பைடு நூலகம்
伦敦塔桥是从英国伦 。 敦泰晤士河口算起的 第一座桥(泰晤士河 上共建桥15座),也 是伦敦的象征,有 “伦敦正门”之称。 该桥始建于1886年, 1894年6月30日对公 众开放,将伦敦南北 区连接成整体
基本信息 建筑名称:伦敦塔桥(Tower Bridge) 伦敦塔桥 地理坐标:151°130'18''N,0°04'32''W 主要数据:塔桥两端由4座石塔连接, 两座主塔高 43.455米。河中的两座桥基高7.6米,相距76米。 修建时间:1886年,1894年建成通车。
如今的伦敦桥 如今横跨在泰晤士河上的伦敦桥建于1967年至1972年之间,其 部分费用来自出售给雷尼父子的伦敦桥的所得。新桥是座相当乏味的 水泥桥,有三个跨度。它也许更结实,更实用,除此之外,和旧伦敦 桥无法相比。 2000年来,伦敦桥不仅见证了人类的历史,其本身的历史就是人 类文明的发展史。从木桥到石桥再到水泥桥,伦敦桥屡兴屡衰,不变 的唯有桥下的泰晤士河水以及其自身的名字。如今横跨在泰晤士河上 的伦敦桥又将在什么时候结束其使命?还会有麦卡洛来购买吗?
设计巧妙 伦敦塔桥的设计颇为合理,在世界桥梁建筑业中有口皆碑。两岸 两座用花岗石和钢铁建成的高塔,高约60米,分上下两层。上层支撑 着两岸的塔,下层桥面可让行人通过,也可供车辆穿行。如果巨轮鸣 笛而来,下层桥面能够自动往两边翘起,此时行人可改道从上层通过。 桥内设有商店、酒吧,即使在雨雪天,行人也能在桥中购物、聊天或 凭栏眺望两岸风光。 从外表来看,塔桥的两端是维多利亚时代的砖石 远观伦敦塔桥 塔,但实际上塔身的结构主要是钢铁的。里面装有用来开合各重1000 吨桥梁的水力机械。塔桥自建成至今,机械功能一直正常,从未发生 故障。巨轮鸣笛致意后,上升机械只需一分钟便能使桥面升起。
Buckingham Palace
The neoclassical新古典主义 structure was remodeled by John Nash in 1825. In 1856 a ballroom was added, and in 1913 a new east front was built. Buckingham Palace has about 600 rooms and 20 hectares (50 acres) of gardens. It is noted for its fine collection of paintings.
London: the capital
Did you know?
• Buckingham Palace • The Tower of
London • Thames River • Tower Bridge • Big Ben
• Westminster Abbey
• Saint Paul’s Cathedral
Westminster Abbey
English monarchs since William the Conqueror in 1066 have been crowned in the abbey, and many from Edward's time until 1760 (George II) are buried in its chapels. The tombs of the poet Chaucer, the physicist Newton, and the naturalist Darwin are located in the main church of the abbey. The abbey also contains monuments to political figures and literary personages, such as Shakespeare.
19世纪下半叶,随着伦敦经济的发展城市东部越来越紧要地需要一座横跨 泰晤士河的桥梁。但这座桥不能是传统的桥,因为当时的码头位于伦敦桥 和伦敦塔之间,假如新桥太低的话船就无法开到码头了。
A Special Bridge or Subway Committee was formed in 1877, chaired by Sir Albert Joseph Altman, to find a solution to the river crossing problem. It opened the design of the crossing to public competition. Over 50 designs were submitted, including one from civil engineer Sir Joseph Bazalgette. The evaluation of the designs was surrounded by controversy, and it was not until 1884 that a design submitted by Sir Horace Jones, the City Architect (who was also one of the judges),[3] was approved.
Tower Bridge (built 1886–1894) is a combined bascule and suspension bridge in London, England which crosses the River Thames. It is close to the Tower of London, from which it takes its name, and has become an iconic symbol of London.
A Special Bridge or Subway Committee was formed in 1877, chaired by Sir Albert Joseph Altman, to find a solution to the river crossing problem. It opened the design of the crossing to public competition. Over 50 designs were submitted, including one from civil engineer Sir Joseph Bazalgette. The evaluation of the designs was surrounded by controversy, and it was not until 1884 that a design submitted by Sir Horace Jones, the City Architect (who was also one of the judges),[3] was approved.
Tower Bridge (built 1886–1894) is a combined bascule and suspension bridge in London, England which crosses the River Thames. It is close to the Tower of London, from which it takes its name, and has become an iconic symbol of London.
高二英语London Tower Bridge精品PPT课件
3. From where did the culture of the people in the British Isles receive many influence? The European mainland
4. Who ran over the Great Britain in 1066? What’s the result of French influence?
The French. The result was that there were many French words in the English language.
5. Which are the first two countries that joined in the UK?
England and Wales.
(Colder, more rain )
Influenced by European mainland
5th century
Northern Europe settled
The basis for English
in 1283 Scotland In 1707
2. Why is it of great value to record and teach local languages to the young generation?
Imagine that you are going on a four-week trip through the UK. Make a travel plan in which you describe where you will go and what clothes and things you will
Tower Bridge伦敦塔桥 PPT
及建筑所需要的土地面积心存疑虑。 最终,一座优美的五拱石桥屹立在原桥址西边100英尺处。这座新伦敦桥由工程师约翰·雷尼设计,由其 子(与其父同名)督造,历时7年(1824年至1831年)。该桥长928英尺,宽49英尺,由花岗岩建成。 1902年至1904年期间,为了缓解伦敦交通拥挤这个老问题,曾对桥梁进行加宽。不幸的是,加宽后的
Tower Bridge伦敦塔桥
到了19世纪初,经历了600余年风风雨雨的伦敦桥已经不堪重负显然需要重建。于是1799年,一场设 计新桥以取代旧桥的竞赛就此展开,期间工程师托马斯·特尔福德设计了一个跨度为600英尺的单拱铁拱 桥。这一革命性的设计虽然得到交口称赞,但是却从未得到实现,究其原因,是因为人们对其可行性以
Tower Bridge伦敦塔桥
焚毁后的伦敦桥进行了重建,但是重建后的伦敦桥却于1091年毁于风 暴之中。再次重建后的伦敦桥于1136年再次被毁,不过这一次毁于大 火。于是自1176年开始,人们开始用石头建造伦敦桥,并于1209年最 终建成。新的伦敦桥的建造前后共耗时33年,期间据说有150名工人丧 命。新建成的伦敦桥也许是中世纪所建造的桥梁中最奇怪的一座,完全 不对称,19个桥拱中,没有任何完全相同的桥拱。除了19个桥拱,还 有一座吊桥。桥面上很快就建起了房屋和商店,桥中央甚至还建了一座 小教堂。桥南端另外还有一座门楼。桥拱很窄,水流湍急,所以只有勇 敢者或鲁莽之辈才从拱下驶过,很多人因此而丧命。
Tower Bridge伦敦塔桥
如今横跨在泰晤士河上的伦敦桥建于1967年至 1972年之间,其部分费用来自出售给雷尼父子的伦 敦桥的所得。新桥是座相当乏味的水泥桥,有三个 跨度。它也许更结实,更实用,除此之外,和旧伦
Tower Bridge伦敦塔桥
到了19世纪初,经历了600余年风风雨雨的伦敦桥已经不堪重负显然需要重建。于是1799年,一场设 计新桥以取代旧桥的竞赛就此展开,期间工程师托马斯·特尔福德设计了一个跨度为600英尺的单拱铁拱 桥。这一革命性的设计虽然得到交口称赞,但是却从未得到实现,究其原因,是因为人们对其可行性以
Tower Bridge伦敦塔桥
焚毁后的伦敦桥进行了重建,但是重建后的伦敦桥却于1091年毁于风 暴之中。再次重建后的伦敦桥于1136年再次被毁,不过这一次毁于大 火。于是自1176年开始,人们开始用石头建造伦敦桥,并于1209年最 终建成。新的伦敦桥的建造前后共耗时33年,期间据说有150名工人丧 命。新建成的伦敦桥也许是中世纪所建造的桥梁中最奇怪的一座,完全 不对称,19个桥拱中,没有任何完全相同的桥拱。除了19个桥拱,还 有一座吊桥。桥面上很快就建起了房屋和商店,桥中央甚至还建了一座 小教堂。桥南端另外还有一座门楼。桥拱很窄,水流湍急,所以只有勇 敢者或鲁莽之辈才从拱下驶过,很多人因此而丧命。
Tower Bridge伦敦塔桥
如今横跨在泰晤士河上的伦敦桥建于1967年至 1972年之间,其部分费用来自出售给雷尼父子的伦 敦桥的所得。新桥是座相当乏味的水泥桥,有三个 跨度。它也许更结实,更实用,除此之外,和旧伦
伦敦塔桥中英文简介 ppt课件
琼斯的设计是一座244米长的开启桥,桥有两个桥塔, 每个塔高65米。桥的中部长61米,分为上下2层。上层 高而窄,可作为人行道。下层是主通道,分为两扇桥 段,每扇可以竖起到83度来让河流交通通过。这两扇 桥段各重上千吨,它们的轴位于它们的重心上来减小 它们起升时所需要的力,它们可以在一分钟内升起。 一开始这个升降装置是液压的,为此它有六个水库来 产生高压水。蒸汽机把水从水库泵入液压装置。今天 桥是用电动机来升降的,但过去的蒸汽机机构依然保 留可供参观
ppt课件Leabharlann 12 1876年一个特别委员会成立来讨论这个过河问题的解 决方案。它开始了一个方案设计竞赛,一共收到了50 个不同的方案。但此后的讨论却拖延了许多时间和导 致了很多激烈的辩论,最后这个委员会于1884年决定 采用霍拉斯·琼斯的方案。霍拉斯·琼斯本人也是评审委 员会的一员
Jones' engineer, Sir John Wolfe Barry, devised the idea of a bascule bridge with two bridge towers built on piers. The central span was split into two equal bascules or leaves, which could be raised to allow river traffic to pass. The two side-spans were suspension bridges, with the suspension rods anchored both at the abutments and through rods contained within the bridge's upper walkways
伦敦塔桥中英文简介 (课堂PPT)
1876年一个特别委员会成立来讨论这个过河问题的解 决方案。它开始了一个方案设计竞赛,一共收到了50 个不同的方案。但此后的讨论却拖延了许多时间和导 致了很多激烈的辩论,最后这个委员会于1884年决定 采用霍拉斯·琼斯的方案。霍拉斯·琼斯本人也是评审委 员会的一员
1886年伦敦塔桥开建,建造共历时8年,5 个主要建筑公司和共432建筑工人参与工 程
Two massive piers, containing over 70,000 tons of concrete, were sunk into the riverbed to support the construction. Over 11,000 tons of steel provided the framework for the towers and walkways. This was then clad in Cornish granite and Portland stone, both to protect the underlying steelwork and to give the bridge a pleasing appearance
塔桥(内置1886–1894)是伦敦的一个组合式 结构,悬索桥,英格兰横跨泰晤士河。它靠近 伦敦塔而得名,并已成为伦敦的一个标志性的 符号。
In the second half of the 19th century, increased commercial development in the East End of London led to a requirement for a new river crossing downstream of London Bridge. A traditional fixed bridge could not be built because it would cut off access by tall-masted ships to the port facilities in the Pool of London, between London Bridge and the Tower of London.
result was that there were many French words in the English language.
5. Which are the first two countries that joined in the UK?
England and Wales.
The influence of French
1. What is the UK? The UK is really a nation of different countries held together by a common language and culture.
3. From where did the culture of the people in the British Isles receive many influence? The European mainland
4. Who ran over the Great Britain in 1066? What’s the result of French influence?
8769....INEIrsonelrlgeatlhnoaefndrdMn aInrelandcnou8rmrb1ee2B7crel1ftsa0st9pi4lnact6ehse
10. Irish Sea
11. London
12. Dublin
1. It is possible to swim from the European mainland to England. How far is it and where would be the best place to do so?
5. Which are the first two countries that joined in the UK?
England and Wales.
The influence of French
1. What is the UK? The UK is really a nation of different countries held together by a common language and culture.
3. From where did the culture of the people in the British Isles receive many influence? The European mainland
4. Who ran over the Great Britain in 1066? What’s the result of French influence?
8769....INEIrsonelrlgeatlhnoaefndrdMn aInrelandcnou8rmrb1ee2B7crel1ftsa0st9pi4lnact6ehse
10. Irish Sea
11. London
12. Dublin
1. It is possible to swim from the European mainland to England. How far is it and where would be the best place to do so?
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London Bridge
London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down. My fair lady. London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down. M 快乐分享,知识无限!
• 伦敦泰唔士河上的首座桥建于公元43年,那是一座浮桥, 不久就被第一座称之为伦敦桥的桥代替。公元984年这座 桥又被新伦敦桥所代替。它的寿命又不太长,1074年又被 毁掉。之后,1176年第一座石头伦敦桥才建立,费时33 年,可它被使用了600年,直到1824年,又一座伦敦桥代 替了它。这座桥由约翰·兰尼父子两代完成,由父亲设计 儿子建造。父亲是司格特人,毕业于爱丁堡大学。从1791 年起,他就是那个时代最伟大的土木工程师之一。他建造 了许多运河、港口和桥梁,最著名的就是1817年建造的滑 铁卢大桥。
• 建造这座新伦敦桥,动用800名民工,耗时7年。它是那时 期一个最主要的建筑,也反映了那个时代英国最高造桥技 术。新的大桥保持了原来桥的两点:一是材料仍采用石头, 二是桥名仍称为伦敦桥,因为它已延续了750年。
游人可在塔桥上步行浏览,不须收费。 参 观塔桥可从北边的塔桥乘电梯上去,观看 大桥的结构工程,然后从大桥的高空通道 上走过泰晤士河,饱览泰晤士河及两岸的 秀丽景色。塔内有展室可了解桥的历史及 工作情况。在西敏寺桥(国会大厦后面)每天 有游船公司协办的泰晤士河游(国会大 厦—塔桥),行程近1小时,船费约8英镑。 参观塔桥博物馆和“贝尔法斯特”号军舰 都要收费,且不便宜。
Tower Bridge
Tower Bridge
• Introduction • Song • History • Tourism • view
伦敦塔桥(Tower Bridge)是位于英国伦敦 一座横跨泰晤士河铁桥,因位于伦敦塔附 近而得名。伦敦塔桥有时被误称为伦敦桥 (London Bridge),其实真正的伦敦桥是 另一座完全不同的桥梁,位于伦敦塔桥的 上游。伦敦塔桥附近著名的旅游点有伦敦 塔、圣卡瑟琳码头和Shad Thames街。