



新托福写作的1180个必备单词Education作业(注意它是可数名词,与不同)选修课学分青少年;青春期的青少年教学法适应适应能力应用把学生分开教育团队精神独立思考在理解的基础上学习学生的反馈学生评价老师的教学通才专才全面发展的为社会健康发展做贡献人文学科社会科学艺术文科总称理科工科基础科学应用科学学科(通称);纪律管教自制力小(中、大)学教育职业教育互动学校给学生的教育学校提供的课程总称心理的参与干扰记忆获取以教师为中心的以学生为中心的熟练掌握……榜样同龄人对孩子或者其他弱者过度保护动力沮丧家长给小孩的教育用批判的眼光去看问题的能力(某方面的)意识有创造力的对……非常熟悉 ()表现出色为……打好基础自尊尊严评估对……非常好的掌握好奇心精英应试教育富于想象力的沉迷于………发人深思的无知的文盲(的)学龄前儿童或者上学前班的儿童对文字技能的掌握对数学知识的掌握误入歧途给人新鲜感的令人振奋的给人动力的单亲家庭未成年人溺爱青少年犯罪欺负(当名词是“喜欢欺负人的孩子”的意思) & 逃学很有启发的成型的阶段植物学天文学培养促进学生身心发展心理健康给学生以动力传授知识灌输高尚的道德观给学生以灵感学生对老师所教知识的掌握就业技能填鸭式教法教学生学生不应该只是被动接受知识的容器。


不遵守纪律违反纪律的学生理论知识双语的形容人嘴特碎的有趣的认知的监护人中学毕业当年成绩最优秀的学生大学毕业成绩最顶尖阐明,解释清楚(学生)自我管理启迪具体一门课的内容Technology非常先进的尖端的彻底变革自动化的机械化的电脑生成的组装线大规模生产省钱的深刻改变突破打破(传统的)界限无限的可能发展 &信息过剩信息爆炸自给自足虚拟世界脱离现实(电脑的)摄像头不可想象的远程通讯高生产率的自动化可利用的新颖的耐用的对用户友好的,方便使用的常规的增进,提高 =加速生产,制造标准化的印刷机电报外科手术采用在家远程上班网络银行(业务)提高效率提高生产效率减少人力的机器取代人力的机器自动化生物技术克隆远程通讯太空探索人的基因构成创新有独创性的,精巧的以惊人的速度超轻的超薄的便携的天线器官移植心脏起搏器交易载人登月载人航天器通讯卫星气象卫星发射台哈勃太空望远镜防弹背心尖端的技术信息爆炸信息时代互联网的广泛应用科技创新及发展Media好奇心可靠的报道成为头条新闻有新闻价值的信息量大的娱乐性强的商品商业化的隐私收视率指某种事物在互联网、媒体或者公众中快速传开评价过高的记者新闻界(多半指女孩子)追星族追星族某种文化的代表人物,如体育、音乐或电影等的最优秀人物演员在影视作品或者广告中突然成功澄清审查夸大事实完全与世隔绝(媒体)影响(公众意见)电视、收音机或者互联网上的广告小传单广告大幅广告牌海报小报儿有奖竞猜节目真人秀情景喜剧肥皂剧综艺节目时事印刷媒体电子媒体报道新闻的机构充斥着……审查删除过多的暴力与色情内容有误导性的诈骗性的虚假的报道非常详尽的细节夸大事件公正客观的揭露侵犯隐私毁坏某人的名誉狗仔队名人丑闻掩盖客观的不客观的如实的描述可信的及时的道德准则监督无处不在的荒唐的,可笑的高调的低调的独家新闻(明星的)光环魅力四射的处在公众注意力的焦点媒体炒作传闻捏造的Success决心座右铭家喻户晓的名字有一定成就的(形容人)辉煌的绝望 &适应能力强的名望(很高的)声望名声不幸概率残疾的在某方面成功态度毅力一种直接而且被证明有效的去除……的方法努力去做的事情很有本事极容易成功的人很多人都希望得到的逆境很渴望得到……个人通过自身努力获得更高社会地位的可能性优秀的意志力挫折坚忍不拔的顽固的决定性的,有决断力的不可逾越的某方面技能很高不知名的,默默无闻的身份和地位的象征战略,行动安排坚持对手不切实际的幻想不可缺少的,绝对必要的深思熟虑的从贫穷到富有的成功故事昙花一现长处弱点重大的过错可以原谅的错误有魅力的Work焦虑分配冲突 &热情地接受尝试 &竞争激烈的技巧很高的在……方面很出众…蓝领白领谈判应试技巧胜利反馈工作非常勤奋的建设性的有压力的令人筋疲力尽的高薪底薪工作工资过高的升级 &同事同事同事(蓝领)明确的目标员工的热情可行的耗时间的妥协 &牺牲 &责任分配工作量心理压力裁员尽职尽责的当名词时是“做某事的途径”,当动词时是“靠近”招聘激烈的竞争高水准的重大错误有热情的讨厌的人或东西自我表达自我印象,对自己的评价自尊远程会议一种很知足的状态评价,评估时间限制,时间上的制约不愿意去做某事“工作”的正式说法事业天职敬业精神职业水准很高的专业素养经验丰富的工作单位白手起家的创业者事业心强的艰巨的睡眠严重不足的(人)闲着的,(物品)闲置的重要的狂热十分投入的高尚的工作满意度稳定性非常难做的工作给人的精神压力很大的和压力有关的疾病努力满足感合作就业技能人际交往能力职业前景重复性的自由职业者自雇的人员,员工(集合概念)有竞争力的完美的失眠加班工作狂激励物,奖励条件奖励,回报以身作则团结一致苛刻的薪酬抱怨员工福利偏执的礼仪合作超级忙碌的Government废除(法律、制度等)实施使……合法化首要任务建立减轻、缓解 = =当局禁止立法税收民主的高效率的优化资源分配稳定解决严厉的,严格的短视的支出,花费社会保险老百姓规范,管理严禁严格的法律强制性的,按照法律或者规定必须做的监督监督为……拨款预算政府开支削减增加当务之急把……当作当务之急责任军备竞赛自卫国土安全缺乏远见的政策扩张谋求霸权恶性循环地区不稳定因素规章制度太空竞赛武器下岗工人失业基础设施公共交通系统电网石油天然气管线给排水系统民主与开明的政府临时的应急措施察觉到外貌吸引,吸引力喜欢社交的忠实的志向陪伴(人)动手能力强的,(物品)轻便的乐于并善于合作的有条理的聪明的有天赋的,有才华的体育好的无忧无虑的,乐天派的相互的有艺术气息的真诚的直率的背叛敌意靠不住的朋友好感,关爱拥抱 &安慰某人肤浅的,表面化的表述清晰的,口才好的永恒的活泼的,活跃的谦虚的尴尬的对自己所处状态感到紧张或缺乏自信的心态两难的困境确定性真实的,真正的低估美德调解荒唐可笑的很烦人的承受力或者恢复能力强的低调的很支持的有感染力的豁达的,接受能力强的狭隘的生活态度喜欢独处的内向的富有同情心的不爱多说话的让某人逐渐放得开本意虽好但把事情做砸了的自我欺骗爱骗人的自信的容忍的机灵的有智慧的体贴人的理解他人的,善解人意的口齿清楚的,表达能力强的很逗的极度搞笑的过于自我的漠然的孤立的喜欢虚荣的懒散的很友善的优雅的好朋友花束杰出的(人)老练的,(工具)复杂高端的顽强的琐碎的Old vs. Young风俗习惯尊敬的很有活力的有前途的保守的根深蒂固的悔恨的常规做事很主动的老式的过时的恶化过时了的,没人用了的僵化不变的人均寿命史无前例的某事物并不是一成不变的不实际的沉思怀旧的空巢综合症中年危机困惑的迷失了方向的心态成熟有活力的挥之不去退休状态或者退休后的时间退了休的老人老年公寓养老保险1~2岁的小朋友走路摇摇晃晃的那种孩子13~19岁的孩子未成年人十几岁的孩子203040……多岁的人们 20 30 40 …中年人老年人年长者祖先老龄化社会反动派(的)松弛的皮肤历史悠久的永恒的过去的好时光皱纹花白的头发分清是非相互了解逝去蹒跚老兵主动努力地去回忆温情回顾温情回顾(名词版)…向……致敬贬低Transportation交通堵塞危险的路况公交磁悬浮列车轻轨有轨电车渡轮横冲直撞蛮不讲理的司机不负责任地开车酒后驾车肇事者每天经过长距离去上班的人们交通量交通方式交通工具下降人口稠密的激增拥挤的被挤在……里人口爆炸,人口激增提高征税行人罚款 &行人公交像沙丁鱼罐头那么拥挤危险的地铁的一节车厢加长轿车车队拼车 &大都市的过度拥挤撞车人口密度高架桥,过街天桥地下过街通道内燃机柴油机蒸汽驱动的汽油驱动的以氢气为动力的混乱的马拉的观光车欧洲古代的战车Environment污染物尽可能减少,最小化倾倒循环使用灌溉居住于……节约使用保护再利用短缺污染生态系统有益于环保的环境恶化当地的居民紫外线皮肤癌防晒霜有毒的无毒的免疫系统一次性的(人)吸入负面影响沙尘暴砍伐森林可以被环境吸收的联合的国际社会而不是国际社区臭氧层对……形成压力…有环保意识的不可逆的化学反应安静的,宁静的有限的自然资源替代性能源商品包装的总称污染二氧化碳排放汽车尾气酸雨冰川排放(污染物)可持续发展节约植被光合作用太阳能风能核能水电烟雾重的呼吸系统疾病极大的痛苦人造的改变,变更适当的愤慨的鼓励环保开采自然资源热带雨林侵蚀连锁反应水波效应,连锁反应蝴蝶效应,连锁反应彻底改变我们的生活贫瘠的土地肥沃的土地警惕 &化肥杀虫剂丰富的,充裕的辐射(多指对环境、建筑等)破坏恶化生态平衡可持续发展环保主义者对环境无害的各国必须携手解决环境问题增强公众关于……的意识让资源承受很大压力破坏自然环境砍伐森林增加农产品产量可再生资源消耗用尽严厉的措施某一地区所有生物总称生物的多样性污水温室效应严重的白色污染产生的垃圾谴责而不是纵容肥沃的土壤贫瘠的土壤耕地Money珍贵的毫无价值的不安全感节俭的省钱的保持收支平衡紧张的预算奢侈的时尚的身无分文的昂贵的(商店或者餐厅等)高档的聚敛精致的,精美的天价“高端的”,可以指服务场所,也可以指商品低端的不仅是好运,也经常指财富富有的贫穷的富人与穷人抵抗诱惑服装财产地位和身份的象征顾客公司的或者律师等专业人士的客户需求欲望贪欲妒忌(形容词)无法抵制的有诱惑力的慷慨慈善事业或者慈善组织慈善事业生活很悲惨捐赠看不起贬低粗活儿Leisure短期旅行观光有导游的旅行跟团游自助游异域风情的有益环保的旅游背包族旅游景点旅行社纪念品探索古代留下来的东西城堡手工制品文物珍惜收藏美术馆,画廊开阔某人的眼界抽象画具象画风景画静物画人像画油画壁画雕刻萝卜青菜,各有所爱。

《慎小嶷 十天突破IELTS写作完整真题库与6 9分范文全解 》读书笔记思维导图

《慎小嶷 十天突破IELTS写作完整真题库与6 9分范文全解 》读书笔记思维导图

附录C 家庭类真题库 与各分数段范文官 方 题库里的“尼斯...
本书是畅销书《十天突破雅思写作》的姐妹篇。书中收录了在亚太、欧洲和北美三大考区历年来所使用的雅 思写作完整真题库,根据不同分数段的范文特点对范文的写作手法和语言特色进行了详尽的比较与鉴别,并且紧 密地结合了剑桥官方的新评分细则。本书分册里还提供了详尽的雅思地图题(Map)写作指南,而且全书解释例 句均取自剑桥官方唯一指定的CambridgeAdvancedLearner’sDictionar y.本书还附赠由两位英籍播音员朗读 的高分范文音频,方便读者随时随地学习实战范文。
09 Day 6 明朝那些事儿: 文化类真题库与...
十天突破IELTS写作 完整真题库与6-9...
Day 7 低碳生活 Going Gre...
附录A 动植物类真题
012 库与各分数段范文剖 析
013 附录B 旅游业类真题 库与各分数段范文剖 析
附录D 女性类真题库 与各分数段范文剖析
附录A 动植物类真题库与各分 数段范文剖析
附录B 旅游业类真题库与各分 数段范文剖析
附录C 家庭类真题库与各分数 段范文剖析
附录D 女性类真题库与各分数 段范文剖析
附录E Task-1 官方题库里的 “尼斯...

03 英文自序 Preface
04 Day 1 学而时习之: 教育类真题库与各...
05 Day 2 第一生产力: 科技类真题库与各...
06 Day 3 真相与谎言间 的永恒博弈:媒体...
07 Day 4 领导的艺术: 政府类真题库与各...



一.用新托福题库练习1.快速解题方法:1分类法(同类添加)2裸奔法(TE STREEC $)Team&TrustMind&SkillSocialization&CompetitionTenacity&PressureRight&ResponsibilitiesEnvinment&HealthEmployment&EfficiencyCulture&TraditionMoney&Enjoyment二.2.3种句子7中种错误1,简单句2,并列句(and ,or ,but) 3,复杂句1,可数名词名称单独使用2,动词做主语/ 被动没有ed / 时态错误/ 单复数3,修饰词性4,连接词三.词汇和词组教育learn sth under standing理解学习adaptability适应力adolescent青少年generalist/specialist well-rounded/versatile engineering 工科self-discipline自制力psychological心理的lay a solid foundation for 打好基础well-acquired 熟悉科技State-of-the-art 非常先进cutting-edge尖端的revolutionize革命information overload/explosion durable媒体Objective and balanced 公正客观scandal glamorous 焦点成功Motto adversity/hardship willpower/volition意志力tenacity/perseverance毅力insurmountable不可逾越的strategy战略价值观Justice/fulfill/faith/vision/egalitarian/enlightened and progressive/potential/rhetoric用言语去说服人/underachiever/integrity/常用短语Abide by/comply with遵守Adapt to/adjust to 适应Ascribe to 归因于Bering about带来Burn out 累垮give rise to 导致give priority to 优先hang out玩hinge on 取决于四.高分连接词汇短语(keep it simple. stupid)因果Due to/ consequently/ for the sake of (for helping) / by virtue of通过/given / in the view of / in light of对比contrary to / rather than / Conversely(镜像凑字数)让步despite / notwithstanding / in spite of /however+adj. / regardless of / granted,假设provided that / otherwise对于in terms of / when it comes to定义means / refers to / is, essentially, / representsMore precisely更精确地说The most significant reason why …is …最重要五.写作句型x172Apart from除了以外In theory,hypothetically…but in practice,e理想化是..但事实上前置:basically, realistically, essentially, frankly, indisputably, as a rule倒装:not only, also/ only/ under no circumstances/ on no account/ Strange as it may seem/Never have there been more/ equally important to … in doing … is …强调:it is .. that在当代:In this day and age认可:today the … has been intensified/ gone are the days… / continues to advance ata staggering rate高速Personally, I think their view has considerable merits.支持哦担忧:Ican’t go along with不同意啊I don’t share their point of view that不同意的has been deteriorating at an alarming rate警钟One of the most pressing issue of our time is…紧迫的事情With… the problem of… has brought the issue of… into sharp focus焦点As an inevitable consequence of… ,…不可避免的恶果提问:whether is a boon or bane is still open to debate.好还是坏还不知道crawl正面Be supposed to =shouldHold fast to=cling toBear in mind that牢记There’s no better way to最好的方法是It is worthwhile to值得Enable … to do …/equip … with the ability to do …Boost efficiency/productivity提高效率become a gateway to成为一个捷径expand…’s outlook开阔视野a good vehicle for boss-staffs communication手段generate… opportunities创造机会dedicate A to B= spend A on Bshoulder the responsibility for ensuring that 有责任去保证…is a lifelong process积累Putting a new idea into practice is far more difficult than having them.付诸实践be more mindful of and sensitive to the environmental needs 关注敏感环境需求learning has become a lifelong process because of the ever-lasting pressure持续一生的过程remove the barrier from 消除障碍is thoroughly in tune with与···一致salaries should keep pace with inflation与同步发展promote the development of a host of international organizations推动发展A has found his niche as a coach找到属于自己的天地Has been the cornerstone of成为基石Development is an essential ingredient of corporate是必要条件Play a pivotal role in 其重要作用Is part and parcel of 的核心部分Found one’s niche找到自己的位置Achieve and maintain a healthy weight达到并保持The mainstream of主流Participate inIs a main driving force behind主要推动力Reverse the flood damage to 挽回破坏Get the best of both worlds两全其美Give priority to …优先地位Far from being差远了Accommodate the needs of满足需求Are obligated to 有义务去Make it a point to 很认真去Is the cradle of 是发源地Rise to the occasion 迎难而上Exude an air of wealth and power散发品质As a labor of exam心甘情愿Take u a while to get into the swing of …回应倒退类:Run the risk of 冒险Few of us ever stopped to think about 很少人去想Have a hard time doing…困难Very little , if any如果有夜很少Be hard-pressed to=难Be overly dependent on过度依赖Be in short supply供应紧张Widen/narrow the gap between … and…加大/减小差距In part because部分因为If,……will ensue会带来Be subject to 遭受B is the root cause of A B是A的根源Be more susceptible to更容易受坏的影响At the cost of 以…为代价Run contrary to背道而驰It’s wrong to equate … with…不能等价Is not a panacea for这个不是万能药panacea panaceapanaceapanacea Be confronted with ….面对Have adverse effect on负面影响…is unjustifiable 不合理Spin out of control失去控制Lose track ofBe vulnerable to受害Should be condemn rather than condoned应该受惩罚What’s the good of? 有什么好处?Diminish individuals leisure time and causes psychological strain减少个人休息时间生活压力Stifle creativity扼杀创造力Be oblivious to无视Cause grave concerns 引起关注Lower our expectations 降低期望Go from bad to worseThere’s no guarantee that没法保证中间类:The er the erIs a daily occurrence每天发生着More than anything最重要的是it’s not uncommon for … to…通常may not…otherwise否则就不会are aimed at目标是lie at the heart ofby no means绝不是panacerain a likelihood很可能are not entirely unfounded不是完全没根据put… in perspective客观的说perspective perspectiveperspectivebe interrelated and interdependent 相互联系和依赖的cease toit’s no exaggeration to say that毫不夸张it’s too simplistic to say that片面is an exception是个例外it’s hard to overstate the significance of 重要至极a major shift in重要转变is an important factor in determining…决定性因素is an important element of 重要因素quite opposite正好相反is a hallmark of显著特色be bent on 全身心投入there is a definite link between A &B有密切联系is a contributing factor to导致因素resemble 像Success is normally an indication of human qualities such as intelligence ,integrity, ambition and perseverance.反映出Be mutually helpful/beneficial/互利的Beyond our wildest expectations超出我们一切预期Take steps to do…采取措施A huge variety of/ a wide range of/ a wide array of多种多样The bottom line is that all stus should be respected and be encouraged to learn```so that each one of them can feel included. 根本考虑因素是In retrospect回顾Be a watershed重大转折Had grown by leaps and bounds突飞猛进The advent of的出现And there seems to be plenty of research findings to confirm this.看起来有很多证明的样子The fabric of our society社会凝聚力Has contributed to some serious problems in society,includingdepletion of natural resources, increased pollution and the loss of a sense of community.造成问题Have struck a chord with millions of people促动万人心弦With the limitation of限制many are yearning for渴望六.开头中间结尾表达同意:there is a principal reason for agreeing with the statement that~[原因]and it is the fact that.七.独立写作八.综合写作1看清楚总体话题是什么2特别注意reading passage 和lecture中的逻辑关系3语法正确*客观学术第三人称模板:第一段:The reading passage examines the issue of [总话题]. The professor’s lecture deals with the same issue. However, he/she believes that [教授总观点], which contradicts what the reading passage states. And in the lecture , he/she uses three specific points to illustrate his/her idea.第二段:First and the foremost, even though the reading passage suggests that [短文分论点1+转述支持句1], the professor argues in the speech that [教授驳论点1]This is because[教授支持句1], which means[深入分析支持句1或者转述之] obviously, the professor’s argument disproves its counterpart in the reading.第三段:Moreover, despite the statement in the reading that[短文分论点2+转述支持句2], the professorcontends that[教授驳论点2] Then he/she demonstrate this point with the fact that[支持句2] In other words,[转述+深入分析]第四段:Finally, the professor asserts that[教授驳论点3] whereas the author of the reading claims that[短文分论点3] The professor proves that this claim is indefensible by pointing out that [教授支持句3]--- i.e.,[+这里能引申1~2句就棒极了]第五段:In conclusion, the professor clearly identifies the weaknesses in the reading passage and convincingly shows that the central argument in the reading, --- that is ,[文章总论点] is inaccurate复述精密细节是加分点。



慎小嶷《十天突破雅思写作》总结2-标准化文件发布号:(9556-EUATWK-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DDQTY-KIIGeneral Knowledge注意:1. 作文要有实质内容。

2. 6分:260~270个词左右;6.5分:280个词以上。

3. 没有必要一定写长难句,但要提高句子的准确度和多样性。


(准确、严密、多样、清晰)4. 对于零星出现的少量拼写错误,只要不引起歧义,是不会导致严重扣分的,但要努力减少作文里出现拼写错误的可能。

5. 考场里没有时间打草稿,但可以在印考题的试题纸上把看到题目后头脑里闪现出的ideas、考前准备的相关加分词汇和句型大致记录一下。

6. 当考官要求停笔时即使还没有写完也一定要停下来,否则会被判为违纪行为。

7. 考前练习一定要尽可能模拟实战:下载标准格式的答题纸;用铅笔写作,每行10~12个单词;严格控制时间,Task 1不应超过25 min,Task 2不应超过45 min。

备考初期,可将Task 1和Task 2分开练习,但在考前一周内,必须演练完整的写作考试全程,严格控制时间,写完后再核对或请有经验的老师批改。

8.Task 1 图表题Task 2 议论题Task achievement 针对题目所给的图形详细介绍信息Coherence and cohensionLexical resourceGrammatical range and accuracy Task response 论证要扣题且强有力Coherence and cohensionLexical resourceGrammatical range and accuracy客观、准确、详尽主观性使用的词汇有限,句式要求不高词汇量要求较高,句式灵活多变最高境界:让考官即使不看图表,只看考生作文也能够准确地想象出图表的内容在观点上没有标准答案,重点在于是否可以用英文比较准确地表达并且强有力地支持这种观点;不用纠结怎样的观点才是“正确的”,而应考虑这道题持怎样的论点才能写起来最顺手,最能充分利用自己考前准备的内容。



作文语法(一)开篇1.写作多用大词,35个A large/ great/ huge/ certain peopleTremendous/ consideration/ infinite/ incomputable/ inestimable2.用who引导定语从句增长句子3.实词多变Believe/ hold/ insist/ maintain/ argue/ assert/ propose1)同意转换2)意念转移3)语法结构转换Good/ splendid/ outstanding/ excellent/ A-levelNew comer/ green hand/ novicesHigh-achieve student/ student with high abilities/student at top of the class4.结构多变This view/ idea/ viewpoint/ standpoint/ that claim…1)some who…定语从句hold the idea that…同位语claim2)some, holding this idea that…,claim…插入语3)Holding this idea that…状语开头some claim that….(二)主题思想不同意70%agree+30%disagree 题目观点的写在背景70%中同意70%disagree+30%agree 题目反义写成70%背景中使用实副词(三)名词化处理1.If you carefully compare these two teaching methods, you will find the former one issuperior.→the carefully comparison will discover…2.Because children can’t distinguish the right from the wrong, they can’t make sound decision.→the inability to distinguish the right from the wrong prevents children from making sound…Can not→inabilityMay→possibilityNeed→necessityShould→responsibility/ obligation3.when the old worker sees that he is going to retire, he begin to worried about his future→theprospect of the retirement stimulates the old worker’s anxiety of his future.(四)使动动词的改写En~ enrich enlarge enable ensure encourage endanger enslave entitle empower~en widen broaden darken deepen cheapen weaken lengthen heighten strengthen frighten Make me admire him→heighten my admiration~ize industrialize commercialize capitalize modernize democratize sensitize realize~fy purify simplify beautifyDive force render stimulate prevent allow permitmake you have few opportunities →prejudge you opportunities to do…(五)独立主格absolutely phrase谓语动词→非谓语动词Do/ does/did/will/be→doingHave/has done→having doneBe doing→doingBe to do→to doAm/is/are/was/were→beingHave/has been→having being(1)主语开头句:写10个非主语开头句(2)同位语开头句:写一个N. be n. and do n.=N. who be n. do n.(建议不写)N. , n. , do n.N. , n. do n.(3)补语开头句:写2个Other professionals like doctors and teachers, different from pop stars, create the true value of society。



General Knowledge•注意:1. 作文要有实质内容。

2. 6分:260~270个词左右;6.5分:280个词以上。

3. 没有必要一定写长难句,但要提高句子的准确度和多样性。


(准确、严密、多样、清晰)4. 对于零星出现的少量拼写错误,只要不引起歧义,是不会导致严重扣分的,但要努力减少作文里出现拼写错误的可能。

5. 考场里没有时间打草稿,但可以在印考题的试题纸上把看到题目后头脑里闪现出的ideas、考前准备的相关加分词汇和句型大致记录一下。

6. 当考官要求停笔时即使还没有写完也一定要停下来,否则会被判为违纪行为。

7. 考前练习一定要尽可能模拟实战:下载标准格式的答题纸;用铅笔写作,每行10~12个单词;严格控制时间,Task 1不应超过25 min,Task 2不应超过45 min。

备考初期,可将Task 1和Task 2分开练习,但在考前一周内,必须演练完整的写作考试全程,严格控制时间,写完后再核对或请有经验的老师批改。

8.如果Task 2准备得较为充分,有信心在40min写出一篇自己满意的议论文,那么就先完成Task 2。

反之,就先写Task 1。

9. 齐头式:每段开头顶格写,每两段之间空一行缩入式:每段开头后退3~4个字母的距离,每个段落之间不空行10. 可使用I/we、被动语态,但不宜滥用;可将But/So放在句首11. 7分或以上的作文对于用词的要求是准确,而不是冗长•Topics•学术类写作的特殊要求1. 不接受缩写形式2. 不使用非正式口语表达3. 英美拼写不能混淆4. 用词要有特色5. 句式不能过于短促6. 句式不能过于干瘪7. 感情色彩不能过于强烈8. 不要将宗教信仰或英语谚语作为逻辑证据想素材的方法写作的主要目的:考察考生用正确的、具有说服力的英文表达出reasonable ideas的能力•分类法(P22-P23)当题目的讨论对象过于广泛或抽象时,将讨论对象具体化,对其加以分类。


























长期在美国和加拿大两地生活,以及在北京的5年零7个月的英语教学经历,让作者对中国和北美这两种既有相同又有更多不同的文化获得了最为直接的体验,而在北美的长期学习与学术研究经历,又让作者拥有了透视美国教育体制与社会问题的vantage point。

3目录编辑PrefaceIntroduction致读者Day 1 i的初体验新托福考生很难回答的10个问题My AnswersDay 2 思路的尽头Day 3 无糖语法Day 4 词汇不是纸老虎(上)Pat对新托福作文核心词汇的总结新托福写作的1180个必备词汇(下)Pat关于写作词汇的心里话学有余力课后练习Day 5 轻松玩转linkersDay 6 给你的句子一点颜色看(高分内容,非大牛们留个脚印即可) Day 7 该出手时就出手:考场里真正实用的写作句型北美写作172句型6个俗不可耐却没被淘汰的句型学有余力课后练习Day 8显微镜下的开头、主体与结尾(上)万事开头未必难(中)Body 的诱惑(下)蛇尾或豹尾学有余力课后练习Day 9独立作文的结构与解构最简单也最困难的“一边倒”中立但不中庸的“折中式”写法致“反动派”们的一封信学有余力课后练习Day 10单一的综合体Integrated Writing 的结构与个性化模板综合写作模板之解构版The Devil Is in the Details(高分内容)学有余力附录附录A 新老作文话题总PK(上)2006~2010年大陆机考话题全集附录B 新老作文话题总PK (下)老托福的185话题附录C 北美在行动附录D 考官喜欢什么样的例子学有余力课后练习附录E 新托福写作难题素材库(高分内容) 附录F 新托福写作重点同义词附录G 名人眼中的新托福写作附录H 新托福写作常用备考网站结束语。




为什么?因为你没有一份真正完整!真正干货的托福写作笔记 !今天就把这份压箱底的货都拿出来了,还不滚粗来店铺!托福写作笔记:托福写作概述托福考试写作分为两个部分:综合写作和独立写作1.The Integrated Writing Task:Reading, Listeningand Writing(150-225 words, 20 minutes)2.The Independent writing Task:(300 words, 30 minutes)托福写作笔记:英汉两种语言的区别1、美国人与中国人思维方式的不同。


英语重形和,重结构,汉语重意和, 重语义。





托福写作笔记:中国学生写作最易犯的十大错误1. Nowadays, collegestudent should learn competition and cooperation.2. The problem that is created bycomputers attract(draw, spark, captivate, intrigue, arouse, yield, give riseto) much attention.3. In present-day society, there are agreat many young people go abroad.4. In my opinion, I think that smokingshould be banned in public places.5. The computer can not instead thepivotal role played byteachers in education.6. Some people welcome raising pets,others hold different opinions.7. In large cities ofChinahas manyfast food shops.8. At college, we should learn as muchknowledge as possible so that we can be well prepared for our future career.9. Some students are interested inplay computer games.10. You really have two down sons.托福写作笔记:托福写作25分必备的50个意群词汇1、持某观点:claim ( contend reckon share the belief that )2、支持某观点:advocate (maintain vote for side with be in favor of )3、反对某观点:contradict (criticize be against cast doubts on )4、合理的:justified ( sensible feasible convincing hold water bear much analysis)5、好处:advantage (benefit, merit, positive side)6、弊端:disadvantage( defect, demerit, negative side)7、肯定:undoubtedly (indeed undeniably there is no denying that)8、不确定:be likely to ( potentially presumably)9、重要的:essential (significant, vital, crucial, critical, fundamental, indispensable)10、有益的:beneficial (conducive instrumental )11、有害的:detrimental (harmful virulent)12、有争议的:controversial (disputable, contentious)13、普遍的:widespread ( prevalent, universal)14、显著地:considerably (significantly, remarkably, dramatically, tremendously, substantially)15、明显的:evident (apparent, manifest)16、增强:enhance (strengthen intensify)17、减少:decline (descend, collapse, relieve)18、大约:approximately(nearly, around, estimated, roughly)19、趋势:trend(tendency, inclination)20、预见:predict (expect, project)21、带来:bring about (result in, lead to)22、引起:create (spark ; yield;; give rise to)23、建立:establish (found, institute)24、要求:call for (request,demand)25、去除:eliminate(remove, eradicate)26、探讨:explore (examine, identify)27、描绘:depict (portray, illustrate)28、后果:consequence( aftermath; outcome)29、足够:adequate (enough; sufficient)30、解决:tackle ( resolve, address)31、意识:awareness(consciousness)32、控制:curb ( regulate, censor)33、解释:account for ( be responsible for)34、投资:finance (invest in, subsidize)35、缓解:relieve ( ease, alleviate)36、压力:stress ( pressure, strain)37、和谐:harmony ( concordance)38、继承:inherit (hand down)39、培养:cultivate (train, foster)40、促进:promote ( contribute to, upgrade)41、适应:adapt to (adjust to, acclimate to)42、提供:provide (render, afford)43、替代:replace (substitute, take the place of)44、保护:preserve (protect)45、证据:evidence (proof)46、赢得:gain (acquire, attain)47、国外的:foreign( alien, exotic)48、灾难:disaster (misfortune, catastrophe)49、发展:advance (progress)50、倾向于:tend to ( be inclined to , be apt to)托福写作笔记:实用加分句子托福写作常用“十大句式”一、否定句1、Instead of indulging in playing computer games, children should betaught how to benefit from useful information on the internet.应该教孩子们如何从互联网获取有益的信息,而不是沉溺于玩电脑游戏。



General Knowledge注意:1. 作文要有实质内容。

2. 6分:260~270个词左右;6.5分:280个词以上。

3. 没有必要一定写长难句,但要提高句子的准确度和多样性。


(准确、严密、多样、清晰)4. 对于零星出现的少量拼写错误,只要不引起歧义,是不会导致严重扣分的,但要努力减少作文里出现拼写错误的可能。

5. 考场里没有时间打草稿,但可以在印考题的试题纸上把看到题目后头脑里闪现出的ideas、考前准备的相关加分词汇和句型大致记录一下。

6. 当考官要求停笔时即使还没有写完也一定要停下来,否则会被判为违纪行为。

7. 考前练习一定要尽可能模拟实战:下载标准格式的答题纸;用铅笔写作,每行10~12个单词;严格控制时间,Task 1不应超过25 min,Task 2不应超过45 min。

备考初期,可将Task 1和Task 2分开练习,但在考前一周内,必须演练完整的写作考试全程,严格控制时间,写完后再核对或请有经验的老师批改。

8.如果Task 2准备得较为充分,有信心在40min写出一篇自己满意的议论文,那么就先完成Task 2。

反之,就先写Task 1。

9. 齐头式:每段开头顶格写,每两段之间空一行缩入式:每段开头后退3~4个字母的距离,每个段落之间不空行10. 可使用I/we、被动语态,但不宜滥用;可将But/So放在句首11. 7分或以上的作文对于用词的要求是准确,而不是冗长∙Topics∙学术类写作的特殊要求1. 不接受缩写形式2. 不使用非正式口语表达3. 英美拼写不能混淆4. 用词要有特色5. 句式不能过于短促6. 句式不能过于干瘪7. 感情色彩不能过于强烈8. 不要将宗教信仰或英语谚语作为逻辑证据想素材的方法写作的主要目的:考察考生用正确的、具有说服力的英文表达出reasonable ideas 的能力∙分类法(P22-P23)当题目的讨论对象过于广泛或抽象时,将讨论对象具体化,对其加以分类。



单词Linkers因果关系For the sake of our health, we should aim for a healthy diet and a healthy weight.She succeeded by virtue of her tenacityGiven the mounting pressure at work, he would sacrifice his high-paying job in exchange for more leisure time./in light ofAs 加从句Due to 加n.举例关系For instanceSuch asA classic example of this was the purchase of Alaska which so many people thought was a huge mistake but later turned out to be a really good deal when gold was discovered there in 1897.类比与对比关系Similarly,...While...(句内对比)In contrast,...(句间对比)(前后皆正确)canadian society .... In contrast ,american society... On the contrary(后句否定前句)Rather than 看并列的前面是什么形式Rather, 句子让步Despite+n./pronEven though+sentence(已经存在的状况)Even if+sentence(没发生的状况)No matter how tough things get,we will deal with them effectively with a positive approach. Sometimes we just have to rely on ourselves,regardless of all the intelligent friends we have. Granted,these problems are minor at this point. But they do have the potential to develop into major headaches.假设If 如果Otherwise 否则限定In terms ofWhen it comes to下定义High-caliber journalists are best characterized by their discipline,determination and dignity. Happiness is, essentially,satisfaction of specific human desireA language represents the culture and the experience that are unique to the people who speak it.暧昧In other words,...--i.e., 那就是说By that i mean...加颜色A状语前置或非谓语从句Adv/prep/doing/to do 放句首Historically,Typically,In reality,Without doubt,Ideally, .... But in reality, .....Not surprisingly,To alleviate traffic congestion,Living i sheer poverty,B句中小短语..., arguably,...有道理的,站得住脚的...,if any,...Cadv+adj/vIncreasinglymarkedlySlightlyD倒装Not only should sb ...,sb should also...Only in this way can ...Under no circumstances should sbE强调句It is ...that...F虚拟语气The recent crisis could not have occurred without the participation of the biggest players on wall street.Had i lived in a small town,my life could have been confined too very few possibilitiesGBe of no interest toBe of great importance toHGracefully,energetically and powerfullyIntellectually and emotionallyPhysically and mentallyI:---GIt is not unrealistic toIt is not uncommon that综合写作模板第一段1The reading passage claims that从句.2,Yet the professor argues that +听力段子总论点,which contradicts what the reading states.第二段1,First,whereas the reading passage suggested that +转述阅读段子第一个分论点+一句支持句,the professor maintains in the lecture that +听力段子第一个反驳分论点。











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《十天搞定托福作文》笔记(来自taisha /thread-1093010-1-1.html)首先在前面说一句,为什么要把准备托福作文的笔记发在GRE作文版:1、很多考G的朋友没有考过T,反而忽略了很多基础的东西。









理由的安排也要有逻辑顺序首段要雕琢,要表现!1、排比反问:Have you ever been to the West Lake in Hangzhou City? Have you ever walked along the Long Corridor in the Summer Palace? Have you ever seen the red fallen leaves on the Fragrance Hill?If you have never had such experiences, you would never know how much fun outdoor activities could bring you.2、背景知识式:With the development of science and technology, more and more companies (including international companies and small companies) are founded, but there are not enough people to take these positions. So a large number of working opportunities are provided to people who are still teenager students. In some countries, some people think if teenagers do a job while they are still studying in school, it may have a bad impact on their grade. Others consider that teenagers should have jobs while they are still students. As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter. Because teenagers can learn amount of useful experience through working and they think through the job they will acquire some knowledge of how to get a good relationship with others.3、定义式:Technology refers to skills, knowledge, and techniques that human beings use in their daily life and work. As everybody may find, technology develops day by day. How does the development of technology affect our life? Many people hold the opinion that it is due to the development of technology that human beings have access to the comfortable modern life. On the other hand, a number of people are always aware of all kinds of destructive influence of the technological development on us. As far as I am concerned, the development of technology does far more good than harm to people’s happiness.正文部分每段安排:1~3行主题句4~8行细节论述1~2行主题再现。

主题句的要求:1、要有概括性:Eg -. When I work in daytime, other people are also working, so I can work more efficiently.Eg +. Outside environment during daytime helps to promote efficiency in many ways.解说:TS一定要概括,不要写成反例那样那么细节,不然后面的话不好展开了。

2、避免绝对化:Eg -. Elder people are efficient.Eg +. Compared with many un-experienced young people, most experienced elders can work more efficiently.解说:正例表述得体,尺度很好,有限定成分“most”,有对比说法“compared with”等。


细节论述部分:1、个人事例推广到一般:(图书馆有钱该买书还是买电脑)During the last semester, all the twenty students of my class are required to resort to the British Encyclopedia to complete our final paper. However, there was only one set in the whole library because it takes a whole shelf to hold and is too expensive to purchase more than one set. Ever since the university bought in the CD version of the British Encyclopedia, we are free to refer to the same article at the same time through different terminals.This case is not rare, in reality, frequently many readers of the library need to refer to the same source at the same time.2、反例:(still 图书馆)Paper books in the library circulate very fast. Frequently we find a good book lose its good shape within 3 months. Those seldom-borrowed books are not safe at all, in danger of natural erosion and worm bites.解说:不好说电脑好存放的时候,就说书不好存放。


3、具体数据和引用权威:想得4分以上必须注意,因为4分要求说服力,5分要求appropriate examples。

Eg.My hometown used to have one million acres of forests. The town people are shortsighted as to sell trees for $10 per piece. Trees are sold at a rate of approximately 100 thousand pieces per year, according to the data from the government. Professor Selephant from Peking University, one of the best universities in Environmental Engineering, once said, the tress in my hometown will disappear within 10 years at this speed of lumbering.倒数第二段让步:Eg.Admittedly, books do have certain advantages over computers. They are easier to carry with, lower in unit price, and more energy efficient given that computers are driven by electrical power. However, computers have more valuable merits as an efficient, durable, manageable means for libraries of the new century. I therefore reinforce my standpoint to choose computers as my final choice for the investment.解说:让步之后一定记得重申anyway我还是坚持XXX观点。


2、小词不够正式:常见词替换:非正式正式Buy PurchaseChance OpportunityDeep ProfoundEnd TerminateHelp AssistanceHuge GiganticSame IdenticalThank GratitudeTry endeavor句式要多样:1、长句优先2、摒弃There be句型!Botany, the study of plants, occupies a peculiar position in the history of human knowledge.(陈述句,同位语,下定义) For many thousands of years it was the one field of awareness about which humans had anything more than the vaguest of insights.(时间状语开头) It is impossible toknow today just what our Stone Age ancestors knew about plants, but from what we can observe of pre-industrial societies that still exist, a detailed learning of plants and heir properties must be extremely ancient.(名词性从句)This is logical.(长短结合) Plants are the basis of the food pyramid for all living things, even for other plants. They have always been enormously important to the welfare of people, not only for food, but also for clothing, weapons, tool, dyes, medicines, shelter, and a great many other purposes.(递进句型,排比) Tribes living today in the jungles of the Amazon recognize literally hundreds of plants and know many properties of each. To them, botany, as such, has no name and is probably not even recognized as a special branch of “knowledge” at all.(插入语,介词开头)。
