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1.The child is so full of ______ that he can’t keep quiet.

A.strength B.energy C.power D.force




考查名词辨析。句意:这孩子精力充沛,无法保持安静。A. strength力量;B. energy精力;活力;C. power权利;能力;D. force武力。根据句意故选B。

2.Violent programs on television may have a bad on children.

A.injury B.pressure

C.impression D.influence




考查名词。A. injury伤害; B. pressure压力; C. impression印象; D. influence影响。句意:电视上的暴力节目可能对孩子有不良影响。固定词组:have an effect/ influence


3.Now that the banks are back on their feet, we expect the extraordinary______ from them to help rebuild the economy.

A.category B.commitment C.component D.competence




考查名词。A. category 种类; B. commitment承诺,保证; C. component成分,组件;

D. competence能力,胜任。句意:现在银行已经恢复了元气,我们希望他们能做出非凡的承诺,帮助重建经济。结合句意可知答案为B。

4.When people need information, from the news and weather forecasts to travel packages and academic research, the Internet is now the first______ they turn to.

A.privilege B.source C.assistance D.outcome




考查名词。A. privilege特权; B. source来源; C. assistance帮助,援助; D. outcome 结果。句意:当人们需要信息时,从新闻和天气预报到旅游套餐和学术研究,互联网现在是他们求助的第一个来源。结合句意可知答案为B。

5.It has been proved that there is a(n) ______ between smoking and certain diseases. A.connection B.description.

C.expression D.concentration




考查名词词义辨析。A. connection联系;B. description描述;C. expression表达;D. concentration集中。句意:已经证实吸烟和某些疾病之间有联系。根据句意可知此处表示“联系”,故A项正确。

6.Donald Trump made a _____ to the nation that he would struggle for lower taxes and improve health care after taking office.

A.contribution B.commitment

C.devotion D.donation




考查名词辨析。A. contribution贡献;B. commitment承诺;C. devotion奉献;D. donation 捐赠。句意:唐纳德·特朗普向全国承诺,他上任后将为降低税收和改善医疗服务而奋斗。故B选项正确。

7.He was so nervous during the test. No ______ he didn’t pass the exam.

A.way B.surprise

C.wonder D.matter


【解析】词义辨析。No way没门,没办法,根本不行;No wonder难怪;No matter不管什么。他考试时太紧张了。难怪他没有通过考试。选C。

8.—How shall I take the medicine?

—You can follow the ________ on the bottle.

A.vocabulary B.speech C.lessons D.directions




考查名词辨析。句意:——这药怎么吃?——你可以按照瓶子上的说明书去吃。A. vocabulary词汇;B. speech演讲;C. lessons课程;D. directions说明书,根据题意,故选D。

9.We most prefer to say yes to the ______ of someone we know and like.

A.attempts B.requests

C.doubts D.promises




考查名词辨析。句意:对于我们认识和喜欢的人的请求,我们大多喜欢说可以。A.attempt 尝试;B. request请求;C.doubts怀疑;D.promises承诺。根据句意故选B。


本题的关键信息是say yes,根据情理判断,我们会对他人的要求、求助说yes,把四个选项意思弄清楚,就不难选出答案了。因此,考生可以试着将词汇放在日常的情景交际中进行操练,加强对词汇的语境理解,可以达到事半功倍的效果。

10.The organization was founded for the ________ of poor children.

A.benefit B.interest C.advantage D.value




考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个组织是为了贫困儿童的利益而建立的。A. benefit好处;利益;B. interest兴趣;爱好;C. advantage优势;D. value价值。根据句意故选A。

11.In the book, the author describes how Iran has long sought an with America. A.acceleration B.accomplishment

C.accumulation D.accommodation




考查名词辨析。句意:这本书里,作者描述了伊朗如何长期与美国寻求和解。A. acceleration加速,促进;B. accomplishment成就,完成;C. accumulation积聚,累积;D. accommodation和解,膳宿。根据句意,故选D。

12.The two sides have finally reached a(n) _______ , though some small differences(分歧) still exist(存在).

A.announcement B.agreement C.amazement D.achievement



