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I. Revision:
Grammar points in L83-84
The Present Perfect Tense(现在完成时 )
(1)现在完成时表示过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的 影响或结果,也可表示过去已经开始,一直延续到现在的动作或状 态。 (2)构成:主语 + have/has + 过去分词 + 其他。(当主语是第三 人称单数时用has,其余人称用have。过去分词:规则动词的过去 分词构成与动词过去式相同;不规则动词需要特殊记忆。)
I. Revision:
CAROL: Excuse the mess, Sam. This room's very untidy. We're packing our suitcases. We're going to leave tomorrow. Tom and I are going to have a holiday SAM: Aren't you lucky! TOM: When are you going to have a holiday, Sam? SAM: I don't know. I've already had my holiday this year. CAROL: Where did you go? SAM: I stayed at home!
Lesson 85 Paris in the spring New words and expressions:
1. Paris /'pæ rɪs/ n.巴黎 2. cinema /'sɪnəmə/n.电影院 3. film /fɪlm/ n.电影 4. beautiful/'bju:tɪfəl/ adj. 漂亮的 5. city /'sɪtɪ/ n. 城市 6. never /'nevə/ adv. 从来没有 7. ever /'evə/ adv. 在任何时候
I. Revision:
Now let's do some exercises:
II. Complete the sentences with the words given in the correct form. 1. This is the first time I have______(be) been in Australia. is writing 2. My brother__________(write) a letter at the moment. did 3. Tom_____(do) his homework just now, has finished but now he___________(finish) already. goes 4. May often______(go) shopping on Friday, but she ______(stay) at home last Friday. stayed 5. Listen, someone___________(knock) at is knocking the door.
② My father isn’t in. He has gone to Beijing. 我父亲不在,他去北京了。
GEORGE: What's on? KEN: 'Paris in the spring'. GEORGE: Oh, I've already seen it. I saw it on television last year. be on 是上演的意思, It's an old film, 也可理解成在荧幕上 but it's very good.
Lesson 85 Paris in thespring New words and expressions:
★ Paris
/'pæ rɪs/
Paris is the capital of France. Paris in the spring 巴黎之春
★ cinema
/'sɪnɪmə/ n.电影院 theatre 剧院,戏院
(1)(c)n.电影 film 艺术影片(英式英语) movie 好莱坞商业片(美式英语) • 他拍了一部关于西班牙的电影。 He made a film about Spain. make a film about… (2)(c)n.薄膜 • 镜子蒙上了一层灰尘。 The mirror is covered with a film of dust. • 请把工装用薄膜盖上。 Please cover the tooling with the film. (3)(u)n. 胶卷,胶片 a roll of film
I. Revision:
Now let's do some exercises:
I. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers:
(D )1. ___, Mum. I’m looking for my toy car. A. Excuse the mess for me B. Excuse mess C. Excuse me with the mess D. Excuse the mess ( C)2.A:Billy, go and do your homework. B:Oh, Mum. I have___finished my homework. A. yet B. ever C. already D. never ( A)3. I___a holiday next month. A. am going to have B. have had C. have D. had ( C)4. A: Have you___your lunch? B:Yes, I___it an hour ago. A. have; had B. had; have C. had; had D. have; have (A )5.A: Did you read the book last night? B:No, I____it three times. A. have read B. was reading C. have readed D. readed
CAROL: Hello, Sam. Come in. TOM: Hi, Sam. We're having lunch. Do you want to have lunch with us? SAM: No, thank you. Tom. I've already had lunch. I had at half past twelve. CAROL: Have a cup of coffee then. SAM: I've just had a cup, thank you. I had one after my lunch. TOM: Let's go into the living room, Carol. We can have our coffee there.
I’ve just been to the library.
have been to 与 have gone to 的区别:
have been to 表示曾经去过某地,已经回来了;
have gone to 表示去了某地,还没有回来(可能在路上, 可能还在那里);
① My father has been to Beijing many times. 我父亲去过北京许多次了。(画外音:已经从北京回来了。)
此题答案是:One mile. 问的是smiles这个单词中,第 一个字母和最后一个字母之间的距离有多长,即除去第 一个和最后一个字母s,剩下的是mile。
• What of us goes up and never comes down?
Our age
I. Revision:
Text in L83-84
1. When was ken in Paris? He was in Paris in April. 2.What was the weather like in Paris? The weather was awful. It rained all the time. 3. When and how did George see the film? He saw the film on television last year.
否定式: 主语 + haven’t / hasn't + 过去分词 + 其他。 疑问式: Have / Has + 主语 + 过去分词 + 其他? 简略答语: Yes, 主语 + have / has.(肯定) No, 主语 + haven’t / hasn't.(否定)
(3)一般现在完成时通常与表示不确定的时间副词或短语连用 如 just, already, before, never, ever, twice, three times 等。 (4)现在完成时在汉语中常用“了”、“过”或“已经”来表 示。
Lesson 85 Paris in thespring New words and expressions:
★ beautiful adj. 漂亮的 ① 美丽的,使生美感的 • She was even more beautiful than I had expected. 她甚至比我预期的还要美。 ② adj. 出色的,完美的;令人愉悦的 • He did a beautiful job of painting the desk. 他油漆了书桌,活干得很漂亮。 • n. beauty n. 美人,美景,美好的东西 • beauty contest 选美 • adv. beautifully beautifully eg.She dances_________ (beautiful).
One is never too old to learn.
我们会被允许吗? Could we ever get permission?
Please enjoy the video and then answer the questions on the right:
Have you just been to the cinema?
你刚刚去过电影院吗? 这是一个现在完成时态的一般疑问句。
just : 刚刚,刚才,现在完成时态的标志词之一
把这句话变为肯定句: I have just been to the cinema. 我刚刚去了电影院。 仿照例句: 我刚刚去了图书馆。
Lesson 85-86 Paris in the spring
Daily English
I am behind you.
• What is the distance between the first letter and the last letter of “smiles”?
Lesson 85 Paris in thespring New words and expressions:
nerver & ever
never 决不, 从不
I will never forget your kindness. 我永远忘不了你的好意。
ever 曾经,永远,究竟
Have you ever been to Paris? 你去过巴黎吗?
cinema We go to the________to see a film. theatre We go to the________to see a play.
Lesson 85 Paris in thespring New words and expressions: ★ film n.
GEORGE: Hello, Ken. just刚刚,刚才 KEN: Hi, George. GEORGE: Have you just been to the cinema? KEN: Yes, I have.
have/has been to 去过已回 have/has gone to 去了未回