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10Base-T Hub
Step 1 Station A Transmits on Upstream Pair (Wires 1&2)
Station A Station B Station C
Example of 10 base T Networks
10Base-T Hub
End delimiter
Priority System
Token Ring frames have two fields that control priority
the priority field and the reservation field. support eight level of priority
No Station is transmitting. Now Station B May Transmit
Station A is transmitting Station B must wait
Must Wait
Now may transmit
CSMA/CD Operation
Collision Detection
MAC Method 百度文库 Token Ring
Within an 802.5 Access Unit
Access unit connections maintain a ring (loop)
Access Unit Ring In Ring Out
FDDI Spec.
Station Management (SMT) - defines the FDDI station configuration, including:
ring configuration ring control features station insertion and removal initialization fault isolation and recovery scheduling collection of statistics
Unused Ports
Power Up and connected
Power Down and Automatically Disconnected
Ring Network Configuration
Management Mechanisms
Select one station in the Token Ring network to be the active monitor Active monitor
Media Access Control (MAC) - defines how the medium is accessed, including:
frame format token handling addressing algorithm for calculating a cyclic redundancy check and error recovery mechanisms
alerts each station to the arrival of a token, or data/command frame
Access control byte
token bit distinguishes a token from a data/command frame a monitor bit determines whether a frame is continuously circling the ring priority and reservation field
FDDI Spec.
Physical Layer Medium (PMD) defines the characteristics of the transmission medium, including:
fiber optic link power levels bit error rates optical components connectors
MAU / multiple access unit token ring集線器
Logical topology:ring
MAC Method - Token Ring
Free-token - A special bit pattern (ex.11111111) Busy-token - The last bit of the free token is changed (e.g., 11111110) Any station gets the free-token may change it to a busy-token and followed by the frame to be transmitted. The source station will remove the frame from the ring A new free-token will be regenerated if the station has completed transmission of its frame.
FDDI Frame Format
FDDI Media
single-mode (also mono-mode)
Hub repeats both signals. Stations can not distinguish the individual signals.
Ethernet 10Base-T Topology
More intelligent than a hub. Analyzes incoming packets and forwards or drops based on dressing information Collect and pass packets between network segments Maintain address tables transparent
Layer 2 - Technologies
Shawn Shuoh-Ren Tsai Cisco Academy Training Center David Ta-Wei Shih CGUIC
Ethernet Frame Format
Star Topology: 10Base-T
10 Mbps, Manchester encoding. Using UTP,RJ-45. Using hub-based Network Topology. Hub operates at the physical layer. Suffer greater attenuation and the maximum length is 100 m.
Although FDDI implementations are not as common today as Ethernet or Token Ring, FDDI has a substantial following, and continues to grow as its costs decrease. FDDI is frequently used as a backbone technology, and to connect high-speed computers in a LAN.
10 base T Networks
NIC-Hub Communication
NIC transmits to hub on two wires(Pins 1 & 2) Hub transmits to NIC on two other wires(Pins 3 & 6) Other 4 wires are not used
Station A Station B Station C
Step 2 Hub Repeats (Broadcasts) The Message To All Stations On Downstream Pairs (Wires 3&6)
10 base T+10 base 2 Networks
I 10 base 5 界面 10 base 2 界面 10 base T 集線器(hub) 集線器(hub) 串聯線 A B C D E H F G A B C 無遮蔽式 雙絞線 (UTP) 最長 100 公尺 D 10 base T 集線器(hub) 集線器(hub) K J 10 base 2 細線 Ethernet
If two stations do transmit at the same time, each hears the other Both stop, wait random amounts of time Transmit after wait, but only if the line is free
Remove error frames and token.
Token Ring Signals
Manchester encoding combines data and clock into bit symbols
802.3 Ethernet versus 802.5 Token-Ring Network
Only stations with a priority equal to, or higher than, the priority value contained in a token can seize that token.
Data / Command Frame
frame control byte
Pure 10 base T 10 base T + 10 base 2
CSMA/CD Operation
If no one is transmitting, transmit If anyone is transmitting, wait until nobody is transmitting
Bridges (Cont)
Switches (cont)
Ethernet LAN Segments
IBM Token Ring vs. IEEE 802.5
Token Ring Frame Format
Token Frame
3 bytes Start delimiter
FDDI Spec.
Physical Layer Protocol (PHY) defines data encoding/decoding procedures, including:
clocking requirements framing other functions
FDDI Spec.
indicates whether the frame contains data or control information.
As with IEEE 802.5, addresses are 6 bytes in length
Ring Network Configuration
Physical topology:star
Both use 802.2 at the LLC Layer MAC Layer: CSMA/CD versus tokenpassing PHY Layer Topology: Bus versus Ring 802.3 802.5 LLC MAC PHY Bus 802.2 CSMA/CD Token Passing Ring
Hub repeats each bit received out all of its ports. The procedure is called broadcast. To Hub (Pins 1 & 2)
From Hub (Pins 3 & 6)
Example of 10 base T Networks