




判断的主要依据是声音的()A.响度B.音调C.音色D.声速2.(1.5分)如图所示,飞机从空中飞过时留下一条长长的“尾巴”,产生这一现象的原因可能是()A.飞机在飞行过程中排出的水蒸气B.飞机在飞行过程中排出的暖湿气体遇冷液化而成的C.飞机在飞行过程中排出的暖湿气体流速过大形成的D.飞机在飞行过程中排出的暖湿气体遇冷凝固而成的3.(1.5分)如图是潜望镜的示意图,观察者通过该潜望镜看到的物体的像的情况是()A.成倒立等大的虚像B.成倒立等大的实像C.成正立等大的虚像D.成倒立缩小的虚像4.(1.5分)如图所示,OO为凸透镜的主光轴,将点光源放在A点时,像在B 点;将点光源放在B点时,像在C点。

















2 016年,无锡市太阳能电池产能占全国总规模的50%以上,已形成包括光伏材料、电池原件、光伏组件、逆变器、运维服务、数据管理等各生产环节的全产业链竞争优势。



1.与发达国家相比,2001-2011年间无锡光伏产业参与国际市场竞争的主要有利条件是A.生产成本较低 B.原料资源丰富C.交通位置优越 D.市场需求量大2.无锡光伏产业在短短10多年间,从两头在外发展模式到形成全球性竞争优势,主要得益于A.生产规模不断扩大B.智能化的运行管理和维护服务C.披术研发和创新D.废化学品的回收再利用3. 2016年,江苏省光伏累计装机容量列全国第五,仅次于4个太阳能资源一类地区——新疆、甘肃、青海和内蒙古。

2020版中考历史复习10_第十单元 解放战争

2020版中考历史复习10_第十单元 解放战争

2.(2016山东青岛,22,1分)漫画多以含蓄、隐晦的方式论说世事。下图是华君武先生在抗战胜利后创作的 一幅名为《磨好刀再杀敌》的漫画。这幅漫画主要反映了国民党 ( )
①积极准备内战 ②在政治上欺骗人民 ③为抢夺抗战胜利果实赢得时间 ④争取抗战胜利后实现国内和平 A.①③ B.①②③ C.①②④
知识归纳 抗战胜利后,和平民主成为民心所向,蒋介石为进一步赢得内战时间,电邀毛泽东赴重庆谈判。 中国共产党向民主党派和人民表明了争取和平的立场,在政治上取得主动权。重庆谈判及“双十协定”符 合国家民族利益,推动了全国和平民主运动的发展。
栏目引索引 2.(2018山东济宁,13,1分)历史课上,老师出示了如下地图,据此判断本节课要学习的主题是 ( )
民主沉浮。”该诗反映的历史事件是 ( )
答案 B 根据诗中的“双十协议”并结合所学知识可知,材料反映的事件是重庆谈判。1945年8月,蒋介 石先后三次电邀毛泽东到重庆面商国家大计。为了尽一切可能争取和平,毛泽东亲赴重庆,与国民党进行 和平谈判。1945年10月10日,国共双方签署了“双十协定”。故本题选B。
A.转战陕北、指挥若定 C.战略决战、全胜可期
B.千里跃进、战略反攻 D.国民革命、洪流奔涌
答案 A 本题考查中共中央转战陕北的有关知识。1946年,蒋介石公然违背“双十协定”,全力围攻中原 解放区,发动了全面内战。解放区军民经过半年多的自卫反击战,粉碎了国民党军的全面进攻,毛泽东、周 恩来等率领中共中央和解放军总部主动撤出延安,转战陕北。根据地图中“青化砭”“延安”可判断,A项 符合题意。





ALife experiences can show one's "grit" (坚韧)。

Complex challenges early in life helped the following people develop skills that got them to the top of their ns.Ursula Burns。

Chairwoman of VEON and former CEO of Xerox。

came from a poor family。

Her single XXX。

Burns' XXX。

where she would compete her way to the top。

She says。

"I'm a black lady from the Lower East Side。

Not a lot scares me."Howard Schultz。

Executive Chairman of Starbucks。



He was the first in his family to go to college。

thanks to a XXX training in sales。

he set up the company that would later buy Starbucks。

He said。

"In the course of the year I spent trying to raise money。

2018深圳二模物理参考答案(1) -

2018深圳二模物理参考答案(1) -

三、非选择题:22.(6分)(1)A (1分) (2)C ( 2分) (3) 4.55 (1分) (4)22641()4kf s s - (2分) 23.(9分)(1)作图2分(3) 140 (2分) 6 (2分)(4) > (2分) 系统误差 (1分) 24.(12分) 解析:(1)若车厢前挡板恰好不被撞击,则小车在刹车过程中的位移 :212mv x a =……………………………………………对钢管有:2mg ma μ= ,解得钢管加速度:223/a g m s μ==………………钢管的位移: 2022542v x m a == …………………………………………又由运动关系的得:212l l x x --=车管……………………………………………… 联立以上各式解得:22162/ 3.06/53m a m s m s =≈ ………………………… 即小卡车刹车时的最大加速度为23.06/m s (2)从小卡车开始加速到钢管开始翻落的过程中:小卡车的位移:'2112x at =………………………………………………………… 细钢管的位移:''22212x a t = ……………………………………………………)+—又由运动关系的得:2122l l l x x --=+车管管……………………………… 联立以上各式解得:2t s = ………………………………………25.(20分)解析:(1)导体棒MN 从'aa 滑到'bb 的过程中,由动能定理有:211111sin 37cos372o o b m gl m gl mv μ-=①…………… 解得导体棒MN 滑到'bb 时的速度大小为:3/b v m s = ……………… (2)导体棒MN 从'aa 滑到'bb 的过程中,1111sin37cos37o o m a m g m g μ=- ②解得212/a m s = (11)1.5bv t s a == ③ ……………………………………… 导体棒MN 从'bb 滑到'cc 的过程中,2211111(137)22o c b m gr coa m v m v -=- ④解得4/c v m s = ……………… 弧长 372 1.13m 360bc l r π︒=⨯=︒⑤ 即使杆以最大速度4/c v m s =通过圆弧,所需最小时间 20.28s bccl t v ==…… 由于12 1.5s 0.28s 1.78s 1.6s t t +=+≈> ⑥……………………………… 所以,前1.6s 内 电动势 20.3B B E S l d V t t∆∆===∆∆ ……………………………………… 产生热量………………………………………当导体棒MN 进入磁场时''cc ee 区间分布的匀强磁场磁感应强度稳定为10.8B T =, 设导体棒MN 进入磁场到第一次达到匀速时,导体棒MN 的速度为1v ,导体棒PQ 度为2v , 此时回路中感应电动势为零,则有:1122B dv B dv =即1122B v B v = ⑦ …………………… …………………在导体棒MN 进入磁场到第一次达到匀速过程中, 由动量定理有:1111222c B Id t m v m v B Id t m v -∆=-∆= ⑧ 解得122/4/v m s v m s==…………………由能量守恒定律有:222111222111222c m v m v m v Q =++ ⑨ ………………… 导体棒MN 在此过程中产生的焦耳热………………………………………………………………………总热量: =0.712J ………………………………………………(3)导体棒MN 第二次达到匀速时,导体棒MN 、PQ 都在磁场2B 中,由于两导体棒受到的安培力大小相等方向相反,所以在磁场2B 中导体棒MN 、PQ 组成的系统动量守恒,设第二次匀速时导体棒MN 、PQ 速度都为3v ,则1122123()m v m v m m v +=+ ⑩解得3 2.4/v m s =………………………………导体棒MN 突然被再次锁定到导体棒PQ 停下来的过程中, 对导体棒PQ :由动量定理得:⑪ …………………… 又:'121212E t q I t t t R R R R R R φφ∆∆∆=∆=∆=∆=+++ ⑫ …………………其中:2B dx φ∆= ⑬联立以上各式解得:PQ 还能向前滑动x ≈20.83m ……………………33(1)(5分) BDE (2)(10分) 解析:(ⅰ)以圆筒内的气体为研究对象: 未塞软木塞时:50110p Pa =⨯ ,0V LS = ,0(27327)300T K K =+= …………………… 软木塞塞到最大长度时:10fp p S=+,1()V L x S =- ,1(27327)300T K K =+= …………………… 气体发生等温变化,由玻意耳定律可得:0011p V pV = …………………… 又由题可知:1000/fN m x= 联立以上各式可得:x =2cm …………………… (ⅱ)以圆筒内的气体为研究对象:软木塞在试管中的长度比第一问中的最大长度增加了1cm 时:20-fp p S= ,2(0.01m)V L x S =-- ,2T 待求 …………………… 由理想气体状态方程可得:002202PV PV T T = …………………… 解得:2T =220k ……………………………………………………… 即此时环境的温度为:34.(1)(5分) ABD (2)(10分)解析:(ⅰ)由两列波波速相同可知2S 波先传播到P 点,则两列波的波速为:20.5m/s x v t==………………………………………… 由两波源的简谐运动图像可知两列波的周期都是0.4T s =则两列波的波长均为:0.2m vT λ== ……………………………………(ⅱ)1S 波源简谐运动的规律:14sin(5)y t π=- ……………………P 点在1S 波源带动下5t s =时的位移为:114sin[5()]p x y t vπ=--=- ……………………2S 波源简谐运动的规律:26sin(5)y t π=…………………………………P 点在2S 波源带动下5t s =时的位移为:226sin[5()]p x y t vπ=-=- …………………… 所以5t s =时软木塞的位移为:12p p p y y y =+=-=-7.07cm ……。



2018年广东省深圳市宝安区中考英语二模试卷副标题一、单选题(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)1.- How often do you travel abroad?- Seldom. I have only been to one foreign country.()A. NeverB. UsuallyC. Not often2.- Lots of people talk about Mark Zuckerberg recently.-Yes. The co-founder of Facebook has got into trouble.()A. latelyB. rapidlyC. immediately3.- With the development of science and technology, payment methods are convenient.-Exactly! But at the same time, I spend much more money than before.()A. easy and quickB. useless but cheapC.difficult and slow4.- The government in Bao'an Environment Protection Bureau (环保局) has put over ten billion yuan to control water pollution in Bao'an District.-Great! Water pollution is a major problem in this city, but I'm sure the environment in Shenzhen will be better and better.()A. very boringB. very importantC. very interesting5.-I heard that Tim was arrested. What happened to him?-The customs officer at the airport checked his bag and found drugs.()A. knewB. caughtC. examined6.- Do you enjoy reading novels?-Of course. I've read up to50 novels since last year.()A. at mostB. at lastC. at least7.- We should try our best to guard against the school bullying.-Why not make a public speech to educate and protect the students?()A. solveB. preventC. protect8.- What do you think of Professor Wang's speech?-It's good, to a certain degree. But I think Professor Chen's is better.()A. partlyB. clearlyC. finally9.If you _______ todo something, you would like to do it rather than anything else.()A. tryB. hateC. prefer10.The traffic is not so heavy here on _______ because most people are at school or at work.()A. holidaysB. weekdaysC. weekends11.- Excuse me. but I'm very tired after a long walk. May I enter the hall and have a rest?-I'm sorry, sir. Nobody can come in without _______.()A. decisionB. permissionC. impression12.- Wow! The Dragon Boat Festival is coming soon.- Yes, I'm looking forward to it because we can eat _______ Chinese food Zongzi asw ell as watch the dragon boat race.()A. traditionalB. fashionableC. international13.- What about the traffic in Shenzhen?- Well, it's really heavy in rush hours, so if I drive to work, I often _______ that per iod.It's really time-killing for me.()A. keepB. avoidC. start14.- Look,how do you like Miss Li's dress?-It looks OK, but compared with Miss Huang's, it's a bit _______. Miss Huang isal ways fashionable.()A. out of dateB. out of mindC. out of place15.- When and where did the accident _______?-It happened just opposite the bank. Luckily, only the car was damaged but nobody was hurt.()A. take upB. take offC. take place二、完形填空(本大题共10小题,共15.0分)Built to keep enemies from the country,the Great Wall is considered a wonder of architecture (建筑).The Great Wall was(16)in different sections during the Warring States Period (战国时期).Later,Emperor Qin Shihuang connected these big walls together into avery(17)one that was about 5 ,000 kilometers.In the Ming Dynasty,many newparts of the Great Wall,which are still in good condition today,were built.Famous for its wonderful view,the Great Wall attracts millions of(18)each year,and over 400 leaders of countries around the world have visited it.But now the long wall is(19).One third of the Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty has disappeared,Xinhuareported.One reason for that is the(20)of the Great Wall,some parts are as old as over 500years old.Strong wind and rain has slowly destroyed it.Another(21)is that people have no awareness that they have to protect it,some people even(22)the bricks(砖)of the Great Wall and sold them for money.Some sections of the Great Wall are so(23)damaged that they need to be repaired as soon as possible.Luckily,the government in our country is trying to repair the Great Wall.But it is such abig project that it needs(24)time and money to be completed.To make sure that theGreat Wall remains a great wonder,(25)should help protect it because it's our duty todo so.16. A. built B. burnt C. buried17. A. tiny B. long C. short18. A. builders B. enemies C. tourists19. A. in time B. in danger C. in a hurry20. A. age B. weight C. height21. A. wall B. result C. reason22. A. stole B. matched C. brought23. A. lately B. lightly C. seriously24. A. no B. much C. little25. A. nobody B. somebody C. everybody三、阅读理解(本大题共20小题,共30.0分)AOn March 25 ,a special concert was performed by youth musicians who are native to Shenzhen at Shenzhen Concert Hall as a part of the 2018Shenzhen Belt & Road International Music Festival.At the concert,the following youth artists gave their wonderful?a.Pan Linzib.Dong Feifeic.Liao Shangwend.ZhangweiA. a and bB. b and cC. a and cD. b and d27.What do Liao Shangwen and Zhang Wei have in common?______A. They are both famous violinists.B. They both started music lessons at six.C. They both attended Shenzhen Arts School.D. They are both studying at the Juilliard School.28.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?______A. Dong Feifei started learning to play the piano at the age of nine.B. A special concert was performed by youth musicians on April 25.C. Zhang Wei was accepted by Shenzhen Arts School as a student in 2007.D. The four youth artists have won many national and international awards.29.Which part of a newspaper is this passage most probably from?______A. SportsB. CultureC. WorldD. SocietyBOn the Labor Day,I went back to my hometown in Hunan Province with my parents.We visited our relatives,enjoyed natural view and tasted many kinds of delicious food that canonly be found in the countryside.However,the most exciting thing was catching fish.That was a wonderful afternoon.The weather was pleasant and the wind was soft.After having a big meal,my uncle and my two cousins decided to catch somefish for lunch the next day.They invited me to join them and see how they catch fish to earn money.They put on special coats and boots,and then headed to the pond.The bottom of the pond was filled with thick mud,so I thought it was difficult to catch fish there.My uncle and my cousins jumped into the pond.The pond had a special drainage(排水)system so they could lead some water into another place,which made it easier to catch fish.After a while,the water level dropped and big fishes appeared.I was so amazed to see that the fishes here were two times bigger than regular ones.Out of breath,the fishes couldn't do anything but kept jumping.A great amount of mud splashed out(溅出)from the pond onto our clothes.My uncle and my cousins caught some fish skillfully.The basket was full of fishes two hours later,and they were then sent to the market.I will never forget this interesting and pleasant afternoon!30.According to the writer,what was the most exciting thing during the Labor Day?______A. Catching fish.B. Visiting relatives.C. Enjoying natural view.D. Tasting delicious food.31.When did the writer go catching fish with his/her uncle and cousins?______A. In the morning.B. In the evening.C. In the afternoon.D. The next day.32.What does the underlined word " ones" in the third paragraph refer to in the passage?______A. pondsB. fishesC. mealsD. baskets33.What did the writer think of this experience?______A. Boring.B. Tiring.C. Uncomfortable.D. Unforgettable.CDo you feel sad,empty,and hopeless most of the dayor nearly every day?Have you lost interest or pleasure in your hobbies or being with friends and family?Are you having trouble sleeping,eating,and functioning?If you have felt this way for at least 2 weeks,you may have got Depression(抑郁症).Actually,everyone feels sad or low,nervous or worried sometimes,but these feelings usually pass with a little time.Depression is a mood disorder that affects daily activities.We should pay attention to the fact that more and more Chinese middle school students are suffering from emotional problems.According to a survey,more than 16 percent of Chinese middle school students have emotional problems now.The main reason is that they fear they can't realize their parents' expectation,another reason is caused by the stress of too many exams,and an unhappy family life can also lead to Depression.If you know someone who has emotional problems,help him or her see a health care provider or mental health professional first.You can also offer support,understanding,patience,and encouragement.Besides,you can invite him or her out for walks,outings,and other outdoor activities.You'd better encourage him or her to take part in different kinds of social activities,such as helping the old and the homeless,cleaning the parks,planting trees and so on.Through such activities,he or she may touch the lives of others and make his orher life more colorful,his or her mood may be better and better.34.Over 16% of Chinese middle school students have emotional problems because ______ .A. they have unhappy family livesB. they feel the stress of too many examsC. they fear they can't realize their parents' expectationsD. all of the reasons above35.If you know someone who has emotional problems,you can do the following thingsEXCEPT ______ .A. asking people to stay away from him and keeping him aloneB. inviting him out for walks,outings,and other outdoor activitiesC. encouraging him to take part in different kinds of social activitiesD. helping him see a health care provider or mental health professional36.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?______A. Anyone who feels sad or low,nervous or worried has got Depression.B. Depression is a mood disorder that will not affect everyday activities.C. Few Chinese middle school students are suffering from emotional problems.D. Someonewho has emotional problems may be better throughsome activities.37.What is the writer's purpose of writing this passage?______A. To discuss why people may have emotional problems.B. To introduce the students who have emotional problems.C. To call on people's help for those who have emotional problems.D. To set up organizations to help people who have emotional problems.DIn order to create a better and greener environment and encourage people to transportation,China will release more policies(政策)this year to help the development new energy vehicles (NEVs).The buying of NEVs will be greatly supported by the local government.Firstly,during the following three years from 2018,the local government will continue to reduce taxes(税)for NEVs.Besides,Chinese banks will offer a lot of policies to attract people to buy new energy vehicles.For example,many banks have announced new loan(借贷)policies to allow new energy vehicle buyers to borrow a larger part of the buying price,and some banks have announced that the people who buy new energy vehicles will be able to borrow up 85percent of the cost from banks,up from 80 percent in the past.NEVs refer to vehicles powered by non-traditional fuel,such as electric and hybrid(混合动力)vehicles.Many famous car companies have developed NEVs,such as Audi Q7e-tron,Toyota Hybrid,Tesla Model S and BYD Qin.Thanks to helpful government policies,China's NEV market has seen rapid growth in recent years.In 2017,a total of 777 ,000 new energy vehicles were sold in the Chinese market,up 53 .3 percent year on year,the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers reported.Such environment friendly products like NEVs are our future of transportation.To develop this can reduce the greenhouse gases and protect our environment.All of us should have the awareness of being green.38.Starting from this year,the money that can be borrowed from the bank will increaseby______ for those people who buy new energy vehicles.A. 85%B. 80%C. 10%D. 5%39.The local government will continue to reduce taxes(税)for NEVs until ______ .A. 2020B. 2019C. 2018D. 201740.Which of the following types of vehicles is NOT NEVs?______A. Audi A6B. Toyota HybridC. Tesla Model SD. BYD Qin41.The main reason that China made more policies to help the development of NEVs is______ .A. to help the development of the banksB. to improve the growth of the car marketC. to create a better and greener environmentD. to prevent the NEV buyers'rights and interestsEIn the last years of the Warring States Period,the state of Qin attacked the state of Wei repeatedly and occupied large areas of Wei's land,for Wei was too weak to defend itself.In 273 BC,the Qin army launched another attack,which was much fiercer than ever.The king of Wei called his officials together and asked with a worried look,Can anyone think of a way to defeat the Qin army?" After years of wars,the officials trembled with fear when fighting was mentioned,and no one dared to speak of resistance(抵抗).Most of the officials persuaded the king to sue for peace(求和),at the cost of giving away Qin the large area ofland north of the Yellow River and south of the Taihang Mountain.However,Su Dai,a counsellor(谋士),did not agree.He told a story."once there was a man whose house was on fire.People told him to put out the fire with water.But instead he carried a faggot(柴捆),which only made the fire fiercer,to put out the fire.As the same,Qin will never stop attacking us until our land is totally given away.If you agree to sue for peace at the cost of the land,isn't it the same as carrying faggots to put out a fire?" Although Su Dai's words were reasonable,the king of Wei only wanted the peace at that moment,so he did what other officials suggested.In 225 AD,Qin attacked Wei again,just like Su Dai forecasted.42.According to the word " trembled" in the second paragraph,we can infer that the officialsin the state of Wei were ______ .A. afraidB. gentleC. excitedD. careful43.What's the best title of Su Dai's story?______A. Borrow Power to Do Evil.B. Carry Faggots to Put Out a Fire.C. Every Bush and Tree Looks like an Enemy.D. Mistake the Reflection of a Bow for a Snake.44.What did Su Dai want to express by telling the story?______A. Getting something done too eagerly will only make it worse.B. Working hard will make a person become successful in the future.C. Taking measures without attention to the changes will lead to a failure.D. Using a wrong method to save a situation will end up by makingitworse.45.What would probably happen to the state of Wei finally?______A. It would win the war.B. It would make Qin sue for peace.C. It would be destroyed by Qin.D. It would remain safe for a long time.四、阅读填空(本大题共1小题,共10.0分)46.Nowadays more and more people are learning the Chinese language all over theworld.Last year,more than 200 activities (1) (hold)during the Chinese Language Year inRussia.It not only made Chinese culture popular in Russia,but also improved understanding and friendship (2) Russians and Chinese.Through the activities,Russian people had (3) chance to learn more about China.Forexample,a group of 500 students (4) came from Russian universities visitedBeijing,Dalian and Qingdao.There they painted both (5) (country)landmarks,suchas the Great Wall and the Red Square.When the Russian students returned,they took part in a photo show (6) (express)their love for China.They learnt a lot about the Chineseculture and history during the visit.What a (7) (mean)experience for them!According to a survey,the young people in Russia have become (8) (interest)inlearning Chinese than before.At present,more than 130 universities are offering Chinesecourses.More than 20 middle and primary schools are teaching Chinese as their(9) (one)foreign language.With the development of China,the Chinese language may be (10) (wide)spoken around the world one day in the future.五、书面表达(本大题共1小题,共15.0分)47.假如你是李明,是深圳科学俱乐部的一员,听到斯蒂芬•霍金(Stephen Hawking)演讲去世的消息很难过.你决定做-次公开演讲,以此悼念2018年3月14日霍金的去世.演讲稿内容包括:(1)霍金生平介绍:1942年在英国英国出生,21岁时被确诊(be diagnosed with)患有肌肉萎缩性侧索硬化症(ALS),从此成了残疾人,但他的幽默和自信激励了很多人.(2)霍金成就:历史上最伟大的物理学家之一,对黑洞(Black Holes)的理论震惊全世界的人们.著作有A Brief of Time和The Universe in a Nutshell等.(3)你的号召:学习霍金的……精神(至少两点)并欢迎大家加入深圳科学俱乐部.要求(1)演讲稿内容必须包含以上的提示内容,可适当发挥;(2)表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;(3)文中不得出现考生的真实姓名和校名;(4)字数要求80词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数).参考词汇:inspire physicist strong with the spirit ofLadies and gentlemen, it's my great honor to make a speech here.I'm a member of Shenzhen Science Club. I'm terribly sorry to hear that Stephen Hawki ng passed away on March 14th, 2018.______________That'sall. Thanks for your listening!答案和解析1.【答案】C【解析】考查副词词义辨析.A.Never从不;B.Usually通常;C.Not often不常.根据I have only been to one foreign country.可知应是不常,很少的意思,结合选项,Not often意为不常.故选:C.你多久出国一次?很少.我只出过一次国.仔细分析句子的结构,掌握三个选项的含义,根据I have only been to one foreign country,结合选项作答.2.【答案】A【解析】考查副词词义辨析.A.lately最近;B.rapidly迅速地;C.immediately立刻.根据Lots of people talk about Mark Zuckerberg recently.可知最近很多人都在谈论马克扎克伯格.结合选项,lately意为最近.故选:A.-最近很多人都在谈论马克扎克伯格.-是的.Facebook的联合创始人陷入了困境.理解三个选项的含义,根据Lots of people talk about Mark Zuckerberg recently.结合选项作答.3.【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析.A.easy and quick方便快捷;B.useless but cheap无用的但是便宜;C.difficult and slow困难和缓慢;根据With the development of science and technology,payment methods are convenient.可知随着科学技术的发展,支付方式也很方便.convenient意为方便的,easy and quick意为方便快捷.故选:A.随着科学技术的发展,支付方式也很方便.确实不错!但与此同时,我花的钱比以前多得多.了解各个选项的含义,根据题干With the development of science and technology,payment methods are convenient.分析词语的意思,结合选项作答.4.【答案】B【解析】考查形容词.A很无聊的,B很重要的,C很有趣的;根据句意"水污染是这个城市的主要问题,但我相信深圳的环境会越来越好."可知,major的意思是"主要的,重要的".故选:B.--宝安环境保护局政府投入一百多亿元治理宝安区水污染.--太好了!水污染是这个城市的主要问题,但我相信深圳的环境会越来越好.词意辨析,要牢记单词的词意及用法,进行比较分析,选择正确答案.5.【答案】C【解析】know:知道;catch:抓住;examine:检查;check:检查.check与examine同义.故选:C.--我听说Tom被拘留了.他怎么了?--海关人员在机场对检查了他的包,并发现了毒品.此题需要结合选项意思与题干意思,选择正确答案.6.【答案】A【解析】考查介词短语.A最多.B终于.C至少.结合语境"--你喜欢看小说吗?--当然.去年以来我已经读了多达50本小说.".可知,up to多达.可以表达为at most最多.故选:A.--你喜欢看小说吗?--当然.去年以来我已经读了多达50本小说.此题知识点是考查介词短语的同义词.结合所给介词短语.掌握一些同义词的用法.结合语境,完成试题.7.【答案】B【解析】考查动词.A解决.B防止.C保护.结合语境"我们应该尽最大努力防止学校欺负.".guard against 防范、防止.可以表达为prevent防止.故选:B.--我们应该尽最大努力防止学校欺负.--为什么不进行公开演讲来教育和保护学生呢?此题知识点是考查动词的同义词.结合语境,分析动词词意,选择合适的同义词完成试题.8.【答案】A【解析】考查副词.A在一定程度上,部分地.B清楚地.C最后.结合语境"--你觉得王教授的演讲怎么样?--在一定程度上是好的,但我认为陈教授更好.".to a certain degree在一定程度上.可以表达为partly在一定程度上.故选:A.--你觉得王教授的演讲怎么样?--在一定程度上是好的,但我认为陈教授更好.此题知识点是考查副词的同义词.要结合语境,辨析副词用法,选择合适答案完成试题.9.【答案】C【解析】考查动词.A尝试.B恨.C喜欢.结合语境"如果你__做某事,你宁愿做它而不愿做其它的事情.".可知,应该是"更喜欢".故选:C.如果你更喜欢做某事,你宁愿做它而不愿做其它的事情.动词是表示动作或者是状态的词,要结合语境,注意时态,人称等变化,掌握一些固定搭配.选择合适答案完成试题.10.【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析.A.holidays假日;B.weekdays平日,工作日;C.weekends 周末.根据because most people are at school or at work.可知这里平时交通不太拥挤.故选:B.这里平时交通不太拥挤,因为大多数人都在上学或工作.理解三个名词的含义,根据题干because most people are at school or at work,结合选项作答.11.【答案】B【解析】A决定;B允许;C印象.根据句意"对不起,先生.没有允许没有人可以进来."可知要填"允许".故选:B.-劳驾.走了很长的路我有点累了.我可以进去大厅休息吗?-对不起,先生.没有允许没有人可以进来.名词词意辨析,要牢记单词的词意及用法,进行比较分析,选择正确答案.12.【答案】A【解析】考查形容词.A传统的.B时尚的.C国际的.结合语境"--哇呜!端午节马上就要到了.--是的,我很期待,因为我们可以吃___中国食物粽子和观看龙舟比赛.".可知,应该是"传统的".故选:A.--哇呜!端午节马上就要到了.--是的,我很期待,因为我们可以吃传统的中国食物粽子和观看龙舟比赛.形容词的种类有很多,要根据具体语境选择适当的形容词.抓住关键词语,分析用法,完成试题.13.【答案】B【解析】考查动词.A保持.B避开.C开始.结合语境"--深圳的交通情况如何?--嗯,在高峰时间非常拥挤,所以如果我开车上班,我经常__那个时期,这对我来说真的是受折磨的时间.".可知,应该是"避开".故选:B.--深圳的交通情况如何?--嗯,在高峰时间非常拥挤,所以如果我开车上班,我经常避开那个时期,这对我来说真的是受折磨的时间.动词是表示动作或者是状态的词,要结合语境,注意时态,人称等变化,掌握一些固定搭配.选择合适答案完成试题.14.【答案】A【解析】A过时的,不时髦的.B发狂,疯狂;心不在焉;开小差;C不在应在的位置;不合适;不恰当;不协调;根据句意"看起来不错,但是和黄小姐的相比,有点过时了.黄小姐总是很时尚的."可知要填"过时的,不时髦的".故选:A.-看,你觉得李小姐的裙子怎么样?-看起来不错,但是和黄小姐的相比,有点过时了.黄小姐总是很时尚的.做单项选择填空的技巧是:排除比较法.根据上下文意思或时间状语,推断出合适的时态,排除错误的答案,然后再比较剩下的选择项,从而做出正确的答案.15.【答案】C【解析】考查动词短语.A占用.B起飞.C发生.结合语境"--事故___在何时何地?--正好发生在银行对面.幸运的是,只有汽车损坏了,但是没有人受伤.".可知,应该是"发生".故选:C.--事故发生在何时何地?--正好发生在银行对面.幸运的是,只有汽车损坏了,但是没有人受伤.考查动词短语,在日常学习中要积累一些动词短语的固定用法,结合语境,选择合适的搭配.完成试题.16.【答案】【小题1】A 【小题2】B 【小题3】C 【小题4】B 【小题5】A【小题6】C 【小题7】A 【小题8】C 【小题9】B 【小题10】C 【解析】1.A 考查动词辨析.A建造;B燃烧;C燃烧;根据后面in different sections during the Warring States Period 战国时期的不同年代,长城应该是建于此时,故答案是A.2.B 考查形容词辨析.A极小的;B长的;C短的;根据后面about 5 ,000 kilometers大约5000公里,非常长,故答案是B.3.C 考查名词辨析.A建造者;B军队;C游人;根据后面have visited it参观,应该是游人,故答案是C.4.B 考查短语辨析.A及时;B危险;C匆忙;根据后面One third of the Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty has disappeared,明代长城的三分之一消失了应该是处于危险中,故答案是B.5.A 考查名词辨析.A年龄;B体重;C身高;根据后面 some parts are as old as over 500years old有些部分超过500年了,应该是年代久远,故答案是A.6.C 考查名词辨析.A墙;B结果;C原因;根据前面One reason一个原因.这里应该是另一个原因,故答案是C.7.A 考查动词辨析.A偷;B观看;C买;根据后面the bricks(砖)of the Great Wall and sold them for money长城的砖头,卖了钱,应该是偷卖了,故答案是A.8.C 考查副词辨析.A晚的;B轻地;C严重地;根据后面they need to be repaired as soon as possible需要忙修复,应该是破坏非常严重,故答案是C.9.B 考查形容词辨析.A没有;B很多;C几乎没有;根据 But it is such abig project that it needs(9)time and money to be completed如此大的工程需要更多的钱和时间,故答案是B.10.C 考查代词辨析.A没有人;B某人;C所有人;根据后面should help protect it because it's our duty todo so.保护长城是我们的责任,应该是所有人的责任,故答案是C.文章主要介绍了中国的长城,修建时间,长度的修护和维护.考查完型填空.根据所给的短文对意思有所了解,然后根据短文的大体意思,选择每个符合题意的答案,使短文更通顺.26.【答案】【小题1】A 【小题2】A 【小题3】C 【小题4】B【解析】1.A.考查细节理解题,根据图片(1)Shenzhen has been famed for cultivating world-class pianists, and Pan Linzi is o ne among the younger generation of pianists who enjoy worldwide fame.可知: Pan Linzi是享誉世界的年轻一代钢琴家之一.根据图片(2)She is also known as a genius pianist.可知:Dong Feifei也被称为天才钢琴家.故选:A.2.A.考查推理判断题,根据图片(3)Cellist Liao Shangwen took his first cello lesson at the age of seven when he was chosen to attend Xiamen Music School.可知:大提琴家廖尚文七岁时参加了第一堂大提琴课,当时他被选上厦门音乐学院.根据图片(4)Zhang Wei is a violinist born in Shenzhen in 1998. At nine, he was accepted by Shenzhen Arts School as a student of violin. Zhang has attended several master c lasses by many famous violinists like Sergei Fatkulin from Spain.可知:张伟是1998在深圳出生的小提琴家,六岁时开始学习小提琴.九岁时,他被深圳艺术学院录取为小提琴手.由此可以推断出:这两个人的共同点是他们都是著名的提琴家.故选:A.3.C.考查推理判断题,根据图片(4)Zhang Wei is a violinist born in Shenzhen in 1998.At nine,he was accepted by Shenzhen Arts School as a student of violin.可知:张伟是1998在深圳出生的小提琴家.九岁时,他被深圳艺术学院录取为小提琴手.由此可以推断出:1998+9=2007年,2007年他被深圳艺术学院录取为小提琴手.故选:C.4.B.考查推理判断题,根据文章开头On March 25 , a special concert was performed by youth musicians who are nati ve to Shenzhen at Shenzhen Concert Hall as a part of the 2018Shenzhen Belt & R oad International Music Festival.可知:这篇短文主要介绍了2018年深沪一带国际音乐节上举办了一场特别的音乐会.结合表格内容可知:这里介绍了Pan Linzi、Dong Feifei、LiaoShangwen、Zhang Wei这四位青年艺术家的才艺.由此可以推断出:这篇文章可能节选于文化部分.故选:B.这篇短文主要介绍了2018年深沪一带国际音乐节上举办了一场特别的音乐会,四位青年艺术家表现突出.首先要通读全文,掌握大意,然后根据上下文的联系以及本文的文意,结合给出的选择项,就可以确定正确答案.30.【答案】【小题1】A 【小题2】C 【小题3】B 【小题4】D【解析】1 A 细节理解题:根据However, the most exciting thing was catching fish.然而,最令人兴奋的是捕鱼.故选A.2 C 细节理解题:根据That was a wonderful afternoon,那是个美好的下午.my uncle and my two cousins decided to catch somefish我叔叔和我的表弟决定捉一些鱼.故选C.3 B 词义理解题:根据I was so amazed to see that the fishes here were two times bigger than regular on es.我惊奇地发现这里的鱼比普通的鱼大两倍.故ones指代前文的fishes,故选B.4 D 推理判断题:根据I will never forget this interesting and pleasant afternoon!我永远不会忘记这个有趣而愉快的下午!故选D.在劳动节,我和父母一起回到湖南省的故乡.我们拜访了亲戚,欣赏了自然风光,品尝到了在乡间只能找到的各种美味佳肴.然而,最令人兴奋的是捕鱼.下文具体向我们介绍了捕鱼的过程和给作者带来的快乐.解答阅读理解这类试题时,务必充分理解上下文的语境和前后文的逻辑关系,找到解题的依据和线索,准确作答.34.【答案】【小题1】D 【小题2】A 【小题3】D 【小题4】C【解析】1.D.细节理解题.根据第二段The main reason is that they fear they can't realize their parents' expectation,another reason is caused by the stress of too many exams,and an unhappy family life can also lead to Depression.最主要的原因是他们担心自己无法实现父母的期望,另一个原因是由于考试太多而造成的压力,而不幸的家庭生活也会导致抑郁.可知,A,B,C都正确.选D.2.A.细节理解题.根据最后一段If you know someone who has emotional problems,help him or her see a health care provider or mental health professional first.You can also offer support,understanding,patience,and encouragement.Besides,you can invite him or her out for walks,outings,and other outdoor activities.You'd better encourage him or her to take part indifferent kinds of social activities,如果你知道有抑郁症问题的人,帮助他或她先去看一个医疗保健提供者或心理健康专家.你也可以提供支持、理解、耐心和鼓励.此外,你可以邀请他或她外出散步、远足和其他户外活动.你最好鼓励他或她参加各种社会活动,可知,除了要求人们远离他,让他独处.选A.3.D.推理判断题.根据最后一句Through such activities,he or she may touch the lives of others and make his orher life more colorful,his or her mood may be better and better.通过这样的活动,他或她可以接触到他人的生活,使他的生活更加丰富多彩,他或她的心情可能会越来越好.可知,D选项"有抑郁症的人通过一些活动可能是更好的"正确.选D.4.C.主旨大意题.根据最后一段If you know someone who has emotional problems,help him or her see a health care provider or mental health professional first如果你知道有抑郁症的人,帮助他或她先看一个医疗保健提供者或心理健康专家.可知,作者呼吁人们帮助那些有抑郁症的人.选C.这是一篇健康环保类阅读,主要介绍很多学生有抑郁症的问题,主要原因是担心自己无法实现父母的期望,另外考试压力太大,家庭生活不幸福.也会导致抑郁症.作者号召人们帮助有抑郁症的人.并列举了一些方法.阅读题型,要注重句子与句子之间、段落与段落之间逻辑关系以及对篇章的整体理解.根据所给问题选择正确选项完成试题.38.【答案】【小题1】D 【小题2】A 【小题3】A 【小题4】C【解析】1.D 细节理解题,根据and some banks have announced that the people who buy new energy vehicles wil l be able to borrow up 85percent of the cost from banks, up from 80 percent in t he past.(购买新能源汽车的人将能够从银行借85%,过去是80%.)可知从今年开始,对购买新能源汽车的人来说,可以向银行借的钱将会增加5%,故答案为:D.2.A 细节理解题,根据Firstly, during the following three years from 2018, the local government will continue to reduce taxes(税) for NEVs.(从2018年起今后三年内,地方政府将继续降低新能源汽车的税收),即地方政府将继续减少对新能源汽车的税收,直到2020年.故答案为:A.3.A 细节理解题,根据Many famous car companies have developed NEVs, such as Audi Q7e-tron, To yota Hybrid, Tesla Model S and BYD Qin(许多著名的汽车公司已经开发了新能源汽车,如奥迪Q7e-tron、丰田混合动力车、特斯拉S型车和比亚迪秦.)可知Audi A6不是新能源汽车,故答案为:A.4.C细节理解题,根据In order to create a better and greener environment and encourage people to trans portation, China will release more policies(政策) this year to help the development new energy vehicles(为了创造更好更绿色的环境,鼓励人们出行,今年中国将出台更多政策帮助发展新能源汽车).可知中国制定更多政策帮助NEVs发展的主要原因是创造更好、更环保的环境,故答案为:C.本文介绍的是新能源汽车.为了创造更好更绿色的环境,鼓励人们出行,今年中国将出台更多政策帮助发展新能源汽车.从2018年起今后三年内,地方政府将继续降低新能源汽车的税收.此外,中国银行将提供许多政策来吸引人们购买新能源汽车.做题的时候要看清要求,要在理解好文意的基础上,与题目有机的结合,从文章中找到相关细节性的句子从而得出符合文章内容的正确答案.42.【答案】【小题1】A 【小题2】B 【小题3】D 【小题4】C【解析】1.A.考查语义猜测题,根据After years of wars, the officials trembled with fear when fighting was mentione d, and no one dared to speak of resistance(抵抗).可知:经过多年的战争,官员。



2018年深圳二模英语第 2 页共 31 页第 3 页共 31 页第 4 页共 31 页with lawyers and accountants at grocery stores they owned.The experience did help her. “I went from thinking I could be a manager to thinking I could do something much bigger.” she told Fortune.第 5 页共 31 页Who did best in math at school?Combs B. Burns C. Schultz D. WilliamsHow did the death of Combs’ father influence him? It made him a failure.He became a drug dealer.It made him even stronger.He became a hip-hopper.What can we learn from the passage?Cuba is a good place to do business.No one wanted to help Schultz at first.Poor family kids can be successful easily. Difficulty in life pushed Williams forward.BLooking at a pile of old photos, I couldn't help feeling rather regretful.第 6 页共 31 页I've never got into the habit of sorting outphotos. However, it's almost a habit of mine tohave photos taken thoughtlessly. Thus, photoshave been piling up in my childhood towomanhood. In spite of that, thoseblack-and-white pictures taken in my earlyyears are rarely kept, except a few survivalsregarded as antiques.The bald(秃头的) babypicture of me that I treasured, the only oneleft, it's now missing.Familiar faces flash one by one before my eyes. Though the world is so small and we all live in it, yet we are separated by physical and psychological distances, some smaller, some larger.With the passage of time, one cannot, regretfully relive(重温) it with the same feeling as one had in the picture.What one can get from the old photos is but a bit of the past joy.第 7 页共 31 页One takes pictures with different persons in different time and places.They fill one with nostalgia(怀旧) in various degrees--some more, some less, and others none.That's why one has conflicting feelings towards the old photos. Still kept with the current ones, they're even less favored than a daily-used cup, which is always close to the owner.How these pieces of thought influence me. Photos keep our images rather than our sentiment, which may not remain.The image is always there but not its owner, whom the photo can't keep ,neither can it keep the event.Of course, there are some of the photos still holding my affection, such as those taken with my family members, with favorite playmates, fellow girl-students and best friends, not only in pictures but also in my life and heart.第 8 页共 31 页Now, since I have learned all this, I will not allow myself to be included casually in a photo taken with others. I'll make sure that the friendship can last before I take a photo with somebody.24.Why did the writer have only a few black-and-white pictures?A She took fewer of them.B She took photos thoughtlessly.C She didn't take good care of them.D She only liked the bald baby picture.25.What can we get from the old photos according to the writer?A All the past events.B Some past happiness.C All the past excitement.D The everlasting memory.26.What does the underlined word “sentiment” in paragraph 5 probably mean?第 9 页共 31 页A LookB ThoughtC FeelingD Influence27.What is the writer likely to do when asked to take photos others?A To take the photo happily.B To refuse the request politely.C To ignore the request casually.D To think carefully before action.CAs an Asian country, Singapore has a reputation for being highly westernized, with English among the country’s four official languages, but a couple of signs found on local buses that have recently become a hit online may say otherwise.第 10 页共 31 页Quite different from English we know, the sign read, for example, “Here cannot go in” instead of “No entry”, and Here can charge phone instead of Charge phone here. This language that resembles English is called Singaporean English or S i n g l i s h.The New York Times calls Singlish “patchwork” because Singapore consists of migrants(移民) from several countries including China, India and Malaysia, and they all speak their own versions of “English”.“Everyone who speaks it shapes it,” wrote the newspaper.For example, in Singlish, you can easily recognize influences from Chinese, including vocabulary such as” Mee Siam” and “da bao”. Sentence structures like ” toilet where” inst ead of “where’s the toilet” also come from Chinese.Interesting and diverse as it may seem, the trend for Singlish is worrying Singapore’s government. It is concerned that the dialect is lowering the country’s English standard and may affect its relationship with visitors.It even started the Speak Good English Movement.Unfortunately, the problem was not solved. Instead, Singlish has boomed, especially among young people who think of it as a sign of being cool and a way of identifying themselves as Singaporean.But this does not mean that standard English is being abandoned by young people. In fact, they are much more capable than the government gives credit--they can speak both.“We are a nation good at code switching-- we know that the way we speak to friends or drivers must be different from how act at work or school,” wrote Cheryl, a Singaporean author, in Time magazine, “To actively urge us to give up a language that speaks to the very heart of who we are, that's so beautifully represents the melting pot of Chinese, Indians, Malaysians and Eurasians that we are, is shortsighted, surely.”28 Why does Singapore have many different versions of English?A It is made up of migrants.B It is highly westernized.C It is influenced by Chinese.D It is affected by official languages.29 What is the purpose of starting the Speak Good English Movement?A To stop the new trend.B To better the relationship.C To keep the English standard.D To give the government credit.30 What do the young people think of Singlish?A It’s interesting.B It’s their identity.C It’s a sign of status.D It’s a way of code-switching.31 What can we learn from what Cheryl said?A Different people speak different styles of Singlish.B Singlish is a more beautiful language than others.C People speaks Singlish only to friends and drivers.D People can use Singlish to express themselves well.DLong before iphones, the cigarette was the companion of choice for restlessness. And long before Facebook and WeChat, it was tobacco that promised to better your social life. Now, quitting smartphones has become the new quitting smoking.Of course, technology does not yellow your teeth, cause disease or lead to cancer. But some individuals are so concerned that device addiction is damaging their mental health. In order to reduce their dependence, even in Silicon Valley, people are turning off the messages that constantly buzz for their attention, banning smartphones from the bedroom and, curiously, changing the colors on their screens to a less tempting scale of gray.The big tech companies will have to work out how to respond to this new generation of quitters. Facebook is the first to go public with its attempt, hoping its recent move can make the social network more homely.Last year the tech industry got a bad name- Big Tech-with unfortunate echoes of other industries that have faced fierce opposition, including Big Tobacco. Like them, the tech industry has to reduce concern from a new generation of activist shareholders(股东) that are questioning its role in the world. These campaigns are never as fierce as those faced by Big Tobacco. In the 1990s, socially responsible investors refused to put money in tobacco stocks.It is far difficult for investors to challenge Big Tech and hard to separate the good these companies do in the world--connecting old friends and giving space for people to share their ideas--from the bad.In the meantime, stopping using technology remains problematic. In The World Without Mind: The Existential Threat of Big Tech,Franklin Foer argues that tech should be seen in a similar way to junk food: a convenience that some reject for more continuing nutrition.So we need to do more to turn the tide. In the same way that public service announcements made smoking around your children taboo(禁忌),we can warn parents against losing themselves in their smartphones while taking care of kids.We can also create no-smartphone zones at dinner. Eventually smartphones could be banned from all public places and help us give our attention to the people around us instead.32 How did people keep close relationships with others in the past?A By smoking.B By drinking.C By phoningD By dining out.33 Why is the tech industry called Big Tech?A It plays a bad role in the world.B It is as big as Big Tobacco.C It has an unfortunate name.D It is a giant in Silicon Valley.34 What can we infer from Franklin Foer’s argument about the tech?A It promotes social development.B It is still favored by some people.C It is worse than Big Tobacco.D It offers continuing nutrition.35 Which can be the best title for the passage?A Creating a No Smartphone LifeB Smartphones Enrich Our Social LifeC Smoking Does Greater Harm Than Smartphones DoD Quitting Smartphones Is the New Quitting Smoking第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。















2 016年,无锡市太阳能电池产能占全国总规模的50%以上,已形成包括光伏材料、电池原件、光伏组件、逆变器、运维服务、数据管理等各生产环节的全产业链竞争优势。



1.与发达国家相比,2001-2011年间无锡光伏产业参与国际市场竞争的主要有利条件是A.生产成本较低 B.原料资源丰富C.交通位置优越 D.市场需求量大2.无锡光伏产业在短短10多年间,从两头在外发展模式到形成全球性竞争优势,主要得益于A.生产规模不断扩大B.智能化的运行管理和维护服务C.披术研发和创新D.废化学品的回收再利用3. 2016年,江苏省光伏累计装机容量列全国第五,仅次于4个太阳能资源一类地区——新疆、甘肃、青海和内蒙古。



2018年深圳高三二模高分作文点评(二辑)深圳市教科院葛福安编 2018-05-04目录在生活中践行儒家文化(题目既有对材料的关联,又表明了作者的观点。























她仔细观察照片后得到下列结论,你认为正确的是()A.电能表的额定电流为10AB.1kW•h的电能,指示灯闪3200次C.电能表的额定功率为2200WD.拍照片时,小英家已消耗的电能为7624.1J3.(2016秋•淅川县期末)小明全家外出旅游时恰逢抄表日,其电能表示数,家中除了一只10W的鱼缸增氧机外其他用电器都已切断电源,回了后再看电能表的示数,则他们外出旅游时间为()A.1400h B.140h C.14h D.0.14h 4.(2017•祁阳县二模)王亮同学是个爱动脑的孩子,他想知道家里电风扇的实际功率多大,于是他将家里其他用电器都关闭,只让电风扇单独工作了72s,如图的电能表转盘转了5转,下列说法正确的是()A.此电能表转盘每小时转过2500转B.电能表是测量电路中用电器功率的仪器C.此电能表所在电路的最大电功率为2200kWD.电风扇的实际功率是100W5.(2016•安阳一模)下列器材的作用叙述正确的是()A.弹簧测力计是测量质量的工具B.密度计可以测量任何物体的密度C.电压表测量电压时应该串联在电路中D.电能表是直接测量消耗电能多少的仪表6.(2015秋•扶沟县期末)电能表的作用是()A.测量电功B.测量电压C.测量电流D.测量电阻7.(2016秋•西华县校级期中)家庭电路中有一个计量消耗电能的电能表,它是测量()的仪器。



考点训练31 宋明理学与明清之际活跃的儒家思想[题组一基础小题]1.(2018·中原名校质检)北宋儒学大师周敦颐在《太极图说》中把“阳变阴合”这个根本矛盾作为引起事物发展的原因,在万物变化发展中使用了阴阳、动静、刚柔、始终、生死、善恶等一系列用语。

据此可知《太极图说》( )A.属于唯心主义哲学 B.带有封建迷信色彩C.汲取了佛、道思想 D.完成儒学重建任务答案 C解析材料把“阳变阴合”作为引起事物发展的原因,具有一定的唯物色彩,故A项错误。






从中可知( )A.儒学思想家提倡“经世致用”B.儒学呈现出世俗化特点C.伦理道德是儒学的主要内容D.成圣是理学的终极目标答案 B解析明末清初思想家提倡“经世致用”,排除A项;朱熹认为日常行为是修身齐家治国平天下之本,王阳明认为日常行为的“事上磨炼”成就圣人,说明二者的思想都注重人们的日常行为,呈现出世俗化特点,故B项正确;C、D两项材料没有体现,排除。


这反映出宋儒( )A.否定传统经学 B.重申儒家义利观C.强调主体意识 D.批判周孔之道答案 C解析材料“扫除汉唐传注之学,弃传求经”,直接探求圣人“本文”和“本义”,可知宋儒并非否定传统经学,排除A项。





绝密·启用前试卷类型:A 深圳市2018年高三年级第二次调研考试英语2018.4本试卷共10页,卷面满分120分,折算成135分计入总分。









ALife experiences can show one’s“grit”(坚韧)Complex challenges early inlife helped the following people develop skills that got them to the top of their professions.Ursula Burns,Chairwoman,VEON;Former CEO,XeroxHer family was so poor that her single mother traded office cleaning for health care.But Bums’early gift for math won her a scholarship and an internship at Xerox,where she would compete her way to the top.“I’m a black lady from the Lower East Side”she says.“Not a lot scares me.”Howard Schultz,Executive Chairman,StarbucksSchultz grew up in public housing in Brooklyn,surrounded by poverty,and was the first in his family to go to college(on a football scholarship).After training in sales,he set up the company that would later buy Starbucks.“In the course of the year I spent trying to raise money,I spoke to242people,and217 of them said no.”he said.Sean Combs,CEO,Sean JohnCombs began a generation of hip-hop talent and made a lasting influence on fashion.But his story could have turned out much differently:his drng dealer father was killed when he was3.“It made me work even harder."he recently said.Geisha Williams,CEO,PG&EHer parents fled Cuba when Williams was5.By7,she was her parents’main translator in talks with lawyers and accountants at grocery stores they owned in New Jersey.The experience did help her.“I went from thinking I could be a manager to thinking I could do something much bigger.”she told Fortune.21.Who did best in math at school?bs.B.Bums.C.Schultz.D.Williams.22.How did the death of Combs’father influence him?A.It made him a failure.B.He became a drug dealer.C.It made him even stronger.D.He became a hip-hopper.23.What can we learn from the passage?A.Cuba is a good place to do business.B.No one wanted to help Schultz at first.C.Poor family kids can be successful easily.D.Difficulty in life pushed Williams forward.BLooking at a pile of old photos,I couldn’t help feeling rather regretful.I’ve never got into the habit of sorting out photos.However,it’s almost a habit of mine to have photos taken thoughtlessly.Thus,photos have been pilingup in my childhood to womanhood.In spite of that,those black-and-white pictures taken in my early years are rarely kept,except a few survivals regarded as antiques.A bald(秃头的)baby picture of me that I treasured,the only one left,is now missing.Familiar faces flash one by one before my eyes.Though the world is so small and we all live in it,yet we are separated by physical and psychological distances,some smaller,some larger.With the passage of time,one cannot, regretfully,relive(重温)it with the same feeling as one had in the picture.What one can get from the old photos is but a bit of the past joy.One takes pictures with different persons in different time and places. They fill one with nostalgia(怀旧)in various degrees--some more,some less, and others none.That’s why one has conflicting feelings towards the old photos. Still kept with the current ones,they are even less favored than a daily-used cup, which is always close to the owner.How these pieces of thought influence me!Photos keep our images rather than our sentiment,which may not ren1ain.The image is always there,but not its owner,whom the photo cannot keep,neither can it keep the event.Of course,there are some of the photos still holding my affection,such as those taken with my family members,with favorite playmates,fellow girl-students and best friends,not only in pictures but also in my life and heart.Now,since I have learned all this,I will not allow myself to be included casually in a photo taken with others.I’ll make sure that the friendship can last before I take a photo with somebody.24.Why did the writer have only a few black-and-white pictures?A.She took fewer of them.B.She took photos thoughtlessly.C.She didn’t take good care of them.D.She only liked the bald baby picture.25.What can we get from the old photos according to the writer?A.All the past events.B.Some past happiness.C.All the past excitement.D.The everlasting memory.26.What does the underlined word“sentiment”m paragraph5probably mean?A.Look.B.Thought.C.Feeling.D.Influence.27.What is the writer likely to do when asked to take a photo with others?A.To take the photo happily.B.To refuse the request politely.C.To ignore the request casually.D.To think carefully before.action.CAs an Asian country,Singapore has a reputation for being highly westernized,with English a1nong the country’s four official languages,but a couple of signs found on local buses that have recently become a hit online may say otherwise.Quite different from the English we know,the signs read,for example,“Here cannot go in instead of“No Entry”,and“Here can charge phone"instead of“Charge phone here”.This language that resembles English is called Singaporean English,or“Singlish”.The New York Times calls Singlish“patchwork”because Singapore consists of migrants(移民)from several countries including China,India and Malaysia,and they all speak their own versions of“English”.“Everyone who speaks it shapes it”wrote the newspaper.For example,in Singlish you can easily recognize influences from Chinese, including vocabulary such as“Mee Siam"and“da bao”.Sentence structures like“toilet where”instead of“where’s the toilet”also comefrom Chinese.Interesting and diverse as it may seem,the trend for Singlish js worrying Singapore’s government.It is concerned that the dialect is lowering the country’s English standard and may affect its relationship with visitors.It even started the Speak Good English Movement.Unfortunately,the problem was not solved.Instead,Singlish has boomed,especially among young people who think of it as a sign of being cool and a way of identifying themselves as Singaporean.But this doesn’t mean that Standard English is being abandoned by young people.In fact,they are much more capable than the government gives credit-they can speak both.“We are a nation good at code-switching-we know that the way we speak to friends or drivers must be different from how we act at work or school”wrote Cheryl,a Singaporean author,in Times magazine.“To actively urge us to give up a language that speaks to the very heart of who we are,that so beautifully represents the melting pot of Chinese,Indians,Malaysians and Eurasians that we are,is shortsighted,surely.”28.Why does Singapore have many different versions of English?A.It is made up of migrants.B.It is highly westernized.C.It is influenced by Chinese.D.It is affected by official languages.29.What is the purpose of starting the Speak Good English Movement?A.To stop the new trend.B.To better the relationship.C.To keep the English standard.D.To give the government credit.30.What do the young people think of Singlish?A.It’s interesting.B.It’s their identity.C.It’s a sign of status.D.It’s a way of code-switching.31.What can we learn from what Cheryl said?A.Different people speak different styles of Singlish.B.Singlish is a more beautiful language than others.C.People speak Singlish only to friends and drivers.D.People can use Singlish to express themselves well.DLong before iPhones,the cigarette was the companion of choice for restlessness.And long before Facebook and WeChat,it was tobacco that promised to better your social life.Now,quitting smartphones has become thenew quitting smoking.Of course,technology does not yellow your teeth,cause disease or lead to cancer.But some individuals are so concerned that device addiction is damaging their mental health.In order to reduce their dependence,even in Silicon Valley,people are turning off the messages that constantly buzz for their attention,banning smartphones from the bedroom and,curiously,changing the colours on their screens to a less tempting scale of grey.The big tech companies will have to work out how to respond to this new generation of quitters.Facebook is the first to go public with its attempt,hoping its recent move can make the social network more homely.Last year the tech industry got a bad name-Big Tech with unfortunate echoes of other industries that have faced fierce opposition,including Big Tobacco.Like them,the tech industry has to reduce concern from a new generation of activist shareholders(股东)that are questioning its role in the world.These campaigns are never as fierce as those faced by Big Tobacco.In the1990s,socially responsible investors refused to put money in tobacco stocks.It is far difficult for investors to challenge Big Tech and hard to separate the good these companies do in the world-connecting old friends and giving space for people to share their ideas-from the bad.In the meantime,stopping using technology remains problematic.In The World Without Mind:The Existential Threat of Big Tech,Franklin Foer argues that tech should be seen in a similar way to junk food:a convenience that some reject for more continuing nutrition.So we need to do more to turn the tide.In the same way that public service announcements made smoking around your children taboo(禁忌),we can warn parents against losing themselves in their smartphones while taking care of kids.We can also create no-smartphone zones at dinner.Eventually, smartphones could be banned from all public places and help us give ourattention to the people around us instead.32.How did people keep close relationships with others in the past?A.By smoking.B.By drinking.C.By phoning.D.By dining out.33.Why is the tech industry called Big Tech?A.It plays a bad role in the world.B.It is as big as Big Tobacco.C.It has an unfortunate name.D.It is a giant in Silicon Valley.34.What can we infer from Franklin Foer’s argument about tech?A.It promotes social development.B.It is still favored by some people.C.It is worse than Big Tobacco.D.It offers continuing nutrition.34.Which can be the best title for the passage?A.Creating a No Smartphone Life.B.Smartphones Enrich Our Social Life.C.Smoking Does Greater Harm Than Smartphones Do.D.Quitting Smartphones ls the New Quitting Smoking.第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分〉根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。





























2019年浙教版七年级下册科学第2课时 光的折射

2019年浙教版七年级下册科学第2课时  光的折射

第2课时光的折射1.1 2018广东深圳二模)如图2-5-35所示,小胖做出这种错误判断的原因是( )图2-5-35A.光只有在空气中才沿直线传播,而在水中不能沿直线传播B.光射到水面上发生反射C.光由水进入空气中发生折射D.光由空气中进入水中发生折射2.(2018湖南岳阳二模)如图2-5-36所示,钢勺好像被水“折断”了,这种现象形成的原因是( )图2-5-36A.光的色散B.光的折射C.光的反射D.光的直线传播3.(2017浙江杭州西溪中学开学考试)如图是一束光从水中射入空气,一部分光折射,一部分光反射的光路图,其中正确的是( )A B C D4.(2018福建厦门外国语学校模拟)手电筒发出的光垂直地照射到一个空的烧杯的底部。

光线投射到烧杯底部的光圈如图2-5-37中虚线所示,把水倒入烧杯中,烧杯注满水时,烧杯底部的光圈会变化为图中的( )图2-5-37A B C D5.(2017浙江绍兴越城期末)如图2-5-38所示,光线斜射到两种透明物质的界面上,那么图中法线是_______,入射角大小为________,反射光线是_______。

图2-5-381.(2014浙江温州中考)光从空气斜射入水中会发生折射现象,下列各图中能正确表示这种现象的是( )A B C D2.(2018浙江台州期中)早晨一束阳光从空气中斜射入某液体中,在液面上发生反射和折射,入射光线与液面成30°角,反射光线恰好与折射光线垂直,则折射角为____。



如图2-5-39所示,S是点光源,作出入射光线SO 的反射光线和大致的折射光线。

图2-5-394.( 2018湖北黄石中考)如图2-5-40所示,水里的光源O发出的一条光线射向水面,在水面处发生反射和折射,反射光线经过P点,折射光线经过A点,请在图中先通过虚线作图找出水面处的入射点,再作出入射光线、反射光线和折射光线。

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2017年11月30日,《自然》杂志在线发表一篇来自中国的重量级科研成果,中国科学家借助暗物质粒子探测卫星“悟空”号,经过长期地观察、探测,获得世界上最精确的高能电子宇宙线能谱,并在1.4TeV (万亿电子伏特)处发现反常结构,揭示宇宙中或存在相应质量的新粒子。




























(10 分)①积极培育和发展乡村文化生产力,利用优秀传统文化资源发展文化产业,实现乡村产业振兴(3分)②以文化活动为载体,培育优良家风、文明乡风,弘扬社会主义核心价值观,为乡村振兴提供精神动力(4分)③通过培训活动提升农民科学文化素养,培育新型农民,为乡村振兴提供人才和科技支撑(3分)(2)运用矛盾特殊性知识并结合材料,分析马庄村在实现乡村振兴过程中是如何实现华丽转身的。


