
The historical trade route between China and the West was called the “the Silk Road.”
The Silk Road was not a trade route that existed solely for the purpose of trading in silk; many other commodities were also traded, from gold and ivory to exotic animals and plants. Of all the precious goods crossing this area, silk was perhaps the most remarkable for the people of the West.
Silk is a Chinese invention. Silk is one of the oldest known textile fibers and, according to Chinese tradition, was used as long ago as the 27th century BC. The silkworm moth was originally a native of China, and for about 30 centuries the gathering and weaving of silk was a secret process, known only to the Chinese.
The invention of paper is a great contribution to the world made by Chinese people!

人类非物质文化遗产代表作:妈祖信仰Mazu belief and customsMazu is the most influential goddess of the sea in China. In 987 AD, Mazu from Fujian Province devoted her life to saving lives in a shipwreck. In her honor, local residents built a temple and began to worship her as a goddess.妈祖是中国最具影响力的海上女神。
(Statue of Mazu on Meizhou Island)With the development of seafaring, she gradually became the navigationgoddess and gained greater influence in coastal southeast China and some regions in southeastern Asian.后随着海运业的发展,妈祖遂成为海神,逐渐成为中国东南沿海及部分东南亚地区的航海保护神。
The custom of Mazu is also known as the Mother Belief, Goddess Belief, Princess of Heaven Belief, Queen of Heaven Belief, Our Lady of the Sky Belief. It is a folk culture dedicated to worship and praise Mazu’s grace, benevolence, and philanthropy, with Mazu palaces and temples as the major venue of various activities, and manifested in relevant customs and temple fairs.妈祖信仰也称为娘妈信俗、娘娘信俗、天妃信俗、天后信俗、天上圣母信俗。

The creator of the universe
According to legend, in the
beginning of the world , the
heaven and earth were
integrated into one body that is
just like an egg. And in the “egg”
Pangu slept fo he suddenly
woke up. Opening his eyes, he
found everything was blurred
and invisible. Angrily, he
grasped an axe and wielded it
It is said there were two deities, Gong Gong, the God of Water and Zhu Rong, the God of Fire, one day they fell in battle. They fought all the way from heaven to earth, causing turmoil everywhere. The God of Fire won, and in anger the God of Water struck his head against Buzhou Mountain .The mountain collapsed and down came the big pillar that held heaven from earth. The sky slanted to the northwest and the earth to the southeast, and so, since then, the sun, the moon and all the stars turn towards the west and all the rivers run southeast.

古代黄姓的名人有许多,以下是其中一些名人及简介:1. 黄帝:中国传说中的神话人物,被尊为中华民族的始祖和中华文明的奠基者,在中国历史上具有重要地位。
2. 黄盖:三国时期吴国将领,以勇猛善战而闻名。
3. 黄道婆(道教传说中的神仙):道教传说中的仙人,被认为是女娲补天的神力化身,传授人间术数和医药知识。
4. 黄巢:唐末农民起义领袖,起义时声势浩大,一度占领了长安(唐朝的都城)。
5. 黄宗羲:明朝末年的思想家和政治家,主张以经世致用的实用主义来改革国家。
7. 黄承儿:三国时期蜀国将领,曾为刘备征战四方,有过多次战功和威名。
8. 黄石公:唐朝时期的宰相,他在政治、军事和文化方面都有出色的才能。
10. 黄震:北宋时期的将领,曾在抗击辽国侵略中立下赫赫战功。
12. 黄履祯:明朝文学家、理学家,他的著作影响了后来的文化思潮。
13. 黄道周:明朝数学家和天文学家,他以编纂《大明历书》而闻名,对中国古代天文学有重要贡献。
14. 黄佐临:清朝文学家、书法家,他的书法作品被誉为“黄岩之宝”。
15. 黄侃:东晋时期名将,他在抵抗外族侵略和维护国家安定方面做出了重要贡献。
16. 黄宪:南宋时期的宰相,他在政治和军事上有出色的才能。
17. 黄守宗:明朝著名诗人,以其风格清新俊逸而著称,被誉为“后杜工部”。
18. 黄道婆:民间传说中的仙女,据说她会变化形态,人们常把她当成驱邪的保护神。
19. 黄石公:民间红衣道士,传说他会使世间所有的恶鬼、妖魔都无法孤身立足。

介绍精卫填海这个文化形象英语作文The Legend of Jingwei Filling the Sea.Deep within the rich tapestry of Chinese mythology,there exists a powerful and enduring tale known as "Jingwei Filling the Sea." This story, passed down through generations, embodies the essence of perseverance, determination, and sacrifice. It tells the story of Jingwei, a bird of exceptional strength and courage, who is determined to reclaim the sea for the sake of her lostloved ones.The legend begins with the tragic tale of Yan Emperor,a ruler renowned for his benevolence and wisdom. However,his daughter, Jingwei, was known for her fiery temperament and unwavering devotion to justice. One fateful day, while playing on the banks of the East China Sea, Jingwei accidentally drowned. Grief-stricken, Yan Emperor orderedhis subjects to search for her, but she was never found.In her absence, a miraculous transformation occurred. Jingwei's spirit was reborn as a bird, with a red beak and feet, and black and white plumage. She was now Jingwei, the bird who would not rest until the sea was filled. Day after day, she flew to the mountains, picked up pebbles and sticks, and dropped them into the vast expanse of the sea. Her actions seemed futile, yet she persisted, driven by her love and longing for her father and her desire to atone for her mistake.This story is not just about one woman's quest for redemption. It's about the resilience of the human spirit, the refusal to accept defeat, and the belief that even the smallest of efforts can create meaningful change. Jingwei's actions, though seemingly insignificant, symbolize the power of individual action and the impact it can have on the world.In modern times, this legend serves as a constant reminder of the value of perseverance and determination. It encourages us to face our challenges with courage and to never give up, even when faced with seemingly impossibletasks. Jingwei's story teaches us that our actions, no matter how small, can have a profound impact on the world.Moreover, the legend of Jingwei Filling the Sea highlights the importance of family ties and the lengths we are willing to go to protect and avenge those we love. Jingwei's sacrifice and determination are motivated by her love for her father and her desire to make amends for her own mistakes. This aspect of the story resonates deeply with audiences, reminding us of the enduring power of love and family.The legend of Jingwei Filling the Sea is not just atale from ancient China; it is a timeless story that resonates with people across the globe. It reminds us of the importance of perseverance, determination, and the power of individual action. Through Jingwei's story, we are reminded that no matter how difficult the task, we must never give up and that every effort, no matter how small, can make a difference.In conclusion, the legend of Jingwei Filling the Sea isa powerful testament to the human spirit and the resilience of the human will. It serves as a constant reminder of the importance of perseverance, determination, and the impact we can have on the world through our actions. As we face our own challenges and strive to make a difference, let us draw strength from Jingwei's story and remember that with courage and determination, we can overcome any obstacle and create a better world for ourselves and those we love.。

道祖:老子(太上老君the very high lord)
theห้องสมุดไป่ตู้God of Wealth 财神赵公明
the God of Longevity 寿星南极仙翁
symbols in chinese ancient myths
• The dragon is the repersentative of the chinese nation, it is the symbol of China.
4,some characters in chinese ancient myths
• there are many famous characters in chinese ancient myths, for example:盘古、 伏羲、女娲、炎帝、黄帝、颛顼、帝喾、 尧、舜、禹、嫦娥、姜子牙等
3,similarities between chinese and western myths
• 1.Both have stories about gods and men falling in love with each other. • 2.Both stories share a view that god created man.
三皇(Three Emperors): 伏羲, 神农, 女娲
五帝 (Five Sovereigns):常指黄帝、 颛顼、帝俊、尧、舜
四大天王:增长天王 、持国天王 、 多闻天王 、广目天王
• four Heavenly Kings
the Eight Immortals 八仙
• 铁拐李(李玄/李洪水)、汉钟离(钟离权)、张果老、 蓝采和、何仙姑(何晓云)、吕洞宾(吕岩)、韩湘子、 曹国舅(曹景休)。

黄道婆 Huáng Dàopó (circa 1245-1330)—中国历史人物英文介绍

黄道婆Huáng Dàopó(circa 1245-1330)Granny's Great Innovations"Granny Huang, Granny Huang, teach me spinning, teach me weaving. Turning two spools of yarn into two bolts of cloth." This popular ballad had been sung by generations of people living in the suburban areas of Shanghai since the late 13th century.Granny Huang was Huang Daopo, a local childbride-turned-pioneer and innovator of the cotton textile industry in ancient China.Born into a very poor family in a village in today's Xuhui District in southwest Shanghai, Huang Daopo was sold to another family as a child bride whenshe was only 12. But the new family treated her badly. They forced her to work in the field during the day and spin yarn at night. In addition, shefrequently suffered from hunger and family violence. After nearly five years, Huang decided that she couldn't stand the maltreatment anymore, so one night, she fled to the nearby Huangpu River andsecretly boarded a seafaring boat. The boat eventually brought her to Yazhou (today's HaikouCity) on Hainan Island, thousands of miles away from Shanghai. There, she settled downamong the local ethnic Li people, who showed great sympathy for her and treated her like their family.Li people were very good at producing excellent quality cotton fabrics and they had created the then-famous cotton-silk jacquard called "Li Brocade"or "Yazhou Quilt."Huang was fascinated by those beautiful fabrics and she studied arduously from the local Li people their spinning and weaving skills.She lived on the island for nearly 30 years before she became so homesick that she decided to return to her hometown in Shanghai.By that time, the Yangtze River Delta, including her home village, which was known for its silkworm breeding and silk fabric production, had become anew cotton-growing area in the country. But local people were still using backward cotton textile production tools and the production efficiency wasdishearteningly low.So, Huang began to help. First, she taught the local people the spinning and weaving skills that she had learned from the Lipeople in Hainan. Then shespent a lot of time on improving the cotton textile production tools.After harvesting the cotton from the field, the first thing people had to do was to separate the cotton fibers from the seeds. Formerly, this job wasdone by hand. It was tedious and time-consuming. So, Huang made a two-roller cotton gin. With the two rollers rotating in opposite directions, themachine was able to quickly and effectively separate the cotton fibers from the seeds.After ginning, cotton must be fluffed before it can be made into wool or yarns. But people then used a 1.5-foot (46cm) long hand bow to fluff thecotton. It was very slow. So, Huangremodeled it into a 4-foot (1.22m) long bow equipped with a thicker string.To fluff the cotton, the worker would place the bow-string on the cotton and pluck it with a hammer. This way the speed of cotton fluffing was morethan redoubled. Bigger cotton fluffing bows were later introduced not only to other parts of the country, but also to Japan and many otherneighboring countries.However, the most important innovation of Huang was her three-spool, pedal-driven cotton-spinning machine. Before, local people used the single-spool hand wheel to spin cotton roving into workable yarn or thread. Huang's multi-spool machine was the most advanced cotton-spinning frame inthe world at that time. Also, it was invented more than 400 years before the spinning jenny was created by James Hargreaves in England in 1764.。

Hanfu in the festival
History of Hanfu
Features of Hanfu
Hanfu is essentially wrapped around the body with the left side over the right, in a style known as rightward cross collared(in Chinese 交领右衽), which just looks like the letter ‘y’ when seen from the front. Only when dressing the dead for burial would it be reversed.BUT there are also other kinds of shpe of colloars.
Hanfu in the
周 制
唐 明制 制
Our han people has many traditional festivals.Every festival has its own meaning.It’s usually about the love for nature and admiring for our ancestors.
Pattern of Hanfu
Hanfu(汉服)has many patterns.Ruqun(襦裙)is worn by women.When its collar likes the letter “y”,we can called it Jiaolingruqun(交领襦裙).If its collar likes the number“11”,we can called it duijinruqun(对襟襦裙).When they are classified by its height of the skirt,we can called them qiyaoruqun(齐腰襦 裙)——Which waistband is on the waist.Or qixiongruqun(齐胸襦裙)—— Which waistband is above the chest .

It is said that Nüwa existed in the beginning of the world. She was a goddess had human face with a snake-like body. She felt lonely as there were no animals so she began the creation of animals and humans. On the first day she created chickens. On the second day she created dogs. On the third day she created sheep. On the fourth day she created pigs. On the fifth day she created cows. On the sixth day she created horses. On the seventh day she began creating men from yellow clay.
Thousands of years passed ,the heaven and the earth finally separated ,but Pangu fell down exhaustedly . Following his death ,his breath turned into the wind and cloud, his voice the thunder; his eyes the sun and the moon. His four limbs and body became the four quadrants of the globe, and his blood the rivers and his muscle and bones the layers of the earth . His flesh became the soil , his hairs and furs the stars, flowers and trees.

龙的传人【lóngde chuánrén】 Descendant of the Dragon
In the beginning there was as yet no moral or social order. Men knew their mothers only, not their fathers. When hungry, they searched for food; when satisfied, they threw away the remnants. They devoured their food hide and hair, drank the blood, and clad themselves in skins and rushes. Then came Fu Xi and looked upward and contemplated the images in the heavens, and looked downward and contemplated the occurrences on earth. He united man and wife, regulated the five stages of change, and laid down the laws of humanity. He devised the eight trigrams, in order to gain mastery over the world. – Ban Gu, Baihu tongyi
Fu Xi on a mural in Peterborough
Shen Nong/Flame Emperor Shennong ploughing the fields. Mural painting from Han dynasty

中国传说英语作文二年级下册English: The Chinese legend I would like to introduce is the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, also known as the "The Cowherd and the Girl in the Heavenly Palace". It is a romantic love story about a mortal cowherd named Niulang and a celestial weaver girl named Zhinu who fell in love and got married against the rules of heaven. They were eventually separated by the queen mother of the West, who created the Milky Way to divide them. However, once a year on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, magpies would form a bridge for them to meet. This story is famous for representing the Chinese Valentine's Day. It teaches about true love, perseverance, and the power of fate.中文翻译: 我想介绍的中国传说是《牛郎织女》的故事,也被称为“牛郎织女”。

介绍精卫填海这个文化形象英语作文英文回答:In Chinese mythology, Jingwei, also known as the Spirit of Jingwei, is a legendary figure often depicted as a small bird. Her tale is a tragic one, steeped in the themes of loss, determination, and the indomitable spirit of hope.According to the legend, Jingwei was once a young human girl named Nüwa. She drowned in the East China Sea while attempting to retrieve a sacred object that had been stolen by a monstrous sea god. Upon her untimely demise, herspirit transformed into a small bird, vowing to avenge her death and reclaim the land that had taken her life.Undeterred by the seemingly impossible task before her, Jingwei embarked on an arduous journey. Day after day, she flew to the East China Sea, using her beak to collect tiny pebbles and twigs. With unwavering determination, she carried these materials back to the spot where she haddrowned, intending to fill the sea and create new land.Despite the futility of her efforts, Jingwei persisted. She toiled tirelessly, pebble by pebble, twig by twig, driven by an unquenchable thirst for revenge and a burning desire to rectify the wrongs that had been done to her. The gods, witnessing her unwavering spirit, were moved by her tenacity.In a testament to the power of hope and perseverance, Jingwei's actions gradually began to bear fruit. Over time, the pile of pebbles and twigs grew larger and larger, slowly but surely filling the sea. The relentless sound of her beak striking the water became a symbol of defiance and an inspiration to countless generations of Chinese people.中文回答:精卫,又称精卫鸟,是中国神话传说中的一个传奇人物,常被描绘成一只体型娇小的鸟儿。

黄帝故里英语作文The Yellow Emperor, also known as Huangdi, is a legendary figure in Chinese history revered as a great leader andcultural hero. He is often credited with the invention ofmany significant aspects of Chinese civilization, includingthe chariot, the boat, and the compass, as well as advancements in agriculture and medicine.The Yellow Emperor is said to have lived around 2700 BCE and is considered the ancestor of the Chinese people. He is also known as the "First Ancestor of Human Culture" and is often depicted as a wise and benevolent ruler. His story is intertwined with that of the Yan Emperor, another legendary figure, and together they are seen as the founders of the Chinese nation.According to Chinese mythology, the Yellow Emperor andthe Yan Emperor engaged in a great battle, known as theBattle of Zhuolu, to determine who would rule over the land. The Yellow Emperor emerged victorious, and from this point on, he was recognized as the supreme ruler of the region.The Yellow Emperor's legacy is celebrated in various ways throughout China. His birthplace, Huangling County in Shaanxi Province, is a site of pilgrimage for many Chinese people. Every year, a grand ceremony is held there to commemorate his contributions to Chinese civilization.Moreover, the Yellow Emperor's influence extends beyond the borders of China. His teachings and inventions have had a profound impact on the development of East Asian culture and society. His emphasis on harmony with nature, respect for elders, and the importance of education continue to resonate with people today.In conclusion, the Yellow Emperor is a central figure in Chinese history and culture. His contributions to the development of Chinese civilization are immense, and his legacy is still celebrated and honored by millions of people around the world. As a symbol of unity and wisdom, the Yellow Emperor's story serves as an inspiration for future generations to continue building upon the rich cultural heritage he helped to create.。


Life is a circle. Some people have not walked out of the circle drawn by fate for a lifetime. He just doesn't know that every point on the circle has a soaring tangent.勤学乐施积极进取(页眉可删)黄道婆简介简历、生平事迹简历范文黄道婆简介简历、生平事迹简历范文黄道婆生于南宋末年淳祐年间(约公元1245年),是松江府乌泥泾镇(上海龙华人)。

之欧侯瑞魂创作Hanfu refers to the pre-17th century traditional clothing of the Han Chinese, the predominant ethnic group of China.Hanfu encompasses all types of traditional clothing worn by the Han Chinese ethnic group. As such, it has a history as long as the history of the Han Chinese people. Hanfu was eliminated by Manchu invaders by force in the 17th century, and is largely unknown in China today, except among a small but vocal group of people advocating the revival of Hanfu as a Chinese national costume.History of HanfuAccording to Chinese tradition, Hanfu can be keith traced back to the Yellow Emperor, a great sage king of ancient China whom legend says ruled in the 27th century BC. Hanfu itself has a recorded history of more than 3000 years. It was worn by Han Chinese people from the semi-legendary Xia Dynasty (c. 21st century BC - 16th century BC) all the way to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). The traditional dress of many Asian countries have been influenced by Hanfu, especially those of Japan and Korea.Hanfu was regarded by Han Chinese as a very important part of their culture. The wearing of appropriate styles of Hanfu was an important part of courteous refined behaviour. Confucius considered Hanfu a very important part of Chinese ceremony and ritual and many of his quotations contain references to Hanfu.The disappearance of HanfuHanfu disappeared at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). The Qing Dynasty was founded not by Han Chinese who form the overwhelming majority of the population of China proper, but by the Manchus. Taking advantage of the political instability and frequent popular rebellions convulsing China, the highly organized military forces of the Manchus swept into the Mingcapital of Beijing in 1644 (which itself had earlier fallen to rebel forces under Li Zicheng), and formed the Qing Dynasty.The Manchus foresaw that they would have great difficulty ruling the Han Chinese, who outnumbered them vastly and had a more sophisticated culture. Soon after the takeover of China proper, the Manchus forced the Han Chinese men to adopt Manchu hairstyle (the braid) and Manchu-style clothing.(Qipao and Tangzhuang) There was enormous resistance to these policies, especially against the braid, which required shaving the entire top front half of the head. (Chinese traditional dictated that removing hair was against filial piety because one received one's hair from one's parents.) Popular uprisings flaired up immediately, but those were put down brutally. Up to 30 to 50 million Han Chinese people may have perished in total as a result of the Manchu invasion and conquest. Enforcement of the policies was swift, brutal, and effective. Hanfu was WordStrd by Manchu-style clothing. Hanfu was still permited for women, however without the traditional support of the palace,women started replacing their hanfu clothing with styles that were influenced by the imperial court and Hanfu was completly gone within a century of Qing rule.After the fall of the Qing Dynasty in 1911, Manchu dress and the braid disappeared quickly in favour of western-style dress. Today most Han Chinese wear western-style clothing, and Han Chinese clothing is largely unknown. Recent attempts by Hanfu advocates in China to wear Hanfu outdoors have provoked curious reactions from onlookers, many of them mistaking Hanfu for Japanese dress. However, there is a small but vocal movement in China to revive Han Chinese clothing as a Chinese national custom.Description of HanfuShenyi is a kind of full-length, one-piece robe which links the Yi and Chang together to wrap up the body. It is cut separately but sewn together. Shenyi was named because when it was worn "the body was deeply wrapped up".Parts of Shenyi:Jin: the front of upper garment Jiaoling Youren: "Crossed collars, tying to the right." This is the standard collar style of hanfu. For both men and women, always overlap the right side of the hanfu with the left side. The opposite right-over-left style is for other nations or used to dress a corpse for burial. Qu: sleeve cuffs Mei: sleeves Chang: skirt Quju: skirt with curved hem formed by circling the fabric around the bodyLegendAccording to legend, the first ruler of the Chinese nation and the ancestor of the Chinese people is an immemorial sage king called the Yellow Emperor. According to traditional reckoning, he unified the North China Plain in 2697 BC. Legends say that under his rule, China was a prosperous and powerful nation with stable politics and advanced culture. Many cultural and technologicalinventions are attributed to his reign, such as the Chinese written language, methods of agriculture, music, the Chinese calendar and so on. The Yellow Emperor's imperial consort, Leozu [Su], was said to be the first person to know how to raise silkworms and make silk from the silkworm cocoon, from which Hanfu was woven. Thus the Chinese Hanfu was invented. Because Leizu had provided China with beautiful silk and Hanfu, she is often revered as the female ancestor of the Chinese people, and respectfully addressed with the title of Xianchan since the Western Zhou Dynasty.The Influences Of HanfuDue to the length of its history and China's overwhelming cultural influence on the region, Hanfu has significantly shaped the styles of traditional costumes of some Asian countries.Korea Hanbok and Japanese Kimono,they have the unique style , have some differences from Hanfu.But they hadbeen influenced by Hanfu. These clothings have common feature: Youren and wide sleeve. Some people in China today also mistake Hanfu for Korean Hanbok and Japanese Kimono.Chinese Han Dynasty Element Fashion T-shirtsWe now combine the elements of Hanfu, mainly Jiaoling Youren with fashon T-shirts, thus, came out the Chinese Element Fashion T-shirts Series, 10 designs for the first batch, more and better later.。
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After returning home, she committed herself to revolutionizing the backward textile production tools in her hometown. She summarized and came up with a set of fairly advanced textile technology and taught people the technology enthusiastically. Very soon the area of Songjiang developed into the country's cotton textile center, which flourished for several hundred years
That‘s all. Thank you!
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
The legend of his victory in the war against Emperor Chi You at the Battle of Zhuolu is seen as the establishment of the Han Chinese nationality.
Among his many accomplishments, Huangdi has been credited with the invention of the principles of Traditional Chinese medicine. The Hungdi Neijing is his most important contribution in ancient medicine.
The huangdiling, which lies in xi`an, is one of the Key Historical Site under State Protection of China.
Huang Daopo was born approximately in 1245 in Wunijin Town of Songjiang Prefecture. Once wandering about on the island of Hainan, she learned earnestly from local Li ethnic women the technology of cotton textile.