UT-1304H 4口RS-485集线器(HUB)说明书

产品名称:四口RS-485集线器(HUB产品概述:星形连接:提供更加灵活的RS-485/RS-422星型总线结构,RS-485接口输入,输出端均采用独立驱动方式,改变原有总线的单一式结构为网络结构,给工程建设及系统的稳定性带来极大的好处工业级光电隔离:为所有的RS-485接口提供2.5KVrms的光电隔离,有效的解决了外界雷击浪涌和地电位差带来的传输问题数据流向自动控制,通过硬件解决数据流向问题,自动辨别和控制数据传输方向短路开路保护,具有RS-485端口故障报警功能,并能自动切断故障端口,这种设计能够保证当其中连接的RS-485端口设备发生故障时,出现问题的RS-485端口将被隔离,以确保其他网段的设备正常工作产品特点:■兼容RS-232、RS-485 TIA/EIA标准■自动发送/接收数据,无需外部的流量控制信号(RTS),真正的三线(TXD.RXD.GND)制通信■输入接口:RS-232及RS-485接口■输出接口:四口RS-485接口■通信速率:300BPS-115.2KBPS■ RS-485接口俄每路能够连接128个设备■通讯距离: 5,000米(9,600BPS)■电源、数据流量及四路故障检测指示灯,可检测故障点■工作方式: 异步半双工(RS-485)■光电隔离加强型(隔离电压2.5KVrms /500VDC绝缘),专用DC/DC模块,RS-485提供每线 600W的防雷、浪涌、+/-15KV ESD保护及防止共地干扰■电气接口:RJ-45接线头■传输介质: 双绞线或屏蔽线■外形尺寸:90mmX69mmX23mm■使用环境:-25℃ 到70℃,相对湿度为5%到95%■适用于一切所使用的通讯软件, 即插即用■支持DOS/WIN95/WIN98/WIN2000/NT/XP Linux等。
CHD485HUB (胶盒)说明书

目录一.概述: (2)二.性能参数: (2)三.接线端子说明: (3)四.通讯波特率设置: (3)五.CHD-485HUB包装清单: (4)六.使用CHD-485HUB优点 (5)七.使用CHD-485HUB RS485网络集线器扩展网络 (5)一.概述:CHD-485HUB RS485网络集线器是专门为扩展RS485通信能力、延长通信距离以及便于组网而设计的,它是远距离控制设备一点对多点RS485网络最佳的扩展组网中继设备。
(方便树型结构组网)二.性能参数:※接口兼容EIA/TIA之RS232和RS485标准;※标准RS232转四路相互独立RS485或一路RS485扩展四路相互独立RS485,二者选其一;※四路输出之间的接地相互隔离,提高设备的抗干扰能力和通讯的稳定性;※通讯速率:4800/9600/19200/38400BPS 可通过拔档开关设定,出厂缺省为9600BPS;※通信格式:1起始位,8数据位,1停止位,无校验位,支持国家邮电总局YDN023-1996标准。
※宽范围供电:直流10~35V,功耗小于1瓦;※接口保护措施:三级防雷保护,过流保护(自复保险丝),+/-15KV ESD静电放电保护,瞬态过压600瓦保护(即浪涌抑制);※每路RS485最多可并挂32台联网设备;每路通讯距离最大为1200米;※工作电流:静态时为25mA;※使用环境:-20℃到70℃,相对湿度为5% 到 95%,产品采用100%防潮处理适合比较恶劣的环境工作;※外形尺寸:150mm x 100mm x 35mm※状态指示:“PWR”电源指示灯---供电正常该绿色指示灯亮;“LED”红色通讯指示灯---平时不亮,只有通讯正常收发数据时不停闪烁;(当哪一路输出发生短路时,该路输出的红色指示灯也不停闪烁,注意区别通讯正常与短路闪灯的状态)。
UT-1204 四口RS-485集线器( ) HUB 产品说明书

UT-1204 是一款专为解决复杂电磁场环境下 RS-485 大系统要求而设计的 RS-485总 线 分 割 集 线 器(HUB)。该 产品支持传输速率最高达115.2KBPS,为了保证数据通讯 的安全可靠,RS-485接口端采用光电隔离技术,防止雷击 浪涌引入转换器及设备 ,内置的 光 电 隔 离 器 及 600W 浪 涌保护电路 ,能够提供2500V 的隔离电压,可以有效地抑 制闪电(Lighting)和ESD,同时可以有效的防止雷击和共地干 扰,供电采用外接开关电源供电,安全可靠,非常适合户外 工程应用。
接收( RD )、故障( E1-E4 ) 6、隔离度:隔离电压2500VRMS 500VDC连续DC/DC模块 7、传输速率:115.2K-300BPS 8、保护等级:RS-232接口±15KV ESD保护 RS-485 接口
每线 600W 的雷击浪涌保护 9、传输距离:0-5公里 (115,200-300BPS) 10、尺寸: 90mmX69mmx23mm 11、使用环境:-25C到70C,相对湿度为5%到95%
OUTPUT口 1-口 4 发送至 INPUT 口 E1-E4——口 1-口 4 故障警告指示灯,常亮时表示对应口1
-口4 所连接的RS-485接口设备出现短路或信号 反接的情况,E1 灯与口 1 对应,E4灯与口 4 对 应,用户可根据该故障警告指示灯判断出故障 端口及其相连的故障设备。
UT -1204 采用外部小型的开关电源供电,规格为 5V/1A, 用 户 切 莫 随 便 使 用 其 它 未 经 压 稳 的 电 源,以免损坏产品 。
Brainboxes Universal PCI RS422 485 4口串行串行通信接口卡说明书

F e at u r e s• 4 Port RS422/485•Universal PCI•64 Byte FIFO with user definable trigger level •Up to 921,600 baud •Standard Profile•Full Duplex and Half Duplex Autogating •Transient Spike Protection •Drivers for all popular operating systems•Sample Programs, Test &Terminal software - all with source code •Lifetime Support and Lifetime Warranty Click on each feature to find similar productsUNIVERSAL QUAD VELOCITY RS422/485D e s c r i p t i o nUniversal PCI card providing 4 industry standard 9 pin RS422/485 serial COM ports in a single PCI slot. On-board Zener diodes ensure electrical protection. Velocity Megabaud data transfer rates and 128 byte deep FIFO guarantees uncompromising performance and fault-free use.Universal PCI is fully compatible with both 3.3Volt and 5Volt PCI slots; protecting your investment into the future.Now with Brainboxes Lifetime Warranty and Lifetime Support!S o f t w a r eMicrosoft signed drivers (easy installation & robust operation) for:o Windows Server 2003 x32 bit & x64 bit Editions o Windows XP x32 bit & x64 bit Editions oWindows 2000.Fully tested drivers also included for:oWindows Me, Windows 98 & 95, Windows NT .As well as: full product documentation, a thorough troubleshooting guide and terminal software. Detailed sample source code for all popular programming languages.Need support for other operating systems? Please telephone or email.Find out about Brainboxes excellent driver configurability: Click HereORDER DescriptionCode UNIVERSAL QUAD VELOCITY RS422/485UC-346‘UC-346SERIAL CARDS ENGINEERED TO EXCEED EXPECTATIONS ‘A p p l i c a t i o n s•Cash Deposit Machine •Self Checkouts •Industrial Sector •Pay At Pump•Banking & Financial Sector •Retail Point Of Sale For Optical Isolation See: UC-368Product of the Year WINNERManufa c t u re r of t h e Yea rWINNERUNIVERSAL QUAD VELOCITY RS422/485Product Code UC -3346Serial PortPorts4 Port RS422/485Connector 37 WAY D TO: 4 x DB9 (9 Pin Male)UART type 16950 UART inside Brainboxes LYNX BB16PCI958FIFO size64 Byte with user definable trigger levelTransmitted Signal Strength +/- 5 Volts open circuit RS422/485 Standard Operating Distance 4000 ft (1200 metres) RS422/485 StandardElectrical Protection*+ve transient spikes > 12V , -ve transient spikes >6.8V , Serial Port SettingsBaud Rate (bits per second)up to 921,600Data Bits 5,6,7 or 8Parity Odd, Even, None, Mark or Space Stop Bits 1, 1.5 or 2Flow Control CTS/RTSIRQsPlug and Play - Shared interrupts for all ports Tx/Rx ModesFull Duplex, Half Duplex Autogating Connection Schemes Point to Point,One talker; many listeners, (32 Max)Many talkers / listeners Half Duplex (32 Max)RS485 GatingHardware Autogating, TxD always / RTS true enabled,RxD always enabled, RxD RTS true disabled, CTS forced true GeneralBracket Profile Standard PCB Layers 4Power 550mA @ 5V Weight 0.097KgSize106 x 123 mmInterfaceBUS Compatibility 32/64 bit Universal (3.3V or 5V) PCI or PCI-X OS Compatibility Windows 98/ NT4/ 2000/ XP/ Server 2003Windows XP x64 bit Edition / Windows Server 2003 x64 bit LinuxPCI ComplianceVersion 3.0Approvals & Accreditations UL, EMC: CE, FCC, PCI Power Management 1.1 Compliant, PCI 3.0 CompliantBox ContentsInstallation CD including manual, Microsoft signed drivers, utilities and sample programs with source code UNIVERSAL QUAD VELOCITY RS422/485Installation GuideQUAD Cable: 37 WAY D to 4 x DB9 (9 Pin Male)OEM option Available for bulk buy OEMProduct Support Lifetime Email and Phone Supportfrom Fully qualified, friendly staff 40 hours a week Warranty LifetimeMade InManufactured in the UK by BrainboxesWinner 2005 European Electronics Industry Awards “Manufacturer of the Year”CustomisableBrainboxes operate a "Perfect Fit Custom Design" Product of the Year WINNERManufa c t u re r of t h e Yea rWINNER Pin 1TXD- Pin 2 TXD+ Pin 3 RTS- Pin 4 RTS+ Pin 5 GND Pin 6 RXD- Pin 7 RXD+ Pin 8 CTS- Pin 9CTS+123 4 56789RS422/485Pinout (9 pin Male)UNIVERSAL QUAD VELOCITY RS422/485Glossary:Product Features ExplainedUniversal PCIUniversal products allow compatibility with both 3.3 Volt and 5 Volt PCI systems. This ensures that Brainboxes universal card range is backward compatible with older systems and works with all new PCI systems.More info on'Universal'products:Click HereAutogatingWhen the device is set to half duplex mode, transmitted and received data is sent across the same signal lines.Autogating means the Brainboxes card knows when to 'listen' for data and when to transmit data, with a quick and automatic hardware switch between the 2 modes. This is much faster than software switching and ensures no data loss due to turnaround delay.More Info:Click HereElectrical ProtectionAll Brainboxes RS422/485 cards have transient spike protection. This protects against noise on the signal line which can be created by: electrical surges on the other device, nearby magnetic field interactions and background noise.Assuring safe and reliable operation in almost any environment.PCI CompliantAll Brainboxes Universal PCI cards are fully PCI version 3.0 compliant, in accordance with the PCI-Special Interest Group (PCI-SIG).Large FIFOFIFO means First In First Out, a FIFO is memory space on the Brainboxes card. A larger FIFO allows more memory space for buffering data, so calls to the computer processor are less frequent. This significantly increases data throughput and improves CPU availability for other applications.More info:Click Here4Layer PCBPrinted Circuit Board with 4 layers of circuitry complies with the PCI SIG best practice guideline and ensures a more reliable card. 1 layer is for power and 1 for ground which leads to greater EMC shielding for the signals. This ultimately gives greater signal integrity for sensitive timing applications.Surface Mount ComponentsMost components on a Brainboxes card are placed by a surface mount machine. The surface mount machine allows for highly accurate and fast production of Brainboxes cards. Orders can be met quickly, reliably and with outstanding quality.CapacitorsAs required by the PCI-SIG all Brainboxes cards have capacitors connected to all the power pins on the PCI connector, near to the connector. This ensures that the electrical power rails on the Brainboxes card stay at the right voltage, regardless of the power demands placed on them. Data signals keep their integrity.UNIVERSAL QUAD VELOCITY RS422/485B r a i n b o x e s ' K a i z e n"Brainboxes constantly strives to achieve higher standards for the benefit of customers."‘Kaizen’ is a Japanese term meaning ‘continuous improvement’. Kaizen has been implemented throughout Brainboxes, resulting in significant improvements to our products and our customer service,as illustrated by the development of our own custom ASIC “LYNX” and our new lifetime warranty. As part of this ongoing process, in 2004 we embarked on ‘Lean’ and ‘6 Sigma’ programs which are successfully increasing productivity and efficiency in all areas of the company.More Info:Click HereB r a i n b o x e s ' S e r v i c e“Brainboxes offers free lifetime support for ALL customers.”We aim to provide industry leading support for our customers. Our highly trained and helpful supportengineers sit and work closely with the product designers, developers, and testers to ensure an in-depth knowledge of the products. Support can be found by emailing **********************or calling: +44 (0)151 220 2500 during UK office hours. Support website: /support/index.asp“Brainboxes’ passionately believes in the quality of its manufacturing process and will reflect this byoffering a Lifetime Warranty on ALL of its universal serial card range.”Brainboxes is pleased to be able to extend a new Lifetime Warranty for all universal serial cards products.We have introduced this based on our exceptional manufacturing and design quality and the company ethos of kaizen.R S 422/485 S t a n d a r d sRS422 allows one transmitter and up to 10 receivers with data transmission rates up to 10 Megabits per second, for distances up to 40 feet and up to 100 Kilobits per second, for distances up to 4000 feet (1219 metres).RS485, based on the RS422 standard, allows up to 32 driver/receivers pairs on a party line data bus. This can be configured into half duplex and full duplex mode. Whilst only one of these should be transmitting data at any time, the rest can all simultaneously listen to the data.More Info:Click HereB r a i n b o x e s ' L Y N XWe developed the Brainboxes LYNX (BB16PCI958) to enable us to drive product performance, and supply customer needs for Universal PCI products (3.3v and 5v compatible). By reducing the part count and incorporating several components into one chip (FIFO, UARTs, PCI interface), we have also increased board reliability. The LYNX also features thorough backwards compatibility with legacy systems, tested beyond the databook for compatibility with standard TL16C550, 750 UARTs. The chip is designed so that Brainboxes products will work with all applications designed for TI UARTs. More Info:Click HereRS422/485 Pinout。
工业级4口RS-232 422 485串口设备连网伺服器NPort S8000系列说明书

NPort S8000系列Combo交換器/串列設備連網伺服器特色與優點•4埠RS-232/422/485串列設備連網伺服器•串列QoS可用於配置串列資料傳輸優先性•每個串列埠的2kV隔離保護(僅限S8455I)•針對RS-485連接埠的可調整的pull high/low電阻(僅限S8455I)•內建的網管型乙太網路交換器•S8455I Fiber:2個光纖乙太網路連接埠和3個乙太網路連接埠•S8455I All Copper:5個乙太網路連接埠•S8458型號:4個光纖乙太網路連接埠和4個乙太網路連接埠•支援Turbo Ring和Turbo Chain(復原時間小於20毫秒)或RSTP/STP(IEEE802.1w/D)的乙太網路備援•支援QoS、IGMP-snooping/GMRP、VLAN、LACP、SNMPv1/v2c/v3、RMON•串列、電源和乙太網路具有突波保護認證簡介NPort S8000系列結合了工業級的4埠RS-232/422/485設備連網伺服器和全功能的網管型乙太網路交換器。
支援全系列NPort5000系列裝置伺服器功能NPort S8000系列支援全系列NPort5000裝置伺服器功能。
全功能網管型乙太網路交換器NPort S8000系列內建全功能網管型乙太網路交換器,支援QoS、IGMP偵聽/GMRP、VLAN、Port Trunking、SNMPv1/v2c/v3和IEEE802.1X,能夠讓您滿足幾乎任何類型的應用。
Moxa的Turbo Ring和Turbo Chain技術(復原時間小於20毫秒)或RSTP/STP(IEEE802.1w/D)提供乙太網路備援,用於提高工業乙太網路的可靠性和可用性。

每个RS-485口拥有600W TVS防雷保护,使RS-485系统更安全,同时也增加了产品自身的使用寿命。
传输速率:RS-232最高可以达到115200bps;RS-422 、RS-485最高可以达到500Kbps。
速率完全自适应通信方式:RS-232为全双工/ RS-485为半双工。
保护:485 短路保护功能,15KV静电保护,600W浪涌保护,上位机接口和下位机接口具备1KV的隔离,板卡电气特性稳定。
环境温度:-40---60°CMB:130其二二零八零83存储温、湿度:-20---50°C 5%---90%体积:长120mm 宽85mm 高25mm四、LED指示灯POWER:电源指示灯;RS485_1_LED:闪烁表示RS485_1有数据收发;RS485_2_LED:闪烁表示RS485_2有数据收发;RS485_3_LED:闪烁表示RS485_3有数据收发;RS485_4_LED:闪烁表示RS485_4有数据收发;RS48_5_LED:闪烁表示RS485_5有数据收发;RS485_6_LED:闪烁表示RS485_6有数据收发;RS485_7_LED:闪烁表示RS485_7有数据收发;五、装修清单AC220V/DC 9V电源适配器一个,使用说明书一份(销售日期,作为保修的依据),集线器一台。

5.1 安装...............................................................................................................................6 5.1.1 注意事项...........................................................................................................6 5.1.2 外观和尺寸.......................................................................................................7

12456RS-485 Wireless ReceiverQuick Start GuideAppearanceIndicator and Function ButtonQuick OperationWire the receiver according to the diagram.DIP SwitchPower TerminalDIP Address SettingsRed and Power TerminalWhen the switch is towards ON, the binary value is 1. If you set the DIP switch like the figure displayed below, its binary value is 00010, and its decimal value is 2.1The DIP address and associated zone No. for different The power of wireless receiver is supplied by control panel on the model of DS-19A08-BN , DS-19A08-BNG , andDS-19A08-DNG. The power supply of the control panel is made by Channel Well Technology Co.,Ltd., and meets LPS.Loosen the screw on the bottom to dissemble the device.UD10719B-A87910111213Quick OperationQuick OperationAdd Detector to the Control Panel[Password]+[*]+[95]+[Zone No.]+[#][*]+[#]Install ReceiverAdd/Delete Wireless Detector32 1. Install the rear panel.Secure the rear panel on the wall with 5 screws.Loosen the screw on the bottom of the receiver to dissemble the device before installation and wiring.2. Fix the PCB board on the rear panel.3. Route the cables.4. Fix the front panel on the rear panel bytightening the set screw.COPYRIGHT ©2018 Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Any and all information, including, among others,wordings, pictures, graphs are the properties of Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. or its subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to be “Hikvision”). This user manual (hereinafter referred to be “the Manual”) cannot be reproduced, changed, translated, or distributed, partially or wholly, by any means, without the prior written permission of Hikvision. Unless otherwise stipulated, Hikvision does not make any warranties, guarantees or representations, express or implied, regarding to the Manual.About this ManualThis Manual is applicable to Control PanelThe Manual includes instructions for using and managing the product. Pictures, charts, images and all otherinformation hereinafter are for description and explanation only. The information contained in the Manual is subject to change, without notice, due to firmware updates or other reasons. Please find the latest version in the company website (/en/).Please use this user manual under the guidance of professionals.Trademarks Acknowledgement and other Hikvision’s trademarks and logos are the properties of Hikvision in various jurisdictions. Other trademarks and logos mentioned below are the properties of their respective owners.Legal DisclaimerTO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE PRODUCT DESCRIBED, WITH ITS HARDWARE, SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE, IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITH ALL FAULTS AND ERRORS, AND HIKVISION MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDINGWITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY , SATISFACTORY QUALITY , FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ANDNON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY. IN NO EVENT WILL HIKVISION, ITS DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, OR AGENTS BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY SPECIAL,CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES, INCLUDING, AMONG OTHERS, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF DATA OR DOCUMENTATION, IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT, EVEN IF HIKVISION HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.REGARDING TO THE PRODUCT WITH INTERNET ACCESS, THE USE OF PRODUCT SHALL BE WHOLLY AT YOUR OWN RISKS. HIKVISION SHALL NOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR ABNORMAL OPERATION, PRIVACY LEAKAGE OR OTHERDAMAGES RESULTING FROM CYBER ATTACK, HACKER ATTACK, VIRUS INSPECTION, OR OTHER INTERNET SECURITY RISKS; HOWEVER, HIKVISION WILL PROVIDE TIMELY TECHNICAL SUPPORT IF REQUIRED.SURVEILLANCE LAWS VARY BY JURISDICTION. PLEASE CHECK ALL RELEVANT LAWS IN YOUR JURISDICTION BEFORE USING THIS PRODUCT IN ORDER TO ENSURE THAT YOUR USECONFORMS THE APPLICABLE LAW. HIKVISION SHALL NOT BE LIABLE IN THE EVENT THAT THIS PRODUCT IS USED WITH ILLEGITIMATE PURPOSES.IN THE EVENT OF ANY CONFLICTS BETWEEN THIS MANUAL AND THE APPLICABLE LAW, THE LATER PREVAILS.The password includes installer password and admin password (operator 1 password ).The password includes installer password and admin password (operator 1 password ).Only the installer and administrator can add/delete the wireless detector.At most 8 wireless devices can be connected to a wireless receiver.1. Enter the following command to make the control panel enter the adding mode. The zone No. should be 3digits, enter 0 on the high-order position for deficiency, e.g. ,enter 023 if the zone No. is 23.3. Enter the following command to make the control panel exit the adding mode.2. Trigger the detector to add the detector to the control panel.Delete Detector to the Control Panel[Password]+[*]+[96]+[#][*]+[#]1. Enter the following command to make the control panel enter the deleting mode.3. Enter the following command to make the control panel exit the deleting mode.2. Trigger the detector to delete the detector to the control panel.This product and - if applicable - the supplied accessories too are marked with "CE" and comply therefore with theapplicable harmonized European standards listed under the RE Directive 2014/53/EU, the EMC Directive 2014/30/EU, the LVD Directive 2014/35/EU, the RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU.You can also add/delete the detector via client software. For details, refer to Security Control Panel Programming Guide .You can add/delete keyfob via programming. For details, refer to Security Control Panel Programming Guide .。

RS-232/RS-485UT-2017无源光电隔离型接口转换器使用说明书UT-2017RS-232C RS-485RS-232RS-4852500Vrms RS-485TVS TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPERSSOR TVS TVS LIGHTNING ESD 600W RS-485RS-232DB9RS-232C RS-485DB9I/O (RTS DTR )(RS-485)RS-232UT-201732RS-485300-19200BPS RS-232RS-485无源光电隔离型接口转换器、兼容、标准,能够将单端的信号转换为平衡差分的信号,内置的光电隔离器,能够提供高达的隔离电压,带有快速的瞬态电压抑制保护器,此保护器被设计用来保护接口,采用当今先进的()瞬态电压抑制器,正常情况下管呈高阻状态,当管两端经受瞬间的高能量冲击时,它能以极高的速度将其两端的阻抗降低,吸收一个大电流,从而把其两端的电压钳制在一个预定的数值上,保护后面的电路元件不因瞬态高压冲击而损坏。
一、概述1EIA/TIA RS-232C RS-4852RS-232DB9RS-485DB93RS-232+/-15KVESD RS-485600W 、接口特性:接口兼容的、标准、电气接口:接口输入为母头连接器,接口输出为公头连接器、保护等级:接口保护,接口每线的浪涌保护雷击。

RS485Hub-S4+四通道RS485隔离集线器产品数据手册RS485Hub-S4+四通道RS485隔离集线器产品数据手册1.产品概述1.1 产品简介RS485Hub-S4+是一款四通道RS485隔离集线器,用于实现RS485总线的多通道数据传输和隔离保护。
1.2 主要特性- 四通道RS485接口,支持同时连接多个RS485设备。
- 支持RS485全双工通信模式,数据传输速率高达115200bps。
- 采用隔离电压高达3000V,提供可靠的隔离保护。
- 支持多种工作模式,包括点对点、多点和星型拓扑结构。
- 支持自动流量控制和错误检测,提高数据传输的稳定性和可靠性。
- 提供丰富的工作指示灯,便于用户了解设备的工作状态。
2.硬件规格2.1 通信接口RS485Hub-S4+提供四个带有隔离电路的RS485接口,用于连接RS485设备。
2.2 隔离电压RS485Hub-S4+采用高达3000V的隔离电压,可有效隔离RS485总线和设备,提供可靠的隔离保护。
2.3 工作电源RS485Hub-S4+支持广泛的工作电源范围,包括DC 9V至30V和AC 100V至240V。
2.4 尺寸和重量RS485Hub-S4+尺寸为100mm×80mm×30mm,重量为200g。
3.使用方法3.1 连接设备将RS485Hub-S4+的RS485接口与要连接的RS485设备进行连接。
3.2 设置参数根据实际需求,设置RS485Hub-S4+的工作模式和通信参数。
3.3 供电使用适配器或直接接入电网,将电源连接到RS485Hub-S4+的电源接口。
4.软件支持4.1 驱动程序安装根据所连接的RS485设备,安装相应的驱动程序。

UT-5204RS-485HUB 四口集线器()产品说明书一、产品概述:UT-5204RS-485RS-485(HUB)115.2KBPS RS-485600W 2500V (Lighting)ESD RS-485RS-485RS-4851200UT-5204RS-485HUB RS-4852500V RS-485RS-485UT-5204RS-485HUB RS-485是一款专为解决复杂电磁场环境下大系统要求而设计的总线分割集线器。
2、电气接口:RS-232C接口为十位接线柱RS-485接口为十位接线柱3、传输介质:双绞线或屏蔽线4、工作方式:异步半双工5、6、信号指示:七个信号指示灯电源(PWR)、发送(TD)、接收(RD)、故障(E1-E4)7、隔离度:隔离电压2500VRMS500VDC连续DC/DC模块8、传输速率:115.2K-300BPS9、保护等级:RS-232接口±15KVESD保护RS-485接口每线600W的雷击浪涌保护10、传输距离:0-5公里(115,200-300BPS)11、尺寸:120mmX72mmx22mm12、使用环境:-25℃到70℃,相对湿度为5%到95%工作电源:9-30VDC/350mA三、产品面板及信号指示:UT-5204TXD RXD GND R S-232485+485-RS-485GND 485的前面板共有七个指示灯,左右二端各是用十位接线柱。

3 I/PRS-232 口
4 5
I/PRS-485 口
( UT-1208 )
RS-485设备 A RS-485设备 B RS-485设备 C RS-485设备 D RS-485设备 E RS-485设备 F RS-485设备 G
3 4
I/PRS-485 口 口2
( UT-1208 )
口4 口5
RS-485设备 A RS-485设备 B RS-485设备 C RS-485设备 D RS-485设备 E RS-485设备 F RS-485设备 G RS-485设备 H
3、 主控机串口 (RS-232C)至多个高可靠性的 RS-485接口 的应用。或 已 有 RS-485总 线 扩 展 至 多 个 高 可 靠 性 的RS-485 接 口的应用, 在RS-485总线上可同时并连128个RS-485集线器。
1、接口特性:接口兼容 EIA/TIA 的RS-232C、RS-485 标准
2、电气接口:RS-232C 接口为 5PIN接线端子1-3脚 RS-485 接口为 5PIN接线端子4-5脚
3、传输介质:双绞线或屏蔽线 4、工作方式:异步半双工 5、信号指示:十一个信号指示灯电源(PWR)、发送
UT-1208的前面板共有11个指示灯,后面板有 1 个 5PIN接线端子为RS-485、 RS-232输入端, 8个 3PIN接线端子共八个口为光电隔离输出端。

485型温度变送器 使用说明书1. 介绍1.1 概述该变送器广泛适用于通讯机房、仓库楼宇以及自控等需要温度监测的场所,传感器内输入电源,测温单元,信号输出三部分完全隔离。
1.2 功能特点采用美国进口的测温单元,测量精准。
10~30V 宽电压范围供电,规格齐全,安装方便。
1.3 主要技术指标供电电源:10~30V DC普通测温范围:-40℃~80℃(默认)默认精度:±0.5℃超宽温:-100℃~300℃ (需定制)宽量程精度:±1℃ 通信协议:Modbus-RTU(详见第5部分)存储环境:-40℃~80℃输出信号:485信号、继电器(选配)、内置蜂鸣器(选配) 参数设置:通过上位机软件配置1.4 系统框架图485总线USB 转485或232转48510~30V DCUPS 电源(选配) AC220V 市电 监控电脑1号设备2号设备3号设备n号设备系统方案框图2. 产品选型RS- 仁硕公代号WD- 单温度变送、传感器N01- RS485通讯(Modbus协议)1- 86液晶壳2- 壁挂王字壳1 外置圆形不锈钢探头2 外置磁吸式探头3 外置扁形不锈钢探头4 外置4分管螺纹探头4L 外置4分管螺纹长探头3. 设备安装说明3.1 设备安装前检查设备清单:■变送器设备1台■产品合格证、保修卡、售后服务卡等■12V/2A防水电源1台(选配)■USB转485(选配)■485终端电阻(多台设备赠送)3.2 接口说明3.2.1 电源及485信号宽电压电源输入10~30V均可。
3.3 具体型号接线3.3.1:壁挂王字壳接线线色说明电源棕色电源正(10~30V DC)黑色电源负通信黄色485-A 蓝色485-B3.3.2:86液晶壳接线序号 说明序号 说明 1 电源正(10~30V DC )5 485-A 2 电源负 6485-B 3 传感器黄色线 7空闲4传感器棕色线8传感器黑色线注:内置传感器时,3、4、7、8空闲。



USB转RS485A产品使用说明书一:USB转换产品:本项说明包括:USB转485AA驱动安装说明:拿到产品后,首先打开包装,找到驱动光盘,安装驱动,打开光盘,点开驱动程序-----点开安装文件(*.EXE)----点“安装”----提示安装成功;安装完驱动后再插上转换线,插上转换线后电脑系统会自动找新硬件,这时候选自动安装就可以了;2,COM口的寻找说明:本转换线插不通的USB口,会认出不通的COM口:对着“我的电脑”点右键----左键选“属性”----左键选“硬件”----左键选“设备管理器”----左键选“端口”;这是就可以看到转换出的COM口了;如果你的电脑是台式机,请使用电脑后面主板上的USB口,不要使用前面板上的USB口;(2),USB转485有2种接口:(产品标签上有标示)A:接线柱直接接线的,1-----------D-(B)2----------D+(A)3----------GNDUSB转485的典型成功应用:* LED显示屏通讯数据(很多显示屏公司已经批量使用,经过测试非常好用,和LED显示屏通讯数据,请放心购买;);* 机床PLC数据读写;* 监控数据读写和云台控制;* 家居电器集控;* 门禁系统;一卡通;* 各种工业自动化;仪器仪表;* 停车场;公共汽车收费;* 食堂售饭系统;员工考勤机;* 高速公路收费站;ATM机;等4,USB转换产品的技术参数:系统要求Win98/ME/2000/XP及WIN7 32 64位操作系统;接口标准:符合TIA/EIA的RS485/RS422/232标准;支持波特率范围:0-2M;完全符合USB2.0标准,兼容USB1.1;支持远程唤醒及电源管理;支持即插即用及热插拔(USB端);工作方式:异步半双工;使用环境:-25℃到70℃,相对湿度为5%到95% ;传输介质:双绞线或屏蔽线;传输距离:USB转232:符合RS232标准传输距离;USB转485和USB转422传输距离:1.2公里以上;USB线长:75厘米;重量:35g;5,常见问题解答:(1),一台电脑是否可以插多个USB转232、USB转485、USB转422?回答:可以插多个,已经通过试验验证;(2),电脑自动认出的COM口的序号可以修改吗?比如电脑自动认出的是COM8,能否修改成COM3 ? 回答:可以修改,在和电脑自带的现有COM 口不冲突的情况下可以修改;具体办法:对着要修改的“通讯端口COM?”点右键----左键选“属性”----左键选“端口设置”----左键选“高级”---在“COM端口号”里选和电脑不冲突的COM口;(3),电脑里能认出COM口,但是不能通讯?回答:首先看接线是否正确,一般都是接线的问题;对于USB转232:通讯距离超过232标准通讯距离不行;对于USB转485:如果通讯距离过远,要检查接收端的120R的匹配电阻是否正确接入等;对于USB转422也要检查接收端的匹配情况;(4),有时能认出,有时电脑认不出转换线硬件?回答:对于兼容组装电脑,一定要把转换线插到主板后面的USB口上,对于品牌机可能少好点,但是也建议插到后面主板上的USB口上;笔记本一般没有这个问题;。

Single high speed RS485isolation transceiver module(enhanced version)CBRoHSFEATURES●Baud rate high up to 500Kbps●The bus is able to support 256nodes at maximum ●2500VDC isolation voltage (input and output)●Integrated high efficiency isolated DC/DC converter●Operating temperature range:-40℃to +85℃●ESD protection (IEC/EN61000-4-2Contact ±4KV perf.Criteria B)●IEC60950,UL60950,EN60950approvalPART NUMBER SYSTEMTD501D485H-ESpecial mark RatePort signal type Package type Channel numberPower distrubution output Power inputDigital bus interface product typeSingle high rate RS485isolation transceiver module TD301D485H-E/TD501D485H-E series are RS485transceiver module with integrated isolated power,Signal isolated chip and the bus protection device.Product's main function is to convert logic level to difference level of the RS485agreement,and it implements the function of signal isolation.Products is with isolation power.It can achieve 2500VDC electrical isolation and have the function of ESD protection.Product can be easily embedded user equipment,makes the equipment easily implement connection of RS485protocol network .Selection GuideCertification Part No.Power Supply input (VDC)UL/CE/CBTD301D485H-E 3.17-3.45TD501D485H-E4.75-5.25Input SpecificationsItemOperating ConditionsValue Power SupplyStatic current Products energized,no communication ≤40mA Send current 200kbps Square wave communication≤70mAInput PortSerial interface TD301D485H-E compatible with +3.3V UART interface TD501D485H-E compatible with +5V UART interfacePin currentI TXD ≤2mA;I RXD ≤2mA;I CON ≤5mABus InterfaceItem Operating ConditionsValueOutput PortRS485bus interfaceStandard interface RS485,pull-up and pull-downresistor,whose value is 5.1K,have been set to A/B line.Transmission SpecificationsItem Operating ConditionsValueData Rate500Kbps (max.)Transceiver Switching Delay ≤30usThe Number of Nodes Connect up to 256nodes on one busTransceiver controlContrary to common RS485transceiver control levelTruth TableSending StatusControlInput Output CON TXD A B Line state 0110Normal 01NormalTruth Table Receiving Status Control Input Output CON A-B RXD 1≥0.2V11≤-0.2V0General SpecificationsItem Operating Conditions ValueElectric Isolation Two-terminal isolation(input and output are mutually isolated) Isolation Voltage Testing for1minute,leakage current<5mA,humidity<95%2.5KVDCOperating Temperature-40℃to+85℃Transportation and StorageTemperature-50℃to+105℃Operating Humidity10%-90%Max.Casing Temperature Ta=25℃≤50℃Application Environment The presence of dust,fierce vibration,impulsion and corrosive gas may cause damage to the productSafety Standard IEC60950/EN60950/UL60950 Safety Certification IEC60950/EN60950/UL60950 Safety Class CLASS IIIPhysical SpecificationsCasing Material Black flame-retardant heat-proof epoxy resinPackage DIP10Weight4g(Typ.)Cooling Method Free air convectionEMC SpecificationsEMI CE CISPR22/EN55022CLASS A(see2-②for recommended circuit) RE CISPR22/EN55022CLASS A(see2-②for recommended circuit)EMS ESD IEC/EN61000-4-2Contact±4KV perf.Criteria B EFTIEC/EN61000-4-4Power supply port±2KV(see2-①for recommended circuit)perf.Criteria B IEC/EN61000-4-4Signal port±1KV(see2-③for recommended circuit)perf.Criteria BSurge IEC/EN61000-4-5Power supply port±1KV(line to line)(see2-①for recommended circuit)perf.Criteria BSignal port±0.25KV(line to line)/±0.5KV(line to ground)(see2-③for recommended circuit)perf.Criteria B Signal port±0.5KV(line to line)/±1KV(line to ground)(see2-③for recommended circuit)perf.Criteria B Signal port±1KV(line to line)/±2KV(line to ground)(see2-③for recommended circuit)perf.Criteria B Signal port±2KV(line to line)/±4KV(line to ground)(see2-③for recommended circuit)perf.Criteria B Signal port±4KV(line to line)/±6KV(line to ground)(see2-③for recommended circuit)perf.Criteria BApplication Precautions1.Please read the technical manual carefully before use;contact our technical support if you have any problem.2.Do not use the product in hazardous areas.e DC power supply for the product and220V AC power supply is prohibited.4.Do not dismount and assemble the product without permission to avoid failure or malfunction of equipment.After-sales service1.Ex-factory inspection and quality control have been strictly conducted for the product;if there occurs abnormal operation or possibilityof failure of internal module,please contact the local representative or our technical support.2.The warranty period for the product is3years as calculated from the date of delivery.If any quality problem occurs under normal usewithin the warranty period,the product can be repaired or changed for free.Applied circuitSee Application Notes for Isolated Transmitter for details.Design Reference1.Typical application circuit0.1UFDC/DCVCC TXDCONRXD MCUDIDE RE ROSP3085EENGNDA B VCC+5V6N1376N1376N137+5VConventional CircuitRXD TXD GND VCC A B RGND1098RXD TXD 1234MCUVCC485 BusCONCON5New CircuitFig.12.EMC solution-recommended circuitGND +TXD L1RXD CONRGN DA B123451098TVS1C1C2C3①②R4TVS2R5TVS3TVS4GDT1R1C4③VCC C5C6A1B1R2R3GDT2GDT3④Fig.2Recommended external circuit parameters:Model TD301D485H-E /TD501D485H-E±0.25KV/±0.5KV±0.5KV/±1KV±1KV/±2KV±2KV/±4KV±4KV/±6KVC1220uF/10V(Electrolytic capacitor)220uF/10V(Electrolytic capacitor)TVS1SMCJ5.0A (TD301D485H-E)/SMCJ6.5A(TD501D485H-E)C2/C31uF/50V 1uF/50V L110μH 10μH C5/C6100pF/100V 100pF/100V C41nF/2KV 1nF/2KV R11M Ω1M ΩTVS2/TVS3/TVS4SMBJ15CA SMBJ15CA R4/R5----10Ω/2W(Wire-wound resistor)10Ω/2W(Wire-wound resistor)10Ω/2W(Wire-wound resistor)R2/R310Ω/1W(Wire-wound resistor)10Ω/2W(Wire-wound resistor)------GDT1/GDT2/GDT3----G30-A90XS30-A90XS50-A90XNotes:1.GDT1,GDT2and GDT3be used instead of a three terminal gas discharge tubey.Such as GDT1,GDT2and GDT3three two-terminal device available gas discharge tube instead of a three-terminal at "±4KV /±6KV"hierarchy,as B3D090L-C.2.It is not needed the component when parameter with the symbol of "--".3.For more information please find the application notes on Dimensions and Recommended Layout∅0.50 [0.020]4.10 [0.161]17.00 [0.669]15.24[0.600]10.16 [0.400]20.00 [0.787]48TD_D485H Receiving Pin TD_D485H BPin RXDB910TD_D485H APin Isolation Power Output RGND ARGND1Input Power VCC2GND GND3TD_D485H Send PinTXD 5Send&Receiving Control Pin CON412358910384125910∅1.00 [∅0.039]Pin-OutPin FunctionBottom ViewFront ViewNote:Unit :mm[inch]Pin diameter tolerances :±0.10[±0.004]General tolerances:±0.25[±0.010]Designation Note: Grid 2.54*2.54mm1104003202-B0THIRD ANGLE PROJECTION7.00 [0.276]2.54 [0.100]Notes:1.Packing Information please refer to 'Product Packing Information'.Packing bag number:58040012;2.Unless otherwise specified,data in this datasheet should be tested under the conditions of Ta=25℃,humidity<75%when inputting nominal voltage and outputting rated load;3.All index testing methods in this datasheet are based on our Company’s corporate standards;4.The performance indexes of the product models listed in this datasheet are as above,but some indexes of non-standard model products will exceed the above-mentioned requirements,and please directly contact our technician for specific information;5.We can provide product customization service;6.Specifications of this product are subject to changes without prior notice.Mornsun Guangzhou Science &Technology Co.,Ltd.Address:No.5,Kehui St.1,Kehui Development Center,Science Ave.,Guangzhou Science City,Luogang District,Guangzhou,P .R.China Tel:86-20-38601850-8801Fax:86-20-38601272E-mail:***************。
4G 无线485抄表集中器产品说明书

【上海数采物联网科技有限公司】485无线抄表集中器产品说明书版本:V 1.1目录1 产品概述 (3)2 订货规格与选型 (4)3 服务理念 (5)4 执行标准 (5)5 产品特性参数 (5)5.1采集特性 (5)5.2电气特性 (6)5.3通信特性 (6)5.4结构特性 (6)5.5工作环境 (6)6 产品核心优势 (7)7 数据上报通信协议 (7)7.1协议解析说明 (7)7.2协议接收测试 (9)7.3协议定制 (9)8 平台对接 (9)8.1默认平台 (9)8.2用户指定平台 (10)9 应用案例 (11)10 安装注意事项 (12)1产品概述SC-GP-4G485无线抄表集中器是上海数采物联网科技有限公司推出的一款基于458通讯,4G无线传输,直流宽电压供电的通用水表电表燃气表抄表终端,可采集智能电表的电能数据、电压、电流、功率因数等电参数数据。
2订货规格与选型3服务理念我司郑重承诺:您购买的不仅仅是产品,还有细致、周到的技术支持服务!!!( =^_^= )本产品,现场只需普通工人接电安装即可! 无需配置调试!我们免费提供远程指导,远程配置调试服务,将数据发送至用户指定的云平台。
免费提供物联网方案咨询服务!4执行标准《Q/GDW 1365—2013 智能电能表信息交换安全认证技术规范》国网标准《多功能电能表通信协议DLT645-2007》国标《三相智能电能表型式规范Q/GDW1356-2013》国网标准5产品特性参数5.1采集特性●通信波特率:1200~115200 bps,根据电能表通信参数自适应●通信协议:符合IEC62056-21(IEC1107)和DL/T-645 1997和2007标准,支持modbus RTU协议。
I-7514U 4-ch Isolated RS-485 Active Hub 产品说明书

Data format settings (DSW) for Fixed Baud Rate mode
converter in combination with
other I-7000 series modules,
do not change the default
setting as I-7000 series
(Isolated 4 Channels RS-485 Active Hub)
RS-485 Active Hub The I-7514U is 4-ch isolated RS-485 active star wiring hub, it has 4 independent RS-485 output channels and one RS-485 input channel. Each output channel is equipped with an individual driver. The data from a master to the input channel will simultaneously be forwarded to all the four output channels.
LED Indicator Functions:
The I-7514U has 6 LED to indicate the power status and network traffic.
The TxD/RxD LED will flash when the unit is being sent out or received data.