TESCO顶驱配马达assy.circ/aux pump.460v 个马达motr.weg.10hp.230/480v.1800,xp 个温度计thermometer,bimetal,0-250,1/2 个温控开关switch,temp,wp,80of-250of,spdt 个流量计meter,rev flw,oil,BI-DIR,ss,5000psi, 100gpm,rd 个平移液缸cylinder,hyd,extend 个背钳密封o ring,duro,70,nitril 个背钳密封seal,grabber,uni-ring 个背钳密封polypak,seal,f/grabber 个背钳密封gland,nut,grab cyl 个耳板stem,breakaway mount,cylinder 个固定螺栓screw,modified,rod end,1"-8unc×3"个螺帽nut,hex,slotted,1"×8unc,gr2,modified 个马克以上发布垫片spacer,rog end,1.160"od×o.985"id 个接头disconnect,quick,nipple,78series,1"×1"fnpt 个接头disconnect,quick,coupler,78series,1"×1"fnpt 个接头disconnect,quick,coupler,74series,3/8"×3/8"fnpt 个接头disconnect,quick,nipple,74series,3/8"×3/8"fnpt 个接头coupling,quick,ff,male,1×1fnpt 个1接头coupling,quick,ff,female,1×1fnpt 个接头fitting,hyd,90oeib,#4mjic×#4fjic 个接头fitting,hyd,straight,﹟12mnpt×#8fnpt 个接头fiting,hyd,strsight,#8mjic×#12mnpt 个接头fiting,hyd,90oeib,#8mjic×#12mnpt 个接头fiting,hyd,tee,#12mnpt-run×#12fnpt×#12fnpt 个接头fitting,hyd,cross,#8mjic×#8mjic×#8mjic×#8mjic 个接头fitting,hyd,tee,#8mjic×#8mjic×#8morb-br 个接头fitting,hyd,tee,#4mnpt×#4mnpt×#4mnpt 个接头fitting,hyd,str,#6mjic×#4fnpt 个接头fitting,hyd,str,#4fnpt×#6fjic 个接头ftg,hyd,tee,3/4mpt×3/4mjic,run 个接头ftg,hyd,tee,1/4mjic,runxfjicsw 个接头ftg,hyd,tee,1/4mjicsw×mjic 个接头fitting,hyd,str,﹟4jic×#2mnpt 个接头fitting,hyd,90o#6mjic×#6mnpt not used 个接头ftg,hy,elb,90d,1/4morb×3/8mjic 个接头ftg,hyd,tee,3/8fjicswxmjic,run 个接头ftg,hyd,elb,90d,3/8morb×3/8mjic 个接头fitting,hyd,straight,﹟12mnpt×12fjic 个接头fitting,hyd,strsight,#8mnpt×#8fjic 个接头fitting,hyd,straight,#4mjic×#4mnpt 个接头fitting,hyd,straight,#4-6mjic×#4mnpt 个接头ftg,hyd,str,1/2fjic×3/8mjic 个接头ftg,hyd,45d,3/8mjic×fjicsw 个接头ftg,hyd,elb,90d,3/8mjic×fjicsw 个接头ftg,hyd,tee,1/2fjicsw×mjic,run 个接头ftg,hyd,str,1/2morb×1/4mjic 个接头ftg,hyd,str,1/2morb×3/8mjic 个接头ftg,hyd,str,1/2morb×1/2mjic 个TESCO配件清单1 风压开关76841 TDS-3 SWITCH PRESSURE EEX2 风压开关83095-1 PHM3I SW,PRESS UL/CSA3 风压开关87541-1 SWITCH, 30" Hg-20 PSI (EExd)4 电位器81736-2 POTENTIOMETER,2W,10K5 电源板96290 TP PCB,+5V REGULATOR BD6 编码器115299 ENCODER,DIGITAL7 速度手轮116551 THROTTLE,VDC,TGS9S钻机顶驱装置配件TECSO 润滑脂分离器5/16*24-STR钻机顶驱装置配件TESCO 500ECI 900HP IBOP 720475钻机顶驱装置配件VARCO 顶驱液动旋塞630*631 15000Psi 钻机顶驱装置配件TDS-11SA 润滑油泵总成117608-1钻机顶驱装置配件VARCO 内防喷器总成110103钻机顶驱装置配件VARCO 热继电器3RV1021-1JA10钻机顶驱装置配件TESCO 背钳液压缸修理密封圈8860志趣钻机顶驱装置配件TESCO 热泵风机电机14397钻机顶驱装置配件TECSO 润滑脂分离器5/16*24-STR中国供应钻机顶驱装置配件DRILLMEC HTD 250 千斤顶5512 0527钻机顶驱装置配件TESCO 500ECI 900HP IBOP 720475钻机顶驱装置配件TESCO 500ECI 900HP 线缆保护管6652 钻机顶驱装置配件TESCO 500ECI 密封圈钻机顶驱装置配件TESCO 背钳钳头Grabber 9”PN:720457 钻机顶驱装置配件TESCO 电阻103762钻机顶驱装置配件TESCO 能耗刹车电阻箱904675钻机顶驱装置配件TESCO 传感器短电缆15367钻机顶驱装置配件TESCO 断路器10748钻机顶驱装置配件TESCO 顶驱司控房通讯电缆770806钻机顶驱装置配件TESCO 逆变模块IGBT驱动板106375。
CANRIG 顶驱基本操作程序:一、钻进接立柱作业CANRIG顶驱配件AY10861基础支架1 一柱钻杆钻进,回收备钳,下放顶驱,钻进至吊卡接近钻台时,摆臂摆至过钻位置(后背至最高位置),继续钻进至尽量贴近转盘面。
2 上提钻杆,坐卡瓦。
3 停泵,关IBOP(内防喷器)。
4 下放备钳至钻杆接箍上,打紧备钳。
5 卸扣,旋扣。
6. 打开备钳。
588-26-0588-45-0588-46-0829-15-0829-17-0AY10028-4AY12689AY12689-1M23-1004-010R02-1000-010S01-1173-01NS01-1386-01NS05-1048-010AY11000M23-1003-010826-23-500S01-1229-01N920-11-0M03-1003-010 H11-1000-02A H11-1003-01A DT11431H06-1006-010 H10052H10053H10054H10055H10056H10057H10059H10071H10117H10142H13-1013-010 H22-1000-010 683-16-0M11-1006-010 S01-1141-01N S02-1004-010 S03-1008-010 DT12642H10242H01-1001-040 M03-1000-020 M03-1002-020 AY11701H16-8001-010 M12-1000-010 M16-1000-01A M16-1000-01B N10007N10161602-04-0602-40-0S01-1254-01N S08-1031-010 H18-6025-01A 911-13-0911-14-0325-14-0AY10147R01-1003-01AR01-3003-030S01-1359-01NS01-1449-01NS01-1459-01NN01-1003-010N10098N10185H02-1003-030H13-1039-010DT10715DT14521H15-070220-08-06 S08-1038-010C10075M20-1030-010M16-1000-010S01-1256-01VS05-1017-010S10075596-07-0682-28-0S01-1111-01VSS01-1279-01NS03-1019-010S05-1033-010S07-1001-010H02-1004-010E01-1036-010AY11767N10260N10007N10161E10366E10551E10880E11089E11090E11091E10812E10813E10814E11096N21-3000-010N21-3001-010N21-3001-010连接井架上的立柱:1) 上提顶驱至二层台。
2 口腔医疗资源-牙医资源
中国每一百万人中仅有100名牙医, 而西方国家每百万人 500-1000名牙医。
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油毛毡日立油毛毡奥的斯出入口塑料滑块163L减震垫电阻门机触点座日立门滑块AK14锁盒GS06门锁通立三合一靴衬通用货梯滑块LG滑块(弯头)通立大滑块(铁)OTIS尼龙滑块OTIS粘布滑块东芝门滑块现代门滑块塑料门滑块夹子蒂森门滑块誉升门滑块西尔康滑块杂物梯靴衬门滑块夹子塑料门滑块三菱主轨导靴杂物梯导靴迅达厅门防撞胶条三菱厅门防撞胶条奥的斯厅门防撞胶条电缆支架单电缆支架双X3导靴富士滑块夹子佛马特门滑块夹子门滑块夹子西尔康门滑块夹子奥的斯钢带夹子杂货梯靴衬滑块小夹子滑块圆孔夹子滑块小孔夹子日立门滑块滑块大夹子(大孔)新型圆油杯东芝小方油盒迅达方油盒三菱油盒日立油盒大接油杯小接油杯老型通用圆油杯大盘车轮小盘车轮三菱三合一靴衬迅达靴子衬迅达聚胺脂靴衬三菱靴衬通立靴衬东芝三合一靴衬杂货梯小靴衬广日靴衬迅达副轨小导靴广日靴衬OTIS三合一靴衬蒂森靴衬LG三合一靴衬迅达靴衬迅达花边靴衬带孔迅达靴衬OTIS靴衬日立厅门强迫关门弹簧西尔康强迫关门弹簧补偿链导向轮胶刷奥的斯补偿链导向轮迅达力臂弹簧空心导靴靴衬10MM短绳头组合8MM绳头组合13MM绳头组合16MM绳头组合12MM绳头组合10MM长绳头组合日立安全触板膨胀螺丝西子奥的斯桓流风扇风扇(桓流)330风扇(桓流)风扇迅达铝合金梳齿板迅达人行道梳齿板三菱二代梳齿板迅达ABS塑料梳齿板三菱一代梳齿板西子奥的斯梳齿板日立梳齿板现代梳齿板子17齿富士梳齿板22齿日立聚胺脂操作盘壳日立广日副轨导靴蒂森原装门滑块奥的斯门挂轮急停开头检修开头检修按钮超载开头安全触板开头广日即日立轿门锁东芝偏心轮通用偏心轮奥的斯偏心轮无轴偏心轮奥的斯三角锁奥的斯厅门顶杆四角锁迅达三角锁蒂森S8三角锁迅达厅门尼龙绳扶手带导向滑块梯级挡块161门锁静触点通立20厘米三角钥匙曳引机油窗老货梯大三角锁扶梯固定块三菱锥套锁点(白色门乐触点)门锁洞触点西尔康门锁触点迅达桥形门锁触点161门锁洞触点富士达门锁洞触点AZ-05厅门副锁限位开头行程开关蒂森S8副门锁东芝黄边条旧风扇1371限位开关DS131轿门锁DS121轿门锁OTIS限速器开关OTIS限速开关凸轮三菱门挂轮通力门绳轮通力厅门钢丝绳三菱厅门钢丝绳厅门钢丝绳门轮门挂轮(铁轮)OTIS梯级轮OTIS门挂轮三菱厅门绳轮门挂轮门挂轮西奥梯级轮三菱门挂轮(铁制)扶梯托轮三菱扶梯主副轮凸轮OTIS双槽门绳轮通力滚轮导靴扶梯托带轮扶梯托轮迅达多楔带轮三菱驱动轮东芝限位开关限位开关(铁制)东芝门锁消防盒(不锈钢)瑞士光电三菱厅门三角锁迅达货梯门力压杆轿顶检修盒厅门防撞胶条橡胶圈连轴器胶套OTIS平层感应器支架圆形减震垫连轴器胶套滚轮导靴通力原装偏心轮通力门绳轮西尔康门锁轮扶梯梯级轴套连轴器橡胶三菱厅门重锤胶套门机凸轮橡皮缓冲螺丝压导板螺丝连轴器橡胶套东芝张紧轮开关F型橡胶垫轿箱防晃装置LG三菱轿厢称重减震垫迅达门力臂弹簧货梯丁字架门挂轮沈阳货梯门挂轮杂物梯门锁通力门挂轮(原装)日立钩子锁迅达货梯门挂轮弯板三菱161门锁OTIS钩子锁货梯导靴主机减震垫三菱客梯门刀蒂森进口主板蒂森变频器主板抱闸控制器蒂森外呼板蒂森轿厢通迅板蒂森轿厢扩展板蒂森称重探头蒂森K300门机变频器蒂森称重盒西尔康坦克链通力门刀迅达货梯连轴器铝杆迅达扶梯磨擦轮迅达1米带动梯级铝盒金通力无机房绳头称重装置通力平层烟杆感应器三菱滑块三菱流动式风扇FB-13B-1双电机安全触板钢丝绳支架起重机检修盒迅达副门锁佛马特日立三角锁东芝三角锁迅达V30钩子锁300P日立钩子锁通用偏心轮行程开关门锁东芝门锁门锁三菱应及电源检修开关四开四闭迅达梯级轮三菱门挂轮迅达梯级轮弯板东芝门挂轮基站锁电源锁三菱副门锁(带铁板)LG电源锁蒂森基站电源锁OTIS操纵盘钩子锁LG电源锁通力基站电源锁东芝操纵盘钩子锁三菱基站电源锁NINGBOLG操纵盘钩子锁通用操纵盘钩子锁三菱操纵盘钩子锁迅达300P操纵盘钩子锁广日即日立操纵盘钩子锁三菱西奥基站电源锁日立操纵盘钩子锁操纵盘钩子锁日立基站电源锁三菱副门锁西尔康副门锁通用副门锁OTIS即速器开关迅达国产9300扶梯电锁通力原装副门锁西尔康现代三角钥匙OTIS老副门锁(白色)东芝黄边长条日立黄边条黄边条迅达八件套月牙型黄边条微科光幕门科光幕MEMCO沈阳三洋扶梯防逆转光电开关OTIS平层磁开关(红色)迅达U型门限位开关通力烟杆平层感应器东芝门机限位光电开关三菱平层感应器国产欧姆龙平层感应器蒂森提前开关感应器蒂森平层感应器(国产)通力U型平层感应器三菱平层感应器国产欧姆龙平层感应器东芝平层感应器控制柜风扇变频器风扇131轿门锁LG星码旋转编码器上海三斯平层感应器日立平层感应器三项相继继电器磁条通力原装磁条磁条SC-1375限速器开关12V应急电源通用五方对讲通用三菱门限位开关日立继电器板OTIS进口RS5地址通讯板蒂森称重(国产)OTIS轿箱按钮板OTIS通迅板西奥OTIS通迅板天奥三菱电源板三菱板蒂森诊断仪蒂森K200门机变频器三菱外呼板蒂森轿条通迅板通力轿箱按纽板电子到站钟永磁平层感应器平层双稳态磁导开关门机限位双稳态开关不锈钢消防盒限位开关缓冲器开关限位开关开关电源安全触板开关东芝限位开关东芝限速器开关轿顶检修盒江南快速OTIS电源通力应急电源日立极限开关底坑急停盒(带盒)底坑检修盒限位开关轿顶检修箱三菱缓冲器开关蒂森小方按纽滑轮群组OTIS3100R2显示板三菱轿厢扩展按钮板通力显示板新时达轿厢扩展板OTISRS5遥控站板OTIS黑色服务器西奥液晶显示板三菱电源板通力轿厢显示板OTIS并联显示板OTIS地址板LG星码显示板三菱温度保险编码器蒂森轿厢显示东芝轿厢对讲机OTIS门机盒蒂森变频器主板LG星码井道板通力轿显西奥新时达万能服务器1代通力外呼显示板蒂森轿厢通讯板蒂森超薄外呼显示板蒂森轿厢显示板迅达门刀三菱客梯门刀(老型)日立轿顶风扇沈凌门机皮带风扇OTIS外呼显示门机齿型带迅达扶梯多契带迅达门机三角带日立方型四轮补偿链导向轮迅达长型四轮补偿导向轮双向限速器永大日立IPM模型校道尺三菱滑块螺丝夹子日立不锈钢外呼面板三菱不锈钢外呼面板三菱底坑对讲机三菱门机电容按钮KA128按钮KA330KA132按钮KA110按钮RA313 KA122 KA123 按钮KA122P01按钮BR34A按钮MTD150东芝180富士按钮KP10608KA124PCB富士按钮KP10608KA124 LG星码触摸按钮EE-IC蒂森大方按钮DA280按钮MTD303按钮KA307按钮DA411按钮MTD160KA104按钮KA330按钮MTD180按钮MTD511B按钮KA114按钮KA125三菱TMD401三菱MTD180三洋KA101三菱MTD411老货梯不锈钢按钮蒂森MT42原装蒂森MT42非原装老巷申菱按钮MTD-N爱登堡按钮MTD126三菱按钮DA511G01迅达B型老梯按钮KA112 按钮KA118按钮MTD184按钮MTD185通力原装按钮(黑)通力方形不锈钢通力圆形不锈钢通力字片三洋KA101字片按钮KA127PCB三菱按钮HLB-005B三菱KA511字片LG星码长方形按钮KA10C LG星码按钮KA21C按钮J-M5497-01M77330三菱双位按钮J-M5498-02 按钮双位J-M5497-01三菱双位按钮LHB-006A三菱双位LHB-0A日立按钮SL-TC日立按钮DL-P02永大日立长针按钮PHP02日立按钮RLL-MAOTIS按钮A311原装阿尔法按钮KA304按钮KA124迅达M型按钮迅达D型按钮迅达M型按钮东芝按钮CV300沈阳三洋新型按钮富士达方形按钮底坑对讲机轿厢对讲机机房对讲机蜂鸣器(报警器)应急灯头德菱五方对讲按钮线警铃线日立底坑检修盒带对讲机日立应急电源日立限位开关液压缓冲器日立钩子锁日立门挂轮日立专用渐进式安全钳导轨润滑油(公斤)带轮限位开关不带轮限位开关西子奥的斯不锈钢梯级限位开关(自动复位)不带轮UKS缓冲器开关16K压道板空心轨压道板T75压道板13K压道板空心压道板钢丝绳绳头夹子迅达接触器油毛毡条餐杂电梯门锁蒂森轿厢对讲机称重探头浙江天正接触器施耐德接触器富士接触器辅助触点LG接触器辅助触点富士接触器辅助触点迅达继电器西门子中间继电器赛特电瓶东芝外呼通讯板PB16D钩子锁三菱轿厢通讯板沈阳三洋外呼显示板蒂森抱闸电源校道尺三菱161副门锁静触点LG星码平层感应器西尔康门机变频器门挂轮施耐德辅助触点光流接触器富士交流接触器富士接触器LG接触器(LS产电)LG接触器(LS产电)西门子中间继电器LG接触器(LS产电)LG接触器(LS产电)三菱JC24系列电铃透明小继电器(带底座)透明小继电器(不带底座)欧母龙继电器60地坎(轿门)50地坎(厅门)OTIS原装光幕扶梯对射光电蒂森延时继电器迅达扶梯电锁三菱值班室对讲机奥的斯值班室对讲机蒂森抱闸控制器轿顶检修盒厅门防撞胶条橡胶圈连轴器胶套OTIS平层感应器支架圆形减震垫联轴器胶套滚轮导靴通力原装偏心轮西尔康门挂轮通力门挂轮西尔门锁轮通力滚轮导靴三菱扶梯轴套(塑料)西尔康门球扶梯梯级轴套联轴器橡胶三菱厅门重锤胶套门机凸轮(电阻门机)橡皮缓冲螺丝压导板螺丝联轴器橡胶套通力测速发电机轮通力聚胺脂缓冲器滑轮群组(铁)电梯导轨润滑脂三菱厅门卸下棒直流操纵交流接触器三菱161门锁触点动点三菱门重锤开关电源沈阳三洋外呼显示板OTIS外呼显示板富士达主板通力原装按钮(白)通力八位按钮板日立外呼显示板通力四位按钮板通力二位按钮板通力一位按钮板三菱六位按钮板日立门机板蒂森按钮应急灯日立外呼显示板日立对讲机蒂森轿厢通讯板(进口)蒂森抱闸板三菱连接线通力极限限位开关通力专用安全钳开关日立专用保险管通力原装轿顶检修箱通力电源转换开关(带盒)30161重锤滑道OTIS地址板RS14-3OTIS主板(国产ACB2)LCBII 到站钟含RS5到站钟到站钟显示(双米)到站钟显示(点阵)OTIS防粘连板OTIS终端匹配板OTIS外呼三合一显示(单米)OTIS外呼三合一显示(双米)OTIS外呼三合一显示(点阵)OTIS外呼三合一显示(三点阵)OTIS外呼三合一并联显示(单米)OTIS外呼三合一并联显示(双米)OTIS轿内标准显示(单米)OTIS轿内标准显示(双米)OTIS轿内标准显示(点阵)OTIS轿内含RS5显示(单米)OTIS轿内含RS5显示(双米)OTIS轿内含RS5显示(点阵)外呼三合一点阵显示(带壳)外呼三合一并联点阵显示外呼三合一液晶显示外呼三合一并联液晶显示轿内含RS5点阵显示(带壳)轿内含RS5点阵显示轿内含RS5液晶显示消防联动板关联板SOM-II通力轿厢板西威变频器操纵面板OTIS三相交流保护继电器奥的斯霍尔开关蒂森超薄按钮机房母机东芝应急电源24V西子奥的斯按钮接触器继电器扶梯光电传感器奥的斯电梯HL-30-EB滤波器西尔康变频门刀上海江燕板子新时达一代万能操作器无锡中锈外呼板沈阳三洋G02芯片刨刀莫纳克操作器3000聚胺脂缓冲器迅达扶梯压带轮(铁)西尔康三角锁东芝老外呼板已停产HIB-100A上海富士SM-04-VRF松下(申菱)门下变频器AAD03011D 新时达SM-01-F主板国产西尔康门机变频器RCF1。
PHD, Inc. 零件停止、定位、抬升应用系列商品介绍说明书
PD01CPDG, pdk, pllPD01C(800) 624-8511/clamps© Copyright 009, by PHD, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the U.S.A .ORDERING DATA: SERIES PDG DISAPPEARING GAGEINDEX:Series PDG Gage Ordering Data PageBenefits Page 3Dimensions Page 4Engineering Data Page 5Parts List & Repair Kits Page 6Application Example Page 7Series PDK CrowderOrdering Data Page 8Benefits Page 9Dimensions Page 10Engineering Data Page 11Parts List & Repair Kits Page 1Application Example Page 13Series PLL LifterOrdering Data Page 14Benefits Page 15Dimensions Page 16Engineering Data Page 17Parts List & Repair Kits Page 18Application Example Page 19Series PDG, PDK, & PLL OptionsPages 19 & 03(800) 624-8511/clampsPD01CBENEFITS: SERIES PDG DISAPPEARING GAGEBENEFITS■ Simple design, compact size, long life and the ability to absorbhigh impact forces make this gage ideal for part stopping and locating.■ ISO/VDMA cylinder is standard with adjustable cushions(reducing shock to unit) and magnetic piston for switches to provide end of stroke signal to controllers.■ Built-in rod compliance eliminates side load on cylinderpiston rod which increases cylinder life.■ Hardened steel impact plate for durability.■ Unique energy absorbing, self-lubricating bearings supportthe impact bar, reducing bearing noise and increasing stopping capacity.■ Low cost of ownership ■ 4 hour deliveryPD01C4(800) 624-8511/clampsDIMENSIONS: SERIES PDG DISAPPEARING GAGE1[](R E T R A C T E D )N O T E S :1) A L L D I M E N S I O N S A R E R E F E R E N C E O N L Y U N L E S S S P E C I F I C A L L Y T O L E R A N C E D ) N U M B E R S I N [ ] A R E F O R M E T R I C N U M B E R S A N D A R E I N m m5(800) 624-8511/clampsPD01CENGINEERING DATA: SERIES PDG DISAPPEARING GAGEPRESSURE RATINGS All Series PDG Gages have an operating pressure range of0 psi minimum to 150 psi maximum [1.4 to 10 bar].BREAKAWAYUnits have less than 0 psi breakaway with zero load.OPERATING TEMPERATURESeries PDG Gages are designed for use in temperaturesbetween - 0° to 1 0°F [- 9° to 49°C]. For temperatures outside this range, consult PHD.SEALSSeries PDG Gages utilize Nitrile seals which are compatible with standard paraffin-based lubrication oils used for pneumatic cylinders. For compatibility with other fluids, consult PHD.)The use of air lines greater than 1/4" will require the use of external flow controls.LUBRICATIONAll units are pre-lubricated at the factory for service undernormal operating conditions. Gages are designed and tested with non-lubricated air. However, the use of lubricated air will extend life. Periodically lubricating the guide bearings and thrust washers using oil will decrease wear and extend life.LIFE EXPECTANCYAll units have been designed for millions of cycles with minimal seal and bearing wear.IMPACT BAR CLEARANCEThe clearance between the impact bar assembly and its bearings is typically .0 5 in [.65 mm].IMPACT ENERGY CALCULATIONFor quick estimates, the Typical Gage Capacity chart shows the maximum weight one gage can stop. This chart assumes that the part is moving at 4 inches per second and that it impacts the gage at inches from the end of the impact bar. For specific applications, calculate the kinetic energy and use the Impact Energy Capacity graph. Use the weight of the panel and impact velocity to calculate the kinetic energy (KE). Next, determine the distance above the mounting surface that the panels impact the gage. Next, on the Impact Energy Capacity graph, plot the KE and the Impact Distance. If it is below the line, one gage is sufficient. If it is above the line, more than one gage is required to stop the part. To recalculate with two gages, divide the part weight by two and recalculate the KE. Replot on the graph to see if it is within the graph.Application Suggestions:• Keep the impact distance (L) as short as possible.• Keep the impact velocity of a panel as slow as possible.• Keep the gage close to the center of mass on the panel.• When using more than one gage, position themso they are impacted at the same time.Example:Panel Weight = 10 lb [44 N]Impact Velocity = 4 in/sec [.6 m/sec]Impact Distance = 4 in [10 mm]KE = 1/ x x VelocityKE = 1/ x x 4[.6 ] = 7.5 in-lb [.81 Nm]By plotting on the graph, at an impact distance of 4 in [10 mm], one gage can handle approximately 1 in-lb [1.4 Nm] of KE. For this application, one gage would be required to adequately stop the panel.Panel Weight386.4 [98]10 [44]386.4 [98][76][102][127][152][178][203][229]K I N E T I C E N E R G Y K e (i n -lb ) [N m ]IMPACT DISTANCE L (in) [mm]PD01C6(800) 624-8511/clampsPARTS LIST & REPAIR KITS: SERIES PDG DISAPPEARING GAGE80 mm (-080)100 mm (-100)1 5 mm (-1 5)160 mm (-160) 00 mm (- 00)ORDERING EXAMPLE:Replacement Cylinder Only = PDG4-5x100-H4Replacement Gage Without Cylinder = PDG4-5x100-H17(800) 624-8511/clampsPD01CThe Series PDG Gage provides an ideal solution for sheet panel stopping and positioning. During use, the sheet metal panels are fed down a ramp and impact the extended PDG Gages. Once stopped, the Series GRM Clamps grab the panel. The PDG Gages then retract and allow the gripped panel to be positioned over the die. The PDG Gages are rugged and can withstand high amounts of impact energy without damaging the piston rod of the cylinder.APPLICATION EXAMPLE: SERIES PDG DISAPPEARING GAGEPD01C8(800) 624-8511/clampsORDERING DATA: SERIES PDK CROWDER9(800) 624-8511/clampsPD01CBENEFITS■ Simple design, compact size, rugged design, and theability to absorb high impact forces make this crowder ideal for pushing parts into location.■ Drop in replacement for GM Standard 1363A.■ ISO/VDMA cylinder is standard with adjustable cushions(reducing shock to unit) and magnetic piston forswitches to provide end of stroke signal to controllers.■ Built-in rod compliance eliminates side load on cylinderpiston rod which increases cylinder life.■ Unique self-lubricating energy absorbing bearings aretolerant of dirt. Support the guide bar and flex to protect the crowder during overload conditions.■ The tool plate, guide bar, and bearing are designed witha .06 inch gap to protect the crowder from damage if a panel is crushed over the tool plate.■ Low cost of ownership ■ 4 hour deliveryBENEFITS: SERIES PDK CROWDERPD01C10(800) 624-8511/clampsDIMENSIONS: SERIES PDK CROWDERG T H D ]N O T E S :1)A L L D I M E N S I O N S A R E R E F E R E N C E O N L Y U N L E S S S P E C I F I C A L L Y T O L E R A N C E D )N U M B E R S I N [ ] A R E F O R M E T R I C N U M B E R S A N D A R E I N m m 3)P D K 4-5 x S T R O K E - 1363A = 3/8-16 T H R E A D S I N T O O L P L A T E4[111(800) 624-8511/clampsPD01C)The use of air lines greater than 1/4" will require the use of external flow controls.PRESSURE RATINGS All Series PDK Crowders have an operating pressure range of0 psi minimum to 150 psi maximum [1.4 to 10 bar].BREAKAWAYUnits have less than 0 psi breakaway with zero load.OPERATING TEMPERATURESeries PDK Crowders are designed for use in temperatures between - 0° to 1 0°F [- 9° to 49°C]. For temperatures outside this range, consult PHD.SEALSSeries PDK Crowders utilize Nitrile seals which are compatible with standard paraffin-based lubrication oils used for pneumatic cylinders. For compatibility with other fluids, consult PHD.LUBRICATIONAll units are pre-lubricated at the factory for service undernormal operating conditions. Crowders are designed and tested with non-lubricated air. However, the use of lubricated air will extend life. Periodically lubricating the guide bearings and thrust washers using oil will decrease wear and extend life.LIFE EXPECTANCYAll units have been designed for millions of cycles with minimal seal and bearing wear.IMPACT BAR CLEARANCEThe clearance between the impact bar assembly and its bearings is typically .006 in [.15 mm].ENGINEERING DATA:SERIES PDK CROWDEROVERLOADSThe PDK Crowders contain a self-lubricating bearing that flexes during overload conditions. Occasionally, blanks are misloaded and extend out of the die, over crowders as the press cycles. Large forces are applied as the panel is deformed over the crowder and its tooling. Normal crowders are overloaded and damaged when the guide bar and tool plate to deflect .06 inches and contact the support surface, which carries any additional loads. When the press cycles up, and the overload is removed, the bearing, guide bar and tool plate return to normal position, ready for service.PD01C1(800) 624-8511/clampsPARTS LIST & REPAIR KITS: SERIES PDK CROWDER75 mm (-075)80 mm (-080)100 mm (-100)1 5 mm (-1 5)150 mm (-150)160 mm (-160) 00 mm (- 00)ORDERING EXAMPLE:Replacement Cylinder Only = PDK4-5x100-H4Replacement Crowder Without Cylinder = PDK4-5x100-H113(800) 624-8511/clampsPD01CAPPLICATION EXAMPLE: SERIES PDK CROWDERThe Series PDK Crowder provides an ideal solution for pushing sheet metal panels into location. During use, the panels are fed down a ramp and stopped by gages. The PDK Crowders thenextend, pushing the panel up against the gages or hard stops. OncePD01C14(800) 624-8511/clampsORDERING DATA: SERIES PLL LITE LIFTER15(800) 624-8511/clampsPD01CBENEFITS■ Simple design, compact size, long life, and the ability toabsorb high impact forces make this lifter ideal for lifting panels out of dies.■ Drop-in replacement for GM Standard 1363■ ISO/VDMA cylinder is standard with adjustable cushions(reducing shock to unit) and magnetic piston for switches to provide end of stroke signal to controllers.■ Built-in rod compliance eliminates side load on cylinderpiston rod which increases cylinder life.■ Unique energy absorbing, self-lubricating bearings supportthe guide and provide long life.■ Low cost of ownership ■ 4 hour deliveryBENEFITS: SERIES PLL LITE LIFTERPD01C16(800) 624-8511/clampsDIMENSIONS: SERIES PLL LITE LIFTERT H D ][[N O T E S :1) A L L D I M E N S I O N S A R E R E F E R E N C E O N L Y U N L E S S S P E C I F I C A L L Y T O L E R A N C E D ) N U M B E R S I N [ ] A R E F O R M E T R I C N U M B E R S A N D A R E I N m m 3) P L L 4-5 x S T R O K E - 1363 = 3/8-16 T H R E A D S I N T O O L P L A T E17(800) 624-8511/clampsPD01CPRESSURE RATINGS All Series PLL Lifters have an operating pressure range of0 psi minimum to 150 psi maximum [1.4 to 10 bar].BREAKAWAYUnits have less than 0 psi breakaway with zero load.OPERATING TEMPERATURESeries PLL Lifters are designed for use in temperaturesbetween - 0° to 1 0°F [- 9° to 49°C]. For temperatures outside this range, consult PHD.SEALSSeries PLL Lifters utilize Nitrile seals which are compatible with standard paraffin-based lubrication oils used for pneumatic cylinders. For compatibility with other fluids, consult PHD.LUBRICATIONAll units are pre-lubricated at the factory for service undernormal operating conditions. Lifters are designed and tested with non-lubricated air. However, the use of lubricated air will extend life. Periodically lubricating the guide bearings and thrust washers using oil will decrease wear and extend life.LIFE EXPECTANCYAll units have been designed for millions of cycles with minimal seal and bearing wear.IMPACT BAR CLEARANCEThe clearance between the guide bar assembly and its bearings is typically .006 in [.15 mm].ENGINEERING DATA: SERIES PLL LITE LIFTER)The use of air lines greater than 1/4" will require the use of external flow controls.DEFINITION OF TERMSMaximum off-center overhang distance: The maximum distance to the “maximum off-center load” orthe maximum length of tooling that should be attached to the tool plate. This distance is measured as shown below.Maximum off-center load: The maximum load of panel and cradle (tooling) that is notbalanced.Maximum lifter cradle assembly load: The maximum load of panel and cradle (tooling) that can beattached.When designing the cradle or tooling, keep it short, light, and as balanced as possible. If the press is used to drive the Series PLL Lifter down, it’s force should be centered over the tool plate as shown. Speed controls are always recommended.PD01C18(800) 624-8511/clampsPARTS LIST & REPAIR KITS: SERIES PLL LITE LIFTER19(800) 624-8511/clampsPD01CAPPLICATION EXAMPLE: SERIES PLL LITE LIFTERPORT FITTING - SWIVEL ELBOWS FOR 1/4" TUBING PORT FITTING - SWIVEL ELBOWS FOR 3/8" TUBING PORT FITTING - SWIVEL ELBOWS FOR 8 mm TUBINGFITTING MAY SWIVEL 360Both fittings insert into the G 1/4 ports in the cylinder. Both fittings swivel 360 degrees. The use of PF0 and PF03 port fittings may require external flow controls.PD01COPTIONS: SERIES PDG, PDK, & PLLONE REED SWITCH INSTALLEDTWO REED SWITCHES INSTALLEDONE HALL EFFECT SWITCH (PNP) INSTALLEDTWO HALL EFFECT SWITCHES (PNP) INSTALLEDONE HALL EFFECT SWITCH (NPN) INSTALLEDTWO HALL EFFECT SWITCHES (NPN) INSTALLEDLOADDC PNP (SOURCING)-DC+DCS W I T C HBLUEBROWNLOADBROWNBLUE S W I T C H+DC-DCDC NPN (SINKING)BROWNBLUES WI T C HLINENEUTRALACLOADDC NPN (SINKING)DC PNP (SOURCING)NOTES:1)ALL DIMENSIONS ARE REFERENCE ONLY UNLESS SPECIFICALLY TOLERANCED)ONLY ONE SWITCH AND BRACKET ASSEMBLY SHOWN ON GAGE FOR CLARITY PURPOSES.FASTENING BRACKETSwitches and switch brackets are installed on the cylinder as shown with SWx options. Replacement switches and switch brackets can be ordered. A switch bracket kit contains one switch bracket. A switch kit contains one switch.qty-I /09 7849PHD, Inc.9009 Clubridge DriveP .O. Box 9070, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46899 U.S.A.Phone (260) 747-6151 • Fax (260) •******************PHDinEurope GmbH Arnold-Sommerfeld-Ring 252499 Baesweiler, GermanyTel. +49 (0)2401 805 230 • Fax +49 (0)2401 805 232•*******************。
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铁钻工V ARCO TDS-11SA 资料:范工189 **** **** 知识q:149 4510 698TDS-8SA型顶驱配件TDS-9SA型顶驱配件TDS-10SA型顶驱配件TDS-11SA型顶驱配件IDS-4A型顶驱配件TDS-4S型顶驱配件TDS-4H型顶驱配件TDS-1000顶驱配件大钳牙板 VARCO 16402-6 VARCO 110022-1BVARCO 114869-SL-BLK VARCO 110022-1RVARCO 119561-SLVARCO 119561-PFVARCO 119561-PLVARCO 110022-1WVARCO 114869-PL-WHTVARCO 114869-PL-REDVARCO 114729-SL-676-18VARCO 114869-PL-BLKVARCO 114869-SL-WHTVARCO 114729-SL-676-20钻机顶驱装置配件 TDS-11SA 接头 56529-10-8-S钻机顶驱装置配件 TDS-11SA 接头体 940315-20钻机顶驱装置配件 TDS-11SA 三通 56706-12-S钻机顶驱装置配件 TDS-11SA O型密封圈 56530-12-12S钻机顶驱装置配件 VARCO TDS-11SA T型接头 56162-4-4-S 钻机顶驱装置配件 TDS-11SA O型密封圈 56555-4-4-S钻机顶驱装置配件 VARCO 11SA 三通 56706-8-S 美国NOV公司钻机顶驱装置配件 TDS-11SA O型密封圈 56555-6-6-S钻机顶驱装置配件 TDS-11SA 三通 56161-12-S钻机顶驱装置配件 TDS-11SA 弯头 56524-4-4-S钻机顶驱装置配件 VARCO 11SA 弯头 55506-8-6-S钻机顶驱装置配件 VARCO 11SA 弯头 55506-12-12S钻机顶驱装置配件 VARCO 11SA 弯头 55506-12-12S钻机顶驱装置配件 TDS-11SA 弯头 56506-16-16S钻机顶驱装置配件 TDS-11SA O型密封圈 56519-12-12S钻机顶驱装置配件 TDS-11SA 弯头 56519-4-6-S钻机顶驱装置配件 TDS-11SA 弯头 56519-4-6-S钻机顶驱装置配件 TDS-11SA 弯头 56519-6-4-S钻机顶驱装置配件 TDS-11SA O型密封圈 56519-4-4-S钻机顶驱装置配件 TDS-11SA 弯头 56519-12-12-S钻机顶驱装置配件 TDS-11SA 弯头 56519-10-8-S钻机顶驱装置配件 TDS-11SA 弯头 56519-10-12-S钻机顶驱装置配件 TDS-11SA 按钮 30087708-02常见的华高型号:30182002-50030182002-50130182002-503 30111013-KIT 30111013-4 30176000-3 30175768-1 30173887-500 91138 110853 91786-604 91786-605 59024P170028 59024P170026 59046P23E054 59024P230022 59044P170068 59044P170062 59044P230020 59044P170020 59044P170019 59044P170025 59045P230042 59024P370121 19377-8 59044P080056 59044P290122 59026P23A062 59026P23A072 59026P230060 59044P08G019 59024P360023 59024P230036 59144P290069 20007726 20007725+20 1700001 1700002 20035367+20 20039454+20 20039455+20 1112941 1505006 7817170M291296026 M2912960257806002 30160214-1 30154120 3018212171613-1 30151206 30151204-1 30153304 30180819 30160574-1 980547161398005-13 109858-1EN 92537-E-216 94817-4AN 30184446-C3E 16401-6130358-RV1 94537-230N 30181781-3EN 30154047-A4N 94521-PMN 94522-1SN 94537-130NP854000031-19XN 112802-10 94537-130N 93548-1S30NP854000031-19XN 53201+5053202780513798400 30176284 121685-M20M20 30183573-004-C 30183573-005-C 30183573-006-C 30183573-006-SP 30183573-008-C 30183573-009-C 30183573-010-C 30183573-012-C30183573-M04-C 30183573-M05-C 30183573-M06-C 30183573-M10-C 30183573-M10-SP 30183573-M12-C 30183573-M18-C 30183573-M20-C 30183573-M24-C 30183573-M35-C 53008-04-04-S 53008-04-06-C 53008-06-08-S 782848806 56519-10-12S 56519-12-12S 56519-12-16S 56519-12-6-S 56519-12-8-S 56519-16-12S 56519-20-20S 56519-4-6-S 56519-6-6-S 56519-6-8-S 56519-8-6-S 56519-8-8-S 56521-8-6-S 56522-12-12S 56522-6-6-S 56524-2-4-S 56525-12-12S 56525-6-6-S 56525-8-8-S 56529-10-6-S 56529-10-8-S 56529-12-12S 56529-12-6-S 56529-16-16S 56529-4-4-S 56529-4-6-S 56529-6-4-S 56529-6-6-S 56529-8-4-S 56529-8-6-S56529-8-8-S 56530-6-6-S 56535-61-08 56535-61-16 56535-61-20 56541-1656541-2056541-3256541-4056541-856546-12-12S 56546-20-20S 56546-6-6-S 56546-8-8-S 56549-4-4-S 56552-4-S56555-6-S56556-8-6-S 56557-12-12S 56557-6-6-S 56561-6-6-S 56571-4-12 87196-10-S 87196-12-S 87196-16-S 87196-24-S 87196-2-S87196-4-S87196-5-S87196-6-S87196-8-S93019-1393667-M11M364000617P364000009-06-06 P364000009-08-08 P364000009-12-12 P364000031-06-06 P764000008-06-06 P764000010-06-06 P764000010-16-16 M854000300M854000300-001 M854000300-003112802-10109858-4AN109858-1BNM854000306-20-20 M854000306-16-16 M854000306-10-08 P854000108-06M08 56522-8-8-SM364000484 30176410-2YNP854000031-13PNP854000067-1AN3000 94536-130N110844-3894042-15P364000009-12-12 P854000074-12-12 94537-230N81788+30 30154047-F4N010P854000074-16-16 P854000074-08-08-S 30184105-3ENP854000097-3DNP854000084-3FN 94538-PXNO-5 94522-1DN93548-2S30N93547-3B30N 59000319-2A806 30154047-F4N010 94521-1BN 30176410-3YN 56530-12-8-S 56546-12-12S 56546-4-4-S97631-1EN93018-12131733-2N98006-22N131733-E294521-1BN56529-10-6-SM854000305-06F08M854000305-06M08 M854000305-08F08 M854000306-08-08 M854000306-10-08 93548-2S30N 117851-1KHN94521-PNN94041-10P854000070-105P854000067-1AN1000 30184401-P4NM854000305-04M06 M854000306-06-06 3018325451300-210-B51300-214-B53201+5056530-6-6-S56556-8-6-S56557-4-4-S56557-6-4-S56557-8-8-S87196-2-S87196-4-S87196-6-S87196-8-S87196-10-S87196-12-S87196-16-S87196-20-S87196-24-S93024-4SAE93024-6SAE263353250-253500-1187566394518-19JN97072-4119002-03119002-04119002-04-OH 119002-06-OH 131733-2N。
华普特自动道闸 - 24伏特型号 HPT-BBB-240 产品说明书
Item Description:The brushless DC barrier gate uses the latest developed barrier gate movement. The movement adopts a large reduction ratio transmission structure to make the movement more compact.More practical. Designed and manufactured by adopting the latest international technology, it has realized the automation and intelligence of the operation of the barrier gate; at the same time, the original clutch device and balance device have been added, which is the barrier operationThe operation is more stable and reliable, and the use is more convenient and safer. Unique manual clutch device, manual and quick start after power failure; three buttons are controlled by lever up, lever down and stop, withThere is a switch and stop control signal; it supports external and built-in ground sense; low temperature self-adaptation makes the operation of the barrier more stable and reliable, and it is more convenient and safer house.Key Features:◆The Overall Apprearance design of the barrier is novel, both beautiful and generous◆The road pole adopts a fully moulded design and at the same time uses aliminum alloy metalwhich is not rusty and corrosion resistant◆Using the latest developed brushless DC movement stable operation and long service life◆The Chassis is made of steel plate treated by a special process and the surface is coated withBlack or Orange high grate automotive paint which not only prevents corrosion but also prevents fading due to ultraviolet radiation◆The Landing speed is adjustable for 1.5 – 6 Seconds◆When the power fails the hand lifts the lever the call is automatically reset◆Return in case of resistance (Strength can be adjusted)◆Delayed rod drop function◆Built in delay automatic closing function◆Remote Control Device: Wireless remote control operation can be realized and the effectivecontrol distance is not less than 25m◆Anti Smarshing Car Function: After the induction coil is embedded when the vehicle is underthe blocking lever, the blocking level will never drop thus avoiding accidentsTechnical SpecificationsStructure:Installation layout:1.Display (Mainly display the license plate number of Passing Vehicles)2.License Plate Recognition Camera3.Turn Stile4.Gate Pole5.Ground Induction coil of Gate (Automatically close the gate after vehicle passes)Barrier foundation DiagramBarrier Base Foundation Diagram。
台 19277.7
AVO变频器-SIEI OH5100专用
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AVO变频器-SIEI OH5100专用
台 7685.1
84 XAA622Q1
只 7887.4
85 XAA622Q2
22 GHA21270A1
24 JAA26807BAR001
25 AFA26800UD1
26 AFA26800UD2
27 AFA26800UD3
28 GCA26800KF10
29 GCA26800KF20
124 XAA638S6
1 AAA26800SG1
2 AAA23570AAB003
3 ABA26800GW4
4 ABA26800XU1
5 ABA26800XU2
6 ABA26800XU5
7958.8 1007.4 30.7 6931.4 1352.6 78.6 2855.3 3852.3 3594.4
41 ABA26800SY1 42 B9693AE1 43 GAA26800AL2
XAA610AH1 44 GFA23550D1 45 GEA25005B1 46 GDA25005C20 47 XAA20351C001 48 XAA616AP1 49 XAA616AP2 50 XAA616BR1 51 XAA610AB2 52 XAA610AB1 53 XAA616AJ1 54 XAA616Z1
海华 HAWA 滑动门螺纹杆 80 2 - 80 3 - 40 4 商品说明书
18Ferrure pour le coulissement simultané de 4 portes pesant jusqu’à 40 kg ou de 2–3 portes pesant jusqu’à 80 kg par vantail.L a f e r r u r eLorsqu’elles sont utilisées en combinaison avec la technique éprouvée HAWA-Junior 80/Z et la ferrure HAWA-Telescopic 80/2 ou 80/3, il est possible de déplacer simultanément deux ou trois portes vers la gauche ou vers la droite. Le modèle équipé de la garniture HAWA- Telescopic 40/4 permet en outre l’ouverture simultanée de 2 portes coulissantes vers la gauche et vers la droite.D o n n ée s s p éc i f i q u e sH A W A -Te l e s c o p i c 80/2 – 80/3 – 40/4• poids maximum par porte 80/2, 80/3 : 80 kg • largeur de porte 80/2, 80/3 : 500–1200 mm • épaisseur de porte 80/2 : 32–47 mm • épaisseur de porte 80/3 : 40–47 mm • poids maximum par porte 40/4 : 40 kg • largeur de porte 40/4 : 500–800 mm • épaisseur de porte 40/4 : 40–47 mm• présente toutes les qualités des produits HAWA-Junior 80/Z • ouverture télescopique de 2–3 portes coulissantes • ouverture symétrique de 4 portes coulissantes • permet de grandes ouvertures• des courroies dentées renforcées par fibre de verre assurent unegrande résistance à la rupture avec une extension minimale2 vantaux: STB =(2 x P) + LMB23 vantaux: STB =(3 x P) + LMB3Sous réserve de modifications techniques.19Garniture partielle no 20657 pour HAWA-Telescopic 80/2 (2 vantaux)Garniture partielle no 20765 pour HAWA-Telescopic 80/3 (3 vantaux)Garniture partielle no 20658 pour HAWA-Telescopic 40/4 (4 vantaux)A p r éc i se r à l a c o m m a n d e• nombre et types de garnitures partielles • nombre de garnitures HAWA-Junior 80/Z •longueurs des rails de roulementP l a n i f i c a t i o n /e x éc u t i o nPour la planification et l’exécution, veuillez utiliser les instructions de montage suivantes:• HAWA-Telescopic 80/2 no 23167 • HAWA-Telescopic 80/3 no 23168 • HAWA-Telescopic 40/4 no 23169 (→ www.hawa.ch → HAWA-Productfinder)。
Oetiker ToothLock 低高度钳件 292 产品说明书
Technical Data SheetToothLock® Low Profile Clamp292Tooth Lock®Cross Tech®Step Less®ToothLock ® Low Profile Clamp292ToothLock ® technology: very high and permanent compression, superior radial load performance, highly pressure and expansion resistantCrossTech ®: ultra low profile design, very low imbalance on rotating partsStepLess ®: uniform compression, powerful all-round seal, withstands thermal stress, shock- and vibration-resistant Burr-free strip edges: reduced risk of damage to parts being clamped Pre-retaining cup: visual clamp closure verificationAssembly-friendly and reliable: extended diameter range, time-saving and process reliable assemblyto withstand thermal stress. The ToothLock ® is designed as a self-locking mechanism that provides superior performance. With its multiple tooth-locking positions, it compensates for com-ponent tolerances.CrossTech ®The innovative CrossTech ® feature is highly space-efficient and provides an ultra low profile design for a very low imbalance on rotating parts.Tensioning HooksThe tensioning hooks are the features used to close the Tooth-Lock ® Low Profile Clamp. An Oetiker assembly tool engages both tensioning hooks, and reduces the clamp diameter until the pre-defined closing force is reached.Clamp SelectionToothLock ® Low Profile Clamp sizes are determined using the largest and smallest diameter in the working range. Ideally the compressed diameter of the parts being damped should be in the middle of the working range.Target applicationsDrive shafts (CVJ boots made from TPE)Other applications upon verification by Oetiker MaterialStainless Steel, material no. 1.4301/UNS S30400Corrosion resistance according to DIN EN ISO 9227≥ 1000 hours Size rangewidth x thickness 57.5 – 120.5 mm10.0 x 1.0 mmSizesDiameter graduation 0.5 mmSome sizes are only available if an appropriate minimum quantity is ordered.ToothLock ®Interlocked with its teeth, the distinctive ToothLock ® feature offers extremely high and permanent compression rates and outstanding expansion resistance – strong enough for the toughest connec-tions. It also resists shock and vibration and helps the clampTensioning hookCrossTech ®Tensioning hook ToothLock ® technologylow profile designPre-retaining cupStepLess ®tongue-in-groove designToothLock ® technology Pre-retaining hookTooth Lock Cross Tech Step LessItem No. Ref. No. Delivery-Ø (mm)29200124 0885-1010R 92.729200126 0890-1010R 93.229200128 0895-1010R 93.729200130 0900-1010R 94.229200132 0905-1010R 94.729200134 0910-1010R 95.229200136 0915-1010R 95.729200138 0920-1010R 96.229200140 0925-1010R 96.729200142 0930-1010R 97.229200144 0935-1010R 97.729200146 0940-1010R 98.229200148 0945-1010R 98.729200150 0950-1010R 99.229200152 0955-1010R 99.729200154 0960-1010R 100.229200156 0965-1010R 100.729200158 0970-1010R 101.229200160 0975-1010R 101.729200162 0980-1010R 102.229200164 0985-1010R 102.729200166 0990-1010R 103.229200168 0995-1010R 103.729200170 1000-1010R 104.229200172 1005-1010R 104.729200174 1010-1010R 105.229200176 1015-1010R 105.729200178 1020-1010R 106.229200180 1025-1010R 106.729200182 1030-1010R 107.229200184 1035-1010R 107.729200186 1040-1010R 108.229200188 1045-1010R 108.729200190 1050-1010R 109.229200192 1055-1010R 109.729200194 1060-1010R 110.229200196 1065-1010R 110.729200198 1070-1010R 111.229200200 1075-1010R 111.729200202 1080-1010R 112.229200204 1085-1010R 112.729200206 1090-1010R 113.229200208 1095-1010R 113.729200210 1100-1010R 114.229200212 1105-1010R 114.729200214 1110-1010R 115.229200216 1115-1010R 115.729200218 1120-1010R 116.229200220 1125-1010R 116.729200222 1130-1010R 117.229200224 1135-1010R 117.729200226 1140-1010R 118.229200228 1145-1010R 118.729200230 1150-1010R 119.229200232 1155-1010R 119.729200234 1160-1010R 120.229200236 1165-1010R 120.729200238 1170-1010R 121.229200240 1175-1010R 121.729200242 1180-1010R 122.2* Min.-Ø = Nominal-Ø diameter marked on clampWorking range (mm)Min.-Ø* Max.-Ø 88.5 – 91 89 – 91.5 89.5 – 92 90 – 92.5 90.5 – 93 91 – 93.5 91.5 – 94 92 – 94.5 92.5 – 95 93 – 95.5 93.5 – 96 94 – 96.5 94.5 – 97 95 – 97.5 95.5 – 98 96 – 98.5 96.5 – 99 97 – 99.5 97.5 – 100 98 – 100.5 98.5 – 101 99 – 101.5 99.5 – 102 100 – 102.5100.5 – 103 101 – 103.5101.5 – 104 102 – 104.5102.5 – 105 103 – 105.5103.5 – 106 104 – 106.5104.5 – 107 105 – 107.5105.5 – 108 106 – 108.5106.5 – 109 107 – 109.5107.5 – 110 108 – 110.5108.5 – 111 109 – 111.5109.5 – 112 110 – 112.5110.5 – 113 111 – 113.5111.5 – 114 112 – 114.5112.5 – 115 113 – 115.5113.5 – 116 114 – 116.5114.5 – 117 115 – 117.5115.5 – 118 116 – 118.5116.5 – 119 117 – 119.5117.5 – 120 118 – 120.5Order information 292Item No. Ref. No.Delivery-Ø(mm)29200000 0575-1010R 61.729200002 0580-1010R 62.229200004 0585-1010R 62.729200006 0590-1010R 63.229200008 0595-1010R 63.729200010 0600-1010R 64.229200012 0605-1010R 64.729200014 0610-1010R 65.229200016 0615-1010R 65.729200018 0620-1010R 66.229200020 0625-1010R 66.729200022 0630-1010R 67.229200024 0635-1010R 67.729200026 0640-1010R 68.229200028 0645-1010R 68.729200030 0650-1010R 69.229200032 0655-1010R 69.729200034 0660-1010R 70.229200036 0665-1010R 70.729200038 0670-1010R 71.229200040 0675-1010R 71.729200042 0680-1010R 72.229200044 0685-1010R 72.729200046 0690-1010R 73.229200048 0695-1010R 73.729200050 0700-1010R 74.229200052 0705-1010R 74.729200054 0710-1010R 75.229200056 0715-1010R 75.729200058 0720-1010R 76.229200060 0725-1010R 76.729200062 0730-1010R 77.229200064 0735-1010R 77.729200066 0740-1010R 78.229200068 0745-1010R 78.729200070 0750-1010R 79.229200072 0755-1010R 79.729200074 0760-1010R 80.229200076 0765-1010R 80.729200078 0770-1010R 81.229200080 0775-1010R 81.729200082 0780-1010R 82.229200084 0785-1010R 82.729200086 0790-1010R 83.229200088 0795-1010R 83.729200090 0800-1010R 84.229200092 0805-1010R 84.729200094 0810-1010R 85.229200096 0815-1010R 85.729200098 0820-1010R 86.229200100 0825-1010R 86.729200102 0830-1010R 87.229200104 0835-1010R 87.729200106 0840-1010R 88.229200108 0845-1010R 88.729200110 0850-1010R 89.229200112 0855-1010R 89.729200114 0860-1010R 90.229200116 0865-1010R 90.729200118 0870-1010R 91.229200120 0875-1010R 91.729200122 0880-1010R92.2Working range (mm)Min.-Ø* Max.-Ø 57.5 – 60 58 – 60.5 58.5 – 61 59 – 61.5 59.5 – 62 60 – 62.5 60.5 – 63 61 – 63.5 61.5 – 64 62 – 64.5 62.5 – 65 63 – 65.5 63.5 – 66 64 – 66.5 64.5 – 67 65 – 67.5 65.5 – 68 66 – 68.5 66.5 – 69 67 – 69.5 67.5 – 70 68 – 70.5 68.5 – 71 69 – 71.5 69.5 – 72 70 – 72.5 70.5 – 73 71 – 73.5 71.5 – 74 72 – 74.5 72.5 – 75 73 – 75.5 73.5 – 76 74 – 76.5 74.5 – 77 75 – 77.5 75.5 – 78 76 – 78.5 76.5 – 79 77 – 79.5 77.5 – 80 78 – 80.5 78.5 – 81 79 – 81.5 79.5 – 82 80 – 82.5 80.5 – 83 81 – 83.5 81.5 – 84 82 – 84.5 82.5 – 85 83 – 85.5 83.5 – 86 84 – 86.5 84.5 – 87 85 – 87.5 85.5 – 88 86 – 88.5 86.5 – 89 87 – 89.5 87.5 – 90 88 – 90.5To close a clamp, the pincer jaws must be engaged with both tensioning hooks. By operating either the ELK 02 or closing themanual pincer, the simultaneous movement of the two tensioning hooks reduces the diameter of the ToothLock ® Low Profile Clamp.Rotation diameterThe rotation diameter (RD) of an assembled clamp can be a critical design parameter for applications that rotate in close proximity to adjacent components.RD = closed inside diameter + 8.7 mmR DInstallation data Material Size range Maximum dimensionclosing force 10 x 1.0 mm57.5 – 120.5 mm3900 NImportant noteThe closing force is intended as a guide, which may vary depending on the type and tolerances of parts being clamped. To ensure optimum clamp selection, we recommend conducting functional tests with several assemblies.Tensioning hooksForce-monitored: Electronically controlled HO 5000 ELT w/o pincer head Item No. 13900339HO 5000 EL w/o pincer headItem No. 13900234Pincer head HO-10.5-32.3-77° EL Item No. 13900847Replacement-jaw kit Item No. 13900848Calibration setItem No. 13900942Assembly ToolsManualClamping tool 292 Item No. 14100378Torque wrenchItem No. 14100098Clamping Tool with Torque WrenchThe Oetiker Group: Headquarters SwitzerlandHans Oetiker AGMaschinen- und Apparatefabrik Oberdorfstrasse 21CH-8810 Horgen (Zürich)T +41 44 728 55 55***************.comAustriaHans OetikerMaschinen- und Apparatebau Ges.m.b.H.Eduard-Klinger-Strasse 19A-3423 St. Andrä-WördernT +43 2242 33 994-0***************.comBrazilOetiker do Brasil Imp. e Com. Ltda. Av. Hugo Fumagali, nr. 586 - Sala B 07220-080 Cid. Industrial Satélite Guarulhos (SP)T +55 11 2303 7486***************.comCanadaOetiker Limited203 Dufferin Street SouthP. O. Box 5500Alliston, Ontario L9R 1W7T +1 705 435 4394***************.comP. R. ChinaOetiker Industries (Tianjin) Ltd. No. 9, Tongda RoadBeichen DistrictTianjin 300405T +86 22 2697 1183***************.comCzech RepublicHans Oetiker spol. s r. o.Vídenˇská 116CZ-37833 Nová BystrˇiceT +420 384 386513***************.comFranceOetiker SarlParc d’activités du Bel Air1, rue Charles Cordier77164 Ferrières-en-BrieT +33 1 79 74 10 90***************.com GermanyHans OetikerMetallwaren- & Apparatefabrik GmbHÜsenbergerstrasse 13D-79346 Endingen a. K.T +49 76 42 6 84-0***************.comKurt Allert GmbH & Co. KGPostfach 1160Austrasse 36D-78727 Oberndorf a. N.T +49 74 23 87 70-0*******************.comHong KongOetiker Far East Limited701 Kwong Kin Trade Center5 Kin Fat StreetTuen Mun, N.T.T +852 2459 8211***************.comHungaryOetiker Hungaria KFTVasvári P. U. 11H-9800 VasvárT +36 94 370 630***************.comIndiaOetiker India Private Ltd.N-14, Additional PatalgangaIndustrial AreaVillage Chavane, KhalapurRasayani 410207Dist. Raigad, MaharastraT +91 77200 15261 to 64***************.comJapanOetiker Japan Co. Ltd.Kaneko Bldg. A5-3-5 Nakamachi-dai, Tsuzuki-kuYokohama 224-0041, KanagawaT +81 45 949 3151***************.comMexicoOetiker Servicios S de RL de CVAve. José María Pino Suárez 853 Nte.Col. Centro, CP 64000Monterrey, Nuevo LeónT +52 81 8390 0237***************.comNetherlandsOetiker Benelux B. V.Hertzstraat 38NL-6716 BT EdeT +31 318 63 71 71***************.comSpainOetiker España, S. A.Pol. Ind. Las SalinasC/Puente, 18E-11500 El Puertode Santa María (Cádiz)T +34 956 86 04 40***************.comSouth KoreaOetiker Far East LimitedKorea Liaison OfficePostal Zip Code 135-8801401 LG Twintel 1-Cha 157-8Samseong 1-dongGangnam-gu, SeoulT +82 2 2191 6100***************.comUnited KingdomOetiker UK LimitedFoundry CloseGB-Horsham, Sussex RH13 5TXT +44 1403 26 04 78***************.comUSAOetiker, Inc.6317 Euclid StreetMarlette, Michigan 48453-0217T +1 989 635 3621800 959 0398 (toll-free)***************.com。
SHM-D数控操作机构订货技术规范书上海华明电力设备制造有限公司变压器设计人员姓名:电话:邮箱:传真:概述买方变压器用户变压器安装国家交货地点和时间变压器编号华明产品编号数量订单号和订货日期技术数据操作机构型号:SHM-D工作位置定义最大匝数位置()中间位置()最小匝数位置()升压是指朝着位置()方向操作名称常规供货特殊供货电源机构电源380V/50Hz 3AC/N415V () Hz 3AC/N400V () Hz 3AC/N 辅助回路手摇柄操作信号接点否一对常开接点分接变换未完成信号接点否一对常开常闭接点分接开关拒动指示否一对常开接点位置传输N/O 常开接点形式(一一对应位置信号) 否一对常开接点两对常开接点其它,请指出()BCD码位置信号否 1 组 2 组4-20mA位置信号模拟量否 1 组 2 组1-5V 位置信号模拟量否 1 组其它规范及要求机构箱铰链位置左(向左开门)右(向右开门)机构箱油漆颜色RAL7040其它要求请指出()铭牌及说明书全部中文特殊要求()机构箱门锁否是光纤长度(与控制器连接用) 60米其它()米变压器并联运行否是()台变压器并联运行有载分接开关在线净油装置否在线净油装置型号ZXJY-II ZXJY-III﹡SHM-D机构内标配电气元件:电机保护空开、门控手灯、电源插座;状态/告警信号:电源正常/故障信号、运行信号、极限信号、远控/就地信号、滤油机启动信号。
备注:注:请买方配合提供完整和正确的技术数据, 除特殊约定外,未填项我公司将按常规配置。
分接开关户内远方控制器订货技术规范上海华明电力设备制造有限公司概述买方变压器用户变压器安装国家交货地点和时间变压器编号华明产品编号数量订单号和订货日期技术数据远方控制器型号:SHM-K配用操作机构型号:SHM-D名称常规供货特殊供货电源控制器电源AC 220V±10% 50Hz AC()V()Hz DC()V主要技术数据和功能➢位置显示➢升、降、停手动操作按钮➢BCD编码位置信号输出,输出接点容量:DC220V,0.3A 或AC250V,5A➢与操作机构通过光纤通讯实现运行状态的实时记录➢RS485 和RS232输出(通讯规约Modbus)自动调压➢过电压报警和低电压闭锁()台变压器并机运行(最多12台)其它通讯规约( )备注:注:请买方配合提供完整和正确的技术数据, 除特殊约定外,未填项我公司将按常规配置。
编号 C003 C026
C076 C080 C081 C086 C093 C139
D004 D005 D008
D011 D023
D043 D044 D045 E003
E005 E006 E009
商品名称 儿童拔牙钳 双头粘 固粉 调刀 根管侧压针
E063 E076 E077 E093 E094 E098 E0104 E0106 E0107 E0108 E111 E112 E113 E114 E115 E117 E119 E120 E121 E131 E135
自凝牙 托粉 100g
自凝牙托水 500ml
超硬石膏 1.5kg
MINI 拔髓针 0 00 000
MANI 根 管 25#-40#
金钢砂磨头 大子弹头
金钢砂磨头 中子弹头
金钢砂磨头 小子弹头
卡瑞斯 玛树 4g
古莎酸蚀剂 2.5ml
古莎粘接剂 3ml
Gluma 脱敏 5ml
纳米流 动树 Z350 4/支
单价 145 22
银汞胶囊 800mg50*1
一次性 口腔
Crown ID60D-8和ID60DT高强度压缩驱动器产品说明书
General Product DescriptionThe ID60D-8 and ID60DT are heavy-duty compression drivers for use in high-power public address installations. The drivers employ rugged phenolic diaphragms, 2-inch diameter voice coils and “rim centered” ferrite magnet structures for long life and reliability under extreme operating conditions.A hinged cycolac rear housing for easy access and connection to a sound system, via a BX conduit connector, is provided together with a plug-in, field replaceable diaphragm assembly.The transformer model (ID60DT) includes connections for 25-V and 70-V distributed systems and a screwdriver operated power-tap select switch.The exterior is finished in durable, weatherproof paint, and all metal parts have been tropicalized for resistance to high humidity and fungus.Ideal for both indoor and outdoor applications, these drivers are well suited for any installation requiring rugged, high-power performance.Architects’ and Engineers’ SpecificationsThe loudspeaker(s) shall be of the compression-driver type utilizing a rugged phenolic diaphragm and a high-temperature rated, 2-in. diameter voice coil.The loudspeaker(s) shall exhibit essentially flat power response from 300 to 4,000 Hz with a smoothly rolled-off response beyond. Their sensitivity, when mounted on a PH horn, will be 108 dB (1 W/1 m) with a 500- to 5,000-Hz pink-noise signal applied.Specifications:Frequency Response: .............................................300 - 4,000 Hz ±5 dB (see Figure 2) Power Handling, 8 Hours, 6-dB Crest Factor: ...............................................60 watts (500-5,000 Hz pink noise) Impedance, Nominal:......................................................8 ohmsMinimum:7.5 ohms (Cobraflex Horns above 500 Hz)Sound Pressure Level at 1 Meter, 1 Watt Input Averaged, PinkNoise Band-Limited from 300-3,000 Hz: .....................................................................................See Table IVoice Coil Diameter:..........................................5.08 cm (2.0 in.)Magnet Weight:...................................................0.48 kg (1.06 lb)Magnet Material:................................................Strontium ferriteFlux Density:...............................................................1.17 TeslaConstruction:Rugged diecast housing with weatherproof finish for outdooruseMechanical Construction of Driver:1 3/8"-18 thread, 1/2 long allows the ID60 to be mounted onany University Sound horn.Dimensions:Diameter:.....................................................14.3 cm (5.6 in.)Height:..........................................................16.2 cm (6.4 in.)Net Weight:ID60D-8:..................................................2.7 kg (5.9 lb)ID60DT:.................................................. 3.4 kg (7.4 lb)Shipping Weight:D60D-8::..................................................2.9 kg (6.3 lb)ID60DT:.................................................. 3.6 kg (7.9 lb)Recommended Horns:Cobreflex IIB, Cobreflex III, PH, 2WP, SMH, SHThe loudspeaker(s) shall be capable of handling a 60-watt,500- to 5,000-Hz pink-noise signal with a 6-dB crest factorfor a period of 8 hours.The loudspeaker(s) shall have a diameter of 14.3 cm (5.6in.) and a depth of 16.2 cm (6.4 in.) They shall have a 2.41cm (0.95 in.) throat opening with a 1 3/8-18 thread formounting.The loudspeaker shall be the ID60DT, which includes a 70-V/25-V line-matching transformer and weighs no more than 34 kg (7.4 lb), and the ID60D-8, which has a nominalimpedance of 8 ohms and weighs no more than 2.7 kg (5.9lb).© T elex Communications, Inc. 02/2001Part Number 38109-855 Rev AU.S.A. and Canada only.For customer orders, contact the Customer Service department at800/392-3497 Fax: 800/955-6831For warranty repair or service information, contact the ServiceRepair department at 800/685-2606For technical assistance, contact Technical Support at 866/78 AUDIOPlease refer to the Engineering Data Sheet for warranty information.Specifications subject to change without notice.InstallationRemove the plastic cap from the threaded throat of the driver and screw the driver into the horn until firmly seated.Install the horn/driver assembly in intended location, referring to the instructions provided with the horn.Loosen the captive screw in the center of the plastic cover at the rear of the driver, and open the hinged cover to expose wiring. Note the O-ring in the annular housing groove.Loosen the gland nut in the side of the driver housing enough to admit the loudspeaker wire/cable. Alternately, a 1/2-inch conduit fitting can be substituted for the gland nut. However, the sealing washer must be retained.For the ID60DT, connect the loudspeaker wires to the “com” terminal and the appropriate line terminal (25 V or 70 V). For the ID60D-8, connect to the “com” and “8-ohm” terminals.Tighten the gland nut securely and check that the O -ring is positionedcorrectly before closing the clear plastic cover.Low-Frequency Driver ProtectionWhen frequencies below the low-frequency cutoff for the horn assembly are fed to the driver, excessive current may be drawn by the driver. For protection of driver, amplifier, and transformer (if driver with built-in transformer is used), capacitor(s) in series with driver, or transformer primary are recommended. T able I indicates recommended values. The valuesFigure 1.Disortion Response - Plane Wave Tube (1 inch)(6 watt input)Figure 2.Disortion Response - FC100 HornFigure 3.Impedance Response - Plane Wave Tube (1 inch)Figure 4.Impedance Response - FC100 Hornshown are for 200 Hz. Values for other frequencies can be determined by using the formula:For drivers without transformers: 8-ohm driver, 25 V - 100 mf 150 Vdc or150 V non-polarized electrolytic, or two 150 Vdc electrolytics of two times required value in series, back to back, for 70 volt lines.se n i L t l o V -07se n i L t l o V -52re w o P e c n a d e p m I e c n a t i c a p a C e c n a d e p m I e c n a t i c a p a C W 06s m h o 3801f m s m h o 0108f m W 03s m h o 6615f m s m h o 1204f m W 51s m h o 3332f m s m h o 2402f m W 5.7s m h o 7661f m s m h o 3801f m W 57.3s m h o 003,15.0f m s m h o 6615f m W88.1s m h o 007,22.0fm s m h o 3332fm C =[C 200x 200 ]C 200 Values shown in the following tablef f = New FrequencyTable II. Series Protection Capacitors for 200 Hz and BelowUSA 12000 Portland Ave South, Burnsville, MN 55337, Phone: 952-884-4051, FAX: 952-884-0043Canada 705 Progress Avenue, Unit 46,Scarborough, Ontario, Canada, M1H2X1,Phone: 416-431-4975, 800-881-1685, FAX: 416-431-4588Switzerland Keltenstrasse 11, CH-2563 IPSACH, Switzerland, Phone: 41/32-331-6833. FAX: 41/32-331-1221Germany Hirschberger Ring 45, D94315, Straubing, Germany, Phone: 49 9421-706 392, FAX: 49 9421-706 287France Parc de Courcerin, Alle Lech Walesa, Lognes, 77185 Marne La Vallee, France, Phone: 33/1-6480-0090, FAX: 33/1-6480-4538Australia Unit 23, Block C, Slough Business Park, Slough Avenue, Silverwater, N.S.W. 2128, Australia, Phone: 61/2-9648-3455, FAX: 61/2-9648-5585Hong Kong Unit E & F, 21/F , Luk Hop Industrial Bldg., 8 Luk Hop St., San PO Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Phone: 852-2351-3628, FAX: 852-2351-3329Japan 2-5-60 Izumi, Suginami-ku,Tokyo, Japan 168, Phone: 81-3-3325-7900, FAX:81-3-3325-7789Singapore 3015A Ubi Rd 1, 05-10, Kampong Ubi Industrial Estate, Singapore 408705, Phone: 65-746-8760, FAX: 65-746-1206Mexico Av. Parque Chapultepec #66-201, Col. EI. Parque Edo. Mex. 53390, Phone: (52) 5358-5434, FAX: (52) 5358-5588UK4, The Willows Centre, Willow Lane, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 4NX, UK, Phone: 44 181 640 9600, FAX: 44 181 646 7084Africa, Mid-East 12000 Portland Ave South, Burnsville, MN 55337, Phone: 952-887-7424, FAX: 952-887-9212Latin America12000 Portland Ave South, Burnsville, MN 55337, Phone: 952-887-7491, FAX: 952-887-9212 • Telex Communications, Inc. • n r o H M1@W 1r o f L P S B I I x e l f e r b o C B d 701I I I x e l f e r b o C Bd 701Table I. Sound Pressure Level for ID60 with Various Horns。
1套 套
Counterbalance cylinder seal fitting
02.06 9705225190
内防喷器油缸密封件 IBOP cylinder seal fitting
套 Set
回转锁紧油缸密封件 Rotary lock cylinder seal fitting
qty. Unit
01.40 9704091470 动力电缆R系列非防爆插头 1 R series male power connector
件 Pcs
动力电缆R系列非防爆插座 01.41 9704091480 R series female power
01.05 3303000560
液压源指示灯 HPU Indicator light
01.06 3301011100
平按钮座 Flat pushbutton socket
01.07 3301010570
平按钮座 Flat pushbutton socket
01.08 3301010413
三位旋纽 Three position knob
一年备件清单 Spare Parts List for one year
序号 订货号
数量 单位
no. order no.
qty. Unit
12位AI模块 12 bits analog input module
主要技术特点∙采用直流驱动,成本低.可靠性高∙采用单导轨的支撑结构,大大地减少了井架的变形∙部分选用国外先进、成熟的元件,既保证了质量,又降低了成本∙采用液压驱动的回转头和双向侧斜臂,使用更灵活、方便、快捷∙游车冲管盘根装置与电机合成一体,缩短了轴向尺寸∙采用了机、电、液一体化的控制技术,自动化程度高∙采用了新型环形夹紧背钳,简化了回转头结构,功能齐全,工作可靠主要技术参数名义钻井深度(127mm钻杆):6000米最大钩载:4500kN上吊环承载能力:4500kN动力水龙头最大连续扭矩:48KN.m动力水龙头最大间断扭矩:68KN.m动力水龙头转速范围:0-191rpm输出功率:800kW旋转头速度:12rpm倾斜臂最大倾斜角度前倾:30°,后倾45°倾斜臂回转半径(吊环长度2700mm):1350mm 最大卸扣扭矩:75KN.m背钳通孔尺寸:200mm下吊环及吊卡额定负荷:3200KN或4500KN 单导轨重量:7t主体部分重量:13t工作高度(从游牢顶面至吊卡上平面):7.55m 施压系统工作压力:16MPa渡压系统工作流量:6OL/minSCR传动柜输入电压:600VACSCR 传动柜输出电压:0-750VDC。
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VARCO华高顶驱配件适用于 TDS-11SA TDS-9SA TDS-10SA 等顶驱小郑:手-机 152-608-22-709;电-话05-95-28 76-7892; Q 238-327-4228. 华高顶驱SDD大钳牙板16401-6我司长期备有现货,有需要请电询序号中文名称订货号英文描述1 风压开关 76841 TDS-3 SWITCH PRESSURE EEX2 风压开关 83095-1 PHM3I SW,PRESS UL/CSA3 风压开关 87541-1 SWITCH, 30" Hg-20 PSI (EExd)4 电位器 81736-2 POTENTIOMETER,2W,10K5 电源板 96290 TP PCB,+5V REGULATBD6 编码器 115299 ENCODER,DIGITAL7 速度手轮 116551 THROTTLE,VDC,TGS9S8 触发板 116199-59 电路板 116199-6 TDS-9S INVERTER INTERFACE BOARD (IVI)10 电路板 116199-9 PARAMERTERRIZATION UNIT (PMU1) TDS-9S11 熔断器 116199-14 FUSE,INVERTER,250V,30A12 熔断器 116199-15 FUSE,INVERTER,1000V,630A13 控制板 116199-16 POWER SUPPLY MODULE PSU2) TDS-9S14 连接插头116199-2015 电路板 116199-21 CONTROL PCB FINPUT RECTIFIER TDS-9S16 触发板 116199-22 PCB,CONTROL,PER3,INVERTER17 保险管 116199-25 FUSE,INVERTER,2A18 熔断器 116199-26 FUSE,INVERTER,800V,800A:19 保险管 116199-27 FUSE,INVERTER,250V,7A20 接口板 116199-34 INVERTER,TACH,DIGITAL,BOARD,TDS9S21 制动模块116199-42 SIEMENS AC 575V DB CHOPPER22 熔断器 116199-46 600V,30A FUSE TDS-9S23 熔断器 116199-48 250V,1/2A FUSE TDS-9S24 熔断器 116199-49 250V,2A FUSE TDS-9S25 电路板 116199-76 CUCV BOARD, AC INVERTER SIEMENS26 电路板 116199-77 CBP BOARD, AC INVERTER SIEMENS27 熔断器 116199-87 FUSE,BRAKING UNIT28 电源 116199-88 POWER SUPPLY,24VDC,20A,WALLMOUNT29 熔断器 116199-104 FUSE, 80A,1000VOLT SITOR30 熔断器 116199-105 GOULD FUSE (SIEMENS AJT30)31 熔断器 116199-128 GOULD FUSE (SIEMENS AJT35)32 电源 122627-131 输入:AC230/120V 50/60HZ 输出:24VDC/20A33 模块 122627-03 CPU SIEMENS 315-2DP34 模块 122627-09 MODULE,16PT,24VDC,INPUT35 模块 122627-18 MODULE,8PT,24VDC,OUTPUT,SIEMENS S736 总线连接器 122627-34 CONNECTOR,BUS(PROFIBUS),SIEMENS S737 模块 122627-45 REMOTE-I/O,4PT,ANALOG38 模块 122627-46 REMOTE-I/O,DIGITAL,24IN/8OUT39 模块 122627-47 REMOTE-I/O,4ANALOG40 熔断器 122627-54 FUSE,2.5A,250V (1PK = 10 UNITS)41 熔断器 122627-55 FUSE,1.6A,250V (A BOX OF 10 = 1)42 模块 122627-57 BASE,ANALOG,SIEMENS S743 模块 122627-58 BASE,DIGITAL,SIEMENS S744 模块 122627-64 MODULE,16PT,OUTPUT,SIEMENS45 处理器 122627-143 CPU SIEMENS 315-2DP,W/MMC SLOT "SEE TEXT"46 内存卡 122627-144 MICRO MEMORY CARD (USE WITH 122627-143)47 防爆电磁阀 127908-D2 SOLENOID,VALVE,3-POS 24 VDC48 防爆电磁阀 127908-J2 SOLENOID VALVE,D03,UL49 按钮 30087708-02 PUSHBUTTON,FLUSH LR/BLKDC50 二位开关 30087708-26 SEL SWITH MT 2POS LR DC51 转换开关 30087708-30 SEL SWITCH 3 POS RET CTR52 转换开关 30087708-33 SEL SWITCH 3 POS SRFRLRDC53 三位开关 30087708-36 SEL SWITH 3POS MT/LR54 指示灯 30087708-38 INDICATING LIGHT, 24V DC RED55 指示灯 30087708-40 INDICATING LIGHT, 24V DC AMBER56 灯泡 30087708-44 LAMP MIN. BAYONET 24V57 扭矩给定电位器 30087708-46 DC OPERATOR,POT58 指示灯 30087708-48 INDICATING LITE 230VCLEAR59 急停按钮 30087708-67 SW,PB MUSHROOM HD LR/RED60 断路器 30157674-2.2 2.2 KW MOTO/L61 断路器 30157674-7.5 7.5 KW MOTO/L(BRKR)62 接触器 30157674-9-120 CONTACTOR,9A,120VAC63 接触器 30157674-12-120 CONTACTOR, 12A, 120VAC64 垫片 110014 GASKET,BLOWER,7.6X12.565 垫片 110015 GASKET,BLOWER,7.6X8.566 垫片 110016 GASKET,BLOWER,7.6X11.667 垫片 110110 GASKET,DUCT,BLOWER68 垫片 110111 GASKET,MOTOR-PLATE69 垫片 110112 (MT)GASKET,BLOWER,SCROLL70 垫片 110116 (MT)GASKET,MOTOR-PLATE71 垫片 110017+30 GASKET,BLOWER,7.5X7.672 顶丝 87196-10-S PLUG, O-RING SRT THD REC HEX73 顶丝 87196-2-S PLUG, O-RING .437-20 THD74 顶丝 87196-4-S PLUG, O-RING .437-20 THD75 顶丝 87196-6-S PLUG, O-RING .562-18 THD76 顶丝 87196-8-S PLUG, O-RING .750-16 THD77 顶丝 93018-08 PLUG,ORIFICE .02878 顶丝 93018-10 PLUG,ORIFICE,.03979 顶丝 93018-14 ORIFICE PLUG, #10-32X.05580 顶丝 94041-18 PLUG,ORIFICE,.071,PHM3I81 堵头 93024-4SAE FITTING,SAE-482 堵头 93024-6SAE FITTING,SAE-683 堵头 93667-M11 PLUG, CAVITY84 堵头 93667-M13 PLUG,CAVITY,TDS9S85 接头 30123563 ASSY,BOX-PACKING,3"WASH-PIPE,TDS86 接头 83444-01 GLAND,EEXD/EEXE, ARM.CABLE, PHM187 接头 86625-01 TDS CABLE GL1/2" NPT88 接头 86625-02 TDS CABLE GLAND, 3/4" NPT89 卡子 107052 WASHER, LOCK, TAB, .56 DIA90 卡子 110844-18 PLUG,ORIFICE,.250 NPT(.071)(PRS8)91 卡子 110844-52 PLUG,ORIFICE,.250NPT(.205)92 卡子 118844-16-08 BUSHING,SLEEVE,1.00x0.50,FIBERGLIDE93 卡子 118844-16-12 BUSHING,SLEEVE,1.00x0.75,FIBERGLIDE94 卡子 118844-22-22 BUSHING.SLEEVE,1.38x1.38,FIBERGLIDE95 卡子 51402-12 PIN, COTTER96 卡子 94042-12 PLUG,ORIFICE .047,PHM97 o型圈 110011 (MT)GASKET,COVER,ACCESS98 o型圈 110056 SEAL,ROD,1.5BORE99 o型圈 109567-S TDS9S SEAL,BODY100 o型圈 110061-326 SEAL,PISTON (same as 110061)101 o型圈 51300-011-B PHM-1 O-RING102 o型圈 51300-016-B O RING103 o型圈 51300-152-B O-RING104 o型圈 51300-223-F O-RING105 o型圈 51300-226-B O-RING106 o型圈 51300-258-B O-RING107 o型圈 51300-273-B O-RING108 o型圈 51300-277-B O-RING109 o型圈 51300-279-B O-RING110 o型圈 51300-381-B O-RING111 o型圈 51300-385-F O-RING112 o型圈 51300-387-F O-RING113 o型圈 51300-425-B 0-RING, "S" TUBE, TDS114 o型圈 98006-12N AR3200 SEAL KIT115 o型圈 98006-13N AR3200 SEAL KIT116 o型圈 98006-14N SEAL KIT,VALVE CARTRIDGE117 o型圈 98291+30 SEAL,POLYPAK,3.875,STD.BORE,TDS118 o型圈 110008 (MT)O-RING,.275x50.5119 o型圈 127908-54J2-SP-GUARN-DHA SEAL KIT120 垫圈 72219 SEAL,PISTON121 垫圈 30154362 SHIELD, BEARING,SMALL BORE, TDS 4S122 导轨销 117782 PIN,JOINT,2.0DIAX12.5,MS28123 安全销 117783 PIN,RETAINER,5DIAX7.0124 扳手 141559-1 COMBINATION WRENCH SET125 扳手 141559-2 OPEN END WRENCH SET126 扳手 88905-2 12 IN. ADJUSTABLE WRENCH a127 保护接头 80098 SUB,SPACER(6 5/8" BOX/6 5/8" PIN) (T)128 保护接头 109521 (MT)BEARING,ROLLER,CYLINDRICAL,200X360MM129 保护接头 79410-3 SUB,CROSSOVER,NC50x6 5/8130 保护套 30175561 LINER, STABILIZER131 冲管 30123289 WASH PIPE, 3\"BORE, 7,500 PSI132 冲管胶盘根 30123290-PK KIT,SEAL, WASHPIPE PACKING, 7500PSI133 冲管总成 30123290 ASSY,WASH-PIPE,3"BORE, 7500PSI134 变量泵到阀组的软管线(变量泵输出管线) 30124191 HOSE,ASSY,PRESSURE MANIFOLD135 背钳牙座 30125051 JAW,NC38-NC46,ASSY,PH100136 刹车液压管线(倾斜油缸管线) 59046P08X036 HOSE,ASSY137 充油阀至平衡油缸管线 59124P290093 HOSE,ASSY138 充油阀至平衡油缸管线 59143P290086 HOSE,ASSY,C`BAL,TDS9S139 储能器至平衡阀管线 59144P290099 HOSE,ASSY。