雅思小作文开头段改写诀窍 PPT

graph (图表、曲线图) =line graph chart (图表) = bar chart,pie chart,flow chart diagram = figure (流程图)= flow chart shows (v.) = illustrates information = data the number of = the figure for the proportion of = the percentage of = the figure for poeple in the USA= Americans how to produce= the process of producing in three countries= in the UK, France and Spain 表达(一段时间) 例如:从1999到2009年
➢2. compare+名词 e.g. The chart compares... ...
➢3. show/illustrate +名词 e.g. The chart shows the changes in... ...
➢4. how+宾语从句 e.g. The chart/graph shows/illustrates how... ... changed/varied... ... (How 引导的名词性从句后面一定要加完整的句子)
2014年小作文题型分布 柱状图 表格 曲线图 饼图
3、流程图 4、地图 混合图
雅思小作文写作教学全能版 ppt课件

一般分为三个部分 1. Introduction 引题 2.Describing the graph in details 主体
3. Concluding sentences 结尾
• 文章的起始句作为全文的介绍,说的是图表告诉(show, indicate, demonstrate, illustrate)我们什么,所以用现在时态;
Adjectives Slight 轻微的 Slow 很慢的 Moderate 温和的
Steady 稳定的 Gradual 逐渐的
Adverbs Slightly Slowly Moderately
Steadily Gradually
• A decreasing trend in general
• 百分比 • 除法、减法比较
• Bar chart, pie chart, table
The highest The greatest The lowest The most The smallest Sth. Is the
percentage of … Sth. +句子 proportion of… number of…
• 在文章的主体部分,时态的选择根据图表给出的时间信息 • 具体决定是一般现在时态、一般过去、还是一般将来。
趋势变化 上升 下降
不变 波动
动词表达(过去) 名词表达
rose, increased, went up,
A rise, an increa ascended growth, an upward

The graph below shows the unemployment rates in the U.S. and Japan between March 1993 and March 1999
how N. + V. (change / fluctuate)
unemployment rates
开头段的写法:改写 / 转述题目
同义替换 1. 同义词替换 2. 关键词词性、位置的转换。 3. 时间、地点的改写。 4. 名词和从句之间的相互转换。
1. 同义词替换。 (关键词词性、位置的转换。)
The table below shows the proportion of different categories of families living in poverty in Australia in 1999.
N. how N. + V. (change / fluctuate)
1 The graph below shows the proportion of the population aged 65 and over between 1940 and 2040 in three different countries.
between March 1993 and March 1999
during the period from March 1993 to March 1999.
in the U.S. and Japan:
in two different countries

Task 1 Coherence and Cohesion
• 7分:a range of cohesive devices • 6分:use cohesive devices effectively • 5分:inadequate, inaccurate cohesive devices
About me
• 芬兰/荷兰硕士 • 校级国际奖学金获得者 • TKT证书持有者 • 高级教师资格证持有者 • 西安新东方Teaching Pro成员 • 西安新东方国外部成熟教师赛课三等奖 • 雅思听力8.5分,口语7.5,总分7.5分
Unit 1 考试介绍
• 考试介绍 • 评分标准
3.3饼图 4.7地图 5.5线图 6.2地图
1.13饼图 2.3柱图 3.10柱图 4.14表格 5.12饼图 6.7表格
1.18柱图 2.10线图 3.15柱图 4.21线图 5.19流程图 6.23地图
1.20线图 2.24饼图 3.24线图 4.26表柱混合 5.24表柱混合 6.30柱状图
• 词汇的复杂性
Task 1 Lexical Resources
• 7分: occasional errors • 6分: some errors,do not imped communication • 5分: noticeable errors, cause some difficulty for the reader
•C5T1T2 •Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

原题:The table below shows the proportion of different categories of families living in poverty in Australia in 1999.
改后:The following chart describes the percentage of diverse types (同 义词替换)of poor families (改变关键词的位置和词性)in Australia in 1999.
三、从驿传到邮政 1.邮政 (1)初办邮政: 1896年成立“大清邮政局”,此后又设 , 邮传邮正传式部脱离海关。 (2)进一步发展:1913年,北洋政府宣布裁撤全部驿站; 1920年,中国首次参加 万国。邮联大会
2.电讯 (1)开端:1877年,福建巡抚在 架台设湾第一条电报线,成为中国自 办电报的开端。
1. show: (10种) give, describe, demonstrate, outline, indicate, reveal, present, illustrate, offer / provide an overview of…, compare
2. Information: data, statistics, numbers, figures,
C.通过互联网 D.乘坐火车赴各地了解
息“20世纪初”“最快捷的方式”,因此应选B,火车速度 远不及电报快。20世纪30年代民航飞机才在中国出现, 互联网出现在20世纪90年代。 答案:B

雅思图表作文第一段改写方法五篇第一篇:雅思图表作文第一段改写方法先看看剑7 TEST3的题目:The chart below shows information about changes in average house prices in five different cities between 1990 and 2002 compared with the average house prices in 1989.再来看给出的6.5分范文This chart gives information about the percentage change in average house prices in five different cities located in five different countries over 12 year period between 1990 and 2002 compared with the average houses in 1989.出路倒是有一条,那就是“句型变化+词汇改变”,措辞改变大家很好理解,句型变化是大家以前很少想到去做的,其实句型变化很简单,一般题目The table shows后面给出的通常是一个名词性的词组,我们把它改成句子即可,句型和词汇双变化,改写就容易充分了:The given diagram indicates that how the real estate market in five major cities around the world changed from 1989 to the period between 1990 and 2002.句型变化:名词性词组changes变为how…changed…词汇变化:this chart变为the given diagram average house prices变为the real estate marketin five different cities后面添加around the worldbetween 1990 and 2002 compared with the average house prices in 1989变为from 1989 to the period between 1990 and 2000同时我们也可以作另外一种改写:一般的题目是The graph shows…,改为The information given by the graph is about…则很轻易的改换了句型表达。

开头段开头段通常是将题干中的信息进行改写,千万千万不要照抄原句!(敲黑板)首先,确定动词以剑4中的Test 3为例The chart below shows the different levels of post-school qualifications in Australia and the proportion of men and women who held them in .题目中的动词是show,那么就可用以下句型来替换The chart illustrates/demonstrates that..The chart provides/presents/gives information about…This is a graph which illustrates…The chart illustrates how…According to the chart,…改写方法主要有动词的替换和句型的替换其次,改写关键信息这一步可用同义词替换,词性替换,句式改变等方式以剑4的Test1为例The table below shows the proportion of different categories of families living in poverty in Australia in .这题改写的关键词组是proportion of different categories of families living in poverty那么怎么进行改写呢?首先可以做同义词替换,题目中的categories可换成types。
其次,题目中用的living in poverty,我们可以将其补充成一个完整的从句,于是,我们的开头段就写好啦~The chart describes 6 different types of families who were living in poverty in Australia in .。

Writing Task 1
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task
The pie charts below show the online shopping sales for retail sectors in
New Zealand in 2003 and 2013.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features,
and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words
2013oks 19% film/music
clothes 16% travel 29%
books 22% film/music
1. 双动图常见框架
框架1: by comparing the data in … and …, the chart illustrates how and how much … had changed during this period 题库1-1 By comparing the data in 1990 and 2010, the chart illustrates how and how much the percentage of people giving money to charity had changed in 5 different age groups in the UK during this period. 题库1-2 By comparing the data before and after the introduction of extra lanes, the chart illustrates how and how much the number of traffic accidents had changed in 5 different motorways (M1-M5) during this period. 题库1-3 By comparing the data in 2003 and 2013, the chart illustrates how and how much the percentage of 4 different retail sectors had changed in the composition of total online shopping sales in New Zealand during this period.

下面就让店铺给大家分享雅思考试首段写作的几个简单小诀窍吧,希望能对你有帮助!雅思考试首段写作的小妙招一、开头结构三步走Background informationIssue under discussionPersonal idea (这也是我们常说的thesis statement)Prediction (对文章总体内容的预测,不强求考生在考试时候写)在这个必写的前三点中,很多学生会发现背景信息无从下手,不知道怎么写。
今天,我们将重点落在如何写background information上。
要写好Background information 首先要在审题的时候搞清楚什么是facts,什么是 view,分清这两点是我们写好开头的,包括全文正文议论部分的重点。
二、示例Example 1:Some say that building more roads will help reduce the traffic congestion in big cities. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this. Do you support or oppose this statement?Example 2:In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this.例1:这句话“Some say that building more roads will help reduce the traffic congestion in big cities.”是一个观点。

The number of full-time teachers was on the increase form 2008 to 2010.
2) 表示下降
动词+副词结构 e.g. 当地学校的失学人数在去年略有下降。 The number of drop-outs in the local
与任务2写作一样,图表写作也要紧紧围绕任 务去完成。也要依据题目提供的已知信息 进行写作。与任务2不同的是图表作文的信 息载体不是文字而是图表,考生将图表承 载的信息用文字表达出来。在转化的过程 中很容易遗漏信息。所以写完后的审查就 显得更加重要。
that ...
The figures /statistics show that
more other verbs: describe, illustrate, display, exhibit,
indicate, reflect, represent, reveal, unfold, summarize etc.
任务1:图表写作 要求考生在20分钟内完成150字以上的短文。
以考核图表为主。主要有: 曲线图 line chart, graph 柱状图 bar chart 饼状图 pie chart 表格等 table 偶尔也会有流程图flow chart、地图geography和示 意图diagram/figure

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features,
and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words
clothes travel
Writing Task 1
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task
The pie charts below show the online shopping sales for retail sectors in
New Zealand in 2003 and 2013.
books 19% film/music
clothes 16% travel 29%
books 22% film/music
1. 双动图常见框架
框架1: by comparing the data in … and …, the chart illustrates how and how much … had changed during this period 题库1-1 By comparing the data in 1990 and 2010, the chart illustrates how and how much the percentage of people giving money to charity had changed in 5 different age groups in the UK during this period. 题库1-2 By comparing the data before and after the introduction of extra lanes, the chart illustrates how and how much the number of traffic accidents had changed in 5 different motorways (M1-M5) during this period. 题库1-3 By comparing the data in 2003 and 2013, the chart illustrates how and how much the percentage of 4 different retail sectors had changed in the composition of total online shopping sales in New Zealand during this period.
雅思精品写作小作文词汇和思路 ppt课件

3. 小幅度上升:
go up / ascend / grow / increase / rise/ climb up +
modestly / slightly / marginally / moderately
experience a slight growth in…
1.倍数基础表达法: ①A +is…times +as+ adj.原级+as +B ②A +is…times+ adj.比较级+than +B ③A +is…times+ the
size/length/height/width/depth +of + B ④The size/length/height/width/depth…
reach the minimum / the smallest part of bottom out at … reach the bottom at… reach the lowest point at…
more than …, over…, above…, upwards of… upwards of 60 years old exceed, surpass, overtake, ---v.
是原来的3倍 / 增加或减少了2倍 例: Between 1971 and 1975, the population
was up eight-fold. 是原来的8倍,增加了7倍
2. 一半:half,50%
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1. show: (10种) give, describe, demonstrate, outline, indicate, reveal, present, illustrate, offer / provide an overview of…, compare
2. Information: data, statistics, numbers, figures,
N. how N. + V. (change / fluctuate)
1 The graph below shows the proportion of the population aged 65 and over between 1940 and 2040 in three different countries.
The graph below shows the unemployment rates in the U.S. and Japan between March 1993 and March 1999
how N. + V. (change / fluctuate)
unemployment rates
• 原题:The table below shows the proportion of different categories of families living in poverty in Australia in 1999.
• 改后:The following chart describes the percentage of diverse types (同义词替换) of poor families (改变关键词的位置和词性) in Australia in 1999.
between March 1993 and March 1999
during the period from March 1993 to March 1999.
in the U.S. and Japan:
in two different countries
3. 名词和从句之间的相互转换
1. 同义词替换。 (关键词词性、位置的转换。)
The table below shows the proportion of different categories of families living in poverty in Australia in 1999.
how unemployment rates changed
开头段的写法:改写 / 转述题目
同义替换 1. 同义词替换 2. 关键词词性、位置的转换。 3. 时间、地点的改写。 between A and B during the period from A to B 地点改写(具体 概括) 4. 名词和从句之间的相互转换。
3. proportion: percentage, share
4. types: kinds, divisions, sorts, categories, aspects, classifications
2. 时间、国家的改写。
原句:The graph below shows the unemployment rates in the U.S. and Japan between March 1993 and March 1999.