

CPS-20C1恒压供水控制器 说明书

CPS-20C1恒压供水控制器 说明书





20C1系列控制器内部控制逻辑及控制算法均采用先进的现代控制理论进行设计,PID 参数免调试,所以用户使用起来,会感觉非常方便,而且供水系统的精度高,系统响应速度快,稳定性好。







用户可自己检查控制器的型号,具体操作方法是:将控制器的键盘锁定开关拨至LOCK 位置,然后按下功能键(FUNC),通过面板下排数码管所显示的内容判断控制器的型号。

其中,“1 S-S”为S型,“2 b-b”为BB型,“3 d-d”为DD型,“4 d-b”为DB型。








97745C (Rev. C - 8/05)Installation/Care/Use ManualUSES HFC-134A REFRIGERANTFIG. 1SEE FIG.5528, 29, 31, 47, 5014, 15, 18,19, 20, 21, 2240104633124445, 49, 514248131738168436, 79323363739414, 321197745C (Rev. C - 8/05)F IG . 2F I N I S H E D F L O O R P I S O A C A B A D O P L A N C H E R F I N IE = I N S U R E P R O P E R V E N T I L A T I O N B Y M A I N T A I N I N G 4" (102m m ) (M I N .) C L E A R A N C EF R O M C A B I N E T L O U V E R S T O W A L L .A S EG U R E U N A V E N T I L A C I ÓN A D E C U A D A M A N T E N I E N D O U N E S P A C I O E 4" (102m m ) (M ÍN .) D EH O L G U R A E N T R E L A R E JI L L A D E V E N T I L A C I ÓN D E L M U E B L E Y L A P A R E D A S S U R E Z -V O U S U N E B O N N E V E N T I L A T I O N E N G A R D A N T 4" (102m m ) (M I N .) E N T R E L E S ÉV E N T S D E L ’E N C E I N T E E T L E M U R .F = P O W E R C O R D 4 F E E T (1219m m ) L O N G C A B L E E L ÉC T R I C O D E 4 P I E (1219m m ), D E L A R G O C O R D O N D ’A L I M E N T A T I O N 4' (1219m m )G = P L U M B I N G R O U G H -I N C A N B E L O C A T E D A N Y W H E R E W I T H I N T H I S A R E A .S E P U E D E C O L O C A R E L D E S B A S T E D E L A T U B E R ÍA E N C U A L Q U I E R L U G A R D E N T R O D E E S T A ÁR E A .O N P E U T P L A C E R L A T U Y A U T E R I E D A N S C E T T E R ÉG I O N .L E G E N D /L E Y E N D A /L ÉG E N D E A = R E C O M M E N D E D W A T E R S U P P L Y L O C A T I O N 3/8 O .D . U N P L A T E D C O P P E R T U B E C O N N E C T S T U B 1-1/2 I N . (38m m ) O U T F R O M W A L L S H U T O F F B Y O T H E R S S E R E C O M I E N D A U B I C A R E L T U B O C O R T O D E C O N E X I ÓN A L T U B O D E C O B R E S I N C H A P A R D E 3/8" D E D I ÁM . E X T . A 1-1/2"(38m m ) F U E R A D E L A L L A V E D E P A S O E N L A P A R E D C O L O C A D A P O R T E R C E R O S . E M P L A C E M E N T R E C O M M A N D É D 'A L I M E N T A T I O N E N E A U P A R T U B E E N C U I V R E N O N P L A Q U É D E 3/8 P O . (9,5 m m ) D .E .C O N N E C T A N T U N E T U Y A U T E R I E D E 1-1/2 P O . (38m m ) D E P U I S L E R O B I N E T D 'A R R ÊT F O U R N I P A R D 'A U T R E S .B = R E C O M M E N D E D L O C A T I O N F O R W A S T E O U T L E T 1-1/4” O .D . D R A I N U B I C A C I ÓN R E C O M E N D A D A P A R A E L D R E N A J E D E S A L I D A D E A G U A , D E 1¼” D E D I ÁM E T R O .E M P L A C E M E N T R E C O M M A N D É P O U R L E D R A I N D E D .E . 1-1/4" D E S O R T I E D ’E A U .C = 1-1/4 T R A P N O T F U R N I S H E D **P U R G A D O R D E 1¼ N O P R O P O R C I O N A D O **S I P H O N 1-1/4 N O N F O U R N I **D = E L E C T R I C A L O U T L E T L O C A T I O N U B I C A C I ÓN D E L A T O M A D E E L E C T R I C I D A D E M P L A C E M E N T D E L A P R I S E D E C O U R A N T97745C (Rev. C - 8/05)FIG. 3FIG. 4CONDENSER WATER VALVE ADJUSTMENTThe condenser water valve is factory preset for a condenser water outlet temperature of 95° to 105° F.If actual temperature varies greatly from this,readjust water flow rate at the valve using the following procedures.1. START UP COMPRESSORThis can be accomplished by depressing the cooler push button (See Fig. 5 - Item 24). Keep water running during the entire readjustment procedure.2. ADJUSTMENT CONDENSER WATER VALVE Adjust valve by rotating adjustment stem. Rotating stem clockwise will decrease water flow. Counterclock-wise rotation will increase water flow. Increasing water flow will result in a lower condenser outlet temperature,while decreasing water flow will result in a higher outlet temperature. Proper adjustment is attained when condenser outlet temperature is 95° to 105° F.STREAM HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT : Stream height is factory set at 45-50 PSI. If supply pressure varies greatly from this, remove items 24 and 25 (See figure 5) from bubbler assembly and adjust the screw on the regulator (Item 35). Clockwise adjust-ment will raise stream height and counterclockwise will lower the stream height. A stream height of 1-1/2" (38mm) is recom-mended.97745C (Rev. C - 8/05)ELKAY MANUFACTURING COMPANY • 2222 CAMDEN COURT • OAK BROOK, ILPRINTED IN U.S.A.PARTS LIST 115VP ART NO.DESCRIPTION10031C 10032274065015009C 70772C 27317C 28270C 28271C 28272C 28273C 28631C 28277C 28278C 27279C 35843C 35840C 36219C 35892C 35768C 35845C 35874C 35844C36095C 36114C40048C 40089C40322C 45675C 45718C 50005C 45703C 50368C 70767C 55996C 60291C 61313C 66203C 66674C 66677C 66693C 66679C 66680C 66681C 66682C 66685C 70421C 70682C 70750C 75494C 75602C 75603C 50144CNut-Retaining Gasket-Black Nipple-Bubbler Drain Plug BasinBrace-Cross Rear Brace-Cross Front Baseplate ShelfBracket-Strain Relief Panel-Front Panel-LH Side Panel-RH Side Relay Overload Cord-Power Cold Control Cover-Relay Cap-Capacitor Clip-Capacitor CapacitorBracket-Capacitor Compressor Button Nut-Cover Orifice Assy Bubbler Body Assy-Tailpipe Gasket-T ailpipe Bubbler Assy Drain ReceptorEvaporator Retaining Clip Strainer Screen-SSRegulator-Red Spring DrierAssy-WC Condenser Tube-WC Condenser Tube-Tee To Check Vlv Tube-CU 1/4 x 30Tube-CU 1/4 x 22Tube-Water Vlv To Check Vlv Heat Exchanger Assy-Evaporator Washer-Flat Fitting-1/4 Tee Hose Clamp Check Valve Cotter Pin Nut Hex SSGrommet-Compressor Mtg.123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051*INCLUDES RELAY , OVERLOAD & CAPACITOR. IF UNDER WARRANTY , REPLACE WITH SAME COMPRESSOR USED IN ORIGINAL ASSEMBLY .NOTE: All correspondence pertaining to any of the above water coolers or orders for repair parts MUST include Model No. and Serial No. of cooler, name and part number of re-placement part.ITEM NO.FIG. 52630FIG. 6REMOVE THIS PACKING BEFORE PUTTING UNIT INTO SERVICE 800-518-5388。



FeaturesRefrigeration and Freezing* Energy Cost will depend on utility rates and use. Estimated energy cost based on a national average electricity cost of 14 cents per KWh.** Noise output – according to EN 60704-3Super SilentAll refrigeration components such as compressors, valves, fans and evaporators are optimised andperfectly adapted to one another. This means you only hear what you want to hear in your kitchen.Soft SystemSoftSystem integrated into the appliance door, cushions the door closure, thus eliminatingslamming, even when the shelves are fully loaded.BioFresh technology guarantees the perfect climate for superior, long-lasting freshness.DuoCooling independent refrigeration systems provide precise temperature control and superior performance, efficiency and food preservation. DuoCoolingThe fan – as powerful as it is quiet – distributes the cold air efficiently throughout the entire refrigeration compartment.Power CoolingIce Maker automatic with fixed water connection produces perfect ice cubes and keeps a constant supply on hand.Ice MakerDiagramsSubject to modification. For up-to-date information, visit Specifications are for planning purposes only. For more detailed information, refer to installation instructions or Design Guide.30" (76.2 mm)The water line lead out position can be within the shaded area.IMPORTANTDo not install the shut-off valve for the water supply behind the appliance, to allow access to the shut off without having to pull out the applaince.The power cord exists the rear of the applianceat this location.CBS 1660, CBS 166180” (2032 m m )5”76”23 1/2”4”4”5”(597 mm)60” (1524mm) Side by Side24” m i n . (610 m m )。







二、产品特点1. 高效清洗:采用先进的洗涤技术和多重喷淋系统,可快速、彻底地清洗餐具和厨房用品。

2. 智能控制:配备先进的智能控制系统,可根据不同的洗涤需求自动调整洗涤参数。

3. 多功能应用:可适用于各种不同类型和材质的餐具和厨房用品,包括玻璃器皿、陶瓷餐具、不锈钢餐具等。

4. 安全耐用:采用优质材料和耐用设计,确保设备稳定、安全、耐用。

三、使用方法1. 准备工作:将餐具和厨房用品分类放置好,清理掉残留食物和油污。

2. 加入洗涤剂:按照说明书的要求,在洗碗机洗涤剂盒中加入所需数量的洗涤剂。

3. 设置程序:根据实际需要选择适当的洗涤程序,并设置洗涤时间和温度等参数。

4. 开始洗涤:按下启动按钮,启动洗涤程序,待程序执行完成后,取出清洗干净的餐具和厨房用品。

四、注意事项1. 在使用美的JV20洗碗机之前,请先仔细阅读使用说明书,并按照指引进行正确操作。

2. 请勿在设备未停止运行时进行任何维修或调整操作,以免发生意外。

3. 如洗涤过程中出现异常情况,请及时停止洗涤并按照说明书处理或联系售后服务中心。





本说明书适用于以下型号的线控器:目 录使用注意事项..................使用条件......................主要功能......................线控器的配网..................线控器的使用..................故障代码. (112237)安装注意事项..................安装附件.....................安装方法.....................与空调器室内机配线图. (8)91013目录使用部分■为确保正确使用,请仔细阅读本注意事项,并请。






●电源电压适用范围:输入电压为直流12V ;●工作环境温度:-15℃~43℃;湿度:RH40%~RH90%;●电控安全符合:GB4706.32-2012、GB/T7725-2004要求。

使用部分●AP 配网模式:长按“风速”键,蜂鸣器长响一声后,液晶上的WiFi图标 开始快速闪烁 (1秒闪1次),使用美居App 的“添加设备”功能,选择“空调”类设备,选 择对应的型号,按其指示进行配网。

网络配置成功后,WiFi 图标长亮,并可以通过美居APP 对空调进行远程操控。

如果WiFi 图标熄灭或者无法进行远程操作,请检查配网时提供WiFi 热点的网络设备是否正常工作,或尝试重新进行网络配置。


仅适用于有WiFi 功能线控器请将线控器与空调室内机对接。




面板部件TEL 400-8899-315产 品 名 称:厨房面板产 品 型 号:MBT2K-T MBT2K-C MBT2K-H 制 造 商:广东美的制冷设备有限公司制造商地址:广东省佛山市顺德区北滘镇林港路邮 编:528311版 本 号:MBT2K-01物 料 编 码:16124000000021本资料上所有内容均经过认真核对,如有任何印刷错漏或内容上的误解,可向本公司咨询。













4.人站立位置出风口出风口出风口≤1.5m≤1.5m≤1.5m 提示。



《美的牌微波炉说明书》Beautiful brand microwave oven specificationFunction introduction - the common functions1. Microwave cookingMicrowave cooking with 5 files microwave firepower, the period T = 22 seconds.(1) press "microwave" button, select the corresponding microwave power;(2) press "10 points", "1 cent", "10 seconds" button, adjust the cooking time, maximum cooking time for 99 points 90 seconds;(3) press the "start" button, cooking start;(4) during operation of the press the start / + 30 seconds "button, the cooking time increased 30 seconds, fire unchanged.2. Waves brittle roast/combination barbecue(1) press "light/combination barbecue" button, select combination gear;(2) press "10 points", "1 cent", "10 seconds" button, adjust the cooking time, maximum cooking time for 99 points 90 seconds;(3) press the "start" button, cooking start;(4) during operation of the press the start / + 30 seconds, "cooking time will add 30 seconds, fire unchanged.Combination firepower, the period T = 33 secondsKey number function display microwave power barbecue power1 barbecue G / 100%2 combination 1 gears C - 1 55% (18/33) 45% (15/33)3 combination 2 gears C - 2 36% (12/33) 64% (21/33)Note: barbecue time running to set time half, two sound, remind buzzer chirping door flip food.3. Quick nutrition menu(1) press steamed fish, steamed water eggs, steamed pork spareribs, steamed sweet potatoes, steamed seafood, frozen food, milk/coffee, turn over hot bread, boiled rice, vegetables, nutrition soup, stew chicken, roast chicken wings, kebabs arbitrary "campRaise menu key, can be directly show menus portions; select menu, the corresponding cooking mark light;(2) click "start / + 30 seconds" button to start cooking; The corresponding cooking mark twinkle;Note: barbecue menu operation to set time 2/3, two sound, remind buzzer chirping door flip food.4. Fast cookingIn standby mode, press the "start / + 30 seconds" button, but instantly start 30 seconds, 100% microwave firepower cooking, each click to increase 30 seconds cooking time, maximum cooking time 99 points 50 seconds.5. More paragraphs to cook(1) maximum input three sections of cooking;(2) if the three sections of cooking for a period, then thawed thaw cook cook suggested in the first paragraph.note(1) completed each segment of cooking bees two sound;(2) automatic menu cooking, electronic except taste for all segments of discomfort cooperation to cook.6. Quick freezing(1) press "quick freezing" button to display the default weight;(2) then click "quick freezing" button, can choose different weight;(3) press the "start" button, the thaw beginning.Note: to flip food to thaw halfway.Function is introduced - especially function1. TongSuo functionExecute the function, control panel into locking state, press any key cannot operate, avoid the incorrect operation dangerous child. Second-ranking locking: in standby continuous hold"pause/cancel" keys 3 seconds, a loud long "di," meaning that TongSuo state, LED display into the TongSuo mark light; clock, In Washington state, unlock: lock down "pause/cancel for 3 seconds," button with a long "di" will unlock, LED returns standby TongSuo marks the destroyer.2. Inquires the functionFirepower inquiresSecond-ranking can inquire firepower, microwave, barbecue, combination cooking condition can press microwave under fire. The key inquires the current3. Automatic prompt functionsAfter the show had cooking buzzer chirping sound, End; 5 If have no operation, every 2 minutes while buzzer chirping sound tip cook 5 ended. Meanwhile press any key invalid, until a door or press the cancel button returns the standby mode of operation.4. Be cancelled automatically functionSecond-ranking once set the cooking condition, and within one minute, no press the start button is display restored to the clock display6. Save electricityUnder the standby itself press the "save electricity" button, the machine into the province electricity state, monitors shut, for display closed press any key can restore display;tip(1) in function setting state, digital pipe display corresponding setting;(2) effective button with a buzzer chirping, invalid buttons without reaction;(3) in operation and suspended state, digital pipe display remaining cooking time.(4) please as soon as possible by the thawing food cooked or edible, unfavorable and chill under refrigeration.. (5) thawing thick food, please note that the time taken to obtain good food, flip the thawing effect.功能介绍-常用功能1. 微波烹调微波烹调具有5档微波火力,周期T=22秒。

美的 1.5匹 柜式空调 使用说明书

美的 1.5匹 柜式空调 使用说明书

USER’S MANUAL Remote ControllerRemote Controller - User’s ManualAppearance and Functions6379101415131281154211ON/OFF 2Operation Mode 3Fan Speed 4Turbo Fan Speed 67 Vertical Air Direction 9I Feel13Display Light On/Off 1415Setpoint/Indoor/OutdoorTemperature Toggle11Set Time 1210Timer On/Off 8Sleep Mode 5▲/ Adjustment Buttons ▲Clean/Circulate Air X-Fan ModeScreen IconsTurbo mode℃ (46.4º F) heating function Child lock Vertical Air DirectionHorizontal Air Direction Sleep modeI feel、fan speed. DisplayedRemote Controller - User’s Manual Setting the TimeWhen using the remote controller for the first time or after replacing the batteries, please set the time of the system according to the current local time using the following steps:1. Press the CLOCK button, the icon will blink.2. Press the ▲ or ▼ buttons to adjust the time in 1 minute increments. Press and hold either ▲ or ▼button for a rapid increase or decrease of the time setting.3. Press the CLOCK button again to confirm/save the time and return to the display. The icon willstop blinking.On/Off ButtonPress this button to turn on or turn off the unit. After turning the unit on, the operation indicator on the indoor unit is ON and the indoor unit will make an audible sound indicating the unit has received the signal.Setting the Operation ModeWhen the unit is on, press the MODE button to cycle through the operating modes as shown below:• When selecting AUTO mode, the unit will operate automatically according to the sensed ambi-ent temperature. The set temperature cannot be adjusted and will not be displayed on the remote screen. The AUTO indicator will illuminate on the indoor unit and display on the remote controller screen. Press the FAN button to adjust the fan speed.• When selecting COOL mode, the unit will operate in air conditioning mode. The cooling indicator will illuminate on the indoor unit and display on the remote controller screen.• When selecting DRY mode, the unit will operate at a low fan speed to dry excess moisture from the indoor coil. The DRY indicator will illuminate on the indoor unit and display on the remote control-ler screen. The fan speed cannot be adjusted in dry mode.• When selecting FAN mode, the unit will only circulate air. No cooling or heating functions are acti-vated. No mode indicators will illuminate on the indoor unit, only the ON indicator will be dis-played.• When selecting HEA T mode, the until will operate in heat pump mode. The heat indicator will illu-minate on the indoor unit and display on the remote controller. The cooling only unit will not process the HEAT mode signal. Note: T o prevent cold air after activating heat mode, the indoor unit will delay the blower 1-5 minutes to allow the indoor coil to heat. The set temperature range from the remote controller is 61-86°F (16-30°C).Remote Controller - User’s Manual Setting the TemperatureWhen the unit is on, press the ▲ or ▼ button on the main screen to increase or decrease the set temperature by 1°F(1°C). Press and hold the ▲ or ▼ buttons to rapidly increase or decrease the tem-perature. Once the button is released the temperature setting will save and display on the remote con-troller. In COOLING, DRY , FAN and HEA TING mode, the indoor temperature setting range is 61°-86°F (16°-30°C). In AUTO mode, the set temperature cannot be adjusted.Setting the Fan SpeedWhen the unit is on, press the FAN button to cycle through the fan speeds in the following sequenceauto (AUTO), low (), medium () and high():When the operation mode changes, the fan speed will remain as originally set. When in AUTO mode, the system will select the proper fan speed automatically according to the factory setting. When in DRY mode, the fan speed is defaulted to low and cannot be adjusted.Setting Turbo Modeicon will be displayed when the TURBO function is on. When the icon is not displayed the achieve quick cooling or heating to reach the desired set point. When the TURBO function is off, the unit operates at the selected fan speed (Auto, Low, Medium, High).Setting the Horizontal Louver (swing angle) Air PositionNOTE: This function is not available for all models. If not available, pressing thebutton will result in no system change. If this function is not available, the horizontal louvers may be adjusted manually on the indoor unit to deflect the air in the desired direction. Do not attempt to manually adjust the vertical louvers.• Press and hold the button for more than 2 seconds; the louvers will swing back and forth from left to right. Release the button and the unit will stop and lock the louver angle in that position.• the louver (swing angle) option. If the button is pressed again within 2 seconds, the louver status will revert to the last louver status in the circular cycle as shown above.Remote Controller - User’s Manual Setting the Vertical Louver (swing angle) Air PositionWhen the unit is on, press the button to adjust the vertical or up/down louver position. The louver angle can be cycled circularly as shown below:at current position)• the unit will move the louvers up and down at the maximumangles for the largest distribution of airflow.• the unit will stop the louver at aarea.• toption.Note:• may not be available for all units. Selecting this option, if notavailable, will result in the full range automatic option.• When pressing and holding the button for more than 2 seconds, the main unit will enter the full range option. To stop the full range oscillation, release the button when the louvers are at the desired point. The louver position will be saved and held.• mode, pressing the button will turn the mode off or on or toggle circularlythrough the louver option steps as indicated above.Setting the TimerThe operation time of the unit can be set as needed. The TIMER ON and TIMER OFF functions can be set simultaneously to enable a system operating time frame. Before setting, check to ensure the system time is set to reflect the current time; if not, see “Setting the Time” on page 2 for instructions on setting the system clock.Setting Timer ON:1. Press the T-ON button, the icon disappears and the word ON will blink.2. Press the ▲ or ▼ buttons to adjust the timer time in 1 minute increments. Press and hold either ▲or ▼ button for a rapid increase or decrease of the timer setting.3. Press the T-ON button again to confirm the timer on setting. The word ON will stop blinking and theicon is displayed indicating the timer has been set. The display will then revert to displaying the system time.4. Press the T-ON button again to cancel the timer. ON will not be displayed indicating there is no ontimer set.Setting Timer OFF:1. Press the T-OFF button, the icon disappears and the word OFF will blink.2. Press the ▲ or ▼ buttons to adjust the timer time in 1 minute increments. Press and hold either ▲or ▼ button for a rapid increase or decrease of the timer setting.3. Press the T-OFF button again to confirm the timer off setting. The word OFF will stop blinking andthe icon is displayed indicating the timer has been set. The display will then revert to displaying the system time.4. Press the T-OFF button again to cancel the timer. OFF will not be displayed indicating there is noRemote Controller - User’s Manual Setting the I Feel FunctionWhen the unit is on, press the I FEEL button to activate the I FEEL function. The icon will only be displayed when the I FEEL function is on. When the I FEEL function is turned on, the remote control-ler will send the detected ambient temperature to the unit and the indoor temperature will be adjusted according to the detected temperature at the location of the remote controller. Note: For best results, the remote controller should be kept near the user. Do not put the remote controller near an object with excessively high or low temperatures, such as on an appliance or in direct sunlight to avoid detecting an inaccurate ambient temperature.Setting the Light DisplayThe light on the display panel of the indoor unit will display the present operation status. Press the LIGHT button to toggle between the display light ON or OFF status.Setting the Temperature FunctionSetting X-FAN ModeWhen the unit is on and in COOL or DRY mode, press the X-FAN button to activate the X-FAN function. The icon will be only displayed when the X-FAN function is on. When the X-FAN function is on, the indoor fan will continue to run for a two minutes to dry the indoor coil after the unit has been powered off. The fan will automatically stop after a preset time. The X-FAN function is not available in AUTO, FAN or HEAT mode. Note: The X-FAN function can be canceled or activated after powering the unit off by pressing the X-FAN button.Setting Sleep ModeWhen the unit is on and in COOL or HEA T mode, press the SLEEP button to activate the SLEEP func-tion. The icon will only be displayed when the SLEEP function is on. The SLEEP function cannot be set in AUTO, FAN or DRY mode. When the unit is turned off or the mode is changed the SLEEP function is automatically canceled.Note: When this function is turned on, the unit will operate according to the preset sleep curve to pro-vide a comfortable sleep environment.Clean/Circulate Air Functionbutton will result in no system change.Pressing the TEMP button determines what temperature is displayed on the remote controller. Bypressing the TEMP button, you can cycle through the display options as follows:Remote Controller - User’s ManualWhen the unit is ON, the display panel of the indoor unit is defaulted to display the set temperature. Press the TEMP button to view the indoor or outdoor ambient temperature on the display panel of the indoor unit.• The icon is displayed when the temperature displayed is the set temperature.• The icon is displayed when the temperature displayed is the indoor ambient temperature.• The icon is displayed when the displayed temperature is the outdoor ambient temperature. Note:• The outdoor temperature display is not available for some models. When the remote controller re-ceives the outdoor ambient temperature signal, it will default to display the set temperature.• When the unit is powered on, the default is the set temperature.• When selecting to display the indoor or outdoor ambient temperature, the indoor temperature in-dicator will display the corresponding temperature and automatically return to displaying the set temperature after 3-5 seconds.Setting Energy-Saving ModeWhen the unit is in COOL mode, press the TEMP and CLOCK buttons simultaneously to activate or deactivate the energy-saving function. When the energy-saving function is activated “SE” will display on the remote controller and the unit will adjust the set temperature automatically to a preset factory setting for the best energy-saving results. Press the TEMP and CLOCK buttons simultaneously again to deactivate the energy-saving function.Note:• When the energy-saving function is on, the fan speed is defaulted to AUTO and cannot be adjusted.• When this function has been set, the set temperature is displayed as “SE”. The system will run in an energy saving mode with the set temperature at 81°F (27°C).• The SLEEP function and energy-saving function cannot operate simultaneously. If the energy-sav-ing function has been set when the unit is in COOL mode, pressing the SLEEP function will cancel the energy-saving function. If the SLEEP function has been set when the unit is in COOL mode, turning on the energy-saving function will cancel the SLEEP function.Setting the 8°C (46°F) Heating Function (Vacation or Holiday)When the unit is in HEAdeactivate the 8°C (46°°C” (46°F) will display on the remote controller. Press the TEMP and CLOCK buttons simultaneously again to deactivate this function. When this function is activated, the unit will not allow the indoor ambient temperature to fall below 8°C (46°F). This function is typically used when away for vacation or holiday and is intended save energy and protect pipes or plants from freezing when the building is unoccupied.Note:• When the 8°C (46°F) function is on, the fan speed is defaulted to AUTO and cannot be adjusted.• When the 8°C (46°F) is on, the set temperature is calculated automatically and cannot be adjusted. • The SLEEP function and 8°C (46°F) function cannot operate simultaneously. If the 8°C (46°F) func-tion has been set when the unit is in HEA T mode, pressing the SLEEP function will cancel the 8°C (46°F) function. If the SLEEP function has been set when the unit is in HEA T mode, turning on the 8°C (46°F) function will cancel the SLEEP function.• When the temperature display is set to °F, the remote controller will display 46°F instead of 8°C.Remote Controller - User’s Manual Setting the Child LockPress the ▲ and ▼be displayed. Press the ▲ and ▼ buttons again simultaneously to unlock the buttons on the remotefunction of the button pressed is invalid.Setting the Temperature Display TypeWhen the unit is OFF , press the ▼ and MODE buttons simultaneously to toggle the temperature display between °C and °F .WIFI FunctionThis function is not available at this time.© 2018 All right reserved.Literature Order Number 88-MACC007-1B-EN DateJanuary 2018Supersedes 88-MACC007-1A-ENThe manufacturer has a policy of continuous product and product data improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifi cations without notice. Only qualifi ed technicians should perform the installation andservicing of equipment referred to in this manual.Replacing the Batteries and Additional Notes1. Lift the back cover in the direction of the arrow (As shown in step 1).2. Remove the original batteries (As shown in step 2).3. Insert two new AAA1.5V dry batteries, and pay attention to the polarity (As shown in step 3).4.Replace the back cover (As shown in step 4).• The remote controller should be kept at a minimum distance of 39 inches (1m) from other electrical appliances such as television, stereo, etc.• The maximum operating distance between the remote and the indoor unit should be no more than 26 feet (8m). The remote controller should be operated within it’s receiving range. If signals are not being processed, move the remote controller closer to the indoor unit. Check to make sure the batteries are good and installed correctly.• The remote controller should not be dropped or thrown. Keep the remote dry and free of liquid spills. • When replacing batteries do not use old or mis-matched batteries.• If the remote controller will not be in use for a period of time, remove the batteries and store separately.。



REMOTE CONTROLLEROWNER’S MANUALIMPORTANT NOTE:Thank you for purchasing our air conditioner. Please read this manual carefully before operating your new air conditioning unit. Make sure to save this manualTable of ContentsRemote Controller Specifications (02)Handling the Remote Controller (03)Buttons and Functions (04)Remote Screen Indicators (06)How to Use Basic Functions (07)How to Use Advanced Functions (10)SPECIAL NOTERemote Controller SpecificationsQuick Start GuideFIT BATTERIES SELECT MODE SELECT TEMPERATUREPRESS POWER BUTTON POINT REMOTE TOWARD UNIT SELECT FAN SPEED• Button designs on your unit may differ slightly from the example shown.• If the indoor unit does not have a particular function, pressing that function’s button on the remote control will have no effect.• When there are wide differentces between “Remote controller Manual” and “USER’S MANUAL” on function description, the description of “USER’S MANUAL” shall prevail.NOT SURE WHAT A FUNCTION DOES?Refer to the How to Use Basic Functions and How to Use Advanced Functions sections of this manual for a detailed description of how to use your air conditioner.AUTO LOW MED HIGHInserting and Replacing BatteriesYour air conditioning unit may come with two batteries(some units). Put the batteries in the remote control before use.1. Slide the back cover from the remote control downward, exposing the battery compartment.2. Insert the batteries, paying attention to match up the (+) and (-) ends of the batteries with the symbols inside the battery compartment.3. Slide the battery cover back into place.NOTES FOR USING REMOTE CONTROLThe device could comply with the local national regulations.• In Canada, it should comply with CAN ICES-3(B)/NMB-3(B).• In USA, this device complies with part 15 of theFCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residentialinstallation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Changes or modifications not approved by the party responsible for compliance could void user’s authority to operate the equipment.Handling the Remote ControllerFor optimum product performance: • Do not mix old and new batteries, or batteries of different types.• Do not leave batteries in the remote control if you don’t plan on using the device for more than 2 months.BATTERY NOTESBATTERY DISPOSAL• The remote control must be used within 8 meters of the unit.• The unit will beep when remote signal is received.• Curtains, other materials and direct sunlight can interfere with the infrared signal receiver. • Remove batteries if the remote will not be used more than 2 months.TIPS FOR USING REMOTE CONTROLDo not dispose of batteries as unsortedmunicipal waste. Refer to local laws for proper disposal of batteries.Buttons a nd F uncitonsBefore you begin using your new air conditioner, make sure to familiarize yourself with its remote control. The following is a brief introduction to the remote control itself. For instructions on how to operate your air conditioner, refer to the How to Use Basic Functions section of this manual.TEMPMin. temperature is16°C (60°F).modes as follows:AUTO COOLHEAT FANNOTE:only appliance.movement.sleeping hours .Use to set airflowdirection.efficient mode.Use to clean the airto prevent frosting.Press together DIRECT & TIMER OFFbuttons simultaneously for 5 secondsto lock the keyboard. Press togetherthe two buttons for 2 seconds tounlock the keyboard.Model: RG51A(2)/E▲temperate in▼& buttons at the same time°F.LOW MEDHIGHHow to UseforHow to Useforunit to reachtemperature inpossible time.unit’s LEDbutton for five seconds to alternate the temperature display of indoor unit between setting temperature and room temperature(some units).RG51Y7(2)/ETEMPMin. temperature is 16°C (60°F). modes as follows: AUTO COOLHEAT FAN NOTE:only appliance. movement.▲▼& buttons at the same time°F.LOW MED HIGHHow to Useforsleeping hours . Use to set airflow direction.favorite pre-settings Use to clean the air conditionerprevent frosting.How to Useforunit to reachtemperature inpossible time.indoor unit’s LEDbutton for five seconds to Press together DIRECT & TIMER OFFbuttons simultaneously for 5 secondsto lock the keyboard. Press togetherthe two buttons for 2 seconds tounlock the keyboard.alternate the temperaturedisplay of indoor unitbetween settingtemperature and roomtemperature(some units).Model: RG51B(2)/ERemote Screen IndicatorsInformation are displayed when the remote controller is power up.Mode displayAUTO FAN AUTOHEAT COOL FANDRYCOOL DRY HEATHIGH MED LOWDisplayed when data transmitted.Displayed when remote controller is ON.Displayed when ECO feature is activatedIndicated all the current settings are lockedDisplayed when Follow Me feature is activated(some units)Displayed when SLEEP feature is activated Displayed when FRESH feature isactivated(some units)Displayed when TRUBO feature is activatedHorizontal louver auto swing displayFan speed indicationHIGHMEDLOWNO displayHigh speed Medium speed Low speed Auto fan speedNote:All indicators shown in the figure are for the purpose of clear presentation. But during the actaul operation, only the relative function signs are shown on the display window.Displayed when TIMER ON time is set Displayed when TIMER OFF time is set Shows set temperature or roomtemperature, or time under TIMER settingVertical louver auto swing display(some units)2 312 4 3SETTING TEMPERATUREAUTO, LOW, MED or HIGH.How to Use Basic FunctionsB asic operationATTENTION! Before operation, please ensure the unit is plugged in and power is available.AUTO ModeIn AUTO mode, the unit will automatically select the COOL, FAN, or HEAT function based on the set temperature.1. Press the MODE button to select AUTO .2. Set your desired temperature using the TEMP ▲ or TEMP ▼ button.3. Press the ON/OFF button to start the unit.COOL Mode1. Press the MODE button to select COOL mode.2. Set your desired temperature using theNOTE: FAN SPEED can’t be set in AUTO mode.TEMP ▲ or TEMP ▼ button .3. Press FAN button to select the fan speed:4. Press the ON/OFF button to start the unit.The operating temperature range for units is 16-30°C (60-86°F). You can increaseor decrease the set temperature in 1°C (1°F) increments. 1NOTE:FAN SPEED cannot be changed in DRY mode.NOTE:You can’t set temperature in FAN mode. As a result, your remote control’s LCD screen will not display temperature.NOTE: As outdoor temperature drops, the performance of your unit’s HEAT function may be affected. In such instances, we recommend using this air conditioner in conjunction with other heating appliances.DRY Mode (dehumidifying)1. Press the MODE button to select DRY .2. Set your desired temperature using the TEMP ▲ or TEMP ▼ button.3. Press the ON/OFF button to start the unit.FAN Mode1. Press the MODE button to select FAN mode.2. Press FAN button to select the fan speed: AUTO, LOW, MED or HIGH.3. Press the ON/OFF button to start the unit.HEAT Mode1. Press the MODE button to select HEAT mode.2. Set your desired temperature using the TEMP ▲ or TEMP ▼ button .3. Press FAN button to select the fan speed: AUTO, LOW, MED or HIGH.4. Press the ON/OFF button to start the unit.23113 212 4 3TIMER ONTIMER ON xnSetting the TIMERTIMER ON/OFF - Set the amount of time after which the unit will automatically turn on/off. TIMER ON settingPress TIMER ON button to initiate the ON time sequence.TIMER OFF settingPress TIMER OFF button to initiate the OFF time sequence.Press Temp. up or down button forfor multiple times to set the desiredtime to turn on the unit.Press Temp. up or down button forfor multiple times to set the desiredtime to turn off the unit.Point remote to unit and wait 1sec,the TIMER ON will be activated.Point remote to unit and wait 1sec,the TIMER OFF will be activated.NOTE:1. When setting the TIMER ON or TIMER OFF, the time will increase by 30 minutes increments with eachpress, up to 10 hours. After 10 hours and up to 24, it will increase in 1 hour increments. (For example, press 5 times to get 2.5h, and press 10 times to get 5h,) The timer will revert to 0.0 after 24.2. Cancel either function by setting its timer to 0.0h.TIMER ON & OFF setting(example)Keep in mind that the time periods you set for both functions refer to hours after the current time.time 1PMExample: If current timer is 1:00PM,to set the timer as above steps, theunit will turn on 2.5h later (3:30PM)and turn off at 6:00PM.2.5 hours later5 hours laterx10xnTIMER OFFx51sec1secTIMER OFFHow to Use Advanced FunctionsSwing functionPress Swing buttonThe horizontal louver will swing up and down automatically when pressing Swing button. Press again to make it stop.Airflow directionKeep pressing this button more than 2 seconds, the vertical louver swing function is activated. (Model dependent)LED DISPLAYEach time you press the button, it will adjust the louver by 6 °. Press the button until the direction you prefer is reached.Press LED buttonPress this button morethan 5 seconds(some units)Press this button to turn on and turn off the display on the indoor unit.Keep pressing this button more than 5 seconds, the indoor unit will display the actual roomtemperature. Press more than 5 seconds again will revert back to display the setting temperature.Active Clean FunctionPress CLEAN buttonThe Active Clean Technology washes away dust, mold, and grease that may cause odors when it adheres to the heat exchanger by automatically freezing and then rapidly thawing the frost.SWING2sSWINGDIRCTCLEANLED DISPLAY5sLED DISPLAYECO functionPress this button under COOL Mode to enter the energy efficient mode. (For model of RG51A(2)/E)Note:This function is only available under COOL mode .Under cooling mode, press this button, the remote controller will adjust the temperatureautomatically to 24O C/75 O F, fan speed of Auto to save energy (only when the set temperature is less than 24O C/75O F). If the set temperature is above 24 O C/75 O F, press the ECO button, the fan speed will change to Auto, the set temperature will remain unchanged.NOTE:Pressing the ECO button, or modifying the mode or adjusting the set temperature to less than 24 O C/75 O F will stop ECO operation.Under ECO operation, the set tmeperature should be 24 O C/75 O F or above, it may result in insufficient cooling. If you feel uncomfortable, just press the ECO button again to stop it.SHORTCUT functionUsed to restore the current settings or resume previous settings. (For model of RG51B(2)/E)Push this button when remote controller is on, the system will automatically revert back to the previous settings including operating mode, setting temperature, fan speed level and sleep feature(if activated).If pushing more than 2 seconds, the system will automatically restore the current operation settings including operating mode, setting temperature, fan speed level and sleep feature (if activated ).SLEEP functionThe SLEEP function is used to decrease energy use while you sleep (and don t need the same temperature settings to stay comfortable). This function can only be activated via remote control. The sleep function is not available in Fan or Dry mode.Please refer to the OWNER’S MANUAL for more details.Silence functionKeep pressing Fan button for more than 2 seconds to activate/disable Silence function(some units).Due to low frequency operation of compressor, it may result in insufficient cooling and heating capacity. Press ON/OFF, Mode, Sleep, Turbo or Clean button while operating will cancel silence function.2sFAN SPEEDThe design and specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement. Consult with the sales agency or manufacturer for details.CR249-RG51A-B(2)。



REMOTE CONTROL USER’S GUIDE WIRE CONTROLLER OF AIR CONDITIONERMODEL:AMR01YPlease read this manual carefully before operation and keep it for future reference.CONTENTS1.SAFETY PRECAUTION-------------------------------------------------12.SUMMARIZE----------------------------------------------------------------23.FUNCTION SUMMARY--------------------------------------------------24.----------------------------------------------------------------3---------------------------------------------------------------67.--------------------------------------------------------9---------------------------------------9--------------9---------------------------------------------------9--------------------------------------------10----------------------------10----------------11NAME AND FUNCTION OF INDICATORS ON THE WIRE CONTROLLER 5.INSTALLATION AND OPERATION OF THE BUTTON ON THE WIRE CONTROLLER USING METHOD AUTOMATIC OPERATION COOLING/HEATING/FAN ONLY OPERATION DRY OPERATION TIMER SETTING--------TIMER ON AND TIMER OFF BOTH 8.TECHNICAL INDICATION AND REQUIREMENT CHANGE TIMER-----------------------------------------------------11IconsPlease read the safety precaution carefully before using.Do observe the following safety they are very important.you come to the text,please be familiar with the following markers and icons,and comply with the precautions.1.Injury means causing from the harm,burn and electrical shock ,but not serious for the hospitalization.If you want to move or re-install your Wire Controller,please contact with local dealer.Do not disassemble your Central Controller at will.If it is needed,please contact the local dealer.A random disassembly may cause abnormal operation or heating,which may result in fire.P E R D N A E V O M R I A N O I T U A C !FORBID1Usage condition:1.Power supply:5V DC.2.Operation temperature:-15-+43.3.Operation humidity:40%-90%,RH.4.Satefy comply to:GB706.32-2004,GBT7725-2004.Main function:1.Connecting to indoor unit by A,B,C,D,E termina.;2.Button setting action mode.3.LCDdisplay.4.Timer for rest time.21Operation modeindication34ON/OFF indication2Timer ON/OFF7Temperature display zone6Lock5Fan speed indicationFollow me function 1.Operation mode indication:When press button,the in Cool Dry Heat Fan only Auto.For cooling only model,heat mode is skipped.2.Timer :When adjust setting on time or only on time is set,the ON is lighted.When adjust setting off time or only off time is set ,the is lighted.If on and off timer are both set,the ON and OFF are both lighted.3."MODE""""OFF"""""Follow me function:There is a temperature sensor in-side the wire controller,after setting temperature,it will compare the two temperatures,and the space of wire controller will be the same as setting temperature.It is available under cooling,heating,auto mode.4.ON/OFF indication :When it is on,the icon display,otherwise it is extinguished.35.Fan speed indication:There are four fan modes:low, middle,high,auto.For some models,no middle fan then the middle fan is seen as high speed.6.Lock:When the"LOCK"button is pressed,the icon appear and other buttons is unable,press again,the icon dis-appear.7.Temperature display zone:Generally it displays setting temperature,it can be adjusted by press temperature button and.But in fan mode,no display here.4boardWhen a wire controller is needed,a small5-way terminal should be added,fix an infrared emitter with gumwater near the receiver on the switch board. Connect its anode and cathode to A and B,and+5V, GND,RUN to C,D,E on the switch board.51.Mode botton:When press this botton,the operation mode2.Timer on button :Press this button,timer on function is active.Then every press,the time increase 0.5h,after 10h,1h increasement after each press.If cancel thisRemark :For the cooling only model,the heating mode isskipped.6Function,just set it to"0.0".3.Timer off button:Press this button,timer off function is active.Then every press,the time increase0.5h,after 10h,1h increasement after each press.If cancel this function,just set it to"0.0".4.Follow me button:When under cool,heat and auto mode, press this button,follow me function is active.Press again,this function is ineffective.5.Electrical heater button:If press this button in heat mode,electrical heater function become ineffective.6.Reset button(hidden):Use a1mm stick to press in the little hole,then the current setting is canceled.The wire controller enter into original state.7.ON/OFF button:When in off state,press this button,the indicator is on,the wire controller enter into on state, and send setting information to in door Pcb.When in on state,press this button,the indicator is off,and send instruction.If timer on or timer off has been set,it concel this setting instruction to stop the machine.8.Adjust button:Set indoor temperature up.If pressand hold on,increase at1degree per0.5second.9.Adjust button:Set indoor temperature down.ifpress and hold on,it will decrease at1degree per0.5 second.10.Swing button:First press,start swing function;secondpress,stop swing.(Match to some model with swing function).711.Economy operation button:press this button,the indoorunit operates in economy mode,press again,exit this mode(it may be ineffective for some models)12.Fan speed button:press this button consecutively,the13.Lock button(hidden):When you push the LOCK button,all current settings are locked in and the wire controller does not accept any operation except that of the LOCK e the lock mode when you want to prevent setting from being changed accidentally or play fully.Push the LOCK button again when you want to cancel the LOCK mode.8Connect to power,indoor operation lamp flash.1.Press MODEAUTO ;2.Press the button and ,set temperature you want,generally it is among 17~30;3.Press ON/OFF button ,operation lamp is on,the air-conditioner work in auto mode,indoor fan is auto,and can not be changed.Auto is displayed on LCD.Press ON/OFF button again to stop.4.Economy operation is valid in auto mode."""""""""1.Press button,select ,or FAN ONLY mode.2.Press temperature adjust button to select setting temp..3.Press FAN SPEED button to select high/mid/low/auto.4.Press ON/OFF button,indoor unit operation lamp on,it works in selected mode.Press button again,it stops to work.Remark:When in fan mode,no temperature can be set."MODE""COOL""HEAT""""""""ON/OFF"1.Press "MODE "button,select "DRY "mode.2.Press temperature adjust button to select setting temp.3.Press "ON/OFF "button,indoor unit operation lamp on,it works in dry mode.Press ON/OFF button again,it stops to work.4.In dry mode,economy operation and fanmode are ineffective.AUTOMATIC OPERATION COOL/HEAT/FAN MODE OPERATION DRY OPERATION 9Timer setting Timer on only:1.Press TIME ON button,it display SET on LCD,and display H and ON ,it is waiting for timer on setting.2.Press timer on button repeatedly to adjust time set-ting.""""""""""3.If press this button and hold on,the time will increase at 0.5h,after 10h,it increase at 1h.4.After setting 0.5second,the wire controller send timer on information,it is finished.Timer off only:1.Press TIME OFF button,it display on LCD,and display H and ON,it is waiting for timer on setting.2.Press OFF button repeatedly to adjust time setting."""SET""""TIME "3.If press this button and hold on ,the time will increase at 0.5h,after 10h,it increase at 1h.4.After setting 0.5second,the wire controller send timer off information,it is finished.TIMER ON AND TIMER OFF BOTH 1.Set timer on time as the corresponding step1and 2.2.Set timer off time as the corresponding step1and 2.3.Timer off time must be longer than timer on time.4.0.5second after setting,the wire controller send information.the setting is finished.101.EMI and EMC comply to CE,2.Electrical safety comply to:GB4706.32-2004,GB/T7725-2004CHANGE TIMER If there is a need of changing timer time,press corres-ponding button to revise it.If concel timer,change timer time to 0.0.Note:the timer time is relative time,that is delay after setting time(i,e :setting time is 8:05A,M).So when timer is set,the standard time can not beadjusted.11。



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