



Unit 1 A new startPassage 1My first day at senior highAfter I had pictured it over and over again in my mind, the big day finally arrived: my first day at senior high! I woke up early and rushed out of the door in my eagerness to get to know my new school.The campus was still quiet when I arrived, so I decided to explore a bit. I was looking at the photos on the noticeboard when I heard a voice behind me. “New here?” Turning around, I saw an older man. "Yes," I replied. “I’m wondering what life is going to be like here. " "Don't worry,” he gave me a smile. "You'll soon find out.”How true these words were! When my English teacher stepped into the classroom, I was surprised to see the same older man I had met earlier.“Good morning, everyone. Before we start, please come to the front one by one and introduce yourself to the class. I'll go first…”“What?!" I tried to turn on my brain but the engine just wouldn't start. “I should say my name, of course. But what else? What could I say to make a good first impression? Something about my insect collection, perhaps. “I was organising my words in my head when the girl next to me gave me a nudge. “It' s your turn!”With butterflies in my stomach, I breathed deeply. “Hi, I’m Meng Hao.” Everyone started laughing.I looked at them in panic. Nice to know we share the same name,” said my new teacher. I had been too nervous to pay attention when he introduced himself! Although I was embarrassed, his words made me a lot more relaxed!When we had all introduced ourselves, Mr Meng said, “ Well done, everyone! I know this isn't easy for many of you. But this is just the kind of thing you are going to face at senior high. Challenges like this might sometimes put you under pressure. But it all depends on what you do. Keep calm and be prepared. That way, you'll make the most of your time at senior high.”People say, "Well begun, half done.” I guess this was a good beginning to my new school life.Passage 2High school hintsInterviewer: Hello and welcome to School Talk! Today I'm joined by Lisa Osborne. Lisa graduated from our school last June and is about to go to college. Lisa, thank you for coming to share your suggestions for high school with us.Lisa: Hi, everybody. I'm very glad to be back. I feel as if high school was only yesterday. Interviewer: So what helped when you first started high school?Lisa: Orientation Day was really helpful. It's a fantastic opportunity for new students to get to know the school and the other students. I even made some new friends! Just keep an open mind and take part in as much as possible.Interviewer: That's sound advice for sure. But how did you deal with new challenges, like starting a new course?Lisa: I had a chemistry test right at the end of the first week. I was frightened at the sight of the test paper. But then I figured I'd better just go all out and see what happens. If you fail, no problem --next time you can fail better!Interviewer: So, hold your head up, then. But life is not always easy. You must have had some moments when you were disappointed. If so, how did you deal with them?Lisa: As a member of the school volleyball team, I wasn’t selected for the end-of-year competition. At first I was really sad, but later I realised that I joined the team for the love of the sport. It wasn't just about winning. So I kept working hard to support my teammates during our training. There's always a way to be part of something you love, isn't there?Interviewer: Yes, I totally agree. Is there anything else in particular that you'd like to share with us? Lisa: Looking back at my high school life, the most important advice I'd give are these wonderful words from the writer Maya Angelou. She said, “Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud.” So, give your friends a hand when they need it. And this will make you feel good, too.Interviewer: Awesome! Well, thanks again for coming to speak to us, Lisa. And good luck with college. Lisa: Thank you.Unit 2 Exploring EnglishPassage 1Neither Pine nor Apple in PineappleHave you ever asked yourself why people often have trouble learning English? I hadn't, until one day my five-year-old son asked me whether there was ham in a hamburger. There isn't. This made me realise that there's no egg in eggplant either. Neither is there pine nor apple in pineapple. This got me thinking how English can be a crazy language to learn.For example, in our free time we can sculpt a sculpture and paint a painting, but we take a photo. And when we are travelling we say that we are in the car or the taxi, but on the train or bus! While we're doing all this travelling, we can get seasick at sea, airsick in the air and carsick in a car, but we don't get homesick when we get back home. And speaking of home, why aren't homework and housework the same thing?If “hard" is the opposite of “soft”, why are “hardly" and “softly" not an opposing pair? If harmless actions are the opposite of harmful actions, why are shameless and shameful behaviours the same?When we look out of the window and see rain or snow, we can say "it's raining" or “It's snowing”. But when we see sunshine, we can't say “it's sunshining”.Even the smallest of words can be confusing. When you see the capitalized "WHO" in a medical report, do you read it as the "who" in “Who's that?" What about “IT" and “US”?You also have to wonder at the unique madness of a language in which a house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out, and in which an alarm is only heard once it goes!English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race.That is why when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible. And that is why when I wind up my watch, it starts, but when I wind up this passage, it ends.Passage 2(Mis)adventures in EnglishLast week, our forum asked if you had any funny or strange stories about using English. We didn't expect to get so many posts! Here are some of our favourites, to remind us that some of the English we learn in the classroom is rather different from the English in the outside world!AlbaPeople say that the British always play safe with what they eat. Not true! I went to a summer school in Manchester and my English teacher was called Maggie. One day, a different teacher took our class. He told us that Maggie couldn't teach that day because she had a frog in her throat. Poor Maggie-but why did she try to eat such a big frog?YancyWhen I first visited New York, I went to a shopping centre to buy some winter boots. At the information desk I asked a lady where the shoe section was. She said that it was on the first floor. So I went up to the first floor, but couldn't find any shoes. When I was about to leave, I saw that shoes were actually sold on the ground floor, not the first floor. How confusing!JulienI've got an English pen friend, who I finally got to meet in London this summer. He had told me that his grandfather was "really wicked". But when I met his grandfather, I liked him a lot. I was very confused. Why did my friend use a negative word about such a nice man?Zheng XuThe British must have really high standards. I was part of a student exchange between a university in England and my university in China. I spent days preparing and writing my first English paper. I knew I had done a good job and was looking forward to getting a good grade. When I got the paper back, I found my teacher had written the comment "Not bad!" Not bad? I was a bit disappointed.Unit 3 Family mattersPassage 1Like Father Like Son(The living room, Friday night. A table and two chairs at front centre. Grandfather and Father, seated at the table, are playing chess.)Grandfather: And... I win! (enter Son)Father: Not again! Oh look, here comes my boy. How are you, son?Son: (nervously approaching the table) Erm... Dad, can we talk?Father: Sure! You know you can always turn to your dad for a chat.Son: OK. Here it is. I've decided not to go to university. I want to focus my band and have a career in music when I leave school.Father: (raising his voice in surprise) You can't be serious! What about your future career as a lawyer?!Son: I knew you'd say that. You just assume I want to be a lawyer, but that's only because you are a lawyer.Father: What's wrong with being a lawyer? People respect lawyers and you can have a good income.Son: Yes, but I'm not interested in law, I want to work in a studio, not a court.Grandfather: (looking at Father) Calm down, OK?Father: (ignoring Grandfather's words) Stop daydreaming! Playing in a band is not a job.Son: Of course it is! The music industry is developing fast now. Making music is a job.Grandfather: (stepping between Father and Son and raising his voice) Hey! I told you to calm down, both of you!Father: But I told him to study something useful at university!Grandfather:(laughing) Easy, son! I remember when you were his age you said that you wanted to be a professional soccer player.Father: And you wanted to be an engineer.Grandfather: I just wanted you to be happy, and an engineer-a happy engineer.Father: But in the end, you just advised me to think carefully.Grandfather: Yes, and you found the career that suited your talents. I'm so proud of you. Your son is proud of you, too.Son: Of course I am, but I have different talents.Grandfather: (turning to Son)Why don’t you also take my advice and think carefully before jumping in with both feet?Son: Well, I could try…Grandfather: If you go to university and play music at the same time, you will have two options for you future. And I’m sure playing in a band will help you make lots of new friends at university.Father: Yes, lots of new lawyer friends!Son: (with a sigh) Dad… (curtain.)Passage 2Just a BrotherIt was the final part of the 2016 Triathlon World Series in Mexico. With just 700 metres to go, Alistair Brownlee was in third place and his younger brother, Jonny, was in the lead. Alistair pushed himself towards the finish line in the burning heat, but as he came round the corner, he saw his brother about to fall onto the track. Alistair had to choose--brotherly love, or a chance to win the race?For Alistair, the choice was clear. His brother was in trouble. He had to help. Alistair ran towards Jonny, caught him and started pulling him towards the finish line. Alistair then pushed his brother over the line. The move put Jonny in second place and Alistair himself in third. It was an unexpected end to the race, but Alistair did not want to discuss it with the media. He just wanted to see his younger brother who had been rushed to the medical area.The Brownlee brothers have been doing triathlons since they were children. "Obviously, when your older brother is doing it, you think it's a cool thing to do,” says Jonny. Alistair says that they encourage each other as much as they can when they train. Despite arguments over "stupid things” now and then, Alistair agrees that having a brother is an advantage. “Throughout my entire life, I've had my brother trying to beat me at everything I do. It has been an enormously positive force.”Watched by millions, the ending to the race has divided opinions: should the brothers have been disqualified or highly praised for their actions? But for Alistair, his decision was easy to explain: "Mum wouldn't have been happy if I'd left Jonny behind.” At that moment, he was no longer an athlete aiming for a medal—he was just a brother.Unit 4 Friends foreverPassage 1Click for a Friend?How would you feel if moving to a new town meant losing track of your friends? What if the only way of getting news from faraway friends was writing letters? This was how things worked not so very long ago. Thanks to advances in technology, how we make friends and communicate with them has changed significantly.Nowadays, we can move around the world and still stay in touch with the people that we want to remain friends with. Social media tools let us see what our friends are up to and maintain friendships without missing a beat.The digital age also enables us to find people who share our interests, such as collecting model cars or playing an unusual instrument. Whatever our hobbies, the Internet can connect us with others who also enjoy doing them, even if they live on the other side of the world.But when you "friend" people online, does this mean that they really are your friends?It depends.If people always exchange true personal information online, then yes, these friendships can be real and meaningful. But we need to keep in mind that what we see on social media is often not the whole truth about a person.On social media sites, people tend to post only good things that make them appear happy and friendly. But smiling photos can hide real problems. Remember the saying: on the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog. A young person could be old; a woman could be a man; we could even be sharing our information with criminals.But this doesn't mean we should throw the baby out with the bathwater. Although technology has changed the way we are connected, the meaning of friendship and our longing for friends remain the same. As Aristotle said, no one would choose to live without friends, even if he had all other goods.Passage 2After Twenty Years (excerpts)The short story "After Twenty Years" is set in New York on a cold, dark night. Most people have left work to go home, and this part of the city is now quiet. A police officer who is checking the area sees a man outside a shop. He goes up to the man and finds the man has a scar on his face. They have a chat. The man starts to tell his story.“Twenty years ago to-night,” said the man, "I dined here at 'Big Joe’ Brady's with Jimmy Wells, my best chum, and the finest chap in the world. He and I were raised here in New York, just like two brothers, together. I was eighteen and Jimmy was twenty. The next morning I was to start for the West to make my fortune. You couldn't have dragged Jimmy out of New York; he thought it was the only place on earth. Well, we agreed that night that we would meet here again exactly twenty years from that date and time, no matter what our conditions might be or from what distance we might have to come. We figured that in twenty years each of us ought to have our destiny worked out and our fortunes made, whatever they were going to be.”It sounds pretty interesting, "said the policeman." Rather a long time between meets, though, it seems to me. Haven't you heard from your friend since you left?”Well, yes, for a time we corresponded, said the other. "But after a year or two we lost track of each other. You see, the West is a pretty big proposition, and I kept hustling around over it pretty lively. But I know Jimmy will meet me here if he's alive, for he always was the truest, stanchest old chap in the world. He'll never forget. I came a thousand miles to stand in this door to-night, and it's worth it if my old partner turns up.”Unit 5 Into the wildPassage 1The Monarch’ s JourneyMany animals move from one place to another at certain times of the year. This movement is called migration. They migrate to find food, find a partner or search of warmer weather. Of all the mass migrations, that of the North American monarch butterflies is one of the most wonderful.Every autumn, millions of these beautiful insects with delicate black and orange wings begin a long and difficult journey. Somehow they manage to travel around 4, 000 kilometers south and find their way to places where they will spend the winter. However, until recently no one knew how they do this.A team of scientists led by Professor Eli Schlizerman at the University of Washington has now found the answer. They have discovered that the monarch is able to tell the time of day. It then uses its eyes to measure the position of the sun. These two pieces of information —the time of day and the point where the sun is in the sky—allow the butterfly to determine which way it needs to go and change its direction when necessary. Eventually, it manages to reach California or Mexico.The solution to the mystery of the monarch's amazing ability comes at a time when it is in serious trouble. Its population has crashed by as much as ninety per cent in the last few years. Unfortunately, human activity is the main reason why the monarch numbers are falling. In many of the places where monarchs can be found, people are destroying the natural environment by cutting down trees and using chemicals that kill the plants that monarch caterpillars eat.A better understanding of the monarch's behaviour has however led to a greater awareness and appreciation of this creature. Volunteers have been working together to record their migration and make sure that there are enough plants for them to feed on. If this work is successful, there may come a time when monarch numbers increase once again. The more we know about the delicate creatures, the greater the chance they will survive. By doing more research, the monarch butterfly can keep its place in the human imagination for a long time to come.Passage 2An Encounter with NatureAs a nature photographer, I have to brave the elements. But despite the wind and the rain, I still enjoy working outside in the wild. One of the best things about this job is that you can observe animals in their natural environment.My favorite place to take photos is Yellowstone National Park. As the world's first national park, Yellowstone is famous for the variety of its wildlife, but it is probably best known for its bears. These huge, strong animals can live for up to thirty years. Despite an average weight of over 180 kilograms, they can run at a speed of 72 kilometres per hour and are also excellent swimmers.Last spring in Yellowstone, I followed a path that took me through a dark forest. When I finally stepped out of the trees, the view was breathtaking. An eagle flew over the snowcapped mountains, which were reflected in the still lake below. While I was concentrating on photographing this amazing scene, I suddenly had a feeling that I was being watched. Slowly, and with the camera still held to my eye, I turned… and froze. Only metres away from me was a bear. With water falling off its thick, brown hair, the bear stared back at me. Time stood still as the bear and I both waited to see who would move first. My legs started shaking. Somehow, I forced my finger to press the button. A second later, the bear turned and ran back into the forest. When I recovered from the shock, I looked at my camera. My most frightening but magical experience was now captured forever in a single image.From time to time I look at the photo as a reminder to show respect to all animals. It is after all we who are the visitors to their world.Unit 6 At one with naturePassage 1Longji Rice TerracesImagine mountains wrapped in silver water, shining in the spring sun. Summer sees the mountains turn bright green with growing rice. During autumn, these same mountains are flash gold, and in winter they are covered in sheets of white frost. These are the colours of the Longji Rice Terraces.These terraces were built by the local Zhuang and Yao people, to whom Guangxi is home. Starting in the Yuan Dynasty, work on the terraces took hundreds of years, until its completion in the early Qing Dynasty. Reaching as far as the eye can see, these terraces cover tall mountains, often from the bottom to the very top.So why did these people go to so much trouble to turn entire mountains into terraces? Firstly, there are few large, flat areas of land in the region. Building the terraces therefore meant that they could increase the areas in which they could grow rice. Secondly, although the region has plenty of rain, the mountains are steep and the earth is shallow. The flat terraces catch the rainwater and prevent the soil from being washed away.But perhaps what is most significant is the way in which people have worked in harmony with nature to make these terraces and grow rice. The terraces are cleverly designed, with hundreds of waterways that connect with each other. During the rainy season, it is along these waterways that rainwater moves down the mountains and into the terraces. The sun heats the water and turins it into gas. This forms clouds from which rain falls down onto the mountain terraces once again. These terraces also provide a perfect environment for birds and fish, some of which feed on insects that can harm the rice crops.Although modern technology could help produce more crops, the rice growers are people for whom traditions hold much value. This knowledge is passed down through families, which means that new generations continue to use ancient methods of agriculture to maintain the terraces. Today, the Longji rice Terraces attract thousands of visitors who come to admire this great wonder created by people and nature working together.Passage 2A Love of Gardening“If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.” These words come from the book The Secret Garden, first published in 1911. At that time, only the very rich in Britain had gardens. Very soon after this, homes started to be built with gardens. Since then, the British love of gardening began! Today, millions of Brits like to say that they have “green fingers", with around half the population spending most of their free time gardening.For many people in the UK, their garden is their own private world. Each spring, children plant sunflowers and wait to see which one is the tallest. Expert gardeners know just the right corner for roses, and others spend hours trying to grow perfect vegetables to enter into competitions. And while many Brits like nothing better than spending their Sunday cutting the grass, some are happy just to sit and enjoy the beauty of their small world.But in cities, limited space has led to people looking for new solutions. Those without outside space can rent small pieces of land on which to grow things. Today, there are over 4, 000 people in London waiting for such pieces of land. One recent idea has been to turn rooftops and walls into private gardens. These gardens have helped make the cities greener and improve air quality.As well as being good for the environment, gardening is also good for the soul. What other free-time activity allows you to be at one with nature and create more beautiful living things? And if you’re in any doubt about this, take a moment to reflect on this line from The Secret Garden: "Where you tend a rose... A thistle cannot grow.”。



新外研版新教材高中英语选择性必修一全册课文及翻译(中英Word精编)Unit 1 Laugh out loud!Understanding ideasThe Best Medicine最佳妙药1 As I approach the hospital wearing my white coat, I look just like any other doctor. That is until I put on my curly rainbow wig, big red nose, and add my name badge “Doctor Larry Laugh-Out-Loud”. I walk through the doors into the waiting area, where there’s a familiar atmosphere of boredom and tension. People sit uncomfortably on plastic chairs, looking through old magazines, all of which have been read hundreds of times previously. Anxious parents do what they can to comfort nervous and crying children.当我穿着白大褂走进医院时,我看起来和其他医生没什么两样——直到我戴上卷曲的彩虹色假发和大红鼻子,别上我的名牌“拉里,笑哈哈医生”。




2 In the middle of this particular scene I spot a small girl whose ankle is twice its normal size. I speak with the on-duty nurse, who tells me that Lara’s parents rushed her to the hospital after she fell off her bicycle. Since getting here, Lara has spent her time crying in pain. Although it’s the doctors and nurses who will treat her injury, it’s my job to make her feel better.在这个特别的场景里,我注意到一个小女孩,她的脚踝肿成了原来的两倍。



in a moment
(3) The classroom is big enfoour tghhe m__om__en_t_____________,but we’ll
have to move if we have more students.
(4)Th_e_m_o_m_e_n_t _______ the talk show begins,he will switch over and watch it
【学法点拨】 the moment 可引导时间状语从句,相当于连词,意为“一……就……”。 He always plays the piano the moment he arrives home. 他总是一到家就弹钢琴。[词汇复现]
用 moment 短语完成句子
importance impressed
of hard work.
that she was
enthusiastic about the project.
(1) I can’t go to the new sports shop with you because I’m as busy
as a bee _______________.
at the moment
(2) Turn on the heater(加热器)and the room will be warm




1. 重点单词列表。

- 按照课文顺序列出每课的重点单词,例如在Module 1 My First Day at Senior High中,像“academic”“province”“enthusiastic”等单词。

- 标注单词的词性(名词、动词、形容词等)。

2. 单词记忆方法。

- 对于较难记忆的单词提供记忆技巧,如“enthusiastic”可以拆分成“en - thus - i - ast - ic”,联想记忆为“使(en)这样(thus)的我(i)成为热情的(astic)人”。

- 利用词根词缀记忆法,如“academic”,“academ - ”这个词根表示“学术”相关的意思。

3. 单词的用法。

- 给出重点单词的常见搭配,如“be enthusiastic about”(对……热情)。

- 举例说明单词在句子中的用法,例如“He is an academic expert in this field.”(他是这个领域的学术专家)。


1. 重点短语汇总。

- 同样按照课文模块列出短语,像Module 1中的“be similar to”(与……相似)。

2. 短语理解与辨析。

- 解释短语的含义,对于容易混淆的短语进行辨析,例如“be similar to”和“be the same as”的区别,前者表示“相似”,后者表示“相同”。

- 给出短语在不同语境下的使用例句,“My new school is similar to my old one in some ways.”(我的新学校在某些方面和我的旧学校相似)。


1. 语法点梳理。

- 根据课文涉及的语法,如Module 1中可能涉及一般现在时的用法,详细列出语法规则,包括主语为第三人称单数时动词的变化等。

2. 语法练习。

- 针对每个语法点提供一些简单的练习题,如填空题“He often ____ (go) to school by bike.”(答案:goes)。



《外研社新标准高中英语教材必修一》课程教学大纲课程中文名称:外研社新标准高中英语教材必修一课程英文名称:New Standard English Book1适用对象: 参与教育部普通高中新课程改革试验的中学从小学三年级开始学习英语的高中学生一课程的地位教学目标和基本要求课程的地位:高中英语课程是普通高中的一门主要课程。





2能听懂教师所学过的简单英语叙述课文内容,以及围绕课文内容提出的问题. 3能听懂对方在学生所学过的语言范围内,用略慢的语速谈有关日常生活的内容,有时需要对方重复。

4能基本听懂没有生词,题材熟悉,内容简单的语段,语速为每分钟110个词. 说:1能就课文的基本内容进行简单的问答并能复述课文大意。

2能在日常生活中,运用《日常交际用语》表中的教学内容,进行简单的谈话. 3经过准备,能够用简单的语句介绍本人,家庭,朋友,班级和学校基本情况。





外研社版新标准高中英语目录:第1册(必修1)目录:MODULE 1 My First Day at Senior HighMODULE 2 My New TeachersMODULE 3 My First Ride on a TrainMODULE 4 A Social Survey-My Neighbourhood MODULE 5 A Lesson in a LabMODULE 6 The Internet and Telecommunications第2册(必修2)目录:MODULE 1 Our Body and Healthy HabitsMODULE 2 No DrugsMODULE 3 MusicMODULE 4 Fine Arts-Western, Chinese and Pop Arts MODULE 5 Newspapers and MagazinesMODULE 6 Films and TV ProgrammesMODULE 7 Revision第3册(必修3)目录:MODULE 1 EuropeMODULE 2 Developing and Developed Countries MODULE 3 The Violence of NatureMODULE 4 Sandstorms in AsiaMODULE 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China MODULE 6 Old and NewMODULE 7 Revision第4册(必修4)目录:MODULE 1 Life in the FutureMODULE 2 Traffic JamMODULE 3 Body Language and Non-Verbal Communication MODULE 4 Great ScientistsMODULE 5 A Trip Along the Three GorgesMODULE 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World第5册(必修5)目录:MODULE 1 British and American EnglishMODULE 2 A Job Worth DoingMODULE 3 Adventure in Literature and the CinemaMODULE 4 CarnivalMODULE 5 The Great Sports PersonalityMODULE 6 Animals in DangerMODULE 7 Revision第6册(选修6)目录:MODULE 1 Small TalkMODULE 2 Fantasy LiteratureMODULE 3 Interpersonal Relationships-- Friendship MODULE 4 MusicMODULE 5 CloningMODULE 6 War and PeaceMODULE 7 Revision第7册(选修7)目录:MODULE 1 BasketballMODULE 2 Highlights of My Senior YearMODULE 3 LiteratureMODULE 4 Music Born in AmericaMODULE 5 Ethnic CultureMODULE 6 The World's Cultural HeritageMODULE 7 Revision第8册(选修8)目录:MODULE 1 Deep SouthMODULE 2 The RenaissanceMODULE 3 Foreign FoodMODULE 4 Which English?MODULE 5 The Conquest of the UniverseMODULE 6 The Tang PoemsMODULE 7 Revision第9册(选修9)目录:MODULE 1 Bernard Shaw's PygmalionMODULE 2 DAN—the Secret of LifeMODULE 3 The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors MODULE 4 Languages of the WorldMODULE 5 The First AmericansMODULE 6 Why Do We Need Dictionaries?MODULE 7 Revision第10册(选修10)目录:MODULE 1 Pride and PrejudiceMODULE 2 Australia and New ZealandMODULE 3 Slavery and the American Civil War MODULE 4 The Magic of FilmMODULE 5 High-tech LivingMODULE 6 The Maple Leaf CountryMODULE 7 Revision第11册(选修11)目录:MODULE 1 The Boston Tea PartyMODULE 2 The Long Walk to FreedomMODULE 3 Ernest HemingwayMODULE 4 Sherlock HolmesMODULE 5 The Last Laugh MODULE 6 The United Nations MODULE 7 Revision。



新教材 外研版高中英语必修第一册 unit1 a new start 教学课件(共165页)

新教材 外研版高中英语必修第一册 unit1 a new start 教学课件(共165页)

His English got better
答案:①one by one ②little by little ③side by side ④day by day
depend on 根据,依据;依靠;信赖;取决于,视……而定 2
归纳 拓展 (1)depend on sb./sth. 依赖某人/事,相信某人/事可靠
depend on sb. to do sth. 依靠/指望某人做某事 depend on sb. for sth. 指望/依靠某人得到某物
depend on 根据,依据;依靠;信赖;取决于,视……而定 2
(2)depend on it that ... 相信……;指望……(it为形式宾语,真 归纳
④The girl impressed us
her skillful hands.
答案:①impressive ②on ③impression ④with
2 breathe v. 呼吸(P3)
归纳 拓展 (1)breathe deeply 深呼吸
breathe in吸气 breathe out呼气
(1)be doing sth. when ... 正在做某事,这时…… 归纳 (2)be about to do sth. when ... =be on the point of doing ... 拓展 when ... 正打算做某事,这时……
(3)had just done ... when ... 刚做完……这时(突然)……
①We were having dinner when a stranger came in. 我们正在吃晚饭,这时一个陌生人进来了。 ②I was about to give up when my best friend encouraged me to go on. =I was on the point of giving up when my best friend encouraged me to

外研社版高一英语新教材必修一unit 5知识清单

外研社版高一英语新教材必修一unit 5知识清单

外研社版高一英语新教材必修一unit 5知识清单Unit 5 Into the wild一、词汇变形1.annual adj.一年一度的,每年的→annually adv.一年一度地2.determine v.测定,确定→determined adj.坚决的;有决心的→ determination n.决心;决定3.eventual adj.最后的;最终的;结果的→eventually adv.终于,最终4.solve vt.解决;解答→solution n.解决,解决方法5.amaze vt.使吃惊;惊讶→amazed adj.感到吃惊的→amazement n.惊奇→amazing adj.惊人的,了不起的6.survive vi.活下来,幸存→survival n.幸存→survivor n.幸存者7.effect n.影响,结果→effective adj.有效的,有影响的→effectively adv.有效地二、重点词汇1.seek v.寻找【词汇拓展】seek one’s fortune/fame追求财富/名誉seek after/for寻找;追求seek sth. from sb.向某人寻求某物seek to do sth.(=try/attempt to do sth.)试图/企图做某事2.measure v.量,测量【词汇拓展】take measures to do sth.采取措施做某事in some measure 在某种程度上economy measures 节约措施economic measures 经济措施→ measurement n.测量3.determine v.测定;决定,确定;下决心【词汇拓展】determine to do sth.决定做某事→ determined adj.坚决的,有决心的be determined to do sth.坚决要做某事(状态)→ determination n.决心,果断【温馨提示】be determined(not) to do sth. 表示状态,是一种延续状态,可以与表示一段时间的状语连用,而determine to do sth. 表示动作,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。



新外研社高中英语必修一Reading原文Unit 1 A new start(新的开始)Understanding ideasMy First Day at Senior High我在高中的第一天After I had pictured it over and over again in my mind, the big day finally arrived: my first day at senior high!我在脑海里一遍又一遍地想象它之后,那个重要的日子终于到来了:我上高中的第一天!●I woke up early and rushed out of the door in my eagerness to get to know my new school.我早早地就醒了,迫不及待地跑出门去了解我的新学校。

The campus was still quiet when I arrived, so I decided to explore a bit.当我到达的时候,校园还很安静,所以我决定去探索一下。

●I was looking at the photos on the noticeboard when I heard a voice behind me.当我正在看布告栏上的照片,这时听到身后有个声音。

“New here?”“新来的?”Turning around, I saw a white-haired man.我转过身来,看见一位白发老人。

“Yes,” I replied.“是的。


“I'm wondering what life is going to be like here.”“我想知道这儿的生活将会是什么样子的。

”“Don't worry,” he gave me a smile.“别担心。


“You'll soon find out.”“你很快就会明白的。



外研社高中英语必修一课文篇一:高中英语必修1课文逐句翻译(外研版)1.必修一MODULE 1 My First Day at Senior High升入高中的第一天My name is Li Kang. I live in Shijiazhuang, a city not far from Beijing. 我叫李康,住在离北京不远的石家庄市,它是河北省的首府。

It is the capital city of Hebei Province. Today is my first day at Senior High school and I'm writing down mythoughts about it. 今天是我升入高中的第一天,现在我就写写我这一天的感想。

My new school is very good and I can see why. The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are amazing. 我的新学校非常好,理由如下,老师们很热情、很友好,而且教室很棒。

Every room has a puter with a special screen, almostas big as a cinema screen. 每间教室部配备有一台电脑,电脑屏幕是像电影院屏幕大小差不多的特殊屏幕。

The teachers write on the puter, and their words appear on the screen behind them. 老师在电脑上写字,这些字就出现在老师身后的屏幕上。

The screens also show photographs, text and information from websites. They're brilliant! 屏幕也能显示照片、文本以及网站下载的信息。

新版外研版高中英语必修第一册教学课件Unit 1 A new start

新版外研版高中英语必修第一册教学课件Unit 1 A new start
名词指津:ness 后缀的名词小结
happiness 幸福
loneliness 孤单
darkness 黑暗
kindness 善良
巧学助记: As soon as the explorers arrived at the city, they began their exploration. 这些探险者一到达这个城市就开始了他们的探索。
4.organize v.组织 (1)organize sb. to do sth. 组织某人做某事 organize a party 组织一个派对 (2)organizer n. 组织者 (3)organization n. 组织,机构,团体 ①We ought to organize more social events. 我们应当组织更多的社会活动。 ②They may apply to join the organization. 他们可以申请加入该组织。
[即学即练] 单句语法填空 (1)Our school organized us to visit the old people's home last week. (2)He is a generous businessman and gives money to many charity organizations (organize).
发散思维: organize 变为 organization 为去 e 加 ation 名词后缀,此类还 有 imagine→imagination 想象 explain→explanation 解释 explore→exploration 探索 starve→starvation 饥饿



Unit 1 A new startMy first day at senior high我的高中第一天Monday 4 September9月4日星期一After I had pictured it over and over again in my mind, the big day finally arrived: my first day at senior high! I woke up early and rushed out of the door in my eagerness to get to know my new school.我在脑海中进行一遍又一遍地想象之后,如今这一天终于来了:我高中生活的第一天!我一大早就起床冲出家门,迫不及待地想要了解我的新学校。

The campus was still quiet when I arrived, so I decided to explore a bit. I was looking at the photos on the noticeboard when I heard a voice behind me. “New here?” Turing around, I saw a white-haired man. “Yes,” I replied. “I’m wondering what life is going to be like here.” “Don’t worry,” he gave me a smile. “You’ll soon find out.”我来到的时候校园里还很安静,我决定四处探索一番。




”How true these words were! When my English teacher stepped into the classroom, I was surprised to see the same man I had met earlier.这话说得真是太对了!当我的英语老师走进教室时,我很惊讶地发现,他就是我之前遇到的那位老人。



《外研社新标准高中英语教材必修一》课程教学大纲课程中文名称:外研社新标准高中英语教材必修一课程英文名称:New Standard English Book1适用对象: 参与教育部普通高中新课程改革试验得中学从小学三年级开始学习英语得高中学生一课程得地位教学目标与基本要求课程得地位:高中英语课程就是普通高中得一门主要课程。











外研版(2019)必修第一册 (Unit 1 A New 课件(共19张PPT).ppt

外研版(2019)必修第一册 (Unit 1 A New 课件(共19张PPT).ppt

decided to his stomach the same name
under pressure
be prepared
keep calm
had a good beginning
nervous: tried to turn on my brain; the engine just wouldn't start; butterflies in my stomach; breathed deeply; frightened: looked at them in panic embarrassed relaxed
Your first day at senior high!
Your experiences
Before going to school
Arriving at school During the English class
After the English class
Your feelings
School subjects
A new timetable
An embarrassing moment
Part 3:While-reading
Activity 1: Choose the best description of Meng Hao’s first day at senior high.
Look at the title of the passage and the pictures. Tick what
you think is mentioned in the passage.
The school campus A new teacher

外研社新教材高一英语必修一 Unit 1 Unit 1 A new start Understanding ideas 课件(共18张)

外研社新教材高一英语必修一 Unit 1  Unit 1 A new start Understanding ideas 课件(共18张)

• 1. questionnaire ____________ • 2. 高中______________ • 3. 感受(词组) ______________ • 4. complete______________ • 5. form teacher___________ • 6. 好奇的 adj. _______________ • 7. 紧张的 adj_______________ • 8. 印象,感触n.______________ • 9. 校园 ____________ • 10. 传统 n._____________ • 11. 设施_____________ • 12. impressive___________
while-reading Scanning the passage
1. With what kind of mood the author arrived at school?
He rushed out of the door in hid eagerness to get to know his new school
Unit 1 A new start
• questionnaire /ˌkwɛstʃəˈnɛr/ n. 问题单;调查 表;问卷
• senior /ˈsiːniə/ adj. (地位、水平或级别)高的 ,高级的
• senior high 高中 • feel about 感觉到 • complete /kəmˈpliːt/ v. 完成 • curious /ˈkjʊəriəs/ adj. 好奇的
nervous /ˈnɜːvəs/ adj.紧张的 ,焦虑的 impress /ɪmˈpres/ v.给…留下深刻的好 印象; impression /ɪmˈpreʃ(ə)n/ n. 印象,感想 impressive adj. /ɪmˈpresɪv/ 令人赞叹的 campus /ˈkæmpəs/ n. 校园 tradition /trəˈdɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 传统 facility /fəˈsɪləti/ n. 设施
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《外研社新标准高中英语教材必修一》课程教学大纲课程中文名称:外研社新标准高中英语教材必修一课程英文名称:New Standard English Book1适用对象 :参与教育部普通高中新课程改革试验的中学从小学三年级开始学习英语的高中学生一课程的地位教学目标和基本要求课程的地位 : 高中英语课程是普通高中的一门主要课程。



教学目标:全日制高级英语教学的目标是: 在义务教育初中英语教学的基础上,使学生巩固,扩大基础知识,发展听说读写的基本技能,提高初步运用英语进行交际的能力,侧重提高阅读能力;使他们在英语学习过程中,受到思想品德,爱国主义和社会主义等方面的教育,增进地外国文化,特别是英语国家文化的了解;在学习中,发展学生的智力,培养创新精神和实践能力,形成有效的学习策略,为他们的可持续发展奠定基础。


2 能听懂教师所学过的简单英语叙述课文内容,以及围绕课文内容提出的问题。


4能基本听懂没有生词,题材熟悉,内容简单的语段,语速为每分钟110 个词。

说:1 能就课文的基本内容进行简单的问答并能复述课文大意。



读:1 能以每分钟 50-70 个词的速度,独立阅读生词率不超过 3%的有关人物传记,故事,记叙文,科普小说和有关社会文化,文史知识等内容的材料。

2 能读懂简单的应用文,如信件, 请柬,通知,便条和常见标志等。





3 能听写没有生词的句子和内容简单的语段。

语速为每分钟100-110 个词,书写速度为每分钟 12 个词。


语音:1 能借助常用的拼读规则和音标读生词。

2 能较连贯地朗读课文,语音,语调基本正确。

3 在各种口头表达中,语调自然,语音基本正确。

词汇:1.在初中所要求掌握的词汇量的基础上,累计掌握1200 词和一定数量的习惯语和固定搭配,要求能在口笔语中运用。

此外,还要学习750 个左右单词和一定数量习惯用语和固定搭配,只要求在语篇中理解其意义。


语法:1 掌握语法项目中的额内容。

其中加* 的项目只要求了解。

二、教学内容与要求第一单元My First Day at Senior High【教学目的】 (通过本单元学习,掌握了解美国的学校制度以及正确处理问题的方式方法)【教学重点与难点】本单元重点难点是时态的改写、以及以-ing 、 -ed 形式结尾的形容词【教学内容】Listening:Listening for attitudesSpeaking: Talking about different school systemsReading: Paraphrasing and reading for one’s opinions Writing : Writing an emailPronunciation: -ed endingsVocabulary: School subjects、feelingsEveryday English: How are you doing? Cool. That ’s great!What’s about?Oh really? so have I? Oh, that’s too bad.第二单元My New Teachers【教学目的】 (通过本单元学习,掌握了解不同的国家的学校不同之处、以及在听的过程中如何处理陌生单词)【教学重点与难点】本单元重点难点是-ing 形式的动词、以及更喜欢的表达方式【教学内容】Reading: Understanding how to describe a person Listening: Listening for specific factsWriting: Using commasSpeaking: Expressing preferencePronunciation: Sound stressVocabulary: adjectives for personality, school life and work Everyday English :Have you got that?Take a look. That’s settled. It ’s up to you.第三单元My First Ride on a Train【教学目的】 (通过本单元学习,掌握了解世界上最快的火车、以及如何通过阅读提高英语水平)【教学重点与难点】本单元重点难点是-ed 形式、过去时的表达方式、以及礼貌用语【教学内容】Listening: Listening about one’s experiences.Speaking: Speaking about one’s own experiences Reading: Reading about one’s experiences.Writing : Writing an emailPronunciation: World stressVocabulary: Vehicles and placesEveryday English :Tell me ....Is that right? Absolutely!Goodness! Definitely!第四单元The Internet and Telecommunications 【教学目的】(通过本单元学习,了解掌握西欧社会的乡村问题以及通过收听广播练习听力。


【教学内容】Reading: Understanding how to describe a place.Listening: Listening for large numbers.Writing : Learning to use and and but.Speaking: Talking about where you live.Pronunciation: Word stress.Vocabulary: Neighbourhood.Everyday English :Am I right in thinking that⋯?Congratulations!It’s fascinating!We make it⋯第五单元 A Lesson in a Lab【教学目的】(通过本单元学习,了解掌握加拿大的科学教学、数字的不同表达以及从错误中学习。


【教学内容】Reading: Understanding a scientific experiment. Listening: Finding the main parts of an experiment. Writing : Describing a simple scientific experiment. Speaking: Talking about numbers.Pronunciation: Intonation in questions.Vocabulary: Numbers, scientific experiment.Everyday English :Where do we go from here?Keep the noise down. You ’ve got it!It’s your turn. Go ahead!第六单元The Internet and Telecommunications【教学目的】(通过本单元学习,了解掌握发送信息和传递情感以及利用网络学习。


【教学内容】Reading: ParaphrasingListening: Finding opinionsWriting : Express views.Speaking: Talking about advantages and disadvantagesPronunciation: Word stressVocabulary: Computers and the InternetEveryday English :I think / In my opinion/ If you want my personal opinions⋯ButI should tell you ⋯How would you like to pay? Don’thesitate to call us. See youagain soon, I hope.三学时分配序号内容理论学时实训学时合计1My First Day at Senior High3472My New Teachers347 3My First Ride on a Train3474 A Social Survey3475 A Lesson in a Lab347 6He Internet and Telecommunications347 7Revision123四、教材和参考资料1、建议使用教材:《普通高中课程标准实验教科书》陈琳主编,外语教学与研究出版社,出版年月2004年5 月2、主要参考资料:《中学教材学习讲义》天星出版社。
