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i am an ordinar teaher, loal to the part's eduation, in

23 ears teahing areer, from time to time to an exellent standard of teahers themselves, diligent, onsientious, loving students, rades united in the ordinar post some ahievements made b students, parents, olleagues, leadership at home.

a temper of thought, improve the state

as a teaher, i kno that learning is a lifelong thing, onl to ontinuous learning in order to advane ith the times in terms of ideolog, a strong man in business finaning an be a qualified teaher of the people's republi of hina. in the to deades of ork, i have alas onsientiousl stud marxism-leninism mao zedong thought, deng xiaoping theor and three represents important thought, in the fae of major stand firm and lear-ut, ith the part entral mittee at all times maintain a high

degree of unit, faithful to the part's eduation . usuall pa attention to the urrent stud the part's priniples, poliies, onerned ith national issues, and learn the use of politial

theor to guide their pratie. the rostrum in the foot, i earnestl implement the part's eduation line, priniples and poliies, in strit aordane ith the part's eduation poli, urriulum teahing, teaher and dediated ork to do a good job teahing. in an position, i have a high sense of responsibilit and dediation to all of the enthusiasm into the ork to foster the ideals, moral, disiplined, eduated a ne generation of suessors for the term of offie, love post jobs, illing to devote themselves, and illingl fulfill their sared dut of teahing.

seond, business skills, to join the urriulum

as an experiened teaher, i do not have the results in the stagnation of the past, high standards and strit requirements to treat mself, i am seriousl in teahing lasses, lasses seriousl, get their brains orking, studing business, ith an open mind to onsult olleagues;timel patientl ounseling students, for students of martial la and degrees, in good faith ith the students to get along ith the students to muniate ith love. i think that students should be dependent on the teahers, experiened teahers teahing, but also a lose friend, the elderl should be respeted. ith love and like it, the students alas love m lass, lassroom teahing performane lasses ear round at the forefront of the same ear. i brought the students in eah lass exams are among the best, not a

student in m belief that hard ork behind the fertile ground

in eduation, i taught man lasses as advaned lasses.

i am diligent in learning, good at business, illing to devote themselves. ever urriulum reform at the forefront of urriulum reform, teahing experiene as a shool, a rih old teahers, i am their on lak of knoledge, learning things naturall bee the first to bear the brunt. the use of spare time, multi-data olletion, reading nespapers, hanging onepts of eduation, understanding the ne trends in urriulum reform. over the ears, i am onstantl ative learning urriulum theor, master, ne urriulum, the basi spirit, reading a lot of qualit eduation and the ne urriulum reform theor books, to make

their on eduational philosoph has alas been ahead of the times, and better serve the eduational and teahing ork, teahing more than the XXrd-inning paper, hih i am teahing papers , eduation and sientifi researh papers in national evaluation ativities, as a national first prize; in seond national eduation ork papers up petition XXrded first prize评优ativities, and published in the publiations; m instrutional design leaves , gentl to b ontemporar hinese eduation teahing and researh papers evaluation of the vetting mittee, on the uneso national results, the first prize, and published in the journal of teahing and researh and pratie otober xx on; i rote, into the urriulum to reflet the ne has been alaimed
