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写作分析:何谓全球化?回答这个问题的过程就是就是人类对客观事物的认识过程,即“定义”的过程,换句话说,“定义”就是界定一种事物的本质(即意义)的说明。“定义”有许多方式,最常见的有:列举法(illustration),分类法(classification),过程分析法(process analysis),因果法(cause and effect),比对法(comparison and contrast);除了以上方法外,还有特征枚举法(enumerating characteristics),词源法(etymology),类比法(analogy),排除法(exclusion)(M.S. Spangler & R.Werner,1990:131—135)。从写作或其他媒介的角度,作为一篇文章的标题,作者必然要围绕标题来展开,而要展开这个话题,就必须对该字词加以界定,即定义。


翻译分析:在翻译之前,译者也应对标题中涉及到的概念加以认识和理解。译者在分析某一核心字词时必须注意该字词的音形义的分析。此篇文章中globalization与音没有多大关系,主要分析该字词的“形”和“义”。而字“形”的分析涉及到该词的词源和构词方式。词源分析:Globalization一词逆推词源关系如下:globalization。构词分析:globalization不过是globalize的名词拼写形式,核心意义在globalize;而此词的构形属于英语中“形容词+动词后缀ize”构词法,其表达的意义为“使...‘形容词’化”或“使...变成‘形容词’”。如globalize: make sth global。虽然globalization一词的语言意义很清楚,但其内涵和外延到底是什么,即何谓globalization?到目前为止,学术界都没有的确切定义。从翻译角度看,该字词很好翻译,但要真正理解该词,需要动一番脑筋:扪心自问:(1)作者为何要用globalization而不用internationalization,二者有何区别呢?意图何在?(2)globalization与localization的区别是什么?如果从构词上看,我们可以给“全球化”下一个定义,即某一组织机构旨在向全球各国推进某种理念的过程。就经济而言,某一经济实体旨在不仅仅限于向已有的一两个传统国际贸易国而是向全球各国推销自己理念及其产品的过程,就是经济全球化。


(1)A fundamental shift is occurring in the world economy. (2)We are moving rapidly away from

a world in which national economies were relatively self-contained entities, isolated from each other by barriers to cross-border trade and investment; by distance, time zones, and language; and by national differences in government regulation, culture, and business systems. (3)And we are moving toward a world in which barriers to cross-border trade and investment are tumbling; perceived distance is shrinking due to advances in transportation and telecommunications technology; material culture is starting to look similar the world over; and national economies are merging into an interdependent global economic system. (4)The process by which this is occurring is commonly referred to as globalization.


从写作角度看,标题中涉及的概念,必须在正文前加以解释和界定,否者后文无法展开。第一段共4句,显然是作为主持人的作者提前拟定的开场白式introduction。(1)为opening sentence,属于背景介绍。(2)(3)是对globalization加以一正一反地现象罗列(即definition by illustration);(a)句中的and表示伴随性。(4)句对(2)(3)现象加以归纳性定义。




(1)根据Webster's New World Essential Vocabulary 的释义:fundamental,(a) basic; at the root of; essential; (b) radical; (c)chief; most important,因此,译为:“根本性的”或“本质性的”。(2)此句是一个带有限制性长定语从句的长句,翻译时可刈分为(a)We are moving rapidly away from a world (b)in which national economies were relatively self-contained entities, (c)isolated from each other (d)by barriers to cross-border trade and investment; (e)by distance, time zones, and language; and (f)by national differences in government regulation, culture, and business systems.表达时采取尽量保持原文顺序的原则。(4) 此句是一个带有限制性长定语从句的长句,翻译时可刈分为(a)And we are moving toward a world (b)in which barriers to cross-border trade and investment are tumbling; (c)perceived distance is shrinking due to advances in transportation and telecommunications technology; (d) material culture is starting to look similar the world over; and (e)national economies are merging into an interdependent global economic system. 表达时采取尽量保持原文顺序的原则。其中“and”表示同时性,译为“与此同时”。限制性定语从句,并非一定要将限制性定语部分翻译到中心词前面,可以利用汉语特殊的限制性方式。“...这么一个(种)+‘先行词’,‘定语从句内容’”


Correspondent: (5)Globalization has been one of the most important factors to affect business over the last twenty years. (6)How is it different from what existed before? (7)Companies used to export to other parts of the world from a base in their home country. (8)Many of the connections between exporting and importing countries had a historical basis. (9)Today, to be competitive, companies are looking for bigger markets and want to export to every country. (10)They want to move into the global market. (11)To do this many companies have set up local bases in different countries. (12)Two chief executives will talk about how their companies dealt with going global.

(13)Percy Barnevik, one of the world’s most admired business leaders when he was Chairman of the international engineering group ABB and Dick Brown of telecommunications provider Cable & Wireless.

(14)Cable & Wireless already operates in many countries and is well-placed to take advantage of the increasingly global market for telecommunications. (15)For Dick Brown globalization involves the economies of countries being connected to each other and companies doing business in many countries and therefore having multinational accounts.


此段是记者所要采访的问题,(5)阐述“全球化的”影响及其重要性。(6)既是记者要采访的问题,“当今的全球化与过去有何区别”又是自我阐述的问题,因此,必然要进行对比概述“当今”与“过去”之间的差别。(7)概述公司过去运作模式:本国生产,出口国外;(8)句是承接上一句具体陈述过去进出口国之间的运作模式是建立在一定的历史基础上的。(9)概述当今公司的运作模式,即企图向全球每一个国家出口。(8)句中的home country和(9)句中的every county极为关键,它们暗指了“全球化贸易”与“国际贸易”两个概念的区别。后
