
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。


int DocumentParser::FetchDocument(const VXIchar * url,

const VXIMapHolder & properties,

VXIinetInterface * inet,

VXIcacheInterface * cache,

SimpleLogger & log,

VXMLDocument & document,

VXIMapHolder & docProperties,

bool isDefaults,

bool isRootApp,

VXIbyte **content,

VXIulong *size);


// (1) Load the VXML DTD for validation. This will override an externally

// specified DTD if the user provides a link.

// (2) Load the url into memory.

// (3) Pull the document from cache.

// (4) Not in cache; parse buffer into our VXML document representation

// (5) Write the compiled form out to the cache.

// (6) Parse was successful, process document. W e want only the top level node.

看一下// (3) Pull the document from cache.下面的代码,会发现是从一个叫DocumentStorageSingleton的变量里面。

DocumentStorageSingleton::Instance()->Retrieve(doc, buffer, bufSize, docURL.c_str())

看一下DocumentStorageSingleton里面有个成员变量DOC_STORAGE storage;其实是map类型的。注释所指的cache就是DocumentStorageSingleton。也就是说DocumentParser用到的cache的功能是由DocumentSt orageSingleton实现的。


/* Abstract interface for accessing caching functionality, which

* permits writing arbitrary data into the cache with a client

* supplied key name, then retrieving that data from the cache one or

* more times by reading against that key name.


* Normally the cache implementation can choose to discard the data

* between the write and the read when necessary (due to running out

* of cache space, etc.), but it is also possible for clients to lock

* data in the cache to support built-in grammars and other data that

* is explicitly provisioned by system administrators and thus must

* not be removed unless by explicit system administrator command.

* The interface is a synchronous interface based on the ANSI/ISO C

* standard file I/O interface. The client of the interface may use this in

* an asynchronous manner by using non-blocking I/O operations,

* creating threads, or by invoking this from a separate server

* process.


* Typically the key name specified by clients will be the URL to the

* source form of the data that is being written back, such as the URL

* to the grammar text being used as the key name for the compiled

* grammar. In the case where the VXIinet and VXIcache implementations

* share the same underlying cache storage, it is thus necessary to

* use prefixes or some other namespace mechanism to avoid collisions

* with the cache entry for the original URL.


* However, the key names specified by clients may be very large in

* some cases. This is most common when writing back data generated

* from in-memory source text, such as when writing back the compiled

* grammar for a VoiceXML document in-line grammar. One possible

* VXIcache implementation approach is to use the MD5 algorithm as

* used in HTTP message headers (specified in RFC 1321 with a full

* implementation provided) to convert long key names to a 16 byte MD5

* value for indexing purposes, using Base64 encoding to convert the

* binary MD5 value to ASCII text if desired (as done in HTTP message

* headers).


* There is one cache interface per thread/line.


大意是说可以放进去任意的数据,并可以用URL检索出来。URL如果太长,会用md5和base64处理。那c ache模块中的功能在那儿用到了那?在VXIclient.cpp的第1088行(左右)有下面的内容:

/* Create the cache resource. The cache resource will be used by

the recognizer and prompting components for caching of computed

data like compiled grammars and text-to-speech prompts. */

cacheResult = SBcacheCreateResource(newPlatform->VXIlog, &newPlatform->VXIcache);

注释的意思是cache是recognizer和prompting 组件用到的。在VXIprompt和VXIrec中,仅仅有VXIpromptResult VXIpromptCreateResource (

VXIlogInterface *log,

VXIinetInterface *inet,

VXIcacheInterface *cache,

VXIpromptInterface **prompt)

VXIREC_API VXIrecResult VXIrecCreateResource(VXIlogInterface *log,

VXIinetInterface *inet,

VXIcacheInterface *cache,

VXIpromptInterface *prompt,

VXItelInterface *tel,

VXIrecInterface **rec)

