

大学基础英语教程unit 7

大学基础英语教程unit 7

III. Writing skills
a. Style: w1) This body of the text is a narrative writing. w2) The author uses Colloquial language. b. Rhetorical Functions w 1) Definition: The sport is called bungee jumping. w 2) metaphor and simile w3) parallelism c. Tone: Advisable
It was scary/frightening/terrifying, but exhilarating/exciting/a real rush.
We went bungee jumping/rock climbing/ hiking when we were in… We had jumped off a bridge and fallen/dropped 500 feet before the bungee cord caught us.
Emphasis and Difficulty 教学重点与难点
To have a taste of unconditional love by mastering new words and expressions
to grasp the theme and writing features
words: attach, plunge, slam, spring, triumph, bounce,
expressions tie sth to sth, fix sth up ,add to sth slam into, look for a new thrill, make a deal, in return.

大学化学专业英语PPT课件 第7章 chapter7

大学化学专业英语PPT课件 第7章 chapter7

ii) The positions of substituents:
Ortho- 邻-,正-,原- :
ortho-aminotoluene 邻甲苯胺
oቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱtho-aluminic acid 原铝酸 Meta- 间-,偏-: meta-aminotoluene 间甲苯胺
meta-aluminic acid 偏铝酸
7.2 Functional Groups with Covalent Single Bonds
1.Nomenclature for functional groups with single bonds a.Alkyl or aryl halides (RX or ArX)
ethane ethene
name of saturated hydrocarbon + “adiene”
ii) For the alkene with two double bond:
butane 1,3 butadiene
iii) For the individual alkyne: Name of saturated hydrocarbon(“ane” dropped) + “yne” e.g. ethane ethyne iv) For the alkyne with two triple bond: Name of saturated hydrocarbon(“ane” dropped) + “adiyne” e.g. pentane 1,3 pentadiyne
v) For the alkyne with three triple bond:
Name of saturated hydrocarbon(“ane” dropped) + “atriyne”

21世纪大学实用行业英语综合教程Unit 7

21世纪大学实用行业英语综合教程Unit 7

Unit 7 Financial Accounting
Oral Practice
Phrases & Terms
Surfing the Internet
Video Clip
Words & Phrases positive /pztv/ a. 积极的;正面的
Unit 7 Financial Accounting
Oral Practice
Phrases & Terms
Surfing the Internet
Video Clip
Chinese Version
基本会计概念 会计是一个过程,用来衡量和记录一个企业的财产和负 债的财务价值,并随着时间的推移当价值发生变化时加以监 控。一个企业可以是指个人、公司或其他任何需作会计记录 的实体。
Unit 7 Financial Accounting
Learniቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱg Objectives
From studying this unit, students are expected to 1. learn the basics of accounting; 2. have the knowledge of cash flow; 3. learn about internal control.
Unit 7 Financial Accounting
Unit 7 Financial Accounting 财务会计
Unit 7 Financial Accounting
Part I Reading Part II Oral Practice Part III Mini-Project Part IV Phrases & Terms Part V Surfing the Internet Part VI Video Clip



Audiovisual Supplement
Cultural Information
A lot of life comes down to deciding what am I willing to sacrifice because obviously if you choose one path in life, well, you know, you can’t choose the other. That’s kind of where I found myself lately, ever since we, you and I, in our relationship, en, have reached that place. Woman: That place. Man: The upshot is ―you win.‖ Woman: ―You win‖? Was that a proposal? Man: ―You win‖ was just the last part of it. The whole thing was a proposal. The ―you win‖ had a context. Aren’t you even gonna look at it? Woman: But, first, can we just, can we retrace the mental steps that led to ―you win‖? Like when you say you and I have reached that place. What place?
7 Unit 7 The Chaser
Audiovisual Supplement
Cultural Information



大学汽车专业英语教材Chapter 1: Introduction to Automotive Engineering 1.1 Overview of the Automotive Industry1.2 Importance of English in the Automotive Field 1.3 Basic Terminology in Automotive Engineering 1.3.1 Vehicle Components and Systems1.3.2 Technical Terms and Definitions1.4 Careers in Automotive Engineering1.5 Study Tips for Automotive Engineering Students Chapter 2: Automotive Design and Development2.1 Vehicle Design Process2.1.1 Concept Development2.1.2 Design Specifications2.1.3 Styling and Aesthetics2.2 Vehicle Testing and Validation2.2.1 Performance Testing2.2.2 Safety Testing2.2.3 Environmental Testing2.3 Materials Used in Automotive Design2.3.1 Metals2.3.2 Polymers2.3.3 Composites2.4 Case Studies of Successful Automotive Design Projects Chapter 3: Automotive Powertrain Systems3.1 Internal Combustion Engines3.1.1 Engine Components and Operations3.1.2 Types of Engines3.1.3 Alternative Powertrain Technologies3.2 Transmission Systems3.2.1 Manual Transmissions3.2.2 Automatic Transmissions3.2.3 Continuously Variable Transmissions (CVTs)3.3 Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Technologies3.3.1 Hybrid Electric Vehicles3.3.2 Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles3.3.3 Electric Vehicles3.4 Case Studies on Innovative Powertrain Systems Chapter 4: Automotive Electronics and Control Systems4.1 Introduction to Automotive Electronics4.2 Engine Control Systems4.2.1 Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI)4.2.2 Ignition Systems4.2.3 Engine Management Systems4.3 Vehicle Communication Systems4.3.1 Controller Area Network (CAN)4.3.2 In-Car Entertainment Systems4.3.3 Telematics Systems4.4 Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)4.4.1 Adaptive Cruise Control4.4.2 Lane Departure Warning Systems4.4.3 Collision Avoidance Systems4.5 Case Studies on Automotive Electronics and Control Systems Chapter 5: Vehicle Dynamics and Suspension Systems5.1 Basics of Vehicle Dynamics5.1.1 Vehicle Handling and Stability5.1.2 Tire Behavior and Performance5.1.3 Braking Systems5.2 Suspension Systems5.2.1 Types of suspensions5.2.2 Suspension Design and Tuning5.3 Steering Systems5.3.1 Rack and Pinion Steering5.3.2 Power Steering Systems5.3.3 Electronic Steering Systems5.4 Case Studies on Vehicle Dynamics and Suspension Systems Chapter 6: Automotive Safety and Crashworthiness6.1 Importance of Automotive Safety6.2 Passive Safety Systems6.2.1 Seatbelts and Restraint Systems6.2.2 Airbag Systems6.2.3 Safety Cage Design6.3 Active Safety Systems6.3.1 Anti-lock Braking Systems (ABS)6.3.2 Electronic Stability Control (ESC)6.3.3 Adaptive Headlights6.4 Crashworthiness and Impact Analysis6.4.1 Crash Simulation and Testing6.4.2 Energy Absorption Structures6.4.3 Case Studies on Automotive SafetyChapter 7: Automotive Manufacturing and Quality Control7.1 Automotive Manufacturing Processes7.1.1 Stamping7.1.2 Welding7.1.3 Assembly7.2 Lean Manufacturing Principles in the Automotive Industry7.3 Quality Control and Assurance7.3.1 Six Sigma Methodology7.3.2 Statistical Process Control7.3.3 Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)7.4 Case Studies on Automotive Manufacturing and Quality ControlConclusionIn conclusion, this English textbook for university-level automotive engineering students provides comprehensive coverage of essential topics in the field. From the fundamentals of automotive design and development to advanced concepts in automotive electronics and control systems, this textbook aims to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills tosucceed in their future careers. By studying this textbook, students will gain a solid foundation in both technical English vocabulary and automotive engineering principles.。

工程管理专业英语chapter7 procurement of goods and material

工程管理专业英语chapter7 procurement of goods and material

(11) Tests and inspection during manufacture All of the work shall be subject to inspection and approval by the engineer for conformity with the specification. The engineer shall have access to, and may inspect the work at all times and places where the work is being carried out and shall have access to, and may inspect materials and plant to be incorporated into the work at all times at the place of production or manufacture and at the shipping point as well as at the site of the work. Shop assembly of plant shall be subject to the approval of the engineer. Inspection and approval by the engineer shall in no way relieve the contractor of the responsibility for complete compliance with the specification. The contractor shall provide all instrumentation necessary for obtaining all the information required by the engineer, during the full range of the tests.



Unit 7 The glorious messiness of English Unit 7 The glorious messiness of English
Before Reading Global Reading Detailed Reading After Reading Supplementary Reading
Unit 7 The glorious messiness of English Unit 7 The glorious messiness of English
Before Reading Global Reading Detailed Reading After Reading Supplementary Reading
Unit 7 The glorious messiness of English Unit 7 The glorious messiness of English
Before Reading Global Reading Detailed Reading After Reading Supplementary Reading
Unit 7 The glorious messiness of English Unit 7 The glorious messiness of English
Before Reading Global Reading Detailed Reading After Reading Supplementary Reading
Graph Writing Cause and effect essays are concerned with why things happen (causes) and what happens as a result (effects). Cause and effect is a common method of organizing and discussing ideas. The following tips can help you draft this type of essay:



大学财务会计专业英语教材In recent years, the field of accounting has witnessed significant advancements and developments, necessitating comprehensive and up-to-date academic resources to meet the demands of students studying finance and accounting. With the increasing globalization of business and finance, proficiency in English is an essential skill for accounting professionals, particularly those specializing in financial accounting. Therefore, the creation of a specialized English textbook for university-level finance and accounting students is of great importance.Chapter 1: Introduction to Financial Accounting1.1 The Role and Importance of Financial Accounting1.2 Basic Concepts and Principles in Financial AccountingChapter 2: Preparation of Financial Statements2.1 The Accounting Equation2.2 Recording Transactions: The Double-Entry System2.3 The Chart of Accounts2.4 Journalizing and Posting Transactions2.5 Trial BalanceChapter 3: Income Statement and Statement of Financial Position3.1 Understanding Income Statement3.2 Income Statement Components3.3 Statement of Financial Position: Assets, Liabilities, and EquityChapter 4: Revenue Recognition and Measurement4.1 Revenue Recognition Principles4.2 Measurement of Revenue: Sales, Services, and Other IncomeChapter 5: Expense Recognition and Measurement5.1 Expense Recognition Principles5.2 Measurement of Expenses: Cost of Goods Sold, Operating Expenses, and OthersChapter 6: Cash Flow Statements6.1 Importance and Purpose of Cash Flow Statements6.2 Operating, Investing, and Financing Activities6.3 Preparing a Cash Flow StatementChapter 7: Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements7.1 Financial Ratios and Metrics7.2 Horizontal and Vertical Analysis7.3 Limitations and Adjustments in Financial StatementsChapter 8: International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)8.1 Overview of IFRS8.2 IFRS Framework and Key Concepts8.3 Differences between IFRS and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)Chapter 9: Corporate Financial Reporting9.1 Financial Reporting for Corporations9.2 Disclosure Requirements and Auditors’ Opinions9.3 Regulatory Framework for Corporate Financial ReportingChapter 10: Accounting for Business Combinations10.1 Mergers and Acquisitions10.2 Consolidation Methods and Procedures10.3 Accounting for Non-controlling InterestsChapter 11: Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation11.1 Valuation of Assets and Liabilities11.2 Valuation Techniques: Cost Approach, Market Approach, and Income Approach11.3 Interpreting Financial Statement Analysis for Investment and Decision MakingBy providing a systematic overview of the principles, concepts, and techniques in financial accounting, this specialized English textbook addresses the needs of university students studying finance and accounting. It equips them with the necessary knowledge and skills to understand and apply financial accounting practices in an international context. With itscomprehensive content and clear explanations, this textbook serves as an indispensable resource for students pursuing a career in finance and accounting.。



大学综合英语7,unit7,课件1. Text Analysis and Appreciation of Para11) Comprehension Questions on Para1What are the difference between the two concepts of being international and beingcosmopolitan?Why did the author say “all good men are international but nearly all bad men arecosmopolitan”?What does he mean by “being national”?What does the example of Buddhist peace prove?What are the author’s opinions toward the Christian and the Hindu??What example did the author use to explain the distinction between “loving each other”and “being each other”?What are the difference between Englishme n’s “having a fancy for France” and their“admiring France?”What did the author compare to the Frenchmen’s vices and virtues?Buddhist Peace4.Questions for Further ThinkingWhat does the author’s experience in para4 tell us about?What did you learn from the text?5. Language Points(*Words for Band4, **Words for Band8)1) …being international and being *cosmopolitan (para1)● A cosmopolitan place or society is full of people from many different countriesand cultures.● e.g. London has always been a cosmopolitan city.2) …Thus their **obscenity is the expression of their passionate love of dragging all thingsinto the light.(para2)●The French people often impress others as “obscene”, this can be interpreted as anexpression of their strong love to make all things open and public, even those suchas sex or the expression of love.3) The avarice of their peasants means the independence of their peasants.(para2)●French peasants may leave people of other countries the impression of beinggreedy, yet that is because they make their own living all by themselves andlittle would they count on their kings, governments or other forms ofauthorities.4) ...seeing the savage French **caricature… (para2)● A drawing or description that appears in a humorous or critical way.5)…exquisite fruit of French **cynicism… (para2)●Cynicism i s the belief that people always act selfishly.● e.g.I found Ben's cynicism wearing at times.●Cynicism about something is the belief that it cannot be successful or that the people involved are nothonorable.● e.g. This talk betrays a certain cynicism ab out free trade.6) …never *till ed the rude but rich soil of French virtue…(para2)●Verb: till = cultivate●Prep: In spoken and informal English, till is often used instead of until.●They had to wait till Monday to ring the bank manager...●Noun: In a shop or other place of business, a till is a counter or cash registerwhere money is kept....long queues at tills that make customers angry.A till is the drawer of a cash register, in which the money is kept.He checked the register. There was money in the till.7)…the shadow of the great houses still *falls everywhere…(para3)●The remaining prestige of those old and eminent aristocratic families can still be felt everywhere.8) *Snobbishness…(para3)●If you describe someone as snobbish, you disapprove of them because they are too proud of their social status, intelligence, or taste.● e.g.They had a snobbish dislike for their intellectual and social inferiors...9)Understand the vice he plagiarized…para3)●If someone plagiarizes another person's idea or w ork, they use it or copy it and pretend that they thought of itor created it.● e.g.The poem employs as its first lines a verse plagiarized from a billboard.10) They like a noble to be *unconscious and **amiable (para3)●They like their noble to be not a ware of his own social status,always treatingthem as friends and equals.11)**vicarious nobility in the English love of a lord(para3): The English love of a lordshould not be deemed as what it seemingly is.● A vicarious pleasure or feeling is experienc ed by watching, listening to, or readingabout other people doing something, rather than by doing it yourself.● e.g....a father who lived vicariously through his sons' success.12) And it requires *battery and **barricade(para3)●C o m p a r e d w i t h E n g l i s h p e o p l e,t h e F r e n c h p e o p l e d o n o t h a v e s o s t r o n g a s e n s e o f s o c i a l n o r m s a n d e t i q u e t t e s.T h i s m a y b e d e e m e d a s i n d e c e n c y.Y e t i f o n e h a s a c q u i r e ds u f f i c i e n t k n o w l e d g e o f F r e n c h p e o p l e’s c r a z e a b o u t f r e e d o m,w i t h t h e e x t e r i o re x p r e s s i o n s of f igh t s a n d s o n g si n t h e s t r e e t s,p o o r p e o p l e d y i n g f o r t h e c o n c e p t o ff r e e d o m,e t c.,h e w i l l a c c e p t t h e i r b e h a v i o r a s m o s t n a t u r a l.13) *unmeaning (para4) a.●devoid of meaning or sense; meaningless● e.g. The officer gave an unmeaning response to thatdifficult query.14)…under all thei r **pageant of chivalry men are not only beasts, but even hunted beasts(para4).●…under the disguise of good manners, men actually have a nature as dark, horrible and brutal asthat of cornered beasts, always ready to fight against each other.●pageant n.a thing that looks impressive or grand, but is actually shallow and empty.15) *blazes…(para4)●I n f o r m a l l y u s e d i n v a r i o u s e x p r e s s i o n s of a ng e r,b e w i l d e r m e n t,o r s u r p r i s e a s ae e u u p p h h e e m m i i s s m mf f o o r r““h h e e l l l l””..●e.g.G o t o b l a z e s!H e s h o u t e d.●W h a t t h e b l a z e s a r e y o u a l l t a l k i n g a b o u t?6. Types of WritersThe EssayistA Piece of ChalkA Defence of Rash VowsMending and Ending ThingsNegative and Positive MoralityThe PoetA Ballad of SuicideA Child of the SnowsThe Rolling English RoadThe DonkeyThe Song of Right and WrongThe Critic ? A Midsummer Night’s DreamGeorge MacdonaldOscar WildeThe Orthodoxy of HamletThe Philosopher ?Child Psychology and NonsenseOn Thoughtless Remarks ?Philosophy for SchoolroomThe Revival of Philosophy—Why? ?Science and the Savages The Theologian ?Buddhism and ChristianityMiracles and Modern CivilizationThe Religious Aim of Education ?Skepticism and Spiritualism Why I Believe in Christianity7. AssignmentGroup discussion: What is Chinese Humanism?。






这些现象和它们的主要机理如下:a. 粘性流动,聚合物材料的不可逆形变,与分子从一个到另一个的不可逆滑移有关。

b. 类橡胶弹性形变,与小范围分子链节运动有关的局部自由运动被保留,但大范围的流动被保留的扩散网状结构阻止了。

c. 粘弹性,当聚合物的形变是可逆的,但具有依时性,而且与高聚物链段通过,包括化学键旋转的活性链接运动而偏离平衡态构型的形变有关。

d. 胡克弹性,链段的运动被严格限制,同时可能只有键的延伸和键角的形变。






粘性流动对小分子液体,粘度与温度的依赖关系被发现依照简单的指数关系η=Ae E/RT其中E是粘流活化能,A是一个常数。









大学核心商务英语写作教程unit 7 Insurance and Agency

大学核心商务英语写作教程unit 7 Insurance and Agency
Unit Seven Insurance and Agency
To know the different kinds of risks of insurance
acquiring knowledge of writing letters concerning transportation insurance
premium to be paid. • 3) The insured pays the premium and the
insurance becomes valid. • 4) If a damage or loss is suffered, the insured
files a claim for compensation. • 5) The claim is investigated, and if reasonable,
II. How to Write Letters Related to Insurance?
• When writing letters related to insurance, the writer ought to bear the following points in mind:
What are the three kinds of insurances? • 1. Marine transportation insurance • 2. Land transportation insurance • 3. Air transportation insurance
Pattern Model I: Importer Asks Exporter to Cover Insurance



I. Text analysis
Text analysis Structural analysis Cultural background
Through descriptions, flashbacks, and the author’s comments, the text recalls how the author’s newborn baby bridges the gap between her father and herself.
Text analysis Structural analysis Cultural background
Fathers in traditional families are more engaged than several decades ago. According to some studies, members of Generation X and Y are more likely to become family-focused. For example, Generation X fathers spent more time with their children, as compared with Baby Boomer fathers. The impacts of the male influence in families may not be obvious. Does it really matter if male is not a part of a child’s life? Many people grew up with fathers whose primary role was only provider.
Lead-in questions Read aloud

大学英语Unit 7

大学英语Unit 7

retail numbers drop? Retailers need to
look no further than the great benefits and savings of selling via a multi-channel e-commerce platform.
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Unit 7 Marketing
2 Reading A Text A-
Given cautious consumer spending and tight credit, why is online retail continuing to grow fast while overall
online sales continue to show steady growth in the face of adverse economic conditions. They are expected to grow 11 percent to US$156.1 billion in 2009, following a 13 percent increase in 2008.
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Unit 7 Marketing
-up Warming-up
Task 1 Task 2
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rmWarming-up 1
Task 1 Look at the following pictures and identify the different selling methods.

(光电信息工程专业英语)专业英语第七讲Geometrical Optics

(光电信息工程专业英语)专业英语第七讲Geometrical Optics

牛顿1672年使用的6英寸反射式望远镜复制品,为皇 家学会所拥有。
1994年,不列颠哥伦比亚大学开始建造一台 口径为6米的旋转水银面望远镜——大型天 顶望远镜(LZT),并于2003年建成
1.9 Lens Aberrations
9. By choosing materials with indices of refraction that depend in different ways on the color of the light, lens designers can ensure that positive and negative lens elements compensate for each other by having equal but opposite chromatic effects.
1.9 Lens Aberrations
4. Up to now, our discussion of lenses has not taken into account some of the optical imperfections that are inherent in single lenses made of uniform material with spherical surfaces. These failures of a lens to give a perfect image are known as aberrations. 句子结构: our discussion … has not taken into account … imperfections…
在上述的推导中,我们检验了物在会聚透镜焦点以外的特殊情况。 然而,如果遵守下述的符号规则,薄透镜公式对于会聚和发散薄透镜都是 有效的,且不论物体远近。



艺术设计 英语
Unit 7 Design Management
Reading A
2. Niche market
A niche market is a focused targetable portion (subset) of a market. By definition, then, a business that focuses on a niche market is addressing a need for a product or service that is not being addressed by mainstream providers. A niche market may be thought of as a narrowly defined group of potential customers.
• Scheduling • Cost Estimation • Budgeting • Resource
Planning • Time Estimation • Scope Definition • Establishing
Project Aim
• Customer Liaison
• Documentation
艺术设计 英语
Unit 7 Design Management
Reading A
提前掌握整体概况时,完善的规划就显得十分重要。制定完善的规范可能既困难又复杂,但当项 目结束时,投入的时间一定会有回报。团队协助时更能体现规划的重要性,因为需要在团队中分 配任务并管理成员间的合作。
新职业英语-艺术设计 英语。Unit7
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