


– return the current player’s piece advantage on a scale from -1 to 1
• evaluation function: Y
Y = ∑k=1 to 7 wk * fk
TD(λ) and Updating the Weights
wi, t+1 = wi, t + a (Yt+1 – Yt)S k=1 to t l t-k∆ wiYk
evaluation function while playing on the Free Internet Chess Server (FICS, ), improved from a 1650 rating to a 2100 rating (the level of US Master, world champion are rating around 2900) in just 308 games and 3 days of play.
– property of the game
• feature evaluators
– Rook, Knight, Cannon , Minister, Guard, and Pawn
• weight:
– the value of a specific piece type
• feature function: f
Features Table
f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6
0 -0.5 0
0 0.4
0 -0.4
0 -0.5 0.4



象棋走法 规则
也称“欠行”、“无棋”。“无着”。对局中,以己 方棋子围困对方将(帅),使之无应着可动而认输。 运用此着法,有时需注意将、帅间的制约关系。并充 分运用以己方将(帅)控制对方将(帅)的手段。
将 第三部
帅 象分 棋 基 本 杀 法 introduction of chess walking and fighting chess walking and


中国象棋 介绍
马走日字,象飞田。 车走直路,炮翻山。 士走斜路护将边。 小卒子一去不回还。 车走直路马踏斜, 相飞田子炮打隔, 卒子过河了不得。
中国象棋 介绍
fighting introduction of chess walking
象棋基本 杀法
象棋是以捉死对方的将帅为目的,即所谓“将死” 为每一局棋的最终目的。因此,为了取胜,必须 掌握各种基本杀法,这是学好象棋的一项最基础 的基本功。本课共介绍了二十三种象棋的基本杀 法,供同学们学习,希望同学们能把象棋当作业 余文化生活的一个组成部分,调剂精神,陶冶情 操,发展智力,锻炼思维,促进自己学业的发展 的成功。
将 第二部
帅 象分 棋 走 法 规 则 introduction of chess walking and fighting chess walking and
fighting introduction of chess walking
象棋走法 规则
兵在未过河前只能往前走,过河 后可往左或往右走,每次只能走 一格,不论是否过河,兵都不能 往后走。兵的吃法与走法相同。

2024年人教版新教材七年级英语上册Unit 2单词精讲课件

2024年人教版新教材七年级英语上册Unit 2单词精讲课件

3. bat/ bæt /n.球棒,球拍; ➢ 必备搭配: baseball bat 棒球棒 ping-pong bat 乒乓球拍 I don't have a Ping-Pong bat. 我没有一只乒乓球拍。
4. ping-pong [ˈpɪŋ pɒŋ] n.乒乓球(指运动) a ping-pong ball 一个乒乓球 play ping-pong 打乒乓球 It's a ping-pong ball. 这是一个乒乓球。 She likes playing ping-pong. 她喜欢打乒乓球。 ➢ 翻译: 我喜欢篮球和乒乓球: I like basketball and ping-pong. 我今天打乒乓球: I play ping-pong today.
可以省略) I spend too much time watching television.我看电视花的时间太多。 Andy spent a lot of money on books. Andy。安迪花了很多钱买书。
➢ 翻译:(写出两种) Kitty每天花两个小时做家庭作业: Kitty spends two hours on her homework every day. Kitty spends two hours doing her homework every day. 他们买那辆自行车花了550元: They spent 550 yuan buying the bike. They spent 550 yuan on the bike.
7. fishing rod/ ˈfɪʃɪŋ rɒd /钓鱼竿 His fishing rod is made of bamboo. 这个鱼竿是由竹子制成的。 You catch fish with a fishing rod . 你可以用钓竿逮鱼。 ➢ 翻译:上星期日我新买了一个鱼竿。 I bought a new fishing rod last Sunday.



Xiangqi, or Chinese Chess, is an extremely popular game in the Eastern Hemisphere. It is currently played by millions (or tens of millions) in China, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Hong Kong and other Asian countries. Xiangqi has remained in its present form for centuries. It is believed that both Xiangqi and Orthodox Chess derive from the original Indian game of Chanturanga.(xiáng) (qí ) translates to Elephant Game. In Mandarin it iswritten as either Xiangqi, Xiang Qi or Hsiang-Ch`i and pronounced "Shiang-Chi". In Cantonese it is written as Jeuhng Keih and pronounced "Junk Kay".The name Xiangqi has an interesting origin. Of China's four traditional arts -- qin (music), hua (brush pai nting), shu (calligraphy) and qí (strategy games) -- the latter term, qi, provides the final syllable of Xiangqi. There is much literature on Xiangqi, most of it in Chinese. There are, however, a few books available in English and other languages.Xiangqi sets can be procured from a number of sources. The most obvious of these are shops in the Chinese districts of large cities. Often, such sets are quite cheap, consisting of a paper board and flat wooden counters inscribed with red and black pictograms. These traditional Chinese symbols may appear strange to the western eye, but can easily be recognized with a minimum of practice. (For more sophisticated sets, see below.)RulesThe boardThe Xiangqi board is made up of ten horizontal lines and nine vertical lines. The verticals are interrupted by a central-horizontal void called a river. Two palaces are positioned at opposite sides of the board. Each is distinguished by a cross connecting its four corner points.NOTE: Orthodox Chess pieces are played on squares; Xiangqi Chesspieces are played on line intersections which are called points.The above board shows various L-shaped markings in order to distinguish the setup points of Pawns and Cannons. These markings are not present on all commercial boards.PiecesEach player has the following pieces:2 Rooks (R) (or chariots)2 Knights (N) (or horses)2 Elephants (M) (or bishops or ministers)2 Mandarins (G) (or advisors or assistants or guards)1 King (K) (or generals)2 Cannons (C)5 Pawns (P) (or soldiers)The Xiangqi array is shown below:Traditional Pieces Westernized PiecesFrom left to right on the bottom and top rows, you see: a Rook, a Knight, a Minister, a Guard, a King, a Guard, a Minister, a Knight, and a Rook. On the third rows, you see the Cannons, and on the fourth row you see the Pawns. Pieces at the bottom half are red.Chinese PiecesMovementWesternizedPieces RooksThe Rook moves as an orthodox Rook. (See Rook formore information.)Knights (Mao)The Knight moves one point orthogonally followedby one point outward-diagonally. It may not leapover occupied points. (See Mao for moreinformation.)ElephantsThe Elephant moves exactly two pointsdiagonally. It may not leap over occupied points. Also, Elephants are confined to their home side of the river. Due to these limitations, the Elephant can see only seven points of the board. (See Elephant for more information.) [The symbols on red and black Elephants differ, but their moves are the same.]MandarinsThe Mandarin (or Guard) moves one point diagonally. It may never leave the palace. [The symbols on red and black Mandrians differ, but their moves are the same.]King or GeneralThe King moves as an orthodox King, but cannot move diagonally. It may never leave the palace. (See King for more information.) [The symbols on red and black Kings differ, but their moves are the same.]The two Kings cannot face each other on an open file. For example, a red King on e1 and a black King on e9, with no piece on the e-file between them, is an illegal position. If either King sits exposed on an open file, the other King may not move to occupy that file.Cannons (Pao)The Cannon moves differently when it moves to capture than when it moves passively.1.The Cannon moves passively as an orthodoxRook2.The Cannon moves to capture as an orthodoxRook which is required to hop over a singlescreen.In other words, Cannons capture by hoping overa second piece in order to capture a third piece.For example, a Cannon on a1 can take a piece onf1 when exactly one of the points b1, c1, d1, ore1 is occupied by a piece of either color. Cannonsonly capture when hoping and only hop whencapturing. They may never hop over more than onepiece in a given move. (See Cannon for moreinformation.)PawnsUnlike orthodox Pawns, the Xiangqi Pawn'spassive move and capture move are always thesame. A starting Pawn moves one pointstraight-forward. A Pawn crossing the riverpromotes, keeping its old move and gaining a newmove -- a one-point step to either horizontal.Pawns do not promote on the last rank, where theycan move only left or right. (See Xiangqi Pawnfor more information.) [The symbols on red andblack Pawns differ, but their moves are thesame.]Other rules1.Red moves first.2.The game is won by checkmating or stalemating the opponent King.3.Perpetual check is forbidden. You cannot check your opponent morethan three times in a row with the same piece and same boardpositions.4.You cannot force an enemy piece to move to and from the same twopoints, indefinitely, in order to avoid capture. If you move a Rook to e5, threatening a Cannon on e6, and your opponent's only viable move is Cannon to f6, then you cannot force that Cannon to and from e6 and f6 by moving your Rook to and from e5 and f5, indefinitely.The purpose of this rule (and the above rule) is to avoidperpetual-check draws. Some of these situations are complicated, but the person who is forcing the perpetual move must usually break it off.5.The game is a draw when neither side can force a checkmate or astalemate.。



(I) books.I read every day.
4.A: Whose caps are these? B: They're mygransparen(gtsr’andparents). They like wearing caps.
5.A: Whose schoolbag is this? B: It's Teng Fei’s(Teng Fei).He likes the colour blue.
pong every week.
sport.ຫໍສະໝຸດ They have some nice ping-pong bats.
Teng Fei's father has a fishing
Do you play the piano?
Yes,I do./No,I don't.
Does your father spend a lot of time fishing?Yes,he does./No,he doesn't.
Unit2 We’re Family! SectionAGrammar
·Language goals
In this unit, you will 1. talk about your family with the simple present tense (do). 2. identify ownership using -’s. 3. describe family members in a photo. 4. explore the meaning of being a family.
01 Key words
chess 国际象棋 chinese chess 中国象棋 funny 好笑的;奇怪的 laugh 笑;发笑 n.笑声 different 不同的 violin 小提琴 have fun 玩得高兴



的问 王: ?黑
方 此 时 移 动 哪 些 子 可 以 将 到 白 方
9 5 3 31
• 1.胜负。将军与将死 • 当自己的棋子威胁对方的王,即对方的王
在我方棋子的攻击范围以内,便称为“将 军”(Check),此时对方便要设法解除 我方的威胁,需要把攻击王的棋子吃掉,把 王移动或以其他我方棋子阻塞。当对方的 王无路可逃,我方便把敌方的王“将死” (Checkmate)。
1、组长领棋具,检查棋具。 2、各组积极进行下棋实践活 动 3、组长检查棋具,收棋具。 4、对弈结束后规范收拾棋具, 摆好桌椅。
1、你在本活动中学习哪些国 际象棋的知识? 2、国际象棋各棋子怎样走法? 3、你在下国际象棋的过程中 获得了什么体验?
1、认识棋盘,会看棋谱,能按照棋谱摆 棋;了解一些简单的国际象棋术语;了解不 同棋子的子力价值
2、熟练掌握棋子走法和吃子,掌握各种 棋子的性能,会比较完整地下一盘棋,能和 同学对弈。
3、掌握国际象棋的基本规则,会初步判 断一盘棋胜、负、和的判定
4、通过下棋培养学生的逻辑思维能力和 敏锐的观察能力
• (4)对于有国际象棋出现的电影,书籍或者游 戏有更多的了解
• (5)有利于培养学生机智勇敢的品质和谦虚乐 观的精神,有助于培养学生的敏锐观察力和有意
• 以下是在一些比较出名的游戏中,国际象棋出场的画面
• 国际象棋在电影中,尤其是欧美国家的电影里,可以算 是一个出场率比较高的明星了。在很多著名的大片里都 有它的身影


• 第一个字表示需要移动的棋子。 • 第二个字表示移动的棋子所在的直线编码(红黑方均为由己方底线从右向左数),红方用汉字,黑方
用阿拉伯数字表示。当同一直线上有两个相同的棋子,则采用前、后来区别。如“后车平四”, “前马进7”。 • 第三个字表示棋子移动的方向,横走用”平“,向对方底线前进用”进“,向己方底线后退用 “退”。 • 第四个字分为两类:棋子在直线上进退时,表示棋子进退的步数;当棋子平走或斜走的时候,表示 所到达直线的编号。
象棋基本 杀法
图中双方都有车,红方利用对方车的位 置低的弱点,以对面笑杀取胜,着法是 仕五进六,下着车八平六即成对面笑杀。 黑方虽有车,面对红车的杀着,也只有 干瞪眼。
士 士象

象棋基本 杀法
相走“田”字,但不能过河;若“田”字中心有棋子,则相无法走动,此情况俗称堵象眼。相的 吃法与走法相同。
象棋走法 规则
也称“得胜”。指局中的一方取得胜利。 具体为: 1)将死对方的将或帅。
象棋走法 规则
对局中,被“将军”的一方如无法“应将” 就算被“将死”。
,它是一种繁心点点的爱。 家庭美景 初读《小
中 国 象 棋 每天晚上,马奇一家都会沉醉在贝思欢乐的歌声中,在



叁 象棋基本杀法
只小小的蜗牛,一步一步的爬着,一步一步的朝着自己 的梦想奋斗着。今天我拥抱着我的梦想走进了成人高考 的舞台,踏上了人生新的赛道 心里有执着,不管风 雨再大再猛,都会变的风调雨顺;心里有执着,不管道
第 一 部 分 路再险再颠,都会一马将平川。水滴石穿是执着,愚公移
相走“田”字,但不能过河;若“田”字中心有棋子,则相无法走动,此情况俗称堵象眼。相的 吃法与走法相同。
象棋走法 规则
也称“得胜”。指局中的一方取得胜利。 具体为: 1)将死对方的将或帅。
象棋走法 规则
对局中,被“将军”的一方如无法“应将” 就算被“将死”。
的眷恋、爱和无尽的牵挂。 我的小家,给我大大的
中 国 象 棋 温暖与关怀,所以我要大声地喊出:我爱我家,永远爱
我的小家。 浦口区中等专业学校高二:赵云1008 执着梦想_65 我想,每个人心中都有一个孩子梦;
我心想 中,都每有个一人个心未中完都成有的一梦份执中着我国心想;,象每个棋我人走想,法每是个啊搏人,杀 介 绍


宣讲:某某某 时间:20XX.XX
有执着于梦想的心,我又何尝不是,记得有一首歌唱到 小小的天,有大大的梦想,我的梦想很简单,就是自己 创造自己的蓝天,我抱着梦想不知努力了多少年,才刚
fighting introduction of chess walking



Chinese Chess Instruction ManualI. IntroductionChinese chess, also known as Xiangqi, is a traditional board game in China with a long history. It is a game full of strategy and wisdom, which has been popular among Chinese people for centuries.II. EquipmentThe ChessboardThe Chinese chessboard is square, consisting of ten horizontal lines and nine vertical lines. These lines form a total of 90 intersections, which are the positions where the chess pieces are placed.There are some special areas on the chessboard. For example, there is a "river" in the middle of the board, which divides the board into two parts.The Chess PiecesEach side in Chinese chess has 16 pieces. The two sides are usually distinguished as "Red" and "Black" (or other color combinations in some sets). The pieces include the General (or King), Advisors, Elephants, Horses, Chariots, Cannons, and Soldiers. Each type of piece has its own unique movement rules.III. Rules of MovementGeneral (King)The General can only move one step at a time, either horizontally or vertically, within the "palace" area, which is a small square area in the center of each side's territory.AdvisorsAdvisors can only move diagonally within the "palace" area, also one step at a time.ElephantsElephants move two squares diagonally. However, they cannot cross the "river", and there is a so - called "blocking elephant's eye" rule. If there is a piece (of either side) on the square adjacent to the elephant's starting point in the middle of its diagonal movement path, the elephant cannot move in that direction.HorsesHorses move in an L - shape, which means one square horizontally or vertically and then one square diagonally. If there is a piece on the square immediately next to the horse in the direction of its first move (horizontally or vertically), the horse is "blocked" and cannot move in that L - shape in that direction. This is known as "horse's hoof - blocked".ChariotsChariots can move any number of squares horizontally or vertically as long as there are no other pieces blocking their path. They are very powerful pieces for attacking and defending.CannonsCannons move like chariots, but when they want to "capture" an enemy piece, they need to have a "jump - over" piece (of either side). That is, there must be a piece between the cannon and the piece it wants to capture, and then it can jump over this piece to capture the target piece.SoldiersSoldiers can only move one step forward when they are on their own side of the "river". Once they cross the "river", they can move one step forward or one step horizontally (left or right).IV. Rules of the GameStarting PositionAt the beginning of the game, all the pieces are placed in their initial positions on the chessboard according to the rules.Taking TurnsThe two players take turns to move their pieces. Usually, Red moves first. Objective of the GameThe goal of the game is to checkmate the opponent's General (King). That is, to put the opponent's General in a position where it is under attack and has no legal move to escape.If a player's General is in a "stalemate" situation (where the General is not in check but has no legal move), the game is considered a draw.There are also some other situations that can result in a draw, such as both sides agreeing to a draw, or when a certain number of moves are repeated without any significant progress in the game.Capturing PiecesWhen a piece moves to a position where it can capture an opponent's piece according to the movement rules, the opponent's piece is removed from the board.V. Tips and StrategiesEarly - Game StrategiesIn the early game, it is important to develop your pieces quickly and control key areas of the chessboard. For example, chariots can be moved out early to gain control of the main lines (horizontal and vertical).Protecting your important pieces, such as the General and Advisors, is also crucial in the early stage.Mid - Game StrategiesAs the game progresses, look for opportunities to attack the opponent's weaknesses. Coordinate the movement of different pieces, such as using horses and cannons together to create threats.Try to break through the opponent's defense line by using a combination of pieces.Late - Game StrategiesIn the late game, when there are fewer pieces on the board, be more cautious with each move. The position of the General becomes even more critical, and one wrong move can lead to a quick defeat.Try to simplify the game situation if you have an advantage, or look for ways to create a draw if you are at a disadvantage.。



如图,红先: 车一进二 将6进1 车二进一 将6进1 车一退二 (红胜)
相走“田”字,但不能过河;若“田”字中心有棋子,则相无法走动,此情况俗称堵象眼。相的 吃法与走法相同。
象棋走法 规则
也称“得胜”。指局中的一方取得胜利。 具体为: 1)将死对方的将或帅。
象棋走法 规则
对局中,被“将军”的一方如无法“应将” 就算被“将死”。
象棋走法 规则
也称“欠行”、“无棋”。“无着”。对局中,以己 方棋子围困对方将(帅),使之无应着可动而认输。 运用此着法,有时需注意将、帅间的制约关系。并充 分运用以己方将(帅)控制对方将(帅)的手段。
将 第三部
帅 象分 棋 基 本 杀 法 introduction of chess walking and fighting chess wal相、仕(各2个)兵(5个)

中国象棋 介绍
马走日字,象飞田。 车走直路,炮翻山。 士走斜路护将边。 小卒子一去不回还。 车走直路马踏斜, 相飞田子炮打隔, 卒子过河了不得。
中国象棋 介绍
整个棋盘以“河界” 分为相等的两部分。 为了比赛记录和学习 棋谱方便起见,现行 规则规定:按九条竖 线从右至左用中文数 字一至九来表示红方 的每条竖线,用阿拉 伯数字1只至9来表示 黑方的每条竖线。己 方的棋子始终使用己 方的线路编号,无论 棋子是否“过河”。
中国象棋 介绍
象棋是一种双方对阵的竞技项目。棋子共有三十二个,分为红黑两组,各有 十六个,由对弈的双方各执一组。


邓小平是中国改革开放的总设计师,他也是一位象棋爱好者,曾经在政治生涯中多次用象 棋来处理工作和人际关系。
许多世界著名的政治家、企业家和艺术家都是国际象棋爱好者,例如英国女王伊丽莎白二 世、美国前总统比尔·克林顿等。
选择具有代表性的棋局进 行演示,展示象棋的策略 和技巧。
详细讲解每一步棋的走法 和意图,以及对手可能的 应对策略。
通过实际对局演示,帮助 学生更好地理解象棋的实 战应用。
分析演示棋局中的关键战 术,如牵制、围困、弃子 等。
讲解如何在实际对局中运 用这些战术,以及如何应 对对手的战术。
让学生了解战术在象棋中 的重要性,提高他们的战 术意识。
象棋的棋盘是一个10x10的方格,通 常用黑色和白色格子区分。
象棋的棋盘分为竖着的五条线,从靠 近自己的方向开始数。
象棋的棋盘分为横着的五条线,从靠 近自己的方向开始数。
1 2 3
当一个棋子走到另一个棋子的旁边时,将另一个 棋子从棋盘上拿走,这是象棋中基本的战术之一 。
对弈双方轮流走子,以将死对方的帅 (或将)为胜。
根据对手的走棋,制定出最优的走棋策略,包括牵制、进攻 、防守等。
掌握一些常用的象棋技巧,如双炮夹击、双车联手等,可以 提高走棋水平。



中国象棋Chinese ChessKey: 将/帅:King 车:Rook 马:Knight 象/相: Minister 士/仕:Guard 炮:cannon 兵/卒:PawnRule:The Chinese chess board is made up of ten horizontal lines and nine vertical lines. The verticals are interrupted by a central-horizontal void called a river. Two palaces are positioned at opposite sides of the board. Each is distinguished by a cross connecting its four corner points.The King moves only one space at a time, either horizontally or vertically, but cannot move diagonally. It may never leave the palace, which is a square marked with an X. The two Kings cannot face each other on an open file. If either King sits exposed on an open file, the other King may not move to occupy that file.The Rook moves one or more spaces horizontally or vertically provided that all positions between the original and final positions are empty.The Knight moves two points horizontally and one point vertically (or respectively 2 points vertically and 1 point horizontally). If there is a piece next to the horse in the horizontal (vertical) direction, the horse is blocked and the move is not allowed.The Minister moves exactly two points diagonally. If there is a piece midway between the original and final intended position of a minister, the Minister is blocked and the move is not allowed. Also, Ministers are confined to their home side of the river. Due to these limitations, the Minister can see only seven points of the board.The Guard moves one point diagonally. It may never leave the palace. Due to these limitations, the Guard can see only five points of the board.The Cannon moves differently when it moves to capture than when it moves passively. It moves one or more points horizontally or vertically like the Rook. However, in a capture move, there must be exactly one non-empty space in between the original and final position. In a non-capture move, all spaces in between must be empty.The Pawn's passive move and capture move are always the same. A starting Pawn moves one point straight-forward. A Pawn crossing the river promotes, keeping its old move and gaining a new move -- a one-point step to either horizontal. Pawns do not promote on the last rank, where they can move only left or right. It go and never come back.将/帅:King車/俥:Rook马/馬:Knight象/相: Minister士/仕:Guard砲/炮:Cannon卒/兵:Pawn教你如何用WORD文档(2012-06-27 192246)转载▼标签:杂谈1. 问:WORD 里边怎样设置每页不同的页眉?如何使不同的章节显示的页眉不同?答:分节,每节可以设置不同的页眉。


九宫:将帅活动区域 棋盘的“米字格”,当 对方棋子逼近时,通常要转为防守; 中线:棋盘中第五条直线,五(5)代表中路; 肋道:中线左右的四、六(4、6)路,属于 攻防要道; 边线:棋盘的一、九(1、9)路纵线; 河界线:双方从下向上数第五条横线;
九宫:将帅活动区域 棋盘的“米字格”,当 对方棋子逼近时,通常要转为防守; 中线:棋盘中第五条直线,五(5)代表中路; 肋道:中线左右的四、六(4、6)路,属于 攻防要道; 边线:棋盘的一、九(1、9)路纵线; 河界线:双方从下向上数第五条横线;
1. 相三进五 2. 马八进九 3. 车九进一 4. 车九平三 5. 兵三进一 6. 车三进三 7. 兵九进一 8. 车三平二
棋子活动的场所,叫作“棋 盘”。在长方形的平面上,绘有 九条平行的竖线和十条平行的横 线相交组成,共有九十个交叉点 棋子就摆在交叉点上。中间部分 ,也就是棋盘的第五,第六两横 线之间末画竖线的空白地带称为 “河界”。
两端的中间,也就是两 端第四条到第六条竖线之间 的正方形部位,以斜交叉线 构成“米”字方格的地方, 叫作“九宫”(它恰好有九 个交叉点),象征着中军帐 。
中国象棋 基础知识
象棋,又称中国象棋(英文现译XIANGQI)。在中 国有着悠久的历史,属于二人对抗性游戏的一种, 由于用具简单,趣味性强,成为流行极为广泛的棋 艺活动。中国象棋是我国正式开展的78个体育运动 项目之一,为促进该项目在世界范围内的普及和推 广,现将“中国象棋”项目名称更改为“象棋”。 象棋是一项模拟战争的体育运动,蕴含着丰富的知 识与智慧,取得比赛的胜利往往需要敏锐的思维, 高度的分析能力。所以学习和研究象棋,对开发青 少年智力,及修身养性都大有益处!




中国象棋 介绍
马走日字,象飞田。 车走直路,炮翻山。 士走斜路护将边。 小卒子一去不回还。 车走直路马踏斜, 相飞田子炮打隔, 卒子过河了不得。
中国象棋 介绍
• 第一个字表示需要移动的棋子。 • 第二个字表示移动的棋子所在的直线编码(红黑方均为由己方底线从右向左数),红方用汉字,黑方
用阿拉伯数字表示。当同一直线上有两个相同的棋子,则采用前、后来区别。如“后车平四”, “前马进7”。 • 第三个字表示棋子移动的方向,横走用”平“,向对方底线前进用”进“,向己方底线后退用 “退”。 • 第四个字分为两类:棋子在直线上进退时,表示棋子进退的步数;当棋子平走或斜走的时候,表示 所到达直线的编号。
中 国 象 棋 介 绍 句问候与关心,唯有周假。每当周五下午放学后,便急
中国象棋 介绍
棋子活动的场所,叫作 “棋盘”。在长方形的平 面上,绘有九条平行的竖 线和十条平行的横线相交 组成,共有九十个交叉点。
端的中间,也就是两端第 四条到第六条竖线之间的 正方形部位,以斜交叉线 构成“米”字方格的地方, 叫作“九宫”(它恰好有 九个交叉点),象征着中 军帐。
目 壹 是是温 为暖我的们港遮湾风,挡是雨无的限油爱布的伞发。源地,有是了中养家育,国我我们们象的可温无棋室限,介 绍
地发挥自己的见识,在家里,可以感受到更多的爱。我 爱我家,因为家里有我敬爱的爸爸、妈妈;我爱我家,
录 贰 是我因 最为珍家贵里有我所需要的亲情;我爱我象家,棋因为走家里法有 规 则 将

中国象棋 英文介绍PPT

中国象棋 英文介绍PPT

象棋走法 规则
也称“欠行”、“无棋”。“无着”。对局中,以己 方棋子围困对方将(帅),使之无应着可动而认输。 运用此着法,有时需注意将、帅间的制约关系。并充 分运用以己方将(帅)控制对方将(帅)的手段。
将 第三部
帅 象分 棋 基 本 杀 法 introduction of chess walking and fighting chess walking and
中国象棋 英文介绍PPT
他爱那照耀清泉的月光 《二泉映月》问世以来,奏
中 国 象 棋 家蜂起,各展其长,异彩纷呈。对乐曲的理解也不尽相
同。但一切演奏家都把握了形神兼备,寓神于形这一表 现原则,从而给听者留下铭心刻骨的深刻印象。《二泉


中国象棋 介绍
马走日字,象飞田。 车走直路,炮翻山。 士走斜路护将边。 小卒子一去不回还。 车走直路马踏斜, 相飞田子炮打隔, 卒子过河了不得。
中国象棋 介绍
fightiБайду номын сангаасg introduction of chess walking
象棋基本 杀法
象棋是以捉死对方的将帅为目的,即所谓“将死” 为每一局棋的最终目的。因此,为了取胜,必须 掌握各种基本杀法,这是学好象棋的一项最基础 的基本功。本课共介绍了二十三种象棋的基本杀 法,供同学们学习,希望同学们能把象棋当作业 余文化生活的一个组成部分,调剂精神,陶冶情 操,发展智力,锻炼思维,促进自己学业的发展 的成功。
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象棋基本 杀法
图中双方都有车,红方利用对方车的位 置低的弱点,以对面笑杀取胜,着法是 仕五进六,下着车八平六即成对面笑杀。 黑方虽有车,面对红车的杀着,也只有 干瞪眼。
士 士象

象棋基本 杀法
• 第一个字表示需要移动的棋子。 • 第二个字表示移动的棋子所在的直线编码(红黑方均为由己方底线从右向左数),红方用汉字,黑方
用阿拉伯数字表示。当同一直线上有两个相同的棋子,则采用前、后来区别。如“后车平四”, “前马进7”。 • 第三个字表示棋子移动的方向,横走用”平“,向对方底线前进用”进“,向己方底线后退用 “退”。 • 第四个字分为两类:棋子在直线上进退时,表示棋子进退的步数;当棋子平走或斜走的时候,表示 所到达直线的编号。
中 国 象 棋 随着音乐,落叶们在空中翩翩起舞,一舞过后,便如睡
美人般躺在了大地的怀抱中。这是一幅多么美丽的景色, 但却常常被人们忽略,因为许多人总认为那点缀红花的
将 第二部
帅 象分 棋 走 法 规 则 introduction of chess walking and fighting chess walking and
fighting introduction of chess walking
象棋走法 规则


中国象棋 介绍
马走日字,象飞田。 车走直路,炮翻山。 士走斜路护将边。 小卒子一去不回还。 车走直路马踏斜, 相飞田子炮打隔, 卒子过河了不得。
中国象棋 介绍
fighting introduction of chess walking
象棋基本 杀法
象棋是以捉死对方的将帅为目的,即所谓“将死” 为每一局棋的最终目的。因此,为了取胜,必须 掌握各种基本杀法,这是学好象棋的一项最基础 的基本功。本课共介绍了二十三种象棋的基本杀 法,供同学们学习,希望同学们能把象棋当作业 余文化生活的一个组成部分,调剂精神,陶冶情 操,发展智力,锻炼思维,促进自己学业的发展 的成功。
中 国 象 棋 介 绍 远超过了外表。正如一个人,他一生为社会,为国家,
中国象棋 介绍
棋子活动的场所,叫作 “棋盘”。在长方形的平 面上,绘有九条平行的竖 线和十条平行的横线相交 组成,共有九十个交叉点。
端的中间,也就是两端第 四条到第六条竖线之间的 正方形部位,以斜交叉线 构成“米”字方格的地方, 叫作“九宫”(它恰好有 九个交叉点),象征着中 军帐。
整个棋盘以“河界” 分为相等的两部分。 为了比赛记录和学习 棋谱方便起见,现行 规则规定:按九条竖 线从右至左用中文数 字一至九来表示红方 的每条竖线,用阿拉 伯数字1只至9来表示 黑方的每条竖线。己 方的棋子始终使用己 方的线路编号,无论 棋子是否“过河”。
中国象棋 介绍
象棋是一种双方对阵的竞技项目。棋子共有三十二个,分为红黑两组,各有 十六个,由对弈的双方各执一组。
相走“田”字,但不能过河;若“田”字中心有棋子,则相无法走动,此情况俗称堵象眼。相的 吃法与走法相同。
象棋走法 规则
也称“得胜”。指局中的一方取得胜利。 具体为: 1)将死对方的将或帅。
象棋走法 规则
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ将死
对局中,被“将军”的一方如无法“应将” 就算被“将死”。
目 壹 黄了色 个的满树怀叶,已我经轻在轻音将乐它中拾纷起飞,。定突神然一,看中一,片这国落一叶片象跟树我叶棋扑已 介 绍
经变黄了,如一位苍老的老人,以失去了往日的光泽, 变得粗糙难看。这时,在这一片落叶上,我发现了一点
录 贰 点到引 了人它注的目往的日浅。绿色,已快被黄色吞没象了。棋由此走,我法想 规 则 将

叁 象棋基本杀法
往日,它是多么耀眼。不单是身上那翠绿散发的迷人 的活力,它还在尽职尽责地为地球带来新鲜的空气,它 们是那样的默默付出,只求人类不要伤害它们,即使环 境再恶劣,它们也付出的无怨无悔,直到付出了全部而
第 一 部 分 变成落叶而逝。 落将叶的确是美丽的,虽然它表面苍
象棋走法 规则
也称“欠行”、“无棋”。“无着”。对局中,以己 方棋子围困对方将(帅),使之无应着可动而认输。 运用此着法,有时需注意将、帅间的制约关系。并充 分运用以己方将(帅)控制对方将(帅)的手段。
将 第三部
帅 象分 棋 基 本 杀 法 introduction of chess walking and fighting chess walking and
绿秋叶 天才里是的最一美天的,,我而独我自却踏认出为家中,门国那出落来象叶散其步棋实,走更道美路法丽两。旁搏那杀 介 绍


宣讲:某某某 时间:20XX.XX
树木,越望越小,越望越模糊,而不可否认的便是那一 整片的金黄色,如一顶金发盖在大叔伯伯的头上。忽然 间,吹来一阵秋风,树叶发出了一阵清脆的刷、刷、刷
如图,红先: 车一进二 将6进1 车二进一 将6进1 车一退二 (红胜)
兵在未过河前只能往前走,过河 后可往左或往右走,每次只能走 一格,不论是否过河,兵都不能 往后走。兵的吃法与走法相同。
马的走法是直线一格然后斜前方 一格。俗称“日”字。
将军在对局中,一方在下一步 棋要去吃对方将(帅)时的称 谓。被将军一方必须“应将”; 无法应将者,称为“将死”。
仕走斜线,每次一格,被限制在 帅(将)的旁边,俗称九宫。