以下是希腊字母的大全及读法:1. Alpha (Αα):发音为/ˈælfə/,类似于英语单词"alpha"中的"al"。
2. Beta (Ββ):发音为/ˈbeɪtə/,类似于英语单词"bet"中的"be"。
3. Gamma (Γγ):发音为/ˈɡæmə/,类似于英语单词"game"中的"ga"。
4. Delta (Δδ):发音为/ˈdɛltə/,类似于英语单词"delta"中的"del"。
5. Epsilon (Εε):发音为/ˈɛpsɪlɒn/,类似于英语单词"epsilon"中的"ep"。
6. Zeta (Ζζ):发音为/ˈzeɪtə/,类似于英语单词"zeta"中的"ze"。
7. Eta (Ηη):发音为/ˈeɪtə/,类似于英语单词"eta"中的"et"。
8. Theta (Θθ):发音为/ˈθeɪtə/,类似于英语单词"theta"中的"th"。
9. Iota (Ιι):发音为/aɪˈoʊtə/,类似于英语单词"iota"中的"io"。
10. Kappa (Κκ):发音为/ˈkæpə/,类似于英语单词"kappa"中的"ka"。
11. Lambda (Λλ):发音为/ˈlæmdə/,类似于英语单词"lambda"中的"lam"。
⑨τ Τ tau /tau,tay?/
后面一部分得读音不得而知, /u/ 还是
/y/ ?/t/ 不送气,所以应该类似“搭屋” / “搭淤”,而非“套”。
⑩υ Υ ypsilon /y:psilo:n/ 语里没有这个音,所以字母命名为 位相同,但是圆唇元音。
沃夏克”而不是“德沃拉克”的原因。 据说古希腊语有两个颤音, 一个是词头的
擦颤音,一个是词尾的成音ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้的真正浊颤音,所以希腊字母标里有两个 个只用在词头,一个只用在词尾。
⑧σ Σ sigma /sigma/
/s/ 为齿化的,类似汉语的 s- ,而不是英
语的[s] 。与 rho 类似希腊字母表里也有两个 sigma,一个在词头,一个在词尾,
⑤ο Ο omicron /omikro:n/ 思。
micron 表示“小”, 所以是“短 o”的意
⑥π Π pi /pi:/ “批”。
/p/ 不送气,所以应该类似“逼”而不是
⑦ρ Ρ rho /rho:/
/rh/ 实际上表示清化的擦颤音, 这里打不
出来,姑且用这个组合吧。 据说捷克语里有, 这就是为什么 Dvorak 被翻译为“德
/z, dz/ 浊的塞音或塞擦音。
⑦η Η eta /e:ta/
⑧θ Θ theta /the:ta/
/th/ 表示送气音, t 为齿化的
(dentalised) 塞音,而不是英语里的 /t/ ,类似汉语里的 t ,但要更紧一些。
⑨ι Ι iota /jo:ta ,io:ta/
⑩κ Κ kappa /kap:a/
αη as in aisle
εη as in height νη as in toil
πη as wi in twine απ ai in pause επ as in feud επ as in feud νπ as in found
A.当η 位于长元音ᾱ、ε、σ后面时,需要下标写作ᾳ、ῃ、ῳ,同时只发长元音α、ε、σ的音。
B.当γ用于γ, θ, ρ,或μ前时,发音为/ng/,如ἀγγεινο,a messenger,发音为ang-gelos。
③双元音的第二个字母上,如εἰξελε ,Αἰγππηνο
①粗气符,Rough Breathing,“ʽ”
②柔气符,Smooth Breathing,“’”
希腊24个字母读音 以及在单词中读音
希腊24个字母读音以及在单词中读音Αα Alpha现代希腊语发音[a], as in "father". Same as [a] in Spanish and Italian. Phonetically, this sound is: open, central, and unrounded.古希腊语发音As in Modern GreekΒβ Beta现代希腊语发音[v], as in "vet"; a voiced labiodental fricative.古希腊语发音, as in "bet"; a voiced bilabial plosive.Γγ Gamma现代希腊语发音[gh], a sound that does not exist in English. If followed by the sound then it sounds almost like the initial sound in "woman", but with the back of the tongue touching more to the back (soft) palate. To pronounce [gha], try to isolate "w" from "what" without rounding your lips, and then say [a]. In Castilian Spanish this sound exists in "amiga". Same is true for [gho]: try eliminating the sound from "water". (C. Spanish: "amigo".) On the ot her hand, due to a phonetic phenomenon called palatalization, [ghe] sounds a bit like "ye" in "yes", and [ghi] sounds a bit like "yi" in "yield". Phonetically, gamma is a voiced velar fricative. (Its palatalized version is a voiced palatal fricative.)古希腊语发音[g], as in "got"; a voiced velar plosive.Δδ Delta现代希腊语发音[th], as in "this"; a voiced dental fricative.古希腊语发音[d], as in "do"; a voiced alveolar plosive.Εε Epsilon现代希腊语发音[e] as in "pet", except that the [e] in "pet" (and in most other E nglish words) is lax, while in Greek it is tense.古希腊语发音As in Modern GreekΖζ Zeta现代希腊语发音[z], as in "zone", a voiced alveolar fricative. Actually, the remark for sigma (see below) applies to zeta as well (it is shifted a bit towards [Z], as in "pl easure").古希腊语发音[zd], as in "Mazda". Also: [z], and even: [dz].Ηη Eta现代希腊语发音, as in "meet", but shorter, not so long. This is one of the three in the Greek alphabet; they all have identical pronunciation. The reason for this redundancy has to do with Classic Greek, where they were not redundant.古希腊语发音long open mid-[e], as in "thread" (but long).Θθ Theta现代希腊语发音[th], as in "think"; a voiceless dental fricative. In Castilian Spanish: "zorro".古希腊语发音[th], as in "top", but more aspirated.Ιι Iota现代希腊语发音, exactly like eta (see above). The name of the letter is pronounced "yota" in Modern Greek. (the reason for the y-sound in front of the letter's name is due to phonetic transformation of [io] into [yo]).古希腊语发音As in Modern GreekΚκ Kappa现代希腊语发音[k], as in "pack". Notice that in English [k] is aspirated if it is at the beginning of a word; Greek makes no such distinction. When followed by the vowel [e] it is pronounced nearly as in "kettle", while when followed by it is pronoun ced nearly as in "kill". For the exact pronunciation in the last two cases, please check the page on palatalization. Phonetically, it is a voiceless velar plosive. (Its palatalized version is a voiceless palatal plosive.)古希腊语发音As in Modern GreekΛλ L ambda现代希腊语发音[l] as in "lap". When followed by the vowed it becomes palatalized, turning to a sound that does not exist in English (check the page on palatalization). The name of the letter is pronounced "lamtha" ( is eliminated because it is difficult to pronounce it between [m] and [th]). A voiced alveolar lateral approximant.古希腊语发音As in Modern GreekΜμ Mu现代希腊语发音[m], as in "map"; a voiced bilabial nasal. Notice that the name of the letter is pronounced "mi" (mee), not "mew" as in American Eng lish.古希腊语发音As in Modern GreekΝν Nu现代希腊语发音[n], as in "noble"; a voiced alveolar nasal. When followed by the vowed it becomes palatalized, turning to a sound that does not exist in English (but exists in Spanish; check the page on palatalization). Notice that the name of the letter is pronounced "ni" (nee), not "new" as in American English.古希腊语发音As in Modern GreekΞξ Ksi现代希腊语发音[ks] as in "fox". Contrary to the English "x", the letter ksi does not change pronunciation at the beginning of a word (it does not become a [z]; Greeks have no trouble starting a word with [k]+[s]). Do not put any aspiration between [k] and [s] when pronouncing this letter.古希腊语发音As in Modern GreekΟο Omicron现代希腊语发音[o] as in "hop", except that the [o] in "hop" (and in most other English words) is lax, while in Greek it is tense. Same like [o] in "got" the way it is pronounced in British English. A mid-close back rounded vowel.古希腊语发音As in Modern GreekΠπ Pi现代希腊语发音[p], as in "top"; a voiceless bilabial plosive. Notice that in English [p] is aspirated if it is at the beginning of a word; Greek makes no such distinction.古希腊语发音As in Modern GreekΡρ Rho现代希腊语发音[rh], a sound that does not exist in English (but exists in Scottish). Sounds very much like the Italian, or Russian [r], or the Spanish [r] in "caro". (Spanish speakers: in Greek there is no difference in how long you trill your rho; better to make it like in "caro" than like in "carro".) Phonetically, it is a voiced alveolar trill.古希腊语发音Probably as in Modern Greek. Word-initially: aspirated: [hr]Σσς Sigma现代希腊语发音[s], as is "soap"; a voiceless alveolar fricative. Actually, if you listen carefully to native Greek speakers, it sounds a bit between [s] and [sh] (probably because ther e is no [sh] in Greek, so the sound is somewhat shifted in the phonological space). However, it is much closer to [s], rather than [sh], and every Greek speaker would swear they pronounce it exactly like the English [s], unless forced to admit the differen ce by looking at spectrograms. This is the way "s" is pronounced in Castilian Spanish (as opposed to Latin American Spanish). Notice that the second way of writing the lower case sigma is used exclusively when the letter appears at the end of a word (there is only one capital form); this rule has no exceptions.古希腊语发音Probably as in Modern GreekΤτ Tau现代希腊语发音[t], as in "pot"; a voiceless alveolar plosive. Notice that in English [t] is aspirated if it is at the beginning of a word; Greek makes no su ch distinction.古希腊语发音As in Modern GreekΥυ Upsilon现代希腊语发音, exactly like eta and iota (see above). The name of the letter is pronounced [ipsilon] (ee-psee-lon), not "yupsilon" as it is called in American English.古希腊语发音Rounded , as in French "une".Φφ Phi现代希腊语发音[f] as in "fat"; a voiceless labiodental fricative.古希腊语发音[ph], as in "pit", but more aspirated.Χχ Chi现代希腊语发音[ch], a sound that does not exist in English (but exists in Scottish, as in "loch"; German: "Bach"; Spanish: "Jorge"). When followed by vowels [e] or it is pronounced nearly as in German "ich". For the exact pronunciation in this case, please check the page on palatalization. Phonetically, it is a voiceless velar fricative. (Its palatalized version is a voiceless palatal fricative.)Ψψ Psi现代希腊语发音[ps] as in "lopsided". Contrary to English, the sound of the letter does not change at the beginning of a word (it does not become a [s]; Greeks have no trouble starting a word with [p]+[s]). For example, in the word psychologia (psychology) the initial [p] sound is not omitted. Do not put any aspiration between [p] and [s] when pronouncing this letter.古希腊语发音As in Modern GreekΩω Omega现代希腊语发音[o], exactly like omicron. (Once again, the reason for the redundancy is to be found in Classic Greek.)古希腊语发音Long open mid-back [o], as in "law".------------------------------------------------------------ΑΙ αι现代希腊语读音Exactly like ε (epsilon, 5th letter, see above)古希腊语读音[ai], as in "buy".EI ει现代希腊语读音Exactly like ι (iota, 9th letter, see above)古希腊语读音[ei], as in "bay".ΟΙ οι现代希腊语读音Exactly like ι (iota, 9th letter, see above)古希腊语读音[oi], as in "boy".ΟΥ ου现代希腊语读音, already explained in the previous paragraphΑΥ αυ现代希腊语读音[av] if the following sound is voiced, and [af] if the following sound is unvoiced古希腊语读音[au], as in "loud".ΕΥ ευ现代希腊语读音[ev] if the following sound is voiced, and [ef] if the fol lowing sound is unvoiced古希腊语读音[yu], as in "feud".ΗΥ ηυ现代希腊语读音[iv] if the following sound is voiced, and [if] if the following sound is unvoiced古希腊语读音~[e:u].ΥΙ υι现代希腊语读音Exactly like ι (iota, 9th letter, see above; also read comment below)古希腊语读音~[yui].。
1. 大写Α 小写α 读音:阿尔法
2. 大写Β 小写β 读音:贝塔
3. 大写Γ 小写γ 读音:伽马
4. 大写Δ 小写δ 读音:德尔塔
5. 大写Ε 小写ε 读音:伊普西龙
6. 大写Ζ 小写ζ 读音:截塔
7. 大写Η 小写η 读音:艾塔
8. 大写Θ 小写θ 读音:西塔
9. 大写Ι 小写ι 读音:约塔
10. 大写Κ 小写κ 读音:卡帕
11. 大写∧ 小写λ 读音:兰布达
12. 大写Μ 小写μ 读音:缪
13. 大写Ν 小写ν 读音:纽
14. 大写Ξ 小写ξ 读音:克西
15. 大写Ο 小写ο 读音:奥密克戎
16. 大写∏ 小写π 读音:派
17. 大写Ρ 小写ρ 读音:肉
18. 大写∑ 小写σ 读音:西格马
19. 大写Τ 小写τ 读音:套
20. 大写Υ 小写υ 读音:宇普西龙
21. 大写Φ 小写φ 读音:佛爱
22. 大写Χ 小写χ 读音:西
23. 大写Ψ 小写ψ 读音:普西
24. 大写Ω 小写ω 读音:欧米伽
以下是希腊字母表及其拼写:- α (Alpha)- β (Beta)- γ (Gamma)- δ (Delta)- ε (Epsilon)- ζ (Zeta)- η (Eta)- θ (Theta)- ι (Iota)- κ (Kappa)- λ (Lambda)- μ (Mu)- ν (Nu)- ξ (Xi)- ο (Omicron)- π (Pi)- ρ (Rho)- σ/ (Sigma)- τ (Tau)- υ (Upsilon)- φ (Phi)- χ (Chi)- ψ (Psi)- ω (Omega)这些字母和它们的拼写在科学、数学和工程领域广泛使用,例如,在数学中,希腊字母常用于表示变量,角度,集合等概念。
其对应为:αΑalpha /alpha/h表示送气音,在古希腊语中尚没有音位/f/,所以/pha/的发音类似普通话的“趴”。
γΓgamma /gam:a/ /m:/表示长辅音,即在发辅音时,其持阻阶段应该适当延长,然后再做除阻动作。
ζΖzeta/ze:ta, dze:ta//z, dz/浊的塞音或塞擦音。
ηΗeta /e:ta/第一个音节为长音。
θΘtheta /the:ta//th/表示送气音,t为齿化的(dentalised)塞音,而不是英语里的/t/,类似汉语里的t,但要更紧一些。
ιΙiota /jo:ta,io:ta/κΚkappa /kap:a//p:/表示长辅音,其描述类似/m:/,前一个p类似于英语里“失去爆破”或者汉语粤方言中的塞音韵尾/-p/,/k/不送气。
λΛlambda /lambda/μΜmy /my://y:/是长元音,类似汉语的“淤”以及法语字母u单独存在时的发音。
νΝny /ny:/ξΞxi /ksi:/οΟomicron /omikro:n/micron表示“小”,所以是“短o”的意思。
πΠpi /pi://p/不送气,所以应该类似“逼”而不是“批”。
ρΡrho /rho://rh/实际上表示清化的擦颤音,这里打不出来,姑且用这个组合吧。
1. α(Alpha):读作“阿尔法”,是希腊字母表的第一个字母。
2. β(Beta):读作“贝塔”,是希腊字母表的第二个字母。
3. γ(Gamma):读作“伽玛”,是希腊字母表的第三个字母。
4. δ(Delta):读作“德尔塔”,是希腊字母表的第四个字母。
5. ε(Epsilon):读作“伊普西龙”,是希腊字母表的第五个字母。
6. ζ(Zeta):读作“泽塔”,是希腊字母表的第六个字母。
7. η(Eta):读作“艾塔”,是希腊字母表的第七个字母。
8. θ(Theta):读作“西塔”,是希腊字母表的第八个字母。
9. ι(Iota):读作“约塔”,是希腊字母表的第九个字母。
10. κ(Kappa):读作“卡帕”,是希腊字母表的第十个字母。
11. λ(Lambda):读作“兰伯达”,是希腊字母表的第十一个字母。
希腊24个字母读音以及在单词中读音Αα Alpha现代希腊语发音[a], as in "father". Same as [a] in Spanish and Italian. Phonetic ally, this sound is: open, c entral, and unrounded.古希腊语发音As in Modern GreekΒβ Beta现代希腊语发音[v], as in "vet"; a voic ed labiod enta l fric ative.古希腊语发音, as in "bet"; a voic ed bilab ia l p losive.Γγ Gamma现代希腊语发音[gh], a sound that does not exist in English. If follow ed by the sound then it sounds almost like the init ia l sound in "w oman", but w ith the bac k of the tongue touc hing more to the bac k (soft) palate. To pronounc e [gha], try to isolate "w" from "w hat" w ithout rounding your lips, and then say [a]. In Castilian Span ish this sound exists in "am iga". Same is true for [gho]: try elim inat ing the sound from "w ater". (C. Spanish: "amigo".) On the ot her hand, due to a phonetic phenomenon c alled pa lata lizat ion, [ghe] sounds a bit like "ye" in "yes", and [ghi] sounds a bit like "y i" in "y ield". Phonetic ally, gamma is a voic ed velar fric ative. (Its palata liz ed version is a voic ed palata l fric ative.)古希腊语发音[g], as in "got"; a voic ed velar plosive.Γδ Delta现代希腊语发音[th], as in "this"; a voic ed dental fric ative.古希腊语发音[d], as in "do"; a voic ed alveo lar plosive.Δε Epsilon现代希腊语发音[e] as in "pet", exc ept that the [e] in "pet" (and in most other English w ords) is lax, w hile in Greek it is tense.古希腊语发音As in Modern GreekΕδ Zeta现代希腊语发音[z], as in "zone", a voic ed a lveo lar fric ative. Ac tually, the remark for sigma (see below) applies to zeta as w ell (it is shifted a bit tow ards [Z], as in "ple asure").古希腊语发音[zd], as in "Mazda". Also: [z], and even: [dz].Ζε Et a现代希腊语发音, as in "meet", but shorter, not so long. This is one of the three in the Greek alphab et; they all have ident ic al pronunc iation. The reason for this redundanc y has to d o w ith Classic Greek, w here they w ere not redundant.古希腊语发音long open mid-[e], as in "thread" (but long).Θζ Theta现代希腊语发音[th], as in "think"; a voic eless dental fric ative. In Castilian Spanish: "zorro".古希腊语发音[th], as in "top", but more aspirated.Ηη Iota现代希腊语发音, exac tly like eta (see above). The name of the letter is pronounc ed "yota" in Modern Greek. (the reason for the y-sound in front of the letter's name is due to phonetic transformation of [io] into [yo]).古希腊语发音As in Modern GreekΚθ Kappa现代希腊语发音[k], as in "pac k". Not ic e that in Eng lish [k] is aspirated if it is at the beginn ing of a w ord; Greek makes no suc h distinc tion. When follow ed by the vow el [e] it is pronounc ed nearly as in "kettle", w hile w hen follow ed by it is prono unc ed nearly as in "kill". For the exac t pronunc iation in the last tw o c ases, please c hec k the page on palata lizat ion. Phonetic ally, it is a voic eless velar plosiv e. (Its palataliz ed version is a voic eless palata l plosive.)古希腊语发音As in Modern GreekΛι Lambda现代希腊语发音[l] as in "lap". When fo llow ed by the vow ed it bec omes palata lized, turning to a sound that does not exist in English (c hec k the page on palatalizat ion). The name of the letter is pronounc ed "lamtha" ( is elimin ated bec ause it is diffic ult to pronounc e it betw een [m] and [th]). A voic ed alveo lar latera l approxim ant.古希腊语发音As in Modern GreekΜκ Mu现代希腊语发音[m], as in "map"; a voic ed bilab ia l nasal. Notic e that the name of the letter is pronounc ed "mi" (mee), not "mew" as in Americ an Eng lish.古希腊语发音As in Modern GreekΝλ Nu现代希腊语发音[n], as in "noble"; a voic ed alveo lar nasal. When follow ed by the vow ed it bec omes palatalized, turning to a sound that does not exist in English (but exists in Spanish;c hec k the page on palatalizat ion). Notic e that the name of the letter is pronounc ed "ni" (nee), not "new" as in Americ an Eng lish.古希腊语发音As in Modern GreekΞμ Ksi现代希腊语发音[ks] as in "fox". Contrary to the English "x", the letter ksi does not c hange pronunc iation at the beginning of a w ord (it does not bec ome a [z]; Greeks have no trouble starting a w ord w ith [k]+[s]). Do not put any aspiration betw een [k] and [s] w hen pronounc ing this letter.古希腊语发音As in Modern GreekΟν Omic ron现代希腊语发音[o] as in "hop", exc ept that the [o] in "hop" (and in most other English w ords) is lax, w hile in Greek it is tense. Same like [o] in "got" the w ay it is pronounc ed in Brit ish English. A m id-c lose bac k rounded vow el.古希腊语发音As in Modern GreekΠπ Pi现代希腊语发音[p], as in "top"; a voic eless bilab ia l p losive. Notic e that in English [p] is aspirated if it is at the beginning of a w ord; Greek makes no suc h distinc tion.古希腊语发音As in Modern GreekΡξ Rho现代希腊语发音[rh], a sound that does not exist in English (but exists in Sc ottish). Sounds very muc h like the Italian, or Russian [r], or the Spanish [r] in "c aro". (Spanish speakers: in Greek there is no differenc e in how long you trill your rho; better to make it like in "c aro" than like in "c arro".) Phonetic ally, it is a voic ed alveo lar trill.古希腊语发音Probably as in Modern Greek. Word-init ia lly: aspirated: [hr]ζο Sigma现代希腊语发音[s], as is "soap"; a voic eless alveolar fric ative. Ac tually, if you listen c arefully to native Greek speakers, it sounds a bit betw een [s] and [sh] (probably bec ause th ere is no [sh] in Greek, so the sound is somew hat shifted in the phonologic a l spac e). How ever, it is muc h c loser to [s], rather than [sh], and every Greek speaker w ould sw ear they pronounc e it exac tly lik e the English [s], unless forc ed to admit the differ enc e by looking at spec trograms. This is the w ay "s" is pronounc ed in Castilian Spanish (as opposed to Latin Americ an Spanish). Notic e that the sec ond w ay of writing the low er c ase sigma is used exc lusively w hen the letter appears at the end of a w ord (there is only one c apital form); this rule has no exc eptions.古希腊语发音Probably as in Modern GreekΣη Tau现代希腊语发音[t], as in "pot"; a voic eless alveo lar plos ive. Notic e that in English [t] is aspirated if it is at the beginning of a w ord; Greek makes no suc h distinc tion.古希腊语发音As in Modern GreekΤπ Upsilon现代希腊语发音, exac tly like eta and iota (see above). The name of the letter is pronounc ed [ipsilon] (ee-psee-lon), not "yupsilon" as it is c alled in Am eric an Eng lish.古希腊语发音Rounded , as in Frenc h "une".Φθ Phi现代希腊语发音[f] as in "fat"; a voic eless labiod enta l fric ative.古希腊语发音[ph], as in "pit", but more aspirated.Υρ Chi现代希腊语发音[c h], a sound that does not exist in Eng lish (but exists in Sc ottish, as in "loc h"; German: "Bac h"; Spanish: "Jorge"). When follow ed by vow els [e] or it is pronounc ed nearly as in German "ic h". For the exac t pronunc iation in this c ase, please c hec k the page on palata liz ation. Phonetic a lly, it is a voic eless velar fric ative. (Its palata lized version is a voic eless palata l fric ative.)古希腊语发音[kh], as in "c ut", but more aspirated. Evidenc eΦς Psi现代希腊语发音[ps] as in "lops ided". Contrary to English, the sound of the letter does not c hange at the beginning of a w ord (it does not bec ome a [s]; Greeks have no troub le starting a w ord w ith [p]+[s]). For example, in the w ord psyc hologia (psyc hology) the init ia l [p] sound is not omitted. Do not put any aspiration betw een [p] and [s] w hen pronounc ing this letter.古希腊语发音As in Modern GreekΧσ Omega现代希腊语发音[o], exac tly like omic ron. (Onc e again, the reason for the redundanc y is to be found in Classic Greek.)古希腊语发音Long open mid-bac k [o], as in "law".------------------------------------------------------------ΑΗ αη现代希腊语读音Exac tly like ε (epsilon, 5th letter, see above)古希腊语读音[ai], as in "buy".EI εη现代希腊语读音Exac tly like η (iota, 9th letter, see above)古希腊语读音[ei], as in "bay".ΟΗ νη现代希腊语读音Exac tly like η (iota, 9th letter, see above)古希腊语读音[oi], as in "boy".ΟΤ νπ现代希腊语读音, already expla ined in the previous paragraph古希腊语读音As in Modern GreekΑΤ απ现代希腊语读音[av] if the follow ing sound is voic ed, and [af] if the follow ing sound is unvoic ed古希腊语读音[au], as in "loud".ΔΤ επ现代希腊语读音[ev] if the follow ing sound is voic ed, and [ef] if the f ollow ing sound is unvoic ed古希腊语读音[yu], as in "feud".ΖΤ επ现代希腊语读音[iv] if the follow ing sound is voic ed, and [if] if the follow ing sound is unvoic ed古希腊语读音~[e:u].ΤΗ πη现代希腊语读音Exac tly like η (iota, 9th letter, see above; also read c omment belo w)古希腊语读音~[yui].。
大写的Γ用於:数学的Γ函数,和阶乘有关概率和统计学的Γ分布电机工程学和物理学的反射系数小写的γ用於:数学的欧拉常数金融数学的一个风险管理指数物理学的基本粒子之一:光子物理学和天文学的伽马射线相对论和天文学的罗伦兹乘数(Lorentz factor)物理学上气体的绝热指数,有时亦用κ来表示。
西里尔字母的Г 和拉丁字母的C、G 都是从Gamma 变来。
大写Δ用于:在数学和科学,表示变数的变化粒子物理学的任何Delta粒子小写δ:在数学和科学,表示变数的变化数学中两个函数的名称:克罗内克δ函数狄拉克δ函数校对中,删除的记号Delta 是三角洲的英文,源自三角洲的形状像三角形,如同大写的delta。
西里尔字母的Д 和拉丁字母的 D 都是从Delta 变来。
大写Δ用于:在数学和科学,表示变数的变化粒子物理学的任何Delta粒子小写δ:在数学和科学,表示变数的变化数学中两个函数的名称:克罗内克δ函数狄拉克δ函数校对中,删除的记号Delta 是三角洲的英文,源自三角洲的形状像三角形,如同大写的delta。
西里尔字母的Д 和拉丁字母的 D 都是从Delta 变来。
小写的ε用於:数学:非常小集合的关系中,表示「属于」的「∈」符号列维-齐维塔符号(Levi-Civita symbol)电脑科学:空字符串数值型态的精确度物理学:一个导体的介电常数美式英语中使用的一个音标,即bed 的e 音。
拉丁字母的E 是从Epsilon 变来。
γ/ɡæm ə/(Gamma)代表“三”的意思。
λ/læm ə/(Lambda)代表“十一”的意思。
古希腊字母及读音1 Ααalpha a:lf 阿尔法2 Ββbeta bet 贝塔3 Γγgamma ga:m 伽马4 Δδdelta delt 德尔塔5 Εεepsilon ep`silon 伊普西龙6 Ζζzeta zat 截塔7 Ηηeta eit 艾塔8 Θθtheta θit 西塔9 Ιιiota aiot 约塔10 Κκkappa kap 卡帕11 ∧λlambda lambd 兰布达12 Μμmu mju 缪13 Ννnu nju 纽14 Ξξxi ksi 克西15 Οοomicron omik`ron 奥密克戎16 ∏πpi pai 派17 Ρρrho rou 肉18 ∑σsigma `sigma 西格马19 Ττtau tau 套20 Υυupsilon ju:p`sailon 宇普西龙21 Φφphi fai 佛爱22 Χχchi phai 西23 Ψψpsi psai 普西24 Ωωomega o`miga 欧米伽根据读音人的民族与母语)规定:其读音要分为:1.在语言学内部讨论古代语言发音时的为引用希腊语发音而采取的语言学式的发音;2.作为纯粹的科学符号的发音。
其对应为: αΑalpha /alpha/ h 表示送气音,在古希腊语中尚没有音位/f/,所以/pha/的发音类似普通话的“趴”。
βΒbeta /be:ta/ /e:/表示长元音,/e/的发音不是英语D.J.音标里的[e],而类似K.K.音标里的/e/或者法语的/e/。
γΓgamma /gam:a/ /m:/表示长辅音,即在发辅音时,其持阻阶段应该适当延长,然后再做除阻动作。
δΔdelta /de:lta/ εΕepsilon /epsilo:n/ /o/的发音要比英国英语字母组合au的发音更闭一些。
希腊字母的读法及表示的物理量编号大写小写希腊读音英语拼写英语读音中文类别表示的物理量描述示例公式1 A α[álfa] Alpha /ˈælfə/ 阿尔法元音角;系数角度或系数α=角度/ˈbeɪtə/贝塔辅音磁通系数磁场中的系数Φ=ΒI2 B β[víta] Beta/'biə/3 Γγ[gáma] Gamma /ˈgæmə/ 伽马辅音伽马射线放射性射线_4 Δδ[délta] Delta /ˈdɛltə/ 德尔塔辅音变化量差值或变化Δx=x2-x15 Εε[épsilon] Epsilon /ˈɛpsɪlən/ 艾普西隆元音介电常数电场中的常数ε=ε0*r6 Ζζ[zíta] Zeta /ˈziːtə/ 泽塔辅音阻尼比振动系统中的比ζ=c/ω07 Ηη[íta] Eta /ˈeɪtə/ 伊塔元音效率系统效率η=W出/W入8 Θθ[théta] Theta /ˈθeɪtə/ 西塔辅音温度;角度温度或角度Θ=T-T09 Ιι[íota] Lota /aɪˈoʊtə/ 约塔元音_ 较少使用_10 Κκ[káppa] Kappa /ˈkæpə/ 卡怕辅音_ 较少使用_11 ∧λ[lámda] Lambda /ˈlæmdə/ 拉姆达辅音波长波的长度λ=c/f12 Μμ[míu] Mu /mjuː/ 谬辅音磁矩;质量磁场中的矩或质量μ=I*S13 Νν[níu] Nu /njuː/ 纽辅音折射率光学中的常数n=c/v14 Ξξ[ksi] Xi/zaɪ//ˈksaɪ/可西辅音_ 较少使用_15 Οο[ómicron] Omicron /oʊˈmɪkrɑːn//ˈɑmɪˌkrɑn/奥米克戎元音_ 较少使用_16 ∏π[pí] Pi /paɪ/ 派辅音圆周率;压力圆的周长与直径π=C/d,P=πr^2h比或压力17 Ρρ[ro] Rho /roʊ/ 柔辅音密度;电阻物质密度或电阻ρ=m/V,R=ρ*L/S18 ∑σ[síma] Sigma /ˈsɪɡmə/ 西格马辅音求和总和Σx=x1+x2+ (x)19 Ττ[táu] Tau/taʊ//tɔ陶辅音时间常数动态系统的时间参数τ=RC20 Υυ[ípsilon] Upsilon/ˈypsɪlən//ˈʌpsɨlɒn/阿普西龙元音_ 较少使用_21 Φφ[fí] Phi /faɪ/ 斐辅音磁通量;相位磁场中的通量或相位Φ=B*S,φ=ωt22 Χχ[khi] Chi /kaɪ/ 恺辅音_ 较少使用_23 Ψψ[psi] Psi /saɪ/ 普西辅音_ 较少使用_24 Ωω[ómega] Omega/oʊˈmeɪɡə//oʊ'meɡə/欧米茄元音角速度;电阻旋转速度或电阻ω=2πf,R=Ω。
ΑΩ:阿尔法 AlphaΒΪ:贝塔 BetaΓΫ:伽玛 GammaΔά:德尔塔 DelteΕέ:艾普西龙 Epsilon Zή :捷塔 ZetaHί:依塔 EtaΘΰ:西塔 ThetaΙα:艾欧塔 IotaΚβ:喀帕 KappaΛγ:拉姆达 LambdaΜδ:缪 MuΑΩ:阿尔法 AlphaΒΪ:贝塔 BetaΓΫ:伽玛 GammaΔά:德尔塔 DelteΕέ:艾普西龙 Epsilon Ζή :捷塔 ZetaHί:依塔 EtaΘΰ:西塔 ThetaΙα:艾欧塔 IotaΚβ:喀帕 KappaΛγ:拉姆达 LambdaΜδ:缪 Mu Νε:拗 NuΞζ:克西 XiΟη:欧麦克轮 Omicron Πθ:派 PiΡι:柔 Rhoκ:西格玛 SigmaΣλ:套 TauΤμ:宇普西龙 Upsilon Υν:fai PhiΦξ:器 ChiΧο:普赛 PsiΨπ:欧米伽 OmegaΝε:拗 NuΞζ:克西 XiΟη:欧麦克轮 Omicron Πθ:派 PiΡι:柔 Rhoκ:西格玛 SigmaΣλ:套 TauΤμ:宇普西龙 Upsilon Υν:fai PhiΦξ:器 ChiΧο:普赛 PsiΨπ:欧米伽 OmegaΑ Alpha Alfa [a] [a](Aleph) a a Β β BetaVita[b] [v](Beth) b v Γ γ Gamma Gama [g] [ɣ](Gimel)g g, gh, j Γ δ DeltaDelta[d] [ð](Daleth) d d, dh Δ ε Epsilon Epsilon [e] [e](He) e e Ε δ Zeta Zita [dz, zd] [z](Zayin) z z Ζ ε EtaIta [ɛː] [i](Heth)ē i Θ ζ Theta Thita [t h ] [θ](Teth) th th Η η IotaIota [i] [i](Yodh)i i Κ θ Kappa Kapa[k] [k](Kaph) k k Λ ι Lambda Lambda [l] [l](Lamedh)l l Μ κ Mu Mi [m] [m](Mem) m m Ν λ Nu Ni [n] [n](Nun)n n Ξ μ XiXi[ks][ks](Samekh) x x Ο ν Omicron Omikron [o] [o](Ayin) o o Π π PiPi [p] [p](Pe) p p Ρ ξ RhoRo[r] [r](Res)rhrζοSigmaSigma[s][s](Shin)s sΣηTauTaf[t][t](Taw)t tΤπUpsilon Ipsilon [u] [i](Waw)u y Φ θ Phi Fi [p h ] [f]- (来源有争议)ph f Υ ρ Chi Chi [k h ] [x]ch ch Φ ς PsiPsi[ps][ps]psps Χ σOmega Omega [oː][o](Ayin)ōo。
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1 Ααalpha a:lf 阿尔法
2 Ββbeta bet 贝塔
3 Γγgamma ga:m 伽马
4 Γδdelta delt 德尔塔
5 Δεepsilon ep`silon 伊普西龙
6 Εδzeta zat 截塔
7 Ζεeta eit 艾塔
8 Θζtheta ζit 西塔
9 Ηηiota aiot 约塔
10 Κθkappa kap 卡帕
11 ∧ιlambda lambd 兰布达
12 Μκmu mju 缪
13 Νλnu nju 纽
14 Ξμxi ksi 克西
15 Ονomicron omik`ron 奥密克戎
16 ∏πpi pai 派
17 Ρξrho rou 肉
18 ∑ζsigma `sigma 西格马
19 Τηtau tau 套
20 Υυupsilon ju:p`sailon 宇普西龙
21 Φθphi fai 佛爱
22 Φχchi phai 西
23 Χψpsi psai 普西
24 Ψωomega o`miga 欧米伽
其对应为: αΑalpha /alpha/ h 表示送气音,在古希腊语中尚没有音位/f/,所以/pha/的发音类似普通话的“趴”。
βΒbeta /be:ta/ /e:/表示长元音,/e/的发音不是英语D.J.音标里的[e],而类似K.K.音标里的/e/或者法语的/e/。
γΓgamma /gam:a/ /m:/表示长辅音,即在发辅音时,其持阻阶段应该适当延长,然后再做除阻动作。
δΓdelta /de:lta/ εΔepsilon /epsilo:n/ /o/的发音要比英国英语字母组合au的发音更闭一些。
δΕzeta /ze:ta, dze:ta/ /z, dz/浊的塞音或塞擦音。
εΖeta /e:ta/ 第一个音节为长音。
ζΘtheta /the:ta/ /th/表示送气音,t为齿化的(dentalised)塞音,而不是英语里的/t/,类似汉语里的t,但要更紧一些。
ηΗiota /jo:ta,io:ta/ θΚkappa /kap:a/ /p:/表示长辅音,其描述类似/m:/,前一个p类似于英语里“失去爆破”或者汉语粤方言中的塞音韵尾/-p/,/k/不送气。
ι∧lambda /lambda/ κΜmu /my:/ /y:/是长元音,类似汉语的“淤”以及法语字母u单独存在时的发音。
λΝny /ny:/ μΞxi /ksi:/ νΟomicron
/omikro:n/ micron表示“小”,所以是“短o”的意思。
π∏pi /pi:/ /p/不送气,所以应该类似“逼”而不是“批”。
ξΡrho /rho:/ /rh/实际上表示清化的擦颤音,这里打不出来,姑且用这个组合吧。
ζ∑sigma /sigma/ /s/为齿化的,类似汉语的s-,而不是英语的[s]。
ηΤtau /tau,tay?/ 后面一部分得读音不得而知,/u/还是/y/?/t/不送气,所以应该类似“搭屋”/“搭淤”,而非“套”。
υΥypsilon /y:psilo:n/ /y/类似汉语的“淤”而非“乌”,拉丁语里没有这个音,所以字母命名为igraeca,即“希腊的i”的意思。
θΦphi [ fai ] /ph/表示送气音,所以应该类似“批”。
χΦchi /khi:/ c在古代拉丁语里的读音总是为/k/,/kh/为送气音。
ψΧpsi /psi:/ ωΨomega /o:me:ga/ /o:/是长音,因为mega表示大的意思,即“大的o”。
1 Ααalpha a:lfa a 阿尔法角度(小写);系数1
2 Ββbeta beta b, v 贝塔磁通系数;磁感应强度(大写);角度(小写);系数2
3 Γγgamma ga:m g, gh, y 伽马电导系数(小写)3
4 Γδdelta delta d, dh, th 德尔塔变化量(大写);屈光度4
5 Δεepsilon ep`silon e 艾普斯龙对数之基数;电势能(小写)5
6 Εδzeta zeta z 泽塔系数;方位角;阻抗;相对粘度;原子序数7
7 Ζεeta eta e, i 伊塔磁滞系数;效率(小写)8
8 Θζtheta ζita th 西塔温度;相位角9
9 Ηηiot jot i 约塔微小,一点儿10
10 Κθkappa kap k 卡帕介质常数20
11 ∧ιlambda lamda l 兰布达波长(小写);体积30
12 Μκmu mju m 缪磁导系数微(千分之一)放大因数(小写);动摩擦因数(小写)40
13 Νλnu nju n 纽磁阻系数;光频率(小写),中微子(小写)50
14 Ξμxi ksi x, ks 克西随机变量60
15 Ονomicron omik`ron o 奥密克戎无穷小量:ν(x) 70
16 ∏πpi pai p 派圆周率=圆周÷直径=3.14159 2653589793 80
17 Ρξrho rou r 柔电阻系数(小写)密度(小写) 100
18 ∑ζsigma `sigma s 斯格马总和(大写),表面密度;跨导(小写)200
19 Τηtau to: t 套时间常数;周期(大写)300
20 Υυupsilon jup`silon u, y, v, f 宇普斯龙位移400
21 Φθphi fai ph, f 法爱磁通(大写);电势(小写);黄金分割符号;工程学中表示直径(大写斜体);光通(大写)单位lm 500
22 Φχchi khi ch, kh 奇卡方分布;电感600
23 Χψpsi psai ps 帕赛角速;介质电通量(静电力线);角700
24 Ψωomega o`miga o 欧米伽欧姆(大写);角速度(小写);角800