国际商务礼仪(第二版) Unit 22 Trade Show Etiquette
“礼仪(Etiquette)” 的内涵
人际交往过程中必须遵守的 公约及公共场所的注意事项 通俗地说就是: 不给别人造成不方便或不愉快
2、礼仪的本质? “度”是礼仪的本质。 礼仪其实就是各种得体的言行 举止规范的综合。 礼仪具有社会性和阶级性。
满足高层次的需要 自我实现 尊重的需要 归属的需要(会员、团体) 安全的需要(工作保障、身心健康) 生存的需要(衣、食、住、行)
通过正确了解和学习商务活动中 的礼仪,提升待人接物过程中的 语言行为素质,做受人尊敬的文 明的职业人。
良好的 商务礼仪
解决问题的 能力和沟通能力
品德、价值观 和文化
一、礼仪概述 二、职业形象
三、社交礼仪 四、商务礼仪
4. 建立个人信誉
当有足够的信誉存款时才有能力支取信 任。当一个人的信誉银行长期处于透支 或坏账时,即使有短期的信誉存款也不 能改变他人对你的不信任。
有礼貌,言行一致 理解,关心他人 对不在场的人尊重 敢于承认错误 积极乐观 勇于克服困难
粗鲁待人,不拘小节 斤斤计较,冷漠 自大,看不起别人 自私自利 消极悲观 爱抱怨
领扣:若领角有 扣,一定要扣上
风纪扣:若打领 带就一定要扣, 若不打领带,最
后领:比西 装领高出约
领子:与西装配 的衬衫衣领多为 方领,熨平,无
“礼仪(Etiquette)” 的内涵
人际交往过程中必须遵守的 公约及公共场所的注意事项 通俗地说就是: 不给别人造成不方便或不愉快
2、礼仪的本质? “度”是礼仪的本质。 礼仪其实就是各种得体的言行 举止规范的综合。 礼仪具有社会性和阶级性。
满足高层次的需要 自我实现 尊重的需要 归属的需要(会员、团体) 安全的需要(工作保障、身心健康) 生存的需要(衣、食、住、行)
通过正确了解和学习商务活动中 的礼仪,提升待人接物过程中的 语言行为素质,做受人尊敬的文 明的职业人。
良好的 商务礼仪
解决问题的 能力和沟通能力
品德、价值观 和文化
一、礼仪概述 二、职业形象
三、社交礼仪 四、商务礼仪
4. 建立个人信誉
当有足够的信誉存款时才有能力支取信 任。当一个人的信誉银行长期处于透支 或坏账时,即使有短期的信誉存款也不 能改变他人对你的不信任。
有礼貌,言行一致 理解,关心他人 对不在场的人尊重 敢于承认错误 积极乐观 勇于克服困难
粗鲁待人,不拘小节 斤斤计较,冷漠 自大,看不起别人 自私自利 消极悲观 爱抱怨
领扣:若领角有 扣,一定要扣上
风纪扣:若打领 带就一定要扣, 若不打领带,最
后领:比西 装领高出约
领子:与西装配 的衬衫衣领多为 方领,熨平,无
• In Germany, use titles.在德国,要使用头衔。
Business Cards:名片
• In Japan, present a business card with both hands; in Arabic countries, use the right hand only. 在日本,要用双手将名片递给对方;在阿拉伯国家,要用右手。
• Include your pany’s address and telephone numbers; include foreign headquarters, as appropriate. 包括你公司的地址、;合适的话,还可以包括国外总部的联系地 址。
• Include your fax number and e-mail address. • 写上你的传真号和电子邮件地址。
FAX Transmissions:传真
• Call ahead to confirm fax number and to alert the person that you are sending a message; message should follow within 15 minutes. 先打个过去确认传真号码,并通知对方你将要发送传真。传真应 在15分钟之内发送。
性别与地位和身份有关系。在美国女性被认为和男性一样平等。 在其他国家(中东)女性就不平等。
Position and Status:地位与身份
Age and hierarchy are important in such countries as Japan. Age takes precedence over rank, but rank is important. The higher the rank of the person you are introduced to, the lower you bow. The person of lower rank bows first and lowest; junior persons stop bowing first. You are also expected to sit and to go through the door in rank order. 在像日本这样的国家,年龄和社会阶级是很重要的。职位级别 很重要,但年龄更重要。越是将你介绍给职位比你高的人,你 鞠躬就要鞠的越低。职位低的人要先鞠躬,而且要鞠得低并先 停止鞠躬。坐下或进门的时候也要讲究级别。
Business Cards:名片
• In Japan, present a business card with both hands; in Arabic countries, use the right hand only. 在日本,要用双手将名片递给对方;在阿拉伯国家,要用右手。
• Include your pany’s address and telephone numbers; include foreign headquarters, as appropriate. 包括你公司的地址、;合适的话,还可以包括国外总部的联系地 址。
• Include your fax number and e-mail address. • 写上你的传真号和电子邮件地址。
FAX Transmissions:传真
• Call ahead to confirm fax number and to alert the person that you are sending a message; message should follow within 15 minutes. 先打个过去确认传真号码,并通知对方你将要发送传真。传真应 在15分钟之内发送。
性别与地位和身份有关系。在美国女性被认为和男性一样平等。 在其他国家(中东)女性就不平等。
Position and Status:地位与身份
Age and hierarchy are important in such countries as Japan. Age takes precedence over rank, but rank is important. The higher the rank of the person you are introduced to, the lower you bow. The person of lower rank bows first and lowest; junior persons stop bowing first. You are also expected to sit and to go through the door in rank order. 在像日本这样的国家,年龄和社会阶级是很重要的。职位级别 很重要,但年龄更重要。越是将你介绍给职位比你高的人,你 鞠躬就要鞠的越低。职位低的人要先鞠躬,而且要鞠得低并先 停止鞠躬。坐下或进门的时候也要讲究级别。
国际商务礼仪Unit 22 Trade Show Etiquette(会-PPT文档资料
B. Nonverbal communication in trade shows(会展中的体态交际)
Words to know
1. faux pas 失态,失礼 2. slouch: 无精打采地站(或坐、走) Several students were slouching against the wall. 有几个学生没精打采地倚在墙上。
3. sales pitch: 宣传标语
C Other considerations in tradeshow etiquette (会展礼仪中的 其他注意事项)
Words to know
1. hardcore selling 硬性推销 2. grumpy: bad-tempered, angry 生气的 The old man is a grumpy elder. 这老人是个脾气坏的长者。 Don’t be so grumpy and cynical about it. 不要为此这么生气,这么愤世嫉俗。 3. elicit: call forth 引出,探出 In one hour he had elicited the truth. 不到一个小时, 他就查明了真相。 4. dismantling: the act of taking something apart 分 解
Unit Twenty-Two Trade Show Etiquette(会展礼仪)
Focal Points
1. How to create a good first impression in trade shows 2. Nonverbal communication in trade shows 3. Other considerations in trade show etiquette
国际商务礼仪(第二版) 2.通讯礼仪ppt
an email, it is best to
A. B. C. D.
Write your email in sentence case Write in bold lettering TYPE IN CAPS SO THEY KNOW YOUR EMAIL IS IMPORTANT Change the font color to match your wardrobe
crunch-crunch Mount Kilimanjaro. 嘎吱嘎吱 corn chips
mouths that they sound like they’re talking to you from the slopes of
玉米煎饼;玉米薯片;炸玉米片 例:She began to walk forward, crunch-crunch over the snow and through 例:nothing tastes better at 10:45 AM than a cup of coffee and the wood towards the other light. a nice fist full of jalapeno-flavored corn chips! 她又继续朝前走,“嘎吱”、“嘎吱”的踩着积雪,穿过树林,一直朝着那盏灯走去。 早上10:45的一杯咖啡,外加一撮墨西哥胡椒口味的炸玉米片,没有 什么比这更享受的了。
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Warming up
Test your communication etiquettes
7) What is NOT a key element you should consider when improving listening?
A. B. C. D.
Write your email in sentence case Write in bold lettering TYPE IN CAPS SO THEY KNOW YOUR EMAIL IS IMPORTANT Change the font color to match your wardrobe
crunch-crunch Mount Kilimanjaro. 嘎吱嘎吱 corn chips
mouths that they sound like they’re talking to you from the slopes of
玉米煎饼;玉米薯片;炸玉米片 例:She began to walk forward, crunch-crunch over the snow and through 例:nothing tastes better at 10:45 AM than a cup of coffee and the wood towards the other light. a nice fist full of jalapeno-flavored corn chips! 她又继续朝前走,“嘎吱”、“嘎吱”的踩着积雪,穿过树林,一直朝着那盏灯走去。 早上10:45的一杯咖啡,外加一撮墨西哥胡椒口味的炸玉米片,没有 什么比这更享受的了。
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Warming up
Test your communication etiquettes
7) What is NOT a key element you should consider when improving listening?
10 years in this university,
teaching business English,
Business Etiquette, International
Trade Practice, and so on.
2021/7/26assroom study
10. You should obey rule of business etiquette in all cases.
Chapter 2 Etiquette in Business Talks
Dialogues: Role play P19~P35
Compliments Thanks Congratulation Apology
Focus Homework and test
Homework and test for chapter 2
Review what you have learned in class and discuss:
How to make compliments? What are the useful phrases and sentences?
2. If you want to know someone’s name, you can ask “ What’s your name?”
3. You’d better extend your name card with both hands to show your respect.
4. You’d better begin with a small talk, if the person is your new customer.
国际商务礼仪(第二版) Unit Two Dressing Etiquette
Men: neatly pressed dress pants, slacks, button shirts and ties (jackets
are optional but preferred) Ladies: evening dress, dinner dress, some pant suits
For the ladies, the following dress items are common: • • • • • • • Pant suit 长裤西服装 Knee-length skirt or full-length dress Dress pants 正装长裤 Blouse 衬衫 Jacket 夹克 High-heels 高跟鞋 Dress shoes 时装ng
Dressing is the way you put on clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion. Usually, it refers to one’s clothes, ties, shoes and accessories.
What is Dressing?
Dressing Etiquette It’s the way to dress, making you look like professionals in business settings. How you dress tells your personality and the attitude you take toward your job, the care you take with others, is essential to being respected and successful.
国际商务礼仪(第二版) Unit Five Handshaking and Kissing Etiquette
The Good Time to
shake hand
• Introduced to others and say goodbye.
• Meet client.
• The visitor comes into your room or office.
• Attend the receptions or parties and take leave.
What is Handshaking?
Kiss is a kind of common courtesy of coming from ancient times,which is usually initiated when people are greeting. It is a gesture indicating courtesy, respect, admiration or even devotion.
Focal Points
The rules for business handshake Kissing etiquette in business
It is initiated when the two hands touch, immediately. It is commonly done upon meeting, greeting, parting, offering congratulations, expressing gratitude, or completing an agreement. In sports or other competitive activities, it is also done as a sign of good sportsmanship. Its purpose is to convey trust, balance, and equality.
国际商务礼仪(第二版) Unit Eight Reception and Entertaining Etiquette
Focal Points
Rules of Business Reception Tips for Business Entertaining Importance of Professional Etiquette
Reception Etiquette
Reception is the beginning of the business, A perfect reception process can give the guests a good first impression; it also can foster a good cooperating image and a mental outlook, a start for future business activities. It mainly refers to visiting and receiving.
Business Reception Etiquette
Rules for business receptionist
• dress conservatively • wear make-up properly (if a lady) and have hairstyle neatly and conservatively done • wear little jewelry, and it should be noiseless and unobtrusive
• smile when greeting each visitor, try to show gladness to see each other and use the telephone to announce the visitor in cheerful voice; • transmit orders and directions to the visitor in a very clear manner;
国际商务礼仪(第二版) Unit Nine Dining Etiquette
Chopsticks are commonly used
Business Dining and Tipping
Most cultures consume at least some foods that are viewed as unusual by people in other cultures.
I. Divide the class into groups and practice the following. 1. Look at the following picture, each one tries to learn and practice the correct table settings. 2.Practice the American “ Zigzag ” Style and European “Continental” Style respectively.
Drinking and Toasting Customs
Business Toasting
☺The person being toasted does not drink to himself.
☺ After the toast, the person who is being toasted rises,
Focal Points
The Rules for Business Dining Dining and Tipping etiquette in various countries Business Drinking and Toasting Customs
国际商务礼仪(英文版)(第二版)Chapter 1 Business Etiquette in the International Arena[精]
Chapter 1 Business Etiquette in the International Arena
Learning objectives
By the end of this introductive chapter, you should be able to
define etiquette and business etiquette understand the origin and development of
help you appear polished and professional, rendering you knowledgeable and confident in clients’ eyes
Actions (I)
Appearance and Dress Positive first impression Business card etiquette Conversation skills
Case Study
Here is the situation: You’re meeting a client it crowded with noisy happy-hour patrons, making for an inhospitable business atmosphere-what do you do?
The word “etiquette” originated in France during the 1600s and 1700s.
It used to mean “keep off the grass” in French.
Learning objectives
By the end of this introductive chapter, you should be able to
define etiquette and business etiquette understand the origin and development of
help you appear polished and professional, rendering you knowledgeable and confident in clients’ eyes
Actions (I)
Appearance and Dress Positive first impression Business card etiquette Conversation skills
Case Study
Here is the situation: You’re meeting a client it crowded with noisy happy-hour patrons, making for an inhospitable business atmosphere-what do you do?
The word “etiquette” originated in France during the 1600s and 1700s.
It used to mean “keep off the grass” in French.
国际商务礼仪(第二版) Unit 24 Negotiation Etiquette
International Business Marine Etiquette Cargo Insurance and Manners
Negotiation Techniques:
Text B
Present yourself as friendly and polite to give the impression of trustworthiness. To engage in small talk before the negotiations begin and to have short conversations after negotiations have ended for the day. Recognize and avoid verbal expressions with which the other party may be unfamiliar. Discover whether the audience prefers communication to be direct or indirect. Be sure that your presentation is concise, fact-based and easy to follow. Consider the negotiation etiquette of the professionals you are working with . Actively listen and patiently Wait for a decision.
2.It is cultural difference that one must consider seriously.
3.In North American eye contact is often viewed as showing confidence and honesty while in Japan it means rudeness or inappropriateness.
When using audio conferencing in your online meeting, it’s good etiquette to mute your end when you aren’t speaking.
Strive for clarity when you’re using text chat during your meeting.
When discussions are under way it is good business etiquette to allow more senior figures to contribute first.
Never interrupt anyone - even if you disagree strongly. Note what has been said and return to it later with the chair’s permission.
Formal Meetings (I)
Prepare well for the meeting as your contribution may be integral to the proceedings.
Dress well and arrive in good time. Always remember to switch off a mobile phone. If there is an established seating pattern,
–Ten tips (II)
6. Keep in mind that there are “verbal〞 and “visual〞 learners.
7. Record resolution on any items discussed. 8. Meetings are not just for monologues. 9. If you’re running the meeting, it’s good
Strive for clarity when you’re using text chat during your meeting.
When discussions are under way it is good business etiquette to allow more senior figures to contribute first.
Never interrupt anyone - even if you disagree strongly. Note what has been said and return to it later with the chair’s permission.
Formal Meetings (I)
Prepare well for the meeting as your contribution may be integral to the proceedings.
Dress well and arrive in good time. Always remember to switch off a mobile phone. If there is an established seating pattern,
–Ten tips (II)
6. Keep in mind that there are “verbal〞 and “visual〞 learners.
7. Record resolution on any items discussed. 8. Meetings are not just for monologues. 9. If you’re running the meeting, it’s good
?chum up 与某人成好朋友;拉交情 e.g. I notice it did not take Julian long to chum up with the new secretary.
?Super Bowl 美国橄榄球超级杯大赛 (一般在每年 1月份的最后一个或是 2
5.Make a follow- up quiz to find out customers' satisfaction towards
月份的第一个星期天举行,被称为 “超级碗”( Super Bowl)的这一天 是所有球迷的狂欢节)。
International BMusairninesesCEatriqgoueInttseuaranndcMe anners
Trade Show Booth Etiquette: How To Be A Good Host
?slouch v. 无精打采地站(坐,走) e.g. She slouched across the living room.
International BMusairninesesCEatriqgoueInttseuaranndcMe anners
Text B
International BMusairninesesCEatriqgoueInttseuaranndcMe anners
II.True or False.
1.Eat something to resist hunger when there are not so many
In advertising, a hard sell is an advertisement or campaign that uses a more direct, forceful, and overt sales message. This approach is the diametric counterpart of a soft sell. The term is also used to describe aggressive sales techniques used by company representatives, particularly in the context of doorstep selling.
国际商务礼仪(英文版)(第二版)Chapter 6 Telephoning Etiquette
Leave a message
• Think through what you are going to say before you place the call. • State your name first. • State your number right after your name. • Repeat your phone number twice. • State the purpose of your call. • Find some common ground. • Be brief. • Leave a specific request. • Consider leaving your e-mail in addition to your phone number.
The basic rules for teleconferencing
• Don’t interrupt, keep on the subject, and avoid negative comment of others. • Enunciate clearly and smile often. • Everyone must call in on time, as prearranged. • At the end of the conference the leader should summarize the discussion, close the conference, and thank the participants.
Sometimes callers are rude and unreasonable. You may not know why they are rude or unhappy, but you can influence the outcome of the call and perhaps regain the caller’s goodwill. Once a customer was surf the Internet and dealing with his stocks when his Internet was disconnected. He tried for 15 minutes but still failed to reconnect the line. He was so angry that he called the China Telecom customer hotline on 10000 and shouted about the huge loss caused by the Internet problem. If you were the operator of 10000, how would you handle the difficult caller?
• In Germany, use titles.在德国,要使用头衔。
Business Cards:名片
• In Japan, present a business card with both hands; in Arabic countries, use the right hand only. 在日本,要用双手将名片递给对方;在阿拉伯国家,要用右手。 • Treat the business card with respect; place the card before you on the desk or conference table to properly refer to title, rank, and name. 对待名片要有礼貌;将名片放在你前面的桌上,并使用合适的头衔 和名字来称呼对方。 • Print a translation of all identifying information on the back of the card in the language of the country you will visit. 在你名片的反面用你所去国家的文字印上所有的识别信息。
Electronic Communication Etiquette 电子交流的礼节
• When communicating by telephone, the initial impression is formed more on vocal quality than on words spoken. 用电话交流的时候,更多时候第一印象是由声音的质量而不是说 出来的话决定的。 • Good telephone manners include answering the phone promptly, identifying yourself properly, and being courteous at all times. 好的电话风格包括,立即接听电话、用适当的方式说出自己的身 份、保持通话时的礼貌。 • When leaving a voice mail message, be brief but complete. 留言的时候要简洁、完整。 • When using e-mail, avoid negative or personal information. 使用电子邮件时,避免发送消极的或个人的信息。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
amicable adj. 友好的,温和的
e.g. The two parties have reached an amicable settlement.
International BuMsinaersisneECtiaqrugeottIenasunrdaMnceanners
Unit Twenty-Two Trade Show Etiquette
International BuMsinaersisneECtiaqrugeottIenasunrdaMnceanners
1 Lead-in 2 Text A 3 Text B 4 Text C 5 Exercises
海沃德说:“最大的失礼就是你的手机在教堂里响起,v. 无精打采地站(坐,走) e.g. She slouched across the living room.
Text A
demeanor n. 行为,举止,态度 e.g. She is acutely aware of the discrepancy between her inner state and her public demeanor.
flaunt v. 炫耀
International BuMsinaersisneECtiaqrugeottIenasunrdaMnceanners
Creating First Impression:
Always be careful about your professional appearance.
Always be careful about your professional appearance.
International BuMsinaersisneECtiaqrugeottIenasunrdaMnceanners
DISCUSSION: Trade shows present a golden opportunity to connect with current and potential clients alike. But many companies let the opportunity slip through their fingers. Do you know the tips for triggering a successful trade show ? nonverbal communication 标清(270P).qlv
after the show. Be considerate of the other vendors.
International BuMsinaersisneECtiaqrugeottIenasunrdaMnceanners
Text B
Text B
faux pas 失态,失礼
e.g. "The ultimate faux pas would be to have your mobile phone go off in the Abbey, even if you had `God Save the Queen` as your ringtone, " Hayward said.
Text A
lucrative adj.获利多的,赚钱的 e.g. He inherited a lucrative business from his father.
Text A
scuffed adj. 磨损的 e.g. Constant wheelchair use will scuff almost any floor surface.
e.g. The rich flaunted their wealth while the poor starved on the streets.
International BuMsinaersisneECtiaqrugeottIenasunrdaMnceanners
Try as much as possible not to eat and drink in your tradeshow booth.
Don’t get engrossed in a book or a magazine.
International BuMsinaersisneECtiaqrugeottIenasunrdaMnceanners
Nonverbal Communication in Trade Shows:
Stand forward in your booth with hands relaxed and at your sides.
Don’t forget you are on company time. Stand up during the event no matter how bad
your feet hurt and your back aches. Do not scratch. As you talk with a guest, do not look over his
or her shoulder. Save your idle chatter with your booth mates
International BuMsinaersisneECtiaqrugeottIenasunrdaMnceanners
Text A
get engrossed in 使全神贯注
e.g. The reporter's job is to get the audience engrossed in the story. 报道者的任务就是确保观众在整个故事中全神贯注。