Plate 1 x 4
Plate 1 x 6
Plate 1 x 8
Plate 1 x 10
Technic Plate 1 x 4 with Holes
Technic Plate 1 x 6 with Holes
Plate 3 x 6 without Corners
Plate 4 x 4
Plate 4 x 6
Plate 4 x8
Plate 4 x10
Plate 4 x12
Technic Brick 1 x 4 with Holes
Technic Brick 1 x 6 with Holes
Technic Wing Back
Technic Brick 1 x 8 with Holes
Bracket 2 x 2 - 2 x 2
Technic Plate 2 x 4 with Holes
Technic Plate 2 x 6 with Holes
常用乐高零件清单解读LEGO常用零件清单图形编号英文名称中文名称3005 Brick 1 x 1 1×1砖3004 Brick 1 x 2 1×2砖2458 Brick 1 x 2 with Pin 1×2销砖3622 Brick 1 x 3 1×3砖3010 Brick 1 x 4 1×4砖2653 Brick 1 x 4 with Groove 1×4键槽砖3009 Brick 1 x 6 1×6砖3008 Brick 1 x 8 1×8砖6111 Brick 1 x 10 1×10砖6112 Brick 1 x 12 1×12砖2465 Brick 1 x 16 1×16砖3003 Brick 2 x 2 2×2砖2357 Brick 2 x 2 Corner 2×2直角砖3941 Brick 2 x 2 Round 2×2圆砖Brick 2 x 2 with Pins30000 2×2轴孔销砖 and Axlehole3002 Brick 2 x 3 2×3砖6215 Brick 2 x 3 with Curved Top 2×3弧面砖3001 Brick 2 x 4 2×4砖6249 Brick 2 x 4 with Pins 2×4销砖2456 Brick 2 x 6 2×6砖3007 Brick 2 x 8 2×8砖3006 Brick 2 x 10 2×10砖6222 Brick 4 x 4 Round with Holes 4×4轴孔圆砖3040 Slope Brick 45 2 x 1 2×1斜面砖3665 Slope Brick 45 2 x 1 Inverted 2×1反斜面砖4286 Slope Brick 33 3 x 1 3×1斜面砖4287 Slope Brick 33 3 x 1 Inverted 3×1反斜面砖3039 Slope Brick 45 2 x 2 2×2斜面砖3660 Slope Brick 45 2 x 2 Inverted 2×2反斜面砖3298 Slope Brick 33 3 x 2 3×2斜面砖3747 Slope Brick 33 3 x 2 Inverted 3×2反斜面砖3070 Tile 1 x 1 1×1瓦片3069 Tile 1 x 2 1×2瓦片2431 Tile 1 x 4 1×4瓦片6636 Tile 1 x 6 1×6瓦片4162 Tile 1 x 8 1×8瓦片3068 Tile 2 x 2 2×2瓦片4150 Tile 2 x 2 Round 2×2圆瓦片3024 Plate 1 x 1 1×1板4073 Plate 1 x 1 Round 1×1圆板Plate 1 x 1 with Clip Horizont6019 1×1水平卡口板 al4085a Plate 1 x 1 with Clip Vertical 1×1垂直卡口板3023 Plate 1 x 2 1×2板3794 Plate 1 x 2 with 1 Stud 1×2 单凸点板3127 Plate 1 x 2 with Crane Hook 1×2钩板32028 Plate 1 x 2 with Door Rail 1×2键板3623 Plate 1 x 3 1×3板3710 Plate 1 x 4 1×4板3666 Plate 1 x 6 1×6板3460 Plate 1 x 8 1×8板4477 Plate 1 x 10 1×10板Technic Plate 1 x 4 with Hole4263 1×4圆孔板 s4262 Technic Plate 1 x 6 with Holes 1×6圆孔板4442 Technic Plat e 1 x 8 with Holes 1×8圆孔板Technic Plate 1 x 10 with Hole2719 1×10圆孔板 s3022 Plate 2 x 2 2×2板2420 Plate 2 x 2 Corner 2×2转角板4032 Plate 2 x 2 Round 2×2圆板2817 Plate 2 x 2 with Hole 2×2轴承板3021 Plate 2 x 3 2×3板3020 Plate 2 x 4 2×4板3795 Plate 2 x 6 2×6板3034 Plate 2 x 8 2×8板3832 Plate 2 x 10 2×10板2445 Plate 2 x 12 2×12板3956 Bracket 2 x 2 - 2 x 2 2×2直角积木3709b Technic Plate 2 x 4 with Holes 2×4圆孔板Technic Plate 2 x 6 with Hole32001 2×6圆孔板 sTechnic Plate 2 x 8 w ith Hole3738 2×8圆孔板 s2419 Plate 3 x 6 without Corners 3×6梯型板3031 Plate 4 x 4 4×4板3032 Plate 4 x 6 4×6板3035 Plate 4 x 8 4×8板3030 Plate 4 x 10 4×10板3029 Plate 4 x 12 4×12板3958 Plate 6 x 6 6×6板3036 Plate 6 x 8 6×8板3033 Plat e 6 x 10 6×10板3028 Plate 6 x 12 6×12板3867 Baseplate 16 x 16 16×16底板Baseplate 16 x 32 with Square3857 16×32底板 Corners3811 Baseplate 32 x 32 32×32底板6541 Technic Brick 1 x 1 with Hole 1×1梁Technic Brick 1 x 2 with Axleh32064 1×2轴孔梁 ole3700 Technic Brick 1 x 2 with Hole 1×1梁32000 Technic Brick 1 x 2 with Holes 1×2双孔梁3701 Technic Brick 1 x 4 with Holes 1×4梁3894 Technic Brick 1 x 6 with Holes 1×6梁2744 Technic Wing Back 1×6斜面梁3702 Technic Brick 1 x 8 with Holes 1×8梁Technic Brick 1 x 10 with Hole2730 1×10梁 sTechnic Brick 1 x 12 with Hole3895 1×12梁 sTechnic Brick 1 x 14 with Hole32018 1×14梁 sTechnic Brick 1 x 16 with Hole3703 1×16梁 s6632 Technic Liftarm 1 x 3 1×3薄连杆32056 Technic Liftarm 3 x 3 L Sh ape 3×3直角薄连杆2825 Technic Liftarm 1 x 4 1×4薄连杆32017 Technic Liftarm 1 x 5 1×5薄连杆Technic Liftarm 3 x 5 L Shape 32250 3×5直角薄连杆 with Quarter Oval2905 Technic Triangle 三角薄连杆32063 Technic Liftarm 1 x 6 1×6薄连杆32065 Technic Liftarm 1 x 7 1×7薄连杆32523 Technic Liftarm 1 x 3 Straight 1×3厚连杆32140 Technic Liftarm 2 x 4 L Shape 2×4直角厚连杆32316 Technic Liftarm 1 x 5 Straight 1×5厚连杆153 Technic Liftarm 3 x 5 L Shape 3×5直角厚连杆6629 Technic Liftarm 1 x 9 Bent 1×9单弯厚连杆Technic Liftarm 1 x 11.5 Doub32009 1×11.5双弯厚连杆 le BentTechnic Liftarm 1 x 9 120 1×9厚连杆 StraightTechnic Liftarm 1 x 15 32278 1×15厚连杆 Straight4274 Technic Pin 1/2 1/2销32002 Technic Pin 3/4 3/4销3673 Technic Pin 光销4459 Technic Pin with Friction 摩擦销6558 Technic Pin Long with Friction 长摩擦销Technic Pin Long with Stop 32054 轴套长销 Bush32136 Technic Pin 3L Double 双倍销75535 Technic Pin Joiner Round 连销器3749 Technic Axle Pin 轴销3704 Technic Axle 2 2,轴32062 Technic Axle 2 Notched 2,限位轴4519 Technic Axle 3 3,轴6587 Technic Axle 3 with Stud 3,突点轴3705 Technic Axle 4 4,轴32073 Technic Axle 5 5,轴3706 Technic Axle 6 6,轴3707 Technic Axle 8 8,轴3737 Technic Axle 10 10,轴3708 Technic Axle 12 12,轴32200 Technic Axle Flexible 12 12,软轴32201 Technic Axle Flexible 14 14,软轴32202 Technic Axle Flexible 16 16,软轴4265c Technic Bush 1/2 Smooth 半轴套4265a Technic Bush 1/2 Type I 齿型半轴套3713 Technic Bush 轴套32013 Technic Angle Connector #1 1,连接器32034 Technic Angle Connector #2 2,连接器32016 Technic Angle Connector #3 3,连接器924 Technic Angle Connector #4 4,连接器32015 Technic Angle Connector #5 5,连接器32014 Technic Angle Connector #6 6,连接器6538 Technic Axle Joiner 连轴器Technic Axle Joiner6536 正交连轴器 PerpendicularTechnic Axle Joiner32291 正交双圆孔连轴器 Perpendicular DoubleTechnic Axle Joiner32184 正交双轴孔连轴器 Perpendicular 3LTechnic Axle Joiner32068 长正交连轴器Perpendicular 3 Long3651 Technic Connector 销轴连接器Technic Connector with32039 双轴连接器 AxleholeTechnic Connector Block 3 x 32137 3×2×2连接器 2 x 22853 Technic Engine Crankshaft 摇柄Technic Engine Crankshaft Ce2854 曲柄 ntre6553 Technic Pole Reverser Handle 极性转换手柄9244 Technic Universal Joint 万向节3647 Technic Gear 8 Tooth 8齿圆柱齿轮6589 Technic Gear 12 Tooth Bevel 12齿单面斜齿轮Technic Gear 12 Tooth32270 12齿双面斜齿轮 Double Bevel4019 Technic Gear 16 Tooth 16齿圆柱齿轮Technic Gear 20 Tooth Double32296 20齿双面斜齿轮 Bevel3648 Technic Gear 24 Tooth 24齿圆柱齿轮60c01 Technic Gear 24 Tooth Clutch 24齿离合齿轮3650A Technic Gear 24 Tooth Crown 24齿冠齿轮3649 Technic Gear 40 Tooth 40齿圆柱齿轮3711 Technic Link Chain 细链条3873 Technic Link Tread 宽链条3743 Technic Gear Rack 1 x 4 1×4齿条Technic Gear Rack 1 x 8 with 6630 1×8带孔齿条 HolesTechnic Gear Rack 1 x 10 with6592 1×10带孔齿条 Holes4716 Technic Worm Screw 蜗杆6588 Technic Gearbox 2 x 4 x 7 2×4×7变速箱6573 Technic Differential New 差速器2855 Technic Turntable Top 大转盘转子2856 Technic Turntable Base 大转盘底座6575 Technic Cam 凸轮Electric Technic Micromotor P2983 微马达滑轮 ulley4185 Technic Wedge Belt Wheel 中滑轮3736 Technic Pulley Large 大滑轮32007 Technic Tread Sprocket Wheel 履带轮680c01 Technic Tread 履带Technic Wedge Belt Wheel Tyr70162 中滑轮轮胎 e3482 Wheel Centre Large 小车轮3483 Tyre Small 小实心轮胎2346 Tyre Medium 中实心轮胎3634 Tyre 17 x 43 大实心轮胎Wheel 20 x 30 Balloon Mediu6582 20×30越野车轮 m6581 Tyre 20 x 30 Balloon Medium 20×30越野轮胎2994 Wheel 30.4 x 14 VR 30.4×14宽车轮6578 Tyre 30.4 x 14 VR 30.4×14宽轮胎6580 Wheel 43.2 x 28 Balloon Small 43.2×28越野车轮6579 Tyre 43.2 x 28 Balloon Small 43.2×28越野轮胎6595 Wheel 49.6 x 28 VR 49.6×28宽车轮6594 Tyre 49.6 x 28 VR 49.6×28宽轮胎2903 Wheel 81.6 x 15 Motorcycle 81.6×15摩托车轮2902 Tyre 81.6 x 15 Motorcycle 81.6×15摩托车轮胎3937 Hinge 1 x 2 Base 铰链底座3938 Hinge 1 x 2 Top 铰链转子3680 Turntable 2 x 2 Plate Base 2×2转盘底座3679 Turntable 2 x 2 Plate Top 2×2转盘转子75 Technic Flex 塑料管30 Technic Hook Large Metallic 大金属钩Technic Steering Arm with32069 连接臂 Connectors2952 Propellor 2 Blade 9 Diameter 螺旋桨Technic Rotor 2 Blade with 2 2711 2凸点叶片 Studs2712 Technic Rotor 3 Blade 3突点叶片Technic Rotor 2 Blade with 4 32124 4突点叶片 StudsTechnic Rotor 3 Blade with 6 32125 6突点叶片 StudsTechnic Ribbed Hose 120LDU 78 软管 Long2909c01 Technic Shock Absorber 9.5L 减震器200658 Technic Pneumatic Airtank 储气罐Technic Pneumatic Small X189c01 小气泵 PumpTechnic Pneumatic Small X191c01 小气缸 Cylinder2797c01 Technic Pneumatic Handpump 大气泵2793c01 Technic Pneumatic Cylinder 大气缸Technic Pneumatic 5218 三通 T-ConnectorTechnic Pneumatic Air 4694 气阀 SwitchesX188 Technic Pneumatic Tubing 橡胶管9831 Electric 9V Battery Box 电池箱6035 Electric Light & Sound Brick 灯9912 Electric Technic Solar Panel 太阳能电池板9916 Electrical Capacitor 电容器9713 Electric Transmitter Tower 串口红外发射塔Electric Transmitter Tower IR 9783 USB接口红外发射塔 USB with Black Front9709 Electric Mindstorms RCX RCX9885 Sound element - 9v 蜂鸣器Electric Brick 2 x 2 x 2/3 Pair 5306 256mm导线 with 256mm WireElectric Brick 2 x 2 x 2/3 Pair 5306a 520mm导线 with 520mm WireElectric Brick 2 x 2 x 2/3 Pair 5306b 1280mm导线 with 1280mm Wire5119 Electric Technic Micromotor 微马达Electric Technic Mini-Motor 95225 大功率马达 v5114 Electric Technic Motor 9V 高速马达Pole Reverser Switches for 1336 换极开关 Battery Box9647 Lego Camera 摄像头9911 Touch Sensor 触动传感器9758 Electric Light Sensor 光电传感器9891 Electric Rotation Sensor 角度传感器9889 Temperature Sensor 温度传感器9917 DCP Sensores Adaptador DCP适配器书中横卧着整个过去的灵魂——卡莱尔人的影响短暂而微弱,书的影响则广泛而深远——普希金人离开了书,如同离开空气一样不能生活——科洛廖夫书不仅是生活,而且是现在、过去和未来文化生活的源泉——库法耶夫书籍把我们引入最美好的社会,使我们认识各个时代的伟大智者———史美尔斯书籍便是这种改造灵魂的工具。
常用乐高零件清单汇总LEGO常用零件清单3005 Brick 1 x 11×3004 Brick 1 x 21×2458 Brick 1 x 2 with Pin1×2 3622 Brick 1 x 31×3010 Brick 1 x 41×2653 Brick 1 x 4 with Groove 1×4砖3009 Brick 1 x 61×3008 Brick 1 x 81×1×102465 Brick 1 x 16 1×16 3003 Brick 2 x 22×2357 Brick 2 x 2 Corner 2×2砖3941 Brick 2 x 2 Round2×230000 Brick 2 x 2 with Pinsand Axlehole2×2销砖3002 Brick 2 x 32×6215 Brick 2 x 3 with Curved Top 2×3砖3001 Brick 2 x 42×3006 Brick 2 x 102×106222 Brick 4 x 4 Round with Holes 4×4圆砖3040 Slope Brick 45 2 x 1 2×1砖3665 Slope Brick 45 2 x 1 Inverted 2×1面砖4286 Slope Brick 33 3 x 13×1砖4287 Slope Brick 33 3 x 1 Inverted 3×1面砖3039 Slope Brick 45 2 x 22×2面砖3070 Tile 1 x 1 1×1 3069 Tile 1 x 2 1×2 2431 Tile 1 x 4 1×4 6636 Tile 1 x 6 1×6 4162 Tile 1 x 8 1×8 3068 Tile 2 x 2 2×24150 Tile 2 x 2 Round 2×2片3024 Plate 1 x 1 1×4073 Plate 1 x 1 Round1×16019 Plate 1 x 1 with Clip Horizontal 1×1卡口板3127 Plate 1 x 2 with Crane Hook1×2 32028 Plate 1 x 2 with Door Rail1×2 3623 Plate 1 x 31×3710 Plate 1 x 41×3666 Plate 1 x 61×3460 Plate 1 x 81×4477 Plate 1 x 101×104263 Technic Plate 1 x 4 with Holes1×4板4262 Technic Plate 1 x 6 with Holes 1×6板1×8板4032 Plate 2 x 2 Round2×22817 Plate 2 x 2 with Hole 2×2板3021 Plate 2 x 32×3020 Plate 2 x 42×3795 Plate 2 x 62×3034 Plate 2 x 82×3832 Plate 2 x 102×10 2445 Plate 2 x 122×12板3738 Technic Plate 2 x 8 with Holes2×8板2419 Plate 3 x 6 without Corners 3×6板3031 Plate 4 x 44×3032 Plate 4 x 64×3035 Plate 4 x 8 4×3030 Plate 4 x 10 4×103811 Baseplate 32 x 32 32×板6541 Technic Brick 1 x 1 with Hole 1×32064 Technic Brick 1 x 2 with Axlehole 1×2梁3700 Technic Brick 1 x 2 with Hole 1×32000 Technic Brick 1 x 2 with Holes 1×2梁3701 Technic Brick 1 x 4 with Holes 1×3894 Technic Brick 1 x 6 with Holes 1×1×103895 Technic Brick 1 x 12 with Holes 1×1232018 Technic Brick 1 x 14 with Holes 1×143703 Technic Brick 1 x 16 with Holes 1×166632 Technic Liftarm 1 x 3 1×3杆32056 Technic Liftarm 3 x 3 L Shape 3×3薄连杆薄连杆2905 Technic Triangle 三角薄连杆32063 Technic Liftarm 1 x 6 1×6杆32065 Technic Liftarm 1 x 7 1×7杆32523 Technic Liftarm 1 x 3 Straight 1×3杆32140 Technic Liftarm 2 x 4 L Shape 2×4厚连杆32316 Technic Liftarm 1 x 5 Straight 1×5杆153 Technic Liftarm 3 x 5 L Shape 3×5厚连杆1×9杆32278 Technic Liftarm 1 x 15Straight1×15杆4274 Technic Pin 1/2 1/2 32002 Technic Pin 3/4 3/4 3673 Technic Pin 光销4459 Technic Pin with Friction 摩擦销6558 Technic Pin Long with Friction 长摩擦销32054 Technic Pin Long with StopBush轴套长销32136 Technic Pin 3L Double 双倍销75535 Technic Pin Joiner Round 连销器3749 Technic Axle Pin 轴销32073 Technic Axle 5 5#轴3706 Technic Axle 6 6#轴3707 Technic Axle 8 8#轴3737 Technic Axle 10 10#轴3708 Technic Axle 12 12#轴32200 Technic Axle Flexible 12 12#软轴32201 Technic Axle Flexible 14 14#软轴套3713 Technic Bush 轴套32013 Technic Angle Connector #1 1#连接器32034 Technic Angle Connector #2 2#连接器32016 Technic Angle Connector #3 3#连接器924 Technic Angle Connector #4 4#连接器32015 Technic Angle Connector #5 5#连接器32014 Technic Angle Connector #6 6#连接器6538 Technic Axle Joiner 连轴器6536 Technic Axle JoinerPerpendicular正交连轴器32291Technic Axle JoinerPerpendicular Double正交双圆孔连轴器器32039 Technic Connector withAxlehole双轴连接器32137 Technic Connector Block 3 x2 x 23×2×接器2853 Technic Engine Crankshaft 摇柄2854 Technic Engine Crankshaft Centre 曲柄6553 Technic Pole Reverser Handle 极性转换手柄9244 Technic Universal Joint 万向节3647 Technic Gear 8 Tooth 8齿圆柱齿轮6589 Technic Gear 12 Tooth Bevel 12齿单面斜齿轮12齿双面速箱6573 Technic Differential New 差速器2855 Technic Turntable Top 大转盘转子2856 Technic Turntable Base 大转盘底座6575 Technic Cam 凸轮2983 Electric Technic Micromotor Pulley微马达滑轮4185 Technic Wedge Belt Wheel 中滑轮680c01 Technic Tread 履带70162 Technic Wedge Belt Wheel Tyre中滑轮轮胎3482 Wheel Centre Large 小车轮3483 Tyre Small 小实心轮胎2346 Tyre Medium 中实心轮胎3634 Tyre 17 x 43 大实心轮胎6582 Wheel 20 x 30 Balloon Medium20×野车轮2902 Tyre 81.6 x 15 Motorcycle 81.6×托车轮胎3937 Hinge 1 x 2 Base 铰链底座3938 Hinge 1 x 2 Top 铰链转子3680 Turntable 2 x 2 Plate Base 2×2底座3679 Turntable 2 x 2 Plate Top 2×2转子75 Technic Flex 塑料管30 Technic Hook Large Metallic 大金属钩32069Technic Steering Arm with 连接臂32125 Technic Rotor 3 Blade with 6Studs 6突点叶片78 Technic Ribbed Hose 120LDULong 软管2909c01 Technic Shock Absorber 9.5L 减震器200658 Technic Pneumatic Airtank 储气罐X189c01 Technic Pneumatic SmallPump 小气泵X191c01 Technic Pneumatic SmallCylinder 小气缸2797c01 Technic Pneumatic Handpump大气泵2793c01 Technic Pneumatic Cylinder大气缸X188 Technic Pneumatic Tubing 橡胶管9831 Electric 9V Battery Box电池箱6035 Electric Light & Sound Brick灯9912 Electric Technic Solar Panel 太阳能电池板9916 Electrical Capacitor电容器9783 Electric Transmitter Tower IRUSB with Black FrontUSB红外发射塔9709 Electric Mindstorms RCX RCX 9885 Sound element - 9v 蜂鸣器5306 Electric Brick 2 x 2 x 2/3 Pairwith 256mm Wire 256mm线5306a Electric Brick 2 x 2 x 2/3 Pairwith 520mm Wire520mm线5306b Electric Brick 2 x 2 x 2/3 Pair1280mmv达5114 Electric Technic Motor 9V高速马达1336 Pole Reverser Switches forBattery Box换极开关9647 Lego Camera 摄像头9911 Touch Sensor 触动传感器9758 Electric Light Sensor 光电传感器。
常用乐高零件清单汇总--精选.docLEGO常用零件清单图形编号英文名称3005 Brick 1 x 13004 Brick 1 x 22458Brick 1 x 2 with Pin3622 Brick 1 x 33010 Brick 1 x 42653Brick 1 x 4 with Groove3009Brick 1 x 63008Brick 1 x 8中文名称1× 1 砖1× 2 砖1× 2 销砖1× 3 砖1× 4 砖1×4 键槽砖1× 6 砖1× 8 砖6111Brick 1 x 101× 10 砖6112Brick 1 x 121× 12 砖2465Brick 1 x 16 3003Brick 2 x 2 2357Brick 2 x 2 Corner 3941Brick 2 x 2 RoundBrick 2 x 2 with Pins 30000and Axlehole 3002Brick 2 x 3 6215Brick 2 x 3 with Curved Top 3001Brick 2 x 4 6249Brick 2 x 4 with Pins 2456Brick 2 x 6 1× 16 砖2× 2 砖2×2 直角砖2× 2 圆砖2× 2 轴孔销砖2× 3 砖2×3 弧面砖2× 4 砖2× 4 销砖2× 6 砖3007Brick 2 x 82× 8 砖3006Brick 2 x 10 6222 Brick 4 x 4 Round with Holes 3040 Slope Brick 45 2 x 1 3665 Slope Brick 45 2 x 1 Inverted 4286 SlopeBrick 33 3 x 1 4287 Slope Brick 33 3 x 1 Inverted 3039 Slope Brick 45 2 x 2 3660 Slope Brick 45 2 x 2 Inverted 3298 Slope Brick 33 3 x 2 3747 Slope Brick 33 3 x 2 Inverted 3070 Tile 1 x 1 3069 Tile 1 x 22431 Tile 1 x 46636 Tile 1 x 62× 10 砖4× 4 轴孔圆砖2×1 斜面砖2× 1 反斜面砖3×1 斜面砖3× 1 反斜面砖2×2 斜面砖2× 2 反斜面砖3×2 斜面砖3× 2 反斜面砖1× 1 瓦片1× 2 瓦片1× 4 瓦片1× 6 瓦片4162 Tile 1 x 8 3068 Tile 2 x 2 4150 Tile 2 x 2 Round 3024 Plate 1 x 1 4073 Plate 1 x 1 Round6019 Plate 1 x 1 with Clip Horizontal4085a Plate 1 x 1 with Clip Vertical 3023 Plate 1 x 2 3794 Plate 1 x 2 with 1 Stud 3127 Plate 1 x 2 with Crane Hook 32028 Plate 1 x 2 with Door Rail 3623 Plate 1 x 3 3710 Plate 1 x 4 3666 Plate 1 x 6 3460 Plate 1 x 81× 8 瓦片2× 2 瓦片2×2 圆瓦片1× 1 板1× 1 圆板1× 1 水平卡口板1× 1 垂直卡口板1× 2 板1× 2 单凸点板1× 2 钩板1× 2 键板1× 3 板1× 4 板1× 6 板4477Plate 1 x 101× 10 板4263 Technic Plate 1 x 4 with Holes4262 Technic Plate 1 x 6 with Holes 4442 Technic Plate 1 x 8 with Holes2719 Technic Plate 1 x 10 with Holes3022 Plate 2 x 2 2420 Plate 2 x 2 Corner 4032 Plate 2 x 2 Round 2817 Plate 2 x 2 with Hole 3021 Plate 2 x 3 3020 Plate 2 x 4 3795 Plate 2 x 6 3034 Plate 2 x 8 1×4 圆孔板1×6 圆孔板1×8 圆孔板1× 10 圆孔板2× 2 板2×2 转角板2× 2 圆板2×2 轴承板2× 3 板2× 4 板2× 6 板2× 8 板3832Plate 2 x 102× 10 板2445Plate 2 x 123956Bracket 2 x 2 - 2 x 2 3709b Technic Plate 2 x 4 with Holes Technic Plate 2 x 6 with Hole 32001sTechnic Plate 2 x 8 with Hole 3738s2419Plate 3 x 6 without Corners 3031Plate 4 x 43032Plate 4 x 63035Plate 4 x 82× 12 板2× 2 直角积木2×4 圆孔板2×6 圆孔板2×8 圆孔板3×6 梯型板4× 4 板4× 6 板3030Plate 4 x 104× 10 板3029Plate 4 x 12 3958Plate 6 x 6 3036Plate 6 x 8 3033Plate 6 x 10 3028Plate 6 x 12 3867Baseplate 16 x 164× 12 板6× 6 板6× 8 板6× 10 板6× 12 板16×16 底板Baseplate 16 x 32 with Square 3857Corners3811Baseplate 32 x 32 6541 Technic Brick 1 x 1 with Hole32064 Technic Brick 1 x 2 with Axlehole3700 Technic Brick 1 x 2 with Hole 32000 Technic Brick 1 x 2 with Holes 3701 Technic Brick 1 x 4 with Holes 3894 Technic Brick 1 x 6 with Holes 16×32 底板32×32 底板1× 1 梁1×2 轴孔梁1× 1 梁1×2 双孔梁1× 4 梁1× 6 梁2744Technic Wing Back1×6 斜面梁3702Technic Brick 1 x 8 with HolesTechnic Brick 1 x 10 with Hole 2730sTechnic Brick 1 x 12 with Hole 3895sTechnic Brick 1 x 14 with Hole 32018sTechnic Brick 1 x 16 with Hole 3703s6632 Technic Liftarm 1 x 3 32056 Technic Liftarm 3 x 3 L Shape 2825 Technic Liftarm 1 x 4 32017 Technic Liftarm 1 x 5 1× 8 梁1× 10 梁1× 12 梁1× 14梁1×3 薄连杆3× 3 直角薄连杆1×4 薄连杆1×5 薄连杆32250 Technic Liftarm 3 x 5 L Shapewith Quarter Oval2905 Technic Triangle 32063 Technic Liftarm 1 x 6 32065 Technic Liftarm 1 x 7 32523 Technic Liftarm 1 x 3 Straight 32140 Technic Liftarm 2 x 4 L Shape 32316 Technic Liftarm 1 x 5 Straight 153 Technic Liftarm 3 x 5 L Shape 6629 Technic Liftarm 1 x 9 Bent 32009 Technic Liftarm 1 x 11.5 Double Bent Technic Liftarm 1 x 9120Straight3× 5 直角薄连杆三角薄连杆1×6 薄连杆1×7 薄连杆1×3 厚连杆2× 4 直角厚连杆1×5 厚连杆3× 5 直角厚连杆1× 9 单弯厚连杆1× 11.5 双弯厚连杆1×9 厚连杆32278 Technic Liftarm 1 x 15Straight4274 Technic Pin 1/2 32002 Technic Pin 3/4 3673 Technic Pin 4459 Technic Pin with Friction 6558 Technic Pin Long with Friction Technic Pin Long with Stop 32054Bush 32136 Technic Pin 3L Double 75535 Technic Pin Joiner Round 3749 Technic Axle Pin 3704 Technic Axle 2 32062 Technic Axle 2 Notched 4519 Technic Axle 3 6587 Technic Axle 3 with Stud3705 Technic Axle 4 32073 Technic Axle 5 1× 15 厚连杆1/2 销3/4 销光销摩擦销长摩擦销轴套长销双倍销连销器轴销2#轴2#限位轴3#轴3#突点轴4#轴5#轴3706Technic Axle 6 3707Technic Axle 8 3737Technic Axle 10 3708Technic Axle 12 32200Technic Axle Flexible 12 32201Technic Axle Flexible 14 32202Technic Axle Flexible 164265c Technic Bush 1/2 Smooth 4265a Technic Bush 1/2 Type I 3713 Technic Bush 32013 Technic Angle Connector #16#轴8#轴10#轴12#轴12#软轴14#软轴16#软轴半轴套齿型半轴套轴套1#连接器32034 Technic Angle Connector #2 32016 Technic Angle Connector #3 924 Technic Angle Connector #4 32015 Technic Angle Connector #5 32014 Technic Angle Connector #6 6538 Technic Axle JoinerTechnic Axle Joiner 6536PerpendicularTechnic Axle Joiner 32291Perpendicular DoubleTechnic Axle Joiner 32184Perpendicular 3LTechnic Axle Joiner 32068Perpendicular 3 Long 3651 Technic ConnectorTechnic Connector with 32039Axlehole32137 Technic Connector Block 3 x2 x 22853 Technic Engine CrankshaftTechnic Engine Crankshaft Ce 2854ntre2#连接器3#连接器4#连接器5#连接器6#连接器连轴器正交连轴器正交双圆孔连轴器正交双轴孔连轴器长正交连轴器销轴连接器双轴连接器3× 2×2 连接器摇柄曲柄6553 Technic Pole Reverser Handle 9244 Technic Universal Joint 3647 Technic Gear 8 Tooth 6589 Technic Gear 12 Tooth Bevel Technic Gear 12 Tooth 32270Double Bevel 4019 Technic Gear 16 Tooth32296 Technic Gear 20 Tooth DoubleBevel3648 Technic Gear 24 Tooth 60c01 T echnic Gear 24 Tooth Clutch 3650A Technic Gear 24 Tooth Crown 3649 Technic Gear 40 Tooth3711 Technic Link Chain 3873 Technic Link Tread极性转换手柄万向节8齿圆柱齿轮12齿单面斜齿轮12齿双面斜齿轮16齿圆柱齿轮20齿双面斜齿轮24齿圆柱齿轮24齿离合齿轮24齿冠齿轮40齿圆柱齿轮细链条宽链条3743Technic Gear Rack 1 x 4Technic Gear Rack 1 x 8 with 6630HolesTechnic Gear Rack 1 x 10 with 6592Holes4716Technic Worm Screw 6588T echnic Gearbox 2 x 4 x 7 6573Technic Differential New 2855Technic Turntable Top 2856Technic Turntable Base6575Technic CamElectric Technic Micromotor P 2983ulley1× 4 齿条1× 8 带孔齿条1× 10 带孔齿条蜗杆2× 4×7 变速箱差速器大转盘转子大转盘底座凸轮微马达滑轮4185Technic Wedge Belt Wheel 3736Technic Pulley Large 32007Technic Tread Sprocket Wheel 680c01Technic Tread 70162 Technic Wedge Belt Wheel Tyre3482 Wheel Centre Large 3483 Tyre Small 2346 Tyre Medium 中滑轮大滑轮履带轮履带中滑轮轮胎小车轮小实心轮胎中实心轮胎3634Tyre 17 x 43大实心轮胎Wheel 20 x 30 Balloon Mediu 6582m6581Tyre 20 x 30 Balloon Medium 2994 Wheel 30.4 x 14 VR 6578 Tyre 30.4 x 14 VR 6580Wheel 43.2 x 28 Balloon Small 6579Tyre 43.2 x 28 Balloon Small 6595Wheel 49.6 x 28 VR 20× 30 越野车轮20× 30 越野轮胎30.4×14 宽车轮30.4×14 宽轮胎43.2×28 越野车轮43.2×28 越野轮胎49.6×28 宽车轮6594Tyre 49.6 x 28 VR 49.6×28 宽轮胎2903Wheel 81.6 x 15 Motorcycle 2902Tyre 81.6 x 15 Motorcycle3937 Hinge 1 x 2 Base 3938 Hinge 1 x 2 Top 3680 Turntable 2 x 2 Plate Base 3679 Turntable 2 x 2 Plate Top75 Technic Flex30Technic Hook Large MetallicTechnic Steering Arm with 32069Connectors81.6×15 摩托车轮81.6×15 摩托车轮胎铰链底座铰链转子2× 2 转盘底座2× 2 转盘转子塑料管大金属钩连接臂2952Propellor 2 Blade 9 Diameter螺旋桨2711 Technic Rotor 2 Blade with 2Studs2712 Technic Rotor 3 Blade32124 Technic Rotor 2 Blade with 4Studs32125 Technic Rotor 3 Blade with 6Studs78 Technic Ribbed Hose 120LDULong2909c01 Technic Shock Absorber 9.5L 200658Technic Pneumatic AirtankX189c01 Technic Pneumatic SmallPumpX191c01 Technic Pneumatic SmallCylinder2797c01 Technic Pneumatic Handpump 2793c01 Technic Pneumatic Cylinder5218 Technic PneumaticT-Connector2凸点叶片3突点叶片4突点叶片6突点叶片软管减震器储气罐小气泵小气缸大气泵大气缸三通。
LEGO常用零件清单(一)LEGO常用零件清单(二)图形编号英文名称中文名称3005 Brick??1?x??11×1砖3004 Brick??1?x??21×2砖2458 Brick??1?x??2?with?Pin1×2销砖3622 Brick??1?x??31×3砖3010 Brick??1?x??41×4砖2653 Brick??1?x??4?with?Groove1×4键槽砖3009 Brick??1?x??61×6砖3008 Brick??1?x??81×8砖6111 Brick??1?x?10 1×10砖6112 Brick??1?x?12 1×12砖2465 Brick??1?x?16 1×16砖3003 Brick??2?x??22×2砖2357 Brick??2?x??2?Corner2×2直角砖3941 Brick??2?x??2?Round2×2圆砖Brick??2?x??2?with?Pins?2×2轴孔销砖30000and?Axlehole3002 Brick??2?x??32×3砖2×3弧面砖6215 Brick??2?x??3?with?Curved?Top3001 Brick??2?x??42×4砖6249 Brick??2?x??4 with Pins 2×4销砖2456 Brick??2?x??62×6砖3007 Brick??2?x??82×8砖3006 Brick??2?x?102×10砖6222 Brick??4?x??4?Round?with?Holes4×4轴孔圆砖3040 Slope?Brick?45??2?x??1 2×1斜面砖3665 Slope?Brick?45??2?x??1?Inverted2×1反斜面砖4286 Slope?Brick?33??3?x??13×1斜面砖4287 Slope?Brick?33??3?x??1?Inverted3×1反斜面砖3039 Slope?Brick?45??2?x??2 2×2斜面砖3660 Slope?Brick?45??2?x??2?Inverted2×2反斜面砖3298 Slope?Brick?33??3?x??23×2斜面砖3747 Slope?Brick?33??3?x??2?Inverted3×2反斜面砖3070 Tile??1?x??1 1×1瓦片3069 Tile??1?x??2 1×2瓦片2431 Tile??1?x??4 1×4瓦片6636 Tile??1?x??6 1×6瓦片4162 Tile??1?x??8 1×8瓦片3068 Tile??2?x??2 2×2瓦片4150 Tile??2?x??2?Round 2×2圆瓦片3024 Plate??1?x??1 1×1板4073 Plate??1?x??1?Round1×1圆板6019 Plate??1?x??1?with?Clip?Horizontal1×1水平卡口板4085a Plate??1?x??1?with?Clip?Vertical1×1垂直卡口板3023 Plate??1?x??21×2板3794 Plate??1?x??2?with?1?Stud1×2 单凸点板3127 Plate??1?x??2?with?Crane?Hook1×2钩板32028 Plate??1?x??2?with?Door?Rail1×2键板3623 Plate??1?x??31×3板3710 Plate??1?x??41×4板3666 Plate??1?x??61×6板3460 Plate??1?x??81×8板4477 Plate??1?x?101×10板4263 Technic?Plate??1?x??4?with?Holes1×4圆孔板4262 Technic?Plate?1?x?6?with?Holes1×6圆孔板4442 Technic?Plate?1?x?8?with?Holes1×8圆孔板2719 Technic?Plate?1?x?10?with?Holes1×10圆孔板3022 Plate??2?x??22×2板2420 Plate??2?x??2?Corner2×2转角板4032 Plate??2?x??2?Round2×2圆板2817 Plate??2?x??2?with?Hole2×2轴承板3021 Plate??2?x??32×3板3020 Plate??2?x??42×4板3795 Plate??2?x??62×6板3034 Plate??2?x??82×8板3832 Plate??2?x?102×10板2445 Plate??2?x?122×12板3956 Bracket??2?x??2?-??2?x??22×2直角积木3709b Technic?Plate?2?x?4?with?Holes2×4圆孔板32001 Technic?Plate??2?x??6?with?Holes2×6圆孔板3738 Technic?Plate??2?x??8?with?Holes2×8圆孔板2419 Plate??3?x??6?without?Corners3×6梯型板3031 Plate??4?x??44×4板3032 Plate??4?x??64×6板3035 Plate??4?x??8 4×8板3030 Plate??4?x??10 4×10板3029 Plate??4?x??12 4×12板3958 Plate??6?x??6 6×6板3036 Plate??6?x??86×8板3033 Plate??6?x?106×10板3028 Plate??6?x?12 6×12板3867 Baseplate?16?x?1616×16底板3857 Baseplate?16?x?32?with?Square?Corners16×32底板3811 Baseplate?32?x?32 32×32底板6541 Technic?Brick?1?x?1?with?Hole1×1梁32064 Technic?Brick?1?x?2?with?Axlehole1×2轴孔梁3700 Technic?Brick?1?x?2?with?Hole1×1梁32000 Technic?Brick?1?x?2?with?Holes1×2双孔梁3701 Technic?Brick?1?x?4?with?Holes1×4梁3894 Technic?Brick?1?x?6?with?Holes1×6梁2744 Technic?Wing?Back 1×6斜面梁3702 Technic?Brick?1?x?8?with?Holes1×8梁2730 Technic?Brick?1?x?10?with?Holes1×10梁3895 Technic?Brick?1?x?12?with?Holes1×12梁32018 Technic?Brick?1?x?14?with?Holes1×14梁3703 Technic?Brick?1?x?16?with?Holes1×16梁6632 Technic?Liftarm?1?x?3 1×3薄连杆32056 Technic?Liftarm?3?x?3?L?Shape3×3直角薄连杆2825 Technic?Liftarm?1?x?4 1×4薄连杆32017 Technic?Liftarm?1?x?5 1×5薄连杆32250 Technic?Liftarm?3?x?5?L?Shape?with?Quarter?Oval3×5直角薄连杆2905 Technic?Triangle 三角薄连杆32063 Technic?Liftarm?1?x?6 1×6薄连杆32065 Technic?Liftarm?1?x?7 1×7薄连杆32523 Technic?Liftarm?1?x?3?Straight1×3厚连杆32140 Technic?Liftarm?2?x?4?L?Shape2×4直角厚连杆32316 Technic?Liftarm?1?x?5?Straight1×5厚连杆153 Technic?Liftarm?3?x?5?L?Shape3×5直角厚连杆6629 Technic?Liftarm?1?x?9?Bent 1×9单弯厚连杆32009 Technic?Liftarm?1?x??Double?Bent1×双弯厚连杆120 Technic Liftarm 1 x 9Straight1×9厚连杆32278 Technic Liftarm 1 x 15Straight1×15厚连杆4274 Technic?Pin?1/2 1/2销32002 Technic?Pin?3/4 3/4销3673 Technic?Pin 光销4459 Technic?Pin?with?Friction 摩擦销6558 Technic?Pin?Long?with?Friction长摩擦销32054Technic?Pin?Long?with?Stop?Bush轴套长销32136 Technic?Pin??3L?Double 双倍销75535 Technic?Pin?Joiner?Round 连销器3749 Technic?Axle?Pin 轴销3704 Technic?Axle??2 2#轴32062 Technic?Axle??2?Notched 2#限位轴4519 Technic?Axle??3 3#轴6587 Technic?Axle??3?with?Stud 3#突点轴3705 Technic?Axle??4 4#轴32073 Technic?Axle??5 5#轴3706 Technic?Axle??6 6#轴3707 Technic?Axle??8 8#轴3737 Technic?Axle?10 10#轴3708 Technic?Axle?12 12#轴32200 Technic?Axle?Flexible?12 12#软轴32201 Technic?Axle?Flexible?14 14#软轴32202 Technic?Axle?Flexible?16 16#软轴4265c Technic?Bush?1/2?Smooth 半轴套4265a Technic?Bush?1/2?Type?I 齿型半轴套3713 Technic?Bush 轴套32013 Technic?Angle?Connector?#1 1#连接器32034 Technic?Angle?Connector?#2 2#连接器32016 Technic?Angle?Connector?#3 3#连接器924 Technic?Angle?Connector?#4 4#连接器32015 Technic?Angle?Connector?#5 5#连接器32014 Technic?Angle?Connector?#6 6#连接器6538 Technic?Axle?Joiner 连轴器6536Technic?Axle?Joiner?Perpendicular正交连轴器32291Technic?Axle?Joiner?Perpendicular?Double正交双圆孔连轴器32184Technic?Axle?Joiner?Perpendicular?3L正交双轴孔连轴器32068Technic?Axle?Joiner?Perpendicular?3?Long长正交连轴器3651 Technic?Connector 销轴连接器32039Technic?Connector?with?Axlehole双轴连接器32137 Technic?Connector?Block??3?x??2?x??23×2×2连接器2853 Technic?Engine?Crankshaft 摇柄2854 Technic?Engine?Crankshaft?Centre曲柄6553 Technic?Pole?Reverser?Handle极性转换手柄9244 Technic?Universal?Joint 万向节3647 Technic?Gear?8?Tooth 8齿圆柱齿轮6589 Technic?Gear?12?Tooth?Bevel 12齿单面斜齿轮32270Technic?Gear?12?Tooth?Double?Bevel12齿双面斜齿轮4019 Technic?Gear?16?Tooth 16齿圆柱齿轮32296 Technic?Gear?20?Tooth?Double?Bevel20齿双面斜齿轮3648 Technic?Gear?24?Tooth 24齿圆柱齿轮60c01 Technic?Gear?24?Tooth?Clutch24齿离合齿轮3650A Technic?Gear?24?Tooth?Crown24齿冠齿轮3649 Technic?Gear?40?Tooth 40齿圆柱齿轮3711 Technic?Link?Chain 细链条3873 Technic?Link?Tread 宽链条3743 Technic?Gear?Rack?1?x?4 1×4齿条6630 Technic?Gear?Rack?1?x?8?with?Holes1×8带孔齿条6592 Technic?Gear?Rack?1?x?10?with?Holes1×10带孔齿条4716 Technic?Worm?Screw 蜗杆6588 Technic?Gearbox??2?x??4?x??72×4×7变速箱6573 Technic?Differential?New 差速器2855 Technic?Turntable?Top 大转盘转子2856 Technic?Turntable?Base 大转盘底座6575 Technic?Cam 凸轮2983 Electric?Technic?Micromotor?Pulley微马达滑轮4185 Technic?Wedge?Belt?Wheel 中滑轮3736 Technic?Pulley?Large 大滑轮32007 Technic?Tread?Sprocket?Wheel履带轮680c01 Technic?Tread 履带70162 Technic?Wedge?Belt?Wheel?Tyre中滑轮轮胎3482 Wheel?Centre?Large 小车轮3483 Tyre?Small 小实心轮胎2346 Tyre?Medium 中实心轮胎3634 Tyre?17?x?43 大实心轮胎6582 Wheel?20?x?30?Balloon?Medium20×30越野车轮6581 Tyre?20?x?30?Balloon?Medium20×30越野轮胎2994 Wheel??x?14?VR ×14宽车轮6578 Tyre??x?14?VR ×14宽轮胎6580 Wheel??x?28?Balloon?Small ×28越野车轮6579 Tyre??x?28?Balloon?Small ×28越野轮胎6595 Wheel??x?28?VR ×28宽车轮6594 Tyre??x?28?VR ×28宽轮胎2903 Wheel??x?15?Motorcycle ×15摩托车轮2902 Tyre??x?15?Motorcycle ×15摩托车轮胎3937 Hinge?1?x?2?Base 铰链底座3938 Hinge?1?x?2?Top 铰链转子3680 Turntable 2 x 2 Plate Base 2×2转盘底座3679 Turntable??2?x??2?Plate?Top2×2转盘转子75 Technic?Flex 塑料管30 Technic?Hook?Large?Metallic 大金属钩32069Technic?Steering?Arm?with?Connectors连接臂2952 Propellor??2?Blade??9?Diameter螺旋桨2711 Technic?Rotor?2?Blade?with?2?Studs2凸点叶片2712 Technic?Rotor?3?Blade 3突点叶片32124 Technic?Rotor?2?Blade?with?4?Studs4突点叶片32125 Technic?Rotor?3?Blade?with?6?Studs6突点叶片78 Technic?Ribbed?Hose?120LDU?Long软管2909c01 Technic?Shock?Absorber? 减震器200658 Technic?Pneumatic?Airtank 储气罐X189c01 Technic Pneumatic SmallPump小气泵X191c01 Technic Pneumatic SmallCylinder小气缸2797c01 Technic Pneumatic Handpump大气泵2793c01 Technic Pneumatic Cylinder大气缸5218 Technic PneumaticT-Connector三通4694 Technic Pneumatic AirSwitches气阀X188 Technic Pneumatic Tubing 橡胶管6035 Electric?Light?&?Sound?Brick灯5306 Electric Brick 2 x 2 x 2/3 Pairwith 256mm Wire256mm导线5306a Electric Brick 2 x 2 x 2/3 Pairwith 520mm Wire520mm导线5306b Electric Brick 2 x 2 x 2/3 Pairwith 1280mm Wire1280mm导线5225 Electric?Technic?Mini-Motor??9v大功率马达。
常用乐高零件清单以下是LEGO 常用零件清单:图形编号 3005,英文名称为 Brick 1 x 1,中文名称为 1×1 砖。
图形编号 3004,英文名称为 Brick 1 x 2,中文名称为 1×2 砖。
图形编号 2458,英文名称为 Brick 1 x 2 with Pin,中文名称为 1×2 销砖。
图形编号 3622,英文名称为 Brick 1 x 3,中文名称为 1×3 砖。
图形编号 3010,英文名称为 Brick 1 x 4,中文名称为 1×4 砖。
图形编号 2653,英文名称为 Brick 1 x 4 with Groove,中文名称为 1×4 键槽砖。
图形编号 3009,英文名称为 Brick 1 x 6,中文名称为 1×6 砖。
图形编号 3008,英文名称为 Brick 1 x 8,中文名称为 1×8 砖。
图形编号 6111,英文名称为 Brick 1 x 10,中文名称为1×10 砖。
图形编号 6112,英文名称为 Brick 1 x 12,中文名称为1×12 砖。
图形编号 2465,英文名称为 Brick 1 x 16,中文名称为1×16 砖。
图形编号 3003,英文名称为 Brick 2 x 2,中文名称为 2×2 砖。
图形编号 2357,英文名称为 Brick 2 x 2 Corner,中文名称为 2×2 直角砖。
图形编号 3941,英文名称为 Brick 2 x 2 Round,中文名称为 2×2 圆砖。
图形编号,3002 和 Axlehole,英文名称为 Brick 2 x 2with Pins,中文名称为 2×2 轴孔销砖。
图形编号 3002,英文名称为 Brick 2 x 3,中文名称为 2×3 砖。
图形编号 6215,英文名称为 Brick 2 x 3 with Curved Top,中文名称为 2×3 弧面砖。
LEGO常用零件清单(一)LEGO常用零件清单(二)图形编号英文名称中文名称3005 Brick 1 x 11×1砖3004 Brick 1 x 21×2砖2458 Brick 1 x 2 with Pin1×2销砖3622 Brick 1 x 31×3砖3010 Brick 1 x 41×4砖2653 Brick 1 x 4 with Groove1×4键槽砖3009 Brick 1 x 61×6砖3008 Brick 1 x 81×8砖6111 Brick 1 x 10 1×10砖6112 Brick 1 x 12 1×12砖2465 Brick 1 x 16 1×16砖3003 Brick 2 x 22×2砖2357 Brick 2 x 2 Corner2×2直角砖3941 Brick 2 x 2 Round2×2圆砖30000Brick 2 x 2 with Pinsand Axlehole2×2轴孔销砖3002 Brick 2 x 32×3砖6215 Brick 2 x 3 with CurvedTop2×3弧面砖3001 Brick 2 x 42×4砖6249 Brick 2 x 4 with Pins 2×4销砖2456 Brick 2 x 62×6砖3007 Brick 2 x 82×8砖3006 Brick 2 x 102×10砖6222 Brick 4 x 4 Round with Holes4×4轴孔圆砖3040 Slope Brick 45 2 x 1 2×1斜面砖3665 Slope Brick 45 2 x 1 Inverted2×1反斜面砖4286 Slope Brick 33 3 x 13×1斜面砖4287 Slope Brick 33 3 x 1 Inverted3×1反斜面砖3039 Slope Brick 45 2 x 2 2×2斜面砖3660 Slope Brick 45 2 x 2 Inverted2×2反斜面砖3298 Slope Brick 33 3 x 23×2斜面砖3747 Slope Brick 33 3 x 2 Inverted3×2反斜面砖3070 Tile 1 x 1 1×1瓦片3069 Tile 1 x 2 1×2瓦片2431 Tile 1 x 4 1×4瓦片6636 Tile 1 x 6 1×6瓦片4162 Tile 1 x 8 1×8瓦片3068 Tile 2 x 2 2×2瓦片4150 Tile 2 x 2 Round 2×2圆瓦片3024 Plate 1 x 1 1×1板4073 Plate 1 x 1 Round1×1圆板6019 Plate 1 x 1 with Clip Horizontal1×1水平卡口板4085a Plate 1 x 1 with Clip Vertical1×1垂直卡口板3023 Plate 1 x 21×2板3794 Plate 1 x 2 with 1 Stud1×2 单凸点板3127 Plate 1 x 2 with Crane Hook1×2钩板32028 Plate 1 x 2 with Door Rail1×2键板3623 Plate 1 x 31×3板3710 Plate 1 x 41×4板3666 Plate 1 x 61×6板3460 Plate 1 x 81×8板4477 Plate 1 x 101×10板4263 Technic Plate 1 x 4 withHoles1×4圆孔板4262 Technic Plate 1 x 6 with Holes1×6圆孔板4442 Technic Plate 1 x 8 with Holes1×8圆孔板2719 Technic Plate 1 x 10 with Holes1×10圆孔板3022 Plate 2 x 22×2板2420 Plate 2 x 2 Corner2×2转角板4032 Plate 2 x 2 Round2×2圆板2817 Plate 2 x 2 with Hole2×2轴承板3021 Plate 2 x 32×3板3020 Plate 2 x 42×4板3795 Plate 2 x 62×6板3034 Plate 2 x 82×8板3832 Plate 2 x 102×10板2445 Plate 2 x 122×12板3956 Bracket 2 x 2 - 2 x22×2直角积木3709b Technic Plate 2 x 4 with Holes2×4圆孔板32001 Technic Plate 2 x 6 withHoles2×6圆孔板3738 Technic Plate 2 x 8 withHoles2×8圆孔板2419 Plate 3 x 6 without Corners3×6梯型板3031 Plate 4 x 44×4板3032 Plate 4 x 64×6板3035 Plate 4 x 8 4×8板3030 Plate 4 x 10 4×10板3029 Plate 4 x 12 4×12板3958 Plate 6 x 6 6×6板3036 Plate 6 x 86×8板3033 Plate 6 x 106×10板3028 Plate 6 x 12 6×12板3867 Baseplate 16 x 1616×16底板3857 Baseplate 16 x 32 with SquareCorners16×32底板3811 Baseplate 32 x 32 32×32底板6541 Technic Brick 1 x 1 with Hole1×1梁32064 Technic Brick 1 x 2 with Axlehole1×2轴孔梁3700 Technic Brick 1 x 2 with Hole1×1梁32000 Technic Brick 1 x 2 with Holes1×2双孔梁3701 Technic Brick 1 x 4 with Holes1×4梁3894 Technic Brick 1 x 6 with Holes1×6梁2744 Technic Wing Back 1×6斜面梁3702 Technic Brick 1 x 8 with Holes1×8梁2730 Technic Brick 1 x 10 with Holes1×10梁3895 Technic Brick 1 x 12 with Holes1×12梁32018 Technic Brick 1 x 14 with Holes1×14梁3703 Technic Brick 1 x 16 with Holes1×16梁6632 Technic Liftarm 1 x 3 1×3薄连杆32056 Technic Liftarm 3 x 3 L Shape3×3直角薄连杆2825 Technic Liftarm 1 x 4 1×4薄连杆32017 Technic Liftarm 1 x 5 1×5薄连杆32250 Technic Liftarm 3 x 5 L Shape with Quarter Oval3×5直角薄连杆2905 Technic Triangle 三角薄连杆32063 Technic Liftarm 1 x 6 1×6薄连杆32065 Technic Liftarm 1 x 7 1×7薄连杆32523 Technic Liftarm 1 x 3 Straight1×3厚连杆32140 Technic Liftarm 2 x 4 L Shape2×4直角厚连杆32316 Technic Liftarm 1 x 5 Straight1×5厚连杆153 Technic Liftarm 3 x 5 L Shape3×5直角厚连杆6629 Technic Liftarm 1 x 9 Bent 1×9单弯厚连杆32009 Technic Liftarm 1 x 11.5 Double Bent1×11.5双弯厚连杆120 Technic Liftarm 1 x 9Straight1×9厚连杆32278 Technic Liftarm 1 x 15Straight1×15厚连杆4274 Technic Pin 1/2 1/2销32002 Technic Pin 3/4 3/4销3673 Technic Pin 光销4459 Technic Pin with Friction 摩擦销6558 Technic Pin Long with Friction 长摩擦销32054Technic Pin Long with StopBush轴套长销32136 Technic Pin 3L Double 双倍销75535 Technic Pin Joiner Round 连销器3749 Technic Axle Pin 轴销3704 Technic Axle 2 2#轴32062 Technic Axle 2 Notched 2#限位轴4519 Technic Axle 3 3#轴6587 Technic Axle 3 with Stud 3#突点轴3705 Technic Axle 4 4#轴32073 Technic Axle 5 5#轴3706 Technic Axle 6 6#轴3707 Technic Axle 8 8#轴3737 Technic Axle 10 10#轴3708 Technic Axle 12 12#轴32200 Technic Axle Flexible 12 12#软轴32201 Technic Axle Flexible 14 14#软轴32202 Technic Axle Flexible 16 16#软轴4265c Technic Bush 1/2 Smooth 半轴套4265a Technic Bush 1/2 Type I 齿型半轴套3713 Technic Bush 轴套32013 Technic Angle Connector #1 1#连接器32034 Technic Angle Connector #2 2#连接器32016 Technic Angle Connector #3 3#连接器924 Technic Angle Connector #4 4#连接器32015 Technic Angle Connector #5 5#连接器32014 Technic Angle Connector #6 6#连接器6538 Technic Axle Joiner 连轴器6536Technic Axle JoinerPerpendicular正交连轴器32291Technic Axle JoinerPerpendicular Double正交双圆孔连轴器32184Technic Axle JoinerPerpendicular 3L正交双轴孔连轴器32068Technic Axle JoinerPerpendicular 3 Long长正交连轴器3651 Technic Connector 销轴连接器32039Technic Connector withAxlehole双轴连接器32137 Technic Connector Block 3 x2 x 23×2×2连接器2853 Technic Engine Crankshaft 摇柄2854 Technic Engine Crankshaft Centre曲柄6553 Technic Pole Reverser Handle 极性转换手柄9244 Technic Universal Joint 万向节3647 Technic Gear 8 Tooth 8齿圆柱齿轮6589 Technic Gear 12 Tooth Bevel 12齿单面斜齿轮32270Technic Gear 12 ToothDouble Bevel12齿双面斜齿轮4019 Technic Gear 16 Tooth 16齿圆柱齿轮32296 Technic Gear 20 Tooth DoubleBevel20齿双面斜齿轮3648 Technic Gear 24 Tooth 24齿圆柱齿轮60c01 Technic Gear 24 Tooth Clutch 24齿离合齿轮3650A Technic Gear 24 Tooth Crown 24齿冠齿轮3649 Technic Gear 40 Tooth 40齿圆柱齿轮3711 Technic Link Chain 细链条3873 Technic Link Tread 宽链条3743 Technic Gear Rack 1 x 4 1×4齿条6630 Technic Gear Rack 1 x 8 withHoles1×8带孔齿条6592 Technic Gear Rack 1 x 10 with Holes1×10带孔齿条4716 Technic Worm Screw 蜗杆6588 Technic Gearbox 2 x 4 x72×4×7变速箱6573 Technic Differential New 差速器2855 Technic Turntable Top 大转盘转子2856 Technic Turntable Base 大转盘底座6575 Technic Cam 凸轮2983 Electric Technic Micromotor Pulley微马达滑轮4185 Technic Wedge Belt Wheel 中滑轮3736 Technic Pulley Large 大滑轮32007 Technic Tread Sprocket Wheel 履带轮680c01 Technic Tread 履带70162 Technic Wedge Belt Wheel Tyre 中滑轮轮胎3482 Wheel Centre Large 小车轮3483 Tyre Small 小实心轮胎2346 Tyre Medium 中实心轮胎3634 Tyre 17 x 43 大实心轮胎6582 Wheel 20 x 30 Balloon Medium 20×30越野车轮6581 Tyre 20 x 30 Balloon Medium 20×30越野轮胎2994 Wheel 30.4 x 14 VR 30.4×14宽车轮6578 Tyre 30.4 x 14 VR 30.4×14宽轮胎6580 Wheel 43.2 x 28 Balloon Small 43.2×28越野车轮6579 Tyre 43.2 x 28 Balloon Small 43.2×28越野轮胎6595 Wheel 49.6 x 28 VR 49.6×28宽车轮6594 Tyre 49.6 x 28 VR 49.6×28宽轮胎2903 Wheel 81.6 x 15 Motorcycle 81.6×15摩托车轮2902 Tyre 81.6 x 15 Motorcycle 81.6×15摩托车轮胎3937 Hinge 1 x 2 Base 铰链底座3938 Hinge 1 x 2 Top 铰链转子3680 Turntable 2 x 2 Plate Base 2×2转盘底座3679 Turntable 2 x 2 Plate Top2×2转盘转子75 Technic Flex 塑料管30 Technic Hook Large Metallic 大金属钩32069Technic Steering Arm withConnectors连接臂2952 Propellor 2 Blade 9 Diameter螺旋桨2711 Technic Rotor 2 Blade with 2Studs2凸点叶片2712 Technic Rotor 3 Blade 3突点叶片32124 Technic Rotor 2 Blade with 4Studs4突点叶片32125 Technic Rotor 3 Blade with 6Studs6突点叶片78 Technic Ribbed Hose 120LDU Long软管2909c01 Technic Shock Absorber 9.5L 减震器200658 Technic Pneumatic Airtank 储气罐X189c01 Technic Pneumatic Small Pump 小气泵X191c01 Technic Pneumatic Small Cylinder 小气缸2797c01 Technic Pneumatic Handpump大气泵2793c01 Technic Pneumatic Cylinder大气缸5218 Technic Pneumatic T-Connector 三通4694 Technic Pneumatic Air Switches 气阀X188 Technic Pneumatic Tubing 橡胶管6035 Electric Light & Sound Brick灯5306 Electric Brick 2 x 2 x 2/3 Pair with256mm Wire256mm导线5306a Electric Brick 2 x 2 x 2/3 Pair with520mm Wire520mm导线5306b Electric Brick 2 x 2 x 2/3 Pair with1280mm Wire1280mm导线5225 Electric Technic Mini-Motor 9v大功率马达。
Plate 1 x 1 with Clip Vertical
1×1 板 1×1 圆板 1×1 水平卡口板 1×1 垂直卡口板
Plate 1 x 2
1×2 板
Plate 1 x 2 with 1 Stud
1×8 板
Plate 1 x 10
1×10 板
Technic Plate 1 x 4 with Hole s
1×4 圆孔板
Technic Plate 1 x 6 with Holes
1×6 圆孔板
Technic Plate 1 x 8 with Holes
1×8 圆孔板
Brick 2 x 2 Corner
Brick 2 x 2 Round Brick 2 x 2 with Pins
and Axlehole Brick 2 x 3
2×2 砖 2×2 直角砖
2×2 圆砖 2×2 轴孔销砖
2×3 砖
Brick 2 x 3 with Curved Top
2×3 弧面砖
Technic Connector
Technic Connector with Axlehole
连轴器 正交连轴器 正交双圆孔连轴器 正交双轴孔连轴器 长正交连轴器 销轴连接器 双轴连接器
Technic Connector Block 3 x 2x 2
3×2×2 连接器
2853 2854
Technic Engine Crankshaft
Brick2x4with Pins
Brick 2 x 3 with Curved Top
Brick 2 x 4
Brick 2 x 4 with Pins
Brick 2 x 6
Brick 2 x 8
Slope Brick 45 2 x 2
Slope Brick 45 2 x 2 Inverted
Slope Brick 33 3 x 2
Slope Brick 33 3 x 2 Inverted
Plate 1 x 2 with Crane Hook
Plate 1 x 2 with Door Rail
Plate 1 x 3
Plate 1 x 4
Plate 1 x 6
Plate 1 x 8
Brick4x 4 Round with Holes
Slope Brick 45 2 x 1
Slope Brick 45 2 x 1 Inverted
LEGO常用零件清单图形编号英文名称中文名称3005 Brick 1 x 11×1砖3004 Brick 1 x 21×2砖2458 Brick 1 x 2 with Pin1×2销砖3622 Brick 1 x 31×3砖3010 Brick 1 x 41×4砖2653 Brick 1 x 4 with Groove1×4键槽砖3009 Brick 1 x 61×6砖3008 Brick 1 x 81×8砖6111 Brick 1 x 10 1×10砖6112 Brick 1 x 12 1×12砖2465 Brick 1 x 16 1×16砖3003 Brick 2 x 22×2砖2357 Brick 2 x 2 Corner2×2直角砖3941 Brick 2 x 2 Round2×2圆砖Brick 2 x 2 with Pins2×2轴孔销砖30000and Axlehole3002 Brick 2 x 32×3砖6215 Brick 2 x 3 with Curved Top2×3弧面砖3001 Brick 2 x 42×4砖6249 Brick 2 x 4 with Pins 2×4销砖2456 Brick 2 x 62×6砖3007 Brick 2 x 82×8砖3006 Brick 2 x 102×10砖6222 Brick 4 x 4 Round with Holes4×4轴孔圆砖3040 Slope Brick 45 2 x 1 2×1斜面砖3665 Slope Brick 45 2 x 1 Inverted 2×1反斜面砖4286 Slope Brick 33 3 x 13×1斜面砖4287 Slope Brick 33 3 x 1 Inverted3×1反斜面砖3039 Slope Brick 45 2 x 2 2×2斜面砖3660 Slope Brick 45 2 x 2 Inverted 2×2反斜面砖3298 Slope Brick 33 3 x 23×2斜面砖3747 Slope Brick 33 3 x 2 Inverted3×2反斜面砖3070 Tile 1 x 1 1×1瓦片3069 Tile 1 x 2 1×2瓦片2431 Tile 1 x 4 1×4瓦片6636 Tile 1 x 6 1×6瓦片4162 Tile 1 x 8 1×8瓦片3068 Tile 2 x 2 2×2瓦片4150 Tile 2 x 2 Round 2×2圆瓦片3024 Plate 1 x 1 1×1板4073 Plate 1 x 1 Round1×1圆板6019 Plate 1 x 1 with Clip Horizontal1×1水平卡口板4085a Plate 1 x 1 with Clip Vertical1×1垂直卡口板3023 Plate 1 x 21×2板3794 Plate 1 x 2 with 1 Stud1×2 单凸点板3127 Plate 1 x 2 with Crane Hook1×2钩板32028 Plate 1 x 2 with Door Rail1×2键板3623 Plate 1 x 31×3板3710 Plate 1 x 41×4板3666 Plate 1 x 61×6板3460 Plate 1 x 81×8板4477 Plate 1 x 101×10板1×4圆孔板4263 Technic Plate 1 x 4 with Holes4262 Technic Plate 1 x 6 with Holes 1×6圆孔板4442 Technic Plate 1 x 8 with Holes 1×8圆孔板1×10圆孔板2719 Technic Plate 1 x 10 with Holes3022 Plate 2 x 22×2板2420 Plate 2 x 2 Corner2×2转角板4032 Plate 2 x 2 Round2×2圆板2817 Plate 2 x 2 with Hole2×2轴承板3021 Plate 2 x 32×3板3020 Plate 2 x 42×4板3795 Plate 2 x 62×6板3034 Plate 2 x 82×8板3832 Plate 2 x 102×10板2445 Plate 2 x 122×12板3956 Bracket 2 x 2 - 2 x 22×2直角积木3709b Technic Plate 2 x 4 with Holes 2×4圆孔板32001 Technic Plate 2 x 6 with Holes2×6圆孔板3738 Technic Plate 2 x 8 with Holes2×8圆孔板2419 Plate 3 x 6 without Corners3×6梯型板3031 Plate 4 x 44×4板3032 Plate 4 x 64×6板3035 Plate 4 x 8 4×8板3030 Plate 4 x 10 4×10板3029 Plate 4 x 12 4×12板3958 Plate 6 x 6 6×6板3036 Plate 6 x 86×8板3033 Plate 6 x 106×10板3028 Plate 6 x 12 6×12板3867 Baseplate 16 x 1616×16底板3857 Baseplate 16 x 32 with SquareCorners16×32底板3811 Baseplate 32 x 32 32×32底板6541 Technic Brick 1 x 1 with Hole 1×1梁32064 Technic Brick 1 x 2 with Axlehole1×2轴孔梁3700 Technic Brick 1 x 2 with Hole 1×1梁32000 Technic Brick 1 x 2 with Holes 1×2双孔梁3701 Technic Brick 1 x 4 with Holes 1×4梁3894 Technic Brick 1 x 6 with Holes 1×6梁2744 Technic Wing Back 1×6斜面梁3702 Technic Brick 1 x 8 with Holes 1×8梁2730 Technic Brick 1 x 10 with Holes1×10梁3895 Technic Brick 1 x 12 with Holes1×12梁32018 Technic Brick 1 x 14 with Holes1×14梁3703 Technic Brick 1 x 16 with Holes1×16梁6632 Technic Liftarm 1 x 3 1×3薄连杆32056 Technic Liftarm 3 x 3 L Shape 3×3直角薄连杆2825 Technic Liftarm 1 x 4 1×4薄连杆32017 Technic Liftarm 1 x 5 1×5薄连杆32250 Technic Liftarm 3 x 5 L Shapewith Quarter Oval3×5直角薄连杆2905 Technic Triangle 三角薄连杆32063 Technic Liftarm 1 x 6 1×6薄连杆32065 Technic Liftarm 1 x 7 1×7薄连杆32523 Technic Liftarm 1 x 3 Straight 1×3厚连杆32140 Technic Liftarm 2 x 4 L Shape 2×4直角厚连杆32316 Technic Liftarm 1 x 5 Straight 1×5厚连杆153 Technic Liftarm 3 x 5 L Shape 3×5直角厚连杆6629 Technic Liftarm 1 x 9 Bent 1×9单弯厚连杆32009 Technic Liftarm 1 x 11.5 Double Bent1×11.5双弯厚连杆120 Technic Liftarm 1 x 9Straight1×9厚连杆32278 Technic Liftarm 1 x 15Straight1×15厚连杆4274 Technic Pin 1/2 1/2销32002 Technic Pin 3/4 3/4销3673 Technic Pin 光销4459 Technic Pin with Friction 摩擦销6558 Technic Pin Long with Friction 长摩擦销32054Technic Pin Long with StopBush轴套长销32136 Technic Pin 3L Double 双倍销75535 Technic Pin Joiner Round 连销器3749 Technic Axle Pin 轴销3704 Technic Axle 2 2#轴32062 Technic Axle 2 Notched 2#限位轴4519 Technic Axle 3 3#轴6587 Technic Axle 3 with Stud 3#突点轴3705 Technic Axle 4 4#轴32073 Technic Axle 5 5#轴3706 Technic Axle 6 6#轴3707 Technic Axle 8 8#轴3737 Technic Axle 10 10#轴3708 Technic Axle 12 12#轴32200 Technic Axle Flexible 12 12#软轴32201 Technic Axle Flexible 14 14#软轴32202 Technic Axle Flexible 16 16#软轴4265c Technic Bush 1/2 Smooth 半轴套4265a Technic Bush 1/2 Type I 齿型半轴套3713 Technic Bush 轴套32013 Technic Angle Connector #1 1#连接器32034 Technic Angle Connector #2 2#连接器32016 Technic Angle Connector #3 3#连接器924 Technic Angle Connector #4 4#连接器32015 Technic Angle Connector #5 5#连接器32014 Technic Angle Connector #6 6#连接器6538 Technic Axle Joiner 连轴器6536Technic Axle JoinerPerpendicular正交连轴器32291Technic Axle JoinerPerpendicular Double正交双圆孔连轴器32184Technic Axle JoinerPerpendicular 3L正交双轴孔连轴器32068Technic Axle JoinerPerpendicular 3 Long长正交连轴器3651 Technic Connector 销轴连接器32039Technic Connector withAxlehole双轴连接器32137 Technic Connector Block 3 x2 x 23×2×2连接器2853 Technic Engine Crankshaft 摇柄2854 Technic Engine Crankshaft Centre曲柄6553 Technic Pole Reverser Handle 极性转换手柄9244 Technic Universal Joint 万向节3647 Technic Gear 8 Tooth 8齿圆柱齿轮6589 Technic Gear 12 Tooth Bevel 12齿单面斜齿轮Technic Gear 12 Tooth12齿双面斜齿轮32270Double Bevel4019 Technic Gear 16 Tooth 16齿圆柱齿轮20齿双面斜齿轮32296 Technic Gear 20 Tooth DoubleBevel3648 Technic Gear 24 Tooth 24齿圆柱齿轮60c01 Technic Gear 24 Tooth Clutch 24齿离合齿轮3650A Technic Gear 24 Tooth Crown 24齿冠齿轮3649 Technic Gear 40 Tooth 40齿圆柱齿轮3711 Technic Link Chain 细链条3873 Technic Link Tread 宽链条3743 Technic Gear Rack 1 x 4 1×4齿条1×8带孔齿条6630 Technic Gear Rack 1 x 8 withHoles1×10带孔齿条6592 Technic Gear Rack 1 x 10 withHoles4716 Technic Worm Screw 蜗杆6588 Technic Gearbox 2 x 4 x 7 2×4×7变速箱6573 Technic Differential New 差速器2855 Technic Turntable Top 大转盘转子2856 Technic Turntable Base 大转盘底座6575 Technic Cam 凸轮微马达滑轮2983 Electric Technic Micromotor Pulley4185 Technic Wedge Belt Wheel 中滑轮3736 Technic Pulley Large 大滑轮32007 Technic Tread Sprocket Wheel 履带轮680c01 Technic Tread 履带70162 Technic Wedge Belt Wheel Tyre中滑轮轮胎3482 Wheel Centre Large 小车轮3483 Tyre Small 小实心轮胎2346 Tyre Medium 中实心轮胎3634 Tyre 17 x 43 大实心轮胎6582 Wheel 20 x 30 Balloon Medium20×30越野车轮6581 Tyre 20 x 30 Balloon Medium 20×30越野轮胎2994 Wheel 30.4 x 14 VR 30.4×14宽车轮6578 Tyre 30.4 x 14 VR 30.4×14宽轮胎6580 Wheel 43.2 x 28 Balloon Small 43.2×28越野车轮6579 Tyre 43.2 x 28 Balloon Small 43.2×28越野轮胎6595 Wheel 49.6 x 28 VR 49.6×28宽车轮6594 Tyre 49.6 x 28 VR 49.6×28宽轮胎2903 Wheel 81.6 x 15 Motorcycle 81.6×15摩托车轮2902 Tyre 81.6 x 15 Motorcycle 81.6×15摩托车轮胎3937 Hinge 1 x 2 Base 铰链底座3938 Hinge 1 x 2 Top 铰链转子3680 Turntable 2 x 2 Plate Base 2×2转盘底座3679 Turntable 2 x 2 Plate Top2×2转盘转子75 Technic Flex 塑料管30 Technic Hook Large Metallic 大金属钩Technic Steering Arm with连接臂32069Connectors2952 Propellor 2 Blade 9 Diameter 螺旋桨2711 Technic Rotor 2 Blade with 2Studs2凸点叶片2712 Technic Rotor 3 Blade 3突点叶片32124 Technic Rotor 2 Blade with 4Studs4突点叶片32125 Technic Rotor 3 Blade with 6Studs6突点叶片78 Technic Ribbed Hose 120LDULong软管2909c01 Technic Shock Absorber 9.5L 减震器200658 Technic Pneumatic Airtank 储气罐X189c01 Technic Pneumatic SmallPump小气泵X191c01 Technic Pneumatic SmallCylinder小气缸2797c01 Technic Pneumatic Handpump大气泵2793c01 Technic Pneumatic Cylinder大气缸5218 Technic PneumaticT-Connector三通气阀4694 Technic Pneumatic AirSwitchesX188 Technic Pneumatic Tubing 橡胶管9831 Electric 9V Battery Box电池箱6035 Electric Light & Sound Brick灯9912 Electric Technic Solar Panel 太阳能电池板9916 Electrical Capacitor电容器9713 Electric Transmitter Tower串口红外发射塔9783 Electric Transmitter Tower IRUSB with Black FrontUSB接口红外发射塔9709 Electric Mindstorms RCX RCX 9885 Sound element - 9v 蜂鸣器5306 Electric Brick 2 x 2 x 2/3 Pairwith 256mm Wire256mm导线5306a Electric Brick 2 x 2 x 2/3 Pairwith 520mm Wire520mm导线5306b Electric Brick 2 x 2 x 2/3 Pairwith 1280mm Wire1280mm导线5119 Electric Technic Micromotor微马达5225 Electric Technic Mini-Motor 9v大功率马达5114 Electric Technic Motor 9V高速马达1336 Pole Reverser Switches forBattery Box换极开关9647 Lego Camera 摄像头9911 Touch Sensor 触动传感器9758 Electric Light Sensor光电传感器9891 Electric Rotation Sensor角度传感器9889 Temperature Sensor 温度传感器9917 DCP Sensores Adaptador DCP适配器。
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常用乐高零件清单总结————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:LEGO 常用零件清单图形编号英文名称中文名称3005Brick 1 x 11×1砖3004 Brick 1 x 21×2砖2458Brick 1 x 2 with Pin1×2销砖3622Brick 1 x 31×3砖3010 Brick 1 x 41×4砖2653 Brick 1 x 4 with Groove1×4键槽砖3009 Brick 1 x 61×6砖3008 Brick 1 x 81×8砖6111 Brick 1 x 101×10砖6112 Brick 1 x 121×12砖2465 Brick 1 x 16 1×16砖3003 Brick 2 x 22×2砖2357 Brick 2 x 2 Corner2×2直角砖3941 Brick 2 x 2 Round2×2圆砖30000Brick 2 x 2 with Pinsand Axlehole2×2轴孔销砖3002 Brick 2 x 32×3砖6215 Brick 2 x 3 with Curved Top2×3弧面砖3001 Brick 2 x 42×4砖6249 Brick 2 x 4 with Pins 2×4销砖2456 Brick 2 x 62×6砖3007 Brick 2 x 82×8砖3006 Brick 2 x 102×10砖6222 Brick 4 x 4 Round with Holes4×4轴孔圆砖3040 Slope Brick 45 2 x 1 2×1斜面砖3665 Slope Brick 45 2 x 1 Inverted 2×1反斜面砖4286 Slope Brick 33 3 x 13×1斜面砖4287 Slope Brick 33 3 x 1 Inverted3×1反斜面砖3039 Slope Brick 45 2 x 2 2×2斜面砖3660 Slope Brick 45 2 x 2 Inverted 2×2反斜面砖3298 Slope Brick 33 3 x 23×2斜面砖3747 Slope Brick 33 3 x 2 Inverted3×2反斜面砖3070 Tile 1 x 1 1×1瓦片3069 Tile 1 x 2 1×2瓦片2431 Tile 1 x 4 1×4瓦片6636 Tile 1 x 6 1×6瓦片4162 Tile 1 x 8 1×8瓦片3068 Tile 2 x 2 2×2瓦片4150 Tile 2 x 2 Round 2×2圆瓦片3024 Plate 1 x 1 1×1板4073 Plate 1 x 1 Round1×1圆板6019 Plate 1 x 1 with Clip Horizontal1×1水平卡口板4085a Plate 1 x 1 with Clip Vertical1×1垂直卡口板3023 Plate 1 x 21×2板3794 Plate 1 x 2 with 1 Stud1×2 单凸点板3127 Plate 1 x 2 with Crane Hook1×2钩板32028 Plate 1 x 2 with Door Rail1×2键板3623 Plate 1 x 31×3板3710 Plate 1 x 41×4板3666 Plate 1 x 61×6板3460 Plate 1 x 81×8板4477 Plate 1 x 101×10板4263 Technic Plate 1 x 4 with Holes1×4圆孔板4262 Technic Plate 1 x 6 with Holes 1×6圆孔板4442 Technic Plate 1 x 8 with Holes 1×8圆孔板2719 Technic Plate 1 x 10 with Holes1×10圆孔板3022 Plate 2 x 22×2板2420 Plate 2 x 2 Corner2×2转角板4032 Plate 2 x 2 Round2×2圆板2817 Plate 2 x 2 with Hole2×2轴承板3021 Plate 2 x 32×3板3020 Plate 2 x 42×4板3795 Plate 2 x 62×6板3034 Plate 2 x 82×8板3832 Plate 2 x 102×10板2445 Plate 2 x 122×12板3956 Bracket 2 x 2 - 2 x 22×2直角积木3709b Technic Plate 2 x 4 with Holes 2×4圆孔板32001 Technic Plate 2 x 6 with Holes2×6圆孔板3738Technic Plate 2 x 8 with Holes2×8圆孔板2419 Plate 3 x 6 without Corners3×6梯型板3031 Plate 4 x 44×4板3032 Plate 4 x 64×6板3035 Plate 4 x 8 4×8板3030 Plate 4 x 10 4×10板3029 Plate 4 x 12 4×12板3958 Plate 6 x 6 6×6板3036 Plate 6 x 86×8板3033 Plate 6 x 106×10板3028 Plate 6 x 12 6×12板3867 Baseplate 16 x 1616×16底板3857Baseplate 16 x 32 with SquareCorners16×32底板3811 Baseplate 32 x 32 32×32底板6541 Technic Brick 1 x 1 with Hole 1×1梁32064 Technic Brick 1 x 2 with Axlehole1×2轴孔梁3700 Technic Brick 1 x 2 with Hole 1×1梁32000 Technic Brick 1 x 2 with Holes 1×2双孔梁3701 Technic Brick 1 x 4 with Holes 1×4梁3894 Technic Brick 1 x 6 with Holes 1×6梁2744 Technic Wing Back 1×6斜面梁3702 Technic Brick 1 x 8 with Holes 1×8梁2730 Technic Brick 1 x 10 with Holes1×10梁3895 Technic Brick 1 x 12 with Holes1×12梁32018 Technic Brick 1 x 14 with Holes1×14梁3703Technic Brick 1 x 16 with Holes1×16梁6632 Technic Liftarm 1 x 3 1×3薄连杆32056 Technic Liftarm 3 x 3 L Shape 3×3直角薄连杆2825 Technic Liftarm 1 x 4 1×4薄连杆32017 Technic Liftarm 1 x 5 1×5薄连杆32250 Technic Liftarm 3 x 5 L Shapewith Quarter Oval3×5直角薄连杆2905 Technic Triangle 三角薄连杆32063 Technic Liftarm 1 x 6 1×6薄连杆32065 Technic Liftarm 1 x 7 1×7薄连杆32523 Technic Liftarm 1 x 3 Straight 1×3厚连杆32140 Technic Liftarm 2 x 4 L Shape 2×4直角厚连杆32316 Technic Liftarm 1 x 5 Straight 1×5厚连杆153 Technic Liftarm 3 x 5 L Shape 3×5直角厚连杆6629 Technic Liftarm 1 x 9 Bent 1×9单弯厚连杆32009 Technic Liftarm 1 x 11.5 Double Bent1×11.5双弯厚连杆120Technic Liftarm 1 x 9Straight1×9厚连杆32278Technic Liftarm 1 x 15Straight1×15厚连杆4274 Technic Pin 1/2 1/2销32002 Technic Pin 3/4 3/4销3673 Technic Pin 光销4459 Technic Pin with Friction 摩擦销6558 Technic Pin Long with Friction 长摩擦销32054Technic Pin Long with StopBush轴套长销32136 Technic Pin 3L Double 双倍销75535 Technic Pin Joiner Round 连销器3749 Technic Axle Pin 轴销3704 Technic Axle 2 2#轴32062 Technic Axle 2 Notched 2#限位轴4519 Technic Axle 3 3#轴6587 Technic Axle 3 with Stud 3#突点轴3705 Technic Axle 4 4#轴32073 Technic Axle 5 5#轴3706 Technic Axle 6 6#轴3707 Technic Axle 8 8#轴3737 Technic Axle 10 10#轴3708 Technic Axle 12 12#轴32200 Technic Axle Flexible 12 12#软轴32201 Technic Axle Flexible 14 14#软轴32202 Technic Axle Flexible 16 16#软轴4265c Technic Bush 1/2 Smooth 半轴套4265a Technic Bush 1/2 Type I 齿型半轴套3713 Technic Bush 轴套32013 Technic Angle Connector #1 1#连接器32034 Technic Angle Connector #2 2#连接器32016 Technic Angle Connector #3 3#连接器924 Technic Angle Connector #4 4#连接器32015 Technic Angle Connector #5 5#连接器32014 Technic Angle Connector #6 6#连接器6538 Technic Axle Joiner 连轴器6536 Technic Axle JoinerPerpendicular正交连轴器32291Technic Axle JoinerPerpendicular Double正交双圆孔连轴器32184 Technic Axle JoinerPerpendicular 3L正交双轴孔连轴器32068Technic Axle JoinerPerpendicular 3 Long长正交连轴器3651 Technic Connector 销轴连接器32039 Technic Connector withAxlehole双轴连接器32137 Technic Connector Block 3 x2 x 23×2×2连接器2853 Technic Engine Crankshaft 摇柄2854 Technic Engine Crankshaft Centre曲柄6553 Technic Pole Reverser Handle 极性转换手柄9244 Technic Universal Joint 万向节3647 Technic Gear 8 Tooth 8齿圆柱齿轮6589 Technic Gear 12 Tooth Bevel 12齿单面斜齿轮32270Technic Gear 12 ToothDouble Bevel12齿双面斜齿轮4019 Technic Gear 16 Tooth 16齿圆柱齿轮32296 Technic Gear 20 Tooth DoubleBevel20齿双面斜齿轮3648 Technic Gear 24 Tooth 24齿圆柱齿轮60c01 Technic Gear 24 Tooth Clutch 24齿离合齿轮3650A Technic Gear 24 Tooth Crown 24齿冠齿轮3649 Technic Gear 40 Tooth 40齿圆柱齿轮3711 Technic Link Chain 细链条3873 Technic Link Tread 宽链条3743 Technic Gear Rack 1 x 4 1×4齿条6630 Technic Gear Rack 1 x 8 withHoles1×8带孔齿条6592 Technic Gear Rack 1 x 10 withHoles1×10带孔齿条4716 Technic Worm Screw 蜗杆6588 Technic Gearbox 2 x 4 x 7 2×4×7变速箱6573 Technic Differential New 差速器2855 Technic Turntable Top 大转盘转子2856 Technic Turntable Base 大转盘底座6575 Technic Cam 凸轮2983 Electric Technic Micromotor Pulley微马达滑轮4185 Technic Wedge Belt Wheel 中滑轮3736 Technic Pulley Large 大滑轮32007 Technic Tread Sprocket Wheel 履带轮680c01 Technic Tread 履带70162Technic Wedge Belt Wheel Tyre中滑轮轮胎3482 Wheel Centre Large 小车轮3483 Tyre Small 小实心轮胎2346 Tyre Medium 中实心轮胎3634 Tyre 17 x 43 大实心轮胎6582Wheel 20 x 30 Balloon Medium20×30越野车轮6581 Tyre 20 x 30 Balloon Medium 20×30越野轮胎2994 Wheel 30.4 x 14 VR 30.4×14宽车轮6578 Tyre 30.4 x 14 VR 30.4×14宽轮胎6580 Wheel 43.2 x 28 Balloon Small 43.2×28越野车轮6579 Tyre 43.2 x 28 Balloon Small 43.2×28越野轮胎6595 Wheel 49.6 x 28 VR 49.6×28宽车轮6594 Tyre 49.6 x 28 VR 49.6×28宽轮胎2903 Wheel 81.6 x 15 Motorcycle 81.6×15摩托车轮2902 Tyre 81.6 x 15 Motorcycle 81.6×15摩托车轮胎3937 Hinge 1 x 2 Base 铰链底座3938 Hinge 1 x 2 Top 铰链转子3680 Turntable 2 x 2 Plate Base 2×2转盘底座3679 Turntable 2 x 2 Plate Top2×2转盘转子75 Technic Flex 塑料管30 Technic Hook Large Metallic 大金属钩32069Technic Steering Arm withConnectors连接臂2952 Propellor 2 Blade 9 Diameter 螺旋桨2711 Technic Rotor 2 Blade with 2Studs2凸点叶片2712 Technic Rotor 3 Blade 3突点叶片32124Technic Rotor 2 Blade with 4Studs4突点叶片32125 Technic Rotor 3 Blade with 6Studs6突点叶片78Technic Ribbed Hose 120LDULong软管2909c01 Technic Shock Absorber 9.5L 减震器200658 Technic Pneumatic Airtank 储气罐X189c01 Technic Pneumatic SmallPump小气泵X191c01 Technic Pneumatic SmallCylinder小气缸2797c01 Technic Pneumatic Handpump大气泵2793c01 Technic Pneumatic Cylinder大气缸5218 Technic PneumaticT-Connector三通4694 Technic Pneumatic AirSwitches气阀X188 Technic Pneumatic Tubing 橡胶管9831 Electric 9V Battery Box电池箱6035 Electric Light & Sound Brick灯9912 Electric Technic Solar Panel 太阳能电池板9916 Electrical Capacitor电容器9713 Electric Transmitter Tower串口红外发射塔9783Electric Transmitter Tower IRUSB with Black FrontUSB接口红外发射塔9709 Electric Mindstorms RCX RCX9885 Sound element - 9v 蜂鸣器5306Electric Brick 2 x 2 x 2/3 Pairwith 256mm Wire256mm导线5306aElectric Brick 2 x 2 x 2/3 Pairwith 520mm Wire520mm导线5306bElectric Brick 2 x 2 x 2/3 Pairwith 1280mm Wire1280mm导线5119 Electric Technic Micromotor微马达5225 Electric Technic Mini-Motor 9v大功率马达5114 Electric Technic Motor 9V高速马达1336Pole Reverser Switches forBattery Box换极开关9647 Lego Camera 摄像头9911 Touch Sensor 触动传感器9758 Electric Light Sensor光电传感器9891 Electric Rotation Sensor角度传感器9889 Temperature Sensor 温度传感器9917 DCP Sensores Adaptador DCP适配器。