北京理工大学 在线作业成绩查询


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北京各大高校 证书查询网址

北京高校发布:2010-2-5 3:24:01 北京大学教育部北京市本科/2中国人民大学教育部北京市本科/3清华大学教育部北京市本科/4北京交通大学教育部北京市本科/5北京科技大学教育部北京市本科/6中国石油大学教育部北京市本科/7北京邮电大学教育部北京市本科/8北京化工大学教育部北京市本科/9中国农业大学教育部北京市本科/10北京林业大学教育部北京市本科/11北京中医药大学教育部北京市本科/12北京师范大学教育部北京市本科/13北京外国语大学教育部北京市本科/14北京语言大学教育部北京市本科/15对外经济贸易大学教育部北京市本科/16中央财经大学教育部北京市本科/17中国政法大学教育部北京市本科/18中央民族大学国家民委北京市本科/19中国人民公安大学公安部北京市本科/20中国协和医科大学卫生部北京市本科/21北京体育大学国家体育总局北京市本科/22北京理工大学国防科工委北京市本科/23北京航空航天大学国防科工委北京市本科/24北京工商大学北京市北京市本科/25北京联合大学北京市北京市本科/26北京工业大学北京市北京市本科/27北方工业大学北京市北京市本科/28首都医科大学北京市北京市本科/29首都师范大学北京市北京市本科/30首都经济贸易大学北京市北京市本科/31中国传媒大学教育部北京市本科/32国际关系学院教育部北京市本科/33中央美术学院教育部北京市本科/34中央戏剧学院教育部北京市本科/35中央音乐学院教育部北京市本科/36北京电子科技学院中央办公厅北京市本科/37外交学院外交部北京市本科/38中国青年政治学院共青团中央北京市本科/39北京服装学院北京市北京市本科/40北京建筑工程学院北京市北京市本科/41北京机械工业学院北京市北京市本科/42北京印刷学院北京市北京市本科/43北京信息工程学院北京市北京市本科/44首钢工学院北京市北京市本科/45北京石油化工学院北京市北京市本科/46北京农学院北京市北京市本科/47首都体育学院北京市北京市本科/48北京第二外国语学院北京市北京市本科/49北京物资学院北京市北京市本科/50中国音乐学院北京市北京市本科/51中国戏曲学院北京市北京市本科/52北京舞蹈学院北京市北京市本科/53北京电影学院北京市北京市本科/54中国劳动关系学院全国总工会北京市本科/55北京城市学院北京市教委北京市本科/56中华女子学院妇女联合会北京市本科/57北京青年政治学院北京市北京市专科/58北京科技经营管理学院北京市教委北京市专科/59北京信息职业技术学院北京市北京市专科/60北京电子科技职业学院北京市北京市专科/61北京现代职业技术学院北京市北京市专科/62北京政法职业学院北京市北京市专科/63北京工业职业技术学院北京市北京市专科/64北京吉利大学北京市教委北京市专科/65北京农业职业学院北京市北京市专科/66北京戏曲艺术职业学院北京市北京市专科http://北京京北职业技术学院北京市北京市专科/68北京经贸职业学院北京市教委北京市专科/69北京北大方正软件职业技术学院北京市专科/70北京经济技术职业学院北京市教委北京市专科/71北京艺术设计职业学院北京市北京市专科/72北京财贸职业学院北京市北京市专科/73北京汇佳职业学院北京市教委北京市专科/74燕京华侨职业学院北京市教委北京市专科http://www.yan, /75北京科技职业学院北京市北京市专科/。


A. 每秒传输的比特
B. 每秒钟可能发生的信号变化的次数
C. 每秒传输的周期数
D. 每秒传输的字节数
3. 用户请求FTP去其返回当前目录的文件列表时,传输文件列表的链接是___________。
A. 控制连接
B. 数据连接
C. UDP连接
D. 应用连接
4. 电子邮件的特点之一是___________。
C. 比邮政信函、电报、电话、传真都更快
D. 只要在通信双方的计算机之间建立起直接的通信线路后,便可快速传递数字信息
5. 一个用户若想使用电子邮件功能,应当___________。
A. 通过电话得到一个电子邮局的服务支持
B. 使自己的计算机通过网络得到网上一个E-mail服务器的服务支持
A. 802.11的MAC层采用的是CSMA/CA的冲突避免方法
B. 发送站在发送完一帧之后,必须再等待一个短的时间间隔
C. SIFS用于分隔属于一次对话的各帧,如确认ACK帧。FHSS的SIFS值为7us
D. DIFS最长,FHSS的DIFS值为128us
24. 支持在电子邮件中传输汉字信息的协议是___________。
A. 设定生命期
B. 增加校验和
C. 报文分片
D. 增加选项字段
28. 使用浏览器浏览网页时,用户可用鼠标点击某个超级链接,从协议分析的角度看,此时浏览器首先需要进行___________。
A. TCP连接的建立
B. 域名到IP地址的解析
C. IP地址到MAC地址的解析
B. 网络层服务和运输层服务

北京理工大学在线作业管理学答案 (1)

北京理工大学在线作业管理学答案 (1)

题目类型分值正确答案你的答案批改对计划执行中发生的任何偏差都应及时采取矫正措施判断题10.0 错误错误√经济人假设又称为Y理论。

判断题10.0 错误正确×X理论认为人生来并不一定厌恶工作,要求工作是人的本能。

判断题10.0 错误错误√管理跨度原则是指一个领导人要有一个适当的管理跨度判断题10.0 正确正确√社会人假设认为人在进行工作时将物质利益看成次要因素,重视的是和周围人的友好相处、满足社会和归属的需要。

判断题10.0 正确错误×下述哪个不是组织变革的主要方式()单选题10.0 1 2 ×关于在管理活动中是否存在最优决策的问题,人们存在着不同的看法,在下列的观点中,你认为哪项表述最为确切?()?单选题10.0 3 2 ×徐某因业务素质好,被人事部门任命为厂设备科副科长。




你认为造成这种局面的原因是:()单选题10.0 3 3 √一位在政府职能部门多年从事管理工作的中年管理者新近刚被任命为某研究所的所长。


如果要就他如何有效地开展新工作提出原则性建议,你的首选是:()单选题10.0 2 3 ×新港造船厂有两位车间主任,上班提前到岗,下班后工人都走了,他们还逐一熄灯,关门,起早贪黑,活没少干,但任职的管理工作却不够理想。


”这说明()单选题10.0 2 3 ×本次作业总分值:100.0 得分:40.0 正确的题数:4 题目总数:10 正确率:40.0%题目类型分值正确答案你的答案批改为了某中特定目标,经由分工合作、不同层次的权利和责任制度构成的人的集合称为组织。



北理工《操作系统》在线作业一、单选题(共20 道试题,共40 分。

)1. UNIX 系统中,通过()来描述文件的管理控制信息的。

A. 普通文件B. 目录文件C. 文件索引节点D. 特殊文件正确答案:2. 临界区是()A. 一个缓冲区B. 一段必须互斥执行的程序C. 一段共享数据D. 一个互斥资源正确答案:3. CPU 输出数据的速度远远高于打印机的打印速度,为解决这一矛盾,采用()A. 并行技术B. 通道技术C. 缓冲技术D. 虚存技术正确答案:4. 下述()页面淘汰算法会产生BELADY 现象A. 先进先出B. 最近最少使用C. 最不经常使用D. 最佳正确答案:5. 缺页中断率与哪个因素无关()A. 分配给作业的主存块数B. 页面的大小和调度算法C. 程序编制方法D. 作业的逻辑地址正确答案:6. 虚拟存储器的最大容量()A. 为内外存容量之和B. 由计算机的地址结构决定C. 是任意的D. 由作业的地址空间决定正确答案:7. 关于一个分区的存储管理,以下叙述不正确的是()A. 一个分区的存储管理每次只允许一个作业装入主存储器B. 一个分区的存储管理中,必须采用动态重定位的方式进行地址转换C. 一个分区的存储管理适用于单道程序的系统D. 要将一个分区的存储管理运用到分时系统中,需采用与对换技术相结合的方式正确答案:8. 若信号量S的初值为5,当前值为-2,则表示当前系统有()进程在与S相关的队列中等待。

A. 0 个B. l 个C. 2 个D. 3 个正确答案:9. 在可变式分区分配方案中,最佳适应算法是将空闲区在空闲区表中按()次序排列A. 容量递增B. 容量递减C. 地址递增D. 地址递减正确答案:10. 设备管理中提供与设备无关的软件层的目的是()A. 向用户进程提供设备独立性B. 便于用户直接利用低层的软件C. 便于用户编写设备驱动程序D. 都对正确答案:11. 以下有关可变分区管理中采用的主存分配算法说法中错误的是()A. 可变分区管理采用的主存分配算法包括最先适应、最佳适应、最坏适应等算法B. 最先适应算法实现简单,但碎片过多使主存空间利用率低C. 最佳适应算法是最好的算法,但后过的较大作业很难得到满足D. 最差适应算法总是选择最大的空闲区用于分割,使得余下的分区仍可使用正确答案:12. 在UNIX System V 中,系统向用户提供的用于创建新进程的系统调用是()A. readB. forkC. pipeD. exit正确答案:13. 银行家算法是一种()算法。



在线作业自动判卷题目类型分值正确答案你的答案批改The problem has ______ simply because you didn’t follow myinstruction.单选题10.0 3 2 ×The best students are ______ special scholarships. 单选题10.0 2 1 ×Recently the newspapers have reported several _____ on theboundaries of Israel and Jordan.单选题10.0 2 2 √It ______ that the jewels had been stolen by a traveler. 单选题10.0 1 1 √As I am sure Jenny is very honest, I ______ she stole themoney.单选题10.0 4 4 √The football game will be played on _____. 单选题10.0 3 3 √The actual cost of the building was much higher than ouroriginal _____.单选题10.0 3 4 × Robert looked as if he were about to _____ when his motiveswere questioned.单选题10.0 1 1 √In order to look at sea life closely, people have to _____ somekinds of special equipment.单选题10.0 3 1 ×We moved to the front row _____ we could hear and seebetter.单选题10.0 2 2 √本次作业总分值:100.0 得分:60.0 正确的题数:6 题目总数:10 正确率:60.000004%在线作业自动判卷题目类型分值正确答案你的答案批改There is no _____ in applying for that job as you are notproperly qualified.单选题10.0 3 1 × He had been _____ to give up much of his time tohousework.单选题10.0 3 2 ×We don’t like it, but we have to _____ up with it. 单选题10.0 21×I was _____ as to how I could help him out without hurtinghis pride.单选题10.0 2 3 ×In some parks visitors are requested to keep ______ thegrass.单选题10.0 4 4 √With a school record like yours, _____ why you didn’t try for auniversity scholarship?单选题10.0 2 4 ×He spoke so qui ckly that I didn’t ______ what he said. 单选题10.0 4 4 √The sudden change of weather made the temperature _____a lot.单选题10.0 3 3 √It is difficult to ______ a conversation with someone who onlysays “Yes” or “No”.单选题10.0 2 2 √These courses, if properly conducted, will _____ the minds ofthe students.单选题10.0 3 4 ×本次作业总分值:100.0 得分:40.0 正确的题数:4 题目总数:10 正确率:40.0%在线作业自动判卷题目类型分值正确答案你的答案批改The movie star _____ with your sister, didn’t he? 单选题10.0 3 3 √The classroom was almost empty ______ a desk or two. 单选题10.0 2 3 ×Scientists didn’t know much about lung cancer _____.单选题10.0 2 3 ×_____ his wealth, he is not happy. 单选题10.0 2 1 ×_____ that the left side of the human brain is responsible forlogic.单选题10.0 3 4 ×A new premier has been ______. 单选题10.0 2 3 ×I took someone else’s book ______ mistake. 单选题10.0 4 4 √He ______ as though he had never in his life seen me before. 单选题10.0 3 3 √Jack came to the party with a young woman, whom I ______to be his girl friend.单选题10.0 2 2 √At the beginning of this semester, our history professor _____a list of books for us to read.单选题10.0 4 4 √本次作业总分值:100.0 得分:50.0 正确的题数:5 题目总数:10 正确率:50.0%在线作业自动判卷题目类型分值正确答案你的答案批改The best students are ______ specialscholarships.单选题10.0 2 ×It ______ that the jewels had been stolen by atraveler.单选题10.0 1 ×The problem has ______ simply because youdidn’t follow my instruction.单选题10.0 3 ×Recently the newspapers have reported several_____ on the boundaries of Israel and Jordan.单选题10.0 2 ×As I am sure Jenny is very honest, I ______ shestole the money.单选题10.0 4 ×The actual cost of the building was much higherthan our original _____.单选题10.0 3 ×The football game will be played on _____. 单选题10.0 3 ×We moved to the front row _____ we could hearand see better.单选题10.0 2 ×Robert looked as if he were about to _____when his motives were questioned.单选题10.0 1 ×In order to look at sea life closely, people have to_____ some kinds of special equipment.单选题10.0 3 ×本次作业总分值:100.0 得分:0.0 正确的题数:0 题目总数:10 正确率:0.0%在线作业自动判卷题目类型分值正确答案你的答案批改The movie star _____ with your sister, didn’t he? 单选题10.0 3 ×The classroom was almost empty ______ a deskor two.单选题10.0 2 ×_____ that the left side of the human brain isresponsible for logic.单选题10.0 3 ×Scientists didn’t know much about lung cancer_____.单选题10.0 2 ×_____ his wealth, he is not happy. 单选题10.0 2 ×He ______ as though he had never in his lifeseen me before.单选题10.0 3 ×A new premier has been ______. 单选题10.0 2 ×Jack came to the party with a young woman,whom I ______ to be his girl friend.单选题10.0 2 ×I took someone else’s book ______ mistake. 单选题10.0 4 ×At the beginning of this semester, our historyprofessor _____ a list of books for us to read.单选题10.0 4 ×本次作业总分值:100.0 得分:0.0 正确的题数:0 题目总数:10 正确率:0.0%在线作业自动判卷题目类型分值正确答案你的答案批改There is no _____ in applying for that job as you arenot properly qualified.单选题10.0 3 3 √ He had been _____ to give up much of his time tohousework.单选题10.0 3 3 √In some parks visitors are requested to keep ______the grass.单选题10.0 4 4 √With a school record like yours, _____ why you didn’ttry for a university scholarship?单选题10.0 2 2 √We don’t like it, but we have to _____ up with it. 单选题10.0 2 2 √I was _____ as to how I could help him out withouthurting his pride.单选题10.0 2 2 √The sudden change of weather made the temperature_____ a lot.单选题10.0 3 3 √These courses, if properly conducted, will _____ theminds of the students.单选题10.0 3 3 √It is difficult to ______ a conversation with someonewho only says “Yes” or “No”.单选题10.0 2 2 √He spoke so quickly that I didn’t ______ what he said. 单选题10.0 4 4 √在线作业自动判卷题目类型分值正确答案你的答案批改When I arrived at the university, I was told thatI would have to _______ a room to live in.单选题10.0 3 3 √Most students did ____________ in the finalexam.单选题10.0 4 4 √ When they ___________ arrived in America,everything seemed to go against them.单选题10.0 2 2 √In the old days, there were no drugs that couldhelp people __________ heart diseases.单选题10.0 2 2 √ The small village has been turned _______ alarge town.单选题10.0 1 1 √ About ___________ students have joined theEnglish Literature Society.单选题10.0 4 4 √Joe __________ last night and hurt his leg 单选题10.0 1 4 ×badly.It takes ____________ of six months for a newtype of computers to be produced.单选题10.0 4 1 ×The theater can well _____________ 500people.单选题10.0 4 2 ×____ all work could be done at home throughthe Internet, people would have very littlechance of meeting each other.单选题10.0 4 4 √本次作业总分值:100.0 得分:70.0 正确的题数:7 题目总数:10 正确率:70.0%在线作业自动判卷题目类型分值正确答案你的答案批改On weekends when I'm going out, I use the bike if I can_________ the car.单选题10.0 4 2 ×Anger, uncertainty, and loss of interest in life often_____________ stress.单选题10.0 4 4 √This is ___________ there is for me to say at the moment. 单选题10.0 1 1 √His new discovery is ____________ to the medical world. 单选题10.0 2 2 √We are now certain ____________ cigarette smoking isharmful to our health.单选题10.0 1 1 √It is yet unknown how the new government is going to____________ the divorce problem.单选题10.0 1 4 × He didn't ____________ their advice, and in the end had topay for the loss.单选题10.0 3 3 √Nobody ever warned Madam Curie _______ the danger ofdoing experiment with radium.单选题10.0 1 1 √Tobacco smoking is seen more often in the countryside____________.单选题10.0 4 4 √Mike telephoned me as soon as he got _____________. 单选题10.0 1 1 √本次作业总分值:100.0 得分:80.0 正确的题数:8 题目总数:10 正确率:80.0%在线作业自动判卷题目类型分值正确答案你的答案批改Many people feel it's hard to ____________ the changing 单选题10.0 1 1 √technology.If you need more money, you'll have to go to the bank___________.单选题10.0 3 2 ×Don't worry about his illness. At his age he will be well again__________.单选题10.0 3 3 √He did poorly in his test, because he _______ a lot ofmistakes.单选题10.0 4 4 √ Can you think of anything else to talk about? I don't like thissubject ________.单选题10.0 1 1 √_______, Alfred Nobel worked for peace in the world, andhated war.单选题10.0 4 4 √Many people think it stupid (愚蠢的) not to _______ makingmuch money from our work.单选题10.0 3 3 √If you study English _ Marie Curie did her scientific work,you will surely become very good at the language.单选题10.0 1 4 ×Marie Curie was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics ________in chemistry.单选题10.0 2 2 √Both the ________ and Henri Becquerel were awarded theNobel Prize in physics.单选题10.0 2 2 √本次作业总分值:100.0 得分:80.0 正确的题数:8 题目总数:10 正确率:80.0%在线作业自动判卷题目类型分值正确答案你的答案批改He did poorly in his test, because he _______ a lot ofmistakes.单选题10.0 4 2 × Can you think of anything else to talk about? I don't like thissubject ________.单选题10.0 1 1 √_______, Alfred Nobel worked for peace in the world, andhated war.单选题10.0 4 3 ×If you study English _ Marie Curie did her scientific work,you will surely become very good at the language.单选题10.0 1 ×Many people think it stupid (愚蠢的) not to _______ makingmuch money from our work.单选题10.0 3 2 ×Marie Curie was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics ________in chemistry.单选题10.0 2 4 ×Both the ________ and Henri Becquerel were awarded the 单选题10.0 2 4 ×Nobel Prize in physics.Many people feel it's hard to ____________ the changingtechnology.单选题10.0 1 1 √ If you need more money, you'll have to go to the bank___________.单选题10.0 3 1 ×Don't worry about his illness. At his age he will be well again__________.单选题10.0 3 1 ×本次作业总分值:100.0 得分:20.0 正确的题数:2 题目总数:10 正确率:20.0%There is no _____ in applying for that job as you are not properly qualified. 单选题10.0 3 ×He had been _____ to give up much of his time to housework. 单选题10.0 3 ×In some parks visitors are requested to keep ______ the grass. 单选题10.0 4 ×With a school record like yours, _____ why you didn’t try for a universityscholarship? 单选题10.0 2 ×We don’t like it, but we have to _____ up with it. 单选题10.0 2 ×I was _____ as to how I could help him out without hurting his pride. 单选题10.0 2 ×The sudden change of weather made the temperature _____ a lot. 单选题10.0 3 ×These courses, if properly conducted, will _____ the minds of the students. 单选题10.0 3 ×It is difficult to ______ a conversation with someone who only s ays “Yes”or “No”.单选题10.0 2 ×He spoke so quickly that I didn’t ______ what he said. 单选题10.0 4 ×本次作业总分值:100.0 得分:0.0 正确的题数:0 题目总数:10 正确率:0.0%He did poorly in his test, because he _______ a lot of mistakes. 单选题10.0 4 4 √Can you think of anything else to talk about? I don't like thissubject ________. 单选题10.0 1 1 √_______, Alfred Nobel worked for peace in the world, and hatedwar. 单选题10.0 4 4 √If you study English _ Marie Curie did her scientific work, you will surely become very good at the language. 单选题10.0 1 3 ×Many people think it stupid (愚蠢的) not to _______ making muchmoney from our work. 单选题10.0 3 1 ×Marie Curie was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics ________ inchemistry. 单选题10.0 2 2 √Both the ________ and Henri Becquerel were awarded the NobelPrize in physics. 单选题10.0 2 2 √Many people feel it's hard to ____________ the changingtechnology. 单选题10.0 1 4 ×If you need more money, you'll have to go to the bank___________. 单选题10.0 3 3 √Don't worry about his illness. At his age he will be well again__________. 单选题10.0 3 3 √Vickie had most probably _____ her for another sort of girl. 单选题10.0 3 ×The police investigation discovered that three young men were _____ in therobbery. 单选题10.0 2 ×Only guests of the hotel enjoy the _____ of using the private beach. 单选10.0 1 ×题He felt rather _____ as he was the only person who wore sportswear at thedinner party. 单选题10.0 4 ×The _____ power of the people in this town has been decreasing since most young people have left for the big cities. 单选题10.0 2 ×Don’t _____ the camera ______ unless you are sure you can put it together. 单选题10.0 4 ×I suddenly realized that he was trying to _____ quarrelling with me. 单选题10.0 3 ×Please keep an eye on my luggage, and I’ll be back _____. 单选题10.0 2 ×Let’s ______ the problem for the time being, and we can return to it later. 单选题10.0 4 ×It is impossible to live in society and be independent _____ society. 单选题10.0 4 ×本次作业总分值:100.0 得分:0.0 正确的题数:0 题目总数:10 正确率:0.0%He did poorly in his test, because he _______ a lot of mistakes. 单选题10.0 4 ×Can you think of anything else to talk about? I don't like this subject________. 单选题10.0 1 ×_______, Alfred Nobel worked for peace in the world, and hated war. 单选题10.0 4 ×If you study English _ Marie Curie did her scientific work, you will surelybecome very good at the language. 单选题10.0 1 ×Many people think it stupid (愚蠢的) not to _______ making much moneyfrom our work. 单选题10.0 3 ×Marie Curie was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics ________ inchemistry. 单选题10.0 2 ×Both the ________ and Henri Becquerel were awarded the Nobel Prize inphysics. 单选题10.0 2 ×Many people feel it's hard to ____________ the changing technology. 单选题10.0 1 ×If you need more money, you'll have to go to the bank ___________. 单选题10.0 3 ×Don't worry about his illness. At his age he will be well again __________. 单选题10.0 3 ×本次作业总分值:100.0 得分:0.0 正确的题数:0 题目总数:10 正确率:0.0%在线作业自动判卷题目类型分值正确答案你的答案批改Henry looked very much _____ when he was caught cheatingin the biology exam.单选题10.0 2 ×It was not a serious accident; the car needs only some _____repairs.单选题10.0 3 ×He never ______ any gifts from people on Christmas Day. 单选题10.0 1 ×It is important to ______ people with respect andunderstanding.单选题10.0 1 ×He took every _____ to improve his spoken English. 单选题10.0 3 ×Becau se of my poor English I’m afraid I can’t make myself_______.单选题10.0 4 ×It’s really kind ______.单选题10.0 1 ×The spy was caught ______, though he died from the woundsthe next day.单选题10.0 3 ×I can’t tell the ______ difference between the twin sisters. 单选题10.0 1 ×Your comments _______ my work have proved to be helpful. 单选题10.0 3 ×本次作业总分值:100.0 得分:0.0 正确的题数:0 题目总数:10 正确率:0.0%在线作业自动判卷题目类型分值正确答案你的答案批改The movie star _____ with your sister, didn’t he? 单选题10.0 3 ×The classroom was almost empty ______ a deskor two.单选题10.0 2 ×_____ that the left side of the human brain isresponsible for logic.单选题10.0 3 ×Scientists didn’t know much about lung cancer_____.单选题10.0 2 ×_____ his wealth, he is not happy. 单选题10.0 2 ×He ______ as though he had never in his lifeseen me before.单选题10.0 3 ×A new premier has been ______. 单选题10.0 2 ×Jack came to the party with a young woman,whom I ______ to be his girl friend.单选题10.0 2 ×I took som eone else’s book ______ mistake. 单选题10.0 4 ×At the beginning of this semester, our historyprofessor _____ a list of books for us to read.单选题10.0 4 ×本次作业总分值:100.0 得分:0.0 正确的题数:0 题目总数:10 正确率:0.0%There is no _____ in applying for that job as you are not properlyqualified. 单选题10.0 3 ×He had been _____ to give up much of his time to housework. 单选题10.0 3 ×In some parks visitors are requested to keep ______ the grass. 单选题10.0 4 ×With a school record like yours, _____ why you didn’t try for a universityscholarship? 单选题10.0 2 ×We don’t like it, but we have to _____ up with it. 单选题10.0 2 ×I was _____ as to how I could help him out without hurting his pride. 单选题10.0 2 ×The sudden change of weather made the temperature _____ a lot. 单选题10.0 3 ×These courses, if properly conducted, will _____ the minds of thestudents. 单选题10.0 3 ×It is difficult to ______ a conversation with someone who only says “Yes”or “No”.单选题10.0 2 ×He spoke so quickly that I didn’t ______ what he said. 单选题10.0 4 ×本次作业总分值:100.0 得分:0.0 正确的题数:0 题目总数:10 正确率:0.0%Vickie had most probably _____ her for another sort of girl. 单选题10.0 3 ×The police investigation discovered that three young men were _____ inthe robbery. 单选题10.0 2 ×Only guests of the hotel enjoy the _____ of using the private beach. 单选题10.0 1 ×He felt rather _____ as he was the only person who wore sportswear at thedinner party. 单选题10.0 4 ×The _____ power of the people in this town has been decreasing since 单选10.0 2 ×most young people have left for the big cities. 题Don’t _____ the camera ______ unless you are sure you can put ittogether. 单选题10.0 4 ×I suddenly realized that he was trying to _____ quarrelling with me. 单选题10.0 3 ×Please keep an eye on my luggage, and I’ll be back _____. 单选题10.0 2 ×Let’s ______ the problem for the time being, and we can return to it later. 单选题10.0 4 ×It is impossible to live in society and be independent _____ society. 单选题10.0 4 ×本次作业总分值:100.0 得分:0.0 正确的题数:0 题目总数:10 正确率:0.0%He did poorly in his test, because he _______ a lot of mistakes. 单选题10.0 4 ×Can you think of anything else to talk about? I don't like this subject________. 单选题10.0 1 ×_______, Alfred Nobel worked for peace in the world, and hated war. 单选题10.0 4 ×If you study English _ Marie Curie did her scientific work, you will surelybecome very good at the language. 单选题10.0 1 ×Many people think it stupid (愚蠢的) not to _______ making much moneyfrom our work. 单选题10.0 3 ×Marie Curie was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics ________ in chemistry. 单选题10.0 2 ×Both the ________ and Henri Becquerel were awarded the Nobel Prize inphysics. 单选题10.0 2 ×Many people feel it's hard to ____________ the changing technology. 单选题10.0 1 ×If you need more money, you'll have to go to the bank ___________. 单选题10.0 3 ×Don't worry about his illness. At his age he will be well again __________. 单选题10.0 3 ×本次作业总分值:100.0 得分:0.0 正确的题数:0 题目总数:10 正确率:0.0%在线作业自动判卷题目类型分值正确答案你的答案批改Henry looked very much _____ when he was caught cheatingin the biology exam.单选题10.0 2 ×It was not a serious accident; the car needs only some _____repairs.单选题10.0 3 ×He never ______ any gifts from people on Christmas Day. 单选题10.0 1 ×It is important to ______ people with respect andunderstanding.单选题10.0 1 ×He took every _____ to improve his spoken English. 单选题10.0 3 ×Because of my poor English I’m afraid I can’t make myself_______.单选题10.0 4 ×It’s really kind ______.单选题10.0 1 ×The spy was caught ______, though he died from the woundsthe next day.单选题10.0 3 ×I can’t tell the ______ difference between the twin sisters. 单选题10.0 1 ×Your comments _______ my work have proved to be helpful. 单选题10.0 3 ×本次作业总分值:100.0 得分:0.0 正确的题数:0 题目总数:10 正确率:0.0%在线作业自动判卷题目类型分值正确答案你的答案批改When he was set free after twenty years inprison, he was amazed ______ the changes hefound.单选题10.0 1 ×He doesn’t seem at all sorry for ______ he hasdone.单选题10.0 2 ×I received a _____ parcel yesterday and I am stillwondering who may have sent it.单选题10.0 4 ×How we _____ a chance to visit your greatcountry!单选题10.0 2 ×It is the boy’s laziness that _____ his failure in theexams.单选题10.0 3 ×We must recover the stolen goods at all _____. 单选题10.0 4 ×His parents died when he was young, so he was______ by his aunt.单选题10.0 3 ×Unfortunately, very few sheep _____ the severewinter last year.单选题10.0 1 ×The birth rate in a city _____ to fall as its grossdomestic product (GDP) rises steadily.单选题10.0 4 ×Jane’s dress is similar in design _____ hersister’s.单选题10.0 3 ×本次作业总分值:100.0 得分:0.0 正确的题数:0 题目总数:10 正确率:0.0%在线作业自动判卷题目类型分值正确答案你的答案批改The _____ power of the people in this town has beendecreasing since most young people have left for thebig cities.单选题10.0 2 ×Don’t _____ the camera ______ unless you are sureyou can put it together.单选题10.0 4 ×I suddenly realized that he was trying to _____quarrelling with me.单选题10.0 3 ×Please keep an eye on my luggage, and I’ll be back_____.单选题10.0 2 ×Let’s ______ the problem for the time being, and wecan return to it later.单选题10.0 4 ×It is impossible to live in society and be independent_____ society.单选题10.0 4 ×When he was set free after twenty years in prison, hewas amazed ______ the changes he found.单选题10.0 1 ×He doesn’t seem at all sorry for ______ he has done. 单选题10.0 2 ×I received a _____ parcel yesterday and I am stillwondering who may have sent it.单选题10.0 4 ×It is the boy’s laziness that _____ his failure in theexams.单选题10.0 3 ×在线作业自动判卷题目类型分值正确答案你的答案批改When I arrived at the university, I was told thatI would have to _______ a room to live in.单选题10.0 3 ×Most students did ____________ in the finalexam.单选题10.0 4 ×When they ___________ arrived in America,everything seemed to go against them.单选题10.0 2 ×In the old days, there were no drugs that couldhelp people __________ heart diseases.单选题10.0 2 ×The small village has been turned _______ alarge town.单选题10.0 1 ×About ___________ students have joined theEnglish Literature Society.单选题10.0 4 ×Joe __________ last night and hurt his legbadly.单选题10.0 1 ×It takes ____________ of six months for a newtype of computers to be produced.单选题10.0 4 ×The theater can well _____________ 500people.单选题10.0 4 ×____ all work could be done at home throughthe Internet, people would have very littlechance of meeting each other.单选题10.0 4 ×本次作业总分值:100.0 得分:0.0 正确的题数:0 题目总数:10 正确率:0.0%在线作业自动判卷题目类型分值正确答案你的答案批改The _____ power of the people in this town hasbeen decreasing since most young people have left单选题10.0 2 2 √for the big cities.Don’t _____ the camera ______ unless you are单选题10.0 4 4 √sure you can put it together.I suddenly realized that he was trying to _____单选题10.0 3 3 √quarrelling with me.Please keep an eye on my luggage, and I’ll be back单选题10.0 2 2 √_____.Let’s ______ the problem for the time being, and单选题10.0 4 4 √we can return to it later.It is impossible to live in society and be单选题10.0 4 4 √independent _____ society.When he was set free after twenty years in prison,单选题10.0 1 1 √he was amazed ______ the changes he found.He doesn’t seem at all sorry for ______ he has单选题10.0 2 2 √done.I received a _____ parcel yesterday and I am still单选题10.0 4 4 √wondering who may have sent it.It is the boy’s laziness that _____ his failure in the单选题10.0 3 3 √exams.本次作业总分值:100.0 得分:100.0 正确的题数:10 题目总数:10 正确率:100.0%。

北京理工大学 现代远程教育学院 在线作业答案

北京理工大学 现代远程教育学院  在线作业答案

题目 最小实体要求应用于被测中心要素时,其相应尺寸要素的实际轮廓应遵守
() 组成环的分布特征( )
类型 单选题 单选题
以下关于轴承套圈承受径向载荷的类型叙述不正确的是( )
以下哪个选项不属于影响螺纹结合功能要求的主要加工误差( )
遵守独立原则的表面精度要求只控制要素的( )
尺寸链包括( )
以下哪些属于单面啮合测量的优点:( )
根据量规的使用功能可以分为( )
以下属于校对量规名称代号的是( )
国家基准是根据定义复现和保存计量单位、具有最高计量特性、经国家检定 、批准作为统一全国量值最高依据的计量器具。( )
三坐标测量机原理是通过测得被测要素的X、Y、Z三维坐标值,再进行相应 的数据处理,得到其要求的特征值。( )
作连续往复移动的构件, 在行程的两端极限位置处, 其速度 零(填等
本次作业总分值:100.0 10 正确率:0.0%
于或不等于)。 得分:0.0 正确的题数:0 题目总数:
类型 单选题 单选题 单选题 单选题 判断题 判断题
渐开线上各点曲率半径 。
一对渐开线齿轮啮合传动时,其中心距安装若有误差, 。
标准直齿圆柱齿轮传动的实际中心距恒等于标准中心距。( )
直齿圆锥齿轮机构可以传递两相交轴之间的运动和动力。( )
蜗杆蜗轮传动的传动比大,但效率较低,且容易发生自锁。( )





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图表 2 选课主窗口选课窗口主要有如下操作按钮:快速选课,本专业选课,选修课程,跨专业选课,特殊课程,选体育课,清空选课,已选课程,查看课表以及退出。

(按钮是否可用取决于选课阶段)2.2 选本专业课程按下“本专业选课”按钮后,显示本专业选课窗口。

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