Lecture 8 2011秋《英语影视欣赏》期末考试
英语影视欣赏课课- 电影从哪些方面欣赏&期末考试安排

期末 考试
BSvice Provider Management Unit)
1.电影的发明者及其主要作品名称。 2.什么是蒙太奇? 3.IMAX。 4.写出好莱坞7大制片公司的中英文名称。
5.写出常见5种电影分级的中英文名称。 6.奥斯卡金像底座上的五环片盘各代表什么? 7.今日影片的观后感。(300-400字左右)
电影中的“人物”,是电影叙事中、戏剧结 构中的“符号”和“虚构”的人,是由演员 (职业的、非职业的)扮演的银幕形象。在 我们的潜意识中,人物——演员,演员—— 角色,这两者交替的认同。
电影音乐是电影的重要组成部分,是对电影的诠释纽带,一首 好的电影音乐,对整个影片起着至关重要的作用。通常一部电影会 由多首音乐相衬,以更好的衬托出电影需要表现的内容。 电影是音画艺术,眼睛和耳朵两个器官是在第一时间接收信息 的。其次,电影具备多种节奏功能,比如主观节奏、客观节奏、导 演心理节奏和观众心理节奏等等。只有音乐这种形式和电影在节奏 上是非常统一的,其它艺术形式就略差一些。 为电影而创作的音 乐,是电影综合艺术中的一个重要组成部分。它的演奏通过录音技 术与对白、音响效果合成一条声带,随电影放映而被观众所感知。
电影音乐,按照在电影中出现的方式,分为两 大类:一类是现实性的音乐,也叫做客观的音乐 ,这类音乐在画面上有声音的来源;另一类是功 能性的音乐,也叫做主观的音乐,这类音乐在画 面上没有声音的来源。
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1.烘托气氛 2.预示剧情 3.作为特定人物或特定场景形象音乐 4.表示剧中人物的心情 5.作为独白的配乐 6.作为整部电影的音乐形象

英语影视欣赏完整网课章节测试答案1例如:1、单选题:Which statement about fashion is NOT true?选项:A:Fashion is defined by fashion designers.B:Fashion is not only about beautiful clothes, costumes and accessories.C:Fashion is a way of showing one's personality and individuality.D: People can know about new fashion trends from websites.答案: 【Fashion is defined by fashion designers.】2、单选题:Why does Miranda look hard at Andrea's shoes?选项:A:Because the shoes come from a top fashion brand.B:Because it's a pair of shoes Nigel offers Andrea.C:Because Miranda cannot put up with her assistant being out of date.D:Because Andrea wears a pair of unconventional high heels.答案: 【Because Miranda cannot put up with her assistant being out of date.】3、单选题:Which statement is the most appropriate?选项:A:Andrea goes to Nigel to slander Miranda.B:Nigel teaches Andrea a lesson and suggests that she quit her job.C:Andrea goes to Nigel to quit her job.D:Nigel teaches Andrea a lesson and suggests that she have a right attitude toward her job.答案: 【Nigel teaches Andrea a lesson and suggests that she have a right attitude toward her job.】4、单选题:Which statement is TRUE?选项:A:Anne Hathaway is lauded as the "best actress of her generation".B:A trident is a spear for hunting and also a military weapon.C:Career ladder is a metaphor for job promotion, typically describing the progression from entry level positions to higher levels of pay, skill, responsibility, or authority. D:When analyzing a film character, detailed information can be ignored.答案: 【Career ladder is a metaphor for job promotion, typically describing the progression from entry level positions to higher levels of pay, skill, responsibility, or authority.】5、单选题:Having no interest in the fashion industry, why does Andrea still want to work for Miranda?选项:A:Because she wants to become a dragon lady like Miranda. B:Because she needs money for rent.C:Because it's a job millions of girls kill for.D:Because if she sticks it out for one year, she can do what she came to New York to do.答案: 【Because if she sticks it out for one year, she can do what she came to New York to do.】6、单选题:Which is NOT one of Andrea's sacrifices for workingat Runway?选项:A:Friendship.B:Money.C:The time devoted to more meaningful things.D:Love.答案: 【Money.】7、单选题:Whom is Miranda Priestley said to be based on in reality? 选项:A:Melinda Gates.B:Oprah Winfrey.C:Vera Wang.D:Anna Wintour.答案: 【Anna Wintour.】8、单选题:Which statement is NOT true?选项:A:The word lapis is originated from French.B:Andrea's job is the one that millions of girls kill for. C:Andrea believes that the fashion industry is a waste of time, money and energy.D: The reason why Miranda hires Andrea as her second assistant is because she thinks highly of Andrea.答案: 【 The reason why Miranda hires Andrea as her second assistant is because she thinks highly of Andrea.】9、单选题:Which phrase can best describe Miranda?选项:A:Vicious witch.B:Dragon Lady.C:Snow Queen.D:Vicious tongue.答案: 【Dragon Lady.】10、单选题:Why does Andrea choose to leave Runway?选项:A:Andrea chooses to leave Runway because there is a better offer.B:Andrea chooses to leave Runway because she wants to win her boyfriend back.C:Andrea chooses to leave Runway because she decides to listen to her inner voice.D:Andrea chooses to leave Runway because she has had enough of Miranda.答案: 【Andrea chooses to leave Runway because she decides to listen to her inner voice.】。

《影视鉴赏》(周一)1632010~2011年第二学期专业:信息sy0901班姓名:王士铨1说一说电影《魂断蓝桥》中有一首歌叫什么名字;这个主旋律在影片中出现了几次;每一次出现是在什么时候,对影片起到了什么作用?答:这首歌名叫《友谊天长地久》,《魂断蓝桥》主题曲在影片中曾出现七次, 有力的深化了主题,使战火中的爱情荡气回肠, 催人泪下...... :(1)罗依邀请玛拉在烛光俱乐部共进晚餐, 席间, 罗依向玛拉倾诉衷肠. 这时主题曲第一次响起,罗依与玛拉含情相望,拥抱长吻。
(2)进餐后, 罗依送玛拉回家. 告诉她自己要随部队开赴前线. 两人相约通信联系. 这时, 主题曲第二次响起, 门外的罗依, 慢慢的伤感离去, <<友谊地久天长>>丰富和升华了主人公的情感世界. (3)第三次听到主题曲, 是在滑铁卢车站. 玛拉赶到车站却只见到了绝尘而去的火车和冲她招手的罗依。
(4)在家庭舞会上, 罗依的叔叔说已经沦为妓女的玛拉忠诚美丽, 贵族的门当户. 这使玛拉非常的不安. 舞曲奏响. 这次的<<友谊地久天长>>是钢琴曲. 主题曲较好的衬托了女主人公的内心世界. (5)在婚礼即将举行的前夜, 玛拉感到自己的过去,不能被上层社会和贵族家庭所接受悄然离去. 当镜头特写玛拉的信时, 传来<<友谊天长地久>>的乐曲. 使观众为玛拉的生死悬起了一颗心,设置了悬念. (6)玛拉来到和罗依相识的滑铁卢桥上, 被军车撞了失去了生命时, 影片主题曲再次响起, 使观众的情感达到了高潮. (7)影片结尾, 多年后, 终身不娶的罗依, 痛苦的回忆着过去, 那曲熟悉的主题曲, 引发着人们对故事的回忆和对悲剧的惋惜,为影片画上了一个引人深思的句号。
2 解释蒙太奇,并以课程中播放的影片为例举出两种蒙太奇手法的运用。

1.0分A、《黄土地》B、《大红灯笼高高挂》C、《活着》D、《英雄》我的答案:A11 口号“电影要与戏剧离姬”在中国提出的原因是()。

英语影视欣赏期末总结IntroductionOver the course of this semester, I have had the opportunity to watch and appreciate a wide range of movies from different genres and countries. Through these films, I have gained a deeper understanding and appreciation for the art of filmmaking. In this final summary, I will discuss some of the key themes, techniques, and performances that stood out to me during this semester's movie watching and appreciation class.Theme: Identity and Self-discoveryOne recurring theme that emerged from many of the films we watched is the exploration of identity and self-discovery. Whether it was through the journey of a protagonist discovering their passion and purpose, or characters grappling with their cultural or gender identity, these films provided deep and thought-provoking insights into the human experience.One particularly memorable film in this regard was "The Social Network." Directed by David Fincher, the film delves into the complex and controversial origin story of Facebook. Through the character of Mark Zuckerberg, played brilliantly by Jesse Eisenberg, we witness a young man's relentless pursuit of success and the conflicts that arise as a result. The film raises interesting questions about the nature of success and the sacrifices one must make to achieve it.Another film that touched on the theme of identity was "Moonlight." Directed by Barry Jenkins, the film follows the journey of Chiron, a young black man growing up in Miami. The film artfully portrays Chiron's struggle with his sexual identity amidst a harsh and unforgiving environment. The performances in this film, particularly by Mahershala Ali and Trevante Rhodes, were exceptional and added to its powerful portrayal of self-discovery and acceptance.Technique: CinematographyThroughout the semester, we also discussed the importance of cinematography in enhancing the storytelling and emotional impact of a film. The way a film is shot, the composition of each frame, and the use of lighting and color can all contribute to the overall aesthetic and effectiveness of a film.One film that stood out to me in terms of cinematography was "Roma," directed by Alfonso Cuarón. Shot entirely in black and white, the film transports the viewer to 1970s Mexico City and follows the life of a domestic worker named Cleo. The use of black and white photography in this film was a deliberate choice that added to its nostalgic and intimate feel. The camera movements and long takes in certain scenes were breathtaking, allowing the viewer to fully immerse themselves in the story and characters.Performance: ActingLastly, I want to highlight the exceptional performances that I witnessed throughout this semester. Acting is a crucial aspect of filmmaking, as it brings characters to life and allows the audience to connect with their emotions and experiences.One performance that left a lasting impression on me was Joaquin Phoenix's portrayal of Arthur Fleck in "Joker." Directed by Todd Phillips, the film offers a chilling and unsettling exploration of the iconic Batman villain's origin story. Phoenix's commitment to the role was evident in every scene, and his transformation into the troubled and deranged Arthur Fleck was nothing short of remarkable. His physicality, mannerisms, and emotional intensity were all key elements that made this performance truly compelling.ConclusionIn conclusion, this semester's movie watching and appreciation class has been a rewarding and enriching experience. From themes of identity and self-discovery to the artistic techniques of cinematography, and the power of exceptional acting performances, this class has deepened my understanding and appreciation for the art of filmmaking. I look forward to continuing my exploration of movies and expanding my cinematic horizons in the future.。


英语影视欣赏期末考试English Movie AppreciationFinal Examination题目:Forrest Gump分数:__________________________学生:学号:时间:xxxxxx学年秋季学期教师:Forrest GumpPart I The basic information:a.The director:Robert Zemeckisb. The studio: Pramountc.The main characters: Tom Hanks .... Forrest GumpRobin Wright Penn .... Jenny CurranPart II The plotThe film was passed to a intellectual disturbance person the description of life has reflected every aspect of U.S.A.'s life, important incident of social political life make and represent to these decades such as U.S.A. from one unique angle. Film adapt Winston ? novel of the same name of Groom since. Only the original work is that one is full of fantastic novels with a satiric flavour, but the film modifies and beautifies the story. Have abandoned the absurdity of the original work and revealed that satirizes meaning , have added a kind of tender feeling for the film. This undoubtedly makes the film suit audience and judging panel's taste even more, but has sacrificed the struggle spirit of the rebel of the original work , make the film become one kind and idealize ethical symbol .Forrest Gump mould incarnation of virtue is honest keeping one's word , conscientiously , brave paying attention to emotioning among film. In the film, Forrest Gump is a very pure image, but Jenny has become the degenerate symbol . And write the great discrepancy originally in this. To all that narrated, since beginning all behave with a kind of tender feeling and well-meaning attitude after all for the film, having even joined poesy composition, this makes the film seem soft and have no injury. The film advocates to traditional moral concept and embodiment. Make film apt to accept by people, director superb lay out skill and film application of language make the film very attractive too.Part III The comment:"Life was like a box of chocolate. You never know what you are going to get. " This is the opening of the first line. Forrest Gump, is listening to this teaching, step by step had trodden a part the miracle of his own lives.At the beginning and the end of the movie, you will see a light and white feather fall from the vast blue sky,, slowly landed at the feet of Forrest Gump. I think this is the movie to suggest that if some people see as a feather-like purity of life, plain and beautiful, then, this person must be Forrest Gump.Forrest Gump destined not a outstanding person. Forrest Gump’s childhood was disability that put a heavy metal framework to support his walk. To this end, , his companions would laugh at Forrest Gump on the road after school, playing trick of him and even catch up with throwing stones. Jenny then shouted to Forrest Gump: "Forrest, run, run, run." Then, Forrest started to run, fell in the struggle to get up and running ... He has traveled the whole town, gradually, it is not iron bound his shelf, and finally he broke his legs in shackles, he ran like a champ, which is not thought of Forrest Gump. With amazing running speed, Forrest Gump joined the football team, and later entered the university and eventually graduated. Soon, he took part in the Vietnam War. In Vietnam, the troops were ambushed Forrest Gump, Lieutenant Dan gave the order to retreat, remember Forrest Gump Jenny asked: "beat them, run." Forrest Gump then turned around and ran. He became the only man spared.Forrest Gump supported only a love in life, and that is mother’s love; Forrest Gump only loved a girl, Jenny. In order to memorize the dead comrade, he worked on shrimp industry which was not familiar with him, and this only because Bubba's words. He could only because his mother was seriously ill at the expense of the safety of breath from jumping ship to go home .Forrest Gump is the embodiment of love .Forrest, from the IQ of only 75 points and had access to a special school, to football athlete, to the Vietnam War hero, to the shrimp boat captain, traveled all over the United States . Forrest Gump from birth defects in the body in order to achieve the sound of many intelligent people .Perhaps his life is also difficult to match the height. This is not a God to give us a joke, but such life was unpredictable and volatile random, never let you make the material no time, no pondering. Forrest Gump`s philosophy is desirable for each audience, and yet the can not imitate。

《影视鉴赏》期末考试(新1)班级:默认班级成绩: 96.0 分单选题(题数:50,共50.0 分)《他们都有病》的导演是()。
1.0分A以上都对正确答案:C 我的答案:C7类型电影是大众化的文化消费品,它具有()。
1.0分A统一的质量评判标准B|t *・・・・■・、■ ■ i-^na I ■ui in^un IM ^JII ■■■■■ SUIT ■■ I I MII ■=>—■■■I ■IM^I in^Kdi ira IM IM—IIIIB Him! in i ir MIBI w —」・t—■ aj, t f r f t・「i・,・* —」、u固定的制作流程和规C固定的市场营销规则D自身文化意义的惯例系统正确答案:D 我的答案:D8下列电影中,艺谋没有担任摄影师,而担任主演的是()。
1.0分《绝世歌王》《红色沙漠》D《谁陷害了兔子罗杰》正确答案:B 我的答案:B 10美国历史大约()年。
1.0分A|ui n *・・・・・n ■・、i■ ■ irMB ui IH^BJI in^un IM ^JII■■ ^4《罗密欧与朱丽叶》B《等待戈多》C《奥赛罗》D《麦克白》正确答案:B 我的答案:B12《战舰波将金号》的导演是()。
1.0分A维尔托夫D库里肖夫正确答案:B 我的答案:B13下列关于电影表演里的后现代,说法不正确的是()。

英语电影赏析期末考试试题### English Film Appreciation Final Exam Questions1. Title Analysis: Discuss the significance of the title inthe context of the film "The Shawshank Redemption." How does the title reflect the themes and narrative of the movie?"The Shawshank Redemption" is a poignant title that encapsulates the essence of the film. It refers to the Shawshank State Penitentiary, the central setting of the story, and the redemption that unfolds within its walls. The title suggests a journey from confinement to freedom, both physically and spiritually, which is a key theme of the movie. The redemption is not just for the protagonist, Andy Dufresne, but also for his fellow inmates and the audience, who witness the transformation of characters and the power of hope and friendship.2. Character Development: Analyze the character arc ofMichael Corleone in "The Godfather" trilogy. How does his transformation reflect the moral complexities of power?Michael Corleone's character arc is a descent from innocence to a ruthless leader. Initially, he is a war hero with no interest in the family business. However, as thestory unfolds, he is drawn into the world of organized crimeto protect his family. His transformation is marked by aseries of moral compromises, culminating in his completetakeover of the family and the ruthless consolidation of power. This character development reflects the moral complexities of power, illustrating how it can corrupt even the most virtuous of intentions.3. Cinematography and Visual Storytelling: Evaluate the use of color and lighting in "Schindler's List" and how it contributes to the emotional impact of the film."Schindler's List" is a masterclass in visual storytelling through its use of black and white cinematography, punctuated by the stark contrast of color. The film's monochrome palette immerses the audience in the bleakness of the Holocaust, creating a sense of desolation and despair. The introduction of color, such as the red coat of the little girl, serves as a symbol of life and hope amidst the darkness. This visual technique enhances the emotional impact of the film, making the moments of humanity and compassion stand out in stark relief against the backdrop of horror.4. Sound and Music in Film: Discuss the role of the score in "Jaws" and how it contributes to the suspense and tension of the film.The score for "Jaws" by John Williams is one of the most iconic in film history. The simple yet effective two-note motif becomes synonymous with the shark itself, creating an auditory association that heightens the sense of dread. The music is used sparingly, allowing the silence to build tension, and then striking with the sudden appearance of the motif to shock the audience. This use of music is a keyelement in the suspense and terror that define the film, making the unseen threat of the shark all the more palpable.5. Cultural Representation and Impact: Examine the portrayalof mental health in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" and its impact on societal perceptions."One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" offers a powerful portrayal of mental health and the institutional treatment of patients. The film challenges the dehumanizing practices ofthe mental health system, showing the oppressive nature ofthe institution and the impact it has on the patients' autonomy and dignity. The character of Randle McMurphy,played by Jack Nicholson, embodies the struggle against the system, and his journey highlights the need for empathy and understanding in the treatment of mental health. The film has had a lasting impact on societal perceptions, prompting discussions about the ethics of mental health care andpatient rights.6. Director's Style and Influence: Analyze the distinctive style of Quentin Tarantino and its influence on modern cinema.Quentin Tarantino's films are characterized by their nonlinear narratives, sharp dialogue, and graphic violence, often interspersed with humor. His style is heavilyinfluenced by grindhouse cinema, spaghetti westerns, and martial arts films, which he blends with a unique flair. Tarantino's influence on modern cinema is evident in the resurgence of interest in these genres and the adoption ofhis storytelling techniques by other directors. His films,such as "Pulp Fiction" and "Kill Bill," have left anindelible mark on the cinematic landscape, inspiring a new generation of filmmakers to experiment with narrativestructure and visual style.7. Adaptation and Fidelity: Compare and contrast the film adaptation of "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy with its source material. Discuss the challenges of adapting such an epicwork to the screen.The film adaptation of "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy isa monumental task, translating J.R.R. Tolkien's richlydetailed and expansive world to the screen. The filmsmaintain fidelity to the source material by capturing the essence of the story, its themes, and its characters. However, due to the constraints of film。

《英语电影赏析》期末考试试卷 A 卷(开)I. Choose the best answer from the four choices (20%)1. The very first film in the world came out in the year___________. A. 1895B. 1990C. 1950D. 20002. ___________ are two basic parameters when categorizing films. A. Narrative and styleB. History and genreC. Character and performanceD. Critical perspectives and style3. One of the main functions of genres is to___________. A. provide information about the main characters B. show the development of the main characters C. ensure and increase profitabilityD. set up some crisis for the protagonist to deal with4. Without characters there can be no narrative because___________. A. cinematic performance has its own specific qualities B. the main characters are the most important in films C. characters provide the impetus for the story to continue D. narrative depends on characters taking action5. The picture on the right shows the world ’s most famous film maker. It is located in___________. A. the U.K. B. the P.R.C. C. H.K.D. the U.S.6. Hollywood performance has developed in two radically different directions and they are___________. A. horror films and science fiction filmsB. novels and storiesC. Method acting and the ―star ‖ performanceD. comedies and tragedies 7. The protagonist in Star Wars (星球大战)is___________.A. Darth VaderB. Luke SkywalkerC. Hans SoloD. Princess Leia8. Spectators come to engage and identify with characters in a three-stage processof___________.A. recognition, alignment and allegianceB. protagonist, antagonist and mirrorC.the hook, the key line and the turning pointD. set-up, development and resolution9. Which of the following statements about theactress on the right is CORRECT?A. She was an American actress born in 1926 and died in 1962.B. She was not included in the list of the greatest actors/actresses around the world.C. She never married to anyone in her lifetime, only remaining single.D. She was the protagonist in the film Gone with the Wind (飘)and won acclaim.10. ___________ is to repeatedly assign certain kinds of roles to a performer. A. To offcast B. To typecast C. To act D. To perform 11. The way a story is told is called___________.A. speakingB. narrativeC. styleD. contradictory12. According to the classic three-act linear structure, Act I takes___________ minutes.A. 0-5B. 0-10C. 0-20D. 0-3013. In the film The English Patient (英国病人), the tender and amicable relationship between Hana and Kip is contrasted to the tempestuous main-plot love affair between Almasy and Katherine. This film idea is termed___________. A. Complementary B. ContradictoryC. ComplicatingD. Setup14. Style refers to the___________ in which the contents of the film are presented to theaudience.A. featureB. characterC. mannerD. continuity 15. An analysis of ___________would be a description of the objects in the frame, their relative positions and the camera's position in relation to them. A. shotB. motifC. symbolD. mis-en-scène16. ___________sound is sound that occurs in the fictional world of the film: the sound of footsteps as a character walks or the sound of clock ticking. A. NoisyB. QuietC. DiegeticD. Non-diegetic17. ___________ is one of the more specific ways in which mis-en-scène can be used to create an expressive space. A. Framing B. Shot C. Time D. Camera 18. Which of the following is the Oscar Award trophy?19. Which of the following films is a horror film? A. If OnlyB. The ShiningC. Forrest GumpD. The Bond Films20. The world famous song I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston comes from the film___________. A. AvatarB. The GodfatherC. InterstellaD. The BodyguardII. Judge if the following statements are true (T) or false (F) (20%)21. Richard Maltby wrote the book Hollywood Cinema .22. The growth of television in the 1950s shadowed the popular film situation.23. Audrey Hepburn (奥黛丽赫本)played the role of Cleopatra (埃及艳后) as is seen in the picture.24. The main character is the character who opposes the intentions of the protagonist.25. Mirror characters offer support to the protagonist through the difficulties he encounters.26. The turning point is the moment at which the protagonist faces his greatest challenge and either defeats his opponents or is defeated.27. Mis-en-scène literally means that which is put in the scene. 28. The poster (海报)on the right is the film The Matrix (骇客帝国). 29. Very simply, if in one shot the character is downstairs and in the next he is going upstairs, it would be useless to situate a stairway somewhere in the first shot so that the transition is natural and inconspicuous.30. The pathetic fallacy is a well-known literary technique that involves attributing human emotions to inanimate objects so that the objective world mirrors the subjective mood of the character.III. Reading Comprehension (20%)Passage OneMost people think that the capital of the movie world is Hollywood, in the United States. However, the real movie capital is Mumbai, in India. Mumbai used to be known as Bombay, and so the film industry there is called ―Bollywood ‖. Bollywood makes twice as many movies each year as Hollywood-more than 800 films a year.The movies from Bollywood are very different from Hollywood movies. For one thing, Bollywood movies are much longer than most Hollywood movies. Most Bollywood movies are more than three hours long, and contain singing, dancing, action, adventure, mystery, and romance. Because Bollywood films contain so many different features, this style of film is sometimes called a ―masala ‖ film. (Masala is an Indian word for a mixture of spices.)Another big difference between Bollywood and Hollywood movies is the way the movies are made. It takes much longer to make a movie in Hollywood than in Bollywood. In fact, filming may begin on a Bollywood movie before the script is even finished. The director and writers can make up the story while the film is being made. Sometimes the will even write the script by hand instead of taking time to type it.Bollywood actors are very popular and some are in such high demand that they mayQuestion 23work on several movies at the same time. They may even shoot scenes for several films on the same day using the same clothes and scenery(舞台布景). Since most Bollywood movies follow the same kind of story, shooting scenes for several films at the same time is not a big problem for actors or directors. This also helps keep the cost of Bollywood movies lower. The average Bollywood films, with a budge of only two million U.S. dollars, seems very cheap compared to the average budge of sixty million U.S. dollars for a Hollywood film-thirty times as much!31. The main topic of the passage is_________.A. famous stars in BollywoodB. how Hollywood movies are madeC. the differences between two movie industriesD. the history of movie-making32. What is NOT true about Mumbai?A. It is the movie capital of India.B. Its new name is Bombay.C. More movies are made there than in America.D. Bollywood is there.33. Why are Bollywood movies often called ―masala‖ films?A. They have interesting stories.B. They are much longer in time.C. They show Indian culture.D.They mix different styles of movies.34. Bollywood movies are cheap to make because_________.A. they are shorter than Hollywood moviesB. the scripts are written by handC. the movies do not use special effectsD. most movies reuse things from other movies35. Which of these statements could the writer probably agree to?A. Most Bollywood movies are very similar.B. It takes much money to make films.C. Only Indians can understand Bollywood movies.D. Hollywood movies are violent.Passage TwoMetro Pocket GuideMetrorail(地铁)Each passenger needs a farecard to enter and go out. Up to two children under ago five may travel free with a paying customer.Farecard machine are in every station. Bring small bills because there are no change machines in the station and farecard machines only provide up to $ 5 in change.Get one of unlimited Metrorail rides with a One Day Pass. Buy it from a farecard machine in Metro stations. Use it after 9:30 a.m. until closing on weekdays, and all day on weekends and holidays.Hours of ServiceOpen: 5 a.m Mon-Fri 7a.m. Sat—Sun .Close midnight Sun—Thur.Last train time vary. To avoid missing the last train, please check the last train time posted in the station.MetrobusWhen paying with exact change, the fare is $ 1.35. When paying with a smarTrip® card the fare is $1.25.Fares for the Senior/disabled customersSenior citizens 65 and older and disabled customers may ride for half the regular fare. On Metrorail and Metrobus, use a senior/disabled farecard or SmarTrip®card. For more information about buying senior/disabled farecards, farecard or SmarTrip®card and passes, please visit or call 202-637-7000 and 202-637-8000.Senior citizens and disabled customers can get free guide on how to use proper Metrobus and Metrorail services by calling 202-962-1100Travel tipsAvoid riding during weekday rush periods –before 9:30 a.m. and between 4 and 6 p.m.If you lose something on a bus or train or in a station, please call Lost & Found at 202-962-1195.36. What should you know about farecard machine?A. They start selling tickets at 9:30 a.m.B. They are connected to change machines.C. They offer special service to the elderly.D. They make change for no more than $5.37. At what time does Metrorail stop service on Saturday?A. At midnightB. at 3 a.m.C. at 5 amD. at 7 p.m.38. What is good about a SmarTrip card?A. It is convenient for old people.B. It saves money for its users.C. It can be bought at any time.D. It is sold on the Internet.39. Which number should you call if you lose something on the Metro?A. 202-962-1195B.202-962-1100C.202-673-7000D.202-673-800040. Where can this guide be seen?A. On a plane.B. At a metro station.C. At a bus stop.D. In a café.IV. Fill in each blank with only one word (20%)41. The period of classical Hollywood cinema is usually taken to run from the early 1920s through to the late_________(填年代).42. Characters in films can be divided into three basic functions: main characters, _________ characters, and minor characters.43. Marlon Brandon(马兰白龙度)was an_________ (填国籍)actor born in 1924 and died in 2004.44. The style of a film is based primarily on two factors--the cinematic shot and the_________ process.45. The function of the hook is to grab_________ of audience.46. The audience will experience_________ if they are uncertain of the outcome of an event.47. _________ are often used to signify the possibility of an intrusive gaze from outside towards someone isolated within a house.48. A_________ is something that stands for or suggests something else, usually on account of a relationship, association, convention or resemblance.49. Costumes give an individual character material_________.50. The _________ character is the character who opposes the intentions of the protagonist. V. Briefly answer the following questions (20%)51. What is the common defining criterion of comedy, horror and thriller? How about their respective differentiating criteria?52. What is main character in a film? Please give an example to explain.53. What is the relationship between typecasting and offcasting?54. Which film do you like most? Please give one reason to explain.(后附答卷,请在答卷上作答)。

初二英语英语电影赏析练习题30题(带答案)1. In "Harry Potter" series, who is Harry Potter's best friend?A. Ron WeasleyB. Draco MalfoyC. Severus SnapeD. Albus Dumbledore答案:A。
解析:在《 哈利·波特》系列中,罗恩·韦斯莱是哈利·波特的好朋友。
2. In "Titanic", what does Rose say when she is floating on the door in the freezing water?A. "I'll never let go, Jack."B. "Goodbye, my love."C. "Help me, someone."D. "I'm so cold."答案:A。
3. In "Harry Potter", what is the name of the school that Harry attends?A. HogwartsB. DurmstrangC. BeauxbatonsD. Ilvermorny答案:A。
4. In "Titanic", what class does Jack belong to?A. First classB. Second classC. Third classD. Crew答案:C。

英文影视赏析期末总结IntroductionFilm and television have always held a special place in entertainment and culture. They offer a range of experiences, from thrilling action sequences to emotionally compelling character development. Throughout this course, we have examined and analyzed different films and television series from various genres and time periods. This final summary provides an overview of the key themes, techniques, and cultural significance of the films and television series we have studied.Genre AnalysisOne important aspect of film and television appreciation is understanding different genres and their conventions. We explored several genres, including action, drama, comedy, and science fiction. Each genre has its own set of characteristics and expectations that help shape storytelling and audience engagement.For example, in action films, we observed how filmmakers use fast-paced editing, dynamic camera movements, and intense sound design to create excitement and adrenaline for the viewers. The "Bourne" series, directed by Paul Greengrass, is a great example of action films that effectively use these techniques. Through our analysis, we learned that action films often rely heavily on visual storytelling and physicality to captivate audiences.In contrast, dramas focus more on character development, emotional depth, and thought-provoking themes. "The Shawshank Redemption," directed by Frank Darabont, is a prime example of a powerful drama that explores themes of hope, friendship, and redemption. We dove deep into the characters' motivations, relationships, and transformations to understand how filmmakers build empathy and create meaningful connections for the audience.Comedy films, on the other hand, utilize humor and wit to entertain and engage viewers. We explored the brilliant works of director Edgar Wright, particularly the "Cornetto Trilogy" (consisting of Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and The World's End), which brilliantly blend comedy, satire, and genre conventions. These films provided an understanding of how comedy can be more than just entertainment; it can also serve as a commentary on societal norms and expectations.Lastly, science fiction films open up imaginative worlds and explore complex ideas. "Blade Runner," directed by Ridley Scott, is a classic example of a science fiction film that incorporates futuristic settings, advanced technologies, and philosophical questions about humanity. By studying these films, we gained insight into how science fiction uses visual effects, world-building, and speculative ideas to comment on contemporary issues and challenge societal norms.Techniques and ApproachesBeyond genres, we also examined various techniques and approaches used in film and television production. Here are some of the key techniques covered in this course:1. Cinematography: The art of capturing and composing images, cinematography plays a crucial role in visual storytelling. We analyzed the use of different shot types, camera movements, lighting, and color palettes to understand how these choices affect the mood, tone, and meaning of a scene. From the stunning long takes in "Birdman" to the claustrophobic framing in "12 Angry Men," we learned how cinematography can enhance the narrative and evoke emotions.2. Editing: The process of selecting and arranging shots, editing is essential in creating a coherent and engaging story. Through films like "The Social Network," directed by David Fincher, we explored various editing techniques, such as montage, cross-cutting, and jump cuts. We understood how precise editing can influence pacing, tension, and character development.3. Sound Design: Sound plays a significant role in enhancing the cinematic experience. We examined the use of sound effects, dialogue, and music to understand their impact on storytelling and emotional resonance. The iconic "Jaws" theme, for example, demonstrates how a simple musical motif can create tension and anticipation.4. Screenwriting: The foundation of any film or television production, screenwriting involves crafting compelling narratives and dialogue. We analyzed the structure, character arcs, and thematic depth of screenplays like "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" to understand how strong storytelling foundations enable powerful on-screen performances.Cultural SignificanceFilm and television are not just forms of entertainment; they also reflect and shape culture. Throughout this course, we examined the cultural significance of various films and television series, highlighting their social commentary, representation of marginalized groups, and impact on popular culture.For instance, "Black Panther," directed by Ryan Coogler, broke barriers by celebrating African culture, representing black excellence, and championing diverse representation in mainstream media. We explored the film's impact on global audiences, especially for those who had been historically underrepresented in the genre.Similarly, the critically acclaimed television series "The Handmaid's Tale," based on Margaret Atwood's novel, delves into themes of patriarchy, reproductive rights, and political oppression. Through the show, we analyzed the powerful message it conveys about the ongoing struggles for gender equality and the importance of protecting individual freedoms.ConclusionThis film and television appreciation course has provided us with a comprehensive understanding of the various elements that go into creating exceptional cinematic experiences. From exploring different genres and techniques to examining the cultural significance of films and television series, we have deepened our appreciation for the art form and gained critical insights into their impact on society. As we continue to watch and analyze more films and television series, we must remember that they are not mere entertainment but powerful tools for storytelling, empathy building, and social reflection.。

• 五. 论述题 论述题.(10X2=20)
– 谈谈你对电影 谈谈你对电影Changeling 的主题理解。 的主题理解。 – 谈谈电影The Shaw-shank Redemption对你有何重要启示。 对你有何重要启示。 谈谈电影 对你有何重要启示
– 也可以另选看过的两部电影进行评价
• On her journey, she cooed to the swan, “In America, I will have a daughter just like me. But over there, nobody will say her worth is measured by the loudness of her husband’s belch. Over there, nobody will look down on her because I will make her speak only perfect American English. And over there, she will always be too full to swallow any sorrow. She will know my meaning because I will give her this swan, a creature that became more than what was hoped for." • But when she arrived in the new country the immigration officials pulled the swan away from her, leaving the woman fluttering her arms and with only one swan feather for a memory. For a long time now, the women had wanted to give her daughter the single swan feather and tell her; “This feather may look worthless, but it comes from afar and carries with it all my good intentions.“ (15 points) )


英语影视欣赏卷3院(系)班级学号(9位)姓名———————————阅————卷————密————封————装————订————线——————————第 1 页/共 4 页《英语影视欣赏》考试试卷3试题总分: 100 分考试时限:120 分钟Part Ⅰ. Writing (25’)Task I (10’)Directions: For this part, you are required to write an essay based on the following questions and your understanding of the movie shrek 2. Write it on the Answer Sheet in about 80 words Do you regard physical appearance as the most important factor in evaluating a person? If not, what is the essential quality? Task II (15’)Directions:. Write on the Answer Sheet a movie review on Forrest Gump in about 100 words.Part Ⅱ. Listening Comprehension (2’*15=30’)Directions: In this section, you will listen to an episode of a movie three times. When the episode is played for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the episode is played for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 1 to 35 with the exact words you ’ve just heard. Finally, when the episode is played for the third time, you should check what you have written. Then put them on the Answer Sheet .An episode from Forrest Gumplike Peas and CarrotsMrs. Gump: You do your very best, now, Forrest.Young Forrest: I sure will, Momma.Forrest: I remember the bus ride on the first day of school very well.Bus Driver: Are you ___1_____?Boy #1: This seat ’s taken.Boy #2: It ’s taken.Girl: You can sit here if you want.Forrest:I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life. She was like ___6_____..Forrest: I just sat next to her on that bus and had ___8_____ all the way 9 .Jenny: Then why do you have those shoes on?Young Forrest: My momma said my back ’s crooked like _____10______. These are going to me as straight as an arrow. They ’re mymagic shoes.Forrest: And next to Momma, no one ever talked to me or asked me questions.Jenny: I’m Jenny.Young Forrest: I’m Forrest Gump. Forrest Gump.Forrest: From that day on, we was always together. Jenny and me was lik e peas and carrots12 . She taught me how to climb …Jenny: Come on, Forrest, you can do it.Forrest: I showed her how to dangle. She helped me to learn how to read. And I showed her to swing. Sometimes we’d just 13 and wait for the stars.Young Forrest: Mama’s going to ______14_____ me.Jenny: Just stay a little longer.Forrest: For some reason, Jenny didn’t never want to go home.Young Forrest: Okay, Jenny. I’ll stay.Forrest: She was my 15 . my only friend. My mama always told me that miracles happen ev ery day. Some people don’t think so, but they do.PartⅢ. Comprehension of the Scenes (2’*5=10’)Directions: The following scenes appeared in the movies you’ve seen. Each scene is followed by a question. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. The part Forrest talking with his mother about death.How does Mrs. Gump think of life?A. Life is as wonderful as Chocolate.B. Life is what comes to you.C. Life can never be foreseen. You can only make the best of whatever it is.D. Life is doomed to end in death.2. Why was Shrek unwilling to see Fiona’s parents?A. Because he had no money to give them.B. Because their palace was too far away.C. Because he was afraid they would be unhappy to see hisugly appearance.D. Because they only wanted to see their daughter rather than the son-in-law.3. In the Shawshank Redemption, what does Andy mean by sa ying “I had to come to prison to be a crook”?A. To survive in the severe prison, he had to rely on his wisdom, by fair means or foul.B. He was sick of his old self and just wanted to have a different life.C. People in the prison were all foolish and credulous.D. The prison life was so boring that he was just joking to have fun.4. In Legally Blonde, why did Warner want to break up with Elle before entering Harvard?A. He thought he was not good enough for Elle.B. He wanted to have a serious girlfriend to satisfy his family.C. Elle’s parents didn’t like him and asked him to leave her.D. Elle’s family was too poor to match his famous family.5. The part Chris talking with his son when they are homeless.Why at this moment does Chris tell his son the medical device is a time machine?A.Because it looks like a time machine.B.Because it is virtually a time machine.C.Because he wants to play games with his son.D.Because he does not want his son to feel hopeless.PartⅣ. Comprehension of Language and Cul tural Points (1’*25=25’)Directions:In this section, there are 25 statements. For each statement there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best matches the situation. Then mark thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. When a Judge disagrees with a lawyer’s objection, he or she says, “______!”A. OverindulgedB. SustainedC. OverruledD. Subverted2. ---Got his ____ in a lot of pies, from what I hear.A. handsB. noseC. fingersD. foot3. ---It’s clean as a virgin’s _____.A. signalB. songC. sirenD. whistle4. ---It looks like it works around a ___, so the center pieces never move.A. swivelB. switchC. swingD. swirl5. ---If you ____, you know what I’ll look like to the partners?A. get outB. get upC. back outD. back up6. Princess Diana embroiled in more controversy as she ______of a meeting with MPs.A. gets outB. makes outC. pulls outD. lashes out7. The leader of the jury is called the _____.A. supervisorB. juror.C. jurymanD. foreman8. Perhaps it’s best if we just call the whole thing ____, OK?A. offB. onC. upD. in9. To control a courtroom and a trial the judge can threaten someone with contempt of court. Which of these punishments is no longerapplicable to contempt of court?A. Fines.B. Imprisonment.C. Debarment (for lawyers only).D. Exile.10. ---I believed that was what people wanted from their Queen—not to make a fuss, nor wear one’s heart on one’s_____.A. collarB. jacketC. pantD. sleeve11. If you want the court to take notice of something, youcan properly preface your presentation with________.A. “The court’s attention is directed to…”B. “The court will note…”C. “Your attention is invited…”D. “Your Honor, the court’s attention is invited…”12. ---FYI, not my fault.F.Y.I. is short for _______.A. For Your imageB. For Your impressionC. For Your imaginationD. For Your Information13. When a lawyer asks questions of a witness whose answers will help his side of the case, that is called _____.A. cross examinationB. interrogationC. direct examinationD. persuade14. ---The signature was a ____ match.A. spot-offB. spot-onC. point-offD. point-on15. ---I prefer to keep my feelings ___ myself, and…A. withinB. forC. toD. on16. A defendant awaiting trial can sometimes put up money or other security and be allowed to leave the jail while awaiting trial. Thisprocess is called “being out on _____”.A. ParoleB. ProbationC. BailD. Verdict Deferred17. ---Don’t disregard our traditions just because you’re ______.---Don’t disrespect this class just because you’re married.A. subversiveB. submissiveC. subjectiveD. suspicious18. If you lie while under oath, it is called committing_____.A. fraudB. perjuryC. negligenceD. conspiracy19. Mama always said, dying was a part of life, something we’re all ___ to do.A. determinedB. definedC. destinedD. departed20. When a prosecuting attorney puts a witness in the witness stand to recount what his friend told him about what he had seen the accuseddo on the night of the murder, the defense lawyer should cry out: “Objection! ____!”A. IrrelevantB. Pure ConjectureC. MalarkeyD. Hearsay21. VE Day is short for ______________.A. Victory in Europe DayB. Voluntary Education DayC. Vitamin E DayD. Value in Electricity Day22. ---Really, I think you’re gonna be blown away.The phrase blow away means _______.A. make largeB. affect intenselyC. exaggerateD. swell23. ---You’re a sight for sore eyes.The speaker feels ______ to see the person.A. painfulB. sadC. scaredD. delighted24. When asked “Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help you God?” A witness is supposed to reply, “ ________”A. Yes.B. I do.C. Well most of the time anyway.D. Could you repeat the question?25. ---I’m dying to meet her.This means the speaker is ___________.A.scared to meet herB. resented to meet herC. eager to meet herD. sick to meet herPart V. Vocabulary (0.5’*20=10’)Directions: In this section, there are 20 words and expressions, choose the definition from Column B that best matches each word or phrase in Column A. Then write out the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.A B__ 1. impeccable a. an examination of records or financial accounts to check their accuracy__ 2. conform to b. out of control__ 3. spook c. attempt___4. whack d. show one’s respect or admiration___5. scary e. affect intensely___6. scumbag f. work two working periods in a day___7. cross-examine g. cruel and uncaring how much other people are hurt ___8. pay tribute to h. exert a force upon a heavy weight___9. bugger off i. cancel___10.file an extension j. exaggeratedly dignified or self-important___11. audit k . declare to be true___12. pull double shifts l. be consistent with___13. runaway m. ask detailed questions of a witness in a trail___14. pop out n. ask for an allowance of extra time___ 15. blow away o. ghost___ 16. maintain p. leave___ 17. remorseless q. exit briefly___ 18. call off r. frightening___ 19. drag down s. flawless___ 20. pompous t. unpleasant person。

《英文影视赏析》期末试卷标准答案2007-2008学年第1学期B卷I. Fill in the blanks (20 points)1. beckoning2. pray3. discipline4. utmost5. repetitious6. gay7. appropriate 8. Incidentally9. sacrifice 10. roamingII. Put into English (20 points)1. It's not like that. 不是那样的2. There is nothing good playing. 没好电影可看3. I've gotten carried away. 我扯太远了。
4. I don't believe you're bringing this up. 你现在提这件事真是岂有此理5. There's no other way of saying it.没有别种说法6. That will not always be the case. 情况不会永远是这样7. I was being polite.我这是在说客气话8. So that explains it. 原来如此9. I feel the same way. 我有同感。
10. I can't help myself. 我情不自禁III. Put into Chinese (20 points)1.Y ou will kindly remember there are certain rooms in this house which are not to be disturbed.请记住这里有些房间时不能乱闯的。
2.When anything bothers me and I’m feeling unhappy, I just try and think of nice things.当有些事令我烦恼,让我感到不快时,我就努力想着美好的事情.3.We talked about it last night. It’s all settled.我们昨晚已商议过,就这么定下来了.4.Y ou have a great capacity to love. What you must find out is how God wants you to spendyour love.你有一颗博爱的心,你要做的是找出上帝要你怎么样去发挥你的爱心.5.Believe me, it will be a performance beyond anything even I’ve dreamed of.相信我,这将是一场我梦想中最完美的演出.6.When the Lord closes a door, somewhere he opens a window.当上帝关上一扇门,他会在别处打开一扇窗.7.These walls were not built to shut out problems..这些墙不是用来把问题关在外面的.8.Y ou have to live the life you were born to live.你应该过你本来就应过的生活.9.It would be too humiliating..这太有辱人格了.10.For what we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truly thankful.感谢上帝所赐,愿上帝让我们心怀感激之情.IV. Knowledge of Oscars (20 points)1. 最佳摄影奖Best Cinematography2. 最佳影片剪辑Best Film Editing3. 最佳女主角Beat Actress in a Leading Role4. 最佳音乐Best Music5. 最佳男配角Best Actor in a Supporting Role6. 最佳艺术指导Best Art Direction7. 最佳服装设计Best Costume Design8. 最佳导演Best Director9. 最佳影片Best Picture10. 最佳音响Best SoundV. Essay (20 points)没有统一答案。

初二英语英语电影赏析练习题30题1. The movie "The Lion King" is mainly about _.A. a little girl's adventure in a magic worldB. the life cycle of a group of lions in the African savannaC. a boy's journey to find his lost familyD. a war between humans and animals答案:B。
2. Which of the following is a main character in the movie "Frozen"?A. SimbaB. ElsaC. WoodyD. Harry Potter答案:B。
Simba是《狮子王》中的角色,Woody是《玩具总动员》中的角色,Harry Potter是同名系列电影中的主角,与《冰雪奇缘》毫无关联。
3. The movie "Toy Story" belongs to which type?A. HorrorB. AnimationC. Documentary答案:B。
4. Who is the actor that played the leading role in the movie "Forrest Gump"?A. Tom HanksB. Leonardo DiCaprioC. Johnny DeppD. Brad Pitt答案:A。

英语影视欣赏期末考试English Movie AppreciationFinal Examination题目:The Appreciation Of Out of Africa分数:__________________________ 学生:学号:时间:教师:英语影视欣赏期末考试English Movie Appreciation Final ExaminationDirections:Choose one of the greatest American movies that you like most, Write Down the following informationI. The basic information (10 points)a. the directorb. the studioc. the main charactersII. The Plot(30 points)200III. The comment (60 points)备注: 用A4纸打印, 字体: Time New Roman, 标题4号,正文小四号.Please write in EnglishI. The basic information (10 points)a.the director Sydney Pollackb.adaptorKaren Blixen .....(books "Out of Africa", "Shadows on the Grass" and "Letters from Africa") (as Isak Dinesen)Judith Thurman .....(book "Isak Dinesen: The Life of a Storyteller")Errol Trzebinski .....(book "Silence Will Speak")Kurt Luedtke .....(screenplay)c.actorMeryl Streep .....Karen Christence Dinesen Blixenobert Redford .....Denys George Finch HattonKlaus Maria Brandauer .....Baron Bror Blixen/Baron Hans BlixenSuzanna Hamilton .....FelicityLeslie Phillips .....Sir JosephMichael Kitchen .....Berkeley ColeMalick Bowens .....FarahJoseph Thiaka .....KamanteStephen Kinyanjui .....KinanjuiMichael Gough .....Lord DelamereRachel Kempson dy BelfieldGraham Crowden .....Lord Belfieldd.the directorSydney Pollackc.adaptorKaren Blixen .....(books "Out of Africa", "Shadows on the Grass" and "Letters from Africa") (as Isak Dinesen)Judith Thurman .....(book "Isak Dinesen: The Life of a Storyteller")Errol Trzebinski .....(book "Silence Will Speak")Kurt Luedtke .....(screenplay)Robert Redford .....Denys George Finch HattonKlaus Maria Brandauer .....Baron Bror Blixen/Baron Hans BlixenSuzanna Hamilton .....FelicityLeslie Phillips .....Sir JosephMichael Kitchen .....Berkeley ColeMalick Bowens .....FarahJoseph Thiaka .....KamanteStephen Kinyanjui .....KinanjuiMichael Gough .....Lord DelamereRachel Kempson dy BelfieldGraham Crowden .....Lord Belfielde.the studioSydney Pollack .....producerAnna Cataldi .....associate producerTerence A. Clegg .....co-producer (as Terence Clegg)Kim Jorgensen .....executive producerJudith Thurman .....associate producerf.musicJohn Barryg.make companyMirage EntertainmentUniversal Pictures ... (2006) (USA) (theatrical)g.Publish companyArgentina Video Home (AVH) ..... (Argentina) (video)CIC Vídeo ..... (Brazil) (VHS)Columbia TriStar ..... (Brazil) (DVD)MCA/Universal Pictures ..... (Brazil) (DVD)h.play time(Los Angeles, California) (premiere) (USA)II. The Plot(30 points)200Follows the life of Karen Blixen, who establishes a plantation in Africa. Her life is Complicated by a husband of convenience (Bror Blixen), a true love (Denys), troubles on the plantation, schooling of the natives, war, and catching VD from her husband.Karen Blixen, a Danish woman, marries a friend for the title of Baroness and they move to Africa and start a coffee plantation. Things unfold when her husband begins cheating on her and is away on business often, so she's at home alone, working on the farm and bonding with two men she met in her first day in Africa. She eventually falls in love with the one, Denys Finch-Hatton and goes on safari and whatnot with him. Later, she begins to want more from him than the simple friendship/relationship they have and pushes marriage, but Denys still wants his freedom. By the end, she's gained a much better understanding and respect for the African culture than when she came.A study of the life of Danish noblewoman and storyteller Karen ('Isak') Dinesen Blixen, from her marriage and departure for Kenya in 1913 until her return to Denmark in 1931. As she struggles to maintain a coffee farm through various struggles and disasters, and strives to improve relations with the local natives, her marriage of convenience to a titled aristocrat gradually gives way to an enduring romance with the noted hunter and adventurer Denys Finch Hatton.III. The comment (60 points)OUT OF AFRICA is based on the memoirs of Danish writer Karen Blixen (pen name, Isak Dinesen) in a coffee plantation in present day Kenya. It explains how this brave woman overcomes the stereotype of a dainty, colonial British lady by running the coffee farm while her husband Bror Blixen (Brandauer) led a life of hunting and infidelities. Meryl Streep is great as Karen Blixen. She manages to maintain therealistic Danish accent through the whole film. Redford is great as Denys Finch-Hatton, the Etonian hunter who keeps companion in her loneliest and hardest. But the real attraction of the film is he outstanding photography of the African landscape together with the sweeping John Barry soundtrack that is probably the most beautiful movie soundtrack of the 1980s. OUT OF AFRICA will be regarded as Sydney Pollack's asterpiece and a Classic of our times。

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Hale Waihona Puke 10%期末 考试70%
(Business Service Provider Management Unit)
1.电影的发明者及其主要作品名称。 2.什么是蒙太奇? 3.IMAX。 4.写出好莱坞7大制片公司的中英文名称。
5.写出常见5种电影分级的中英文名称。 6.奥斯卡金像底座上的五环片盘各代表什么? 7.今日影片的观后感。(300-400字左右)
电影音乐,按照在电影中出现的方式,分为两 大类:一类是现实性的音乐,也叫做客观的音乐 ,这类音乐在画面上有声音的来源;另一类是功 能性的音乐,也叫做主观的音乐,这类音乐在画 面上没有声音的来源。
• • • • • •
1.烘托气氛 2.预示剧情 3.作为特定人物或特定场景形象音乐 4.表示剧中人物的心情 5.作为独白的配乐 6.作为整部电影的音乐形象
• 制作。包括前期拍摄和后期合成剪辑,很 多片子的拍摄角度很华丽的说,比如颤栗 空间,很多长镜头,还有后期一些制作, 比如变形金刚这种主要靠后期的。
• 一部好的电影必须至少具备两种价值,即审美价值和认知价值。 • 审美价值:指文学或艺术作品(当然包括电影,电影是文学和 艺术的集大成品)外在的形式美。 • 认知价值:指的是文学或艺术作品内在的深度美,具有哲学深 度则更好。 • 凡是经得起时间考验,历久弥新,成为永恒经典的文学或艺术 作品,都具备以上两种价值。 • 其次,好的影片应该留给观众共鸣的空间,如《重庆森林》《这 个杀手不太冷》《七宗罪》《搏击俱乐部》《太阳泪》《撞车》。
2004 중점 사업 분야
影视欣赏 互动 设备
剧本 人物
剧本乃一剧之本,剧本创作的质量高低直接关系到影片的 成功与失败。剧本是电影的灵魂,一部电影成功与否,主要 还是要看其故事是否吸引观众,所用讲叙技巧是否被业内 人士所肯定。
电影中的人物,是电影创作中的核心,也是作品的核心。 反过来讲,人物的塑造,是电影导演创作的重中之重。 我们对文学的理解是“文学是人学”“风格即人”。同其它的 艺术形式相比较,电影的创作也是紧紧地围绕塑造典型环境中 的典型人物展开的。 可以这样认为:电影中的人物是叙事的核心,是矛盾冲突的核 心,是影片造型的基础。 对于电影的基本要求,我们希望是在一系列的场景中,事件中, 动作中,对话中看到的不是一般的人(具体的演员),而是鲜 活的、有性格的人物。
电影中的“人物”,是电影叙事中、戏剧结 构中的“符号”和“虚构”的人,是由演员 (职业的、非职业的)扮演的银幕形象。在 我们的潜意识中,人物——演员,演员—— 角色,这两者交替的认同。
电影音乐是电影的重要组成部分,是对电影的诠释纽带,一首 好的电影音乐,对整个影片起着至关重要的作用。通常一部电影会 由多首音乐相衬,以更好的衬托出电影需要表现的内容。 电影是音画艺术,眼睛和耳朵两个器官是在第一时间接收信息 的。其次,电影具备多种节奏功能,比如主观节奏、客观节奏、导 演心理节奏和观众心理节奏等等。只有音乐这种形式和电影在节奏 上是非常统一的,其它艺术形式就略差一些。 为电影而创作的音 乐,是电影综合艺术中的一个重要组成部分。它的演奏通过录音技 术与对白、音响效果合成一条声带,随电影放映而被观众所感知。
• 电影拍的时候都是一段一段的,制作人员要把这些根据 故事情节合理的拼接在一起组成一部完整的电影,这就 是剪辑,你所看到的电影就是最终的剪辑,剪辑很乱就 是说电影画面衔接过渡不流畅自然,没有逻辑性。 • 如78届奥斯卡最佳影片 《撞车》
蒙太奇+ IMAX
• 美国电影《乱世佳人》可作为审美价值和认知价值完美结 合的范例。审美价值表现在影片的摄影、服装、布景、演 员等外在形式上,唯美、细腻,与当今流行的韩国偶像剧 相比在审美价值上丝毫不逊色,甚至可以说,它当年的处 理方式是超越时代的,因为现在看来它一点都不嫌老气。 认知价值主要体现在它以宏大的个人史诗式的叙事结构讲 述了女主人公斯嘉莉的心灵成长史,从懵懂、单纯、稚嫩 走向坚强、成熟的全过程。同时,它还反映了美国南北战 争期间及其前后十几年中时代的变迁,以及时代变迁对个 人命运的影响——干预、改变甚至摧残。大的来讲(宏观 )影片具有历史、社会的深度,小的来讲(微观精神世界 )影片具有心理深度。