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• The Leaning Tower of Pisa • 比萨斜塔
The Leaning Tower of Pisa
Leaning Tower of Pisa is world famous architectural wonders and tourist attractions. It is a freestanding bell tower, located in the western city Pisa's church square. 比萨斜塔是世界著名建筑奇观和旅 游胜地之一。它是一个独立式钟塔, 坐落在意大利西部古城比萨的教堂 广场上。
Bridge of sighs(叹息桥)
Fountain is a symbol of power. The Romans had a beautiful legend, just back from shoulder above cast a fountain pool coin into, would have the opportunity to visit to Rome again. Many tourists in a fountain lined up to go toward inside coin was fascinated by the city of proof. Fountain, the LeiWei (name of Trevi) is three roads mean, because fountain front have three roads extends outward, also is the origin of the name, fountain.
Something about
• Nothing says Italy like its food, and nothing says Italian food like pasta.
The spaghetti(意大利肉酱面)
Big shrimp pasta(大虾意大利面)
Leaning Tower of Pisa was built in 1173 . The tower tilted to the southeast. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is the symbol of Pisa. It has a huge influence on the great architectural art of Italy from the 11th century to the 14th century . It was named the world's heritage by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
The square placed a large lawns dotted with a group of religious buildings, they are the Cathedral [kə„θidrəl] ,Baptistery [‟bæptɪstərɪ] , Bell Tower (the Leaning Tower of Pisa) and the cemetery (['sɛmə,tɛrɪ]) . 广场的大片草坪上散布着一组宗教建筑,它们是大教堂、洗礼堂、钟楼(即 比萨斜塔)和墓园。
Between February 21 and March 4, carnival hits the streets. For most people, carnival means large parties and feasting. But in Venice, it also means traditional masks and clothes. These costumes were first meant to hide personal identities. Then, different social classes could mix in a sea of happiness. Along the waterways, people greeted each other with: “Good morning Mrs. Mask!” 从2月21日至3月4日期间,狂欢节(的 人群)遍布于街道之上. 对绝大多数人 而言,狂欢节代表着派对与盛宴. 然而 在威尼斯,它也意味着传统的面具与服 装. 这些传统最初用于个人身份的隐 藏. 渐渐地,不同社会阶层的人都加入 到这个欢乐的海洋当中. 沿着水路(走 下去),人们都以"你好,面具夫人"(的说 法)互相问候着.
Milan Cathedral(米兰大教堂)
Although its name Duomo is the "dome" means, Milan Cathedral in fact it is a Gothic architecture. Ranked in the city center of Milan cathedral was built in 1386, and completed after 500 years, known as Italy's most stunning Gothic architecture. Hundreds of minarets crown the sky, the white marble walls carved with thousands of statues. Wide interior space, the sun through the stained glass window on the beautiful mosaics into the goal, dim light, full of solemn religious atmosphere. Retained the basement of the church on the site of church ruins Shengtekula. Cathedral is not only a symbol of Milan, is the center of Milan. Boarded the cathedral roof terrace, you can see the three ring road and during dense spider web of streets.
Venice is a magical place. It is one of a few cities in the world where the noises of cars are never heard because cars are not allowed. Instead, when it is quiet, one can hear the sound of waves rushing against the city’s great old buildings. 威尼斯是一个神奇的地方。它是世界 上少数几个听不到汽车声音的城市之一, 因为在那里汽车处于禁止来自百度文库列。在取而代 之的宁静中,你可以听到水浪拍打着城市 里伟大的古代建筑。
Venice is located in a lake in the Adriatic Sea(亚得里亚海) and is built on islands linked by more than 400 bridges. Ven-ice’s most famous vehicles are gondolas(冈朵拉), which move slowly through the city’s famous rivers as the men driving the boats. Sitting in gondolas, passengers can hear artists singing Italy songs when they enjoy the beautiful scenery of Venice. 威尼斯坐落于亚得里亚海的泻湖 之上,由400多座桥梁连接而成。威尼 斯最著名的交通工具就是冈朵拉,船 夫驾驶冈朵拉时,小舟就慢慢地在城 里那些著名的河流间漂流而下。坐在 冈朵拉上面,乘客可以一边欣赏威尼 斯美丽的风景,一边听艺人们演奏意 大利歌曲。
Italy is a modern, developed nation. It is fashion in style, it leads the way with each season's fashions. around the world. But it is also a country which is full of great culture. Italy's foods is famous
Milan, due to construction, fashion, art, painting, opera, economy, famous for football, is the world's one of the most famous international metropolis, one of the world's eight major metropolitan areas of the world's largest metropolis, the world's fashion and design and fashion capital of the most influential city in one of three major metropolitan areas in Europe, Italy's most developed cities and four major economic centers in Europe, Italy, the largest city and economic capital
比萨斜塔始建于1173年,塔身倾斜向东南.比萨 斜塔是比萨城的标志,由于它在11世纪至14世 纪对意大利建筑艺术产生的巨大影响,被联合 国教育科学文化组织评选为世界遗产。
Visitors take photos with the leaning tower of Pisa~
• Tourism • Venice is one of the most important tourist destination in the world for its celebrated art and architecture. The city has average of 50000 tourists a day. In 2006,it was the world‟s 28th most internationally visited city.
Venice becomes even more charming during Carnival(狂欢节), which is the most world-famous festival and one of the oldest. The streets of Venice Carnival are full of people in masks. Anyway, the Venice Carnival is an adventure worth experiencing. 狂欢节上的威尼斯尤其迷人。狂欢节是威尼斯最举世闻名的节日,也是最古老的节日 之一。在狂欢节当天,威尼斯大街小巷遍布着戴着面具的人。