



PG5A版氯化氢透平电气设计使用说明书(配置:ABB软启动) PG0-2-5-A PG5A版电气柜根据用户需求设计,具有下列特点; 1. 主电机启动方式采用软启动方式,选用ABB公司 PST300-600-70或PSTB370-600-70 或PSTB470-600-70型软启动器,放置在电气柜内。



PG5A 版氯化氢透平电控柜有二种可供用户选择。





求是公司生产小于10万吨氯化氢透平采用大功率低压电机(132、160、185、200、220、250KW),润滑油站辅油泵(2.2 KW)及油电加热(3 KW×2)需电气控制。








ABB软启动器PSS系列参数设置方法软起动器是一种集电机软起动、软停车、轻载节能和多种保护功能于一体的新颖电机控制装置,国外称为Soft Starter。






ABB PSS系列软启动器有3个旋转设定开关合一个2位拨动开关,对于各种不同的应用场合都能完成基本的参数设定。










停车的时间根据实际需要可在0 ~ 30s调整。


ABB DS7软启动器选型指南说明书

ABB DS7软启动器选型指南说明书

How to select the correct size DS7 Soft Starter for standard duty applications.ApplicationThe DS7 is a two phase control soft starter utilizedto accomplish motor starting using the reducedvoltage method. Typically, the motor Horsepoweror kW rating is used to determine the required sizeof the soft starter. This document addresses otherfactors that require consideration in accomplishingthe proper match of soft starter to the load.OverviewSoft starter sizing is typically determined by theHorsepower or kW rating of the motor, coupledwith the mains operating voltage. Using this infor-mation, a table or graph is consulted to determinethe minimum size of the soft starter for the appli-cation. If the application is considered to be severeduty, it is commonplace to select the next sizelarger soft starter to accommodate the higher loadcurrents.The graphs and tables published for the DS7 arebased on an inrush value of 300% FLA or 400%FLA of the motor. If the actual inrush currentapproaches a value of 400% FLA, the maximumallowable ramp times are significantly affected.Additionally, the ramp times also must be consid-ered independently, as when the ramp times areincreased even though the inrush current does notchange, the maximum allowable current capacityis reduced. When selecting the size of the DS7soft starter, Tables 1 – 4 may be used if the antici-pated ramp times are 10 seconds or less. Pleasenote that either 300% or 400% Current Limitrefers to the maximum anticipated start current interms of motor FLA (3x or 4x). The DS7 does nothave a current limiter function. If the ramp timesare expected to be longer, Tables 5 – 11 should bereviewed to ensure that the soft starter is not sub-jected to excessive current resulting in SCR failure.The size of the soft starter may be required to beincreased specifically due to a longer ramp time.NThe DS7 Soft Starter may be incorrectly sized ifNote:based solely on motor Horsepower or kW rating andmains voltage alone.Tht DS7 SNfo Soarotr rtquirts ohao sptcificaootnoiNn is givtn oN owN facoNrse:Uloimaot lNad –• the maximum inrush currentthat the soft starter will transmit anytime duringthe start process.Ramp oimt –• the expected, or required, ramptime required for the motor to achieve synchro-nous speed.2Application Paper AP03901006EEffective December 2010How to select the correct size DS7 Soft Starter for standard duty applicationseAtOn cOrpOrAtiOn Examplt 17.5HP Motor (11A FLA) @ 460V Application, Maximum Current 300% FLA @ 40oC with an estimated start ramp time of 8 seconds and 4 starts per hour.Consulting Table 1, the DS7-340SX012NO-N soft starter shows an acceptable maximum motor size of 7.5HP . Please note that Tables 1 thru 4 indicate maximum allowable start ramp times of 10 seconds @ 1 start/hr for these selections. Consulting Table 8, the maximum allowable start current is noted as 36A, and the maximum allow-able start ramp time is 8 seconds. Under these conditions, a DS7-340SX012NO-N soft starter is the appropriate selection for this application.Examplt 2With the same operating conditions as in Example 1, it is deter-mined that the ramp time must be extended to 12 seconds for the motor to achieve synchronous speed. Consulting Table 8, the maximum allowable start current for 12 seconds (noted in Table 8 as 12.1 seconds) is indicated as 30A, less than the required 33A (3 x 11 amps). Under these conditions, the DS7-340SX012NO-N soft starter would not be an appropriate selection. Table 9 for the next higher size soft starter, lists the maximum allowable start current @ 12 sec-onds (interpolating between 11.9 and 12.9 seconds) as approximately 37A. Under these new conditions, the next size higher soft starter, DS7-340SX016NO-N is the suitable choice, as the maximum allow-able start current for these conditions is sufficient for proper opera-tion.Examplt 3With the same operating conditions as in Example 1, it is deter-mined that the inrush current requires a 400% Current Limit. This operating condition will also require a larger capacity soft starter (DS7-340SX016NO-N) to accommodate the higher operating current (44 amps) during the start ramp time.ManualsRtftrtnct NumbtrDS7 Instructional Leaflet DS7 CatalogPrNgram Filts nNnt Ouolint DrawingsnNntSupporting documentationAdditional helpIn the event additional help is needed, please contact the Technical Resource Center at 1-877-ETN-CARE. OpoiNn 2, Sub OpoiNn 2.3Application Paper AP03901006EEffective December 2010eAtOn cOrpOrAtiOn How to select the correct size DS7 Soft Starter for standard duty applications10 StcNnd Ramp, 1 Soaro ptr HNur, 300% Currtno Limio @ 40ºC.T ablt 1. MNoNr PNwtr (hp)Raotd Currtno Amps200V230V480VMaximum AllNwablt Brtaktr SiztMaximum AllNwablt Fust SiztRtcNmmtndtd XTOB OvtrlNadRtcNmmtndtd C440 OvtrlNadMMPDS7-340SX004NO-N 3.70.750.752HFD301515A Class RK5XTOB040DC11C440A1A005SAXXTPR004BC1DS7-342SX004NO-N DS7-340SX007NO-N 6.9 1.523HFD301515A Class RK5XTOB057DC11C440A1A020SAX XTPR6P3BC1DS7-342SX007NO-N DS7-340SX009NO-N 7.8225HFD302020A Class RK5XTOB065DC11C440A1A020SAX XTPR010BC1DS7-342SX009NO-N DS7-340SX012NO-N 11337.5HFD303020A Class RK5XTOB100GC1S 2C440A1A020SAX XTPR012BC1DS7-342SX012NO-N DS7-340SX016NO-N 15.23510HFD303525A Class RK5XTOB100GC1S 2C440A1A020SAX XTPR016BC1DS7-342SX016NO-N DS7-340SX024NO-N 2257.515HFD306040A Class RK5XTOB125GC1S 2C440A1A045SAX XTPR025BC1DS7-342SX024NO-N DS7-340SX032NO-N 327.51020HFD307050A Class RK5XTOB160GC1S 2C440A1A045SAX XTPR032BC1DS7-342SX032NO-N1 XTOBXDIND Panel Mounting Adapter must be used with this overload.2XTOBXTLL line and load lugs must be used with this overload.10 StcNnd Ramp, 1 Soaro ptr HNur, 400% Currtno Limio @ 40ºC.T ablt 2. MNoNr PNwtr (hp)Raotd Currtno Amps200V230V480VMaximum AllNwablt Brtaktr SiztMaximum AllNwablt Fust SiztRtcNmmtndtd XTOB OvtrlNadRtcNmmtndtd C440 OvtrlNadMMPDS7-340SX004NO-N Class RK5XTOB040DC11C440A1A005SAXXTPR004BC1DS7-342SX004NO-N DS7-340SX007NO-N 4.8113HFD301515A Class RK5XTOB057DC11C440A1A020SAX XTPR6P3BC1DS7-342SX007NO-N DS7-340SX009NO-N 6.9 1.523HFD302020A Class RK5XTOB065DC11C440A1A020SAX XTPR010BC1DS7-342SX009NO-N DS7-340SX012NO-N 9225HFD303020A Class RK5XTOB100GC1S 2C440A1A020SAX XTPR012BC1DS7-342SX012NO-N DS7-340SX016NO-N 11337.5HFD303525A Class RK5XTOB100GC1S 2C440A1A020SAX XTPR016BC1DS7-342SX016NO-N DS7-340SX024NO-N 17.55510HFD306040A Class RK5XTOB125GC1S 2C440A1A045SAX XTPR025BC1DS7-342SX024NO-N DS7-340SX032NO-N 2257.515HFD307050A Class RK5XTOB160GC1S 2C440A1A045SAX XTPR032BC1DS7-342SX032NO-N1 XTOBXDIND Panel Mounting Adapter must be used with this overload.2XTOBXTLL line and load lugs must be used with this overload.4Application Paper AP03901006EEffective December 2010How to select the correct size DS7 Soft Starter for standard duty applicationseAtOn cOrpOrAtiOn 10 StcNnd Ramp, 1 Soaro ptr HNur, 300% Currtno Limio @ 40ºC.T ablt 3. MNoNr PNwtr (kW)Raotd Currtno Amps230V400VMaximum AllNwablt Brtaktr SiztMaximum AllNwablt FustSiztRtcNmmtndtd XTOB OvtrlNadRtcNmmtndtd C440 OvtrlNadMMPDS7-340SX004NO-N 3.80.751.5HFD301515A Class RK5XTOB040DC11C440A1A005SAXXTPR004BC1DS7-342SX004NO-N DS7-340SX007NO-N 7 1.53HFD301515A Class RK5XTOB057DC11C440A1A020SAX XTPR6P3BC1DS7-342SX007NO-N DS7-340SX009NO-N 9 2.24HFD302020A Class RK5XTOB065DC11C440A1A020SAX XTPR010BC1DS7-342SX009NO-N DS7-340SX012NO-N 123 5.5HFD303020A Class RK5XTOB100GC1S 2C440A1A020SAX XTPR012BC1DS7-342SX012NO-N DS7-340SX016NO-N 1647.5HFD303525A Class RK5XTOB100GC1S 2C440A1A020SAX XTPR016BC1DS7-342SX016NO-N DS7-340SX024NO-N 24 5.511HFD306040A Class RK5XTOB125GC1S 2C440A1A045SAX XTPR025BC1DS7-342SX024NO-N DS7-340SX032NO-N 327.515HFD307050A Class RK5XTOB160GC1S 2C440A1A045SAX XTPR032BC1DS7-342SX032NO-N1 XTOBXDIND Panel Mounting Adapter must be used with this overload.2XTOBXTLL line and load lugs must be used with this overload.10 StcNnd Ramp, 1 Soaro ptr HNur, 400% Currtno Limio @ 40ºC.T ablt 4. MNoNr PNwtr (kW)Raotd Currtno Amps230V400VMaximum AllNwablt Brtaktr SiztMaximum AllNwablt FustSiztRtcNmmtndtd XTOB OvtrlNadRtcNmmtndtd C440 OvtrlNadMMPDS7-340SX004NO-N 2.50.331HFD301515A Class RK5XTOB040DC11C440A1A005SAXXTPR004BC1DS7-342SX004NO-N DS7-340SX007NO-N 3.80.75 1.5HFD301515A Class RK5XTOB057DC11C440A1A020SAX XTPR6P3BC1DS7-342SX007NO-N DS7-340SX009NO-N 7 1.53HFD302020A Class RK5XTOB065DC11C440A1A020SAX XTPR010BC1DS7-342SX009NO-N DS7-340SX012NO-N 9 2.24HFD303020A Class RK5XTOB100GC1S 2C440A1A020SAX XTPR012BC1DS7-342SX012NO-N DS7-340SX016NO-N 123 5.5HFD303525A Class RK5XTOB100GC1S 2C440A1A020SAX XTPR016BC1DS7-342SX016NO-N DS7-340SX024NO-N 1647.5HFD306040A Class RK5XTOB125GC1S 2C440A1A045SAX XTPR025BC1DS7-342SX024NO-N DS7-340SX032NO-N 24 5.511HFD307050A Class RK5XTOB160GC1S 2C440A1A045SAX XTPR032BC1DS7-342SX032NO-N1 XTOBXDIND Panel Mounting Adapter must be used with this overload.2XTOBXTLL line and load lugs must be used with this overload.5Application Paper AP03901006EEffective December 2010eAtOn cOrpOrAtiOn How to select the correct size DS7 Soft Starter for standard duty applicationsT ablt 5. DS7-340SX004NO-N, DS7342SX004NO-N Soaro Currtno Soaro Ramp Timt (s)4 Amps1/hr 1/hr 4/hr 10/hr 20/hr Inrush25°C 40°C 40°C 40°C 40°C AmpsMuloiplt75% duoy75% duoy75% duoy75% duoy75% duoy41135.0112.590.075.027.64 1.1110.291.873.560.022.75 1.291.576.261.048.819.15 1.377.064.251.340.316.36 1.465.654.743.733.814.06 1.556.547.137.628.612.26 1.649.140.932.724.410.77 1.743.035.828.621.09.57 1.837.931.625.318.38.48 1.933.628.022.416.07.68230. 6.88 2.126.922.417.912.4 6.29 2.224.320.216.211.1 5.69 2.322.018.314.69.9 5.110 2.419.916.613.38.9 4.710 2.518. 4.310 2.616.613.911.17.2 4.011 2.715.312.710.2 6.6 3.711 2.814.111.79.4 6.0 3.512 2.913.010.88.6 5.5 3.212312.010.08.0 5.0 3.012 4.5 2.713 6.3 4.0 2.413 3.38.2 6.8 5.6 3.6 2.214 3.47.3 6.1 5.0 3.2 1.914 3.5 6.5 5.4 4.5 2.9 1.814 3.6 5.9 4.9 4.1 2.7 1.615 3.7 5.3 4.4 3.7 2.4 1.515 3.8 4.8 4.0 3.4 2.2 1.316 3.9 4.4 3.6 3.1 2.0 1.21644. ablt 6. DS7-340SX007NO-N, DS7342SX007NO-N Soaro CurrtnoSoaro Ramp Timt (s)7 Amps1/hr 1/hr 4/hr 10/hr 20/hr Inrush25°C 40°C 40°C 40°C 40°C AmpsMuloiplt75% duoy75% duoy75% duoy75% duoy75% duoy71135.0112.590.075.027.68 1.1110.291.873.560.022.78 1.291.576.261.048.819.19 1.377.064.251.340.316.310 1.465.654.743.733.814.011 1.556.547.137.628.612.211 1.649.140.932.724.410.712 1.743.035.828.621.09.513 1.837.931.625.318.38.413 1.933.628.022.416.07.614230. 6.815 2.126.922.417.912.4 6.215 2.224.320.216.211.1 5.616 2.322.018.314.69.9 5.117 2.419.916.613.38.9 4.718 2.518. 4.318 2.616.613.911.17.2 4.019 2.715.312.710.2 6.6 3.720 2.814.111.79.4 6.0 3.520 2.913.010.88.6 5.5 3.221312.010.08.0 5.0 3.022 4.5 2.722 6.3 4.0 2.423 3.38.2 6.8 5.6 3.6 2.224 3.47.3 6.1 5.0 3.2 1.925 3.5 6.5 5.4 4.5 2.9 1.825 3.6 5.9 4.9 4.1 2.7 1.626 3.7 5.3 4.4 3.7 2.4 1.527 3.8 4.8 4.0 3.4 2.2 1.327 3.9 4.4 3.6 3.1 2.0 1.22844. Paper AP03901006EEffective December 2010How to select the correct size DS7 Soft Starter for standard duty applicationseAtOn cOrpOrAtiOn T ablt 7. DS7-340SX009NO-N, DS7342SX009NO-N Soaro Currtno Soaro Timt (s)9 Amps1/hr 1/hr 4/hr 10/hr 20/hr Inrush25°C 40°C 40°C 40°C 40°C AmpsMuloiplt75% duoy75% duoy75% duoy75% duoy75% duoy91135.0112.590.075.027.610 1.1110.291.873.560.022.711 1.291.576.261.048.819.112 1.377.064.251.340.316.313 1.465.654.743.733.814.014 1.556.547.137.628.612.214 1.649.140.932.724.410.715 1.743.035.828.621.09.516 1.837.931.625.318.38.417 1.933.628.022.416.07.618230. 6.819 2.126.922.417.912.4 6.220 2.224.320.216.211.1 5.621 2.322.018.314.69.9 5.122 2.419.916.613.38.9 4.723 2.518. 4.323 2.616.613.911.17.2 4.024 2.715.312.710.2 6.6 3.725 2.814.111.79.4 6.0 3.526 2.913.010.88.6 5.5 3.227312.010.08.0 5.0 3.028 4.5 2.729 6.3 4.0 2.430 3.38.2 6.8 5.6 3.6 2.231 3.47.3 6.1 5.0 3.2 1.932 3.5 6.5 5.4 4.5 2.9 1.832 3.6 5.9 4.9 4.1 2.7 1.633 3.7 5.3 4.4 3.7 2.4 1.534 3.8 4.8 4.0 3.4 2.2 1.335 3.9 4.4 3.6 3.1 2.0 1.23644. ablt 8. DS7-340SX012NO-N, DS7342SX012NO-N Soaro CurrtnoSoaro Ramp Timt (s)12 Amps1/hr 1/hr 4/hr 10/hr 20/hr Inrush25°C 40°C 40°C 40°C 40°C AmpsMuloiplt75% duoy75% duoy75% duoy75% duoy75% duoy121135.0112.590.075.027.613 1.1110.291.873.560.022.714 1.291.576.261.048.819.116 1.377.064.251.340.316.317 1.465.654.743.733.814.018 1.556.547.137.628.612.219 1.649.140.932.724.410.720 1.743.035.828.621.09.522 1.837.931.625.318.38.423 1.933.628.022.416.07.624230. 6.825 2.126.922.417.912.4 6.226 2.224.320.216.211.1 5.628 2.322.018.314.69.9 5.129 2.419.916.613.38.9 4.730 2.518. 4.331 2.616.613.911.17.2 4.032 2.715.312.710.2 6.6 3.734 2.814.111.79.4 6.0 3.535 2.913.010.88.6 5.5 3.236312.010.08.0 5.0 3.037 4.5 2.738 6.3 4.0 2.440 3.38.2 6.8 5.6 3.6 2.241 3.47.3 6.1 5.0 3.2 1.942 3.5 6.5 5.4 4.5 2.9 1.843 3.6 5.9 4.9 4.1 2.7 1.644 3.7 5.3 4.4 3.7 2.4 1.546 3.8 4.8 4.0 3.4 2.2 1.347 3.9 4.4 3.6 3.1 2.0 1.24844. Paper AP03901006EEffective December 2010eAtOn cOrpOrAtiOn How to select the correct size DS7 Soft Starter for standard duty applicationsT ablt 9. DS7-340SX016NO-N, DS7342SX016NO-N Soaro Currtno Soaro Ramp Timt (s)16 Amps1/hr 1/hr 4/hr 10/hr 20/hr Inrush25°C 40°C 40°C 40°C 40°C AmpsMuloiplt75% duoy75% duoy75% duoy75% duoy75% duoy161110.2101.356.328.123.018 1.276.468.639.720.315.921 1.365.057.734.117.613.522 1.456.049.229.715.511.724 1.548.742.426.113.810.226 1.642.836.823.112.48.927 1.737.932.220.711.27.929 1.833.728.418.610.27.030 1.930. 6.332227.322.515.38.7 5.734 2.124.720.214.08.0 5.135 2.222.518.212.97.5 4.737 2.320.616.511.97.0 4.338 2.418.915.011.1 6.6 3.940 2.517.413.610.3 6.3 3.642 2.616.012.59.6 5.9 3.343 2.714.911.59.0 5.7 3.145 2.813.810.58.4 5.4 2.946 2.912.99.77.9 5.2 2.748312.09.07.5 5.0 2.550 6.8 4.7 2.251 6.2 4.4 2.053 3.38.9 6.6 5.7 4.1 1.854 3.48.1 6.0 5.2 3.8 1.656 3.57.3 5.5 4.8 3.6 1.558 3.6 6.7 5.0 4.4 3.4 1.359 3.7 6.2 4.6 4.1 3.2 1.261 3.8 5.7 4.2 3.8 3.0 1.162 3.9 5.2 3.9 3.5 2.9 1.06444. ablt 10. DS7-340SX024NO-N, DS7342SX024NO-N Soaro CurrtnoSoaro Ramp Timt (s)24 Amps1/hr 1/hr 4/hr 10/hr 20/hr Inrush25°C 40°C 40°C 40°C 40°C AmpsMuloiplt75% duoy75% duoy75% duoy75% duoy75% duoy241110.2101.356.328.123.026 1.276.468.639.720.315.931 1.365.057.734.117.613.534 1.456.049.229.715.511.736 1.548.742.426.113.810.238 1.642.836.823.112.48.941 1.737.932.220.711.27.943 1.833.728.418.610.27.046 1.930. 6.348227.322.515.38.7 5.750 2.124.720.214.08.0 5.153 2.222.518.212.97.5 4.755 2.320.616.511.97.0 4.358 2.418.915.011.1 6.6 3.960 2.517.413.610.3 6.3 3.662 2.616.012.59.6 5.9 3.365 2.714.911.59.0 5.7 3.167 2.813.810.58.4 5.4 2.970 2.912.99.77.9 5.2 2.772312.09.07.5 5.0 2.574 6.8 4.7 2.277 6.2 4.4 2.079 3.38.9 6.6 5.7 4.1 1.882 3.48.1 6.0 5.2 3.8 1.684 3.57.3 5.5 4.8 3.6 1.586 3.6 6.7 5.0 4.4 3.4 1.389 3.7 6.2 4.6 4.1 3.2 1.291 3.8 5.7 4.2 3.8 3.0 1.194 3.9 5.2 3.9 3.5 2.9 1.09644. Paper AP03901006EEffective December 2010How to select the correct size DS7 Soft Starter for standard duty applicationseAtOn cOrpOrAtiOn T ablt 11. DS7-340SX032NO-N, DS7342SX032NO-N Soaro Currtno Soaro Ramp Timt (s)32 Amps1/hr 1/hr 4/hr 10/hr 20/hr Inrush25°C 40°C 40°C 40°C 40°C AmpsMuloiplt75% duoy75% duoy75% duoy75% duoy75% duoy321110.282.756.328.114.135 1.276.457.339.720.310.142 1.365.048.834.117.68.845 1.456.042.029.715.57.848 1.548.736.526.113.8 6.951 1.642.832.123.112.4 6.254 1.737.928.420.711.2 5.658 1.833.725.318.610.2 5.161 1.930.222.716.89.4 4.764227.320.515.38.7 4.367 2.124.718.514.08.0 4.070 2.222.516.912.97.5 3.774 2.320.615.411.97.0 3.577 2.418.914.111.1 6.6 3.380 2.517.413.010.3 6.3 3.183 2.616.012.09.6 5.9 3.086 2.714.911.19.0 5.7 2.890 2.813.810.48.4 5.4 2.793 2.912.99.67.9 5.2 2.696312.09.07.5 5.0 2.599 6.8 4.7 2.3102 6.2 4.4 2.2106 3.38.9 6.6 5.7 4.1 2.1109 3.48.1 6.0 5.2 3.9 1.9112 3.57.3 5.5 4.8 3.7 1.8115 3.6 6.7 5.0 4.4 3.5 1.7118 3.7 6.2 4.6 4.1 3.3 1.6122 3.8 5.7 4.2 3.8 3.1 1.6125 3.9 5.2 3.9 3.5 2.9 1.512844. Amp Raotd DS7-340SX004NO-N, DS7-342SX004NO-NFigurt 1e: Maximum Ramp Timt @ 300% Framt Sizt (3 x 4 = 12 Amps) 1 Start per hour (25°) = 12 seconds 1 Start per hour (40°) = 10 seconds 4 Starts per hour (40°) = 8 seconds7 Amp Raotd DS7-340SX007NO-N, DS7-342SX007NO-NFigurt 2e: Maximum Ramp Timt @ 300% Framt Sizt (3 x 7 = 21 Amps) 1 Start per hour (25°) = 12 seconds 1 Start per hour (40°) = 10 seconds4 Starts per hour (40°) = 8 seconds9Application Paper AP03901006EEffective December 2010eAtOn cOrpOrAtiOn How to select the correct size DS7 Soft Starter for standard duty applications9 Amp Raotd DS7-340SX009NO-N, DS7-342SX009NO-NFigurt 3e:Maximum Ramp Timt @ 300% Framt Sizt (3 x 9 = 27 Amps) 1 Start per hour (25°) = 12 seconds 1 Start per hour (40°) = 10 seconds 4 Starts per hour (40°) = 8 seconds12 Amp Raotd DS7-340SX012NO-N, Figurt 4e:DS7-342SX012NO-NMaximum Ramp Timt @ 300% Framt Sizt (3 x 12 = 36 Amps) 1 Start per hour (25°) = 12 seconds 1 Start per hour (40°) = 10 seconds 4 Starts per hour (40°) = 8 seconds16 Amp Raotd DS7-340SX016NO-N, Figurt 5e: DS7-342SX016NO-NMaximum Ramp Timt @ 300% Framt Sizt (3 x 16 = 48 Amps) 1 Start per hour (25°) = 12 seconds 1 Start per hour (40°) = 9 seconds 4 Starts per hour (40°) = 7.5 seconds24 Amp Raotd DS7-340SX024NO-N, Figurt 6e:DS7-342SX024NO-NMaximum Ramp Timt @ 300% Framt Sizt (3 x 24 = 72 Amps) 1 Start per hour (25°) = 12 seconds 1 Start per hour (40°) = 9 seconds 4 Starts per hour (40°) = 7.5 secondsApplication Paper AP03901006E Effective December 2010EaoNn CNrpNraoiNnElectrical Sector1111 Superior Ave.Cleveland, OH 44114United States877-ETN-CARE (877-386-2273)© 2010 Eaton CorporationAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPublication No. AP03901006E / TN December 2010Eaton and PowerChain Management areregistered trademarks of Eaton Corporation.All other trademarks are property of theirrespective owners.How to select the correct size DS7 Soft Starter for standard duty applications32 Amp Raotd DS7-340SX032NO-N,Figurt 7e:DS7-342SX032NO-NMaximum Ramp Timt @ 300% Framt Sizt (3 x 32 = 96 Amps) 1 Start per hour (25°) = 12 seconds1 Start per hour (40°) = 10 seconds4 Starts per hour (40°) = 8 seconds。


软启动器采用三相反并联晶闸管作为调压器, 将其接入电源和电动机定子之间。这种电路如 三相全控桥式整流电路。使用软启动器启动电 动机时,晶闸管的输出电压逐渐增加,电动机 逐渐加速,直到晶闸管全导通,电动机工作在 额定电压的机械特性上,实现平滑启动,降低 启动电流,避免启动过流跳闸。
异步电机启动性能主要有两个指标, 启动电流倍数和启 动转矩倍数, 软启动器是就是在启动时通过改变加在电机上 的电源电压,以减小启动电流、启动转矩。 电动机传统启动 方式有自耦减压、Y/△减压等方式,其共同特点是控制线路 简单, 启动转矩不可调并有二次冲击电流, 对负载有冲击转 矩。 软启动可以有效地降低电动机的启动电流, 其启动电流 仅为标准电机硬启动电流的 50%,是高效电动机硬启动电流 的 20%(见图 1) 。软启动的限流特性可有效限制浪涌电流, 避免不必要的冲击力矩以及对配电网络的电流冲击,有效地 减少线路刀闸和接触器的误触发动作;对频繁启停的电动机, 可有效控制电动机的温升,大大延长电动机的寿命。
待电机达到额定转数时,启动过程结束, 软启动器自动用旁路接触器取代已完成任务的 晶闸管,为电动机正常运转提供额定电压,以 降低晶闸管的热损耗,延长软启动器的使用寿 命,提高其工作效率,又使电网避免了谐波污 染。软启动器同时还提供软停车功能,软停车 与软启动过程相反,电压逐渐降低,转数逐渐 下降到零,避免自由停车引起的转矩冲击。
ABB PST软启动器结构与使用
异步鼠笼型电动机以其结构简单、坚固耐用、价格 低廉、维修方便等优点,广泛应用在各种工艺设备的拖 动上,小区消防水泵的拖动也采用该种电动机。但是, 该电动机在实际使用中还存在一些问题;主要是起动电流 太大,通常为额定电流的6-7倍,全电压起动时的冲击转 矩对水泵造成冲击,起动电流对电网形成干扰,而传统 的各种限用的控制方式



ABB软启‎动器参数设‎置方法软起动器是一种集电‎机软起动、软停车、轻载节能和‎多种保护功‎能于一体的‎新颖电机控‎制装置,国外称为S‎o ft Start‎e r。






ABB PSS系列‎软启动器有3个旋转‎设定开关合‎一个2位拨‎动开关,对于各种不‎同的应用场‎合都能完成‎基本的参数‎设定。










停车的时间‎根据实际需‎要可在0 ~ 30s调整‎。




这种电路如三相全控桥式整流电路,主电路图见图 1.使用软启动器启动电动机时,晶闸管的输出电压逐渐增加,电动机逐渐加速,直到晶闸管全导通,电动机工作在额定电压的机械特性上,实现平滑启动,降低启动电流,避免启动过流跳闸。

待电机达到额定转数时,启动过程结束,软启动器自动用旁路接触器取代已完成任务的晶闸管,为电动机正常运转提供额定电压,以降低晶闸管的热损耗,延长软启动器的使用寿命,提高其工作效率,又使电网避免了谐波污染.软启动器同时还提供软停车功能,软停车与软启动过程相反,电压逐渐降低,转数逐渐下降到零,避免自由停车引起的转矩冲击软启动器的选用 (1)选型:目前市场上常见的软启动器有旁路型、无旁路型、节能型等。




无旁路型:晶闸管处于全导通状态,电动机工作于全压方式,忽略电压谐波分量,经常用于短时重复工作的电动机. 节能型:当电动机负荷较轻时,软启动器自动降低施加于电动机定子上的电压,减少电动机电流励磁分量,提高电动机功率因数. (2) 选规格:根据电动机的标称功率,电流负载性质选择启动器,一般软启动器容量稍大于电动机工作电流,还应考虑保护功能是否完备,例如:缺相保护、短路保护、过载保护、逆序保护、过压保护、欠压保护等. 3 Alt48软启动器的特点 Alt48软启动器启动时采用专利技术的转矩控制.转矩斜坡上升更快速,损耗更低。









也可以用一台软启动器去启动多台电动机. 无旁路型:晶闸管处于全导通状态,电动机工作于全压方式,忽略电压谐波分量,经常用于短时重复工作的电动机. 节能型:当电动机负荷较轻时,软启动器自动降低施加于电动机定子上的电压,减少电动机电流励磁分量,提高电动机功率因数。


3 Alt48软启动器的特点 Alt48软启动器启动时采用专利技术的转矩控制.转矩斜坡上升更快速,损耗更低。

具有电动机和软启动器综合保护功能,能全时连续检测电机电流,提供电机可靠和完整保护,这种保护功能在启动结束旁路后仍能起作用,这是其它软启动器都不具备的. Alt48在保持加速力矩的同时,实时计算定子和转子的功率。



abb软启动装置晶闸管损坏维修有质保产品名称abb软启动装置晶闸管损坏维修有质保公司名称常州凌肯自动化科技有限公司价格351.00/台规格参数型号:RG651工控设备:维修公司地址江苏省常州市武进经济开发区政大路1号力达工业园4楼联系电话139******** 139********产品详情abb软启动装置晶闸管损坏维修有质保 变频器的电磁转矩也必减小,导致带载能力降低,由公式E=4.44*K *F*N*Φ可以看出,在变频器调速时,电动机的磁路随着运行频率fX是在相当大的范围内变化,它极容易使电动机的磁路严重饱和,导致励磁电流的波形严重畸变。








根据国家标准,进线电压的下限为380×0.9 =342V。


342V时的DC平均电压为342×1.35 = 462V。




7. 打开控制电源电压、端子 1 和 2。
8. 继续按照第 6 章“设置”部分的说明配置参数。
9. 打开工作电压。
连接软起动器具有一定的灵活性,但遵守以上步骤可确保 PSE 软起动 器正常工作。 在图表部分中可找到有关完整安装的示例。 第一个使用 熔断器和接触器,第二个使用断路器。
根据二相控制原理,已连接的电动机端子始终具有危险电压。 在接通 电源后,切勿触碰端子。 即使设备关闭,输出端子仍有电压。 这可能 导致死亡或严重的人身伤害。
3. 当软起动器安装在电气柜中时,请确保柜体的尺寸不小于建议的最小值。 根据 IEC 或 的应用表格来选择相应的尺寸。
4. 检查软起动器与墙/前面板之间的距离,并检查安装角度是否可满足要求。
5. 确保产品内部或周围空气能自由流通。
03 04 05
财产受损的风险。 确保没有液体、灰尘或导电部件进入软起动器内部。
OFF(关),0.5...7 x Ie HAnd ,Auto 1
OFF(关),On(开) 2 0.....255
dPon, dPoF 4 trIP, LocC 5 HAnd ,Auto 6
255 3 dPon LocC HAnd
5 仅在之前选择了 On(开)时才可访问。 trIP = 故障时跳闸。 LocC = 故障时本地控制 - 可使用硬接线控制
(端子 13 和 14)。 100% 对应于 17.3 mA。 • 三个输出信号继电器分别指示,起动完成 (TOR)、故障 (FAULT)
和起动运行 (RUN)。 • 污染等级为 3
PSE 软起动器的控制方式有两种: • 硬连线输入控制,使用端子 8 和 9,与端子 11 或 12 连接。 • 现场总线通讯控制。



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控制电压范围宽广 主回路电压可达690V 世界各地都可供应

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级落电压 点动 顺序启动 减少功耗 小规格软起动器有附加旁路接线端子 就地直接控制 电气连接控制 电子总线控制



PSS-37/64 PSS-44/76
PSS-37/64 PSS-44/76
PSS-44/76 PSS-50/85
PSS-44/76 PSS-50/85
Байду номын сангаас
额定功率 额定电流 型号 规格
额定电流 规格
型号 整定值 串联规格 旁路规格
16.5 PSS 18/30
170M1364 TA25DU 13-19
PSS 30/52
170M1366 TA25DU 18-25
380~415V 500V



—产品资料软起动器PSR、PSRC、PSE和PSTX2软起动器 PSR、PSRC、PSE和PSTX—电动机耗用了全球大约三分之一的电力。


软起动器 PSR、PSRC、PSE和PSTX3—目录04 A BB软起动器06 软起动器的常见应用08 电动机起动12 软起动器产品系列16 壁挂式安装说明17 认证和认可18 P SR 紧凑型28 PSRC 压缩机专用型40 P SE 易用型52 P STX 全智型72 现场总线通信74 营销资料及工具4软起动器 PSR、PSRC、PSE和PSTX—ABB软起动器如何为各行业提供帮助我们通过使软起动器具备不仅限于起动之外的更多功能,来减少生产停机次数。








不论您是设计人员、原始设备制造商(OEM )盘柜厂还是终端用户,软起动器都能通过“确保电动机可靠性、提升安装效率和提高设备生产力”来提升您的业务价值。




软起动器 PSR、PSRC、PSE和PSTX 5赛莱默(Xylem)—南非ABB软起动器帮助采矿行业提高效率 赛莱默的一项水处理解决方案旨在防止矿井透水事故。





器 电流互感器
18.5 37
25 34
22 44
30 42
25 50
40 54
30 60
40 60
37 72
50 68
45 85
60 80
170M1568 A40 A40
2 x (50-120)
PST85 …142

PST175 …300
线径范围 mm2
紧固转矩 最大 Nm

PST85 …142
600 :600 V AC 690 :690 V AC
电 子 过 载
继 电 器
系列号 PST :智能型系列 PSTB :智能型系列(带内置旁路接触器)
切 换 电 容 器
用 接 触 器
主回路 控制回路 镀膜
中 间
工作电压 工作电压(VAC) PCB



• SMC Dialog Plus 控制器键盘说明
按 Escape 键,可使编程系统上移一层菜单。
Select 键有两种功能:
交替地按 Select 键,可激活顶行或底行的显示(用第一个闪烁 字
·在对 A 系列 FRN 3.00 (或更高版本)和 B 系列手动操作器进行参
Bulletin 1202
Latching 拔下可移动的连接器, 以切断模块与
SMC Dialog Plus控制器
安 装-接 线
• 电源线:
• 连接电源线到端子的L1/1、L2/3和L3/5上。连接负载线到端子T1/2、T2/4和 T3/6上
。 额定速度的10%(低)或额定速度的20%(高)
正转 15% - 高 7% - 低
时间(秒) 10% - 低
20% - 高 反转
注 意 : 低速运行不适用于连续工作,因为它减弱了电动机精的选完整ppt课件
! 冷却能力。
SMB 智能电动机制动功能
• 该选择功能可用于要求减少停机时间的场合。SMC Dialog Plus控制器与一个 基于微处理器的系统结合,在标准的鼠笼感应电动机上加入制动电流而不用 任何其它设备。该选择提供用户可调节的制动电流设定值,从电动机满载电
参 数检 测
• 当 SMC Dialog Plus 控制器使电动机运行时,它也能监测几种不同的参数,提供一个

ABB 2 3 2CDC131093C0201 MS 和 MO 手动电动机启动器说明书

ABB 2 3 2CDC131093C0201 MS 和 MO 手动电动机启动器说明书

| 2/32C D C 131093C 0201MS and MO manual motor starters A complete motor protection conceptFuseless protection saves costs, space and ensures a quick reaction under overload and short-circuit condition by switching off the motor within milliseconds. The full range of motor starters offers protection from 0.1 A to up to 100 A. The new family range hasa harmonized range of accessories and offers the same features up to 65 A.Protect equipment and peopleWith its broad range of manual motor starters, ABB offers protection and safety in almost every situation including hazardous areas. Save people from electrical shocks and the installation from short-circuits, overloads and phase failures while also controlling the current flow through a simple and handy ON/OFF switch.Secure uptimeFuseless motor protection reduces main-tenance costs and downtimes by avoid-ing fuse replacement after faults. Fur-thermore, MS132 and MS165 feature a magnetic trip indicator making trouble-shooting easier.Simplified designThis range can be connected easily with ABB contactors or soft starters using the respective accessory. Additionally, the main range of accessories is shared across multiple starters, making planning simpler. At the same time, you can rely on ABB´s global technical support.Safety and protectionContinuous operationSpeed up yourprojects2Protection and controlA full motor protection solutionTroubleshooting made easyMS132 and MS165 feature a magnetic trip indicator. This way, every tripping event will be distinguished, making troubleshoot-ing a lot easier and faster.An all-in-one solutionABB offers protection against short-circuits, phase failures and overload together with disconnecting functionality – all in one single compact product. Always an optionThe MS116 and MS132 offer protection up to 32 A and a short-circuit breaking capacity of 50 kA and 100 kA, respec-tively – all in a 45 mm housing. They are designed for high performance in addition to their compact size.High performance in compact sizeThe main range of motor starters can cover short-circuit breaking capacities up to 100 kA. Also, every motor starter is temperaturecompensated up to 60 °C, making them more reliable.2/4 | MS116MS165/MO165MS132/MO1322C D C 131067C 02022Transformer protectionMS132-T is an inrush compensated circuit breaker for con-trol transformer protection. With the right selection, it provides overcurrent protection on the primary side of the transformer. This avoids expensive protection on the secondary side.Protection wherever you areThe manual motor starter range is worldwide applicable. With its wide range of certifications, it covers standards like IEC, cU-Lus, CCC, EAC and ship approvals. All manual motor starters also apply to ATEX standards and will protect your motors in hazardous areas.Ready for IE3 motorsMS116/MS132/MO132 and MS/MO165 comply with the latest standards. They are "IE3 ready" and will protect the new generation of high efficiency motors.Dedicated for short-circuit protectionMO motor starters offer magnetic-only protection for the same range of operational currents as MS family and shared the same accessories range. These starters can be combined with a contactor and an overload relay in order to create a full motor protection solution.Control everywhere and anytimeTuned for your applicationBV France GL Germany LR Gr. Britain DNV Norway RINa Italy ABSUSAShort-circuit protection and disconnectionControlOverload and phasefailure protection| 2/52C D C 131067C 02022Busbar connectors and enclosuresWith busbar connectors, up to 5 manual motor starters can be fitted next to each other with optional spacing for auxiliary con-tacts. For easier access, enclosures or door handle kits are also available.Harmonized range of accessoriesAll types up to 65 A share the same main accessories like auxiliary contacts, signal contacts, shunt trips and under-voltage releases. This significantly slims the part list and makes selection of the right accessories easy.AccessoriesEasy add-ons, easier controlSafety at workWith a lockable handle maintenance will be safe for every tech-nician. For MS132 and MS165 a lock can seal the handle with-out the use of an additional accessory.Easy to connectSave time wiring and avoid mistakes by using a connecting link between ABB manual motor starters and soft starters or contactors. This creates harmonious and compact starter combination that is easy to mount.2/6 | 2C D C 131067C 02022。

ABB PSR软启动器产品说明书

ABB PSR软启动器产品说明书

DescriptionThe PSR range is the most compact of all ABB’s softstarter ranges. The compact PSR range makes it possible to fit many devices into the same enclosure. A PSR together with a MMS (manual motor starter) makes up a far more compact starting solution than a Star-Delta starter, for instance.Flexible mountingPSR softstarters from 3 to 45 A are possible to mount on a DIN-rail, ensuring quick and easy mounting. Naturally, all sizes can be screw mounted.Few settingsThe setup of the PSR is easily done and confirmed using the three clearly marked potentiometers on the front.Built-in by-pass for energy savingThe built-in by-pass on all sizes does not only save energy; it will also ensure the most compact ABB’s softstarter design and reduce the installation time. Thanks to the reduced heat generation, the softstarter can be mounted inside high IP class enclosures.Suitable for stopping pumpsEven without using torque control, the PSR range is designed to reduce water hammering. Compared to the direct stops of a Star-Delta starter or a DOL starter the PSR is superior. See the stop ramp with step-down voltage below.System concept with manual motor startersAll PSR softstarter sizes can easily be connected to the corresponding manual motor starters from ABB by using the special designed connection kits. This makes both the mounting and the connection easier and will provide a very compact starting solution containing short circuit and thermal protection, isolation function and soft starter - everything that you need.Start = 1 ... 20 secStop = 0 ... 20 sec - including the step down voltage.Step down = 2% reduction for each second increased stop ramp Stop ramp 10 sec -> step down 80% (20% reduction) U ini = 40 ... 70% results in end voltage = 30 ... 60%321Uend3OverviewPSR3 ... PSR16PSR25 ... PSR30PSR37... PSR45PSR60 ... PSR105Softstarter, typeNormal startIn-line connectedPSR3PSR6PSR9PSR12PSR16PSR25PSR30PSR37PSR45PSR60PSR72PSR85PSR105(400 V) kW 1.53 4 5.57.5111518.52230374555IEC, max. A 3.9 6.89121625303745607285105(440-480 V) hp 2357.5101520253040506075UL, max FLA 3.46.191115.224.2283446.259.46880104400 V , 40 ºCProduct description• Wide rated operational voltage 208–600 V• Rated control supply voltage 24 V AC/DC or 100–240 V AC • Rated operational current 3–105 A• Wide ambient temperature range, -25 to +60 ºC • Built-in by-pass on all sizes, saving energy and reducing installation time • Potentiometer settings • Run signal relay on all devices• TOR signal relay on PSR25 … PSR105• Optional fieldbus communication using Profibus, Modbus,Devicenet or CANopen• DIN rail mounting on PSR3 … PSR45• Screw mounting on all sizes• Connection kits for easy connection with ABB’s manual motor starters• Sophisticated algorithm eliminating the DC-component and thereby providing excellent starting performanceSettingsOrdering details PSR3 ... PSR105AccessoriesPSLW1S F C 132012F 02021S F C 132171F 00011S F C 132169F 0001PSR45-MS4501S F C 132170F 0001PSR105-MS4951S F C 132208F 0002PSR30-MS1321S F C 13224F 0001Connection kitPSR-FAN60-105AThermal motor overload protectionShort circuitprotectionSoftstarter providing excellent start and stopIsolating functionConnection device PSR-FAN3-45APSR3 ... PSR161S F C 132297F 0002PSR25 ... PSR301S F C 132298F 0002PSR37 ... PSR451S F C 132299F 0002PSR60 ... PSR1051S F C 132300F 0002PS-FBPAPSR16-MS1161S F C 132325F 00011S F C 132168F001Technical data UL ratingsSoftstarterMotor power P (hp) and full load current FLA (A)Max U eU eU eU eMax. fuse Type FLA A 200 V/208 V hp 220 V/240 V hp 440 V/480 V hp 550 V/600 V hp A, Type PSR33.40.50.752235 A J-Type PSR6 6.11 1.53535 A J-Type PSR992257.535 A J-Type PSR1211337.51035 A J-Type PSR1615.235101035 A J-Type PSR2524.27.57.5152060 A J-Type PSR30287.510202560 A J-Type PSR37341010253090 A J-Type PSR4546.21515304090 A J-Type PSR6059.420204050110 A J-Type PSR726820255060125 A J-Type PSR858025306075150 A J-Type PSR105104304075100200 A J-TypeRated insulation voltage U i 600 VRated operational voltage U e208...600 V +10%/-15%, 50/60 Hz ±5%Rated control supply voltage U s 100...240 V AC, 50/60Hz ±5% or 24 V AC/DC, +10%/-15%, Power consumption PSR3PSR6PSR9PSR12PSR16PSR25PSR30PSR37PSR45PSR60PSR72PSR85PSR105Supply circuitat 100-240 V AC 12 VA10 VAat 24 V AC/DC5 W Max. Power loss at rated I e PSR3PSR6PSR9PSR12PSR16PSR25PSR30PSR37PSR45PSR60PSR72PSR85PSR1050.7 W 2.9 W 6.5 W 11.5 W20.5 W25 W36 W5.5 W8.1 W3.6 W5.2 W7.2 W6.6 WStarting capacity at I e4 x Ie for 6 sec.Number of starts per hourSee table below for details standard 101)with aux. fan201)Service factor100%Ambient temperatureduring operation -25 ºC to +60 ºC 2)during storage-40 ºC to +70 ºC Maximum altitude 4000 m 3)Degree of protectionPSR3PSR6PSR9PSR12PSR16PSR25PSR30PSR37PSR45PSR60PSR72PSR85PSR105main circuit IP20IP10control circuitIP20Connectable cable areaPSR3-PSR16PSR25-PSR30PSR37-PSR45PSR60-PSR105main circuit1 x 0.75-2.5mm2 1 x 2.5-10mm 2 1 x 6-35mm 2 1 x 10-95mm 22 x 0.75-2.5mm 2 2 x 2.5-10mm 22 x 6-16mm 22 x 6-35mm 2PSR3-PSR16PSR25-PSR105control circuit1 x 0.75-2.5mm2 1 x 0.75-2.5mm 22 x 0.75-2.5mm 2 2 x 0.75-1.5mm 2Signal relaysPSR3-PSR16PSR25-PSR105for run signalresistive load240 V AC, 3 A/24 V DC, 3 A 240 V AC, 3 A/24 V DC, 3 A AC-15 (contactor)240 V AC, 0.5 A/24 V DC, 0.5 A240 V AC, 0.5 A/24 V DC, 0.5 A for top ramp signalresistive load-240 V AC, 3 A/24 V DC, 3 A AC-15 (contactor)-240 V AC, 0.5 A/24 V DC, 0.5 ALED for On/Readygreen for Run/Top of ramp green Settings Ramp time during start 1-20 sec. Ramp time during stop 0-20 sec. Initial- and end voltage40-70%1) Valid for 50% on time and 50% off time. If other data is required, contact your sales office.2)Above 40 ºC up to max. 60 ºC reduce the rated current with 0.8% per ºC.3)When used at high alitudes above 1000 meters up to 4000 meters you need to derate the rated current using the following formula.[ % of I e = 100 - x-1000 ] x = actual altitude for the softstarter 150UL ratingsNumber of starts per hour using PSR softstartersMotor current Starts/hour without auxiliary fan Starts/hour with auxiliary fanI e10203040506080100102030405060801003 A PSR3PSR6PSR36 A PSR6PSR9PSR6PSR99 A PSR9PSR12PSR16PSR25PSR9PSR1212 A PSR12PSR16PSR25PSR30PSR12PSR16PSR2516 A PSR16PSR25PSR30PSR37PSR16PSR25PSR3025 A PSR25PSR30PSR37PSR45PSR60PSR25PSR30PSR37PSR4530 A PSR30PSR37PSR45PSR60PSR72PSR30PSR37PSR4537 A 45 A 60 A 72 A 85 A 105 AeFor more optimized selections, or to use PSR for heavy-duty starts, please use the softstarter selection tool.。

ABB 软起动手册

ABB 软起动手册

技术资料控制产品-软起动器PSR•PSS••PST/PSTB(带力矩控制)Softstarter软起动器的工业信息化得益于ABB 广泛推行产品标准化的概念,如今通过工业信息化的元件—无论它们是产品还是系统,软件还是硬件,都可以作为更大型解决方案的“构建模块“,实现在实时自动化和信息系统中的无缝运作。

在产品的层次上,带有ABB 工业信息化标志的产品可以完美地配合工作。

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顾客同样可以浏览/lowvoltage 的网址直接查找所有产品相关的数据小册子、目录、证书和图纸。


除了为客户提供专业技术知识外,ABB 还提供技术服务,包括基于工业IT 的测量、控制、仪器仪表、流程分析、传动技术、电机技术、电力电子技术、机器人技术、软件、低压产品、现场维护和设备管理等等。


0/1Softstarter电压 V100 %电流 /力矩 /时间电动机转速电动机转速图中所示的是直接起动、星/三角起动和软起动在电动机电压 (V)、电动机电流 (I) 和电动机力矩 (T) 时的不同表现。

58 %70 %30 %电动机电压直接起动直接起动直接起动软起动软起动星 / 三角起动软起动可调节的起动斜坡曲线星 / 三角起动星 / 三角起动电动机电流电动机力矩软起动器当第一台电动机出现时,工程师就一直在寻找一种方法,避免在使用直接起动和星三角起动时出现的电气和机械问题。

自20世纪80年代初,ABB 就一直生产软起动器,并且拥有宝贵的经验。



技术资料控制产品-软起动器PSR•PSS••PST/PSTB(带力矩控制)Softstarter电压 V100 %电流 /力矩 /时间电动机转速电动机转速图中所示的是直接起动、星/三角起动和软起动在电动机电压 (V)、电动机电流 (I) 和电动机力矩 (T) 时的不同表现。

58 %70 %30 %电动机电压直接起动直接起动直接起动软起动软起动星 / 三角起动软起动可调节的起动斜坡曲线星 / 三角起动星 / 三角起动电动机电流电动机力矩软起动器当第一台电动机出现时,工程师就一直在寻找一种方法,避免在使用直接起动和星三角起动时出现的电气和机械问题。

自20世纪80年代初,ABB 就一直生产软起动器,并且拥有宝贵的经验。


最新推出的PST 系列是 ABB 在软起动技术上的一次重大进步。

应用了现代电力电子学中的智能电路和软件,ABB 开发出的软起动器可以出色地使用电子元件来控制电动机起动和停止时的电流和电压,同时还添加了几种设计特性。

机械和电气问题的解决方案交流电动机 — 被称做 "工业的驮马",用于驱动风扇、压碎机、搅拌机、水泵、输送带等设备。




机械问题,整条传动链 (从电动机到受驱动的设备) 都会•受到剧烈的应力。



解决这些问题的简单方法是安装ABB 的PSR 、PSS 或PST 型的软起动器。

有了ABB 软起动器,就可以顺畅地起动和停止,最大程度地减少机械上和电气上的冲击。

ABB 软启动器 PS D 和 PS DH 产品说明书

ABB 软启动器 PS D 和 PS DH 产品说明书

Softstarter range type PSD & PSDH2ABB Automation Technology Products AB/ Control, Id No: 1SFC132002C0201, March 2003Softstarters type PS D and PS DHABB’s solid state starter range is used when it is important to have a smooth start-up of various types of motor drives.Instead of switching directly to full voltage the softstarter ensures a gradual voltage increase.ABB’ s Softstarter is available in four versions, PS 75…840and PS DH 30…720.PS D 75…PS D 840 and PS DH 30…PS DH 720 softstart-ers have a robust design in metal housing for many types of applications, both normal duty and heavy duty. Flexible parameter settings with potentiometers and clear indication with LEDs of status and faults on front of the unit. Theoptional built in advanced electronic overload relay (always included as standard for PS DH versions) provides much better motor protection than a conventional bimetallic relay,for example in intermittent duty.DescriptionThe operator panels for PS DH have LED´s, potentiometers and switches for indication and settings.1S F T 98899-032Quck guide for selectionBy using the guide below you can quickly select a suitable ABB Softstarter for the most common applictions. If a more precise selection is required you can use Prosoft, a selection software available at /lowvoltage.3ABB Automation Technology Products AB/ Control, Id No: 1SFC132002C0201, March 2003Motor power Rated220-230 V 380-400/415 V 500 V 690 Vmotor current Order codeP e P e P e P e I e Type Supply voltage U s Supply voltage U s kWkWkWkWAPS D110-127 V,50/60 Hz220-240 V,50/60 Hzkg2237––28–757510––45–28-7575103055––70–1101101SFA 88 4205-F 1SFA 88 4205-L 11––75–70–110110113775––87.5–14514513––90–87.5–145145134590––105–17517525––110–105–1751752555110––140–21021028––132–140–2102102875132––140–25025028––160–140–2502502890160––175–30030028––200–175–30030028110200––210–37037051––250–210–37037051–––355100–3703701SFA 88 6211- A51132250––280–47047051––315–280–47047051–––450250–4704701SFA 88 6212- A 51160315––350–57057054––400–350–57057054–––560300–5705701SFA 88 6213-1SFA 88 6213-A 54200400––420–72072054––500–420–72072054–––710375–7207201SFA 88 6214-1SFA 88 6214-A 64250450––525–84084064––560–525–84084064–––800500–8408401SFA 88 6215-1SFA 88 6215-A 64Ordering data Softstarter PS D 75 (840)PS D 75…840 For normal startsWeight4ABB Automation Technology Products AB/ Control, Id No: 1SFC132002C0201, March 2003Ordering data Softstarter PS DH 30 (720)Motor power Rated 220-230 V 380-400/415 V 500 V motor current Order codeP e P e P e I e Type Supply voltage U s Supply voltage U s WeightkWkWkWAPS DH110-127 V,50/60 Hz220-240 V,50/60 Hzkg7.515–14–30301SFA 88 4301-B 1SFA 88 4301-10––18.514–30301SFA 88 5301-B 1SFA 88 5301-101522–28–45451SFA 88 4302-B 1SFA 88 4302-10––3028–45451SFA 88 5302-B 1SFA 88 5302-1018.530–35–60601SFA 88 4303-B 1SFA 88 4303-10––3735–60601SFA 88 5303-B 1SFA 88 5303-102237–42–75751SFA 88 4304-B 1SFA 88 4304-11––4542–75751SFA 88 5304-B 1SFA 88 5304-113055–70–1101101SFA 88 4305-B 1SFA 88 4305-13––7570–1101101SFA 88 5305-B 1SFA 88 5305-133775–87.5–1451451SFA 88 4306-B 1SFA 88 4306-25––9087.5–1451451SFA 88 5306-B 1SFA 88 5306-254590–105–1751751SFA 88 4307-B 1SFA 88 4307-28––110105–1751751SFA 88 5307-B 1SFA 88 5307-2855110–140–2102101SFA 88 4308-B 1SFA 88 4308-28––132140–2102101SFA 88 5308-B 1SFA 88 5308-2875132–140–2502501SFA 88 4309-B 1SFA 88 4309-28––160140–2502501SFA 88 5309-B 1SFA 88 5309-2890160–175–3003001SFA 88 4310-B 1SFA 88 4310-52––200175–3003001SFA 88 5310-B 1SFA 88 5310-52110200–210–3703701SFA 88 4311-B 1SFA 88 4311-52––250210–3703701SFA 88 5311-B 1SFA 88 5311-52132250–280–4704701SFA 88 4312-B 1SFA 88 4312-55––315280–4704701SFA 88 5312-B 1SFA 88 5312-55160315–350–5705701SFA 88 4313-B 1SFA 88 4313-55––400350–5705701SFA 88 5313-B 1SFA 88 5313-55200400–420–7207201SFA 88 4314-B 1SFA 88 4314-65––500420–7207201SFA 88 5314-B1SFA 88 5314-65PS DH 30...720 For heavy duty starts* For 690V red code letters are used.5ABB Automation Technology Products AB/ Control, Id No: 1SFC132002C0201, March 2003General technical dataGeneral technical data PS D 75...840 and PS DH 30 (720)PS D 75 (145)PS D 175 (840)PS DH 30 (110)PS DH 145 (720)Rated insulation voltage U i V 690690690690Rated operational voltage U e V 220–500220–690220–500220-500Starting capacity at max rated current I e4,5 x I e for 14s5 x I e for 7s 5 x I e for 25s 5 x I e for 25s Number of starts per hour6 4) 3 4) 6 4) 1 4)Overload capacity Overload class A 10103030Service factor %100100100100Ambient temperature During operation 1)°C 0 – 500 – 500 – 500 – 50During storage°C -40 – +70-40 – +70-40 – +70-40 – +70Degree of protectionIP 00IP 00IP 00IP 00SettingsRamp time during start sec 0.5 – 600.5 – 600.5 – 600.5 – 60Initial voltage during start %10 – 6010 – 6010 – 6010 – 60Ramp time during stopsec 0.5 – 2400.5 – 2400.5 – 2400.5 – 240Step down voltage special ramp %100 – 30100 – 30100 – 30100 – 30Current limit function2 – 5 x I e 2 – 5 x I e 2 – 5 x I e 2 – 5 x I e Adjustable rated motor current I e 2)%70 – 10070 – 10070 – 10070 – 100Switches forEnergy saving function ON/OFF (PF)Yes Yes Yes Yes Kick start, YES/NO(KICK)Yes Yes Yes Yes High current switch off, YES/NO (SC)Yes Yes Yes Yes Reaction time for energy saving normal/slow(TPF)Yes Yes Yes Yes Signal relays Fault signalK6Yes Yes Yes Yes By-pass signal, start ramp completed K5Yes Yes Yes Yes Run signalK4Yes Yes Yes Yes Overload signalYes Yes Yes Yes Rated operational voltage U e V 250250250250Rated thermal current I thA 5555Rated operational current I e at AC-15 (U e =250V)A1. indication (LED)Fault (F1 and/or F2) red Yes Yes Yes Yes Overload (OVL) yellow 3)Yes 3)Yes 3)Yes Yes Ready to start/stand by (ON) green Yes Yes Yes Yes Running (R) yellow Yes Yes Yes Yes Completed start ramp (T) yellow Yes Yes Yes Yes Energy saving function active (P) yellow Yes Yes Yes Yes1) Above 40 °C, up to max 50 °C, reduce the rated current with 0.8 % per °C. 2) For U e = 690 V; setting 50 – 100 %. 3) Optional for PSD types.4) When more than stated starts per hour are required, contact your sales office.Cross section of connection cables PS D and PS DHType PS D 75110...145175...570720840Type PS DH 30 (60)75 (110)145 (470)570720Main circuitConnection clampCu-cable mm 235––––Al-cable mm 235––––Connection barWidth x thickness mm –15x425x640x650x6Hole diameter mm –7111111Tightening torque min.Nm 2.5 2.4(M6)12.0(M10)12.0(M10)12.0(M10)(For guidance only)max.Nm 3.0 3.2(M6)16.0(M10)16.0(M10)16.0(M10)Supply and control circuit Connection clampmm Automation Technology Products AB/ Control, Id No: 1SFC132002C0201, March 2003Recommended ABB Power re-Overload protection Maxquirements Current rangepower loss of supply at max /e Max fuse rating main circuit 4)circuit SizeTypeAWBussman fusesFerraz fusesVAPS S03TA 25 DU 2.2–3.1–16 A 170M1359212TA 25 DU 10–14–40 A 170M1363225TA 25 DU 18–25–50 A 170M13645PS S18/30TA 25 DU 6–183)50 A 170M13645)63 A 6.6 URB 000 D08 V 0063930/52TA 25 DU 10–303)80 A 170M13665)100 A 6.6 URB 000 D08 V 0100937/64TA 42 DU 22–373)125 A 170M13685)160 A 6.6 URB 000 D08 V 0160944/76TA 75 DU 29–443)160 A 170M13695)200 A 6.6 URD 30 D08 A 0200950/85TA 75 DU 29–503)160 A 170M13695)200 A 6.6 URD 30 D08 A 02001060/105TA 75 DU 29–603)200 A 170M13705)250 A 6.6 URD 30 D08 A 02501072/124TA 75 DU 45–723)250 A 170M13715)315 A 6.6 URD 30 D08 A 03151085/147TA 110 DU 65–853)315 A 170M13725)400 A 6.6 URD 30 D08 A 040036105/181TA 110 DU 65–1053)400 A 170M30196)400 A 6.6 URD 30 D08 A 040036142/245TA 200 DU 100–1423)450 A 170M30206)500 A 6.6 URD 30 D08 A 050036175/300TA 200 DU 100-1753)500 A 170M30216)530 A 6.6 URD 30 D08 A 055065250/430TA 450 DU 130-2503)700 A 170M40176)630 A 6.6 URD 31 D08 A 063065300/515TA 450 DU 130-3003)900 A 170M50156)900 A 6.6 URD 32 D11 A 090065PS D75TA 75 DU 7)45–753)250 A 170M13715)315 A 6.6 URD 30 D08 A 031540110TA 110 DU 7)65–1103)315 A 170M13725)400 A 6.6 URD 30 D08 A 040040145TA 200 DU 7)100–1453)400 A 170M30196)400 A 6.6 URD 30 D08 A 050040175TA 200 DU 7)100–1752)450 A 170M30206)500 A 6.6 URD 30 D08 A 050065210TA 450 DU 7)130–2102)500 A 170M30216)530 A 6.6 URD 30 D08 A 055065250TA 450 DU 7)130–2502)630 A 170M40166)550 A 6.6 URD 31 D08 A 055065300TA 450 DU 7)130–3002)700 A 170M40176)630 A 6.6 URD 31 D08 A 063065370TA 900 DU 7)265–3702)900 A 170M50156)900 A 6.6 URD 32 D11 A 090090470TA 900 DU 7)265–4702)900 A 170M50156)1250 A 6.6 URD 33 D11 A 125090570TA 900 DU 7)265–5702)1500 A 170M60186)1250 A 6.6 URD 33 D11 A 125090720TA 900 DU 7)465–7202)1800 A 170M60206)2000 A 6.6 URD 233 PLAF 200090840TA 900 DU 7)465–8402)1800 A170M60206)2000 A6.6 URD 233 PLAF 200090PS D(690V)370TA 450 DU 130–3702)900 A 170M50156)900 A 6.6 URD 32 D11 A 090090470TA 900 DU 265–4702)1250 A 170M50186)1250 A 6.6 URD 33 D11 A 125090570TA 900 DU 265–5702)1500 A 170M60186)1250 A 6.6 URD 33 D11 A 125090720TA 900 DU 465–7202)1500 A 170M60186)2000 A 6.6 URD 233 PLAF 200090840TA 900 DU465–8402)1500 A 170M60186)2000 A 6.6 URD 233 PLAF 200090PS DH301)3)125 A 170M13685)160 A 6.6 URD 30 D08 A 016040451)3)200 A 170M13705)200 A 6.6 URD 30 D08 A 020040601)3)250 A 170M13715)250 A 6.6 URD 30 D08 A 025040751)3)315 A 170M13725)315 A 6.6 URD 30 D08 A 0315401101)3)400 A 170M30196)450 A 6.6 URD 30 D08 A 0450401451)2)450 A 170M30206)500 A 6.6 URD 30 D08 A 0500651751)2)500 A 170M30216)550 A 6.6 URD 30 D08 A 0550652101)2)630 A 170M40166)630 A 6.6 URD 31 D08 A 0630902501)2)700 A 170M40176)700 A 6.6 URD 32 D08 A 0700903001)2)900 A 170M50156)900 A 6.6 URD 32 D08 A 0900903701)2)900 A 170M50156)1000 A 6.6 URD 33 D08 A 1000904701)2)1250 A 170M50186)1250 A 6.6 URD 33 D08 A 1250905701)2)1500 A 170M60186)1600 A 6.6 URD 33 TTF A 1600907201)2)1800 A 170M60206)2000 A 6.6 URD 233 PLAF 200090Technical data1) Electronic overload relay built in, class 305) Fuse holder 170H 10072) Total power loss: P Ltot = [3 x I e x 1.0] + 100 (W) Reduced to 100 W only when using by-pass 6) Fuse holder 170H 30043) Total power loss: P Ltot = [3 x I e x 1.0] + 50 (W) Reduced to 50 W only when using by-pass 7) Not required if using the optional electronic o.l.4) For the supply circuit: 6 A delayedSize related data7ABB Automation Technology Products AB/ Control, Id No: 1SFC132002C0201, March 2003DimensionsPS D 75PS DH 30 (60)PS D 370...840PS DH 300 (720)PS D 110...145PS DH 75 (110)PS D 175...300PS DH 145 (250)1S F T 98899-0141S F T 98899-0191S F T 98899-0181S F T 98899-0151S F T 98899-020 e d .21S F T 98899-021All dimensions in the table +/- 5 mmDimensionTypeE F K L M N PS D370…570PS DH300…47033.52562.5125173.526PS D720PS DH570414060110173.55PS D840PS DH720465060100173.551S F T 98899-027Dimensions Type No.E F G H PS D75PS DH30...60280360313218PS D110...145PS DH75...110280*********PS D175...300PS DH145...250382444402310PS D370...840PS DH300 (720)540600600310Minimum distance to wall/front A = 20 mm B = 10 mm C = 100 mm Both top and bottom D = 150 mm Both top and bottomMinimum distance to wall/front8ABB Automation Technology Products AB/ Control, Id No: 1SFC132002C0201, March 2003Circuit diagramsE1Circuit board E3–E5FanF6Temperature monitor J1–J3Contact blocks K4Relay, actuated in operational position K5Relay, actuated at full voltage (U e = 100 %)K6Relay, fault signal T2Current transformer T5Control transformerV1–V6Thyristor X1–X3Terminal blockPS D without electronic overload relayE1Circuit board E2Circuit board OVL E3–E5Fan F6Temperature monitor J1–J3Contact blocks K3Relay, overload K4Relay, actuated in operational position K5Relay, actuated at full voltage (U e = 100 %)K6Relay, fault signal T2Current transformer T3Current transformer T5Control transformerV1–V6Thyristor X1–X3Terminal blockPS D and PS DH with electronic overload relay1S F T 98899-0241S F T 98899-025。

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1.1 目的

1.2 读者对象

1.3 术语和定义
- 软启动器:指ABB生产的用于控制电机启动过程的装置。

- 电动机:指软启动器所控制的电动机。

- 参数设置:指根据实际需求对软启动器进行调整和配置。

- 故障诊断:指对软启动器故障进行检测和排查。

- 运行监控:指对软启动器运行状态的实时监测。

- 停机操作:指对软启动器及其相关设备进行安全停机的操作方法。

2.1 安装软启动器
2.1.1 检查软启动器及配件是否完好。

2.1.2 确保软启动器的安装位置稳固、平整,并且有足够的通风空间。

2.1.3 将软启动器正确地接地。

2.2 连接电动机
2.2.1 将电动机正确连接到软启动器的电源端子上。

2.2.2 根据实际需求设置电动机的参数。

3.1 启动参数
3.1.1 设置起动电流限制。

3.1.2 调整起动时间和起动扭矩。

3.1.3 设定加速和减速时间。

3.2 运行参数
3.2.1 设置电动机额定电流。

3.2.2 调整运行频率。

3.2.3 设定过载保护参数。

4.1 常见故障排查
4.1.1 检查软启动器的电源供应。

4.1.2 检查电动机的接线和连接是否正确。

4.1.3 检查软启动器的保护设备是否正常工作。

4.2 报警记录
4.2.1 查看软启动器的报警记录。

4.2.2 根据报警记录进行故障排查。

5.1 监控参数
5.1.1 实时监测电动机的电压和电流。

5.1.2 查看电动机的运行状态。

5.2 历史数据记录
5.2.1 查看软启动器运行的历史数据。

5.2.2 根据历史数据进行运行状态分析。

6.1 安全停机
6.1.1 设定停机参数。

6.1.2 关闭软启动器及其相关设备。

- ABB软启动器安装手册
- ABB软启动器参数设置表
- ABB软启动器故障排查指南
- ABB软启动器运行监控工具
- 软启动器:也被称为电动机起动器,用于将电动机的启动过程平稳地控制在一定范围内。

- 电动机:将电能转化为机械能的设备。

- 参数设置:对软启动器进行调整和配置,以满足电动机在不同负载下的启动和运行要求。

- 故障诊断:对软启动器潜在故障进行检测和排查,旨在及时解决问题并确保设备的正常运行。

- 运行监控:实时监测软启动器及相关设备的运行状态,以便及时发现异常并采取措施进行处理。

- 停机操作:安全地关闭软启动器及其相关设备,避免发生意外事故。
