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相关推荐:篇二:九分达人阅读答案3第一次参加啊时间:23分钟(总是超时该怎么办?)错题:题号5 india 写成了bangalore。

原因:没有看清country 的要求问题:是非题有点心虚,尤其是10和11。

但居然都对了微凉发表于 2015-1-27 12:43 第一次参加啊时间:23分钟(总是超时该怎么办?)错题:题号5 india 写成了bangalore。

总超时是不是因为在某道题上花太多时间啦!不过只错了一题棒棒哒我前面已经出了两期啦,尽快赶上进度哦请教楼主,填空题总是少个the,还有就是有的文中没有原话可以摘抄,需要自己总结,请问这两种情况要怎么应对呢?queen 发表于 2015-1-28 20:47 请教楼主,填空题总是少个the,还有就是有的文中没有原话可以摘抄,需要自己总结,请问这两种情况要怎么应 ...能给出具体的题目吗?这样比较好解答643时间 21min。

9分达人阅读4test2 the significant

9分达人阅读4test2 the significant

9分达人阅读4test2 the significant摘要:1.阅读的重要性2.阅读能力的培养3.提高阅读能力的方法4.阅读达人的成就正文:阅读在我们的生活中扮演着举足轻重的角色,它不仅帮助我们获取知识,而且可以提高我们的思维能力和想象力。























Cthe students who have the instructor’spermission.
23The Biology courses are available for Aall thestudents.
Bfull-time studentsonly.Cfreshmenonly.
24Who are interested in Microbiologycourses?
Apeople who need work experience Bpeople traveling from off campus Cpeople who work athospital
25A Medical Science course will be opened next yearbecause Athere are no experimentalfacilities.
Questions 27-29
WhichTHREEcompulsory courses must be taken?
Question 30
Questions 38-40
Complete the table below.
Polished silver
Almost 1.0
gave my mother. I wouldn’t want to lose that.So I guess



阅读同义替换总结(剑4-9)Cambridge 4 TEST 11. ignore=pay no attention=not pay any attention=take no notice=not take any notice忽略,无视v.2. encounter=face=confront=meet遇见,遭遇v.3. mistaken view=misconception错误的观点n.4. easy to reach=accessible容易达到的adj.5. change=modify(modification) 改变v.6. destruction=destroy=loss毁坏n.7. investigate=make inquiries=enquiries=go into=probe=look into 调查v.8. where=geographical location 表地点9. important=vital=essential=crucial重要的adj.10. reason=cause=factor=origins=root=stimulus=impetus原因n.11. protect=guard=safeguard=shield=conservation保护v.12. newspapers, television=media媒体n.13. where to live=habitat居住地n.14. get warmer=global warming变暖n.15. contribute to=play a part有助于v.16. survive=continuing existence幸存,活下来v.17. curriculum=course=syllabus课程n.18. link to=be connected with=be linked with把…和…相联系v.19. underdeveloped=degenerated=rudimentary不发达的adj.20. poor=bad=badly=not very good=no good at something=weak贫穷的,可怜的adj.21.exceptional=good=excellent=outstanding=brilliant=impressive=admirable 超常的,例外的adj.22. mating=courtship交配.23. follow=track=tail=shadow=hound=stalk=stalker跟随,跟踪v.24. good vision ability=vision is obviously more useful…好的视力25.best=well=greatest=finest=ideal=top=number one=ultimate=optimum=definitive=unsurpassed=record-breaking极好的adj.26. surprised=amazed=astonished=astounded=be taken aback=startled感到惊讶的adj.27. volunteer=subject实验研究对象n.28. similar=resemble=like=alike相似的adj.29. blind=can not see瞎的adj.Cambridge 4 TEST 21. initiative=on your own/by yourself=independently=on your own initiative=under your own steam=to be the person who starts something=plan=law主动的,自发的adj. 主动权n.2. increase=go up=rise=grow=climb=gain=escalate=pick up=widen=be on theincrease=intensify=expand=build up上升,增加v.3. teach=educate=train=coach=instruct=bring up教学v.4. more than one language=bilingual=sb's second language多种语言n.5. determine=establish=identify=pinpoint=diagnose 决定v.6. young people=teenager=youth=in your teens=adolescent=minor年轻人7. community=all the people in a particular area, city, country etc.群体,团体,社区n.8. traditional=old-fashioned=outdated=outmoded=unfashionable传统的9. fail=failure=not succeed=unsuccessful=vain=fruitless=unproductive=be a failure=go wrong=notwork=do no good=fall through失败v.10. endanger=to put someone or something in danger of being hurt=damaged=destroyed危及,使危险v.11. diverse=varied=variety=wide-ranging=mixed各种各样的adj.12. inevitable=certain to happen and impossible to avoid不可避免的adj.13. differ from=unusual与…不同v.14. reluctant=unwilling=not willing=drag your feet=be loath to do something=conservative勉强的adj.15. consult=ask somebody's advice=seek advice=get/obtain advice资询v.16. alternative=another=other=different=new=else=variation=variant另一个17. therapist=someone who has been trained to give a particular form of treatment for physical or mental illness临床医学家n.18. retrain=taking courses再教育v.19. salary=pay=wage=income=earnings=fee工资,收入n.20.long-term=chronic=long-running=long-standing=lasting=lifelong=prolonged=lingering=enduring=abidi ng=incurable长期的adj.21. complaint=complain=make a complaint=protest=object=complain抱怨22. illness=disease=virus=bug=infection疾病n.23. connection=relationship=link=correlation联系n.24.beneficial=be good for you/ do somebody good =wholesome=nutritious=nourishing=healthful有益的adj.25. insight=comprehension=understanding理解,见解n.26. physical=relating to the body=bodily身体的adj.27. hazard=risk=danger=threat障碍,危险n.28. accompany=with=together=along with=come wit陪伴,伴随29. mental=relating to the health or state of someone's mind精神上的,心理的adj.30. possible=possibility=can=potential=there is a chance/possibility可能的adj.31. reduction=decrease=drop=fall=cut 减少n.32. class=type=kind=sort=style=category=variety种类n.33. rehearsal=practice=training=run-through=exercise排练,演习n.34. peer=your peers are the people who are the same age as you, or who have the same type of job, social class etc同伴n.35. defensive=used or intended to protect someone or something against attack 防御n.36. strategy=way=method=approach=technique=system=tactics 方法,功略n.37. assist=help=aid=with the aid of帮助v.38. specific=give (somebody) more details=expand on=enlarge on=go into more=greater detail=be more specific=be more explicit=elaborate特定的39. substance=a particular type of solid, liquid, or gas 物质n.40. surroundings=environment=circumstance 环境n.41. engage=give somebody a job=employ=take on=appoint=recruit=sign up雇佣v.42. combine=mix=stir=beat=blend=whisk=dilute联合v.43. survival=the state of continuing to live or exist幸存n.Cambridge 4 TEST 31. quotation= a sentence or phrase from a book, speech etc which you repeat in a speech or piece of writing because it is interesting or amusing 引言2. exemplify= example=case=instance=to be a very typical example of something=to give an example ofsomething 例证v.3. explain=tell=say what/why/where etc=show=demonstrate=go through =throw/shed light on=set out解释v.4. outline= to describe something in a general way, giving the main points but not the details概述v.5. purpose=aim=point=idea=objective=object=goal= target=end目的n.6. encourage=persuade=persuasion=get somebody to do something =influence=encourage=talk somebody into=put somebody up to鼓励v.7. loan= an amount of money that you borrow from a bank etc. 贷款n.8. poverty= being poor贫穷n.9. crime= illegal activities in general犯罪n.10. reject=to refuse to accept, believe in, or agree with something 拒绝v.11. employ=give somebody a job=take on=engage= appoint=recruit=sign up雇佣v.12. courier=a person or company that is paid to take packages somewhere快递员n.13. storage=keep=store=keep something in storage=preserve 存储n.14. facility=rooms, equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose 设备n.15. ambitious=ambition=power-hungry/power-mad=competitive=determined to be successful, rich, powerful etc.有志向的,雄心壮志的adj.16. effort=to try very hard to do something= attempt=campaign=drive努力17. feature= a part of something that you notice because it seems important, interesting, or typical;a part of the land, especially a part that you can see: a part of someone's face, such as their eyes, nose etc特点n.18. planet= the world=earth/Earth=the globe 地球n.19. unpredictable=can't say/tell=unforeseeable=it remains to be seen 无法预测的adj.20. machinery=machines, especially large ones= a system or set of processes for doingsomething=machine=device= robot = appliance = mechanism 机械n.21. ultimate=someone's ultimate aim is their main and most important aim, that they hope to achieve in the future= final最终的,根本的adj.22. atmosphere= the feeling that an event or place gives you= the mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth气氛; 大气n.23. occur=happen=take place=there is=come about=come up=turn up=arise=strike发生v.24. expand= get bigger=grow=swell up=stretch扩张,扩大v.25. form= type= way something is/appears=shape形式n.26. emerge=appear=become visible=come into view/come into sight= come out=reappear 出现v.27. emit= to send out gas, heat, light, sound etc 发出,放射n.28. situation= circumstances=position=case=plight情况,状况n.29. self-conscious=worried and embarrassed about what you look like or what other people think of you 自觉的n.30. generate= to make someone have a particular feeling= form=produce=create 产生v.31. various=there are several different types of that thing=different=a variety ofsomething=differing=varying=an assortment of something =assorted=a mix of something=a mixture of something 各种各样的adj.32. convenient= a thing or way of doing something that is easy and quick; a time or arrangement that is convenient 方便的adj.33. objective=impartial=neutral=not take sides=unbiased=disinterested客观的adj.34. enquiry=investigate=make inquiries/enquiries=go into=probe=look into=solve=be under investigation 调查35. observe=notice=can see/can tell=see=spot=detect=note become aware/conscious=catch somebody's eye=perceive观察v.36. comment=remark=thing to say=point=statement= announcement =declaration=observation评论37. include=consist of=comprise=be composed of= be made up of包含,包括v.38. focus on=deals only with=concentrate专注于v.39. affect=have an effect=have an impact=take effect= make a difference =impact影响v.40. gained from=come from=be based on=originate= go back to=have its origins in=have its rootsin=derive from/be derived from=develop from/evolve from产生于…. V.41. concern=worry=stress=anxiety=strain= a feeling of worry about something important关心,担心n. Cambridge 4 TEST 41. official=formal=authorized=on (the) record官方的,正式的adj.2. athletic=physically strong and good at sport=fit=be in shape=be in good condition运动的adj.3. intensive=involving a lot of activity, effort, or careful attention in a short period of time=rapid=crash course密集的,加强的adj.4. burst=a short sudden effort or increase in activity=burst of anger/enthusiasm/temper etc 爆炸,突发5. recognize=know=identify=pick out=tell认出,承认v.6. inadequate=not enough=too little=few=scarce=insufficient=be in short supply=lack of something=be short 不足的adj.7. develop=come from=be based on=originate=go back to=have its origins in=have its roots in=derive from=be derived from=be founded on=grow out of=develop from=evolve from发展,生长v.8. enable=make something possible=allow=permit=pave the way for=clear the way for使能够v.9. predict=anticipate=forecast=foretell=prediction=projected=guess in advance预测v.10. specialist=someone who knows a lot about a particular subject, or is very skilled at it=expert专家n.11. theoretical=relating to the study of ideas, especially scientific ideas, rather than with practical uses of the ideas or practical experience理论的adj.12.basic=fundamental=essential=central=underlying=simple=crude=primitive=rudimentary=unsophistica ted=low-tech基本的adj.13. nature=plants/animals etc=somebody's character=qualities of something =type自然n.14. aim=purpose=point=idea=objective=object=goal=target=end目的n.15. translate=change languages=interpret=put something into English/French/Japanese etc翻译v.16. ancient=belonging to a time long ago in history, especially thousands of years ago 古老的adj.17. realistic=when pictures, films etc make things seem real = lifelike =realism=true to life=vivid实际的,现实的18. field=area=branch=world=domain=realm=sphere领域n.19. document=a piece of paper that has official information on it;a piece of written work that is stored on a computer文件n.20. equal=the same in number, amount, level etc as something else平等的adj.21. influence=effect=side effect=impact=what something does to=the implications 影响n.22. behavior=manner=conduct=behave=well-behaved=good=be on your best=stay out of trouble行为n.23. compare=to examine or judge two or more things in order to show how they are similar to or different from each other=liken=make a comparison=draw an analogy=draw a parallel=contrast 比较v.24. economically=in a way that is related to systems of money, trade, or business经济上地adv.25. establish=determine=identify=pinpoint=diagnose=to start a new business or organization.建立新的生意/组织v.26. sustainable=able to continue without causing damage to the environment; able to continue for a long time可持续的adj.27. realize=know=be/become aware=can tell=appreciate=be conscious =know perfectly well=know/learn from experience意识到v.28. limit=restrict=set/impose/put a limit=keep to/keep within=confine=fix 限制29. produce=form=create=generate生产v.30. guarantee=promise=assure=give somebody your word = swear = vow =commit to=pledge保证v.31. liberty=freedom=a free hand自由n.32. independence=self-sufficiency=self-reliance 独立n.33. consistent=always behaving in the same way or having the same attitudes, standards etc - usually used to show approval持续的adj.34. underestimate=to think or guess that something is smaller, cheaper, easier etc than it really is=to think that someone is not as good, clever, or skillful, as they really are低估v.35. provision=when you provide something that someone needs now or in the future 提供n. Cambridge 5 TEST 11. produce=develop=manufacture生产v.2. central=middle中心的adj.3. did not have=without没有v.4. bring=confer=award=present=grant=confer=allocate=offer带来v.5. time limit=deadline时间限制,期限n.6. increase=go up/rise=grow=climb=gain=escalate=expand=pick up= widen =intensify=build up增加7. assistant=helper=coach 助手n.8. immense=big=major=considerable=great=huge/enormous=tremendous=large scale/large-scale巨大的adj.9. illustrate=show=be a sign=demonstrate=mean=make clear =reflect =tell=be evidence=reveal 表明,显示v.10. quotation=a phrase or sentence that is well-known or often used 引用语n.11. predecessor=someone who had your job before you started doing it 前辈,前任n.12. rival=a person, group, or organization that you compete with in sport, business, a fight etc=competitor 对手,竞争者n.13. distraction=something that stops you paying attention to what you are doing分心的事物n.14.fault=defect=problem=trouble=flaw=weakness=bug=virus=be something wrong with 错误,缺点15. cornerstone=basis=foundation=the key 基石n.16. confer=award=present=grant=allocate 给予v.17. stability=the condition of being steady and not changing稳定n.18. prevail=win=come out on top=prevail=carry the day流行,获胜v.19. contract=agreement=understanding=compromise 合约n.20. grant=award=present=confer=allocate给予v.21. fascinate=if someone or something fascinates you, you are attracted to them and think they are extremely interesting吸引,使着迷v.22. disturb=interrupt=bother=distract=put somebody off 打扰v.23. expect=think=anticipate预期,期待v.24. psychology=the study of the mind and how it influences people's behavior 心理n.25. obey=comply with=abide by=keep to=stick to the rules=conform to=observe=respect=toe the line=go by the book/do something by the book 服从,顺从v.26. identity=someone's identity is their name or who they are 身份n.27. severity=used of the degree of something undesirable 严重性n.28. unfold=open=happen=develop=expand 展开,发生v.29. deliberately=intentionally=on purpose=purposely故意地adv.30. moral=relating to the principles of what is right and wrong behavior, and with the difference between good and evil 道德上的,与道德有关的adj.31. prior to=before=previous在…前面32. repetition=doing or saying the same thing many times重复n.33. genetic=relating to genes or genetics基因的,遗传学的adj.34. sacrifice=when you decide not to have something valuable, in order to get something that is more important牺牲v.35. victim=someone who has been attacked, robbed, or murdered受害者36. forge=form=counterfeit 形成;伪造v.37. persuade=convince=win over=talk around 说服v.38. surrender=give in 投降,放弃v.39. extinct=an extinct type of animal or plant does not exist anymore=disappear=vanish灭绝的,绝种的adj.40. abundant=plenty=ample 充裕的,丰富的adj.41. exaggerate=overstate夸张,夸大v.42. phenomenon=something that happens or exists in society, science, or nature, especially something that is studied because it is difficult to understand 现象n.43. perception=idea=notion=view=belief=insight 认识,观念,看法n.44. impression=infection=effect=influence=affection印象,感想n.45. entitle=to give someone the official right to do or have something 使某人有权利/资格v.46. distortion=a change for the worse=deformation扭曲,曲解v.47. dispose=to arrange things or put them in their places=arrange=settle=manage=cope with=deal with 安排,处理v.48. intuition=the ability to understand or know something because of a feeling rather than by considering the facts=instinct 直觉n.49. emission=a gas or other substance that is sent into the air排放物,散发物n.50. diminish=reduce=decrease=fall=lessen=cut 减少,减小v.51. postpone=put back=delay=adjourn 延期,推迟v.52. crucial=important=critical=vital=necessary=essential 至关重要的adj.53. pessimistic=expecting that bad things will happen in the future or that something will have a bad result=getting worse悲观的adj.54. attempt=purpose=order=effort 尝试,努力Cambridge 5 TEST 21. similar=like=resemble相似的adj.2. derive=originate=come from=stem from起源v.3. impetus=momentum=stimulus=incentive=motivation=encouragement 动机,动n.4. generate=produce=bring into existence=make=manufacture产生v.5. couple with=and=accompany=with 伴随v.6. factor=reason=element=component=ingredient 因素n.7. unique=have the distinction=distinct=different=extraordinary=special独特的adj.8. advance=progress=development=growth=increase进步n.9. field=domain=territory=industry=sector领域n.10. alternative=substitute=replacement替代物n.11. like=such as=for example=for instance 例如12. resource=material=source资源,来源n.13. limited=restricted=exhaustible=finite有限的adj.14. involve=rely on=contain=comprise 包含,牵涉v.15. current=modern=recent=present最近的adj.16. particular=extraordinary=special=detail=specific=unique特别的,独有的adj.17. draw on=absorb=do with吸收v.18. settle on=make choice of=decide on选定v.19. superiority=advantage=edge=high quality优势n.20. accompany=when=keep company=be associated with 陪伴,伴随v.21. view=belief=opinion=insight=perception 观点n.22. artificial intelligence=reasoning in machine人工智能n.23. involve with=associate with=link to=relate to与…有关联v.24. release=issue=launch=convey=public=deliver 发行,发表v.25. difficult=demanding=hard=tough困难的adj.26. task=job=work=labour 任务,工作n.27. instantly=rapidly=immediately立即地adv.28. react=respond 反应v.29. relate to=depend on=link to=associate with=involve with 与…有关系30. subject views=outlook=personal/individual views=personal/individual opinions 主观观点n.31. distort=to change the appearance, sound, or shape of something so that it is strange or unclear; to report something in a way that is not completely true or correct=misinterpret 扭曲,歪曲v.32. figure out=settle=decide=tell=understand 理解,想出v.33. assessment=appraisal=evaluation=estimate=judgment评估,估计v.34. emerge=appear=come forth出现v.35. remain=keep=stay=maintain保持v.36. exploitation=development=utilization=usage利用,使用n.37. foster=cultivate=raise=nurture培养,养育v.38. overtake=catch up=sweep over赶上,压倒v.39. initial=original=premier最初的,开始的adj.40. whereas=however=while=nevertheless=but=yet然而,但是adv.Cambridge 5 TEST 31. outcome=product=result=conclusion=consequence 结果,后果n.2. overcome=win=get over=exceed克服,战胜v.3. insufficient=deficient=shortage=lack=scarcity不足的adj.4. supply=provide=furnish=give 提供v.5. launch=release=project=send=shot=emit 开始,投放v.6. suppose=expect=imagine=guess=speculate=think猜想,设想v.7. detect=perceive=explore=sense发觉,觉察v.8. handicap=difficult=obstacle=hindrance=bar=deterrent 障碍,困难n.9. peer=the people who are at the same age as you, or who have the same type of job, social class etc.同龄人,伙伴n.10. positive=optimistic=uplifting 积极的adj.11. administer=manage=conduct=implement=perform执行,管理v.12. funding=money=funds=financial resource 资金,基金n.13. interact=if people interact with each other, they talk to each other, work together etc. 互动v.14. irrigation=the supplement of land or crops with water 灌溉n.15. sedimentation=the natural process by which small pieces of rock, earth etc settle at the bottom of the sea etc and form a solid layer 积淀n.16. interrupt=break=violate=cut in打断,打扰v.17. process=procedure=method=approach过程n.18. threat=danger=intimidation 威胁n.19. valuable=precious=worthy宝贵的,珍贵的adj.20. construct=build=make=found 建造v.21. blame=to say or think that someone or something is responsible for something bad责备,怪罪v.22. stimulate=encourage=activate=motivate鼓励,刺激v.23. long-term=long-run=long-period长期的adj.24. impact=affect=influence=effect影响v.&n.25. occur=happen=exist=come发生v.26. contain=include=cover=possess 包含v.27. military=battlefield=martial军事的adj.28. separate=disparate=distinct=different分开的,不同的adj.29. vanish=extinct=disappear 消失v.30. consciousness=awareness 意识n.31. ignite=light=inflame点燃v.32. encompass=include=contain=cover包含,围绕v.33. reckon=think=suppose=believe=imagine=expect=feel认为v.34. widespread=universal=extensive=popular=general广泛的,普遍的adj.35. launch=coin=project=release=issue创新,开辟v.36. contemporary=modern-day, present-day同时代的adj.37. potential=possible=underlying=likely=expected=latent 潜在的,可能的38. prospect=expectation=outlook=chance展望,希望n.39. perception=idea=insight=viewpoint感觉,领悟n.Cambridge 5 TEST 41. community=organization=group=body团体n.2. fragile=delicate脆弱的adj.3. remote=distant 遥远的adj.4. require=desire=order=command要求v.5. inhabitant=resident=dweller居住者,居民n.6. consequently=thus=accordingly=hence=therefore=as a result 结果,因此adv.7. destination=goal=end point=terminus目的地n.8. throughout=around=wholly=everywhere=end-to-end自始至终,到处,全部adv.9. operate=act=run运转v.10. output=product输出,产品n.11. decline=reduction=fall=slump=decrease=recession 下降n.12. 12. undermine=destroy=damage=hurt=ruin 破坏v.13. revive=renaissance复兴v.14. unusual=rare=strange=uncommon罕见的,不寻常的adj.15. ordinary=standard=common=usual=general普通的,平常的adj.16. fragment=shard=debris=pieces=ruins碎片n.17. break=shatter=crack打碎,打破v.18. interior=inner layer=inside 内部的n. &adj.19. insist=claim=argue=believe=think坚持,坚称v.20. expand=extend=grow=boom=spread out=enhance扩张,扩大v.21.suppress=control=restrain=repress=put down=oppress=inhibit = ban =forbid=stifle 压制v.22. speed up=increase speed=quicken up=accelerate speed加速v.23. examine=analyse=survey=inspect=study=detect=investigate检查,调查v.24. dispute=debate=controversy=disagree=argue争论,争执n.&v.25. detect=analyse=explore=research=survey=investigate=inspect 察觉,发现v.26. claim=say=state=insist=argue=think=believe声称v.27. cue=implication=reminder=hint=evidence提示,信号,暗号n.28. unpredictable=fluctuate=changeable无法预测的adj.29. be referred to as=be known as=be regarded as 被称为30. encourage=induce=trigger=stimulate=boost=inspire鼓励,促使v.31. considerable=plenty=big=major=important数量可观的adj.32. regardless of=despite of=take no notice of 不管,不顾33. adequate=plenty=proper=appropriate=suitable充足的,适当的adj.34. assure=make sure=guarantee=ensure=insure=secure=make certain of保证,确保v.35. suitable=appropriate=proper=adequate=matching 合适的adj.Cambridge 6 TEST 11. exchange=apply something learned in one to others=change 交流v.2. expertise=skill 专门技术n.3. employ=analyze=study 使用v.4. investigation=analysis 调查n.5. narrow=focus on 缩小范围v.6. reproduce=copy=replicate=repeat 复制v.7. funded support=finance 资金n.8. athlete=sportsmen and women 运动员n.9. calculate=measure 计算v.10. event=championship 赛事n.11. plan=prepare=design 计划v.12. improve=grow=get better 进步v.13. trade=economy 贸易n.14. transport=import or export=deliver 运输v.15. local=domestic=native=indigenous 当地的adj.16. weakening=less=reduced=decreased 下降的adj.17. value=worth=price=credit=use=benefit=profit 价值n.18. delivery=export or import 运输n.19. nearby nations=geographic neighbours 近邻n.20. international=ocean=global=worldwide 国际的adj.21. shipping=freight 船运n.22. cargo=freight=goods 货物n.23. tariff=charge=fee=tax 税费n.24. landscape=environment=nature=surrounding=circumstance=view 风景n.25. difficult=harsh=demanding=tough=challenging 困难的adj.26. essential supplies=food and clothing=necessities 必需品n.27. supply=provision=support 供给n.28. grow=increase=rise=improve=go up=boost=expand=extend 增长v.29.respect=credibility=weight=hour=admiration=consideration尊重n.30. understanding=knowledge 了解n.31. well-being=health 健康n.32. impossible=out of the question=unlikely 不可能adj.33. catch=exploit=capture 抓捕v.34. surrounding=environment=circumstance 环境n.35.push to one's limits=test one's limits 挑战极限36. not unmanageable=can cope with 能处理的37. present inhabitant=descendant 居民38. give up=abandon 放弃39. mainly=heavily=most 主要地40. visit=venture 参观Cambridge 6 TEST 21. successfully=spectacularly well=wonderfully 成功地adv.2. people power=local pressure groups 群众力量n.3. commute=travel 通勤v.4. higher=increasing=more 更高的adj.5. income=wealth=salary=wage=payment 收入n.6. beneficial=valuable=profitable=good 有益的adj.7. together=face to face 共同8. refute=not mean=rebut=deny 反驳v.9. accommodation=live=living condition 住宿n.10. usage=use=benefit=profit 用处n.11. averagely good=reasonable but not special 较好的12. limited=minimal 有限的adj.13. move from one to another=adopt one over another 转移14. show=reveal=uncover=indicate=point out=imply 表明15. related=associated 有关联的adj.16. suffer=be afflicted 忍受(病痛)v.17. research=study=investigation=survey 研究n.18. affect=afflict=influence=change 影响v.19. disease=medical complain=illness 病痛n.20. increase=surge=rise=gain=grow=go up=add=escalate 上升v.21. link=correlation=connection=relationship 关系n.22. considerable=significant=substantial=massive=marked大量的adj.23. reduction=drop=concession=fall=decrease 下降n.24. elderly people=old people 老人n.25. independent=self-reliant 自立的adj.26. regular=daily 定期的adj.27. exercise=physical activity 运动n.28. challenging=difficult=tough=demanding 有挑战性的adj.29. decline=deteriorate=reduce=drop=decrease 下降v.30. lonely=emotionally isolated 孤独的adj.31. hand signal=gesture=body language 手势n.32. restricted=limited 有限的adj.33. concept=abstract idea=definition 定义n.34. specific=particular=detailed 特定的adj.35. early=older 早期的adj.36. fulfill=qualify=achieve=keep=satisfy 完成v.37. sufficient=enough 足够的adj.38. quantity=how many=amount 数量n.39. misunderstanding=confusion 误解n.40. prevent=resolve=forbid=stop 防止v.41. poor=lack of=impoverished 贫穷adj.42. newer=later=recent=present 新的adj.43. ancestor=early people=predecessor 祖先n.Cambridge 6 TEST 31. teach=educate=cultivate=nature 教育v.2. actor=star 演员n.3. first=initial=early=primary 最早的adj.4. storyline=narrative=plot 故事情节n.5. globe=world 世界n.6. early=first=ancient 早期的adj.7. passing of time=flow of time 时光的流逝8. describe=tell 描述v.9. realistic=achievable 现实的adj.10. target=goal=aim 目标n.11. feedback=comment=advice=criticism 反馈n.12. match to=suit to 合适13. reward=promotion or advancement=prize=benefit 奖励n.14. link to=make something contingent on=associate with=connect with =relate to 联系起来15. achievement=attainment=gain=success 成就n.16. remuneration=payment 酬金n.17. tend to=prone to 倾向于18. feel=perceive=think=find=experience=notice=have an opinion 感觉v.19. participate=be involved in=take part in=join 参加v.20. staff=employee=worker 员工n.21. visible=disclosed=obvious=noticeable 可见的adj.22. clerical worker=clerk 书记员n.23. judge=rate=criticize=assess=evaluate=gauge=appraise 评判v.24. job=work=assignment 工作n.25. delay=slow=prolong=postpone=procrastinate=shelve=put off延后v.26. growing old=aging 变老27. people=mortal=people=individual 人n.28. life=lifespan 生命29. chance=likelihood=fortune=hope=possibility=opportunity=risk=luck机会n.30. production=generation=output 产量n.31. theory=hypothesis=guess=guesswork 猜想n.32. focus on=emphasize=aim at=concentrate on 集中于33. short=scarce=limited=insufficient 短缺的adj.Cambridge 6 TEST 41. drug company=pharmaceutical company 医药公司n.2. promotion=marketing 营销n.3. increase=escalate=rise=go up=grow 上升v.4. research=study=survey=investigation 研究n.5. work=be an effective way=be useful=help=achieve=succeed=have an effect =happen=turn out 奏效v.6. technique=strategy=skill=expertise=method=way 技术n.7. criticism=judgement=skepticism=disapproval=denunciation 批评n.8. moral=ethical 道德的adj.9. legitimate=have every right to do=legal=right=authorized 合法的adj.10. money=profit=benefit=income=currency 钱n.11. adults=men and women 成人n.12. maternal=mother=female 母亲的adj.13. education=literacy=cultivation 教育n.14. child=infant=kid 孩子n.15. approximately=about=around=nearly 大约adv.16. impressive=greatest=touching=unforgettable 印象深刻的adj.17. programme=campaign=project 项目n.18. common=persistent=normal=usual=ordinary=everyday 常见的adj.19. be halved=decline by 50% 减半20. key=most important=crucial=critical=significant 关键的adj.21. produce=develop=generate=engineer=manufacture 生产v.22. detailed=explicit=specific 细节的adj.23. on its own=alone 自身24. however=but=yet 但是。




剑桥雅思阅读真题答案:Question 14—19:G、C、F、D、H、EQuestion 20—23:D、B、E、CQuestion 24—26:mirror、communication、ownershipPassage2整体分析体裁议论文题材学术研究主题幼儿的身份意识段落概括A段背景介绍:简要介绍幼儿的自我意识的特征及与之相关理论的由来B段小孩自我认识的第一步C段通过他人模仿和镜中反射的自我认识D段幼儿作为主体的实证研究不足E段自我意识发展的第二步——自我作为客体F段自我与他人、自我与社会关系的研究G段刘易斯和布鲁克斯—冈恩的研究发现H段生动的自我意识表达通过愤怒来表现考题精解Questions 14-19题型:配对题MATCHING解析:本题型为段落信息配对题,命题的两大特点为:彻底同义替换和绝对乱序。



14.雅思阅读关键词account,method,researchers, a particular study原文定位G段第三句开始到本段结尾In one experiment, Lewis and Brooks-Gunn … unless other cues such as movement are present.题解原文涉题句描述了一个experiment,研究人员通过在小孩的鼻子上涂抹红色的粉末来观察小孩的反映。

原文中对整个实验的细节描述对应了题干中的account(记述),涂抹粉末这个方法就对应了题干中的method,experiment 对应题干的study,人名Lewis and Brooks-Gunn 对应题干中的researchers。


Where does the speaker decide to put items in?
Write the correct letter,A,BorC, next to questions 7-10.
cutlery and dishes
alarm clock
CD player
Question 30
30There arethreefullscholarshipsthatcover tuitionandprovide $1500 cashasa.
Test 1
Questions 1-6
Complete the form below.
Questions 7-10
5:00 PM
Conference will be finished
Main Hall
5:10-6:10 PM
Informal Reception
Test1the correct letter,A,BorC.
17Tickets areavailable
23The Biology courses are available forAall thestudents.



九分达人听力2答案【篇一:雅思9分达人听力test 4-6】ction 1 questions 1-10questions 1-5 complete the form below.questions 6-10complete the form below.secction 2 questions 11-20questions 11-17 complete the notes below.write no more than three words for each answer.“cv and interview skills” seminathe speaker suggests that the students use the 11 when they begin writing resumes.the students should be sure not to keep the cv 12 .a 13 cover letters is useful when applying for a job and should be included. the speaker believes the cv should have a beautiful 14 . the cv should not have any spelling and grammar 15 . the words in a cv can describe your 16 . don’t forget to put down a 17 on the cv.questions 18-20 choose three letters, a-g.what three details should job applicants know in the interview?a working hoursb promotion prospectc salary ranged pension contribution bonuse trainingf holidaysg locationsecction 3 questions 21-30questions 21-30 choose the correct letter, a, b or c. the“ returning students advisor ” consultation 21 what does the man want to have ? a a break b a talk c a class22 what does the man think of children nowadays ? a confident b intelligent c mature23 what type of people does the man want to teach ? a children b students c adults24 what did the man do when he encountered former students ? a has a conversation b ran away c taught them25 what is the man’s greatest weakness ? a old-fashioned b lack of confidence c introversive26 when did the doctor go to college ? a 18 years ago.b before starting a family.c when she was 35 years old.27 how did the woman feel when she was a freshman ? a hopeless b unsuccessful c stressed28 how does the man feel about his career ? a unique b boring c impressive29 what does the man finally decide to study ? a languages b business c liberal arts30 which change in students’ life is not important to frank ? a classroom technology b student housing c universityfacilitiessecction 4 questions 31-40questions 31-34write no more than three words for the answer.31 the university uses as their teaching method. 32 research skills include writing and . 33 books of economics are kept in the . 34 math books are kept in the building.questions 35 and 36choose the correct letter, a, b or c.35 which is not provided for students in most of the large buildings ? a printing b copyingc photocopying36 which of the following can be used when you want to print ?a computer printersb prepaid cardsc laser printersquestions 37 to 40choose four answers from the box and write the correct letter, a-g.a student union buildingb nurseryc media centred medical service centre e math department buildingf new libraryg old library37 if you go straight out those doors, the is directly opposite this building. 38 if you make a right turn outside the door andgo to the second building, that’s the.39 you can see the if you look out that window. 40 the media centre is in front of the .test 5secction 1 questions 1-10 complete the notes below.secction 2 questions 11-20questions 11-20 complete the form below.secction 3 questions 21-30questions 21-24 choose the sentences below.write no more than three words for each answer.21 the research topic should come from one of the headingsin the . 22 at least one reference needs to be from .23 the data julie found on past experiments is in .24 ricky has pointed out that aside from journals, he can also use about scientific experiments.questions 25-30complete the form below.secction 4 questions 31-40questions 31-38complete the sentences below.write no more than three words for each answer.31 this paper pertains to one major concern about water for people everywhere---that is a source of water.32 australia is a dry continent and thus water is very . 33 we utilized the most water for .34 we discover the purest water in rivers, creeks, .35 rainfall is a useful source of water unless there issignificant . 36 people in the west wish the water to be . 37 water is highly prone to .38 in the home, one of the most important uses of water is .【篇二:致《9分达人雅思听力真题还原及解析》系列读者】class=txt>今天点课台老师继续为大家带来一本高销量的备考书的点评,就是新航道出的《9分达人雅思听力真题还原及解析》。



READING PASSAGE 1文章结构体 主 裁 题 说明文 如何提高运动员的成绩段落概括 第一段 第二段 第三段 第四段 第五段 第六段 第七段 第八段 第九段 人类的运动成绩一直在不断提高。









本节考查词汇第一段 steady hurl massive endurance explosive marathon [ [ [ [ [ [ ] 第二段 performance genetics invoke [ [ [ ] ] ] n. n. v. 表现 基因学 调用,使用 ] ] ] ] ] adj. v. adj. n. adj. n. 稳定的 投掷 巨大的 耐力 爆发性的 马拉松adage appreciably complement[ [ ’ [] ] ] 第三段n. adv. v.谚语,格言 略微,一点点 补充,互补identify duplicate[ [] ] 第四段v. v.确认(身份) ,找出 复制sprinter devoted to interval brief[]n. v. n. adj.短跑运动员 致力于 间歇 短暂的,简洁的[ [ ]]第五段 nutrition deficiency injury [ [ [ ] 第六段 focused training apply [ [ ] 第七段 methodology digitize dimension take-off 第八段 [ [ [ ] ] ] n. v. n. n. 方法 把…数字化 维度 起飞,起跑 ] n. v. 针对性训练 应用 ] ] n. n. n. 营养 营养不良 受伤contradiction instantly dub flop unorthodox complex cushion pit foam[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] ] 第九段 ] ] ] ] ] ]]n. adv. v. n. adj. adj. n. n. n.矛盾,抵触 立即 命名 跳跃 不正统的 复杂 垫子 坑 泡沫humble vexing issue mundane fundamental[ [ [ [ [ ]]v. adj. n. adj. adj.使相形见拙 令人惊讶的 问题 世俗的 基本的,基础的] ] ]考题精解Questions 1-6 『题型』T/F/NG 『解析』 1. 定位词/关键字 原文重现 第一段首句 Since the early years of the twentieth century, when the International Athletic Federation began keeping records,…. records/date from/ about 1900参考译文 题解 答案 2. 定位词/关键字 原文重现 题解 答案 3. 定位词/关键字 原文重现 参考译文 题解从国际运动联合会在二十世纪初开始记录运动成绩到现在…. 原文中,since 相当于题干中 date from,early twentieth century 相当于 about 1900, record 则在题干中原形重现。



9分达人雅思阅读真题Test 1小标题:这里关键是找到最多关联点,也就是用最密切关联的方法!1.16th.17th century——early、pioneers直接对应2.born—on 1544—then—1573 —later——early years 太明显了3.successful and eminent doctor——同时说明了professional and socialrecognition~此外,Queen, King James, 皇家学会Royal Science Society等都说明了这一点(对英国人来说,贵族一类的当然是social recognition,社会地位的体现)4.first interested in chemistry but later changed his focus——change of focus;容易混淆的选项:great works of Gilbert——但是此段除了最后一句话提到了works include之外,其余的大部分都不是,而且最后一句也并没有强调是great works!(works主要指作品,著作!!!)5.Gilbert’s discovery, investigated the nature of magnetism…——discovery aboutmagnetism;只要弄清楚了works是指作品,著作,肯定就不会选viii了!6.直接和第一句话对应,并且本段有大量天文学术语,都是与astronomy有最密切关联的!!7.revolutionary, a new attitude——what was new about!这很明显是说G的学说有什么创新之处,而不是说之后有什么变革;一定要正确理解小标题内容!!是否、NG:8.less well-known than he deserves——less famous than he should be,同义改写,直接找到,T9.he was a very successful and eminent doctor…also appointed to the Queen——afamous doctor before employed by the Queen,顺序对应,eminent=famous同义替换!!T10.没有关于medical theories的任何信息!!!NG多选:方法:直接选择+排除,排除法很重要!!!!!11-13.此题中,除了CDE在原文中有同义改写的直接出现外,ABF也是原文中的内容,但都不属于Gilbert’s discovery,所以可以排除!其中A是mysticism of alchemy involved, B是early beliefs, F是du Fay that discovered!概括文章标题:就是找最密切关联!!!!!!!!!!!!26.这里全文都在说各种hot year in Europe,前面的题目中也可以看出来!!!而Global Warming很显然只属于其discuss的一小部分!!!!原文信息查找:这类题目比较难,而且有时候需要通读全文,可以在做完其他题目后再做,具体使用方法:⏹特殊技巧:如对于专业词汇,第一次出现的段落就会包括其definition;⏹关键词定位:找关键词,较为简单;⏹同义改写:保证能够和原文一一对应;⏹对于比较难的题目,只能是基于对文章的理解——包括一些具体的方法,理解、概括总结、取非法非常常用!27. 特殊技巧,第一次出现phenology(生物气候学,物候学)的地方就是definition;28. 关键词定位:Spark first…29. 关键词定位+同义改写:people involvement in data collection——getting people involved… people are thrilled(非常兴奋的,极为激动的)——how people reacted~30. 只能理解~~对it’s very difficult… without的取非;it’s easy…with——necessary!31. 理解:will most probably——表示的就是predictions!32. 关键词:competition;33. 同义改写:successive(连续的,接替的,依次的)M continued compiling(编辑;收集)…——generations of…; 211 years——very old record~填空:对于填空题来说,一定要保证是在原文中有据可查!!!!!!!!!!!!一般来说题目中都会连接着相同的词,紧跟其后就是答案!或者是确定的同义改写!如36题中,due to increased的increased在原文中就是原词:that the increased droughts!因此就应该填紧跟着它的droughts而不是别的!单选:雅思中的选择题是很直接的,一定要确保直接思维!!要完全依据原文进行判断!!!能直接替换的就是最佳答案,有直接的选直接的,有直接替换的选最直接替换的,而不要随便选推断出来的!对于选择题来说,取非及排除(选项原文没提到;选项与原文相反;原文中提到了,但选项和原文意思不符)也是很重要的方法!!37. 同义改写:discredit来定位=won’t touch,too full of problems=not reliable——直接思维,直接替换,而不是任意转化为别的;或者根据后面的意思取非:we needto know pretty precisely… 取非就是说:业余数据很可能不够precisely(精确地)!38. 就是取非题,MS定位后,it might not be that useful——对其取非,unprecise=not be that useful → useful=precise!!!39. 用排除法:more careful in observation没提到;raw materials相反;applying ST 有提到但不是in data collection~40. 直接的思维方法,紧跟着phenology的就是答案——phenology also helps to drive home messages about climate change!Test 2是否、NG:1.关键词:living animals,原文同义改写,Y2.同义替换:to save their own skins or to get something they can’t get by othermeans = self-preservation(自卫本能),这个改动稍稍有点儿大——Y3.原文只有一处提到了programming computers,但没有说to analysis…所以NG(NG类的题目一般关键词都能够从原文中定位到,但是却找不到题目上所说的相关信息,就是NG)4.原文:as important as…——is more important than…和原文相反,N!!(有比较出现的非常容易是NG/N/F——要么是原文出现了关键词但没有给出比较,就是NG;要么是和原文的内容不符,就是N/F!一定要注意,不要随意推测比较结论,一定要根据原文!!!)5.关键词:people’s emotions~~直接原文内容,Y单选:找准关键词+忠实原文!!!!!6.关键词定位:lie-detector第4段,同义替换:measure respiration(呼吸), heartrate and skin conductivity——body behavior7.定位:lie detectors+ court of law,理解性的,说it might also mean that the lightsare too hot,其实就是说may be many causes,所以说要忠实原文!!原文并没有地方表示:often inaccurate的,不能这样判断!8.关键词定位:paralyzed patients,理解类的:if asked to smile deliberately(故意地)对比tell a funny joke,肯定是要得到对比性的结果:show the relation between true emotions and body behavior~~9.关键词定位:politicians,理解+同意替换:are able to control——mask信息匹配:10-13 19-22关键词+忠实原文!原文信息查找:14. 关键词:animal species——定位C段, is common among animals… 后面是cats, horses…15. how likely~~ 应该是一个几率+关键词:born,定位到A段16. 关键词:age和settle!!! 定位B段,这个是歪打正着,本来以为是15 weeks,其实是最后一句话:children do not settle on either… until they are two or three years old!!!这再次证明雅思的直接思维和严格依据原文——题目一定是能够从原文中找到直接根据的!!!!!!!!!!!要找最最最最直接的、和原文一样的!很多题目中的词是可以在原文中找到原词的!!!同样,如果是同义改写,也要是直接思维,要是完全能够对等替换而不是任意加工、演变!!17. 关键词:occupations(职业,行业!),定位到F段,artists, composers, political thinkers…18. early discovery和hemisphere有两个地方有,D段和E段,但是是说discovery, 而E段主要阐述的是BM和TR confirmed 了其conclusion, D段才是a reference to an early discovery!!! 一定要注意比较,依据原文本身的内容!!是否、NG:23. 关键词定位:twins,直接和原文内容相符,Y24. 关键词:MD,和原文内容完全相反,N25. 关键词定位:JW,特别需要注意:原文没有提到的内容,不能证明是T/Y,也不能证明是F/N,就是NG!!!绝对不能写别的!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!如此题中,定位了DW之后,文章中只是说了:by injecting an anesthetic into…, enabling him to more closely study the…但是并没有说任何的people with language problems,这属于原文中没有的信息,不能证明对也无法证否!就是NG!!!26. 注意,比较类:more men… than women,这种比较类的一般都是NG!要特别注意,除非原文中直接说出了比较数据!!!或者有直接的内容,否则不能随意推测,此题原文中无,NG!小标题:牢记最密切联系有时候可以用“逆向判断法”,即想想如果是这个标题的话,段落应该着重介绍哪些内容,再看文章是否符合这样的条件!!!读文章的同时应该把握段与段之间的逻辑联系!27. 这个很容易选择:Soviet Union’s five year plan, 这个最具干扰性,但是看完段落,只有第一句话提及了self-confidence of the SUFYP, 其余的包括第一句话、最后一句话都是在说:optimism of the great future的;逆向判断法:如果选择SUFYP,则应该具体介绍计划的内容、影响等等,但这里并没有,相反是表达了对国家的信心等!28. 错选了the ford model,逆向判断:如果是这个的话,应该是介绍Ford Model 的内容、意义、影响等,但这里与其说是介绍这些,不如说这个model如何激发了苏联人,如great admirers of, a real cult of, a heroic figure, supremely efficient…这些更像是foreign inspiration(启发,启示,灵感,鼓舞)的内容!29.why not abolish that wasted day by…? 这句话之前之后的内容都是围绕once wasted weekends的!30. 介绍新的scheme的,要选与此有关的,就是color-coding scheme31. material and cultural benefits!! 比较明显,接下来也都是说benefits的32. 这个也比较明显,workers were so employed, workers hated it, husbands and wives, friends… 都关系着workers and families33. having the vaunted effect on production~~ 很明显,而且从逻辑联系上来说,这段肯定也是说negative effect的34. 逻辑上来说,也该abolish了~~单选35-37,这里主要使用理解+排除法;其中第37题是因为不知道单词complied with的意思,是尊崇,遵照,否则通过排除法也可以选出简答题38-40,同填空题一样,一定要完全完全完全的考虑到直接思维!!!!!!!!!!!!忠实原文!!!!!!!这里40题!!!!!resistant force就是关键词,从原文中能够直接定位——but the family…, proved much more resistant!!!!!!!!!! 不要在没有原文依据的情况下随意推测!!!!!!!!!!!!Test 3原文信息:1.关键词定位:rats learning and human learning!! 要有rats和human同时出现,D段:urban black rats… 和our new photocopier2.关键:the earliest study!(得有年代/词清楚的表明是earliest的!)——is rootedin the work of IP…in the 1900s,其中rooted in 起源于就表明了是earliest!3.关键词:discovery+ pine cone, 因此文章要表明是discovery(也就是第一次的发现!!),原文直接原词:where many pine cores were discovered4.cost-effectiveness experiment——原文中的to calculate energetic cost~是否、NG:5.关键词:field trip,原文中定位——with no weighty theoretical intent, 和题目信息不符,F6.pine cores…from bottom to top=from base to trip…,同义替换,T7.photocopier在原文中定位,这个题要建立在理解的基础上,特比是要理解rather like=like,是“就像,仿似”的意思=just like…所以这里是类比的关系,题目叙述也即为此意,T8.stripping the pine cones 可以定位主要应从D段中寻找信息,最后一句acquirethe complete stripping skill,而这里的instinct是“本能,直觉,天性”的意思(词汇量),显然相反,F!9-13填空,这里较为简单,关键词定位单选:14. 题目说了第一段,这个题不是很明显直接找到的,就用排除法可以确保!A,没有提到future change的;C, doesn’t freeze anymore没说,而且这个太狭隘了,这篇是写环境的,就是没有正确答案的长相;D, 更不可能;选B,再验证一下,这个就是潜在话题~~15. 根据选项的各种关键词,NH,12000 years ago,Lapland可以定位此题信息在第2段,直接选择,则可以看到原文中:the next cooling trend could drop average temperatures… 10 degrees in the Northeast,和A选项表述一样;排除法:原文中的while no one is predicting a brutal ice sheet like…about 12000 years ago可以排除B;C选项内容原文没有提及;D选项内容属于painter PB的作品,his work…make the now-temperate European landscapes look more like Lapland!!!——真的要理解文章内容,至少是和题目相关的部分,做题才会容易起来!看信息一定要准确!!!看看到底是确指什么,题目90%都是基于原文的考察!!!16. poor定位原文:during previous cooling periods…, but that option doesn’t work in the modern——这就是前后时期对比,正好符合了原文的the next ice age,因此紧跟着后面的就是答案!!!(养成这种思路!!)tense world of closed borders!!直接选D17. Europe warmer than NA可以定位,可以通过that’s why many scientists believe…来直接找到答案,紧接着这句话之前的一句话就是原因!!!!!!!!!!——surrenders heat to the air——直接选出A!也可以通过排除法:B中,后面说了at the same latitude(纬度);C,没有说GS stopped yielding heat…;D项并不是真正的原因。





剑桥雅思阅读9原文(test4)READING PASSAGE 1You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1—13, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.The life and work of Marie CurieMarie Curie is probably the most famous woman scientist who has ever lived. Born Maria Sklodowska in Poland in 1867, she is famous for her work on radioactivity, and was twice a winner of the Nobel Prize. With her husband, Pierre Curie, and Henri Becquerel, she was awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize for Physics, and was then sole winner of the 1911 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize.From childhood, Marie was remarkable for her prodigious memory, and at the age of 16 won a gold medal on completion of her secondary education. Because her father lost his savings through bad investment, she then had to take work as a teacher. Form her e arnings she was able to finance her sister Bronia’s medical studies in Paris, on the understanding that Bronia would, in turn, later help her to get an education.In 1891 this promise was fulfilled and Marie went to Paris and began to study at the Sorbonne (the University of Paris). She often worked far into the night and lived on little more than bread and butter and tea. She came first in the examination in the physical sciences in 1893, and in 1894 was placed second in the examination in mathematical sciences. It was not until thespring of that year that she was introduced to Pierre Curie.Their marriage in 1895 marked the start of a partnership that was soon to achieve results of world significance. Following Henri Becquerel’s discovery in 1896 of a new phenomenon, which Marie later called ‘‘radioactivity’, Marie Curie decided to find out if the radioactivity discovered in uranium was to be found in other elements. She discovered that this was true for thorium.Turning her attention to minerals, she found her interest drawn to pitchblende, a mineral whose radioactivity, superior to that of pure uranium, could be explained only by the presence in the ore of small quantities of an unknown substance of very high activity. Pierre Curie joined her in the work that she had undertaken to resolve this problem, and that led to the discovery of the new elements, polonium and radium. While Pierre Curie devoted himself chiefly to the physical study of the new radiations, Marie Curie struggled to obtain pure radium in the metallic state. This was achieved with the help of the chemist Andre-Louis Debierne, one of Pierre Curie’s pupils. Based on the results of this research, Marie Curie received her Doctorate of Science, and in 1903 Marie and Pierre shared with Becquerel the Nobel Prize for Physics for the discovery of radioactivity.The births of Marie’s two daughters, lrène and Eve, in 1897 and 1904 failed to interrupt her scientific work. She was appointed lecturer in physics at the Ecole Normale Supérieure for girls in Sèvres, France (1900), and introduced a method of teaching based on experimental demonstrations. In December 1904 she was appointed chief assistant in the laboratory directed by Pierre Curie.The sudden death of her husband in 1906 was a bitter blow to Marie Curie, but was also a turning point in her career:henceforth she was to devote all her energy to completing alone the scientific work that they had undertaken. On May 13, 1906, she was appointed to the professorship that had been left vacant on her hu sband’s death, becoming the first woman to teach at the Sorbonne. In 1911 she was awarded the Noble Prize for Chemistry for the isolation of a pure form of radium.During World War I, Marie Curie, with the help of her daughter Irène, devoted herself to the development of the use of X-radiography, including the mobile units which came to be known as ‘Little Curies’, used for the treatment of wounded soldiers. In 1918 the Radium Institute, whose staff Irène had joined, began to operate in earnest, and became a centre for nuclear physics and chemistry. Marie Curie, now at the highest point of her fame and, from 1922, a member of the Academy of Medicine, researched the chemistry of radioactive substances and their medical applications.In 1921, accompanied by her two daughters, Marie Curie made a triumphant journey to the United States to raise funds for research on radium. Women there presented her with a gram of radium for her campaign. Marie also gave lectures in Belgium, Brazil, Spain and Czechoslovakia and, in addition, had the satisfaction of seeing the development of the Curie Foundation in Paris, and the inauguration in 1932 in Warsaw of the Radium Institute, where her sister Bronia became director.One of Marie Curie’s outstanding achievements was to have understood the need to accumulate intense radioactive sources, not only to treat illness but also to maintain an abundant supply for research. The existence in Paris at the Radium Institute of a stock of 1.5 grams of radium made a decisive contribution to the success of the experiments undertaken in the years around1930. This work prepared the way for the discovery of the neutron by Sir James Chadwick and, above all, for the discovery in 1934 by lrène and Frédéric Joliot Curie of artificial radioactivity.A few months after this discovery, Marie Curie died as a result of leukaemia caused by exposure to radiation. She had often carried test tubes containing radioactive isotopes in her pocket, remarking on the pretty blue-green light they gave off.Her contribution to physics had been immense, not only in her own work, the importance of which had been demonstrated by her two Nobel Prizes, but because of her influence on subsequent generations of nuclear physicists and chemists.Questions 1—6Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1? In boxes 1—6 on your answer sheet, writeTRUE if the statement agrees with the informationFALSE if the statement contradicts the informationNOT GIVEN if there is no information on this1 Marie Curie’s husband was a joint winner of both Marie’s Nobel Prizes.2 Marie became interested in science when she was a child.3 Marie was able to attend the Sorbonne because of her sister’s financial contribution.4 Marie stopped doing research for several years when her children were born.5 Marie took over the teaching position her husband had held.6 Marie’s sister Bronia studied the medical uses of radioactivity.Questions 7—13Complete the notes below.Choose ONE WORD from the passage for each answer.Write your answers in boxes 7—13 on your answer sheet.Marie Curie’s research on radioactivityWhen uranium was discovered to be radioactive, Marie Curie found that the element called 7______ had the same property.Marie and Pierre Curi e’s research into the radioactivity of the mineral known as 8_______ led to the discovery of two elements.In 1911, Marie Curie received recognition for her work on the element 9_______Marie and lrène Curie developed X-radiography which was used as a medical technique for 10 ______Marie Curie saw the importance of collecting radioactive material both for research and for cases of 11 ______.The radioactive material stocked in Paris contributed to the discoveries in the 1930s of the 12 ______ and of what was know as artificial radioactivity.During her research, Marie Curie was exposed to radiation and as a result she suffered from 13 ______.READING PASSAGE 2You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14—26 which are based on Reading Passage 2 below.Y oung children’s sense of identityA. A sense of self develops in young children by degrees. The process can usefully be thought of in terms of the gradual emergence of two somewhat separate features: the self as a subject, and the self as an object. William James introduced the distinction in 1892, and contemporaries of his, such as Charles Cooley, added to the developing debate. Ever since thenpsychologists have continued building on the theory.B. According to James, a child’s first step on the road to self-understanding can be seen as the recognition that he or she exists. This is an aspect of the self that he labeled ‘self-as-subject’, and he gave it various elements. These included an awareness of one’s own agency (i.e. one’s power to act), and an awa reness of one’s distinctiveness from other people. These features gradually emerge as infants explore their world and interact with caregivers. Cooley (1902) suggested that a sense of the self-as-subject was primarily concerned with being able to exercise power. He proposed that the earliest examples of this are an infant’s attempts to control physical objects, such as toys or his or her own limbs. This is followed by attempts to affect the behaviour of other people. For example, infants learn that when they cry or smile someone responds to them.C. Another powerful source of information for infants about the effects they can have on the world around them is provided when others mimic them. Many parents spend a lot of time, particularly in the early months, copying their infant’s vocalizations and expressions. In addition, young children enjoy looking in mirrors, where the movements they can see are dependent upon their own movements. This is not to say that infants recognize the reflection as their own image (a later development). However, Lewis and Brooks-Gunn (1979) suggest that infants’ developing understanding that the movements they see in the mirror are contingent on their own, leads to a growing awareness that they are distinct from other people. This is because they, and only they, can change the reflection in the mirror.D. This understanding that children gain of themselves asactive agent continues to develop in their attempts to co-operate with others in play. Dunn (1988) points out that it is in such day-to –day relationships and interactions that the child’s understanding of his-or herself emerges. Empirical investigations of the self-as-subject in young children are, however, rather scarce because of difficulties of communication: even if young infants can reflect on their experience, they certainly cannot express this aspect of the self directly.E. Once children have acquired a certain level of self-awareness, they begin to place themselves in whole series of categories, which together play such an important part in defining them uniquely as ‘themselves’. This second step in the development of a full sense of self is what James called the ‘self-as-object’. This has been seen by many to be the aspect of the self which is most influenced by social elements, since it is made up of social roles (such as student, brother, colleague) and characteristics which derive their meaning from comparison or interaction with other people (such as trustworthiness, shyness, sporting ability).F. Cooley and other researchers suggested a close connection between a person’s own understanding of their identity and other people’s understanding of it. Cooley believed that people build up their sense of identity form the reactions of others to them, and form the view they believe others have of them. He called the self-as-object the ‘looking-glass self’, since people come to see themselves as they are reflected in others. Mead (1934) went even further and saw the self and the social world as inextricably bound together: ‘Th e self is essentially a social structure, and it arises in social experience… it is impossible to conceive of a self arising outside of socialexperience.’G. Lewis and Brooks-Gunn argued that an important developmental milestone is reached when children become able to recognize themselves visually without the support of seeing contingent movement. This recognition occurs around their second birthday. In one experiment, Lewis and Brooks-Gunn (1979) dabbed some red powder on the noses of children who were playing in front of a mirror, and then observed how often they touched their noses. The psychologists reasoned that if the children knew what they usually looked like, they would be surprised by the unusual red mark and would start touching it. On the other hand, they found that children of 15 to 18 months are generally not able to recognize themselves unless other cues such as movement are present.H. Finally, perhaps the most graphic expressions of self-awareness in general can be seen in the displays of rage which are most common from 18 months to 3 years of age. In a longitudinal study of groups of three or four children, Bronson (1975) found that the intensity of the frustration and anger in their disagreements increased sharply between the ages of 1 and 2 years. Often, the children’s disagreements involved a struggle over a toy that none of them had played with before or after the tug-of-war: the children seemed to be disputing ownership rather than wanting to play with it. Although it may be less marked in other societies, the link between the sense of ‘self’ and of ‘ownership’ is a notable feature of childhood in Western societies.Questions 14—19Reading Passage 2 has eight paragraphs, A—H.Which paragraph contains the following information?Write the correct letter, A—H, in boxes 14-19 on your answer sheet.NB You may use any letter more than once.14 an account of the method used by researchers in a particular study15 the role of imitation in developing a sense of identity16 the age at which children can usually identify a static image of themselves17 a reason for the limitations of scientific research into ‘self-as-subject’18 reference to a possible link between culture and a particular form of behaviour19 examples of the wide range of features that contribute to the sense of ‘self-as-object’Questions 20—23Look at the following findings (Questions 20—23) and the list of researchers below.Match each finding with the correct researcher or researchers, A—E.Write the correct letter, A—E, in boxes 20—23 on your answer sheet.20 A sense of identity can never be formed without relationships with other people.21 A child’s awareness of self is related to a sense of mastery over things and people.22 At a certain age, children’s sense of identity leads t o aggressive behaviour.23 Observing their own reflection contributes to children’s self awareness.List of ResearchersA JamesB CooleyC Lewis and Brooks-GunnD MeadE BronsonQuestions 24—26Complete the summary below.Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.Write your answers in boxes 24—26 on your answers sheet.How children acquire a sense of identityFirst, children come to realize that they can have an effect on the world around them,for example by handling objects, or causing the image to move when they face a 24 ______. This aspect of self-awareness is difficult to research directly, because of 25______ problems.Secondly, children start to become aware of how they are viewed by others. One important stage in this process is the visual recognition of themselves which usually occurs when they reach the age of two. In Western societies at least, the development of self awareness is often linked to a sense of 26 ______, and can lead to disputes.READING PASSAGE 3You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27-40, which are based on Reading Passage 3 on the following pages.Questions 27-30Reading Passage 3 has six paragraphs, A—F.Choose the correct heading for paragraphs B—E from the list of headings below.Write the correct number, i—vii, in boxes 27—30 on your answer sheet.List of Headingsi Commercial pressures on people in chargeii Mixed views on current changes to museumsiii Interpreting the facts to meet visitor expectationsiv The international dimensionv Collections of factual evidencevi Fewer differences between public attractionsvii Current reviews and suggestionsExample AnswerParagraph A v27 Paragraph B28 Paragraph C29 Paragraph D30 Paragraph EThe Development of MuseumsA. The conviction that historical relics provide infallible testimony about the past is rooted in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, when science was regarded as objective and value free. As one writer observes: ‘Although it is now evident that artefacts are as easily altered as chronicles, public faith in their veracity endures: a tangible relic seems ipso facto real’. Such conviction was, until recently, reflected in museum displays. Museums used to look — and some still do — much like storage rooms of objects packed together in showcases: good for scholars who wanted to study the subtle differences in design, but not for the ordinary visitor, to whom it all looked alike. Similarly, the information accompanying the objects often made little sense to the lay visitor. The content and format of explanations dated back to a time when the museum was the exclusive domain of the scientific researcher.B. Recently, however, attitudes towards history and the way it should be presented have altered. The key word in heritage display is now ‘experience’, the more exciting the better and, if possible, involving all the senses. Good examples of this approach in the UK are the Jorvik Centre in York; the National Museum of Photography, Film and Television in Bradford; and the Imperial War Museum in London. In the US the trend emerged much earlier: Williamsburg has been a prototype for many heritage developments in other parts of the world. No one can predict where the process will end. On so-called heritage sites the re-enactment of historical events is increasingly popular, and computers will soon provide virtual reality experiences, which will present visitors with a vivid image of the period of their choice, in which they themselves can act as if part of the historical environment. Such developments have been criticized as an intolerable vulgarization, but the success of many historical theme parks and similar locations suggests that the majority of the public does not share this opinion.C. In a related development, the sharp distinction between museum and heritage sites on the one hand, and theme parks on the other, is gradually evaporating. They already borrow ideas and concepts from one another. For example, museums have adopted story lines for exhibitions, sites have accepted ‘theming’ as a r elevant tool, and theme parks are moving towards more authenticity and research-based presentations. In zoos, animals are no longer kept in cages, but in great spaces, either in the open air or in enormous greenhouses, such as the jungle and desert environ ments in Burgers’ Zoo in Holland. This particular trend is regarded as one of the major developments in the presentation of natural history in the twentieth century.D. Theme parks are undergoing other changes, too, as they try to present more serious social and cultural issues, and move away from fantasy. This development is a response to market forces and, although museums and heritage sites have a special, rather distinct, role to fulfil, they are also operating in a very competitive environment, where visitors make choices on how and where to spend their free time. Heritage and museum experts do not have to invent stories and recreate historical environments to attract their visitors: their assets are already in place. However, exhibits must be both based on artefacts and facts as we know them, and attractively presented. Those who are professionally engaged in the art of interpreting history are thus in difficult position, as they must steer a narrow course between the demands of ‘evidence’ and ‘attractiveness’, especially given the increasing need in the heritage industry for income-generating activities.E. It could be claimed that in order to make everything in heritage more ‘real’, historical accuracy must be increasingly altered. For example, Pithecanthropus erectus is depicted in an Indonesian museum with Malay facial features, because this corresponds to public perceptions. Similarly, in the Museum of Natural History in Washington, Neanderthal man is shown making a dominant gesture to his wife. Such presentations tell us more about contemporary perceptions of the world than about our ancestors. There is one compensation, however, for the professionals who make these interpretations: if they did not provide the interpretation, visitors would do it for themselves, based on their own ideas, misconceptions and prejudices. And no matter how exciting the result, it would contain a lot more bias than the presentations provided by experts.F. Human bias is inevitable, but another source of bias in the representation of history has to do with the transitory nature of the materials themselves. The simple fact is that not everything from history survives the historical process. Castles, palaces and cathedrals have a longer lifespan than the dwellings of ordinary people. The same applies to the furnishing and other contents of the premises. In a town like Leyden in Holland, which in the seventeenth century was occupied by approximately the same number of inhabitants as today, people lived within the walled town, an area more than five times smaller than modern Leyden. In most of the houses several families lived together in circumstances beyond our imagination. Yet in museums, fine period rooms give only an image of the lifestyle of the upper class of that era. No wonder that people who stroll around exhibitions are filled with nostalgia; the evidence in museums indicates that life was so much better in past. This notion is induced by the bias in its representation in museums and heritage centres.Questions 31—36Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.Write the correct letter in boxes 31-36 on your answer sheet.31 Compared with today’s museums, those of the past.A did not present history in a detailed way.B were not primarily intended for the public.C were more clearly organised.D preserved items with greater care.32 According to the writer, current trends in the heritage industryA emphasise personal involvement.B have their origins in York and London.C rely on computer images.D reflect minority tastes.33 The writer says that museums, heritage sites and theme parksA often work in close partnership.B try to preserve separate identities.C have similar exhibits.D are less easy to distinguish than before.34 The writer says that in preparing exhibits for museums, expertsA should pursue a single objective.B have to do a certain amount of language translation.C should be free from commercial constraints.D have to balance conflicting priorities.35 In paragraph E, the writer suggests that some museum exhibitsA fail to match visitor expectations.B are based on the false assumptions of professionals.C reveal more about present beliefs than about the past.D allow visitors to make more use of their imagination.36 The passage ends by noting that our view of history is biased becauseA we fail to use our imagination.B only very durable objects remain from the past.C we tend to ignore things that displease us.D museum exhibits focus too much on the local area.Questions 37—40Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 3?In boxes 37—40 on your answer sheet, writeTRUE if the statement agrees with the informationFALSE if the statement contradicts the informationNOT GIVEN if there is no information on this37 Consumers prefer theme parks which avoid serious issues.38 More people visit museums than theme parks.39 The boundaries of Leyden have changed little since the seventeenth century.40 Museums can give a false impression of how life used to be.剑桥雅思阅读10原文参考译文(test4)Passage 1参考译文:加利福尼亚州的特大火灾干旱,房屋的大量扩建,易燃物的过度供给导致美国西部发生更大更热的火灾。

9分达人雅思阅读真题还原及解析 4

9分达人雅思阅读真题还原及解析 4

9分达人雅思阅读真题还原及解析 4引言雅思阅读是雅思考试中的一大难点,许多考生在这部分的表现相对较差。




阅读文章以下是阅读文章的还原:The global network of protected areas, set up by governments over the past century, undoubtedly represents one of the most tangible advances in conserving the planet’s wildlife and biodiversity. Yet, a new study reveals that many of these protected areas are failing to preserve their ecological integrity and species populations.According to the study, the main reason for the inadequate protection of species populations within protected areas is the poor design of these areas. Protected areas are often planned and managed in isolation, without considering the larger ecosystems they are part of. This lack of connectivity between protected areas poses a significant threat to wildlife populations, particularly when habitats are fragmented and species are unable to move freely between different protected areas.Furthermore, the study finds that not all protected areas are created equal. Over half of the protected areas assessed in the study were found to have poor management effectiveness, meaning that they were not effectively conserving species populations. The study suggests that improved management strategies, focusing on habitat restoration, wildlife corridors, and reducing human activities within protected areas, are essential for the long-term survival of wildlife species.In conclusion, while the establishment of protected areas is a crucial step in wildlife conservation, their effectiveness is highly dependent on proper design and management. To ensure the preservation of species populations, protected areas need to be integrated into larger ecosystems and effectively managed to restore habitats and minimize human impact.题目翻译和问题以下是针对阅读文章的翻译和问题:翻译:全球政府在过去的一个世纪里建立的受保护地点网络无疑是保护地球野生动植物和生物多样性最具体的进展之一。



Test 1 ···························································································1Test 2 ·························································································15Test 3 ·························································································29Test 4 ·························································································44Test 5 ·························································································59Test 6 ·························································································74真题解析·····················································································89Answer Keys ··········································································240Test 1The Impact of the Potato2014年6月28日Ancient Chinese Chariots2014年3月15日 2012年6月30日Stealth Forces in Weight Loss 2014年5月24日 Test 2Andrea Palladio: Italian Architect2013年5月16日Corporate Social Responsibility 2015年3月21日 2014年5月15日The Significant Role of Mother Tongue in Education2012年5月26日Test 3V oyage of Going: Beyond the Blue Line 2 2012年5月26日Does IQ Test Prove Creativity?2009年12月5日Monkeys and Forests 2012年10月11日Test 4T-rex: Hunter or Scavenger?2013年11月16日 2012年4月12日Leaf-cutting Ants and Fungus2013年5月18日 2012年4月28日Honey Bees in Trouble 2015年5月30日 Test 5Ants Could Teach Ants2014年7月19日The Development of Plastics2014年7月26日Global Warming in New Zealand 2014年7月12日Test 6Computer Games for Preschoolers: Nintendo’s Research and Design Process2014年7月19日The History of Pencil2014年8月2日Motivating Drives 2014年8月21日TEST 4READING PASSAGE 1You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.44TEST 445Questions 1-7Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?In boxes1-7 on your answer sheet, writeTRUE if the statement agrees with the informationFALSE if the statement contradicts the informationNOT GIVEN if there is no information in this passage1J ack Horner knew exactly that the bone picked up in his father’s ranch belonged to a certain dinosaur when he was at the age of 8.2J ack Horner achieved a distinctive degree in university when he graduated.3J ack Horner believes that the number of prey should be more than that of predators.4T-rex’s number is equivalent to the number of vulture in the Serengeti.5T he hypothesis that T-rex is the top predator conflicts with the fact of preda-tor-prey ratio which Jack found.6J ack Horner refused to accept any other viewpoints about T-rex’s theory.7J ack Horner is the first man that discovered T-rex’s bones in the world.46TEST 4Questions 8-13Complete the sentences below.Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.Write your answers in boxes 8-13 on your answer sheet.Jack Horner found that T-rex’s 8 __________ is shorter than the thigh bone, which demonstrates that it was actually a 9 __________, unlike other swift animals such as ostrich or 10 ____________ that was built to 11 ____________. Another explanation supports his idea is that T-rex’s teeth were rather12 ____________, which only allowed T-rex to 13 ____________ hard bones instead of tearing flesh like Velociraptor.474849Questions 14-19Use the information in the passage to match the options (listed A-C) with the activities or features of ants below.Write the appropriate letters, A-C, in boxes 14-19 on your answer sheet.NB You may use any letter more than once.A Leaf-cutting antsB Lower attine antsC Both leaf-cutting ants and lower attine ants14can use toxic leaves to feed fungus15build small nests and live with different foreign fungus16use dead vegetation to feed fungus17raise a single fungus which do not live with other variety of foreigners18normally keep a highly dangerous parasite under control19use special strategies to fight against Escovopsis50TEST 4Questions 20-24Reading Passage 2 has eight paragraphs, A-H.Which paragraph contains the following information?Write the correct letter, A-H, in boxes 20-24 on your answer sheet.20Dangerous outcome of Escovopsis21Risk of growing single fungus22Comparison of the features of two different nests for feeding gardens23Discovery of significant achievements made by ants earlier than human24Advantages of growing a new breed of fungus in the ant farm51Questions 25-26Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.Write your answers in boxes 25-26 on your answer sheet.25W hat does the author think of Currie’s opinion on the saying “ants keep their gardens free of parasites”?A His viewpoint was verified later.B His earlier study has sufficient evidence immediately.C There is no detail mentioned in the article.D His opinion was proved to be wrong later on.26What did scientists find on the skin of ants under microscope?A some white cloud mold embed in their skinB that wax is all over their skinC a substance which is useful to humansD a substance which suppresses growth of all fungus525354TEST 4Questions 27-30Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 3?In boxes 27-30 on your answer sheet, writeYES if the statement agrees with the claims of the writerNO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writerNOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this27I n the United States, farmers use honeybees in a large scale over the past few years.28C lean farming practices would be harmful to farmers’ health.29T he blue orchard bee is the most efficient pollinator for every crop.30I t is beneficial to other local creatures to protect native bees.55Questions 31-35Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.Write your answers in boxes 31-35 on your answer sheet.31 T he example of the ‘Fruitless Fall’ underlines the writer’s point aboutA needs for using pesticides.B impacts of losing insect pollinators.C vulnerabilities of native bees.D benefits in building more pollination industries.32 W hy can honeybees adapt to the modern agricultural system?A The honeybees can pollinated more crops efficiently.B The bees are semi-domesticated since ancient times.C Honeybee hives can be protected from pesticides.D The ability of wild pollinators using to serve crops declines.33 T he writer mentions factories and assembly lines to illustrateA one drawback of the industrialised agricultural system.B a low cost in modern agriculture.C the role of honeybees in pollination.D what a high yield of industrial agriculture.34 I n the 6th paragraph, Winfree’s experiment proves thatA honeybees can pollinate various crops.B there are many types of wild bees as the pollinators.C wild bees can increase the yield to a higher percentage.D w ild bees work more efficiently as a pollinator than honeybees in certaincases.56TEST 435 W hat does the writer want to suggest in the last paragraph?A the importance of honeybees in pollinationB the adoption of different bees in various sizes of agricultural systemC the comparison between the intensive and the rarefied agricultural systemD the reason why farmers can rely on native pollinators57Questions 36-40Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-F, below.Write the correct letter, A-F, in boxes 36-40 on your answer sheet.36Headlines of colony collapse disorder state that37Viewpoints of Freitas manifest that38Examples of blue orchard bees have shown that39Centris tarsata is mentioned to exemplify that40One finding of the research in Delaware Valley is thatA native pollinators can survive when a specific plant is supplied.B it would cause severe consequences to both commerce and agriculture.C honeybees can not be bred.D some agricultural landscapes are favourable in supporting wild bees.E a large scale of honeybees are needed to pollinate.F an agricultural system is fragile when relying on a single pollinator.58167Test 4Reading Passage 1. T-rex: Hunter or Scavenger?词汇详解imprint n . 印记;痕迹;特征;版本说明(作动词时,意为“加特征;刻上记号”;作名词时,近义词有:mark ,print ,characteristic ,trace 。



Test 1威廉·吉尔伯特与磁场学 2012年9月6日 2010年8月5日 2007年9月20日2007年1月20日2003年酷夏 2013年11月9日 2010年10月30日 2009年3月28日2009年1月10日 2007年9月20日业余自然爱好者 2011年4月2日 2007年12月13日Test 2如何识破说谎者 2014年1月25日 2013年8月29日 2012年1月12日2011年11月17日 2010年1月30日 2009年3月21日在右撇子世界里做左撇子 2011年9月17日 2010年1月30日苏联人的新工作制 2012年7月21日 2009年4月30日 2009年2月7日Test 3示例学习法 2013年10月26日 2011年9月15日 2009年2月7日新冰川时代 2012年2月18日 2009年11月19日 2009年9月26日2009年2月7日 2007年10月13日 2007年7月14日作物指南 2007年9月20日Test 4莫扎特效应 2009年3月14日 2007年12月13日蚂蚁和橘子 2011年6月25日 2007年9月1日音乐:我们共同的语言 2010年9月16日 2007年9月1日Test 5神奇的植物 2011年7月9日 2010年3月6日 2009年4月25日儿童文学 2011年10月29日 2011年7月9日 2010年3月6日2008年10月23日滑石粉 2013年1月5日 2010年3月6日Test 6成功的芬芳 2011年10月29日 2010年4月10日卡里尔夫人和石炭酸球 2014年1月11日 2011年5月19日 2010年4月10日交流的方式与冲突 2012年11月3日 2010年4月10日Test 7新西兰海藻 2009年8月8日 2008年8月9日 2007年10月25日乐观与健康 2010年7月31日 2008年2月23日 2007年4月21日哥伦比亚大交换 2007年3月31日Test 1Going Bananas 2013年10月12日 2011年1月8日 2008年5月22日2007年6月9日 2006年8月26日 2006年5月27日Coastal Archaeology of Britain 2011年1月8日 2008年11月29日 2007年12月1日Travel Books 2011年1月8日Test 2Ambergris 2012年11月8日 2010年7月10日 2007年8月18日2006年6月17日Tackling Hunger in Msekeni 2013年3月2日 2010年7月10日Placebo Effect─The Power of Nothing 2010年7月10日Test 3Going Nowhere Fast 2014年2月13日 2011年2月12日 2008年3月29日The Seedhunters 2011年5月7日 2008年10月11日 2008年2月2日Assessing the Risk 2011年2月12日 2010年1月19日 2007年8月25日Test 4The Origins of Laughter 2010年9月4日 2008年7月12日The Lost City 2013年10月10日 2010年9月4日 2008年11月15日Designed to Last: Could Better Design Cure Our Throwaway Culture? 2010年9月4日Test 5Alfred Nobel 2012年8月4日 2011年4月30日Bird Migration 2014年1月18日 2013年6月8日 2012年5月10日The Ingenuity Gap 2013年12月7日 2010年7月31日Test 6Man or Machine? 2012年9月1日 2010年12月16日 2008年6月21日California’s Age of Megafires 2011年11月26日The Rainmaker 2010年12月18日 2006年9月23日Test 7Health in the Wild 2012年12月1日 2012年1月7日 2011年1月15日2009年9月12日The Conquest of Malaria in Italy, 1900-1962 2011年11月5日 2009年9月5日 Sunset for the Oil Business? 2013年8月29日 2011年7月30日 2010年3月20日Section 12014年1月25日2011年12月1日 2006年9月2日Section 2 The Schedule of Annual Conference on Mastering Computer Languages 2006年5月27日2005年12月3日 2005年3月19日Section 3 Asking for Advice on Choosing Courses 2012年11月3日2008年6月21日 2006年11月18日 2006年1月21日2005年7月9日Section 4 How to Choose Flooring Materials2012年8月25日2011年10月29日 2007年6月2日 2006年10月14日2006年3月25日 2005年7月16日 2005年5月28日Section 1 2012年9月1日2009年7月23日Section 2 Looking for V olunteer WorkersVersion 07106Section 3 Environmental Change Brought by Farming2010年7月15日2005年5月21日Section 4 Insects and Pest Control2012年9月22日2007年12月1日 2006年2月11日 2005年3月19日Section 1 Returning the Rice Cooker2008年11月15日2007年10月13日 2007年8月16日Section 2 A Map of the University of New South Wales2010年12月4日 2009年12月19日2014.2.22考题Children’s education is expensive. In some countries, the government pays some of or all of the costs. Do the advantages outweigh its disadvantages?对应书中题目: P113 Question 9 & P133 Question 15, 相似度99%2014.2.15考题Some people think the success of life is based on hard work and determination, but others think there are there are more important factors like money and personal appearance. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.对应书中题目:P177 Question 26, 相似度 60%2014.2.13考题Towns and cities are attractive places. Some suggest the government should spend money putting in more works of art like paintings and statues to make them better to live in. To what extent do you agree or disagree?对应书中题目:P229 Question 40, 相似度 80%2014.2.1考题Some people believe that the best way to produce a happier society is to ensure that there are only small differences between the richest and the poorest members. To what extent do you agree or disagree?对应书中题目:P201 Question 32,相似度 60%2014.1.25考题The international community must act immediately to ensure that all countries reduce the consumption of fossil fuels (e.g. gas and oil). To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?对应书中题目:P212 Question 35,相似度99%2014.1.18考题Children find it hard to concentrate on or pay attention to school? What are the reasons? How can we solve this problem?对应书中题目:P93 Question 4,相似度60%2014.1.11考题Nowadays many young people in the workforce change their jobs or careers every few years. What do you think are the reasons for this? Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?对应书中题目:P101 Question 6 & P356 Question 29.6, 相似度70%2014.1.9考题The best way for the government to solve traffic congestion is to provide free public trans-port 24 hours a day, 7days a week. To what extent do you agree or disagree?对应书中题目:P143 Question 17, 相似度60%。



直击考场2017.07.15雅思考试听力阅读重现《9分达人》题目!(完整版答案)各位烤鸭们2017.07.15的雅思考试完整版答案来了考完的小烤鸭来对对答案吧本场雅思考试再现《9分达人》中的题目噢其中听力Section 2对应《九分达人听力真题还原与解析2 》Test 4 Section 2阅读Passage 2对应《九分达人6阅读真题还原与解析1 》Test 1 Passage 2ps:以下回忆内容均是新航道老师参加考试之后提供的一手回忆,转载请注明出处!重点口语答案参考Daily routine1. What is your favorite day like?Well, it will be like Utopia.It will be some Sunday when I can keep sleeping until the bio clock wakes me up or the warm sun rays. There is no need to rush up and one hour of mobile phone game can be on the schedule. I will have sandwich and milk as breakfast with joyful Mozart music all around me. Before finishing breakfast, I get ten calls from friends asking me to hang out. For the rest of the day, we will wander like hobos in a mall for food, shopping, movies and coffee. No worries of school and homework haunt us and we would be thoroughly carefree. It will be amazing if that can actually happen.2. What time do you get up every day?During weekdays, our morning class starts at 7 and it is about a 40 minute’s ride from home to school so I have to get up at around 5:30 so that I won’t be late for my duty.And on weekends, I will sleep as long as my body wants. Sometimes I get up at 10 or even later. That is the only chance to show my love to my beloved bed.3. How has your daily routine changed?Well, it d idn’t change much. I always have to get up pretty early during weekdays to go to school and stay up pretty late to do my homework at night. There is some change though. I stay up much later now. In the past, I would finish my homework at around 10:30 pm an d then go to bed. But now, I won’t finish my homework until as late as 1:30 and still fail to go to bed because the unfinished homework keeps lingering in my head.4. What changes do you want to have about your daily routines?Definitely I want more sleeping time and less homework.Being a student in China is so pressing and intense. We need to get up as early as 5:30 am and keep doing our homework till as late as 2 am. Do the math. How many hours do we have for sweet dreams? I often see my classmates nodding off in the morning classes. What is the point then to drag us so early to school and to allow us to take a nap by the table in the classroom?And as for the homework and school assignments, they take over each minute of our school lives and even life after school. When we do the homework, we want to break free. And when we are free, we feel guilty that our homework will be overdue. We just live in a loop always. I seriously hate that.小编清晰的记得在雅思考场上看到似曾相识的题目时激动地不能自己一边颤抖一边答题今天小编要回馈社会。



Sample fine cuisine in France Experience the ancient splendour of the Egyptian pyramids
Breathe the pristine air of the Himalayan mountain range
During the 19thfrica To provide administrat information or for the _______the y set up
The conquest of Malaria in Italy, 1900-1962
1. Conquest n.征服,战胜 2. Malaria n.疟疾 4. Mosquito(es) 蚊子 5. Swamp n.沼泽地 6. Life expectancy寿命 7. Immense a.巨大的
Satisfy curiosity about the large world Tourism enabled consumers to get away from home to see the sights in Rome, take a cruise through the Caribbean, walk the Great Wall of China, visit some wineries in Bordeaux, or go on safari in Kenya.
29 NO
30 NO
31 YES
32 controversial
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Test 1 ···························································································1Test 2 ·························································································15Test 3 ·························································································29Test 4 ·························································································44Test 5 ·························································································59Test 6 ·························································································74真题解析·····················································································89Answer Keys ··········································································240Test 1The Impact of the Potato2014年6月28日Ancient Chinese Chariots2014年3月15日 2012年6月30日Stealth Forces in Weight Loss 2014年5月24日 Test 2Andrea Palladio: Italian Architect2013年5月16日Corporate Social Responsibility 2015年3月21日 2014年5月15日The Significant Role of Mother Tongue in Education2012年5月26日Test 3V oyage of Going: Beyond the Blue Line 2 2012年5月26日Does IQ Test Prove Creativity?2009年12月5日Monkeys and Forests 2012年10月11日Test 4T-rex: Hunter or Scavenger?2013年11月16日 2012年4月12日Leaf-cutting Ants and Fungus2013年5月18日 2012年4月28日Honey Bees in Trouble 2015年5月30日 Test 5Ants Could Teach Ants2014年7月19日The Development of Plastics2014年7月26日Global Warming in New Zealand 2014年7月12日Test 6Computer Games for Preschoolers: Nintendo’s Research and Design Process2014年7月19日The History of Pencil2014年8月2日Motivating Drives 2014年8月21日TEST 4READING PASSAGE 1You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.44TEST 445Questions 1-7Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?In boxes1-7 on your answer sheet, writeTRUE if the statement agrees with the informationFALSE if the statement contradicts the informationNOT GIVEN if there is no information in this passage1J ack Horner knew exactly that the bone picked up in his father’s ranch belonged to a certain dinosaur when he was at the age of 8.2J ack Horner achieved a distinctive degree in university when he graduated.3J ack Horner believes that the number of prey should be more than that of predators.4T-rex’s number is equivalent to the number of vulture in the Serengeti.5T he hypothesis that T-rex is the top predator conflicts with the fact of preda-tor-prey ratio which Jack found.6J ack Horner refused to accept any other viewpoints about T-rex’s theory.7J ack Horner is the first man that discovered T-rex’s bones in the world.46TEST 4Questions 8-13Complete the sentences below.Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.Write your answers in boxes 8-13 on your answer sheet.Jack Horner found that T-rex’s 8 __________ is shorter than the thigh bone, which demonstrates that it was actually a 9 __________, unlike other swift animals such as ostrich or 10 ____________ that was built to 11 ____________. Another explanation supports his idea is that T-rex’s teeth were rather12 ____________, which only allowed T-rex to 13 ____________ hard bones instead of tearing flesh like Velociraptor.474849Questions 14-19Use the information in the passage to match the options (listed A-C) with the activities or features of ants below.Write the appropriate letters, A-C, in boxes 14-19 on your answer sheet.NB You may use any letter more than once.A Leaf-cutting antsB Lower attine antsC Both leaf-cutting ants and lower attine ants14can use toxic leaves to feed fungus15build small nests and live with different foreign fungus16use dead vegetation to feed fungus17raise a single fungus which do not live with other variety of foreigners18normally keep a highly dangerous parasite under control19use special strategies to fight against Escovopsis50TEST 4Questions 20-24Reading Passage 2 has eight paragraphs, A-H.Which paragraph contains the following information?Write the correct letter, A-H, in boxes 20-24 on your answer sheet.20Dangerous outcome of Escovopsis21Risk of growing single fungus22Comparison of the features of two different nests for feeding gardens23Discovery of significant achievements made by ants earlier than human24Advantages of growing a new breed of fungus in the ant farm51Questions 25-26Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.Write your answers in boxes 25-26 on your answer sheet.25W hat does the author think of Currie’s opinion on the saying “ants keep their gardens free of parasites”?A His viewpoint was verified later.B His earlier study has sufficient evidence immediately.C There is no detail mentioned in the article.D His opinion was proved to be wrong later on.26What did scientists find on the skin of ants under microscope?A some white cloud mold embed in their skinB that wax is all over their skinC a substance which is useful to humansD a substance which suppresses growth of all fungus525354TEST 4Questions 27-30Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 3?In boxes 27-30 on your answer sheet, writeYES if the statement agrees with the claims of the writerNO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writerNOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this27I n the United States, farmers use honeybees in a large scale over the past few years.28C lean farming practices would be harmful to farmers’ health.29T he blue orchard bee is the most efficient pollinator for every crop.30I t is beneficial to other local creatures to protect native bees.55Questions 31-35Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.Write your answers in boxes 31-35 on your answer sheet.31 T he example of the ‘Fruitless Fall’ underlines the writer’s point aboutA needs for using pesticides.B impacts of losing insect pollinators.C vulnerabilities of native bees.D benefits in building more pollination industries.32 W hy can honeybees adapt to the modern agricultural system?A The honeybees can pollinated more crops efficiently.B The bees are semi-domesticated since ancient times.C Honeybee hives can be protected from pesticides.D The ability of wild pollinators using to serve crops declines.33 T he writer mentions factories and assembly lines to illustrateA one drawback of the industrialised agricultural system.B a low cost in modern agriculture.C the role of honeybees in pollination.D what a high yield of industrial agriculture.34 I n the 6th paragraph, Winfree’s experiment proves thatA honeybees can pollinate various crops.B there are many types of wild bees as the pollinators.C wild bees can increase the yield to a higher percentage.D w ild bees work more efficiently as a pollinator than honeybees in certaincases.56TEST 435 W hat does the writer want to suggest in the last paragraph?A the importance of honeybees in pollinationB the adoption of different bees in various sizes of agricultural systemC the comparison between the intensive and the rarefied agricultural systemD the reason why farmers can rely on native pollinators57Questions 36-40Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-F, below.Write the correct letter, A-F, in boxes 36-40 on your answer sheet.36Headlines of colony collapse disorder state that37Viewpoints of Freitas manifest that38Examples of blue orchard bees have shown that39Centris tarsata is mentioned to exemplify that40One finding of the research in Delaware Valley is thatA native pollinators can survive when a specific plant is supplied.B it would cause severe consequences to both commerce and agriculture.C honeybees can not be bred.D some agricultural landscapes are favourable in supporting wild bees.E a large scale of honeybees are needed to pollinate.F an agricultural system is fragile when relying on a single pollinator.58167Test 4Reading Passage 1. T-rex: Hunter or Scavenger?词汇详解imprint n . 印记;痕迹;特征;版本说明(作动词时,意为“加特征;刻上记号”;作名词时,近义词有:mark ,print ,characteristic ,trace 。
