2.已知 a, b, c, d, e, f, g 七个人中, a 会讲英语; b 会讲英语和汉语; c 会讲英语、意大利语和俄语; d 会讲汉语和日语; e 会讲意大利语和德语; f 会讲俄语、日语和法语; g 会讲德语和法语。
能否将他们的座位安排在圆桌旁,使得每个人都能与他身边的人交谈?如果可以,请以“ a b ”开头写出你的安排方案: 。
.答: a b d f g e c第十一届(2005)a-b-d-fc-e-g-f g-e-c-f第十二届(2006)三.问题求解(共 2 题,每题 5 分,共计10 分)1.将2006 个人分成若干不相交的子集,每个子集至少有3 个人,并且:(1)在每个子集中,没有人认识该子集的所有人。
(2)同一子集的任何 3 个人中,至少有2 个人互不认识。
(3)对同一子集中任何 2 个不相识的人,在该子集中恰好只有 1 个人认识这两个人。
2.将边长为n 的正三角形每边n 等分,过每个分点分别做另外两边的平行线,得到若干个正三角形,我们称为小三角形。
在通路中,只允许由一个小三角形走到另一个与其有公共边的且位于同一行或下一行的小三角形,并且每个小三角形不能经过两次或两次以上(图中是n=5 时一条通路的例子)。
分析与解:如果n=2,存在的不同的通路总数为1如果n=3,存在的不同的通路总数为2=1*2=2!如果n=4,存在的不同的通路总数为6=1*2*3=3!如果n=5,存在的不同的通路总数为24=1*2*3*4=4!……如果n=10,存在的不同的通路总数为9!第十三届(2007)三.问题求解(共2 题,每题5 分,共计10 分)1.给定n 个有标号的球,标号依次为1,2,…,n。
( A B) (~ C B) 为( )。
A. {a, b, c, d} B. {a, b, d, e} C. {b, d, e} D. {b, c, d, e} E. {d, f, g}
2. 由 3 个 a,5 个 b 和 2 个 c 构成的所有字符串中,包含子串“abc”的共有( )个。 A. 40320 B. 39600 C. 840 D. 780 E. 60
第十届全国青少年信息学奥林匹克联赛初赛试题 ( 提高组 C 语言 二小时完成 )
●● 全部试题答案均要求写在答卷纸上,写在试卷纸上一律无效 ●●
一、 单项选择题 (共 10 题,每题 1.5 分,共计 15 分。每题有且仅有一个正确答案.)。
1. 设全集 I = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g},集合 A = {a, b, c},B = {b, d, e},C = {e, f, g},那么集合
4. 满二叉树的叶结点个数为 N,则它的结点总数为( )。 A. N B. 2 * N C. 2 * N – 1 D. 2 * N + 1 E. 2N – 1
5. 二叉树 T,已知其前序遍历序列为 1 2 4 3 5 7 6,中序遍历序列为 4 2 1 5 7 3 6,则其后 序遍历序列为( )。 A. 4 2 5 7 6 3 1 B. 4 2 7 5 6 3 1 C. 4 2 7 5 3 6 1 D. 4 7 2 3 5 6 1 E. 4 5 2 6 3 7 1
没有被控制的传播途径就会引起更多的易感人群被感染(也就是与当前已经被感染的人有 传播途径相连,且连接途径没有被切断的人群) 。当不可能有健康人被感染时,疾病就中止 传播。所以,蓬莱国疾控中心要制定出一个切断传播途径的顺序,以使尽量少的人被感染。 你的程序要针对给定的树,找出合适的切断顺序。 【输入格式】 输入格式的第一行是两个整数 n(1≤n≤300)和 p。接下来 p 行,每一行有两个整数 i 和 j,表示节点 i 和 j 间有边相连(意即,第 i 人和第 j 人之间有传播途径相连) 。其中节 点 1 是已经被感染的患者。 【输出格式】 只有一行,输出总共被感染的人数。 【输入样例】 7 6 1 2 1 3 2 4 2 5 3 6 3 7 【输出样例】 3
1 5 1 2 3 1 2 4 1 2 5 1 【输出样例】 3 1 4 1 5 1
明明同学最近迷上了侦探漫画《柯南》并沉醉于推理游戏之中,于是他召集了一群同学 玩推理游戏。游戏的内容是这样的,明明的同学们先商量好由其中的一个人充当罪犯(在明 明不知情的情况下) ,明明的任务就是找出这个罪犯。接着,明明逐个询问每一个同学,被 询问者可能会说:
兰兰规定,Ci 服从公式: (其中 n 是网络中所有神经元的数目)
( j , i ) E
Cj Ui
公式中的 Wji(可能为负值)表示连接 j 号神经元和 i 号神经元的边的权值。当 Ci 大 于 0 时,该神经元处于兴奋状态,否则就处于平静状态。当神经元处于兴奋状态时,下一秒
它会向其他神经元传送信号,信号的强度为 Ci。 如此.在输入层神经元被激发之后,整个网络系统就在信息传输的推动下进行运作。 现在,给定一个神经网络,及当前输入层神经元的状态(Ci) ,要求你的程序运算出最后网 络输出层的状态。 【输入格式】 输入文件第一行是两个整数 n(1≤n≤20)和 p。接下来 n 行,每行两个整数,第 i+1 行是神经元 i 最初状态和其阈值(Ui) ,非输入层的神经元开始时状态必然为 0。再下面 P 行,每行由两个整数 i,j 及一个整数 Wij,表示连接神经元 i、j 的边权值为 Wij。 【输出格式】 输出文件包含若干行,每行有两个整数,分别对应一个神经元的编号,及其最后的状 态,两个整数间以空格分隔。仅输出最后状态非零的输出层神经元状态,并且按照编号由 小到大顺序输出! 若输出层的神经元最后状态均为 0,则输出 NULL。 【输入样例】 5 6 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 1
信号传递公式:∑∈-=Ei jijjiiUCWC),(公式中的Wji(可能为负值)表示连接j号神经元和i号神经元的边的权值。
【程序清单】Program network;ConstInName='';OutName='network.out';MM=100;VarInFile,OutFile:Text;C,U:Array[1..MM] Of LongInt;Map:Array[1..MM,1..MM] Of LongInt;Flag:Array[1..MM,1..MM] Of Boolean;IsOut:Array[1..MM] Of Boolean;Queue:Array[1..MM] Of LongInt;N,P,i,Int1,Int2,Head,Rear:LongInt;IsInQueue:Array[1..MM] Of Boolean;IsNull:Boolean;BeginAssign(InFile,InName);Reset(InFile);ReadLn(InFile,N,P);For i:=1 To N Do ReadLn(InFile,C[i],U[i]); FillChar(Flag,SizeOf(Flag),False);For i:=1 To P Do BeginRead(InFile,Int1,Int2);ReadLn(InFile,Map[Int1,Int2]);Flag[Int1,Int2]:=True;End;Close(InFile);FillChar(IsOut,SizeOf(IsOut),True);FillChar(IsInQueue,SizeOf(IsInQueue),False); Head:=1; Rear:=1;For i:=1 To N Do BeginIf C[i]>0 Then BeginQueue[Rear]:=i;Inc(Rear);IsInQueue[i]:=True;EndElse C[i]:=-U[i];End;While Head<Rear Do BeginFor i:=1 To N DoIf Flag[Queue[Head],i] Then BeginIf C[Queue[Head]]>0 Then BeginInc(C[i],Map[Queue[Head],i]*C[Queue[Head]]);If Not IsInQueue[i] Then BeginQueue[Rear]:=i;Inc(Rear);IsInQueue[i]:=True;End;End;IsOut[Queue[Head]]:=False;End;Inc(Head);End;Assign(OutFile,OutName);Rewrite(OutFile);IsNull:=True;For i:=1 To N DoIf IsOut[i] ThenIf C[i]>0 Then BeginWriteLn(OutFile,i,' ',C[i]);IsNull:=False;End;If IsNull Then WriteLn(OutFile,'NULL');Close(OutFile);End.第二题:侦探推理【试题分析】一、题意分析1、任务描述:M个人参加游戏,每人提供一句或多句证言,共P句证言。
写出公式之前要先从起始值开始进行摸索,写出若干个结果之后再观察其中的规律,再写出公式,一般是F (N)=……,省略号部分可能是F(N-1)、F(N-2)……等的数学表达式。
有时是图形的变换,如正方形、三角形、圆等的旋转,先前给出了几个点相应的坐标,求旋转若干周后的各点坐标,这种情况一般用到求余的运算,当以N为一个周期时往往是用对N求余(mod n)的运算;如果是正反两种情况可以使用(-1)的若干次方的形式来转换两种状态,即用某一表达式乘以-1的若干次方。
对于排列分次序,而组合不分各元素的次序:组合:C(m, n)=n*(n-1)*….*(n-m+1)/m!排列:P (m, n)= n*(n-1)*….*(n-m+1)数据结构方面要对堆栈的先进后出原理、队列的先进先出原理、二叉树(结点)的遍历、图的邻接矩阵表示法熟悉。
如:13= 123=3+ 533=7+9 +1143=13十15+17+19在这里,若将每一个式中的最小奇数称为X,那么当给出n之后,请写出X与n之间的关系表达式:___2、问题解答:(每题7分,共14分)2000初中组(1).已知,按中序遍历二叉树的结果为:abc问:有多少种不同形态的二叉树可以得到这一遍历结果,并画出这些二叉树。
for (i = m; i>= 1; i--){
used[data[i]] = false;
for (j =data[i]+1; j <= n; j++) if (!used[j]){
used[j] =true;
data[i] = j;
flag = true;
if (flag)
for (k = i+1;k <= m; k++)
solve(left, j –1, deep + 1);
solve(j+ 1, right, deep + 1);
int main()
cout<<maxDeep<<' '<<num<<endl;
void push()
for (j = 1; j<=n; j++) if (!used[j]){
data[k] = j;
used[j] =true;
NOIP2012-2.新壳栈 小 Z 设计了一种新的数据结构“新壳栈”。首先,它和传统的栈一样支持压入、弹 出操作。此外,其栈顶的前 c 个元素是它的壳,支持翻转操作。其中,c> 2 是 一个固定的正整数,表示壳的厚度。小 Z 还希望,每次操作,无论是压入、弹 出还是翻转,都仅用与 c 无关的常数时间完成。聪明的你能帮助她编程实现“新 壳栈”吗? 程序期望的实现效果如以下两表所示。其中,输入的第一行是正整数 c,之后每 行输入都是一条指令。另外,如遇弹出操作时栈为空,或翻转操作时栈中元素不 足 c 个,应当输出相应的错误信息。
2009 第十五届全国青少年信息学奥林匹克联赛初赛试题提高组 C++ 语言 二小时完成 )全部试题答案均要求写在答卷纸上,写在试卷纸上一律无效. 单项选择题 (共 10 题,每题分,共计 15 分。
每题有且仅有一个正确答 案。
)1、关于图灵机下面的说法哪个是正确的:图灵机是英国人图灵发明的,在二战中为破译德军的密码发挥了重要作 用。
2、关于BIOS 下面的说法哪个是正确的:BIOS 里包含了键盘、鼠标、声卡、图形界面显器等常用输入输出设备的 驱动程序。
BIOS 能提供各种文件拷贝、复制、删除以及目录维护等文件管理功能。
3、已知大写字母A 的ASCII 编码为65(十进制),则大写字母J 的 十六进制ASCII 编码为:4、在字长为 16位的系统环境下,一个 16位带符号整数的二进制补码为 101。
其对应的十进制整数应该是:n 个分支结点(非叶结点)的非空满 k 叉树,k>=1,它的叶结点数 B) nk-1 C) (k+1)n-1 D. (k-1)n+16. 表达式 a*(b+c )-d 的后缀表达式是:A) abcd*+- B) abc+*d- C) abc*+d- D) -+*abcd7、最优前缀编码,也称 Huffman 编码。
这种编码组合的特点是对于较频繁使用 的元素给与较短的唯一编码,以提高通讯的效率。
下面编码组合哪一组不是 合法的前缀编码。
A )(00, 01, 10, 11)A) 图灵机是世界上最早的电子计算机。
B) 由于大量使用磁带操作,图灵机运行速度很慢。
C) 图灵机只是一个理论上的计算模型。
D) A) BIOS 是计算机基本输入输出系统软件的简称。
B) C) BIOS 一般由操作系统厂商来开发完成。
D) A) 48 B) 49 C) 50 D)以上都不是 A) 19 B) -19 C) 18 D) -185、一个包含目为:A) nk + 1B ) (0,1,00,11)C )(0,10,110,111)D )(1,01,000,001)8、快速排序平均情况和最坏情况下的算法时间复杂度分别为:9、右图给出了一个加权无向图, 从顶点 V 0 开始用 prim 算法求最 小生成树。
noip 2003 附答案
第九届分区联赛提高组初赛试题(提高组PASCAL 语言二小时完成)●●全部答案均要写在答案卷子上,写在试卷纸上一律无效●●一.单项选择题 (共10题,每题1.5分,共计15分。
1. 图灵 (Alan Turing) 是 ( )。
A) 美国人 B) 英国人 C) 德国人 D) 匈牙利人 E) 法国人2. 第一个给计算机写程序的人是( )。
A) Alan Mathison Turing B) Ada Lovelace C) John von Neumann D) John Mc-Carthy E) Edsger Wybe Dijkstra3. 十进制数2003等值于二进制数( )。
A) 010******* B) 10000011 C) 110000111 D) 11111010011 E) 11110100114. 假设A=true,B=false,C=ture,D=ture,逻辑运算表达式A∧B∨C∧D的值是( )。
A) ture B) false C) 0 D) 1 E) NULL5. 一个高度为h 的二叉树最小元素数目是( )。
A) 2h+1 B) h C) 2h-1 D) 2h E) 2h-16. 已知队列(13,2,11,34,41,77,5,7,18,26,15),第一个进入队列的元素是13,则第五个出队列的元素是( )。
A) 5 B) 41 C) 77 D) 13 E) 187. 下面一段程序是用( )语言书写的。
int func1(int n){int i,sum=0;for(i=1;i<=n;i++)sum+=i*i;return sum;}A) FORTRAN B) PASCAL C) C D) PROLOG E) BASIC8. 设全集E={1,2,3,4,5},集合A={1,4},B={1,2,5},C={2,4},则集合(A ∩B)∪~C 为( )。
2003年全国大学生英语竞赛初赛试题2003 National English Contest for College Students(Preliminary)Part I Listening Comprehension(30 minutes,30 points)Section A Dialogues(10 points)Directions:In this section ,you will hear 10 short dialogues.At the end of each dialogue,a question will be asked about what was said.Both the dialogue and the question will be read only once.After each question there will be a pause.during the pause,you must read the four choices marked A,B,C and D,and decide which is the best answer.Then m ark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1.A.A sales clerk.B.A police officer.C.A tailor.D.A nurse.2.A.By train.B.She walks.C.By car.D.By bus.3.A.Fish is the only dish left.B.Chicken is the only dish left.C.Vegetarian meals are not offered.D.There aren't any vegetarian meals left.4.A.He starts work next weekend.B.He'll be away.C.He'll be in the mountains.D.He's moving to Florida.5.A.In an elevator.B.At a dress store.C.On the seventh floor.D.At a department store.6.A.They felt it was disorganized.B.They were pleased with its Asian content.C.They felt it lacked Asian content.D.They felt it ignored recent events.7.A.He doesn't have enough time.B.He doesn't have a watch.C.The library doesn't have the articles he wants.D.He can't find the library.8.A.He wants the woman to dine out with them.B.He wants to work tomorrow.C.He wants the woman to finish dinner first.D.He wants to pay for the dinner.9.A.Twice a day.B.Twice a week.C.Once a week.D.Daily.10.A.At two o'clock.B.At four o'clock.C.At three thirty.D.At eight o'clock.Section B News Items(10 points)Directions:In this section,you will hear 10 pieces of short news from BBC or VOA.There will be a question following each piece of news.Write down the answer to each question in no more than 15 words.11._______________________________________12._______________________________________13._______________________________________14._______________________________________15._______________________________________16._______________________________________17._______________________________________18._______________________________________19._______________________________________20._______________________________________Section C Compound Dictation(10 points)Directions:In this section,you will hear a passage three times.When the passage is read for the first time,you should listen carefully for its general idea.Then listen to the passage again.When the passage is read for the second time,you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 21 to 28 with the exact words you have just heard.For blanks numbered from 29 to 30,you are required to fill in the missing information.You can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words.Finally,when the passage is read for the third time,you should check what you have written and rewrite the correct answers on the Answer Sheet.Although general Motors and General Electric are large multinational companies with operations around the globe,there are numerous smaller companies that engage in international trade.Because 95percent of the world's population and two-thirds of its (21)_____ power are located outside the United States,it is important for American (22)_____to be present in foreign markets.However,before we explain the different methods by which a company may (23)_____in international trade,we might first consider some important (24)_____that U.S.companies often fail to study before they sell products in a foreign country.These factors are (25)_____with differences in language,in values and attitudes,and in political (26)_____.When (27)_____Coca-Cola into the Chinese market in 1920,the company used a group of Chinese symbols that,when spoken,sounded like Coca-Cola.However,when read,these symbols meant,“a female horse fattened with wax”.Upon reentering the Chinese market in the 1970s,Coca-Cola used a series of Chinese (28)_____that translates into“happiness in the mouth”.(29)_________________________.Culture is the total pattern of human behavior that is practiced by a particular group of people.(30)_________________________.Part II V ocabulary and Structure(15 minutes,30 points)Section A Multiple Choice(20 points)Directions:Questions 31-50 constitute a complete passage.There are 20blanks in the passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.31.Senior Metropolitan police officers tried to dismiss the Noting Hill race riots which raged for five nights over the August bank holiday in 1958 as the work of“ruffians ,both colored and white”hell-bent on hooliganism ,according to _____ official files.A.recent revealed B.newly releasedC.previous disclosing D.earlier exposing32.But police eyewitness reports in the secret papers_____ that they were overwhelmingly the work of a white working class mob out to get the“niggers”.A.contain B.convinceC.consist D.confirm33.The ferocity of the Noting Hill“racial riots”,as the press called them at the time,shocked Britain into_____ for the first time that it was not above the kind of racial conflict then being played out in the American deep south.A.realizing B.witnessingC.watching D.identifying34.The carnival,which will_____ the streets of west London _____more than 1.5 million people this weekend,was started in 1959 as a direct response to the riots.A.crowd;of B.pour;forC.fill;with D.emerge;in35.While senior officers tried to play down the racial aspects of the riots,the internal Metropolitan police files released this month at the public record office confirm that the disturbances were overwhelmingly _____ by 300 to 400 strong“Keep Britain White”mobs ,many of them Teddy boys armed with iron bars ,butcher's knives and weighted leather belts,who went“nigger-hunting”among the West Indian residents of Noting Hill and Noting Dale.A.erupted B.commencedC.triggered D.inaugurated36.The first night left five black men _____ on the pavements of Noting Hill.A.lying unconscious B.there diedC.feel faint D.serious hurt37.The battles raged over the bank holiday weekend as the black _____responded in kind with counterattacks by large groups of“men of color”similarly armed.A.column B.armyC.brigade D.community38.Thomas Williams was stopped by the police as he came out of Bluey's Club on Talbot Road,Noting Hill.He _____a piece of iron down his left trouser leg,a petrol bomb in his right pocket and a razor blade in his inside breast pocket:“I have to protect myself,”he told the arresting officer.A.found to have B.was found to haveC.found having D.was found having39.The _____ files,which were sealed under the 75-year rule but have been released early,show that senior officers tried to convince the then home secretary,“Rab”Butler,that there was not a racial element to the rioting.A.forbidden B.confidentialC.incredible D.strict40.In his official report,Detective Sergeant M.Walters of the Notting Hill police said the national press had been wrong to portray the“widespread series of street disturbances”as“racial”riots:“Whereas there certainly was some _____ feeling between white and colored residents in this area,it is abundantly clear much of the trouble was caused by ruffians,both colored and white,who seized on this opportunity to indulge in hooliganism .”A.ill B.sickC.painful D.hurt41.But the police witness statements and private statistics _____ .A.told differently B.interpreted in a different wayC.existed m any differences D.told a different story42.The Met com missioner was told that _____ the 108people who were charged with offences ranging from grievous bodily harm to affray and riot and possessing offensive weapons,72 were white and 36 were “colored”.A.for B.fromC.of D.in43.It is popularly believed that the riot began on the night of Saturday,August 20,when a 400-strong crowd of white men,_____“Teds”,attacked houses occupied by West Indians.A.they are all B.many of themC.some were D.most of them belong to44.Among the _____ was Majbritt Morrison ,a young white Swedish bride of a Jamaican.A.offenders B.riotersC.victims D.residents45.She was pelted with stones,glass and wood,and _____ in the back with an iron bar as she tried to get home.A.bruised B.struckC.patted D.scratched46.The internal police witness statements provide graphic evidence of the motives of the mobs—at one point crowds several thousand strong roamed the streets of Notting Hill,_____ homes and attacking any West Indian they could find.A.plunging into B.breaking intoC.seeking for D.searching for47.PC Richard Bedford said he had seen a mob of 300 to 400 white people in Bramley Road _____:“We will kill all black bastards.Why don't you send them home?”A.shouting cryC.utter D.announced48.PC Ian McQueen on the same night said he was told:“Mind your own _____,cops.Keep out of it.We will settle these niggers our way.We'll murder the bastards.”A.matters B.affairC.things D.business49.The disturbances continued night after night until they finally petered out on September 5.At the Old Bailey Judge Salmon later handed down exemplary _____ of four years each on nine white youths who had gone“nigger hunting”.A.decisions B.statementsC.trials D.sentences50.While those dealt with by the courts were overwhelmingly white ,the large number of black people also arrested and the official _____ there had not been a racial motive ensured a legacy of black mistrust of the Metropolitan police that has never really been eradicated.A.persistence B.perseveranceC.insistence D.instanceSection B Error Correction(10points)Directions:The following passage contains 9 errors.In each case only one word is involved.You should proofread the passage on the Answer Sheet and correct it in the following way:EXAMPLEOne night,quite late,I was still awake in the room I am shared with 1. ammy husband.I was lying on my right side and can hear a child crying. 2. couldGetting up,I went ∧see if our son was all right. 3. toHe was sleeping soundly,breathing deeply and gently. 4. √The ZipperWhatever did we do before the invention of the zipper?In 1893 the world's first zipper was produced in Chicago.Although the inventor claimed that it was a reliable fasteningfor clothing,this was not the case.The Chicago zipper sprang 51.______open without warning,or jammed shut,and it swiftly lostpopularity.Twenty years ago a Swedish-born engineer called 52.______Sundback solved the problem.He attached tiny cups to thebacks of the interlocked teeth,and this meant that the teeth 53.______could be enmeshed more firmly and reliably.At first zippers were made of metal.They were heavy,andif they got stuck it was difficult to free.Then came nylon 54.______zippers which were lighter and easier to use,and had smallerteeth.The fashion industry liked the new zippers far betterbecause they didn’t distort the line of the garment or weighing 55.______down light fabrics.They were also easier for the machiniststo fit into the garment.Meanwhile a new fastening agent made its appearance atthe end of the twenty century: velcro. Velcro is another product 56.______made from nylon.Nylon is a very tough synthetic fibre firstdeveloped in the 1930s,and bearing a name to mind the wearer 57.______of the two places where it was developed:NY for New York andLON for London.Velcro is made with very small nylon hooks onone side of the fastening which caught tiny looped whiskers on the 58.______other side of the fastening.It is strong and durable.Velcro is used on clothing,luggages and footwear.It is quick 59.______and easy to fasten and unfasten,and has taken a large part ofthe zipper's share of the market.It is also used in ways a zippercannot be used—for instance as an easily changed fastening onplaster casts,and to hold furnishing fabrics in a position.60.______Part III Situational Dialogues(5 minutes,10 points)Directions:Complete the following dialogues by choosing the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.61.Rob:Hey Jill,you're looking great.Jill:Thanks,Rob.____________Rob:Well,you did it.How?Jill:I jog every morning,and I go to aerobics every other day.A.I bought this dress yesterday.Really smart.B.You are looking fine too.C.I'm recovering my strength after the flu.D.My New Year's resolution was to get in shape.62.Bob:Hi Jane.How are you?Jane:____________I didn't sleep a wink last night.The people next door were making a lot of noise again till very late at night.A.I'm feeling a bit out of sorts this morning.B.Fine,thank you.And you?C.I slept like a log and didn't want to get out of bed.D.It seems a bit unusual,you know.63.Ann :Aah!He's gorgeous!Look at those big,golden paws.When did you get him?Roger:Yesterday.____________Ann :Oh,right.What kind is she?Roger:A Labrador.A.Susan's got a more beautiful one.B.What's up?C.It's a she actually.D.Isn't it right?64.Tina:Wow,look at all the things on sale.____________Andrew:Yes,look,this shirt is 50 %off.Tina:And look at these shoes.They are 30 %off the normal price.A.I'd like to buy a skirt.B.There are some real bargains.C.Are the prices reasonable?D.These shoes are the same as mine.65.Woman:Have you finished the packaging?Man :____________Woman:Good.Because the truck will be coming soon,this is a rush job.A.Don't hurry m or I'll break the glass.B.Almost.I just have to wrap the glass and put it into boxes.C.No,I haven't.Why didn't you help me with it?D.Yes,I have.What else can I do for you?66.Customs Officer :________________________Mrs.John son :No,nothing at all.Customs Officer :No perfume,alcohol or cigarettes?Mrs.John son :Well,I have 200 cigarettes;that's all.A.Do you have anything in the bag,ma'am?B.Do you have anything to declare,ma'am?C.Do you want to buy something,ma'am?D.Is there anything I can do for you,ma'am?67.Linda:Hello.I'd like to send this package,please.Clerk:____________________________________Linda:First class.How long will that take?Clerk:About three days.A.How would you like to send it?B.Which class are you in?C.Where do you want to send it to?D.Which class is it in?68.Assistant:Can I help you?Colin :Yes,it's about this sports shirt.I washed it the other day.The colour ran and it shrank.Assistant:Oh dear,I see.________________________Colin :I'm afraid not.Assistant:I'm sorry,but I'm not allowed to change anything without a receipt.A.Did you buy it here?B.Would you want to change it?C.Do you have the receipt?D.Could you tell me who sold it to you?69.James:Could I have my bill,please?Can I pay by credit card or eurocheque?Receptionist:____________James:I'll pay by credit card,then.Receptionist:That's fine.I hope you enjoyed your stay here.A.Here's your bill.B.Sorry,we don't take credit card.C.You can pay by eurocheque.D.Yes,we take both.70.Husband:When is our anniversary?Wife:________________________Husband:No,it's just that I bought these flowers for you and I was hoping today was the day.A.Hmm ...I can't remember either.Why?B.Hey,are these flowers for me?C.Who cares?Do you want to give me a surprise?D.Are you joking?Have you really forgotten again?Part IV Reading Comprehension(25 minutes,40 points)Section A Multiple Choice(10 points)Directions:There is one reading passage in this part.The passage is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Questions 71 to 75 are based on the following passage:Taking a peep at what's going on in your headCARL Filer,18,a star salesman at a B&Q hardware store in the UK,was called up for promotion within one week of starting work.But,instead of being made supervisor,he was sacked—after his employers saw the results of his psychometric test.You might think that anyone who answers that he“strongly disagrees he is an over-achiever is asking for trouble,but Mr Filer already thought he had proved himself more than capable.This year,nearly half of UK firms—46 percent—will use psychometric tests to select trainees,compared with just 17 percent in 2000,according to a report for GTI,a publisher of graduate career guides.These tests,which rate candidates’ability and gauge their personality,have been used in the UK since the 1980s.But assorted studies have shown most people—graduates in particular—are wholly cynical about the idea of their personality being“measured.“People tend to see them as either too silly or too clever, says Clive Fletcher,professor of occupational psychology at University of London.“But all the evidence indicates the tests do have some value.The first personality test as we know it,was developed by the American army in 1917 to filter outweak recruits.But it was not until the 1980s that the tests became popular in Britain.With a rising number of graduates going for a decreasing number of jobs,organizations began to see psychometric testing as a cheap,reliable alternative to the expensive,time-consuming interview.But today the tests are becoming alarmingly sophisticated and are edging towards probing the “dark side:pathology and personality disorders.Increasingly,tests are being used to try to detect promising young graduates who may,later in life,fly off the rails(go crazy);or to stop psychopaths(having mental disorder)getting recruited.In the future,interviewees could even be given a mouth swab to reveal the genetic and biological markers of personality.“We are heading for the era of genetic screening,”warns Carolyn Jones,of the Institute for Employment Rights.“I think these tests are very flawed.And there are other problems with the tests.For starters,it is possible to fake it—even the test producers agree on this.But they have made it as hard as possible.For example,look at whether you agree or disagree with the following two statements:“New ideas come easily to me and“I find generating new concepts difficult. How long did it take you to realize they both could mean the same thing?The main argument,however,is that the tests are invalid and cannot quantify(put a numerical value on)something as changeable as personality.The golden rule is then,that a psychometric test should never be used as the sole basis of selection,but should always be followed by interviews.71.Most people's attitude towards the psychometric test is ______.A.contemptuous B.favorable C.tolerant D.confounded72.Which of the following is one of the reasons why psychometric testing wins an advantage over interviews?A.It doesn't cost any money.B.It requires no equipment.C.It is time-saving.D.It can be done within seconds.73.Which of the following statements is the author's idea?A.Psychometric tests are defective.B.Psychometric tests should not be the only way to recruit promising young graduates.C.Psychometric tests are invalid and cannot quantify something changeable as personality.D.Psychometric tests are golden rules.74.The test producers make the tests very complicated to ______.A.avoid cheating B.improve genetic screeningC.find out the best ideas D.generate new concepts75.Which of the following is not true according to the passage?A.The American army developed the first personality test to screen out weak recruits.B.In the future,interviewers could give a mouth swab to reveal interviewees’symptoms.C.There are possibilities for starters to cheat in the psychometric tests.D.Interviews still play an important role in evaluating interviewees.Section B Short Answer Questions(30 points)Directions:In this part there are 3 passages with 15 questions or incomplete statements.Read the passages carefully.Then answer the questions in the fewest possible words(not exceeding 10 words).Remember to rewrite the answers on the Answer Sheet.Questions 76 to 80 are based on the following passage:The 8 Steps of Social Invention1.Get ready to play.Like other types of creativity,social inventiveness flourishes when you begin thinking outside conventional boundaries.Charlie Girsch,a St.Paul,Minnesota-based creativity consultant,suggests that you start by playing with obviously absurd explanations for everyday events.“If traffic is slow,you'll be tem pted to say,‘Hmm.Must be an accident up ahead.’Instead,try saying,‘Must be a family of turtles crossing the highway’or‘I expect there's some kind of alien abduction going on.’You'll be amazed how soon you will be looking at familiar problems in new ways.”Girsch's book,Fanning the Creative Spirit(Creativity Central,1999)has scores of other exercises for limbering up the inventive part of your brain.2.Generate a zillion far-fetched ideas.Concerned about the homeless in your neighborhood?Imagine a Homeless Parliament,a Homeless Circus,homeless families forming an orchestra,a homeless museum ...and on and on.Generate like mad with no regard for feasibility in order,as social invention pioneer Nicholas Albery advises,to“overcome e worthy-but-dull ideas.”Eventually the two or three best ideas will begin to stand out.3.Take your wildest idea and bring it down to earth.How about that Homeless Circus?Could it turn into a forum for homeless people to display their creative talents?A performance series about homelessness?A neighborhood carnival with the homeless as guests of honor?Your flakiest idea may have a germ of brilliance that actually makes it more attractive,and thus more feasible(and fundable),than its worthy-but-dull cousins.4.Look for in venations that solve more than one problem.The Slow Food Movement,born in Italy,boosts local farmers and regional cuisine traditions and restaurateurs and the same time that it“feeds”our hunger for authentic tastes,healthy eating,and a more leisurely,saner style of life.5.Accentuate the positive.“A very common question that I get when I work with people in communities is‘Why doesn't anybody care about our problems?’”notes M chael Patterson,a social inventor and activist in Massachusetts.“What a worthless question.‘Why’?questions are for philosophers.Ask ‘How’?and‘What’?questions—they are a lot more practical.”For instance,Patterson asks,“What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?”6.Give it a rest.Walk away from your favorite idea for a while,forget about it,let it sleep.With your conscious mind out of the way,your subconscious gets to fiddle with the concept for a while,and you just might have an unexpected insight or breakthrough.7.Practice“yes and”in stead of“yes but”.No matter how tempted you are to say“Yes,but this will be hard because,”or“Yes,but a million other people are doing this,”shift the conjunction to“and”and see what sort of positive refinement or change emerges.“Yes,and we could concentrate on immigrants.”“Yes,and we can make it open to all ages.”8.Get your idea into the world.This is the tough part.You might seek out the help of activists who will take a shine to your ideas.Or become an organizer yourself.Paul Glove,a New York social inventor,coun-sels:“If you have an idea you believe in,write a pamphlet with your phone number on it and post it inLaundromats and bookstores.If three people call you,have lunch with them and call yourselves an organization.If five people call,meet with them and issue a press release.”Presto,you're launched.76.To generate far-fetched ideas helps to ______.77.Michael Patterson wants us to come up with“How”?and“What”?instead of“Why”?questions because he considers they are more practical than ______.78.The purpose to practice“yes and”instead of“yes but”is to make yourself more ______.79.According to the article,when one has difficulty developing his favorite idea,he should ______.80.One should not only generate far-fetched ideas but also ______ because the latter step is the nearest to reality.Questions 81 to 85 are based on the following passage:Thin Slice of TV Has Big MarketIt is too early to write an obituary for bulky picture tubes,which will remain the most affordable TV sets for years to come.But,analysts and industry executives insist that thin screens already have started to become the dominant format for TV sets in the digital era.Sharp price cuts have brought plasma sets and other thin,flat televisions out of high-end electronic boutiques and into thousands of mass-market outlets such as Cosco,a wholesale buying club in the US,best known for offering members bulk items and big discounts.The least expensive plasma sets still cost a hefty US $3,000or more ,yet sales are growing so rapidly that many manufacturers are racing to boost production.That increase,combined with expanding production capacity and improved technology,could push the price of plasma sets down by one-third next year,according to analyst Richard Doherty of Envisioneering Group,a US research firm.But manufacturers are not just competing with each other;they are also trying to fend off challenges from competing thin-screen technologies,such as liquid crystal displays(LCD).The demand for thin screens is fuelled in part by the advent of DVDs and digital TV broadcasts,which offer more detailed pictures and more lifelike colors than conventional analog TV signals.To see the difference,consumers need a set that can pack more information onto the screen than their current TVs can.This sharpness is most vivid on screens that are 40inches diagonal or larger.At that size,however,traditional direct view and projection TVs are so bulky that many consumers have trouble finding a place for them at home.Hence the interest in thin screens—models slender and light enough to hang on a wall.The glass panels at the heart of plasma and LCD sets come mainly from about a dozen companies with factories in Japan,South Korea and,increasingly,China.About 800,000 plasma panels will be shipped this year around the world,analysts say.That is a tiny amount compared with the overall market for TVs,which was about 140 million sets last year.But,industry experts said 2003would be a“breakout year”or plasma because shipments should double.Helping drive the growth are new or expanded manufacturing facilities.For example,Japanese electronics giant NEC last year doubled the capacity of its Japanese factory—reaching 300,000to 400,000 plasma panels.And it plans to double it again in 2003,officials said.As competition has heated up during the last four years,prices have fallen more than 50 percent.According to“NPD Tec world”,the average price of a plasma display sold in the US dropped from US $12,700in January 1999 to US $6,100in October 2002.The best markets for plasma screens have been in Asia,and about half of the sets have gone to businesses instead of homes.LCD TVs carry a premium price—they can be 10 times as expensive as a comparable tube-driven television—that knocks them out of most buyers’budgets.But LCD panels are quickly taking over the market for computer monitors,and the tens of millions of panels being produced for that segment will help push down prices for LCD TVs,analysts predicted.Sharp Electronics,for one,is betting heavily on LCDs.Its chairman,Toshiaki Urushisako,has predicted that Sharp will switch completely from conventional tube sets to LCD TVs in Japan by 2005.Flat-panel refers to wafer-thin(3 inches or less)TVs,whereas flat-screen may actually describe traditional cathode-ray-tube sets(CRTs)whose glass front lacks the distorting curve that TVs have had for 50 years.Be aware of two things:One,flat-panel technology may not be high-definition TV;for eventual HDTV reception,some of these sets will require a separate HD tuner.Two,some flat-panel TVs are just the panel and lack speakers and sometimes a built-in tuner.Price range:US $700-2,000LCD vs plasmaIn general,LCD technology is used for smaller screens because of the enormous number of transistors needed to turn the glasslike liquid crystals into color images.The larger the display,the more transistors,the more chance of failed connections.A plasma screen is found in TV sets larger than 20 inches.Color is comparable to an LCD's.LCDs do not deteriorate over time,while a plasma display averages 30,000 hours(a traditional TV screen can go for 20,000),after which it fades over a period of years.Earlier problems with the quality of plasma's contrast have been addressed,and current screens are cleaner and better defined.Price range:US $600-2,800HDTVSimply put,high-definition TV is 10 times as sharp as traditional TV,and the sound is digital,like CD sound,not FM ,which is what traditional TV provides.HD technology achieves its visual clarity with more immage lines on the screen.Where analog TVs have 480 horizontal lines,HDTV has 720 or 1,080lines.Be aware :m any HDTV sets being sold now are in fact only HDTV monitors ,offering a crisp picture .To receive genuine high-definition television signals,owners must buy a separate HDTV receiver.Price range:US $1,000-6,000LOS ANGELEST IMES81.According to the article,TV sets with _____will still be the most popular in the coming years.82.The factors that stimulate the thin screens to be more and more popular include _____,_____,and_____.83.The rapidly expanding market for LCD panels and their large-scale production will help lower _____.。
历年NOIP_CSP 普及_提高 初赛真题
历年NOIP/CSP 普及/提高初赛真题普及组 (120分钟)1 在以下各项中,()不是CPU的组成部分A. 控制器B. 运算器C. 寄存器D. 主板本题共 1 分第 2 题在关系数据库中,存放在数据库中的数据的逻辑结构以()为主。
A. 二叉树B. 多叉树C. 哈希表D. 二维表本题共 1.5 分第 3 题在下列各项中,只有()不是计算机存储容量的常用单位。
A. ByteB. KBC. UBD. TB本题共 1.5 分第 4 题ASCII码的含义是()。
A. 二→十进制转换码B. 美国信息交换标准代码C. 数字的二进制编码D. 计算机可处理字符的唯一编码本题共 1.5 分第 5 题一个完整的计算机系统应包括()。
A. 系统硬件和系统软件B. 硬件系统和软件系统C. 主机和外部设备D. 主机、键盘、显示器和辅助存储器本题共 1.5 分第 6 题IT的含义是()。
A. 通信技术B. 信息技术C. 网络技术D. 信息学本题共 1.5 分第 7 题LAN的含义是()。
A. 因特网B. 局域网C. 广域网D. 城域网本题共 1.5 分第 8 题冗余数据是指可以由其它数据导出的数据。
A. 应该在数据库中消除一切冗余数据B. 用高级语言编写的数据处理系统,通常比用关系数据库编写的系统更容易消除冗余数据C. 为了提高查询效率,在数据库中可以保留一些冗余数据,但更新时要做相容性检验D. 做相容性检验会降低效率,可以不理睬数据库中的冗余数据本题共 1.5 分第 9 题在下列各软件,不属于NOIP竞赛(复赛)推荐使用的语言环境有()。
编者注:这是2007年A. gccB. g++C. Turbo CD. Free Pascal本题共 1.5 分第 10 题以下断电后仍能保存数据的有()。
该串中包括一个以“#”字符结尾的式子(ASCII 码35),式子中没有空格或其他分隔符。
【输入样例1】1+1=3#【输出样例1】1+1=2#【输入样例2】1+1=3+5# 【输出样例2】No【输入样例3】11+77=34# 【输出样例3】17+17=34#文本编辑器【问题描述】很久很久以前,DOS3.x的程序员们开始对EDLIN感到厌倦。
1. 以下哪个是面向对象的高级语言( ). A. 汇编语言 B. C++ C. FORTRAN D. Basic2. 1TB代表的字节数量是( ). A. 2的10次方B. 2的20次方 C. 2的30次方 D. 2的40次方3. 二进制数00100100和00010101的和是( ). A. 00101000 B. 001010100 C. 01000101 D. 001110014. TCP协议属于哪一层协议( ). A. 应用层 B. 传输层 C. 网络层 D. 数据链路层 5. 以下几个32位IP地址中,书写错误的选项是( ). A. B. C. D. 6. 在无向图中,所有定点的度数之和是边数的( )倍. A. 0.5 B. 1 C. 2 D. 4 7. 对长度位n的有序单链表,假设检索每个元素的概率相等,那么顺序检索到表中任一元素的平均检索长度为( ). A. n/2 B. (n+1)/2 C. (n-1)/2 D.n/4 8. 编译器的主要功能是( ). A. 将一种高级语言翻译成另一种高级语言 B. 将源程序翻译成指令 C. 将低级语言翻译成高级语言D. 将源程序重新组合 9. 二进制数111.101所对应的十进制数是( ). A. 5.625 B. 5.5 C. 6.125 D. 7.625 10. 假设有变量 int a, float x, y, 且 a=7, x=2.5, y=4.7, 那么表达式x+a%3*(int)(x+y)%2/4的值大约是( ). A. 2.500000 B. 2.750000 C. 3.500000 D. 0.000000 11. 有以下结构体说明和变量定义,如下图,指针p、q、r分别指向一个链表中的三个续结点。
A.冯·诺伊曼(John von Neumann)B.图灵(Alan Turing)C.欧拉(Leonhard Euler)D.克劳德·香农(Claude Shannon)2.(2012-1)目前计算机芯片(集成电路)制造的主要原料是(),它是一种可以在沙子中提炼出的物质。
A.显示器B.CPU C.内存D.鼠标4.(2012-6)1946年诞生于美国宾夕法尼亚大学的ENIAC属于()计算机。
A.硬盘 B.高速缓存C.内存D.中央处理器(CPU)6.(2011-10)1956年()授予肖克利(William Shockley)、巴丁(John Bardeen)和布拉顿(Walter Brattain),以表彰他们对半导体的研究和晶体管效应的发现。
A.诺贝尔物理学奖B.约翰•冯•诺依曼奖 C.图灵奖 D.高德纳奖(Donald E.Knuth Prize)7.(2010-4)Linux下可执行文件的默认扩展名是( )。
A. exeB. comC. dllD.以上都不是8. (2010- 6)提出“存储程序”的计算机工作原理的是()。
A. 克劳德•香农B.戈登•摩尔C.查尔斯•巴比奇D.冯•诺依曼9. (2010- 8)主存储器的存取速度比中央处理器(CPU)的工作速度慢的多,从而使得后者的效率受到影响。
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第九届分区联赛提高组初赛试题(提高组PASCAL 语言二小时完成)●●全部答案均要写在答案卷子上,写在试卷纸上一律无效●●一.单项选择题(共10题,每题1.5分,共计15分。
1. 图灵 (Alan Turing) 是()。
A)美国人 B)英国人 C)德国人 D)匈牙利人 E)法国人2. 第一个给计算机写程序的人是()。
A) Alan Mathison Turing B) Ada Lovelace C) John von Neumann D) John Mc-Carthy E) Edsger Wybe Dijkstra3. 十进制数2003等值于二进制数()。
A) 010******* B) 10000011 C) 110000111 D) 11111010011 E) 11110100114. 假设A=true,B=false,C=ture,D=ture,逻辑运算表达式A∧B∨C∧D的值是()。
A) ture B) false C) 0 D) 1 E) NULL5. 一个高度为h 的二叉树最小元素数目是()。
A) 2h+1 B) h C) 2h-1 D) 2h E) 2h-16. 已知队列(13,2,11,34,41,77,5,7,18,26,15),第一个进入队列的元素是13,则第五个出队列的元素是()。
A) 5 B) 41 C) 77 D) 13 E) 187. 下面一段程序是用()语言书写的。
int func1(int n){int i,sum=0;for(i=1;i<=n;i++)sum+=i*i;return sum;}A) FORTRAN B) PASCAL C) C D) PROLOG E) BASIC8. 设全集E={1,2,3,4,5},集合A={1,4},B={1,2,5},C={2,4},则集合(A ∩B)∪~C 为()。
A)空集 B) {1} C) {3,5} D){1,5} E) {1,3,5}9. 表达式(1+34)*5-56/7 的后缀表达式为()。
A) 1+34*5-56/7 B) -*+1 34 5/56 7 C) 1 34 +5*56 7/-D) 1 34 5* +56 7/- E) 1 34+5 56 7-*/10. 下列计算机设备,即是输入设备,又是输出设备的是()。
A)键盘 B)触摸屏 C)扫描仪 D)投影仪 E)数字化仪二.不定项选择题(共10题,每题1.5分,共计15分。
11. 下列分辨率的显示器显示出的图像,最清晰的是()。
A) 800*600 B) 1024*768 C) 640*480 D) 1280*1024 E) 800*100012. 下列说法中,哪个(些)是错误的()。
13. CPU访问内存的速度比访问下列哪个(些)存储设备要慢()。
A)寄存器 B)硬盘 C)软盘 D)高速缓存 E)光盘14. 下列电子邮件地址,哪个(些)是正确的()。
A)wang@ B) C) E)15. 数字图像文件可以用下列哪个(些)软件来编辑()。
A)画笔(Paintbrush) B)记事薄(Notepad) C) Photoshop D) WinRAR E)Midisoft16. 下列哪个(些)软件不是操作系统软件的名字()。
A)WindowsXP B) DOS C) Linux D) OS/2 E) Arch/Info17. 下列哪个(些)不是个人计算机的硬件组成部分()。
A)主板 B)虚拟内存 C)电源 D)硬盘 E)总线18. 运算试(2008)10-(3723)8 的结果是()。
A)(-1715)10 B) (5)10 C) (5)16 D) (101)2 E) (3263)819. 已知元素(8,25,14,87,51,90,6,19,20),问这些元素以怎样的顺序进入栈,才能使出栈的顺序满足:8在51前面;90在87的后面;20在14的后面;25在6的前面;19在90的后面。
A)20,6,8,51,90,25,14,19,87B)51,6,19,20,14,8,87,90,25C)19,20,90,7,6,25,51,14,87D)6,25,51,8,20,19,90,87,14E)25,6,8,51,87,90,19,14,2020. 假设我们用d=(a1,a2,...,a5),表示无向图G的5个顶点的度数,下面给出的哪(些)组d 值合理()。
A){5,4,4,3,1} B){4,2,2,1,1} C){3,3,3,2,2}D){5,4,3,2,1} E){2,2,2,2,2}三、问题求解(共2题,每题5分,共计10分)1. 无向图G有16条边,有3个4度顶点、4个3度顶点,其余顶点的度均小于3,则G至少_______个顶点。
2. 某年级学生共选修6门课程,期末考试前,必须提前将这6门课程考完,每人每天只在下午至多考一门课程,设6门课程为C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,S(Ci)为学习Ci 的学生集合。
四.阅读程序(共4题,每题8分,共计32分)1. program Program1;var a,b,c,d,sum : longint;beginread(a,b,c,d);a := a mod 23;b := b mod 28;c := c mod 33;sum := a * 5544 + b * 14421 + c * 1228 - d;sum := sum + 21252; sum := sum mod 21252;if (sum = 0 ) then sum := 21252;writeln(sum);end.输入:283 102 23 320 输出____________2. program Program2;constu : array[1..4] of integer = (0,5,3,1);v : array[1..4] of integer = (0,7,6,5);var a,b,c,d,e,f,x,y,z: integer;beginread(a,b,c,d,e,f);z := f+ e + d + (c+3) div 4; y := 5 * d + u[c mod 4];if (b > y) thenbeginz := z + (b - y + 8) div 9;x := ((b - y + 8) div 9 * 9 -(b - y)) * 4 + 11 * e + v[c mod 4];endelsex := (y - b) * 4 + 11 * e + v[c mod 4];if (a > x) thenz := z + (a - x + 35) div 36;writeln(z)end.输入: 4 7 9 20 56 47 输出____________________3. program Program3;var m,n: integer; mark: Boolean;function test(m,N:integer):integer;var i,p: integer; flag: boolean;beginm := m - 1; i := 0; flag := False;for p:= 2*N downto (N+1) dobegini:= (i+m) mod p;if (ibegintest := 0; flag := Ture; Break;endend;if not(flag) then test:=1;end;beginread(n); m:=1; Mark := False;repeatif (test(m,n)=1) thenbegin writeln(m); break; end;m:= m+1;until Mrak;end.输入:7 输出_________4. program Program4;var m,n,i,j: integer;p,w,a,b: array[0..19] of integer;beginread(n); m:= 0;for i:= 0 to n-1 dobegin read(p[i]); b[i]:=1; end;for i:=0 to n-1 dobeginif (i>0) thena[m]:=p[i]-p[i-1]elsea[m]:=p[i];m:=m+1;while ((m>1) and (a[m-1]=0)) dobegin m:=m-1; b[m]:=1; end;if (m>0) thenw[i]:=b[m-1];elsew[i]:=b[0];a[m-1]:=a[m-1]-1;for j:=0 to m-1 do b[j]:=b[j]+1;while ((m>1) and (a[m-1]=0)) dobeginm:=m-1; b[m]:=1;end;end;for i:= 0 to n-1 dobeginwrite(w[i]); write(' ');end;writeln(' ');end.输入:94 6 6 6 6 8 9 9 9 9输出:____________________五. 完善程序(共2题,第1题每空3分;第2题每空2分。
1. 翻硬币题目描述:一摞硬币共有m枚,每一枚都是正面朝上。
输入:仅有的一个数字是这摞硬币的枚数m ,0< m <1000。
输入样例:30输出样例:899程序:program Program1;var m:integer;function solve(m: integer):integer;var i,t,d: integer;flag: Boolean;beginif (m = 1) thensolve := (1)else begind := 2*m+1; t := 2; i := 1; flag := False;repeatif (t = 1) thenbeginsolve := (2) ; flag := True;endelse if ( (3) ) thenbeginsolve := i*m-1; flag := True;endelset := (4) ;i:=i+1;until flag;endend;beginread(m); if (( (5) ) and (m<1000)) thenwriteln( (6) );end.2. OIM地形题目描述:二维离散世界有一种地形叫OIM(OI Mountain)。