2017年2月18日托福写作真题及答案下面是2017年2月18日托福写作真题及答案,大家试着做一下再对答案,祝你们考试顺利!2017年2月18日托福写作真题托福综合写作土星的卫星Titan有3个unusual features难以解释。
Reading :土星的卫星,Titan,和其他的卫星有相似之处,但是也有一些不寻常无法解释的特征。
1. unusual orbit普通的卫星运转是circular环形的轨道,但是Titan卫星运转时是elliptical orbit椭圆轨道。
2. massive depression Titan 表层周边有很多depression and crater 连地和坑,正常来讲,一般是由火山活动和碰撞造成的,但是没有证据显示周边有火山,碰撞的话也应在随机位置。
3. sand dunes Titan赤道附近有很多沙丘,沙丘的方向一般是和风向相符的,但是Titan的沙丘斜面朝东,但是一般表层风向确是朝向西的。
Listening: 这些现象都可以解释的。
1. Titan不是一个单一的卫星,周边的卫星群相互作用,相互影响,就使得它呈现椭圆形轨道。
2. 洼地和坑不是火山和碰撞造成的,而是强降雨导致的。
3. 沙丘方向和风向确实相符,它上面的沙丘确实斜面朝东,那是因为暴风改变风向把沙吹往东边的。
托福独立写作Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Sometimes we are assigned to work in a group on a project. The group will be helped more by person who will be willing to do what other group members want than by person who often strongly insists that things should be done in a way that is different from what the group wants to do.2017年2月18日托福写作真题答案及解析Sample Answer:The reading raises three unusual features of Titan, which are puzzling. The listening, however, strongly insist that those features are explainable.The first feature mentioned in the reading is its elliptical orbit which is different from the common satellites whose orbit is circular. This phenomena is explained by the listening which reminds us that there are other satellites which move around Titan. The nearby satellites could exert influence on titan, hence leading to the elliptical phenomena.As to the second point, it is believed in the reading that the usual feature of massive depression, which should have been caused by volcanic eruption, but there is no volcano on Titan. The listening pushes forward another theory that instead of being caused by volcanic eruption and collision, the massive depression and crater formed as a result of storm. The reading, therefore, is wrong again.Lastly, the reading is of the view that the sand tunes near the Titan’s equator should be in the same direction with the wind direction but the opposite is true. It is admitted in the listening that the direction of sand tunes is originally in conformity to the wind direction. What’s more, it is true that the top sand tunes point to the east, which is in a reverse direction to the wind. But the truth is that under the influence of the storm, its direction has been changed. As a result, the last phenomena is also explainable.(240 words)本文是2017年2月18日托福写作真题答案及解析。
题目如下:The government can take a variety of actions to help protect the environment. Which one of the following do you think is the most important for the nation’s government to take to protect the environment?1. Fund the research to develop environmentally friendly energy sources such as solar and wind energy.2. Preserve the natural places like forests and protect the animals that live there.3. Enforce laws to prevent the pollution of air and water by large companies.中文翻译:政府可以采取各种行动来帮助保护环境。
你认为国家政府采取以下哪一项措施对于保护环境是最重要的?1. 资助研究开发太阳能和风能等对环境无害的能源。
2. 保留像森林这样的自然栖息地, 并保护住在那里的动物。
3. 实施法律, 防止大公司对空气和水的污染。
2008年 1月 18日托福考试写作机经总汇作文1. 综合作文 passage:要限制员工工作时用 E-mail 和 internet.a:用 "filter" 滤过一些词汇b: block stream mediac:限制 personal ..... lecture:反驳a: filter no way to work ,员工可以避开那些词汇b: stream media have lot of useful informationsc: personal...make employee happier ,will work harder and longer......the employers control the internet.公司应不应该限制员工使用网络做私人的事情。
1, the internet will disclosed when the fillter is used.But in lecture the fillter will avoid the key word.文章:1很多公司通过网络监视员工发送电子邮件,而且他们还可能通过他们的邮件确定这是不是有用的信息。
② Employer do not want to cost the money on the streaming media. But it just cost10 percent, not very much公司关闭了访问 video game, music网站系统。
老师:反对公司,员工只在中午时间听一些 popular 的音乐,这不会耗费公司的资源。
③ Employer do not want workers send the email to their family. But it will make the workers happy and trust them to have a good effetiency work.公司 :不让员工发私人邮件给自己的亲戚朋友,认为这样做不能提高工作效率。
11月18日托福写作机经真题回忆综合写作综合作文万变不离其宗:考听力!观点:Ninth Legion 是个出色的军队,却忽然消失在Scottland阅读文章讲可能发生一些事情所以导致消失第一:一些rebels发生叛乱然后ninth legion为了平息叛乱,基本都被wipe out 了听力反驳讲:不可能因为没有证据能知道Scotland有打仗。
5000人的战役规模大,一个大的战役,那么多人的军队就消失,况且有战争就会有武器碎片的痕迹,然而并没有第二:说有一些rebel破坏了roof tile,而roof上的symbol对于军队来说很重要,所以一些人去打rebel一些人留下来修复,最后有的死了,队伍也就disband 了听力说,roof tile是别人而非这个军团的士兵带来的,roof tile是由red clay 什么的做的,会留下痕迹,可是根本没找到,而那个symbol是从Britain 到Netherland,不一定需要legion的人去修复,翻译什么的,谁都可以第三:说B是个地方,有叛乱,所以Ninth Legion就去爬山涉水去平反,一些人死了,一些人在旅途中因为太遥远的距离也死了。
听力说:政府什么的不可能会让西方的Ninth Legion去平反东方的叛乱,因为不值得啊,那么多的时间啊必要的supplies啊,况且政府应该会让estern legion 去才对。
独立作文(重复2016年6月25日原题)The government can take a variety of actions to help protect the environment.Which one of the following do you think is the most important for the nation’s government to take to protect the environment.1.Fund the research to develop environmentally friendly energy sources such as solar and wind energy.2.Preserve the natural places like forests and protect the animals that live there.3.Enforce laws to prevent the pollution of air and water by large companies.本篇作文的3个方向都算好写。
最后提到了海洋龟,其中就有著名的leatherback,举了很多例子,它的体温通常能比周围水温高10度左右,而countercurrent exchange system讲其血管vessel排布得很合理,减少了由肌肉活动所产生的热量的散失。
【听力】Conversation一个学生去聊跳舞的时候听音乐的事情(求补充~)Lecture细菌的抗药性及解决方法达芬奇发明的一个帮助飞行的装置一个科学的原则和一个化学家的实践lizard蜥蜴逃跑的付候要发出巨大的噪音的原因艺术史:文艺复兴鼎盛时期艺术家和buyers如何下订单【口语】T ask 1学校获得了毕业生的捐助。
你觉得用于建设以下哪三种设施比较好:看比赛的运动场剧院,还可以开音乐会游戏中心T ask2同意不同意it is easier to be an adult than to be a childT ask3大学让艺术生暑假的时候装饰学校楼梯,理由是让学生有地方展示作品,而且是永久的。
T ask4pseudoscience伪科学。
T ask5女生的工作时间与读书俱乐部的讨论时间相冲突,解决方法:1.工作完大概晚上10点再去俱乐部与其他人讨论;2.不去俱乐部,自己读书,然后发邮件给大家【阅读】考古的遗失变色的水母早先农业社会的性别差异美国文学章鱼green crab青蟹中国钱币发展画廊/博物馆灯光控制Attempts at determining earth's age 确定地球年龄的尝试讲地球板块怎么分开的北美人的动物驯化heavy plow重型犁,有很多插图始祖鸟清洁剂的发展落叶林和针叶林的比较英国对美洲的殖民统治与美国经济【写作】独立写作现在人们对跟上时代的技术发展有困惑,政府spend money on trainingcourses给25岁以上的adult,是否effective。
·⾥⾯⽤了很多TPO⽂章The Arrival of Plant Life in Hawaii的很多内容;>参考⽂献说明“欧洲真菌减少”的回忆似乎并不太合常识。
经过对⾃然科学类期刊论⽂数据库检索后,找到了发表于1990年的⼀篇论⽂”Decline of ectomycorrhizal fungi in Europe”,探讨了欧洲“外⽣菌”(Ectomycorrhizal Fungi)的数量减少,其中提到的主要原因便是环境因素,同回忆相符。
该论述如下(参考阅读中划线句⼦):“It is argued that changes in the populations of ectomycorrhizal fungi are most likely to be attributable to indirect effects of air pollution, in particular to increases in amounts of available nitrogen (possibly in combination with acidification) and/or to decreased tree vitality wity consequent reductions in the transport of current assimilates to roots and mycorrhizas.”该论⽂由学术数据库ScienceDirect收录,来源如下:Eef Arnolds , “Decline of ectomycorrhizal fungi in Europe “, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, Volume 35, Issues 2-3, April 1991, Pages 209-244>参考阅读(上述论⽂摘要部分)AbstractRecent changes in the species diversity and sporocarp production of ectomycorrhizal fungi in different regions of, and forest communities within, Europe are discussed with special emphasis on events in The Netherlands. In some forests in some regions fewer ectomycorrhizal fungi are now producing sporocarps, notably those associated with trees more than 40 years old and in particular conifers, for instance species of Phellodon, Hydnellum, Suillus, Tricholoma and Cortinarius. It is argued that this decline in different parts of Europe is coincident with decreased numbers of mycorrhizas. A scheme of progressive changes with three phases of ectomycorrhizal impoverishment and seven subphases is presented. The more probable causes ofdecline are discussed, namely forest succession, the collection of sporocarps (of edible mycorrhizal fungi), changes in forest management, direct influences of air pollutants, acidification of forest soils and consequent increased availability of aluminium in soil solution, nitrogen deposition, increased litter accumulation, changes in the herb layer of forests and reduced tree vitality.It is argued that changes in the populations of ectomycorrhizal fungi are most likely to be attributable to indirect effects of air pollution, in particular to increases in amounts of available nitrogen (possibly in combination with acidification) and/or to decreased tree vitality wity consequent reductions in the transport of current assimilates to roots and mycorrhizas. The relative importance of these different factors, and their interactions, are likely to differ in different locations. It is supposed that liming and applications of other corrective fertilizers are unlikely to restore the diversity and sporocarp production of ectomycorrhizal fungi; they may even have adverse effects. In the circumstances therefore it seems that the abatement of emissions is likely to be the only effective way of improving and sustaining stable forest ecosystems in areas at risk, notably in densely populated Europe.第⼆篇:美国⼯业化、铁路与内战>考⽣回忆:·美国的农业在新英格兰地区发展,所有的必需品由⽔路运输。
2018托福写作机经(更新至4月21)1月6号Do you agree or disagree with the following statement.Nowadays it is not important for people to have regularly family meals together.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important to read or watch the news presented by people who seviews are similar to your own or read or watch the news presented by whose views are different from your own.重复2016年8月27号写作1月13号Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:It's a waste of money for Government to fund space travel or space exploration.Give specific examples and details to support your answer.1月27号Which one do you think is the most important factor for a student to success at college or university?1. Tutors in university.2. The encouragement from family and friends.3. High-quality education from high school.1月28号Which one of the following areas should governments fund in order to improve children’s educational quality:1) Hiring more teachers so that there are fewer students in one class;2) Providing preschool education;3) Providing additional training for teachers so they know more methods to teach.Agree or disagree? It is better for the younger people to take risk and explore new things than the older people.3月3号Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:you prefer to take a course taught by the professor with whom you have not had classes before or a course taught by the professor whose class you have taken before? Give specific examples and details to support your answer.3月10号When you are working or doing school work, many factors can affect your productivity. Which of the following factors do you think is the most important?-having an environment free of noise and distractions-knowing that you will receive a reward (i.e. a pay rise/ a better grade)-doing something you are interested in3月11号Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Most people can solve important problems in their lives by themselves or with the help of their families; help from the government is often unnecessary.3月24号People should take time to relax with hobbies or physical activities that are very different from what they do at work.3月31号People in communities can make decisions that protect and improve the natural environment. Which ONE of the following three actions is MOST useful for people to do if they want to help the environment in their local community? Why?1. Plant trees and create parks2. Persuade local shops to stop providing plastic bags to customers3. Increase access to public transportation (for example, buses or trains) to reduce the number of automobiles on local roadsUse specific reasons and examples to support your answer.4月15号Do you agree or disagree with the statement?Playing sports can teach people lessons about life.4月21号Do you agree or disagree:It is difficult for teachers to be both popular(well-liked) and effective in helping students to learn.。
8月25日托福口语真题回忆:Task 1内容回忆:Talk about one thing you are afraid of and how you overcome in psychology?讲一件你害怕的事情,和你的心理过程?参考素材:写论文,演讲,独立旅游,教书,给老年人开车,小区画画,体育运动等One thing I am afraid of is to talk in public, I mean speech. I am kind of shy, introvert. I dare not to speak with strangers, never mention about in public. That would be so hard for me. I remember it was 10 years ago when I was in university. And I attended an English presentation. I had fully prepared for several months ahead of competition day. I revised my speech content hundred of times and practiced over 5 hours per day. When I was on the stage to give a speech for audience, more than 200 people, I guess. I was not scare too much by fully preparation. I was proud of myself what I overcame. I wasn’t afraid of speech any more. That’s one thing I use to worry about and finally I did it. (138)Task 2内容回忆:Do you think library is a place for students to get together or have group discussion?你觉得图书馆是让学生约朋友见面、开会的地方吗?相关话题:图书馆功能话题历届真题:1、图书馆会不会消失?2、校园场景题目,今年下半年重点、重点、重点。
阅读:一:森林大火的好处:1森林中的树木会吸收土地里的营养生长,然后等它们死的时候它们就在地表慢慢decompose,然后再被其他植物生长利用,但是这个过程十分缓慢,因为那些organic matter 分解很慢。
2森林大火可以加速这个过程,另外organic matter还含有一部分humus(腐殖质)。
烧了那些organic matter后,他们就会含有钙、钾、磷等物质更好的被其他植物利用。
(大概印象是这几段,另外发现最后一段和百度里讲的黄石火灾差不多,哈哈)二:欧洲的建筑设计的发展:1 许多希腊人罗马人settle,建筑风格从文艺复兴风格和巴洛克发展。
3建筑设计继续发展,industrial revolution时期,因为新的技术advanced了,城市就像一个巨大的machine被人们使用,于是城市设计更注重一种人与建筑的结合,代表了order,balance 等。
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2019 年 11 月 18 日托福写作机经真题回忆综合写作
观点: Ninth Legion是个出色的军队,却忽然消失在 Scottland阅读文章讲可能发生一些事情所以导致消失
第一:一些 rebels发生叛乱然后 ninth legion为了平息叛乱,基本
都被 wipe out 了
听力反驳讲:不可能因为没有证据能知道Scotland 有打仗。
5000 人的战役规模大,一个大的战役,那么多人的军队就消失,况且有战争就
第二:说有一些 rebel 破坏了 roof tile,而 roof 上的 symbol 对于军队来说很重要,所以一些人去打 rebel一些人留下来修复,最后有的
死了,队伍也就 disband 了
听力说, roof tile是别人而非这个军团的士兵带来的, roof tile是由 red clay 什么的做的,会留下痕迹,不过根本没找到,而那个
symbol 是从 Britain到 Netherland ,不一定需要 legion 的人去修复,翻译什么的,谁都能够
第三:说B 是个地方,有叛乱,所以Ninth Legion 就去爬山涉水去平反,一些人死了,一些人在旅途中因为太遥远的距离也死了。
听力说:政府什么的不可能会让西方的Ninth Legion 乱,因为不值得啊,那么多的时间啊必要的supplies 该会让 estern legion去才对。
(重复 2016年 6月 25日原题)
The government can take a variety of actions to help protect
the environment.
Which one of the following do you think is the most important
for the nation ’s government to take to protect the
1.Fund the research to develop environmentally
friendly energy sources such as solar and wind energy.
2.Preserve the natural places like forests and protect
the animals that live there.
3.Enforce laws to prevent the pollution of air and water by
large companies.
本篇作文的 3 个方向都算好写。
1.Fund the research to develop environmentally
friendly energy sources such as solar and wind energy.
理由 1:清洁能源会更好的保护环境,烧煤会污染环境,但是太阳能就不会
理由 2:清洁能源已经大规模使用,比如说风能
理由 3:太阳能取之不尽用之不竭
2.Preserve the natural places like forests and protect
the animals that live there.
理由 1:保护物种多样性。
理由 2:保护自然环境能够协助我们减少污染。
理由 3:保护环境能够给人更多休憩放松的场所,能够让我们更好的工作和学习。
3.Enforce laws to prevent the pollution of air and water by
large companies.
理由 1:大公司使用了绝大部分能源
理由 2:大公司创造了最多的污染,管住他们,就管住源头
理由 3:大公司能够创造更多的新型能源,协助我们保护环境,比如特斯拉。