
IELTS阅读分类词汇===阅读分类词汇===心理theorem 原理,定理v.s. theorymethodology 方法论(method)physiology 生理学(physiological)psychiatry 精神病学psychology, psycho, psychosis, psychoanalysis correlation 相互关系correlation coefficientsensation 感觉,知觉(另)轰动sensationalperception 感知,认知intuition 知觉(intuitive)ESP 第六感(Extrasensory Perception)motivate 激励à motivation (^ bonus, commission, …)incentive 激励因素stimulus 刺激à stimulate, stimulationdisorder 紊乱,失调dysfunction 机能障碍dys(=dis) + functiondissonance 不和谐,不一致dis + son(sound) +ancetrauma 创伤(traumatic)the trauma caused by Sept. 11anxiety 焦虑(= anxiousness)depression 沮丧(de + press + ion)~ depressedv.s. repression (压抑) insomnia 失眠phobia 恐惧(症) suffix: -phobiaacrophobia acronym: IELTS, TOEFL…enophobia a fear of foreigners or strangersclaustrophobia a fear of being closed in a confined placeallergy 过敏(症),反感( allergic)He is allergic to card playing. propensity Most boys have a propensity of playing with machinery.= tendency, inclinationparanoid 偏执的paranoia (偏执狂)workaholic 工作狂( alcoholic)symptom 症状diagnosis 诊断(n.) diagnose (v.)Arthur Haily: “The Final Diagnosis”electroencephalogram 脑电图^ electrocardiogram (心电图)assertive 武断的( assert)therapy 治疗法group therapyhypnotism 催眠术(~ hypnotize)prescribe 开药方v.s. subscribe, describe, inscribeà prescription: ~ drugs antidepressant 抗抑郁药tranquilizer 镇静药( tranquil)side-effect (+s) 副作用immune 免疫的,免除的( immunity)rehabilitation 复原,康复relapse 旧病复发,故态复萌v.s. elapse 子在川上曰:逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜!chronic 慢性的adolescence 青春期(the time of life between puberty and adulthood) emotional <>rationalaffective 情感的( affection)sane 神智健全的insanesuperstition 迷信superstitioustelepathy 传心术,通灵术tele(far away) + pathy(heart)^ numerology, palmistryapathy 无感情,无兴趣,冷漠(= indifference) sympathy: sym(same) + pathypathology 病理学,病理,病变delusion 迷惑,欺瞒v.s. illusiondisorientation 迷失(dis + orientation)~ disorientedpervert 使反常/变态反常/变态者perversionintrospection 内省v.s. retrospection (回顾,反省)sublimation 纯化,升华 sublimepersonality = personal characteristicsmultiple personality (多重人格)innate 天赋的in + nate(nature)= inborn, congenitalattribute 属性(à attributable)trait 特征,品质national traits 国民性vs. traitor===阅读分类词汇===科技ubiquitous 普遍存在的= omnipresent (omniscient, omnipotent)versatile (人)多才多艺的,(物)通用的à versatilityalchemy 炼金术transmute 变形,变质transmute silver into gold (!)arduous 艰巨的(=strenuous)an arduous taskpitfall 陷阱,未预见之困难metallurgy 冶金alloy 合金aluminum = aluminium (BE)^ calcium, uranium, radium ,copper, brass, bronzeelectrode 电极distill 蒸馏distilled waterquartz 石英phosphorus 磷,磷光物质inflammable 易燃的( flame)combustion 燃烧(combustible)spontaneous combustion (white phosphorus) ceramic 陶瓷的瓷器(ceramics)insulate 隔离,绝缘insulator (<>conductor=fiber 纤维(BE: fibre)fiber optics (纤维光学)optics 光学(à optical)retina 视网膜iris 虹膜opaque 不透明的v.s. transparent, translucentmicroprocessor 微处理器^ CPU(Central Processing Unit), chipbinary 二进制的integrate integration ,integrated circuit (IC), system integration (SI)buffer 缓冲区buffer storagebrowser 浏览器( IE, Netscape)hypertext 超文本envisage 想象,看作en + vis(see) + age be envisaged asmomentous (极为)重要的v.s. momentaryreticular 网状的Ethernet 以太网domain 域domain namescyberlaw 网络法律“cyber-“: Internet relatedcyberlove, cybercafe, …patent 专利( patented)v.s. copyright, ^ pirated software/VCD’s chronological 按时间顺序的“chron”: time^ chronic, chronicle, chronograph robot 机器人(“肉包它”) roboticsartificial 人造的,做作的artificial satellite/smilecone 圆锥体,锥形物the nose cone of a missileJupiter 木星Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturnexorbitant 过度的,过分的,过高的ex(out) + orbit + antcentripetal 向心(力)的<>centrifugalhigh-rise 高楼(~ skyscraper)cathedral 大教堂dome 圆顶(a hemispherical roof)infrastructure 基础设施<>superstructuresewage 污水,下水道hydraulic 水力的,水压的landfill 垃圾掩埋(地)ventilation 通风thermostat 温控器thermo(hot) + stat(steady)^ thermos, thermometer,thermonuclearprefabricate 预先制造prefab (预制的)polytechnic 各种工艺的理工学校Hong Kong Polytechnicgeometric 几何(学)的geometry, geo(land) + metry(measure)asymmetry 不对称a(not) + sym(same) + metry(↑)<>symmetryconcave 凹的<>convex=bilateral 双边的,两方面的<>unilateralparadoxical “似非而是”的paradox (悖论)empirical 经验的empirical law/formulaclockwise 顺时针的(<>anticlockwise===阅读分类词汇===教育accommodation (膳宿)供应= room and boardlodging 寄宿(处)lease 出租“for lease”, “to let”v.s. renttenant 房客,佃户landlord 房东àlandlady(f)ßLord, <>tenant ,housemate ~ roommate, dormmate, schoolmate, classmatedormitory 寝室(abbrev. dorm)au pair A young foreigner who lives with a family in return for doing light housework (另) = reciprocalreciprocal 相互的,互惠的hostel youth hostel~ hotelreal estate 房地产vicinity = neighborhoodflat 平的,瘪的flat tire公寓(= apartment)^ condo, studiobond = depositlinen 亚麻的亚麻织品,床单(= bed linen)utensil 器皿stationery 文具(v.s. stationary)laundry 洗衣,洗衣店cafeteria 自助餐厅~ canteencater 满足(需要)aerobics 有氧健身操“aero”: airbadminton 羽毛球(运动)baseball 棒球baseball batsquash 壁球(运动)amateur <>professionalgathering 聚会v.s. meeting, reunionexcursion 远足(= outing, expedition)commonwealth 共和国,联邦Commonwealth: 英联邦tertiary 第三的After purchasing a house and a car, the next major lifeexpenditure is almost certainly the cost of tertiary education. primary à secondary à tertiarypost-secondary “post”: afterpostgraduate, postdoctoral, post-sale, postwarilliterate 文盲不识字的il(no) + literate(words)à illiteracy (<>literacy=discipline 学科,纪律v.s. subjectterminology 术语faculty department and staff of a college/universitydean (大学)教务长curriculum 课程(= course)à extracurricular 课外的syllabus 课程提纲calendar 日历,日程(~ schedule, agenda, timetable)compulsory 强制的,必修的<>elective (选修的)examiner <>examinee^ take/sit, pass/get through, fail, retake/resitrecruit 招生,招募recruitment= enrollprestige 声望,威信à prestigiousesteem 尊敬(n. & v.)your esteemed school/companyaptitude 智力SAT: School Aptitude Testmatriculation 录取入学vocation 职业(= calling, occupation, career) à vocationalvocational educationTAFE Technical And Further Education (Australian)abbreviation 缩略(词)~ abridge (缩短,删节)transferable (学分等)可转换的scholarship 奖学金= fellowshiptutorial 辅导(课)ß tutor (= lecturer, instructor)pedagogue 教员,学究~ pedagogy (教育学,教学法) demagogue (政治煽动家) lexicography 词典编撰(à lexicographer)assignment 任务,(课外)作业dissertation 论文(= thesis)credential 证明,文凭“cred”: creditlinguistic credentialsalumni 校友(男)<>alumnaeoverestimate 高估(<>underestimate=decipher 解码,解释(= decode)decipher workplace culturecaliber 才干===阅读分类词汇===文化homogeneous 同质的homo + gene +ous(<>heterogeneous=^ homosexual, heterosexualmainstream 主流主流的dialect 方言(v.s. accent)discrepancy 差异misconception 误解(mis + concept + ion)= misunderstandingbarrier 障碍(物)~ bar, = barricadediscrimination 区别,歧视racial/sexual discriminationß discriminate (+against) hierarchy 等级制度heir + arch(govern) + yinsularity 岛国性质(ß insular, ^island) .microcosm 小天地micro + cosm(os)nostalgia = homesicknesspatriot 爱国者(<>traitor=à patriotic, patriotismcompatriot 同胞同胞的com + patriotvernacular 本地的,本国的本地话,本国话the vernacular languages of India Hispanic An American whose first language was Spanishimmigration 移入~ immigrant, immigratev.s. emigration (~ emigrant, emigrate) antipodes Any two places or regions on diametrically opposite sidesof the Earth“from North America to the Antipodes”permeate 渗透,弥漫Smoke permeated the house.entrepreneur 企业家(~ enterprise)à entrepreneurshippractitioner 开业者,从业者praction(practice) + ercelebrity a famous person= luminary, VIPproxy 代理人anecdote 轶事(à anecdotal)notoriety 恶名(ß notorious)counterpart 对应人,对等物Who’s George Bush’s counterpart in Chinacounterculture, counterbalancepeer 同等的人凝视,窥视(~ peep)subordinate 下级下级的<>superiortactics 战术,技巧v.s. strategy (战略,策略) marketing strategy v.s. selling tacticsnuance a subtle difference in meaningbenchmarking 类比分析punctual 准时的,守时的(à punctuality)absenteeism 旷工absent à absentee à absenteeismflextime 弹性工作时间flex(flexible) + timeharass 骚扰(à harassment)Mary said that Gary had sexually harassed her. redundancy 冗余,冗员network redundancydownsize 裁员(~ lay off)ballot 投票(= vote)impartial 不偏不倚的(<>partial=lobby 大堂(n.) 游说(v.)shortlist (BE) a list of applicants who have been deemed suitable and from which the successful person will be chosen à (v.)equilibrium 平衡,均衡questionnaire 调查表,问卷quantitative 定量的(<>qualitative=contingency 偶然性,偶然事件incur 招致incur debts/hatred/dangerv.s. occur, concur, recurethical 伦理的,符合伦理的~ ethics, <>unethicaldubious 疑惑的,可疑的(~ doubt)People were dubious about the result. manifestation 显示,证明(ß manifest)subtitle 字幕,副标题(sub + title)^ subsidiary, submarine, subway (BE: underground, tube), suburb(~ downtown, uptown, outskirts) dubbing 配音录制vogue 时尚^ chicbizarre 奇异的v.s. weird (怪异的)mediocre 平庸的dietitian 饮食学家(~ diet)connoisseur 行家,鉴赏家^ entrée, a la carte===雅思阅读分类词汇===-生物/生理molecule 分子à molecularcell cellularamino à amino acids (氨基酸)protein 蛋白质enzyme 酶(proteins that are produced by cells and act as catalysts inspecific biochemical reactions)catalyst 催化剂chlorophyll 叶绿素“chloro-”: Clphotosynthesis 光合作用(photo + synthesis)à photosyntheticbotany 植物学(<>zoology=à botanist, botanicalflora 植物群fauna 动物群bacterium bacteria (pl.) 细菌fungus fungi (pl.) 真菌algae alga (pl.) 海藻herb à herbal: ~ teaà herbicide (^ insecticide, pesticide)carnation 康乃馨à reincarnationfade 凋谢,褪色organism 机体,组织ß organarthropod 节肢动物v.s. anthropoid (↓)reptile 爬行动物amphibian 两栖动物mammal 哺乳动物(ß mamma!)primate 灵长目动物evolution 进化(ß evolve)anthropoid 类人猿(“anthrop”: humankind)~ anthropology, philanthropy v.s.ape, gorilla, chimpanzeegene 基因^ DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)~ genome (基因组)genetics 遗传学(à genetical)helix 螺旋,螺旋壮物… analyze every single gene within the double helix of humanity’s DNAidentical 同一的~ identity (à ID card)^ clonemutation 突变gene mutationà mutable, immutable, mutantpredator 捕食者(<>prey=embryo 胚胎à embryonic (萌芽的)roe 鱼子>>>caviar (鱼子酱)tadpole 蝌蚪>>>frog, toad (^ told)caterpillar 毛毛虫(cater + pillar)The American Company: Caterpillar (CAT) grasshopper 蚱蜢,蝗虫(= locust)grass + hopper, ^ bellhopcricket 蟋蟀(另)板球butterfly v.s. moth^ dragonfly, fireflypollen 花粉传粉à pollinate, pollinationhive 蜂房>>>honey, ^ concoctionlarva larvae (pl.) 幼虫v.s. lavapupa 蛹à pupatepenguin 企鹅v.s. dolphin (海豚)raccoon 浣熊v.s. kangaroo (袋鼠)hibernate 冬眠(=hole up)torpid 麻木的,蛰伏的v.s. torpedo (鱼雷)cerebral (大)脑的hemisphere 半球(hemi + sphere)cortex 脑皮层migraine 偏头疼ß migrantsomatic 躯体的limb 四肢upper/lower limbanatomy 解剖,剖析paralyze 使瘫痪(=incapacitate, immobilize)artery 动脉(<>vein=gland 腺体pancreas 胰hormone 荷尔蒙,激素cholesterol 胆固醇efficacy 功效v.s. efficiency, effectiveness===雅思阅读分类词汇===环境问题conservation 保护,保存(ß conserve)v.s. conversationenvironmentalist = conservationistacid 酸酸的(<>alkali=acid raincarbon 碳(C) v.s. charcoal (炭)carbon dioxide, carbon monoxidefume exhaust fumesv.s. smoke, fog, smogpetroleum 石油à petrol (BE) = gasoline/gas (AE)à unleaded petrol/gasozone 臭氧(o + zone)ozone layerooze 渗出渗出物radiation 辐射ultraviolet(UV) radiation~ radioactivegreenhouse 温室greenhouse effect/gasessolar 太阳的(solar energy)^ lunar (lunar calendar)phenomenon 现象catastrophe = disaster, cataclysmdeterioration 恶化(ß deteriorate)extinction 灭绝(ß extinct)species endangered speciesdrought 干旱(^ “找它”)>>>famine v.s. floodingrecurrent 反复发生的re + (oc)cur + rentv.s. concurrentinundate 淹没^ “淹掉它”embankment 筑堤(em + bank + ment)sediment 沉积(物)= depositdelta 三角洲the Pearl River Deltaalluvial 冲积的desertification (v.s. dessert)dust-storm 沙尘暴^ thunderstorm, brainstormbarren 贫瘠的,不育的,无效的dune sand dune the game “DUNE”!attributable 归因于be attributable to…deforestation 滥砍滥伐(森林)de + forest + ation<>afforestation/reforestation log 原木,日志伐木v.s. logovegetation 植物,植被v.s. vegetable, vegetarianhabitat 栖息地ß habit (Habit is the second nature.)ecosystem 生态系统(eco + system)~ ecologyviability ß viable “vi”: life养育能力One tool for assessing the impact offorestry on the ecosystem is population viability analysis. demographic 人口统计的demo(people) + graph(write) + ic interdependence inter + dependencecounterbalance 使平衡,弥补(=offset)counter(against) + balancemechanism 机理,机制precipitation 陡降,降水(ß precipice)<>evaporationcirculation 流通,循环tide à tidal wave (海啸)<>ebb <<<earthquaketyphoon ~ tornado, hurricanemeteorology 气象(学)volcano 火山eruption 喷发(ß erupt)volcanic eruption >>>lavagranite 花岗岩imminent = impending v.s. eminentCelsius 摄氏的37OCv.s. centigradeFahrenheit 华氏的latitude 纬度(另) longitude, altitudetropical ß (the) tropicstropical/torrid zone, temperate zone, frigid zone glacier 冰川dump 倾倒,倾销à anti-dumpingcontaminate 弄脏(à contaminant)recycle 回收再利用irreversible 不可逆的(= irrevocable)reclaim 开垦,改造à reclamationcontentious 有争议的(ß contend)Many environmental issues today are highly contentious.opt 选择(+ for) à optionprioritize 优先考虑(ß prior, priority)===雅思分类词汇===医院mental hospital 精神病医院clinic诊所physician/internist 内科医生oculist/eye doctor眼科医生surgon 外科医生dentist牙医vet兽医shrink心理医生symptom 症状have/catch a cold 感冒have a sore throat 嗓子痛have a stomachache 胃痛have a fever 发烧pneumonia 肺炎flu 流感have a cough 咳嗽have a headache头痛have a toothache牙痛liver trouble 肝炎allergy 过敏症twisted/sprained扭伤的feel dizzy 头晕feel chilly 觉得发冷asthma 哮喘diabetics糖尿病患者cramps抽筋vomit/throw up/nauseate呕吐diarrhea腹泻vomitive/pukey恶心的luggies/phlegm痰叮叮小文库have a stuffed nose鼻子不通cholera霍乱stiff neck脖子发僵abscess脓肿yellow fever黄热病hay fever枯草热pills药丸mixture合剂eyedrops眼药水syrup糖浆pad药棉块vitamin维他命tablet药片penicillin盘尼西林antibiotic抗生素ointment药膏medication药物aspirin阿司匹林bandage绷带syringe注射器stethoscope听诊器injection注射preventive injection预防针gauze纱布cold cure感冒药sweating medicine发汗药febrifuge退烧药capsule胶囊case history病历extract拔牙take one's temperature量体温see a doctor看病send for a doctor请医生feel one's pulse量脉搏take one's blood pressure量血压give a prescription开药方have an operation 动手术make an appointment预约===雅思分类词汇===生活咨询make a reservation预定confirm a reservation确认预定cancel one's reservation取消预定frist come,frist serve先到先服务原则layover/stopover中途停留timetable时刻表fare票价toll通行费saver ticket优惠票open ticket开放机票one-way ticket单程票round-trip ticket往返票airport tax机场税duty-free shop免税店excess charge超重vacant seat空座direct/non-stop flight直达航班connecting-flight转机book预定destination目的地frist class头等仓business class商务仓economy class经济仓van中巴shuttle bus班车airport limousine机场大巴berth铺位(火车上)pullman卧铺车scenic spot景点extra charge/surcharge附加费fulling-booked满了seat arrangement/assignment定座E.T.A(estimated time of arrival)预计到达时间E.T.D(estimated time of departure)预计起飞时间常用句型I'd like to book______________________?I'd like to order_____________________?Waht hour are you open________________?waht time do you open/close___________?===雅思分类词汇===银行交易1)常用词汇bank book/pass book存折open an account开户earn interest赚取利息savings account储蓄存款帐户current account活期存款帐户check/cheque account支票帐户deposit account定期存款帐户annual interest rate年利率monthly savings account按月计息帐户daily interest account按天计息帐户instant account速成户头service charge服务费/手续费signature card签名卡draw/withdraw提款order check/cheque记名支票rubber check/cheque空头支票blank check/cheque空白支票exchange rate汇率denomination=face value面额four in hundred四张一百元面额give the money in fives/tens换成五元或十元面额bill钞票change零钱cash现金password/code密码amount in figures小写金额amount in words大写金额credit card信用卡the balance of your bank account帐户余额traveler’s check/chque旅行支票coin硬币penny便士nickel(美、加)的五分硬币dime(美、加)的十分硬币unit 货币单位value/worth面值ounce盎司1/16磅commercial/merchant bank商业银行full refund全额偿还extension延期overdraw/overdraft透支rebate回扣payday发薪日pay slip/envelop薪水单a princely sum(an excessive amount)巨款mortgage抵押by installment分期付款apply for/grant_______a loan申请/批准贷款debt债务collateral担保物fill out/in填写chquebook/checkbook支票簿loan贷款joint account联名帐户expense account公款支付帐户cashier收银员teller银行职员statement对帐单money order汇票accountant会计A.T.M自动取款机常用句型I’d like to open a_____________account.I’d like to check the present balance in ___________account.I’d like to apply for a personal loan.I’d like to change(兑换)___________for_____________.What’s the current rate?How would you like to receive your change(零钱)?还有时常会考到银行的开放时间,一般是几点到几点?还有周末或许不同(注意)===雅思分类词汇===教育这个场景比较复杂,因为考的内容会很广泛,包括:新生入学报到场景、课程设置及规定介绍场景、家庭作业分析场景、课堂演示场景日常生活咨询场景等。

高频词汇Monday合理的adj. 1. fair 1. tariff 关税收费表n.竞争对手n. 2. rival 2. well-being 健康状况n.营养的adj. 3. nutritional 3. negative 消极的负极adj.合作者v.n. 4. collaborate 4. territory 领土版图n.肌肉n. 5. muscle 5. ancestral 祖先的adj.长途汽车,教练n. 6. coach 6. obesity 肥胖症n.监视器班长n.v. 7. monitor 7. diabetes 糖尿病n.竞争n. 8. competition 8. mystery 迷n.专门知识或者技能n. 9. expertise 9. tremendous 巨大的adj.复制,繁殖v. 10. reproduce 10. appreciate 欣赏,赞赏,重视v. 障碍n. 11. obstacle 11. sustenance 食物,养料n.机会范围n. 12. scope 12. respective 各自的adj.计算算出v. 13. calculate 13. adopt 收养,采用混合物复合物n.v. 14. compound 14. democratic 民主的adj.爆炸n. 15. explosion 15. congestion 拥堵堵车n.商业n. 16. commerce 16. convert 转变v.栅栏,关口,障碍n. 17. barrier 17. proposal 提案建议求婚n.商品n. 18. commodity 18. grey 灰色n.adj.不成比例地adv. 19. disproportionately 19. accelerate 加速v.货物货运n.v. 20. freight 20. downside 下降趋势的adj.国内的内部的adj. 21. domestic 21. burden 重担负担n.创新改革n. 22. innovation 22. deteriorate 变坏恶化v.变弱v. 23. weaken 23. diversity 多样化,分歧n.保证v.n. 24. guarantee 24. sequence 连续,顺序n.组成部分n.adj. 25. component 25. fulfill 履行,实现v.Tuesday照片n. 1. photograph 1. chronic 长期的,慢性的adj. 想象力n. 2. imagination 2. representative 典型的代表n.adj.非凡的adj. 3. extraordinary 3. pharmaceutical 制药的adj.有活力的adj. 4. dynamic 4. attendance 出席参加n.讲台,月台n. 5. platform 5. ethical 道德的,伦理的adj. 叙述讲述n.adj. 6. narrative 6. boundary 边界n.露天游乐场n. 7. fairground 7. mortality 死亡率n.目标n.v. 8. target 8. illiterate 不识字的,文盲n.adj. 反馈n. 9. feedback 9. colleague 同事n.徼起诱发v. 10. motivate 10. implication 暗示,可能的影响n. 不一致adj. 11. inconsistent 11. intervention 干预,介入n.连词,结合n. 12. conjunction 12. maternal 母亲般的adj.增加加强n. 13. reinforcement 13. persistent 坚持不懈的adj.分配分发v. 14. distribute 14. bully 欺负v.n.透明的adj. 15. transparent 15. physical 身体住理的adj.晋升,提升n. 16. advancement 16. verbal 与文字相关的adj. 外部的表面的adj. 17. external 17. severity 严格,严厉,严重n. 目标,进球n. 18. goal 18. explicit 明确的,详述的adj. 卡路里n. 19. calorie 19. implement 工具实行执行n.发生率影响范围n. 20. incidence 20. substitute 代替者n.v.复制重复V. 21. replicate 21. campaign 战役,运动n.v.乐观的adj. 22. optimistic 22. permanent 永恒的adj.可能性n. 23. likelihood 23. offender 罪犯者,冒犯者n. 大量,群众n. 24. multitude 24. supervision 监督,管理n.不足的稀少的adj. 25. scarce 25. recognize 认得辨认出v.Wednesday估计v. 1. estimate 1. erode 侵蚀腐蚀v.修改v. 2. modify 2. relief 减轻(痛苦)v.策略n. 3. strategy 3. digestive 有助消化的adj占主导,占优势的adj. 4. dominant 4. maintain 维持,维修v.栖息地n. 5. habitat 5. reluctant 勉强的adj.比例n. 6. proportion 6. juvenile 年轻人n.欣赏,感激,重视v. 7. appreciate 7. permanent 永恒的永久的adj. 破坏v. 8. destruction 8. decline 减少v.大多数n. 9. majority 9. species 物种n.哺乳动物n. 10. mammal 10. approach 方法n.接近v.退化v. 11. degenerate 11. respiratory 呼吸的adj.偿还,补偿v. 12. compensate 12. reveal 揭露v.变化n. 13. variation 13. associate 把…联系v.描述,代表,阐明v. 14. represent 14. unpredictable 不可预测的adj.创始.n创始的adj. 15. initiative 15. defensive 防御的adj.看的见的adj. 16. sighted 16. physical 物理的身体的adj.危及v. 17. endanger 17. surrounding 周围的adj.多样n. 18. diversity 18. evolutionary 进化的adj.经济的adj. 19. economic 19. circumstance 情况环境n.语言学的adj. 20. linguistic 20. enterprise 工程企业n.语言学的adj. 21. bilingual 21. exploitation 剥削v.生存v. 22. survive 22. domestic 国内的内部的adj.有助于,导致23. contribute to 23. determine 决定,决心v.可替换的adj. 24. alternative 24. establish 建立v.觉醒n. 25. disillusion 25. hazard 冒险n. v.消费,花费v. 5. expend 5. generate 产生发生v.足够的适当的adj. 6. adequate 6. indispensable 必不可少,必须的adj. 营养n. 7. nutrition 7. resistance 抵抗n.起外号把…称为v. 8. dub 8. investigate 调查研究v.资源n. 9. resource 9. primarily 起初首先adv.理论的adj. 10. theoretical 10. contemporary 同时代的adj考古学n. 11. archaeology 11. weapon 武器n.珍惜v.财宝n. 12. treasure 12. constitute 构成,建立v.出土文物n. 13. excavation 13. span 跨度范围n.遗产n. 14. heritage 14. significant 重要的adj.纪律学科n. v.训练15. discipline 15. gifted 天才的adj.限制约束v. 16. restrict 16. comprehend 领会理解v.区别辨别v. 17. distinguish 17. specific 明确的,具体的adj.源于…,得到v. 18. derive 18. objectively 客观地adv.人工制品n. 19. artifact 19. comment 评论注释意见n.v.减少变小v. 20. diminish 20. obtain 获得v.减轻减少v. 21. lessen 21. minimize 最小化v.假设n. 22. hypothesis 22. emit 发出,散发v.现实的adj. 23. realistic 23. explode 使爆炸v.分派分配v. 24. allocate 24. fragment 碎片片段n.基础的adj 25. fundamental 25. declaration 宣布声称n.Friday忧虑担心n. 1. concern 1. originality 独创性创造性n.混乱紊乱n. 2. chaos 2. innovative 创新的adj.收集编辑vt. 3. compile 3. melt 溶解v.印象想法n. 4. impression 4. dub 给…起绰号,把…称为v.文学上的adj. 5. literary 5. superiority 优越性优等n.建立n. 6. establishment 6. perspective 远景前途n.分期付款n. 7. installment 7. mysterious 神秘的难以理解的adj极大地巨大的adj.8. immense 8. comedian 丑角喜剧演员n.收养v.采纳9. adopt 9. interpretation 解释口译n.稳定稳固n. 10. stability 10. principle 原则n.细微精细n. 11. subtlety 11. instinctual 本能的adj.心理学n. 12. psychology 12. cognitive 认知的认识能力的发出发射v. 13. emit 13. evidence adj.进行14. proceed 14. evaluate 证据迹象n.在..之前15. prior to 15. complicate 评估评价v.公开指责v. 16. denounce 16. ignore 使复杂化v.'氐估v. 17. underestimate 17. artificial 忽视v.悲观的adj. 18. pessimistic 18. tension 人工的adj.扩大增加v. 19. exaggerate 19. empirical 紧张n.批评n. 20. criticism 20. encyclopedias 经验主义的adj.合成的人造的adj. 21. synthetic 21. audience 百科全书n.Saturday进入n. 1. access 1. fertilizer 化肥n.机构协会n. 2. institution 2. ecology 生态n.潜力adj. 3. potential 3. agriculture 农业n.普通的adj. 4. ordinary 4. construction 建造施工建设n.戏剧性地adv. 5. dramatically 5. desert 沙漠n.抛弃v.大量的,实质的adj. 6. substantial 6. commas 逗号n.基金n. 7. funding 7. ambitious 有野心的adj.令人失望的adj. 8. disappointing 8. informative 提供知识或资料的adj. 可测量的adj. 9. measurable 9. mimic 模仿v.n.身份地位n. 10. status 10. breakthrough 冲破突破n.障碍n.v. 11. handicap 11. battlefield 战场n.了不起的非凡的adj.12. phenomenal 12. boom 增加兴隆声响n.v.使持续V. 13. perpetuate 13. definition 定义n. e毋庸置疑地adv. 14. undoubtedly 14. vulnerable 易受伤害的adj.重要的adj. 15. vital 15. terrace 梯田n.不公平,不公正n. 16. inequity 16. external 外部的adj.管理,支配v. 17. administer 17. renaissance 文艺复兴n.初级的adj. 18. elementary 18. integrate 结合使成整体v.灌溉n. 19. irrigation 19. profitable 有利可图的adj.沉积沉淀n. 20. sedimentation 20. exception 杰出的adj.最后adv. 21. eventually 21. offspring 儿女子孙后代n.积累v. 22. accumulate 22. fluctuate 波动v.干旱n. 23. drought 23. investigation 调查n.出现暴露v. 24. emerge 24. solidify 凝固v.焦湖n. 25. lagoon 25. convert 转变v.Day 1 education 教育aspect 方面community 社区、社会reflect 反映、表现attitude 态度、看法unspoken 未说出口的、没人理睬的belief 信仰、信念custom 风俗curriculum 课程assessment 评价、评估expectation 期待、期望behave 做出行为- 动词behavior 行为rule 准则、规章cover 覆盖、包含duty 职责、义务conduct 行为、操行virtuous 有道德的proper 适当的、有礼貌的manner 礼貌marry 结婚company 陪伴permit 允许、许可dye 染loiter 闲逛、虚度function 功能、典礼church 教堂regularly 有规律地、有规则地alcohol 酒精、酒Bible 《圣经》country school 乡村学校coal 煤bucket 桶sweep 打扫、清扫tidy 整齐的、整洁的despite 虽然、尽管stipulate 规定、保证content 内容arithmetic 算术Christianity 基督教literacy 有文化、有读写能力religious 宗教上的corporal 身体的、肉体的(同义词:stick 棍子strap 皮带naughty 调皮的、顽皮的unruly 不守规矩的、不受约束的schooling 学校教育engage 从事caretaking 关心、照料Day 21. nevertheless 然而、不过2. creatively 具有创造性地3. stimulate 刺激、激励4. strict 严格的、严谨的5. protocol 草案、协议6. illegal 非法的、违法的7. hit 打、打击8. dismiss 开除、解雇9. instantly 马上、立刻(同义词:quickly, rapidly, immediately )10. secular 现世的、非宗教的11. acceptable 可以接受的、合意的12. appropriate 适当的13. sophistication 混合、混乱14. workplace 工作场所、车间15. career 职业16. expand 膨胀、发展17. challenge 挑战18. diverse 不同的19. researcher 研究者20. cleaner 清洁员21. societal 社会的22. fill 填充、填补23. smack 用掌拍打/ 击打24. silence 静、安静25. method 方法26. influence 影响27. discipline 学科、纪律28. participate 参加、参与29. achievement 成就30. similar 相似的31. lifestyle 生活方式32. ownership 所有权、拥有权physical )33. diverse 不同的(同义词:different, various, a variety of, varied, a range of )34. pupil 小学生35. consider 考虑36. length 长度37. topic 主题38. inflexible 不灵活的、不能融通的39. arrangement 安排40. loose 宽松的、自由的41. cactus 仙人掌42. relate 有联系、有关系43. dry 干燥的(反义词:humid 湿润的、wet 潮湿的)44. sandy 沙的、沙质的45. rocky 多岩石的46. desert 沙漠47. distance 距离48. tall 高的(反义词:short 矮的)49. across 横向的50. traditional 传统的(同义词:conventional, conservative, orthodox Day 3 hunter 猎人harsh 荒无人烟的material 材料、原料、物资possessions 财产(动词形式:possess 拥有、占有、持有)unemployment 失业poverty 贫穷、贫困alcoholism 酗酒tribe 部落、部族disappear 消失、不见lifestyle 生活方式attractive 具有吸引力的outsider 外界的人crop 农作物、庄稼originate 起源、来自(衍生词:origin 起因、原有、起源- 名词,original 始的、独创的- 形容词)staple 主要的garlic 大蒜ginger 生姜headache 头痛toothache 牙痛magnolia 玉兰类植物cancer 癌症cure 治愈disease 疾病hunger 饥饿、渴望famine 饥荒starving 饥饿(但形容饥饿的程度比较深,都快要饿死了)survive 生存、存活strength 力量、力气energy 能量、活力normal 正常的、常态的chemical 化学的;化学制品、化学药品scientist 科学家(衍生词:science 科学)discover 发现、发觉(衍生词:discovery 发现)contain 包含、包括(同义词:involve, include, consist of )substance 物质stomach 胃、胃部brain 大脑heart 心脏lung 肺部kidney 肾full 满的(反义词:empty 空的)pharmaceutical 制药的promising 有希望的、有前途的obesity 肥胖adult 成年人estimate 估计、评估overweight 超重的obese 肥胖的simple 简单的、朴素的nourishing 有营养的Day 4最初的、原1. afford 负担、承担2. expensive 昂贵的3. fatty 富含脂肪的4. slim 苗条的、纤细的5. healthy 健康的6. descendant 子孙、后代7. ready-made 现成的、做好的8. convenient 便利的、便捷的9. taste 味道10. fat 脂肪;肥的、胖的11. salt 盐12. solution 解决办法、解决方案13. ideal 理想的14. right 权利;正确的15. secret 秘密;秘密的16. profit 利润17. herd 放牧18. cow 奶牛19. diet 食物20. majority 主要、多数(反义词:minority 少数)21. scarce 匮乏的、稀缺的22. sort 种类、类别23. compare 比较24. desire 渴望25. overcome 克服、解决26. ancient 古代的、远古的27. major 主要的28. issue 问题29. appear 出现、看来30. financial 财政的、金融的31. spread 传播、蔓延、伸展32. supply 供给、供应33. addiction 沉溺、上瘾34. widespread 分布广泛的、普遍的35. cruel 残忍的、残酷的36. unkind 不仁慈的、无情的37. alive 活着的38. prickly 多刺的39. solid 固体40. powder 粉末41. maintain 维持、继续42. drought 干旱43. tongue 舌头、说话方式44. well-known 众所周知的、有名的45. advertisement 广告(衍生词:advertise 做广告、登广告- 动词;告者、广告客户- 名词;advertising 广告业、广告- 动名词)46. main 主要的、重要的47. aim 目的、目标48. honest (反义词:dishonest 不忠实的、不诚实的- 形容词)rarely 地(衍生词:rare 稀罕的、杰出的)49. puffery 鼓吹、吹捧50.worldwide 全世界的Day 51. statement (衍生词:state )2. term 学期、条款、术语3. develop 发展4. exaggerate 夸张、夸大5. claim 声称、主张6. legal 合法的(反义词:illegal 违法的、非法的- 形容词)7. prove 证明、证实8. licence 执照、许可证9. lie 说谎10. vague 含糊的、暧昧的很少地、advertiser 登广罕见11. class 把…分类、把…分等级12. option 选择(衍生词:choice )13. expression 表达14. salesperson 售货员、销售员(同义词:seller )15. evaluation 评价、估计(衍生词:evaluate 评价、评估- 动词)16. product 产品、产物(衍生词:produce 产物、农产品,生产、制造- 名词、动词,production 生产、产品)17. objective 客观的18. subjective 主观的19. identify 识另鉴别(衍生词:identity 身份、特性-名词,identification 辨认、鉴定,identifiable 可以识别的、可以鉴别的- 形容词,identifiably 可以识别地、可以鉴别地-副词)20. document 文件、文档(衍生词:documentary 文件的,纪录片- 形容词,名词)21. notion 观念、想法(衍生词:note 注意、记录-名词)22. caveat 警告、告诫23. transaction 交易(衍生词:transact 交易、处理- 动词)24. initially 最初、开头(衍生词:initial 最初的、初始的)25. property 财产、特征26. deal 交易、生意(衍生词:dealer 生意人)27. Latin 拉丁语、拉丁语的28. basically 基本上、主要地(衍生词:basic 基本的- 形容词,basis 基础、基本- 名词)29. mean 意思是、意谓30. responsibility 责任、职责(衍生词:response 响应、反应-名词,respond 回答、响应-动词,responsible 有责任的、负责的-形容词)31. check 检查、核对32. payment 报酬、支付(衍生词:pay 支付、给予-名词,payable 可支付的-形容词)33. defect 过失、缺点(衍生词:defective 有缺陷的)34. deliberately 蓄意地、故意地(衍生词:deliberate 深思熟虑的、故意的)35. conceal 隐藏、隐蔽(衍生词:concealment 隐藏、隐蔽- 名词)36. policy 政策、方针37. proof 证据、校对38. affect 影响39. competitor 竞争对手、竞争者(衍生词:compete 竞争、比赛- 动词,competition 竞争、比赛-名词)40. statistics 统计学(衍生词:statistic, statistical 统计的、统计学的- 形容词)41. run 运转、运行(同义词:manage, operate )42. investigate 调查、研究(衍生词:investigation 调查、研究- 名词,investigator 调查人-名词)43. insurance 保险44. finance 金融、财政(衍生词:financial 财政的、金融的)45. service 服务46. therefore 因此、所以(衍生词:so, thus )47. careful 小心的、仔细的(衍生词:care 关心、顾虑-动词)48. factual 事实的、实际的(衍生词: fact 事实、实情 - 名词) 49. assertion 主张、断言(衍生词: assert 声称、断言 - 动词) 50. regarding 关于15. concern 关心、关注16. mislead 误导(衍生词: lead 引导 - 动词) 17. false 错误的18. prevent 阻止、预防(衍生词: preventable 可以预防的、可以阻止的 - 形容词)19. understandably 可以理解地 (衍生词: understand 理解 - 动词, understandable 可 以理解的 - 形容词)20. object 反对、抗议(同义词: refuse, refute, argue against )21. untruthful 不真实的、虚伪的(衍生词: truth 事实、真理 - 名词, true 真实的、 真正的 - 形容词, truthful 诚实的 - 形容词)22. unfair 不公平的(衍生词: fair 公平的 - 形容词)23. advantage 优势、优点(反义词: disadvantage 略势、缺点 - 名词) 24. court 法院、法庭、球场25. clarify 澄清、阐明(衍生词: clarification 澄清 - 名词) 26. boundary 边界、分界线27. acceptable 可以接受的(衍生词: accept 接受 - 名词) 28. best-loved 最喜爱的 29. favorite 喜欢的人、物或事情 30. brand 牌子 31. make 品牌32. similarly 相似地、相似的是(衍生词: similar 相似的 - 形容词) 33. expect 期待、期望(衍生词: expectation 期望、期待 - 名词) 34.expectable 预料中的 - 形容词,Day 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. quality 品质、质量 goods 货物、物品oversee validity council authority overstep limit监视、检查 有效性 理事会、委员会 权威、权利 踏过、越过 9. 10. 11.词)12. raise generate strategy极限、限度 提出 产生(衍生词: generation 产生、一代 - 名词) 战略、策略(衍生词: strategic, strategically战略的、策略的 - 形容superlativevarious 13.动词)14. 述、规范 - 名词)specific 最高的 不容的、多种多样的(衍生词:具体的(衍生词: specificallyvariety 品种、种类, vary 改变、变更 -具体地、 明确地 - 副词, specification详35. unexpectable 无法预料的 - 形容词 36. boast 自夸37. consider 考虑、照顾38. considerate 考虑周到的 - 形容词,39. considerable 值得考虑的,相当多的 - 形容词, 40. consideration 考虑 - 名词 41. deceptive 带有欺骗性的 42. deception 欺骗 - 名词 43. primary 初级的、主要的 44. inform 告知 45. monitor 监督、监管 46. ensure 确保、保证 47.argue 争论、辩论技术、技巧、手段 技术的、技巧的 - 形容词, 技师、技术员Day 71. otherwise 另外、否则2. unnoticed 被忽视的、未被注意到的3. notice 注意、观察 - 动词,4. noticeable 显而易见的 - 形容词,5. unnoticeable 不明显的 - 形容词6. crowded 拥挤的、塞满的7. crowd 拥挤、塞满 - 动词8. aspect 方面 9. relatively 相对地10. relative 相关的、相对的 - 形容词, 11. relate 联系 - 动词 12. harmless 无害的13. harm 损害、伤害 - 名词, 14. harmful 有害的、伤害的 - 形容词 15. integral 完整的、整体的 16. integrate 整合、结合 - 动词, 17. integration 联合、结合 - 名词 18. detect 发觉、探测19. detective 察觉的、侦探的 - 形容词 20. delight 高兴、欣喜21. delightful 高兴的、欣喜的、令人愉快的 - 形容词 22. discount 折扣 23. fee 费、费用24. description 描述、记叙 25. describe 描述、记叙 - 动词 26. discussion 讨论 27. discuss 讨论 - 动词 28. issue 问题 29. comparison 比较30. compare 比较、对比 - 动词 31. contrast 对照、对比 32.guilty 内疚的、有罪的48. technique 49. technical 50. technician33. guilt 内疚、罪行- 名词34. summary 总结35. summarize 总结36. definition 定义37. define 下定义- 动词38. determine 决定、确定39. determination 决定、确定- 名词40. chainsaw 链锯41. recent 最近的、近期的42. recently 最近地、近期地- 副词43. reality 现实44. realistic 现实的- 形容词45. realization 意识46. realize 意识、了解到- 动词47. detailed 详尽的、详细的48. detail 细节、详情- 名词49. gasoline 汽油同义词50. petrol 汽油Day 81. own 拥有2. owner 拥有者3. advantage 优势、优点4. disadvantage 缺点5. mobility 灵活机动性6. specific 具体的7. specify 详述、说明- 动词,8. specification 详述、规范- 名词9. vital 生死攸关的、重大的10. affair 事物、事件11. automobile 汽车(同义词:car, vehicle )12. relationship 关系、关联13. love-hate 爱恨的14. cherish 珍爱、怀抱15. undeniably 不可否认的16. convenient (衍生词:convenience )17. industry 工业、产业、行业18. commerce 商业(衍生词:commercial 商业的- 形容词)19. prosper (衍生词:prosperous )20. unfortunately 不幸地21. fortune 运气、命运- 名词,22. fortunate 幸运的、幸福的- 形容词,23. fortunately 幸运地、幸福地- 副词24. downside 负面、缺点25. upside 正面、优点26. pollution 污染12.31.factory 工厂(同义词: plant, mill ) 32. entrepreneur 企业家 33. launch 投放、开发、发起 34. admirable 值得赞美的、极美的 35. philosophy 哲理、哲学 36. venture 冒险、风险 37. desire 想往、期望 38.motoring 驾车 39.afford 承担 40.affordable 可承担的、可负担的 - 形容词, 41. unaffordable 不可承担的、不可负担的 - 形容词 42. ultra-affordable 最终可以负担的 43. so-called 所谓的 44. determine 决定、确定 45. status 身份、地位 46. comfort 舒适、安慰 47. protection 保护 48. protect 保护 - 动词,49.protective 予以保护的、保护的 - 形容词 50. previous 在前的、早先的 Day 9 1. vehicle 交通工具、车辆 2. two-wheeled 两轮的 3. scooter 小型摩托车 4. three-wheeled 三轮的 5. motorized 机动化的、摩托化的 6. motor 汽车 7. rickshaw 人力车8. 9. 10. 11.transport 运输 potential 潜在的、可能的;潜力、潜能 extensive 广泛的、广大的 predictable 可预测的 predict 预测、预言 - 动词, 13. unpredictable 不可预测的 - 形容词27. manufacture 制造 explosion 爆发、爆炸inevitable 不可避免的 inescapable 不可逃避的 unavoidable 不可避免的 wisdom 智慧、明智 warning 警告、预告 consequence 后果 massive 大量的compelling 强迫的、引人注目的 argument 争论、辩论 definite 明确的、一定的 connection 关系、连接 worsen 恶化、损害worse 更坏的、更恶略的 - 形容词 respectively 各自地、分别地 personally 个人地 individually单个地 subjectively 主观地14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.31.32. 33.34.35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 50. Day1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 28. manufacturer 29. manufacturing 30. purpose-build 制造商 - 名词, 制造业 - 名词 依某种目的而建造critical 批评的、危机的、严重的release 释放dramatically 极大地、引人注目地strikingly 醒目地noticeably 值得注意地remarkably 显著地affect 影响concern 考虑、忧虑aspect 方面stuck 被卡住import 进口export 出口approximately 大约地、大概地(同义词:nearly, about, around )dependence 依赖、依靠dependent 依赖的、依靠的- 形容词,independence 独立、自主- 名词,independent 独立的、自主的- 形容词effect 效果、结果uniquely 唯一地、独特地10solution 解答、解决办法benefit 利益drawback 缺点applaud 称赞、赞同mode 方式、模式descendant 子孙、后代、后裔(同义词offspring )7. regard 看待、当作8. original 最初的、原始的(衍生词:9. origin 起源、根源- 名词,10. originate 起源、发生- 动词11. invention 发明12. invent 发明、创造- 动词13. percentage 百分比、百分率14. conventional 习俗的、传统的15. traditional 传统的16. orthodox 正统地17. conservative 保守的18. elite 精锐、精华19. crisis 危机20. unfair 不公平的(衍生词:fair)公平的- 形容词)21. decrease 减少、降低(衍生词:reduce, diminish, cut back, fall, drop )22. negative 被动的(反义词:positive 主动的)23. synonym 同义词24. overcrowding 拥挤的、阻塞的25. approve 赞成、同意26. chilling 恐怖的27. purchaser 消费者28. purchase 消费- 动词,29. purchasing 消费的- 形容词30. violent 暴力的、强烈的(衍生词:violence 暴力- 名词)31. whereby 凭什么、为何32. compensation 补偿(衍生词:compensate 偿还、补偿- 动词33. favorable 赞成的、有利的34. traffic 交通35. congestion 拥塞(同义词:jam, conjunction, gridlock )36. cycling 骑脚踏车(衍生词:bicycle 脚踏车,cyclist 骑脚踏车的人)37. stuck 被粘住的(衍生词:stuck 是stick 的过去式和过去分词)38. breathe 呼吸、发出39. diesel 柴油机、柴油味40. fume (浓烈或难闻的)烟、气41. commute (乘坐交通工具)往来42. college 大学、学院43. issue 问题;发行44. despite 不论、尽管45. flyover 过街天桥46. lane 街道、车道(同义词street, road, avenue, pathway )47. consideration 考虑、体谅(衍生词:consider 考虑、体谅- 动词,considerable 得考虑的)48. car-friendly 汽车友好型的49. humble 微贱的、粗陋的50. restrict 限制。

二、Environment and Ecology:•photosynthesis:光合作用。
•carbon cycle:碳循环。
•nitrous oxide:一氧化二氮。
三、Social Sciences:•socioeconomic:社会经济的。
•binary digit:二进制位,比特。
•cloud computing:云计算。
六、History and Culture:•renaissance:文艺复兴。

第1 类自然与科技1. 1 如何减少闪电危害Reduce the Harm of Lightningantenna n. 天线breathing n. 呼吸cardiac arrest 向博[动]停止conductive adj. 传导的conductivity n. 传导性conductor of electricity 电导体conductor n. 导体confusion n. ,混乱,混淆connector n. 连接器crush vt. 压碎,碾碎,(使)变形cumulus n. 积云,堆积current n. 电流dangerous adj. 危险的disassociate v. (使)分离discontinue v. 停止,废止dwelling n. 住处electric power 电力,电功率electrical appliance 电器electrical potential 电能electrocution n. 电死evaporation n. 蒸发(作用)extinguisher n. 熄灭者,灭火器eyesignt n. 视力,目力fickle adj. 变幻无常的first aid (对伤患者的)急救forecast vt. 预测,预报,预兆;n. 预报fracture n. 破裂,骨折;v.(使)破碎,(使)破裂fuse box 保险丝盒,熔断器盒guide n. 领路人,引导者;vt. 操纵humid adj. 潮湿,湿润的,多湿气的indirect adj. 间接的,迂回的injure vt. 损害,伤害;vt. 伤害injury n. 伤害,侮辱insulating adj. 绝缘的isolated adj. 隔离的,孤立的lightning n. 闪电lightning protection 防雷法lightning storm 雷雨lightning target 闪电的目标Lightening proof adj. 防闪电的livestock n. 家畜,牲畜loss of hearing 听力丧失memory loss 记忆丧失moist adj. 潮湿的;n. 潮湿moisture-laden air 潮湿的空气mouth-to-mouth adj. 嘴对嘴的outdoors n. 户外;adv. 在户外,在野外pole n. 棒,柱,磁极,电极prompt medical attention 及时的医药治疗pulse n. 脉搏,脉冲resistance n. 阻力,电阻,阻抗resuscitation n. 复生,复兴rod n. 杆,棒shelter n. 掩蔽处,掩蔽,保护;v. 掩蔽,躲避shock n. 打击,震动,休克;vt. 使休克,使受电击Side flash n. 侧向闪光spread out 展开stoppage n. 中断stoppage of breathing 呼吸中断strike n. 打击take protective action 采取保护性措施take refuge 避难the positive and negative charges 正负电荷thunderstorm n. 雷雨,雷暴雨tingle vi. 造成麻刺的感觉;vt. 使感到刺痛unconscious adj. 不省人事的,未发觉的,无意识的unexpected adj. 想不到,意外的,未预料到的unplug v. 拔去(塞子、插头等)victim n. 受害人,牺牲品voltage n. [电工]电压,伏特数without proper protection 缺乏恰当的保护1.2 探索太空生命Life in the Outer Space abode n. 住所,住处absence n. 缺席,缺乏acceptor n. 接受者access v. 接近advanced civilization 先进的文明aerobic adj. 依靠氧气的,与需氧菌有关的agent n. 作用剂algae n. 藻类,海藻alteration n. 变更,改造alternative adj. 选择性的anaerobic adj. [ 微]没有空气而能生活的,厌氧性的analogous adj. 类似的,相似的analysis n. 分析antarctic adj. 南极的,南极地带的anticipated adj. 预先考虑到的antiquity n. 古代aquifer n. 蓄水层array n. 大批astronomer n. 天文学家atmosphere n. 大气,大气层,空气atmospheric water vapor 大气水蒸气attenuate v. 削弱avalanche n.&v. 雪崩bacteria n. 细菌biological adj. 生物学的bleak adj. 寒冷的,荒凉的carbon dioxide [化]二氧化碳catalyze vt. 催化cellular adj. 细菌的chamber n. 室chromatograph n. 套色复制clay n. 粘土,泥土clement adj. 宽厚的comment n.&v. 评论compact adj. 紧密的compelling adj. 引人注目的composition n. 成分compound n. 化合物concentrated adj. 集中的concentration n. 浓度conclusively adv. 最后的conduct n.&v. 进行confined adj. 被限制的confinement n. ( 被)限制,(被)禁闭conservatively adv. 适当的consistent adj. 一致的constituent n. 要素constraint n. 约束ncontradict vt. 同……矛盾controversy n. 论争crack n. 裂缝crater n. 坑cretaceous adj. [ 地]白垩纪的dam n. 水坝,障碍data n. 资料,数据debris n. 碎片,残骸decompose v. 分解demonstrate v. 证明deplete vt. 耗尽depletion n. 损耗deposit n. 堆积物desiccated adj. 干的,粉状的diffuse v. 扩散disassociate v. (使)分离disaster n. 灾难,灾祸discount n. 打折扣dissolve v. 溶解distributed adj. 分布的distribution n. 分布状态dweller n. 居住者,居民ecosystem n. 生态系统embedded adj. 内含的emission n. 散发,喷射enhance n. 提高envision n.想象equatorial region 中纬区,赤道区equator n. 赤道eruption n. 爆发essentially adv. 本质上evaporate v. (使)蒸发evolution n. 演变,进化existence of life 生命的存在exposed adj. 暴露的extract vt.& n. 析取fascination n. 吸引力Fe-rich clay 含丰富铁质的黏土flash adj. 突发的flow n. &v. 流动flux n. [ 物]流量,通量formation n. 形成,构成fossil adj. 化石的freeze v.(使)结冰,冻结fuel vt. 激化functional adj. 功能的gas chromatograph 气相色谱仪generating n.发生,产生geological adj. 地质学的,地质的geothermal adj. 地热的geyser n.间歇泉guarantee n.保证gully n.冲沟,溪谷habitable adj. 可居住的harsh adj. 荒芜的,苛刻的headquarters n.总部hemisphere n.半球high spatial resolution 高空间分辨率high resolution photograph 高辨析率/清晰度的相片hostility n.敌对,对抗humidity n.湿气,湿度hydration n.水合,水合作用hydrogen n.氢hydrothermal adj. 热水的hypothesize v.假设imaging n.成像inconsistent adj. 不一致的,矛盾的incorporated adj. 组成公司的,合成一体的incubation period (接种后的微生物)保温培养期incubation n.培养期indicate vt. 显示indicative adj. 指示的,预示的indigenous adj. 本土的infrared imaging system 红外线成像系统infrared adj. 红外线的inhospitable adj.(地带、气候等)不适合居住的inorganic adj. 无机的interaction n.交互作用internal adj. 内在的interpretation n.解释intriguing adj. 引起兴趣(或好奇心)的investigation n.调查,研究investigator n.调查人involve vt. 包括ionize vt. 使离子化isolated adj. 孤立的jurisprudence n. 法学lander n.登陆者latitude n.纬度launch n.& v. 发射(导弹、火箭等)layperson n.外行lichen n.[ 植]青苔,地衣local n.场所LR=laboratory reactor n.实验室反应堆lubricated adj. 润滑了的manned space flight 载人航天飞行mariner n.水手Martian adj. 火星的mass of data 大量数据mass spectrometer 质谱测量仪mechanism n.机制merit n.价值meteorite n.陨星microbe n.微生物microbial adj. 微生物的microbiological life 微生物的microorganism n.[ 微生]微生物migrate vt. 使移居,使移植mimic vt. 摹拟mineral n.矿物,矿石molecular adj. 分子的molecule n.[ 化]分子mount v.增长multi-cellular organism 多细胞生物休National Aeronautis and Space Administration (NASA) (美国)国家航空和宇宙航行局notion n.意见nutrient n.营养物observational date 观测资料[数据]orbiter n.人造卫星organic adj. 有机的organism n.生物体,有机体oxidant n.氧化剂oxidize agent 氧化剂oxygen n.氧paradise n.天堂particulate n.微粒patch n.碎片percolating n.渗透peroxide n.[ 化]过氧化物,过氧化氢pervasive adj. 普遍深入的planetary adj. 行星的plateau n.(上升后的)稳定水平(或时期、状态)plug n.塞子pockmarked adj. 有麻点的polar adj. 两极的pole n.极porous adj. 多孔渗水的portable adj. 轻便的pose v.形成postulate n.& v. 假定precipitate n.沉淀物predominance n.优势preponderance n.优势primitive microbe 简单微生物principal adj. 主要的,首要的prior to 在前,居先prior adj. 在前的problematic adj. 有疑问的prospect n.前景radioactive carbon 放射性碳radioactive adj. 放射性的,有辐射能的ravine n.沟壑,峡谷reactant n.反应物reconcile with 与……和解regolith n.[ 地质]风化层,土被reinforce n.加强release n.& vt. 释放remote sensing instrument 遥感仪器remote sensing 遥感,遥测,远距离读出reproduce v.再生reside in 居住residual adj. 剩余的,残留的respiration n.呼吸作用respire v.呼吸retrieve v.找回revive v.(使)复活,回想rift n.裂口,长狭谷rule out 排除sample n.标本,样品sediment n.沉淀物seepage n.渗流simulate vt. 模拟slope n.斜坡,斜面solar adj. 太阳的,日光的solfatara n.[ 地]硫质喷气孔solubility n.溶度sophisticated adj. 高级的,精密的space probes 宇宙探测器spacecraft n.太空船spatial resolution 空间分辨率spectrometer n.[ 物]他光计speculation n.思索startling adj. 令人吃惊的subsequently adv. 随后substantial adj. 大量的subsurface adj. 地下的suffice v.足够sufficient adj. 充分的,足够的sulfide n.< 美>[化]硫化物sulfur n.[ 化]硫磺,硫黄superoxide n.过氧化物,超氧化物surveyor n.检查员survey n.& vt. 调查tag vt. 加标签于terminal n.终端terrestrial adj. 陆地的theological adj. 神学上的theorise v.理论化ultimately adv. 最后ultraviolet radiation 紫外线ultraviolet adj. 紫外线的underground water 地下水unresolved adj. 未解决的uptake n.举起vent n.出口volume n.量,体积wavelength n.[ 物](无线电)波长xenon n.氙(惰性气体的一种,元素符号) xenon-lamp 氙灯1.3 热带雨林Tropical Rainforest abounding adj. 丰富的,大量的accelerate v.加速,促进acre n. 英亩alkaloid n.生物碱angler n.钓鱼者appreciate vt. 赏识,欣赏approximate v.近似,接近aquatic ecosystem 水生态系统avocado n.鳄梨awe-inspiring adj. 令人敬畏的bald eagle [动]秃头鹰basic food supplies 主食的供给be compatible with 与……兼容的,协调的be conquested by a totalitarian government 被极权主义政府征服be perceived as 被视为biochemist n.生物化学家biodiversity n.生物多样性biological and economic treasure 生物和经济的财富biological corridor 生物走廊biological diversity 生物多类状态,生物差异biological heritage 生物遗产biological integrity 生物的完整性biological treasure 生物宝藏biologically diverse 生物多样的bison n.美洲或欧洲的野牛black pepper 黑胡椒blame n.& vt. 谴责,责备bountiful gift 慷慨的礼物bountiful adj. 慷慨的,宽大的branded adj. 打有烙印的buffer zone 缓冲区域bull troutn 鲑鱼的一种bulldozer n.推土机bureaucracy n.官僚,官僚作风,官僚机构by virtue of 依靠,由于cancer-fighting drug 抗癌药物carnivore n.食肉动物,食虫植物cashew n.腰果catastrophe n.大灾难,大祸cayenne n.辣椒chainsaw n.链锯chocolate n.巧克力cinnamon n.肉桂citizenry n.公民,市民clear cutting 清除林木,开垦土地clove n.丁香coconut n.椰子concern n.( 利害)关系,关注congressional mandate 国会委托conifer n.[ 植]松类,针叶树connected habitat 连接成一片的动物栖息地conservation biology 保护生物学consideration n.考虑,需要考虑的事项constituent n.要素core area 核心区域culprit n.罪魁祸首cure n.治疗,疗法decimation n.大批杀害deforestation n.采伐森林deplete vt. 耗尽descendant n.后代designated adj. 指定的,派定的die out 灭绝,逐渐消失dinosaur n.恐龙disperse v.( 使)分散,(使)散开,疏散doomed adj. 命中注定的ecological integrity 生态完整economic collapse 经济崩溃ecosystem n.生态系统elk n.[ 动]麋鹿encompass v.包围,环绕endangered plant and animal 濒危的动植物endangered adj.(生命等)有危险的,有灭绝危险的,将要绝种的energy depletion 能源耗尽entomologist n.昆虫学家entrenched adj. 确立的,(风俗习惯)不容易改的environmental damage 环境损害environmental villain 破坏环境的恶棍eons n.永世,无数的年代equate v.等同于escalate v.逐步增强eviction n.驱逐exploiter n.开拓者,开发者extinction of plants and animals 动植物的灭绝extinction n.消失,消灭extinguish vt. 消灭,熄灭falcon n.[ 动](猎鸟用的)猎鹰fall victim to 成为……的牺牲品far-sighted founder 具有远见的奠基人fig n.无花果firewood n.木柴,柴火fishery n.渔业,水产业flock n.( 禽、畜等的)群forest ecosystem 森林生态系统forgive vt. 宽恕,原谅fossil n.化石fragmentation n.分裂,破碎fragmented adj. 断开的,支离破碎的fresh water 淡水fuel n.燃料fungus n.菌类,蘑菇galaxy n.银河generosity n.慷慨,宽大ginger n.生姜global warming 全球变暖grazing land for cattle 牧场grizzly bear 大灰熊grizzly n.灰熊guava n.番石榴habitat n.( 动植物的)生活环境,栖息地,居留地harbor vt. 为……提供住所;保护hectare n.公顷herds of 成群heritage n.遗产,继承权,传统immense adj. 巨大的imperil vt. 使处于危险,危害in trust 被托管indescribable adj. 难以形容的indigenous Indian tribe 当地的印第安部落industrial raw material 工业原材料inner dynamics 内在动力intact habitat 未被破坏的动植物生活环境intact adj. 完整无缺的interdependent adj. 相互依赖的interlocking network 联锁网络intertwine n.(使)纠缠,(使)缠绕intervention n.干涉intricate and fragile system 复杂脆弱的系统invertebrate adj. 无脊椎的;n.无脊椎动物irreplaceable adj. 不可替代的irresponsible stewardship 不负责任的管理者legacy n.遗赠(物),(祖先传下来的)遗产lemon n.柠檬lifeblood n.生命必须的血液,活力的源泉lobby v.游说议员,对(议员)进行疏通loss of biodiversity 生物多元化的消失loss of genetic and species diversity 基因和物种多样性的消失lucrative market 有利可图的市场lynx n.[ 动]山猫,猞猁magnitude n.巨大,(影响的)重大majesty n.雄伟malaria epidemic 疟疾流行mango n.芒果massive deforestation 大面积的砍伐林木medicinal value 药用价值metabolite n.代谢物microorganism n.微生物multi-national logging company 跨国伐木公司myriad n.无数人或物;adj. 无数的natural habitat 自然栖息地,(动植物的)生活环境natural tropical forest 天然的热带雨林nut n.坚果on a perpetual basis 永久地outcry n.大声疾呼oxygen n.[ 化]氧pacific salmon 大鳞大麻哈鱼属paradise n.天堂peregrine n.隼adj. 外来的,移位的pharmaceutical manufacturer 制药厂商pineapple n.菠萝poacher n.偷猎者pond n.池塘prescription drug 处方药private timber company 私营木材公司profound and devastating 深远和破坏性的public asset 公共财产put an end to 结束,终止quantify v.量化rain forest (热带的)雨林rainforest deforestation 砍伐雨林rainforest ingredient 雨林成分rainforest reserve 雨林保护区rainforest n.雨林ranch n.大牧场recreational from 娱乐形式release n.& vt. 释放renewable and sustainable resource 可恢复的可持续的资源replenish v.补充reproduce v.繁殖,再生resource-dependent industry 依赖于资源的行业restore vt. 恢复,使回复,修复riparian area 河岸salmon n.[ 鱼]鲑鱼,大麻哈鱼sedimentation n.沉淀,沉降self-serving adj. 自私的shamans n.僧人,巫师shelter n.庇护所shoreline n.海岸线short-sighted adj. 短视的short-term utilization 短期利用siltation n.沉积作用,淤积slaughter jaguar, ocelot, caiman and otter 屠杀美洲虎、虎猫、凯门鳄和水獭soil erosion 土壤侵蚀spice n.香料squash n.南瓜staggering adj. 令人惊讶的stake n.木桩,危险store n.& vt. 储藏,存储streamside n.河滨,河边地带stump n.树桩subarctic adj. 亚北极区的subsidize n.资助,津贴sugar cane 蔗糖sustain vt. 维持,支持sustainable adj. 可持续的terrestrial evolution 陆地进化terrestrial n.陆地the brink of ecological meltdown 生态崩溃的边缘the British Isles 大不列颠群岛the rate of destruction 破坏的速率the survival and well-being of man 人类的生存和幸福thrive v.兴旺,繁荣,茁壮成长,旺盛timber production 木材生产timber n.木材timelessness n.永恒tragic consequence 悲剧性的结局tropical rainforest 热带雨林tropical tree 热带树林tropical adj. 热带的,热情的tundra n.苔原,冻土地带unbroken adj. 未破损的,完整的unsustainable adj. 不能证实的,不能成立的,不能支持的vanilla n.香草vincristine n.[ 药]长春新碱(一种抗肿瘤药)virgin forest 原始的、未采伐过的森林wasteland n.荒地,未开垦地watershed n.分水岭western pharmaceutical 西药wilderness recreation recreation 野外娱乐wilderness n.荒野,荒地wildlife n.野生动植物yam n.山药zealot n.狂热者1.3 火山爆发The Eruption of Volcano abundant adj. 丰富的,富余的accretion n.增长accumulation n.积聚,堆积物active volcano 活火山Alaska Volcano Observatory 阿拉斯加州火山观察站aleutian island 阿留申群岛(环布于阿拉斯加半岛尖端的弧形岛屿)alternating layers of lava flows 熔岩流的交互叠层aluminum n.[ 化]铝Archean adj.[ 地质]太古代的archeology n.考古学ascending adj. 上升的,向上的ash particle 灰烬微粒awesome adj. 引起敬畏的,可怕的basaltic lave 玄武岩火山石basin-shaped adj. 盆状的beat out 敲平belated adj. 误期的,迟来的blacksmith n.铁匠blanket n.毯子,覆盖blast n.一股(气流),爆炸,冲击波blob n.一滴,水滴blocky adj. 短而结实的,斑驳的bomb n.火山口喷出的大堆球状熔岩bowl-shaped crater 碗形的火山口bubble n.泡沫bulbous adj. 球根的buoyancy n.浮性,浮力calcium n.[ 化]钙(元素符号Ca)caldera n.[ 地质]喷火山口,凹陷处。

雅思阅读分类词汇——文化类homogeneous 同质的homo + gene +ous(<> heterogeneous)^ homosexual, heterosexualmainstream 主流主流的dialect 方言(v.s. accent)discrepancy 差异misconception 误解(mis + concept + ion)= misunderstandingbarrier 障碍(物)~ bar, = barricadediscrimination 区别,歧视racial/sexual discriminationß discriminate (+against)hierarchy 等级制度heir + arch(govern) + yinsularity 岛国性质(ß insular, ^island)British industry has often been criticized for its linguistic insularity.microcosm 小天地micro + cosm(os)nostalgia = homesicknesspatriot 爱国者(<> traitor)à patriotic, patriotismcompatriot 同胞同胞的com + patriotvernacular 本地的,本国的本地话,本国话the vernacular languages of IndiaHispanic An American whose first language was Spanishimmigration 移入~ immigrant, immigratev.s. emigration (~ emigrant, emigrate)antipodes Any two places or regions on diametrically opposite sides of the Earth“from North America to the Antipodes”permeate 渗透,弥漫Smoke permeated the house.entrepreneur 企业家(~ enterprise)à entrepreneurshippractitioner 开业者,从业者praction(practice) + ercelebrity a famous person= luminary, VIPproxy 代理人anecdote 轶事(à anecdotal)notoriety 恶名(ß notorious)counterpart 对应人,对等物Who’s George Bush’s counterpart in China?^ counterculture, counterbalancepeer 同等的人凝视,窥视(~ peep)subordinate 下级下级的<> superiortactics 战术,技巧v.s. strategy (战略,策略)marketing strategy v.s. selling tactics nuance a subtle difference in meaningbenchmarking 类比分析punctual 准时的,守时的(à punctuality)absenteeism 旷工absent à absentee à absenteeismflextime 弹性工作时间flex(flexible) + timeharass 骚扰(à harassment)Mary said that Gary had sexually harassed her.redundancy 冗余,冗员network redundancydownsize 裁员(~ lay off)ballot 投票(= vote)impartial 不偏不倚的(<> partial)lobby 大堂(n.) 游说(v.)shortlist (BE) a list of applicants who have been deemed suitable and from which the successful person will be chosen à (v.)equilibrium 平衡,均衡questionnaire 调查表,问卷quantitative 定量的(<> qualitative)contingency 偶然性,偶然事件incur 招致incur debts/hatred/dangerv.s. occur, concur, recurethical 伦理的,符合伦理的~ ethics, <> unethicaldubious 疑惑的,可疑的(~ doubt)People were dubious about the result.manifestation 显示,证明(ß manifest)subtitle 字幕,副标题(sub + title)^ subsidiary, submarine, subway (BE: underground, tube), suburb(~ downtown, uptown, outskirts)dubbing 配音录制vogue 时尚^ chicbizarre 奇异的v.s. weird (怪异的)mediocre 平庸的dietitian 饮食学家(~ diet)connoisseur 行家,鉴赏家^ entrée, a la carte雅思阅读分类词汇——生物/生理类molecule 分子à molecularcell à cellularamino à amino acids (氨基酸)protein 蛋白质enzyme 酶(proteins that are produced by cells and act as catalysts in specific biochemical reactions)catalyst 催化剂chlorophyll 叶绿素“chloro-”: Clphotosynthesis 光合作用(photo + synthesis)à photosyntheticbotany 植物学(<> zoology)à botanist, botanicalflora 植物群fauna 动物群bacterium bacteria (pl.) 细菌fungus fungi (pl.) 真菌algae alga (pl.) 海藻herb à herbal: ~ teaà herbicide (^ insecticide, pesticide)carnation 康乃馨à reincarnationfade 凋谢,褪色organism 机体,组织ß organarthropod 节肢动物v.s. anthropoid (↓)reptile 爬行动物amphibian 两栖动物mammal 哺乳动物(ß mamma!)primate 灵长目动物evolution 进化(ß evolve)anthropoid 类人猿(“anthrop”: humankind)~ anthropology, philanthropyv.s. ape, gorilla, chimpanzeegene 基因^ DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)~ genome (基因组)genetics 遗传学(à genetical)helix 螺旋,螺旋壮物… analyze every single gene within the double helix of humanity’s DNAidentical 同一的~ identity (à ID card)^ clonemutation 突变gene mutationà mutable, immutable, mutantpredator 捕食者(<> prey)embryo 胚胎à embryonic (萌芽的)roe 鱼子>>> caviar (鱼子酱)tadpole 蝌蚪>>> frog, toad (^ told)caterpillar 毛毛虫(cater + pillar)The American Company: Caterpillar (CAT)grasshopper 蚱蜢,蝗虫(= locust)grass + hopper, ^ bellhopcricket 蟋蟀(另)板球butterfly v.s. moth^ dragonfly, fireflypollen 花粉传粉à pollinate, pollinationhive 蜂房>>> honey, ^ concoctionlarva larvae (pl.) 幼虫v.s. lavapupa 蛹à pupatepenguin 企鹅v.s. dolphin (海豚)raccoon 浣熊v.s. kangaroo (袋鼠)hibernate 冬眠(=hole up)torpid 麻木的,蛰伏的v.s. torpedo (鱼雷)cerebral (大)脑的hemisphere 半球(hemi + sphere)cortex 脑皮层migraine 偏头疼ß migrantsomatic 躯体的limb 四肢upper/lower limbanatomy 解剖,剖析paralyze 使瘫痪(=incapacitate, immobilize)artery 动脉(<> vein)gland 腺体pancreas 胰hormone 荷尔蒙,激素cholesterol 胆固醇efficacy 功效v.s. efficiency, effectiveness雅思阅读分类词汇——教育类accommodation (膳宿)供应= room and boardlodging 寄宿(处)lease 出租“for lease”, “to let”v.s. renttenant 房客,佃户landlord 房东à landlady(f)ß Lord, <> tenanthousemate ~ roommate, dormmate^ schoolmate, classmatedormitory 寝室(abbrev. dorm)au pair A young foreigner who lives with a family in return for doing light housework(另) = reciprocalreciprocal 相互的,互惠的hostel youth hostel~ hotelreal estate 房地产vicinity = neighborhoodflat 平的,瘪的flat tire公寓(= apartment)^ condo, studiobond = depositlinen 亚麻的亚麻织品,床单(= bed linen)utensil 器皿stationery 文具(v.s. stationary)laundry 洗衣,洗衣店cafeteria 自助餐厅~ canteencater 满足(需要)aerobics 有氧健身操“aero”: airbadminton 羽毛球(运动)baseball 棒球baseball batsquash 壁球(运动)amateur <> professionalgathering 聚会v.s. meeting, reunionexcursion 远足(= outing, expedition)commonwealth 共和国,联邦Commonwealth: 英联邦tertiary 第三的After purchasing a house and a car, the next major life expenditure is almost certainly the cost of tertiary education.primary à secondary à tertiary post-secondary “post”: afterpostgraduate, postdoctoral, post-sale, postwarilliterate 文盲不识字的il(no) + literate(words)à illiteracy (<> literacy)discipline 学科,纪律v.s. subjectterminology 术语faculty department and staff of a college/universitydean (大学)教务长curriculum 课程(= course)à extracurricular 课外的syllabus 课程提纲calendar 日历,日程(~ schedule, agenda, timetable)compulsory 强制的,必修的<> elective (选修的)examiner <> examinee^ take/sit, pass/get through, fail, retake/resitrecruit 招生,招募à recruitment= enrollprestige 声望,威信à prestigiousesteem 尊敬(n. & v.)your esteemed school/companyaptitude 智力SAT: School Aptitude Testmatriculation 录取入学vocation 职业(= calling, occupation, career)à vocationalvocational education TAFE Technical And Further Education (Australian)abbreviation 缩略(词)~ abridge (缩短,删节)transferable (学分等)可转换的scholarship 奖学金= fellowshiptutorial 辅导(课)ß tutor (= lecturer, instructor)pedagogue 教员,学究~ pedagogy (教育学,教学法)^ demagogue (政治煽动家) lexicography 词典编撰(à lexicographer)assignment 任务,(课外)作业dissertation 论文(= thesis)credential 证明,文凭“cred”: creditlinguistic credentialsalumni 校友(男)<> alumnaeoverestimate 高估(<> underestimate)decipher 解码,解释(= decode)decipher workplace culturecaliber 才干雅思阅读分类词汇——环境类conservation 保护,保存(ß conserve)v.s. conversationenvironmentalist = conservationistacid 酸酸的(<>alkali)acid raincarbon 碳(C) v.s. charcoal (炭)carbon dioxide, carbon monoxidefume exhaust fumesv.s. smoke, fog, smogpetroleum 石油à petrol (BE) = gasoline/gas (AE)à unleaded petrol/gasozone 臭氧(o + zone)ozone layerooze 渗出渗出物radiation 辐射ultraviolet(UV) radiation~ radioactivegreenhouse 温室greenhouse effect/gasessolar 太阳的(solar energy)^ lunar (lunar calendar)phenomenon 现象catastrophe = disaster, cataclysmdeterioration 恶化(ß deteriorate)extinction 灭绝(ß extinct)species endangered speciesdrought 干旱(^ “找它”)>>> famine v.s. floodingrecurrent 反复发生的re + (oc)cur + rentv.s. concurrentinundate 淹没^ “淹掉它”embankment 筑堤(em + bank + ment)sediment 沉积(物)= depositdelta 三角洲the Pearl River Deltaalluvial 冲积的desertification ß desert (v.s. dessert)dust-storm 沙尘暴^ thunderstorm, brainstormbarren 贫瘠的,不育的,无效的dune sand dunethe game “DUNE”!attributable 归因于be attributable to…deforestation 滥砍滥伐(森林)de + forest + ation<> afforestation/reforestationlog 原木,日志伐木v.s. logovegetation 植物,植被v.s. vegetable, vegetarianhabitat 栖息地ß habit (Habit is the second nature.)ecosystem 生态系统(eco + system)~ ecologyviability ß viable “vi”: life养育能力One tool for assessing the impact of forestry on the ecosystem is population viability analysis.demographic 人口统计的demo(people) + graph(write) + icinterdependence inter + dependencecounterbalance 使平衡,弥补(=offset)counter(against) + balancemechanism 机理,机制precipitation 陡降,降水(ß precipice)<> evaporationcirculation 流通,循环tide à tidal wave (海啸)<> ebb <<< earthquaketyphoon ~ tornado, hurricanemeteorology 气象(学)volcano 火山eruption 喷发(ß erupt)volcanic eruption >>> lavagranite 花岗岩imminent = impending v.s. eminentCelsius 摄氏的37OCv.s. centigradeFahrenheit 华氏的latitude 纬度(另) longitude, altitudetropical ß (the) tropicstropical/torrid zone, temperate zone, frigid zoneglacier 冰川dump 倾倒,倾销à anti-dumpingcontaminate 弄脏(à contaminant)recycle 回收再利用irreversible 不可逆的(= irrevocable)reclaim 开垦,改造à reclamationcontentious 有争议的(ß contend)Many environmental issues today are highly contentious.opt 选择(+ for) à optionprioritize 优先考虑(ß prior, priority)雅思阅读分类词汇——科技类ubiquitous 普遍存在的= omnipresent (^ omniscient, omnipotent)versatile (人)多才多艺的,(物)通用的à versatilityalchemy 炼金术transmute 变形,变质transmute silver into gold (!)arduous 艰巨的(=strenuous)an arduous taskpitfall 陷阱,未预见之困难metallurgy 冶金alloy 合金aluminum = aluminium (BE)^ calcium, uranium, radium^ copper, brass, bronze electrode 电极distill 蒸馏distilled waterquartz 石英phosphorus 磷,磷光物质inflammable 易燃的(ß flame)combustion 燃烧(à combustible)spontaneous combustion (white phosphorus) ceramic 陶瓷的瓷器(à ceramics)insulate 隔离,绝缘à insulator (<> conductor)fiber 纤维(BE: fibre)fiber optics (纤维光学)optics 光学(à optical)retina 视网膜iris 虹膜opaque 不透明的v.s. transparent, translucentmicroprocessor 微处理器^ CPU(Central Processing Unit), chipbinary 二进制的integrate à integrated, integrationintegrated circuit (IC), system integration (SI)buffer 缓冲区buffer storagebrowser 浏览器(^ IE, Netscape)hypertext 超文本envisage 想象,看作en + vis(see) + ageThe internet can be envisaged as a network of visual telephone links.momentous (极为)重要的v.s. momentaryreticular 网状的Ethernet 以太网domain 域domain namescyberlaw 网络法律“cyber-“: Internet relatedcyberlove, cybercafe, …patent 专利(à patented)v.s. copyright, ^ pirated software/VCD’schronological 按时间顺序的“chron”: time^ chronic, chronicle, chronographrobot 机器人(“肉包它”)à roboticsartificial 人造的,做作的artificial satellite/smilecone 圆锥体,锥形物the nose cone of a missileJupiter 木星^ Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturnexorbitant 过度的,过分的,过高的ex(out) + orbit + antcentripetal 向心(力)的<> centrifugalhigh-rise 高楼(~ skyscraper)cathedral 大教堂dome 圆顶(a hemispherical roof)infrastructure 基础设施<> superstructuresewage 污水,下水道hydraulic 水力的,水压的landfill 垃圾掩埋(地)ventilation 通风thermostat 温控器thermo(hot) + stat(steady)^ thermos, thermometer, thermonuclearprefabricate 预先制造à prefab (预制的)polytechnic 各种工艺的理工学校Hong Kong Polytechnicgeometric 几何(学)的ß geometry, geo(land) + metry(measure)asymmetry 不对称a(not) + sym(same) + metry(↑)<> symmetryconcave 凹的(<> convex)bilateral 双边的,两方面的<> unilateralparadoxical “似非而是”的ß paradox (悖论)empirical 经验的empirical law/formulaclockwise 顺时针的(<> anticlockwise)雅思阅读分类词汇——心理类theorem 原理,定理v.s. theorymethodology 方法论(ß method)physiology 生理学(à physiological)psychiatry 精神病学^ psychology, psycho, psychosis, psychoanalysis correlation 相互关系à correlation coefficientsensation 感觉,知觉(另)轰动à sensationalperception 感知,认知intuition 知觉(à intuitive)ESP 第六感(Extrasensory Perception)motivate 激励à motivation (^ bonus, commission, …)incentive 激励因素stimulus 刺激à stimulate, stimulationdisorder 紊乱,失调dysfunction 机能障碍dys(=dis) + functiondissonance 不和谐,不一致dis + son(sound) +ancetrauma 创伤(à traumatic)the trauma caused by Sept. 11anxiety 焦虑(= anxiousness)depression 沮丧(de + press + ion)~ depressedv.s. repression (压抑) insomnia 失眠phobia 恐惧(症) à suffix: -phobiaacrophobia ^ acronym: IELTS, TOEFL…xenophobia a fear of foreigners or strangersclaustrophobia a fear of being closed in a confined placeallergy 过敏(症),反感(à allergic)He is allergic to card playing.propensity Most boys have a propensity of playing with machinery.= tendency, inclinationparanoid 偏执的ß paranoia (偏执狂)workaholic 工作狂(ß alcoholic)symptom 症状diagnosis 诊断(n.)ß diagnose (v.)Arthur Haily: “The Final Diagnosis”electroencephalogram 脑电图^ electrocardiogram (心电图)assertive 武断的(ß assert)therapy 治疗法group therapyhypnotism 催眠术(~ hypnotize)prescribe 开药方v.s. subscribe, describe, inscribeà prescription: ~ drugsantidepressant 抗抑郁药tranquilizer 镇静药(ß tranquil)side-effect (+s) 副作用immune 免疫的,免除的(à immunity)rehabilitation 复原,康复relapse 旧病复发,故态复萌v.s. elapse^ 子在川上曰:逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜!chronic 慢性的adulthood <> childhoodpuberty 青春发动期adolescence 青春期(the time of life between puberty and adulthood)emotional <> rationalaffective 情感的(ß affection)sane 神智健全的à insanesuperstition 迷信à superstitioustelepathy 传心术,通灵术tele(far away) + pathy(heart)^ numerology, palmistry…apathy 无感情,无兴趣,冷漠(= indifference)a(no) + pathyv.s. sympathy: sym(same) + pathypathology 病理学,病理,病变delusion 迷惑,欺瞒v.s. illusiondisorientation 迷失(dis + orientation)~ disorientedpervert 使反常/变态反常/变态者à perversionintrospection 内省v.s. retrospection (回顾,反省)sublimation 纯化,升华ß sublimepersonality = personal characteristicsmultiple personality (多重人格) innate 天赋的in + nate(nature)= inborn, congenitalattribute 属性(à attributable)trait 特征,品质national traits 国民性vs. traitor。

雅思阅读分类词汇——文化类(40个)1. discrepancy n. 差异a difference between two or more things that should be the same2. misconception n. 误解a belief or an idea that is not based on correct information ,or that is not understood by people3. discrimination n. 区别,歧视the practice of treating sb. or a particular group in society less fairly than others4. hierarchy n. 等级制度a system especially in a society or an organization, in which people are or organized into different levels of importance from highest to lowest5. patriot n. 爱国者a person who loves their country and who is ready to defend it against an enemy6. compatriot n. 同胞a person who was born in, or is a citizen of ,the same country as sb. else7. vernacular n. 本国的本地话,本国话the language or dialect that is most widely spoken by ordinary people in a region or country8. immigration n. 移入the process of coming to live permanently in a country that is not your own9. permeate n. 渗透,弥漫(liquid, gas, etc) to spread to every part of an object or a place10. entrepreneur n. 企业家 a person who makes money by starting or running businesses ,especially when this involves taking financial risks11. practitioner n. 开业者,从业者a person who works in a profession ,especially medicine or law.12. anecdote n. 轶事amusing account of something that has happened13. notoriety n. 恶名becoming well-known for something bad14. counterpart n. 对应人,对等物another person or thing that has a similar function or position in a different place.15. subordinate n. 下级someone who has a less important position than you in the organization that you both work for.16. tactics n. 战术,技巧the branch of military science dealing with detailed maneuvers to achieve objectives set by strategy17. punctual adj. 准时的,守时的acting or arriving or performed exactly at the time appointed18. harass n. 骚扰annoy continually or chronically19.redundancy n. 冗余,冗员the attribute of being superfluous and unneeded20. downsize n. 裁员the practice of redesigning a vehicle to retain the interior volume, and often the nameplate and styling of a larger car to a smaller, more efficient platform21. ballot n. 投票the system of voting in writing and usually in secret; the piece of paper on which sb. marks who they are voting for22. impartial adj. 不偏不倚的not supporting one person or group more than another23. lobby n.大堂a large area inside the entrance of a public building where people can meet and waitv. 游说to try to influence a politician or the government and for example, persuade them to support or oppose a change in the law24. equilibrium n. 平衡,均衡 a state of balance , especially between opposing forces or influences; a calm state of mind and a balance of emotions25. questionnaire n. 调查表,问卷a written list of questions that are answered by a number of people so that information can be collected from the answers26. quantitative adj. 定量的connected with the amount or a number of sth. rather than with how good it is27. contingency n. 偶然性,偶然事件an event that may or may not happen28. incur v. 招致to suffer the unpleasant results of a situation that you have caused29. ethical adj. 伦理的,符合伦理的connected with beliefs of what is right or wrong30. dubious adj. 疑惑的,可疑的not certain and slightly suspicious about sth.31. manifestation n. 显示,证明the act of appearing as a sign that sth. exists or is happening32. vogue n. 时尚a fashion for sth.33. bizarre adj. 奇异的,古怪的very strange or unusual34. mediocre adj. 平庸的(disapproving)not very good; of only average standard35. dietitian n. 营养学家a person whose job is to advise people on what kind of food they should eat to healthy36. connoisseur n. 行家鉴赏家an expert on matters involving the judgment of beauty, quality or skill in art , food or music37. homogeneous adj. 由相同事物(或人)组成的;同种类的consisting of things or people that are all the same or all of the same type38. mainstream n. 主流思想主流群体the ideas and opinions that are thought to be normal because they are shared by most people; the people whose ideas and opinions are most accepted 39. dialect n. 方言the form of a language that is spoken in one area with grammar, words and pronunciation that may be different from other forms of the same language40. quantitative adj. 定量的connected with the amount or a number of sth. rather than with how good it is雅思阅读分类词汇——生物/生理类(40个)41. molecule adj. 分子(physics and chemistry) the simplest structural unit of an element or compound42. protein n. 蛋白质any of a large group of nitrogenous organic compounds that are essential constituents of living cells43. enzyme n. 酶proteins that are produced by cells and act as catalysts in specific biochemical reactions44. catalyst n. 催化剂(chemistry) a substance that initiates or accelerates a chemical reaction without itself being affected45. chlorophyll n. 叶绿素a green substance in plants which enables them to use the energy from sunlight in order to grow46. photosynthesis n. 光合作用the process by which a green plant turns water and carbon dioxide into food when the plant is exposed to light47. botany n. 植物学a branch of science that deals with plant life48. flora n. 植物群all the plant life in a particular region or period49. fauna n. 动物群all the animal life in a particular region or period50. bacterium n. 细菌any one of a group of very small living things that often cause disease51. fungus n. 真菌a parasitic plant lacking chlorophyll and leaves and true stems and roots and reproducing by spores52. organism n. 机体,组织a living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently53. arthropod n. 节肢动物invertebrate having jointed limbs and a segmented body with an exoskeleton made of chitin54. reptile n. 爬行动物a group of cold-blooded animals which have skins covered with small hard plates called scales and lay eggs55. amphibian n. 两栖动物 animals such as frogs and toads that can live both on land and in water56. mammal n. 哺乳动物any warm-blooded vertebrate having the skin more or less covered with hair57. primate n. 灵长目动物a member of the group of mammals which includes humans, monkeys, and apes58. evolution n. 进化a process in which something passes by degrees to a different stage59. anthropoid n. 类人猿 any member of the suborder Anthropoidea including monkeys and apes and hominids60. gene n. 基因(genetics) a segment of DNA that is involved in producing a polypeptide chain61. genetics n. 遗传学the branch of biology that studies heredity and variation in organisms62. helix n. 螺旋,螺旋状物 a curve that lies on the surface of a cylinder or cone and cuts the element at a constant angle63. identical adj. 同一的;完全相同的exactly alike; incapable of being perceived as different64. mutation n. 突变any event that changes genetic structure; any alteration in the inherited nucleic acid sequence of the genotype of an organism65. predator n. 捕食者an animal that kills and eats other animals66. embryo n.胚胎an unborn animal or human being in the very early stages of development67. hibernate n. 冬眠spend the winter in a state like a deep sleep68. torpid adj. 麻木的,蛰伏的in a condition of biological rest or suspended animation69. cerebral adj. (大)脑的relating to the brain70. hemisphere n. 半球one half of the brain; one half of the earth71. cortex n. 脑皮层 the tissue forming the outer layer of an organ or structure in plant or animal72. somatic adj. 躯体的affecting or characteristic of the body as opposed to the mind or spirit73. limb n. 四肢one of the jointed appendages of an animal used for locomotion or grasping: arm; leg; wing; flipper74. anatomy n. 解剖,剖析the branch of morphology that deals with the structure of animals75. paralyze n. 使瘫痪make powerless and unable to function76. artery n. 动脉 a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the body77. gland n. 腺体any of various organs that synthesize substances needed by the body and release it through ducts or directly into the bloodstream78. hormone n. 荷尔蒙,激素the secretion of an endocrine gland that is transmitted by the blood to the tissue on which it has a specific effect79. cholesterol n. 胆固醇an animal sterol that is normally synthesized by the liver; the most abundant steroid in animal tissues80. fade v. 凋谢,褪色gradually become paler; gradually cease to be visible雅思阅读分类词汇——教育类(40个)81. accommodation n.(膳宿)供应somewhere to live or stay, often also providing food or other services82. lodging n.寄宿(处) temporary accommodation83. lease v. 出租to use or let sb. use sth., especially property or equipment, in exchange for rent or a regular payment84. tenant n. 房客,佃户someone who pays rent for the place they live in, or for land or buildings that they use.85. landlord n.房东a person or company from whom you rent a room, a house, an office, etc.86. dormitory n.寝室a room for several people to sleep in, especially in a school or other institutions87. reciprocal a.相互的,互惠的agreement involves two people or groups who do the same thing to each other or agree to help each another in a similar way.88. flat a.平的,瘪的,n.公寓having a level surface, not curved or sloping ; not containing enough air, usually because of a hole ; a set of rooms for living in, including a kitchen, usually on one floor of a building89. utensil n.器皿tools or objects that you use in order to help you to cook or to do other tasks in your home.90. stationery n.文具paper, envelopes, and other materials or equipment used for writing91. laundry n. 洗衣,洗衣店the process or the job of washing clothes, sheets, etc. ; a business or place where you send sheets, clothes, etc. to be washed92. cafeteria n.自助餐厅a restaurant where you choose and pay for your meal at a counter and carry it to a table. Cafeterias are often found in factories, colleges, hospitals, etc.93. cater v. 满足(需要) to provide food and drinks for a social event94. amateur n. 业余爱好者;业余运动员; 生手;外行a person who takes part in a sport or other activity for enjoyment, not as a job ; (usually disapproving) a person who is not skilled95. excursion n.远足a short journey made for pleasure, especially one that has been organized fora group of people96. commonwealth n.共和国,联邦an organization consisting of the United Kingdom and most of the countries that used to be part of the British Empire97. illiterate a.文盲不识字的not knowing how to read or write98. discipline n. 学科,纪律the practice of training people to obey rules and orders and punishing them if they do not; the controlled behavior or situation that results from this training ; an area of knowledge; a subject that people study or are taught, especially in a university99. terminology n.术语a system of words used to name things in a particular discipline100. faculty n.(高等院校的)系,院; 全体教师a department or group of related departments in a college or university ; all the teachers of a particular university or college101.dean n .教堂主任牧师;系主任;院长;教务长a senior official at a college or university 102.curriculum n.1.(一个学校,专业,或学科的)全部课程;2.(取得毕业资格等的)必修课程the subjects that students study at a particular school or college103.syllabus n.教学大纲、课程大纲;课程提纲;课程纲要a list of the topics, books, etc. that students should study in a particular subject at school or college104.calendar n.日历;历法;日程表;挂历a set of pages showing the days, weeks, and months of a particular year105. compulsory adj.强制的;义务的;强迫的;必修的something that is compulsory must be done because of a rule or law106.recruit v.吸收(新成员);征募(新兵);组建to get someone to work in a company or join an organization; to get someone to join the military107.prestige n.声望;威望;威信the high reputation and respect that someone or something has earned, based on their impressive achievements, quality, etc.108.esteem n.尊重;敬重;好评a feeling of admiration and respect for someone109.aptitude n.天赋;天资;天生的才能;资质;能力倾向natural ability that makes it easy for you to do something well110. matriculation n.录取入学;入学礼;(大学)入学考试the act or process of matriculating at a college or university111.vocation n.职业,使命;神召,天命the particular occupation for which you are trained 112.abbreviation n.省略,缩写,简化,缩写词a shortened form of a word or phrase113.scholarship n.奖学金;学术;学识financial aid provided to a student on the basis of academic merit114.tutorial n.个人辅导的;教程,辅导材料;使用说明书a session of intensive tuition given by a tutor to an individual or to a small number of studentsadj.家庭教师的;指导教师的;辅导的;监护人的of or relating to tutors or tutoring;115assignment n.分给,分配;任务,工作,(课外)作业a duty that you are assigned to perform (especially in the armed forces);116.dissertation n.专题论文,学位论文;学术演讲a treatise advancing a new point of view resulting from research117.credential n.外交使节所递的国书,信任状;文凭a document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts118.alumni n.(男)校友,(男)毕业生;校友( alumnus的名词复数)a person who has received a degree from a school (high school or college or university)119.overestimate v.对(数量)估计过高,对…作过高的评价;,对…估计过高make too high an estimate of120.caliber n.口径;能力;水准a degree or grade of excellence or worth雅思阅读分类词汇——环境类(40个)121. conservation n. 保存,保持;保护an occurrence of improvement by virtue of preventing loss or injury or other change122.acid n. 酸;<俚>迷幻药adj. 酸的;讽刺的;刻薄的being sour to the taste123.carbon n. [化学] 碳;碳棒;复写纸an abundant nonmetallic tetravalent element occurring in three allotropic forms124.ozone n. [化学] 臭氧;新鲜的空气a colorless gas (O3) soluble in alkalis and cold water 125.radiation n. 辐射;发光;放射物energy that is radiated or transmitted in the form of rays or waves or particles126.greenhouse n. 温室a building with glass walls and roof; for the cultivation and exhibition of plants under controlled conditions127.solar adj. 太阳的;日光的;利用太阳光的;与太阳相关的relating to or derived from the sun or utilizing the energies of the sun128.phenomenon n. 现象;奇迹;杰出的人才a remarkable development129.catastrophe n. 大灾难;大祸;惨败an event resulting in great loss and misfortune 130.deterioration n. 恶化;退化;堕落a symptom of reduced quality or strength131.extinction n. 消失;消灭;废止no longer in existence132.endangered adj. 濒临灭绝的;有生命危险的in imminent danger of extinction133.drought n. 干旱;缺乏a shortage of rainfall134.recurrent adj. 复发的;周期性的,经常发生的recurring again and again135.inundate vt. 淹没;泛滥;浸水;(洪水般的)扑来fill quickly beyond capacity; as with a liquid136.desertification n. (土壤)荒漠化;沙漠化 the gradual transformation of habitable land into desert; is usually caused by climate change or by destructive use of the land137.barren adj. 贫瘠的;无益的;沉闷无趣的;空洞的providing no shelter or sustenance 138.attributable adj. 可归于…的;可归属的capable of being attributed139.deforestation n. 采伐森林;森林开伐the state of being clear of trees140.log vi. 伐木vt. 切;伐木;航行a segment of the trunk of a tree when stripped of branches 141.vegetation n. 植物,植被all the plant life in a particular region or period142.habitat n. 栖息地the type of environment in which an organism or group normally lives or occurs143.ecosystem n. 生态系统a system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their physical environment144.demographic adj.人口统计的relating to or concerning demography145.counterbalance vt. 使平衡,弥补balance or correct it with something that has an equal but opposite effect146.mechanism n.机理,机制a special way of getting something done within a particular system147.precipitation n.陡降,降水rain, snow, or hail148.circulation n.流通,循环movement through a circuit149.meteorology n.气象(学)the earth science dealing with phenomena of the atmosphere (especially weather)150.volcano n.火山a fissure in the earth's crust (or in the surface of some other planet) through which molten lava and gases erupt151.eruption n .喷发the sudden occurrence of a violent discharge of steam and volcanic materialtitude n. 纬度an imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equator153.tropical adj.热带的;热情的;酷热的relating to or situated in or characteristic of the tropics (the region on either side of the equator)154.glacier n. 冰川a slowly moving mass of ice155.contaminate vt. 弄脏make radioactive by adding radioactive material156.irreversible adj.不可逆的incapable of being reversed157.reclaim vt..开垦改造bring, lead, or force to abandon a wrong or evil course of life, conduct, and adopt a right one158.contentious adj.有争议的inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree, even to engage in law suits159.opt vi.选择select as an alternative; choose instead; prefer as an alternative160.prioritize vt.优先考虑assign a priority to雅思阅读分类词汇——科技类(20个)161.u biquitous adj. 普遍存在的;无所不在的seeming to be everywhere or in several places at the same time162.v ersatile adj. (人)多才多艺的(of a person) able to do many different things(物)通用的(of food, a building, etc.) having many different uses163.t ransmute v. (使)变形;(使)变质to change, or make sth. change into sth. different 164.a rduous adj. 艰苦的,艰难的involving a lot of effort and energy, especially over a period of time165.p itfall n. 陷阱,隐患,未预见的困难a danger or difficulty, especially one that is hidden or not obvious at first166.i nflammable adj. 易燃的that can burn easily167.o paque adj.不透明的,不透光的,浑浊的not clear enough to see through or allow light through168.b rowser n.浏览器a program that lets you look at or read documents on the Internet169.h ypertext n.超文本text stored in a computer system that contains links that allow the user to move from one piece of text or document to another170.e nvisage v.想象,设想,展望to imagine what will happen in the future171.p atent v. 授予专利;取得…的专利权adj. 专利的n. 专利权;执照;专利品a document granting an inventor sole rights to an invention 172.c hronological adj. 按年代顺序排列的;依时间前后排列而记载的relating to or arranged according to temporal order173.a rtificial adj. 人造的;仿造的;虚伪的;非原产地的;武断的contrived by art rather than nature174.i nfrastructure n. 基础设施;公共建设;下部构造the basic structure or features of a system or organization175.h ydraulic adj. 液压的;水力的;水力学的moved or operated or effected by liquid (water or oil)176.v entilation n. 通风设备;空气流通the act of supplying fresh air and getting rid of foul air; a mechanical system in a building that provides fresh air177.a symmetry n. 不对称 a lack of symmetry178.b ilateral adj. 双边的;有两边的having identical parts on each side of an axis179.p aradoxical adj. 矛盾的;诡论的;似非而是的seemingly contradictory but nonetheless possibly true180.e mpirical adj. 经验主义的,完全根据经验的;实证的derived from experiment and observation rather than theory雅思阅读分类词汇——心理类(20个)181.p hysiology n.生理学the branch of the biological sciences dealing with the functioning oforganisms182.p sychiatry n.精神病学the branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders183.p erception n.感知,认知,感觉,理解becoming aware of something via the senses 184.i ntuition n. 知觉,直觉instinctive knowing (without the use of rational processes)185.i ncentive n.动机;刺激;诱因;鼓励a positive motivational influence186.s timulus n.刺激any stimulating information or event; acts to arouse action187.t rauma n.创伤any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.;an emotional wound or shock often having long-lasting effects188.i nsomnia n.失眠症an inability to sleep; chronic sleeplessness189.w orkaholic n.工作狂person with a compulsive need to work190.p aranoid adj.属于偏执狂的;患妄想狂的;过分猜疑的suffering from paranoia n.偏执狂患者;妄想症患者a person afflicted with paranoia191.symptom n.症状(medicine) any sensation or change in bodily function that is experienced by a patient and is associated with a particular disease192.d iagnosis n.诊断identifying the nature or cause of some phenomenon193.a ssertive adj. 武断的,独断的;断言的,肯定的;刚毅坚定而自信的inclined to bold and confident assertion; aggressively self-assured194.t herapy n.治疗,疗法,疗效;心理治疗;治疗力(medicine) the act of caring for someone (as by medication or remedial training etc.)195.h ypnotism n.催眠术the act of inducing hypnosis196.p rescribe v.开药方issue commands or orders for197.t ranquilizer n.镇静药,止痛药, 增稳装置a drug used to reduce stress or tension without reducing mental clarity198.a dolescence n.青春期,青年期the time period between the beginning of puberty and adulthood199.s uperstition n.迷信,迷信行为;an irrational belief arising from ignorance or fear200.i nnate adj.天赋的, 天生的;特有的,固有的;内在的,直觉的not established by conditioning or learning;。

雅思阅读基本词汇8001.动词200Unit1: abandon, abide by, abolish, absorb, abuse, accelerate, accommodate, accomplish, achieve, acquire, adapt, adhere to, adjust, admit, adopt, adore, advocate, affect. afford, allocate 放弃,遵守(法律),废除,滥用,加速,容纳,完成,达到,获得,适应,遵守(法律),调整,接受,承认,爱慕,支持,影响,承担,分配Unit 2: alter, annoy, anticipate, apply, appreciate, approve, arouse, arrange, assert, assess, assume, attain, attend, attribute, avoid, balance, ban, bear, behave, believe改变,骚扰,预期,申请,感激(欣赏),批准,引起,安排,断言,评估,假定,获得,参加,归因于,避免,平衡,禁令,忍受,行为,相信Unit 3: belong, blame, block, boost, bother, broaden, cancel, challenge, cherish, claim, classify, commit, communicate, compel, compensate, compete, complain, complement, concentrate, concern属于,责备,阻碍,促进,打扰,拓宽,取消,挑战,珍惜,声称,分类,犯错误,交流,强迫,补偿,竞争,抱怨,互补,集中精力,担心Unit4: condemn, confirm, conflict, conform, confront, conquer, conserve, consume, contain, control, convey, cooperate, copy, correct, criticize, cultivate, cure, damage谴责,证实,冲突,符合,面临,政府,保护(存),消费,包含,控制,传达,合作,复制,修改,批评,培养,治疗,损害Unit5: decline, decrease, deepen, define, defy, deliver, demand,demonstrate, deny, depend, deprive, deserve, destroy, determine, develop, devote, diminish, disagree, disclose, discourage衰退,下降,加深,定义,蔑视,投递,要求,证明(演示),否定,剥夺,应得,毁坏,决定,发展,贡献,减少,不一致,揭开,使挫败Unit6: discriminate, dispose, dispute, distinguish, distribute, disturb, dominate, doubt, earn, ease, eliminate, embrace, encounter, encourage, endeavor, enforce, engage, enhance, enjoy, enrich歧视,处理,争议,区别,分配,打扰,支配,怀疑,赚得,轻松,去除,迎接,遇到,鼓励,尝试,强迫,参加,提高,喜爱,丰富Unit7: ensure, escape, establish, exert, expand, experience, explore, express, extend, facilitate, follow, forbid, force, foster, fulfill, gain, generate, guarantee, handle, harm保证,逃脱,建立,施加,扩大,探索,表达,延伸,促进,跟随,禁止,强迫,培养,完成,获得,产生,保证,处理,损害Unit8: implement, impose, improve, increase, injure, interfere, interrupt, involve, keep, lack, lead, live, lose, lower, maintain, manage, meet, nurture, observe, occupy实施,强加,提高,增加,伤害,干涉,打断,涉及,保持,缺少,领导,生存,丢失,降低,维持,管理,相遇,培养,观察,占领Unit9: oppose, overcome, participate, pass, perceive, perform, pose, present, preserve, prohibit, promote, protect, provide, punish, pursue, raise, realize, receive, recognize反对,克服,参与,通过,察觉,表现,摆姿势,呈现,保护,防止,促进,保护,提供,惩罚,追求,提高,实现,收到,意识到Unit10: reduce, reinforce, reject, release, relieve, remove, resist, respect, safeguard, satisfy, share, shoulder, stimulate, strengthen, struggle, suffer, undermine, violate,widen, withdraw 减少,加强,拒绝,释放,缓解,去除,抵抗,尊敬,捍卫,满足,分享,肩负,刺激,加强,挣扎,受苦,破坏,违反,拓宽,撤退2.名词200Unit1: abolishment, absorption, abundance, abuse, access, accomplishment, achievement, adaptability, advancement, advent, aid, ailment, assessment, atmosphere, authority, ban, breakdown, breakthrough, calamity, campaign废除,吸收,丰富,滥用,接近,成就,适应性,进步,出现,援助,疾病,评估,气氛,权威,禁令,崩溃,突破,灾难,运动Unit2: captivity, career, catastrophe, celebrity, censorship, challenge, characteristic, circulation, cohesion, communication, compensation, computer, conservation, consumption, contempt, corruption, costume, coverage, creativity, crisis 囚禁,职业,灾难,名人,审查制度,挑战,特征,流通,连贯,交流,补偿,电脑,保存,消耗,鄙视,腐化,服装,报道,创造力,危机Unit3:critic,cultivation, curiosity, deception, delinquency, depression, destiny, destruction, deterioration, dignity, dilemma, disaster,discrimination, disposal, dispute, distinction, distribution, diversity, drug, ecology 批评家,培养,好奇心,欺骗,犯错,萧条,命运,破坏,变坏,尊严,窘境,灾难,歧视,处理,争议,区别,分配,多样性,药物,生态Unit4: elimination, elite, embarrassment, enforcement, entertainment, enthusiasm, environment, equality, evaluation, evil, exchange, extinction, flavor, feeling, flexibility, freedom, genius, gratitude, greed, guidance 消除,精英,尴尬,强制,娱乐,热情,环境,平等,评估,邪恶的,交换,灭绝,风味,感觉,可适应性,自由,天才,感激之情,贪婪,指导Unit5: harmony, heritage, horizon, household, hygiene, ignorance, imitation, indifference, individuality, infrastructure, infringement, innovation, insight, inspiration, instinct, intake, integrity, interaction, interference, intervention 和谐,遗产,视野,家庭,卫生,无知,模仿,冷淡,个性,基础设施,违反,创新,深刻理解,灵感,本能,吸收,完整性,互动,干涉,调停Unit6: jeopardy, lack, leisure, liberty, minority, monopoly, motivation, nutrition, obesity, obligation, obstacle, opponent, participation, peer, penalty, peril, perspective, pollution, popularization, population 危险,缺乏,休闲,自由,少数,垄断,意图,肥胖,义务,阻碍,反对,参与,同辈,惩罚,危险,观点,污染,普及,人口Unit7: potential, poverty, preference, prejudice, preservation, priority, privilege, prohibition, promotion, property, proponent, prospect, pursuit, replacement, reputation, resource, restriction, sacrifice, safety 潜力,贫穷,偏爱,偏见,预留,优先权,特权,禁止,促进,财富,支持者,前景,追求,代替,声望,资料,限制,牺牲,安全Unit8: sanitation, scandal, scope, sense, shortage, source, species, stability, statistics, stereotype, stimulation, strain, strategy, strength, stress, substitute, subsistence, superiority, superstition, supervision 卫生,丑闻,范围,感觉,缺乏,来源,物种,稳定性,数据,成见,刺激,拉紧,策略,加强,压力,替代,生存,优越性,迷信,监督Unit9 supplement, surveillance, survival, symbol, symptom, talent, tendency, temptation, theory, therapy, threat, tolerance, torture, traffic, transfer, trait, tragedy, transformation, treasure, triumph 补充,监视,存活,标志,症状,天赋,倾向,诱惑,理论,理疗,威胁,忍耐,折磨,交通,转移,特征,悲剧,转变,珍宝,胜利Unit10 upgrade, urbanization, urge, value, variety, victim, vigor, vegetation, impetus, violation, violence, virtue, vision, vitality, warning, waste, weakness, welfare, wisdom, worship, yearning 升级,城市化,敦促,重视,多样性,受害者,活力,植被,推动力,违反,暴力,美德,视力,重要性,警告,浪费,弱点,福利,智慧,崇拜,渴望形容词和副词400Unit1 abandoned, abnormal, aboriginal, abrupt, absorbing, absurd, abundant, academic, accessible, accountable, addicted, admirable, adolescent, adoring, advanced, advantaged, advantageous, adverse, advisable 放弃的,不正常的,本地的,突然的,引人入胜的,荒唐的,丰富的,学术的,可到达的,有理由的,上瘾的,令人钦佩的,青年的,爱慕的,先进的,有优势的,有优点的,不利的,明智的Unit2 aesthetic, affluent, destitute, aggravating, aggressive, agile, all-round, alluring, alternative, appalling, amateur, antisocial, appealing, appetizing, arrogant, artistic, aspirant, astonishing 有美感的,丰富的,缺乏的,不断恶化的,侵略性的,敏捷的,全面的,有吸引力的,二选一的,耸人听闻的,业余的,反社会的,有吸引力的,美味的,自大的,艺术的,渴望的,令人惊讶的Unit3 astronomical, athletic, authentic, available, awkward, backward, balanced, baneful, barbaric, barren, beforehand, beneficial, benign, bewildering, biased, bilingual, biological, booming, brutal 天文学的,体育的,真实的,可用的,尴尬的,往后的,平衡的,有毒的,野蛮的,贫瘠的,预先的,有益的,仁慈的,令人疑惑的,有偏见的,双语的,生物的,快速发展的,残忍的Unit4 cardiovascular, careful, carnivorous, challenging, characteristic, cheating, chronic, civilized, cocky, cognitive, compatible, compelling, competent,compulsory, conducive, conservative, considerable, considerate 心血管疾病的,仔细的,食肉性的,有挑战性的,有特点的,有欺骗性的,慢性的,文明的,骄傲的,认知的,相容的,强迫性的,又胜任能力的,强制性的,有益的,保守的,大量的,贴心的Unit5 conspicuous, contagious, contemptible, content, controversial, conventional, cooperative, corruptive, deceitful, deceptive, defiant,definite, deliberate, delicious, delinquent, demanding, democratic, dependent, depressed, desirable 显著的,传染性的,可鄙的,满足的,有矛盾的,传统的,合作的,腐化的,虚假的,藐视的,确定的,故意的,可口的,有过失的,要求高的,民主的,依赖的,压抑的,值得渴望的Unit6 destitute, detrimental, devastating, deviant, devoid, dietary, different, diligent, disabled, disappointed, disciplinary, discontented, disgusting, dishonest, disintegrated, disinterested, disobedient, disorderly, disposable, distasteful, distinctive 缺乏的,有害的,有破坏力的,不正常的,缺乏的,饮食的,不同的,勤奋的,有残疾的,失望的,纪律的,不满意的,令人作呕的,不诚实的,分离的,不关心的,不服从的,无秩序的,一次性的,使人不愉快的,具有区别性特征的Unit7 distinguished, distracted, diverse, diversified, domestic, dominant, doubtful, dreary, durable, dutiful, dynamic, eccentric, ecological, economical, educational, effective, eligible, embarrassed, emotional, endangered 卓越的,分心的,不同的,多种多样的,国内的,占支配地位的,怀疑的,疲劳的,持久的,忠于职守的,有活力的,古怪的,生态的,节约的,教育的,有效的,法律上合格的,尴尬的,易动感情的,有危险的Unit8 enjoyable, enlightened, entertaining, enthusiastic, environmental. epidemic, equivalent, essential, ethical, evident. evil, exaggerated, excessive, exhausted, existing, exotic, experienced, extensive 愉悦的,开明的,有趣的,热情的,环保的,流行的,平等的,基本的,伦理的,明显的,邪恶的,夸张的,过多的,疲劳的,现存的,有异域风情的,有经验的,广泛的Unit9 extinct, extracurricular, extravagant, fascinating, fatal, feasible, fertile, fervent, fictitious, fierce, flexible, genetic, generous, greedy, grievous, guilty, hereditary[hə'rɛdə,tɛrɪ] , honest, hospitable, hostile 灭绝的,课外的,奢侈的,有吸引力的,致命的,可行的,肥沃的,热情的,虚构的,激烈的,灵活的,基因的,慷慨的,贪婪的,悲伤的,有罪的,世袭的,诚实的,好客的,有敌意的Unit10 humane, identical, ignorant, immediate, immoral, imperative, impoverished, improper, incurable, indecent, independent. indifferent, indigenous, indispensible, inevitable, infectious, inherent, innocent, innovative, intellectual 仁慈的,相同的,无知的,立刻的,不道德的,紧急的,贫穷的,不合适的,无法治愈的,不体面的,独立的,冷漠的,本土的,不可少的,不可避免的,有传染性的,继承的,无辜的,革新的,智商的Unit11 intelligent, intense, intensive, internal, intimate, intolerable, introverted, inviolable, invisible, irrational, irregular, irreplaceable, irresistible, irreversible, isolated, jealous, justifiable, juvenile, lavish, lax 智力的,强烈的,密集的,内部的,亲密的,无法容忍的,内向的,不可侵犯的,不可见的,不理智的,无规律的,不可取代的,无法抵抗的,无法扭转的,与世隔离的,妒忌的,可证明为正当的,年轻的,慷慨的,松弛的(散漫的)Unit12 legitimate, liberal, likely, luxurious, mandatory, (重)mediocre, metropolitan, miserable, misleading, mistaken, mobile, monotonous, moral, multilateral, multiple, mutual, naïve, nasty, nationwide, needy 合理的,自由的,很有可能的,奢侈的,义务的,中等的,大都市的,可怜的,有误导性的,错误的,移动的,枯燥的,道德的,多边的,多样的,相互的,幼稚的,可鄙的,全国范围的,贫穷的Unit13 (重音)negligent, nimble, noble, notable, notorious, novel, numerous, nutritious, obese, obscene, obscure, offensive, old-fashioned, optimistic, optional, ordinary, original, outrageous, outright, outstanding 疏忽的,灵巧的,高贵的,引人注目的,臭名昭著的,创新的,大量的,有营养的,肥胖的,猥亵的,晦涩难懂的,有冒犯性的,老套的,乐观的,有选择性的,普通的,最初的,无法无天的,彻底的,突出的Unit14 overall, overwhelming, painstaking, parallel, particular, passionate, passive, peaceful, peculiar, permissive, perplexed, personal, pessimistic, physiological, poisonous, pornographic, potential, powerful, pragmatic, preceding 总体的,压倒性的,费力的,平行的,尤其的,有热情的,被动的,平静的,古怪的,宽容的,迷惑的,个人的,悲观的,生理的,有毒的,色情的,有潜力的,力量强大的,使用的,在前面的Unit15 precious, preferable, preferential, pregnant, preliminary, pressing, prestigious, prevailing, prevalent, previous, probably, profound, prominent, promising, prone, prospective, prosperous, provocative, psychological, rampant 以前的,更合意的,有优惠的,怀孕的,初级的,有压迫性的,有名望的,占优势的,流行的,之前的,很可能的,深奥的,卓越的,有希望的,倾向于,期盼中的,繁荣的,刺激的,心理学的,猖獗的Unit16 rational, redundant, refreshing, regular, related, relative, reliable, remarkable, responsible, rewarding, ridiculous, rigid, ruthless, sanitary,satisfactory, savage, secure, sedentary 理智的,冗余的,焕然一新的,规律的,相关的,可靠的,显著的,有责任的,有回报的,愚蠢的,死板的,残忍的,卫生的,令人满意的,野蛮的,安全的,久坐的Unit17 segregated, sensational, sensible, shocking, shrewd, similar, sincere, slavish, slight, sluggish, sociable, sophisticated, spectacular, spiritual, splendid, stable, steady, stubborn, stylish, substantial 隔离的,骇人听闻的,明智的,令人感到惊讶的,聪明的,相似的,真诚的,卑屈的,轻轻的,懒散的,社交的,世故的,壮观的,精神的,光彩夺目的,稳固的,稳定的,固执的,时髦的,真实的Unit18 subtle, sufficient, superficial, superior, superstitious, susceptible, suspicious, sustainable, symbolic, systematic, tasty, tedious, temporary, tempting, theoretical, thrifty, thrilling, timely, timid 细微的,充足的,肤浅的,有优势的,迷信的,易被感动的,怀疑的,可持续的,象征性的,系统的,大方的(可口的),单调的,临时的,有吸引力的,理论上的,节约的,令人兴奋的,及时的,胆小的Unit19 tiresome, tolerant, toxic, tranquil, trendy, troublesome, truly, trustworthy, typical, ubiquitous, ultimate, unable, unanimous, unbelievable, uncomfortable, undeniable, undesirable, undoubtedly, uneasy, unique 令人疲惫的,能容忍的,有毒的,安静的,时髦的,令人烦恼的,实际上,可信任的,典型的,无处不在的,最终的,不能,一致同意的,不可信的,不舒适的,不可否认的,令人不舒服的,无疑的,不容易,独有的Unit20 universal, unprecedented, unreasonable, useless, utilitarian, vain,valid, vegetarian, versatile, vigorous, virtual, virtuous, vivid, void, vulgar, vulnerable, wholesome, willing, worthy, zealous 普遍的,前所未有的,不合理的,无用的,功利主义的,无用的,有效的,素食者,多才艺的,有活力的,事实上的,有道德的,生动的,无人居住的,粗鄙的,易受攻击的,有益健康的,心甘情愿的,值得的,热心的。

雅思阅读话题词汇一、生物类(5题)题1:- 词汇:endangered species(濒危物种)- 解析:这是一个在雅思阅读生物类文章中常见的词汇。
题2:- 词汇:migration(迁徙)- 解析:常用来描述动物季节性的移动行为。
题3:- 词汇:ecosystem(生态系统)- 解析:指生物群落及其生存环境共同组成的动态平衡系统。
题4:- 词汇:adaptation(适应)- 解析:生物适应环境的能力。
题5:- 词汇:habitat(栖息地)- 解析:是生物生活的自然环境。
二、科技类(5题)题6:- 词汇:innovation(创新)- 解析:在科技类文章中非常关键。
题7:- 词汇:artificial intelligence(人工智能)- 解析:简称AI。

高频词汇Day 1education 教育aspect 方面community 社区、社会reflect 反映、表现attitude 态度、看法unspoken 未说出口的、没人理睬的belief 信仰、信念custom 风俗curriculum 课程assessment 评价、评估expectation 期待、期望behave 做出行为-动词behavior 行为rule 准则、规章cover 覆盖、包含duty 职责、义务conduct 行为、操行virtuous 有道德的proper 适当的、有礼貌的manner 礼貌marry 结婚company 陪伴permit 允许、许可dye 染loiter 闲逛、虚度function 功能、典礼church 教堂regularly 有规律地、有规则地alcohol 酒精、酒Bible《圣经》country school 乡村学校coal 煤bucket 桶sweep 打扫、清扫tidy 整齐的、整洁的despite 虽然、尽管stipulate 规定、保证content 内容arithmetic 算术Christianity 基督教literacy 有文化、有读写能力religious 宗教上的corporal 身体的、肉体的(同义词:physical)stick 棍子strap 皮带naughty 调皮的、顽皮的unruly 不守规矩的、不受约束的schooling 学校教育engage 从事caretaking 关心、照料Day 21. nevertheless 然而、不过2. creatively 具有创造性地3. stimulate 刺激、激励4. strict 严格的、严谨的5. protocol草案、协议6. illegal 非法的、违法的7. hit 打、打击8. dismiss 开除、解雇9. instantly 马上、立刻(同义词:quickly, rapidly, immediately)10. secular 现世的、非宗教的11. acceptable 可以接受的、合意的12. appropriate 适当的13. sophistication 混合、混乱14. workplace 工作场所、车间15. career 职业16. expand 膨胀、发展17. challenge 挑战18. diverse 不同的19. researcher 研究者20. cleaner 清洁员21. societal 社会的22. fill 填充、填补23. smack 用掌拍打/击打24. silence 静、安静25. method 方法26. influence 影响27. discipline 学科、纪律28. participate 参加、参与29. achievement 成就30. similar 相似的31. lifestyle 生活方式32. ownership 所有权、拥有权33. diverse 不同的(同义词:different, various, a variety of, varied, a range of)34. pupil 小学生35. consider 考虑36. length 长度37. topic 主题38. inflexible 不灵活的、不能融通的39. arrangement 安排40. loose 宽松的、自由的41. cactus 仙人掌42. relate 有联系、有关系43. dry 干燥的(反义词:humid 湿润的、wet 潮湿的)44. sandy 沙的、沙质的45. rocky 多岩石的46. desert 沙漠47. distance 距离48. tall 高的(反义词:short矮的)49. across 横向的50. traditional 传统的(同义词:conventional, conservative, orthodox)Day 3hunter 猎人harsh 荒无人烟的material 材料、原料、物资possessions 财产(动词形式:possess 拥有、占有、持有)unemployment 失业poverty 贫穷、贫困alcoholism 酗酒tribe 部落、部族disappear 消失、不见lifestyle 生活方式attractive 具有吸引力的outsider 外界的人crop 农作物、庄稼originate 起源、来自(衍生词:origin 起因、原有、起源-名词,original 最初的、原始的、独创的-形容词)staple 主要的garlic 大蒜ginger 生姜headache 头痛toothache 牙痛magnolia 玉兰类植物cancer 癌症cure 治愈disease 疾病hunger 饥饿、渴望famine 饥荒starving 饥饿(但形容饥饿的程度比较深,都快要饿死了)survive 生存、存活strength 力量、力气energy 能量、活力normal 正常的、常态的chemical 化学的;化学制品、化学药品scientist 科学家(衍生词:science 科学)discover 发现、发觉(衍生词:discovery 发现)contain 包含、包括(同义词:involve, include, consist of)substance 物质stomach 胃、胃部brain 大脑heart 心脏lung 肺部kidney 肾full 满的(反义词:empty 空的)pharmaceutical 制药的promising 有希望的、有前途的obesity 肥胖adult 成年人estimate 估计、评估overweight 超重的obese 肥胖的simple 简单的、朴素的nourishing 有营养的Day 41. afford 负担、承担2. expensive 昂贵的3. fatty 富含脂肪的4. slim 苗条的、纤细的5. healthy 健康的6. descendant 子孙、后代7. ready-made 现成的、做好的8. convenient 便利的、便捷的9. taste 味道10. fat 脂肪;肥的、胖的11. salt 盐12. solution 解决办法、解决方案13. ideal 理想的14. right 权利;正确的15. secret 秘密;秘密的16. profit 利润17. herd 放牧18. cow 奶牛19. diet 食物20. majority 主要、多数(反义词:minority 少数)21. scarce 匮乏的、稀缺的22. sort 种类、类别23. compare 比较24. desire 渴望25. overcome 克服、解决26. ancient 古代的、远古的27. major 主要的28. issue 问题29. appear 出现、看来30. financial 财政的、金融的31. spread 传播、蔓延、伸展32. supply 供给、供应33. addiction 沉溺、上瘾34. widespread 分布广泛的、普遍的35. cruel 残忍的、残酷的36. unkind 不仁慈的、无情的37. alive 活着的38. prickly 多刺的39. solid 固体40. powder 粉末41. maintain 维持、继续42. drought 干旱43. tongue 舌头、说话方式44. well-known 众所周知的、有名的45. advertisement 广告(衍生词:advertise 做广告、登广告-动词;advertiser 登广告者、广告客户-名词;advertising 广告业、广告-动名词)46. main 主要的、重要的47. aim 目的、目标48. honest (反义词:dishonest 不忠实的、不诚实的-形容词) rarely 很少地、罕见地(衍生词:rare 稀罕的、杰出的)49. puffery 鼓吹、吹捧50. worldwide 全世界的Day 51. statement (衍生词:state )2. term 学期、条款、术语3. develop 发展4. exaggerate 夸张、夸大5. claim 声称、主张6. legal 合法的(反义词:illegal 违法的、非法的-形容词)7. prove 证明、证实8. licence 执照、许可证9. lie 说谎10. vague 含糊的、暧昧的11. class 把…分类、把…分等级12. option 选择(衍生词:choice)13. expression 表达14. salesperson 售货员、销售员(同义词:seller)15. evaluation 评价、估计(衍生词:evaluate 评价、评估-动词)16. product 产品、产物(衍生词:produce 产物、农产品,生产、制造-名词、动词,production 生产、产品)17. objective 客观的18. subjective主观的19. identify 识别、鉴别(衍生词:identity 身份、特性-名词,identification 辨认、鉴定,identifiable 可以识别的、可以鉴别的-形容词,identifiably 可以识别地、可以鉴别地-副词)20. document 文件、文档(衍生词:documentary 文件的,纪录片-形容词,名词)21. notion 观念、想法(衍生词:note 注意、记录-名词)22. caveat 警告、告诫23. transaction 交易(衍生词:transact 交易、处理-动词)24. initially 最初、开头(衍生词:initial 最初的、初始的)25. property 财产、特征26. deal 交易、生意(衍生词:dealer 生意人)27. Latin 拉丁语、拉丁语的28. basically 基本上、主要地(衍生词:basic 基本的-形容词,basis 基础、基本-名词)29. mean 意思是、意谓30. responsibility 责任、职责(衍生词:response 响应、反应-名词,respond 回答、响应-动词,responsible 有责任的、负责的-形容词)31. check 检查、核对32. payment 报酬、支付(衍生词:pay 支付、给予-名词,payable 可支付的-形容词)33. defect 过失、缺点(衍生词:defective 有缺陷的)34. deliberately 蓄意地、故意地(衍生词:deliberate 深思熟虑的、故意的)35. conceal 隐藏、隐蔽(衍生词:concealment 隐藏、隐蔽-名词)36. policy 政策、方针37. proof 证据、校对38. affect 影响39. competitor 竞争对手、竞争者(衍生词:compete 竞争、比赛-动词,competition 竞争、比赛-名词)40. statistics 统计学(衍生词:statistic, statistical 统计的、统计学的-形容词)41. run 运转、运行(同义词:manage, operate)42. investigate 调查、研究(衍生词:investigation 调查、研究-名词,investigator 调查人-名词)43. insurance 保险44. finance 金融、财政(衍生词:financial 财政的、金融的)45. service 服务46. therefore 因此、所以(衍生词:so, thus)47. careful 小心的、仔细的(衍生词:care 关心、顾虑-动词)48. factual 事实的、实际的(衍生词:fact 事实、实情-名词)49. assertion 主张、断言(衍生词:assert 声称、断言-动词)50. regarding 关于Day 61. quality 品质、质量2. goods 货物、物品3. oversee 监视、检查4. validity 有效性5. council 理事会、委员会6. authority 权威、权利7. overstep 踏过、越过8. limit 极限、限度9. raise 提出10. generate 产生(衍生词:generation 产生、一代-名词)11. strategy 战略、策略(衍生词:strategic, strategically 战略的、策略的-形容词)12. superlative 最高的13. various 不容的、多种多样的(衍生词:variety 品种、种类,vary 改变、变更-动词)14. specific 具体的(衍生词:specifically 具体地、明确地-副词,specification 详述、规范-名词)15. concern 关心、关注16. mislead 误导(衍生词:lead 引导-动词)17. false 错误的18. prevent 阻止、预防(衍生词:preventable 可以预防的、可以阻止的-形容词)19. understandably 可以理解地(衍生词:understand 理解-动词,understandable 可以理解的-形容词)20. object 反对、抗议(同义词:refuse, refute, argue against)21. untruthful 不真实的、虚伪的(衍生词:truth 事实、真理-名词,true 真实的、真正的-形容词,truthful 诚实的-形容词)22. unfair 不公平的(衍生词:fair 公平的-形容词)23. advantage 优势、优点(反义词:disadvantage 略势、缺点-名词)24. court 法院、法庭、球场25. clarify 澄清、阐明(衍生词:clarification 澄清-名词)26. boundary 边界、分界线27. acceptable 可以接受的(衍生词:accept 接受-名词)28. best-loved 最喜爱的29. favorite 喜欢的人、物或事情30. brand 牌子31. make 品牌32. similarly 相似地、相似的是(衍生词:similar 相似的-形容词)33. expect 期待、期望(衍生词:expectation 期望、期待-名词)34. expectable 预料中的-形容词,35. unexpectable 无法预料的-形容词36. boast 自夸37. consider 考虑、照顾38. considerate 考虑周到的-形容词,39. considerable 值得考虑的,相当多的-形容词,40. consideration 考虑-名词41. deceptive 带有欺骗性的42. deception欺骗-名词43. primary 初级的、主要的44. inform 告知45. monitor 监督、监管46. ensure 确保、保证47. argue 争论、辩论48. technique 技术、技巧、手段49. technical 技术的、技巧的-形容词,50. technician 技师、技术员Day 71. otherwise 另外、否则2. unnoticed 被忽视的、未被注意到的3. notice 注意、观察-动词,4. noticeable 显而易见的-形容词,5. unnoticeable 不明显的-形容词6. crowded 拥挤的、塞满的7. crowd 拥挤、塞满-动词8. aspect 方面9. relatively 相对地10. relative 相关的、相对的-形容词,11. relate 联系-动词12. harmless 无害的13. harm 损害、伤害-名词,14. harmful 有害的、伤害的-形容词15. integral 完整的、整体的16. integrate 整合、结合-动词,17. integration 联合、结合-名词18. detect 发觉、探测19. detective 察觉的、侦探的-形容词20. delight 高兴、欣喜21. delightful 高兴的、欣喜的、令人愉快的-形容词22. discount 折扣23. fee 费、费用24. description 描述、记叙25. describe 描述、记叙-动词26. discussion 讨论27. discuss 讨论-动词28. issue 问题29. comparison 比较30. compare 比较、对比-动词31. contrast 对照、对比32. guilty 内疚的、有罪的33. guilt 内疚、罪行-名词34. summary 总结35. summarize 总结36. definition 定义37. define 下定义-动词38. determine 决定、确定39. determination 决定、确定-名词40. chainsaw 链锯41. recent 最近的、近期的42. recently 最近地、近期地-副词43. reality 现实44. realistic 现实的-形容词45. realization 意识46. realize 意识、了解到-动词47. detailed 详尽的、详细的48. detail 细节、详情-名词49. gasoline 汽油同义词50. petrol 汽油Day 81. own拥有2. owner 拥有者3. advantage 优势、优点4. disadvantage 缺点5. mobility 灵活机动性6. specific 具体的7. specify 详述、说明-动词,8. specification 详述、规范-名词9. vital 生死攸关的、重大的10. affair 事物、事件11. automobile 汽车(同义词:car, vehicle)12. relationship 关系、关联13. love-hate 爱恨的14. cherish 珍爱、怀抱15. undeniably 不可否认的16. convenient (衍生词:convenience)17. industry 工业、产业、行业18. commerce 商业(衍生词:commercial 商业的-形容词)19. prosper (衍生词:prosperous)20. unfortunately 不幸地21. fortune 运气、命运-名词,22. fortunate 幸运的、幸福的-形容词,23. fortunately 幸运地、幸福地-副词24. downside 负面、缺点25. upside 正面、优点26. pollution 污染27. manufacture 制造28. manufacturer 制造商-名词,29. manufacturing 制造业-名词30. purpose-build 依某种目的而建造31. factory 工厂(同义词:plant, mill)32. entrepreneur 企业家33. launch 投放、开发、发起34. admirable 值得赞美的、极美的35. philosophy 哲理、哲学36. venture 冒险、风险37. desire 想往、期望38. motoring 驾车39. afford 承担40. affordable 可承担的、可负担的-形容词,41. unaffordable 不可承担的、不可负担的-形容词42. ultra-affordable 最终可以负担的43. so-called 所谓的44. determine 决定、确定45. status 身份、地位46. comfort 舒适、安慰47. protection 保护48. protect 保护-动词,49. protective 予以保护的、保护的-形容词50. previous 在前的、早先的Day 91. vehicle 交通工具、车辆2. two-wheeled 两轮的3. scooter 小型摩托车4. three-wheeled 三轮的5. motorized 机动化的、摩托化的6. motor 汽车7. rickshaw 人力车8. transport 运输9. potential 潜在的、可能的;潜力、潜能10. extensive 广泛的、广大的11. predictable 可预测的12. predict 预测、预言-动词,13. unpredictable 不可预测的-形容词14. explosion 爆发、爆炸15. inevitable 不可避免的16. inescapable 不可逃避的17. unavoidable 不可避免的18. wisdom 智慧、明智19. warning 警告、预告20. consequence 后果21. massive 大量的22. compelling 强迫的、引人注目的23. argument 争论、辩论24. definite 明确的、一定的25. connection 关系、连接26. worsen 恶化、损害27. worse 更坏的、更恶略的-形容词28. respectively 各自地、分别地29. personally 个人地30. individually 单个地31. subjectively 主观地32. critical 批评的、危机的、严重的33. release 释放34. dramatically 极大地、引人注目地35. strikingly 醒目地36. noticeably 值得注意地37. remarkably 显著地38. affect 影响39. concern 考虑、忧虑40. aspect 方面41. stuck 被卡住42. import 进口43. export出口44. approximately 大约地、大概地(同义词:nearly, about, around)45. dependence 依赖、依靠46. dependent 依赖的、依靠的-形容词,47. independence 独立、自主-名词,48. independent 独立的、自主的-形容词49. effect 效果、结果50. uniquely 唯一地、独特地Day 101. solution 解答、解决办法2. benefit 利益3. drawback 缺点4. applaud 称赞、赞同5. mode 方式、模式6. descendant 子孙、后代、后裔(同义词offspring)7. regard 看待、当作8. original 最初的、原始的(衍生词:9. origin 起源、根源-名词,10. originate 起源、发生-动词11. invention 发明12. invent 发明、创造-动词13. percentage 百分比、百分率14. conventional 习俗的、传统的15. traditional 传统的16. orthodox 正统地17. conservative 保守的18. elite 精锐、精华19. crisis 危机20. unfair 不公平的(衍生词:fair)公平的-形容词)21. decrease 减少、降低(衍生词:reduce, diminish, cut back, fall, drop)22. negative 被动的(反义词:positive 主动的)23. synonym 同义词24. overcrowding 拥挤的、阻塞的25. approve 赞成、同意26. chilling 恐怖的27. purchaser 消费者28. purchase 消费-动词,29. purchasing 消费的-形容词30. violent 暴力的、强烈的(衍生词:violence 暴力-名词)31. whereby 凭什么、为何32. compensation 补偿(衍生词:compensate 偿还、补偿-动词33. favorable 赞成的、有利的34. traffic 交通35. congestion 拥塞(同义词:jam, conjunction, gridlock)36. cycling 骑脚踏车(衍生词:bicycle 脚踏车,cyclist 骑脚踏车的人)37. stuck 被粘住的(衍生词:stuck是stick的过去式和过去分词)38. breathe 呼吸、发出39. diesel 柴油机、柴油味40. fume (浓烈或难闻的)烟、气41. commute (乘坐交通工具)往来42. college 大学、学院43. issue 问题;发行44. despite 不论、尽管45. flyover过街天桥46. lane 街道、车道(同义词street, road, avenue, pathway)47. consideration 考虑、体谅(衍生词:consider 考虑、体谅-动词,considerable 值得考虑的)48. car-friendly 汽车友好型的49. humble 微贱的、粗陋的 50. restrict 限制。

多样n. 经济的adj. 语言学的adj. 语言学的adj. 生存 v. 有助于,导致 可替换的adj bilingual survive alternative disillusion
evolutiona ry circumstan ce enterprise exploitati on domestic establish hazard
dub superiorit literary y perspectiv establishment e installment mysterious immense adopt stability subtlety psychology emit proceed prior to denounce pessimistic exaggerate criticism synthetic substance domain initial dedicate comedian interpreta tion principle instinctua l cognitive evidence evaluate ignore tension empirical encycloped ias audience intellectu al preliminar y proposal
占主导,占优势的adj. dominant
approach 方法n. 接近v. respirator 呼吸的 adj. y reveal 揭露v. associate 把…联系 v. unpredicta 不可预测的adj. ble defensive 防御的 adj.
physical 物理的 身体的adj. surroundin 周围的adj. g
well-being 健康状况n.

雅思阅读场景分类高频词汇以下是雅思阅读中常见的场景分类高频词汇,供您参考:科学与技术- 实验 (experiment)- 研究 (study/research)- 发现 (discovery)- 创新 (innovation)- 技术 (technology)- 数据 (data)- 分析 (analysis)- 结果 (result)- 装置 (device)- 发明 (invention)社会与文化- 文化 (culture)- 社会 (society)- 政府 (government)- 经济 (economy)- 教育 (education)- 历史 (history)- 传统 (tradition)- 价值观 (values)- 社交 (social)- 种族 (race)环境与自然- 环境 (environment)- 生态系统 (ecosystem)- 污染 (pollution)- 气候变化 (climate change)- 能源 (energy)- 天气 (weather)- 动物 (animal)- 植物 (plant)- 自然保护 (conservation)- 可持续发展 (sustainable development)健康与医疗- 健康 (health)- 疾病 (disease)- 治疗 (treatment)- 药物 (medication)- 医疗设备 (medical equipment) - 细菌 (bacteria)- 疫苗 (vaccine)- 健身 (fitness)- 预防 (prevention)- 保健 (wellness)商业与经济- 商业 (business)- 市场 (market)- 产品 (product)- 生产 (production)- 消费者 (consumer)- 市场调研 (market research)- 投资 (investment)- 财务 (finance)- 利润 (profit)- 品牌 (brand)以上是一些常见的雅思阅读中的高频词汇,希望能对您的学习有所帮助。
雅思阅读 高频词汇

雅思阅读高频词汇1staten. 情形, 状态, 国家, 政府, 州 vt.声明, 陈述, 规定statementn.声明, 陈述2specialadj.特别的, 特殊的, 专门的especiallyadv.尤其,特别specializationn.特殊化, 专门化specialisev.专业化,专门研究specialisedadj. 专门的, 专科的specialistn. 专家specialityn.特性, 特质, 专业specifyvt.指定, 详细说明specificadj.详细而精确的, 明确的specificallyadv.特定的, 明确的speciesn.种类3differvi.不同differencen.差异, 差别differentadj.不同的differentiatev.区别, 区分4appropriateadj.适当的inappropriateadj.不适当的5staffn. 全体职员6contradictvt.同...矛盾contradictionn.反驳, 矛盾contraryadj.相反的, 逆的contrastvt.使与...对比 n.对比, 对照7claimn.(根据权利提出)要求, 主张 vt.(根据权利)要求, 主张claimantn.(根据权利)提出要求者reclaimvt.要求归还,开垦reclamationn.收回,开垦8similaradj.相似的, 类似的similarlyadv.同样地, 类似于similarityn.类似, 类似处assimilationn.同化9evidencen.明显, 显著,证据evidentadj.明显的, 显然的10majorn. 主修课 adj.主修的,主要的 vi.主修majorityn.多数, 大半11furtheradj.更远的, 更多的 vt.促进, 增进, 助长furthermoreadv.此外, 而且12involvet.包括,使陷于involvementn.连累, 包含revolvev.旋转revolutionn.革命,旋转revolutionaryadj.革命的,全新的 n.革命者revolutionisevt.使彻底改变evolvevt. (使)进化, (使)发展evolutionn. 进化, 发展evolutionaryadj.进化的13completeadj.全部的, 完全的 vt.完成, 使完善completelyadv.十分, 完全地completionn.完成accomplishvt.完成,实现accomplishmentn.完成,成就14suitv.适合 n.一套衣服suitableadj.适当的, 相配suitcasen.手提箱, 衣箱15personn.人, 身体personaladj.私人的, 个人的personalizev.使成私人的, 人格化personalityn.个性, 人格personneln.人员, 职员16accommodatevt.供应, 供给, 容纳accommodationn.住处, 膳宿17economyn.经济, 节约economicadj.经济(上)的economicaladj.节约的economistn.经济学者, 经济家economicsn.经济学18alterv.改变alternativen.二中择一, 可供选择的办法, 事物 adj.选择性的, 二中择一的alternateadj.交替的, 轮流的 v.交替, 轮流, 改变19effectn.效果, 作用, 影响effectiveadj.有效的effectivenessn.效力effortn.努力, 成就affectvt.影响, 感动affectionn. 影响, 爱情,affectiveadj.情感的affectingadj.感人的, 动人的efficientadj.(直接)生效的, 有效率的efficiencyn.效率, 功效sufficientadj.充分的,足够的insufficientadj.不足的,不够的20experimentn.实验, 试验 vi.进行实验, 做试验experimentaladj.实验的experimentationn.实验, 试验, 实验法experimentern.实验者Day 221approachn.接近, 方法 vt.接近approachabilityn.可接近22previousadj.在前的, 早先的23genen. [遗传]基因geneticadj.遗传的geneticsn.遗传学24objectn.物体, 目标, 宾语, 对象 vi.反对, 拒绝,抗议objectionn.异议,拒绝objectiven.目标, 目的 adj.客观的25amountn.数量 vi.(to) 总计, 等于26meanadj.低劣的,吝啬的 vt.意谓 n.平均数meaningn.意义, 含意meaningfuladj.意味深长的27coaln.煤coal-miningn.挖煤28qualityn.质量, 品质, 性质qualifyv.(使)具有资格, 证明合格qualificationn.资格, 条件qualitativeadj.性质上的, 定性的29medicinen.药, 医学medicaladj.医学的, 内科的medicationn.药物治疗, 药物处理, 药物30termn.学期,条款,术语termlyadj.定期的, 每一期的terminologyn.术语学31performvt.履行, 执行, 表演performancen.履行,成绩,表演32subjectn.题目, 学科,实验对象 adj.受制于...的, 受...影响的,subjectiveadj.主观的, 个人的33sensen.官能, 感觉, 意义 vt.感到, 理解, 认识sensationn.感觉, 感情sensitiveadj.敏感的, 灵敏的sensitivityn.敏感, 灵敏(度)sensorn.传感器sensoryadj.感觉的, 感官的sensusn. 感觉34presentn.赠品, 礼物, 现在 adj.现在的, 出席的vt.赠送, 上演, 提出, 呈现presencen.出席,存在present-dayn.互赠礼物的节日presentationn.陈述, 赠送, 表达presentlyadv.目前, 不久representvt.表现, 描绘, 代表representationn.代表,表现, 陈述representativen.代表 adj.典型的, 有代表性的35particularadj.特殊的,独特的 n.细节, 详细particulaten.微粒adj.微粒的36unionn.联合,联盟, 协会unifyvt.统一, 使成一体uniformn.制服 adj.相同的uniformityn.同样, 一致uniqueadj.唯一的, 独特的unitn.个体, (计量)单位unitedadj.联合的, 团结的, 一致unityn.团结, 联合, 统一universen.宇宙, 世界universityn.(综合)大学37companyn.公司, 陪伴accompanyvt.陪伴, 伴奏38surveyn.调查 vt.调查surveyorn.测量员, 检查员39countn.计算 vt.计算,认为有价值accountn.计算, 账目 vi.说明,认为accountantn.会计(员), 会计师accountingn.会计学accountancyn.会计师之职, 会计学40significantadj.有意义的, 重要的significancen.意义, 重要性significationn.含义41organn.[机]机构, 机关, [生物]器官organicadj.器官的, 有机的, 组织的organismn.生物体, 有机体organizevt.组织, 使有机化organizationn.组织, 机构organizationaladj.组织的organisern.组织者42positionn.位置, 职位 vt.安置, 决定...的位置postn.邮件, 邮政,岗位, 职位,柱 vt.张贴,邮递43complexadj.复杂的,综合的 n.联合体complexityn.复杂性complicatedadj.复杂的, 难解的44vehiclen.交通工具, 车辆vehicularadj.车的, 用车辆运载的45loann.(借出的)贷款, 借出 v.借, 借给46accessn.通路, 入门accessibleadj.易接近的, 可到达的accessoryn.附件, 零件 adj.附属的, 补充的47visionn.视力, 视觉, 想象力visualadj.看的, 视觉的visionaladj.梦幻般的visibleadj.看得见的, 明显的invisibleadj.看不见的, 无形的visitn.访问, 游览, 参观 vt.访问, 参观visitorn.访问者, 游客48warehousen.仓库, 货栈vt.贮入仓库49warrantn.授权,根据,许可证vt.保证, 辩解,批准50speechn.演说Day 351situationn.情形, 境遇, (建筑物等的)位置situatevt.使位于, 使处于52greenhousen.温室53progressn.前进, 进步 vi.前进, 进步progressiveadj.前进的,进步的progressionn.行进54popn.流行乐曲, 流行艺术 adj.流行的, 热门的popularadj.流行的, 受欢迎的popularityn.普及, 流行populacen.平民populationn.人口55temperaturen.温度temperaten.(气候)温和的,有节制的temperate-climaten.宜人的气候tempern.性情, 脾气56varyvt.改变,使多样化variousadj.不同的, 各种各样的varietyn.变化, 多样性, 种类variationn.变更, 变化variablen.变量 adj.可变的variabilityn.可变性57impactn.冲击影响, 效果 vt.撞击,对...发生影响58facilityn.便利, 敏捷, 设备facilitatevt.使容易, 使便利facilitatorn.使顺利进行的人或物59form n.形状, 形式, 表格 v.形成, 构成formaladj.正式的,形式的formalityn.礼节, 仪式formatn.形式, 格式 vt.安排...的格局formationn.形成, 构成formativeadj.格式化的formulatevt.用公式表示, 明确地表达 v.阐明formulationn.用公式表示, 明确地表达formeradj.从前的, 以前的60potentialadj.潜在的 n.潜能, 潜力potentialityn.潜能61sumn.总数,金额summaryn.摘要, 概要summarisevt.概括,总结62thiefn.小偷, 贼theftn.偷, 行窃63deltan.(河流的)三角洲64necessaryn.必需品adj.必要的, 必需的necessityn.必要性, 需要, 必需品65describevt.描写, 形容descriptionn.描写, 形容describableadj.可记述的, 可描写的66producen.产物 vt.生产, 制造producern.生产者, 制作者reproducev.繁殖,翻印,重现reproductionn.繁殖,拷贝,复制品productn.产品, 产物productionn.生产, 产品productiveadj.生产性的, 多产的productivityn.生产力67publicn.公众, 公共场所 adj.公共的, 公立的publicisevt.宣扬publicityn.公开publishvi.出版, 刊印 vt.公布, 发表publicationn.出版物, 出版, 公布publishern.出版者, 发行人68academicadj.学院的, 理论的academyn.学会, 学术团体, 学院69generaln.普通,;将军 adj.普通的, 概括的generallyadv.一般, 通常generalisevt.归纳, 概括, 推广generalisationn.普遍化;概括70physicaladj.身体的, 物理的physiologyn.生理学physiologicaladj.生理学的71nickeln.[化]镍, 镍币72issuen.问题;发行, vi.发行, 发布73therapyn.治疗therapistn.临床医学家74policyn.政策, 方针politicsn.政治, 政治学politicaladj.政治的, 行政上的politiciann.政治家, 政客policen.警察机关, 公安部门 adj.有关警察的75requirevt.需要, 要求requirementn.需求, 要求,需要的东西requisiteadj.需要的,必备的 n.必需品requestvt.请求, 要求 n.请求, 要求76successn.成功, 成就successfuladj.成功的succeedvi.(in) 成功 vt.继任, 继承successiveadj.继承的, 连续的successionn.连续, 继承77stagen.舞台, 戏剧;阶段,时期 vt.上演, 筹备, 举行78 communityn.公社, 团体, 社会communistn.共产主义者, 共产党员adj.共产主义者的communicatev.沟通, 通信communicationn.交通, 通讯communicativeadj.爱说话的, 畅谈的communicatorn.交流者, 发报机79absencen.缺席, 缺乏absentadj.缺席的, 缺少的absenteeismn.旷课, 旷工80originn.起源, 由来originaladj.最初的, 原始的, 独创的 n.原物, 原作originalityn.创意originatevt.发起, 创办 vi.起源, 发生aboriginaladj.土著的aboriginesn.土著居民Day 481createvt.创造, 创作creationn.创造, 创作物creativeadj.创造性的creativityn.创造力, 创造creaturen.创造物recreationn.消遣,娱乐82associatevt.使发生联系, 使联合vi.交往, 结交associationn.协会, 联合, 结交83lingualadj.语言的linguisticadj.语言上的, 语言学上的linguisticsn.语言学linguistn.语言学家bilingualadj.能说两种语言的 n.双语者84traditionn.传统, 惯例traditionaladj.传统的, 惯例的85dividev.划分, 分开divisionn.分开, 区分, 除法divisibleadj.可分的86emitvt.发出, 放射, 散发emissionn.(光、热等的)散发, 发射87regionn.区域, 地方regionaladj.地方地, 地域性地88establishvt.建立, 设立,;安置, 使定居establishmentn.确立, 制定, 设施89commercen.商业commercialadj.商业的, 贸易的commercialisevt.使商业化commercialisationn.商业化,商品化merchantn.商人merchandisen.商品,货物 vt.推销(商品或服务)90essencen.基本, 本质essentialadj.本质的, 基本的91tabletn.药片, 小块92surfacen.表面, 外表 adj.表面的, 肤浅的93functionn.功能, 作用 vi.(器官等)活动, 运行, 行使职责functionaladj.功能的94naturen.自然, 本性naturaladj.自然的,天生的naturalisticadj.自然主义的naturalismn.自然主义95financen.财政, 金融 vt.供给...经费, 负担经费financialadj.财政的, 金融的96coachn.长途汽车, 教练 v.训练, 指导97relatevt.使联系, 发生关系relationn.关系, 联系relationshipn.关系, 关联relative n.亲戚, 关系词 adj.有关系的, 相对的,比较而言的relativelyadv. 相关地98nativen.本地人, 土产 adj.本国的, 本地的99steamn.蒸汽 vi.蒸发100theoryn.理论, 学说theoreticaladj. 理论的theoristn.理论家101withdrawvt.收回, 撤消vi.缩回, 退出v.撤退102sedimentn.沉淀物, 沉积sedimentationn.沉积作用103principlen.法则, 原则, 原理principaln.负责人, 首长, 校长 adj.主要的, 首要的104instituten.学会, 学院, 协会 vt.创立, 开始, 制定institutionn.团体, 制度,惯例institutionaladj.团体的,惯例的institutionalisev.使制度化105charactern.(事物的)特性, 特征, (人的)品质, 人物characterisevt.表现...的特色, 刻画的...性格characteristicadj.特有的, 表示特性的 n.特性, 特征106destroyvt.破坏, 毁坏destructionn.破坏, 毁灭destructiveadj.破坏(性)的107leadvt.领导, 引导 n.领导, 领先; 铅leadershipn.领导能力, 领导阶层leadingadj.领导的, 第一位的, 最主要的108applyvt.申请, 应用applicationn.请求, 申请; 应用applicantn.申请者109endangervt.危及endangeredadj.(生命等)有危险的,濒危的110marblen.大理石 adj.大理石的, 冷酷无情的, 坚硬的111valuen.价值, 估价, 评价 vt.估价, 评价valuableadj.贵重的, 有价值的evaluatevt.评价, 估计evaluationn.估价, 评价invaluableadj.无价的, 价值无法衡量的112seriesn.连续, 系列, 丛书serialn.连载小说,连续剧113wheeln.车轮, 轮子114extinctadj.灭绝的extinctionn.灭绝115machinen.机器, 机械machineryn.[总称] 机器, 机械mechanicaladj.机械的, 机械制的mechanismn.机械装置, 机构, 机制116circlen.圆周, 圆形物, 循环 v.环绕,盘旋circuitn.电路, 一圈,巡回circulationn.循环, 流通circumscribevt.在...周围画线, 限制circumstancen.环境, 境况117examplen.例子, 实例exemplifyvt.例证, 例示, 作为...例子118erodevt.侵蚀, 腐蚀erosionn.侵蚀, 腐蚀119athleten.运动员athleticadj.运动的athleticsn.运动120creditn.信用,信任;学分;存款 vt.信任;存入帐户accreditedadj.官方认可的,公认的discredited adj.未被认可的,败坏名声的credibleadj.可信的,可靠的incredibleadj.不可信的,不可靠的credibilityn.可信性,可靠性Day 5121saken. for the sake of: 为了…的好处着想122anthropologyn.人类学anthropologicaladj.人类学的anthropologistn.人类学者123societyn.社会, 社团socialadj.社会的, 社交的socialisev.使社会化sociologyn.社会学sociologicaladj.社会学的124addvt.增加,计算...总和additionn.增加, 增加物, 加法additionaladj.附加的125carbonn.[化]碳carbolicadj.碳的126leisuren.空闲, 闲暇127concernvt.涉及, 关系到 n.(利害)关系, 关心concentratev.集中, 浓缩concentrationn.集中, 专心, 浓缩128raten.比率, 速度, 费用 vt.评价, 值得ration.比率129reflectv.反射, 反映, 表现reflectionn.反射, 倒影reflexadj.反射的,反作用的 n.反射, 反映130proportionn.比例, 均衡 vt.使成比例, 使均衡disproportionateadj.不成比例的131containvt.包含, 容纳containern.容器132directadj.径直的, 直接的 vt.指引, 指示, 导演directionn.方向, 指导directorn.主管, 导演directoryn.姓名,地址录133eruptvt.喷发eruptionn.喷发134siten.地点, 场所 vt.定...的地点135archaeologyn.考古学archaeologicaladj.考古学的archaeologistn.考古学家136mouldn.模具 v.铸造137voten.投票, 选票,得票数vi.投票 vt.投票, 公认votern.投票者,有投票权者138occurvi.发生, 存在occurrencen.发生, 事件139privateadj.私人的, 私有的privacyn.隐私140analysevt.分析, 分解analysisn.分析, 分解analystn.分析家, 分解者analyticaladj.分析的, 解析的141breedv.(使)繁殖,抚养 n.品种, 种类inbreedvt.生育, 生产142fueln.燃料 vt.加燃料143patternn.模范, 式样 vt.模仿, 仿造patterningn. 图案装饰, 图案结构144extraadj.额外的extraordinaryadj.非常的,非凡的145attemptn.尝试, 企图 vt.尝试, 企图146 intelligentadj.聪明的, 伶俐的intelligencen.智力, 聪明, 智能intellectualadj.智力的, 有智力的 n.知识分子147annualn.年刊, 年鉴 adj.一年一次的, 每年的148ensurevt.保证, 担保, 使安全assurevt.断然地说, 保证, 担保assurancen.确信, 断言,担保insurevt.给...保险insurancen.保险149crystaladj.结晶状的n.水晶, 结晶, 晶体150diseasen.疾病, 弊病151positiveadj.肯定的, 积极的 adj.[数]正的adj.[电]阳的152motionn.运动, 动作 v.运动motivatev.激发motivationn.动机motiveadj.发动的, 运动的 n.动机, 目的motorn.发动机, 汽车motorwayn.汽车高速公路motoristn.乘汽车者153victimn.受害人,牺牲品154pressn.压, 印刷, 压力, 新闻 vt.压, 紧抱, 逼迫pressingadj.紧迫的pressuren.压, 压力suppressv.隐瞒,克制,镇压depressv.使沮丧,减少depressionn.沮丧,经济萧条oppressv.压迫,使担心oppressionn.压迫,压抑155inventvt.发明, 创造inventionn.发明, 创造inventiveadj.善于创造的, 发明的Day 6156structuren.结构,建筑物 vt.建筑, 构成infrastructuren.基础设施constructvt.建造, 构造constructionn.建筑, 建筑物157measuren.尺寸, 测量, 措施 vt.测量, 测度, 估量measurementn.测量法, (量得的)尺寸measurableadj.可测量的158demandn.要求, 需求(量) v.要求, 需要demandingadj.过分要求的, 苛求的159continuev.继续, 连续continuityn.连续性, 连贯性continuousadj.连续的, 持续的continualadj.频繁的, 持续不断的160hemispheren.半球161recyclev.使再循环, 反复应用 n. 再生, 重复利用162schemen.计划, 阴谋 v.计划, 图谋163maximumn.最大量 adj最大的maximaladj.最大的maximizevt.取...最大值164avoidvt.避免, 消除avoidancen.避免unavoidableadj.不能避免的165survivev.幸免于,生还survivaln.生存,幸存者survivorn.生还者, 残存物166chargen.费用, 主管, 充电 v.收费dischargevt.卸下, 放出, 解雇 n.卸货, 流出, 解雇167realadj.真的, 真实的reallyadv真正地,十分,是吗realityn.现实,真实realistic adj.现实(主义)的realisevt.认识到, 实现realisationn.实现168lackn.缺乏, 短缺的东西 vt.缺乏, 没有169identityn.身份, 一致identifyvt.识别, 把...和...看成一样identificationn.辨认,视为同一identicaladj.同样的170approximatelyadv.近似地, 大约171habitn.习惯, 习性habitualadj.习惯的, 惯常的habitatn.(动植物的)栖息地inhabitvt.居住于, 栖息inhabitantn.居民172massn.大多数, 大量 adj. 大规模的mass-producedadj.大量生产的massiveadj.大块的,结实的173customern.消费者customn.习惯,风俗;(复数)海关174imagen.图像, 肖像 vt.想象, 象征imaginevt.想象, 设想imaginationn.想象, 想象力imaginativeadj.想象的, 虚构的175criticn.批评家, 评论家criticaladj.评论的, 批评的, 危急的criticisevt.批评criticismn.批评criterian.标准criterionn.(批评判断的)标准176couragen.勇气encouragevt.鼓励encouragementn.鼓励encouragingadj.鼓舞人心的discouragevt.使气馁discouragementn.气馁, 挫折discouragingadj.气馁的177contactn.接触, 联系 vt.接触, 联系178superadj.超级的superbadj.出色的, 极好的superiorn.高手, 上级 adj.较高的, 高傲的superiorityn.优越supersedevt.代替supervisevt.监督, 管理supervisionn.监督, 管理supervisorn.监督人, 管理人supervisoryadj.管理的, 监督的supremeadj.至高的, 最高的179consumevt.消耗consumptionn.消费, 消费量consumern.消费者consumerismn.用户至上主义180panen.长方块, 面paneln.仪表板, 座谈小组,委员会181reasonn.理由, 原因 vt.说服, 推理reasoningn.推理, 评理 adj.推理的reasonableadj.合理的182standardn.标准, 规格 adj.标准的standardisev.使符合标准183volumen.音量,体积184cropn.农作物, 产量 vt.收割, 种植croplandn.农田185diagramn.图表186plasticn.塑胶, 可塑体 adj.塑胶的, 塑造的187respondvt.响应, 做出反应responsen.响应, 反应responsibleadj.有责任的, 可靠的responsibilityn.责任responsiveadj.灵敏的responsivenessn.灵敏性,反应respondentadj.回答的 n.回答者correspondvi.符合, 相应correspondencen.相应, 通信, 信件correspondingadj.相应的, 通讯的188hypothesis(复数hypotheses)n.假设hypothesizev.假设hypotheticaladj.假设的189urbanadj.城市的urbanisationn.城市化190applyvt.申请, 应用applicationn.申请, 应用applicantn.申请者Day 7191advertisevt.做广告, 登广告advertisementn.广告, 做广告192purposen.目的, 意图 vt.打算, 企图193documentn.文件,文献 v.证明documentaryn.记录片 adj.文件的documentationn.文件194emphasizevt.强调, 着重emphasisn.强调, 重点195damn.水坝 v.筑坝196periodn.时期periodicadj.周期的, 定期的periodicaln.期刊,杂志 adj.周期的, 定期的197cancern.癌cancer-causingadj.致癌的198believevt.相信, 认为beliefn.信任,信仰believableadj.可信的199expectvt.期待, 预料expectationn.期待, 预料unexpectedlyadv.意料之外地inspectv.仔细检查,视察inspectionn.仔细检查,视察aspectn.方面,外表prospectn.前景,展望prospectiveadj.预期的perspectiven.远景,前途,观点spectacularadj壮观的 n.盛大景象spectatorn.观众200vanishvi.消失, 突然不见201seriousadj.严肃的, 认真的, 严重的severeadj.严厉的,严重的severityn.严重202strategyn.策略, 战略strategicadj.战略上的203industryn.工业, 勤奋industrialadj.工业的,从事工业的 n.工业工人industrialisev.使工业化industrialisationn.工业化204depositn.存款, 押金, 存放物 vt.存放, 堆积 vi.沉淀205artn.艺术,技术artefactn.人造物品artworkn.艺术品, 美术品artistn.艺术家, 画家artisticadj.艺术的, 有美感的artificialadj.人造的, 假的artificialityn.人工, 不自然, 人造物206 venturev.(冒险)去某处adventuren.奇遇,冒险经历adventurousadj.爱冒险的,惊险的207enablev.使能够208ambiguousadj.含糊的ambiguityn.含糊209subsidyn.补贴subsidisev. 补贴subsidiaryadj.辅助的, 补充的210extremeadj.尽头的, 极端的 n.极端, 极端的事物211drawv.绘制, 拖曳, 抽取, 吸引 n.平局,拖曳drawingn.图画, 制图,drawern.抽屉, 画家drawbackn.缺点, 障碍212mentaladj.精神的, 智力的213generatevt.产生, 发生generationn.产生, 一代(人)generationaladj.生育的, 世代的generativeadj.生成的regeneratevt.再产生214whalen.鲸 v.捕鲸whalingn. 捕鲸215fibren.纤维, 构造 [植]须根216moodn.心情, 状态moodyadj.喜怒无常的, 忧郁的217tendvi.趋向, 往往是 vt.照料intendvt.打算, 意谓intensionn.紧张attendvt.参加, 照顾, 注意 vi.专心, 留意attendancen.出席, 照料218contributev.捐助, 贡献, 投稿contributionn.捐献, 贡献, 投稿attributev.归结于 n.属性attributionn.属性distributev.分发,使散开distributionn.分发,分配219simulatevt.冒充,模拟simulationn.冒充,模拟220conceptn.观念, 概念conceivev.想出conceptionn.观念, 概念conceptualadj.概念上的misconceptionn.误解221supplyn.供给, 供应品 vt.供给suppliern.供应者222employvt.雇用, 使用 n.雇用employmentn.雇用, 使用employeen.雇员employern.雇主unemploymentn.失业, 失业人数223adaptvt.使适应, 改编adaptationn.适应, 改编adaptableadj.能适应的, 可修改的adaptabilityn.适应性adaptiveadj.适应的224projectn.计划,项目 v.伸出,发射projectorn.投影机projectilen.射弹 adj.发射的225techn.工学院;技术学院techniquen.技术, 技巧technicaladj.技术的, 技巧方面的technologyn.科技, 技术technologicaladj.科技的Day 8226 definevt.定义, 阐明definitionn.定义, 解说definitiveadj.确定的, 权威性的definiteadj.明确的definitelyadv.明确地227decaden.十年, 十228localadj.地方的,局部的 n.当地居民localizev.(使)局部化, (使)地方化localizationn.地方化, 局限, 定位localityn.位置locatevt.查找...的地点, 使...坐落于, 位于locationn.位置, 场所229setv.摆放,规定, 调整 n.一套,布景 adj.固定的,坚决的settingn.安置, (太阳)落山, 底座settlevt. 使定居, 安排, 解决 n.有背的长凳settlementn.解决, 殖民230furnituren.家具furnishvt.配备家具,提供furnishingsn.家具, 设备furnacen.炉子, 熔炉231treatn.款待 vt.对待, 治疗 vi.谈判, 协商treatmentn.对待, 处理, 治疗treatisen.论文, 论述232copevi. (善于)处理233temperaturen.温度temperateadj. 适度的, (气候)温和的temperate-climaten.宜人的气候tempern.(钢等)韧度,性情, 情绪 v.调节234healthn.健康, 兴旺healthyadj.健康的,有益于健康的healv.治愈, 医治235draman.(在舞台上)戏剧, 戏剧艺术dramaticadj.戏剧性的, 生动的dramaticallyadv.戏剧地, 引人注目地236propertyn.财产,性质237firmn.公司,商号 adj.坚定的, 坚固的 vt.使牢固, 使结实firmlyadv.坚定地, 稳固地238buttonn.钮扣, [计]按钮 v.扣住239architectn.建筑师architecturen.建筑architecturaladj.建筑上的, 建筑学的240commonadj. 公共的, 普通的,粗俗的 n.[复]平民,公有, 普通commonwealthn.集团,联邦241permitn.许可证, 执照 v.允许permissionn.允许242partn.部分, 零件, 角色 vt.分开, 分配 adj.部分的partialadj.部分的,偏袒的participatevi.参与participationn.参与participantn.参与者particlen.极小量, 微粒,partnern.合伙人, 股东, 搭档,伴侣 vt.与...合伙, 与... 搭档partnershipn.合伙, (工作,游戏)一伙人243irrigatevt.灌溉, 修水利irrigationn.灌溉244currentadj.当前的, 通用的 n.趋势, (电, 水, 气等)流currencyn.流通245frequentadj.时常发生的, 频繁的frequencyn.频率, 周率246reeln.(棉纱, 电线等)卷轴, (磁带等)一盘 vt.卷...于轴上, 使旋转 vi.蹒跚, 眩晕247relevantadj.有关的, 相应的irrelevantadj.不相关的,不切题的248tooln.工具249conventionn.大会, 协定, 惯例conventionaladj.常规的,传统的250broadadj.广泛的 adv.宽阔地 n.宽阔部分broadenv.放宽, 扩大broadcastern.播送设备, 广播员broadbandn.宽带251preventvt.防止preventionn.预防preventativeadj.预防性的preventableadj.可阻止的, 可预防的252welfaren.福利, 幸福 adj.福利的well-beingn.康乐, 福利253harmvt.伤害, 损害 n.伤害, 损害harmfuladj.有害的, 伤害的hazardn.危险,危害 vt.冒…的危险254volcanon.火山volcanicadj.火山的, 爆发的vulcanologistn.火山学家(= volcanologist)255existvi.存在,生活existencen.存在, 存在物, 实在物existingadj.现有的256opportunityn.机会, 时机opportunistn.机会主义者, 投机取巧者257orthodoxadj.正统的, 传统的258promotevt.促进, 提升, 促销promotionn.晋级,宣传,促销259solvevt.解决, 解答solutionn. 解决, 溶解, 溶液solubleadj.可溶的260atmospheren.大气, 空气, 气氛atmosphericadj.大气的261featuren.特征, 容貌 vt.是...特色262hierarchyn.层次,层级hierarchicaladj.分等级的263lavan.熔岩, 火山岩larvan.幼虫larvaen larva的复数264fragileadj.易碎的, 脆的265collectv.收集,集中collectionn.收藏, 搜集品, 捐款collectorn.收藏家, 征收者collectiveadj.集体的 n.集体Day 9266tinyadj.很少的, 微小的267feedn.饲料, (动物或婴儿的)一餐 vt.喂养, 靠...为生feedingn.吃, 输送 adj.给食的, 饲用的feedbackn. 反馈268aimn.目标, 瞄准 v.对...瞄准, 打算269advancen.前进, 提升, 预付款 v.前进, 提前 adj. 预先的,预付(款项)advancedadj.先进的advantagen.优势, 利益advantageousadj.有利的270suffervt.遭受, 忍受 vi.受痛苦, 受损害sufferingn.苦楚, 受难 adj.受苦的, 患病的sufferern.受害者271dealn.交易 vi.处理, 做生意 vt.分配, 分给(out)dealingn.行为, 交易272scalen. 规模,刻度, 等级 vt.测量large/small-scale大/小规模273indigenousadj.本土的274indicatevt. 指示, 象征indicationn.指示, 暗示indicatorn.指示器275providev.提供provisionn.供应, (一批)供应品, 预备, 规定provisionaladj.临时的providedconj.倘若276expandvt.详述, 扩大,展开expansionn.扩大, 开展expansiveadj.易扩大的, 豪爽的277crucialadj.至关紧要的278incentiven.动机 adj.激励的279vastadj. 辽阔的, 大量的280electricityn.电, 电学electricaladj.电的, 有关电的electronn.电子electronicadj.电子的281informv.(~ of/about) 通知, 获悉informationn.通知, 信息informantn.通知的人,被调查的人informativeadj.提供情报的, 见闻广博的282exchangevt.交换,交易 n.交换, 交易283figuren. 数字, 图形, 外形 vt.描绘, 演算, 认为284detailn.细节, 详情 vt.详述285ancientadj.远古的, 旧的286meltv.(使)融化, (使)熔化, 使感动287virtualadj.实质的,实际上的virtuallyadv.事实上288layern.层, 阶层289spreadn.展开, 传播, 分布 v.展开, 传播spreadsheetn.电子制表软件290ordinaryadj.普通的extraordinaryadj.特别的291oxygenn.氧292negativen.否定, 负数 adj.否定的, 消极的, 负的vt.否定, 拒绝(接受)positiven.确实,正数 adj.明确的,有益的,乐观的293tuitionn.学费294initialadj.最初的, 词首的 n.词首大写字母initiallyadv.最初, 开头initiativen.主动295purchasevt.购买 n.购买296achievevt.完成, 达到achievementn.成就, 功绩297equipvt.装备equipmentn.设备298factn.事实, 论据factualadj.事实的, 实际的factorn.因素299shiftn.改变,轮班 vt.改变, 变速300foundv.建立foundationn.基础, 建立, 基金foundern.建立者 vt.使沉没, 失败fundamentaladj.基础的 n.基本原则, 基本原理301corpusn.全集,词库corpora n.corpus的复数302attituden.态度, 意见303permanentadj.永久的, 持久的perpetuatev.使永久perpetualadj.永久的,不断的304influencen.影响, 有影响的人(或事) vt.影响, 改变influentialadj.有影响的, 有势力的influenzan.流行性感冒305recognisevt.认可, 赏识recognitionn.承认, 认出306spinv.旋转,纺纱 n.旋转spann.跨度,范围 v.横越;spin的过去式spunspin过去分词307cuben.立方体, 立方cubicadj.立方体的, 立方的308signn.符号,迹象,示意 v.签字,示意,签约signaln.信号,迹象 v.用信号传达signifyv.意味,表示309atlasn.地图集310entertainvt.娱乐, 招待entertainmentn.款待, 娱乐Day 10311insectn.昆虫pestn.有害物pesticiden.杀虫剂312favorn.亲切, 宠爱favorableadj.赞成的, 顺利的 n.有利favoriten.特别喜欢的人(或物) adj.喜爱的313indicatevt. 指出, 显示, 预示indicationn. 指出, 指示, 迹象indicatorn. 指示器314apparentadj. 显然的, 外观上的315temporaryadj. 暂时的,短时间的contemporaryn. 同时代的人adj. 当代的, 同时代的316maintainvt. 维持,继续, 供养maintenancen. 维护, 保持317selectvt. 选择, 挑选 adj. 精选的selectionn. 挑选, 选集selectiveadj. 选择的, 选择性的318phasen. 阶段, 状态319passiveadj. 被动的320coren.中心, 核心321exhibitvt. 展出, 陈列 n. 展览品, 陈列品exhibitionn. 表现, 展览会322entireadj. 全部的, 完整的, 整个的entirelyadv. 完全地, 全然地, 一概地323climaten. 气候, 思潮climaticadj. 气候上的324labourn. 劳力,劳工v. 劳动325steadyadj. 稳固的, 稳定的 v. (使)稳定steadilyadv. 稳定地, 有规则地326intenseadj.剧烈的, 激烈的intensiveadj. 强烈的, 精深的intensityn. 强烈, 强度327steeln. 钢, 钢铁328trendn. 倾向, 趋势 vi. 倾向329slightadj. 轻微的, 微小的slightlyadv. 轻微地, 苗条地330fabulous adj.惊人的, 难以置信的331bottomn. 底部, 末端 adj. 底部的vi. 到达底部, 建立基础332reserven. 储备, 储藏 vt.保存, 预约reservationn. 保留, 预约reservoirn. 水库333overcomevt. 战胜, 克服 vi. 得胜334Mediterraneann. 地中海 adj. 地中海的335careern.事业, 职业生涯336desirevt.期望, 希望 n. 愿望, 要求desirableadj. 理想的, 合意的337fitn.适合 adj. 合适的, 恰当的, 健康的v. 适合, 安装fitnessn. 适当, 健康fittingadj. 适合的, 相称的 n. 试穿, 装配338followvt. 跟随, 理解,追求n. 跟随339combinev. (使)联合, (使)结合combinationn. 结合, 联合,化合物340fertileadj.富饶的, 能繁殖的fertilisevt. 施肥,使肥沃fertilizern. 肥料fertilityn. 肥沃,多产,生产力341dolphinn. 海豚342diverseadj. 不同的, 变化多的diversityn. 差异, 多样性diversifyv. 使多样化diversificationn. 变化, 多样化343stressn.压力, 重点 vt. 着重, 强调stressfuladj. 产生压力的,使紧迫的344soundn. 声音, 噪音adj.可靠的, 合理的vi. 发出声音, 回响 vt. 使发声, 宣告345assistv. 援助, 帮助assistancen. 协助, 援助assistantn. 助手 adj. 辅助的, 助理的346henceadv. 因此, 从此347estimatev. 估计,评估 n. 估计,评估348journaln.定期刊物, 杂志journalistn. 新闻记者journalismn. 新闻业, 报章杂志349releasen. 释放, 发布vt. 释放, 发表。

1100个雅思阅读必备词汇表abandonAboriginal 原始的,土著的Absenteeism 无故旷课旷工absorbAbsorption 吸收全神贯注abuseacademicaccelerateAccess 入口通道接近accessibleAccessory 附件辅助的accidentallyAcclaim 欢呼称赞喝彩accommodation Accompany 陪同陪伴Accomplish 完成实现account for 占说明Accumulation 聚集积累Accurate 准确的精确地Achieve 实现完成Acquire 获得取得Acumen 敏锐聪明adaptadaptableadjustAdministration 管理行政部门Adolescence 青春期Adopt 采取收养advancedAdverse 逆向的不利的相反Advocate 提倡主张affordableAgenda 议事日程Aggressive 侵略的有进取心aidAilment 小病疾病Alert 警报警惕的Alienation 疏远Allergy 过敏症反感厌恶alternativeAmateur 外行业余爱好者amaze ambiguity ambiguous ambitious amorphous amphibian amphibious an array of analogous analogy analysis ancient anecdotal anesthetic annual anthropology anticipate apparatus appliance applicant apply appreciable appreciate approach appropriate approximately aptitude archaeological architecture archive argue argument arise artificial arrangement article as opposed to aspect aspiration assemble assert assessment assistant associate association assume assumption asthma astound asymmetry attempt attribute audacious authorize authority automatically available avalanche average aviator avoid awarenessbadge ban banal barrier be around be short of beforehand bereavement bespectacled beverage biased bilateral biological bizarre blast blooming blur boast of boom botanical bother boulder bounce boundary branch breeding breeze budget bulge bulk bully burgeon buzzwordcalculation caliber campaign cancer candidate captive capture carbon biocide carbon monoxide car-pooling carry out casualty catastrophic catch on categorize category cater for cease ceiling celebrate censure ceramic chamber characteristics chart chase check chic chink chronic cigarette circulation circumstance cite clarify clerks clinic clue cluster cohesion collaboration colleague combination combine combust come across come to life comment commentator commercial commission commitment commodity communication comparison complain complementary complexity complicated complication component composite compound comprehend compromising concave concentrate on concentration conception concern concrete conduct conference confirm conform to confrontation confuse congestion conscious consequence conservative considerable consistency consortium constitute constrain construct consult consultant contain contaminate contemporary continent contingency contrary contribute to contrive controversial convenient conventional conversely convert convey cooperative corpus cortex cosset counterpart court crack criminal criterion crop up on crowd crucial crust cubic cubic meter currency current cursedealing debris decade deceive decipher decompression decoration dedicate deductive defect define definition deflect delay deliberate deliver delta democratic demographic demolish demonstrate dental depict depletion deposit depression deprive describe desirable destiny destroy destruction detach detect detective detract detrimental devastating deviant devise devote dialect digest digital dilute dimension diminish direction discard discharge discontent discourage discrimination disfigure disguise disharmony dismantle disorder displace displease dispose disposition disproportionately disrupt dissemination distinguishing distort disturb diverse divide divine division dock document dogged domestic dominate dormant double helix dramatically dredge drill dubious dump dustyearthquake ecological ecosystem edge edible efficiency eject electrode eliminate emerge eminent emission emphasize employ embankment encounter endanger endeavor endorse enforcement enfranchise engage engine enhance enlighten enormously ensure enterprise entertainment entrance envelope envisage equality equation equip equivalent erosion eruption escalate essence essential establish estate estimate ethical ethnography evacuate eventually evolution exacerbate exalt excavate exceed exceptional exchange exclusively execute exhale exhaust exhibition exhortation expansion expectation exploitation explosive exposure extensive external extinction extol extol extra extraordinary extravagance extremely dynamicfacade facilitate facility faithfully fallow fascinating fasten fatal fatigue fauna favorable feasible feature federation fertilizer fiber fierce fitness flame flank flaw flexible flora fluctuate fluently focal focus forecast formality formula formulate forthcoming fossil fuel foundation fragment frame freedom freight frequency friction frown upon fume function fundamentalgather gauge gear gender generate genetic genuine geometric giant gigantic give rise to glacial globe gradually granite gravity guesswork guideline gullibly habitat hail halt handicap haphazard hardship harridan hazard hazardous hectare hence hierarchy historically hollow holy grail horizontally hospitality hostile household humble humidity humorous hypothesisidealistic identical identify identity ideology ignition ignore illustration imbalance immediate impact impair implement impossibly impressive in accordance with inadvertently incendiary incentive incorporate independent indicate indigenous individual inevitable infection inferior infrastructure influential ingenuity ingredient inhabitant inhalation inheritance initial initiative inland innate innovative insatiable inspiration instantaneous institution insulate insurance integral integrate intelligence intensity interfere interior internal interpretation intrigue introduce intuitively invade invaluable invert investigation involve irony irreversible irritable irritation isolate issuejournal journey junction jungle justify kidney laboratory laborious lag behind landfill landscape latitude laudable launch layer layout leadership legal legislation leisure linguistic literally locate location logical longitudinal lungmechanism mainstream maintain majority manifestation manipulate manual manufacture marble marginally marine masquerading mass massive masterpiece maximum medical mediocre melt memorandum mental mention mentor merchandise methodology metropolis militant military minimize misconception misjudge mislead mission modification modify molecule monitor monster mood moreover mud muggy multiple mundane murky muscle mystery mythnaive negative negligible negotiate nevertheless nicotine notion notorious nuance nuclear numerous obvious occasionally occupation occupy occur offset offshore off-spring opponent opportunity optimism option organism origin outcome outgoing output outstanding outward overall overload overseas overstaff overwhelm oxygennaive negative negligible negotiate nevertheless nicotine notion notorious nuance nuclear numerous obvious occasionally occupation occupy occur offset offshore off-spring opponent opportunity optimism option organism origin outcome outgoing output outstanding outward overall overload overseas overstaff overwhelm oxygenradiation radical ramification random range react realm recession reclaim recognition recognize recommend recruit recycle redundancy refer to reference refresher courses refute regime region reinforce release relevant relic relief rely on remarkable remedy reminder remnant render renewed repetitive replica represent representative reproduce repute request resemble residence respect(n) respiration respondent restrict retain retard reverse revolutionize rigorously riot ritual rotary rotatesafeguard sample sanitary sanitation savvy scenario scene skeptical scheme scope scores of scrap secondary section sector secure segment sensitive separate sequence settlement settler shatter shortlist shrink shuffle sick leave sift out significant simplicity simplify skew sliding slogan slope slum smoulder soak solution sophiscated sort spark spasmodic spectacular speculate on speech sponge spouse squabble squeeze stablise stack staff stage stagnant standarise staple startling stash statistical status status quo steam stick stiff stimulation stimuli stir strategy streamline strikingly strip stuff style submerge subordinate subscribe subsidiary subsidy substance substantial substitute subterranean suburb succumb suffer sufficient suffragette sulphuric acid summit superior supervise surface surge survey survival sustain swage swell sympathetic systematictalented tangible technique temporary tend to tent terminal terminate terminology terrace terrain tertiary textile thatch thereby timber tinder tough toxicity toxin trace track trade traditional traditionally tramp tranquility transfer transform transit translate trauma tremendous trend trial tribal tribe tricky trigger trinket trivial tropical tutor twist typicalubiquitous ultimately unarguably uncomfortable underestimate undetected undoubtedly unexpectedly uniform unique universal unload unsettling unusual unwittingly upset up-to-date urban vanish variable vegetable vehicle vent venture verbal verify vernacular versatile versus viability viable vibrant vice versa vicinity victim violence virtual virtually virtue virus Vital 重要的,充满活力的,生命的 vocabulary Volcano 火山 volume voluntary vote vulnerablewarehouse warrant waterfront waterproof wave wean off widespread widespread Withdraw 撤退 Workforce 劳动力职工总数 wrangle 争论吵架。

雅思阅读超高频词汇分享雅思阅读超高频词汇系列61sum n.总数,金额summary n.摘要, 概要summarise vt.概括,总结62thief n.小偷, 贼theft n.偷, 行窃63delta n.(河流的)三角洲64necessary n.必需品adj.必要的, 必需的necessity n.必要性, 需要, 必需品65describe vt.描写, 形容description n.描写, 形容describable adj.可记述的, 可描写的66produce n.产物 vt.生产, 制造producer n.生产者, 制作者reproduce v.繁殖,翻印,重现reproduction n.繁殖,拷贝,复制品product n.产品, 产物production n.生产, 产品productive adj.生产性的, 多产的productivity n.生产力67public n.公众, 公共场所 adj.公共的, 公立的publicise vt.宣扬publicity n.公开publish vi.出版, 刊印 vt.公布, 发表publication n.出版物, 出版, 公布publisher n.出版者, 发行人68academic adj.学院的, 理论的academy n.学会, 学术团体, 学院69general n.普通,;将军 adj.普通的, 概括的generally adv.一般, 通常generalise vt.归纳, 概括, 推广generalisation n.普遍化;概括雅思阅读超高频词汇系列70physical adj.身体的, 物理的physiology n.生理学physiological adj.生理学的71nickel n.[化]镍, 镍币72issue n.问题;发行, vi.发行, 发布73therapy n.治疗therapist n.临床医学家74policy n.政策, 方针politics n.政治, 政治学political adj.政治的, 行政上的politician n.政治家, 政客police n.警察机关, 公安部门 adj.有关警察的75require vt.需要, 要求requirement n.需求, 要求,需要的东西requisite adj.需要的,必备的 n.必需品request vt.请求, 要求 n.请求, 要求76success n.成功, 成就successful adj.成功的succeed vi.(in) 成功 vt.继任, 继承successive adj.继承的, 连续的succession n.连续, 继承77stage n.舞台, 戏剧;阶段,时期 vt.上演, 筹备, 举行78community n.公社, 团体, 社会communist n.共产主义者, 共产党员adj.共产主义者的communicate v.沟通, 通信communication n.交通, 通讯communicative adj.爱说话的, 畅谈的communicator n.交流者, 发报机79absence n.缺席, 缺乏absent adj.缺席的, 缺少的absenteeism n.旷课, 旷工80origin n.起源, 由来original adj.最初的, 原始的, 独创的 n.原物, 原作originality n.创意originate vt.发起, 创办 vi.起源, 发生aboriginal adj.土著的aborigines n.土著居民雅思阅读超高频词汇系列81create vt.创造, 创作creation n.创造, 创作物creative adj.创造性的creativity n.创造力, 创造creature n.创造物recreation n.消遣,娱乐82associate vt.使发生联系, 使联合vi.交往, 结交association n.协会, 联合, 结交83lingual adj.语言的linguistic adj.语言上的, 语言学上的linguistics n.语言学linguist n.语言学家bilingual adj.能说两种语言的 n.双语者84tradition n.传统, 惯例traditional adj.传统的, 惯例的85divide v.划分, 分开division n.分开, 区分, 除法divisible adj.可分的86emit vt.发出, 放射, 散发emission n.(光、热等的)散发, 发射87region n.区域, 地方regional adj.地方地, 地域性地88establish vt.建立, 设立,;安置, 使定居establishment n.确立, 制定, 设施89commerce n.商业commercial adj.商业的, 贸易的commercialise vt.使商业化10commercialisation n.商业化,商品化merchant n.商人merchandise n.商品,货物 vt.推销(商品或服务)90essence n.基本, 本质essential adj.本质的, 基本的雅思阅读超高频词汇系列91tablet n.药片, 小块92surface n.表面, 外表 adj.表面的, 肤浅的93function n.功能, 作用 vi.(器官等)活动, 运行, 行使职责functional adj.功能的94nature n.自然, 本性natural adj.自然的,天生的naturalistic adj.自然主义的naturalism n.自然主义95finance n.财政, 金融 vt.供给...经费, 负担经费financial adj.财政的, 金融的96coach n.长途汽车, 教练 v.训练, 指导97relate vt.使联系, 发生关系relation n.关系, 联系relationship n.关系, 关联relative n.亲戚, 关系词 adj.有关系的, 相对的, 比较而言的relatively adv. 相关地98native n.本地人, 土产 adj.本国的, 本地的99steam n.蒸汽 vi.蒸发100theory n.理论, 学说theoretical adj. 理论的theorist n.理论家雅思阅读超高频词汇系列101withdraw vt.收回, 撤消vi.缩回, 退出v.撤退102sediment n.沉淀物, 沉积sedimentation n.沉积作用103principle n.法则, 原则, 原理principal n.负责人, 首长, 校长 adj.主要的, 首要的104institute n.学会, 学院, 协会 vt.创立, 开始, 制定institution n.团体, 制度,惯例institutional adj.团体的,惯例的institutionalise v.使制度化105character n.(事物的)特性, 特征, (人的)品质, 人物characterise vt.表现...的特色, 刻画的...性格characteristicadj.特有的, 表示特性的 n.特性, 特征106destroy vt.破坏, 毁坏destruction n.破坏, 毁灭destructive adj.破坏(性)的107lead vt.领导, 引导 n.领导, 领先; 铅leadership n.领导能力, 领导阶层leading adj.领导的, 第一位的, 最主要的108apply vt.申请, 应用application n.请求, 申请; 应用applicant n.申请者109endanger vt.危及endangered adj.(生命等)有危险的,濒危的110marble n.大理石 adj.大理石的, 冷酷无情的, 坚硬的。

雅思阅读分类词汇1.自然与环境问题conservation 保护,保存environmentalist = conservationistacid 酸;酸的alkali 碱;carbon 碳(C)vs.charcoal (炭)carbon dioxide, carbon monoxidefume exhaust fumes vs. smoke, fog, smog petroleum 石油petrol (BE) = gasoline/gas (AE)ozone 臭氧(o + zone)ozone layerooze 渗出渗出物radiation 辐射ultraviolet (UV) radiation~ radioactivegreenhouse 温室greenhouse effect/gases solar 太阳的phenomenon 现象catastrophe = disaster, cataclysm deterioration 恶化extinction 灭绝species endangered speciesdrought 干旱recurrent 反复发生的re + (oc)cur + rent vs. concurrentinundate 淹没embankment 筑堤(em + bank + ment) sediment 沉积(物)= depositdelta 三角洲the Pearl River Deltaalluvial 冲积的desertification沙漠化desert vs. dessertdust-storm 沙尘暴barren 贫瘠的,不育的,无效的attributable 归因于be attributable to… deforestation 滥砍滥伐(森林)log 原木,日志伐木vs. logovegetation 植物,植被vs.vegetable, vegetarianhabitat 栖息地ecosystem 生态系统viabilitydemographic 人口统计的interdependencecounterbalance 使平衡,弥补mechanism 机理,机制precipitation 陡降,降水circulation 流通,循环typhoon, tornado, hurricanemeteorology 气象(学)volcano 火山eruption 喷发volcanic eruptiongranite 花岗岩imminent = impending vs. eminentCelsius 摄氏的Fahrenheit 华氏的latitude 纬度longitude, altitudetropical (the) tropics tropical/torrid zone, temperate zone, frigid zoneglacier 冰川dump 倾倒,倾销contaminate 弄脏recycle 回收再利用irreversible 不可逆的(= irrevocable) reclaim 开垦,改造à reclamation contentious 有争议的opt 选择nprioritize 优先考虑2.生物molecule 分子amino acids (氨基酸)protein 蛋白质enzyme 酶(proteins that are produced by cells and act as catalysts in specific biochemical reactions)catalyst 催化剂chlorophyll 叶绿素“chloro-”: photosynthesis 光合作用(photo + synthesis)photosyntheticbotany 植物学botanist, botanicalflora 植物群fauna 动物群bacterium bacteria (pl.) 细菌fungus fungi (pl.) 真菌algae alga (pl.) 海藻herbcarnation 康乃馨fade 凋谢,褪色organism 机体,组织arthropod 节肢动物vs. anthropoidreptile 爬行动物amphibian 两栖动物mammal 哺乳动物primate 灵长目动物evolution 进化anthropoid 类人猿(“anthrop”: humankind) anthropology, philanthropy v.s. ape, gorilla, chimpanzeegene 基因DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) genetics 遗传学geneticalhelix 螺旋,螺旋壮物… analyze every single gene within the double helix of humanity’s DNAidentical 同一的mutation 突变mutable, immutable, mutant predator 捕食者embryo 胚胎roe 鱼子caviar 鱼子酱tadpole 蝌蚪frog, toadcaterpillar 毛毛虫(cater + pillar) grasshopper 蚱蜢,蝗虫(= locust)cricket 蟋蟀;板球butterfly vs. mothpollen 花粉传粉pollinationhive 蜂房larva larvae (pl.) 幼虫vs. lavapupa 蛹penguin 企鹅vs. dolphin (海豚)raccoon 浣熊vs. kangaroo (袋鼠) hibernate 冬眠(=hole up)torpid 麻木的,蛰伏的vs. torpedo (鱼雷) cerebral (大)脑的hemisphere 半球(hemi + sphere)cortex 脑皮层migraine 偏头疼somatic 躯体的limb 四肢upper/lower limbanatomy 解剖,剖析paralyze 使瘫痪(=incapacitate, immobilize) artery 动脉vein 静脉gland 腺体pancreas 胰hormone 荷尔蒙,激素cholesterol 胆固醇efficacy 功效vs. efficiency, effectiveness3.人类研究之心理theorem 原理,定理v.s. theory methodology 方法论;physiology 生理学;psychiatry 精神病学correlation 相互关系sensation 感觉,知觉;sensational perception 感知,认知intuition 直觉;intuitiveESP 第六感Extrasensory Perception motivate 激励motivationincentive 激励因素ESP 第六感Extrasensory Perception motivate 激励incentive 激励因素stimulus 刺激disorder 紊乱,失调dysfunction 机能障碍dissonance 不和谐,不一致trauma 创伤anxiety 焦虑= anxiousnessdepression 沮丧insomnia 失眠phobia 恐惧(症) à suffix: -phobia acrophobia 恐高症xenophobia 仇外者,惧外者claustrophobia 幽闭恐怖症allergy 过敏(症),反感He is allergic to card playing.propensity 倾向*Most boys have a propensity of playing with machinery.= tendency, inclinationparanoid 偏执的paranoia 偏执狂workaholic 工作狂(alcoholic)symptom 症状diagnosis 诊断(n.) electroencephalogram 脑电图electrocardiogram (心电图)assertive 武断的therapy 治疗法hypnotism 催眠术(~ hypnotize)prescribe 开药方vs. subscribe, describe, antidepressant 抗抑郁药tranquilizer 镇静药side-effect (+s) 副作用immune 免疫的,免除的rehabilitation 复原,康复relapse 旧病复发,故态复萌vs. elapse 流逝(子在川上曰:逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜!)chronic 慢性的adulthood 成人期puberty 青春发动期adolescence 青春期(the time of life between puberty and adulthood)emotional 情绪的affective 情感的sane 神智健全的insanesuperstition 迷信telepathy 传心术,通灵术apathy 无感情,无兴趣,冷漠(= indifference)pathology 病理学,病理,病变delusion 迷惑,欺瞒vs. illusion disorientation 迷失(dis + orientation)~ disorientedpervert 使反常/变态反常/变态者introspection 内省vs. retrospection 回顾,反省sublimation 纯化,升华personality = personal characteristics multiple personality 多重人格innate 天赋的in + nate (nature)= inborn, congenitalattribute 属性trait 特征,品质national traits 国民性vs. traitor 叛逆者4.语言5.科技ubiquitous 普遍存在的= omnipresent omniscient, omnipotentversatile (人)多才多艺的,(物)通用的alchemy 炼金术transmute 变形,变质arduous 艰巨的=strenuouspitfall 陷阱,未预见之困难metallurgy 冶金alloy 合金aluminum = aluminium (BE) calcium, uranium, radium, copper, brass, bronze electrode 电极distill 蒸馏distilled waterquartz 石英phosphorus 磷,磷光物质inflammable 易燃的combustion 燃烧spontaneous combustion ceramic 陶瓷的瓷器insulate 隔离,绝缘insulator vs. conductor fiber 纤维(BE: fibre)fiber optics 纤维光学optics 光学retina 视网膜iris 虹膜opaque 不透明的v.s. transparent, translucent microprocessor 微处理器binary 二进制的buffer 缓冲区buffer storagebrowser 浏览器hypertext 超文本envisage 想象,看作momentous (极为)重要的v.s. momentary reticular 网状的Ethernet 以太网domain 域domain namescyberlaw 网络法律“cyber-”: Internet related cyberlove, cybercafe, …patent 专利chronological 按时间顺序的robot 机器人artificial 人造的,做作的artificial satellite cone 圆锥体,锥形物Jupiter 木星Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn exorbitant 过度的,过分的,过高的centripetal 向心(力)的centrifugalhigh-rise 高楼skyscrapercathedral 大教堂dome 圆顶infrastructure 基础设施superstructure sewage 污水,下水道hydraulic 水力的,水压的landfill 垃圾掩埋(地)ventilation 通风thermostat 温控器thermos, thermometer, thermonuclearprefabricate 预先制造polytechnic 各种工艺的理工学校Hong Kong Polytechnicgeometric 几何(学)的geometry asymmetry 不对称symmetryconcave 凹的convexbilateral 双边的,两方面的unilateral paradoxical “似非而是”的paradox 悖论empirical 经验的empirical law/formula clockwise 顺时针的anticlockwise6.社会与历史homogeneous 同质的vs. homosexual, heterosexualmainstream 主流,主流的dialect 方言(vs. accent)discrepancy 差异misconception 误解(mis + concept + ion)= misunderstandingbarrier 障碍(物) = barricade discrimination 区别,歧视racial/sexual discriminationhierarchy 等级制度heir + arch(govern) + y insularity 岛国性质*British industry has often been criticized for its linguistic insularity.microcosm 小天地nostalgia = homesicknesspatriot 爱国者compatriot 同胞,同胞的com + patriot vernacular 本地的,本国的本地话,本国话*the vernacular languages of India immigration 移入~ immigrant, immigrate v.s. emigration (~ emigrant, emigrate) Antipodes 澳大利亚和新西兰(非正式用法)permeate 渗透,弥漫*Smoke permeated the house.entrepreneur 企业家entrepreneurship practitioner 开业者,从业者celebrity 名人luminary, VIPproxy 代理人anecdote 轶事notoriety 恶名notoriouscounterpart 对应人,对等物*Who’s George Bush’s counterpart in China? (Hu Jintao ^ ^) peer 同等的人凝视,窥视subordinate 下级,下级的tactics 战术,技巧vs. strategy (战略,策略) marketing strategy v.s. selling tacticsnuance 细微差别benchmarking 类比分析punctual 准时的,守时的absenteeism 旷工flextime 弹性工作时间harass 骚扰harassment *Mary said that Gary had sexually harassed her. redundancy 冗余,冗员network redundancy downsize 裁员(~ lay off)ballot 投票(= vote)impartial 不偏不倚的lobby 大堂(n.) 游说(v.)shortlist (BE) (供最后挑选或考虑的)候选人名单equilibrium 平衡,均衡questionnaire 调查表,问卷quantitative 定量的vs. qualitative contingency 偶然性,偶然事件incur 招致incur debts/hatred/danger vs. occur, concur, recurethical 伦理的,符合伦理的dubious 疑惑的,可疑的*People were dubious about the result.manifestation 显示,证明manifestsubtitle 字幕,副标题subsidiary, submarine, subway (BE: underground, tube), suburb(~ downtown, uptown, outskirts)dubbing 配音录制vogue 时尚= chicbizarre 奇异的vs. weird (怪异的) mediocre 平庸的dietitian 饮食学家connoisseur 行家,鉴赏家7.教育accommodation (膳宿)供应= room and board lodging 寄宿(处)lease 出租“for lease”, “to let” v.s. rent tenant 房客,佃户landlord 房东landlady 房东太太tenant 租客housemate,roommate, dormmate, schoolmate, classmatedormitory 寝室dormau pair为换取房间、住处、及学习某家语言的机会而为该家做家务的年轻外国人reciprocal 相互的,互惠的hostel 宿舍,客栈youth hostel青年旅馆real estate 房地产vicinity = neighborhoodflat 平的,瘪的flat tire公寓= apartment vs. condo, studiobond = depositlinen 亚麻的亚麻织品,床单= bed linen utensil 器皿stationery 文具vs. stationary 固定的laundry 洗衣,洗衣店cafeteria 自助餐厅= canteencater 满足(需要)aerobics 有氧健身操“aero”: air badminton 羽毛球(运动)baseball 棒球baseball batsquash 壁球(运动)amateur vs. professionalgathering 聚会v.s. meeting, reunion excursion 远足= outing, expedition commonwealth 共和国,联邦Commonwealth 英联邦tertiary 第三的post-secondary postgraduate, postdoctoral, post-sale, postwarilliterate 文盲不识字的literacydiscipline 学科,纪律v.s. subject terminology 术语faculty (大学的)系、科,全部教员dean (大学)教务长curriculum 课程extracurricular 课外的syllabus 课程提纲calendar 日历,日程schedule, agenda, timetablecompulsory 强制的,必修的elective 选修的examiner vs. examineerecruit 招生,招募recruitment= enroll prestige 声望,威信prestigiousesteem 尊敬n. & v.aptitude 智力SAT: School Aptitude Test matriculation 录取入学vocation 职业= calling, occupation, career abbreviation 缩略(词) abridge 缩短,删节transferable (学分等)可转换的scholarship 奖学金= fellowshiptutorial 辅导(课) tutor = lecturer, instructor pedagogue 教员,学究pedagogy 教育学,教学法lexicography 词典编撰assignment 任务,(课外)作业dissertation 论文(= thesis)credential 证明,文凭credentialsalumni 校友(男) vs. alumnae overestimate 高估vs. underestimate decipher 解码,解释= decodecaliber 才干火山爆发abundant adj. 丰富的,富余的accretion n. 增长accumulation n. 积聚,堆积物active volcano 活火山Alaska V olcano Observatory 阿拉斯加州火山观察站Aleutian Islands 阿留申群岛(环布于阿拉斯加半岛尖端的弧形岛屿)alternating layers of lava flows 熔岩流的交互叠层aluminum n. [化]铝Archean adj. [地质]太古代的Archeology n. 考古学ascending adj. 上升的,向上的ash particle 灰烬微粒avalanche n.&v. 雪崩awesome adj. 引起敬畏的,可怕的basaltic lava 玄武岩火山石basin-shaped adj. 盆状的beat out 敲平belated adj. 误期的,迟来的blacksmith n. 铁匠blanket n. 毯子,覆盖blast n. 一股(气流),爆炸,冲击波blob n. 一滴,水滴blocky adj. 短而结实的,斑驳的bombs n. 火山口喷出的大堆球状熔岩bowl-shaped crater 碗型的火山口bubble n. 泡沫bulbous adj. 球根的buoyancy n. 浮性,浮力calcium n. [化]钙(元素符号ca)caldera n. [地质]喷火山口,凹陷处carbon dioxide [化] 二氧化碳carbonated soft drink 碳酸饮料Caribbean n. 加勒比海catastrophic adj. 悲惨的,灾难的chimney n. 烟囱,灯罩cinder cone 火山渣形成的圆锥体circular depression 圆形的凹陷circular adj. 圆形的,循环的composite volcano 复式火山conduit n. 导管,沟渠conduit system 沟渠系统cone n. 锥形物,圆锥体congeal v. (使)冻结,(使)凝结conical hill 圆锥型的小山Cotopaxi n. 科多帕希火山(在厄瓜多尔北部)coulee n. 深谷,[地质]熔岩流craggy adj. 陡峭的crater n. 坑crumple v. 弄皱,压皱crystal adj. 结晶状的;n.晶体crystalline adj. 水晶的crystallization n. 结晶化cubic kilometer 立方公里debris n. 碎片,残骸demolish vt. 毁坏,破坏dense clouds of lava fragments 浓密的火山岩碎片descend on 袭击destructive power 破坏力devastate vt. 毁坏diameter n. 直径dike n. 堤防dissolved gases 稀释的气体dome n. 圆屋顶domical shape 圆顶型dormancy n. 睡眠,冬眠dormant adj. 睡眠状态的,静止的downslope adj. 下坡的;adv.向着坡下Earth's crust 地壳ejected material 喷射出来的物质elongate v. 拉长,(使)伸长embedded adj. 植入的,内含的emission n. (光、热等的)散发,发射,喷射Enceladus n. 土卫[希神]恩克拉多斯(反叛众神的巨人)eon n. 永世,无数的年代erosion n. 腐蚀,侵蚀formation of cone 火山口的形成lava flow 熔岩流eruption n. 爆发,火山灰evacuate v. 撤退evolve v.(使)发展,(使)进展exhume vt. 掘出,发射fannning n. 铺开,展开fertile adj. 肥沃的,富饶的fissure n. 裂缝,裂沟flank n. 侧面flooding n. 泛滥,水灾fluid lava flow 流动的熔岩流folding adj. 可折叠的force of gravity 重力,地心引力forge v. 铸造fracture n. 破裂fragment n. 碎片,断片froth n. 泡沫,废物Fuji n. 富士山(在日本本州岛上的死火山)funnel-shaped crater 漏斗型的火山口gas pressure 气压gaseous adj.气体的,气态的geologic adj. 地质(学)的,地质(学)上的geologist n. 地质学者geophysicist n. 地球物理学者glassy adj. 像玻璃的granitic adj. 花岗石的,由花岗岩形成的hemisphere n. 半球high-velocity adj. 高速的igneous adj. 火的,似火的[地]火成的imaging n.[计]成像imperceptible adj. 觉察不到的,感觉不到的,极细微的incandescent adj.遇热发光的,白炽的inferno n. 阴间,地狱ingredient n. 成分,因素interfere with 妨碍intermittently adv. 间歇地island chain 列岛Jupiter n. 木星Kamchatka n. 勘察加半岛(苏联东北部)landscape n. 风景,地形landslide n.[山崩],崩塌的泥石lava dome 圆顶火山lava plateau 火山岩高地lava n. 熔岩,火山岩linear chain 线形链live in harmony with 与......和睦相处magma n. 岩浆magnesium n.[化]镁magnitude n. 量级majestic adj. 宏伟的,庄严的manganese n. 锰(元素符号为Mn)mantle composition 覆盖物的成分Mercury n. 水星molten v. 溶化;adj. 熔铸的monitor n. 监视器,监控mudflow n.[地] 泥流Neptune n. [天]海王星non-explosive lava flows 非爆炸性的火山岩流oval adj. 卵形的,椭圆的oxygen n.[化]氧particle n. 粒子,微粒pasty adj.浆状的Pele, Goddess of V olcanoes 火山女神pent adj.被关闭的,郁积的periodic violent unleashing 周期性的猛烈释放plain n. 平原,草原planetary probe 行星探测器planetary scientist 行星科学家Pompeii n. 庞培(意大利古都,公元79年火山爆发,全城淹没)population density 人口密度potassium n. [化]钾precipitate n. 沉淀物;v. 使沉淀precursory adj. 预示的,先驱的probe n. 探测器profile n. 剖面,侧面,外形project v. 凸出prominent adj. 显著的,突出的property damage 财务损坏pumice n. 轻石,浮石pyroclastic flow [地质]火成碎屑流,火山灰流quench v. 熄灭,平息reawaken v. 再度觉醒reemergence n. 再度出现reminder n. 提醒的人,暗示reservoir n. 水库,蓄水池resurgent adj. 复活的rift zone 断裂区Saturn n. [天]土星sculpt v. 雕刻,造型seismograph n. 地震仪,测震仪shatter n. 粉碎,碎片;vt. 粉碎,破坏shield volcano 盾状火山Sierra Nevada 内华达山脉silicate n.[化] 硅酸盐silicon n. [化] 硅sloping cone 有坡度的圆锥体sodium n.[化]钠solar system [天]太阳系solidification n. 凝固solidify v.(使)凝固,巩固spine n. 脊骨,地面隆起地带spiteful adj. 怀恨的,恶意的steep-sided, symmetrical cone 陡峭和对称的圆锥体steep-walled adj. 峭壁的stratospheric winds 同温层风stratovolcanoes n. 层云火山succession n. 连续,连续性sulfur dioxide n. [化]二氧化碳summit n. 顶点supernatural adj. 超自然的,神奇的sustain vt.支撑,撑住,维持swarm n. 一大群swelling n. 河水猛涨,涨水telltale remnant 证据性的残余物terrane n. 岩石Titan n.[希腊]提坦,太阳神titanium n.[化]钛trace n. 微量Triton n. 海卫,[希神]人身鱼尾的海神tsunami n. 海啸uplift v.& n.升起vegetation n. [植]植被,(总称)植物ventilated adj. 通风的vent n. 通风孔,出烟孔,出口Venus n. [罗神]维纳斯,[天]金星Vesuvius n. 维苏威火山(位于意大利西南部,欧洲大陆惟一的活火山)viscous adj.粘性的,粘滞的volcanic activity 火山活动volcanic ash and dust 火山灰尘volcanic ash 火山灰volcanic cinders 火山灰volcanic dust 火山尘土volcanic eruption 火山爆发volcanic feature 火山特征volcanic landform 火山地形volcanic lava dome 火山岩圆顶volcanic terrain 火山地形volcanic vent 火山口volcanism n. 火山作用volcano n. 火山volcanologist n. 火山学家weathering n. 侵蚀,风化whopping adj. 巨大的,庞大的wrathful adj. 愤怒的,激怒的Yosemite National Park (美国加利福尼亚州中部)约塞米蒂国家公园zircon n. 锆石。

雅思阅读必备词汇state n. 情形, 状态, 国家, 政府, 州 vt.声明, 陈述, 规定statement n.声明, 陈述special adj.特别的, 特殊的, 专门的especially adv.尤其,特别specialization n.特殊化, 专门化specialise v.专业化,专门研究specialised adj. 专门的, 专科的specialist n. 专家speciality n.特性, 特质, 专业specify vt.指定, 详细说明specific adj.详细而精确的, 明确的specifically adv.特定的, 明确的species n.种类differ vi.不同difference n.差异, 差别different adj.不同的differentiate v.区别, 区分雅思阅读实用词汇staff n. 全体职员contradict vt.同...矛盾contradiction n.反驳, 矛盾contrary adj.相反的, 逆的'contrast vt.使与...对比 n.对比, 对照claim n.(根据权利提出)要求, 主张 vt.(根据权利)要求, 主张claimant n.(根据权利)提出要求者reclaim vt.要求归还,开垦reclamation n.收回,开垦similar adj.相似的, 类似的similarly adv.同样地, 类似于similarity n.类似, 类似处assimilation n.同化evidence n.明显, 显著,证据evident adj.明显的, 显然的major n. 主修课 adj.主修的,主要的 vi.主修majority n.多数, 大半雅思阅读词汇带翻译further adj.更远的, 更多的 vt.促进, 增进, 助长furthermore adv.此外, 而且involve t.包括,使陷于involvement n.连累, 包含revolve v.旋转revolution n.革命,旋转revolutionary adj.革命的,全新的 n.革命者revolutionise vt.使彻底改变evolve vt. (使)进化, (使)发展evolution n. 进化, 发展evolutionary adj.进化的complete adj.全部的, 完全的 vt.完成, 使完善completely adv.十分, 完全地completion n.完成accomplish vt.完成,实现accomplishment n.完成,成就。
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雅思阅读分类词汇200雅思阅读分类词汇——文化类(40个)1. discrepancy n. 差异a difference between two or more things that should be the same2. misconception n. 误解a belief or an idea that is not based on correct information ,or that is not understood by people3. discrimination n. 区别,歧视the practice of treating sb. or a particular group in society less fairly than others4. hierarchy n. 等级制度a system especially ina society or an organization, in which people are or organized into different levels of importance from highest to lowest5. patriot n. 爱国者a person who loves their country and who is ready to defend it against an enemy6. compatriot n. 同胞a person who was born in, or is a citizen of ,the same country as sb. else7. vernacular n. 本国的本地话,本国话the language or dialect that is most widely spoken by ordinary people in a region or country8. immigration n. 移入the process of coming to live permanently in a country that is not your own9. permeate n. 渗透,弥漫(liquid, gas, etc) to spread to every part of an object or a place 10. entrepreneur n. 企业家 a person who makes money by starting or runningbusinesses ,especially when this involves taking financial risks11. practitioner n. 开业者,从业者a person who works in a profession ,especially medicine or law.12. anecdote n. 轶事amusing account of something that has happened13. notoriety n. 恶名becoming well-known for something bad14. counterpart n. 对应人,对等物another person or thing that has a similar function or position in a different place.15. subordinate n. 下级someone who has a less important position than you in the organization that you both work for.16. tactics n. 战术,技巧the branch of military science dealing with detailed maneuvers to achieve objectives set by strategy17. punctual adj. 准时的,守时的acting or arriving or performed exactly at the time appointed18. harass n. 骚扰annoy continually or chronically19.redundancy n. 冗余,冗员the attribute of being superfluous and unneeded20. downsize n. 裁员the practice of redesigninga vehicle to retain the interior volume, and often the nameplate and styling of a larger car to a smaller, more efficient platform21. ballot n. 投票the system of voting in writing and usually in secret; the piece of paper on which sb. marks who they are voting for22. impartial adj. 不偏不倚的not supporting one person or group more than another23. lobby n.大堂a large area inside the entrance of a public building where people can meet and waitv. 游说to try to influence a politician or the government and for example, persuade them to support or oppose a change in the law24. equilibrium n. 平衡,均衡a state of balance , especially between opposing forces or influences;a calm state of mind and a balance of emotions25. questionnaire n. 调查表,问卷a written list of questions that are answered by a number of people so that information can be collected from the answers26. quantitative adj. 定量的connected with the amount or a number of sth. rather than with how good it is27. contingency n. 偶然性,偶然事件an event that may or may not happen28. incur v. 招致to suffer the unpleasant results of a situation that you have caused29. ethical adj. 伦理的,符合伦理的connected with beliefs of what is right or wrong30. dubious adj. 疑惑的,可疑的not certain andslightly suspicious about sth.31. manifestation n. 显示,证明the act of appearing as a sign that sth. exists or is happening32. vogue n. 时尚a fashion for sth.33. bizarre adj. 奇异的,古怪的very strange or unusual34. mediocre adj. 平庸的(disapproving)not very good; of only average standard35. dietitian n. 营养学家a person whose job is to advise people on what kind of food they should eat to healthy36. connoisseur n. 行家鉴赏家an expert on matters involving the judgment of beauty, quality or skill in art , food or music37. homogeneous adj. 由相同事物(或人)组成的;同种类的consisting of things or people that are all the same or all of the same type38. mainstream n. 主流思想主流群体the ideas and opinions that are thought to be normal because they are shared by most people; the people whose ideas and opinions are most accepted39. dialect n. 方言the form of a language that is spoken in one area with grammar, words and pronunciation that may be different from other forms of the same language40. quantitative adj. 定量的connected with theamount or a number of sth. rather than with how good it is雅思阅读分类词汇——生物/生理类(40个)41. molecule adj. 分子(physics and chemistry) the simplest structural unit of an element or compound42. protein n. 蛋白质any of a large group of nitrogenous organic compounds that are essential constituents of living cells43. enzyme n. 酶proteins that are produced by cells and act as catalysts in specific biochemical reactions44. catalyst n. 催化剂(chemistry) a substance that initiates or accelerates a chemical reaction without itself being affected45. chlorophyll n. 叶绿素a green substance in plants which enables them to use the energy from sunlight in order to grow46. photosynthesis n. 光合作用the process by which a green plant turns water and carbon dioxide into food when the plant is exposed to light47. botany n. 植物学a branch of science that deals with plant life48. flora n. 植物群all the plant life in a particular region or period49. fauna n. 动物群all the animal life in a particular region or period50. bacterium n. 细菌any one of a group of very small living things that often cause disease51. fungus n. 真菌 a parasitic plant lacking chlorophyll and leaves and true stems and roots and reproducing by spores52. organism n. 机体,组织a living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently53. arthropod n. 节肢动物invertebrate having jointed limbs and a segmented body with an exoskeleton made of chitin54. reptile n. 爬行动物 a group of cold-blooded animals which have skins covered with small hard plates called scales and lay eggs 55. amphibian n. 两栖动物 animals such as frogs and toads that can live both on land and in water56. mammal n. 哺乳动物any warm-blooded vertebrate having the skin more or less covered with hair57. primate n. 灵长目动物 a member of the group of mammals which includes humans, monkeys, and apes58. evolution n. 进化 a process in which something passes by degrees to a different stage 59. anthropoid n. 类人猿 any member of the suborder Anthropoidea including monkeys and apes and hominids60. gene n. 基因(genetics) a segment of DNA that is involved in producing a polypeptide chain61. genetics n. 遗传学the branch of biology that studies heredity and variation in organisms 62. helix n. 螺旋,螺旋状物 a curve that lies on the surface of a cylinder or cone and cuts the element at a constant angle63. identical adj. 同一的;完全相同的exactly alike; incapable of being perceived as different 64. mutation n. 突变any event that changes genetic structure; any alteration in the inherited nucleic acid sequence of the genotype of an organism65. predator n. 捕食者an animal that kills and eats other animals66. embryo n.胚胎an unborn animal or human being in the very early stages of development67. hibernate n. 冬眠spend the winter in a state like a deep sleep68. torpid adj. 麻木的,蛰伏的in a condition of biological rest or suspended animation69. cerebral adj. (大)脑的relating to the brain70. hemisphere n. 半球one half of the brain; one half of the earth71. cortex n. 脑皮层 the tissue forming the outer layer of an organ or structure in plant or animal72. somatic adj. 躯体的affecting or characteristic of the body as opposed to the mind or spirit73. limb n. 四肢one of the jointed appendages of an animal used for locomotion or grasping: arm; leg; wing; flipper74. anatomy n. 解剖,剖析the branch of morphology that deals with the structure of animals75. paralyze n. 使瘫痪make powerless and unable to function76. artery n. 动脉 a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the body77. gland n. 腺体any of various organs that synthesize substances needed by the body and release it through ducts or directly into the bloodstream78. hormone n. 荷尔蒙,激素the secretion of an endocrine gland that is transmitted by the blood to the tissue on which it has a specific effect79. cholesterol n. 胆固醇an animal sterol that is normally synthesized by the liver; the most abundant steroid in animal tissues80. fade v. 凋谢,褪色gradually become paler; gradually cease to be visible雅思阅读分类词汇——教育类(40个)81. accommodation n.(膳宿)供应somewhere to live or stay, often also providing food or other services82. lodging n.寄宿(处) temporary accommodation83. lease v. 出租to use or let sb. use sth., especially property or equipment, in exchange for rent or a regular payment84. tenant n. 房客,佃户someone who pays rent for the place they live in, or for land or buildings that they use.85. landlord n.房东a person or company from whom you rent a room, a house, an office, etc. 86. dormitory n.寝室a room for several people to sleep in, especially in a school or other institutions87. reciprocal a.相互的,互惠的agreement involves two people or groups who do the same thing to each other or agree to help each another in a similar way.88. flat a.平的,瘪的,n.公寓having a level surface, not curved or sloping ; not containing enough air, usually because of a hole ; a set of rooms for living in, including a kitchen, usually on one floor of a building89. utensil n.器皿tools or objects that you use in order to help you to cook or to do other tasks in your home.90. stationery n.文具paper, envelopes, and other materials or equipment used for writing91. laundry n. 洗衣,洗衣店the process or the job of washing clothes, sheets, etc. ; a business or place where you send sheets, clothes, etc. to be washed92. cafeteria n.自助餐厅a restaurant where you choose and pay for your meal at a counter and carry it to a table. Cafeterias are often found in factories, colleges, hospitals, etc.93. cater v. 满足(需要) to provide food and drinks for a social event94. amateur n. 业余爱好者;业余运动员; 生手;外行 a person who takes part in a sport or other activity for enjoyment, not as a job ; (usually disapproving) a person who is not skilled95. excursion n.远足a short journey made for pleasure, especially one that has been organized for a group of people96. commonwealth n.共和国,联邦an organization consisting of the United Kingdom and most of the countries that used to be part of the British Empire97. illiterate a.文盲不识字的not knowing how to read or write98. discipline n. 学科,纪律the practice of training people to obey rules and orders and punishing them if they do not; the controlled behavior or situation that results from thistraining ; an area of knowledge; a subject that people study or are taught, especially in a university99. terminology n.术语a system of words used to name things in a particular discipline100. faculty n.(高等院校的)系,院; 全体教师 a department or group of related departments in a college or university ; all the teachers of a particular university or college 101.dean n .教堂主任牧师;系主任;院长;教务长a senior official at a college or university102.curriculum n.1.(一个学校,专业,或学科的)全部课程;2.(取得毕业资格等的)必修课程the subjects that students study at a particular school or college103.syllabus n.教学大纲、课程大纲;课程提纲;课程纲要 a list of the topics, books, etc. that students should study in a particular subject at school or college104.calendar n.日历;历法;日程表;挂历a set of pages showing the days, weeks, and months of a particular year105. compulsory adj.强制的;义务的;强迫的;必修的something that is compulsory must bedone because of a rule or law106.recruit v.吸收(新成员);征募(新兵);组建to get someone to work in a company or join an organization; to get someone to join the military107.prestige n.声望;威望;威信the high reputation and respect that someone or something has earned, based on their impressive achievements, quality, etc.108.esteem n.尊重;敬重;好评 a feeling of admiration and respect for someone109.aptitude n.天赋;天资;天生的才能;资质;能力倾向natural ability that makes it easy for you to do something well110. matriculation n.录取入学;入学礼;(大学)入学考试the act or process of matriculating at a college or university111.vocation n.职业,使命;神召,天命the particular occupation for which you are trained 112.abbreviation n.省略,缩写,简化,缩写词a shortened form of a word or phrase113.scholarship n.奖学金;学术;学识financialaid provided to a student on the basis of academic merit114.tutorial n.个人辅导的;教程,辅导材料;使用说明书a session of intensive tuition given by a tutor to an individual or to a small number of studentsadj.家庭教师的;指导教师的;辅导的;监护人的of or relating to tutors or tutoring;115assignment n.分给,分配;任务,工作,(课外)作业a duty that you are assigned to perform (especially in the armed forces);116.dissertation n.专题论文,学位论文;学术演讲a treatise advancing a new point of view resulting from research117.credential n.外交使节所递的国书,信任状;文凭a document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts118.alumni n.(男)校友,(男)毕业生;校友( alumnus的名词复数)a person who has received a degree from a school (high school or college or university)119.overestimate v.对(数量)估计过高,对…作过高的评价;,对…估计过高make too high an estimate of120.caliber n.口径;能力;水准a degree or grade of excellence or worth雅思阅读分类词汇——环境类(40个)121. conservation n. 保存,保持;保护an occurrence of improvement by virtue of preventing loss or injury or other change122.acid n. 酸;<俚>迷幻药adj. 酸的;讽刺的;刻薄的being sour to the taste 123.carbon n. [化学] 碳;碳棒;复写纸an abundant nonmetallic tetravalent element occurring in three allotropic forms124.ozone n. [化学] 臭氧;新鲜的空气 a colorless gas (O3) soluble in alkalis and cold water125.radiation n. 辐射;发光;放射物energy that is radiated or transmitted in the form of rays or waves or particles126.greenhouse n. 温室a building with glass walls and roof; for the cultivation andexhibition of plants under controlled conditions127.solar adj. 太阳的;日光的;利用太阳光的;与太阳相关的relating to or derived from the sun or utilizing the energies of the sun 128.phenomenon n. 现象;奇迹;杰出的人才a remarkable development129.catastrophe n. 大灾难;大祸;惨败an event resulting in great loss and misfortune 130.deterioration n. 恶化;退化;堕落 a symptom of reduced quality or strength 131.extinction n. 消失;消灭;废止no longer in existence132.endangered adj. 濒临灭绝的;有生命危险的in imminent danger of extinction133.drought n. 干旱;缺乏 a shortage of rainfall134.recurrent adj. 复发的;周期性的,经常发生的recurring again and again135.inundate vt. 淹没;泛滥;浸水;(洪水般的)扑来fill quickly beyond capacity; as with a liquid136.desertification n. (土壤)荒漠化;沙漠化 the gradual transformation of habitable land into desert; is usually caused by climate change or by destructive use of the land 137.barren adj. 贫瘠的;无益的;沉闷无趣的;空洞的providing no shelter or sustenance 138.attributable adj. 可归于…的;可归属的capable of being attributed139.deforestation n. 采伐森林;森林开伐the state of being clear of trees140.log vi. 伐木vt. 切;伐木;航行a segment of the trunk of a tree when stripped of branches141.vegetation n. 植物,植被all the plant life in a particular region or period142.habitat n. 栖息地the type of environment in which an organism or group normally lives or occurs143.ecosystem n. 生态系统a system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their physical environment 144.demographic adj.人口统计的relating to or concerning demography145.counterbalance vt. 使平衡,弥补balance or correct it with something that has an equal but opposite effect146.mechanism n.机理,机制a special way of getting something done within a particular system147.precipitation n.陡降,降水rain, snow, or hail148.circulation n.流通,循环movement through a circuit149.meteorology n.气象(学)the earth science dealing with phenomena of the atmosphere (especially weather)150.volcano n.火山 a fissure in the earth's crust (or in the surface of some other planet) through which molten lava and gases erupt 151.eruption n .喷发the sudden occurrence of a violent discharge of steam and volcanic materialtitude n. 纬度an imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equator153.tropical adj.热带的;热情的;酷热的relating to or situated in or characteristic of the tropics (the region on either side of the equator)154.glacier n. 冰川a slowly moving mass of ice155.contaminate vt. 弄脏make radioactive byadding radioactive material156.irreversible adj.不可逆的incapable of being reversed157.reclaim vt..开垦改造bring, lead, or force to abandon a wrong or evil course of life, conduct, and adopt a right one158.contentious adj.有争议的inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree, even to engage in law suits159.opt vi.选择select as an alternative; choose instead; prefer as an alternative160.prioritize vt.优先考虑assign a priority to 雅思阅读分类词汇——科技类(20个)161.ubiquitous adj. 普遍存在的;无所不在的seeming to be everywhere or in several places at the same time162.versatile adj. (人)多才多艺的(of a person) able to do many different things(物)通用的(of food, a building, etc.) having many different uses163.transmute v. (使)变形;(使)变质to change, or make sth. change into sth. different 164.arduous adj. 艰苦的,艰难的involving a lot of effort and energy, especially over a period of time165.pitfall n. 陷阱,隐患,未预见的困难 a danger or difficulty, especially one that is hidden or not obvious at first166.inflammable adj. 易燃的that can burn easily167.opaque adj.不透明的,不透光的,浑浊的not clear enough to see through or allow light through168.browser n.浏览器a program that lets you look at or read documents on the Internet 169.hypertext n.超文本text stored in a computer system that contains links that allow the user to move from one piece of text or document to another170.envisage v.想象,设想,展望to imagine what will happen in the future171.patent v. 授予专利;取得…的专利权adj. 专利的n. 专利权;执照;专利品a document granting an inventor sole rights to an invention172.chronological adj. 按年代顺序排列的;依时间前后排列而记载的relating to or arranged according to temporal order173.artificial adj. 人造的;仿造的;虚伪的;非原产地的;武断的contrived by art rather than nature174.infrastructure n. 基础设施;公共建设;下部构造the basic structure or features of a system or organization175.hydraulic adj. 液压的;水力的;水力学的moved or operated or effected by liquid (water or oil)176.ventilation n. 通风设备;空气流通the act of supplying fresh air and getting rid of foul air; a mechanical system in a building that provides fresh air177.asymmetry n. 不对称 a lack of symmetry 178.bilateral adj. 双边的;有两边的having identical parts on each side of an axis179.paradoxical adj. 矛盾的;诡论的;似非而是的seemingly contradictory but nonetheless possibly true180.empirical adj. 经验主义的,完全根据经验的;实证的derived from experiment and observation rather than theory雅思阅读分类词汇——心理类(20个)181.physiology n.生理学the branch of the biological sciences dealing with the functioning of organisms182.psychiatry n.精神病学the branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders183.perception n.感知,认知,感觉,理解becoming aware of something via the senses 184.intuition n. 知觉,直觉instinctive knowing (without the use of rational processes)185.incentive n.动机;刺激;诱因;鼓励a positive motivational influence186.stimulus n.刺激any stimulating information or event; acts to arouse action 187.trauma n.创伤any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.;an emotional wound or shock often having long-lasting effects188.insomnia n.失眠症an inability to sleep; chronic sleeplessness189.workaholic n.工作狂person with a compulsive need to work190.paranoid adj.属于偏执狂的;患妄想狂的;过分猜疑的suffering from paranoian.偏执狂患者;妄想症患者 a person afflicted with paranoia191.symptom n.症状(medicine) any sensation or change in bodily function that is experienced by a patient and is associated with a particular disease192.diagnosis n.诊断identifying the nature or cause of some phenomenon193.assertive adj. 武断的,独断的;断言的,肯定的;刚毅坚定而自信的inclined to bold and confident assertion; aggressively self-assured194.therapy n.治疗,疗法,疗效;心理治疗;治疗力(medicine) the act of caring for someone (as by medication or remedial training etc.)195.hypnotism n.催眠术the act of inducing hypnosis196.prescribe v.开药方issue commands or orders for197.tranquilizer n.镇静药,止痛药, 增稳装置a drug used to reduce stress or tension without reducing mental clarity198.adolescence n.青春期,青年期the time period between the beginning of puberty and adulthood199.superstition n.迷信,迷信行为;an irrational belief arising from ignorance or fear200.innate adj.天赋的, 天生的;特有的,固有的;内在的,直觉的not established by conditioning or learning;。