
第一章财务管理总论一、单项选择题1、独资企业的特点()A 承担有限责任B不是企业所得税的纳税主体C资本分成等额股份D更加容易筹资2、合伙企业的优点是()A容易开办B限制较少C承担有限责任D决策快速3、有限责任公司的特征是()A资本总额分成等额股份B人数在50人以上C承担有限责任D不发行股票4、将税收分为直接税收和间接税收的标准是()A征税对象B税收管辖权C征收实体D税收能否转嫁5、资本市场工具有()A国库券B债券C商业票据D大额定期存单6、企业财务管理的目标是()A利润最大化B每股利润最大化C价值最大化D效益最大化7、在现代市场经济条件下,企业财务管理的核心环节是()A财务预测B财务决策C财务预算D财务控制10、企业价值的直接表现形式是()A各项资产账面价值之和B各项资产重置价值之和C全部财产的市场价值D企业未来的获利能力11、下面能够反映企业价值最大化目标实现程度的指标是()A利润总额B息税前利润C每股市价D总资产二、判断题1、企业财务关系是指企业与外部单位的财务关系()2、我国企业的增殖税率为17%()3、在金融市场上,资金当作一种特殊商品,其交易价格表现为利率()4、企业与政府的财务关系表现在投资与分配的关系()5、解聘是通过市场约束经营者的办法()6、进行企业财务管理,就是要正确权衡报酬增加与风险增加的得与失,努力实现二者之间的最佳平衡,使企业价值达到最大。
三、思考题1、什么是财务?财务活动和财务关系?2、什么是财务管理?财务管理包括哪些内容?财务管理具有哪些特点?3、关于财务管理的目标有哪些观点?为什么说企业价值最大化观点最符合现代财务管理的实际?4、不同利益主体在现代财务管理目标上存在哪些矛盾?如何进行协调?5、简述利润最大化作为企业财务管理目标的优缺点6、简述财务管理的环节第二章财务管理的价值观念一、单项选择题1、为了在未来时间清偿某一笔债务而等额形成的存款准备金称为()A偿债基金B资金回收额C递延年金D永续年金2、从第一期起,在一定期间内每期期末收到或付出的等额资金称为()A永续年金B先付年金C后付年金D递延年金3、在其他因素不变的条件下,贴现率与年金现值系数的关系为()A二者变化方向相同B二者变化方向相反C二者诚正比例变化D二者没有关系4、不够成风险要素的是()A风险因素B风险收益C风险事故D风险损失5、将风险分为纯粹风险和投机风险的分类标准是()A风险损害对象B风险的起源C风险导致的后果D风险的性质6、下列哪些不是衡量风险离散程度的指标()A方差B标准离差C标准离差率D概率7、企业向保险公司投保是()A接受风险B减少风险C转移风险D规避风险8、在名义利率相同的条件下,对投资者最有利的付息方式是()A到期一次性付息B按年付息C按月付息D按季付息9、某人将1000元存入银行,银行的年存款为8%,如果按照复利计算,4年后应得到利息为()A360.5 B630.5 C1360.5 D1630.510、由政府金融管理部门或中央银行确定的利率,称为()A基准利率B固定利率C套算利率D法定利率11、将利率分为基准利率与套用利率的依据是()A利率的变动关系B资金供求关系C利率形成机制D利率的构成12、纯利率是指()A预期投资报酬率B无风险报酬率C社会平均报酬率D无风险无通货膨胀条件下的均衡点利率二、判断题1、一般来说,资金的时间价值是指没有风险条件下的社会平均收益率()2、永续年金可以看成是期限为无限的普通年金()3、事故发生的潜在原因是风险损失()4、先付年金与后付年金的区别在于计息的时间不同()5、基本风险是指风险的起源与影响方面都不与特定的组织或个人有关,至少是某个特定组织或个人所不能阻止的风险()6、对单项投资项目而言,标准离差越大,风险越高()三、思考题1、什么是资金时间价值?其实质是什么?2、资金时间价值在财务管理中有什么作用?3、什么是风险?风险如何衡量?4、什么是风险报酬?5、证券组合的风险可分为哪几种?6、如何对未来利率水平进行测算?7、简述年金的概念和种类。

《财务管理》章节及期末考试答案宁夏大学目录第一章总论 (1)第二章财务管理的价值观念 (5)第三章财务分析 (11)第四章财务战略与预算 (15)第五章长期筹资方式 (16)第六章资本结构决策 (20)第七章投资决策原理 (24)第八章短期资产管理 (27)第九章短期筹资管理 (29)第十章股利理论与政策 (31)期末考试 (31)第一章总论总论习题1.单选题(1分)在下列各种观点中,既能够考虑资金的时间价值和投资风险,又有利于克服管理上的片面性和短期行为的财务管理目标是()。

(财务管理案例)财务管理案例解析及参考答案教师手册:案例解析及参考答案目录第1章 (1)第2章 (3)第3章 (6)第4章 (8)第5章 (9)第6章 (11)第7章 (12)第8章 (15)第9章 (16)第10章 (23)第11章 (26)第12章 (28)第13章 (30)第14章 (32)第15章 (35)第16章 (37)第17章 (38)第18章 (40)第19章 (40)第20章 (42)第21章 (43)第1章案例参考答案:财务管理是企业管理中的重要组成部分,贯穿于企业的生产、销售、经营等每个角落,通过对资金活动及其形成的财务关系进行调节,从而保证企业业务的正常开展、不断改进、实现企业价值最大的目标。
第14章 2014年7月财务管理平台课考试题型及范围说明

6. 试说明,与普通股相比,优先股筹资有什么优缺点?7.折现现金流量指标主要有哪几个?运用这些指标进行投资决策时的规则是什么?指出各种决策方法的优缺点。
8.企业为什么要持有现金?现金管理的内容包括哪些?9.短期筹资政策的主要类型包括哪些?短期筹资政策与短期资产管理政策之间应当保持怎样的配合关系?10. 试对比分析银行短期借款、商业信用、短期融资券的特征和优缺点。

1.企业的资金运动包括融资活动、投资活动、分配活动和()A.生产活动B.销售活动C.研发活动D.营运活动答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交)参考答案:D问题解析:2.雇佣工人属于资金运动中的哪一个阶段( )A.融资活动B.投资活动C.生产活动D.营运活动答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交)参考答案:D问题解析:3.独资企业与有限责任企业之间,普通合伙企业与股份有限企业之间,都有一个最大区别,它是()A 所有者的人数不同B企业规模不同C所有者所承担的责任不同 D 所有者的利益分配不同答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交)参考答案:C问题解析:4.股份有限公司的组织结构中权力最大是()A 董事会B 经理层C 监事会D 股东大会答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交)参考答案:D问题解析:5.处于股东和经营管理者之间,是企业重要战略决策的制定者和执行者之一,同时在重大财务领域无需向CEO 负责的是()A 总经理B 独立董事C CFOD 主任会计师答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交)问题解析:6.财务管理的基本内容主要包括( )A.营运资金管理B.长期投资决策C.长期融资决策D.短期投资决策答题: A. B. C. D. >>(已提交)参考答案:ABC问题解析:7.企业财务管理的利润最大化目标在实际运用过程中的缺陷包括()A.利润更多指的是会计概念B.利润概念所指不明C.利润最大化中的利润是个绝对数D.有可能诱使企业的短期行为答题: A. B. C. D. >>(已提交)参考答案:ABCD问题解析:8.金融环境的内容主要包括()A金融市场B货币政策C金融市场机制D金融机构答题: A. B. C. D. >>(已提交)参考答案:ACD问题解析:9.在我国,公司制企业包括()A独资企业B合伙企业C有限责任企业D股份有限企业答题: A. B. C. D. >>(已提交)参考答案:CD问题解析:10.企业的首席财务执行官的主要职责主要包括()A 整理账务B 会计核算与控制C 财务管理与决策D 管理现金答题: A. B. C. D. >>(已提交)参考答案:BC问题解析:11.财务管理的环境包括()A 经济环境B 金融环境C 法律环境D 企业内部环境答题: A. B. C. D. >>(已提交)参考答案:ABCD12.财务管理的核心在于定价或价值评估()答题:对. 错. (已提交)参考答案:√问题解析:13.财务管理的对象就是资金运动所呈现的信息,会计的处理对象是资金运动本身;( )答题:对. 错. (已提交)参考答案:×问题解析:14.在有效资本市场的假设下,股东财富最大化体现为股东所持企业股票的市场价值最大化()答题:对. 错. (已提交)参考答案:√问题解析:15.企业价值最大化与股东财富最大化是一致的()答题:对. 错. (已提交)参考答案:×问题解析:16.市场竞争也是财务的经济环境的一个方面。


2011财务管理各章节作业题第一章总论一、单项选择题1、在资本市场上向投资者出售金融资产,如借款、发行股票和债券等,从而取得资金的活动是( A )。
A筹资活动 B、投资活动 C、收益分配活动 D、扩大再生产活动2 企业财务目标是公司价值最大化,其价值是指( D ) 。
A 账面价值B 账面净值C 重置价值D 市场价值3、反映公司价值最大化目标实现程度的指标是( C ) 。
A、销售收入B、市盈率C、每股市价D、净资产收益率4、由于借款人不能按时支付本利带来的风险而投资人要求的利率补偿是(B )。
A、到期风险附加率B、违约风险附加率C、变现力风险附加率D、购买力风险附加率5 下列各项中,可视为纯利率的是( D )。
A、银行存款利率B、公司债券利率C、金融债券利率D、国库券利率6、评价债券信用等级时主要考虑的风险是( B ) 。
A、变现力风险B、违约风险C、到期风险D、购买力风险7、每股收益最大化与利润最大化相比,其优点在于( C )。
A、考虑了时间价值B、考虑了风险价值C、考虑了利润所得与投入资本的关系D、考虑了市场对公司的客观评价8 企业最重要的财务关系是( D )之间的关系。
A、股东与经营者B、股东与债权人C、经营者与债权人D、股东、经营者、债权人二、多项选择题1 公司的财务关系有( ABCD )A、公司与政府之间的财务关系B、公司与投资者、受资者之间的财务关系C 公司内部各单位之间的财务关系 D、公司与债权人、债务人之间的财务关系4 公司价值最大化作为财务管理目标的优点有( ABCE )A、有利于克服企业短期行为B、考虑了风险与收益的关系C、考虑了货币的时间价值D、有利于社会资源的合理配置5 国库券的利率水平通常包括(AC ) 。

财务管理(企业理财学)全册配套练习题及参考答案第三章证券估价1.天龙企业2009年4月1日购买某公司2008年1月1日发行的面值为10万元,票面利率 6%,期限5年,每半年付息一次的债券。
第12、13、14章 财务成本固定资产管理

14.2.3 间接费用的分配
间接费用不同于直接材料费与直接人工费, 它并不随着工票或凭证按物料分别实时记 录,因而不象计算直接材料费与直接人工 费可以由物料清单及工艺文件、工作中心 直接而且准确地计算。 新会计制度计算产品成本采用制造成本法, 间接费用只核算到车间一级,由于加工成 本是在工作中心发生,因此,间接费用要 分配到工作中心。
质量 系统 核算
12. 财务管理——思考题
什么是管理会计与财务会计? s 请画出财务子系统业务处理流程。 s 请绘制财务子系统与其他子系统的关系图。
第13章 固定资产管理
固定资产是指使用年限超过1年的房屋、建筑 物、机器、机械、运输工具、以及其它与生产、 经营有关的设备、器具与工具等。不属于生产 经营设备的物品,但单位价值在2000元以上, 2000 并且使用年限超过两年的,也属于固定资产, 其余的工具、器具等作为低值易耗品处理。 企业应根据自身情况制订企业的固定资产目录 与分类方法,各类或各项固定资产的折旧年限、 折旧方法,作为企业固定资产核算的依据。
ERP系统涉及的会计事务既有财务会计又 有管理会计,ERP系统的成本管理采用的 是管理会计的方式。
财务管理。它是传统的财务管理,包括账务管 理、应收、应付、工资核算、现金管理、材料、 销售核算等业务,本章即讨该部分内容。 2 成本管理。描述成本核算、成本控制等业务的 有关理论与实现,这部分将在下一章讨论。 2 固定资产管理。描述ERP系统对企业固定资产 的管理,
累计材料费=D材料费+E材料费B子件C材料Fra bibliotekD材料

CHAPTER 14 INTEREST RATE AND CURRENCY SWAPSSUGGESTED ANSWERS AND SOLUTIONS TO END-OF-CHAPTERQUESTIONS AND PROBLEMSQUESTIONS1. Describe the difference between a swap broker and a swap dealer.Answer: A swap broker arranges a swap between two counterparties for a fee without taking a risk position in the swap. A swap dealer is a market maker of swaps and assumes a risk position in matching opposite sides of a swap and in assuring that each counterparty fulfills its contractual obligation to the other.2. What is the necessary condition for a fixed-for-floating interest rate swap to be possible?Answer: For a fixed-for-floating interest rate swap to be possible it is necessary for a quality spread differential to exist. In general, the default-risk premium of the fixed-rate debt will be larger than the default-risk premium of the floating-rate debt.3. Discuss the basic motivations for a counterparty to enter into a currency swap.Answer: One basic reason for a counterparty to enter into a currency swap is to exploit the comparative advantage of the other in obtaining debt financing at a lower interest rate than could be obtained on its own. A second basic reason is to lock in long-term exchange rates in the repayment of debt service obligations denominated in a foreign currency.4. How does the theory of comparative advantage relate to the currency swap market?Answer: Name recognition is extremely important in the international bond market. Without it, even a creditworthy corporation will find itself paying a higher interest rate for foreign denominated funds than a local borrower of equivalent creditworthiness. Consequently, two firms of equivalent creditworthiness can each exploit their, respective, name recognition by borrowing in their local capital market at a favorable rate and then re-lending at the same rate to the other.5. Discuss the risks confronting an interest rate and currency swap dealer.Answer: An interest rate and currency swap dealer confronts many different types of risk. Interest rate risk refers to the risk of interest rates changing unfavorably before the swap dealer can lay off on an opposing counterparty the unplaced side of a swap with another counterparty. Basis risk refers to the floating rates of two counterparties being pegged to two different indices. In this situation, since the indexes are not perfectly positively correlated, the swap bank may not always receive enough floating rate funds from one counterparty to pass through to satisfy the other side, while still covering its desired spread, or avoiding a loss. Exchange-rate risk refers to the risk the swap bank faces from fluctuating exchange rates during the time it takes the bank to lay off a swap it undertakes on an opposing counterparty before exchange rates change. Additionally, the dealer confronts credit risk from one counterparty defaulting and its having to fulfill the defaulting party’s obligation to the other counterparty. Mismatch risk refers to the difficulty of the dealer finding an exact opposite match for a swap it has agreed to take. Sovereign risk refers to a country imposing exchange restrictions on a currency involved in a swap making it costly, or impossible, for a counterparty to honor its swap obligations to the dealer. In this event, provisions exist for the early termination of a swap, which means a loss of revenue to the swap bank.6. Briefly discuss some variants of the basic interest rate and currency swaps diagramed in the chapter.Answer: Instead of the basic fixed-for-floating interest rate swap, there are also zero-coupon-for-floating rate swaps where the fixed rate payer makes only one zero-coupon payment at maturity on the notional value. There are also floating-for-floating rate swaps where each side is tied to a different floating rate index or a different frequency of the same index. Currency swaps need not be fixed-for-fixed; fixed-for-floating and floating-for-floating rate currency swaps are frequently arranged. Moreover, both currency and interest rate swaps can be amortizing as well as non-amortizing.7. If the cost advantage of interest rate swaps would likely be arbitraged away in competitive markets, what other explanations exist to explain the rapid development of the interest rate swap market?Answer: All types of debt instruments are not always available to all borrowers. Interest rate swaps can assist in market completeness. That is, a borrower may use a swap to get out of one type of financing and to obtain a more desirable type of credit that is more suitable for its asset maturity structure.8. Suppose Morgan Guaranty, Ltd. is quoting swap rates as follows: 7.75 - 8.10 percent annually against six-month dollar LIBOR for dollars and 11.25 - 11.65 percent annually against six-month dollar LIBOR for British pound sterling. At what rates will Morgan Guaranty enter into a $/£ currency swap?Answer: Morgan Guaranty will pay annual fixed-rate dollar payments of 7.75 percent against receiving six-month dollar LIBOR flat, or it will receive fixed-rate annual dollar payments at 8.10 percent against paying six-month dollar LIBOR flat. Morgan Guaranty will make annual fixed-rate £ payments at 11.25 percent against receiving six-month dollar LIBOR flat, or it will receive annual fixed-rate £ payments at 11.65 percent against paying six-month dollar LIBOR flat. Thus, Morgan Guaranty will enter into a currency swap in which it would pay annual fixed-rate dollar payments of 7.75 percent in return for receiving semi-annual fixed-rate £ payments at 11.65 percent, or it will receive annual fixed-rate dollar payments at 8.10 percent against paying annual fixed-rate £ payments at 11.25 percent.9. A U.S. company needs to raise €50,000,000. It plans to raise this money by issuing dollar-denominated bonds and using a currency swap to convert the dollars to euros. The company expects interest rates in both the United States and the euro zone to fall.a. Should the swap be structured with interest paid at a fixed or a floating rate?b. Should the swap be structured with interest received at a fixed or a floating rate?CFA Guideline Answer:a. The U.S. company would pay the interest rate in euros. Because it expects that the interest rate in the euro zone will fall in the future, it should choose a swap with a floating rate on the interest paid in euros to let the interest rate on its debt float down.b. The U.S. company would receive the interest rate in dollars. Because it expects that the interest rate in the United States will fall in the future, it should choose a swap with a fixed rate on the interest received in dollars to prevent the interest rate it receives from going down.*10. Assume a currency swap in which two counterparties of comparable credit risk each borrow at the best rate available, yet the nominal rate of one counterparty is higher than the other. After the initial principal exchange, is the counterparty that is required to make interest payments at the higher nominal rate at a financial disadvantage to the other in the swap agreement? Explain your thinking.Answer: Superficially, it may appear that the counterparty paying the higher nominal rate is at a disadvantage since it has borrowed at a lower rate. However, if the forward rate is an unbiased predictor of the expected spot rate and if IRP holds, then the currency with the higher nominal rate is expected to depreciate versus the other. In this case, the counterparty making the interest payments at the higher nominal rate is in effect making interest payments at the lower interest rate because the payment currency is depreciating in value versus the borrowing currency.PROBLEMS1. Alpha and Beta Companies can borrow for a five-year term at the following rates:Alpha BetaMoody’s credit rating Aa BaaFixed-rate borrowing cost 10.5% 12.0%Floating-rate borrowing cost LIBOR LIBOR + 1%a. Calculate the quality spread differential (QSD).b. Develop an interest rate swap in which both Alpha and Beta have an equal cost savings in their borrowing costs. Assume Alpha desires floating-rate debt and Beta desires fixed-rate debt. No swap bank is involved in this transaction.Solution:a. The QSD = (12.0% - 10.5%) minus (LIBOR + 1% - LIBOR) = .5%.b. Alpha needs to issue fixed-rate debt at 10.5% and Beta needs to issue floating rate-debt at LIBOR + 1%. Alpha needs to pay LIBOR to Beta. Beta needs to pay 10.75% to Alpha. If this is done, Alpha’s floating-rate all-in-cost is: 10.5% + LIBOR - 10.75% = LIBOR - .25%, a .25% savings over issuing floating-rate debt on its own. Beta’s fixed-rate all-in-cost is: LIBOR+ 1% + 10.75% - LIBOR = 11.75%, a .25% savings over issuing fixed-rate debt.2. Do problem 1 over again, this time assuming more realistically that a swap bank is involved as an intermediary. Assume the swap bank is quoting five-year dollar interest rate swaps at 10.7% - 10.8% against LIBOR flat.Solution: Alpha will issue fixed-rate debt at 10.5% and Beta will issue floating rate-debt at LIBOR + 1%. Alpha will receive 10.7% from the swap bank and pay it LIBOR. Beta will pay 10.8% to the swap bank and receive from it LIBOR. If this is done, Alpha’s floating-rate all-in-cost is: 10.5% + LIBOR - 10.7% = LIBOR - .20%, a .20% savings over issuing floating-rate debt on its own. Beta’s fixed-rate all-in-cost is: LIBOR+ 1% + 10.8% - LIBOR = 11.8%, a .20% savings over issuing fixed-rate debt.3. Company A is a AAA-rated firm desiring to issue five-year FRNs. It finds that it can issue FRNs at six-month LIBOR + .125 percent or at three-month LIBOR + .125 percent. Given its asset structure, three-month LIBOR is the preferred index. Company B is an A-rated firm that also desires to issue five-year FRNs. It finds it can issue at six-month LIBOR + 1.0 percent or at three-month LIBOR + .625 percent. Given its asset structure, six-month LIBOR is the preferred index. Assume a notional principal of $15,000,000. Determine the QSD and set up a floating-for-floating rate swap where the swap bank receives .125 percent and the two counterparties share the remaining savings equally.Solution: The quality spread differential is [(Six-month LIBOR + 1.0 percent) minus (Six-month LIBOR + .125 percent) =] .875 percent minus [(Three-month LIBOR + .625 percent) minus (Three-month LIBOR + .125 percent) =] .50 percent, which equals .375 percent. If the swap bank receives .125 percent, each counterparty is to save .125 percent. To affect the swap, Company A would issue FRNs indexed to six-month LIBOR and Company B would issue FRNs indexed three-month LIBOR. Company B might make semi-annual payments of six-month LIBOR + .125 percent to the swap bank, which would pass all of it through to Company A. Company A, in turn, might make quarterly payments of three-month LIBOR to the swap bank, which would pass through three-month LIBOR - .125 percent to Company B. On an annualized basis, Company B will remit to the swap bank six-month LIBOR + .125 percent and pay three-month LIBOR + .625 percent on its FRNs. It will receive three-month LIBOR - .125 percent from the swap bank. This arrangement results in an all-in cost of six-month LIBOR + .825 percent, which is a rate .125 percent below the FRNs indexed to six-month LIBOR + 1.0 percent Company B could issue on its own. Company A will remit three-month LIBOR to the swap bank and pay six-month LIBOR + .125 percent on its FRNs. It will receive six-month LIBOR + .125 percent from the swap bank. This arrangement results in an all-in cost of three-month LIBOR for Company A, which is .125 percent less than the FRNs indexed to three-month LIBOR + .125 percent it could issue on its own. The arrangements with the two counterparties net the swap bank .125 percent per annum, received quarterly.*4. A corporation enters into a five-year interest rate swap with a swap bank in which it agrees to pay the swap bank a fixed rate of 9.75 percent annually on a notional amount of €15,000,000 and receive LIBOR. As of the second reset date, determine the price of the swap from the corporation’s viewpoint assuming that the fixed-rate side of the swap has increased to 10.25 percent.Solution: On the reset date, the present value of the future floating-rate payments the corporation will receive from the swap bank based on the notional value will be €15,000,000. The present value of a hypothetical bond issue of €15,000,000 with three remaining 9.75 percent coupon payments at the newfixed-rate of 10.25 percent is €14,814,304. This sum represents the present value of the remaining payments the swap bank will receive from the corporation. Thus, the swap bank should be willing to buy and the corporation should be willing to sell the swap for €15,000,000 - €14,814,304 = €185,696.5. Karla Ferris, a fixed income manager at Mangus Capital Management, expects the current positively sloped U.S. Treasury yield curve to shift parallel upward.Ferris owns two $1,000,000 corporate bonds maturing on June 15, 1999, one with a variable rate based on 6-month U.S. dollar LIBOR and one with a fixed rate. Both yield 50 basis points over comparable U.S. Treasury market rates, have very similar credit quality, and pay interest semi-annually.Ferris wished to execute a swap to take advantage of her expectation of a yield curve shift and believes that any difference in credit spread between LIBOR and U.S. Treasury market rates will remain constant.a. Describe a six-month U.S. dollar LIBOR-based swap that would allow Ferris to take advantage of her expectation. Discuss, assuming Ferris’ expectation is correct, the change in the swap’s value and how that change would affect the value of her portfolio. [No calculations required to answer part a.] Instead of the swap described in part a, Ferris would use the following alternative derivative strategy to achieve the same result.b. Explain, assuming Ferris’ expectation is correct, how the following strategy achieves the same result in response to the yield curve shift. [No calculations required to answer part b.]Date Nominal Eurodollar Futures Contract ValueSettlement12-15-97 $1,000,00003-15-98 1,000,00006-15-98 1,000,00009-15-98 1,000,00012-15-98 1,000,00003-15-99 1,000,000c. Discuss one reason why these two derivative strategies provide the same result.CFA Guideline Answera.The Swap Value and its Effect on Ferris’ PortfolioBecause Karla Ferris believes interest rates will rise, she will want to swap her $1,000,000 fixed-rate corporate bond interest to receive six-month U.S. dollar LIBOR. She will continue to hold her variable-rate six-month U.S. dollar LIBOR rate bond because its payments will increase as interest rates rise. Because the credit risk between the U.S. dollar LIBOR and the U.S. Treasury market is expected to remain constant, Ferris can use the U.S. dollar LIBOR market to take advantage of her interest rate expectation without affecting her credit risk exposure.To execute this swap, she would enter into a two-year term, semi-annual settle, $1,000,000 nominal principal, pay fixed-receive floating U.S. dollar LIBOR swap. If rates rise, the swap’s mark-to-market value will increase because the U.S. dollar LIBOR Ferris receives will be higher than the LIBOR rates from which the swap was priced. If Ferris were to enter into the same swap after interest rates rise, she would pay a higher fixed rate to receive LIBOR rates. This higher fixed rate would be calculated as the present value of now higher forward LIBOR rates. Because Ferris would be paying a stated fixed rate that is lower than this new higher-present-value fixed rate, she could sell her swap at a premium. This premium is called the “replacement cost” value of the swap.b. Eurodollar Futures StrategyThe appropriate futures hedge is to short a combination of Eurodollar futures contracts with different settlement dates to match the coupon payments and principal. This futures hedge accomplishes the same objective as the pay fixed-receive floating swap described in Part a. By discussing how the yield-curve shift affects the value of the futures hedge, the candidate can show an understanding of how Eurodollar futures contracts can be used instead of a pay fixed-receive floating swap.If rates rise, the mark-to-market values of the Eurodollar contracts decrease; their yields must increase to equal the new higher forward and spot LIBOR rates. Because Ferris must short or sell the Eurodollar contracts to duplicate the pay fixed-receive variable swap in Part a, she gains as the Eurodollar futures contracts decline in value and the futures hedge increases in value. As the contracts expire, or if Ferris sells the remaining contracts prior to maturity, she will recognize a gain that increases her return. With higher interest rates, the value of the fixed-rate bond will decrease. If the hedge ratios are appropriate, the value of the portfolio, however, will remain unchanged because of the increased value of the hedge, which offsets the fixed-rate bond’s decrease.c. Why the Derivative Strategies Achieve the Same ResultArbitrage market forces make these two strategies provide the same result to Ferris. The two strategies are different mechanisms for different market participants to hedge against increasing rates. Some money managers prefer swaps; others, Eurodollar futures contracts. Each institutional marketparticipant has different preferences and choices in hedging interest rate risk. The key is that market makers moving into and out of these two markets ensure that the markets are similarly priced and provide similar returns. As an example of such an arbitrage, consider what would happen if forward market LIBOR rates were lower than swap market LIBOR rates. An arbitrageur would, under such circumstances, sell the futures/forwards contracts and enter into a received fixed-pay variable swap. This arbitrageur could now receive the higher fixed rate of the swap market and pay the lower fixed rate of the futures market. He or she would pocket the differences between the two rates (without risk and without having to make any [net] investment.) This arbitrage could not last.As more and more market makers sold Eurodollar futures contracts, the selling pressure would cause their prices to fall and yields to rise, which would cause the present value cost of selling the Eurodollar contracts also to increase. Similarly, as more and more market makers offer to receive fixed rates in the swap market, market makers would have to lower their fixed rates to attract customers so they could lock in the lower hedge cost in the Eurodollar futures market. Thus, Eurodollar forward contract yields would rise and/or swap market receive-fixed rates would fall until the two rates converge. At this point, the arbitrage opportunity would no longer exist and the swap and forwards/futures markets would be in equilibrium.6. Rone Company asks Paula Scott, a treasury analyst, to recommend a flexible way to manage the company’s financial risks.Two years ago, Rone issued a $25 million (U.S.$), five-year floating rate note (FRN). The FRN pays an annual coupon equal to one-year LIBOR plus 75 basis points. The FRN is non-callable and will be repaid at par at maturity.Scott expects interest rates to increase and she recognizes that Rone could protect itself against the increase by using a pay-fixed swap. However, Rone’s Board of Directors prohibits both short sales of securities and swap transactions. Scott decides to replicate a pay-fixed swap using a combination of capital market instruments.a. Identify the instruments needed by Scott to replicate a pay-fixed swap and describe the required transactions.b. Explain how the transactions in Part a are equivalent to using a pay-fixed swap.CFA Guideline Answera. The instruments needed by Scott are a fixed-coupon bond and a floating rate note (FRN).The transactions required are to:· issue a fixed-coupon bond with a maturity of three years and a notional amount of $25 million, and· buy a $25 million FRN of the same maturity that pays one-year LIBOR plus 75 bps.b. At the outset, Rone will issue the bond and buy the FRN, resulting in a zero net cash flow at initiation. At the end of the third year, Rone will repay the fixed-coupon bond and will be repaid the FRN, resulting in a zero net cash flow at maturity. The net cash flow associated with each of the three annual coupon payments will be the difference between the inflow (to Rone) on the FRN and the outflow (to Rone) on the bond. Movements in interest rates during the three-year period will determine whether the net cash flow associated with the coupons is positive or negative to Rone. Thus, the bond transactions are financially equivalent to a plain vanilla pay-fixed interest rate swap.7. A company based in the United Kingdom has an Italian subsidiary. The subsidiary generates €25,000,000 a year, received in equivalent semiannual installments of €12,500,000. The British company wishes to convert the euro cash flows to pounds twice a year. It plans to engage in a currency swap in order to lock in the exchange rate at which it can convert the euros to pounds. The current exchange rate is €1.5/£. The fixed rate on a plain vaninilla currency swap in pounds is 7.5 percent per year, and the fixed rate on a plain vanilla currency swap in euros is 6.5 percent per year.a. Determine the notional principals in euros and pounds for a swap with semiannual payments that will help achieve the objective.b. Determine the semiannual cash flows from this swap.CFA Guideline Answera. The semiannual cash flow must be converted into pounds is €25,000,000/2 = €12,500,000. In order to create a swap to convert €12,500,000, the equivalent notional principals are · Euro notional principal = €12,500,000/(0.065/2) = €384,615,385· Pound notional principal = €384,615,385/€1.5/£ = £256,410,257b. The cash flows from the swap will now be· Company makes swap payment = €384,615,385(0.065/2) = €12,500,000· Company receives swap payment = £256,410,257(0.075/2) = £9,615,385The company has effectively converted euro cash receipts to pounds.8. Ashton Bishop is the debt manager for World Telephone, which needs €3.33 billion Euro financing for its operations. Bishop is considering the choice between issuance of debt denominated in: ∙ Euros (€), or∙ U.S. dollars, accompanied by a combined interest rate and currency swap.a. Explain one risk World would assume by entering into the combined interest rate and currency swap.Bishop believes that issuing the U.S.-dollar debt and entering into the swap can lower World’s cost of debt by 45 basis points. Immediately after selling the debt issue, World would swap the U.S. dollar payments for Euro payments throughout the maturity of the debt. She assumes a constant currency exchange rate throughout the tenor of the swap.Exhibit 1 gives details for the two alternative debt issues. Exhibit 2 provides current information about spot currency exchange rates and the 3-year tenor Euro/U.S. Dollar currency and interest rate swap.Exhibit 1World Telephone Debt DetailsCharacteristic Euro Currency Debt U.S. Dollar Currency DebtPar value €3.33 billion $3 billionTerm to maturity 3 years 3 yearsFixed interest rate 6.25% 7.75%Interest payment Annual AnnualExhibit 2Currency Exchange Rate and Swap InformationSpot currency exchange rate $0.90 per Euro ($0.90/€1.00)3-year tenor Euro/U.S. Dollarfixed interest rates 5.80% Euro/7.30% U.S. Dollarb. Show the notional principal and interest payment cash flows of the combined interest rate and currency swap.Note: Your response should show both the correct currency ($ or €) and amount for each cash flow. Answer problem b in the template provided.Template for problem bc. State whether or not World would reduce its borrowing cost by issuing the debt denominated in U.S. dollars, accompanied by the combined interest rate and currency swap. Justify your response with one reason.CFA Guideline Answera. World would assume both counterparty risk and currency risk. Counterparty risk is the risk that Bishop’s counterparty will default on payment of principal or interest cash flows in the swap.Currency risk is the currency exposure risk associated with all cash flows. If the US$ appreciates (Euro depreciates), there would be a loss on funding of the coupon payments; however, if the US$ depreciates, then the dollars will be worth less at the swap’s maturity.b.0 YearYear32 Year1 YearWorld paysNotional$3 billion €3.33 billion PrincipalInterest payment €193.14 million1€193.14 million €193.14 million World receives$3.33 billion €3 billion NotionalPrincipalInterest payment $219 million2$219 million $219 million1 € 193.14 million = € 3.33 billion x 5.8%2 $219 million = $3 billion x 7.3%c. World would not reduce its borrowing cost, because what Bishop saves in the Euro market, she loses in the dollar market. The interest rate on the Euro pay side of her swap is 5.80 percent, lower than the 6.25 percent she would pay on her Euro debt issue, an interest savings of 45 bps. But Bishop is only receiving 7.30 percent in U.S. dollars to pay on her 7.75 percent U.S. debt interest payment, an interest shortfall of 45 bps. Given a constant currency exchange rate, this 45 bps shortfall exactly offsets the savings from paying 5.80 percent versus the 6.25 percent. Thus there is no interest cost savings by sellingthe U.S. dollar debt issue and entering into the swap arrangement.MINI CASE: THE CENTRALIA CORPORATION’S CURRENCY SWAPThe Centralia Corporation is a U.S. manufacturer of small kitchen electrical appliances. It has decided to construct a wholly owned manufacturing facility in Zaragoza, Spain, to manufacture microwave ovens for sale in the European Union. The plant is expected to cost €5,500,000, and to take about one year to complete. The plant is to be financed over its economic life of eight years. The borrowing capacity created by this capital expenditure is $2,900,000; the remainder of the plant will be equity financed. Centralia is not well known in the Spanish or international bond market; consequently, it would have to pay 7 percent per annum to borrow euros, whereas the normal borrowing rate in the euro zone for well-known firms of equivalent risk is 6 percent. Alternatively, Centralia can borrow dollars in the U.S. at a rate of 8 percent.Study Questions1. Suppose a Spanish MNC has a mirror-image situation and needs $2,900,000 to finance a capital expenditure of one of its U.S. subsidiaries. It finds that it must pay a 9 percent fixed rate in the United States for dollars, whereas it can borrow euros at 6 percent. The exchange rate has been forecast to be $1.33/€1.00 in one year. Set up a currency swap that will benefit each counterparty.*2. Suppose that one year after the inception of the currency swap between Centralia and the Spanish MNC, the U.S. dollar fixed-rate has fallen from 8 to 6 percent and the euro zone fixed-rate for euros has fallen from 6 to 5.50 percent. In both dollars and euros, determine the market value of the swap if the exchange rate is $1.3343/€1.00.Suggested Solution to The Centralia Corporation’s Currency Swap1. The Spanish MNC should issue €2,180,500 of 6 percent fixed-rate debt and Centralia should issue $2,900,000 of fixed-rate 8 percent debt, since each counterparty has a relative comparative advantage in their home market. They will exchange principal sums in one year. The contractual exchange rate for the initial exchange is $2,900,000/€2,180,500, or $1.33/€1.00. Annually the counterparties will swap debt service: the Spanish MNC will pay Centralia $232,000 (= $2,900,000 x .08) and Centralia will pay the Spanish MNC €130,830 (= €2,180,500 x .06). The contractual exchange rate of the first seven annual debt service exchanges is $232,000/€130,830, or $1.7733/€1.00. At maturity, Centralia and the Spanish MNC will re-exchange the principal sums and the final debt service payments. The contractual exchange rate of the final currency exchange is $3,132,000/€2,311,330 = ($2,900,000 + $232,000)/(€2,180,500 + €130,830), or $1.3551/€1.00.*2. The market value of the dollar debt is the present value of a seven-year annuity of $232,000 and a lump sum of $2,900,000 discounted at 6 percent. This present value is $3,223,778. Similarly, the market value of the euro debt is the present value of a seven-year annuity of €130,830 and a lump sum of €2,180,500 discounted at 5.50 percent. This present value is €2,242,459. The dollar value of the swap is $3,223,778 - €2,242,459 x 1.3343 = $231,665. The euro value of the swap is €2,242,459 - $3,223,778/1.3343 = -€173,623.。

A •筹资关系B •投资关系C.分配关系D •财务关系2.股东财富最大化目标和经理追求的实际目标之间总存有差异,其差异源自于()A .股东地域上分散 B.所有权与经营权的分离C.经理与股东年龄上的差异 D .股东概念的模糊3.在众多企业组织形式中,最重要的企业组织形式是()。
A .独资制B .合伙制C.公司制D .国有制4.一般认为,企业重大财务决策的管理主体是()。
A .出资者B .经营者C.财务经理D .财务会计人员5.企业财务管理活动最为主要的环境因素是()。
A .经济体制环境B .财税环境C.金融环境D .法制环境二、多选1.下列中,影响企业价值的因素有()。
A .经营风险B .资本结构C.通货膨胀D •管理者E.投资报酬率2.企业财务分层管理具体为()。
A •出资者财务管理 B.经营者财务管理C.债务人财务管理 D •财务经理财务管理E.职工财务管理3•财务经理财务的职责()。
A •现金管理B •信用管理C.筹资D •具体利润分配E・财务预测、财务计划和财务分析第二章财务观念一、单选6.将1000元钱存入银行,利息率为 10%,在计算3年后终值时应采用() A .复利终值系数 B .复利现值系数C .年金终值系数D .年金现值系数7•如果一笔资金的现值与将来值相等,那么()。
A .折现率一定很高B .不存在通货膨胀C.折现率一定为0D .现值一定为08.两种股票完全负相关时,则该两种股票的组合效应是()A .能适当分散风险 B.不能分散风险C.能分散一部分风险 D .能分散全部风险二、多选4.下列关于货币时间价值的各种表述中,正确的有()。
A •货币时间价值不可能由时间创造,而只能由劳动创造B.只有把货币作为资金投入生产经营才能产生时间价值,即时间价值是在生产经营中产生的C •时间价值的相对数是扣除风险报酬和通货膨胀贴水后的平均资金利润率或平均报酬率D .时间价值的绝对数是资金在生产经营过程中带来的真实增值额E •时间价值是对投资者推迟消费的耐心给予的报酬5.在利率一定的条件下,随着预期使用年限的增加,下列表述不正确的是()。


DA.总产值最大化 B.利润最大化C.收入最大化 D.股东财富最大化2、企业同其所有者的财务关系是()。
AA.经营权与所有权的关系 B.债权债务关系C.投资与被投资关系 D.债务债权关系3 .企业同其债权人之间反映的财务关系是()。
DA.经营权与所有权的关系 B.债权债务关系C.投资与被投资关系 D.债务债权关系4.企业同其被投资者的财务关系反映的是()。
CA.经营权与所有权的关系 B.债权债务关系C.投资与被投资关系 D.债务债权关系5.企业同其债务人之间反映的财务关系是()。

股份制企业利润分配的特点 股利政策的基本理论 影响股利政策的因素 股利政策的类型 股利的种类与发放程序
股利无关论 股利相关论
一鸟在手论 信息传播论 假设排除论
资本保全的约束 企业积累的约束 企业利润的约束 偿债能力的约束
债务契约因素 公司因素 股东因素
剩余股利政策 固定股利或稳定增长股利政策 固定股利支付率股利政策 低正常股利加额外股利政策
现金股利 股票股利 财产股利 负债股利
宣布日 股权登记日 除息日 股利发放日
第1节国有企业利润分配 第2节股份制企业利润分配
国有企业利润分配的历史沿革 国有企业利润分配的原则
合法性 公平性 效率性
利润分配的基本程序 利润分配的项目
统收统支分配制度 企业基金制度 利润留成和盈亏包干制度 利改税制度 企业承包经营责任制 利税分流制度

第一章财务管理总论一、判断题1. 企业与政府之间的财务关系体现为投资与受资的关系。
(×)2. 以企业价值最大化作为理财目标,有利于社会资源的合理配置。
(√)3. 企业的目标就是财务管理的目标。
(×)4. 企业与债权人之间的财务关系体现了债权与债务之间的关系。
(×)5. 财务决策是财务管理的最主要职能。
(√)9. 长期亏损是企业终止的直接原因。
(×)10. 企业投资时应尽量选择风险小的投资项目,因风险小的投资项目对企业有利。
(×)11. 从财务管理的角度来看,资产的价值既不是其成本价值,也不是其产生的会计收益。
(√)12. 财务管理是企业组织财务活动、处理与各方面财务关系的一项社会管理活动。
(×)13. 从资金的借贷关系看,利率是一定时期运用资金这一资源的交易价格。
(√)14. 企业价值的大小直接受投资项目和风险程度的影响。
(×)15. 企业采取短期借款方式来筹集所需资金,这属于企业的筹资活动。
(×)16. 自立行为原则认为在任何情况下,人们都会选择对自己经济利益最大化的行动。
(×)17. 有价值创意原则既应用于项目投资,也应用于证券投资。
(×)18. 民营企业与政府之间的财务关系体现为一种投资与受资之间的关系。
(×)19. 为防止经营者因自身利益而背离股东目标,股东往往对经营者同时采取监督与激励两种办法。
(√)20. 违约风险报酬率是指对于一项负债,到期日越长,债权人承受的不肯定因素越多,承受的风险也越大,为弥补这种风险而要求提高的利率。
第十四章 公司估值 《财务管理》PPT课件

2.股权现金流量 方法一: 股权现金流量 =实体现金流量-债权人现金流量 =实体现金流量-税后利息支出-偿还债务本金+新借债务 =实体现金流量-税后利息支出+债务净增加
计算 • 2017年税后经营净利润=185.5万元 • 净投资=2017年净资本-2018年净资本=1191-1100=91万元 • 2017年企业实体现金流量 =税后经营净利润-净投资=185.5-91=94.5万元
【例子】若G公司2016年目前发行在外的股数为55万股,每 股市价为20元。 若企业预计未来每年都能保持2017年的预 计税后经营净利润水平,若预计2018年开始所需要的每年 的净投资为零;债务市场价值与账面价值一致,则利用现 金流量折现法确定公司目前的股价是高估还是低估。
2017年投资资本=净经营资产总计=1191 有息负债利息率=33/(110+220)=10% 2017年短期借款=1191×10%=119.1 2017年长期借款=1191×20%=238.2 2017年有息负债借款利息=(119.1+238.2)×10%=35.73
• 2017年增加的净资本=1191-1100=91万元 • 按剩余股利政策要求,投资所需要的权益资金
第一个阶段:“详细预测期”,或称“预测期”。通常为5—7 年;
第二个阶段:“后续期”,或称为“永续期”。在此期间,假 设企业进入稳定状态,有一个稳定的增长率,可以用简便的方 法直接估计后续期价值。

国家开放大学《财务管理》章节随学随练参考答案第1章总论随学随练1. 与其他企业组织形式相比,公司制企业最重要的特征是()A.无限责任B.所有权与经营权的潜在分离C.筹资容易D.创办费用低1.公司的所有者同其管理者之间的财务关系反映的是()。
第14章 财政管理体制

第十四章财政管理体制一、单项选择题:1、狭义的财政管理体制是指(B108 )。
A、受益原则B、区域原则C D、技术原则6、按照建立社会主义市场经济体制的要求,我国从D111→我国现行的)财政体制。

第一章总论二、案例题答:(1)(一)以总产值最大化为目标缺点:1. 只讲产值,不讲效益;2. 只求数量,不求质量;3. 只抓生产,不抓销售;4. 只重投入,不重挖潜。
缺点:1. 它没有考虑利润实现的时间,没有考虑资金时间价值;2. 它没能有效地考虑风险问题,这可能会使财务人员不顾风险的大小去追求最多的利润;3. 它往往会使企业财务决策带有短期行为的倾向,即只顾实现目前的最大利润,而不顾企业的长远发展。
(三)以股东财富最大化为目标优点:1. 它考虑了风险因素,因为风险的高低,会对股票价格产生重要影响;2. 它在一定程度上能够克服企业在追求利润上的短期行为,因为不仅目前的利润会影响股票价格,预期未来的利润也会对企业股票价格产生重要影响;3. 它比较容易量化,便于考核和奖惩。
缺点:1. 它只适用于上市公司,对非上市公司则很难适用;2. 它只强调股东的利益,而对企业其他关系人的利益重视不够;3. 股票价格受多种因素影响,并非都是公司所能控制的,把不可控因素引入理财目标是不合理的。
(四)以企业价值最大化为目标优点:1. 它考虑了取得报酬的时间,并用时间价值的原理进行了计量;2. 它科学地考虑了风险与报酬的关系;3. 它能克服企业在追求利润上的短期行为,因为不仅目前的利润会影响企业的价值,预期未来的利润对企业价值的影响所起的作用更大。
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A、取得的利润多B、实现利润的速度快C、实现的利润稳定D、向社会提供的利润多7. 企业财务管理目标的作用主要有()。
()10. 人类的生产活动是财务产生的基础。
()四、简答题1、以股东财富最大化或企业价值最大化作为财务管理目标的主要优点有哪些?2. 企业在进行财务管理时是如何运用时间价值和风险价值观念的?五、论文题围绕“企业财务管理目标”写一篇论文(要求:题目自拟,字数不限,自圆其说,言之有据、有理)第二章财务管理的价值观念一、单项选择题1.关于标准离差与标准离差率,下列表述正确的是()。
A、市场平均利润率B、银行同期借款利率B、企业同期债券利率 D、社会资金平均利润率4.云达科技公司为其职工办理的养老保险基金可使职工自退休后的第3年年初开始,每年从保险公司领取3000元的养老金,连续领取15年,该项养老金属于()。
A、期数减1,系数加1B、期数加1,系数加1C、期数减1,系数减1D、期数加1,系数减16.云达科技公司向银行借入一笔款项,银行贷款利率为10%,每年复利一次,银行规定前10年不用归还本息,但从第11---20年,每年年初偿还本息100 000元,这笔借款的现值为()元。
A、236 900B、275 460C、318 110D、260 5907.为比较期望值不同的两个或两个以上投资方案的风险程度,应采用的决策标准是()。
( z )3.n期即付年金现值与n期普通年金现值的折现期数一致。
( c )4.折现率越大,年金现值系数越大。
()四、计算分析题1.某人在年初存入一笔资金,以便能在第6年年初起每年取出5万元,至第10 年年初取完。
若该公司的资金成本率为8%,请你帮助该公司决策,应选择哪种付款方式对公司有利?4.云达科技公司准备投资1 000万元开发新产品,现有3 个方案可供选择。
A.资金成本较高 B.财务风险较大C.企业控制权容易分散 D.经营风险较大2.下列权利中,既属于普通股股东也属于优先股股东权利的是()。