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The environmenttal and health
consequences of these materials, their production, and the life-cycle implications of the products merit attention now, during the early stages of development.
Metal oxanes – In contrast with these bottom-up methods for nanoparticle fabrication, metal oxanes (e.g., alumoxane) are made in a top-down procedure in which a mineral (boehmite in the case of alumoxanes) is cut into smaller pieces by an organic acid in an aqueous solution. Metal oxanes have been used as alternatives to sol–gel precursors for membrane fabrication and thin films.
– In this study, brain microglia (BV2) were exposed to a physicochemically characterized (i.e., dispersion stability, particle size distribution, and zeta potential) nanomaterial, Degussa P25, and cellular expressions of reactive oxygen species were measured with fluorescent probes. – The biological response of BV2 microglia to non cytotoxic (2.5-120 ppm) concentrations of P25 was a rapid (<5 min) and sustained (120 min) release of reactive oxygen species.
第三章 环境化学前沿
第八节 新技术与新材料的环境风险
一、纳米材料与纳米技术的环境风险 Environmental Risks of Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials
1. 纳米材料 2. 纳米材料的环境风险 3. 纳米技术的环境风险
1. 纳米材料
1) 何谓纳米材料 标准尺寸 <100 nm的材料 常用的纳米材料
纳米Fe0 – Zerovalent iron nanoparticles (nanoiron) are relatively advanced environmental nanotechnologies in terms of large-scale commercial production. They have been used at >20 sites for the in situ remediation of amenable groundwater contaminants in pilot-or full-scale operations.
– Fullerenes They have created significant commercial interest because of their high strength, electrical conductivity, electron affinity, structure, and versatility.
The largely unknown risks to human health
and ecosystems presented by nanomaterials have been the subject of considerable speculation. Recent research has focused largely on the possible toxicity of these materials.
2) 纳米材料的应用
The ability to design materials at the nanoscale
is now leading to the rapid development of an industry that provides nanomaterials for a range of industrial and consumer products. Commercial applications of nanomaterials currently available or soon to appear include :
纳米TiO2 – TiO2 nanoparticles are widely used for applications such as photocatalysts, pigments, and cosmetic additives. Many procedures have been reported for producing TiO2 nanoparticles; most typically involve synthesis by hydrolysis and calcination.
In the enviቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱonmental technology industry
alone, nanotechnologies hold great promise for – reducing the production of wastes, – using resources more sparingly, – cleaning up industrial contamination, – providing potable water, and – improving the efficiency of energy
– how nanomaterials partition to various phases (e.g., water and air), the mobility of nanomaterials in each of these phases, their persistence, and the magnitude of the sources (e.g., size of markets). – The transport and fate of nanomaterials in aquatic environments has received relatively little attention. – Research evaluating potential worker exposure to nanomaterials in fabrication facilities has focused largely on airborne pathways and, to a lesser degree, on direct dermal exposure .
1) 风险评估的基础
For nanomaterials to present a risk, there must be both: a potential for exposure and a hazard,
– such as toxicity, that results after exposure. Exposure varies on the basis of conditions such as the manner in which materials are handled in the workplace,
3) 释放到环境的纳米材料
Nanomaterial releases to the environment
Releases may come from point sources, such
as factories or landfills, and from nonpoint sources, such as wet deposition from the atmosphere, storm-water runoff, and attrition from products containing nanomaterials. The production, use, and disposal of nanomaterials will inevitably lead to their appearance in air, water, soils, or organisms (Figure 1).
– 量子点 Quantum dots (QDs) are semiconductors that display narrow fluorescence or absorption bands because of quantum constraints imposed on electrons by the finite size of the material. Applications of QDs include medical imaging and sensors.
– nanoengineered titania particles for sunscreens and paints; – fullerene nanotube composites in tires, tennis rackets, and video screens; – fullerene cages in cosmetics(化妆品); – silica nanoparticles as solid lubricants(润滑剂); – metal nanoparticles for groundwater remediation; and – protein-based nanomaterials in soaps, shampoos, and detergents.
2. 纳米材料的环境风险
Responsible uses of manufactured
nanomaterials in commercial products and environmental applications, as well as prudent management of the associated risks, require a better understanding of their mobility, bioavailability, and impacts on a wide variety of organisms.
2) 纳米材料危害的研究 1) Cellular interactions and toxicity THOMAS C. LONG, NAVID SALEH, ROBERT D. TILTON, GREGORY V. LOWRY, AND BELLINA VERONESI*, Titanium Dioxide (P25) Produces Reactive Oxygen Species in Immortalized Brain Microglia (BV2): Implications for Nanoparticle Neurotoxicity,ENVIRON. SCI. TECHNOL,40, 14, 4346-4352, 2006.