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常用翻译核心句型 the more ~ the more~a good teacher is the one from whom the more we need academically, the more she can supply.一个好的老师是这样一个人,我们对她越有学业方面的需求,她能提供的越多。 it is ~ that ~it is not just books that can't be judged by their covers,and so it is with presents.不能根据外表判断的不仅是人,礼物也一样。 too ~ to ~ our boss is too narrow-minded to endure different opinions.我们老板心胸狭窄,无法容忍不同看法。 not ~enough to do ~she is not old enough to make sense of the real meaning of the proverb— time and tide wait for no man.她太小,无法理解岁月不等人这句谚语的真正含义。 not ~ but ~a masterpiece is not something that can conform into an expectation but something that has to be an expression from the heart. 杰作不是为了迎合某种预期的东西,而是内心真情的表露。 rather thanducks can swim by instinct rather than intelligence.鸭会游泳,不是靠聪明,而是靠本能。 not until~not until the director persuaded him did he agree to play a role of the doctor.直到导演说服了他,他才同意演那个医生的角色。 unless ~you will have difficulty in understanding the problem unless it is explained and analyzed from the historical perspective.除非这问题是从历史的观点来分析和解释,否则你理解会有困难。 it has never occurred to/struck me that~it has never occurred to me that a person who has experienced ups and downs of life should believe such a ridiculous trick.我从未想到一个经历人生起伏的人竟相信这荒唐的诡计。 the moment ~/ the instant ~the contract will come into effect the instant it is signed.这项合同一经签署即开始生效。it won’t be long before ~it won’t be long before you know that having a good attitude is half the battle.不久后你就会明白,拥有好的态度就是成功的一半。 once ~once promised, he will surely be given a remote-controlled car as a birthday present.一旦得到承诺,他一定会得到一两遥控汽车作为生日礼物。 only when ~only when the test-oriented education is switched into the

quality-oriented education are the chances that the students will develop their versatile abilities.只有应试教育转变成了素质教育,学生们才有可能发展多方面的能力。 so ~ as to do ~will you be so kind as to pull me through the difficult time?你这样善良, 能帮我渡过难关吗? so ~ that ~the book is so instructive that it has become a must-read.so instructive is the book that it has become a must-read.这书很有教育意义,已成为学生的必读之书。~ as ~lose money as he did, he got a lot of experience, which contributed to his success in life.3


常用翻译核心句型 the more ~ the more~a good teacher is the one from whom the more we need academically, the more she can supply.一个好的老师是这样一个人,我们对她越有学业方面的需求,她能提供的越多。 it is ~ that ~it is not just books that can't be judged by their covers,and so it is with presents.不能根据外表判断的不仅是人,礼物也一样。 too ~ to ~ our boss is too narrow-minded to endure different opinions.我们老板心胸狭窄,无法容忍不同看法。 not ~enough to do ~she is not old enough to make sense of the real meaning of the proverb— time and tide wait for no man.她太小,无法理解岁月不等人这句谚语的真正含义。 not ~ but ~a masterpiece is not something that can conform into an expectation but something that has to be an expression from the heart. 杰作不是为了迎合某种预期的东西,而是内心真情的表露。 rather thanducks can swim by instinct rather than intelligence.鸭会游泳,不是靠聪明,而是靠本能。 not until~not until the director persuaded him did he agree to play a role of the doctor.直到导演说服了他,他才同意演那个医生的角色。 unless ~you will have difficulty in understanding the problem unless it is explained and analyzed from the historical perspective.除非这问题是从历史的观点来分析和解释,否则你理解会有困难。 it has never occurred to/struck me that~it has never occurred
