



曼昆《经济学原理(微观经济学分册)》(第6版)课后习题详解(Born to win经济学考研交流群 <<<点击加入曼昆《经济学原理(微观经济学分册)》(第6版)第1篇导言第1章经济学十大原理课后习题详解跨考网独家整理最全经济学考研真题,经济学考研课后习题解析资料库,您可以在这里查阅历年经济学考研真题,经济学考研课后习题,经济学考研参考书等内容,更有跨考考研历年辅导的经济学学哥学姐的经济学考研经验,从前辈中获得的经验对初学者来说是宝贵的财富,这或许能帮你少走弯路,躲开一些陷阱。













绪论1.解该企业的销皆收入为IP・Q=*】〔,Q—Q总利酒M =P・Q K二砒<? Q <Q' + 2('(?Q* IW)—-2Q+1E,Q—抑当h最大时!货=100—40=0,虬Qf视谖企.W品忧产址应为?.-.解已知R"3 + Q.、+5・因此M"容=斗+1巳知%rZQHQ 血因此M『牛=1QJ1为使整个公司总低本段低.应清足以下条件: J MC L MT U即;3Q* + 1 = 4dT ・口+以产1 000解上述方程,得Q& = 66& 7〔件) Q | )蝴I响SI ftA=5 000X10=50 000 (X)机会好=(5+6) X5 000=55000 (x)经混臆=50 000-55 000=-5皿(.)OF斓为贝值,融n福出虾健.不如im砒轧可ME如下t顷曲岫芯片,大村洞梆外佰X5 000-12 500 (元)顺T.后峨.到饲能物;[10-(6+25)] X5000=7500(1)可虹虹后幡比直接峨灿灌5 000元(=? 500-12 500), ffU. jffiT.g 幡的耕利醐T0。

阮S(1)书诉推=70 000- (3 0M+2 000+12 000+7 000)=« 00。


灿一«000+2 000+12 000+7 (BO+M 000)=-U DOO (i)6.解(1) IA*=35000+10000+8000+2 000+5 000=60 000 (元)(2) 内浦威本=30 000 (元)⑶ 尝计秘洞三100 000 —60 000=40 000 (元)(4)O^S-1W 000-(60 000+30 000)-10 000 (元)(5)因控济利润大于零,H办洗衣房是合算的,骄初瞄虾您觥洲T/第一章■ F解(1)辨工人顶湖.导鼬的供鄙炳左移亦结果使融量求量均融司们成(赠I 叫⑵楠斌口汽车题㈱,使汽车行业供绑暇向捧亦结g■ ■的供给量和需求虽减少,价格上涨(3) 有更殊年成家立业戒需袖线舫移亦但国耕定了房蹦融格.故使住房供不应求(见图I 4)。

管理经济学 原书第六版 课后答案12

管理经济学 原书第六版 课后答案12

Chapter 12: Answers to Questions and Problems1.a. The expected value of option 1 is()()()()()300100161200164500166200164100161=++++. The expected value of option 2 is ()()()()()11111801701,0001708030055555++++=. b. The variance of option 1 is()()()()().000,2530010016130020016430050016630020016430010016122222=−+−+−+−+−Similarly, the variance of option 2 is 124,120. The standard deviation of option 1 is 158.11. The standard deviation of option 2 is 352.31.c. Option 2 is the most risky.2.a. Risk loving.b. Risk averse.c. Risk neutral.3.a.$5. b.She will purchase, since your price is less than her reservation price. c.$6. d. She will continue to search, since the price exceeds her reservation price.4.a. ()().6$100.4$200$140Ep =+=.b. Set Ep = MC to get 140 = 1 + 4Q . Solve for Q to find your profit-maximizing output, Q = 34.75 units.c. Your expected profits are (Ep)Q – C(Q) = $140(34.75) – (34.75 +2(34.75)2)=$2,415.13.5.a. The expected value, which is $25.b. The maximum value, which is $50.6.a. With only two bidders, n = 2. The lowest possible valuation is L = $1,000, and your own valuation is v = $2,500. Thus, your optimal sealed bid is$2,500$1,000$2,500$1,7502v L b v n −−=−=−=. b. With ten bidders, n =10. The lowest possible valuation is L = $1,000, and your own valuation is v = $2,500. Thus, your optimal sealed bid is$2,500$1,000$2,500$2,35010v L b v n −−=−=−=. c. With one hundred bidders, n =100. The lowest possible valuation is L = $1,000, and your own valuation is v = $2,500. Thus, your optimal sealed bid is$2,500$1,000$2,500$2,485100v L b v n −−=−=−=.7.a. With 5 bidders, n = 5. The lowest possible valuation is L = $50,000, and your own valuation is v = $75,000. Thus, your optimal sealed bid is$75,000$50,000$75,000$70,0005v L b v n −−=−=−=. b. A Dutch auction is strategically equivalent to a first-price sealed bid auction (see part (a)). Thus, you should let the auctioneer continue to lower the price until it reaches $70,000, and then yell “Mine!”c. $75,000, since it is a dominant strategy to bid your true valuation in a second-price, sealed-bid auction.d. Remain active until the price exceeds $75,000; then drop out.8.a. Hidden actions lead to moral hazard; hidden characteristics lead to adverse selection.b. Incentive contracts can solve moral hazard problems; screening and sorting can solve adverse selection problems.9. Since this is a common value auction, bidders will not bid their own private estimates because doing so would lead to the winner’s curse. Thus, there will be an additional incentive for bidders to shade their bids below their estimated valuations. The English auction format provides bidders the most information (therefore allowing them to pool information to some extent), mitigating this problem. For this reason, the English auction would generate the highest expected revenues in this case.10.Your expected inverse demand is E(P) = .5(200,000 – 250Q ) + .5(400,000 – 250Q ) = 300,000 – 250Q. Therefore, your expected marginal revenue is E(MR) = 300,000 – 500Q . Your marginal cost is MC = $200,000. Setting E(MR) = MC yields300,000500200,000Q −=. Solving, Q = 200. The price you expect is thus E(P) = 300,000 – 250(200) = $250,000. Your profits are thus ($250,000 -$200,000)(200) - $110,000 = $9,890,000.11. One would expect higher premiums on credit life, thanks to adverse selection. Peoplewho cannot pass physicals will select toward this type of insurance, resulting in higher premiums. Furthermore, people who are healthy and can pass a physical will be unwilling to pay the higher premiums, thus exacerbating this effect.12. The expected benefit from an additional search are 0.05($110,000 - $60,000) = $2,500, while the cost of another search is $5,000. Therefore, make her an offer. 13. In the absence of "guaranteed issue," an insurance company could choose to insure only those employees with a very low risk structure. In this case they offer lower rates because they experience fewer claims. But this leaves those workers with greater risk factors without insurance. By requiring insurers to offer coverage to all employees, the insurance company must take on employees that are less healthy and a greater risk. Why the controversy? By insuring those with greater health risks, the expected number of claims rises, thus increasing the cost of coverage. The workers with existing health problems benefit at the expense of healthy workers, who pay higher prices with "guaranteed issue." If the price rises high enough and healthy workers are free to drop coverage, this can result in adverse selection: The only people willing to pay the higher premiums are those in poor health.14. Brownstown Steel has better information about its financial situation than does its lenders, and is attempting to use this information advantage to enhance its bargaining position. If lenders gained full information about the financial situation of Brownstown Steel Corp., they would be in a position to squeeze the maximum amount from Brownstown Steel without fear of pushing it into bankruptcy. Absent the information, lenders will be more generous, since taking too much would increase the risk that Brownstown Steel goes bankrupt.15. The 30-day warranty and 10-point inspection. This not only reduces buyer risk from being duped by a used car dealer, but provides a costly signal about the quality of the used cars sold. An unscrupulous dealer would find it costly to mimic this strategy. Recognizing both of these facts, rational buyers will be more willing to purchase cars from the dealer.16. Offer two plans for customers with more than $1 million in assets. One plan (perhaps called the “Free Trade” Account) has an annual maintenance fee of $10,000 good for up to 400 “free” transactions (computed as $10,000/$25) per year (each additional transaction is priced at $25 each). The other plan (perhaps called the “Free Service” Account) has no annual maintenance fee but charges $100 per transaction. Given these two options, investors will sort themselves into the plans based on their individual characteristics.17.With 5 other bidders, n = 6. The lowest possible valuation is L = $5,000, and your own valuation is v = $12,000. Thus, your optimal first-price, sealed-bid is$12,000$5,000$12,000$10,833.336v L b v n −−=−=−=.18. A risk-neutral Oracle’s bid of $7 billion is low since the expected value of the presentvalue of the stream of profits is $7.6 billion. The public bidding process described most resembles an independent, private value English auction (each company places a different probability assessment on the value of the company that depends onpotential realized synergies). SAP’s expected value of the present value of the stream of profits is $8.4 billion. Since this is greater than Oracle’s expected value, SAP will win the “auction” and acquire PeopleSoft. SAP will pay just over $7.6 billion for PeopleSoft.19.The expected value of aggregate ten-year profits of a McDonald’s franchise is ()()()75.4$1$25.5$50.10$25.=−++million. Similarly, the expected value of a Penn Station East Coast Subs’ franchise is ()()75.4$)30$(025.5$95.30$025.=−++million. The variance and standard deviation of owning a McDonald’s franchise is()()()1875.1575.4125.75.4550.75.41025.2222'=−−+−+−=s McDonald σand 8971.31875.152''===s McDonald s McDonald σσ, respectively. Similarly, the variance and standard deviation for Penn Station East Coast Subs’ is()()()1875.4675.430025.75.4595.75.430025.2222=−−+−+−=Penn σand7961.61875.462===Penn Penn σσ, respectively. Since the expected values are thesame we can compare the standard deviations to determine the most risky investment. Since s McDonald Penn 'σσ>there is more risk associated with a Penn Station East Coast Subs’ franchise.20. There are several things for a student to consider in deciding to enroll in a traditionalMBA program or an online MBA program. It is likely that students with a spouse and family may be more attracted to online MBA programs, since these individuals are value stability and have others relying on them for income. In contrast, traditional MBA programs are more likely to attract singles who are willing to bear theopportunity cost associated with this form of education. Thus, there is an adverse selection issue. The individual who selects the traditional MBA program is likely to have a stronger signaling value regarding underlying characteristics.21.Market collapse is likely since “outsiders” will be unwilling to participate in equity (or other) markets since they know “insiders” will only sell a stock when they know the price is too high. Similarly, insiders will only buy when the price of a stock is known to be low. This is a losing proposition for outsiders, who would rationally choose not to participate in the market. This is an example of a moral hazard and is one of the primary reasons the SEC exists.。


Complements Demand function Demand curve
n Quantity supplied n Substitutes in production
n Complements in production
n Supply function n Supply curve n Market equilibrium
需求-供给分析法就是通过供给和需求曲线来分析供给、 需求和价格之间的相互关系,以及供需曲线背后诸因素对价格 和市场交易量影响的一种方法。
1. 西红柿的价格为什么有季节变动
P2 P1
S2 S1
Q2 Q1
2. 汽车需求的增加对轮胎价格的影响
假如鸡蛋的价格下降,为什么对它们的需求量会增加?请用收入 效应和替代效应作出解释。
当鸡和鸡蛋价格下降后,假如养猪的饲料价格不变,预计猪的销 售量和价格会发生什么变化?为什么?
第二节 供 给
生产者能够而且愿意生产并向市场提供商品或劳务的一 种市 场关系。
第四节 市场机制与社会资源配置
水平及其变化引导供求数量的调整,依靠市场力量自动调节 资源配置。
u 社会资源配置
对个人而言,提供生产要素所得到的收入是资源,收入如何 分配属于资源配置。实现一生收入与享用最大化,就是资



第1章 导论选择题:1-5:ABBCD 6:C第二章 供求分析选择题:1-5:ACCBD 6-8:CCA第三章 消费者效用分析选择题:1-5:DCABC 6-10:BBCAD 11-13:CAD计算题:3. 假定某人只能买到两种商品,他的年收入为10000元,牛肉的价格为每千克9元,土豆的价格为每千克2元。


(2)(3)5. 消费者每周花360元买X、Y两种商品。

其中PX=3元,PY=2元,它的效用函数为U=2X2Y ,在均衡状态下,他每周买X、Y各多少?解:6043,804323360,2336043,2234,2,422===∴⨯+=∴+==∴======X Y X X X Y X X Y X XY P MU P MU X dYdU MU XY dX dU MU Y X X Y X 得:又6.某人的收入是12元/天,并把每天的收入花在X 、Y 两种商品上。

他的效用函数为U=XY 。

X 的价格为每单位2元,Y 的价格为每单位3元。

问:①他每天买X.Y 各多少才能使他的效用最大?6232,3323212,321232,32,,==∴===∴⨯+=+==∴======XY U X Y X X X Y X X Y X Y P MU P MU X dYdU MU Y dX dU MU Y Y X X Y X 又②如果X 的价格上涨44%,Y 的价格不变,他的收入必须增加多少才能维持他起初的效用水平?元。

入要增加要维持原有的效用,收效用不变, 2.44.2124.,5.2388.26,388.266388.2,388.2,88.22%)441(2∴=-=∆=⨯+⨯=+=∴===∴=⨯=∴==∴===⨯+=I Y P X P I X Y X X X X XYX Y X Y P MU P MU Y X Y Y X X X第4章 需求弹性与供给弹性选择题:1-5:C(BDA)DAA 6-8:BAB 第9题题干有问题,如果改为供给价格弹性则选AD计算题:1.某商场将服装A 的价格由120元打6折促销,结果该服装的日销量由先前的12件升至30件,据此计算:①该服装的需求价格弹性。

管理经济学 原书第六版 课后答案6

管理经济学 原书第六版 课后答案6

Chapter 6: Answers to Questions and Problems1.When an input has well-defined and measurable quality characteristics and requiresspecialized investments, the optimal procurement method is a contract. A contractreduces the likelihood of opportunistic behavior and underinvestment by creating alegal obligation between the firms. One disadvantage of a contract is that it increasesa firm’s transaction costs. An example, Boeing contracting with an aluminummanufacturer.2.When a firm requires a limited number of standardized inputs that are sold by manyfirms in the marketplace, the optimal method of procurement is spot exchange. Oneadvantage of spot exchange is that they permit firms to specialize. A disadvantage isthat the firm may potentially face the hold-up problem. An example, a painterpurchasing paint from a local paint store.3.a.Contract.b.Vertical Integration.c.Spot exchange (or possibly contract if a specific investment in many motors isrequired).d.Spot exchange.4.Engine manufacturing involves specific investments and a complex contractingenvironment. By vertically integrating, the potential for opportunism is reduced.Mirrors are relatively uniform products that can be purchased by spot exchange orcontract.5.a.Human capital.b.Physical asset specificity; note that the assembly line was designed especially fora particular firm’s product.c.Site specificity.6.The manager prefers the compensation scheme that pays a fixed salary plus apercentage of the profits. Essentially, the manager is faced with a choice between twoconsumption bundles: (1) a $125,000 fixed salary plus 10 hours of on-the-job leisureand (2) $125,000 in salary plus bonus plus 3 hours of on-the-job leisure. Since theoriginal compensation package of a $125,000 and 10 hours of shirking is stillavailable, the fact that she chose to work 7 hours reveals that she prefers the secondpay scheme.1 Managerial Economics and Business Strategy, 6e Page7.Spot checks and hidden video cameras are effective and relatively inexpensive toimplement initially. The disadvantage is that spot checks and hidden video camerasmay affect the morale of the workers. Moreover, implementing hidden camerasrequires more employees to monitor the cameras. The advantage of pay forperformance schemes is that it may be easier for a managers to observe individualworker (or group) performances. However, pay-for-performance schemes may becostly. In addition, when output is a function of group performance or its quality isdifficult to measure, an individual’s contribution to the output may not be observable. 8.a.Reduce the benefits of vertical integration.b.Reduce the benefits of vertical integration and lead firms to use contracts or spotexchange to procure inputs.c.Lead to contracts that are more detailed or vertical integration.d.Make spot exchange an unattractive method of procurement due to opportunismand possibly underinvestment.e.Make contracts a less attractive form of input acquisition.f.Lead to longer contracts, or in extreme instances, vertical integration.9.The environment in which computer manufacturers operate is very uncertain. The rateof technical progress among chip, and other hardware, manufacturers increases themarginal cost of signing long-term contracts.10. A contract decreases the problem of opportunism and still allows the firm tospecialize in production.11.Capping pension fund managers’ compensations would reduce the executives’incentives to maximize the value of the fund under their control, thereby reducing the overall return to the fund participants.12.Contracts requiring large specialized investments are expected to be longer thancontracts requiring relatively smaller specialized investments. The reason is thattransaction costs increase once the contract expires. By writing longer contracts, these costs can be avoided. Thus, large specialized investments increase the marginalbenefit of writing longer contracts.13.The first important point to make with shareholders is that restructuring the incentiveplan is designed to maximize shareholder value. This is achieved by givingemployees incentives to stay with the company longer, thereby reducing costlyemployee turnover and increasing the company’s profitability. Also, by restructuring the incentive plan, employees will want to find ways to work more productively andmake the company more profitable. The benefits to the shareholders and theemployees will be a higher stock price.14.The reduction in another supplier’s cost of producing airbags reduces GM’s marginalbenefit of contracting. Therefore, the 15-year contract that has been negotiated is too long; the optimal contract length is now less than 15 years.Page 2 Michael R. Baye15.The manager might pay a salesperson a base salary plus a percentage of the profits.This plan would penalize salespersons, to some extent, for excessive mileage.16.In the absence of an incentive contract, a manager may still choose to maximizeprofits in order to build a reputation in being a superb manager and increasing thepotential of future management opportunities. Furthermore, the threat of a takeoverby other investors and job loss also disciplines managers to maximize profits, even ifthey are paid a fixed salary.17.No.18.The principal-agent problem in this situation exists between on-duty police officers(the agent) and the city officials who hire them (the principals). On-duty policeofficers were supposed to prevent picket lines from blocking worker access. Membersof the police union appear to be engaging in opportunistic behavior to improve theirbargaining power. The city of Boston has committed to spending $14 million to hostthe DNC and the police union is attempting to take advantage of this specializedinvestment. Therefore, the city of Boston is facing the “hold-up problem” as definedin the book. The problem also illustrates the problem of writing contracts: when thecity of Boston wrote a contract with Shawmut Design and Construction there weremany unforeseeable events that may not explicitly be defined in the contract.19.Business-process outsourcing (BPO) is a contractual relationship with a third-partyfirm, whereas a firm that produces human resource services internally is verticallyintegrated. Contracting human resource services with a third party allows the firm tospecialize in activities related to its core business, which as the problem points outmay result in large cost savings. Contracts, however, are costly to write and oftenincomplete. These reasons provide justification for vertical integration. Contractingwith an international-based firm may be more costly since the contract must bewritten in a manner to protect the firm in a foreign country. This extra cost should becompared to the extra benefit (cost savings) that accrues from lower off shore labor.Furthermore, there may be cultural difference in hiring practices that may makeoutsourcing from human resources to an international firm less attractive.20.If partners in the law firm are paid an equal share of the overall profits of the firm,regardless of how much they contribute, lawyers nearing retirement will have anincentive to stay with the firm while doing as little work as possible. In this way, heor she can enjoy “semi-retirement,” but will continue to earn a share of the profitsfrom other’s hard work. For this reason, most law firms have mandatory retirement tomitigate incentive compatibility problems. Eliminating mandatory retirement isprobably not a good idea for your 30-year old client.21.The money the dealership pays to train workers in the form of time and expenses is aspecialized investment in human capital. The investment only has value to thedealership if workers remain with the dealership and the dealership maintains itsrelationship ADP. Once this is sunk, it faces a potential “hold-up” problem fromworkers and ADP: If either party decides to sever the relationship, the dealership willhave to sink additional funds into training new employees.3 Managerial Economics and Business Strategy, 6e Page。



−2.36 .
greater than one in absolute value, demand is elastic at this price. If the firm
increased its price, total revenue would decrease.
c. At the given prices, quantity demanded is 700 units:
Qxd = 1000 − 2 (154) + .02 (400) = 700 . Substituting the relevant information into
the elasticity formula gives:
EQx ,Px
= −2 Px Qx
= −2 154 700
= −0.44 . Since this is less
Qxd = 1000 − 2 (154) + .02 (400) = 700 . Substituting the relevant information into
the elasticity formula gives:
⎛ ⎜ ⎝
⎞ ⎟ ⎠
⎛ ⎜⎝
400 700
Price $14
$2 Demand
3 MR 4
6 Quantity
Figure 3-1
Managerial Economics and Business Strategy, 6e














Managerial Economics and Business Strategy, 6e Page 1 Chapter 10: Answers to Questions and Problems 1.a. Player 1’s dominant strategy is B. Player 2 does not have a dominant strategy. b.Player 1’s secure strategy is B. Player 2’s secure strategy is E. c. (B, E). 2. a. b. B is dominant for each player. c. (B, B). d. Joint payoffs from (A, A) > joint payoffs from (A, B) = joint payoffs from (B, A) > joint payoffs from (B, B). e. No; each firm’s dominant strategy is B. Therefore, since this is a one-shot game, each player would have an incentive to cheat on any collusive arrangement. 3.a. Player 1’s optimal strategy is B. Player 1 does not have a dominant strategy. However, by putting herself in her rival’s shoes, Player 1 should anticipate that Player 2 will choose D (since D is Player 2’s dominant strategy). Player 1’s best response to D is B. b. Player 1’s equilibrium payoff is 5. 4.a. (A, C). b.No. c.If firms adopt the trigger strategies outlined in the text, higher payoffs can be achieved if 1.Cheat Coop Coop Ni ππππ−≤− Here, πCheat = 60, πCoop = 50, πN = 10, and the , and the interest rate is i = .05. Since . Since 605010.2550104Cheat Coop Coop Nππππ−−===−− < 1120.05i == each firm can indeed earn a payoff of 50 via the trigger strategies. d. Yes. Player 2 Strategy A B A $500, $500 $0, $650 Player 1 B $650, $0 $100, $100 ($0, $15)RightRightLeftLeft 12($200, $300)Not IntroducePrice WarIntroduceKmartStrategy Sale Price Regular Price Sale Price$1, 1 $5, $3Regular Price $3, $5 $3, $3Ford Strategy Airbags No No Airbags Airbags Airbags $1.5, 1.5 $2,-$1 No Airbags -$1, $2 $0.5, $0.5 PCRival Advertise No Yes No $8, $8 -$1, $48Kellogg’sYes$48,-$1$0, $0strategies if ππRival Strategy: Price Low High Low $0, $0 $9,-$1 High -$1, $9 $7, $7BakerPrice $10 $20$5 15, 16 15,18 Argyle$10 10, 16 10,18NetWorksStrategy 250 Units 500 Units250 Units $12500, $12500 $7500, $15000500 Units $15000, $7500 $10000, $1000018.The normal-form representation of this game is depicted in the following payoffmatrix.T-MobileStrategies CDMA GSMCDMA $16 b, $12 b $12 b, $8 bQualcommGSM $14 b, $7 b $13 b, $18 bThere are two Nash equilibria to this coordination game: (1) Qualcomm and T-Mobile adopt the CDMA technology and (2) Qualcomm and T-Mobile adopt theGSM technology. There are many ways to solve multiplicity of equilibria in thiscoordination problem. As the book points out, the firms could “talk” to each andagree on one technology. Alternatively, Iraq’s government could announce whichtechnology is to be used in the country.19.The normal form of this game is contained in the following payoff matrix (in billionsof U.S. dollars).JapanStrategies Tariff No TariffTariff $43.78, $4.76 $44.2, $4.66U.S.No tariff $43.66, $4.85 $44, $4.8The Nash equilibrium is for the U.S. and Japan to each impose tariffs. However, both countries achieve greater welfare by “agreeing” to impose no tariffs. Thesustainability of such an agreement to impose no tariffs is dependent upon the game being repeated infinitely, the countries using trigger strategies and the interest ratebeing sufficiently low.20.You should not recommend that the office manager invest more time monitoring. Theproblem is not that she is monitoring too little. Rather, her monitoring activities and strategies are predictable. Workers realize that once she leaves after the 9 a.m. check, she is unlikely to return until 11 a.m. Recognizing this, workers know they will not get caught “goofing off” (shirking). The manager best strategy is to randomize boththe timing and number of checks she does each day. That way, her monitoring is not predictable and workers will respond by spending less time shirking.Page 6 Michael R. Baye。

西财《管理经济学》教学资料包 课后习题答案 第一章

西财《管理经济学》教学资料包 课后习题答案 第一章











图1-1 管理经济学的学科定位4.管理经济学的基本分析方法有哪些?(1)边际分析法。








Chapter 2: Answers to Questions and Problems1.a. Since X is a normal good, an increase in income will lead to an increase in the demand for X (the demand curve for X will shift to the right).b. Since Y is an inferior good, a decrease in income will lead to an increase in the demand for good Y (the demand curve for Y will shift to the right).c. Since goods X and Y are substitutes, a decrease in the price of good Y will lead to a decrease in the demand for good X (the demand curve for X will shift to the left).d. No. The term “inferior good” does not mean “inferior quality,” it simply means that income and consumption are inversely related.2.a. The supply of good X will decrease (shift to the left).b. The supply of good X will decrease. More specifically, the supply curve will shift vertically up by exactly $1 at each level of output.c. The supply of good X will decrease. More specifically, the supply curve will rotate counter-clockwise.d. The supply curve for good X will increase (shift to the right).3.a. ()()500.550053050s x Q =−+−= units.b. Notice that although ()()500.550530175s x Q =−+−=−, negative output isimpossible. Thus, quantity supplied is zero.c. To find the supply function, insert 30z P = into the supply equation to obtain()500.55302000.5s x x x Q P P =−+−=−+. Thus, the supply equation is2000.5s x x Q P =−+. To obtain the inverse supply equation, simply solve thisequation for x P to obtain 4002s x x P Q =+. The inverse supply function is graphedin Figure 2-1.$0.0$200.0$400.0$600.0$800.0$1,000.0$1,200.0$1,400.0$1,600.00100200300400500Quantity of X Price of XSFigure 2-1a. Good Y is a substitute for X, while good Z is a complement for X.b. X is a normal good.c. ()()()()000,5000,55$10190$8900,5$41910,4$21200,1=+−+−=d x Q d. For the given income and prices of other goods, the demand function for good X is ()()()1111,200$5,9008$90$55,000,2410d x x Q P =−+−+ which simplifies to 7,4550.5d x x Q P =−. To find the inverse demand equation, solve for price to obtain 14,9102.d x x P Q =− The demand function is graphed in Figure 2-2.$0$2,982$5,964$8,946$11,928$14,910010002000300040005000600070008000Quantity of X Price of XDemandFigure 2-25.a. Solve the demand function for x P to obtain the following inverse demand function: 11154d x x P Q =−. b. Notice that when $35x P =, ()460435320d x Q =−= units. Also, from part a, weknow the vertical intercept of the inverse demand equation is 115. Thus,consumer surplus is $12,800 (computed as ()().5$115$35320$12,800−=). c. When price decreases to $25, quantity demanded increases to 360 units, so consumer surplus increases to $16,200 (computed as()().5$115$25360$16,200−=).d. So long as the law of demand holds, a decrease in price leads to an increase in consumer surplus, and vice versa. In general, there is an inverse relationship between the price of a product and consumer surplus.a. Equating quantity supplied and quantity demanded yields the equation150102P P −=−. Solving for P yields the equilibrium price of $40 per unit. Plugging this into the demand equation yields the equilibrium quanity of 10 units (since quantity demanded at the equilibrium price is ()504010d Q =−=). b. A price floor of $42 is effective since it is above the equilibrium price of $40. As a result, quantity demanded will fall to 8 units ()84250=−=d Q , while quantity supplied will increase to 11 units ()⎟⎠⎞⎜⎝⎛=−=11104221s Q . That is, firms produce 11 units but consumers are willing and able to purchase only 8 units. Therefore, at a price floor of $42, 8 units will be exchanged. Since s d Q Q <there is a surplus amounting to 3811=−units.c. A price ceiling of $30 per unit is effective since it is below the equilibrium price of $40 per unit. As a result, quantity demanded will increase to 20 units ()203050=−=d Q , while quantity supplied will decrease to 5 units()⎟⎠⎞⎜⎝⎛=−=5103021s Q . That is, while firms are willing to produce only 5 units consumers want to buy 20 units at the ceiling price. Therefore, at the price ceiling of $30, only 5 units will be available to purchase. Since s d Q Q >, there is a shortage amounting to 15520=− units. Since only 5 units are available at a price of $30, the full economic price is the price such that quantity demanded equals the 5 available units: 550F P =−. Solving yields the full economic price of $45.7.a. The shortage is 3 units (since at a price of $6, 413d s Q Q −=−= units). The full economic price is $12.b. The surplus is 1.5 units (since at a price of $12, 2.51 1.5s d Q Q −=−= units. The cost to the government is $18 (computed as ($12)(1.5) = $18).c. The excise tax shifts supply vertically by $6. Thus, the new supply curve is 1S and the equilibrium price increases to $12. The price paid by consumers is $12 per unit, while the amount received by producers is this $12 minus the per unit tax. Thus, producers receive $6 per unit. After the tax, the equilibrium quantity sold is 1 unit.d. At the equilibrium price of $10, consumer surplus is ().5$14$102$4−=. Producer surplus is ().5$10$22$8−=.e. No. At a price of $2 no output is produced.a. Equate quantity demanded and quantity supplied to obtain 1117242x x P P −=−. Solve this equation for x P to obtain the equilibrium price of 10x P =. Theequilibrium quantity is 2 units (since at the equilibrium price quantity demanded is ()171022d Q =−=). The equilibrium is shown in Figure 2-3.$0$2$4$6$8$10$12$14$16$18$200123456Quantity of XPrice of XDemandFigure 2-3b. A $6 excise tax shifts the supply curve up by the amount of the tax.Mathematically, this means that the intercept of the inverse supply function increases by $6. Before the tax, the inverse supply function is S Q P 42+=. After the tax the inverse supply function is 84s P Q =+, and the after tax supplyfunction (obtained by solving for s Q in terms of P) is given by 124s Q P =−. Equating quantity demanded to after-tax quantity supplied yields117224P P −=−. Solving for P yields the new equilibrium price of $12. Plugging this into the demand equation yields the new equilibrium quantity, which is 1 unit.c. Since only one unit is sold after the tax and the tax rate is $6 per unit, total tax revenue is only $6.9. A technological breakthrough that reduces production costs will lead to a rightwardshift in the supply curve for RAM chips, resulting in a lower equilibrium price of RAM chips. If in addition, income increases, the demand for RAM chips will also increase since they are a normal good. This increase in demand would tend to increase the price of RAM chips. The ultimate effect of both of these changes in supply and demand on the equilibrium price of RAM chips is indeterminate.Depending on the relative magnitude of the increase in supply and demand, the price you will pay for chips may rise or fall.10. The tariff reduces the supply of raw sugar, resulting in a higher equilibrium price of sugar. Since sugar is an input in making generic soft drinks, this increase in input prices will decrease the supply of generic soft drinks (putting upward pressure on the price of generic soft drinks and tend to reduce quantity). Coke and Pepsi’s advertising campaign will decrease the demand for generic soft drinks (putting downward pressure on the price of generic soft drinks and further reducing the quantity). For these reasons, the equilibrium quantity of generic soft drinks sold will decrease.However, the equilibrium price may rise or fall, depending on the relative magnitude of the shifts in demand and supply.11. No. this confuses a change in demand with a change in quantity demanded. Higher cigarette prices will not reduce (shift to the left) the demand for cigarettes.12.To find the equilibrium price and quantity, equate quantity demanded and quantity supplied to obtain 1752200P P −=−. Solving yields the new equilibrium price of $125 per pint. The equilibrium quantity is 50 units (since 17512550d Q =−= units at that price). Consumer surplus is ()250,1$50125$175$21=×−. Producer surplus is ()625$50100$125$21=×−. See Figure 2-4.$0.0$25.0$50.0$75.0$100.0$125.0$150.0$175.0$200.00102030405060Quantity Price Demand SupplyFigure 2-413. This decline represents a leftward shift in the supply curve for oil, and will result inan increase in the equilibrium price of crude oil. Since oil is an input in producing gasoline, this will decrease the supply of gasoline, resulting in a higher equilibrium price of gasoline and a lower equilibrium quantity. Furthermore, the higher price of gasoline will increase the demand for substitutes, such as small cars. The equilibrium price of small cars is likely to increase, as is the equilibrium quantity of small cars. 14. Equating the initial quantity demanded and quantity supplied gives the equation: 25054110P P −=−. Solving for price, we see that the initial equilibrium price is $40 per month. When the tax rate is reduced, equilibrium is determined by the following equation: 2505 4.171110P P −=−. Solving, we see that the newequilibrium price is about $39.25 per month. In other words, a typical subscriber would save about 75 cents (the difference between $40.00 and $39.25).15. Dry beans and rice are probably inferior goods. If so, an increase in income shifts demand for these goods to the left, resulting in a lower equilibrium price. Therefore, G.R. Dry Foods will likely have to sell its products at a lower price.16.Figure 2-5 illustrates the relevant situation. The equilibrium price is $2.75, but the ceiling price is $0.75. Notice that, given the shortage of 12 million transactions caused by the ceiling price of $0.75, the average consumer spends an extra 12minutes traveling to another ATM machine. Since the opportunity cost of time is $20 per hour, the non-pecuniary price of an ATM transaction is $4 (the $20 per hour wage times the fractional hour, 12/60, spent searching for another machine). Thus, the full economic price under the price ceiling is $4.75 per transaction.Quantity (Millions of Transactions)ATM Fee$4.75$0.75Figure 2-517. The unusually cold temperatures have caused a decrease in the supply of grapes usedto produce Chilean wine, resulting in higher prices. These grapes are an input in making wine, so the supply of Chilean wine decreases and its price increases. Since California and Chilean wines are substitutes, an increase in the price of Chilean wine will increase the demand for Californian wines causing an increase in both the price and quantity of Californian wines.18.Substituting 940=desktop P into the demand equation yields memory d memory P Q 809060−=. Similarly, substituting 100=N into the supply equationyields memory S memory P Q 201100+=. The competitive equilibrium level of industry outputand price occurs where S memoryd memory Q Q =, which occurs when industry output 2692*=memory Q (in thousands) and the market price is 60.79$*=memory P per unit. Since 100 competitors are assumed to equally share the market, Viking should produce26.92 thousand units. If 1040$=desktop P , memory d memory P Q 808960−=. Under thiscondition, the new competitive equilibrium occurs when industry output is 2672 thousand units and the per-unit market price is $78.60. Therefore, Viking should produce 26.72 thousand units. Since demand decreased (shifted left) when the price of desktops increased, memory modules and desktops are complements.19. Mid Towne IGA aimed to educate consumers that its contract with Local 655 unionmembers was different than its rivals, so it engaged in informative advertising. Mid Towne IGA’s informative advertising increases demand (demand shifts rightward) resulting from (1) Local 655 union members locked out of rival supermarkets (2) consumers who are sympathetic to the Local 655 union, and (3) consumers who do not like the aggravation of picketing employees and other disruptions at thesupermarket. This shift is depicted in Figure 2-6, where the equilibrium price and quantity both increase. It is unlikely that demand will remain high for Mid Towne IGA. As contracts are renegotiated and Local 655 union members are back to work, demand will likely settle back around its original level.Figure 2-6 20. The price gouging statute imposes an effective price ceiling on necessarycommodities during times of emergencies; legally retailers cannot raise prices by a significant amount. When a natural disaster occurs, the demand for necessarycommodities such as food and water can dramatically increase, as people want to be stocked-up on emergency items. In addition, since it can be difficult for retailers to receive shipments during emergency periods, the supply of these items is often reduced. Given the simultaneous reduction in supply and increase in demand, one would expect the price to increase during times of emergencies. However, since the price gouging statute acts as a price ceiling, the price will probably remain at its normal level, and a shortage will result. Quantity212P 1P 221.While there is undoubtedly a link between unemployment and crime, the governor’splan is likely flawed since it only examines one side of the market. Raising theminimum wage will make the prospect of working more appealing for teenagers, but it will also have an effect on business owners and managers in the state. Theminimum wage is a price floor. Raising the minimum wage will reduce the quantity demand for labor within the state, and result in a labor surplus. More teenagers will seek jobs, but fewer businesses will hire teenagers. In all likelihood, the governor’s plan will result in greater juvenile delinquency.。




1. 什么是经济学?经济学是研究人们如何利用稀缺资源来生产、分配和消费商品和服务的社会科学。

2. 经济学家如何对待假设?经济学家会做出一些简化的假设,以便更好地分析经济现象。


3. 什么是机会成本?机会成本是指为了得到某种东西所放弃的东西的价值。


4. 什么是边际分析?边际分析是指对一种行为或决策的边际变化进行分析。


5. 什么是正面分析和规范分析?正面分析是描述经济现象的方式,而规范分析则是对经济现象进行评价和给出建议的方式。


1. 什么是市场?市场是买卖商品和服务的地方,也可以是指交易双方的总体。

2. 什么是需求曲线?需求曲线表示了消费者在不同价格水平下愿意购买的商品数量。


3. 什么是供给曲线?供给曲线表示了生产者在不同价格水平下愿意提供的商品数量。


4. 市场均衡是如何确定的?市场均衡是指供给和需求达到平衡的状态,此时市场上的商品数量和价格达到了最优的状态。


5. 什么是价格弹性?价格弹性是指需求量或供给量对价格变化的敏感程度。



1. 什么是边际效用?边际效用是指消费一个额外单位商品或服务所带来的额外满足程度。


2. 什么是边际成本?边际成本是指生产一个额外单位商品或服务所需要的额外成本。

































第一章:P201.若某彩电市场上,市场的供给函数和需求函数分别为Qs = -450000 200PQd =450000-100PQs和Qd分别为供给和需求的数量,单位是台;P为市场价格,单位是元/台。


若人们的收入增加,需求函数为Qd=510000-100P这时市场上均衡的价格和交易量又有什么变化?Qd 二Qs答.450000 -100P 二-450000 二200P口,P= 3000Q 二150000此时彩电的均衡价格为3000元,均衡数量为150000台。

Qd =Qs510000-100P =-450000 200PP =3200Q =190000此时均衡价格为3200元,均衡数量为190000台,相比之前均衡价格增加200元,均衡数量增加40000台。

第二章:49页1.某空调生产商认为其一品牌的空调机在某市场上的需求曲线如下:P=6 000-5Q 式中,P为每台空调机的价格(元/台);Q为每月在该市场上的销量(台)。

要想每月能在该市场上销售400台,应当定什么价格?如果价格定在3 600元,能销售多少台?在价格为3 200元/台时,需要价格弹性是多少?会在需求单一价格弹性时出售空调机吗?(1)每月在市场上销售400台,即此时Q=400由题意可知,P =6000 —5Q =6000 —5 400 = 4000 (元/ 台)1(2)由P =6000-5Q= Q =1200 P ,5价格定在3600,即此时P =3600二Q =1200—」3600 = 480 (台) 5 (3)由题意可知,价格P = 3200时,可以求出Q=560需求价格弹性二垃P「偉也一8dP Q 5 560 7(4)需求单一弹性表示此时的需求价格弹性为1,由需求价格弹性公式可知1 =丄P=P=5Q,5 Q又P = 6000 - 5Q 二P 二3000,Q 二600总收益二PQ = 6000Q - 5Q2对总收益求一阶导数并令其等于0 ,即6000 - 10Q = 0,刚好求得Q =600,并且总收益的二阶导数为-10,是最大值点,因此,会在需求单一价格弹性时出售空调机。



第一章:P201.若某彩电市场上,市场的供给函数和需求函数分别为PQd PQs 100450000200450000-=+-=Qs 和Qd 分别为供给和需求的数量,单位是台;P 为市场价格,单位是元/台。


若人们的收入增加,需求函数为Qd=510000-100P这时市场上均衡的价格和交易量又有什么变化?答:1500003000200450000100450000===-=-=Q P P P QsQd此时彩电的均衡价格为3000元,均衡数量为150000台。

1900003200200450000100510000==+-=-=Q P PP QsQd此时均衡价格为3200元,均衡数量为190000台,相比之前均衡价格增加200元,均衡数量增加40000台。

第二章:49页1.某空调生产商认为其一品牌的空调机在某市场上的需求曲线如下:P=6 000-5Q 式中,P 为每台空调机的价格(元/台);Q 为每月在该市场上的销量(台)。

要想每月能在该市场上销售400台,应当定什么价格?如果价格定在3 600元,能销售多少台?在价格为3 200元/台时,需要价格弹性是多少?会在需求单一价格弹性时出售空调机吗?(1)每月在市场上销售400台,即此时400=Q 由题意可知,40004005600056000=⨯-=-=Q P (元/台) (2)由P Q Q P 51120056000-=⇒-=,价格定在3600,即此时48036005112003600=⨯-=⇒=Q P (台) (3)由题意可知,价格3200=P 时,可以求出560=Q 需求价格弹性78560320051-=⨯-=⨯=Q P dP dQ (4)需求单一弹性表示此时的需求价格弹性为1, 由需求价格弹性公式可知Q P QP5511=⇒⨯=, 又Q P 56000-= 600,3000==⇒Q P 总收益256000Q Q PQ -==对总收益求一阶导数并令其等于0,即,0106000=-Q 刚好求得600=Q ,并且总收益的二阶导数为10-,是最大值点,因此,会在需求单一价格弹性时出售空调机。



目 录第1篇 导 言第1章 经济学十大原理第2章 像经济学家一样思考第3章 相互依存性与贸易的好处第2篇 市场如何运行第4章 供给与需求的市场力量第5章 弹性及其应用第6章 供给、需求与政府政策第3篇 市场和福利第7章 消费者、生产者与市场效率第8章 应用:赋税的代价第9章 应用:国际贸易第4篇 公共部门经济学第10章 外部性第11章 公共物品和公共资源第12章 税制的设计第5篇 企业行为与产业组织第13章 生产成本第14章 竞争市场上的企业第15章 垄 断第16章 垄断竞争第17章 寡 头第6篇 劳动市场经济学第18章 生产要素市场第19章 收入与歧视第20章 收入不平等与贫困第7篇 深入研究的论题第21章 消费者选择理论第22章 微观经济学前沿第1篇 导 言第1章 经济学十大原理一、概念题1.稀缺性(scarcity)答:经济学研究的问题和经济物品都是以稀缺性为前提的。













第1章经济学:研究资源稀缺性和选择的科学1. 什么是经济学?经济学是研究资源稀缺性和选择的科学。


2. 什么是机会成本?机会成本是指做出某种选择时,放弃了其他可行选择所承担的成本。


3. 什么是边际效益?边际效益是指增加或减少一单位某种产品或服务所带来的额外效益。


第2章供求模型:市场的运行机制1. 什么是需求曲线?需求曲线是描述某种产品或服务在不同价格下消费者购买数量的关系。


2. 什么是供给曲线?供给曲线是描述某种产品或服务在不同价格下生产者供给数量的关系。


3. 什么是市场均衡?市场均衡是指供给和需求达到平衡时的价格和数量。


第3章弹性:需求和供给的灵敏度1. 什么是价格弹性?价格弹性是衡量需求或供给对价格变化的敏感程度。


2. 什么是收入弹性?收入弹性是衡量需求对收入变化的敏感程度。


3. 什么是交叉弹性?交叉弹性是衡量需求对其他产品价格变化的敏感程度。


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