
2016年中国科学院大学英语博士研究生考试试题(样题)SAMPLE TESTUNIVERSITY OF CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCESENGLISH ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONFORDOCTORAL CANDIDATESPAPER ONEPART I VOCABULARY (15 minutes, 10 points, 0.5 point each)Directions: Choose the word or expression below each sentence that best completes the statement, and mark the corresponding letter of your choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.1. Ten years ago, a house with a decent bathroom was a __________ symbol among university professors.A. postB. statusC. positionD. place2. It would be far better if collectors could be persuaded to spend their time and money in support of ___________ archaeological research.A. legibleB. legitimateC. legislativeD. illicit3. We seek a society that has at its __________ a respect for the dignity and worth of the individual.A. endB. handC. coreD. best4. A variety of problems have greatly _________the country’s normal educational development.A. impededB. impartedC. imploredD. implemented5. A good education is an asset you can ________for the rest of your life.A. spell outB. call uponC. fall overD. resort to6. Oil can change a society more ____________ than anyone could ever have imagined.A. grosslyB. severelyC. rapidlyD. drastically7. Beneath its myriad rules, the fundamental purpose of ___________ is to make the worlda pleasanter place to live in, and you a more pleasant person to live with.A. elitismB. eloquenceC. eminenceD. etiquette8. The New Testament was not only written in the Greek language, but ideas derived from Greek philosophy were _____________ in many parts of it.A. alteredB. criticizedC. incorporatedD. translated9. Nobody will ever know the agony I go __________ waiting for him to come home.A. overB. withC. downD. through10. While a country’s economy is becoming the most promising in the world, its people should be more ____________ about their quality of life.A. discriminatingB. distributingC. disagreeingD. disclosing11. Cheated by two boys whom he had trust on, Joseph promised to ____________ them.A. find fault withB. make the most ofC. look down uponD. get even with12. The Minister’s _________ answer let to an outcry from the Opposition.A. impressiveB. evasiveC. intensiveD. exhaustive13. In proportion as the ____________ between classes within the nation disappears the hostility of one nation to another will come to an end.A. intoleranceB. pessimismC. injusticeD. antagonism14. Everyone does their own thing, to the point where a fifth-grade teacher can’t __________ on a fourth-grade teacher having taught certain things.A. countB. insistC. fallD. dwell15. When the fire broke out in the building, the people lost their __________ and ran into the elevator.A. heartsB. tempersC. headsD. senses16. Consumers deprived of the information and advice they needed were quite simply ___________ every cheat in the marketplace.A. at the mercy ofB. in lieu ofC. by courtesy ofD. for the price of17. In fact the purchasing power of a single person’s pension in Hong Kong was only 70 per cent of the value of the _________ Singapore pension.A. equivalentB. similarC. consistentD. identical18. He became aware that he had lost his audience since he had not been able to talk ____________.A. honestlyB. graciouslyC. coherentlyD. flexibly19. The novel, which is a work of art, exists not by its _____________ life, but by its immeasurable difference from life.A. significance inB. imagination atC. resemblance toD. predominance over20. She was artful and could always ____________ her parents in the end.A. shout downB. get roundC. comply withD. pass overPART II CLOZE TEST (15 minutes, 15 points)Directions: For each blank in the following passage, choose the best answer from the four choices given in the opposite column. Mark the corresponding letter of your choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.We are entering a period in which rapid population growth, the presence of deadly weapons, and dwindling resources will bring international tensions to dangerous levels for an extended period. Indeed, 21 seems no reason for these levels of danger to subside unless population equilibrium is 22 and some rough measure of fairness reached in the distribution of wealth among nations. 23 of adequate magnitude imply a willingness to redistribute income internationally on a more generous 24 than the advanced nations have evidenced within their own domains. The required increases in 25 in the backward regions would necessitate gigantic applications of energy merely to extract the 26 resources.It is uncertain whether the requisite energy-producing technology exists, and more serious, 27 that its application would bring us to the threshold of an irreversible change in climate 28 a consequence of the enormous addition of manmade heat to the atmosphere. It is this 29 problem that poses the most demanding and difficult of the challenges. The existing 30 of industrial growth, with no allowance for increased industrialization to repair global poverty, hold 31 the risk of entering the danger zone of climatic changein as 32 as three or four generations. If the trajectory is in fact pursued, industrial growth will 33 have to come to an immediate halt, for another generation or two along that 34 would literally consume human, perhaps all life. The terrifying outcome can be postponed only to the extent that the wastage of heat can be reduced, 35 that technologies that do not add to the atmospheric heat burden—for example, the use of solar energy—can be utilized. (1996)21. A. one B. it C. this D. there22. A. achieved B. succeeded C. produced D. executed23. A. Transfers B. Transactions C. Transports D. Transcripts24. A. extent B. scale C. measure D. range25. A. outgrowth B. outcrop C. output D. outcome26. A. needed B. needy C. needless D. needing27. A. possible B. possibly C. probable D. probably28. A. in B. with C. as D. to29. A. least B. late C. latest D. last30. A. race B. pace C. face D. lace31. A. on B. up C. down D. out32. A. less B. fewer C. many D. little33. A. rather B. hardly C. then D. yet34. A. line B. move C. drive D. track35. A. if B. or C. while D. asPART III READING COMPREHENSIONSection A (60 minutes, 30 points)Directions: Below each of the following passages you will find some questions or incomplete statements. Each question or statement is followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Read each passage carefully, and then select the choice that best answers the questionor completes the statement. Mark the letter of your choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.Passage 1The writing of a historical synthesis involves integrating the materials available to the historian into a comprehensible whole. The problem in writing a historical synthesis is how to find a pattern in, or impose a pattern upon, the detailed information that has already been used to explain the causes for a historical event.A synthesis seeks common elements in which to interpret the contingent parts of a historical event. The initial step, therefore, in writing a historical synthesis, is to put the event to be synthesized in a proper historical perspective, so that the common elements or strands making up the event can be determined. This can be accomplished by analyzing the historical event as part of a general trend or continuum in history. The common elements that are familiar to the event will become the ideological framework in which the historian seeks to synthesize. This is not to say that any factor will not have a greater relative value in the historian’s handling of the interrelated when viewed in a broad historical perspective.The historian, in synthesizing, must determine the extent to which the existing hypotheses have similar trends. A general trend line, once established, will enable these similar trends to be correlated and paralleled within the conceptual framework of a common base.A synthesis further seeks to determine, from existing hypotheses, why an outcome took the direction it did; thus, it necessitates reconstructing the spirit of the times in order to assimilate the political, social, psychological, etc., factors within a common base. As such, the synthesis becomes the logical construct in interpreting the common ground between an original explanation of an outcome (thesis) and the reinterpretation of the outcome along different lines (antithesis). Therefore, the synthesis necessitates the integration of the materials available into a comprehensible whole which will in turnprovide a new historical perspective for the event being synthesized.36. The author would mostly be concerned with _____________.A. finding the most important cause for a particular historical eventB. determining when hypotheses need to be reinterpretedC. imposing a pattern upon varying interpretations for the causes of a particular historical eventD. attributing many conditions that together lead to a particular historical event or to single motive37. The most important preliminary step in writing a historical synthesis would be ____________.A. to accumulate sufficient reference material to explain an eventB. analyzing the historical event to determine if a “single theme theory” apples to the eventC. determining the common strands that make up a historical eventD. interpreting historical factors to determine if one factor will have relatively greater value38. The best definition for the term “historical synthesis” would be ______________.A. combining elements of different material into a unified wholeB. a tentative theory set forth as an explanation for an eventC. the direct opposite of the original interpretation of an eventD. interpreting historical material to prove that history repeats itself39. A historian seeks to reconstruct the “spirit” of a time period because ____________.A. the events in history are more important than the people who make historyB. existing hypotheses are adequate in explaining historical eventsC. this is the best method to determine the single most important cause for a particular actionD. varying factors can be assimilated within a common base40. Which of the following statements would the author consider false?A. One factor in a historical synthesis will not have a greater value than other factors.B. It is possible to analyze common unifying points in hypotheses.C. Historical events should be studied as part of a continuum in history.D. A synthesis seeks to determine why an outcome took the direction it did.Passage 2When you call the police, the police dispatcher has to locate the car nearest you that is free to respond. This means the dispatcher has to keep track of the status and location of every police car—not an easy task for a large department.Another problem, which arises when cars are assigned to regular patrols, is that the patrols may be too regular. If criminals find out that police cars will pass a particular location at regular intervals, they simply plan their crimes for times when no patrol is expected. Therefore, patrol cars should pass by any particular location at random times; the fact that a car just passed should be no guarantee that another one is not just around the corner. Yet simply ordering the officers to patrol at random would lead to chaos.A computer dispatching system can solve both these problems. The computer has no trouble keeping track of the status and location of each car. With this information, it can determine instantly which car should respond to an incoming call. And with the aid of a pseudorandom number generator, the computer can assign routine patrols so that criminals can’t predict just when a police car will pass through a particular area.(Before computers, police sometimes used roulette wheels and similar devices to make random assignments.)Computers also can relieve police officers from constantly having to report their status. The police car would contain a special automatic radio transmitter and receiver. The officer would set a dial on this unit indicating the current status of the car—patrolling,directing traffic, chasing a speeder, answering a call, out to lunch, and so on. When necessary, the computer at headquarters could poll the car for its status. The voice radio channels would not be clogged with cars constantly reporting what they were doing. A computer in the car automatically could determine the location of the car, perhaps using the LORAN method. The location of the car also would be sent automatically to the headquarters computer.41. The best title for this passage should be ___________.A. Computers and CrimesB. Patrol Car DispatchingC. The Powerful ComputersD. The Police with Modern Equipment42. A police dispatcher is NOT supposed to _____________.A. locate every patrol carB. guarantee cars on regular patrolsC. keep in touch with each police carD. find out which car should respond to the incoming call43. If the patrols are too regular, _____________.A. the dispatchers will be bored with itB. the officers may become carelessC. the criminals may take advantage of itD. the streets will be in a state of chaos44. The computer dispatching system is particularly good at ______________.A. assigning cars to regular patrolsB. responding to the incoming callsC. ordering officers to report their locationD. making routine patrols unpredictable45. According to the account in the last paragraph, how can a patrol car be located without computers?A. Police officers report their status constantly.B. The headquarters poll the car for its status.C. A radio transmitter and receiver is installed in a car.D. A dial in the car indicates its current status.Passage 3A child who has once been pleased with a tale likes, as a rule, to have it retold in identically the same words, but this should not lead parents to treat printed fairy stories as sacred texts. It is always much better to tell a story than read it out of a book, and, if a parent can produce what, in the actual circumstances of the time and the individual child, is an improvement on the printed text, so much the better.A charge made against fairy tales is that they harm the child by frightening him or arousing his sadistic impulse. To prove the latter, one would have to show in a controlled experiment that children who have read fairy stories were more often guilty of cruelty than those who had not. Aggressive, destructive, sadistic impulses every child has and, on the whole, their symbolic verbal discharge seem to be rather a safety valve than an incitement to overt action. As to fears, there are, I think, well-authenticated cases of children being dangerously terrified by some fairy story. Often, however, this arises from the child having heard the story once. Familiarity with the story by repetition turns the pain of fear into the pleasure of a fear faced and mastered.There are also people who object to fairy stories on the grounds that they are not objectively true, that giants, witches, two-headed dragons, magic carpets, etc., do not exist; and that, instead of indulging his fantasies in fairy tales, the child should be taught how to adapt to reality by studying history and mechanics. I find such people, I must confess, so unsympathetic and peculiar that I do not know how to argue with them.If their case were sound, the world should be full of madmen attempting to fly from New York to Philadelphia on a broomstick or covering a telephone with kisses in the belief that it was their enchanted girl-friend.No fairy story ever claimed to be a description of the external world and no sane child has ever believed that it was.46. According to the author, the best way to retell a story to a child is to ______________.A. tell it in a creative wayB. take from it what the child likesC. add to it whatever at handD. read it out of the story book.47. In the second paragraph, which statement best expresses the author’s attitude towards fairy stories?A. He sees in them the worst of human nature.B. He dislikes everything about them.C. He regards them as more of a benefit than harms.D. He is expectant of the experimental results.48. According to the author, fairy stories are most likely to ____________.A. make children aggressive the whole lifeB. incite destructiveness in childrenC. function as a safety valve for childrenD. add children’s enjoyment of cruelty to others49. If the child has heard some horror story for more than once, according to the author, he would probably be ______________.A. scared to deathB. taking it and even enjoying itC. suffering more the pain of fearD. dangerously terrified50. The author’s mention of broomsticks and telephones is meant to emphasize that ___________.A. old fairy stories keep updating themselves to cater for modern needsB. fairy stories have claimed many lives of victimsC. fairy stories have thrown our world into chaosD. fairy stories are after all fairy storiesPassage 4There has been a lot of hand-wringing over the death of Elizabeth Steinberg. Without blaming anyone in particular, neighbors, friends, social workers, the police and newspaper editors have struggled to define the community’s responsibility to Elizabeth and to other battered children. As the collective soul-searching continues, there is a pervading sense that the system failed her.The fact is, in New York State the system couldn’t have saved her. It is almost impossible to protect a child from violent parents, especially if they are white, middle-class, well-educated and represented by counsel.Why does the state permit violence against children? There are a number of reasons. First, parental privilege is a rationalization. In the past, the law was giving its approval to the biblical injunction against sparing the rod.Second, while everyone agrees that the state must act to remove children from their homes when there is danger of serious physical or emotional harm, many child advocates believe that state intervention in the absence of serious injury is more harmful than helpful. Third, courts and legislatures tread carefully when their actions intrude or threaten to intrude on a relationship protected by the Constitution. In 1923, the Supreme Courtrecognized the “liberty of parent and guardian to direct the upbringing and education of children under their control.” More recently, in 1977, it upheld the teacher’s privilege to use corporal punishment against schoolchildren. Read together, these decisions give the constitutional imprimatur to parental use of physical force.Under the best conditions, small children depend utterly on their parents for survival. Under the worst, their dependency dooms them. While it is questionable whether anyone or anything could have saved Elizabeth Steinberg, it is plain that the law provided no protection.To the contrary, by justifying the use of physical force against children as an acceptable method of education and control, the law lent a measure of plausibility and legitimacy to her parents’ conduct.More than 80 years ago, in the teeth of parental resistance and Supreme Court doctrine, the New York State Legislature acted to eliminate child labor law. Now, the state must act to eliminate child abuse by banning corporal punishment. To break the cycle of violence, nothing less will answer. If there is a lesson to be drawn from the death of Elizabeth Steinberg, it is this: spare the rod and spare the child.51. The New York State law seems to provide least protection of a child from violent parents of ____________.A. a family on welfareB. a poor uneducated familyC. an educated black familyD. a middle-class white family52. “Sparing the rod” (in boldface) means ____________.A. spoiling childrenB. punishing childrenC. not caring about childrenD. not beating children53. Corporal punishment against schoolchildren is _____________.A. taken as illegal in the New York StateB. considered being in the teacher’s provinceC. officially approved by lawD. disapproved by school teachers54. From the article we can infer that Elizabeth Steinberg is probably the victim of ____________.A. teachers’ corporal punishmentB. misjudgment of the courtC. parents’ ill-treatmentD. street violence55. The writer of this article thinks that banning corporal punishment will in the long run _____________.A. prevent violence of adultsB. save more childrenC. protect children from ill-treatmentD. better the systemPassage 5With its common interest in lawbreaking but its immense range of subject-matter and widely-varying methods of treatment, the crime novel could make a legitimate claim to be regarded as a separate branch of literature, or, at least, as a distinct, even though a slightly disreputable, offshoot of the traditional novel.The detective story is probably the most respectable (at any rate in the narrow sense of the word) of the crime species. Its creation is often the relaxation of university scholars, literary economists, scientists or even poets. Disastrous deaths may occur more frequentlyand mysteriously than might be expected in polite society, but the world in which they happen, the village, seaside resort, college or studio, is familiar to us, if not from our own experience, at least in the newspaper or the lives of friends. The characters, though normally realized superficially, are as recognizably human and consistent as our less intimate acquaintances. A story set in a more remote African jungle or Australian bush, ancient China or gas-lit London, appeals to our interest in geography or history, and most detective story writers are conscientious in providing a reasonably true background. The elaborate, carefully-assembled plot, despised by the modern intellectual critics and creators of “significant” novels, has found refuge in the murder mystery, with its sprinkling of clues, its spicing with apparent impossibilities, all with appropriate solutions and explanations at the end. With the guilt of escapism from real life nagging gently, we secretly take delight in the unmasking of evil by a vaguely super-human detective, who sees through and dispels the cloud of suspicion which has hovered so unjustly over the innocent.Though its villain also receives his rightful deserts, the thriller presents a less comfortable and credible world. The sequence of fist fights, revolver duels, car crashes and escapes from gas-filled cellars exhausts the reader far more than the hero, who, suffering from at least two broken ribs, one black eye, uncountable bruises and a hangover, can still chase and overpower an armed villain with the physique of a wrestler, He moves dangerously through a world of ruthless gangs, brutality, a vicious lust for power and money and, in contrast to the detective tale, with a near-omniscient arch-criminal whose defeat seems almost accidental. Perhaps we miss in the thriller the security of being safely led by our imperturbable investigator past a score of red herrings and blind avenues to a final gathering of suspects when an unchallengeable elucidation of all that has bewildered us is given and justice and goodness prevail. All that we vainly hope for from life is granted vicariously.56. The crime novel is regarded by the author as _________________.A. a not respectable form of the traditional novelB. not a true novel at allC. related in some ways to the historical novelD. a distinct branch of the traditional novel57. The creation of detective stories has its origin in _______________.A. seeking rest from work or worriesB. solving mysterious deaths in this societyC. restoring expectations in polite societyD. preventing crimes58. The characters of the detective stories are, generally speaking, _____________.A. more profound than those of the traditional novelsB. as real as life itselfC. not like human beings at allD. not very profound but not unlikely59. The setting of the detective stories is sometimes in a more remote place because ___________.A. it is more realB. our friends are familiar with itC. it pleases the readers in a wayD. it needs the readers’ support60. The writer of this passage thinks _____________.A. what people hope for from life can finally be granted if they have confidenceB. people like to feel that justice and goodness will always triumphC. they know in the real world good does not prevail over evilD. their hopes in life can only be fulfilled through fiction readingPassage 6Whenever we are involved in a creative type of activity that is self-rewarding, a feeling overcomes us—a feeling that we can call “flow.” When we are flowing we lose all sense of time and awareness of what is happening around us; instead, we feel that everything is going just right.A rock dancer describes his feeling of flow like this: “If I have enough space, I feel I can radiate an energy into the atmosphere. I can dance for walls, I dance for floors.I become one with the atmosphere.”“You are in an ecstatic state to such a point that you don’t exist,” says a composer, describing how he feels when he “flows.” Players of any sport throughout the world are familiar with the feeling of flow; they enjoy their activity very much, even though they can expect little extrinsic reward. The same holds true for surgeons, cave explorers, and mountain climbers.Flow provides a sort of physical sensation along with an altered state of being. One man put it this way: “Your body feels good and awake all over. Your energy is flowing.” People who flow feel part of this energy; that is, they are so involved in what they are doing that they do not think of themselves as being separate from their activity. They are flowing along with their enjoyment. Moreover, they concentrate intensely on their activity. They do not try to concentrate harder, however; the concentration comes automatically. A chess player compares this concentration to breathing. As they concentrate, these people feel immersed in the action, lost in the action. Their sense of time is altered and they skip meals and sleep without noticing their loss. Sizes and spaces also seem altered: successful baseball players see and hit the ball so much better because it seems larger to them. They can even distinguish the seams on a ball approaching them at 165 kilometers per hour. It seems then that flow is a “floating action” in which the individual is aware of his actions but not aware of his awareness. A good reader is so absorbed in his book that he knows he is turning the pages to go on reading, but he does not notice he is turning thesepages. The moment people think about it, flow is destroyed, so they never ask themselves questions such as “Am I doing well?” or “Did everyone see my jump?”Finally, to flow successfully depends a great deal on the activity itself; not too difficult to produce anxiety, not too easy to bring about boredom; challenging, interesting, fun. Some good examples of flow activities are games and sports, reading, learning, working on what you enjoy, and even day-dreaming.61. What is the main purpose of the article?A. to illustrate the feeling of “flow”B. to analyze the causes of a special feelingC. to define the new psychological term “flow”D. to lead people to acquire the feeling of “flow”62. In this article, “flow” refers to a feeling which probably results from _____________.A. awarenessB. ecstasyC. unconsciousnessD. self-rewarding63. The word “immersed” (in boldface) is closest in meaning to _____________.A. occupiedB. engrossedC. soakedD. committed64. What does one usually act while “flowing” in reading?A. thinks what he is doingB. wonders how fast he can readC. turns the pagesD. minds the page number。
2015 年全国医学博士外语统一入学考试英语试题

2015 年全国医学博士外语统-入学考试英语试题1 请考生首先将自己的姓名、所在考点、准考证号在试卷一答题纸和试卷二标准答题卡上认真填写清楚,并按"考场指令"要求,将准考证号在标准答题卡上划好。
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国家医学考试中心PAPERONEPart 1 : Listening comprehension (30%)Section ADirections: In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers, At the end of each conversation, you will hear a question about what is said, The question will be read only once, After you hear the question, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answers and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEETListen to the following example.You will hear.Woman: 1 fell faint.Man: No wonder You haven't had a bite all dayQuestion: What's the matter with the woman?You will read.A. She is sick.B. She is bitten by an antC. She is hungry.D. She spilled her paint.Here C is the right answerNow let's begin with question Number 1.1 A. How to deal with his sleeping problem.B. The cause of his sleeping problem.C. What follows his insomnia.D. The severity of his medical problem.2. A.To take the medicine for a longer timeB. To discontinue the medication.C. To come to see her again.D. To switch to other medications.3. A.To tale it easy and continue to workB. To take a sick leave.C. To keep away from work.D. To have a follow-up.4.A. Fullness in the stomach.B. Occasional stomachache.C. Stomach distention.D. Frequent belches.5. A. extremely severe.B. Not very severe.C. More severe than expected.D. It's hard to say.6. A. He has lost some weight.B. He has gained a lot.C. He needs to exercise moreD. He is still overweight.7. A. She is giving the man an injectionB. She is listening to the man's heartC. She is feeling the man's pulse.D. She is helping the man stop shivering8. A. In the gym. B. In the officeC. In the clinic.D. In the boat.9 . A. Diarrhea. B. Vomiting.C. Nausea.D. Acold.10. A. She has developed allergies.B. She doesr1·t know what al|ergies are-C. She doesn't have any allergiesD. She has allergies treated already.11 A. Listen to music. B. Read magazines.C. Go play tennis.D. Stay in the house12 A She isn’t feeling well B. She is under pressure.C. She doesn't like the weather D She is feeling relieved13. A. Mlchael's wife was ill.B. Michael's daughter was illC. Michael's daughter gave birth to twins.D. Michael was hospitalized for a check-up.14. A.She is absent-minded B. She is in high spirits.C. She is indifferent.D. She is compassionate.15. A. Ten years ago B. Five years ago.C. Fifteen years ago.D. Several weeks ago.Section BDirections: In this section you will hear one conversation and two passages, after each of which, you will hear five questions. After each question, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of .your choice on the ANSWER SHEETDialogue16. A.A blood test.B. A gastroscopyC. A chest X-ray exam.D. A barium X-ray test.17. A.To lose some weight.B. To take a few more testsC. To sleep on three pillows.D. To eat smaller lighter meals18. A. Potato chips. B. Chicken. C. Cereal. D. fish.19 . A. Ulcer B. Cancer C. Depression D. Hernia20. A. He will try the diet the doctor recommended.B. He will ask for a sick leave and relax at home.C. He will take the medicine the doctor prescribed.D. He will take a few more tests to rule out cancer.Passage One21 A. Anew concept of diabetesB. The definition of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.C. The new management of diabetics in the hospital.D. The new development of non-perishable insulin pills.22. A. Because it vaporizes easily.B. Because it becomes overactive easily.C. Because it is usually in injection form.D. Because it is not stable above 40 degrees Fahrenheit.23. A. The diabetics can be cured without taking synthetic insulin any longerB.The findings provide insight into how insulin works.C. Insulin can be more stable than it is now.D. Insulin can be produced naturally.24. A. It is stable at room temperature for several years.B. It is administered directly into the bloodstream.C. It delivers glucose from blood to the cells.D. It is more chemically complex.25. A. Why insulin is not stable at room temperature.B. How important it is to understand the chemical bonds of insulin.C. Why people with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes don't produce enough insulin.D. What shape insulin takes when it unlocks the cells to take sugar form blood. PassageTwo26 . A. Vegetative patients are more aware.B. Vegetative patients retain some control of their eye movement.C. EEG scans may help us communicate with the vegetative patientsD. We usually communicate with the brain-dead people by brain-wave.27 A. The left-hand side of the brain.B. The right-hand side of the brain.C The central part of the brain.D. The front part of the brain28. A. 31 B. 6. C.4. D. 129. A. The patient was brain-deadB. The patient wasn't brain-dead.C. The patient had some control over his eye movements.D. The patient knew the movement he or she was making30. A. The patient is no technically vegetative.B. The patient can communicate in some way.C. We can train the patient of speak.D. The family members and doctors can provide better care.Part 11 Vocabulary (10%)Section ADirection: In this section, all the sentences are incomplete. Four word- or phrases marked A, B, C and D are given beneath each of them. You are to choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence, then mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET31 Despite his doctor’s note of caution,he never __ from drinking and smokingA. retainedB. dissuadedC. alleviatedD. abstained32. People with a history of recurrent infections are warned that the use of personalstereos with headsets is likely to _ their hearingA. rehabilitateB. jeopardizeC. tranquilizeD.supplement33. Impartial observers had to acknowledge that lack of formal education did not seem to _ Larry in any way in his success.A. refuteB. ratifyC. facilitateD. impede34. When the supporting finds were reduced, they should have revised their planA. accordingly B alternatively C. considerably D. relatively35. It is increasingly believed among the expectant parents that prenatal education ofclassical music can_ _ future adults with appreciation of music.A acquaint B. familiarized C. endow D. amuse36. If the gain of profit is solely due to rising energy prices, then inflation should be subsided when energy pricesA. level out B stand out C come off D. wear off37 Heat stroke is a medical emergency that demands immediate from qualified medical personnel.A. prescriptionB. palpationC. interventionD. interposition38. Asbestos exposure results in Mesothelioma, asbestosis and internal organ cancers, and of these diseases is often decades after the initial exposure.A. offsetB. intakeC. outletD. onset39. Ebola, which spreads through body fluid or secretions such as urine,and semen, can kill up to 90% of those infected.A. salineB. salivaC. scabiesD. scrabs40. The newly designed system is to genetic transfections, and enables an incubation period for studying various genes.A. comparableB. transmissibleC. translatableD. amenableSection BDirections: Each of the following sentences has a word or phrase underlined. There are four words or phrases beneath each sentence. Choose the word or phrase which can best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined part. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.41 Every year more than 1,000 patients in Britain die on transplant waiting lists, prompting scientists to consider other ways to produce organs.A. propellingB. prolongingC. puzzlingD. promising42. Improved treatment has changed the outlook of HIV patients, but there is still aseriousstigmaattached to AIDS.A. disgraceB. discriminationC. harassmentD. segregation43. Survivors of the shipwreck were finally rescued after their courage of persistencelowered to zero by their physical lassitude..A. depletionB. dehydrationC. exhaustionD. handicap44. Scientists have invented a 3D scan technology to read the otherwiseillegiblewood-carved stone, a method that may apply to other areas such as medicine.A. negativeB. confusingC. eloquentD. indistinct45. Top athletes scrutinizeboth success and failure with their coach to extract lessonsfrom them, but they are never distracted from long-term goals.A. anticipateB. clarifyC. examineD. verify46. Hisimperativetone of voice reveals his arrogance and arbitrariness.A. challengingB. solemnC. hostileD. demanding47 The discussion on the economic collaboration between the United States and theEuropean Union may beeclipsedby the recent growing trade friction.A. erasedB. triggeredC. shadowedD. suspended48. Faster increases in prices fosterthe belief that the future increases will be alsostronger so that higher prices fuel demand rather than quench itA. nurtureB. eliminateC. assimilateD. puncture49. Some recent developments in photography allow animals to be studied inpreviously inaccessible places and in unprecedented detail.A. unpredictableB. unconventionalC. unparalleledD. unexpected50. A veteran negotiation specialist should be skillful at manipulating.A. estimatingB. handlingC. rectifyingD. anticipatingPart III Cloze (10%)Directions: In this section there is a passage with ten numbered blanks. For each blank,there are four choices marked A, B, C and 0 on the right side. Choose the best answerand mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.A mother who is suffering from cancer can pass on the disease to her unborn child in extremely rare cases, 51 a new case report published in PNAS this week.According to researchers in Japan and at the Institute for Cancer Research in Sutton, UK, a Japanese mother had been diagnosed with leukemia a few weeks after giving birth,52 tumors were discovered in her daughter's cheek and lung when she was 11 months old. Genetic analysis showed that the baby's cancer cells had the same mutation as the cancer cells of the mother But the cancer cells contained no DNA whatsoever from the father,53 would be expected if she had inherited the cancer from conception. That suggests the cancer cell made it into the unborn child 's body across the placental barrier.The Guardian claimed this to be the first 54 case of cells crossing the placental barrier But this is not the case -- microchimerism ,55 cells are exchanged between a mother and her unborn child, is thought to be quite common, with some cells thought to pass from fetus to mother in about 50 to 75 percent of cases and to go the other way about half 56.As the BBC pointed out, thegreater 57 in cancer transmission from mother tofetus had been how cancer cells that have slipped through the placental barrier couldsurvive in the fetus without being killed by its immune system. The answer in this caseat least, lies in a second mutation of the cancer cells, which led to the 58 of thespecific features that would have allowed the fetal immune system to detect the cells asforeign. As a result, no attack against the invaders was launched.59 according to the researchers there is little reason for concern of "cancer danger" Only 17 probable cases have been reported worldwide and the combined 60 of cancer cells both passing the placental barrier and having the right mutation to evade the baby's immune system is extremely low51 A. suggests B. suggestingC. having suggestedD. suggested52. A. since B. althoughC. whereasD. when53. A. what B. whomC. whoD.as54. A. predicted B. notoriousC. provenD. detailed55. A. where B. whenC. ifD. whatever56. A. as many B. as muchC. as wellD. as often57 A. threat B. puzzleC.obstacleD. dilemma58. A. detection B. deletionC. amplificationD. addition59. A. Therefore B. FurthermoreC. NeverthelessD. Conclusively60. A. likelihood B. functionC. influenceD. flexibilityPart IV Reading Comprehension (30%)Directions: In this part there are six passages, each of which is followed by fivequestions. For each question there are four possible answers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET Passage OneThe American Society of Clinical Oncology wrapped its annual conference thisweek, going through the usual motions of presenting a lot of drugs that offer some addedquality or extension of life to those suffering from a variety of as-yet incurable diseases. But buried deep in an AP story are a couple of promising headlines that seems worthy ofmore thorough review, including one treatment study where 100 percent of patients sawtheir cancer diminish by half.First of all, it seems pharmaceutical companies are moving away from the maincost-effective one-size-fits-all approach to drug development and embracing the longcancer treatments, engineering drugs that only work for a small percentage of patientsbut work very effectively within that group.Pfizer announced that one such drug it's pushing into late-stage testing is targetfor4% of lung cancer patients. But more than 90% of that tiny cohort responded to the druginitial tests, and 9 out of ten is getting pretty close to the ideal ten out of ten. By gearingtoward more boutique treatments rather than broad umbrella pharmaceuticals that try to fit for everyone it seems cancer researchers are making some headway. But how can weclose the gap on that remaining ten percent?Ask Takeda Pharmaceutical and Celgene, two drug makers who put asidecompetitive interests to test a novel combination of their treatments. In a test of66patients with the blood disease multiple myeloma, a full 100 percent of the subjects sawtheir cancer reduced by half. Needless to say, a 100 percent response to a cancer drug(or in this case a drug cocktail) is more or less unheard of. Moreover, this combinationnever would've been two competing companies hadn't sat down and put their headstogetherAre there more potentially effective drug combos out there separated bycompetitive interest and proprietary information? Who's to say, but it seems like with theamount of money and research being pumped into cancer drug development, theoutcome pretty good. And if researchers can start pushing more of their responsenumbers toward 100 percent, we can more easily start talking about oncology's favoritefour-letter word: cure.61 Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A. Competition and CooperationB. Two Competing Pharmaceutical CompaniesC. The Promising Future of PharmaceuticalsD. Encouraging News: a 100% Response to a Cancer Drug62. In cancer drug development, according to the passage, the pharmaceuticals nowA. are adopting the cost-effective one-size-fits-all approachB. are moving towards individualized and targeted treatmentsC. are investing the lion's shares of their moneyD. care only about their profits63. From the encouraging advance by the two companies, we can infer thatA.the development can be ascribed to their joint efforts and collaborationB. it was their competition that resulted in the accomplishmentC. other pharmaceuticals will join them in the researchD. the future cancer treatment can be nothing but cocktail therapy64. From the last paragraph it can be inferred that the answer to the question _A. is nowhere to be foundB. can drive one crazyC. can be multipleD. is conditional65. The tone of the author of this passage seems to beA. neutralB. criticalC. negativeD. optimistPassage TwoLiver disease is the 12th -leading cause of death in the U.S., chiefly because once it's determined that a patient needs a new liver it's very difficult to get one. Even in case where a suitable donor match is found, there's guarantee a transplant will be successful. But researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital have taken a huge step toward building functioning livers in the lab, successfully transplanting culture-gown livers into rats.The livers aren't grown from scratch, but rather within the infrastructure of a donor liver. The liver cells in the donor organ are washed out with a detergent that gently strips away the liver cells, leaving behind a biological scaffold of proteins andextracellular architecture that is very hard to duplicate synthetically.With all of that complicated infrastructure already in place, the researchers then seeded the scaffold (支架) with liver cells isolated from healthy livers, as well as some special endothelial cells to line the bold vessels. Once repopulated with healthy cells, these livers lived in culture for 10 days.The team also transplanted some two-day-old recellularized livers back into rats, where they continued to thrive for eight hours while connected into the rats' vascular systems. However the current method isn't perfect and cannot seem to repopulate the blood vessels quite densely enough and the transplanted livers can't keep functioning for more than about 24 hours (hence the eight-hour maximum for the rat transplant) But the initial successes are promising, and the team thinks they can overcome the blood vessel problem and get fully functioning livers into rats within two years. It still might be a decade before the tech hits the clinic, but if nothing goes horribly wrong-and especially if stem-cell research establishes a reliable way to create health liver cells from the every patients who need transplants-lab-generated livers that are perfect matches for their recipients could become a reality.66. It can be inferred from the passage that the animal model was mainly intended toA. investigate the possibility of growing blood vessels in the labB. explore the unknown functions of the human liverC. reduce the incidence of liver disease in the U.S.D. address the source of liver transplants67 What does the author mean when he says that the livers aren't grown from scratch?A. The making of a biological scaffold of proteins and extracellular architecture.B. A huge step toward building functioning livers in the lab.C. The building of the infrastructure of a donor liverD. Growing liver cells in the donor organ68. The biological scaffold was not put into the culture in the lab untilA. duplicated syntheticallyB. isolated from the healthy liverC. repopulated with the healthy cellsD. the addition of some man-made blood vessels69. What seems to be the problem in the planted liver?A. The rats as wrong recipients.B. The time point of the transplantation .C. The short period of the recellularization.D. The insufficient repopulation of the blood vessels.70. The research team holds high hopes ofA. creating lab-generated livers for patients within two yearsB. the timetable for generating human livers in the labC. stem-cell research as the future of medicineD. building a fully functioning liver into ratsPassage ThreePatients whose eyes have suffered heat or chemical burns typically experience severe damage to the cornea--the thin, transparent front of the eye that refracts light and contributes most of the eye's focusing ability. In a long-term study, Italian researchers use stem cells taken from the limbus, the border between the cornea and the white of the eye, to cultivate a graft of healthy cells in a lab to help restore vision in eyes. During the 10-years study, the researchers implanted the healthy stem cells into the damaged cornea in 113 eyes of 112 patients. The treatment was fully successful in more than 75 percent of the patients, and partially successful in 13 percent. Moreover, the restored vision remained stable over 10 years. Success was defined as an absence of all symptoms and permanent restoration of the cornea.Treatment outcome was initially assessed at one year, with up to 10 years of follow-up evaluations. The procedure was even successful in several patients whose burninjuries had occurred years earlier and who had already undergone surgery.Current treatment for burned eyes involves taking stem cells from a patient's healthyeye, or from the eyes of another person, and transferring them to the burned eye. Thenew procedure, however stimulates the limbal stem cells from the patient's own eye to reproduce in a lab culture. Several types of treatments using stem cells have provensuccessful in restoring blindness, but the long-term effectiveness shown here issignificant. The treatment is only for blindness caused by damage to the cornea; it is not effective for repairing damaged retinas or optic nerves.Chemical eye burns often occur in the workplace, but can also happen due tomishaps involving household cleaning products and automobile batteries.The results of the study, based at Italy's University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, were published in the June 23 online issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.71 What is the main idea of this passage?A. Stem cells can help restore vision in the eyes blinded by burns.B. The vision in the eyes blinded by burns for 10 years can be restored.C. The restored vision of the burned eyes treated with stem cells can last for 10years.D. The burned eyes can only be treated with stem cells from other healthy persons.72. The Italian technique reported in this passageA. can repair damaged retinasB. is able to treat damaged optic nervesC. is especially effective for burn injuries in the eyes already treated surgicallyD. shows a long-term effectiveness for blindness in vision caused by damage to cornea73. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about eye burns?A. The places in which people work.B. The accidents that involve using household cleaning products.C. The mishaps that involved vehicles batteries.D. The disasters caused by battery explosion at home.74. What is one of the requirements for the current approach?A. The stem cells taken from a healthy eye.B. The patient physically healthy.C. The damaged eye with partial vision.D. The blindness due to damaged optic nerves.75. Which of the following words can best describe the author's attitude towards the new method?A. Sarcastic.B. Indifferent.C. Critical.D. PositivePassage FourHere is a charming statistic: divide the US by race, sex and county of residence, anddifferences in average life expectancy across the various groups can exceed 30 years.The most disadvantaged look like denizens of a poor African country: a boy born on aNative American reservation in Jackson County, South Dakota, for example, will be luckyto reach his 60th birthday. A typical child in Senegal can expect to live longer than that.America is not alone in this respect. While the picture is extreme in other richnations, health inequalities based on race, sex and class exist in most societies--and areonly partly explained by access to healthcare.But fresh insights and solutions may soon be at hand. An innovative project inChicago to unite sociology and biology is blazing the trail (开创),after discovering thatsocial isolation and fear of crime can help to explain the alarmingly high death rate frombreast cancer among the city's black women. Living in these conditions seems to maketumors more aggressive by changing gene activity, so that cancer cells can use nutrientsmore effectively.We are already familiar with the lethal effect of stress on people clinging to the bottom rungs of the societalladder, thanks to pioneering studies of British civil servantsconducted by Michael Marmot of University College London. What's exciting about theChicago project is that it both probes the mechanisms involved in a specific disease andsuggests precise remedies. There are drugs that may stave tumors ofnutrients and community coordinators could be employed to help reduce socialisolation .Encouraged by the US National Institutes of Health, similar projects are springing up tostudy other pockets of poor health, in populations ranging from urban black men to whitepoor women in rural Appalachia.To realize the full potential of such projects, biologists and sociologists will have tostart treating one other with a new respect and learn how to collaborate outside theircomfort zones. Too many biomedical researchers still take the arrogant view thatsociology is a "soft science" with little that's serious to say about health. And too manysociologists reject any biological angle--fearing that their expertise will be swept asideand that this approach will be used to bolster discredited theories of eugenics, or cruderace-based medicineIt's time to drop these outdated attitudes and work together for the good of society'smost deprived members. More important, it's time to use this fusion of biology andsociology to inform public policy. This endeavor has huge implications, not least incutting the wide health gaps between blacks and whites, rich and poor76. As shown in the 1st paragraph, the shaming statistic reflects-A. injustice everywhereB. racial discriminationC. a growing life spanD. health inequalities77. Which of the following can have a negative impact on health according to theChicago-based project?A. Where to live.B. Which race to belong toC. How to adjust environmentally.D. What medical problem to suffer.78. The Chicago-based project focuses its management onA. a particular medical problem and its related social issueB. racial discrimination and its related social problemsC. the socialladder and its related medical conditionsD. a specific disease and its medical treatment78. The Chicago-based project focuses its management onA. a particular medical problem and its related social issueB. racial discrimination and its related social problemsC. the socialladder and its related medical conditionsD. a specific disease and its medical treatment79. Which of the following can most probably neglected by sociologists?A. The racial perspective.B. The environmental aspect.C. The biological dimension.D. The psychological angel.80. The author is a big fan ofA. the combination of a traditional and new way of thinking in promoting healthB. the integration of biologists and sociologists to reduce health inequalitiesC. the mutual understanding and respect between racesD. public education and health promotionPassage FiveAmerican researchers are working on three antibodies that many mark a new stepon the path toward an HIV vaccine, according to a report published online Thursday, July8, 2010, in the journal Science.One of the antibodies suppresses 91 percent of HIV strains, more than any AIDSantibody ever discovered , according to a report on the findings published in the WallStreet Journal. The antibodies were discovered in the cells of a 60-year-old African-Americangay man whose body produced them naturally. One antibody in particular issubstantially different from its precursors, the Science study says.The antibodies could be tried as a treatment for people already infected with HIV,the WSJreports. At the very, least, they might boost the efficacy of current antiretroviraldrugs.It is welcome news for the 33 million people the United Nations estimated wereliving with AIDS at the end of 2008.The WSJ outlines the painstaking method the team used to find the antibody amidthe cells of the African-American man, known as Donor 45. First they designed a probethat looks just like a spot on a particular molecule on the cells that HIV infects. Theyused the probe to attract only the antibodies that efficiently attack that spot. Theyscreened 25 million of Donor 45's cell to find just 12 cells that produced the antibodies。

2016年中国科学院大学英语博士研究生考试试题(样题)SAMPLE TESTUNIVERSITY OF CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCESENGLISH ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONFORDOCTORAL CANDIDATESPAPER ONEPART I VOCABULARY (15 minutes,10 points, 0.5 point each)Directions:Choose the word or expression below each sentence that best completes the statement,and mark the corresponding letter of your choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine—scoring Answer Sheet。
Ten years ago, a house with a decent bathroom was a __________ symbol among university professors.A。
post B。
status C。
position D。
place 2. It would be far better if collectors could be persuaded to spend their time and money in support of ___________ archaeological research。
legible B. legitimateC。
legislative D. illicit3。
We seek a society that has at its __________ a respect for the dignity and worth of the individual。
医学博士考试01-06试题 加详解

2000FA TMD医学博士研究生入学外语考试――英语参考答案(部分)PAPER TWO31.A 32.B 33.C 34.D 35.A 36.B 37.C 38.C 39.A 40.B 41.C 42.C 43.C 44.D 45.B46.D 47.C 48.B 49.A 50.C51.C 52.B 53.D 54.A55.C 56.D 57.D 58.C59.C 60.C 61.D 62.D63.A 64.B 65.D 66.D67.C 68.B 69.C 70.A71.C 72.C 73.C 74.D 75.D2001FA TMD医学博士研究生入学外语考试――英语参考答案(部分)PAPER ONE1.A2.C3.D4.B5.A6.A7.C8.A9.D 10.C 11. PAPER TWO1.C2.C3.A4.B5.C6.D7.B8.D9.C 10.D 11.D 12.A 13.A 14.B 15.B 16.C 17.C 18.A 19.D 20.D 21.D 22.C 23.A 24.C 25.C 26.C 27.A 28.B 29.A 30.A31.C 32.A 33.B 34.A 35.A 36.B 37.C 38.C 39.D 40.B 41.C 42.C 43.A 44.B 45.B46.C 47.D 48.B 49.D 50.A51.C 52.A 53.A 54.D55.D 56.C 57.A 58.A59.C 60.C 61.D 62.A63.B 64.D 65.D 66.C67.A 68.A 69.D 70.D71.C 72.A 73.C 74.D 75.A2002FA TMD医学博士研究生入学外语考试――英语参考答案(部分)1.B2.C3.C4.A5.D6.B7.C8.C9.B 10.C 11.C 12.D 13.D 14.C 15.B16.A 17.C 18.B 19.B 20.A 21.D 22.D 23.C 24.C 25.C 26.A 27.D 28.A 29.C 30.B31.B 32.C 33.A 34.C 35.D 36.C 37.C 38.C 39.D40.D41.B 42.D 43.D 44.B 45.C 46.D 47.A 48.B 49.A50.B51.B 52.C 53.D 54.A 55.C 56.C 57.C 58.C 59.A60.A61.A 62.D 63.D 64.B 65.A 66.D 67.D 68.A 69.C70.C71.B 72.A 73.A 74.A 75.A 76.B 77.C 78.B 79.C80.D81.C 82.B 83.D 84.D 85.D 86.A 87.B 88.C 89.A 90.D2003FA TMD医学博士研究生入学外语考试――英语参考答案(部分)1.D 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.D 11.B 12.D 13.D 14.A 15.A16.C 17.A 18.D 19.D 20.D 21.C 22.D 23.D 24.A 25.C 26.D 27.D 28.B 29.C 30.D31.A 32.B 33.D 34.C 35.A 36.D 37.A 38.C 39.C 40.A 41.A 42.C 43.C 44.D 45.D 46.B 47.D 48.D 49.C 50.A51.B 52.A 53.C 54.A 55.C 56.B 57.A 58.C 59.B60.A61.C 62.B 63.C 64.B 65.C 66.C 67.B 68.D 69.A70.B71.D 72.A 73.D 74.C 75.D 76.B 77.D 78.C 79.C80.A81.A 82.A 83.D 84.C 85.B 86.B 87.C 88.A 89.D 90.B2004年全国医学考博英语试题答案(仅供参考)1.A2.B3.C4.C5.C6.B7.D8.A9.D 10.D11.A 12.B 13.C 14.C 15.D 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.A21.A 22.B 23.D 24.C 25.D 26.A 27.D 28.C 29.B 30.C31.B 32.A 33.D 34.A 35.B 36.B 37.A 38.B 39.C 40.B41.A 42.C 43.B 44.D 45.C 46.D 47.C 48.A 49.D 50.A51.A 52.B 53.D 54.A 55.B 56.C 57.A 58.A 59.B 60.C61.D 62.C 63.B 64.D 65.C 66.D 67.D 68.C 69.D 70.B71.B 72.D 73.B 74.C 75.B 76.B 77.A 78.D 79.A 80.B81.B 82.D 83.C 84.C 85.A 86.B 87.D 88.A 89.A 90.D2005年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试卷答案1-5CACDA6-10CDBCB11-15CADBA16-20DDBCB21-25ABCBD26-30CCDAD31-35CABAA36-40CADAD41-45BACBA46-50ABDCC51-55BACBA56-60ACBCB61-65BCBBC66-70BDABC71-75CACBB76-80CACBB81-85CBACD86-90ADBCC2006年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试卷答案31-40 CDCCB BCBDA41-50 ACACA ACDDB51-60 BCACA AADBC61-70 DDDDA ACABD71-80ACCCC BCAAD81-90DBDBD DDBBC2001part III vocabulary(15%)1.we are all overwhelmed with more facts and information than we can possibly____A.feedB.maintainC.absorbD.consume2.pleasure,or joy, is vital to ____health. vital.生死攸关的, 重大的, 生命的, 生机的, 至关重要的, 所必需的A.optimistic pessimistic悲观的B.optional可选择的, 随意的C.optimal最佳的, 最理想的near optimal近似最佳D.operational3.A ____ effort is required to achieve health.mitted 承担义务的;忠于既定立场的;坚定的B.restrictedposed镇静的, 沉着的D.sophisticated诡辩的, 久经世故的4.A person’s belief ____ and colors his experience.A.contradicts vt.同...矛盾, 同...抵触contradict a statement驳斥一项声明contradict oneself自相矛盾B.shapes shape the destiny of决定...的命运C.summarizes概述, 总结, 摘要而言D.exchanges交换, 调换, 兑换, 交流, 交易.exchange experience 交流经验5.Many professors encourage students to question and ____ their idearsA.convey vt.搬运, 传达, 转让I can't convey my feelings in words.我的情感难以言表。

2002年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题patr II vocabulary31.An enormous number of people in the world’s poorest countries do not have clean water or adequate sanitation____A. capacitiesB. facilitiesC. authoritiesD. warranties32.Family-planing clinics give out ___advices to people who have decided to limit the size of their families.A..insensitiveB.interrogativeC.contraceptivemunicative33.Caffeine is the ___drug that will just about get you out of the door on time to catch the bus.A.miracleB.mythC.trickD.legend34.Today investigators are still far from ___ a master map of the vasculature of the heart.A.constitutingB.decodingC.draftingD.encoding35.I have never seen a more caring, ___ group of piople in my life.A.emotionalB.impersonalpulsorypassionate36.By the time I reached my residency, I ___ treated the patient as a whole human being.A.yearned forB.broke intoC.pass forD.made for37.We now obtain more than two-thirds protein from animal resources, while our grandparents ___only one-half from animal resources.A.originatedB.digestedC.deprivedD.derived38.Obesity carries an increased risk of ____.A.mortalityB. mobilityC.longevityD.maternity39.The best exercise should require continuous ___ , rather than frequent stops and starts.passionB.accelerationC.frustrationD.exertion40.Environmental officials insist that something be done to ___ acid rain.A.curbB.sueC.detoxifyD.condemn41.It would be wildly optimistic to believe that these advances offset such a large reduction in farmland .A.take inB.make upC.cut downD.bring about42.To begin with ,it is impossible to come up with a satisfactory definition of what constitutes happy and unhappy marriage.A.explainB.opposeC.representD.propose43.Politicians often use emotional rather than rational arguments to win the support for their actions and ideas.A.applicableB.favorableC.sensitiveD.reasonable44.Tests are one way for a teacher to assess how much a student has learned.A.observeB.appraiseC.appreciateD.induce45.Through live television电视实况转播, the world is now able to witness historical events as they happen.A.reserveB.confirmC.perceiveD.transmit46.Most experts say that the new tax plan will have a negligible effect on the country’seconomic problems.A.indefiniteB.indispensableC.infiniteD.insignificant47.I don’t know how you could have left out the most important fact of all.A.omittedB.fabricatedC.pinpointedD.embraced48.Family and cultural beliefs and norms are important predictors of health-seeking behavior.A.formulationsB.standardsC.principlesnD.notions49.There must be a systematic approach to retrieving notes and analyzing them.A.regainB.relievingC.reversingD.rectifying50.To study the distribution of disease within an area, it is useful to plot the case on a map.A.markB.allocateC.eraseD.posepart III close (10%)You feel generally depressed and unable to concentrate. Your pattern of daily 51 may change: you find yourself52 and active at night; you sleep late into the day, when most others are working .You stay in your room and have little contact with people53 with those who speak your language .In your mind, you criticize the piople around you ----they are rude, loud, unfriendly, uninformed,concerned with insignificant things, 54stupid; you complain about them to any friends you have. You became55 when you can’t go into a restaurant and order the type of food you realy like; you get angry when the TV news contains mostly U.S news and very little about events that are important to you. You are constantly making comparison between life here and the perfect life56 home.Above all, you are homesick almost all the time.If you ever find yourself behaving in ways 57 these, you are brobably suffering culture shock. Culture shock is a psychological 58 that sometimes has physical effects.It affects piople who have moved away from an invironment where they know how to live 59 a new environment where much is unfamiliar to them---the food, the weather, the language, and especially the 60 rules for social behavior that few people are consciously aware of .51.A. way B.pattern C. method D.track52.A.sleepy B.happy C.awake D.sad53.A.for B.lest C.besides D.except54.A.even B.merely C.indeed D.rather55.A.offended B.uninterested C.frustrated D.isolated56.A.here B.there C.back D.away57.A.the same as B.different from C. similar to D.familiar with58.A.situation B.condition C.reflection D.position59.A.in B.at C.within D.into60.A.unwritten B.written C.spoken D.secretepassage oneScience is the 4-year pursuit of knowledge that every high school teenager must live through. I often ask myself, when will I ever need to use this stuff when I grow up? The answer is clearly , probably never. I doubt that I will ever need to know the chemical formula of dichromate, or how to correctly identify a combustion reaction.However,where would we be today, whithout science? Without the great minds of Einstein and Newton, where would we be? How would I be able to writer this essay on the computer ,if there was no science? Would I be alive today? Would humankind survive through the year snd still be around today? Or dogs be the masters of humans? Would we be still the dominant species on the Earth?So many questions arise because the human race depends on the advancement of science. We are dependent on Nabisco to make that cookie you love, 99.99% fat free, that video game company to come out with the anniversary game cartridge you want to play so badly , and that car company to alter the headlights of the car and call it the “new” 98 car.where would we be whithout science? We depend on our researchers to make new vaccines and doctors to make us the way we want to be.We depend on them to make us “prettier”,to perform triple bypass, to make sure nothing goes wrong when they operate upon us. Doctors depend on science just as much as we depend on science. Lawyers are constantly depending on doctors not knowing their science so they can get rich quick. Just look how much our society depends on the advancement of science.Science, in a way , keeps our society from falling apart. In our society science is everywhere. Science takes part in our everyday life more than we think. We need science progress so that we can simply make it through a day. When most people think of science , they think of it as a laboratory ,white coats, and mixing all different-colored chemicals untill something blows up. But the fact is that science is a way of life and our future.61.The author’s probable answer to the question where we would be today, without science is___A.it hard to imagineB.we would nowhere to findC.let’s see what happensD.not every question has an answer in the world62.From the cookie to the car,the author is trying to tell us that science____A.would be nowhere without humansB.is picking up its developing paceC.raise so many present problemsD.is shaping our world63.The author impies that science____A.is making doctors and lawyers the richest people in our societyB.does not involve every professionC.needs us as much as we need itD.is benefiting everyone64.The author seems to draw a conclusion that science____A.does rather than it isB.is ubiquitous in our lifeC.does not exist in a laboratoryD.is not appreciated in the publix65.The author is most probably___A.a studentB.a socialistC.a professor of scienceD.a free-lance writer of sciencepassage 2Osteoporosis used to be called “the silent disease’’because its victims didn’t know they had it until it was too late and they suffered a bone fracture. Today, doctors can identify osteoporosis early. Improved understanding of the disease has also led to new treatments and strategies for preventing the disease altogether.For post-menopausal woman, the most common medical response to osteoporosis is hormone replacement therapy. Boosting estrogen levels strengthens the entire skeleton and reduces the risk of hip fracture.Unfortunately ,it sometimes causes uterine bleeding and may increase the of breast cancer.To passby such side effects, researchers have developed several alternative treatments. Synthetic estrogens called Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators(SERMs) emulate estrogen with slight modifications.Another drug ,alendronate reduces spine, hip and wrist fractures by 50 percent. Researchers have even developed a nasal spray called calcitonin. Each of these alternatives has trade-offs ,however. Patients must talk with their doctors to decide which therapy is best for them.The ideal way to address osteoporosis is by adopting a healthy lifestyle. And the best to do this is in childhood, when most bone mass is accumulated.Because bodies continue building bone until about age thirty, some experts believe that women in their twenties can still increase their bone stength by as much as 20 percent.Calcium, which is available in low-fat dairy foods and dark green vegetables, is essential for preventing osteoporosis. So is Vitamin D , which aides calcium absorbtion. Vitamin D comes from sunlingt, but dietary supplements may be helpful in northern climates and among those who don’t get outside.The final component is regular moderate exercise because bone responds to the needs that body puts on it.These are the simple steps that can help make “the silent disease”truly silent.66.Hormone replacement therapy for osteoporosis____ed to effective in post-manopausal womanB.is most frequently priscribed by doctorsC.works perfectly on post-manopausal womenD.is most likely to be avoided for its side effects.67.The best treatment for osteoporosis , according to the passage.___A.is Selective Estrogen Receptor ModulatorsB.is chosen by the patientC.possesses no side effectsD.is of individuality68.To preventing osteoporosis, a healthy lifestyle should be adopted____A.as early as childhoodB.when one is in his twentiesC.after bone mass accumulate stopsD.as soon as osteoporosis is diagnosed.69.By making “the silent disease” truly silent, the author means that the actionssuggested____A.can be the best therapy for osteoporosisB.can help eradicate osteoporosisC.can help prevent osteoporosisD.all of the above.70.The author of this passage focuses on the____of osteoporosisA.alternative treatmentsB.early diagnosisC.treatments and preventionD.resulting damagespassage 3If you are caught in a downpour, it is better to run for a shelter than walk, reaserchers in the US advise. This may sound obvious, but an earlier study in Britain suggested that you would get just as wet as walking.In 1995, Stephen Belcher of the University of Reading and his students calculated how much water falls on top of your head and how much you sweep up on your front as you move forward. Obviously, you would get wetest standing still, and less wet the faster you moved. But the Reading team found that the benefits of running faster than about 3 meters per second—which they described as a walking pace---were tiny.Thomas Peterson and Trevor Wallis ,meteorologists at the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, North Carolina, had a hunch that this was wrong.They realized that the Reading team had overestimated the average walking pace, so they reworked the calculations for a walking pace of 1.5metres per second and a running speed of 4 meters second.Peterson and Wallis conclude in the latest issue of weather that a walker would get 16 per cent wetter than a runner over a distance of 100 metres in drizzle. In heavy rain ,this would rise to 23 per cent.When the reseachers allowed for the way that runners tend to lean forward, sheltering the front of their bodies but increasing the rainfall on their backs, they found that a walker would get 36per cent wetter than a runner in heavy rain.Not content with theory alone, Peterson and Wallis decided to test their ideas. “If verification requires an $80million satellite, one may have to forgo verification,”says Peterson . “But if it involves a simple experiment, that’s another matter.” Peterson and Wallis are roughly the same size, Wearing identical clothing, one ran 100 metres in heavy rain and the other walked.They weighed their clothes before and after the experiment. This showed that the walker had absorbed 0.22kgs of water,while the runner had soaked up only 0.13 kgs. This is about 40 per cent less ,in line with the model’s predictions.Belcher says that his team’s work was a bit of fun, and that apart from the confusion over what a typical walking speed is ,their results were similar to those of Peterson and Wallis. “I’m delighted to see that their experiments gave results in qualitative agreement with the model,” says Belcher.But why not just take an umbrells? For anyone thinking of taking the easy way out, Wallis has a warning: “Running with an umbrella has a negative impact on your aerodynamics”71.The reading team and the American meteorologists presented different results ininvestigating___A.how far people can run per second in a downpourB.the benefits of running for shelter in a downpourC.whether people can run fast in a downpourD.the average walking pace in a downpour72.According to the American researchers, the Reading team made an error in calculating___A.the average walking paceB.the amount of rainfallC.the time and distanceD.the running speed73.Which of the following, according to the American researchers, gets the least wet?A.Running in drizzleB.walking in drizzleC.Running in heavy rainD.walking in heavy rain74.They verified their model predictions by experimenting___A.on themselvesB.with satelliteC.on the twins of the same sizeD.with sophisticated calculating devices75.The simila results ,according to Belcher ,refer to___A.the amount of rain water absorbedB.the average running speedC.the average walking paceD.all of the abovepassage 4Englisher speakers pick up pitch in the right hemisphere of their brains, but speakers of certain other languages perceive it on the left as well.It all depends on what you want to learn from pitch, Donald Wong of the Indians School of Medicine in Indianapolis told the meeting last week.Earlier studies have shown that when an English speaker hears pitch changes, the right prefrontal cortex leaps into action. This fits in with the idea that emotive nuances of language---which in English are often carried by the rise and fall of the voice----are perceived on the right.But in “tonal” languages like Thai, Mandarin and Swedish, Pitch not only carries emotional information,but can also alter the meaning of a word .Wong and his colleagues suspected that a speaker of tonal language would register pitch in the left side of the brain---in particular Broca’s area ,which processes the linguistic content of language.To test this , the team asked English speakers and Thai speakers to listen 80 pairs of Thai words, and tracked the blood flow in their brains using positron emission tomography.The volunteers had to decide whether the two words sounded the same, either by consonant or by tone ,In some cases, the words had on intelligible meaning.None of the words was emotionally charged, so even when Thai speakers could understand them, there was no right-side activation.But sure enough the Thai speakers could consistently lit up the left sid e of the brain, especially Broca’s area, while the English speakers did not.The researchers are now planing to repeat the experiment with Thai speakers using whole sentences, complete with emotional information. “Both hemispheres will be engaged,” pred ict Wong.76.The reason why pitch is registered on the right hemisphere, according to the passage, is that __A.belongs to the English language exclusivelyB.is an emotive nuance of language nuance n.细微差别C.can be easily heardD.is a regular sound77.When the emotion-free words were heard in the test____A.were registered on the English speakers’ right hemisphereB.slowed down the blood flow in the volunteers’ brainsC.activated the Thai speaker’s left hemispheresD.sounded the exactly the same to the volunteers78.A tonal language____A.possess no pitchB.carries pitch with dual functions双重职能C.is superior to the English languageD.holds more linguestic content than English.79.In Wong’s future expetiment ,the volunteers____A.will use either their right or left hemispheresB.will use both English and a tonal languageC.will listen to emotionally-charged sentencesD.will listen to more pairs of emotionally-charged words80.What is the passage mainly about?A.Two hemisphere to the sound of speechB.Two functions of pitch in languageC. Two hemisphere of the human braimD.Two languages and two hemispheresPassage 5We are all members of a culture. How we interpret the reality around us ,what we consider to be reasonable statements and behavior ,and what we believe to be health and illness all stem from the culture we share with some people and not with others. Those whose cultural experiences differ from our own will also differ in their belief and interpretions of reality.We are all rooted in an ethnic group as well, even if this group is simply the so-called “majority” of white, middle cla ss, protestant heritage .The degree to which we identify with an ethnic past will vary according to the strength with which family tradition has maintained that identity,and to the degree that the family chooses to assimilate into the larger society. The e xtent of an individual’s or a family’s identification with an ethnic heritage is as important as the specific features of that heritage.American society is ethnically and culturally diverse, and community healthnurse will find themselves practicing in communities that reflect this diversity.A particular family or a whole community may belong to an ethnic or cultural group very different from the nurse’s own. Those community nurses who are most sensitive to variations in clients’ beliefs and behaviors will be most effective in promoting their wellness.Community health nurses can achieve this sensitivity by examining their own culture in order to understand how it colors their world view and their interactions with individuals, families, and communities.Recognizing the clients individuals as well as members of a larger culture, nurses will reje ct stereotypical views of clients’ ethnic groups that can impede communication and diminish their effectiveness. Indeed, culture mediates all social encounters, including those between nurse and client ,and its study can enhance the effectiveness of health care services.81.We live in the social enviroment ___A.without different cultural experiencesB.of the same behavior and beliefC.with a shared cultureD.of the same race82.The author is mainly talking about in the second paragraph___A.assimilation into a large societyB.identification with an ethnic heritageC.the conflict between identification and assimilationD.the contradiction between an ethnic group and the majority83.According to the passage, a nurse cannot function well in a community___A.that reflects ethical and cultural diversityB.without asimilating into its ethnic heritageC.that is sensitive to his /her beliefs and behaviorsD.without recognizing its ethnical and cultural diversity84.Community health nurses are supposed to ____A.be sensitive to variations in clients’ beliefs and behaviorsB.abandon the stereotypical views of clients’ groupsC.examine their own cultureD. all of the above85.Which of the following can best summarize the general idea of the passage?A.identification with and assimilation into ethnic groupsB.Novel and stereotypical views of ethnic groupsmunicatio and communityD.culture and health care.passage 6I’m in the unusual position of being both a computer scientist and a professional musician. On the computer side, I’m best known for my work virtual reality, a term I coined in the early 1980’s , As a musician I write, perform,and record my own work. Canons for Wroclaw, a concerto I created for virtual instruments, was performed last December by the Chamber Wrchestra of Wroclaw ,Poland.All of this means that I have a few deeply felt ideas about Napster, the free software millions of people use to share their music collections over the Internet. Big media companies see Napster as theft because they can’t collect royalties when people use it. So they have asked the courts to kill it. As I write this , a settlement seems to be emerging. Napster will probably begin to charge for its services and pay royalties to at least some record companies.Whatever happens, the legal decisions surrounding Napster are important for resons that transcend the music business and extend to our basic concepts of what it means to be free in a democracy. I believe the anti-Napster forces have failed to foresee dangerous implications of their course of action. They don’t understand what I call the Law of the Exclude Digital Middle:Digital tools can be either open or closed but resist being anything in between .An open digital tool is one that can be used in unforeseen ways. A tool like e-mail ,meant to send text, might also---surprisingly ---be used to send music.A closed tool is one in which there are technical resteictions that prevent unforeseen uses. The advantage of open tools is that more people can create new things with them;consequently,they tend to be more innovative.Closed tools are usually created because it is thought they will be more profitable: An owner can control them well enough to enforce bill collection. Of course, the open software movement energetically promotes the idea that innovation ends up generating more money than control does.86.The Napster issue___A.is one concerning copyright infringement of violationB.is a dispute bewteen music companies and the coutC.has been settled in favor of music loversD.will result in a boom of sales for music companies87.The designer of an open digital tool hardly knows___A.the risks it may encunterB.the potential ways of its usageC.the number of its usersD.the amounts of its net profit88.People who use closed digital tools end up____A.making huge profitsB.creating new techniquesC.paying for servicesD.facing legal punishment89.It implied that owners of digital tools will make more profits by___A.encouraging innovationsB.proteching copyrightsC.control costsD.charging customers90.The attitude of the auther towards the anti-Napster action is ___A.supportiveB.ambiguousC.indifferentD.negative2002FATMD医学博士研究生入学外语考试――英语参考答案(部分)1.B2.C3.C4.A5.D6.B7.C8.C9.B 10.C11.C 12.D 13.D 14.C 15.B16.A 17.C 18.B 19.B 20.A21.D 22.D 23.C 24.C 25.C26.A 27.D 28.A 29.C 30.B31.B 32.C 33.A 34.C 35.D36.C 37.C 38.C 39.D 40.D41.B 42.D 43.D 44.B 45.C46.D 47.A 48.B 49.A 50.B51.B 52.C 53.D 54.A 55.C56.C 57.C 58.C 59.A 60.A61.A 62.D 63.D 64.B 65.A66.D 67.D 68.A 69.C 70.C71.B 72.A 73.A 74.A 75.A76.B 77.C 78.B 79.C 80.D81.C 82.B 83.D 84.D 85.D86.A 87.B 88.C 89.A 90.2003年part II31.Sometimes you can get quite _____ when you are trying to communicate with someone inEnglish.A.frustratedB.depressedC.approvedD.distracted32.The company has ____ itself to a policy of equal opportunity for all.A.promisedmittedC.attributedD.converted33.I haven’t met anyone ____ the new tax plan.A.in honor ofB.in search ofC.in place ofD.in favor of34.Salk won ____ as the scientist who developed the world’s first effective vaccine againstpolio.A.accomplishmentB.qualificationC.eminenceD.patent35.This software can be ____ to the needs of each customer.A.tailoredB.administratedC.entailedD.accustomed36.The average commercial business can shut down in such an emergemcy but a hospital doesn’t dare, for lives are____A.in circulationB.under considerationC.on handD.at stake37.As we need plain, ____food for the body, so we must have serious reading for the mind.A.wholesomeB.dietC.tastefulD.edible38.He never gave much thought to the additional kilorams he had ____ lately.A.shown upB.piled upC.put onD.taken on39.The teacher tried hard to read ____ handwriting in her students’s test papers.A.irregularB.illiterateC.illegibleD.irrational40.A coronary disease is the widely-used term____ insufficiency of blood supply to the heart.A.denotingB.donatingC.relatingD.resorting41.Humans are using up the world’s natural riches at an alarming rate.A.appallingB.appealingC.alertD.abnormal42.Dring water in many areas of the developing world is contaminated with bacteria.A.purifiedB.multipliedC.taintedD.blended43.One of the most noticeable features of U.S society is the diversity of its people.A.libertyB.democracyC.vatietyD.origin44.The controversy about abortion has been going on in the United States for mor than twenty years.A.resentmentB.consensusC.notionD.dispute45.As human settlement advance ,the tropical forests are retreating and becoming smaller every year.A.retrievingB.sprawlingC.consumingD.withdrawing46.The war’s impact on the population of the country was cat ast rophic.A.influentialB.dis ast rousC.apparentD.criticala47.His physican told him that not to take much of the drug because it was very potent.A.bitterB.irritantC.effectiveD.powerful48.Certain drugs can cause transient side effects ,such as sleepiness.A.permanentB.residualC.irreversibleD.fleeting49.Nervous illness may stem from being treated inconsiderately in childhood.plainB. give rise toC.originate inD.dominate over50.Both a person’s heredity and his surroundings help to shape his chacter.A.formB.correctC.modifyD.improvePart III Cloze(10%)There were red faces at one of Britain’s biggest banks recently. They had accepted a telephone order to buy $100,000 worth of shares from a fifteen-old schoolboy (they thought he was twenty-one). The shares fell in value and the schoolboy was unable to 51 . The bank lost $20,000 on the 52 that it cannot get back because ,for one thing, this young speculator does not have the money and , for another, 53 under eighteen, he is not legally liable for his debts. If the shares had risen in value by the same amount that they fell, he would have pocketed $20,000 54 . Not bad for a fifteen-yeat-old. It certainly is better than 55the morning newspaper. In another recent case, a boy of fourteen found , in his grandfather’shouse , a suitcase full of foreign banknotes .The clean, crisp banknotes looked very 56 but they were now not used in their country of origin or anywhere else. This young boy57 straight to the nearest bank with his pockets filled with notes. The cashers did not realize that the country in 58 had reduced the value of its currincy by 90%, they exchanged the notes at their face value at the current exchange rate.In three days, before he was found out, he took $20,000 from nine different banks. 59,he had already spend more than half of this on taxi-rides, restraurant meal , concert tickets and presents for his many new girlfriends( at least he was generous! ) before the police caught up with him. Because he is also under eighteen the bank shave 60 a lot of money, and several cashiers have lost jobs.51.A.pay off B.pay up C.pay for D.pay out52.A.principle B.criterion C.custom D.deal53.A.to be B.having been C.being D.is54.A.profit B.advantage C.benefit mission55.A.sending B.transmitting C.delivering D.dispatching56.A.convincing B.valuable C.unusual D.priceless57.A.came B.pull C.headed D.pushed58.A.problem B.question C.talk D.saying59.A.Interestingly B.Unfortunately C.Particularly D.Amazingly60.A.kissed goodbye to B. got rid of C.lived up to D.made forPart IV(30%)Passage 1In a society where all aspects of our lives are dictated by scientific advances in technology, science is the essence of our existence.Without the vast advances made by chemists ,physicists, biologist , geologist, and other diligent scientists, our standards of living would decline, our flourishing., wealthy nation might come to an economic depression, and our people would suffer from disease that could not be cured. As a society we ignorantly take advantage of the amenities provided by science, yet our lives would be altered interminablywithout them.Health care, one of the aspects of our society that separates us from our archaic ancestors, is founded exclusively on scientific discoveries and advances. Without the caccines created by doctors, disease such as polio , measles,hepatitis, and the flu would pose a threat to our citizens, for although some of these disease may not be deadly, their side effects can be a vast detriment to an individual affected with the disease.In addition , science has developed perhaps the most awe-inspiring, vital invention in the history of the world, the computer. Without the presence of this machine,our world could exist, but the convenience brought into life by the computer are unparalleled.Despite the greatness of present-day innovators and scientists and their revelations,it is requisite to examine the amenities of science that our culture so blatantly disregards. For instance,the light bulb,electricity,the telephone, running water, and the automobile are present-day staples of our society;however,they were not present until scientists discovered them.Because of the contribution of scientist, our world is ever metamorphosing,and this metamorphosis economically and personally comprise our society, whether our society is cognizant of认识到this or not.61.In the first paragraph the author implies that we____A.would not survive without science。

医学考博英语历年真题2015年全国医学博士英语统一入学考试试卷Part I Listening Comprehension(30%)Section ADirections:I n this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers.At the end of each conversation,you will hear a question about what is said.The question will be read only once.After you hear the question,read the four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.Listen to the following example.You will hear:Woman:I fell faint.Man:No wonder You haven't had a bite all day.Question:What's the matter with the woman?You will read:A.She is sick.B.She is bitten by an ant.C.She is hungry.D.She spilled her paint.Here C is the right answer.Sample AnswerA B●D Now let's begin with question number1.1. A.How to deal with his sleeping problem. B.The cause of his sleeping problem.C.What follows his insomnia.D.The severity of his medical problem.2. A.To take the medicine for a longer time. B.To discontinue the medication.C.To come to see her again.D.To switch to other medications.3. A.To tale it easy and continue to work. B.To take a sick leave.C.To keep away from work.D.To have a follow-up.4. A.Fullness in the stomach. B.Occasional stomachache.C.Stomach distention.D.Frequent belches.5. A.extremely severe. B.Not very severe.C.More severe than expected.D.It's hard to say.6. A.He has lost some weight. B.He has gained a lot.C.He needs to exercise more.D.He is still overweight.7. A.She is giving the man an injection. B.She is listening to the man's heart.C.She is feeling the man's pulse.D.She is helping the man stop shivering.8. A.In the gym. B.In the office.C.In the clinic.D.In the boat.9. A.Diarrhea. B.Vomiting.C.Nausea.D.A cold.10. A.She has developed allergies. B.She doesn't know what allergies are.C.She doesn't have any allergies.D.She has allergies treated already.11. A.Listen to music. B.Read magazines.C.Go play tennis.D.Stay in the house.12. A.She isn't feeling well. B.She is under pressure.C.She doesn't like the weatherD.She is feeling relieved.13. A.Michael's wife was ill B.Michael's daughter was ill.C.Michael's daughter gave birth to twins.D.Michael was hospitalized for a check-up.14. A.She is absent-minded. B.She is in high spirits.C.She is indifferent.D.She is compassionate.15. A.Ten years ago. B.Five years ago.C.Fifteen years ago.D.Several weeks ago.Section BDirections:In this section you will hear one conversation and two passages'after each of which,you will hear five questions.After each question,read the four possible answers marked A,B,C and D.Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.Dialogue16. A.A blood test. B.A gastroscopy.C.A chest X-ray exam.D.A barium X-ray test.17. A.To lose some weight. B.To take a few more tests.C.To sleep on three pillows.D.To eat smaller,lighter meals.18. A.Potato chips. B.Chicken. C.Cereal. D.fish.19. A.Ulcer B.Cancer C.Depression. D.Hernia.20. A.He will try the diet the doctor recommended.B.He will ask for a sick leave and relax at home.C.He will take the medicine the doctor prescribed.D.He will take a few more tests to rule out cancer.Passage One21. A.A new concept of diabetes.B.The definition of Type1and Type2diabetes.C.The new management of diabetics in the hospital.D.The new development of non-perishable insulin pills.22. A.Because it vaporizes easily.B.Because it becomes overactive easily.C.Because it is usually in injection form.D.Because it is not stable above40degrees Fahrenheit.23. A.The diabetics can be cured without taking synthetic insulin any longer.B.The findings provide insight into how insulin works.C.Insulin can be more stable than it is now.D.Insulin can be produced naturally.24. A.It is stable at room temperature for several years.B.It is administered directly into the bloodstream。

注意:本答案非华慧考博官网出,完整参考答案请及时关注《华慧医学考博英语一本通》2016医博英语考试听力部分答案Listening Comprehension (30%)Section A1. B. At three next Wednesday.2. B. A piercing pain.3. A. He is going to get married.4. D. She couldn't agree with the man more.5. A. Jack's girlfriend is mad at him.6. B. It's wise to be prepared.7. B. He is a trouble-maker.8. D. $309. C. Work out in the gym.10. B. 23211. A. Mary isn't his type.12. A. Play tennis.13. C. In the hospital.14. A. She is seriously ill.15. B. She makes a living now as a landlady.Section BDialogue16. A. A duodenal ulcer.17. B. Try medical means.18. A. Overweight.19. C. He is a heavy smoker.20. D. Make an appointment with Dr. Oaks.Passage One21. D. He is the creator of a website on longevity.22. C. Women develop cardiovascular disease much later than men.23. B. In their 60s and 70s.24. D. Iron.25. C. Another possibility for women's longevity.Passage Two26. C. He struggled under the strain of poverty.27. B. He is an investment advisor.28. D. Fear.29. B. He began reading investment books and then began practicing.30. C. Where there is a will, there is a way.2016医学考博英语Vocabulary参考答案Part II Vocabulary (10%)Section ADirections:In this section all the sentences are incomplete. Four words or phrases, marked A, B, C and D, are given beneath each of them. You are to choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.31. Employers have a legal obligation to pay _______ to their workers for injuries.A. compensationB. compromiseC. commodityD. consumptionKey: A32. The argument between the two patients became so fierce that the doctor had to _________.A. alleviateB. aggravateC. extinguishD. interveneKey: D33. But despite all the legal hustle and bus tle, they don’t actually expect to _______ death sentences to life terms without parole.A. induceB. convertC. reviveD. swerveKey: B34. To maintain physical well-being, a person should eat _______ food and get sufficient exercise.A. integralB. grossC. wholesomeD. intactKey: C35. The Central Government’s pledge to maintain the ______ and stability of Hong Kong at all costs is a great encouragement to the local finance.A. provisionB. prosperityC. privilegeD. preferenceKey: B36. It is pointed out that patients must be reassured that “their lives will not be ______ asa result of bed shortages.”A. facilitated B. forfeited C. fulfilled D. furnishedKey: B37. The cause of his death has been a mystery and _______ unknown so far.A. exclusivelyB. superficiallyC. utterlyD. doubtfullyKey: C38. It is known that some ways of using resources _______ can destroy the environment as well as the people living in it.A. recklesslyB. sparinglyC. sensiblyD. incrediblyKey: A39. Cholera is a preventable waterborne bacterial infection that is spread through ______ water.A. filteredB. distilledC. contaminatedD. purifiedKey: C40. We welcome him not ____________ as a new broom but rather as a very old friend.A. by the wayB. at all eventsC. by no meansD. in any senseKey: C2016医学考博英语阅读参考答案Part IV Reading Comprehension (30%)Passage One61. To have a journey of discovery witheach child, according to the passage, is_____________.A. to discover their unique sleep-wakecycles62. In the first paragraph, the authorsuggests that parents ____________.D. keep a diary on sleep pattern for theirchil63. When there exists a “marker” in the child according to the passage, __________.A. it might lead to his or her earlysubstance use64. What is the author trying to tell us inthethird paragraph?B. Sometimes parents need to seek professionalassistance.65. What is the main idea of the passage?C. Parents’ role in building their child’shealthy sleeping habit.Passage Two66. The study's results indicated_____________.A. health disparities between English andAmerican senior citizens67. Which of the following is uniquehealth-care challenge for English senior citizens when compared with theirAmerican counterparts?A. higher death rate.68. What does James Smith imply by anAmerican plate?C. large portion of food consumed byAmericans.69. The Americans' unique health-carechallenge, according to James Smith, is derived form ______________.D. their unhealthy lifestyle factors70. Even though it is much more aggressive,the American medicine __________.B. benefits more seniors who needmedicalcare.Passage Three71. The current PIK study ___________.B. was based on the global land-use models72. As the PIK results imply, it ispossible ____________.D. to return to the emission levels around199573. Simply put, to produce and consume lessmeat and dairy is to __________.A. to reduce more methane and nitrous oxideemissions74. The greenhouse gas pie tellsus__________.C. the priorities in the environmentalprotection75. What can be the best title forthepassage?D. Diet for a Healthier PlanetPassage Four76. What can be said of Henry?C. His life was improved with telehealth.77. Henry activates his daily healthmanagement __________.B. By getting hooked up to themonitoringdevices78. As one of the pioneering patients,Henry __________.A. receives the most benefitsfromtelehealth79. What is the most important about thetelehealth technology in the case of Henry?D. His condition can be kept undercontinuous surveillance at home.80. Thanks to the telehealth technologyHenry knows for sure his blood oxygen level, thus __________.C. getting hospitalized in no timePassage Five81. Rappaport argues that a major threat toour human health __________.A. lies in our exposome82. What can be said of the exposomeaccording to Rappaport?D. Changeable.83. Speaking of genes, Rappaport wouldsaythat __________.B. there is no such a thing aspredictivemedicine.84. Even though we cannot pinpoint theexact impact of environmental influences. Wild contends that __________.C. each of us leaves a unique exposurehistory in the environment85. Particularly important, according toNicholson, is the time when __________.C. the exposome comes inPassage Six86. The author cries for a changein____________.D. global science publishing87. According to the author, the lowinternational recognition and impact of scientists in the developing countriescan be attributed to __________.C. their limited publications in globalindexing databases88. The survey conducted by Tijssenjustified the author's view that __________.D. most scientists in developing countriesremain marginalized in global science publishing89. To address the current situation, theauthor argues that it is imperative that __________.D. quality and quantity be desired in thelocal journals90. Which of the following can be the besttitle for the passage?C. Globalizing Science Publishing全国医学考博英语作文讲的是全科医生的缺乏和对策首先讲医疗发展了,人们对医疗的需求加大,但是全科医生缺乏。

1.We are aware of the potential problems.A.globalB.ongoingC.possibleD.central【答案】C【解析】句意:我们意识到了潜在的问题。
2.The revelation of his past led to his resignation.A.imaginationB.disclosureC.confirmationD.recall【答案】B【解析】句意:对他的过往的揭发导致了他的离职。
confirmation 确认,证实。
3.Her overall language proficiency remains that of a toddler.A.disabledB.babyC.pupilD.teenager【答案】B【解析】句意:她的整体语言水平仍然停留在幼儿时期。
4.All houses within100metres of the seas are at risk of flooding.A.out of controlB.in dangerC.between equalsD.in particular【答案】B【解析】句意:海边100米之内的房屋都有遭遇洪水的危险。

Questions for PhD students in 20161. Should a country give free medical care to its citizens?1.A government should provide medical care for free because it is the right for all individuals. Everyone has the right to live, to receive help to survive. Imagine the poor people can‟t afford even for their food and daily need, what will they able to do save their life when facing disease. Even such small diseases like cold and cough make their life harder, what happens when cancer or some other serious diseases occur? To solve that problem, government is the answer. Some people say citizen should take their responsibility not to leave the government with more pressure and difficulty. I remind them that citizen pay taxes to pay government work and spend money for their health insurance, they are obliged to get help through the hard time. The government‟s responsibility is to its people- their education, their safety, especially their health.2. Why is it important to follow proper procedures when performing a medical experiment or examination?2. Before beginning any medical experiment or examination in a lab, the most important thing is to follow proper procedures. Following proper procedures usually has many benefits such as following. First of all, it protects our personal safety against being threated, such as not being infected or not suffering from skin irritation. What‟ more, following the proper procedures always lead to a clear an d accuracy experimental result than not. Last but not least, almost each of experiments should pass though the ethical review especially studies in human, which becomes a common step must be followed in the procedures nowadays. Not following proper procedu res may cause many damage even can‟t be recognized immediately. Firstly, those who do not follow proper procedures usually have more chances to be exposed in danger of contact explosive substance or irritation. Some injuries were immediately appeared, however, some only showed up as late as many years went. Then, without following proper procedures, the experimental results usually can‟t beidentified as coming from the experiment or the error impacts. Finally, such experiments that without passing ethical committee usually cause severe medical disputes. All in all, it is so important to following proper procedures when performing the medical experiment or examination.3. Why are people given vaccinations? How do vaccinations work?3. It is the safest and most effective way of giving protection against many diseases. After given vaccination, people are far less likely to catch diseases if there are many cases around them. The benefits of protection against diseases far outweigh the very small risks of vaccinations. If enough people in the community are given vaccinations, the infection can no longer be spread from person to person and the disease dies out altogether. When a person is vaccinated, their body produces an immune response in the same way their body would after exposure to a disease, but without the person suffering symptoms of the disease. When a person comes in contact with that disease in the future, their immune system will respond fast enough to prevent the person developing the disease.4. Is it ethical to screen embryos for disease?4. There are two sides to the coin, as far as screen embryos for genetic diseases are concerned. First of all, it is a good thin for the parents who have genetic diseases to have a baby without genetic disease. A new method that was developed recently, called pre-implantation genetic haplotyping (PGH), allows parents to detect about 6,000 genetic diseases and decide whether they would keep the babies at risk or not. Some of the diseases that could be detected and avoided are cystic fibrosis, sickle cell disease, spinal muscular atrophy, and muscular dystrophy. However, this newly developed method carries a lot of dilemmas, especially ethical dilemmas about the possibility of choosing the embryos as well as the child‟s gender. Screen embryo always lead to more than one embryo being left. Every embryo is a life, screening the best embryo is equal to kill other embryos, it is immoral.5. What are some differences between Western medicine and Traditional Chinese medicine?5. TCM and western medicine, the two systems differ in many ways. I will give three examples. First, the definition of health: western medicine frequently attributes sickness to the intrusion of a foreign element such as bacteria, viruses, or cancer cells, while TCM often views illness an imbalance between the various bodily systems. Second, the methodology, western medicine prides itself on using scientific methodology. It takes precise measurements, performs carefully controlled experiments, and uses clinical trials. In contrast, TCM is largely evidence-based. It was founded on pre-scientific theories of cause and effect, and is deeply rooted in the Oriental notion of opposites: the yin and yang. The last is the diagnosis of disease, among the significant differences in two systems is the method of assessingillness. Western doctors examine bodily fluids and tissues, and they use high-tech instruments such as X-rays and CAT scans to produce precise visual maps of the internal organs. TCM assesses illness with altogether different kinds of measurements, namely “looking”, ”listening and smelling”, “asking” and “touching”.6. Is laser eye surgery safe?6.7. Is doctor assisted suicide ethical?7.8. How many hours should a person sleep on average every night? What time should a person go to sleep and rise?8. A person functions best should sleep 7-8 hours on average every night. And the sleep requirement is relevant to person‟s age. In other words, it is important to consider how much sleep you need on an individual basis, and this varies based upon many factors such as the quality of sleep obtained, state of general health, levels of stress, or fatigue due to prolonged exertion. However, a recent research studyfound that sleeping less than 6 hours or more than 9 hours a day had an increased incidence of diabetes, compared to those who slept 7-8 hours. What time should a person go to sleep and rise? Western medicine suggests early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy. There are numerous reasons for that saying , such as going to sleep early is very impo rtant for the liver‟s health, is good for our antibody system. However, traditional Chinese medicine emphasize that the time to go to sleep and rise should be adjusted to follow the change of different seasons. For example, people should go to sleep early in the evening and rise late in the morning in winter in order to store energy in our physical body.9. What organs are affected by smoking and which diseases can be caused?9. The effects of smoking are serious. It can harm nearly every organ of body. The chemical in tobacco smoke harm our blood cells and damage the function of our heart. This damage increases our risk for atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease (CHD), heart attack, stroke. Cigarette could damage our breathing and scars our lungs. Smoking causes: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia. Smoking is as bad for our eyes. Research has linked smoking to an increased risk of developing age-related macular degeneration, cataract and optic nerve damage, all of which can lead to blindness. Smoking is one of many factors that increase our risk for osteoporosis. Smoking cigarette is the number one risk factor for lung cancer, and is known to cause: bladder cancer, blood and bone marrow cancer, cervical cancer, kidney and ureteral cancers, esophageal cancer, laryngeal cancer, tracheal cancer, mouth, nose, and throat cancer, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer and so on.10. What organs are affected by drinking alcohol and which diseases can be caused?10. The alcohol can harm nearly every organ of the body such as brain, heart, liver, pancreas, stomach, and so on. Alcohol-related disruptions to neurotransmitter balance also can trigger mood and behavioral changes, including depression, agitation, memory loss. Long-term heavy drinking weakens the heart muscle, causing a condition called alcoholic cardiomyopathy. A weakened heart cannot pump enough blood to nourish the organs. In some cases, this blood flow shortage causes severe damage to organs and tissues. Symptoms of cardiomyopathy include shortness of breath and other breathing difficulties, fatigue, swollen legs and feet, and irregular heartbeat. It can even lead to heart failure. Chronic heavy drinking can cause fat to build up in the liver. This condition called fatty liver, is the earliest stage ofalcoholic liver disease and the most common alcohol-induced liver disorder. The excessive fat makes it more difficult for the liver to operate and leaves it open to developing dangerous inflammations, like alcoholic hepatitis. It may also cause disease of pancreas like acute pancreatitis.11. Do you believe modern lifestyles and technologies are leading to healthier people? Why or why not?11.There are two sides to the coin, as far as modern day lifestyles are concerned. On the one hand, technology has subverted us to a great extent, so much so that for many of us, our lifestyle has become sedentary. A sedentary lifestyle coupled with a rich food habit, and has made us all prone to disease and illness. The number of people succumbing to cardiac ailments has risen greatly. And obesity brings along with health issue like diabetes. So in a way, the modern day lifestyle has left us more prone to disease. However, today we are also aware of the ailments around us, and also about what needs to be done to mitigate these ailments and ensure we do not get them. People are more aware of their bodies and the different things that could go wrong with it. Besides, fitness is a new mantra among the younger generation today, ensuring that they are on the road to a healthy future. So to sum it up, the modern day lifestyles and technologies may be cause of wrong as far as disease is concerned, but we also now equipped with know-how and awareness required to avoid these illnesses.12. Please describe one of the body‟s systems and the function(s) it performs.12.Female productive system is the system of production in female human beings. It consists internal and external parts. Internal parts are the functional parts of reproductive system. There are uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries. All these organs are necessary for reproduction: uterus is the hollow, muscular organ in which a fertilized ovum develops until birth; fallopian tubes are to conduct eggs from the spaces around the ovaries to the uterus, in which fertilization normally occurs; the ovaries are most essential because they produce the female gametes and female sex hormones. External parts are accessory parts of female reproductive system. They are vulva, labia, clitoris, which help in the process of fertilization and parturition. As stated above, female reproductive system is mainly concerned with producing eggs and bearing the fetus throughout the developmental phase. The ovaries produce eggs, which are fertilized by sperms and zygote is formed. The development of zygote to a complete human baby takes place in female reproductive system.13. Which do you believe is more effective, Chinese medicine or Western medicine?13. Both Chinese medicine and Western medicine have their uses and have been helpful to lots of people in one way or another. Chinese medicine more of a preventive medicine and deals more with root causes of the problem instead of symptoms. Chinese medicine treats patients as a whole, and remedies such as herbs, acupuncture are used to justify the body to its normal state. While western medicine focus on some local lesions, and relies on drugs, surgery and radiation to cure them. From my perspective, we can‟t simply say which one is better, I suggest that we choose these two methods properly according to the diseases we have got. For example, we choose western medicine for infections or acute symptoms while Chinese medicine may be better in some chronic diseases.14. Do you think food is an important factor in keeping healthy? Why or why not?14. Diet are pivotal to determining a person‟s overall health, because it is what we put in our bodies what ultimately dictates the regular functions of our body systems. To get all the nutrition the human body needs, we must eat a balanced diet including fruits, vegetables, grains, protein and so on.Eating highly varied foods will help insure you get all the vitamins, minerals, oils, enzymes your body needs. Vegetables and fruits are good sources of vitamins and mineral. Gains are good sources of fiber and other nutrients that play a role in regulating blood pressure and heart health. By eating a balanced diet, we‟ll have a healthy heart, healthy brain, and a fully functional immune system.15. What are the differences between an acute and chronic disease?15. First of all, an acute disease lasts for just a short time, but can begin rapidly and have intense symptoms. In contrast, a chronic disease produces symptoms for quite some time, lasting for three months or more. Then, both an acute disease and chronic disease can be mild, severe, or fatal. However, a chronic disease is likely to develop overtime while an acute disease often has a sudden onset. The term acute disease dose not indicate the severity of the disease. Instead, it indicates how long the disease lasts and how quickly it develops. A chronic disease is persistent. It lasts for a long period of time and may recur. Examples of acute diseases include colds, influenza, and strep throat. Examples of chronic diseases include kidney disease, cancer, diabetes and so on. What‟s more, some acute disease may resolve by themselves, like cold, without requiring significant medical attention or treatment. Others are those may often require medical care and prescription medication. Frequently, hospitalization is requiredas well. On the other hand, chronic diseases often require the the use of prescription medication. Sometimes, hospitalization is required as well. Frequently, medical intervention make an individual with a chronic disease more comfortable, but usually chronic diseases cannot be cured.16. What is better for a baby, formula or natural breast feeding?16.17. Do you think people who go to have cosmetic surgery should have to be tested for psychological issues?17. Yes, I think people who go to have cosmetic surgery should have to be tested for psychological issues, the reason is that some people want to have cosmetic surgery for more beautiful appearance, but another people may have a kind of mental illnesses called body dysmorphic disorder(BDD), it is a common mental health problem. People with BDD spend an excessive amount of time thinking about a minor or imagined defect in their physical appearance, and are distressed about it. When people have BDD, they intensely obsess over the appearance and body image, often for many hours a day. They may seek out numerous cosmetic procedures to try to “fix” the perceived flaws, but never w ill be satisfied. So it is necessary to typically run a series of psychological tests and exams to diagnose.18. What is the correct and healthy way to lose weight?18. The common sense advice is “eat less, move more”. There are a few tips:1. Eat a healthy breakfast every morning. If you skip breakfast you‟re likely to eat more calories by bringing later in the day.2.Avoid eating anything 3 hours before sleeping.3.Avoid chocolate, cake, brownies, potato chips, ice cream, or dizzy drinks.4.Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, especially if you feel like snacking or for dessert.5. Drink plenty of water, and cut down on carbonated beverages, particularly those with a lot ofsugar. Try to not drink any soda. 6. Sleep at least 7-8 hours a night. This will boost your metabolism. Wake up at a normal hour like 7 or 8 or 9 am, if you are pushing it. Go to bed before midnight. 7. Don‟t forget about exercising, try to do cardio exercises at least 20-30min a day.19. What eating or exercise habits do you feel are good for heart health?19. First, control your portion size. How much you eat is just as important as what you eat. Second, eat more vegetables and fruits which are good sources of vitamins and mineral. Third, select whole grains which are good sources of fiber and other nutrients that play a role in regulating blood pressure and heart health. Fourth, limit unhealthy fats and cholesterol. Limiting how much trans fats you eat is an important step to reduce your blood cholesterol and lower your risk of coronary artery disease. A good goal for many people is work up to exercising 5 times a week for 30 to 60 minutes at a time. Keeping the good eating or exercise habits will reduce your risk for heart disease.20. Do you feel it should be illegal to smoke in public places?20. Yes, I do believe it should be illegal to smoke in public places. People shouldn‟t have the right to smoke wherever they want. Passive smoking k ills so many people it‟s not fair on others. First of all, it will significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks and other diseases, particularly among individuals such as children and non-smokers. What‟s more, it will help public places be less toxic and we won‟t have to deal with pollution. Finally, it could also help some people quit smoking. If people were allowed to smoke in public places they may not be as motivated to stop smoking as they are with not being allowed to smoke in public areas.21. Do you think there should be high taxes on cigarettes to help pay for health costs for people with lung problems?21. Yes, I think so. First of all, a large number of lung cancer and smoking cigarettes cause very close relationship. Incidence of lung cancer growth and increased sales of cigarettes were parallel. Cigarettes contain carcinogens. Those who have habit of smoking lung cancer incidence rate 10 times higher than non-smokers. Then, the greater the amount of the tax increase, the fewer cigarettes that are bought and consumed.This is especially prevalent amongst teenagers. The research found that for every ten percentincrease in the price of a pack cigarettes, youth smoking rates overall drop about seven percent. So in my opinion, high taxes on cigarettes may lead to a decrease in smoking rates, which will reduce the lung problem. And many lung diseases are caused by cigarettes, the taxes from cigarettes pay for health costs for lung problem isleads to a decrease in smoking rates.22. What are the reasons for people to avoid or protect themselves from direct sunlight?22. There are two reasons: for beauty and for health. In Asia, most women think white skin is a sign of beauty, so they protect themselves from direct sunlight to avoid to become dark. Another reason is that sunlight contains ultraviolent light that can have significant deleterious human skin. Aside from skin aging these energetic light waves produce mutations in the DNA of skin cells which can accumulate to produce skin cancers. The incubation period can extend to decades. In areas close to the equator inhabited by individuals with poorly-pigmented skin,the incidence of skin cancers is dramatically increasing. Since skin cancers are composed of masses of cells the most consistent warning sign is the development of a persistent bump or shot in an area of sun-damaged skin. Since these cancers require a blood supply they often exhibit small friable feeder vessels which are likely to bleed with minimal trauma and produce superficial erosion.23. Who do you feel holds the responsibility of caring for the elderly?23. I believe that adult children should take care of their elderly parents as necessary. Parents provide for the care of their children; this should be a reciprocal relationship when the child grows to adulthood. Parents are morally and legally obligated to care for their children when they are young, they provide shelter, food, clothes, and so on. It is therefore only fair that when those children grow up and their parents become elderly, they take up some responsibility to provide a decent life for their parents. At the very least, an adult should fund the care of their elderly parent if the parent is unable to do so. Since parents were responsible for their children‟s care, there is moral obligation for those chi ldren to take care of their parents when they become elderly. While it is not a legal obligation, it is a moral obligation. And the government should services available to them, too.24. Do you feel that doctor assisted suicide is moral or immoral and why?24. I think it is moral in some way. The society I live believes it‟s moral to kill a criminal through lethal injection or a sick pet to relieve its misery, but not a person who is terminally ill and in constant pain. I think it‟s contradictory.we ourselves have an obligation to relieve the suffering of our fellow human beings and to respect their dignity. Lying in our hospitals today are people afflicted with excruciatingly painful and terminal conditions and diseases that have left them permanently incapable of functioning in any dignified human fashion. They can only look forward to lives filled with yet more suffering, degradation, and deterioration. When such people beg for a merciful end to their pain and indignity, it is cruel and inhumane to refuse their pleas25. Why do you feel that women live longer than men on average?25. I think that one important reason is women develop the lethal disease such as cardiovascular disease, like heart attack and stroke usually in their 70s and 80s, about 10 years later than men who develop them in their 50s and 60s. Another area where we see higher death rates among men is the depressed, especially older men. And stress plays a very important role in cardiovascular disease. In general, there are three things men do worse than women. They smoke a lot more. They eat more food that leads to high cholesterol. And perhaps men tend not to deal with their stress as well as women. They may be more prone to internalizing that stress rather than letting go---though that‟s a fairly controversial point.26. What do you think is the healthiest way to cook food?26.The healthiest way to cook is one that locks in flavor and retains valuable nutrients. Healthful cooking helps you manage your weight by controlling calories and ensuring overall good health. Steaming is a healthful method of cooking. The key is to avoid overcooking your food, so that it retains as much natural flavor and nutrient content as possible. Grilling, is one of the tastiest ways to cook a healthful meal, which makes added fat unnecessary and helps to keep calories low. The high heat also helps lock in valuable nutrients. Stir-frying is ideal for retaining the vitamin and mineral content of foods. Poaching is a healthful way to cook because the method calls for no added fats or oils. Simply simmer food gently in a liquid, such as water, broth, or juice, until it is thoroughly cooked and tender.27. Do you think it is better for women to give birth naturally, or with help of surgery and medicine? 27.I think if there is no need to surgery, the best way is to give birth naturally. Although, caesarean delivery may be considered that is quick, clean and convenient, it also has its disadvantages-the most obvious being the post-operative recovery period. Contrary to popular perception, delivery by caesarean section is far from an …easy‟ option. Caesarean mothers are never able to jump off the operating table and get straight back to normal. And a mother who has experienced a natural birth is usually able to become involved in family life within hours of birth and can get back to normal daily life within just a few days. Besides, born vaginally have a lower risk of respiratory problems.28. What can be done to guarantee against counterfeit medicine.28. To effectively fight counterfeit medicines around the world and in China, key stakeholders –including health care professionals, manufacturers, law enforcement officials, and others –must combine their efforts. In 2006, the WHO helped to create the International Medical Products Anti-Counterfeiting Taskforce (IMPACT). To prevent the manufacturing and distribution of counterfeit medicine, IMPACT has implemented and enforced legislative and regulatory infrastructures. New packages are likely to have more anti-counterfeit components – including radio frequency identification (RFID) and coding devices for approved medicines –so that consumers can clearly check the authenticity of pharmaceutical products and trace their supply chains.29. Do you live to eat or eat to live? Why?Food is essential to our life and it's the basis of our daily activities. It provides us with the energy we need every day and so, we can exit. It's to say, we eat to live, but not live to eat. As life is considered to be colorful and graceful, and eating is only one aspect of it.However, when we are eating, it not means that we can have all kinds of food as much as we like, we should take responsibility for our health and select the healthy food that could do much benefit to our health. With the pace of life gradually accelerated, there is much junk food in the supermarket which looks tempting and tastes delicious but may do harm to our health. Sometimes we are tend to choose it but fail to care if it's good to our health. Consequently, our body is easier to be disordered.As far as I'm concerned, everyone should pay more attention to the daily food we eat and develop a good habit of eating. For example, we could have less meat and more fiber which may help us digest thehigh-nutrition food. In this way, we could enjoy our food and life more joyful!30. What is your favourite type of foreign food and why?My favourite foreign food is pizza, which has roots in Italy and be popular in the world. First of all, pizza is delicious and has many flavors to choose from, it will be a wonderful thing to share a piece of pizza with your partner. Secondly, the usual cooking method for pizza is to cover the ketchup, cheese and other ingredients, such as diced meat, vegetable and fruit, upon a fermented round cake and toast it from the oven. Based on the ingredients and cooking method, we can determine that pizza is a organic food and good for our health. Last but not least, the cooking method is relatively simple, we can make it at home and share it with families or friends.。

旭晨教育-2018年全国医学博士考博英语一本通含2016历年真题答案听力上册目录目录《考博英语一本通》系列丛书序言3考博英语一本通使用说明5第一部分考试指南7一、博士研究生考试指南7二、考博前期准备8三、导师联系和公关13四、专业和院校选择19五、专业课复习策略20六、资料和真题收集方法22七、面试技巧23第二部分医学考博英语复习指导25一、全国医学博士外语统一考试简介25二、全国医学博士外语统一考试英语考试大纲26三、全国医学博士英语统一考试试题分析27四、医学考博英语复习策略32第三部分考博英语专项突破35第一章词汇突破——大规模记忆词汇的方法35医学考博英语词汇题型概述及考情分析35第一节、概述35第二节、大规模记忆词汇的基本方法37第三节、词缀39第四节、词汇解题思路43第五节、考博词汇综合练习(Exercise One- Exercise Twelve)53第二章阅读理解84医学考博英语阅读题型概述及考情分析84第一节、核心理论-化繁为简去伪存真86第二节、解题技巧1-框架结构阅读模版90第三节、解题技巧2-问题类型解题要点102第四节、精准定位-原文命题高发考点118第五节、精准理解-高频词汇长难词句124第六节、阅读理解实战讲解133第七节、阅读理解综合练习137第三章完形填空153医学考博英语完形填空题型概述及考情分析153第一节概述:考试目的和内容156第二节解题方法:一个中心157第三节解题方法:两个结构之层层递进158第四节解题方法:两个结构之对立观点160第五节解题方法:三个层次之篇章161第六节解题方法:三个层次之语法164第七节解题方法:三个层次之词汇165第八节完形填空综合练习(Exercise One-Ten) 167第四章英语写作179医学考博英语写作题型概述及考情分析179第一节、摘要写作概述179第二节、英文摘要写作180第三节、英文短文写作技巧185第五章语法197医学考博英语语法概述及考情分析197第一节语法概述197第二节动词的时态和语态198第三节非谓语动词203第四节虚拟语气210第五节从句213第六节强调与倒装218第四部分医学考博英语历年真题2212016年全国医学博士英语统一入学考试试卷2212016年全国医学博士英语统一入学考试试题参考答案及解析235 2016年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试卷录音原文2522015年全国医学博士英语统一入学考试试卷2562015年全国医学博士英语统一入学考试试题参考答案及解析271 2015年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试卷录音原文2832014年全国医学博士英语统一入学考试试卷2882014年全国医学博士英语统一入学考试试题参考答案及解析303 2014年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试卷录音原文319下册目录第四部分医学考博英语历年真题(续)32013年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题32013年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题参考答案及解析17 2013年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试卷录音原文242012年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题292012年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题参考答案及解析41 2012年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试卷录音原文472011年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试卷512011年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题参考答案及解析622011年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试卷录音原文682010年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题712010年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题参考答案及解析84 2010年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试卷录音原文892009年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题922009年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题参考答案及解析103 2009年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题录音原文109 2008年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题1132008年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题参考答案及解析123 2008年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题录音原文129 2007年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题1322007年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题参考答案及解析143 2007年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题录音原文148 2006年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题1522006年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题参考答案及解析163 2006年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题录音原文168 2005年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题1722005年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题参考答案及解析183 2005年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题录音原文188 2004年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题1912004年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题参考答案及解析203 2004年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题录音原文209 2003年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题2122003年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题参考答案及解析224 2003年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题录音原文231 2002年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题2362002年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题参考答案及解析249 2002年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题录音原文255 2001年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题2602001年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题参考答案及解析274 2001年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题录音原文281第五部分参考资料284参考资料1:全国博士英语统一考试高频词组284参考资料2:考博英语形近易混淆词总结284参考资料3:考博英语完形填空常考词组及固定搭配汇总284参考资料4:考博英语万能写作模板284参考资料5:医学考博英语写作必记分类词汇284参考资料6:全国博士英语统一考试词汇大纲(医学)284。

1. I was trying to quit smoking at the time.A. stopB. continueC. remainD. insist2. She led a normal, happy life with her sister and brother.A. formalB. ordinaryC. properD. medium3. If he hadn’t been so good at the rest of his job, I probably would have fired him.A. dismissedB. criticizedC. encouragedD. exhausted4. We will do everything to preserve peace.A. remainB. protectC. provideD. save5. I suggest you ask him some specific questions about hispast.A. adviseB. stateC. sayD. announce6. Some birds are looking for food.A. looking upB. trying to findC. looking aroundD. finding7. They’ll forbid you to marry.A. eliminateB. expelC. disallowD. exclude8. We asked her to describe what kind of things she did in her spare time.A. depictB. declareC. assumeD. announce9. I had an uneasy feeling that he was going to spoil it.A. unconsciousB. proudC. strongD. uncomfortable10. He’s a very clever man.A. difficultB. naughtyC. intelligentD. easy11. Like the best stories, this one may yet have a happy end.A. joyfulB. sorryC. angryD. sad12. The aim of discipline is to teach children to behave acceptably.A. planB. ideaC. goalD. thing13. Fruit-picking is boring, badly paid and very hard work.A. quietB. dullC. strangeD. still14. I was so thankful for his support.A. gratefulB. helpfulC. pitifulD. hopeful15. Hospitals lack even basic drugs for surgical operations.A. centralB. organicC. mainD. fundamental第2部分:阅读判断(第16~22题,每题1分,共7分)下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。

《全国医学博士外语统一考试指南》(08年版) 国家医学考试中心 人民卫生出版社
词汇扩展有方法 一、重点突出缩减法 二、词根词缀科学法 三、语境场景串联法 四、近义反义联想法 五、词组换位巧记法 六、阅读练习积累法
The simple act of visitation, of presence, of taking the trouble to witness the patient’s process can be in itself a potent healing affirmation---a sacramental(圣礼的 ) gesture received by the dying person who may be feeling helpless, diminished, and fearful that they have little to offer others.
主旨题阅读公式 1.主旨题阅读公式一: 文章的主旨=全文的主旨句 =各段落主题句之和 2.主旨题阅读公式二: 文章的主旨≠文中的某一细节 ≠文中某一部分的主要内容 ≠覆盖面过广的表述 ≠文章未涉及的内容
一、锤炼写作基本功 二、熟悉摘要写作技巧 (一)理解概括原文要点 (二)列出英文摘要的提纲 (三)写好文章的第一段、每段的段首句 (四)使用关联词语串联重要细节 三、进行适量写作实践
题型 试 卷 一 对话 听力 (30分)短文 题数 15 15 10 10 10 30 1 91 分数 15分 15分 5分 5分 10分 30分 20分 100分 时间 30分钟

2016年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题及详解试卷一(Paper One)Part I Listening Comprehension (30%)Section ADirections:In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, you will hear a question aboutwhat is said. The question will be read only once. After you hear thequestion, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C and D. Choosethe best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWERSHEET.Listen to the following example.You will hear:Woman: I feel faint.Man: No wonder. You haven’t had a bite all day.Question: What’s the matter with the woman?You will read:A. She is sick.B. She was bitten by an ant.C. She is hungry.D. She spilled her paint.Now let’s begin with question number 1.1. A. At ten next Wednesday.B. At three next Wednesday.C. At ten next Monday.D. At three next Monday.【答案】B【解析】录音中护士一开始问男病人下个星期一上午十点有空吗?病人说只有下午三点有空,接下来护士确认了最后的时间为下个星期三的三点,故正确答案为B项。

四川大学·2016年·博士入学英语考试真题与答案解析————————————————————————————————————————完形填空Research on animal intelligence always makes me wonder just how smart humans are. 1 the fruit-fly experiments described in Carl Zimmer’s piece in the Science Times on Tuesday. Fruit flies who were taught to be smarter than the average fruit fly 2 to live shorter lives. This suggests that 3 bulbs burn longer,that there is an 4 in not being too terrifically bright. Intelligence,it 5,is a high-priced option. It takes more upkeep,burns more fuel and is slow 6 the starting line because it depends on learning—a 7 process—instead of instinct. Plenty of other species are able to learn,and one of the things they‘ve apparently learned is when to 8 。
Is there an adaptive value to 9 intelligence?That’s the question behind this new research. I like it. Instead of casting a wistful glance 10 at all the species we ‘ve left in the dust I.Q.-wise,it implicitly asks what the real 11 of our own intelligence might be. This is 12 the mind of every animal I’ve ever met. Research on animal intelligence also makes me wonder what experiments animals would 13 on humans if they had the chance. Every cat with an owner,14 ,is running a small cale study in operant conditioning. We believe that 15 animals ran the labs,they would test us to 16 the limits of our patience,our faithfulness,our memory for terrain. They would try to decide what intelligence in humans is really 17 ,not merely how much of it there is. 18 ,they would hope to study a 19 question:Are humans actually aware of the world they live in?20 the results are inconclusive. 1. [A]Suppose[B]Consider[C]Observe[D]Imagine 2. [A]tended[B]feared[C]happened[D]threatened 3. [A]thinner[B]stabler[C]lighter[D]dimmer 4. [A]tendency[B]advantage[C]inclination[D]priority 5. [A]insists on[B]sums up[C]turns out[D]puts forward 6. [A]off [B]behind[C]over[D]along 7. [A]incredible[B]spontaneous[C]inevitable[D]gradual 8. [A]fight[B]doubt[C]stop[D]think 9. [A]invisible[B]limited[C]indefinite[D]different 10. [A]upward[B]forward[C]afterward[D]backward 11. [A]features[B]influences[C]results[D]costs 12. [A]outside[B]on[C]by[D]across 13. [A]deliver[B]carry[C]perform[D]apply 14. [A]by chance[B]in contrast[C]as usual[D]for instance 15. [A]if[B]unless[C]as[D]lest 16. [A]moderate[B]overcome[C]determine[D]reach 17. [A]at[B]for[C]after[D]with 18. [A]Above all[B]After all[C]However[D]Otherwise 19. [A]fundamental[B]comprehensive[C]equivalent[D]hostile 20. [A]By accident[B]In time[C]So far[D]Better stillI am afraid to sleep. I have been afraid to sleep for the last few weeks. I am so tired that, finally, I do sleep, but only for a few minutes. It is not a bad dream that wakes me ; it is the reality I took with me into sleep . I try to think of something else.Immediately the woman in the marketplace comes into my mind.I was on my way to dinner last night when I saw her . She was selling skirts. She moved with the same ease and loveliness I often saw in the women of Laos. Herlong black hair was as shiny as the black silk of the skirts she was selling . In her hair, she wore three silk ribbons, blue ,green, and white. They reminded me of my childhood and how my girlfriends and I used to spend hours braiding ribbons into our hair.I don’t know the word for “ribbons”, so I put my hand to my own hair and , with three fingers against my head , I looked at her ribbons and said “Beautiful.” She lowered her eyes and said nothing. I wasn’t sure if she understood me (I don’t speak Laotian very well).I looked back down at the skirts. They had designs on them: squares and triangles and circles of pink and green silk. They were very pretty. I decided to buy one of those skirts, and I began to bargain with her over the price. It is the custom to bargain in Asia. In Laos bargaining is done in soft voices and easy moves with the sort of quiet peacefulness.She smiled, more with her eyes than with her lips. She was pleased by the few words I was able to say in her language, although they were mostly numbers, and she saw that I understood something about the soft playfulness of bargaining. We shook our heads in disagreement over the price; then, immediately, we made another offer and then another shake of the head. She was so pleased that unexpectedly, she accepted the last offer I made. But it was too soon. The price was too low. She was being too generous and wouldn’t make enough money. I moved quickly and picked up two more skirts and paid for all three at the price set; that way I was able to pay her three times as much before she had a chance to lower the price for the larger purchase. She smiled openly then, and, for the first time in months, my spirit lifted. I almost felt happy.The feeling stayed with me while she wrapped the skirts in a newspaper and handed them to me. When I left, though, the feeling left, too. It was as though it stayed behind in marketplace. I left tears in my throat. I wanted to cry. I didn’t , ofcourse.I have learned to defend myself against what is hard; without knowing it, I have also learned to defend myself against what is soft and what should be easy.I get up, light a candle and want to look at the skirts. They are still in the newspaper that the woman wrapped them in. I remove the paper, and raise the skirts up to look at them again before I pack them. Something falls to floor. I reach down and feel something cool in my hand. I move close to the candlelight to see what I have. There are five long silk ribbons in my hand, all different colors. The woman in the marketplace! She has given these ribbons to me!There is no defense against a generous spirit, and this time I cry, and very hard, as if I could make up for all the months that I didn’t cry.89. According to the writer, the woman in the marketplace ____B____ .A. refused to speak to her.B. was pleasant and attractive.C. was selling skirts and ribbons.D. recognized her immediately.解析:B。

2015年全国医学博士外语统-入学考试英语试题1 请考生首先将自己的姓名、所在考点、准考证号在试卷一答题纸和试卷二标准答题卡上认真填写清楚,并按"考场指令"要求,将准考证号在标准答题卡上划好。
2. 试卷一(Paper One)答案和试卷二(PaperTwo)答案都作答在标准答题卡上,不要做在试卷上。
3. 试卷一答题时必须使用28 铅笔,将所选答案按要求在相应位置涂黑:如要更正,先用橡皮擦干净。
4. 标准答题卡不可折叠,同时答题卡须保持平整干净,以利评分。
5. 听力考试只放一遍录音,每道题后有15 秒左右的答题时间。
国家医学考试中心PAPERONEPart 1 : Listening comprehension (30%)Section ADirections: In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers, At the end of each conversation, you will hear a question about what is said, The question will be read only once, After you hear the question, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answers and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEETListen to the following example.You will hear.Woman: 1 fell faint.Man: No wonder You haven't had a bite all dayQuestion: What's the matter with the womanYou will read.A. She is sick.B. She is bitten by an antC. She is hungry.D. She spilled her paint.Here C is the right answerNow let's begin with question Number 1.1 A. How to deal with his sleeping problem.B. The cause of his sleeping problem.C. What follows his insomnia.D. The severity of his medical problem.2. A.To take the medicine for a longer timeB. To discontinue the medication.C. To come to see her again.D. To switch to other medications.3. A.To tale it easy and continue to workB. To take a sick leave.C. To keep away from work.D. To have a follow-up.4.A. Fullness in the stomach.B. Occasional stomachache.C. Stomach distention.D. Frequent belches.5. A. extremely severe.B. Not very severe.C. More severe than expected.D. It's hard to say.6. A. He has lost some weight.B. He has gained a lot.C. He needs to exercise moreD. He is still overweight.7. A. She is giving the man an injectionB. She is listening to the man's heartC. She is feeling the man's pulse.D. She is helping the man stop shivering8. A. In the gym. B. In the officeC. In the clinic.D. In the boat.9 . A. Diarrhea. B. Vomiting.C. Nausea.D. Acold.10. A. She has developed allergies.B. She doesr1·t know what al|ergies are-C. She doesn't have any allergiesD. She has allergies treated already.11 A. Listen to music. B. Read magazines.C. Go play tennis.D. Stay in the house12 A She isn’t feeling well B. She is under pressure.C. She doesn't like the weather D She is feeling relieved13. A. Mlchael's wife was ill.B. Michael's daughter was illC. Michael's daughter gave birth to twins.D. Michael was hospitalized for a check-up.14. A.She is absent-minded B. She is in high spirits.C. She is indifferent.D. She is compassionate.15. A. Ten years ago B. Five years ago.C. Fifteen years ago.D. Several weeks ago.Section BDirections: In this section you will hear one conversation and two passages, after each of which, you will hear five questions. After each question, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of .your choice on the ANSWER SHEETDialogue16. A.A blood test.B. A gastroscopyC. A chest X-ray exam.D. A barium X-ray test.17. A.To lose some weight.B. To take a few more testsC. To sleep on three pillows.D. To eat smaller lighter meals18. A. Potato chips. B. Chicken. C. Cereal. D. fish.19 . A. Ulcer B. Cancer C. Depression D. Hernia20. A. He will try the diet the doctor recommended.B. He will ask for a sick leave and relax at home.C. He will take the medicine the doctor prescribed.D. He will take a few more tests to rule out cancer.Passage One21 A. Anew concept of diabetesB. The definition of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.C. The new management of diabetics in the hospital.D. The new development of non-perishable insulin pills.22. A. Because it vaporizes easily.B. Because it becomes overactive easily.C. Because it is usually in injection form.D. Because it is not stable above 40 degrees Fahrenheit.23. A. The diabetics can be cured without taking synthetic insulin any longerB.The findings provide insight into how insulin works.C. Insulin can be more stable than it is now.D. Insulin can be produced naturally.24. A. It is stable at room temperature for several years.B. It is administered directly into the bloodstream.C. It delivers glucose from blood to the cells.D. It is more chemically complex.25. A. Why insulin is not stable at room temperature.B. How important it is to understand the chemical bonds of insulin.C. Why people with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes don't produce enough insulin.D. What shape insulin takes when it unlocks the cells to take sugar form blood. PassageTwo26 . A. Vegetative patients are more aware.B. Vegetative patients retain some control of their eye movement.C. EEG scans may help us communicate with the vegetative patientsD. We usually communicate with the brain-dead people by brain-wave.27 A. The left-hand side of the brain.B. The right-hand side of the brain.C The central part of the brain.D. The front part of the brain28. A. 31 B. 6. C.4. D. 129. A. The patient was brain-deadB. The patient wasn't brain-dead.C. The patient had some control over his eye movements.D. The patient knew the movement he or she was making30. A. The patient is no technically vegetative.B. The patient can communicate in some way.C. We can train the patient of speak.D. The family members and doctors can provide better care.Part 11 Vocabulary (10%)Section ADirection: In this section, all the sentences are incomplete. Four word- or phrases marked A, B, C and D are given beneath each of them. You are to choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence, then mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET31 Despite his doctor’s note of caution,he never __ from drinking and smokingA. retainedB. dissuadedC. alleviatedD. abstained32. People with a history of recurrent infections are warned that the use of personal stereos with headsets is likely to _ their hearingA. rehabilitateB. jeopardizeC. tranquilizeD.supplement33. Impartial observers had to acknowledge that lack of formal education did not seem to _ Larry in any way in his success.A. refuteB. ratifyC. facilitateD. impede34. When the supporting finds were reduced, they should have revised their planA. accordingly B alternatively C. considerably D. relatively35. It is increasingly believed among the expectant parents that prenatal education of classical music can_ _ future adults with appreciation of music.A acquaint B. familiarized C. endow D. amuse36. If the gain of profit is solely due to rising energy prices, then inflation should besubsided when energy pricesA. level out B stand out C come off D. wear off37 Heat stroke is a medical emergency that demands immediate from qualified medical personnel.A. prescriptionB. palpationC. interventionD. interposition38. Asbestos exposure results in Mesothelioma, asbestosis and internal organ cancers, and of these diseases is often decades after the initial exposure.A. offsetB. intakeC. outletD. onset39. Ebola, which spreads through body fluid or secretions such as urine,and semen, can kill up to 90% of those infected.A. salineB. salivaC. scabiesD. scrabs40. The newly designed system is to genetic transfections, and enables an incubation period for studying various genes.A. comparableB. transmissibleC. translatableD. amenableSection BDirections: Each of the following sentences has a word or phrase underlined. There are four words or phrases beneath each sentence. Choose the word or phrase which can best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined part. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.41 Every year more than 1,000 patients in Britain die on transplant waiting lists, prompting scientists to consider other ways to produce organs.A. propellingB. prolongingC. puzzlingD. promising42. Improved treatment has changed the outlook of HIV patients, but there is still a serious stigma attached to AIDS.A. disgraceB. discriminationC. harassmentD. segregation43. Survivors of the shipwreck were finally rescued after their courage of persistence lowered to zero by their physical lassitude..A. depletionB. dehydrationC. exhaustionD. handicap44. Scientists have invented a 3D scan technology to read the otherwise illegible wood-carved stone, a method that may apply to other areas such as medicine.A. negativeB. confusingC. eloquentD. indistinct45. Top athletes scrutinize both success and failure with their coach to extract lessons from them, but they are never distracted from long-term goals.A. anticipateB. clarifyC. examineD. verify46. His imperative tone of voice reveals his arrogance and arbitrariness.A. challengingB. solemnC. hostileD. demanding47 The discussion on the economic collaboration between the United States and the European Union may be eclipsed by the recent growing trade friction.A. erasedB. triggeredC. shadowedD. suspended48. Faster increases in prices foster the belief that the future increases will be also stronger so that higher prices fuel demand rather than quench itA. nurtureB. eliminateC. assimilateD. puncture49. Some recent developments in photography allow animals to be studied in previouslyinaccessible places and in unprecedented detail.A. unpredictableB. unconventionalC. unparalleledD. unexpected50. A veteran negotiation specialist should be skillful at manipulating.A. estimatingB. handlingC. rectifyingD. anticipatingPart III Cloze (10%)Directions: In this section there is a passage with ten numbered blanks. For each blank, there are four choices marked A, B, C and 0 on the right side. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.A mother who is suffering from cancer can pass on the disease to her unborn child in extremely rare cases, 51 a new case report published in PNAS this week.According to researchers in Japan and at the Institute for Cancer Research in Sutton, UK, a Japanese mother had been diagnosed with leukemia a few weeks after giving birth,52 tumors were discovered in her daughter's cheek and lung when she was 11 months old. Genetic analysis showed that the baby's cancer cells had the same mutation as the cancer cells of the mother But the cancer cells contained no DNA whatsoever from the father,53 would be expected if she had inherited the cancer from conception. That suggests the cancer cell made it into the unborn child 's body across the placental barrier.The Guardian claimed this to be the first 54 case of cells crossing the placental barrier But this is not the case -- microchimerism ,55 cells are exchanged between a mother and her unborn child, is thought to be quite common, with some cells thought to pass from fetus to mother in about 50 to 75 percent of cases and to go the other way about half 56 .As the BBC pointed out, the greater 57 in cancer transmission from mother to fetus had been how cancer cells that have slipped through the placental barrier could survive in the fetus without being killed by its immune system. The answer in this case at least, lies in a second mutation of the cancer cells, which led to the 58 of the specific features that would have allowed the fetal immune system to detect the cells as foreign. As a result, no attack against the invaders was launched.59 according to the researchers there is little reason for concern of "cancer danger" Only 17 probable cases have been reported worldwide and the combined60 of cancer cells both passing the placental barrier and having the right mutation to evade the baby's immune system is extremely low51 A. suggests B. suggestingC. having suggestedD. suggested52. A. since B. althoughC. whereasD. when53. A. what B. whomC. whoD.as54. A. predicted B. notoriousC. provenD. detailed55. A. where B. whenC. ifD. whatever56. A. as many B. as muchC. as wellD. as often57 A. threat B. puzzleC.obstacleD. dilemma58. A. detection B. deletionC. amplificationD. addition59. A. Therefore B. FurthermoreC. NeverthelessD. Conclusively60. A. likelihood B. functionC. influenceD. flexibilityPart IV Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: In this part there are six passages, each of which is followed by five questions. For each question there are four possible answers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET Passage OneThe American Society of Clinical Oncology wrapped its annual conference this week, going through the usual motions of presenting a lot of drugs that offer some added quality or extension of life to those suffering from a variety of as-yet incurable diseases. But buried deep in an AP story are a couple of promising headlines that seems worthy of more thorough review, including one treatment study where 100 percent of patients saw their cancer diminish by half.First of all, it seems pharmaceutical companies are moving away from the main cost-effective one-size-fits-all approach to drug development and embracing the long cancer treatments, engineering drugs that only work for a small percentage of patients but work very effectively within that group.Pfizer announced that one such drug it's pushing into late-stage testing is target for 4% of lung cancer patients. But more than 90% of that tiny cohort responded to the drug initial tests, and 9 out of ten is getting pretty close to the ideal ten out of ten. By gearing toward more boutique treatments rather than broad umbrella pharmaceuticals that try to fit for everyone it seems cancer researchers are making some headway. But how can we close the gap on that remaining ten percent Ask Takeda Pharmaceutical and Celgene, two drug makers who put aside competitive interests to test a novel combination of their treatments. In a test of 66 patients with the blood disease multiple myeloma, a full 100 percent of the subjects saw their cancer reduced by half. Needless to say, a 100 percent response to a cancer drug (or in this case a drug cocktail) is more or less unheard of. Moreover, this combination never would've been two competing companies hadn't sat down and put their heads togetherAre there more potentially effective drug combos out there separated by competitive interest and proprietary information Who's to say, but it seems like withthe amount of money and research being pumped into cancer drug development, the outcome pretty good. And if researchers can start pushing more of their response numbers toward 100 percent, we can more easily start talking about oncology's favorite four-letter word: cure.61 Which of the following can be the best title for the passageA. Competition and CooperationB. Two Competing Pharmaceutical CompaniesC. The Promising Future of PharmaceuticalsD. Encouraging News: a 100% Response to a Cancer Drug62. In cancer drug development, according to the passage, the pharmaceuticals nowA. are adopting the cost-effective one-size-fits-all approachB. are moving towards individualized and targeted treatmentsC. are investing the lion's shares of their moneyD. care only about their profits63. From the encouraging advance by the two companies, we can infer thatA. the development can be ascribed to their joint efforts and collaborationB. it was their competition that resulted in the accomplishmentC. other pharmaceuticals will join them in the researchD. the future cancer treatment can be nothing but cocktail therapy64. From the last paragraph it can be inferred that the answer to the question _A. is nowhere to be foundB. can drive one crazyC. can be multipleD. is conditional65. The tone of the author of this passage seems to beA. neutralB. criticalC. negativeD. optimistPassage TwoLiver disease is the 12th -leading cause of death in the U.S., chiefly because once it's determined that a patient needs a new liver it's very difficult to get one. Even in case where a suitable donor match is found, there's guarantee a transplant will be successful. But researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital have taken a huge step toward building functioning livers in the lab, successfully transplanting culture-gown livers into rats.The livers aren't grown from scratch, but rather within the infrastructure of a donor liver. The liver cells in the donor organ are washed out with a detergent that gently strips away the liver cells, leaving behind a biological scaffold of proteins and extracellular architecture that is very hard to duplicate synthetically.With all of that complicated infrastructure already in place, the researchers then seeded the scaffold (支架) with liver cells isolated from healthy livers, as well as some special endothelial cells to line the bold vessels. Once repopulated with healthy cells, these livers lived in culture for 10 days.The team also transplanted some two-day-old recellularized livers back into rats, where they continued to thrive for eight hours while connected into the rats' vascularsystems. However the current method isn't perfect and cannot seem to repopulate the blood vessels quite densely enough and the transplanted livers can't keep functioning for more than about 24 hours (hence the eight-hour maximum for the rat transplant) But the initial successes are promising, and the team thinks they can overcome the blood vessel problem and get fully functioning livers into rats within two years. It still might be a decade before the tech hits the clinic, but if nothing goes horribly wrong-and especially if stem-cell research establishes a reliable way to create health liver cells from the every patients who need transplants-lab-generated livers that are perfect matches for their recipients could become a reality.66. It can be inferred from the passage that the animal model was mainly intended toA. investigate the possibility of growing blood vessels in the labB. explore the unknown functions of the human liverC. reduce the incidence of liver disease in the U.S.D. address the source of liver transplants67 What does the author mean when he says that the livers aren't grown from scratchA. The making of a biological scaffold of proteins and extracellular architecture.B. A huge step toward building functioning livers in the lab.C. The building of the infrastructure of a donor liverD. Growing liver cells in the donor organ68. The biological scaffold was not put into the culture in the lab untilA. duplicated syntheticallyB. isolated from the healthy liverC. repopulated with the healthy cellsD. the addition of some man-made blood vessels69. What seems to be the problem in the planted liverA. The rats as wrong recipients.B. The time point of the transplantation .C. The short period of the recellularization.D. The insufficient repopulation of the blood vessels.70. The research team holds high hopes ofA. creating lab-generated livers for patients within two yearsB. the timetable for generating human livers in the labC. stem-cell research as the future of medicineD. building a fully functioning liver into ratsPassage ThreePatients whose eyes have suffered heat or chemical burns typically experience severe damage to the cornea--the thin, transparent front of the eye that refracts light and contributes most of the eye's focusing ability. In a long-term study, Italian researchers use stem cells taken from the limbus, the border between the cornea and the white of the eye, to cultivate a graft of healthy cells in a lab to help restore vision in eyes. During the 10-years study, the researchers implanted the healthy stem cells into the damaged cornea in 113 eyes of 112 patients. The treatment was fully successful in more than 75 percent of the patients, and partially successful in 13 percent. Moreover, the restored vision remained stable over 10 years. Success wasdefined as an absence of all symptoms and permanent restoration of the cornea.Treatment outcome was initially assessed at one year, with up to 10 years of follow-up evaluations. The procedure was even successful in several patients whose burn injuries had occurred years earlier and who had already undergone surgery.Current treatment for burned eyes involves taking stem cells from a patient's healthy eye, or from the eyes of another person, and transferring them to the burned eye. The new procedure, however stimulates the limbal stem cells from the patient's own eye to reproduce in a lab culture. Several types of treatments using stem cells have proven successful in restoring blindness, but the long-term effectiveness shown here is significant. The treatment is only for blindness caused by damage to the cornea; it is not effective for repairing damaged retinas or optic nerves.Chemical eye burns often occur in the workplace, but can also happen due to mishaps involving household cleaning products and automobile batteries.The results of the study, based at Italy's University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, were published in the June 23 online issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.71 What is the main idea of this passageA. Stem cells can help restore vision in the eyes blinded by burns.B. The vision in the eyes blinded by burns for 10 years can be restored.C. The restored vision of the burned eyes treated with stem cells can last for 10 years.D. The burned eyes can only be treated with stem cells from other healthy persons.72. The Italian technique reported in this passageA. can repair damaged retinasB. is able to treat damaged optic nervesC. is especially effective for burn injuries in the eyes already treated surgicallyD. shows a long-term effectiveness for blindness in vision caused by damage to cornea73. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about eye burnsA. The places in which people work.B. The accidents that involve using household cleaning products.C. The mishaps that involved vehicles batteries.D. The disasters caused by battery explosion at home.74. What is one of the requirements for the current approachA. The stem cells taken from a healthy eye.B. The patient physically healthy.C. The damaged eye with partial vision.D. The blindness due to damaged optic nerves.75. Which of the following words can best describe the author's attitude towards the new methodA. Sarcastic.B. Indifferent.C. Critical.D. PositivePassage FourHere is a charming statistic: divide the US by race, sex and county of residence, and differences in average life expectancy across the various groups can exceed 30 years. The most disadvantaged look like denizens of a poor African country: a boyborn on a Native American reservation in Jackson County, South Dakota, for example, will be lucky to reach his 60th birthday. A typical child in Senegal can expect to live longer than that.America is not alone in this respect. While the picture is extreme in other rich nations, health inequalities based on race, sex and class exist in most societies--and are only partly explained by access to healthcare.But fresh insights and solutions may soon be at hand. An innovative project in Chicago to unite sociology and biology is blazing the trail (开创),after discovering that social isolation and fear of crime can help to explain the alarmingly high death rate from breast cancer among the city's black women. Living in these conditions seems to make tumors more aggressive by changing gene activity, so that cancer cells can use nutrients more effectively.We are already familiar with the lethal effect of stress on people clinging to the bottom rungs of the societal ladder, thanks to pioneering studies of British civil servants conducted by Michael Marmot of University College London. What's exciting about the Chicago project is that it both probes the mechanisms involved in a specific disease and suggests precise remedies. There are drugs that may stave tumors of nutrients and community coordinators could be employed to help reduce social isolation .Encouraged by the US National Institutes of Health, similar projects are springing up to study other pockets of poor health, in populations ranging from urban black men to white poor women in rural Appalachia.To realize the full potential of such projects, biologists and sociologists will have to start treating one other with a new respect and learn how to collaborate outside their comfort zones. Too many biomedical researchers still take the arrogant view that sociology is a "soft science" with little that's serious to say about health. And too many sociologists reject any biological angle--fearing that their expertise will be swept aside and that this approach will be used to bolster discredited theories of eugenics, or crude race-based medicineIt's time to drop these outdated attitudes and work together for the good of society's most deprived members. More important, it's time to use this fusion of biology and sociology to inform public policy. This endeavor has huge implications, not least in cutting the wide health gaps between blacks and whites, rich and poor76. As shown in the 1st paragraph, the shaming statistic reflects -A. injustice everywhereB. racial discriminationC. a growing life spanD. health inequalities77. Which of the following can have a negative impact on health according to the Chicago-based projectA. Where to live.B. Which race to belong toC. How to adjust environmentally.D. What medical problem to suffer.78. The Chicago-based project focuses its management onA. a particular medical problem and its related social issueB. racial discrimination and its related social problemsC. the social ladder and its related medical conditionsD. a specific disease and its medical treatment78. The Chicago-based project focuses its management onA. a particular medical problem and its related social issueB. racial discrimination and its related social problemsC. the social ladder and its related medical conditionsD. a specific disease and its medical treatment79. Which of the following can most probably neglected by sociologistsA. The racial perspective.B. The environmental aspect.C. The biological dimension.D. The psychological angel.80. The author is a big fan ofA. the combination of a traditional and new way of thinking in promoting healthB. the integration of biologists and sociologists to reduce health inequalitiesC. the mutual understanding and respect between racesD. public education and health promotionPassage FiveAmerican researchers are working on three antibodies that many mark a new step on the path toward an HIV vaccine, according to a report published online Thursday, July 8, 2010, in the journal Science.One of the antibodies suppresses 91 percent of HIV strains, more than any AIDS antibody ever discovered , according to a report on the findings published in the WallStreet Journal. The antibodies were discovered in the cells of a 60-year-old African-American gay man whose body produced them naturally. One antibody in particular is substantially different from its precursors, the Science study says.The antibodies could be tried as a treatment for people already infected with HIV, the WSJreports. At the very, least, they might boost the efficacy of current antiretroviral drugs.It is welcome news for the 33 million people the United Nations estimated were living with AIDS at the end of 2008.The WSJ outlines the painstaking method the team used to find the antibody amidthe cells of the African-American man, known as Donor 45. First they designed a probe that looks just like a spot on a particular molecule on the cells that HIV infects. Theyused the probe to attract only the antibodies that efficiently attack that spot. They screened 25 million of Donor 45's cell to find just 12 cells that produced the antibodiesScientists have already discovered plenty of antibodies that either don't work at all or only work on a couple of HIV strains. Last year marked the first time that researchers found "broadly neutralizing antibodies," which knock out many H IV strains. But none of those antibodies neutralized more than about 40 percent of them the WSJ says. The newest antibody, at 91 percent neutralization, is a marked improvement.Still, more work needs to be done to ensure the antibodies would activate the immune system to produce natural defenses against AIDS, the study authors say. They suggest there test methods that blend the three new antibodies together--in raw form to prevent transmission of the virus, such as from mother to child; in a。

2016年全国医学博士英语统一考试试题2016年全国医学博士英语统一考试试题试卷一(Paper One)Part I Listening Comprehension(30%)Section ADirections:In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers.At the end of each conversation,you will hear a question about what is said.The question will be read only once,after you hear the question,read the four possible answers marked A,B,C and D. Choose the best answers and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.Listen to the following example.You will hear:Woman:I feel faint.Man:No wonder.You haven’t had a bite all day.Question:What’s the matter with the woman?You will read:A.She is sick.B.She is bitten by an ant.C.She is hungry.D.She spilled her paint.Here C is the right answer.Sample AnswerA B●D Now let’s begin with question Number1.1. A.At ten next Wednesday. B.At three next Wednesday.C.At ten next Monday.D.At three next Monday.2. A.A dull pain. B.A piercing pain.C.A burning pain.D.A numb pain.3. A.He is going to get married. B.He is going to get his bachelor’s degree.C.He will count on the woman for help.D.He will bring his own booze to the party.4. A.Pizza is her favorite food. B.Pizza is her second choice.C.She dislikes the man’s idea.D.She couldn’t agree with the man more.5. A.Jack’s girlfriend is mad at him. B.Jack has fallen in love with Debra.C.Debra is prettier than Jack’s girl friend.D.Jack wants to break up with his girlfriend.6. A.It will rain soon. B.It’s right to be proposed.C.She is worried about the weather.D.To be safe,they’d better stay at home.7. A.He is a great big-wave surfer. B.He is a trouble-maker.C.He is a nice guy.D.He is very weird.8. A.$60 B.$40 C.$360 D.$309. A.Quit smoking. B.Go jogging every morning.C.Work out in the gym.D.Go on a diet.10. A.100. B.232. C.132. D.332.11. A.Mary isn’t his type. B.He fell in love with Mary at first sight.C.Mary was not pretty enough.D.He won’t teach Mary chemistry.12. A.Play tennis. B.Take out the trash.C.Play computer games.D.Go to court for a lawsuit.13. A.In the school. B.At school.C.In the hospital.D.To the dorm.14. A.She is seriously ill.B.She has to look after her husband at home.C.She will persuade her husband to go to hospital.D.She will be taken good care of by her sister and daughter.15. A.She makes a living now as a dressmaker. B.She makes a living now as a landlady.C.She worries a lot about her health.D.She now lives on her pension.Section BDirections:In this section you will hear one conversation and two passages,after each of which,you will hear five questions.After each question,read the four possible answers marked A, B,C and D.Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. Dialogue16. A.A duodenal ulcer. B.Stomach ulcer.C.A mouth ulcer.D.A skin ulcer.17. A.Have an operation. B.Try medical means.C.See a psychiatrist.D.Be off work for a while.18. A.Overweight. B.Smoking. C.Heredity. D.Stress.19. A.He is a light smoker. B.He is a casual smoker.C.He is a heavy smoker.D.He is a moderate smoker.20. A.Stop smoking. B.Have a surgery.C.Eat regularly and exercise more.D.Make an appointment with Dr.Oakes. Passage One21. A.He is a man who has a gene of longevity.B.He is a professor at Boston University.C.He is the owner of the website .D.He is the creator of a website on longevity.22. A.Women don’t like red meat as much as men.B.The high estrogen level in women makes the differences.C.Women develop cardiovascular disease much later than men.D.The incidence of cardiovascular disease is much lower in women.23. A.In their50s and60s. B.In their60s and70s.C.In their70s and80s.D.In their80s and90s.24. A.Calcium. B.Iodine. C.Zinc. D.Iron.25. A.The reason why red meat is harmful to health.B.The reason why vegetarian food is so popular.C.Another possibility for women’s longevity.D.The important role iron plays in cellular reactions.Passage Two26. A.He was the owner of a grocery store.B.He was a convict laboring at a junkyard.C.He struggled under the strain of poverty.D.He lived happily with his wife and three kids.27. A.He is a stockbroker.B.He is an investment advisor.C.He is the manager of a mutual fund.D.He is a teacher at local community college.28. A.Indecision. B.Arrogance.C.Ignorance.D.Fear.29. A.He began teaching on investment at college.B.He began reading investment books and then began practicing.C.He began learning how to become a successful stockbroker.D.He began investing big money in a mutual fund each month.30. A.Man errs as long as he strives.B.Failure is the mother of success.C.Where there is a will,there is a way.D.The good seaman is known in bad weather.PartⅡVocabulary(10%)Section ADirections:In this section,all the sentences are incomplete.Four words or phrases marked A, B,C and D are given beneath each of them.You are to choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence,then mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.31.Employers have a legal obligation to pay_____to their workers for injuries.pensationpromisemodityD.consumption32.The argument between the two patients became so fierce that the doctor had to____.A.alleviateB.aggravateC.extinguishD.intervene33.But despite all the legal hustle and bustle,they don’t actually expect to____death sentences tolife terms without parole.A.induceB.convertC.reviveD.swerve34.To maintain physical well-being,a person should eat____food and get sufficient exercise.A.integralB.grossC.wholesomeD.intact35.The Central Government’s pledge to maintain the____and stability of Hong Kong at all costs isa great encouragement to the local finance.A.provisionB.prosperityC.privilegeD.preference36.It is pointed out that patients must be reassured that“their lives will not be____as a result ofbed shortages”.A.facilitatedB.forfeitedC.fulfilledD.furnished37.The cause of his death has been a mystery and_____unknown so far.A.exclusivelyB.superficiallyC.utterlyD.doubtfully38.It is known that some ways of using resources____can destroy the environment as well as thepeople living in it.A.recklesslyB.sparinglyC.sensiblyD.incredibly39.Cholera is a preventable waterborne bacterial infection that is spread through____water.A.filteredB.distilledC.contaminatedD.purified40.We welcome him not_____as a new broom but rather as a very old friend.A.by the wayB.at all eventsC.by no meansD.in any sense Section BDirections:Each of the following sentences has a word or phrase underlined.There are four words or phrases beneath each sentence.Choose the word or phrase which can best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined part.Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.41.In any event,lethal injections are under federal scrutiny.A.sanctionB.restrictionC.censusD.examination42.The humble tomato could become a(n)potent weapon in the fight against prostate cancer.A.inexpensiveB.powerfulC.conventionalD.lethal43.Men’s perception of the amount of caregiving they do is completely at odds.A.in tune withB.in favor ofC.for the sake ofD.in disagreement with44.Huangshan Mountain is eminent for its natural scenery and deserves a visit.A.renownedB.notoriousC.popularD.mysterious45.Obesity is a condition perpetuated by a diversity of factors.A.severityB.reliabilityC.varietyD.specificity46.He is usually well-behaved,this rudeness is only a(n)lapse.A.errorB.sinC.guiltD.offense47.Did you detect a touch of jaundice in her remark?A.grievanceB.sympathyC.jealousyD.indignation48.In1912,German doctors attempted to treat children who had underactive thyroids with normalthyroid cells,but to little avail.A.by no meansB.in vainC.of no accountD.at stake49.To many observers,he spent his wealth lavishly.A.fearlesslyB.conspicuouslyC.wastefullyD.ferociously50.At present,no medical therapy is known to affect progressions of rheumatic mitral stenosis.A.deteriorationB.accumulationC.expansionD.promotionPartⅢCloze(10%)Directions:In this section there is a passage with ten numbered blanks.For each blank,there are four choices marked A,B,C and D on the right side.Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEIET.Humans are the only species known to have consciousness,awareness that we have brains and bodies51adaptability that we can affect the course our lives take,that we can make choices52that vastly affect the quality of our lives—biologically,intellectually,environmentally,and spiritually. As humans,we have the ability to mold our53beings to become what or who we wish to become. While some of us may,54,have genetic and biological imperatives that may require medication or training to overcome,or at least to modulate,the vast majority of us do,in fact,hold our emotional 55in our hands.All that56,until the last decade,scientists believed that the human brain and its connections were formed during gestation and infancy and remained57unchanged through childhood.They believed that humans had a given number of neurons in a specific brain structure,and58the number might vary among people,once you were done with childhood development,you were set in this59.Your connections were already made,and the learning and growing period of your brain was over.In the last decade,however,researchers have found60evidence that this is not so,and that something called neuroplasticity continues throughout our lives.51. A.careful about B.capable of C.accessible to D.susceptible to52. A.in the event B.in an attempt C.at the moment D.along the way53. A.exclusive B.very C.just D.exact54. A.indeed B.however C.moreover D.therefore55. A.demonstration B.dimension C.destiny D.determination56. A.has been said B.being said C.was said D.is said57. A.more or less B.pretty much C.as ever D.if any58. A.while B.despite C.nevertheless D.since59. A.case B.mold C.sense D.condition60. A.different B.similar C.insufficient D.significantPartⅣReading Comprehension(30%)Directions:In this part there are six passages,each of which is followed by five questions.For each question there are four possible answers marked A,B,C and D.Choose the best answer andmark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.Passage OneParents are on a journey of discovery with each child whose temperament,biology,and sleep habits result in a unique sleep-wake pattern.It can be frustrating when children’s sleep habits do not conform to the household schedule.Helping the child develop good sleep habits in childhood takes time and parental attention,but it will have beneficial results throughout life.An understanding of the changing patterns of the typical sleep-wake cycle in children will help alleviate any unfounded concerns.Maintaining a sleep diary for each child will provide the parents with baseline information in assessing the nature and severity of childhood sleep problems.Observant parents will come to recognize unusual sleep disruptions or those that persist or intensify.Developmental changes throughout childhood bring differences in the sleep-wake cycle and in the type and frequency of parasomnias that may interrupt sleep.Medical consultation to rule out illness,infection of injury is prudent if the child’s sleep problems prevent adequate sleep and result in an ongoing sleep deficit.As reported by News-Medical in Child Health News,children’s sleep problems should be taken seriously as they may be a“marker”for predicting later risk of early adolescent substance use.In the same article.University of Michigan psychiatry professor Kirk Brower,who has studied“the interplay of alcohol and sleep in adults”stressed that“The finding does not mean there’s a cause-and-effect relation-ship.”Consultation with a child psychologist may be helpful if frightening dreams intensify and become more frequent as this may indicate a particular problem or life circumstance that needs to be changed or one that the child may need extra help working through.Most childhood sleep disturbance will diminish over time as the brain matures and a regular sleep-wake cycle is established.Parental guidance is crucial to development of healthy sleep habits in children.6l.To have a journey of discovery with each child,according to the passage,is_____.A.to discover their unique sleep-wake cyclesB.to follow their behavioral preferencesC.to alleviate their sleeping problemsD.to explore their asset62.In the first paragraph,the author suggests that parents____.A.seek professional consultation for their child’s sleep problemB.adjust their household schedule to the child’s sleeping habitC.take their child’s unfounded concerns into considerationD.keep a diary on sleep pattern for their child63.Where there exists a“marker”in the child,according to the passage____.A.it might lead to his or her early substance useB.he or she will carry it all his or her lifeC.it might interrupt his or her sleep patternD.he or she is destined to be an alcoholic64.What is the author trying to tell us in the third paragraph?A.It takes time to combat sleeping problem in children.B.Sometimes parents need to seek professional assistance.C.Parents cannot afford to neglect their child’s sleeping problem.D.Much importance should be attached to the child’s life circumstance.65.What is the main idea of the passage?A.Child sleep disturbance and its future impact.B.Child sleep disturbance and its family history.C.Parent’s role in building their child’s healthy sleeping habit.D.A psychological perspective on sleep disturbance in children.Passage TwoThe United States and England each has a major—and unique—health-care challenge, according to a study comparing the health of senior citizens in the two countries.The study, conducted by researchers from RAND Corporation in the United States and Institute for Fiscal Studies in the United Kingdom,found that disease and health disorder incidence was higher among U.S.senior citizens,but mortality rates were higher among English senior citizens.Americans aged65and older have almost twice the rate of diabetes found among their English counterparts and more than double the rate of cancer.Nevertheless,death rate among Americans65 and older is lower.“Americans are a sicker group of people who tend to live longer,”says James Smith,a study co-author,He attributes the U.S.health problems to lifestyle factors,including poor eating habits and inadequate exercise.Americans tend to eat much larger servings of food,for example,“There is what I call an American plate.When we go to a restaurant,it’s plate I can’t even eat any more.It’s a plate with so much food on if it’s not even appealing to me.”Smith also says that English adults are generally much more physically active than Americans. Biking and walking are much common in everyday life in England.He observes that“there is a lot of walking in London,and there is a lot of bicycle riding.I don’t see people in downtown Los Angeles on their bicycles.”On the other hand,England’s problem is that doctors fail to diagnose serious conditions early enough.American doctors tend to screen patients for cancer,diabetes,and other illnesses more frequently.Smith notes“American medicine is much more aggressive.It leads to high costs,but it has benefits,too”.66.The study’s results indicated______.A.an urgent call for health promotion among English and American senior citizensB.health disparities between English and American senior citizensC.a close relation between disease incidence and mortality rateD.a significant rise in mortality rates among senior citizens67.Which of the following is a unique health care challenge for English senior citizens whencompared with their American counterparts?A.A higher death rate.B.A higher rate of cancer.C.A higher incidence of disease.D.A lower tendency to have diabetes.68.What does James Smith imply by an American plate?A.A sedentary American lifestyles.B.American junk foods on the table.C.A large portion of food consumed by Americans.D.Severe malnutrition among American senior citizens.69.The Americans’unique health-care challenge according to James Smith,is derived from____.A.their unusual forms of physical activitiesB.their different geographic locationC.their genetic likelihood of obesityD.their unhealthy lifestyle factors70.Even though it is much more aggressive,the American medicine___.A.better improves the quality of life among its senior citizensB.benefits more seniors who need medical careC.facilitates its senior citizens to live longerD.helps its senior citizens live healthierPassage ThreeLess meat and dairy in our diets could help reduce agricultural greenhouse gases by as much as 80%by2055,according to a recent study by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).The researchers created global land-use model to project likely outcomes given different scenarios involving consumer dietary trends and changes in agriculture production methods.The models take into consideration population growth,the world economy,and other factors.The researchers found that,if meat and dairy consumption patterns remain constant of increase, the associated global agricultural omissions will increase significantly.On the other hand,a25% reduction over the next40years would help bring levels to where they were around1995.Methane and nitrous oxide in particular could be reduced if less meat and dairy is produced and consumed.These gases are caused largely by livestock waste and synthetic fertilizers.Around two-thirds of nitrous-oxide emissions come from agriculture—and most of that as a result of either raising animals or producing the feed used to raise them.Consumers’food choices,combined with what one PIK researcher terms“technical mitigation options on the producers side”could make an enormous impact on these emissions.While not nearly as much methane or nitrous oxide is released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide,both are significantly more potent and they form substantial pieces of the greenhouse gas pie.Both of these gases trap heat and radiation in the atmosphere much more effectively than does carbon dioxide.The U.S.Environmental Protection Agency cites methane as being“21times more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide over a100-year time period.”Nitrous oxide is more than300times more effective than CO2.While the PIK study doesn’t detail exactly which consumer choices and eating habits can help reverse the trend,it seems clear that less is more when it comes to consuming meat and dairy products.71.The current PIK study____.A.was nothing but a what-ifB.was based on the global land-use modelsC.managed to reduce agricultural greenhouse gasesD.changed the patterns of meat and dairy consumption72.As the PIK results imply,it is possible____.A.to keep the consumption patterns unchanged over the next40yearsB.to reduce the emissions by25%over the next40yearsC.to maintain a constant drop in the consumptionD.to return to the emission levels around199573.Simply put,to produce and consume less meat and dairy is to____.A.reduce more methane and nitrous oxide emissionsB.produce more economic benefits for agricultureC.cut two-thirds more of nitrous-oxide emissionsD.have more technical mitigation options74.The greenhouse gas pie tells us_____.A.the importance of being a vegetationB.no need to worry about carbon dioxideC.the priorities in the environmental protectionD.the best consumer choice for meat and dairy products75.What can be the best title for the passage?A.Eating HealthyB.From Farm to PlateC.Green House EffectD.Diet for a Healthier PlanetPassage FourToday this dangerous situation has been largely alleviated.Henry,a77-year-old pensioner from East London,still lies alone and happily practices golf swings in his back garden safe in the knowledge that his body is able to cope with the extra exertion.What has altered Henry’s life is not some wonder drug but a simple change in the way his illness is managed.Every day Henry hooks himself up to monitoring devices whose results have helped him to understand it and overcome its more debilitating effects.”Telehealth has given me confidence in myself because I know my own body now,”he says.He adjusts what he does according to what his daily readings tell him about his condition.Henry is just one of a growing number of pioneering patients who are trusting their futures to rge trials are under way around the world to evaluate the idea.With elderly populations and the incidence of age-related illnesses growing telehealth promises to give peoplethe independence they need to remain in their own homes.It could also reduce the burden of healthcare costs.The disorder that makes Henry’s life so difficult is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (DOPD),a condition that affects some800,000people in England.The airways in his lungs have narrowed,leaving him with severe shortness of breath and blood oxygen levels that can fall dangerously low.With his new equipment,Henry can keep a close eye on how his body is doing.He received for measuring his blood oxygen level and pulse rate,a blood pressure monitor and a set of speaking scales.Each connects wirelessly to a unit collates the readings and sends them to a team of medical specialists,who watch for suspicious changes.If the readings look bad,they call him to discuss appropriate action.Henry too can see the readings on his television,where they are displayed with the help of a special set-top box.Whether a day is good or bad depends largely on Henry’s blood oxygen level.Before joining the telehealth program,he could only guess at that.Now he knows if the reading is low,he can take action.When the reading is high,he can go about his business confident that his oxygen level will see him through.“Telehealth is a good thing for me,”says Henry.“I know that on the other end of the telephone there’s a little angel and if anything goes wrong it shows up on the television and she’s on the phone within five minutes.”76.What can be said of Henry?A.His illness was wrongly diagnosed.B.He lived alone without medical care.C.His life was improved with telehealth.D.He used to be a professional golf player.77.Henry activates his daily health management_____.A.with a receipt of the doctor’s order on his conditionB.by getting hooked up to the monitoring devicesC.by giving a ring to the community doctorD.with the practice of golf swings78.As one of the pioneering patients,Henry____.A.receives the most benefits from telehealthB.puts his life in the hands of a medical teamC.seems to carry out well the intents of telehealthD.is actively involved in evaluating telehealth globally79.What is the most important about the telehealth technology in the case of Henry?A.His illness can be brought back to normal as expected.B.It can rid him of the debilitating effects due to his illness.C.It helps him better understand the readings on the television.D.His condition can be kept under continuous surveillance at home.80.Thanks to the telehealth technology,Henry knows for sure his blood oxygen level,thus____.A.having a good dayB.building up his confidenceC.getting hospitalized in no timeD.having no trouble doing physical labor Passage FiveWhen it comes to health,which is more important,nature or nurture?You may well think your genes are a more important predictor of health and ill health.Not so fast.In fact,it transpires that our everyday environment outweighs our genetics,big time,when it comes to measuring our risk of disease.The genome is out—welcome the exposure.“The exposure represents everything a person is exposed to in the environment,that’s not in the genes,”says Stephen Rappaport,environmental health scientist at the University of California, Berkeley.That includes stress,diet,lifestyle choices,recreational and medicinal drug use and infections,to name a few.“The big difference is that the exposure changes throughout life as our bodies,diets and lifestyles change,”he says.While our understanding of the human genome has been growing at an exponential rate over the last decade,it is not as helpful as we hoped in predicting diseases.“Genes only contribute10 percent to the overall disease burden,”says Rappaport.“Knowing genetic risk factors can prove absolutely futile,”says Jeremy Nicholson at Imperial College London.He points to work by Nina Paynter at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston,who investigated the effect of10l genetic markers implicated in heart disease.After following over19,000women for12years,she found these markers were not able to predict anything about the incidence of heart disease in this group.On the other hand,the impact of environmental influences is still largely a mystery.“There’s an imbalance between our ability to investigate the genome and the environment,”says Chris Wild, director of the International Agency for Research on Cancer,who came up with the idea of the exposure.In reality,most diseases are probably caused by a combination of the two,which is where the exposure comes in.“The idea is to have a comprehensive analysis of a person’s full exposure history,”says Wild.He hopes a better understanding of exposures will shed a brighter light on disease risk factors.There are likely to be critical periods of exposure in development.For example,the time from birth to3years of age is thought to be particularly important.“We know that this is the time when brain connections are made,and that if you are obese by this age,you’ll have problems as an adult,”says Nicholson.81.Rappaport argues that a major threat to our human health_____.A.lies in our exposureB.is growing to take shapeC.decides our social environmentD.is changing with the human genetic evolution82.What can be said of the exposure according to Rappaport?A.Static.B.Reliable.C.Predictable.D.Changeable.83.Speaking of genes,Rappaport would say that_____.A.the human genome project is a mere waste of timeB.there is no such a thing as predictive medicineC.genetic evolution is almost staticD.we do not live only by our genes84.Even though we cannot pinpoint the exact impact of environmental influence,Wild contendsthat______.A.we have the exposure contributing significantly to our health or ill healthB.we can strike a balance between the human body and its exposuresC.each of us leaves a unique exposure history in the environmentD.we can manage the exposure as expected85.Particularly important,according to Nicholson,is the time when_____.A.obesity occursB.the brain is injuredC.the exposure comes inD.the exposures are not blockedPassage SixPublishing in scientific journals is the most common and powerful means to disseminate new research findings.Visibility and credibility in the scientific world require publishing in journals that are included in global indexing databases such as those of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI).Most scientists in developing countries remain at the periphery of this critical communication process,exacerbating the low international recognition and impact of their accomplishments.For science to become maximally influential and productive across the globe,this needs to change.The economy of electronic publication,open access,and property rights fuel current academic and policy debates about scientific publishing in the industrialized world.The concerns in the developing world(with few ISI-indexed journals)focus on more fundamental questions,such as sustaining local research activity and achieving the appropriate global reach of its science activities.The essence of the African situation is captured by R.J.W.Tijssen’s analysis of publications by African authors,which was based not only on data from ISI indexing databases,but also on publications not indexed in this system.Surprisingly,half of the South African citations in the indexed ISI literature are to articles in nonindexed,locally published journals.Also,several nonindexed local journals are cited in the ISI system at about the same rate as are indexed journals. The share of indexed articles with at least one author with an African address remains steady at about1%.About half of the ISI-indexed papers with at least one author with an African address have non-African partners outside of the continent.These figures vary,country by country, sometimes in surprising ways.For example,85%of the papers published from Mali or Gabon involve collaborations on other continents,versus39%and29%,respectively,for South African and Egypt,the continent’s leading research producers.Thus,much of the Africa research system is now highly dependent on collaborations.How can the global reach and potential impact of scientific research in Africa and other developing countries be optimized?Of primary importance is boosting the quality and quantity of。

2016年全国医学博士英语统考答案Listening Comprehension (30%)Section A1. B. At three next Wednesday.2. B. A piercing pain.3. A. He is going to get married.4. D. She couldn't agree with the man more.5. A. Jack's girlfriend is mad at him.6. B. It's wise to be prepared.7. B. He is a trouble-maker.8. D. $309. C. Work out in the gym.10. B. 23211. A. Mary isn't his type.12. A. Play tennis.13. C. In the hospital.14. A. She is seriously ill.15. B. She makes a living now as a landlady.Section BDialogue16. A. A duodenal ulcer.17. B. Try medical means.18. A. Overweight.19. C. He is a heavy smoker.20. D. Make an appointment with Dr. Oaks.Passage One21. D. He is the creator of a website on longevity.22. C. Women develop cardiovascular disease much later than men.23. B. In their 60s and 70s.24. D. Iron.25. C. Another possibility for women's longevity.Passage Two26. C. He struggled under the strain of poverty.27. B. He is an investment advisor.28. D. Fear.29. B. He began reading investment books and then began practicing.30. C. Where there is a will, there is a way.Part II Vocabulary (10%)Section ADirections: In this section all the sentences are incomplete. Four words or phrases, marked A, B, C and D, are given beneath each of them. You are to choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.31. Employers have a legal obligation to pay _______ to their workers for injuries.A. compensationB. compromiseC. commodityD. consumptionKey: A32. The argument between the two patients became so fierce that the doctor had to _________.A. alleviateB. aggravateC. extinguishD. interveneKey: D33. But despite all th e legal hustle and bustle, they don’t actually expect to _______ death sentences to life terms without parole.A. induceB. convertC. reviveD. swerveKey: B34. To maintain physical well-being, a person should eat _______ food and get sufficient exercise.A. integralB. grossC. wholesomeD. intactKey: C35. The Central Government’s pledge to maintain the ______ and stability of Hong Kong at all costs is a great encouragement to the local finance.A. provisionB. prosperityC. privilegeD. preferenceKey: B36. It is pointed out that patients must be reassured that “their lives will not be ______ as a result of bed shortages.”A. facilitatedB. forfeitedC. fulfilledD. furnishedKey: B37. The cause of his death has been a mystery and _______ unknown so far.A. exclusivelyB. superficiallyC. utterlyD. doubtfullyKey: C38. It is known that some ways of using resources _______ can destroy the environment as well as the people living in it.A. recklesslyB. sparinglyC. sensiblyD. incrediblyKey: A39. Cholera is a preventable waterborne bacterial infection that is spread through ______ water.A. filteredB. distilledC. contaminatedD. purifiedKey: C40. We welcome him not ____________ as a new broom but rather as a very old friend.A. by the wayB. at all eventsC. by no meansD. in any senseKey: CSection B41. scrutinyA. sanctionB. restrictionC. censusD. examination Key: D42. potentA. inexpensiveB. powerfulC. conventionalD. lethal Key: B43. at odds withA. in tune withB. in favor ofC. for the sake ofD. in disagreement withKey: D44. eminentA. renownedB. notoriousC. popularD. mysteriousKey: A45. diversityA. sevrityB. reliablilityC. varietyD. specificityKey: C46. lapseA. errorB. sinC. guiltD. offenseKey: A47. jaundiceA. grievanceB. sympathyC. jealousyD. indignation Key: C48. to little availA. by no meansB. in vainC. of no accountD. at stake Key: B49. lavishlyA. fearlesslyB. conspicuouslyC. wastefullyD. ferociously Key: C50. progressionA. deteriorationB. accumulationC. expansionD. promotionKey: APart III Cloze (10%)51. A. careful about B. capable of C. accessible to D. susceptible toKey: B52. A. in the event B. in an attempt C. at the moment D. along the wayKey: D53. A. exclusive B. very C. just D. exactKey: A54. A. indeed B. however C. moreover D. thereforeKey: B55. A. demonstration B. dimension C. destiny D. determination Key: C56. A. has been said B. being said C. was said D. is saidKey: B57. A. more or less B. pretty much C. as ever D. if anyKey: B58. A. while B. despite C. nevertheless D. sinceKey: C59. A. case B. mold C. sense D. conditionKey: C60. A. different B. similar C. insufficient D. significantKey: DPart IV Reading Comprehension (30%)Passage One61. To have a journey of discovery witheach child, according to the passage,is_____________.A. to discover their unique sleep-wakecycles62. In the first paragraph, the authorsuggests that parents ____________.D. keep a diary on sleep pattern for theirchil63. When there exists a “marker”in the child according to the passage, __________.A. it might lead to his or her earlysubstance use64. What is the author trying to tell us inthethird paragraph?B. Sometimes parents need to seek professionalassistance.65. What is the main idea of the passage?C. Parents’role in building their child’shealthy sleeping habit.Passage Two66. The study's results indicated_____________.A. health disparities between English andAmerican senior citizens67. Which of the following is uniquehealth-care challenge for English senior citizens when compared with theirAmerican counterparts?A. higher death rate.68. What does James Smith imply by anAmerican plate?C. large portion of food consumed byAmericans.69. The Americans' unique health-carechallenge, according to James Smith, is derived form ______________.D. their unhealthy lifestyle factors70. Even though it is much more aggressive,the American medicine __________.B. benefits more seniors who needmedicalcare.Passage Three71. The current PIK study ___________.B. was based on the global land-use models72. As the PIK results imply, it ispossible ____________.”D. to return to the emission levels around199573. Simply put, to produce and consume lessmeat and dairy is to __________.A. to reduce more methane and nitrous oxideemissions74. The greenhouse gas pie tellsus__________.C. the priorities in the environmentalprotection75. What can be the best title forthepassage?D. Diet for a Healthier PlanetPassage Four76. What can be said of Henry?C. His life was improved with telehealth.77. Henry activates his daily healthmanagement __________.B. By getting hooked up to themonitoringdevices78. As one of the pioneering patients,Henry __________.A. receives the most benefits fromtelehealth79. What is the most important about thetelehealth technology in the case of Henry?D. His condition can be kept undercontinuous surveillance at home.80. Thanks to the telehealth technologyHenry knows for sure his blood oxygen level, thus __________.C. getting hospitalized in no timePassage Five81. Rappaport argues that a major threat toour human health __________.A. lies in our exposome82. What can be said of the exposomeaccording to Rappaport?D. Changeable.83. Speaking of genes, Rappaport wouldsaythat __________.B. there is no such a thing aspredictivemedicine.84. Even though we cannot pinpoint theexact impact of environmental influences. Wild contends that __________.C. each of us leaves a unique exposurehistory in the environment85. Particularly important, according toNicholson, is the time when __________.C. the exposome comes inPassage Six86. The author cries for a changein____________.D. global science publishing87. According to the author, the lowinternational recognition and impact of scientists in the developing countriescan be attributed to __________.C. their limited publications in globalindexing databases88. The survey conducted by Tijssenjustified the author's view that __________.D. most scientists in developing countriesremain marginalized in global science publishing89. To address the current situation, theauthor argues that it is imperative that__________.D. quality and quantity be desired in thelocal journals90. Which of the following can be the besttitle for the passage?C. Globalizing Science Publishing作文的标题:The Cultivation and Development of General Practitioner。

2016年中国科学院大学英语博士研究生考试试题(样题)SAMPLE TESTUNIVERSITY OF CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCESENGLISH ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONFORDOCTORAL CANDIDATESPAPER ONEPART I VOCABULARY (15 minutes, 10 points, 0.5 point each)Directions: Choose the word or expression below each sentence that best completes the statement, and mark the corresponding letter of your choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.1. Ten years ago, a house with a decent bathroom was a __________ symbol among university professors.A. postB. statusC. positionD. place2. It would be far better if collectors could be persuaded to spend their time and money in support of ___________ archaeological research.A. legibleB. legitimateC. legislativeD. illicit3. We seek a society that has at its __________ a respect for the dignity and worth of the individual.A. endB. handC. coreD. best4. A variety of problems have greatly _________the country’s normal educational development.A. impededB. impartedC. imploredD. implemented5. A good education is an asset you can ________for the rest of your life.A. spell outB. call uponC. fall overD. resort to6. Oil can change a society more ____________ than anyone could ever have imagined.A. grosslyB. severelyC. rapidlyD. drastically7. Beneath its myriad rules, the fundamental purpose of ___________ is to make the world a pleasanter place to live in, and you a more pleasant person to live with.A. elitismB. eloquenceC. eminenceD. etiquette8. The New Testament was not only written in the Greek language, but ideas derived from Greek philosophy were _____________ in many parts of it.A. alteredB. criticizedC. incorporatedD. translated9. Nobody will ever know the agony I go __________ waiting for him to come home.A. overB. withC. downD. through10. While a country’s economy is becoming the most promising in the world, its people should be more ____________ about their quality of life.A. discriminatingB. distributingC. disagreeingD. disclosing11. Cheated by two boys whom he had trust on, Joseph promised to ____________ them.A. find fault withB. make the most ofC. look down uponD. get even with12. The Minister’s _________ answer let to an outcry from the Opposition.A. impressiveB. evasiveC. intensiveD. exhaustive13. In proportion as the ____________ between classes within the nation disappears the hostility of one nation to another will come to an end.A. intoleranceB. pessimismC. injusticeD. antagonism14. Everyone does their own thing, to the point where a fifth-grade teacher can’t __________ on a fourth-grade teacher having taught certain things.A. countB. insistC. fallD. dwell15. When the fire broke out in the building, the people lost their __________ and ran into the elevator.A. heartsB. tempersC. headsD. senses16. Consumers deprived of the information and advice they needed were quite simply ___________ every cheat in the marketplace.A. at the mercy ofB. in lieu ofC. by courtesy ofD. for the price of17. In fact the purchasing power of a single person’s pension in Hong Kong was only 70 per cent of the value of the _________ Singapore pension.A. equivalentB. similarC. consistentD. identical18. He became aware that he had lost his audience since he had not been able to talk ____________.A. honestlyB. graciouslyC. coherentlyD. flexibly19. The novel, which is a work of art, exists not by its _____________ life, but by its immeasurable difference from life.A. significance inB. imagination atC. resemblance toD. predominance over20. She was artful and could always ____________ her parents in the end.A. shout downB. get roundC. comply withD. pass overPART II CLOZE TEST (15 minutes, 15 points)Directions: For each blank in the following passage, choose the best answer from the four choices given in the opposite column. Mark the corresponding letter of your choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.We are entering a period in which rapid population growth, the presence of deadly weapons, and dwindling resources will bring international tensions to dangerous levels for an extended period. Indeed, 21 seems no reason for these levels of danger to subside unless population equilibrium is 22 and some rough measure of fairness reached in the distribution of wealth among nations.23 of adequate magnitude imply a willingness to redistribute income internationally on a more generous 24 than the advanced nations have evidenced within their own domains. The required increases in 25 in the backward regions would necessitate gigantic applications of energy merely to extract the 26 resources.It is uncertain whether the requisite energy-producing technology exists, and more serious, 27 that its application would bring us to the threshold of an irreversible change in climate 28 a consequence of the enormous addition of manmade heat to the atmosphere. It is this 29 problem that poses the most demanding and difficult of the challenges. The existing 30 of industrial growth, with no allowance for increased industrialization to repair global poverty, hold 31 the risk of entering the danger zone of climatic change in as 32 as three or four generations. If the trajectory is in fact pursued, industrial growth will 33 have to come to an immediate halt, for another generation or two along that 34 would literally consume human, perhaps all life. The terrifying outcome can be postponed only to the extent that the wastage of heat can be reduced, 35 that technologies that do not add to the atmospheric heat burden—for example, the use of solar energy—can be utilized. (1996)21. A. one B. it C. this D. there22. A. achieved B. succeeded C. produced D. executed23. A. Transfers B. Transactions C. Transports D. Transcripts24. A. extent B. scale C. measure D. range25. A. outgrowth B. outcrop C. output D. outcome26. A. needed B. needy C. needless D. needing27. A. possible B. possibly C. probable D. probably28. A. in B. with C. as D. to29. A. least B. late C. latest D. last30. A. race B. pace C. face D. lace31. A. on B. up C. down D. out32. A. less B. fewer C. many D. little33. A. rather B. hardly C. then D. yet34. A. line B. move C. drive D. track35. A. if B. or C. while D. asPART III READING COMPREHENSIONSection A (60 minutes, 30 points)Directions: Below each of the following passages you will find some questions or incomplete statements. Each question or statement is followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Read each passage carefully, and then select the choice that best answers the question or completes thestatement. Mark the letter of your choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.Passage 1The writing of a historical synthesis involves integrating the materials available to the historian into a comprehensible whole. The problem in writing a historical synthesis is how to find a pattern in, or impose a pattern upon, the detailed information that has already been used to explain the causes for a historical event.A synthesis seeks common elements in which to interpret the contingent parts of a historical event. The initial step, therefore, in writing a historical synthesis, is to put the event to be synthesized in a proper historical perspective, so that the common elements or strands making up the event can be determined. This can be accomplished by analyzing the historical event as part of a general trend or continuum in history. The common elements that are familiar to the event will become the ideological framework in which the historian seeks to synthesize. This is not to say that any factor will not have a greater relative value in the historian’s handling of the interrelated when viewed in a broad historical perspective.The historian, in synthesizing, must determine the extent to which the existing hypotheses have similar trends. A general trend line, once established, will enable these similar trends to be correlated and paralleled within the conceptual framework of a common base. A synthesis further seeks to determine, from existing hypotheses, why an outcome took the direction it did; thus, it necessitates reconstructing the spirit of the times in order to assimilate the political, social, psychological, etc., factors within a common base.As such, the synthesis becomes the logical construct in interpreting the common ground between an original explanation of an outcome (thesis) and the reinterpretation of the outcome along different lines (antithesis). Therefore, the synthesis necessitates the integration of the materials available into a comprehensible whole which will in turn provide a new historical perspective for the event being synthesized.36. The author would mostly be concerned with _____________.A. finding the most important cause for a particular historical eventB. determining when hypotheses need to be reinterpretedC. imposing a pattern upon varying interpretations for the causes of a particular historical eventD. attributing many conditions that together lead to a particular historical event or to single motive37. The most important preliminary step in writing a historical synthesis would be ____________.A. to accumulate sufficient reference material to explain an eventB. analyzing the historical event to determine if a “single theme theory”apples to the eventC. determining the common strands that make up a historical eventD. interpreting historical factors to determine if one factor will have relatively greater value38. The best definition for the term “historical synthesis”would be ______________.A. combining elements of different material into a unified wholeB. a tentative theory set forth as an explanation for an eventC. the direct opposite of the original interpretation of an eventD. interpreting historical material to prove that history repeats itself39. A historian seeks to reconstruct the “spirit”of a time period because ____________.A. the events in history are more important than the people who make historyB. existing hypotheses are adequate in explaining historical eventsC. this is the best method to determine the single most important cause for a particular actionD. varying factors can be assimilated within a common base40. Which of the following statements would the author consider false?A. One factor in a historical synthesis will not have a greater value than other factors.B. It is possible to analyze common unifying points in hypotheses.C. Historical events should be studied as part of a continuum in history.D. A synthesis seeks to determine why an outcome took the direction it did.Passage 2When you call the police, the police dispatcher has to locate the car nearest you that is free to respond. This means the dispatcher has to keep track of the status and location of every police car —not an easy task for a large department.Another problem, which arises when cars are assigned to regular patrols, is that the patrols may be too regular. If criminals find out that police cars will pass a particular location at regular intervals, they simply plan their crimes for times when no patrol is expected. Therefore, patrol cars should pass by any particular location at random times; the fact that a car just passed should be no guarantee that another one is not just around the corner. Yet simply ordering the officers to patrol at random would lead to chaos.A computer dispatching system can solve both these problems. The computer has no trouble keeping track of the status and location of each car. With this information, it can determine instantly which car should respond to an incoming call. And with the aid of a pseudorandom number generator, the computer can assign routine patrols so that criminals can’t predict just when a police car will pass through a particular area.(Before computers, police sometimes used roulette wheels and similar devices to make random assignments.)Computers also can relieve police officers from constantly having to report their status. The police car would contain a special automatic radio transmitter and receiver. The officer would set a dial on this unit indicating the current status of the car—patrolling, directing traffic, chasing a speeder, answering a call, out to lunch, and so on. When necessary, the computer at headquarters could poll the car for its status. The voice radio channels would not be clogged with cars constantly reporting what they were doing. A computer in the car automatically could determine the location of the car, perhaps using the LORAN method. The location of the car also would be sent automatically to the headquarters computer.41. The best title for this passage should be ___________.A. Computers and CrimesB. Patrol Car DispatchingC. The Powerful ComputersD. The Police with Modern Equipment42. A police dispatcher is NOT supposed to _____________.A. locate every patrol carB. guarantee cars on regular patrolsC. keep in touch with each police carD. find out which car should respond to the incoming call43. If the patrols are too regular, _____________.A. the dispatchers will be bored with itB. the officers may become carelessC. the criminals may take advantage of itD. the streets will be in a state of chaos44. The computer dispatching system is particularly good at ______________.A. assigning cars to regular patrolsB. responding to the incoming callsC. ordering officers to report their locationD. making routine patrols unpredictable45. According to the account in the last paragraph, how can a patrol car be located without computers?A. Police officers report their status constantly.B. The headquarters poll the car for its status.C. A radio transmitter and receiver is installed in a car.D. A dial in the car indicates its current status.Passage 3A child who has once been pleased with a tale likes, as a rule, to have it retold in identically the same words, but this should not lead parents to treat printed fairy stories as sacred texts. It is always much better to tell a story than read it out of a book, and, if a parent can produce what, in the actual circumstances of the time and the individual child, is an improvement on the printed text, so much the better.A charge made against fairy tales is that they harm the child by frightening him or arousing his sadistic impulse. To prove the latter, one would have to show in a controlled experiment that children who have read fairy stories were more often guilty of cruelty than those who had not. Aggressive, destructive, sadistic impulses every child has and, on the whole, their symbolic verbal discharge seem to be rather a safety valve than an incitement to overt action. As to fears, there are, I think, well-authenticated cases of children being dangerously terrified by some fairy story. Often, however, this arises from the child having heard the story once. Familiarity with the story by repetition turns the pain of fear into the pleasure of a fear faced and mastered.There are also people who object to fairy stories on the grounds that they are not objectively true, that giants, witches, two-headed dragons, magic carpets, etc., do not exist; and that, instead of indulging his fantasies in fairy tales, the child should be taught how to adapt to reality by studying history and mechanics. I find such people, I must confess, so unsympathetic and peculiar that I do not know how to argue with them. If their case were sound, the world should be full of madmen attempting to fly from New York to Philadelphia on a broomstick or covering a telephone with kisses in the belief that it was their enchanted girl-friend.No fairy story ever claimed to be a description of the external world and no sane child has ever believed that it was.46. According to the author, the best way to retell a story to a child is to ______________.A. tell it in a creative wayB. take from it what the child likesC. add to it whatever at handD. read it out of the story book.47. In the second paragraph, which statement best expresses the author’s attitude towards fairy stories?A. He sees in them the worst of human nature.B. He dislikes everything about them.C. He regards them as more of a benefit than harms.D. He is expectant of the experimental results.48. According to the author, fairy stories are most likely to ____________.A. make children aggressive the whole lifeB. incite destructiveness in childrenC. function as a safety valve for childrenD. add children’s enjoyment of cruelty to others49. If the child has heard some horror story for more than once, according to the author, he would probably be ______________.A. scared to deathB. taking it and even enjoying itC. suffering more the pain of fearD. dangerously terrified50. The author’s mention of broomsticks and telephones is meant to emphasize that ___________.A. old fairy stories keep updating themselves to cater for modern needsB. fairy stories have claimed many lives of victimsC. fairy stories have thrown our world into chaosD. fairy stories are after all fairy storiesPassage 4There has been a lot of hand-wringing over the death of Elizabeth Steinberg. Without blaming anyone in particular, neighbors, friends, social workers, the police and newspaper editors have struggled to define the community’s responsibility to Elizabeth and to other battered children. As the collective soul-searching continues, there is a pervading sense that the system failed her.The fact is, in New York State the system couldn’t have saved her. It is almost impossible to protect a child from violent parents, especially if they are white, middle-class, well-educated and represented by counsel.Why does the state permit violence against children? There are a number of reasons. First, parental privilege is a rationalization. In the past, the law was giving its approval to the biblical injunction against sparing the rod.Second, while everyone agrees that the state must act to remove children from their homes when there is danger of serious physical or emotional harm, many child advocates believe that state intervention in the absence of serious injury is more harmful than helpful.Third, courts and legislatures tread carefully when their actions intrude or threaten to intrude on a relationship protected by the Constitution. In 1923, the Supreme Court recognized the “liberty of parent and guardian to direct the upbringing and education of children under their control.”More recently, in 1977, it upheld the teacher’s privilege to use corporal punishment against schoolchildren. Read together, these decisions give the constitutional imprimatur to parental use of physical force.Under the best conditions, small children depend utterly on their parents for survival. Under the worst, their dependency dooms them. While it is questionable whether anyone or anything could have saved Elizabeth Steinberg, it is plain that the law provided no protection.To the contrary, by justifying the use of physical force against children as an acceptable method of education and control, the law lent a measure of plausibility and legitimacy to her parents’conduct.More than 80 years ago, in the teeth of parental resistance and Supreme Court doctrine, the New York State Legislature acted to eliminate child labor law. Now, the state must act to eliminate child abuse by banning corporal punishment. To break the cycle of violence, nothing less will answer. If there is a lesson to be drawn from the death of Elizabeth Steinberg, it is this: spare the rod and spare the child.51. The New York State law seems to provide least protection of a child from violent parents of ____________.A. a family on welfareB. a poor uneducated familyC. an educated black familyD. a middle-class white family52. “Sparing the rod”(in boldface) means ____________.A. spoiling childrenB. punishing childrenC. not caring about childrenD. not beating children53. Corporal punishment against schoolchildren is _____________.A. taken as illegal in the New York StateB. considered being in the teacher’s provinceC. officially approved by lawD. disapproved by school teachers54. From the article we can infer that Elizabeth Steinberg is probably the victim of ____________.A. teachers’corporal punishmentB. misjudgment of the courtC. parents’ill-treatmentD. street violence55. The writer of this article thinks that banning corporal punishment will in the long run_____________.A. prevent violence of adultsB. save more childrenC. protect children from ill-treatmentD. better the systemPassage 5With its common interest in lawbreaking but its immense range of subject-matter and widely-varying methods of treatment, the crime novel could make a legitimate claim to be regarded as a separate branch of literature, or, at least, as a distinct, even though a slightly disreputable, offshoot of the traditional novel.The detective story is probably the most respectable (at any rate in the narrow sense of the word) of the crime species. Its creation is often the relaxation of university scholars, literary economists, scientists or even poets. Disastrous deaths may occur more frequently and mysteriously than might be expected in polite society, but the world in which they happen, the village, seaside resort, college or studio, is familiar to us, if not from our own experience, at least in the newspaper or the lives of friends. The characters, though normally realized superficially, are as recognizably human and consistent as our less intimate acquaintances. A story set in a more remote African jungle or Australian bush, ancient China or gas-lit London, appeals to our interest in geography or history, and most detective story writers are conscientious in providing a reasonably true background. The elaborate, carefully-assembled plot, despised by the modern intellectual critics and creators of “significant”novels, has found refuge in the murder mystery, with its sprinkling of clues, its spicing with apparent impossibilities, all with appropriate solutions and explanations at the end. With the guilt of escapism from real life nagging gently, we secretly take delight in the unmasking of evil by a vaguely super-human detective, who sees through and dispels the cloud of suspicion which has hovered so unjustly over the innocent.Though its villain also receives his rightful deserts, the thriller presents a less comfortable and credible world. The sequence of fist fights, revolver duels, car crashes and escapes from gas-filled cellars exhausts the reader far more than the hero, who, suffering from at least two broken ribs, one black eye, uncountable bruises and a hangover, can still chase and overpower an armed villain with the physique of a wrestler, He moves dangerously through a world of ruthless gangs, brutality, a vicious lust for power and money and, in contrast to the detective tale, with a near-omniscient arch-criminal whose defeat seems almost accidental. Perhaps we miss in the thriller the security of being safely led by our imperturbable investigator past a score of red herrings and blind avenues to a final gathering of suspects when an unchallengeable elucidation of all that has bewildered us is given and justice and goodness prevail. All that we vainly hope for from life is granted vicariously.56. The crime novel is regarded by the author as _________________.A. a not respectable form of the traditional novelB. not a true novel at allC. related in some ways to the historical novelD. a distinct branch of the traditional novel57. The creation of detective stories has its origin in _______________.A. seeking rest from work or worriesB. solving mysterious deaths in this societyC. restoring expectations in polite societyD. preventing crimes58. The characters of the detective stories are, generally speaking, _____________.A. more profound than those of the traditional novelsB. as real as life itselfC. not like human beings at allD. not very profound but not unlikely59. The setting of the detective stories is sometimes in a more remote place because ___________.A. it is more realB. our friends are familiar with itC. it pleases the readers in a wayD. it needs the readers’support60. The writer of this passage thinks _____________.A. what people hope for from life can finally be granted if they have confidenceB. people like to feel that justice and goodness will always triumphC. they know in the real world good does not prevail over evilD. their hopes in life can only be fulfilled through fiction readingPassage 6Whenever we are involved in a creative type of activity that is self-rewarding, a feeling overcomes us—a feeling that we can call “flow.”When we are flowing we lose all sense of time and awareness of what is happening around us; instead, we feel that everything is going just right.A rock dancer describes his feeling of flow like this: “If I have enough space, I feel I can radiate an energy into the atmosphere. I can dance for walls, I dance for floors. I become one with the atmosphere.”“You are in an ecstatic state to such a point that you don’t exist,”says a composer, describing how he feels when he “flows.”Players of any sport throughout the world are familiar with the feeling of flow; they enjoy their activity very much, even though they can expect little extrinsic reward. The same holds true for surgeons, cave explorers, and mountain climbers.Flow provides a sort of physical sensation along with an altered state of being. One man put it this way: “Your body feels good and awake all over. Your energy is flowing.”People who flow feel part of this energy; that is, they are so involved in what they are doing that they do not think of themselves as being separate from their activity. They are flowing along with their enjoyment. Moreover, they concentrate intensely on their activity. They do not try to concentrate harder, however; the concentration comes automatically. A chess player compares this concentration to breathing. As they concentrate, these people feel immersed in the action, lost in the action. Their sense of time is altered and they skip meals and sleep without noticing their loss. Sizes and spaces also seem altered: successful baseball players see and hit the ball so much better because it seems larger to them. They can even distinguish the seams on a ball approaching them at 165 kilometers per hour.It seems then that flow is a “floating action”in which the individual is aware of his actions but not aware of his awareness. A good reader is so absorbed in his book that he knows he is turning the pages to go on reading, but he does not notice he is turning these pages. The moment people thinkabout it, flow is destroyed, so they never ask themselves questions such as “Am I doing well?”or “Did everyone see my jump?”Finally, to flow successfully depends a great deal on the activity itself; not too difficult to produce anxiety, not too easy to bring about boredom; challenging, interesting, fun. Some good examples of flow activities are games and sports, reading, learning, working on what you enjoy, and even day-dreaming.61. What is the main purpose of the article?A. to illustrate the feeling of “flow”B. to analyze the causes of a special feelingC. to define the new psychological term “flow”D. to lead people to acquire the feeling of “flow”62. In this article, “flow”refers to a feeling which probably results from _____________.A. awarenessB. ecstasyC. unconsciousnessD. self-rewarding63. The word “immersed”(in boldface) is closest in meaning to _____________.A. occupiedB. engrossedC. soakedD. committed64. What does one usually act while “flowing”in reading?A. thinks what he is doingB. wonders how fast he can readC. turns the pagesD. minds the page number65. The activity which can successfully bring about “flow”is most probably ____________.A. grippingB. difficultC. boringD. easySection B ( 20 minutes, 10 points)Direction: In each of the following passages, five sentences have been removed from the original text. They are listed from A to F and put below the passage. Choose the most suitable sentence from the list to fill in each of the blanks (numbered 66 to 75). For each passage, there is one sentence that does not fit in any of the blanks. Mark your answers on your machine scoring Answer Sheet.Passage 1A history of long and effortless success can be a dreadful handicap, but, if properly handled, it may become a driving force. When the United States entered just such a glowing period after the end of the Second World War, it had a market eight times larger than any competitor, giving its industries unparalleled economies of scale. --- 66 --- America and Americans were prosperous beyond the。
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2016年全国医学博士英语统考答案Listening Comprehension (30%)Section A1. B. At three next Wednesday.2. B. A piercing pain.3. A. He is going to get married.4. D. She couldn't agree with the man more.5. A. Jack's girlfriend is mad at him.6. B. It's wise to be prepared.7. B. He is a trouble-maker.8. D. $309. C. Work out in the gym.10. B. 23211. A. Mary isn't his type.12. A. Play tennis.13. C. In the hospital.14. A. She is seriously ill.15. B. She makes a living now as a landlady.Section BDialogue16. A. A duodenal ulcer.17. B. Try medical means.18. A. Overweight.19. C. He is a heavy smoker.20. D. Make an appointment with Dr. Oaks.Passage One21. D. He is the creator of a website on longevity.22. C. Women develop cardiovascular disease much later than men.23. B. In their 60s and 70s.24. D. Iron.25. C. Another possibility for women's longevity.Passage Two26. C. He struggled under the strain of poverty.27. B. He is an investment advisor.28. D. Fear.29. B. He began reading investment books and then began practicing.30. C. Where there is a will, there is a way.Part II Vocabulary (10%)Section ADirections: In this section all the sentences are incomplete. Four words or phrases, marked A, B, C and D, are given beneath each of them. You are to choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.31. Employers have a legal obligation to pay _______ to their workers for injuries.A. compensationB. compromiseC. commodityD. consumptionKey: A32. The argument between the two patients became so fierce that the doctor had to _________.A. alleviateB. aggravateC. extinguishD. interveneKey: D33. But despite a ll the legal hustle and bustle, they don’t actually expect to_______ death sentences to life terms without parole.A. induceB. convertC. reviveD. swerveKey: B34. To maintain physical well-being, a person should eat _______ food and get sufficient exercise.A. integralB. grossC. wholesomeD. intactKey: C35. The Central Government’s pledge to maintain the ______ and stability of Hong Kong at all costs is a great encouragement to the local finance.A. provisionB. prosperityC. privilegeD. preferenceKey: B36. It is pointed out that patients must be reassured that “their lives will not be ______ as a result of bed shortages.”A. facilitatedB. forfeitedC. fulfilledD. furnishedKey: B37. The cause of his death has been a mystery and _______ unknown so far.A. exclusivelyB. superficiallyC. utterlyD. doubtfullyKey: C38. It is known that some ways of using resources _______ can destroy the environment as well as the people living in it.A. recklesslyB. sparinglyC. sensiblyD. incrediblyKey: A39. Cholera is a preventable waterborne bacterial infection that is spread through ______ water.A. filteredB. distilledC. contaminatedD. purifiedKey: C40. We welcome him not ____________ as a new broom but rather as a very old friend.A. by the wayB. at all eventsC. by no meansD. in any senseKey: CSection B41. scrutinyA. sanctionB. restrictionC. censusD. examination Key: D42. potentA. inexpensiveB. powerfulC. conventionalD. lethal Key: B43. at odds withA. in tune withB. in favor ofC. for the sake ofD. in disagreement withKey: D44. eminentA. renownedB. notoriousC. popularD. mysteriousKey: A45. diversityA. sevrityB. reliablilityC. varietyD. specificityKey: C46. lapseA. errorB. sinC. guiltD. offenseKey: A47. jaundiceA. grievanceB. sympathyC. jealousyD. indignationKey: C48. to little availA. by no meansB. in vainC. of no accountD. at stake Key: B49. lavishlyA. fearlesslyB. conspicuouslyC. wastefullyD. ferociously Key: C50. progressionA. deteriorationB. accumulationC. expansionD. promotion Key: APart III Cloze (10%)51. A. careful about B. capable of C. accessible to D. susceptible to Key: B52. A. in the event B. in an attempt C. at the moment D. along the wayKey: D53. A. exclusive B. very C. just D. exactKey: A54. A. indeed B. however C. moreover D. thereforeKey: B55. A. demonstration B. dimension C. destiny D. determinationKey: C56. A. has been said B. being said C. was said D. is saidKey: B57. A. more or less B. pretty much C. as ever D. if anyKey: B58. A. while B. despite C. nevertheless D. sinceKey: C59. A. case B. mold C. sense D. conditionKey: C60. A. different B. similar C. insufficient D. significantKey: DPart IV Reading Comprehension (30%)Passage One61. To have a journey of discovery witheach child, according to the passage, is_____________.A. to discover their unique sleep-wakecycles62. In the first paragraph, the authorsuggests that parents ____________.D. keep a diary on sleep pattern for theirchil63. When there exists a “marker” in the child according to the passage, __________.A. it might lead to his or her earlysubstance use64. What is the author trying to tell us inthethird paragraph?B. Sometimes parents need to seek professionalassistance.65. What is the main idea of the passage?C. Parents’ role in building their child’shealthy sleeping habit.Passage Two66. The study's results indicated_____________.A. health disparities between English andAmerican senior citizens67. Which of the following is uniquehealth-care challenge for English senior citizens when compared with theirAmerican counterparts?A. higher death rate.68. What does James Smith imply by anAmerican plate?C. large portion of food consumed byAmericans.69. The Americans' unique health-carechallenge, according to James Smith, is derived form ______________.D. their unhealthy lifestyle factors70. Even though it is much more aggressive,the American medicine __________.B. benefits more seniors who needmedicalcare.Passage Three71. The current PIK study ___________.B. was based on the global land-use models72. As the PIK results imply, it ispossible ____________.”D. to return to the emission levels around199573. Simply put, to produce and consume lessmeat and dairy is to __________.A. to reduce more methane and nitrous oxideemissions74. The greenhouse gas pie tellsus__________.C. the priorities in the environmentalprotection75. What can be the best title forthepassage?D. Diet for a Healthier PlanetPassage Four76. What can be said of Henry?C. His life was improved with telehealth.77. Henry activates his daily healthmanagement __________.B. By getting hooked up to themonitoringdevices78. As one of the pioneering patients,Henry __________.A. receives the most benefits fromtelehealth79. What is the most important about thetelehealth technology in the case of Henry?D. His condition can be kept undercontinuous surveillance at home.80. Thanks to the telehealth technologyHenry knows for sure his blood oxygen level, thus__________.C. getting hospitalized in no timePassage Five81. Rappaport argues that a major threat toour human health __________.A. lies in our exposome82. What can be said of the exposomeaccording to Rappaport?D. Changeable.83. Speaking of genes, Rappaport wouldsaythat __________.B. there is no such a thing aspredictivemedicine.84. Even though we cannot pinpoint theexact impact of environmental influences. Wild contends that __________.C. each of us leaves a unique exposurehistory in the environment85. Particularly important, according toNicholson, is the time when __________.C. the exposome comes inPassage Six86. The author cries for a changein____________.D. global science publishing87. According to the author, the lowinternational recognition and impact of scientists in the developing countriescan be attributed to __________.C. their limited publications in globalindexing databases88. The survey conducted by Tijssenjustified the author's view that __________.D. most scientists in developing countriesremain marginalized in global science publishing89. To address the current situation, theauthor argues that it is imperative that __________.D. quality and quantity be desired in thelocal journals90. Which of the following can be the besttitle for the passage?C. Globalizing Science Publishing作文的标题:The Cultivation and Development of General Practitioner。