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happily characteristic of self.For difference in grade,scores of freshmen ale higher evidently
dmrcnce.In than other grades in global well-being,and othel-grades have no
(2)Test-retest reliability,internal concordance coefficient,content validity,construct validi吼index validity of Sujective Well-Being Questionnaire of University student are up to psyehological demand.The questionnaire Call be regarded as fitting tool of estimating sujective well-being ofuniversity students.
(3)Scores in Sujective Wen-Being Questionnaire of University student have difference when gender and grade are different,and have not difference when specialities are different.There are,scores of schoolgirls are higher evidently than schoolboys’in global well-being,familial
s廿ucture of subjective well-being of university students was formed,and items were collected.
The logical stnJcture ofsubjective weU-being ofundergraduates was constructed by the exploring factor analysis ofthe preliminary questionnaire and the confirmatory factor analysis ofthe formal questionnaire,and Subjective Well-Being Questionnaire Of University Student was formed.At last,The Subjective Well-Being Questionnaire Of University Student was examined by many indexes,and we also investigated the current characters of subjective well-being of university
students.111e results are as follows:
(1)Sujecfive well-being of university students is a multi—level and multiqSimemional structure.It inchids three levels:global well-being,general well-being and special well-being. Global well-being has the highest abstract and general degree,and steady comparatively global feeling that has character of dispersion,and don’t aim at given field or thing.General weU-being is higher abstract feeling that university students pay great attention to several primary fields,has better stability and stated character of dispersion.It includes three facets,those arelife satisfactionofself,accepthappilycharacteristic ofselfand activity satisfaction of self.
dimension ofaccept
happily characteristic of ability,senior classcs’scores are lli曲er evidently than sophomores’
and juniors'.In feeling of self-realize,freshmen’and senior classes’SCOreS aIe higher evidently
基础心理学专业硕士研究生万黎 指导教师 黄希庭教授
幸福是我们每个人都关心和追求的生活目标,幸福感是反映我们自身所感受到的生活质 量的重要心理参数。主观幸福感还是青少年学生健全人格的重要方面,因此对大学生主观幸 福感进行研究具有重要的理论和实践意义。通过文献研究与对192人的开放式问卷调查结果 初步形成了大学生主观幸福感的结构,并收集到了测量大学生主观幸福感的项目。根据对 362人的预试问卷的探索性因素分析与926人的正式问卷的验证性因素分析的结果,确定出 了比较合理的大学生主观幸福感结构,并编制出了大学生主观幸福感问卷。此外,还对大学 生主观幸福感问卷进行了多指标的信度与效度检验,并对大学生主观幸福感的现状特点进行 了调查分析。主要结果如下:
Supervisor:Prof.Huang Xi—ting
Well-being is a life goal that everyone is caring for and seeking for.Feeling ofwell-being is a11 important psychological parameter that reflects OBr life quality.Subjective well-being is also an important facet of adolescent healthy personality,So it is very valuable in theory end practice to study subjective well-being of university students.Based on overviews of former researchers and the results of the open-ended questiolmaire with 192 university students,the preliminary
(1)大学生主观幸福感可以构建为多层次多维度的结构,包括“总体幸福感”、“一般 幸福感”和“特殊幸福感”三个层次。“总体幸福感”是最抽象与概括的层次,是大学生对 幸福的一种弥散性的相对最稳定的整体感受,不针对特定领域或事物。“一般幸福感”是大 学生对其最重视的几大主要领域的比较概括的感受,在相应领域内具有较好的稳定性与一定 的弥散性,包括“自我生活满意感”、“自我特性悦纳感”与“自我活动满意感”三类。“特 殊幸福感”是大学生对其最重视的几大主要领域内的一些具体方面的感受,涉及的“自我生 活满意感”包括“家庭和睦”、“物质知足感”、“生活轻松愉悦感”三个维度;“自我特性悦 纳感”包括“身体健康感”、“能力特征悦纳感”和“性格特征悦纳感”三个维度:“自我活 动满意感”包括的“自我实现感”、“自由感”、和“学习满意感”三个维度。
(2)根据大学生主观幸福感结构的理论构想编制的“大学生主观幸福感问卷”的重测 信度、内部一致性信度、内容效度、构想效度、效标效度等指标均达到心理测量学的要求, 该问卷可以作为评价大学生主观幸福感的适宜工具。
(3)不同性别、年级的大学生在主观幸福感问卷上的得分存在差异,各专业之间没有 显著差异。具体是,女生在“总体幸福感”、“家庭和睦”、“生活轻松愉悦感”和“自我生活
A Primary Design Of Suj ective Well-Being
Questionnaire Of University student
Major:General Psychology Author:Wan li
hamlony,feeling ofeasy andpleasure oflifeandhfe satisfactionofself.Scores of sclloolboys are
higher evidently than schoolgirls’in accept happily characteristic of ability and accept
Special well-being is feeling of some concrete facets that university students pay great attention to several big fields.And life satisfaorion of self includes familial harmony,feeling
of being content with substance,feeling of easy and pleasure of life. Acee:pt happily characteristic of self includes feeling in good condition,accept happily characteristic of ability and accept happily characteristic of character.Activity satisfaction of self includes feeling ofself-realize,feeling offreedom and feeling ofstudy satisfaction.
基础心理学专业硕士学位论文:大学生主观幸福感问卷的初步编制 满意感”各维度上显著高于男生,男生在“能力特征悦纳感”和“自我特性悦纳感”维度上 显著高于女生。在年级差异上,一年级学生的总体幸福感显著高于二、三、四年级,二、三、 四年级之间没有显著性差异;在“能力特征悦纳感”维度上,四年级显著高于二、三年级, 其余之间差异不显著:在“自我实现感”维度上一、四年级显著高于二、三年级,其余之间 差异不显著;在“自由感”维度上一年级显著高于二、三、四年级,二、三、四年级之间没 有显著性差异;在“学习满意感”维度上四年级学生显著高于一、二、三年级,其余年级之 间差异不显著;最后在“自我活动满意感”维度上一、四年级显著高于二、三年级,其余年 级之间差异不显著。
if 902121
学 号S!旦业型
提交论文日期: 2006年4月25日

中国·重庆 2006年 月