unit 3新视界大学英语1 unit3 课后练习答案知识分享




新视野大学英语1第三版读写教程答案U3Part II key to exercisesSection APre-reading activities1. Traditional classroom:. Advantages: more direct communication between the teacher and students; a better learning atmosphere.. Disadvantages: little interaction either among students or between students and the teacher;the teacher tending to dominate the class; writing on blackboard reducing efficiency. Multimedia learning:. Advantages: more vivid teaching materials;. disadvantages: too many distractions with too many pictures and videos in multimedia classrooms.Studying online:. advantages: being able to choose when and what you want to learn; easy access to the wide range of online information.. disadvantages: making it easier for students to copy answers from the Internet; lack of face-to-face communication between the teacher and students; the possibility for students to develop Internet addiction.2. . I prefer the multimedia way of learning. A multimedia classroom is vivid with teaching materials presented in different ways: slides, pictures, and even movies. Compared with a traditional classroom, a multimedia classroom is more interesting.. To be frank, I prefer to study online. In this way I can manage my own time. I can have my own priorities and do things at my own pace. It is simply what I want.3. . Yes. The Internet is indispensable in teaching and learning nowadays. It is hard to imagine whatit would be like without the Internet. We would have no easy or quick way to learn about the latest development of teaching and learning. We would miss the many interesting online courses; we couldn’t communicate effectively with teachers after class. We just can’t afford to lose the Internet. . No. teaching and learning had been carried out long before the Internet came into being. And people did just as well without the Internet or the computer. It is true that the Internet makes teaching and learning more convenient and more efficient, but it is by no means indispensable. I’m sure we can still teach or learn without the Internet.Reading comprehensionUnderstanding the text1.1. A fleet of laptops, smartphones and Internet connectivity 24 hours a day.2. wireless Internet access anywhere and anytime on campus.3. because smartphones could draw students’ attention and encourage sophisticated thinking.4. because too much time online can mean too little time I real-life studying or exercising or visiting with friends. If we spend too much time online, we will be cut off from the real world.5. they used the money to wire dorms with high-speed connections and equip their campuses with Wi-Fi networks.6. Becausethe university was afraid that it’s tech nology was not as advanced as that of other universities, it gave away free Apple iPads to compensate for its inferiority in this aspect.7. If a university can’t keep up with the rest f the world, or if it can’t provide high-bandwidth information as expected, it will be at a competitive disadvantage.8. it is mainly because they want to provide students with the most advanced free system.Critical thinking21 .Yes, I think so. Internet access is a must on campus. We students need the Internet to do research for our study, to obtain information to broaden our knowledge of the world, to communicate with family and friends, and to enrich our lives in our spare time.. No, I don’t think so. There are many potential disadvantages if Internet access is so ea sily accessible on campus. Some students may waste too much time I playing online games or chatting online, be tempted to visit “unhealthy” websites, or even become Internet-addicted and neglect their study.2 .It sounds like an awful idea to me. Obtaining knowledge is only part of learning. Learning not only gives us a wealth of knowledge, it also provides us with great vision, strong principles, social abilities, good manners, interpersonal skills and many more valuable attributes. This obviously cannot be realized by learning at home only with the computer..I think it is a good idea that students can study at home via the Internet in the future. Learning would become more flexible and accessible. This way, college education could become available to many more people, old or young, near or far, healthy or handicapped.3 . The Internet and smartphones have become an indispensable part of our daily life because they don’t cost much and they make communication much more convenient. We can talk to people, o r leave them messages almost anywhere and anytime. And very often we will get responses in no time.. With the Internet and smartphones becoming more and more popular, we are forgetting how to write with a pen or how to talk with people face to face. The more we use the Internet and smartphones, the less we meet our friends in real life. Even when friends meet face to face, instead of talking with each other, they all look at their smartphones, checking email or posting something on WeChat.4 .Life would be unimaginable without the Internet or smartphones. I depend on them to do everything, from study to communication, from shopping to entertaining. Without the Internet, the backing systems, the communications systems, in fact all key aspects closely related to peoples’ life will collapse. Life without the Internet would be terrible and simply unimaginable..Actually, I wouldn’t mind having a life without the Internet or smartphones. Without them, I would meet my family and friends face to face and spend more quality time together. I might take up some interesting hobbies or try something new. So, without them life might become even more colorful.Language focusWords in use31. competitive2. transform3. typical4. response5. adopted6. focused7. compensate8. analyze9. regulate10. estimateword building4Words learned new words formed -ry sceneryscene machinery-ivedetective detectcompare comparative explodeexplosiverepresent representative-izeModern modernize Character characterize Special specialize Computer computerize Summary summarize51. scenery2. machinery3. summarize4. specializes5. massive6. detect7. representative(s)8. characterize9. comparative10. modernize11. explosive12. computerizedbanked cloze61J 2H 3L 4N 5F 6I 7E 8A 9C 10OExpressions in use71. fired off2. keep up with3. set up4. account for5. stand out6. add to7. take the lead8. at a disadvantage9. in large part10. visit withstructured writing9It is not uncommon to see teenagers smoking today. Some of them smoke because of peerpressure. When they see some of their friends smoking, they feel the pressure to try it out in order to “fit in” with the crowd. Some other teenagers smoke because they w ant to imitate adults or appear to be mature. Teenagers like to imitate their favorite stars and adults around them. So, parents who smoke may set a bad example for their children. In conclusion, the causes of teenager smoking can be attributed to peer pressure and their intention to look like adults.Translation10伦敦地铁是英国的一个快速交通运输系统,服务于大伦敦的大部分地区。



第三单元II. Listening SkillsUnderstanding Times and Dates1. W: Oh, look at the clock. It’s 5:15. I’ll be late for Jennifer’s birthday party! I was supposed toleave at 5 o’clock.M: Don’t worry! Y ou still have some time. The cl ock i s twenty mi nutes fast.Q: What time is it now?2. W: It’s 7:50, lazybones, and you’re going to be late for the meeting.M: God! I was sleeping like a dog. Well, I still have ten minutes.Q: When is the man’s meeting?3. M: Thank you, Laura. We’d like to go to the barbecue with you. What time should we be thereW: Some people are coming around 11:00, and we’re going to play badminton, but we won’t eat until around 12:30.Q: At what time are they going to eat?4. M: I knew Dr. Smith’s birthday was October 26th, but I didn’t realize it was this Saturday.W: Let’s give him a surprise party. We could ask him to meet us at his office at 5, and then we could take him to dinner at the restaurant around 5:30.Q: What time does the woman suggest meeting Dr. Smith?5. M: I just read that Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, when very little was understood abouttime and energy.W: Absolutely. But when he died on April 18, 1955, people knew a lot more, and nuclear power stations had been built.Q: When was Einstein born?1.D2.B3.C4.A5.BIII. Listening InTask 1: A PictureI have a picture that sits on my desk in my bedroom. When I have trouble studying, or I’m worried about an exam, I just take a look at it. It is a picture of my best friends taken years ago when we were in high school. It reminds me of the good time we’ve shared and the support their friendship still gives me today. Even though our lives have gone in different directions, the bond we created has kept us close. Every week I get a message on my answering machine from one of them, or a letter in the mail with the latest news or vacation photos. I often get e-mail with a joke for the day, or words of comfort about some problems in my life. My friends have shown up for surprise birthday parties, and one of them even traveled two hours from the other end of town just to watch my first English speech contest. Our friendship has carried me through a lot of difficult experiences, and has enriched the good ones. It is the kind of friendship that outlasts disagreements, changes, and separation.1.C2.A3.D4.B5.BTask 2: Problem of Meeting PeopleAs a foreign student, I have a number of problems, both academically and socially. The biggest one is meeting people. I feel confident about my ability to cope with problems from my studies, but I’m not comfortable making friends with other students, especially local ones. Perhaps I’m worrying unnecessarily, but I find it difficult to talk to them and to make friends. The primary reasons is the language barrier. My English is quite standard and forma, and although that helps me with my academic work, I have trouble understanding other students when they are just talking. It seems to me that in order to meet with other students I really need informal, colloquial English. Besides, there’s the cultural gap. That’s why it’s so difficult for overseas students and native English speaking students to really get to know each other. I really want to overcome this difficulty. I guess the best way to begin is to start talking about course work that we share; and then I could suggest going for a cup of tea or coffee. Over coffee we could get to know each other. Another way would be to join a club, like a tennis club or a photo club, because that immediately gives you something in common with other people there. It gives you a starting point to build on.1.He has both academic and social problems.2.He fells confident about his ability to cope with his studies.3.The language barrier is the main reason why he finds it hard to make friends with localstudents.4.It is difficult for overseas students and native English speaking students to really get to knoweach other because there is the cultural gap.5.Te best way for the overseas students to actually overcome the difficulty of making friendswith native English speaking students is to start talking about course work.Task 3: Long Distance FriendshipsI have quite a few long distance friendships. How do I maintains these relationships? Well, I believe friendship is very important, But I also think friendship really needs tending—like plants in the garden. It’s important to keep up to date with my friends, something that’s hard to do with long distances between us. But over the years I have managed to stay very tight with my friends, even though distances separate us. Jane lives in another city, and she’s not much for writing letters, so we talk on the phone at least once a week, usually for an hour at a time. We take turns calling each other, so I stay close to her through the phone. My phone bills are high, but I consider them just another living expense, like rent. Other friends I e-mail. I have one friend who just isn’t into writing letters. I’ve known her for a long time. We’ve always considered ourselves friends, but over time I’ve always been in and out of touch with her. But she is always on-line—e-mail is her thing. Since I’ve gotten an e-mail address, I e-mail her twice a week. Now, I’m back in good touch with her. She’ll often sit down and write me e-mail, but she just wouldn’t do it with pen and paper. E-mail’s really a great way to keep in touch with friends.1.maintain2.tending3.date4.phone5.turns6.bills7.expenses8.e-mail 10.touchTask 4: An Announcement1.The Student Friendship Association2.outing3.school gate4.6:405.7 sharp6.on timeIV. Speaking OutNow Your TurnNicole: Hi, Steven!Steven: Why, Nicole! Y ou looked so excited.Nicole: I can’t believe it! I won the first prize in the speech contests!Steven: That’s great! Congratulations!Nicole: Thanks. I’m so happy! I really worked hard though.Steven: Y ou deserve it. I’m very happy for you.Model 2 Sorry, I’m new here, too.Now Your TurnMatthew: Hey, Kimberly, guess what!Kimberly: What’s up, Matt?Matthew: I’ve got the most wonderful news!Kimberly: What’s that?Matthew: Our school basketball team won our game—and by ten points!Kimberly: How wonderful!Model 3 Go straight ahead till…Now Your TurnSusan: What’s wring? Y ou looked so tired and worried.Sarah: My roommate, Nicole, had a temperature last night, as high as 40 degrees centigrade!Susan: Terrible! Is she all right now?Sarah: I don’t know. She’s in hospital.Susan: I hope she’ll be fine.Sarah: So do I.V. Let’s TalkJack: Hi, I’ve been looking for you since the morni ng. I coul dn’t fi nd you anywhere.Jane: Y eah. I don’t feel like hanging out with the crowd any more, especially since Susan stopped coming to school.Jack: I know. It’s such a pity about her parents: losing one parent is bad enough, but losing themboth on the same day and in such an accident…It’s terribl e! H ave you seen her si nce?Jane: No. I tired talking to her on the phone. She sounded bad.Jack: The other day, I talked to Mr. Smith—you know that tall guy who works in the Dean’s Office. Apparently, Susan is thinking of dropping out of school. She has almost money, you know. Her parents didn’t have much savings.Jane: Y eah. I’ve been quite worried about her. But simply feelings sorry for her is not enough; we have to think of some way to help her. Have any suggestions?Jack: Well, I haven’t really thought about it. I could possibly give her some money. I’ve saved up from my part-time job.Jane: Wow. Y ou’re so generous! But…that wouldn’t be a long-term solution.Jack: That’s true…Perhaps we could help her find a part-time job.Jane: Good idea! The lady who runs the shop where I work at night could be helpful. If Susan is interested, I can introduce her to the lady.Jack: Great! Once she gets a regular income, things will be better. More than anything else, it will take her mind off her tragedy.Jane: Hmm…I was wondering, could we organize a fund-raiser for her?Jack: Well, I’m not so sure how that would work. Y ou know, taking help from us, her best friends, is one thing, but getting the whole school involved may not be a good idea.Jane: Y eah. Y ou’re right. We’ll think of something else. In the meantime let’s go ahead with what we’ve planned. (Looking at her watch) Oh! It’s five to two. I have a class. I gotta run. Let’s meet tonight. Bye!Jack: Bye!JACK ABEG Jane CDFFor ReferenceAA, break the bed news about Mary to B.It’s terrible! I heard that Mary’s father died of cancer.B, say what you feel about the news.Oh, my. I am so sorry to hear that. What terrible news!A, tell your worry about Mary’s life and study.Her father is a real breadwinner of the family. Mary will have to quit school.B, suggest doing something to help Mary out.Well, that’s too bad. What shall we do then as her good friends?A, give your suggestion.Is that possible that we raise money from among our fellow schoolmates to support her?B, show your agreement with A.Sounds OK. Let’s give it a try.BA, tell B that John is going to be back to school.I heard that John is going to be back to school.B, say what you feel about the news.Oh, really? He’s been in hospital for such a long time.A, show your concern about John’s missed study.Well, he must be very worried about his study.B, suggest helping John with his schoolwork,Let’s take turns to help him catch up on weekends. OK?A, show your agreement to B’s opinion.Good. I would also love to be helpful.VI. Furthering Listening and SpeakingTask 1: W orry of a TeacherSusan Smith cared for her students very much, and they all liked her. She wanted them to learn and to be happy. She had a special relationship with one student, Doris. Doris had been to Susan’s house several times and had come to know her husband and children. Lately, Susan had been very worried about Doris because the student’s hometown had recently been hit by a strong earthquake. Susan observed that Doris had lost a lot of weight and often had dark circles under her eyes. She talked to Doris and was as helpful as she could be, but felt that Doris really should see a doctor. One day, Susan talked to Doris and suggested that she go to the health center to talk to one of the doctors. Doris’ face became very red. She said, “I don’t need a doctor. How could you make a suggestion like that? I thought you were my friend!” Susan was very surprised by Doris’ reaction. She said, “I’m sorry to have upset you. I just want to help.” After that conversation, Doris stopped talking to Susan. She also transferred out of her class.1. learn happy2. earthquake3. weight dark circles4. the health center turned red5. surprised talking transferredTask 2: How to build lifelong friendship?Y ou may have a lot of friends and expect your friendships to last a lifetime. However, lifelong friendships are not always what everybody can get. Friends sometimes misunderstand each other. For one thing, you may want your friends to be near at hand, but also you need your independence and privacy. For example, when one of your friends comes asking if it is all right to spend the evening in your house, sometimes you just say “no” to hi or her because it is nor convenient for you. Unfortunately, not all your friends understand this type of independence. They believe that friends can ask for any favor and the answer should always be “yes”. Also, misunderstanding sometimes occurs when you ask for help. Y ou expect your friends to help you mo matter what the circumstances are. But the fact is, your friends may not always drop everything to satisfy each of your needs. This may make you angry with them and your friendship could fade. The most important thing for you and your friends to do is to always show understanding and respect foreach other.1.T2.F3.F4.T5.TTask 3: At Your SideWhen the daylight’s gone and you’re on your own,And you need a friend just to be around.I will comfort you; I will take your hands.And I’ll pull you through, I will understand.And you know that I’ll be at your side.There’s no need to worry.Together we’ll survive through the haste and hurry.I’ll be at your side.If you feel like you’re alone, and you’ve nowhere to turn, I’ll be at your side.If life’s standing still and your soul’s confused,And you cannot find what road to choose.If you make mistakes,Y ou can’t let me down.I will still believe,。



新视界大学英语综合教程1练习题答案句子翻译Unit 11. 她是个好学生,但她很害羞,又缺乏自信。

(lack confidence)She is a good student, but she is shy and lacks confidence.2. 他承认自己设定的目标不够现实,因此考试成绩也不够理想。

(confess; realistic)He confessed that he had not set realistic targets / goals, so he did not do as well in the exams as he had expected.3. 如何组织时间,如何结交新朋友是大学新生面临的挑战。

(challenge; faced with)How to organize time and how to make friends are challenges that freshmen are faced with.4.直到大学毕业我才认识到,学习并不是大学生活的全部,大学生活本可以更加丰富多彩。

(it wasn’t until …that …; could have been)It wasn’t until graduation that I realized college life was not all about studying. It could have been more colorful.5.大学是人生中最美好的时光。


(enjoy life) College years are the best years of a person’s life. Enjoy your college life because these moments will never come again.Unit 21. 令很多家长感到困惑的是,为什么孩子们对洋快餐那么感兴趣。



新世界大学英语(3)练习Unit 1~Unit 3I.Vocabulary: 30%1. Marilyn Monroe began to swing her hips and walk in a way that was familiar to moviegoers and was eventually ______ by adoring fans.A. criticizedB. mobbedC. praisedD. imitated2. Ladies’ ______ of make-up usually took nearly as long as their hair done at the barber’s.A. useB. applicationC. collectionD. selection3. Tired of ______ around her hotel, Mrs. Smith told her husband they should go out and get some fresh air.A. mobbingB. swingingC. gatheringD. idling4. Two famous persons were mobbed on the street and it took thirty minutes to escape the crowed and get back to their hotel ______.A. suitB. suiteC. resortD. corridor5. Tired of being ______ as 007, James Bond, Sean Connery went to the street by revealing his baldness in public.A. regardedB. consideredC. identifiedD. respected6. We just couldn’t understand why she ______ his offer.A. turned aroundB. turned downC. turned offD. turned out7. Many young people have imagined enjoying the glamour ______ with being a celebrity.A. associatedB. concernedC. relatingD. connecting8. Many actors and actresses found it hard keeping their privacy. They had to live their lives in a ______.A. spotlightB. glasswareC. fishbowlD. show9. The famous actress was born into perhaps the most famous family in entertainment and has lived her entire life under public ______.A. scrutinyB. noticeC. careD. rumor10. Wherever he goes out into the public, Michael Jordan creates a ______ among his fans.A. rumorB. crowdednessC. movementD. commotion11. Sometimes mother criticizes almost every ______ of her daughter’s lives: clothes, weight, home decoration, how to raise her kids and so on.A. portionB. aspectC. cornerD. parts12. Is it a mother’s job to make a suggestion, try to help and offer ______ or advice to her daughter?A. insightB. insideC. outsideD. outsight13. I thought she would look better if her hair were a more stylish ______.A. kindB. partC. sortD. cut14. As every hairstyle ______ a value judgment, no wonder many women pay much attention to their hair.A. ownsB. possessesC. incursD. requires15. When a daughter is grown, her mother may long to ______ the intense physical closeness she had with her child.A. recaptureB. demandC. obtainD. gain16. Social isolation in all adults has been linked to physical and ____ illness.A. mindB. mentalC. heartD. brain17. Studies have shown that ____ can cause stress levels to rise and can weaken the immune system.A. happinessB. boredomC. troublesomeD. loneliness18. America becomes a more ______ society, with an increasing number of Americans who say that they’re willing to move away from home for a job.A. fascinatingB. transientC. changeableD. challenging19. The invasion of digital communication into our social lives can ______ feelings of isolation.A. shrinkB. closeC. amplifyD. spread20. In social-networking communication the human heart is suffering from lack of ______ interaction.A. authenticB. falseC. face-to-faceD. friendly21. You’ll notice that they ______ use the colors red and yellow with the McDonald logo.A. properlyB. continuouslyC. consistentlyD. considerably22. Some of the big businesses have created great slogans for their companies to ______ from the rest.A. stand outB. stand upC. stand forwardD. stand against23. Because of its clear ______ to the old model, the new car received a severe criticism and it didn’t have a big sale.A. closeB. proximityC. resemblanceD. assemble24. The company killed the proposal in direct ______ to the negative feedback.A. speechB. responseC. talkD. reflection25. ______ the immense pressure on the company, the production of cars in a big scale is still unfavorable.A. GivenB. IfC. WhenD. While26. Each year the company produces many products which ______ young people.A. appeal toB. pay attention toC. care forD. look after27. I wonder who designed that company’s ______. It’s very colorful and artistic.A. sloganB. logoC. symbolD. sign28. I want our daughter’s graduation party to be a ______ event.A. acceptableB. expectableC. respectableD. memorable29 When his influence began to ______, his wealth also decreased.A. fallB. shrinkC. witherD. withdraw30. I made some financial investments early this year. I hope they ______ later.A. pay wellB. pay offC. returnD. pay backII.Put the following into English: 20%1.国际偶像2.闲逛3.步履轻盈4.旅馆套房5.演职人员6.化妆室7.时髦款式8.责备口吻9.心脏病患病率上升10.免疫系统11.亲密接触12.面对面互动交流13.拿自己与别人对比14.密友15.社会关系16.品牌工程17.良好的开端18.销售总量19.高档驾座20.品牌观念III.Fill in the blanks with suitable words: 10%associated imply demands shrink dependsovernight lure consistently immense althoughhowever given bears volume proposalWhen GM declared to reform its Buick, the 1__________ was laughed at by critics because the new vehicle 2__________ a close resemblance to another model. Buick is trying to 3_________ young consumers, though it is often 4__________ with old people and the brand perception can’t be changed 5__________. Meanwhile, the timing for a change isn’t favorable, 6__________ the great pressure on GM to promote its sales. So it’s going to take more time than what GM hopes for to change customers’ minds. Just based on three vehicles, Buick only represents 4.75% of GM’s total sales 7__________ this year, 8__________, it is still of great importance as the company’s entrant in the ultracompetitive “near-luxury”market. Buick general manager Susan Docherty said Buick needs to consider today’s customers’9__________ and turn out totally new series of products with high quality but suitable price. Also Buick is planning to turn out at least four new models over the next two year. While GM”s other core brands have clear identities, Buick’s new image 10__________ totally on their future car. They have no choice.IV.Reading Comprehension: 20%ATalk between the sexes especially between two people who just met may be the hardest form of talking. It is for me. When I was dating in high school and into my 20s and 30s, it was a serious no, no for a girl even to call a boy or a woman to call a man on the telephone. It just wasn’t done. Your parents would tell you. “Nice girls don’t call boys. Boys call them.”But they didn’t really have to tell you that. The girls wouldn’t call you anyhow.In those days a strict unwritten code governed how young men and women behaved toward each other. Member of the opposite sex never gave each other clothes as gifts, not even a sweater. Well maybe a necktie or a pair of gloves. Anything else was considered much too personal. Good book. Nice wallet. Nothing more intimate than that. Young men and women certainly never took overnight trips to the beach or anywhere else, even with their steadies and the code word said, “D on’t call him. He’s supposed to call you.”Today all those taboos(禁忌) are history.My advice in meeting people and especially in talk between the sexes is to learn as much as you can about the other person as early in the conversation as possible. Engage them in areas that you’re interested in and stick to your natural conversational style. If you’re a witty bantering(诙谐) sort of talker, see if she is too. If you’re a woman who is on the serious side, see if he is. If you like politics, or sports or movies, or all of the above, see if he does. If he or she is not like you, and isn’t interested in the subjects that interest you, excuse yourself politely and then move on. There’s bound to be someone else in the room that’s more fun for you to talk to.1.The best title of the passage is ______.A.Talk Between the SexesB.Dating with the Opposite SexC.Gifts Given to the Opposite SexD.Topics for Talks with the Opposite Sex2.According to the passage, what suggestion is given by the writer?A. A girl may call a boy for dating on the telephone.B. A man may find a woman of the same sort to talk to.C. A woman may not give a man a sweater as a gift.D. A young man and a young woman may not take overnight trips to the beach.3.It can be inferred from the passage that ______.A.in those days young men and women always called each other on thetelephoneB.members of the opposite sex today may not give each other anything theywant as giftsC.talk between the sexes who know each other well may be easyD.women should be more of humor when having a talk with men4.the word “steadies” in the context in paragraph 2 most probably means ______.A partners B. co-workers C. lovers D. friends5. According to the passage, which of the following objects may not be given as agift between members of the opposite sex?A. A dictionaryB. A wallet.C. A necktieD. A T-shirtBEvery person has an ecological(生态的) or environmental “footprint”. At the most basic level, we all need enough productive land to produce food and fiber and enough clean water to drink, wash and irrigate. We also need enough land to supply energy for heat and cooking, provide some sort of employment, and dispose of our wastes.As people’s lifestyles expand, so do their footprints. In the industrialized world, we need more land to support our more protein-rich diet, and to supply resources to build our homes, schools, factories, shopping centers and offices. We also need materials to supply the production and consumption of consumer goods that make up the bulk of our economic activity.In the United States, the average ecological footprint is the largest in the world---some five hectares(公顷). As large as the United States is,ecologically productive land is limited, so as US population expands, per capita(人均) availability of ecological land decreases. In 1995, the United States had only about 2.8 hectares of ecologically productive land per person, leaving a deficit (缺额) of roughly 2.2 hectares. To support the typical American lifestyle, the US has to import products from (and sometimes export wastes to) other areas.On a global scale, there is only about 1.5 hectares of ecologically productive land per person. If everyone in the world had a footprint equal to that of an American, we would need over two more planets to support us all today. At current growth rates, we would need five more planet Earths to support the world’s population in 2050.1.in the passage, the “footprint” is used to stand for ______.A.the influence people have on the earthB.the footmark people leave on the earthC.the productive land people need on the earthD.the consumption of consumer goods on the earth2.As people’s lifestyles expend, so do their footprints, because ______.A.people demand more productive land to support their rising living standardB.people in industrialized countries produce more wastesC.people occupy more living space as their lifestyles expandD.people consume more protein-rich food for more energy3.Which of the following statements is true?A.In 1995, every American has 2.8 hectares land.B.No enough land is shared in the US.C.The US depends on other countries for products.D.No other country has as large ecological footprint as the US.4.According to the passage, which of the following does the writer imply?A.There is too little productive land per person in the US.B.American “footprint” is closely related to the American lifestyle.C.We should exploit some other planets.D.Population growth will increase the average ecological footprint.5.What is the best title of the passage?A. The American ProblemB. the American LandC. The American LifestyleD. The American Footprint”CWhen Spain and Portugal began their colonial expansion, northern Europe was largely a backwater. Shorter growing seasons limited grain production, so the area lacked the caloric(热量的) resources to undertake significant exploration and conquest.But when Spanish explorers brought the potato back from South America, everything changed. Potatoes grew well in cooler climates, and provided lots of calories. With more food available, population increased rapidly in England, Holland, Germany, Poland and Sweden. When those countries faced shortages of farmland, jobs, and other resources due to population growth, they experienced massive out-migration, primarily to the northern US.Because of this influx(涌入). US population grew roughly 35% every decade from 1800 to 1860. This caused a huge population shift. In 1800, the South was home to half the US population, but by 1860, it represented just over one-third.In 1847 the Union comprised 15 slave and 14 free states, so southerners maintained control of the US Senate, But as immigration fueled western expansion, new states began to arise. The South tried desperately to ward this off. It stonewalled(阻碍,妨碍) the Homestead Act and the transcontinental railroad, because those would promote western settlement. And it attempted to create new states where southern institutions could flourish. In the 1840’s and 1850’s, southerners led or sponsored three attempted invasions of Cub, three efforts to seize Nicaragua, and one invasion of Baja California. They also tried to purchase the northern third of Mexico.None of these efforts were successful, nor could they offset(抵消) the cruel forces of population growth. By 1860, slave states were a minority, and political power had shifted north. By 1861, southerners knew they had only two choices. Either surrender slavery, or fight and win a war of secession( 分离).1.We can infer from the passage that ______.A.since the potato was introduced into Europe, the population rose rapidlyB.growing potato needed a lot of farmland, but Europe lacked farmlandC. a large number of European people immigrated to Northern America becausepotato was originally grown thereD.Spanish people went to South America because they wanted to learn how togrow potato2.According to the passage, US population increase rapidly, ______.A.because more food was availableB.because population death rate decreasedC.so the Southerners occupied fewer percentage of US populationD.so American people faced shortages of job opportunities3.In line 3 Para.4. “Ward off” can best be replaced by______.A. fightB. treatC. preventD. oppose4. The Southern slave states became a minority as the result of ______.A. the failure of the invasionsB. the large western settlementC. the high population death rateD. the loss of the control of the US Senate5. According to the passage, we could get a conclusion that______.A. immigrants from Europe waged the American Civil WarB. the colonial expansion was the direct reason for the American Civil WarC. food shortage in the South caused the American Civil WarD. potato introduced into Europe led to the American Civil WarDThe sudden emergence of “Y2K” in headlines around the world is, very simply, shorthand for the coming transition to the Year 2000 in the western calendar and the problems that might and /or are likely to occur as a result of the date change. Virtually all computers and automated systems were formulated (用公式表达) using the solar-based calendar.However, they have only been using two digits in the year field in the computer code that tells the computer or automated system what to do. When there is a four-digit change in the calendar at midnight on December 31, 1999. many computers and automated system may malfunction unless the year field is fixed. The computer or system may just stop working or inaccurately process date, thinking the year is 1900. This could cause a lot of problems if electrical power grids(系统网络), water systems, energy supply systems, medical devices, shipping ports and airports fail or have to be closed.Most people don’t sit around thinking about how or where their electricity, water and other basic supplies come from. Most people don’t really think about how telephones, medical equipment or home appliances work. Microchips are embedded(嵌入) in just about every automated device or system we use today. Not all will be affected by Y2K, but many will and it is important to know which devices and systems are vulnerable(易受攻击的), fix the problem and test it again and again to make sure it will work.We see that computers and automated systems can do so much, and come to rely on them for the most basic services. Most of us have probably never thought about how a computer cannot think on its own like a human and what that means, Many computers and automated systems are programmed to only recognize 99 years. Unless these Y2K problems are repaired, some systems will malfunction because the computer is not intelligent enough to know what year “00”stands for. Those computers and systems have to be told not to shut down, but keep working onto 2000.1.According to the passage, what is Y2K?A.It is the headline of the newspaper article.B.It is the shorthand for the Year 2000C.It is the problem that computers may malfunction at midnight on Jan. 1,2000.D.It is a king virus that may cause computers and automated systemsmalfunction.2.According to the passage, many computers and automated systems probably stopworking at the midnight on Dec. 31, 1999 because ______.A.they don’t recognize year 1999.B.They don’t recognize year 2000.C.They are stopped for being repaired.D.They are stopped for being reset.3.According to the passage, which of the following is most probably not the casedue to Y2K?A. No water supply.B. Elevators out of order.C. Airlines canceledD. Shopping center closed.4. It is implied in the passage that ______.A. medical equipment work under the control of computersB. electricity comes from the power stationC. most people don’t realize that the computer is closely connected with their livesD. people should know how telephones work5. Generally speaking, according to the passage, Y2K problems may be solved by ______.A. using four digits in the year field in the computer codeB. telling the computer to go on working at the midnight on Jan. 1, 2000C. repairing the computer at the midnight on Jan. 1, 2000D. none of the above.V.Translation: 20%1. Many of those who experience fame first-hand say there is a negative side that extracts a tremendous price and sometimes outweighs the benefits of a life in the spotlight.2. But perhaps the biggest price he has to pay for his fame is not being able to do what he calls “ the normal things” that other parents do with their children.3. Daughters and mothers agree on what the hurtful conversations are. They disagree on who introduced the note of contention because they have different views of what the words imply.4. Certain situational factors can trigger loneliness, but long-term feelings of emptiness and isolation are partly genetic. What’s inherited is not loneliness itself, but rather sensitivity to disconnection.5. Corporate images just aren’t reserved for big businesses like McDonalds; corporate image is just as important for the little guy.6.You can’t change brand perception overnight, but if they come out with productsthat appeal to younger people, that could be a big start.新世界大学英语(3)练习Unit 1~Unit 3 Name:__________ Class:__________ No:_____________ Score:_________Answer SheetI.Vocabulary: 30%1. _____2. _____3. ____4. ____5. _____6. ____7. _____8. ____9. ____10. ____ 11.____12.____13.____14.____15.____16.____17.____18.____19.____20.____ 21.____22.____23.____24.____25.____26.____27.____28.____29.____20.____ II. Put the following into English: 20%1.国际偶像___________________________2.闲逛___________________________3.步履轻盈___________________________4.旅馆套房___________________________5.演职人员___________________________6.化妆室___________________________7.时髦款式___________________________8.责备口吻___________________________9.心脏病患病率上升___________________________10.免疫系统___________________________11.亲密接触___________________________12.面对面互动交流___________________________13.拿自己与别人对比___________________________14.密友___________________________15.社会关系___________________________16.品牌工程___________________________17.良好的开端___________________________18.销售总量___________________________19.高档驾座___________________________20.品牌观念___________________________III. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: 10%1. ______________2. ______________3. ______________4. ______________5. ______________6. ______________7. ______________8. ______________9. ______________10. ______________IV.Reading Comprehension: 20%Passage A 1. _____2. ____3. ____4. ____5. ____Passage B 1. ____2. ____3. ____4. ____5. ____Passage C 1. ____2. ____3. ____4. ____5. ____Passage D 1. ____2. ____3. ____4. ____5. ____V. Translation: 20%1. Many of those who experience fame first-hand say there is a negative side that extracts a tremendous price and sometimes outweighs the benefits of a life in the spotlight.2. But perhaps the biggest price he has to pay for his fame is not being able to do what he calls “ the normal things” that other parents do with their children.3. Daughters and mothers agree on what the hurtful conversations are. They disagree on who introduced the note of contention because they have different views of what the words imply.4. Certain situational factors can trigger loneliness, but long-term feelings of emptiness and isolation are partly genetic. What’s inherited is not loneliness itself, but rather sensitivity to disconnection.5. Corporate images just aren’t reserved for big businesses like McDonalds; corporate image is just as important for the little guy.6. You can’t change brand perception overnight, but if they come out with products that appeal to younger people, that could be a big start.Unit1-3 答案Key:I. Choice: 30%Unit1 1~10: BBDBC BACADUnit2 11~20: BADCA BDBCAUnit 3 21~30: CACBA ABDBBII. Put the following into English: 20%1. 国际偶像international icon2. 闲逛idle about3. 步履轻盈 a brisk pace4. 旅馆套房hotel suite5. 演职人员cast mates6. 化妆室dressing room7. 时髦款式stylish cut8. 责备口吻the note of contention9. 心脏病患病率上升increased risk of heart disease10. 免疫系统the immune system11. 亲密接触the intense physical closeness12. 面对面互动交流face-to-face interaction13. 拿自己与别人对比measure oneself against others14. 密友bosom buddy15 社会关系social connection16. 品牌工程badge engineering17. 良好的开端 a big start18. 销售总量total sales volume19. 高档驾座upscale rides20. 品牌观念brand perceptionIII. Fill in the blanks with suitable words: 10%proposal bears lure associated overnight given volume However demands dependsIV. Reading Comprehension: 20%A: ABCCDB: CACBDC: ACCBDD: CBDCBV. Translation: 20%Omited。



新视野⼤学英语第⼀册Unit3课后答案(第3版)新视野⼤学英语第⼀册Unit3课后答案(第3版) 导语:《新视野⼤学英语》在保持第⼀版优势的基础上,依据《⼤学英语课程教学要求》的精神及⼤学英语教学的发展⽅向,对整体结构和内容进⾏了全⾯完善和提⾼。

下⾯YJBYS⼩编提供新视野⼤学英语第⼀册Unit3课后答案(第3版),欢迎参考! 新视野⼤学英语(第3版)第⼀册Unit 3答案【Section A】 Comprehension of the Text 1. The writer is a black man who is not an American citizen. 2. According to him, during their two years together they had experienced the usual ups and downs of a couple learning to know, understand, and respect each other. In addition he thought they had honestly confronted the weaknesses and strengths of each other’s characters. 3. They learned a great deal about tolerance, compromise, and being open with each other. 4. As with many couples, they got married for the wrong reasons and found out many years later that they were incompatible. They didn’t take enough time to know each other. 5. Her mother, counseled Gail to be really sure she was doing the right thing. 6. He immediately suspected that Mark was marrying his daughter in order to remain in the United States. 7. He quoted statistics showing that mixed couples had a higher divorce rate than couples of the same race and gave examples of mixed couples he had counseled who were having marital difficulties. 8. People can be very cruel toward children from mixed marriages. Vocabulary III.1. mutual2. illusion3. canceled4. overlooked5. proceeded6. resolve7. prejudice8. compromise9. confirm 10. subsequently IV.1. having nothing to do with2. taking care of3. met with4. on the surface5. work out6. incompatible with7. ups and downs8. learned of9. indication of 10. all along V.1.M2.L3.F4.D5.H6.O7.A8.C9.I 10.K WordBuilding VI.1. shopping2. feeling3. storage4. cooking5. ending6. beginning7. gathering8. removal9. arrival 10. passage 11. writing 12. marriage VII.1. relationship2. citizenship3. leadership4. membership5. boyhood6. livelihood7. brotherhood8. authorship9. adulthood 10. neighborhood 11. wisdom 12. ownership Sentence structure VIII. 1. It is never too bad(for us) to do something about the situation. 2. One is never too old to learn. 3. It is never too late (for you) to put a stop to this madness. 4. It is never too late (for you) to mend your ways. 5. His income was never too small to support his family. IX. 1. My best friend, Anna, was here last night. 2. The company manager, Mr. Madison, gathered his staff and announced the decision. 3. You should have seen an ophthalmologist, an eye doctor. 4. He sent for the accountant, the most experienced person in accounting. 5."Leave it to me," said David, the man on night duty. Translation X. 1. You are never too experienced to learn new techniques. 2. There remains one problem, namely, who should be sent to head the research there. 3. Their relationship did meet with some difficulty at the beginning because of cultural differences. 4. Though he has had ups and downs, I believed all along that he would succeed someday. 5. I have some reservations about the truth of your claim. 6. She isn't particularly tall, but her slim figure gives an illusion of height. XI. 1. 应尽早告知年轻⼈:必须认真对待法律。



新视野大学英语3课后练习Unit 1-3Unit 1Section AIII1 beneath2 disguised3 whistles4 restrain5 grasp6 longing7 praying 8 faithful 9 pledge 10 drainIV1 tell …on you2 track down3 work it out4 picking on me5 reckoned with6 call on7 on his own8 get through9 in disguise 10 revolves aroundV. G O D I K L B F A NVI.1 advice2 level3 problems4 necessity5 skills6 experience7 solution8 value9 tool 10 mannerVII1 air-conditioned(装空调的有冷气的)2 handmade(手工制作的)3 thunderstruck(非常吃惊的 )4 heartfelt(衷心的诚挚的 )5 data-based(基于数据的)6 self-employed(自主经营的)7 custom-built(定制的定做的) 8 weather-beaten(饱经风霜的)VIII1. well-informed对……非常熟悉的 2 new-found新获得的3 hard-earned辛苦挣得的4 soft-spoken说话温柔的5 newly-married新婚的6 widely-held普遍认为的7 well-meant出于好意的 8 well-educated受过良好教育的IX1 no matter how different it may seem form any other substance2 no matter what a woman tries to do to improve her situation3 no matter what excuse he gives4 no matter what anyone else may think5 no matter how they rewrite historyX1 just as we gained fame in victory we lost nothing in defeat2 just as the head teacher plays a significant role in the school Jane plays a significant role f leader in the classroom.3 whoever was out there obviously couldn’t see him just as he couldn’t see them.4 she has been searching all her life for the perfect chocolate just asI have been searching for the perfect beer.5 you can make those kinds of comparisons just as you were doing the analyses a minute ago.XI1.No matter how experienced a speaker you are and how well you have prepared your speech you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception.2.Just as all his sister’s friends cared about him Jimmy cared about them.3.Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles.4.If you dare tell on me when the teacher gets back I won’t say a word to you any more.5.Some elderly people prefer to live on their own while the great majority choose to live with their children.6.Here is something that needs to be reckoned with: how to get the necessary finances to establish the company.XII1.每当有人帮了你无论事情大小无论他地位高低你都应该对他说声“谢谢”。



Unit 1 The Way to SuccessSection A1 Understanding the text.1 He achieved fame for his wit, wisdom, civic duty, and abundant courage.2 They were thought to be slow learners in childhood, but they overcame their childhood difficulties and made magnificent discoveries that benefit the entire world today.3 His strong will.4 It means to keep their focus on achieving a positive end result, instead of letting small problems get in the way of good results.5 Because they have the will to overcome profound obstacles and to work diligently in the pursuit of their goals, and have the passion for success.6 Because firms preferred to hire less qualified men rather than risk hiringa female lawyer, which was unprecedented.7 We should never give up on our dream, and one day we can change the world and make it a better place.8 The secret of success is built upon a burning inward desire---a robust, fierce will and focus---that fuels the determination to act, to keep preparing, to keep going even when we are tired and fail.2 Critical thinking1 You may have tried and failed many times before you finally get success. But it does not matter. What matters is whether you can summon up(鼓起)all your courage again and again to face the hardships standing in the way of success.2 Luck, talent, good relationships with your colleagues, etc.3 When I have realized that I am pursuing something that is hard to achieve,I would try to stick to the goal. But l will begin to think of what I can do to improve the situation. When it still doesn't work, I would try to analyze what the problem is and then make some changes and probably reset my goal. Yes, sometimes we are pursuing the wrong goal which can never be achieved, only tofind ourselves in deep frustration and profound fatigue. In this situation, I may give up the wrong goal and set up another goal that is achievable.4 Following the guidance of senior people.●Getting sound advice from our parents.●Setting a correct goal.●Achieving success step by step.●Developing good interpersonal relationships.Language focus3 Words in usel whereby 2 pursuit 3 inhibit 4 maintain 5 patriotic 6 transcended 7 endeavors 8 dedication 9 prestige 10 nominate4 Word buildingWords learned New words formed-antinhabitant inhabitparticipate participantattend attendantpollute pollutantdescend descendantcontest contestanttolerate tolerantresult resultant-fulneglect neglectfulresource resourcefulboast boastfulrespect respectful5l resultant 2 tolerant 3 pollutants 4 inhabited 5 contestants 6 descendants 7 attendants 8 respectful 9 participants 10 neglectful11 resourceful 12 boastful6 Banked cloze1 F2 G3 H4 J5 E6 A7 N8 I9 K l0 M7 Expressions in usel removed from 2 failed in 3 in the pursuit of 4 deviated from 5 precludes; from 6 triumph over 7 work their way into 8 written off9 Translation世界公民是指一个人承认自己是新兴的全球社区的一分子,而且其行动对全球社区的价值打造和实践活动有所贡献。



• 伦敦地铁是英国的一个快速交通运输系统 ,服务于大伦敦的大部分地区。地铁系统 因其他地铁隧道的典型形状也被称为地下 管道。伦敦地铁始建于19世纪中期,是世界 上最早的地下铁路系统。他的第一段地铁 与1863 年开始运营。自此,伦敦的地铁不 断延伸,发展成为一个包括12条线路。275 个车站,铁轨总长超过250公里的地铁杰作 。其中45%在地下运行。就路线长度而言 ,他是世界上第四大地铁系统,也是车站
6 .Banked cloze
• • 1J 2. H 3. L 4. N 5. F 6. I 7. E 8. A 9. C 10. O
7 .Banked cloze
• • • • • 1. fired off 2. keep up with 3. set up 4. account for 5. stand out 6. add to 7. take the lead 8. at a disadvantage 9. In large part 10. visit with
Section A Exercise
Words in use 3 fill in the blanks with the words given below.
• • • • • 1. competitive 2. transform typical 4. response adopted 6. focused compensate 8. analyze 9. regulate 10. estimate
• China’s space industry was launched in 1956.over the past decades, china’s space industry has created one miracle after another. In 1970 china launched its first man-made earth satellite, ranking china the fifth country in the world to independently develop and launch man-made satellites, in 1992china began to carry out the manned spaceflight program. In 2003 china launched Shenzhou-5 a manned spaceship. The successful launch made china the third country to launch manned spaceships in 2007 chang-e1, the first lunar-orbiting manmade satellite was sent to space .in 2013



Unit 3 Active ReadingDealing with unfamiliar words⑤Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.1.shake2.approachplain4.hesitate5.continual6.emerge7.conscious8.accompany⑥Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box.1.impression,resembled2. insert3.inclined,appeal4.firm5. committing suicide6.cruelty7.grateful to⑦Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.1)sympathetic2)tend3)urgent4)authorities5)combination6)victims7)Somehow8)refusal⑧Answer the questions about the words.1-8 a b b a a b b a⑨work in pairs and choose the best answer to the questions.c a bd cLanguage in Use①present participles in adverbial phrases1. Thinking about what to do next, I turned the corner.2.Trying to find his telephone number in the directory, I dropped my pen.3.Having breakfast in my room, I read the news about the man.4.Thinking about whether I should lend him the money, I left the station.5.Talking together like old friends, we arrived at the station.6.Thanking everyone for their help, she left the room.②Complete the sentences with your own ideas using the adjectives in brackets and as … as.1.The writer was as surprised as a swimmer meeting a shark.2.The stranger was as polite as a hotel receptionist.3.The train station is as near as the supermarket.4.The river in winter is as cold as the North Pole.5.The job they gave me to do is as demanding as a detective’s.6.The actor was as clever as the detective.③Look at the sentences from the passage.1.with whom / to whom2.under which3.in which4.with whom5.of which6.from which7.to whom8.from which④Now rewrite the sentences using It + be …who / that …to give emphasis to the underlined parts.1.It was a friend of mine who told me this story.2.It was the way in which he asked for money that impressed me.3.It was right at the bottom of the page that I saw the article.4.It was the description of the man that convinced me.5.It was the sight of the blood on his face that upset me.6.It was the next day that I realized what had happened.⑤Complete the sentences with the correct preposition or adverb.1.of2.in3.under4.in5.through6.of7.around/about8.to⑥Translate the sentences into Chinese.1.我看着他慢慢地沿街走了,然后拿起电话簿,查找我要拨的号码。

大学新世界英语读写教程1课后答案 UNIT 3

大学新世界英语读写教程1课后答案 UNIT 3

Unit 3 Where Do You Hang Out?
C. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. Change the form if necessary.
inspiration laptop bundle sip display blossom daydream ease float maintain unique label occasion spectacular reflect
return rebuild relocate renew recollect remove review recover reunion remarry
reunion 1. On the eve of Spring Festival, almost all Chinese families have a family ________. remarried 2. She __________ her former husband 5 years after their divorce. 3. Can you _________ how the accident happened? recollect renew 4. I must remember to _______ my car insurance. 5. The president _________ the official from his office last month. removed review 6. The students are asked to _________ the lessons before the examination. rebuild 7. A large sum of money was donated to Wenchuan County so that the local people can _______ their houses. returned 8. After graduation, he _________ to his hometown and worked there. 9. After this war, the country will take a long time to_________ . recover relocated 10. The company is ___________right in the center of town.



新世纪⼤学英语视听说教程(第三版)3答案--完整新世纪⼤学英语视听说教程(第三版)3 答案Unit 1P2A 2e 3a 4b 5f 6d 7j 8g 9k 10i 11l 12hB 1.Andrew called to confirm the flight plans. Becky stopped the mail delivery.2.Becky gave the keys to a friend and gave away the fresh foods.3.Becky changed the voice mail message. Andrew paid the bills.4.Andrew got the traveler’s checks.5.Andrew watered the plants. Becky unplugged the electrical items.6.Andrew turned off the lights. Becky emptied the trash.P3A water the plantsB 2L 3P 4L 5P 6P,LP4A 2.boarding pass 3.check-in counter 4.overhead compartment 5.flight attendant6.oxygen mask7.carry-on luggage8.baggage claimB 2.carry-on luggage 3.boarding pass 4.overhead compartment ,flight attendant5.oxygen mask6.tray table7.baggage claimC flew four threeD 1, 3 ,5, 7 ,8E 1.Because he had only four hours in Seoul.2.Because he had only one carry-on bag.3.Jun doesn’t have a confirmed reservation for a flight.He will wait until the airplane is boarding to find out if there is a seat available for him.4.Because he is a sales rep for an airplane and he knows the flight attendants.P7A 1. I haven’t finished 2. I’ve canceled 3. I’ve picked up4. I haven’t taken5. Have you washed6. I haven’t cleaned7. I’ve watered 8. I’ve given 9.Have you packedB 1. No, he didn’t.2. He confirmed all the flights.3. They wanted him to come in and water the plants for them.4. Because the dog always looks scared.5. They want to use it again on their next vacation.P8A 1.pre-trip planning 2. tagging luggage 3. saving space4. your carry-on bag5. other ideasB. 1,2,4,5,6,9,10 good 3,7,8 badP9A .1. The advantages of traveling aloneB. 3, 4,6C. 1. Study vacation:vacation college ,play scientist2. Using your vacation to learn a sport: golf,mountain climbing,scuba diving,ride a horse3. tours for: women only, people over 60, singles looking for romance,fine diningP14A 2.trash 3.rooftops 4.toupee 5.sideburns 6.foreheadB 2.destination 3.vegetarian 4.request 5.turbulence 6.shift 7.heater 8.luggage9.helicopter 10.map 11.tray 12.flight attendantP15A 1.a b d 2.b d 3.a b c dB 2.False; his hands ,not an interpreter3. False; second, not first4. False; didn’t have ,not had5. False; flight attendant, not passenger6.TrueC 1.funny experiences 2,one of the funniest I could recall was 3.serving food4.had this tray5.turbulence happened6.lost her balance7.caught her balance 8.kind of shifted 9.control my laughter10.you're not allowed to laughP18B c b a b cP19A 5 4 1 2 3 6B Tara Claudia Tara Sun-hee Mike Tara MikeC 1.Sun-hee has never been to Mexico.2.Tara is nervous because she can’t find her bag.3.Sun-hee is calm because she’s organized and has completed all her errands earlier in the day.D 1.confirm my flight 2.Have you seen it? 3. I saw it in the bathroom4.Are you sure5.so strange6.Got it7.get traveler’s checks 8.I've lost my wallet 9.Whew10.pay the electricity and phone bills 11.change my voice mail message12. I d on’t remember13.Ta-dah 14.What would they do without me15.How true 16.don’t forget to unplug your TV and electrical stuff17.Done 18.it’s time to go 19.We’re leaving for the airport20.Cool!Have a great trip girls.E 1.Because she has forgotten her ticket and traveler’s checks.Because Sun-hee appeared to be the most organized person during the trip preparations.2.To show their excitement,the girls say “Mexico-here we come!”A 2.How true 3.Done 4.WhewB 1.for a vacation. 2. had some trouble preparing for the trip. 3.Things got worse4.helped them out5. totally relaxed because she has already finished getting ready.6.confirmed her flight, got travel’s checks, changed her voice-mail message, and paid the bills.7.were ready to go 8.checked to be sure they had everything.9. soon came running back in. 10. She had forgotten to take her ticket and passport! Unit 2P24A d g c a i j e f k b hB 从左往右:4 5 6 1 2 9 10 3 7 11 8P26A 2B 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1C The second place is a very fancy place,with everything they want.All they need to do is reserve it,take a toothbrush and a swimsuit,go there and enjoy their vacation.P27A .1.City Zoo 2. car 3.easy 4. Church 5. park 6. three 7. twoB Because the zoo doesn’t have enough parking spaces for cars.P28A .Picture 1B. 1. transportation, too much traffic on the streets, not enough places for safe cycling and walking, dirty parks, no nightlife2. improve transportation, build lanes for cyclists and walkers, clean the parks, build a theaterP29A .1. To make it safer for pedestrians to cross the streets.2. Kids played there, and neighbors stopped there to talk.3. To get away from the noise and dangerous traffic.4. They put old couches, tables and planters in the street.5. The speaker means that streets belong to everybody in the neighborhood. They should become their “outdoor living room”,and safe places for their children again.B G:2,4,5 B:1,3P30A aB F F T T T TC 1.she thinks the campus is beautiful2.the park is so big that he can always find a different path with a new view.3.the footpaths would allow him to see beautiful views and feel the waterfall’s spray on his face./doc/d7b878b583d049649b6658dc.html ndscaped, 1822 ,1903D 1.Because he designed Central Park,the first landscaped public park in the US.2.It was the finished product of a design contest and the first landscaped public park in the US.3.all his work was intended to preserve the natural beauty of an area.P32B 2,2,1,3,1,2P372.area3.veranda4. High-techA 2.false:garage改garden 3. False:fridge 改stove4. False:barbecue grill 改plasma TV5. TrueB c b aC If I could have anything I would like to have1 2.a d e cA 2.customers /doc/d7b878b583d049649b6658dc.html e cell phone ,eat at their desks 4.take off their shoes5.make noise6.alcohol ,loud musicB actually , I’m not allowed to ,For instance ,that’s too loud so that it might disturb other people ,smoke inside ,alcoholP41B b c b c aC 2.grill 3.sea gulls 4.fan 5.waves 6.remote control 7.microwave 8.air conditionerD /doc/d7b878b583d049649b6658dc.html plaining 3.raw 4.surf 5.Spraying 6.breeze 7.realistic 8.beautyA 2. c b e a dB 2.a b e dC 1.I can't believe 2:hello 3.Same reason 4.quit complaining5.a bowl of ice and a fan6.you’ve got to be more like me7.See 8.Check out that gorgeous viewD 1. He wanted him to use his imagination to feel the coolness of the ocean.2. He took a pack of raw hot dogs out of the fridge.3. At first,he wanted to cook them on a grill.4. He’s not allowed to use the grill inside the apartment.5. Mike thought his imaginary beach was beautiful.6. Takeshi thought Mike’s imaginary beach eas silly. He even got a little annoyed.E 1. He stood on an ironing board and pretend to surf.2. He learned to use his imagination and threw water over Mike,pretending it was a wave.3. Takeshi felt sumg,and he thought the was being fuuny.4. Mike didn’t feel very happy at all.(1) you know (2) It makes me want to surf (3)you’ll break it(4)look at me dude (5)i’m hang in’10 (6)i’m getting the hang of this imagination thing (8)very funny,very funny indeedA 2.i’m hang in’10 3.i’m getting the hang of this 4.very funny 5.dudeB /doc/d7b878b583d049649b6658dc.html ing his imagination to stay cool 2.not going to Hawaii with other friends and about not having an air conditioner ion the room 3.how to imagine being at the beach4. Mike sprayed Takeshi with water which made takeshi angry/doc/d7b878b583d049649b6658dc.html e his imagination and he threw all over Mike,pretending it wasa wave6.thought it was pretty funnyUnit 3P46A a.childhood b.infant c.teenager d.grown-up e.young f.middle-agedA 1. He is Ellie’s son.2. She has only one child-Brandon.3. Two -year-old children are less well behaved because their personalities change.4. Remember that it will pass and try to be patient.B F F T T F TP48A .1.ten 2.2200 3.country 4. war 5. 17 millionB. 1, 3, 4, 5, 8P49A. 23: return and get a job 30: become a father 50: retire earlyB .1.on Friday at 2 p.m. 2 . by taxi 3.about 3 p.m4. have a dinner at a restaurant5. go to the beach and swim6.sunny and beautifulP50Country Mexico The U.S. Japan GermanyEvent name Coming-of-AgeDayWhen 15th birthday First day of school For whom 15-year-old girls 20-year-old new adultsWhat they do Wear beautiful dress,go tochurch Have a bigdinner,with entertainment after wardWear beautifulkimonos,go totown’s CityHall,hear a speechWhat they get Presents such asalbums of photos,videos, etc.P51C 1. Stressful event 2.minor 3.loudly ring 4.the death of a spouse5.tops the list7.208.is happy time9.right belowD .Tina Vega: family moved to another town/ last year/ lonely/ smile at everyone Frederick Cho: lost his job/ three weeks ago/ upset/ exercise everydayHazel Greene: death of a loved one/ five years ago/depressed/ stay active and positiveP571 2.c f b a dA 1.True 2.False; age 8, not 18 3.False;countries, not states in Brazil4. False ,Brazil 改countriesB 1.big event 2.getting accustomed to 3.just started speaking4. AdjustedP581 b c aA 2 Miyuki:a 3.Jennifer:d 4.Martin:cB 1.I’d like to have kids 2.we’ll see 3.one of the things that I would like to see4.at peace with each otherB 1 .No 2.No 3.Yes 4.Yes 5.NoC 2.a f c b eD 2.settled down 3.quit my job 4.get promoted 5.work as a volunteer6.starts a new careerE 2.aspirations CEO retirement optionsP63A Sentences 1,3,5,6 are true.2.False;is concerned(In sentence 2,concerned means worried or nervous.)4.False;isn’t sure,not is sure7. False;plans to have some children,not doesn’t plan to8. False;goes with the flow fits in with his plans.(He is not willing to give up his plans for the sake of chance)B 1.a lot of fun 2.except 3.I told you about 4.figure it out5.transferred to6.get promoted7.it’s not a big dealC 1. Because she wanted to get out of her stressful life,relax and have some fun2.she was definitely going to travel,move to another country volunteer,could even start a new career.3.he planned a most everything right up to his retirement.he planned to work hard and save as much money as possible.healso planned to be the Vice President of Finance and then the CEO of his company.D 1. settle down, 2.get married, 3 .have some kids.4.you are,5.are you?6. want to succeed7. clear-cut,well-defined goals and aspirations.8. you should keep your options open. 9. "go with the flow."10.It just won't be the end of the world if I don't get it.11.Not really. 12. as long as the "flow" follows my plan!P65A 2..it’s not a big deal 3.figure it out 4. go with the flowB nervous about promised to help him learn it if she might get promised soonTransferred to a different office getting promoted was not a big dealHis wife was planned already ,almost right up to retirement to have well-defined goals Roberto agreed,but only if the “flow”followed his planUnit 4P66A 1.sweat 2.faint 3.sneeze 4.scratch 5.cough 6.shiverB c a b dP67A Holiday Cruise Disease Shortens Holiday for ManyB 2 4 6 1 5 3C 200 two-week holiday trip 10 p.m. Sunday morning indigestiononly two and a half days at sea went straight to many haven't slept for 48 hours are asking for their money back refund the full amount.B 1 2 4 6 7 8C 1. Just a case.2. Wash my hands.3. It’s too much and the time is little.A BB drinking coffee sleep at night break that habit wake uphere’s some advice for you suddenly get a headache the amount of coffee herbal tea in the morning do exercises just because the feel tiredA seven thousand seven habits powerful effect three or fewer of33 all seven good habits only one or two slowMake one small change 21 daysB 1. - 2. × 3. + 4. - 5. + 6. -7. -8. +9. ×10. +P72A 1.CHAOS 2. information fatigue syndrome 3. hurry sickness 匆忙症4. underload syndrome 动⼒不⾜综合症5. phone neck 电话脖B /doc/d7b878b583d049649b6658dc.html rmation fatigue syndrome/ There is so much information that people become paralyzed and can’t think clearly/ NM3. hurry sickness/ always rushing, get headaches a lot/ take aspirin4. underload syndrome/ caused by having little or nothing to do at the office/ NM5. Phone neck/ pain in the neck, caused by holding the phone between your neck and your ear for a long time/ massageP77A 2.toothpaste 3.aloe vera 4.medicine cabinetB h c g b d e a fP79A 2.Gian:go to the doctor 3.Malinda:gargle with hot water and salt4.Dave:toothpaste5. Kumiko:aloe vera6.Catherine:acupunctureB Gian: I mean really sick the first thing I do I'm not feeling betterI’ll call the doctor trudge in it's just a matter of time.Dave:toothpaste can cure everything bee stings I got burntCancerKumiko: aloe vera I think it really works.Catherine:acupuncture headaches and backaches studying up onputs a needle right here it eases his pain For me I'm a little skepticalif you really believe in it, it worksP81B 1.Yes 2.No 3.No 4. Yes 5.Yes 6.NoC c d a g f e h bD 2.feel better 3.get some fresh air 4.see a doctorP83A 4 2 5 6 1 3B b a a b b a bC (1)Thank goodness you’re here ( 2) fainted (3) felt very tired(4)very lightheaded (5) she just needs to get some rest(6) Nothing out of the ordinary (7)The worst thing is(8) She’s been pretty anxious about it (9) Let’s take a lookD 1. She feels very tired and dizzy and her stomach is killing her. She thinks she might even have a fever.2. No. She is good when she know the meeting is canceled.3. She doesn’t want to attend the meeting.4. Have a rest.E 1. The meeting is canceled.No,he didn’t.2.thank goodness can you hand me that orange juice? What's the matter I take itI am feeling pretty good or something Or a lucky phone callP87A 2.I take it out of the ordinary let’s take a lookB Takeshi asked Sun-hee how she was feeling.she was very tired, a little dizzy, and that she might even had a fever.Sun-hee had also been very anxious about a meeting with the president of her university.she said.” I can’t eat. I’m not hungry.”It was the president’s secretary. She told Tara to tell Sun-hee that tonight’s meeting had been canceled. started to feel much better and said,” it must be a miracle or something.”it was not a miracle. She was just really nervous about the meetingUnit 5P88B 竖着:2 6 1 5 4 3P90A researched: California State University, Harvard University, City Collegeapplied to: Harvard University,City Collegewas accepted to: City CollegeB c a bP91A 1. It’ about college seniors’plans after graduation.2.“what are you going to do after you graduate? ”3.More than 50% of the students say they aren’t going to start a new job right away.4. A live report.B. Mizuki: art, chill out/relax Robert: law, take a long tripP92A .Eduardo: live at home, study businessJill: join a sorority, do volunteer workMax and Sarah: study together, work part-timeB. 1. to keep learning all their lives2. further her education3. She need to save money for her studies abroad4. interests and personalities5. to witness her children’s growthP93A JennieB. Jameela: day career center/ become a doctor/ start medical school,travel and dovolunteer work in west AfricaJennie: major: business/ cooking/ start her own business related to foodShane: major: computer science/ play music/play music/interview with three software companies, get a job with a software companyP95B 1. By answered the questions on the website.The prize was three months in Europe as a youth travel reporter.2. She stayed with her grandmother in Hong Kong during the summer vacation.The experience tells us she is independent and doesn’t get homesick.3. She visited Tanzania and climbed the highest mountain in Africa.That experience tells us she is determined to succeed and doesn’t give up easily.4. She has already got her spending money,she has already saved some money from a part-time job in restaurant.C. 1. Europe 2.reporter, website 3. digital camera,salary 4. EnergyP96B 1. I’m not going to2. We’re not going to3. She’s going to4. He’s not going toP97C student a: c a d b B: d b c aP1001 2.c d e a2 2. Washington,D.C. 3.travel and see the world 4.art 5. find a good job6.import-export7.open a business1 1.legal 2.a particular subject /doc/d7b878b583d049649b6658dc.html puters and the Internet2 2.False;do esn’t know,not knows3. False;lawyer,not professor4.True5.TrueP103B 1.True 2.False 3. True 4.False 5.True 6. False 7.FalseC 2.e d a cD 2.accepted rejected applying gradesP104A 2.rejected 3.travel 4.wants 5.Columbia 6.will 7.film director 8.acceptedB 2.d a e cC (1)accepted (2)rejected (3)applied to (4) It’s too bad. (5) got really good grades(6)researched all those schools (7) all those scholarships (8) gets in(9) get into grad schoolD 1. He meant that Tkashi would go traveling.2. She thought it would be a great experience for Takeshi but it would mean that he was rejected by the university.3. Mike was sure Takeshi would be accepted.E 1. She wanted too prepare Takeshi should the letter contain bad news.2. He seemed OK with either possibility as he had made good plans in the event of either outcome.3. Mike was excited for Takeshi.he felt sure the letter would contain good news.4. He opened the letter slowly because he was a little nervous and it contained important news about his future.2.let's think about this for a momentlike I said I will get in that's easy What are you waiting for Here goes Were you accepted I'm going to grad school P107A 2B they talked about Takeshi’s plans for grad school.two schools had already rejected him!hit the road if he didn’t get accepted.he was going to travel for a whileapply to graduate school again.become a film director.it was good news!go to grad school at Columbia!Unit 6P108B b b a b aP109A 1.Man 2.manB Conversation 11.pay phone2.cell phone3.free service4.nights and weekends5.how to use6.press the power button7.enter the area code8.press the “send”buttonConversation21.didn’t know it2.looking in the phone directory3.it was not listed4.call directory assistance5.4116.what city7.what listing8. BostonP110A 1.no 2. yesB Conversation 1: 2, 1, 4,3 Conversation 2: 4, 2, 1,3P111A 1. Because she didn’t have enough money to pay her phone bill.2. Because she was going to visit him next month and plan her vacation.B. 1. T 2.F 3. T 4. T 5.F 6. FP112A 1.With the cell phone, you can keep in touch with friends, family and co-workers everywhere you go.2. You should stop at the side of the road before answering the call.3.In meetings, movies, restaurants or any place where ringing phone might disturb peopleB. 1.right cell phone right company fit my monthly budget have the featuresvoice dialing your hand off the steeling wheel keep your conversation privateP113B 1.convenient and save time 2.9% 3.3%4.addicted to their cell phones/doc/d7b878b583d049649b6658dc.html ws about cell phone usage6.57%7.while driving 8.34%C 1.F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. TB 2926 5348 6061P1191 2.download emergency privacy reach respectP120A 2.True 3.False ;users,not never 4. False;sometimes unnecessary,not always necessary5.True6.False; less,not more7.False; dislikes cell phones more than she likes them8.False; minds, not doesn’t mind 9.TrueB camera take a picture cell phones anybody you want privacyconnect you with people Wherever you are at the most unexpected timesP122B b c b b cC area code taxi line family reunionD 2.c a f b eE 2.addicted especially the holidays noise pollution connectP124A 4 6 1 2 3 5B 2.c a b h d g fC 1. She’s possibly taking to a friend,someone who has just arrived at the airport.2. How to get a taxi from the airport to the restaurant.3. Don’t use it in public.D See what I mean? Hi,Dad!how’s it going ListenI just got a new cell phone to give you the number They're so convenientaddicted to hers. She's on it all the time I almost forgot.Here it is like in Got it555-2324 Can you hold on a minute calling on the other lineE 1. She want Mike tell his dad to come in September.2. Because he doesn’t like sending messages.3. He connected his parents using his cell phone.4. The family feel happy.5. Mike hated using cell phone in public places,but he do like that.6. Roberto and Mike criticized the use of cell phone in public places,but they were guilty of dong just that.A 2.Do you mind See what I mean can’t standB was talking loudly on the cell phone.he can’t stand cell phones.he avoids taking calls in public unless it’s very important.called to give Mike his new cell phone number.called on the other line.ake a message for his dad,couldn’t stand taking messages, so he connects his mother and father.was talking so loud on her phone earlier says to Mike,”Do you mind?”said the same thing Roberto said,”I can’t stand cell phones—especially in public places.”Unit 7P130A 1 Taking pictures of nature not people,and usually outdoors.B 1. nature photography2. several national parks3. Mexico and Brazil4. birds and animals5. I haven’t put them in albums yetA Spencer: Olympic torchGreta: toy truckB 1. S2. g3. s4. s5. g6. gC 1.a torch carried it in the 1984 Olympic won his first race lost the second oneseveral thousand dollars keep it for now give it to a museum somedaya toy truck Germany neighbor gave it to him before he moved awaythe letter”e” made on it in good condition always keep it for her childrenP132A a, c, dB F T F T FC 1. Because his wife was afraid of the water and she’d never agree to her kids going scuba diving.2. She might enjoy the full-service spa.A 1. T F F F T T F FB 1. T2. F; There were more than two hundred teams in the Hawaii Adventure Race.3. F; Adventure racing started a few years ago.4. F; in it, People race non-stop, 24 hours a day.5. T:6. T;7. F: it is held every year in a different country and environment8. F: In the race, all team members must finish together.C 1.500 2.climbing rope 3.horseback riding 4.speed and stamina5.work and finish togetherP134A 9 windsurfing renamed ice climbing California 1998 Asian X Games Spain 2002 Latin American X GamesB 1. Asia, Canada, Europe, South America, the United States.2. biking, skateboarding3. skiing4. vertC 2. Most “X Gamers”are male, but there are a few women.3. she’s not afraid of the guys.4 . She has a boyfriend.5. Fabiola has become famous in the skating world.6. She comes from Brazil.7. She has been skating for years.P1421 2.hanging with friends doing arts and craft drawing playing video games making jewelryP143A 2.b a cB 1. Ever since I was little draw designs on itgive the jewelry to my friends as present puts my mind at easelets me think about other things as opposed to I might be havingP1441 2.scuba diving tae kwon do horseback riding in-line skatingA 2. False; fifteen, not ten3. False; studying, not teaching (or teaching one year)4. False; kung fu, not karate5. TrueB 1. Because it’s good exercise and vigorous.2. Because it’s a lot more fun to her and enjoy the atmosphereP146B 1, 2, and 5 are true.3. False; practice is very important4. False; it’s not easy5. False; they do find something they can playC 2.f a i c j h b g dD 2.someday has trouble lately nowhere peace flute seriously tough stuck with P148A 2. hated 3. months 4. enjoying it 5. a place6. practice7. difficult8. she9. simpleB Sentences 3,5,7 and 8 are true2. false Claudia took flute lessons when she was a kid/child4. false sometimes, not never6. false difficult, not easyD 1. I hope I get that good someday2. if you stick with it3. I’ve been playing since4. How long did you say you’ve been playing the flute5. Like I said6.but i hated it7. I’m really enjoying it this time8. But like I told you9. I’m not very good yetE 1. Practice makes perfect2. I have trouble doing it at home3.have both been studying a lot lately4.keep telling me5.there is nowhere for me to practice6. That’s what we’re going to do7.you can always come and play here8. Ready to try oneP150A 1. Shall we? 2.when I was a kid 3.like I saidB she hoped she would be that good some dayhe had been playing since he was a teenagerPractice makes perfectpracticing at homehad been studying a lot latelythey could practice togetherhadn’t played any of themsuggested a song she had been practicinghe hadn’t played it for a long timeTwinkle,Twinkle.little starUnit 8P154A: c d a b eB: elegant pretty handsome attractiveC: d b a cP155A: friends classmates teammatesB: 1. She doesn’t what to do when faces with Gabe.2. Alex advice her should talk to Gabe first.P156:A: False True False FalseB: 1.appeal to, pause risks to 2.it may lower their chances of getting the job3.tattoos are permanent4.no matter what the reasons there might be for getting a tattooP157:A: all are unfavorable viewsB: 1.face to face 2.looks, personality, sincerity3.All of their great qualities, the bad points4.at your job5.relaxed way, no pressureP158A: going out with friends, a personal introduction, a matchmaking party, Internet dating, speed datingB: FTFTTFTFP1641 2.b a d f eA 1.interesting funny elegant romantic2.tall handsome intelligent witty3.smart funny caring4.handsome intelligent honest trustworthy/doc/d7b878b583d049649b6658dc.html municative good listener responds to his needsB He likes nature.1 online dating speeding dating singles’ event2 2.d b aP167B T F F F F TC 2.attractive well-built romantic sincere personality intelligence looksD 2.a f g c d bP169A 2.three had some engaged cute out to dinner himself at the movieB 2. b c d aC 1. Those ads will never heil find a relationship.2. It’s useful.D Never give up Romantic handsome well-built looking forThere’s no way he’s sincere Stop it intelligenceSounds like he might not be too cuteE 1.does sound terrible Let’s see other than into Feels like let’s go2. Let them go to the movie.P172A 2. I don’t get it no wonder for one thingB will not help her find a relationship.she’s still had fun on dates she made through the personals.finds something wrong with each one.you haven’t tried dating through the personals yet.”it was an awful experience.。



The Answers to Unit 3Enhance Your Language AwarenessWorking with Words and Expressions1. (1) reveals (2) behaving (3) handle (4) influenced(5) satisfied (6) entertain (7) inherit (8) affect(9) confronted (10) sought (11) isolated (12) restrict(13) optimistic (14) selfish (15) sensitive2. (1) summed up (2) have an impact on (3) respond to (4) In general (5) falls into (6) at work (7) shut off from (8) in control of (9) free from (10) in good shape3. (2) combination (3) seek (4) specific (5) restrict (6) vary(7) expand (8) growth (9) company (10) dominate (11) opportunityIncreasing Your Word Power1. (1) aggressive, sarcastic, harsh, negative(2) magical, mystical(3) negative, critical(4) magical, outgoing, optimistic(5) intellectual2. (1) Evidently (2) individually (3) absolutely(4) consistently/evidently/absolutely (5) Consequently(6) mentally, physically (7) probably/absolutely (8) eagerly enthusiastically (9) easily (10) Normally(1) submissive (2) aggressive (3) possession (4) created(5) negative (6) defense (7) sensitiveGrammarTask 1: (1) all (2) many (3) a (4) much (5) some (6) every (7) an (8) anyCloze(1) indicate (2) responds (3) reflect (4) absolutely (5) preference(6) harsh (7) specific (8) traits (9) individual (10) immature(11) effort (12) persistent (13) achieve (14) inheritsTranslation1. Translate the sentences11) William likes the girl a lot so he tries very hard to impress her and is optimistic that he will win her heart.12) He is very creative and has a good vision of the future, but he likes to keep things to himself.13) They came from a poor village where people were shut off from modern civilization.14) We must work hard and make an effort to achieve the goals that we have set.15) We should learn to be content with all that we have and should not be too critical about things around us.16) They often represent our school in debating competitions; tonight we will throw a party to celebrate their success.17) Through reading, not only has he expanded his horizon, he has also learned to keep improving his character.18) Two policemen sacrificed their lives in order to save that girl from the fire.19) A stable relationship without conflicts between husband and wife benefits the children in the family.2. Translate the paragraph虽然有许多关于性格的理论,但是任何一个都没有绝对地对错之分,因为每个心理学家对性格的观点都有所不同。



Unit1 The way to success3 )1.Most cities in the country have introduced “Clean Air Zones ”__whereby__factories and households are only allowed to burnsmokeless fuel.2.He knows that the__ pursuit __of social status can consume vastamounts of his time and effort.3.The doctors are at a loss because so far no medicine has been foundto __ inhibit __the spread of the disease.4.We see many special education directors trying to__ maintain __the quality of their programs with much less money and much smaller staff.5.People there are told it is their__ patriotic __duty to support the national economy by buying their own products.6.Drawin ’s thinking both drew upon and__ transcend __the conventional ideas of his time.7.In spite of all your__ endeavors __,there many be times when you encounter difficulties in the training process.8.My advice to Mr.Stewart is to think carefully before entering intoa career in medicine,as this is a field which requires a lotof__ dedication __and long working hours.9.Most chinese parents would prefer to choose some professions thatare stable and could bring__ prestige __and economic benefits.10.It is legally possible for an elderly person to__ nominate __someone to act for them,should they become incapable of looking afterthemselves.Unit2 Beat your fear3)11.Kids are more likely to__ intervene __in a situation if they believe their parents expect them to help.12.The first lesson I learned as a newcomer for the company was neverto__ underestimate __the degree of difficulty I could face in career advancement.13.Just as I started to think that I was never going to get well,theillness began to__ recede __.14.Whatever the decision is,I would like you to know that yourdepartment is my first choice and I__ deem__it a great honor if I could study in your department.15.During one particularly__ bleak __moment in my career,a senior colleague of mine said to me, “If you follow your dream,the moneywill come.Follow the money,and you will lose your dream. ”16.Unless we can find a way to__ appraise __nature and then invest in protecting it,our basic life-support systems are going to collapse.17.The blizzard moved south,turning into an icy rainthat__ paralyze __the airports for three days.18.In this introduction we have diagnosed some of the causes oftheillness and in the following chapters,we will draw attention to itsvarious unpleasant__ symptoms__.19.In those days,divorce under any circumstances was socially unacceptable and there was great__ dismay__in the family who went through it.20.Every time she talked about being rejected in her hunt for ajob,she seemed on the__ brink __of tears,and I would quickly switch the conversation to another topic.Unit3 Life stories3)21.As a number of authors point out,the urge to migrate isa(n)__ integral __part of human nature.22.Children should be allowed to__ cherish __those few years ofinnocence before they have to learn the truth about the real world.23.He has been__ afflicted __by a horrible disease,from which one of hisbest friends died two week ago.24.The results of the survey are__ noteworthy __and useful despite being from a small sample.25.The director said that they needed a young actress whocould__ portray __someone who was both unbalanced and confident at thesame time.26.praise must be used wisely to__ compliment __students who perform upto expections and to encourage students to perform to maximum levels.27.In the__ domain__of research,it is an accepted fact that scientificpublications have to be written or translated into English to getpublished,acknowledged,and cited.28.He received a(n)__ anonymous__call threatening to disclose detailsof his affair if he didn ’t pay the money.29.The movie presents Lincoln as a strong-willed,__ conscientious __man who led the US through a moral,constitutions and political crisis.30.It is understandable that the health and welfare of their familyis a(n)__ perpetual __concern for this young couple.Unit5 When work is a pleasure3)31.The general considered all the information that had been gatheredand__gauged__what possible moves the enemy might make before issuinghis orders.32.The new president said she would__ dedicate __herself to protectingthe rights of the old and the homeless,who are otherwise helpless and vulnerable.33.Cell phone conversations,which are fairly__ commonplace__on commuter trains,can be annoying to fellow commuters.34.Ask your doctor whether a low-fat diet and a daily walkwill__ suffice __to reduce your high blood pressure.35.The__ revenue __from tourism is the biggest single contribution toGDP in the Maldives;every year many tourist from all corners of theworld spend their holidays there.36.Since the beginning of this century,china has built many mordenconference centers with underground parking,air-conditioningand__simultaneous __translation systems.37.While advertising offers a stimulus to buy,sales promotion offersa(n)__ incentive __to buy,but consumers must have their own reason tobuy38.In general,smokers living in cities are slightly more__ prone __to lung cancer than smokers who are living in the country.39.A large proportion of important__ innovations __are brought about by people who step outside of conventional categories or traditionalassumptions.40.The habit of going to coffee houses was__ fostered __by the city ’s relatively small size,safe streets,good public transportation andmoderate climate.Unit8 The art of parenting3)41.He could hardly control his__ indignation __at the condition under which the miners where forced to work,without water and enough food.42.Both side were very careful when drafting the ceasefireagreements,they wanted to prevent any actions that could beconsidered__ provocative __by either side.43.She has always had a(n)__ militant __personality;she is always prepared and ready to do battle when she believes that the cause isright.44.News stories__ overlap __;morning paper headlines take account of the previous,evening ’s radio and TV stories,and the electronic media pick up items from the daily press.45.Lucy stretched up to kiss her dad ’s cheek lightly,and he patted his daughter as if he was__ conferring __an honor to her.46.Inspired by Martin Luther king ’s famous speech, “I Have a dream ”,thousand of people went out onto the streets to support thecivil rights,movement in__ defiance __of the curfew.47.Beth was__ hesitant __about visiting his ex-boy friend;she worriedthat he might refuse to talk to her.48.When human first traveled into outer space,it was as revolutionarya(n)__ milestone __in human culture as the invention of the wheel.49.Perplexed,she turned and noticed her husband had collapsed and was slumped on the floor behind the counter.she rushed to him and__cradled __his head in her arms.50.Health experts are now__ preaching __that even a littleexercise,such as doing housework or light gardening,is far betterthan none at all.Unit16)A committed( 犯罪) F eventually( 最后) K feats( 功勋)B scarcely( 几乎不) G premier( 首相) L diligent( 勤勉,刻苦)C dedication( 奉献) H endeavor( 尝试,尽力) M slightest( 纤弱,细瘦)D tragic( 悲惨的) I transcend( 超越,摆脱)N attained( 到达)E handicaps( 阻碍,) J bypass( 旁路小道) O diligently( 勤奋的)Where there is a will,there is a way.This proverb means that if youare really determined to do something however difficulty is mightbe,you will(1)__ eventually __find a way to do itwell.The(2)__ premier __point is that you must have the will to achieve success.Ninety percent of the failures that occur are due to the fact thatthere is no strong will involved.Many people simple say that theywant something,but they do not make any(3)__ endeavor __to achieveit.So,instead of getting it,they use the poorest excuse to explainthe situation away.On many occasions,people tend to(4)__ bypass__every minuteobstacle,making the objective impossible to attain.In reality,if theyhave the will to succeed,they can get rid of the(5)__ handicaps __and achieve their goalsOnly those with a(n)(6)__ committed __and focused will and spirit canfight their way to final victory.Many a famous man has the sameexperience.They have(7)__ attained __their prestige because they havehad the will to(8)__ transcend __apparently insuperable( 无法克服的)obstacles.many artists,statesmen,writers and inventors have managedto succeed because they possess a fierce will,which hashelped them to accomplish major(9)__ feats __Therefore,we can see that the main thing which one needs is a strongwill.Weak-willed people never climb to the top.They collapse atthe(10)__ slightest __use of force against them.Strong-willed people,onthe other hand,will stand up against all odds and will make it apoint to succeed.6)A excessive( 过度) F pathetic( 可怜的) K characterized( 性格)B roles( 规则) G challenge( 挑战) L awareness( 意识,认识)C paralyze( 使瘫痪) H amount( 总计) M catastrophe( 不利局面) Daspects( 方面) I exposed( 暴露) N reaction( 回应)E deemed(认为) J recede( 减小) O vicious( 凶险的)Social anxiety symptoms often begin during adolescence.It ’s developmental process that is(1)__ characterized __by profound psychological changes,especially in terms of how we relate toothers.One of the most frustrating(2)__ aspects __of the adolescentyears is the tendency for self-focus and a decrease in the(3)__ amount__of focus we have for the feelings and needs of othersWhile these change are fairly universal,those of us who were bornwith a shy temperament( 性格)can carry the adolescent fears,which maynever(4)__ recede __,into adulthood.An anxious temperament causes ourbrains to react forcibly when(5)__ exposed__to the stress of sudden awareness of our peers and gradually we become more and morevulnerable.Our brains label the fear of exposure or embarrassment as highly dangerous.This may result in a(n)(6)__ vicious __circle for manyyears:excessive self-consciousness and inhibition when we feel we are being observed.To cope with the problem,I would like to(7)__ challenge __you to strive for increased focus other people,in place ofyour(8)__ excessive __focus on yourself.Yes,I know,this is easier saidthan done.The fear may cause you to feel that you will lose controlor make a fool of yourself when you are in the spotlight( 聚光灯).But if you begin to build a new response,in(9)__ reaction __to yourfears,you will gradually build up a strong and more positiveresponse.Remember,don’t let self-consciousness(10)__ paralyze __you!Be courageous!6)A diplomatic( 外交的) F popularity( 欢迎) K devote( 投票)B humanitarian( 人道主义) G beneficiary( 利益) L mentally( 精神上) Cdomain(领域) H committed( 忠诚,坚定) M originally( 原始的)D integral( 必须的) I define( 规定) N surviving( 存在的)E embarked( 从事,着手) J humane( 仁慈,高尚) O cherishing( 钟爱) Audrey Hepburn was a beautiful actress and model,who become one ofthe most successful and well-known actresses in the film(1)__ domain__She was a fashion icon and role model for women all over theworld,helping to(2)__ define __a particular type offresh,vulnerable,elfin( 小精灵似的)beauty.Today ’s(3)__ popularity __of the slim fashion model is due to Audrey Hepburn ’s influence.Although she appeared frail( 脆弱的),she was(4)__ mentally __strong.At the end ofthe acting career when she entered a(n)(5)__ diplomatic __career as a Goodwell Ambassador for UNICEF,she was so solidly(6)__ committed __to her cause that she was held in highest esteem( 尊重)by even the most hardended politicians.Audrey originally started working for UNICEF in 1954,doing radiopresentations.She always said it was happy to(7)__ devote __her life to helping impoverished( 穷困的)children after her own good fortunein(8)__ surviving __the hardship of the Nazi occupation of Holland.shebegan her permanent ambassadorship in 1988 and(9)__ embarked__on tripsto many countries.She was always positive :“people in these places don’t know Audery Hepburn,but they recognize the name UNICEF.whenthey see UNICEF their face light up,because they know that somethingis happening. ”In 1992,her(10)__ humanitarian __work with those in need was recognize when she was awarded the Jean Hersholt HumanitarianAward by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for hercontribution to humanity.6)A coincide( 相符) F notion( 概念,意见) K reflects( 表达,反射) Bdiversion( 转移,) G adverse( 不利,有害) L primary( 首要的)Cfoster( 培养,促进) H motivations( 动力) M miserable( 悲惨,令人痛苦) D gauging( 测定,) I monetary( 货币,金钱) N aspects( 方面) Egossiping( 八卦,) J livelihood( 生活,生计) O employees( 雇员)In a study conducted in the UK,it was found that only four out ofevery five(1)__ employees__happy at work.Surprisingly,contrary topopular(2)__ notion __,friendly,supportive colleague and a goodmanage,instead of the salary or the love for the work,have been foundto be the(3)__ primary __causes of happiness at work.So,how do you keep your spirits up and at the same time,(4)__ foster __a sense of joy onthe job? Here is one of the trips to help you on your way to findinghappiness and complete job satisfaction in the workplace.Start with a positive outlook.Happiness is a state of mind;it(5)__ reflects __an attitude,though not many people realize it.Stayinghappy at work is totally base on your(6)__ motivations __on a positive outlook toward your job,not on(7)__ monetary __rewards or materialgain.Dwelling on( 老是想着)the good(8)__ aspects __of the work ratherthan rattling on and on( 对, 喋喋不休)about what makes you unhappy is the basic key to happiness.Negativity and(9)__ gossiping __about bad things may be easy,but it is looking at the bright side that makesfor the challenging part of a job.As Francesca Reigler puts it,“Happiness in an attitude.We either makeourselves(10)__ miserable __,or happy and strong.The amount of work isthe same. ”6)A contact( 接触) F hardy( 鲁莽,勇敢) K handy( 方便)B obedience( 服从,) G confer( 授予) L charge( 装载)C presumption( 推测) H bounce( 反弹) M dispense( 摒弃, 不用做)D intellect( 才智) I cradle( 轻拥) N disposal( 丢掉,清除)E tumble( 摔倒,翻腾) J automatic( 自动的) O attached( 附加,依恋) Laughter is a(n)(1)__ automatic __response to being touched by atickle( 瘙痒)-a natural response from the child.This puts the ticklerin(2)__ charge __of how much or how long the child laughs.We adultsdon’t read children ’s minds,but we often havea(n)(3)__ presumption_ _that we can.So we usually think we ’re aware of what’s too much tickling and when to stop.But it is possible to trapour children without knowing it.We parents become(4)_ _attached __to tickling because it seems to be a(n)(5)_ _handy__shortcut tolaughter.We wish that our children are happy and love us,and ticklingbecomes our shortcut to get assured.Rather than forcing laughter in this way,we can(6)__ confer __upon them inner confidence if we will get known on the floor and invite them tobe in playful physical(7)__ contact_ _with us.If we find ways to givethem much of the power,our children will laugh and laugh.Games like“I have a hundred hugs for you ”or“Where’s Jared? I know hisaround here somewhere ”or “Oh no! I can ’t get this horsy rider offmy back! ”let children laugh and laugh as we try to catch them,or tryto find them,or try to(8)__ bounce__them, off our backs,and fail overand over.The physical contact that requires more creativity than ticklingallows us to (9)__ tumble __around,to press our heads against theirstomachs here and there for a second,and to manage an embrace beforethey make another daring escape.We get our affection across withouttrapping our children.And we give them a chance to be inventive asthey use their(10)_ _intellect __to figure out a hundred ways tooutsmart us.51.如今,很多年轻人不再选择" 稳定"的工作,他们更愿意自主创业,依靠自己的智慧和奋斗去实现自我价值。



UNIT 11.无论你是多么富有经验的演说家,无论你做了多么充分的准备,你都很难在这样嘈杂的招待会上发表演讲。

(no matter how)No matter how experienced a speaker you are , and well you have prepared your speech, you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception.2.就像吉米妹妹的朋友都关心吉米一样,吉米也关心他们。

(just as)Just as all sister’s friends cared about him, Jimmy cared them.3.汽车生产商在新车的几处都印有汽车识别号码,以便帮助找回被盗的车辆。

(track down)Car manufactures stamp a vehicle identification number at several places no new cars to help track down stolen vehicles.4.老师回来时你敢告我状的话,我就不再和你说话了。

(tell on)If you dare tell on me when the teacher gets back I won’t say a word to you anymore.5.有些老年人愿意独自过日子,但大多数老人选择和儿女一起生活。

(on one’s own)Some elderly people prefer to live on their own while the great majority choose to live with their children.6.现在需要面对的事情是:如何筹集建公司所需的资金。

(reckon with)Here is something that needs to be reckoned with how to get the necessary finances to establish the company.UNIT 21.被告是位年仅30岁的女子,她坚持称自己无罪。



Part II key to exercisesSection APre-reading activities1.Traditional classroom:. Advantages: more direct communication between the teacher and students; a better learning atmosphere.. Disadvantages: little interaction either among students or between students and the teacher; the teacher tending to dominate the class; writing on blackboard reducing efficiency.Multimedia learning:. Advantages: more vivid teaching materials;. disadvantages: too many distractions with too many pictures and videos in multimedia classrooms.Studying online:. advantages: being able to choose when and what you want to learn; easy access to the wide range of online information.. disadvantages: making it easier for students to copy answers from the Internet; lack of face-to-face communication between the teacher and students; the possibility for students to develop Internet addiction.2. . I prefer the multimedia way of learning. A multimedia classroom is vivid with teaching materials presented in different ways: slides, pictures, and even movies. Compared with a traditional classroom, a multimedia classroom is more interesting.. To be frank, I prefer to study online. In this way I can manage my own time. I can have my own priorities and do things at my own pace. It is simply what I want.3. . Yes. The Internet is indispensable in teaching and learning nowadays. It is hard to imagine what it would be like without the Internet. We would have no easy or quick way to learn about the latest development of teaching and learning. We would miss the many interesting online courses; we couldn’t communicate effectively with teachers after class. We just can’t afford to lose the Internet.. No. teaching and learning had been carried out long before the Internet came into being. And people did just as well without the Internet or the computer. It is true that the Internet makes teaching and learning more convenient and more efficient, but it is by no means indispensable. I’m sure we can still teach or learn without the Internet.Reading comprehensionUnderstanding the text1.1. A fleet of laptops, smartphones and Internet connectivity 24 hours a day.2. wireless Internet access anywhere and anytime on campus.3. because smartphones could draw students’ attention and encourage sophisticated thinking.4. because too much time online can mean too little time I real-life studying or exercising or visiting with friends. If we spend too much time online, we will be cut off from the real world.5. they used the money to wire dorms with high-speed connections and equip their campuses with Wi-Fi networks.6. Because the university was afraid that it’s technology was not as advanced as that of other universities, it gave away free Apple iPads to compensate for its inferiority in this aspect.7. If a university can’t keep up with the rest f the world, or if it can’t provide high-bandwidth information as expected, it will be at a competitive disadvantage.8. it is mainly because they want to provide students with the most advanced free system.Critical thinking21 .Yes, I think so. Internet access is a must on campus. We students need the Internet to do research for our study, to obtain information to broaden our knowledge of the world, to communicate with family and friends, and to enrich our lives in our spare time.. No, I don’t think so. There are many potential disadvantages if Internet access is so easily accessible on campus. Some students may waste too much time I playing online games or chatting online, be tempted to visit “unhealthy” websites, or even become Internet-addicted and neglect their study.2 .It sounds like an awful idea to me. Obtaining knowledge is only part of learning. Learning not only gives us a wealth of knowledge, it also provides us with great vision, strong principles, social abilities, good manners, interpersonal skills and many more valuable attributes. This obviously cannot be realized by learning at home only with the computer..I think it is a good idea that students can study at home via the Internet in the future. Learning would become more flexible and accessible. This way, college education could become available to many more people, old or young, near or far, healthy or handicapped.3 . The Internet and smartphones have become an indispensable part of our daily life because they don’t cost much and they make communication much more convenient. We can talk to people, or leave them messages almost anywhere and anytime. And very often we will get responses in no time.. With the Internet and smartphones becoming more and more popular, we are forgetting how to write with a pen or how to talk with people face to face. The more we use the Internet and smartphones, the less we meet our friends in real life. Even when friends meet face to face, instead of talking with each other, they all look at their smartphones, checking email or posting something on WeChat.4 .Life would be unimaginable without the Internet or smartphones. I depend on them to do everything, from study to communication, from shopping to entertaining. Without the Internet, the backing systems, the communications systems, in fact all key aspects closely related to peoples’ life will collapse. Life without the Internet would be terrible and simply unimaginable. .Actually, I wouldn’t mind having a life without the Internet or smartphones. Without them, I would meet my family and friends face to face and spend more quality time together. I might take up some interesting hobbies or try something new. So, without them life might become evenmore colorful.Language focusWords in use3petitive2.transform3.typical4.response5.adopted6.focusedpensate8.analyze9.regulate10.estimateword building4Words learned new words formed -ry sceneryscene machinery-ivedetective detectcompare comparative explode explosive represent representative-izeModern modernize Character characterize Special specialize Computer computerize Summary summarize51.scenery2.machinery3.summarize4.specializes5.massive6.detect7.representative(s)8.characterizeparative10.modernize11.explosiveputerizedbanked cloze61J 2H 3L 4N 5F 6I 7E 8A 9C 10OExpressions in use71.fired off2.keep up with3.set up4.account for5.stand out6.add to7.take the lead8.at a disadvantage9.in large part10.visit withstructured writing9It is not uncommon to see teenagers smoking today. Some of them smoke because of peer pressure. When they see some of their friends smoking, they feel the pressure to try it out in order to “fit in”with the crowd. Some other teenagers smoke because they want to imitate adults or appear to be mature. Teenagers like to imitate their favorite stars and adults around them. So, parents who smoke may set a bad example for their children. In conclusion, the causes of teenager smoking can be attributed to peer pressure and their intention to look like adults.Translation10伦敦地铁是英国的一个快速交通运输系统,服务于大伦敦的大部分地区。



competitive advantage
the focus on technology
repair shops
Access to up-to-date information is essential to our research. 利用最新信息对我们的研究至关重要。 Access [‘æksɛs] to:vt.进入;使用n. 使用权 常用短语: Get ~ to sth/ places/ 变形词汇: Accessible adj. 可进入的;可接近的 Accessibility to n. 可进入,可接入
Text study
Language application
Pre-reading activities
Look at the following 3 pictures and answer the questions based on these pictures. (also on your book Page 60 )
Part II — (Paras. 2-6)
Colleges have become the most Internetaccessible spots in the world. And this digital transformation has brought students various conveniences _ for their learning and lives.
Do you think Internet becoming indispensable for your study? What is the advice offered by the writer? (Para. 6) yes: ·to do homework, check answers on internet ·review lecture information ·take part in class discussions Advice: ·1. do not make the Internet as a toy 2. do not let the online world take you away from the real world
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
1 The first feeling I had when I saw her was that she was English, impression
but her accent sounded lirkeestehmabt loefda foreigner.
2 She asked me for a 50-pence coin to putiinnsteortthe machine so she could get a cup of coffee, and the money for the bus ticket home.
3 If you _c_o_m_p_l_ai_n___ about something, you say that you are not satisfied with it.
4 If you _h_e_s_it_a_te____, you stop before doing something, More perhaps because you are worried.
grateful to
Unfamiliar Words
Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.
authority combination refusal somehow sympathetic tend urgent victim
Unfamiliar Words
appeal commit suicide cruelty firm grateful to impression incline Insert resemble
3 I usually don’t feel as if I want to give strangers money, but the
6 When you _e_m_e_r_g_e____ from something, you come out of it.
7 If you are _c_o_n_s_ci_o_u_s__ of something, you know that it is there.
8 You _a_c_c_o_m_p_a_n_y_ a person when you go with them to somewhere.
PITY for a stranger
Warming up Unfamiliar Words
Skimming Digging Interpreting Language in Use
Unfamiliar Words
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.
6 She had suffered years of behavior which caused her pain from
colleagues in her old job.
7 Now, she said, she felt she wanted to thank all the people who had been kind to her and helped her over the last few days.
Unfamiliar Words
Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box.
appeal commit suicide cruelty firm grateful to impression incline Insert resemble
Байду номын сангаас
Unfamiliar Words
accompany approach complain conscious continual emerge hesitate shake
5 A(n) _co_n_t_in_u_a_l___ noise is one that goes on without stopping.
accompany approach complain conscious continual emerge hesitate shake
1 You _s_h_a_k_e_____ your head by turning it from side to side.
2 When you _a_p_p_ro_a_c_h___ something you move closer to it.
request for help she made had a strange effect on me.
4 She held out her hand and smiled. Her handshake was strong and she spoke
in a voice that was determined and not likely to change.
5 Then she told me that before she had come to live in my town she had felt
like killing herself.
committing suicide
Unfamiliar Words
appeal commit suicide cruelty firm grateful to impression incline Insert
Every night about 5,000 people sleep on the streets of
London. During the day some of them sell a magazine called
The Big Issue. Some people feel (1) __________ and stop to