?Father: Have you talked to them? Have you tried to make conversation?Daughter: I've told you! They're not interested in talking to me.Father: How do you know?Daughter: Because ... for example ... at lunch time, they all sit together in v groups!Father: Yes, but why don't you sit with one of the groups?Daughter: Don't be silly. I couldn't. It would be awful!Facher: why?Daughter: It just would. That's all.Father: How do you know?Daughter: I just do!Father: Well, you'll never make friends if you don't try, will you? I mean, you've got to meet them, too, at least half way.Daughter: It just wouldn't work!Father: You know what I think. I think you're just saying that because you're impatient.Daughter: Impatient? Me?Father: Yes, impatient. You always have been, ever since you were a child.If you don't get what you want immediately, you get depressed andyou give up too easily!Daughter: Look, if you came with me some morning, you'd understand ... Father: You've only been there for four weeks. These things take time. Daughter: I know, but I still feel ...Father: Listen, give them time to get to know you ... and give yourself time get to know them, and things will change. Believe me!1.T2.T3.F4.T5.T6.TDialogue 2 GesturesNumber 1Woman: You know, a "nod" -- moving your head up and down -- means “yes” in most places,but not everywhere. Did you know that inGreece a nod means "no"?Man: It means "no" in Greece? I'm surprised.Number 2Man: I didn't know "raised eyebrows" means "yes" in Tonga. It means something very different in Peru.Woman: Yeah? What does it mean there?Man: Money. "Raised eyebrows" is a gesture for money in Peru. Woman: Hmm.Number 3Woman: Um, Alberto, you said that "tapping your head" means "I'm thinking" in Argentina.Man: That's right.Woman: You'd better be careful about using that gesture here in Canada. It means someone is crazy.Man: Oh, it means "crazy" in Canada? I didn't know that. I'll be careful.。
(0102)《英语听力二》复习思考题(1)Part A Telephone NumbersI. Directions: You will hear five very short passages. In each passage there is a telephone number.Listen carefully and write down the numbers you hear. (10 points)1. Tom Baker is from New Zealand. His telephone number is _________________.2. Alice Dupont is French. Her telephone number is _________________.3. Dr Bennett works in a hospital. Please call him on __________ before you go to see him.4. John is not at work now. His home telephone number is ____________________.5. Mrs. Thompson is on holiday in Los Angeles. She is staying at the Grand Hotel. Itstelephone number is ____________.II. Directions: Listen to the song 'Wrong Number' carefully. Fill in the blanks with the wordsyou hear in the song. (10 points)Hello, hello. My name's Joe Monroe, and _______1_________ Indiana.________2_________ Diana, please? _________3________ my Diana?Oh, no, no, no. I'm not Diana. I think that _________4___________, my friend.You've dialed ______5________ (a garage, a cafe) in Montana.Part B Dialogue 1I. Directions: Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to each question you hear.(20 points)1) Who is Pat calling?a. Jack.b. Tom.c. Rose.d. Anna.2) Where is Pat calling from?a. From her home.b. From her office.c. From a library.d. From a public telephone booth.3) Why can't Pat speak to her friend?a. Because she is at work in her office now.b. Because she is out for lunch now.c. Because she is not in at the moment.d. Because she is busy with her French now.4) Why is Pat calling?a. Because she wants to invite Anna to tea.b. Because she wants to borrow a French dictionary from Anna.c. Because she wants to find out if Anna has her French dictionary.d. Because she wants to say hello to Anna.5) What does Jack say to Pat at the end?a. He tells her again who he really is.b. He suggests that Pat leave a message to her friend.c. He promises to transfer the message to her friend.d. He thanks Pat for calling him.II. Directions: Listen to the dialogue again and write 'T' (true) or 'F' (false) for each statementyou hear. (10 points)1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5. ( )Dialogue 2I. Directions: Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to each question you hear.(20 points)1 ) What is the probable relationship between the man and the woman?a. Friends.b. Customer and house agentc. Caller and operator.d. Boss and secretary.2) Where is Mr. Fitzgerald calling from?a. From the same state.b. From another statec. From abroad. d. From Minnesota.3) Who will pay for the call?a. John Fitzgerald.b. Arthur Seebach.c. Both of them.d. Fitzgerald's company.4) What is Mr. Fitzgerald's telephone number?a. 612-930-9680.b. 621-930-9608.c. 415-592-4914.d. 415-529-4914.5) What does the woman ask John to do at the end of the conversation?a. To wait until the line is free.b. To wait for his friend to call back.c. To wait while she tries to put him through to Mr. Seebach.d. To wait till the telephone rings again.II. Directions: Listen to the dialogue again and write down the seven questions the woman asks.( 10 points)1)_________________________________________________2)_________________________________________________3)_________________________________________________4)_________________________________________________5)_________________________________________________6)_________________________________________________7)_________________________________________________(2)Part A Numbers DatesI. Directions: You will hear a statement followed by a question. There is only oneanswer to the question. Listen carefully. Underline the letter beside your choice.(20 points)1. a. Apr. 3rd. b. Apr. 13th.c. Apr. 20th.d. Apr. 23rd.2. a. Mar. 27th. b. Mar. 7th.c. Mar. 17th.d. Mar. 20th.3. a. Sept. 13th. b. Sept. 16th.c. Sept. 30th.d. Sept. 6th.4. a. Dec. 1st. b. Dec. 21st.c. Dec. 24th.d. Dec. 25th.5. a. Aug. 15th. b. Aug. 14th.c. Aug. 29th.d. Aug. 30th.6. a. Aug. 6th. b. July 7th.c. Aug. 16th.d. Aug. 26th.7. a. June 5th. b. June 15th.c. June 10th.d. June 16th.8. a. Oct. 1st. b. Oct. 31st.c. Oct. 30th.d. Oct. 3rd.9. a. Feb. 2nd. b. Feb. 12th.c. Feb. 20th.d. Feb. 22nd.10. a. May 7th. b. May 9th.c. May 27th.d. May 29th.II. Directions: You will hear a short passage. Fill in the blanks with the dates you hear.(10 points)Mr. and Mrs. Laker live in Philadelphia. Mr. Laker was born on ________. Mrs. Laker was born on __________. They were married in New York on _______. Their son John was born on ________. And their daughter Susan was born on ______ Part B DialogueI. Directions: Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to eachquestion you hear. (20 points)1) Why doesn't Peter look very happy?a. He isn't very well.b. He has some trouble in his study.c. He feels lonely living in Britain.d. He is not accustomed to the weather and food in the country.2) Why doesn't Peter have many chances to meet English people?a. Because he seldom goes out.b. Because English people seldom go out.c. Because he lives at a place where there are few English people.d. Because he is busy studying.3) Why does Peter say that English people never speak to him?a. Because Peter's English is too poor.b. Because English people hate to be talked to.c. Because he never speaks first.d. Because he often asks stupid questions.4) What can we learn from the dialogue?a. Peter is a foreigner, coming to Britain to learn English.b. Peter is not interested in speaking English.c. English people are hard to make friends with.d. English is very hard for foreigners to learn.5) What can you infer from the advice of Peter's friend?a. Learning a language requires a lot of practice.b. English people will not talk unless spoken to.c. The weather is the favorite topic English people like to talk about.d. Mixing more with native speakers is a good way to learn a language.PassageI. Directions: Listen to the passage carefully and complete the following with the information youhear from the tape. (10 points)1) Miss Green weighed _________________.2) When Miss Green came to see the doctor, he gave her _______________.3) The doctor told Miss Green to eat the food ________________ every day.4) Miss Green went to see the doctor ___________ later.5) When the doctor went to visit Miss Green, she was ________________.II. Directions: Listen to the passage again and write down your answer to each of the following questions. (20 points)1) Why did Miss Green go to see her doctor?________________________________________________________2) What did the doctor suggest that Miss Green should do?________________________________________________________3) Why was the doctor surprised when he saw Miss Green again?________________________________________________________4) What was Miss Green eating when the doctor went to visit her?________________________________________________________5) Why wasn't Miss Green getting thinner?________________________________________________________(3)Part A NumbersI.Directions: You will hear ten 4-5 digit numbers. Listencarefully and repeat each number silently after you hear it.Then write it down as quickly as you can. (10 points)1) ____________________2) ____________________3) ____________________4) ____________________5) ____________________6) ____________________7) ____________________8) ____________________9) ____________________10)____________________II.Directions: Listen carefully. Supply the missing information.(10 points)Name of the Ocean/Sea Average Depth(feet) The Pacific OceanThe Atlantic OceanThe Indian OceanThe Arctic OceanThe Caribbean SeaThe Sea of JapanThe Mediterranean SeaThe South China SeaThe Black SeaThe Red SeaPart B DialogueI. Directions: Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences with thetimes that are mentioned in the dialogue. (10 points)1) Carol is going to work today at ____________.2) Carol has her lunch between ____________.3) Jane's flight is scheduled to arrive at ____________.4) Larry will come to pick up Carol at ____________.5) Carol says that she might be at the front gate at ____________.II. Directions: Listen to the dialogue again and choose the best answer to each question you hear. (20 points)1) a. Friends. b. Neighbors.c. Colleagues.d. Husband and wife.2) a. At 8:00. b. At 8:15.c. At 8:30.d. At 9:30.3) a. By bus. b. By train,c. By subway.d. By car.4) a. Carol and Larry will have lunch together.b. Larry cannot join Carol for lunch because he has lunch after one o'clock.c. Larry will have dinner with Carol and her sister.d. Carol cannot join Larry for dinner because her sister is coming.5) a. Jane is a friend of Larry's.b. Jane is coming back from a business trip.c. Larry and Carol seldom go and eat in a Chinese restaurant.d. Carol likes her new job very muchPassageI Directions: Listen to the passage carefully and choose the best answer to eachquestion you hear.(10 points)1) a. On the 20th. b. On the 21st.c. On the 22nd. d. On the 24th.2) a. On the 20th. b. On the 21st.c. On the 24th.d. On the 25th.3) a. On the 20th. b. On the 24th.c. Three days before.d. Five days before.4) a. Three days after her call. b. On the 21st.c. On the 20th.d. Four days after her call.5) a. On the 24th. b. On the 25th.c. On the 26th.d. Unknown.II. Directions: Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.(20 points)1) Factories and shops don't want to fix things for people because they want to____________________.2) One day Mrs. Harris called the plumber about ____________________.3) The man didn't come until ____________________.4) The man said he was sorry because he had come ____________________. and hewas looking for ____________________.(0102)《英语听力二》复习思考题答案(1)Part A Telephone NumbersI. 1) 398-40712) 278-95363) 271-82654) 718-42915) 310-449-6213II.1)I’m calling from2)Can I speak to3)Am I speaking to4)you’ve got the wrong number5) a hotelPart B Dialogue 1I. 1.D 2.A 3.C 4.C 5. AII. 1. ( F ) 2. ( F ) 3. ( T ) 4. ( T ) 5. ( F )Dialogue 2I. 1.C 2.B 3.B 4.C 5. CII.7)Number, please?8)Where to?9)What number?10)Who are you calling?11)What’s your name, sir?12)Can you spell it out?13)Where are you calling from?(2)Part A Numbers DatesI. 1) D2) A3) A4) B5) C6) B7) D8) B9)D10) DII. Mr. and Mrs. Laker live in Philadelphia. Mr. Laker was born on Sept. 9, 1953. Mrs. Laker was born on Nov. 12, 1951. They were married in New York on May 21, 1973. Their son John was born on June 4, 1974. And their daughter Susan was born on Feb. 23, 1980Part B DialogueI. 1) B2) A 3) C4) A5) DPassageI. 1) Miss Green weighed 100 kilos.2) When Miss Green came to see the doctor, he gave her a small book.3) The doctor told Miss Green to eat the food listed on page 11 of the small book every day.4) Miss Green went to see the doctor two weeks later.5) When the doctor went to visit Miss Green, she was having her dinner.II. 1) She was very fat and was getting heavier every month.2) She should go on a diet.3) Because she wasn’t any thinner. Instead, she was even fatter.4) She was eating potatoes and bread.5) Because she ate her diet only at lunch time.(3)Part A NumbersIII.Directions: You will hear ten 4-5 digit numbers. Listen carefully and repeat each number silently after you hear it.Then write it down as quickly as you can. (10 points)1) 70682) 52313) 10054) 47165) 25006) 49087) 130348) 902849) 4735910)56708IV.Directions: Listen carefully. Supply the missing information.(10 points)Name of the Ocean/Sea Average Depth(feet) The Pacific Ocean12925The Atlantic Ocean11730The Indian Ocean12598The Arctic Ocean3407The Caribbean Sea8448The Sea of Japan5468The Mediterranean Sea4926The South China Sea4802The Black Sea3906The Red Sea1764Part B DialogueI. Directions: Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences with thetimes that are mentioned in the dialogue. (10 points)1) Carol is going to work today at 8:15.2) Carol has her lunch between 12:00 and 1:00.3) Jane's flight is scheduled to arrive at 6:30.4) Larry will come to pick up Carol at 5:35.5) Carol says that she might be at the front gate at 5:40.II. Directions: Listen to the dialogue again and choose the best answer to eachquestion you hear. (20 points)1) A2) D 3) A4) C5) CPassageI Directions: Listen to the passage carefully and choose the best answer to eachquestion you hear.(10 points)1) B2) C 3) A4) D5) BII. Directions: Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.(20 points)1) Factories and shops don't want to fix things for people because they want tosell their new products.2) One day Mrs. Harris called the plumber about her bathroom faucet.3) The man didn't come until three days later.4) The man said he was sorry because he had come to the wrong place and hewas looking for Mrs. Smith’s house.。
Key to Exercises of Listening 2Key to Unit 1 Social CustomsTask 1KeyA.Answer the following questions.1) She wanted to see St. Paul‘s Cathedral.2) She was so surprised because she saw so many Englishmen who looked alike.3) They were all wearing dark suits and bowler hats, carrying umbrellas and newspapers.4) Because she had often read about them and seen photographs of them, who all looked as if theywere wearing a uniform.5) No, he didn‘t.6) He used the English saying ―It takes all kinds to make a world‖ to prove his opinion.B.Write down the poem “If All the Seas Were One Sea”.If all the seas were one sea, what a great sea it would be! And if all the trees were one tree, what a great tree it would be! And if this tree were to fall in the sea, what a great splash there would be!Task 2KeyA: Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape.1) people were much busier2) colder than England , minus thirty degrees, last longer3) much more mountainous, much higher and much more rocky, more beautiful4) tend to be more crowded5) the houses, mallerB: Decide whether the following statements are true or false.1) T 2) T 3) F 4) F 5) F1Task 3KeyA: Answer the following questions.1) In the US, people usually dance just to enjoy themselves; they don‘t invite other people to watchthem.2) Usually eight people dance together.3) Because people form a square in dancing with a man and a woman on each side of the square.4) He usually makes it into a song.5) They war old-fashioned clothes.B: Decide whether the following statements are true or false.1) F 2) T 3) F 4) F 5) TC. Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape.1) eight people form a square, on each side of the square.2) What they should do, makes it into a song/sings3) Don‘t have much time to think4) Old-fashioned clothesTask 4KeyA: Answer the following questions.1) It was a time to celebrate the end of winter and the beginning of spring.2) They burned the picture of their kitchen god to bring good luck.3) The custom said the brides must wear ―something old, something new, something borrowed, andsomething blue‖ to bring good luck.4) Because they could not eat meat, eggs or dairy products during Lent, so they tried to use up thesethings before Lent began.5) It was a straw man made by children in Czech; it was a figure of death.6) People brought their animals to church. And before the animals went into the church peopledressed them up in flowers and ribbons.Task 5KeyA: Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to the tape.1) F 2) T 3) F 4) T 5) F 6) T 7) TB: Write out a list of the advantages and disadvantages of the Victorian times.Task 6KeyA: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.1) b 2) a 3) c 4) aB: Complete the following sentence with what you hear on the tape.1) family unit, process, change, used to be, the extended , the nuclear2) job patterns, progressed, agricultural, industrial, forced, job opportunities, split up3) traditional, family, other living arrangementsC: Complete the definitions below according to the what you hear on the tape.1) mother, father, children, and some other relatives such as grandparents, living in the same houseor nearby.2) Only the parents and the children.3) Previously married men and women marry again and combine the children from formermarriages into a new family.Task 7KeyA: Fill in the following chart with a “√” mark in corresponding columnsB: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.1) c 2) c 3) a 4) b 5) c 6) c 7) cTask 8KeyA: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.1) a 2) c 3) b 4) c 5) c 6) b 7) c 8) bB: Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to the tape.1) T 2) T 3) F 4) F 5) T 6) F 7) F 8) F 9) T 10) FTask 9Social customs and ways of behaving change. But they do not necessarily always change for the better. Things which were considered impolite many years ago are now acceptable. Just a few years ago, it was considered impolite behaviour for a man to smoke on the street. No man who thought of himself as being a gentleman would make a fool of himself by smoking when a lady was in the room.The important thing to remember about social customs is not to do anything that might make other people feel uncomfortable—especially if they are your guests. There is a story about a rich nobleman who had a very formal dinner party. When the food was served, one of the guests started to eat his peas with a knife. Other guests were amused or shocked, but the nobleman calmly picked up his knife and began eating in the same way. It would have been bad manners to make his guest feel foolish or uncomfortable.Key to Unit 2 WeatherTask 1KeyA.Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1) b 2) a 3) dTask 2KeyA.Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to thetape.1) T 2) F 3) FB. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1) d 2) c 3) cC. Fill in the blanks with what you hear on the tape.Climate, reputation, extraordinary,unreliable.dry, wet,clear, dull,hot, cold, bad, mildTask 3KeyComplete the following summary of the passage.I. the countryTrees, grass, lakes and steamsII.A.1. concrete, iron and steel2. take in the heat during the day and throw of f heat into the air at nightB. Warmer wintersCar engines , electrical applianceIII.A.air pollution may stop sunlight from reaching the earth1.Ice near the North and South poles to melt2.to be slowly folded and people living in these cities to move to higher landTask 4KeyA. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1) b 2) cB. Fill in the blanks with what you hear on the tapenight, delightmorning, warninggraywayredheadC. Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to thetape.1) F 2) T 3 )FTask 5KeyA. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1) c 2) b 3) d 4) c 5) cTask 6KeyA. Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to thetape.1) F 2) T 3) F 4) T 5) F 6) TB. Fill in the blanks with what you hear on the tapeIncredible, one minute, kilometer, destroyed, lifted up, carried away, killed, injuredTask 7KeyA. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1) b 2) a 3) bB.Summarize the weather conditions reported in the radio programme.1) It has been nice weather during the day, but it is going to change at night.2) Fine weather in southern Europe and not so nice in Northern Europe.C.Match each place with the corresponding weather condition there.For todaySoutheast England Maximum temperatures of around 21 degreesSouthern Scotland 26 degrees Celsius by mid-afternoonBrighton 23 degrees Celsius by early afternoonMidlands Light showers around middayNorthwest of Scotland 15 hours of lovely sunshineFor the weekendSpain Cloudy but mainly dry with sunny periods, 23 degrees Celsius Greece Heavy rain, 17 degrees CelsiusFrance Cloudy with rain, maximum temperatures of 22 degrees Northern Ireland 34 degrees CelsiusMost of England 32 degrees CelsiusTask 8KeyFill in the following chart.Task 9KeyA. Tick the statements “√” that correctly describe the tornado in Xenia in 1974.3) [√]6) [√]7)[√]B. Rearrange the following sentences describing the boy’s experiences on theday when the tornado hit his town.[f]→[c]→[a]→[d]→[b]→[e]C. Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to thetape.1) F 2) T 3) F 4) FD. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1) d 2) bTask 10ScriptUndoubtedly, Tibet is one of the harshest places for human existence. It is cool in summer but freezing cold in winter. In Lhasa, the mildest city in Tibet, temperatures may exceed 29 degrees Celsius in summer while plummeting to -16 degrees Celsius in winter! Sun radiation is extremely strong in Tibet. The sunlight in Lhasa is so intense that the city is called Sunlight City. The thin air can neither block off nor retain heat so that there are great temperature extremes on the same day! The average temperature in northern Tibet is subzero and winter arrives in October until the following May or June. July and August are the best time to visit the area, enjoying warm temperatures, intense sunshine, beautiful scenery and festive events. May, June and September represent the tourist season in east Tibet. In winter, roads are all blocked by heavy snow. Landslides and rock falls frequently occur, which will make travel difficult.Key to Unit 3 Social IssuesTask 1KeyA. Answer the following questions.1)Stress on the job costs American companies as much as $150 billion a year in lowerproductivity, unnecessary employee sick leave, and higher medical costs.2)The most stressful professions are those that involve danger and extreme pressure and thosethat carry a lot of responsibility without much control.3)The best way to deal with stress is through relaxation, but sometimes the only answer is tofight back or walk away.B. Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape.4)Three-quarters5)psychologists, doctors6)nervousness, anger, frequent illness, mental problemsTask 2KeyA: Complete the following summary of the two speakers’ opinions.1)give in so easily to hijackers‘ demandsa)threaten to blow up a plane or commit some other outrageb)hold out against this kind of blackmail, always have terrorists, Start executing terroristsautomaticallyc)be prepared to face the consequences of evil2)a)It‘s the lesser of two evils. Terrorists have proven often enough that they really meanbusiness.b)Innocent lives, threatening the innocent will achieve its endsB. Answer the following questions.She implies that if the first speaker was one of the victims of terrorism, she would want the government to give in to the demands so that she wouldn‘t die.Task 3KeyA: Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape.1) thirty-five, natural lights, a small window, hot, airless, very noisy2) Mexico3) ought to, shouldn‘tB. Answer the following questions.1) It is located in a narrow street with five-and six-storey buildings eight kilometers from downtownLos Angeles.2) This factory makes shirts and jeans.3) She‘s already been working for ten hours, but she won‘t stop for another two hours.4) She can‘t complain about those things because she is an illegal immigrant.Task 4KeyA: Complete the following summary of British government’s statistics.social trends1)marked differencesa)one hour more every day, three hours more every weekb) 1 prevent, cleaning and ironing, keep household accounts, do repairs or improvementsc)30 percent2)leisure activities, watching television, 20 hours a week, going for walks, Swimming, British womenB. Answer the following questions.Unlike the other couples, Carla has always kept her own accounts and Adrian has always done his own housework. Neither of them like watching television very much and they both like swimming.Task 5KeyA: Complete the following summary of the passage.How a city in Japan solve the problem of garbage disposal.160 million, every year, 10 percent, 10 percent, the restpublic cooperation1)garbage that can be easily burned, kitchen and garden trash2)electrical appliances, plastic tools and plastic toys3)are poisonous, cause pollution, batteries4)bottles and glass containers that can be recycled5)mental containers that can be recycled6)furniture and bicycleson different days, on requestfertilizer, to produce electricity, recycled , cleaned, repaired, resold cheaply, given awayB. Answer the following questions.1) The garbage will be taken to a center that looks like a clean new office building or hospital.Inside the center, special equipment is used to sort and process the garbage.2) Official from cities around the world visit Machida to see whether they can use some of theseideas and techniques to solve their own garbage disposal problems.Task 6KeyA: Answer the following questions.1)They were talking about Mrs. Carter.2)She was a tall, handsome woman who used to come into the shop at least twice a week.3)She lived alone in a large house on an old farm—about three miles from the shop.4)He was absolutely certain, otherwise he would never call the police. His evidence was this:First, he saw her do it; second, he found the things in her bag; third, she had done it before.5)Because two young people saw her. The shopkeeper believed that if they didn‘t punish her,young people would think that stealing didn‘t matter.6)The judge thought that it was a difficult case from a humanitarian point of view. The excuseshe found for her were: First, the woman was old and she lived alone—she was lonely. Second,she wasn‘t poor—she was well-known for her generosity to charities and she didn‘t need tosteal. The items were only worth a pound or two. Third, she pleaded not guilty and said shedidn‘t know that she had done it.Task 7KeyA: Fill in the blanks in the summary of the planner’s description.not all modern cities are alike, modern city1) a single high-density centre, skyscraper, motorways, as far as you can see2) the low-density multi-center city, a large collection of a number of small centres, shoppingcentres, factories, businesses and skyscrapersB. Answer the following questions.1) He thinks that the second type (the Los Angeles model) is more sensible.2) He considers it highly likely that the kind of city we know now will completely disappear.Task 8KeyA: Answer the following questions.1) He thinks that this country‘s problems all come from inflation, which is the result of theDemocrat‘s careless spending.2) No, she doesn‘t agree with Ned. She believes that the problem is unemployment. If thegovernment cuts spending too much, people will fall into a vicious circle of moreunemployment and fewer taxpayers to share the burden.3) She agrees with Barbara. She believes that unemployment is a big problem, especially in the bigindustrial cities. And the government isn‘t doing very much to help the big industries out.4) He believes in the free market system rather than government regulation or protection. He thinksthat without a lot of government interference everything will be okay.5) No, they think it‘s bad for the weak, the poor and the unprotected / it‘s bad for theunderprivileged.B. Fill in the blanks with what you hear on the tape..More and more money, come from somewhere, higher taxes and high pricesTask 9KeyA: Answer the following questions.1) The problem is whether or not the inner city—the core of most urban areas—willmanage to survive at all.2) They moved to the suburbs in search of fresh air, elbow room, and privacy.3) As a result, suburbs began to sprawl out across the countryside. Many cities began to fall intodisrepair. And many downtown areas existed for business only.4) The result was that urban centers declined even further and the suburbs expanded still more.5) Because from the decision of the Taylors and many other young couples, we can see that somepeople may be tired of spending long hours commuting, and they may have begun to miss theadvantages of culture and companionship provided by city life.B: Decide whether the following statements are true or false.1) F 2) T 3) F 4) F 5) T 6) TC. Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape.1). Middle-class, neighborhoods2) Crime, public transportation3) housing construction costs, was allowed, constructedTask 10KeyA: Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape.1) 54, 20, 1980, 70,0002) 30, 19803) a newspaper article, to research the market4) another few months, in April 1981, a 1,500 sq. ft5) third, Canada, America, 20 percent, £ 1 million6) 20, 70, 3B. Decide whether the following statements are true or false1) F 2) T 3) F 4) F 5) TC. Answer the following questions.1) He was deeply involved in the present job and rather enjoyed himself. He thought theshop was his own little baby and thought it was fun to serve behind the counter.However, he also thought that there was a lot more hard work than he was used to; he wasworking over the weekend doing his books. He called his old job ―boring trips to Manchester tosell vast quantities of PVC‖.2) He thought that there was far more job satisfaction, and believed that he was making money, ratherthan making money for other people.3) He‘s about to diversify into commercial distribution of imported and domestically produced wineand wines he‘s producing himself.Task 11ScriptI could hear the guard blowing his whistle, so I ran on to the platform and up to the train. Luckily, someone saw me coming, a door opened, and I jumped on while the train was moving out of the station. ―Phew!‖ I thought. ―That was hard work!‖ I was sure the other passengers could hear my heart beating; it was so loud, and I was in a cold sweat.After a while, I recovered, and had a look at the other passenger. The compartment was full, but I was the only one standing. The people in the carriage turned their eyes away as they noticed me looking at them. All except one, a beautiful woman sitting in the corner. I saw her watching me in the mirror. Automatically, I adjusted my tie. She had seen me running for the train: maybe this was my lucky day after all. I prepared to say hello.She spoke first, however. ―Would you like my seat?‖ she asked. ―You look rather ill.‖ That was the day on which I realized I was getting middle-aged.Key to Unit 4 LiteratureTask 1KeyAnswer the following questions.1) They were orphans and had nobody to support them.2) Each boy was given only one bowl of gruel for supper and no more—far from enough.3) The boys were so hungry that they could not bear it any more. They decided that one of them mustask the master for more gruel. Oliver Twist was chosen by casting lots.4) He never thought that any boy would dare to ask for more food than the given portion. Therefore, hewas both surprised and angry on hearing Oliver‘s request.5) He was struck on the head by the master and pushed out of the room. And for a week Oliverremained prisoner in the cellar.Task 2KeyA. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.1) F 2) F 3) TB. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1) d 2) bTask 3KeyA. Fill in the blanks or circle the right words in brackets to finish the brief introduction ofthe writer.Lewis Carrollmathematics, Oxford UniversityAlice’s Adventures in Wonderland,1865,Through the Looking-Glass, 1871B. Answer the following question.These stories are about a dream world in which Alice meets strange creatures and hasinteresting adventures.Task 4KeyCompleter the following summary of the story.closed the gates of their city and stayed behind the wallsthe Greeks, a huge wooden horse, hide inside it, the horse, they stopped, hid their shipsGreek prisoner, the horse, The Greek soldiers, the wooden horseTask 5KeyA. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1) c 2) aB. Answer the following question.1) All the animals thought that he was the king of beasts. Actually he was a coward. He was afraid ofhuman beings and other big animals. He roared only to scare them away and never really hurt them.2) Dorothy and her dog wanted to get back to Kansas. The Scarecrow wanted some brains and theTinman wanted a heart. The Lion wanted to have courage.Task 6KeyA. Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape.1) Civil War2) first, equality3) battlefields, bloodiest4) ordinaryB. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1) d 2) cTask 7KeyA. Answer the following questions.1) A red, red rose that‘s newly sprung in June and the melody that‘s sweetly played in tune.2) He will love her till all the seas are dried and the rocks melt in the sun. His love will last as long asthe sands of life run (there is life on earth).3) Yes, he is, and he will come back no matter how far it is.B. Find the words that rhyme with the following words.June— [tune] I—[dry]sun [run] while—[mile]Task 8KeyAnswer the following questions.1) Tall stories, that is, unlikely ones.2) Because he wanted to be a member of a certain club.3) He went there because he was told that a lion came there each evening to drink water.4) Sixteen times.5) He killed sixteen lions.Task 9KeyComplete the following outline of the story.I. a young prince who lived on landA. rose to the surface of the sea and waited for the prince to come to herB. never cameII. a witchA. changed her fish‘s tail into a pair of human legsB. she gave the witch her tongueIII. the prince‘s palaceA. her feet hurt terriblyB. didn‘t love herIV. a young princessA. dived back into the seaB. a spirit of the air and lived forever.Task 10KeyA. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1) b 2) c 3) b 4) a 5) aB. Match the serial number of the five fables with the lessons drawn form each one ofthem.No. 1 [ e ]No. 2 [ b ]No. 3 [ a ]No. 4 [ d ]No. 5 [ c ]Task 11KeyComplete the following outline of the story.I.A. struck a rock and began to break upB. sank tooC. had survivedII.A. he was tied very firmly by a large number of fine ropesB. about forty little men shot at him with their arrows, which just like needles.C. the little men gave him all the bread, meat and wine they hadIII.Was seven feet by three feet, equipped with twenty-two wheels and pulled by fifteen hundred littlehorses.Task 12ScriptAesop was a very clever man who lived in Greece thousands of years ago. He wrote many good fables. He was known to be fond of jokes. One day, as he was enjoying a walk, he met atraveler, who greeted him and said, ―Kind man, can you tell me how soon I shall get to town?‖―Go,‖ Aesop answered.―I know I must go,‖ said the traveler, ―but I should like you to tell me how soon I shall get to town.‖―Go,‖ Aesop said again angrily.―This man must be mad,‖ the traveler thought and went on.After he had gone some distance, Aesop shouted after him, ―You will get to town in two hours.‖ The traveler turned round in astonishment. ―Why didn‘t you tell me that before?‖ he asked.―How could I have told you before?‖ answered Aesop. ―I did not know how fast you could walk.‖Key to Unit 5 EducationTask 1KeyA. Answer the following questions.1) People‘s ideas on permanent education.2) One is an ordinary ―man in the street‖. The other is an educational psychologist.3) The first person thinks this idea of permanent education is crazy. He can‘tunderstand people who want to spend all their lives in school.The second person thinks that the idea of permanent education is practical becausepeople are never really too old to go on learning.B. Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape.1) was, hated, stand, got out2) all their lives3) certain limits, age limitsTask 2KeyA. Fill in the following chart.B. Answer the following questions.1) He stayed there for a year.2) He has faint, but very pleasant memories of it. He had fun and played games----includingstory-telling, drawing, singing and dancing.3) He began to have more formal lessons and even worry about exams.4) The exam was called the ―Eleven Plus‖. Students took the exam to see what kind of secondaryschool they would get into.Task 3KeyA. Fill in the blanks with what you hear on the tape.1) compulsory, the ages of 5 and 16, stated-funded, independent2) available, at a nursery school, in the nursery class at a primary school3) preparatory, primary, aged 5 to 134) enter the state education system, at the age of 5, secondary school5) 7, 11, 13 or 16, gain admission at 11 or 13, the Common Entrance Examination6) one further year, Advanced Supplementary Examination, Advanced levelexaminations7) classroom, laboratory, work independently, undertake research for projects8) vocational, conventional9) secondary education, with A-levels, further, higherB. Answer the following questions.1) GCSE stands for the General Certificate of Secondary Education. It is normally taken at theage of 16.2) Students usually study from 8 to 12 GSCE subjects over two years.3) Some subjects take account of the work students do throughout the year, while others areassessed entirely by examination.Task 4KeyA. Fill in the following chart.B. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.1) F 2) FTask 5KeyA. Answer the following questions.1) Because the television program by that name can now be seen in many parts of theworld.2) This program is very popular among children. Some educators object to certainelements in the program. Parents praise it highly. Many teachers also consider it agreat help, though some teachers find that problems arise when first graders whohave learned from ‖Sesame Street‖ are in the same class with children who havenot watched the program.3) In order to increase the number of children who can watch it regularly.4)1. The reasons may include the education theories of its creators, the support byboth government and private businesses, and the skillful use of a variety of TVtricks.2. Perhaps an equally important reason is that mothers watch ―Sesame Street‖along with their children. This is partly because famous adult stars often appearon ―Sesame Street‖.3. The best reason for the success of the program may be that it makes every childwatching it feel able to learn. The child finds himself learning, and he wants tolearn more.B. Fill in the blanks with what you hear on the tape.1) six million, regularly, half, economic, racial, geographical2) fifty, Spanish, Portuguese, German, one hundred thousand, English, every two weeks3) songs, stories, jokes, pictures, numbers, letters, human relationships.Task 6KeyA. Answer the following questions.1) It is to have all public schools connected to the Internet computer system and havecomputers available for the students.2) Its web site provides information about the school, the teachers and their mailaddresses. It also lists student events and organizations.3) They learn numbers and letters. They also learn how to use the computers they willneed later in their education.B. Fill in the blanks with what you hear on the tape.1) 1994, 35 percent, Last year, 89 percent2) universities, colleges, urge, requireTask 7KeyA. Fill in the blanks in the following summary of the passage.I. spokenA. saying poetry aloud, giving speechesB. advanced degrees, field of study, custom, candidates, doctor‘s degreeII. writtenA. nineteenthB. the great increase in population, the development of modern industryC.1. objective, fact, personal opinionsmemory of facts and details, range of knowledge, a fairer chance, easier,quickerlearning2. essay, long answers, broad general questions。
当代商务英语听说教程第2册课后练习题含答案Part I Listening Comprehension1.Listen to the conversation and choose the bestanswer.Dialogue 1A: What’s your position in the company?B: I’m a financial analyst.A: _______________B: Yes, I’m in charge of budget analysis.A. Do you manage the company budget?B. Do you work in the accounting department?C. Do you analyze the company’s financial statements?D. Do you supervise the financial department?Answer: CDialogue 2A: Good morning, Mr. Smith. How can I help you?B: I would like to book a flight to Shangh, departing on July 12th and returning on July 25th.A: _______________B: Yes, economy class, please.A. Which rline do you prefer?B. Would you like a one-way ticket or a return ticket?C. What class do you want totravel in? D. Do you have any preferred departure time?Answer: C2.Listen to the news report and determine if thefollowing statements are true or false.News ReportGood morning, this is the 7 a.m. news bulletin. A newstudy has found that the average employee in the UK worksmore than the standard 40-hour workweek. The study revealsthat UK workers put in an average of 46 hours a week, whichis over two hours more than the standard workweek. The research shows that the rise of technology has led many workers to feel that they must be avlable around the clock. Furthermore, the study found that older workers aged 35-54 work the longest hours compared to younger workers aged 16-24.1.The average employee in the UK works less than thestandard workweek. workers put in an average of 46 hours a week.3.The rise of technology has led workers to feel thatthey must be avlable around the clock.4.Younger workers work the longest hours compared toolder workers.Answer: 1. False 2. True 3. True 4. FalsePart II Speaking Practice1.Role play the following situation.A: Hello, may I speak to Mr. Green, please?B: Speaking. How can I help you?A: Hi, Mr. Green. This is Sarah from ABC company. I am calling to confirm our meeting next Friday at 2 p.m.B: Yes, I have it confirmed in my calendar. We are going to meet at our office, right?A: That’s correct. Our address is 123 Mn Street.B: Great. I’ll see you then.A: Thank you, Mr. Green.B: Thank you, Sarah.2.Answer the following questions.3.Have you ever presented a project at work?4.What strategies do you use to prepare for apresentation?5.What do you think is important to engage with youraudience during a presentation?6.Have you ever faced any challenges during apresentation? How did you overcome them?Answer:1.Yes, I have presented several projects at work.2.I usually start by researching the topic thoroughlyand creating an outline of the mn points I want to cover.Then I practice my presentation several times, eitheralone or with a group. I also make sure to have myslides and materials ready ahead of time.3.Engaging with the audience is crucial to mntningtheir attention and interest. I try to use visual dssuch as slides and videos, as well as asking questions or soliciting feedback from the audience. It’s alsoimportant to speak clearly and use appropriate bodylanguage.4.Yes, I have faced challenges such as technicaldifficulties or unexpected questions from the audience.To overcome these, I always have backup plans in casetechnology fls, and I prepare for difficult questions by practicing possible answers ahead of time. I also try tostay calm and composed during the presentation, even if I encounter challenges.。
大学英语视听2答案大学英语听说教程第二册答案Key to Listening CourseBookBook-II(《大学英语》全新版)Unit 1Part A1. 108:962. 110:1113. 135:1304. 69:75Part BTextExercise 1: 1. D 2. BExercise 2:1.Peter likes cycling and swimming. Laura likes these two sports too. Besides, she plays tennis regularly.2.Because she wants to enjoy good health; she wants to stay in shape and look good.Part CExercise: 1. B 2.DPart D (Refer to TextBook)Unit 2Part A1.a. Fine and pleasantb. 18'C (64'F)c. Cloudy with outbreaks of heavy showers2. a. It started around 8 pm and lasted for about threeminutes.b. It caused four deaths and serious damage including a power failure.Part BTextExercise 1: 1. B 2. A 3.AExercise 2:1.They went to the department picnic but their fun was spoiled by the hot weather.2.Because he thinks it will only be short shower that cools things off a little.Part CExercise: 1. F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.FPart D (Refer to TextBook)Unit 3Part A1. Yes2.No3.Yes4.No5.Yes6.No7.No8.NoPart BTextExercise 1:1. ...for a while2. ...plans for this Saturday3. ...dinner...weekend4. ...Italian...too much food5. ...Chinese...JapaneseExercise 2:1.It uses natural flavors, not much oil or cream or heavy sauces.2.They will have dinner on Saturday either at a Chinese or a Japanese restaurant.Part CExercise: 1. B 2.C 3.DPart D (Refer to TextBook)Unit 4Part A1. C2. DPart BTextExercise 1: 1. d 2.d 3. c 4. dExercise 2:1.He has suffered from insomnia for several months and lately has had a lot of indigestion.2.She gave the patient some medicine for insomnia and indigestion. she advised the patient to have a proper diet and begin a regular exercise program.Part CExercise: 1. T 2.T 3. F 4.T 5.FPart D (Refer to TextBook)Unit 5Part A1. However2. Because3.Firstly,then,finally4.In shortPart BTextExercise 1: tick: 2,4,5,10,12,13,16,17Exercise 2: 1. b 2.d 3. c 4.aPart CExercise:1. working-class2. Canada3. 134. song5. Dream6. fond7. own home8. great success9. Canadian10. gold 11. France 12. English language 13. award14. opening ceremonies 15. Titanic 16. Heart 7. LovePart D (Refer to TextBook)Unit 6Part AQ1: They are probably business partners.Q2: One is showing the other the building where her company has offices.Q3: Accounting Office: 2nd floorPersonnel Department: 8th floorManager's Office: 9th floorSales Office: 1st floorPart BTextExercise 1:1.They are discussing which candidate is more suitable for a vacant position in the company.2.Leader of a small group.3.being dynamic4.because he is always a follower5.because he has no experience in leadership.Exercise 2:1.John: Loyal; with the company for 20 years/ No experience in being a leader/ Peter/ Joan and Clive2.Rita: Has personnel management skill/ lacks experienc/ Joan/ Peter and Clive3.Susan: Experiences, solid and reliable/ a bit too cautious, not dynamic enough/ Peter and Clive; Joan (agrees with reservation)/ Joan (at first)Part CExercise: 1.c 2.c 3.a 4.d 5.cPart D (Refer to TextBook)Unit 7Part AA man is at a store. He wants to buy a medium-sized T-shirt with a slogan on the front. He is helped by a shop assistant in getting what he wants.Part BTextExercise 1: 1.b; 2.c; 3.dExercise 2:1.interesting/handsome/successful/sporty, fashionable/fun2.the high status group/taste and style/image3.brightens/good/face another day/energy4.great/terrible/average buyers5.high fashion or not/image and realityPart CExercise: 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.FPart D (Refer to TextBook)Unit 8Part AHeart/14/weight changes/3130/adults/heart disease/sure/high-fat foods/developing heart disease/lose/stomachPart BTextExercise 1: 1.b; 2.d; 3.d ; 4.b; 5.c; 6.dExercise 2: (ommited)Part CExercise: 1.c 2.b 3.d 4.dPart D (Refer to TextBook)Unit 9Part A1.He was walking his dog, Jack.2.The dog can not digest paper.3.He was happy because he got his money back and the money could be used again after being cleaned.Part BTextExercise 1: 1.d; 2.c; 3.c ; 4.d; 5.aExercise 2:1.about 63 years ago2.about three years old3.in 19704.92 years oldPart CExercise: 1-4-2-5-6-3Part D (Refer to TextBook)Unit 10Part A11) earthquake2) 3 days ago3) Turkey4) 100005) 3400021) explosion2) early this morning3) 1084) 385) 11Part BTextExercise 1:1.3 months ago2.in the middle of a jungle in Burma3.a terrible storm4.all aboard the plane except the narrator 5.1 (narrator)Exercise 2:1.It rolled and shook in the wind.2.No. It arrived nine days later because it was raining heavily and the helicopters couldn't fly in the heavy rain. T o make the matter worse, the plane crashed in a swamp in the middle of a jungle.3.Yes. She was in terrible pain and couldn't move.4.By drinking dirty flood water.Part CExercise: 1.b 2.a 3.a 4.d 5.cPart D (Refer to TextBook)Unit 11Part A1. Neutral2. Positive3. Positive, respectfulPart BTextExercise 1: 1.a 2.b 3.d 4.c 5.aExercise 2:1) stockbroker2) retailing3) March 6, 19264) New York5) music school6) economics7) Commerce8) Master's degree9) PhD10) Industrial11) economic consulting12) Federal GovernmentPart CExercise: 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.F 6.T Part D (Refer to TextBook)Unit 12Part A 1. B 2. B 3. APart BTextExercise 1: 1.a 2.d 3.b 4.b 5.dExercise 2: (ommited)Part CExercise:1.microwave oven2.New York, July 12, 18543.replace the heavy old machine4.films for the camera5.you push the button, we do the rest6.clinics/ museums/ performing7.1932/77/remembered/the good of mankind Part D (Refer to TextBook)Unit 13Part A 1. f 2. e 3. dPart BTextExercise 1: 1.a 2.c 3.d 4.a 5.bExercise 2: (ommited)Part CExercise:1.operation, Jewish2.Jew3.Palestinian/ Sunday4.father/ Radio/ noble act/ donor's5.deep inside people are exactly the same/ conflicts/ unnecessary Part D (Refer to TextBook)Unit 14Part A 1. c 2. b 3. aPart BTextExercise 1: 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.FExercise 2:1.a wonderful world2.loss/ change/ balance3.direct benefits/ plants/ air/ breathe4.economic/ health/ raw material / things / medicine5.unless/ later/ valuable/ threatPart CExercise: 1.c 2.a 3.c..4.a 5.bPart D (Refer to TextBook)Unit 15Part A 1. c 2. d 3. bPart BTextExercise 1: 1.c 2.a 3.dExercise 2: 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F 6.TPart CExercise:1.It is Western Europe's most important waterway.2.It was seriously polluted. Fish disappeared and it was dangerous to swim in.3.A fire broke out at chemical plant in Basel, France, which caused tons of pesticides to leak into the Rhine.4.The countries along the Rhine realized that they should clean it up and keep it clean.5.Every six minutes, twenty-four hours a day.6.France, Germany, Switzerland and Holland.Part D (Refer to TextBook)Unit 16Part A1.computer labs for the school/ poor rural 2.cooperating/ India/ software professionals 3.attackPart BTextExercise 1: 1.b 2.a 3.b 4.b 5.b Exercise 2: 1.65%2.30%3.33%4.47%Part CExercise: 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.TPart D (Refer to TextBook)Test 1Part A1. d2. b3. b4. a5. b6. d7. c8. aPart B1. exaggeration2. controlled3. extent4. remote control5. manufactured6. automation7. scheduling8. computerized9. confirmed 10. calculations 11. storing much more information12. would take years of work by mathematiciansPart CPassage IMr. Johnson: better climate; less pollutionMrs. Johnson: a more modern house; a bigger gardenDavid: a better place for surfingCarol and Betty: live in a new house; learn to play the piano Passage II1. a2. d3. bTest 2Part A1. What is the main idea of the passage? A. The Life of Mozart.2. What does the speaker think of dictation? C. He thinks it isa comprehensive skill training exercise.Part B1. 5 billion2. sensible3. 30%4. cleaning the filters5. 256. 10%7. leaks are fixed immediately 8. 5009. 3 10. 5% to the amount of energy consumedPart CPassage I1. take of her three dogs2. agreed3. really mad4. did not like dogs5. did not like him either6. they would take care of the dogs until Mrs. Young got back in two weeksPassage IIFunctions of computer:1. Internet2. word processing3. designing and store4. play gamesDisadvantages of spending too much time on the computer:1. eyesight2. backaches3. their social skills4. socially awkwardConclusion… they are not without dis advantagesPassage III1. F2. T3. T4. F5. F。
大学英语第二册听力答案练习(2)大学英语第二册Unit 5听力答案5Unit 5 Enough of worries and tearsShort Conversations1.C2.D3.A4.C5.A6.B7.D8.D9.D 10.CLong Conversation1.B2.D3.A4.D5.AUnderstanding a Passage1.D2.C3.B4.A5.CMovie Speech1.everything the light touches2.rises and falls3.will risewith you 4.shadowy place 5.never go there6.getting your way7.exists together 8.respect all creatures 9.let meexplain10. in the great circle of lifeHomework ListeningTask 1 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.CTask 2 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.BTask 31.one million new cases2.have increased3.drug treatments4.gathered results5.145,0006.before it has spread7.from coming back 8.reduce by half 9.within 15 years10.middle-aged women大学英语第二册听力原文:Test YourselfTest Yourself (Units 1-4)Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 10 shortconversations. At the end of each conversation, aquestion will be asked about what was said. Both theconversation and the question will be spoken onlyonce. After each question there will be a pause.During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which isthe best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single linethrough the center.Example: You will hear:You will read:A) At the office.B) In a waiting room.C) At the airport.D) In a restaurant.From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they had to finishin the evening. This is most likely to have taken place at the office. Therefore, A) "At the office "is the best answer. You should choose [A] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single linethrough the center.Sample Answer [-A-][B][C][D]1. A) Co-workers in an office.B) Classmates.C) Teacher and student.D) Manager and employee.2. A) It is completely new.B) It attracts a lot of visitors every year.C) It is growing quickly.D) It needs a lot of money for new construction projects.3. A) The man is going to travel by plane.B) The man's flight is delayed.C) The airplane is taking off in half an hour.D) The airport has been hit by terrorist attacks.4. A) The man can buy tonight's tickets if he wants to see the ballet.B) The man has to watch the ballet performance on Friday evening.C) Tickets for the ballet performance are sold out.D) She is sorry that the man missed the chance to see Swan Lake.5. A) He works as a librarian in the city's public library.B) He maintains the computer system in the public library.C) He teaches computer science at college.D) He designs system operation software for city libraries.6. A) It will soon go out of fashion.B) It will completely replace classroom learning.C) It is more efficient than the traditional classroom.D) It will become more and more important as an education tool.7. A) His wife should not have bought so much groceries.B) His wife should be more careful about family finance.C) They have spent less than usual at this time of the month.D) They would be better off if they could set aside 40 dollars every month.8. A) Her brother does not stand much chance of winning the election.B) She is sure her brother will win with the support of his hometown.C) Her brother does not know how to conduct an election campaign.D) It is still too early to predict the outcome of the election.9. A) In the conference room.B) Downstairs.C) In his office.D) In Cindy's office.10.A) Many villages were totally destroyed by the flood.B) The flood caused some damage in George's hometown.C) The flood did not cause much damage.D) George's hometown was the hardest hit of all.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you willhear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After youhear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) andD). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through thecenter.Passage OneQuestions 11 to 14 are based on the passage you have just heard.11.A) Its followers are mostly singers.B) It has been expanding since its birth.C) It started in Europe and then spread to the US.D) Its principles are hard to follow.12.A) To create feelings of happiness for the young by singing.B) To promote a healthier life style among young people.C) T o close the gap between the older generation and the young.D) To change the attitude of the young towards work.13.A) He used to drink, smoke and take drugs.B) He belonged to a street gang.C) He was jobless when he joined the movement.D) He was a close friend of the movement's leader.14.A) It is hard for the older generation to understand the young.B) It is possible for young people to live a healthier life.C) A life style free from the poisons of life is worth striving for.D) Young people will live a healthier life if left to make their own choice.Passage TwoQuestions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.15.A) To learn about their educational background.B) To inform them of his decision to take risks.C) To celebrate the rapid expansion of his company.D) To thank them for helping him achieve success.16.A) Academic qualifications and knowledge.B) Willingness to take risks.C) The ability to use people.D) The ability to put one's ideas across.17.A) He is very proud of his achievement.B) He wishes he had studied for a PhD degree.C) He envies his employees' educational background.D) He is deeply impressed by his employees' qualifications.Passage ThreeQuestions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.18.A) It is a peaceful, friendly and convenient town.B) It is clean and pretty, but very poor.C) It is a busy, crowded and booming place.D) It is suffering from increasing crime.19.A) It will cause fierce competition.B) It might cost them their jobs.C) It will change their way of life.D) It might lower their wages.20.A) She is going to compete in the Olympics.B) She works in the local coffee shop.C) She is an experienced debater.D) She leads the fight against the Wal-Mart store.Test Yourself (Units 5-8)Test Paper OnePart I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 10 shortconversations. At the end of each conversation, aquestion will be asked about what was said. Both theconversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be apause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decidewhich is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a singleline through the center.Example: You will hear:You will read:A) At the office.B) In a waiting room.C) At t h e a i r p o r t . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 0 6 " > 0 0 D ) I n a r e s t a u r a n t . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 0 7 " > 0 0 F r o m t h e c o n v e r s a t i o n w e k n o w t h a t t h e t w o w e r e t a l k i n g a b o u t s o m e w o r k t h e y h a d t o f i n i s h i n t h ee v e n i n g . T h i s i s m o s t l i k e l y t o h a v e t a k e n p l a c e a t t h e of f i c e . T h e r e f o r e , A ) " A t t h e o f f i c e " i s t h e b e s t a n s w e r . Y o u s h o u l d c h o o s e [ A ] o n t h e A n s w e r S h e e t a n d m a r k i t w i t h a s i ng l e l i n e th r o u g h t h e c e n t e r . / p > p b d s fi d = " 2 0 8 " > 0 0 S a m p l e A n s w e r [ - A - ] [ B ] [ C ] [ D ] / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 0 9 " >0 0 1 . A ) I n a t o y s t o r e . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 1 0 " > 0 0B ) I n a f u r n i t u r e s t o r e . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 1 1 " > 00 C ) I n a n e w h o m e . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 1 2 " > 0 0 D ) I n t h e k i t c h e n . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 1 3 " > 0 0 2 . A ) M o t h e r a n d s o n . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 1 4 " > 0 0 B ) F a t h e r a n d d a u g h t e r . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 1 5 " > 0 0 C ) H u s b a n d a n d w i f e . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 1 6 " > 0 0 D ) T e a c h e r a n d s t u d e n t . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 1 7 " > 0 0 3 .A ) H e w a s b o r n o f a n E n g l i s h f a m i l y . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 1 8 " > 0 0B ) H e s p o k e E n g l i s h w i t h a s t r o n g A m e r i c a n a c c e n t . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 1 9 " > 0 0C ) H e w o r k e d f o r s o m e y e a r s i n L o n d o n . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 2 0 " > 0 0D ) H e p i c k e d u p h i s B r i t i s h a c c e n t i n s c h o o l . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 2 1 " > 0 0 4 . A ) H e i s a r e s p o n s i b l e o f f i c i a l o f a n e n v i r o n m e n t a l p r o t e c t i o n a g e n c y . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 2 2 " > 0 0 B ) H eh a s f a i l e d t o c l e a n u p t h e r i v e r . / p > p b d s f i d = "2 23 " > 0 0 C ) H e h a s s p e n t t o o m u c h m o n e y o n e n v i r o n m e n t a l p r o t e c t i o n . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 24 " > 0 0 D ) H e i s u n d e r a t t a c k b e c a u s e o f p o o r p e r f o r m a n c e i n h i s j o b . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 25 " > 0 0 5 .A ) H e w i l l n o t l e n d h i s c a r d t o a n y b o d y . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 2 6 " > 0 0B ) T h e w o m a n c a n n o t b o r r o w b o o k s w i t h h i s c a r d r i g h t n o w . / p > p b d s f i d = "2 2 7 " > 0 0 C ) U s i n g a n o t h e r p e r s o n ' s c a r d i s a ga i n s t t h e r u l e s o f t h e l ib r a r y . / p > p b d s f i d = " 22 8 " > 0 0 D ) H i s l i b r a r y c a r d i s n o l o n g e r v a l i d . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 2 9 " > 0 0 6 . A ) S h e s t a r t e d m u c he a r l i e r t o d a y t h a n s h e u s u a l l y d o e s . / p > p b d sf i d = " 2 3 0 " > 0 0 B ) S h e t o o k t h e t r a i n i n s t e a d o f t h e b u s . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 3 1 " > 0 0 C ) S h e c a m e i n h e r h u s b a n d ' s c a r . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 3 2 " > 0 0 D ) S h e h a s s o m e u rg e n t b u s i n e s s t o a t t e n d t o . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 3 3 " > 0 0 7 . A ) Sh ei s e a g e r t o r e t u r n t o h e r f o r m e r l i f e . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 3 4 " > 0 0 B ) S h e h a s e n c o u n t e r e d a l o t o f d i f f i c u l t i e s i n h e r n e wj o b . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 3 5 " > 0 0 C ) S h e f i n d s t h e n e w p l a c e m o r e a t t r a c t i v e t h a n h e r h o m e t o w n . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 3 6 " > 0 0 D ) S h e i s a b i t h o m e s i ck b u t i s o t h e r w i s e d o i n g al l r i g h t . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 3 7 " > 0 0 8 . A ) T h e ym u s t b e g o o d a t w r i t t en co m m u n i c a t i o n t o b e s u c c e s s f u l . /p > p b d s f i d = " 2 3 8 " > 0 0 B ) T h e y a l l f e e l c o m f o r t a b l e i n e x p r e s s i n g t h e m s e l v e s i n w r i t i n g . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 3 9 " > 0 0 C ) T h e y m u s t p o s s e s s v e r y g o o d c o m p u t e r s k i l l s t o b e s u c c e s s f u l . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 4 0 " > 0 0 D ) T h e y a l l f e e l h a p p y r o a m i n g i n t h e v i r t u a l w o r l d . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 4 1 " > 0 0 9 .A ) T o r e m e m b e r t h e e x a c t f i g u r e . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 4 2 " > 0 0B ) T o s t o p a s k i n g h i m a n y q u e s t i o n s . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 4 3 " > 0 0C ) T o l o o k u p t h e a n s w e r i n a d i c t i o n a r y . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 4 4 " > 0 0D ) T o f o r g e t a b o u t t h e m a t t e r . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 4 5 " > 0 0 1 0 . A ) S h e w i l l c a l l B o b w h e n s h e c o m e s to t o w n a g a i n . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 4 6 " > 0 0 B ) S h e w i l l f i n d t i m e t o m e e t B o b o n h e r n e x t v i s i t . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 4 7 " > 0 0 C ) S h e w i l l v i s i t w i t h B o b b e f o r e s h e l e a v e s . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 4 8 " > 0 0 D ) S h e h a s n o i n t e r e s t i n c h a t t i n g w i t h B o b . / p > h r b d s f i d = " 2 4 9 " >。
Unit 1 Social CustomsTask 1A1.She wanted to see St. PauFs Cathedral.2.She was so surprised because she saw so many Englishmen who looked alike.3.They were all wearing dark suits and bowler hats, carrying umbrellas andnewspapers.4.Because she had often read about them and seen photographs of them, who alllooked as if they were wearing a uniform.5.No, he didn't.6.He used the English saying "It takes all kinds to make a world” to prove hisopinion.BIf all the seas were one sea, what a great sea it would be! And if all the trees were one tree, what a great tree it would be! And if this tree were to fall in the sea, what a great splash there would be!Task 2A1.people were much busier2. colder than England; minus thirty degrees; last longer3.much more mountainous; much higher and much more rocky; more beautiful4.tend to be more crowded5. the houses; smallerB1.T2.T3. F4. F5. FTask 3A1.In the US, people usually dance just to enjoy themselves; they don't invite otherpeople to watch them.ually eight people dance together3.Because people form a square in dancing with a man and a woman on each side ofthe square.B1. F2.T3. F4. F5. TC1.eight people form a square; on each side of the square2.what they should do; makes it into a song; sings it3.don't have much time to think4.old-fashioned clothesc1.eight people form a square; on each side of the square2.what they should do; makes it into a song; sings it3.don't have much time to think4. old-fashioned clothesTask 41.It was a time to celebrate the end of winter and the beginning of spring.2.They burned the picture of their kitchen god to bring good luck.3.The custom said the brides must wear "something old, something new, somethingborrowed, and something blue” to bring good luck.4.Because they could not eat meat, eggs or dairy products during Lent, so they triedto use up these things before Lent began.5.It was a straw man made by children in Czech; it was a figure of death.6.People brought their animals to church. And before the animals went into thechurch people dressed them up in flowers and ribbons.Task 5Al. F 2.T 3. F 4.T 5. F 6. T 7. TBLife in Victorian timesAdvantages:Lots of servants to do the work; beautiful clothes to wear; lots of tea parties; life being slower; plenty of time to talk to each other, play the piano or play cards together Disadvantages:Terrible life for servants; very uncomfortable clothes; boring and formal tea parties—often no men being invited; much more illness; children left with servants all day; very poor education; no freedom for womenLife todayAdvantages:Lots of machines to help with the housework; a much better life for children; more freedom for womenDisadvantages:People being always rushing, having no time to stop or enjoy themselves; too much time spent in front of the television, no talk to each otherTask 6A1. b2. a3. c4. aB1.family unit; process; change; used to be; the extended; the nuclear2.job patterns; progressed; agricultural; industrial; forced; job opportunities; split up3.traditional; family; expanded; other living arrangementsc1.mother, father, children, and some other relatives, such as grandparents, living inthe same house or nearby2.only the parents and the children3.previously married men and women marry again and combine the children fromformer marriages into a new familyTask 7A1.Both2. Men3. Both4. Women5. Men6. Men7. Women8. Women9. Women 10. Women 11. Men 12. WomenB1. c 2,c 3. a 4. b 5. c 6. c 7.c5. dry6. wet7. clearTask 8 A1. a2.c3. b4. c5. c6. b7.c8. bB 1. T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.F 7. F 8. F 9.T 10.FTask 9Social customs and ways of behaving change. But they do not necessarily always change for the better. Things which were considered impolite many years ago are now acceptable. Just a few years ago, it was considered impolite behaviour for a man to smoke on the street. No man who thought of himself as being a gentleman would make a fool of himself by smoking when a lady was in the room.The important thing to remember about social customs is not to do anything that might make nobleman who had a very formal dinner party. When the food was served, one f the guests started to eat his peas with a knife. Other guests were amused or shocked, but the nobleman calmly picked up his knife and began eating in the same way. It would have been bad manners to make his guest feel foolish or uncomfortable.Unit 2 WeatherTask 11. b2. a3. dTask 2 A1. T2.F3. F B1. d2. c3. c C1. climate2. reputation3. extraordinary4. unreliable 8. dull 9. hot 10> cold 11 • bad 12. mildTask 31. the country; Trees, grass, lakes and steams2. concrete; take in the heat during the day and throw off heat into the air at night; Warmer winters, car engines; electrical appliance3. air pollution may stop sunlight from reaching the earth; Ice near the North and South poles to melt; to be slowly flooded and people living in these cities to move to higher land Task 4 A1. b2. c B1. night2. delight3. morning4. warning 5- gray 6. way 7. red 8. head c 1. F 2.T 3. F Task 51. c2. b3. d4. c5. cTask 6A1. F2.T3. F4.T5. F6. TB1. incredible2. one minute3. one kilometer4. destroyed5. lifted up6. earned away7. killed8. injuredTask 7A1. b2. a3. bB1.For today: It has been nice weather during the day, but it is going to change at night.2.For the weekend: Fine weather in southern Europe and not so nice in northernEuropecFor todaySoutheast England—26 degrees Celsius by mid-afternoonSouthern Scotland■一Maximum temperatures of around 21 degreesBrighton—15 hours of lovely sunshineMidlands---23 degrees Celsius by early afternoonNorthwest of ScotlandLight showers around middayFor the weekendSpain…34 degrees CelsiusGreece—32 degrees CelsiusFrance—Cloudy with rain, maximum temperatures of 22 degreesNorthern Ireland■—Heavy rain, 17 degrees CelsiusMost of England—Cloudy but mainly dry with sunny periods, 23 degrees CelsiusTask 8Natural Phenomena Air Pressure (Riseor Fall)CausesFaraway objects are Fall more sharply focused.Birds' calls become Fall Sharper.Swamp doesn't Rise smell very strong.Bird fly high. Rise Smoke rise high in the air Rise Elderly people's joints ache. Fall The dust particles begin to settle to the ground in thinner air and the air clears. Instead of traveling upward and outward into the atmosphere they are bent back to the earth and their range extended.The methane is trapped in the bottom of the swamp because of the thick air. Birds prefer to fly where the air is the densest and they can get greater lift with their wingsSmoke rises with thicker air.The gas in our bodies expands in lower air pressure.Task 9AStatements 3, 6, 7 are true.Bf—c—a—d—b—ec1. F2.T3. F4. FD1. d2. bTask 10Undoubtedly, Tibet is one of the harshest places for human existence. It is cool in summer but freezing cold in winter. In Lhasa, the mildest city in Tibet, temperatures may exceed 29 degrees Celsius in summer while plummeting to -16 degrees Celsius in winter! Sun radiation is extremely strong in Tibet. The sunlight in Lhasa is so intense that the city is called Sunlight City. The thin air can neither block off nor retain heat so that there are great temperature extremes on the same day! The average temperature in northern Tibet is subzero and winter arrives in October until the following May or June. July or August are the best time to visit the area, enjoying warm temperatures, intense sunshine, beautiful scenery and festive events. May, June and September represent the tourist season in east Tibet. In winter, roads are blocked by heavy snow. Land slides and rock falls frequently occur, which will make travel difficult.Unit 3 Social IssuesTask 1A1.Stress on the job costs American companies as much as $150 billion a year inlower productivity, unnecessary employee sick leave, and higher medical costs.2.The most stressful professions are those that involve danger and extreme pressureand those that carry a lot of responsibility without much control3.The best way to deal with stress is through relaxation, but sometimes the onlyanswer is to fight back or walk away.B1. Three- quarters2. psychologists, doctors3.nervousness, anger, frequent illness, forgetfulness, mental problemsTask 2A1. give in so easily to hijackers9 demandsa)threaten to blow up a plane, commit some other outageb)hold out against this kind of blackmail, always have terrorists, Start executingteiTorists automaticallyc)be prepared to face the consequences of evil2a)It's the lesser of two evils. Terrorists have proven often enough that they reallymean business.b)Innocent lives, threatening the innocent will achieve its ends.B1. She implies that if the first speaker was one of the victims of terrorism, she wouldwant the government to give in to the demands so that she wouldn't die.Task 3A1.thirty-five, natural light, a small window, hot, airless, very noisy2.Mexico3. ought to, shouldn'tB1.It is located in a narrow street with five-and six-storey buildings eight kilometersfrom downtown Los Angeles.2.This factory makes shirts and jeans3.She's already been working for ten hours, but won't stop for another two hours.4.She can't complain about those things because she is an illegal immigrant-Task 4AEvery year the British government publishes statistics about social trends. Their findings show definite patterns in the British way of life.garbage that can be easily burned, kitchen and garden trash electrical appliances, plastic tools, plastic toys are poisonous, cause pollution, batteriesbottles and glass containers that can be recycled metal containers that can be recycled furniture and bicycleddifferent days, on request, fertilizer, to produce electricity, recycled, cleaned,1. marked differencesa) one hour more every day, three hours more every weekb) 1 percent, cleaning and ironing, keep household accounts, do repairs or improvements c) 30 percent2. leisure activities, watching television, 20 hours a week, going for walks, Swimming, British women B1. Unlike the other couples, Carla has always kept her won accounts and Adrian has always done his own housework. Neither of them like watching television very much and they both like swimming. Task 5 A Topic: How a city in Japan solve the problem of garbage disposal.Supporting details: 160 million, every year, 10 percent, 10 percent, the rest, public cooperation1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. on repaired, resold cheaply, give awayB1. The garbage will be taken to a center that looks like a clean new office building or hospital. Inside the center, special equipment is used to sort and process the garbage.2. official from cities around the world visit Machida to see whether they can use some of these ideas and techniques to solve their own garbage disposal problems. Task 61. They were talking about Mrs. Carter.2. She was a tall, handsome woman who used to come into the shop at least twice a week.3. She lived alone in a large house on an old farm —about three miles from the shop.4. He was absolutely certain, otherwise he would never call the police. His evidence was this: First, he saw her do it; second, he found the things in her bag; third, she had done it before.5. Because two young people saw her. The shopkeeper believed that if they didn't punish her, young people would think that stealing didn't matter.6. The judge thought that it was difficult case from a humanitarian point of view. Theexcuses her found for her were: First, the woman was old and she lived alone—she was lonely. Second, she wasn't poor..-she was well-known for her generosity to charities and she didn't need to steal. Te items were only worth a pound or two.Third, she pleaded not guilty and she didn't know that she had done it.Task 7ATopic: According to the urban planner, not all modern cities are alike. There seem to be two types of modern city.1. a single high-density center, skyscrapers, motorways, as far as you can see2.the low-density multi-center city, a large collection of a number of small centers,shopping centers, factories, businesses, skyscrapersB1.He thinks that the second type( the Los Angeles model) is more sensible.2.He considers it highly likely that the kind of city we know now will completelydisappear.Task 8A1.He thinks that this country's problems all come from inflation, which is the resultof the Democrat's careless spending.2.No, she doesn't agree with Ned. She believes that the problem is unemployment. Ifthe government cuts spending too much, people will fall into a vicious circle of more unemployment and fewer taxpayers to share the burden.3.She agrees with Barbara. She believes that unemployment is a big problem,especially in the big industrial cities. And the government isn't doing very much to help the big industries out.4.He believes in the free market system rather than government regulation orprotection. He thinks that without a lot of government interference everything w川be okay.5.No, they think it's bad for the weak, the poor and the unprotected/ it's bad for theunderprivileged.B1. more and more money2. come from somewhere3. higher taxes and higher prices Task 9A1. The problem is whether or not the inner city—the core of most urban areas—willmanage to survive at all.2.They moved to the suburbs in search of fresh air, elbow room, and privacy.3.As a result, suburbs began to sprawl out across the countryside. Many cities beganto fall into disrepair. And many downtown areas existed for business only.4.The result was that urban centers declined even further and the suburbs expandedstill more.5.Because from the decision of the Taylors and many other young couples, we cansee that some people may be tired of spending long hours commuting, and they may have begun to miss the advantages of culture and companionship provided by city life.B1. F2.T3. F4. F5. T6.TC1.middle-class, tax money, neighborhoods2. Crime, public transportation3.housing construction costs, was allowed to, constructedTask 10A1.54. 20. 1980, 70,0002. 30, 19803. a newspaper article, to research the market4.another few months, in April 1981, a 1,500 sq ft5.third, Canada, America, 20 percent, £ 1 million6. 20, 70, 3B1. F2.T3. F4. F5. TC1.He was deeply involved in the present job and rather enjoyed himself. He thoughtthe shop was his own little baby and thought it was fun to serve behind the counter.However, he also thought that there was a lot more hard work than he was used to;he was working over the weekend doing his books. He called his old job "boring trips to Manchester to sell vast quantities of PVC."2.He thought that there was far more job satisfaction; and believed that he wasmaking money, rather than making money for other people.3.He's about to diversify into commercial distribution of imported and domesticallyproduced wine and wines he's producing himself.Task III could hear the guard blowing his whistle, so I ran onto the platform and up to the train. Luckily, someone saw me coming, a door opened, and I jumped on while the train was moving out of the station. "Phew!” I thought. "That was hard work!” I was sure the other passengers could hear my heart beating; it was so loud, and I was in a cold sweat.After a while, I recovered, and had a look at the other passengers. TheThey were orphans and had nobody to support them.Each boy was given only one bowl of gruel for supper and no more -一farfrom enough.They boys were so hungry that they could not bear it any more. They decidedthat tone of them must ask the master for more gruel. Olive Twist was chosen by casting lots.He never thought that any boy would dare to ask for more food than the givenportion. Therefore, he was both surprised and angry on hearing Oliver's request.He was struck on the head by the master and pushed out of the room. And for a week Olive remainedprisoner in the cellar.2.F3.T2. bcompartment was full, but I was the only one standing. The people in the carriage turned their eyes away as they noticed me liking at them. All except one, a beautiful woman sitting in the comer. I saw her watching me in the mirror. Automatically, I adjusted my tie. She had seen me running for the train: maybe this was my lucky day after all. I prepared to say hello.She spoke first, however. "Would you kike my seat?" she asked. "You look rather ill.” That was the day on which I realized I was getting middle -aged.Unit 4 LiteratureTask 11. 2. 3. 4. 5. Task 2 A1. F B 1. dTask 3 AName: Lewis CaiToll; Occupation: mathematics; Oxford University Literary works: Alice"s Adventures in Wonderland. 1865;Through the Looking-Glass; 1871B1. These stories are about a dream world in which Alice meets strange creatures and has interesting adventures. Task 4I. the Greeks 2. closed the gates of the city and stayed behind the walls 3. the Greeks 4. a huge wooden horse 5. hide inside it 6. the horse 7. they stopped 8. hid their ships 9. Greek prisoner 10. the horse II. The Greek soldiers 12. the wooden horse Task 5 A1. c2. aB1.All the animals thought that he was the king of beasts. Actually he was a coward.He was afraid of human beings and other big animals. He roared only to scare them away and never really hurt them.2.Dorothy and her dog wanted to get back to Kansas. The Scarecrow wanted somebrains and the Tinman wanted a heart. The Lion wanted to have courage.Task 6A1. civil war2. first; equality3. battlefields; bloodiest4. ordinaryB1. d2.cTask 7A1. A red, red rose that's newly spring in June and the melody that's sweetly played intune.2.He will love her till all the seas are dried and the rocks melt in the sun. his love willlast as long as the sands of life run(there is life on earth).3.Yes, he is, and he will come back no matter how far it is.BJune—tune I—dry sun—run while —mileTask 81.Tall stories, that is, unlikely ones.2.Because he wanted to be a member of a certain club.3.he went there because he was told that a lion came there each evening to drinkwater.4.Sixteen times.5.He killed sixteen lions.Task 91. a young prince who lived on land; rose to the surface of the sea and waited for theprince to come to her; never came2. a witch; changed her fish's tail into a pair of human legs; she gave the witch hertongue3.the prince's palace; her feet hurt terribly; didn't love herTask 10A1. b2. c3. b4. a5. aB1. e2. b3. a4. d5. cTask 111.stuck a rock and began to break up; sank too; had survived2.he was tied very firmly by a large number of fine ropes; about forty little men shotat him with their arrows, which hurt like needles; the little men gave him all the bread, meat and wine they had3. 3. was seven feet by three feet, equipped with twenty-two wheels and pulled byfifteen hundred little horsesTask 12Aesop was a very clever man who lived in Greece thousands of years ago. He wrote many good fables. He was known to be fond of jokes. One day, as he was en joying a walk he met a traveler, who greeted him and said, “Kind man, can you tell me how soon I shall get to town?”“Go,” Aesop answered.“I know I must go", said the traveler, “but I should Like you to tell me how soon I shall get to town.”“Go,” Aesop s aid again angrily.“This man must be mad,” the traveler thought and went on.After he had gone some distance, Aesop shouted after him, “You will get to town in two hours." The traveler turned around in astonishment. "Why didn't you tell me that before?” he asked."How could I have told you before?” answered Aesop. "I did not know how fast you could walk.Unit 5 EducationTask 1A1.People's ideas on permanent education.2.One is an ordinary "man in the street". The other is an educational psychologist.3.The first person thinks this idea of permanent education is crazy. He can'tunderstand people who want to spend all their lives in school. The second person thinks the idea of permanent education is practical because people are never really too old to go on learning.B1. was; hated; stand; got out2. all their lives3. certain limits; age limitsIt's difficult to teach children these days, whenmany of them know they won't get jobs. It's hardTask 2 A Age Schooling Four Nursery SchoolFive The Infants ,School SevenThe Junior SchoolB1. He stayed there for a year.2. He has faint, but very pleasant memories of it. He had fun and played games---including story-telling, drawing, singing and dancing.3. He began t have more formal lessons and even worry about exams.4. The exam was called the “Eleven Plus”. Students took the exam to see what kind of secondary school they would get into. Task 3 A1. compulsory; the ages of 5 and 16; state-funded; independent2. available; at a nursery school; in the nursery class at a primary school3. preparatory; primary; aged 5 to 134. enter the state education system; at the age of 5; secondary school5. 7, 11, 13 or 16; gain admission at 11 or 13; the Common Entrance Examination6. one further year; Advanced Supplementary Examinations; Advanced Level Examinations7. classroom; laboratory; work independently; undertake research for projects 8. vocational; conventional9. secondary education; with A-levels; further; higherB1. GCSE stand for the General Certificate of Secondary Education. It is normally take at the age of sixteen.2. Students usually study form 8 to 12 subjects over two years.3. Some subjects take account of the work students do throughout the year, while others are assessed entirely by examination. Task 4 ATopic of This Discussion: Corporal PunishmentInterviewees Position onThis Topic Arguments/Reasons For/AgainstKate ForRolf AgainstJane RaoulAgainstFor Its' impossible to teach the rest of the class of youto control the class if you can't punish them. Somechildren need discipline.It always has been difficult to be a teacher. But you don't have to use violence. It's impossible to teach students about nonviolence and being goodcitizens when you are violent yourself.have one student who constantly misbehaves. It'sbad for the others.B1..F2. FTask 5A1.Because the television program by that name can now be seen in many parts ofthe world.2.This program is very popular among children. Some educators object to certainelements in the program. Parents praise it highly. Many teachers also considerit a great help, though some teachers find that problems arise when firstgraders who have learned from “Sesame Street” are in the same class withchildren who have not watched the program.3.In order to increase the number of children who can watch it regularly.4.1) The reasons may include the educational theories of its creators, thesupport by both government and private businesses, and the skillful use of avariety of TV tricks2)Perhaps an eq ually important reason is that mothers watch “Sesame Street”along with their children. This is partly because famous adult stars oftenappear on “Sesame Street”.3)The best reason for the success of the program may be that it makes everychild watching it feel able to learn. The child finds himself learning, and hewants to learn more.B1.six million; regularly; half; economic; racial; geographical2.fifty; Spanish; Portuguese; German; one hundred thousand; English; every twoweeks3.songs; stories; jokes; pictures; numbers; letters; human relationshipsTask 6A1. It is to have all public schools connected to the Internet computer system and havecomputers available for all students-Task 7 A 12.3. spoken; written; saying poetry aloud; giving speeches; advanced degrees; field of study; custom; candidates; doctor's degreewritten; nineteenth; the great increase in population; the development of modern industry; objective; personal opinions; memory of facts and details; range of knowledge; a fairer chance; easier; quicker; learning; essay; ling answers; broad general questions; the element of luck; put facts together into a meaningful whole; really knowing much about the subject; have trouble expressing their ideas in essay form; examiner's feelings at the time of reading the answerunsatisfactory; along with2.Its web site provides information about the school, the teacher and their mailaddresses. It also lists student events and organizations.3.They I earn numbers and letters. They also I earn how to use the computers theywill need later in their education.B1.1994; 35%; Last year; 89%2.universities; colleges; urge; requireB1. bTask 8Americans know that higher education is the key to the growth they need to lift their country, and today that is more true than ever. Just listen to these facts. Over half the new jobs created in the last three years have been managerial and professional jobs. The new jobs require a higher level of skills.Fifteen years ago the typical worker with a college degree made 38 percent more than a worker with a high school diploma. Today that figure is 73 percent more. Two years of college means a 20 percent increase annual earnings. People who finish two years of college earn a quarter of a million dollars more tan their high school counterparts over a lifetime.Unit 6 WorkTask 1A1. d—b—a—e—cB1. aTask 2Task 6Former Jobs 1st man Car salesman When Laid-off Recently2nd man Worker at a vacuum cleanerplant 10 months agoWhy Laid-offLow sales, due to the increaseof interest ratesPlant moved to Singapore whereworker are paid much lessA1. a2. b3. d4. cB1. T2.T3. FCwondered; television plays; exciting; every cigarette lighter; tape recorder; held in a certain way; the touch of a gold ring against the hand of; reveal; How wrong they were! Task 3AHarry—Sailor Nora—Farmer(if she were a man)Robert―Civil engineer Peter--・Racing driver or explorerB1. a2. b3. c . b 5. dTask 41.correspondents; columnist; may not need either; to go to places where events takeplace and write stories about them2.first; bigger; better; who will soon leave to work for other people3.working hours; free time; work long hours to begin withTask 5A1. acd2. abeB1. she is the wrong sex2. she wears the wrong clothesB1st speaker---bed 2nd speaker-一aec1. F2. FTask 7A1. F2.F3.T4.F5. T6. F。
∙C、such big a fool∙D、a such big fool标准答案:b说明:题号:4 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5Often we find that people who are quite shy have a very small circle of friends. They stick with safe situations ___they know people well.∙A、in which∙B、that∙C、wherever∙D、which标准答案:a说明:题号:5 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5We will put off the meeting until next week, ___we are not that busy. The meeting will be held in Room Seven, ___has just been decorate.∙A、when, where∙B、when, which∙C、which, which∙D、which, when标准答案:b说明:题号:6 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5Once we hear the forecast , we decide ___ clothes to wear and ___to carry anumbrella or not.∙A、what, whether∙B、what, what∙C、which, if∙D、which, how标准答案:a说明:题号:7 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5 The ship took machines and other goods back to the port___it had set off. ∙A、from which∙B、to which∙C、which∙D、in which标准答案:a说明:题号:8 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5 This machined should be used in the way ___ the manual specifies.∙A、which∙B、/∙C、where∙D、of which标准答案:b说明:题号:9 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5The reason ___ he didn’t come was ___he was terribly ill.∙A、why, because∙B、that, because∙C、why, /∙D、that, that标准答案:d说明:题号:10 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5I won’t complain as long as I___where I want to go.∙A、will get∙B、get∙C、got∙D、would get标准答案:b说明:题号:11 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5 ___is for us to consider now.∙A、when will we start our journey∙B、when we will start our journey∙C、If we will start our journey∙D、will we start our journey标准答案:b说明:题号:12 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5Not until 1868___made the capital of the state of Georgia.∙A、Atlanta was∙B、was Atlanta∙C、when Atlanta was∙D、when was Atlanta标准答案:b说明:题号:13 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5People___a new festival so that African Americans would be able to celebrate their history and culture.∙A、invented∙B、produced∙C、manufactured∙D、created标准答案:d说明:题号:14 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5If you want to learn English, you can start___pronunciations.∙A、off∙B、out∙C、up∙D、with标准答案:d说明:题号:15 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5___, the fuel oil has to be preheated.∙A、While having a low temperature∙B、Being a low temperature∙C、The temperature being low∙D、Due to have a low temperature标准答案:c说明:题号:16 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5Mr. Smith is prudence ___.∙A、himself∙B、itself∙C、in itself∙D、in himself标准答案:b说明:题号:17 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5By refusing to let a repeating negative thought lead you to frustration, anger or depression,you avoid ___in a rut.∙A、to be caught∙B、be caught∙C、being caught∙D、catching标准答案:c题号:18 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5 This famous temple is believed___about 800 years ago.∙A、being built∙B、having built∙C、to have built∙D、to have been built标准答案:d说明:题号:19 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5 You should be hurry. The ___ water is cooling down.∙A、boiling∙B、boiled∙C、being boiling∙D、having boiled标准答案:b说明:题号:20 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5 “What do you expect me to do?” “The house needs___.”∙A、to be paint∙B、to painting∙C、painting∙D、painted标准答案:c题号:21 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5 There is ___ in giving them advice.∙A、without any use∙B、of no use∙C、not much point∙D、any benefits标准答案:c说明:题号:22 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5 Because of poverty, he ___has any money to go to school.∙A、almost∙B、barely∙C、frequently∙D、lately标准答案:b说明:题号:23 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5 ___fun it is to ride on horse!∙A、What∙B、What a∙C、How∙D、How a标准答案:a题号:24 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5Looking into ___ sky, you can see ___ moon.∙A、/, /∙B、the, the∙C、/, the∙D、the, /标准答案:b说明:题号:25 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5In the United States professors have many other duties ___ teaching, such as administrative or research work.∙A、but∙B、except∙C、expcept for∙D、besides标准答案:d说明:题号:26 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5 The monitor will speak on___of the students at the opening ceremony.∙A、behalf∙B、benefit∙C、sake∙D、profit标准答案:a说明:题号:27 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5 Will rising temperatures bring a ___ to melt snow and ice?∙A、climate∙B、spell∙C、term∙D、vacation标准答案:b说明:题号:28 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5 We really didn’t like the___of the vegetables.∙A、flour∙B、favor∙C、fable∙D、flavor标准答案:d说明:题号:29 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5 we are extremely sensitive to smells, ___we do not generally realize it.∙A、even if∙B、if only∙C、only if∙D、as if标准答案:a说明:题号:30 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5I finish all the questions very quickly. ___ I leave the classroom earlier.∙A、So∙B、Therefore∙C、And∙D、But标准答案:b说明:题号:31 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5There are many kinds of fashionable shoes in that ___ .∙A、shoes shop∙B、shoe’s shop∙C、shoes’shop∙D、shoe shop标准答案:d说明:题号:32 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5It was not until she have arrived home ___ remembered her her appointment with the doctor.∙A、when she∙B、that she∙C、and she∙D、she标准答案:b说明:题号:33 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5 By the time you get to San Francisco tomorrow, I___ for Southeast Asia. ∙A、shall have left∙B、will leave∙C、am leaving∙D、have already left标准答案:a说明:题号:34 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5 “Do you have a TV set?” “Yes,___.”∙A、I have it∙B、I have one∙C、I have∙D、I certain have标准答案:b说明:题号:35 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5 The woman over there is ___ mother.∙A、Julia and Mary∙B、Julia and Mary’s∙C、Julia’s and Mary’s∙D、Julia’s and Mary标准答案:b说明:题号:36 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5 Why didn’t you let him drive? If you two___in turn, you___so tired.∙A、drove, didn’t get∙B、drove, wouldn’t get∙C、were driving, wouldn’t get∙D、had driven, wouldn’t have got标准答案:d说明:题号:37 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5 If he ___ the detective honestly, he would not have been arrested.∙A、would have answered∙B、should answer∙C、answered∙D、had answered标准答案:d说明:题号:38 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5I ___ Professor Jones had taught me thie equation.∙A、believe∙B、deeply think∙C、wish∙D、am guessing标准答案:c说明:题号:39 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5 Tony is going on the picnic with ___ friends.∙A、two little other∙B、other little two∙C、other two little∙D、two other little标准答案:d说明:题号:40 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.5 Not only Tom but also his wife___fond of watching television.∙A、are∙B、were∙C、be∙D、was标准答案:d说明:。
大学英语听力2标准答案Lesson 1PART AI. a b a a b b a b a b II. c b c b c a b b c aDialogue 11 c b d a c 2. south of the capital city \one dining room, two bedrooms, a kitchen, a garden \a refrigerator, a dishwasher, and an electric stove. \150,000 dollars Dialogue21.a a b a c2. opposite a park \has a lovely view \it hasa balcony \the lowest rent of the similar kind of flat inthat district.Lesson 2Part AI. Stop \ about \ help \ Black,speak \ make,mistakes \ isn’t,first \understand \ good \ got,about \don’t,think,husband,would,letII. sixteen\ Most \ looks \ like \ but perhaps \ light \ However \ everything else Dialogue 11.b d b a b2. tall and handsome \ big blueeyes,beautiful long blond hair \ two big rings \ creative \ free English lessons,patientPassage1. c c a c c2. Do you have a family? \ Does he smoke? \ Does your son drink wine? \ Does he ever come home late at night? \ How old is he?2006-12-6 17:42:52 superfishLesson 3PART AI 398-4071 \ 278-9536 \ 271-8265 \ 718-4291 \ 310-449-6213II I’m calling from \ Can I speak to Am I speaking to \ You’ve go t the wrong number Dialogue 11 d a d c a2 F F T T FDialogue 21. c b b c c 2.1) Number, please? 2) Where to?3) What number?4) Who are you calling? 5) What’s your name, sir? 6) Can you spell it out? 7) Where are you calling from?Lesson 4Part AI.1. speaking. 2. Sorry. She’s out. Would you like to leave a message? 3. I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number.4. All right. I’ll call back later.5. Hold the line, please. I’ll get a piece of paper.II. could I speak to/ Just a minute/she’s no t here/ give Bob a call/83602505 Dialogue 11. c c b d d2. 1) her husband’s shirts/her blouses 2) the laundry that morning 3) early the next morning 4) topdrawer on the left 5) have troubled the housekeeper/looked in the wardrobePassage 11. c c b c b2. T F F T TLESSON 5PART AI. 1. (7:15) 2. (8:35) 3. (6:30) 4. (10:10) 5. (2:45a.m.) 6. (7:52 p.m.) 7. (10:40) 8. (3:55) 9. (14:00) 10.(10.45) 11. (22:00) 12. (00:20)II.1) between 7 a. m. and 9 a.m. 2) between 12 noon and 1:30 p.m. 3) from 4 p.m. to 4:30 p. m. 4) between 7p.m. and 8 p.m.Dialogue 11. c b b d d2.1) 12 noon 2) 5:30 p.m. 3)577 4)2:00 p.m.5) 90 minutes Dialogue 21.1)13:05 2)5:45 3)14:15 4)10:45 5)15:00 6)8:00 7)16:30 8)14:40 9)15:00 10)0:102. T T F F T)Lesson 6Part AI. d a a b c b d b d d第2/5页II. Sept.9, 1953/Nov.12, 1951/May 21, 1973/June 4,1974/Feb.23, 1980Part B1. 1) 8:15 2) 12:00 and 1:00 3) 6:30 4) 5:35 5) 5:402. a d a c c Passage11.b c a d b2. 1) sell their new products 2) her bathroom faucet. 3) three days later 4) to the wrong place/MrsSmith’s houseQUIZE 1rdPart A I. 1. 389-1074 2. 28th 3. 1:15 4. 239 5. 3 6. 20th 7. 8:40 8.nd19:10 9. 22 10. 516-421-9035 II. a c d b cPart B I. Hurry up What time is it now 7:15 the play 8:00 II. T F T F TLESSON 7PART A1.1.at2.and3.the4.some5.a of6.from7.but8.of9.as 10.for II.1.Of 2.are from 3.to 4.can for 5.to the atDialogue 11. 1)She can’t decide whether to g o to university or geta job. 2)To study economics at a university. 3)Because he thinks Jane is good atcalculating. 4)Because she thinks she will have no time for fun with too much study. 5)She might go to university.1.1) he would go on studying 2) he would major in economics 3) what’s best for her 4)have time for fun 5)a part-time jobDialogue 21. b a b c b 2 1) I’d go on to take a new course. 2) must think of the future. 3) Why don’t you just write 4) should think very seriously 5) ought to get more informationLesson 8Part AI. 1. 7,068 2. 5,231 3. 1,005 4. 4,716 5. 2,500 6. 4,9087. 13,034 8. 90,284 9. 47,359 10. 56,708 II. 1) 12,925 2) 11,730 3) 12,598 4) 3,407 5) 8,448 6) 5,468 7) 4,926 8) 4,802 9) 3,906 10) 1,764Dialogue 1第3/5页1. b a c a d2. 1) go out more 2) go to the pubs 3) joina club 4) speak to people first 5) start his conversation with the weatherPassage1. 1) 100 kilos. 2) a small book 3) listed on page 11 of the small book 4) two weeks 5) having her dinner 3. 1) She was very fat and was getting heavier every month. 2) She should get on a diet. 3) Because she wasn’t any thinner. Instead, she was even fatter. 4) She was eating potatoes and bread. 5) Because she ate her diet only at lunch time.LESSON 9PART AI. a d b d a c b d II 1. The Smiths usually spend their weekends in the country. 2. They rarely go dancing. 3. John never goes to pubs 4. Mary answered the questions correctly 5. Robert did the exercise very well 6. Mother told me not to speak quicklyDialogue 11. d d a c d2.1) type 2)operate office computer 3) modern office equipment 4) shorthand 5) German, French and Chinese.Dialogue 21. 1) Boss and secretary 2) To tell him that Mr Hudson wanted to speak to him on the phone3) To photocopy the director’s report for afternoon use4) Not to call her boyfriend from the office 5) To bring hima cup of coffee 2. db d d bLesson TenPart A I.1. D A D B D C C B II. 1. Does this bus stop at the hospital?2. Have you got time to finish making that dress today?3. Bob goes home from school at noon.4. The girlstook their dog with them.. 5. You may get off at the next stop. 6. Please turn that music off at once.Part B1. B A C B A2. finance section report for work former typist too early replace transfer general manager’sdifficult take it easy a couple of weeksPassage第4/5页1. T F F T T2. 1) large book of speeches 2) before he left for his plane 3) 60 minutes 4) two copies of the speech 5) the man’s。
听力(2)第二次作业答案Part I. Listening ComprehensionPart A. Short Conversations1. W: I’d like to exchange this green sheet that I bought last weekend for a yellow one.M: Let’s see now. A yellow one is only $20.90 and a green one was $25.00.Q: Approximately, how much money did the man owe the woman?2. W: My God! What a heavy rain! And there’s no sign of its stopping.M: But a heavy rain like this never lasts long in Shanghai.Q: What does the man think of the rain?3. W: I have to take exams every day next week. What about you?M: I am having one on Monday, another on Tuesday and two on Friday, none on Wednesday and Thursday. I’m thankful for that.Q: On which days of next week will the man have only one examination?4. W: Hi, Joe. Haven’t seen you f or ages. How are your classes?M: Oh, all right I guess, except for geography.Q: What does the man think of the geography class?5. W: Reception. How can I help you?M: I’d like to arrange a wake-up call for tomorrow morning at 7 o’cl ock, please. Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place?6. M: Let’s go to the concert after dinner.W: Well, I’ll keep you company if you want to, but I have to do some reading for tomorrow’s lecture.Q: What can we learn from the conversation?7. W: I don’t think Jack particularly likes his nephew, does he?M: There’ve been some misunderstandings between them for years.Q: What is being discussed?8. M: Do you think we should put in an advertisement in the paper for the lost car? W: By all means.Q: What does the woman say about placing an advertisement in the newspaper?9. W: Anne was very nice, wasn’t she? She had a wonderful sense of humor, and she always made me laugh.M: Y es, she wasn’t very good academically but she had a lot of co mmon sense. Q: What can you learn from the conversation?10. M: Mr. Black is fluent in Spanish and now he’s beginning to study Arabic.W: He also knows a few words in Japanese and Chinese.Q: Which language does Mr. Black speak well?Part B PassagesQuestions 11-13Requesting someone’s business card is a straightforward process. Y ou need only say, “Do you have a business card?” or “May I have your business card?” When you want to present your own card, you can say, “Here’s my c ard. Please feel free to call me if you have any other questions. “If you wish to offer your card to a long-timeassociate, you can say, “Did I ever give you my card?” or “I’ve been meaning to give you my card.” It’s not polite to directly refuse a request from someone for you r business card. Instead, you can say, “Sorry, but I’m afraid I’m all out at the moment.” or “I neglected to bring them with me.” Giving someone your card, of course, does not obligate you to continue contact, nor does accepting som eone else’s card. When y ou do receive a card, say “Thank you.” and examine it briefly before putting it away. Y ou can use a business card that you received to refresh your memory about someone’s name and title before your next meeting. Y ou can also record notes about the meeting on the back of the card, or place it in your card file.11. Which of the following is an impolite behavior according to the passage?12. What should you do when accepting a business card?13. What’s the function of a busine ss card according to the passage?Questions14-16If you are someone who tends to focus on the negative, thinking positively may be a new skill for you. One way to keep a positive attitude about yourself is by writing down and saying several sentences. The sentences should be strong, supportive statements about yourself such as “I am a confident and capable person who can handle challenges.” It’s hard to feel defeated when your self-talk is positive. Another technique for reducing stress is positive images. When confronted with a problem, try to imagine the outcome that you want. This technique is used by sport professionals with tremendous success. Y ou too can champion your cause by mentally picturing positive results. Sometimes people are faced with unfortunate circumstances that can not be changed. In these instances, it may help to think about some of the assets and resources that you have that can support you and help you cope such as family, friends, skill, education, money and good health.14. How can you imagine positively?15. How should you face the unchangeable misfortune?16. What is mainly discussed in the passage?Questions17-20A fellow had just been hired as the new CEO of a large high-tech corporation. The CEO who was stepping down met with him privately and presented him with three numbered envelopes. “Open these if you run up against a problem you don’t think you can solve,” he said. Well, things went along pretty smoothly, but six months later, sales took a decline and he was really under the pressure. He remembered the envelopes. He went to his drawer and took out the first envelope. The message read, “Blame your former CEO.” The new CEO called a press conference and laid all the faults on the previous CEO. Satisfied with his comments, the press responded positively, sales began to pick up and the problem was soon behind him. About a year later, the company was again experiencing serious product problems. Having learned from his previous experience, the CEO quickly opened the second envelope. The message read, “Reorganize”. Then he did, and the company quickly reorganized. After several months, the company once again fell on difficult times. The CEO went to his office, closed the door and opened the third envelope. The message sa id, “Prepare three envelopes”.17. From whom did the new CEO get three envelopes?18. In the first half year, how did the business go?19. What was the message in the first envelope?20. What did the last envelope mean?听力部分:1-10: CAADB ABADA 11-20: DBDDB CACBD 笔试部分:21-30: ADBCD BADBC 31-45: DACDA BDDAA BBDAA。
【关键字】商务商务英语听力 2 –作业1姓名______________ 学号__________________ 分数___________________ Ⅰ. Listen to the five phone conversations two times . Choose an adjective from the following to describe the male speaker in each call. (3points x 5)(《体验商务英语--听说教程2》光盘,第一课Telephone Impression部分Call 1-5) Sympathetic efficient curt helpful suspiciousCall 1:____curt___ Call 2:___suspicious____ Call 3: ____sympathetic___ Call 4:___efficient____ Call 5: ____helpful___Ⅱ. Listen to Call 2 again and complete the sentences with the words below.(2pointsx8)(《体验商务英语-听说教程2》光盘.第1课Telephone Impression部分Call 2)consumer inflation fishy break schemes reliably guaranteed fiscal Woman: And if you take out the Personal Savings Plan with us, within the next month you’ll benefit form a ________ extra half a percent interest rate, togetherwith a significant tax _______. As a matter of fact, the government is likelyto be announcing _______ measures to encourage personal investment insavings _______ within the next few weeks.Man: How do you know that?Woman: Well, it’s been _______ reported in the financial press and the Chancellor has gone on record to say that he wants to make sure that individuals areinvesting now for their future and not spending their money on _______goods, because that would encourage _______.Man: But I thought he wanted to lower interest rates.Woman: Yes----but the rate you agree to now is guaranteed for the duration of the scheme whatever happens.Man: Sounds a bit _______ to me.Ⅲ. Listen to Call 3 two more times and fill in the blanks. (2points x 5)(《体验商务英语--听说教程2》光盘,第一课Telephone Impression部分Call 3) Woman: Do you realize the position this _puts____ __?Man: Well I _____ __the difficulty and I can…Woman: We’ve been waiting _______ for this order to arrive.Man: Yes, I quite understand that this puts you in a difficult position.__________________________________________________________.______ ____________________________________________________. Ⅳ. Listen to Call 4 two more times and fill in the blanks. (2points x 8)(《体验商务英语--听说教程2》光盘,第一课Telephone Impression部分Call 4) Man: Right, OK, just let me read back those details again. You would like to ________ the sum of 15000—that’s one five thousand---________ pounds from your account at the Allied Irish Bank, _______ Street, Dublin into your ________ franc account domiciled at Credit Lyonnais, 35 rue Pasteur, Paris_________.______________________________________________________________.____________________ __________________________ at Credit Lyonnais?Woman: Um 000.Man: Ok, so that’s 000. And your name is Helen Lenihan._____________________________________________________________? Woman: L-e-n-i-h-a-n.Man: Right. Thank you very much.Ⅴ. Listen to Call 5 two more times and decide whether the following are true or false. (2points x 5) (《体验商务英语--听说教程2》光盘,第一课Telephone Impression部分Call 5)( f ) 1. The woman is not urgent.( t ) 2. The woman thi nks it’s too long for her to wait.( t ) 3. The woman accepts the man’s advice.( f ) 4. The man is reluctant to help the woman.( f) 5. The man is efficient.Ⅵ. You will hear a potential client (Mr. Hamilton) and a salesman talking about a new line of products. Then you decide which answer is right. (4 points x 4) (《体验商务英语--听说教程2》光盘,第一课Effective Telephoning部分) Listen to the first version of the conversation two times:( ) 1. What is the product?A. Ceramic wall tiles.B. Plastic wall tiles.C. Wallpaper glue.( ) 2. Why isn’t Mr. Hamilton interested?A. He doesn’t have enough room in his store.B. The discount isn’t attractive enough.C. We don’t know.Listen to the second version of the conversation two times:( ) 3. In what way can the salesman help Mr. Hamilton?A. By supplying him with some products he wants.B. By changing the design on the tiles.C. By changing the carpet design. ( ) 4. In what way was the salesman more effective in the second version?A. He was more aggressive.B. He made a special offer.C. He listened to his client.Ⅶ. In the interview, a sales manager, Simon Hales, has just been fired by one of the company’s directors. Simon goes straight into the CEO’s office to demand an explanation. Listen to the dialogue three times and answer the question.(5points ) (《体验商务英语—听说教程2》第二课Breaking Bad News.部分) Question: What is the main reason for Simon’s dismissal?Answer:___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Ⅷ. Listen to the interview about the development of teleworking three times and decide whether the following are true or false. (2points x 5)(《体验商务英语—听说教程2》第二课Teleworking部分第2题)( t) 1. Teleworking is a new concept.( f) 2. Teleworking usually refers to work that can be done at home.( f ) 3. Mobile teleworking refers to work that can be done on the phone.( t) 4. The telecottage is usually located in rural areas and serves as a kind of employment agent putting distant companies in touch with local people to dothe work.( t )5. Telecommuting means less travel than a traditional workplace. 此文档是由网络收集并进行重新排版整理.word可编辑版本!。
答案 +我名字XX大学网络教育学院“大学英语〔二〕〞课程期末试卷提示:答案文档直接在学生平台提交请将选择题答案填写在每个题号前。
提交截止日期:2021年 12月 17日I. Vocabulary and GrammarDirections: Complete the following sentences by deciding on the most appropriate word from the 4 choicesmarked A, B, C and D given after each sentence. (25 points)1.Though _______ in New York, he preferred not to mention his childhood living together with grandparents.A) raised B) grown C) developed D) fed2.By the end of this month, we surely ________ a satisfactory solution to it.A) have founded B) will be finding C) will have found D) are finding3.They are teachers and don't realize ________ to start and run a company.A) what it takes B) what takes it C) what they take D) what takes them4.Television is an instrument of communication ________ us to see as well as to hear the performer.A) permitted B) permitting C) being permitted D) permits5.What you have done should be ________ the doctor's orders.A) attached to B) consistent with C) consistent in D) responsible to6.________ the door when a gust of wind blew the candle out.A) He had no sooner opened B) Hardly had he openedC) Scarcely did he open D) No sooner did he open7.The car broke _____ on the highway and was dragged to the side of the road.A) off B) into C) down D) up8.Mary _____ $25 on the book.A) took B) cost C) gave D) spent9.With the crowds _____________ , the royal party drove to the palace.A) cheered B) cheering C) being cheered D) are cheering第1页共8页10.They decided to ____________ a shopping mall in the downtown area.A) set out B) set off C) set up D) set about11.Can you find us some records ____________ to?A) to listen B) listening C) listen D) be listened12.Putting in a new window will ____________ cutting away part of the roof.A) include B) involve C) contain D) comprise13.When you looked for me I was ____________ a friend on a walk.A) accompanying B) companying C) comparing D) companion14.There were a long list of successful diplomatic ____________ in the history of China.A) incidents B) accidents C) happening D) occurrence15.Don’ t ____________ the speaker; put up your questions afterwards.A) interrupt B) interfere C) disturb D) interpret16.I have booked the flight to Shanghai, so I must ____ my packing now.A) set about B) set down C) set back D) set out17.The cabinet has approved a special housing ____________ for the poor city residents.A) object B) development C) project D) schedule18.The child didn't carry ___________ the instructions given by his parents and teachers.A) away B) out C) back D) on19._________ , they came to the foot of a mountain.A) Long before B) Before long C) After long D) Long20.In the end he realized his dream, but ____________ the cost of his life.A) on B) with C) by D) at21.He was very busy yesterday, otherwise he ____________ to the party.A) would come B) should come C) came D) would have come22. The boy asked the teacher to excuse ___________ .A) him to interrupt herC) him from interrupting her B)that he has interrupted her D)his interrupting her23.She has nothing to do with the murder case. She is not ____________ it.A) concerned in B) involved with C) associated in D) related to24.If you behave so foolishly you must bear the ____________.A) effects B) consequences C) ends D) results第2页共8页25. Bill doesn't __________ what others say about him.A) concernB) careC) worryD) matterII.Reading comprehensionPart ADirections: Read the following passages, and choose the correct answers. (30 points)Passage 1Conservationists (资源保护者 ) may get a wrong number of the threatened animals such as elephants, say African and American researchers. The error takes place because of a weakness in the way they estimate animal number from the piles of dung ( 粪便 ) the creatures leave behind.The mistake could lead researchers to think that there are twice as many elephants as there really are in some regions, according to Andrew Plumptre of the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) in New York. Biologist ( 生物学家 ) Katy Payne of Corne ll University in Ithaca, New York, agrees.“ We really need to kno elephant number and the evidence (证据 ) that we have is quite indirect,〞says Payne.Counting elephants from planes is impossible in the vast rainforests of Central Africa, so researchers often estimate elephant number by counting dung piles in a given area. They also need to know the rate at which dung decays (腐化 ). Because it's quite difficult to decide these rates, however, researchers counting elephants in one region are likely to rely on standard decay rates set up elsewhere.But researchers at the WCS have found that these decay rates differ from region to region dependingon the weather and environment. Using the wrong number can mislead the census (统计 ), says Plumptre.He and his colleague Anthony Chifu Nchanji studied decaying elephant dung in the forests of Banyang Wildlife Sanctuary ( 避难所 ) in southeast Cameroon. They found that the dung decayed between 55 and 65 percent more slowly than dung in the rainforests of neighboring Gabon. If researchers use decay rates from Gabon to count elephants in Cameroon, they would probably find more elephants than there are actually around.This could mean estimates in Cameroon are at least twice as high as those got from decay rates calculated locally, says Plumtre. He says that similar problems may also exist in other animal census studies that rely on indirect evidence.26. The word“ threatened〞(Line 1, Para. 1) could be best replaced by____.A. endangeredB. frightenedC. spoiledD. angered27.Why do researchers count elephants in an area by counting dung piles?A.Because elephants are difficult to catch.B.Because it is not possible to count elephants from a plane.第3页共8页C. Because it is impossible to follow the track of elephants.D. Because they think dung piles are most reliable for counting elephants.28. Piles of dung can't be relied upon when it comes to estimating elephants number because _____.A. they are different in sizeB. they scatter all over the regionC. they are different in rate of decayingD. they are difficult to be identified29.Suppose the number of elephants got in Cameroon is 1000 by using the decay rates set up in Gabon, thenthe actual number maybe about _______.A. 500B. 2000C. 400D. 250030. Which of the following is not a useful factor in estimating elephant number in one region?A. Dung piles number.B. Rates of dung decaying.C. Climate and environment.D. Wildlife sanctuary.Passage 2I was in a chat room, as most online romances happen. I had been on the Internet and chatting foralmost three years. I was bored one afternoon, so I decided to go into a chat room. I had been in thisparticular room many times before, and met some very interesting people in it. While I was in there, I noticedtwo guys talking. One was married and had kids, and the other was asking questions like what it was like to bea father, etc. I was most interested in him, he sounded so sweet. So I decided to start chatting with him. Wedidn't get to chat long, because of the 6-hour time difference, but it was a wonderful chat. He was a few yearsolder than me, but I figured age didn't matter if we had a good chat.We got to talking about many things, mostly music though. Before he had to leave he gave me his e-mail address and I gave him my AOL ( 美国在线效劳公司 ) Instant Messenger screen name. A few days later whileI was online someone greeted me, and it was him. He told me who it was and we started chatting. Like most people, we had many things in common. We had similar views on life, etc.After many conversations, I realized I was really starting to like this guy. I had promised myself beforethat it's just not right for people over the Internet to be “ in love 〞 , and that I'd never do suc didn't seem right to me. Since, I thought, you never knew whom you are really talking to. Well, my opinionsstarted to change, very quickly too.Weeks later our relationship really started to get serious. I felt ashamed at first, because it was on the Internet, but I don't worry about it now. All I have to say is that I have never loved someone so much before.31.We can safely say that _____________.A.both the guys were marriedB.both the guys had children第4页共8页C. one of the guys had children but the other hadn't anyD. one of the guys was married but the other had never had a girlfriend32. What attracted the narrator at first was the second guy's _____________.A. personalityB. appearanceC. voiceD. curiousness33.From the first paragraph we know that the narrator and the guy _____________.A.lived in the same cityB.lived very far awayC.both lived in the United StatesD.often went together to the same room to have a talk34.The word “ it 〞 in Paragraph 2 refers to ________________.A. AOLB. the narrator's screen nameC. the guy's e-mail addressD. the guy35.The narrator felt ashamed at first because ________________.A.she had been disloyal to her boyfriendB.she had broken her promise of not falling in love on the InternetC.the guy was her first boyfriendD.the relationship between her and her boyfriend was in danger of breakdownPassage 3Nowadays it is understood that a diet which contains nothing harmful may yet result in serious disease if certain important elements are missing. These elements are called “ vitamins( 维生素 ). 〞 Quitea number of such substances are known and they are given letters to identify ( 识别 ) them, A, B, C, D, and so on. Different diseases are associated with (与⋯⋯有关 ) a lack of particular vitamins. Even a slight lack of Vitamin C, the vitamin most plentiful in fresh fruit and vegetables, for example, is thought to increase significantly our susceptibility ( 易感性 ) to colds and influenza ( 流感 ).The vitamins necessary for a healthy body are normally supplied by a good mixed diet, including a variety of fruit and green vegetables. It is only when people try to live on a very restricted ( 限定 ) diet, say when trying to lose weight, that it is necessary to have a special supply to make up the missing vitamins.Another example of the dangers of a restricted diet may be seen in the disease known as脚气病), from which large numbers of Eastern peoples who lived mainly on rice used to suffer very much. In the early years of this century, a Dutch (荷兰的) scientist called Eijkman was trying to discover the cause of beriberi. At first he thought it was transmitted by a germ (细菌 ). He was working in a Japanesehospital, where the patients were fed on rice which had had the outer husk ( 外壳) removed from the grain. It was第5页共8页thought that this would be easier for weak, sick people to digest.36.A diet which contains nothing harmful _____.A. may yet cause one disease or anotherC. will usually result in serious disease B. certainly has plenty of vitaminsD. always ensures good health37.Shortages of the various vitamins _____.A.cause identical diseasesB.are not serious except in the case of Vitamin CC.cause different diseasesD.are often caused by inadequate (缺乏 ) supply of sunshie38.Fresh fruit and vegetables _____.A.do not contain any kind of vitaminB.decrease our resistance to diseasesC.contain every kind of vitaminD.contain more vitamin C than any other food39.A good mixed diet _____.A.normally contains enough vitamins for a healthy bodyB.still needs supplementing with vitaminsC.is suitable for losing weightD.may not be good for the health40.The disease “ beriberi 〞 _____.ed to make large numbers of western people suffer a lotB.is a disease of vitamin shortageC.is transmitted by diseased riceD.can be caught from diseased chickens or animalsPart BDirections: This passage is about how the writer faced the frustration (挫折) in his life. After reading it, youare required to complete the outline below it. (10 points)I worked my way up the presidency ( 总裁 ) of the Ford Motor Company. When I finally got there, I was on the top of the world. But then fate said t o me,“ Wait, we're not finished with you. Now you're going to find out what it feels like to get kicked off from the top.〞On July 13, 1978, I was fired. I had been president of Ford for eight years and a Ford employee for第6页共8页thirty-two. I had never worked anywhere else. And now suddenly, I was out of job.As you go through life, there are thousands of little forks in the road, and there are a few really big forks —those moments of thinking, moments of truth. This was mine as I wondered what to do. Should I pack it all in (完全放弃 ) and retire? I was fifty-four years old. I had already accomplished a great deal. I was financially secure. But that just didn't feel right. I knew I had to carry on.A few months later, I became the president of Chrysler, a company which was almost bankrupt at that time. Fortunately, Chrysler recovered ( 复原 ). Today I'm a hero. With strong will, with luck, and with help from lots of good people, I was able to rise up from the ashes.1.The narrator's top position in the Ford Motor Company is (41).2.The thing happening to the narrator on July 13, 1978 is (42).3.Things in the road of life are (43).4.The narrator's age when he began to work with Ford was (44).5.The narrator's present position is (45).IV . TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English. (15 points)46. 他希望能找出方法一劳永逸地解决这一技术难题。
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考生答题情况--------------------------------------------------------------------------------作业名称:英语听力第2次作业出卷人:SA作业总分:100 通过分数:60起止时间:2013-6-28 11:41:21 至2013-6-28 11:43:32学员姓名:学员成绩:97标准题总分:100 标准题得分:96.55详细信息:题号:1 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:3.45内容:请在导学资料里下载相应音频后开始答题<warming up>what is the main purpose of the talk?A、To instruct campers how to use their equipmentB、To provide park visitors with safety information.C、To give directions to camping areasD、To encourage people to visit the park.学员答案:B本题得分:3.45题号:2 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:3.45内容:<short conversation>when will the man's mother probably arrive?A、About 6 pmB、At 3:30C、About noonD、After dinner.学员答案:A本题得分:3.45题号:3 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:3.45内容:<short conversation>how much will the man pay for two general tickets and two student tickets?A、The man will pay ten dollarsB、The man will pay twenty dollarsC、The man will pay thirty dollarsD、The man will pay forty dollars.学员答案:C本题得分:3.45内容:<short conversation>how will Adrew get to the ski resort?A、He isn’t sureB、He’ll go by planeC、He’ll go by trainD、He’ll go by bus.学员答案:B本题得分:3.45题号:5 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:3.45 内容:<short conversation>what's the man doing?A、Saying goodbye to a friendB、Buying a ticket for a sports eventC、Paying a bill at the bankD、Arranging a plane trip.学员答案:D本题得分:3.45题号:6 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:3.45 内容:what does the man mean?A、He can’t go this weekendB、He has a hole in his bathing suitC、They should stay at the beach longerD、They shouldn’t spend much money.学员答案:C本题得分:3.45题号:7 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:3.45 内容:<short conversation>why is the woman worried?A、Fred is likely to miss the planeB、Fred's flight has been delayedC、Fred has made other plansD、Fred's very involved in the student union.学员答案:A本题得分:3.45内容:<long conversation >what do the two speaker have in common?A、They take the same mathematics courseB、They are going on a camping trip together with the geology classC、They both have geology as their major course of studyD、They both enjoy painting landscape(风景画).学员答案:D本题得分:0题号:9 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:3.45 内容:<long conversation >what was the woman doing on Friday?A、Preparing for calculus(微积分)examB、Viewing an art exhibitC、Participating in a special class activityD、Packing(收拾包裹)for her vacation.学员答案:C本题得分:3.45题号:10 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:3.45 内容:<long conversation>what had the man assumed about Death Valley?A、It was too far to visit over the weekendB、It would be too hot for campingC、It would be crowded with touristsD、It would be a nice place to go camping.学员答案:B本题得分:3.45题号:11 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:3.45 内容:<long conversation>why does the woman think that the desert is a good place to visit?A、Rock formations are clearly visible(可看见的)B、Moisture(湿气)from the air is trapped(捕获的)at nightC、The art community is innovative(创新的)D、The rock formations are quite striking.学员答案:A本题得分:3.45内容:< passage 1>What is the main topic of the talk?A、Energy conservationB、Transportation of the futureC、Strip citiesD、Advantages of air transportation over railroads.学员答案:B本题得分:3.45题号:13 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:3.45 内容:< passage 1>When are airplanes not fuel-efficient?A、On short tripsB、On long tripsC、When flying over citiesD、When flying at high altitudes.学员答案:A本题得分:3.45题号:14 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:3.45 内容:< passage 1> How does a mag-lev operate?A、It uses nuclear energyB、It rests on a cushion of pressurized airC、It flies over magnetically activated tracksD、It uses a device similar to a jet engine.学员答案:C本题得分:3.45题号:15 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:3.45 内容:< passage 1>According to the speaker, what is one advantage of the mag--lev?A、It is more comfortable than a conventional trainB、It doesn’t require very much track maintenanceC、It doesn’t remain in any station very longD、It caries more passengers than a conventional train.学员答案:B本题得分:3.45内容:< passage 2>Who is the speaker?A、A restaurant hostB、A tour guideC、A history teacherD、A park attendant.学员答案:B本题得分:3.45题号:17 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:3.45 内容:< passage 2>What is the main subject of the speaker’s story?A、A small restaurantB、A revolutionary armyC、A famous commanderD、A historic tree.学员答案:D本题得分:3.45题号:18 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:3.45 内容:< passage 2>When the Washington Elm finally died, what was learned about its age?A、It was the oldest one in the parkB、It was less than a hundred years oldC、It was much younger than people had thoughtD、It was impossible to determine.学员答案:C本题得分:3.45题号:19 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:3.45 内容:< passage 2>What can be inferred from the speaker’s story?A、George Washington was an extremely tall manB、Most trees in parks are destroyed by insectsC、Historical stories are sometimes inaccurateD、The Continental Army celebrated a victory in Cambridge.学员答案:C本题得分:3.45题号:20 题型:判断题本题分数:3.45内容:<news 1>People in Nablus of Palestine use donkey for transportation because of the poor road conditions.1、错2、对学员答案:2本题得分:3.45题号:21 题型:判断题本题分数:3.45内容:<news 1>Palestinians are happy to use donkeys.1、错2、对学员答案:1本题得分:3.45题号:22 题型:判断题本题分数:3.45内容:<news 1>Donkeys are becoming more expensive than before.1、错2、对学员答案:2本题得分:3.45题号:23 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.3内容:<news 2>Australia's airline Virgin Blue has placed orders for planes that are worth____.A、50 billion dollarsB、737 million dollarsC、3 million dollarD、3 billion dollars学员答案:D本题得分:2.3题号:24 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.3内容:<news 2>What is the purpose of the expansion?A、To develop the airlines’business to the Pacific and AsianB、To develop the airlines’business to EuropeC、To develop the airlines’business to the North AmericaD、To develop the airlines’business to Mid-east.学员答案:A本题得分:2.3题号:25 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2.3 内容:<news 2>Which of the following statements is true?A、The expansion would bring much money for the AirlineB、The expansion would be very riskyC、There are different opinions about the possible consequence of the expansionD、Singapore Airline would fund Virgin Blue’s expansion.学员答案:C本题得分:2.3题号:26 题型:判断题本题分数:3.45内容:<serial story>Orlando saved his brother from a tiger and a crocodile.1、错2、对学员答案:1本题得分:3.45题号:27 题型:判断题本题分数:3.45内容:<serial story>Ganymede was so touched by Oliver’s confession that she fell in love with him.1、错2、对学员答案:1本题得分:3.45题号:28 题型:判断题本题分数:3.45内容:<serial story>Everybody thought Ganymede was making fun of Orlando.1、错2、对学员答案:2本题得分:3.45题号:29 题型:判断题本题分数:3.45内容:<serial story>Rosalind married herself to Orlando without consulting her father.1、错2、对学员答案:1本题得分:3.45题号:30 题型:判断题本题分数:3.45内容:<serial story>The story has a happy ending.1、错2、对学员答案:2本题得分:3.45。