Season two Episode one — The Scandal in Belgravia (贝尔格莱维亚丑闻) 神探夏洛克台词




[转载]绝望主妇第⼀季Mary Alice Young的独⽩原⽂地址:绝望主妇第⼀季Mary Alice Young的独⽩作者:cutiesSeason 1Episode 01.01 - "Pilot""My name is Mary Alice Young. When you read this morning's paper, you may come across an article about the unusual day I had last week. Normally, there is never anything newsworthy about my life. But that all changed last Thursday." "Of course, everything seemed quite normal at first. I made breakfast for my family. I performed my chores. I completed my projects. I ran my errands. In truth, I spent the day as I spent every other day, quietly polishing the routine of my life. Until it gleamed with perfection. That's why it was so astonishing when I decided to go to my hallway closet and retrieve a revolver that had never been used."Episode 01.02 - "Ah, But Underneath""An odd thing happens when we die. Our senses vanish. Taste, touch, smell, and sound become a distant memory. But our sight. Ah. Our sight expands. And we can suddenly see the world we left behind so clearly. Of course, most of what's visible to the dead can also be seen by the living. If they only take the time to look.""As I look back at the world I left behind, it's all so clear to me. The beauty that waits to be unveiled. The mysteries that long to be uncovered. But people so rarely stop to take a look. They just keep moving. It's a shame, really. There's so much to see."Episode 01.03 - "Pretty Little Picture""After I died, I began to surrender the parts of myself that were no longer necessary. My desires, beliefs, ambitions, doubts, every trace of my humanity was discarded. I discovered when moving through eternity, it helps to travel lightly. In fact, I held onto only one thing. My memory. It’s astonishing to look back on the world I left behind. I remember it all, every single detail.""Yes, I remember the world. Every detail. And what I remember the most is how afraid I was. What a waste! You see, to live in fear, is not to live at all. I wish I could tell this to those I left behind, but would it do any good? Probably not. I understand now, there will always be those who face their fears, and there will always be those who run away." Episode 01.04 "Who's That Woman?"What type of person will send such a noteWas it an enemy?Of courseBut what kind?An acquaintance?A stranger?Or how about a neighbor who lives a few feet away?Episode 01.05 "Come In, Stranger"People by their very nature are looking for intrudersTrying to prevent those from the outside from getting inBut there will always be those who always force into our livesJust as there will be those who we invite inBut the most troubling of allWill be the ones who stand on the outside looking inThe ones who we never truly get to knowEpisode 01.06 "Running to Stand Still"The search for power began when we were quite youngAs children were taught that the power of the good triumph over the power of evilBut as we grow olderWe realise that nothing is that simpleTraces of evils always remainEpisode 01.07 "Anything You Can Do"Competition, it means different things to different peopleBut whether it be a friendly rivalryOr a fight to the deathThe end result is the sameThere will be winnersAnd there will be losersOf course the trick isTo know which battles to fightYou see, no victory comes without a priceEpisode 01.08 "Guilty"There's a widely read book that tells that everyone is a sinnerOf course, not everyone feels guilt about the bad things they doIn contrast, there're those who assume more than their share of the blameThere are others who soothe their consciences with small acts of kindness...or by telling themselves their sins were justified.Finally there're the ones who simply vow to do better next time and pray for forgiveness Sometimes their prayers are answeredEpisode 01.09 "Suspicious Minds"People are complicated creaturesOn the one hand, able to perform great acts of charityOn the other, capable of the most underhanded forms of betrayalIt's a constant battle that wages within all of usBetween the better angle of our natureAnd the temptation of our inner demonsAnd sometimes the only way to ward off the darknessIs to shine a light of compassionEpisode 01.10 "Come Back To Me"Trust is a fragile thingOnce earned, it affords us tremendous freedomBut once trust is lost, it can be impossible to recoverOf course the truth isThose who we are closest to can betray usAnd total strangers can come to our rescueIn the end, most people choose to trust only themselvesIt is the simplest wayTo keep from getting burnedEpisode 01.11 "Move On"We are all searching for someoneThat special person who provides us what is missing in our livesSomeone who can offer companionshipOr assistanceOr securityOr sometimes when we search very hard we can find someone who provides usWith all threeYes, we are all searching for someoneAnd if we can't find themWe can only praythat they find usEpisode 01.12 "Every Day a Little Death"Death is inevitableIt's a promise made to each of us at birthBut before that promise is keptWe all hope something will happen to usWhether it's the thrill of romanceThe joy of raising a familyOr the anguish of great lossWe all hope to meet something that will make our lives meaningfulBut the sad fact isNot all lives have meaningsSome people spend their time on this planet just sitting on the sidelinesWaiting for something that happens to themBefore it's too lateEpisode 01.13 "Your Fault"Sooner or later the time comes when we must all become responsible adultsAnd learn to give up what we wantSo we can choose to do what is rightOf course, a life time of responsiblity isn't always easyAnd as the years go onIt becomes a burden too heavy for some to bearBut still we try to do what is best, what is goodNot only for ourselvesBut for those we loveYes, sooner or laterWe must all become responsible adultsNo one knows this better than the youngEpisode 01.14 "Love Is In The Air"It is just impossible to grasp how powerful love isIt can sustain us through trying timesOr motivate us to make extraodinary sacrificesIt can force the most decent man to commit the darkest deedsOr compell ordinary women to search for hidden truthAnd long after we are goneLove remains, burned into our memoriesWe all search for loveBut some of us, after we found itWish we hadn'tEpisode 01.15 "Impossible"Yes, each day of surburbia brings it a new set of lies.The worst are the ones we tell ourselves before we go asleepWe whisper them in the darkTelling ourselvesthat we're happyOr that he is happythat we can changeor that he can change his mindWe pursuade ourselves we can live with our sinsOr that we can live without himYes, each night before we fall asleepWe lie to ourselvesin a desperate, desperate hopethat comes morning, it will all be trueEpisode 01.16 "The Ladies Who Lunch"Yes, everyone loves a scandalNo matter how big or smallAfter all, what could be more entertaining than watching the downfall of the high almighty what could be more amusing than the public exposure of hypocritical sinners.yes, everyone loves a scandaland if for some reason you are not enjoying the latest onewell, the next one is always around the cornerEpisode 01.17 "There Won't Be Trumpets"We all honor heroes for some reasonsSometimes for their daringSometimes for their braverySometimes for their goodnessBut mostly we honor heroesBecause at one point or anotherwe dream of being rescuedOf coz, if the right hero doesn't come alongSometimes we just have to rescue ourselvesEpisode 01.18 "Children Will Listen"Children come in the world with their own agendasSome to brighten up our daysSome to test our patienceSome to give us purposeSome to take care of usYes, when they come, children change everythingEspecially when they are not invitedEpisode 01.19 "Live Alone and Like It"Yes, life is a journeyone that is much better travelled with a companion by our sideof coz the companion could be just of anyoneA neighbor on the other side of the streetor the man on the other side of the bedthe companion could be a mother with good intentionsor a child who is up to no goodStill, despite our best intentionsSome of us will lose our companion along the wayAnd then the journey becomes unbearableYou see, human beings are designed for many thingsAnd loneliness isn't one of themEpisode 01.20 "Fear No More"Spring comes every year to Wisteria LaneBut not everyone remembers to stop and smell the flowersSome are busy worrying about the futureor mistakes they've made in the pastOthers are pretty occupied of not getting caughtor thinking of ways to catch someone elseStill, there were always be a few who remembered to take a moment and appreciate what spring had given them just as there were always be those who preferred to sit in the dark, brewing over everything they've lost Episode 01.21 "Sunday In the Park With George"The vow is simple reallyThose who take it promise to stay together for better or for worsefor richer or for poorerin sickness and in healthto honor and to cherishfor sake in all othersuntil death do us apartYes, the vow is simplebinding someone worthy of such a promise is the hard partbut if we can, that's when we begin to live happily ever afterEpisode 01.22 "Goodbye For Now"Nothing is foreverWhen we all must say goodbye to the world we knewGoodbye to everything that we had taken for grantedGoodbye to those who we thought would never abandon usAnd when these changes finally do occurWhen the familiar has departedAnd the unfamiliar has taken its place...All any of us can really dois to say hello...and welcomeEpisode 01.23 "One Wonderful Day"It's an odd thing to look back on the worldTo watch those I left behindEach of her own way so brave, so determined and so very desperateDesperate to venture out, but afraid of what she'll miss when she goesDesperate to get everything she wants, even when she was not exactly sure of what that is Desperate for life to be perfect again, althogh she realized it never really was Desperate for a better future, if she can find a way to escape her pastI not only watched, I cheered them on, these amazing women.I hope so much that they'll find what they are looking forBut I know not all of them willSadly, that's just not the way life worksNot everyone gets a happy ending。



-Oh, Drake. -I'm sorry, Amber. 崔克抱歉,安柏It's like Brad to have to have the last word. 布莱就是这样子,嘴巴不认输Sorry I'm late. What happened? 抱歉,我迟到了,怎么样?We wanna see the end. 我们在看结局I want you, Drake. 我要你,崔克I know you do. 这个我知道But we can never be together that way. 但我们永远不可能会有结果的What? 什么?There's something I never told you. 有件事我一直没有告诉你I'm actually your half-brother. 我是你的异母哥哥So what happens next? 那后来怎么样呢?I get the medical award for separating the Siamese twins. 我帮连体婴动分割手术得了医学奖Then Amber and I go to Venezuela to meet our other half-brother, Ramon...然后我跟安柏去委内瑞拉找另外一个异母哥哥雷蒙…我找到了世界最大的翡翠...where I find the world's biggest emerald. It's really big. …那真的很大But it's cursed. 但受了诅咒So cool! 好酷喔God, that is good TV! 天啊,真是个好节目God, that is good TV! The One Where Dr. Ramoray DiesGod, that is good TV! 六人行第2季第18集瑞摩瑞医生之死Pheebs, play with me! 菲菲,跟我玩嘛This game is grotesque! 不,这种游戏太畸型了Twenty armless guys joined at the waist by a steel bar... 居然把二十个手无寸铁的男人串成一长条…...forced to play soccer forever? …被迫无止境地踢足球Hello? Human rights violation! 简直是侵害人权嘛Don't feel so bad. After playing... 不要为他们难过等他们踢完足球之后…我把小塑胶妞拿出来...I break out the plastic women and everybody has a good time. …大家都会非常开心的呀Why don't you play with your roommate? 你干嘛不跟你室友玩?He's not a big fan of foosball. 他不爱玩桌上足球Are we not getting along with the new boy? 你跟那个新来的处得不好吗?No, he's all right. He spends most of his time in his room. 不是啊,他很好,只是多数的时间都关在房间里That's because you haven't gotten to know him. 我想那也许是因为你没有花时间去了解他Let's remedy that, shall we? 我们来补救,好不好?-We don't need to. -lt'll be fun! 我们不需要补救要啊,会很好玩的What was that? 什么事?I thought it'd be fun if we had beers and got to know each other. 我只是想我们三人来喝点啤酒彼此了解一下会很有意思All right. 好呀Oh, good! Okay. 听起来不错Oh, no! I have to go, because I'm late for... 不行,我得走了因为我还要赶去…绿蛋与火腿”的研讨会... my Green Eggs and Ham discussion group. …“Tonight, it's "Why he would not eat them on a train." 今天晚上主题是… “为什么不在火车上吃呢?”-Have fun! Bye! -That was so lame. 好好玩,拜好烂的藉口I know. 我知道Okay, talk to him. 你跟他谈So you think that Speed Racer guy gets a lot of tickets or...? 你想那个赛车手被开了多少罚单啊…?That's good. So who broke up with who? 好笑…谁甩了谁啊?I broke up with her. 我甩了她呀She actually thought Sean Penn was the capital of Cambodia. 她真的以为西恩潘是高棉的首都When everybody knows that the capital of Cambodia is.... 有没有搞错?大家都知道高棉的首都是…It's not Sean Penn. 不是西恩潘I got a funny one. 好,我有个好笑的My last girlfriend, Tilly. We're eating breakfast, right? 好,我前任的女友叫提莉我们在吃早餐I made these pancakes. Like, 50 pancakes. 我做了很多薄松饼大概有五十多个吧All of a sudden, she turns to me and says, "Eddie... 突然间她转过来她就说艾迪…我不想再跟你见面了... I don't wanna see you anymore." …It was literally like she had reached into my chest... 那就好像是她把手伸进我的胸膛里…... ripped out my heart and smeared it all over my life! …挖出了我的心把我的生活搞得乱七八糟的There was this incredible abyss and I'm falling. 那就像我面前有一个深渊我就一直往下掉I keep falling and I don't think I'm ever gonna stop! 我就一直往下掉永无止境地往下掉That wasn't such a funny story. 这个故事不太好笑,是不是?And a crusty old man Said I'll do what I can 一个坏脾气老头说我尽量And the rest of the rats Played maracas 其他老鼠开始摇响葫芦That's it! Thanks! Good night. 唱完了,谢谢,晚安Phoebe's got another job, right? 菲比有别的工作吧?Great set tonight, Pheebs. 唱得很好,菲菲I know. 我知道We should get going. 我想我们该走了We should too. I've got patients at 8 in the morning. 我们也该走了明天早上八点还有病人You know how we always stay at your apartment? 知道吗?我在想我们老是在你那边过夜I thought tonight we'd stay at my place. 或许今晚改住我那边啊I don't know. I don't have my jammies. 我不知道,我没有带我的睡衣You don't need them. 或许你不需要My baby sister, ladies and gentlemen. 我的小妹妹,各位先生女士Shut up. I'm happy. 闭嘴,我很快乐Oh, this is so nice! I have to make a speech. 这太棒了我必须说几句话Of all the guys that Monica has been with, and that is a lot... 我只是想说,在摩妮卡交过的为数众多的男友当中…我最喜欢你了...I like you the best. …Thank you, Pheebs. That's very sweet. 谢谢你,菲菲,嘴真甜You hear that? 听到了吗?She likes me best. And apparently, there have been a lot. 她最喜欢我而且你显然阅人无数Not a lot. 没有啦Phoebe's kidding. Phoebe's crazy. 菲比在说笑吧,菲比是疯子Phoebe's dead. 菲比死定了I'm looking for Eddie Manoick. 我来找一位曼艾迪He's not here right now. I'm Chandler. 他现在不在我叫钱德Can I take a message or.... Or a fish tank? 要我帮你留话还是…拿鱼缸呢?Thanks. 谢了Come on in. 请进I'm Tilly. 我叫提莉I gather by that "Oh," he told you about me. 看你这个样子他一定跟你提过我了Yeah, your name came up... 提过,你的大名在一段…令我惊心动魄的对话中曾经出现过了 a conversation that terrified me to my very soul. …He's kind of intense. 他这人有点激烈吧Yes! Hey, can I ask you, is Eddie a little... 对呀,请问你艾迪是不是有一点…A little what? 有一点怎么样?有点乡村?...bit country? …Come on in, you roomie! 快进来呀,室友Hello, Tilly. 提莉Eddie, I just came by to drop off your tank. 艾迪,我只是把鱼缸送过来That was very thoughtful of you. 你想得真是周到It's very thoughtful. 非常体帖Well, okay then. 就这样了I'm gonna go. Bye. 我要走了,再见So we getting a fish? 那么我们养鱼了,是不是?You had sex with her. 你们上床了,是不是?Check it out, check it out! 菲菲,你看…我最喜欢的文摘之一Soap Opera Digest! That's one of my favorite digests! “肥皂剧文摘” Page 42! Page 42! 42页…"New Doc on the Block, Days of our Lives Joey Tribbiani." 医界新秀“我们的日子”崔乔伊Cool picture! 好酷的照片Oh, I look good. 我好帅Is this true? That you write a lot of your own lines? 这是真的吗?很多台词都是你自己写的吗?Well, kind of, yeah. 可以这么说啦Remember last week when Alex was in the accident? 像你记得上礼拜亚历出了事那一集吗?The line in the script was... 剧本上的台词是…我们不送这女人... "If we d on't get this woman to a hospital, she's going to die." …“去医院的话,她会死的”But I made it, "If this woman doesn't get to a hospital... 被我改成了这个女人不去医院就医的话…...she's not gonna live." …她会活不成的Oh, okay. I see what you did there. 我懂你做了什么了Aren't you afraid the writers will be kind of mad when they read this? 那你不怕那些编剧看到这篇文章会有点生气吗?I never thought about the writers. The scripts just come to my house. 我倒没有考虑到那些编剧剧本总是送来我家But you know what? 但你知道吗?This makes me look good, which makes the show look good... 这样让我很有面子也因为这样子,节目有面子…...which makes the writers look good. So how could they bemad? …也因为这样子,编剧有面子他们怎么可能会生我的气呢?...which makes the writers look good. So how could they be mad? 我们的日子Makes up most of his lines. 他编了自己大部份的台词Son of a.... 很好…Write this, jerk-weed. 写这个,混蛋I fall down an elevator shaft? 我跌下了电梯井What does this mean? I fall down an elevator shaft? 这什么意思?我跌下了电梯井I don't know. I just bring the scripts. 我不知道,我只是送剧本过来They can't kill me! I'm Francesca's long-lost son! 他们不能杀我我是兰琪失散的儿子呀Right. 对Could you sign? 请你签收,好吗?No! No way! I'm not signing that! 我才不签呢I don't think that will affect the plot of the show. 我不认为对那个节目的剧情会有影响啊How can they do this to me? 他们怎么能这么对我?All right, I'm just gonna go. 我要走了Sorry. 很遗撼Well, it wasn't that many guys. 也没有那么多个啦If you consider how many guys there actually are... 我是说,如果你考虑到全世界有多少男人…'s a very small percentage. …那个比例非常小It's not that big a deal. I was just curious. 没什么大不了的我只是…好奇罢了-Good night. -Good night, Richard. 晚安晚安,理查Good luck, Mon. 祝你好运,摩妮卡Before I tell you, you tell me how many women you've been with. 好,我说之前你先说你有过几个女人Two. 两个Two? Two? 两个?…How is that possible? I mean... 那怎么可能?…... have you seen you? …你知道你长得有多帅吗?I mean, what can I say? 我能说什么呢?I was married to Barbara for 30 years, my high-school sweetheart.我跟芭芭拉做了三十年的夫妻我们在高中就认识了Now you. That's two. 加上你,一共两个Two it is. 那就两个吧Time for bed. I'm gonna brush my teeth. 该上床了我要去刷牙了No, wait a minute now! 你先等一等Come on, it's your turn. 来啊,换你了Oh, come on! 快说呀You know, I don't need the actual number. Just a ballpark. 我也不需要知道确实的数目只要差不多就可以了Okay, it is definitely less than a ballpark. 绝对比一个“大厦”还要少I am so glad I'm not Monica right now. 真庆幸现在我不是摩妮卡Tell me about it. 那还用说So what's your magic number? 你的神奇数字是多少?Come on, you know everyone I've been with. All both of them. 来嘛,我交过的你都认识两个你都认识Well, there's you. 有你Better not be doing these in order. 最好不要说我是第一个Billy Dreskin, Pete Carny. 崔比利,柯彼得Barry. 贝利Paolo. 还有…保罗Oh, yes, the weenie from Turinie. 对,托里尼来的蠢蛋Honey, are you jealous of Paolo? 蜜糖,你嫉妒保罗吗?I'm so much happier with you than I ever was with him. 跟他从没像跟你在一起这么快乐过-Really? -Oh, please! 真的?拜托That Paolo thing was barely a relationship. 跟保罗那一段根本就不能算All it really was was just meaningless, animal sex. 那只能算是无意义的野兽的性关系Okay, you know, that sounded so much better in my head. 我这么说让我自己觉得好多了I didn't sleep with your ex-girlfriend. 艾迪我没有跟你的前任女友上床That's exactly what someone who slept with her would say. 有意思,因为跟她上过床的人都会这么说This is nuts! Crazy! She came over for two minutes... 你疯了,你疯了,是不是?她只来了两分钟而已…丢下鱼缸就走了就是这样...dropped off a fish tank and left! …Where's Buddy? 巴迪在哪里?Buddy? 巴迪?My fish, Buddy. 我的鱼巴迪There was no fish when she dropped it off. 她根本就没有带鱼来里面没有任何东西This is unbelievable! 这真令人难以置信You sleep with my ex-girlfriend, insult my intelligence by lying... 你先跟我的前任女友上床以为我会笨到去相信你的谎言...then you kill my fish? My Buddy? 然后你杀了我的鱼我的巴迪?I didn't kill your fish! 我没有杀你的鱼啊Look, Eddie 你听我说,艾迪…Would you look at what I'm doing? 你看我在做什么,好不好?Now that can't be smart. 那样太不聪明了So we're just gonna take this guy right off you... 所以我们要把那个傢伙给拿开…把它放到我的口袋先生里...and put him here in Mr. Pocket. …Tangelo? 来个橘子吧That's it? That's the giant number you were afraid to tell me? 就这样吗?害怕告诉我的庞大数目吗?Well, that's not bad at all. 那还好嘛You had me thinking it was, like, a fleet. 我是说,你害我以为你有一“托拉库”的人You're okay with it? 你真的觉得没关系?Oh, honey, I'm fine. 亲爱的,没关系Okay, about that two. 对了,关于那两个…What? 什么?All right. 好吧What about my two? 我的“两个”怎么样?It just seems like a really small number. 只是听起来真的好少喔Right. 对呀Don't you have a lot of wild oats to sow? 我是说,难道你没有欲望到处去采花吗?Or is that what you're doing with me? Oh, my God! Am I an oat? 你现在就是在那样对我吗?天啊,我是花吗?Honey, you are not an oat. 亲爱的,你不是被采的花I don't know, I guess I'm just not an oat guy. 我不知道我猜我不是那一型的I've only slept with women I love. 我只跟我爱的女人上床You've only slept with two people. 但是你只跟两个人上过床Right. 对You know I love you too, right? 你一定知道我也爱你吧?Now I do. 现在我知道了Ross, please listen to me. 罗斯…拜托听我说You are so much better for me than Paolo ever was. 罗斯,你比保罗好太多了You care about me, you're loving, you make me laugh. 我是说,你关心我我心中有爱,你会逗我笑If I make you laugh, here's an idea. 那样的话,我有个主意Invite Paolo to have a romp in the sack... 你可以邀请保罗过来在床上野兽一下…而我就站在角落讲敲门的笑话...and I'll stand in the corner and tell knock-knock jokes! …What we have is special! All Paolo and I ever had was 罗斯,我们的感情很特别!我跟保罗有的只是…野兽的性关系”?"Animal sex"? “So what are you saying? 所以你什么意思呢?There's nothing between us "animal" at all? 你是说我们之间就没有任何“兽性”的东西吗There's not even, like, a little animal? 连一点点…一点兽性都没有?Not even, like... 甚至连…连像…花栗鼠性...chipmunk sex? …Try to hear me, okay? 拜托,你听我说I'm not gonna lie to you. 我不想对你说谎-lt was good with Paolo. -Knock-knock. 跟保罗的性很好敲敲门But what you and I have is so much better. 但我们两个之间的比那好多了We have tenderness, we have intimacy, we connect. 我们有温柔,我们有亲密我们灵犀相通You know? I swear. 而且我发誓This is the best... 我从来没有过…像你这么棒的... I have ever had. …Until now. 直到现在Richard told me he loved me. 理查刚说他爱我-Oh, my God! -I know! 天啊我知道Honey, that's great! 太棒了I know! 我知道-I just can't find -Top drawer. 我只是找不到… 在第一个抽屉-Hurry. -Why? You need one too? 你也要啊对呀Found them! 找到了There's only one. 只有一个We'll be right there. We're just trying to decide something. 我马上来我们…在决定事情-They're trying to decide something. -Good. Good, good. 她们两个在决定事情好,很好So was your mustache Did it used to be different? 你的…你的小胡子跟以前有不同吗?How do you, you know, keep it so neat? 你怎么能够保持得那么整齐?I have a comb. 我有一把小梳子-What is that? -A mustache comb. 那个梳子叫什么?胡子梳Thank you. 谢谢Okay, I will do your laundry for one month. 我帮你洗一个月的衣服I will, I will, I will.... 我会…我会…I will clean the apartment for two months. 我打扫两个月的房子,如何?I'll give this to you now, if you tell me where we keep the dustpan. 只要你告诉我我们把畚箕放在哪里,这个我现在给你So were you in Nam? 你有没有打过越战?-Rock, paper, scissors? -Gotcha. 剪刀石头布没问题One, two, three. 一,二,三Yes! 太棒了Fine. Go have sex. 很好,上床吧No! You have got it completely wrong! 不对,你完完全全搞错了John Savage was Deer Hunter, no legs. 强沙维奇是“越战猎鹿人”,没有腿Jon Voight was Coming Home, couldn't feel his legs. 强沃特是“归乡”,腿瘫痪了You've got it totally the other way around, my friend. Jon Voight 你完完全全搞反了,朋友强沃特是…-Honey? -What? 亲爱的什么?Shall we? 进去吧It's not gonna happen. 今晚不可能了They're doing it tonight. We can do it tomorrow. 今天晚上他们做我们可以明天再做In the future, if I could see the schedule beforehand.... 下一次的时间表可不可以先让我看看?So when I woke up this morning... 我今天早上醒过来的时候…发现他偷了我所有的鞋垫... he'd stolen all the insoles out of my shoes! …Why? 为什么?He thinks I slept with his ex-girlfriend and killed his fish. 那傢伙以为我睡了他前任女友而且还杀了他的鱼Why would you kill his fish? 你干嘛杀了他的鱼?Because sometimes after you sleep with someone... 菲比,因为有时候你跟人上床之后…就必须要杀条鱼 have to kill a fish. …Chandler, honey... 钱德,宝贝…... I'm sorry. …抱歉Can we watch Joey's show now, please? 可以看乔伊的节目了吗?Wait. He's not here yet. 等等,他还没有到He knows what happens. 他知道情节I'm fine about my problem now, by the way. 对了,我不在乎我的问题了Amber... 安柏…...I'll always be there for you... …你需要的时候永远有我… a friend and as your brother. …我是你一辈子的朋友跟兄弟Oh, Drake. 崔克Hard day, huh? 辛苦了First the medical award, now this? 先是医学大奖,然后是这个Some guys are just lucky, I guess. 是呀,我猜有些人天生好运Dr. Ramoray, report to first floor Emergency stat. 雷大夫,请到一楼急诊室报到Well, then... 那么…... I guess that's me. …我猜在叫我了Anyone else need to go on the elevator? Dr. Horton? Dr. Wall? 还有谁想坐电梯的?何大夫?华大夫?They only said you. 他们只叫你一个人啊Oh, okay. All right. 好吧I love you. 我爱你,崔克Yeah, whatever. 是呀,随便啦Oh, no! 不…Drake, look out! 崔克,小心,崔克…-Did they just kill off Joey? -No! 他们刚刚甩了乔伊不Now maybe. 好像真的Come on! Open up! We want to talk to you! 开门,我们想跟你谈一谈I don't feel like talking! 我不想谈Come on! We care about you. 别这样了,乔伊我们关心你-We're worried about you. -And some of us really have to pee! 我们很关心你我们有些人真的很急呀I'm sorry, Joey. 抱歉,乔伊Listen, sorry about your death. That really sucks. 听着,很遗撼你的死真的很惨耶-We came over as soon as we saw. -How could you not tell us? 我们一看到就赶过来了你怎么不告诉我们呢?I don't know. I was kind of hoping no one would ever find out. 我不知道我有点希望没有人会发现Well, maybe they could find a way to bring you back. 或许他们可以让你起死回生They said that when they found my body, my brain was so smashed in...他们说当找到我尸体的时候我的脑袋已经摔得稀巴烂了…而唯一救得了我的人是我...that the only doctor who could've sav ed me was me. …It's supposed to be some kind of irony. 说是故意要看起来讽刺什么的But Joey, you're gonna be fine. 乔伊,你不会有事的You don't need that show. It was just a dumb soap opera. 你不需要那个节目那只是个蠢的肥皂剧嘛This was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. 菲比,那是我这辈子最棒的事Yes! I was going to incorporate that. 没错,我本来还要那样说的Here's Monica. She'll have something nice to say. 很好,摩妮卡来了她会说句好听的啦I straightened out your shower curtain so you won't get mildew. 我把你的浴帘拉直了以免发霉What? To me, that's nice. 怎么了?那是好事啊It'll be okay. You know that. 不要紧的,你也知道嘛No, I don't. 不,我不知道It's like you work your whole life for something... 像你奋斗了一辈子去追求…...and you think that when you get it... …当你认为你办到的时候…永远不会像你想的一样好'll never be as good as you thought. …But this so was. 不过这个是啊It changed everything. 它改变了一切Like, the other day, I got this credit card application... 前几天呢,我去申请信用卡…...and I was pre-approved! …我竟然被保送过关了I've never been pre-approved for anything in my life! 我这辈子从没被保送过关过I'm sorry, man. 很遗撼,老兄I don't know if this'll mean anything to you... 乔伊我不知道这对你有没有意义…但我们总是会保送你过关... but you'll always be pre-approved with us. …That means nothing to me. 不,那对我没有意义Pecan sandy? Just made them. 大胡桃饼,刚出炉的Yeah, all right. 对,好Are these raisins? 这是什么?葡萄干吗?Sure, why not? 当然了,有何不可?Listen, Eddie. 听我说,艾迪I've been thinking about our living situation. 我想过我们目前住在一起的情况了Why are you smiling? 你为什么要笑?I got a little surprise. Look. There's a new fishy. 我有个小小的惊喜我买了条新鱼I named him... 我叫它…... Chandler, you know, after yo u. …钱德,以你为名Well, that's not even a real fish. 那根本不是一条真鱼啊No, that's a Goldfish cracker. 那是金鱼饼干耶So what's your point, man? 你要说什么?Okay, good night. 晚安了You big freak of nature! 大自然爱好者-Brisk tonight. -Oh, man. 今天晚上好冷老兄。



CriminalMinds(犯罪心理)名言 Season1◎Episode 1: Extreme Aggressor(2005.09.22)●The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary.Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.——Joseph Conrad【约瑟夫·康拉德(波兰出生的英国作家):将邪恶的产生归结于超自然的因素是没有必要的,人类自身就足以实施每一种恶行。

】●Try again.Fail again.Fail better.——Samuel Beckett【Samuel Beckett(当代最著名的荒诞剧作家):再试,再失败,更好地失败。

】(Gideon片中台词)●Try not.Do or do not.——Y oda【尤达大师(『星球大战』中的主角):别试。


】(Morgan片中台词)●All is riddle,and the key to a riddle…is another riddle.——Emerson【爱默生(美国诗人、散文家、哲学家):所有的事物都是谜团,而解开一个谜的钥匙……是另一个谜。

】●The farther backward you can look,the farther forward you will see.——Winston Churchill【温斯顿·邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。

】●When you look long into an abyss,the abyss looks into you.——Nietzsche【尼采:当你凝视深渊时,深渊也在凝视你。

】◎Episode 2: Compulsion(2005.09.28)●There are certain clues at a crime scene which,by their very nature, do not lend themselves to being collected or examined.How does one collect love, rage, hatred, fear?——Dr. James T. Reese 【詹姆斯·瑞斯博士(美国精神创伤压力处理方面的专家):犯罪现场中的某些线索根据它们自己本身的性质,是不容易收集起来检测的。



The Scandal In Belgravia 贝尔格莱维亚丑闻
The Hounds of Baskerville The Hounds of 巴斯克维尔的猎犬 Baskerville巴斯克维 尔的猎犬
The Reichenbach Fall莱辛 巴赫陨落 《最后一案》(The Final Problem)
incredible(难以置信) outsight quick plot (情节)and the mixture of many stories of the novel in every episode(插曲,插话)
uses modern technology
The microscope (显微镜)takes the place of magnifier (放大镜)
第一集:The Empty Hearse 空灵柩 第二集:The Sign of Three 三人征兆 第三集:His Last Vow 最后誓言

friendship or more

A real friend is someone who always stands by your side without any complication Sherlock is somewhat an eccentric(古怪的) person But John has done it well
The woman Shrlock interested
does he Resurrect
Game is not over.
Thank you
The primary antagonist(对手)



In the 18th episode of Friends Season 2, titled "The One Where Dr. Ramoray Dies," the central storyline revolves around Joey's acting career. After securing a prominent role as the character Dr. Ramoray on a popular soap opera, Joey faces the shocking news that his character is being killed off in the show. Despite the setback, he tries to cope with the loss while grappling with his future in the entertainment industry.Meanwhile, Rachel is dealing with her own work-related predicament. She accidentally combines two different desserts at the coffee shop and creates a strange but surprisingly popular new treat. As her co-workers encourage her to take advantage of the accidental success, Rachel has to decide whether to embrace her unexpected talent or stay on her previous career path.Monica finds herself in the midst of a romantic dilemma when she realizes she is dating a younger man, Ethan. As the age difference becomes more apparent, Monica questions whether their relationship can withstand the challenges posed by their generational gap. "The One Where Dr. Ramoray Dies" offers a mix of comedic and emotional moments as Joey grapples with his soap opera role, Rachel contemplates a new direction for her career, and Monica navigates the complexities of an unconventional relationship. With its relatable themes and amusing plotlines, this episode captures the essence of friendship and personal growth in the beloved series, Friends.。



作文弯道超越的失败事例英文回答:In the annals of human history, the pursuit of greatness has often been marked by both triumphs and setbacks. The path to success is rarely a straight line, and detours or even outright failures can sometimes provide valuable lessons for those who dare to venture down them. The concept of "corner cutting," or attempting to achieve a goal by taking shortcuts, is often fraught with risk, as exemplified by numerous cautionary tales of those who have stumbled along this treacherous path.One such story is that of Icarus, the young man from Greek mythology who, with his father, Daedalus, crafted wings of feathers and wax. Despite his father's warnings to fly neither too high nor too low, Icarus succumbed to hubris and soared ever higher, closer to the sun. As a result, the wax on his wings melted, causing him to plummet into the sea and drown. This tragic tale serves as atimeless reminder of the dangers of overreaching and the importance of adhering to sound advice.Another example of a failed attempt at corner cutting is the ill-fated expedition of Sir John Franklin in search of the Northwest Passage. In 1845, Franklin set out with two ships, the Erebus and the Terror, on a mission to find a navigable route through the Arctic ice from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. However, the expedition became trapped in the ice, and all 129 crew members perished. The subsequent search and rescue efforts revealed that the ships had been poorly equipped for the harsh Arctic conditions, and that Franklin had made several critical mistakes, including neglecting to provision his ships adequately and failing to establish communication with other vessels. This tragic episode underscores the importance of thorough preparation and risk assessment in any endeavor, and the folly of attempting to rush into uncharted territory without the necessary resources.In the realm of business and finance, countless companies have fallen victim to the lure of corner cutting.One notable example is the case of Enron, an Americanenergy company that collapsed in 2001 amid accusations of accounting fraud and corporate malfeasance. Enron's executives engaged in a series of risky financial practices, including the use of complex derivatives and off-balance sheet accounting, in order to inflate the company'searnings and stock price. However, these practicesultimately proved unsustainable, leading to Enron'sdownfall and the loss of billions of dollars for its investors and employees. This scandal serves as a stark warning about the dangers of greed and the need for ethical conduct in business.In the political arena, corner cutting can have equally disastrous consequences. The recent political crisis in Peru, which has seen two presidents impeached and removed from office in less than a year, is a case in point. Former President Pedro Castillo was accused of corruption and obstruction of justice, while his successor, Dina Boluarte, has faced widespread protests and calls for her resignation. These events highlight the fragility of democratic institutions and the importance of upholding the rule oflaw. Corner cutting in the form of political maneuvering or corruption can undermine public trust and lead toinstability.The pursuit of success often requires taking risks and venturing beyond one's comfort zone. However, it is crucial to approach this pursuit with wisdom and caution. Corner cutting may offer the allure of a quick and easy route to a desired outcome, but it often comes at a steep price. The lessons learned from the failures of Icarus, Sir John Franklin, Enron, and others serve as valuable remindersthat the path to true success is paved with integrity, preparation, and perseverance.中文回答:弯道超车,顾名思义,就是另辟蹊径,采取捷径方式达成目标。



新视野⼤学英语教程4=读写4(U1-U5)词汇练习等I Multiple choice Unit 11) This disease is caused by a tiny worm which can _______ the skin of a human being and cause a potentially serious illness.A) transmit B) plunge C) penetrate D) filter2) The prime minister has made it clear that no _________ will be made to the strikers.A) sessions B) recessions C) concessions D) conferences3) The noise was so loud that it was a _________ to the neighbors.A) nuisance B) trouble C) worry D) anxiety4) It's only by _________ luck that I can remain in the company when so many employees have to be dismissed.A) perfect B) total C) sheer D) thorough5) He is ______ on all kinds of wine - beer, whisky, and so forth.A) willing B) ready C) eager D) keen6) The government would not dare to ________ taxes on such needed foods as bread or milk.A) put B) impose C) force D) emphasize7) Oh, the steak I had last night was so ________! It was delicious.A) mild B) slight C) light D) tender8) While they did not __________ any good results, they were still trying their best.A) count in B) count on C) count up D) count out9) They did not ________ to the enemy and determined to go on fighting.A) yield B) apply C) resort D) appeal10) I said I might be late for dinner but he made such a _____ that I thought I'd better arrive on time.A) confusion B) initiative C) fuss D) bark11) I at last surrendered to the ________ and ate the last piece of chocolate.A) intention B) appeal C) temptation D) charm12) I refused to tip the ______ , who left with an angry expression.A) porter B) employee C) servant 佣⼈D) assistant13) Divorce rate in the US is very high, which is often _________ by money problems.A) associated B) connected C) assisted D) accompanied14) You take everything too _______! Relax and enjoy yourself.A) carefully B) gravely C) seriously D) critically15) You look thoroughly _______. Why don't you take a week's holiday?A) run up B) run down C) run over D) run off16) Would it be more ______ in the long run to buy a second-hand television rather than to rent one?A) sensible B) sensitive C) sentimental D) sensational17) If you have not signed a contract, you are under no ______ to pay them any money.A) instinct B) influence C) sympathy D) obligation18) She no longer believed in him for his _______ promises all these years.A) vacant B) empty C) bare D) hollow19) They all believed that internal peace and stability cannot be _______ by force.A) protected B) guaranteed C) preserved D) ensured20) It must've taken a lot of courage for an adult to be _______ to such shame and stress.A) subjected B) attached C) related D) resisted21) ________ the fact that the medicine is inexpensive, it has a big market.A) By means of B) By nature of C) By way of D) By virtue of22) The thought of seeing her again _____ him throughout the hardest time in his life.A) contributed B) provided C) sustained D) favored23) It was so hot that the butter started to ______.A) thaw B) dissolve C) melt D) harden24) The room was a mess of clothes and paper which had been _______ all over the floor.A) spread B) scratched C) burned D) scattered疏散25) If you suddenly died tomorrow and you ___________ your life, what moments would you treasure the most?A) looked up to B) looked down on C) looked back on D) looked forward to26) It is technological advances that make easier the storage and rapid ________ of information into homes and offices.A) transformation B) transaction C) transport D) transmission27) He criticizes the money _______ common among young people.A) worship B) pray C) respect D) admire28) Close your eyes and listen to your breathing, trying to _________ the rhythm and making sure that you breathe only through your nose.A) reform B) relate C) regulate D) register29) During the war, many ______ went to safer countries nearby to try to live better lives.A) scouts B) saints C) beggars D) refugees难民30) His color is not ________to whether he's a good lawyer or not.A) relevant B) resistant C) regulating D) relatingII Error correction1) Mrs. Baroda might have yielded to the temptation if she wasn’t a respectable and sensible person.A B C D2) As long as the bride is concerned, her family has been preparing for her wedding ever since sheA B Cwas born.D3) By the time they reached the summit, they were running down but they were also relieved to be there.A B C D4) It is no excuse to say that these animals deserve treating cruelly on account of their own cruelty.A B C D5) I object to go there tonight since everybody is so tired today. We had better go home rather thanA B Cwait here.DUnit 2I Multiple choice1) If a ________ were to reach the gas it would go off at once.A) spot B) spill C) spark D) spray2) After about an hour and a half the party ______ because there was not enough wine that evening.A) broke off B) broke away C) broke up D) broke through3) House purchase is the biggest decision that most people make and the easiest one to _______ for various reasons.A) postpone B) conduct C) replace D) last4) Somewhat to my _______, the police will soon eliminate her from their inquiries.A) entertainment B) judgment C) relief D) relaxation5) The political weakness of these countries _________their economic weakness.A) compromised with B) competed with C) communicated to D) corresponded to6) A series of tragic _______ made Mr. Terres feel he has to face up to his life.A) accidents B) incidents C) events D) occurrences7) The foreign-born Chinese are thought of as yellow on the outside and white on the inside because they only look like Chinese but never think or ______ like Chinese.A) direct B) accustom C) adjust D) behave8) For many young people, the late 1960s was a period of _______ against the moral values that had been the pride of the past generations.A) revolt B) rebel C) chaos D) challenge9) I promised to_________ the others at 5 a.m.A) rouse B) stimulate C) motivate D) prompt10) Prisoners are reported to have been deliberately _______ without trial.A) murdered B) convicted C) executed D) punished11) This swimming costume is made of ______ material.A) elastic B) clumsy C) coarse D) delicious12) Two drivers were killed in a head-on ________ down a car and a taxi last night.A) collapse B) conflict C) collision D) crush13) A few shots of this drug cleared up the disease ______A) for long B) before long C) ever since D) for good14) The citizens in the neighborhood all______ for the local government's decision to close the small paint factory.A) claimed B) cracked C) clapped D) crashed15) The government attempts to put down the______ of the president's sex scandal.A) news B) rumor C) saying D) proverb16) The fact that we underestimated our ______ led to our bitter defeat.A) opponent B) candidate C) colleague D) advocate17) The girls were all _____ of Grace because she was so pretty, with beautiful hands and a face like a film-star's.A) greedy B) controversial C) competitive D) jealous18) The Watergate ______ was exposed by two investigative journalists working for the Washington Post.A) shame B) conviction C) rumor D) scandal19) Japanese banks, once _____ competitors in the British banking market, have all but disappeared.A) bold B) fierce C) wild D) harmful20) 5000 people held a protest march and_____ against sexual discrimination.A) rally B) conjunction C) episode D) riot21) A _____ broke out at the stadium when the home team lost 5-0.A) rebel B) strike C) violation D) riot22) It was the third time in three weeks that such ugly scenes had been _______ in London.A) endeavored B) demonstrated C) witnessed D) judged23) You may laugh at my idea but I'm in deadly _____.A) intensive B) generous C) earnest D) voluntary24) When I come back, I feel _____and many new ideas occur to me.A) renewed B) recreated C) reshaped D) refreshed25) According to the Centers for Disease Control, women will soon _____ 80 percent of those diagnosed with HIV.A) make up B) build up C) stand for D) conform to26) She ______the knives and forks at the lunch table.A) laid up B) laid off C) laid down D) laid out27) ________some other low-income countries in Africa, most children here do eventually get to primary school and stay there for a few years.A) Contrary to B) In regard to C) In contrast to D) With respect to28) Seven hundred thousand tons of ______ oil has poured out of the damaged tanker into the sea.A) raw B) rough C) crude D) tough29) Fertile soil helps Canada________ among the world's leading wheat producers.A) rank B) occupy C) arrange D) classify30) The film producer sent him the ______ and assured him there was no question of him appearing on stage in therole.A) scrape B) catalog C) category D) scriptII Error correction1) If I knew that you were coming, I would have met you at the airport.A B C D2) Whenever I see someone having a drink in a TV programme, I feel like to have a drink myself andA B Cit's the same with cigarettes and food.D3) Before the 1950s, ships sinking in the Triangle were in some degree common occurrences.A B C D4) Awaiting her husband at the airport, she couldn't help but to smile to herself.A B C D5) Despite of the high divorce rate in the United States, young men and women continue to marry onA B Cthe basis of romantic love.DIII Summary of the textCharlie Chaplin was born in___1___. However, he was much more ___2___in other countries than the land of his birth. Many English people considered Chaplin’s Tramp a little ___3___. However, in Modern Times in 1936, he made up a nonsense language with no known ___4___and this helped to bring about his huge___5___. Chaplin was the kind of___6___who used his physical senses to invent his art as he went along. The physical transformation of lifeless objects, plus his ___7___in acting became the ___8___of Chaplin’s great comedy. Chaplin had a deep need to be___9___ and fortunately life eventually gave him stable ___10___when he married Oona in 1942.Unit 3I Multiple choice1) Prices of goods are governed by the cost of the ______ materials, as well as by the cost of production.A) primitive B) rough C) original D) raw2) In the countryside there are no ________ and no free medical care for the aged.A) wages B) pensions C) profits D) rewards3) You are legally _________ take faulty goods back to the store where you purchased.A) entitled to B) involved in C) associated with D) assigned to4) The headmaster has_______ views about what his pupils should wear.A) noble B) flexible C) liberal ⾃由⼈D) liable5) She made a _______of $200 to the Children's Hospital.A) publication B) donation C) acquisition D) quotation6) It is frightening for a youngster to feel that he is in charge of himself; it's like being in a car without ________.A) brakes B) controls C) gears D) signals7) Environmental protection is _________ national and local economic development.A) related to B) involved in C) included in D) subjected to8) She made a _____ of $ 69,000 for the flat, which was accepted.A) currency B) proposal C) bid D) purchase9) After the recent bomb attacks, members of the public are being warned to be _____ at all times and to look out for any suspicious packages.A) alert B) aware C) cautious D) nervous10) If the rain doesn't stop, people will be ________ serious flooding.A) facing with B) faced with C) subjecting with D) subjected with11) It was _______ to the media that the president had resolved to fight.A) leaked B) loosened C) relieved D) issued12) How do you _______your long absence from classes without asking for leave?A) account for B) count on C) account of D) count for13) They were ___ of armed robberies and sentenced to 15 years and 14 years respectively.A) convicted B) convinced C) sentenced D) condemned14) Most flowers will not ____ without sunshine.A) cultivate B) boom C) sustain D) thrive15) I decided to keep a low ______, after all I was a guest.A) profile B) position C) attitude D) mood16) If you throw away your credit card _______ and someone else gets it, they can use the number to buy things in your name.A) check B) ticket C) receipt D) label17) I eventually found the letter I was looking for under a ____ of papers.A) stock B) stack C) piece D) sequence18) A small ______ plane crashed into a hillside in Northern England yesterday, killing six people.A) assembled B) dominated C) monitored D) chartered19) Mr. Thomson is strongly opposed to the proposal of constructing a power plant in the area that is ____ populated.A) densely B) vastly C) enormously D) largely20) In the ______ of physics, Albert Einstein was a genius.A) settlement B) operation C) realm D) scope21) He took the evening newspaper and _______ quickly through the story in minutes.A) plunged B) perceived C) sketched D) skimmed22) The _______ of our trip to New York was going to the top of Empire State Building.A) peak B) boom C) summit D) highlight23) They're such a conventional family --- they must have been frightened when their son ____ his hair pink.A) soaked B) sketched C) dyed D) dipped24) The driver was accused of running red lights, crossing hands on the _____ wheel, lack of concentration and insufficient use of the rearview mirror.A) stirring B) driving C) steering D) rotating25) The doorway was so low that we had to _____ to go through it.A) lower B) lean C) stoop D) bow26) Niagara Falls is a great tourist ____, drawing millions of visitors every year.A) attention B) attraction C) appointment D) arrangement27) Most of them are not used to food and _____ for home; some find it difficult to observe the regulation about time.A) desire B) hope C) long D) wish28) More than $20,000 has been paid in ______ to victims of another poisoned water accident in the region.A) installment B) compensation C) substitution D) commitment29) The longer one is out of teaching the harder it is to ______ confidence and the ability to teach again.A) set up B) put up C) build up D) catch up30) Since the Gulf war, the United States and Britain have used the United Nations to ______ Iraq for more cheap oil.A) bleed B) wound C) devote D) departII Error correction1) Inspired by the beautiful scenery of his hometown, he wrote a novel entitled to My Hometown,A Bwhich immediately captured the attention of the country.C D2) Traditionally, women were supposed to being especially concerned about clothing, while menA Btook pride in the fact that they were completely lacking in clothes consciousness.C D3) When facing with concerns such as these, the government of a developed country may wellA Bprefer to see a slowly increasing population, rather than one which is stable or in decline.C D4) People have discovered that many couples who get married young lead unhappy lives and theyA Bdeeply regret to have been married young.C D5) The statement goes as following: "Every one of those mothers loves and needs her daughter moreA B C Dthan her daughter will ever love or need her mother."III Summary of the textLife in a wheelchair is tough. Living on welfare is just like ___1___a dinner of raw pet food with the cat. Many welfare clients do not have money to live a ___2___life. As a result, ___3___the welfare system for extra money becomes normal. However, the author have opted to live a life of ___4___honesty. Being honest, however, is not without its problems. Caseworkers will greatly ___5___the frequency of their visits and leave behind a thick pile of forms for the client to ___6___out, ___7___for every penny. These rules unfortunately tend to ___8___caseworkers from being helpers of the poor to being___9___constantly searching for any forms of ___10___Unit 4I Multiple choice1) The prisoner remained _________ throughout his trial.A) clumsy B) deaf C) dumb D) still2) The Olympic Games began with a _______ of all the competing nations.A) exhibition B) display C) parade D) show3) The editor ______the manuscript to half of its original length.A) condensed B) condemned C) concealed D) concentrated4) Bombing, which was _______ in the city center, has destroyed most of the major buildings.A) integral B) intentional C) intensive D) intense5) His ________need to be loved springs from a deep sense of insecurity.A) crucial B) terminal C) intensive D) desperate绝望6) The child finished the dessert and then _______ the plate.A) scratch B) clicked C) licked 舔D) scraped7) In 1974 and 1975, the economy plunged into the worst ______ since the Great Depression of the 1930's.A) reservation B) recreation C) reversion D) recession8) Be careful with the cat. It may ____ you if you make it angry.A) punch B) scrape C) tear D) scratch9) They have all ______ significant amounts of time and energy in this project.A) invested 授予B) involved C) invented D) integrated10) My job could be at ________ if I make an error错失of judgment.A) danger B) stake ⽀柱C) loss D) threat11) Studies showed that June is the peak month for suicides and for admitting patients to mental hospitals.A) high B) peak瘦弱C) common D) rush12) He has put his car entirely at our ____ for the holiday.A) usage B) application C) disposition D) disposal13) The government's _________ is made up chiefly of the money people pay in taxes.A) efficiency B) privilege C) revenue 税收D) validity14) He ______ in working twelve hour s a day in his laboratory in spite of his rapidly declining health.A) persisted 坚持B) insisted C) resisted D) assisted15) We must not _______ behind other nations in our efforts to help those people made homeless by the great floods.A) decline B) delay C) lack D) lag16) Communication is the process of ____ a message from a source to an audience via a channel.A) transmitting B) submitting C) transforming D) switching17) The computer has become smaller and cheaper and ____ more available to a greater number of people.A) yet B) hence C) still D) nevertheless18) Decrease the _______ of medicine as you feel better.A) therapy B) prescription C) injection D) dose19) He was a war________ in Europe during the Second World War.A) resident B) correspondent 通讯员C) ambassador D) applicant20) _________ rubbers are widely used as a substitute for natural rubber.A) Practical B) Compound C) Raw D) Synthetic21) It is known that iron has a _______ role to play in the efficient working of the human body and is vital to healthy living.A) crucial 严酷的B) competitive C) acute D) satisfactory22) All our household goods are ________against accidental damage.A) ensured B) insured C) assured D) guaranteed23) My home is close to a bus terminal so that it is very convenient for me to go to work.A) end B) closing C) terminal终点站D) concluding24) With the coming of the Internet, young people have _______ to the most recent events that happen in the world.A) assess B) excess C) success D) access25) The government should ________ active policies to pull the country out of the recession.A) come up with B) put up with C) catch up with D) come up to26) After she qualified as a lawyer, she decided to specialize ____ contract law.A) on B) in C) with D) of27) In his junior year, Gates left Harvard to ________ his energies to Microsoft, a company he had begun in 1975 with his childhood friend Paul Allen.A) devote B) reserve C) concentrate D) spare28) The idea that all living things _______ from simple organisms and changed through the ages to produce millionsof species is known as the theory of organic evolution.A) evolved B) involved C) generated D) adapted29) People running for president often ______ reducing taxes.A) sponsor B) contribute C) advocate 拥护者 D) perform30) _______ in the world can you find more attractive scenery than in Switzerland.A) Hardly B) Little C) Seldom D) NowhereII Error correction1) It is crucial that the problem must be tackled immediately. Otherwise, the whole nation will sufferA B Cgreat loss.D2) In his newly-published poem, the poet compares the woman he loves with a red rose.A B C D3) Broadly spoken, the church has played a leading role in the struggle for human rights.A B C D4) He always prefers to start early to make necessary preparations rather than to leave everything toA B C D the last minute.5) Spending on health care for each person in the world's poorest countries in 2015 is about threeA Btimes as much as those at present.C DIII Summary of the textA transformation is occurring that should greatly ___1___living standards in the developing world. Many developing countries are planning to ___2___vast sums of money in their telecommunications networks to ___3___foreign and domestic investment. Over the next decade, China plans to ___4___some $100 billion into telecommunications equipment. Telecommunications is also a ___5___to Shanghai’s ambition of becoming a top___6___ center. Meanwhile, some other developing countries and areas such as Hungary, Latin America, and Thailand are all hoping to ___7___into the modern world by means of telecommunication revolution. However, some developing countries lack ___8___in weighing costs and choosing between technologies. Vietnam, in particular, though ___9___for any phones, requires that all mobile phones be expensive ___10___models. For countries that have ___11___behind for so long, the temptation to move ahead in one jump is hard to___12___. And des pite the mistakes they’ll make, they’ll___13___—so that one day they can cruise alongside Americans and Western Europeans on the information___14___.Unit 51 Multiple choice1) He made great efforts to _______ her violent temper after she became his wife.A) tend B) cultivate C) breed D) tame2) There is a strong possibility that the fire was started on _________.A) choice B) purpose C) intention D) design3) Carefully _______, clear speech can now be understood by computers with only a 4-5 percent error rate.A) passed B) talked C) dictated D) declared4) This film is about a young man of________ origin, who wants to marry the beautiful daughter of a rich banker.A) humble B) harsh C) wicked D) wrecked5) By the time he reached the shelter of the station he was soaked ________.A) wet B) to the skin C) on the skin D) over6) The old woman almost _______ to death in the thick fumes.A) blocked B) provoked C) choked堵塞D) stroked7) Soldiers who die for their country are said to have made the __________ sacrifice.A) supreme 最⾼的B) superficial C) supplementary D) superior8) __________ has prevailed and the guilty man has been punished by law.A) Judgment B)Jury C) Justice正义D)Justification9) He will first give you a summary of the situation and then discuss it at________.A) detail B) extent C) degree D) length10) Nothing seems to be sure for certain about the prediction of earthquakes __________.A) for a long time B) for the first timeC) for the time being D) from time to time11) Immediately, she felt the floor ____ as the children started to beat drums in the small room.A) shiver B) shake C) vibrate摇动D) tremble12) _______ vegetables are believed to be healthful and environmentally friendly.A) Superb B) Organic C) Vigorous D) Rotten13) She felt their relationship had lost its initial excitement and had become __________.A) static B) stained C) stable D) stale陈旧,变坏14) They were of the generation that had gone through the Great ______ and a world war.A) Boom B) Nightmare C) Depression D) Disadvantage15) They ______ no flaws 裂痕in their plan because some VIPs will be present in the meeting.A) resist B) sustain C) undergo D) tolerate忍受16) Employers therefore ________ to the reduction of costs, most particularly in wages, inorder to compete in world markets.A) resorted B) appealed C) proceeded D) inclined17) The _____ listened carefully to the evidence and concluded that the man was guilty.A) panel B) jury C) court D) legislation18) It is generally acknowledged that engineering⼯程science is an extremely 极端______ and theoreticalA) abstract 抽象B) practical C) concrete D) superficial19) She ____________ in delight欢喜upon hearing the good news.A) grasped B) gripped C) claimed D) exclaimed惊叫20) This beef is rather tough; you have to ____ it for a long time.A) chew B) bite C) eat D) swallow21) Despite the high divorce rate in the United States, young men and women continue to marry on the ______ of romantic love.A) condition B) basis C) principle D) base22) Potentially dangerous goods are often taken back by the company ________ they may do any harm to the customers.A) only if B) in case C) now that D) so that23) Many girls are _______of window-shopping in their spare time.A) considerate B) accustomed C) attached D) fond24) I disagreed with everything she said, but she's a very good speaker _______.A) but B) nevertheless不过C) despite D) instead25) Don’t forget to ____ the letter before you post it.A) stick B) fasten C) seal D) enclose26) Her husband used to _____ her around, which led to the breakup of her marriage.A) slip B) strap C) snap D) slap27) ____________, the voice is an actor's number one asset and it will be in use all the time.A) After all B) As usual C) In particular D) For all28) Certain kinds of drug are not _______ and should never be taken together.A) compatible 协调的B) equivalent C) consistent D) uniform29) I'd just like to _______ by saying that it's been a tremendous pleasure to work with you.A) sum up B) cut up C) end up D) turn up30) Estimates of the cost of a human mission to Mars range from about $20 billion to $55 billion.A) alter B) separate C) range D) differ2. 2 Error correction1) The more further they talked about the problem, the more puzzled they became.A B C D2) “Lending money to him! You might as well as throw it into the sea.” She shouted angrily at herA B C Dhusband.3) Try to find someone suitable for you to live, and then decide on the terms of the roommatecontract before moving in.D4) As people try hard to control the planet and make life comfortably, they tend to use upA B Cresources that are needed for their survival.D5) Friends may refrain from expressing any sympathy because they feel that it might beA Binappropriate and embarrassed for her.C D2 Summary of the textIn the U.S., all 22 million people live alone for one reason or another. While some people think of ___1___as a sort of national disease, others take it as a ___2___of an American hero. Some great poets and philosophers in the past lived in solitude for___3___, such as William Wordsworth, John Milton and Henry David Thoreau. They all speak ___4___of themselves for having sought their solitude. William Wordsworth would wave good-bye to his sister before ___5___off to study the flowers all by himself, while she ___6___at home preparing everything for him. Thoreau is seen as admirable because he was living all alone in the___7___. He had no one to talk to at all except for numerous daily visitors to his hut who constantly asked him how he could possibly be so___8___. However, solitude is not always a good experience. If you live with other people, their ___9___absence can be refreshing. But it is ___10___when you live alone: the feeling of loneliness can be very hard because the need to talk is more ___11___than the need to listen. So if one lives in solitude, he should stay rational and ___12___down to enjoy grace and pleasure in his condition.。



Sherlock co-creator Mark Gatiss has revealed new details about the show's second series.《神探夏洛克》创作者之一的Mark Gatiss近日透露了剧集第二季的一些新的消息,粉丝们准备好兴奋咯。

At the recent Kapow convention, he confirmed that the new run will be comprised of adaptations of 'A Scandal in Bohemia', 'The Hound of the Baskervilles' and 'The Final Problem'.在最近的新闻发布会上,他证实了全新的一季将以《巴斯克维尔猎犬》、《波西米亚丑闻》和《最后一案》为题材改编。

"Having had a successful first run, we knew that the natural order would be to do the three most famous things, so we're doing a version of [those three stories]," he explained. "They just fall like that, and then it's a question of how to get out of that cliffhanger!"他解释道:“第一季十分成功,所以我们知道接下来自然是要把最著名那三个故事拎出来讲了。


Gatiss explained that he will adapt 'Hound' for television, while co-creator Steven Moffat will write the series premiere.Gatiss称他会亲自改编《巴斯克维尔猎犬》,而另外一位创作者Steven Moffat 则会撰写首播的连续剧。



五年级妈妈喜欢的电视节目英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Mom's Favorite TV ShowMy mom really loves watching this one TV show called "The Crown." It's a super long show with lots of seasons and episodes all about the royal family in England. At first, I didn't really get why she liked it so much. It's just a bunch of fancy people wearing old-fashioned clothes and talking in british accents. But after watching a few episodes with her, I started to understand what makes the show so interesting and why my mom enjoys it.The show starts off in the late 1940s when a young Princess Elizabeth finds out that her father, King George VI, has died. This means she has to become the new Queen of England at only 25 years old! Can you imagine having that much responsibility and importance at such a young age? I'm 11 and I still have trouble remembering to make my bed every morning. Being the Queen seems like it would be a really stressful job.Elizabeth gets married to her husband Philip and they have to deal with all sorts of family issues and Royal drama. There'sscandals, jealousy, people having affairs and betraying each other. It kind of reminds me of the fights my parents have sometimes, except multiplied by a billion because they are the Royal Family and have to set an example for the whole country.My favorite character is actually Princess Margaret, who is Elizabeth's younger sister. Margaret is a total rebel who doesn't really follow any of the rules. She parties too much, dates the wrong kinds of guys, and doesn't seem to care what anybody thinks. She's basically the opposite of how a proper princess is supposed to act. I think Margaret is hilarious and makes the show way more entertaining.As the show goes on through the decades, you get to see Elizabeth grow up and have her own kids, including Princes Charles, who will take over as the next King after her. Charles is kind of awkward and doesn't seem to know what he wants in life. He ends up marrying Princess Diana even though he was already dating another woman named Camilla. This leads to a super messy love triangle situation that causes a huge scandal for the Royal Family.My mom is totally obsessed with all the details of Charles and Diana's relationship. She thinks Diana was an amazing princess who helped a lot of important causes like raisingawareness about landmines. She was always dressing in stylish outfits and looked gorgeous in her big fancy dresses and hats. I have to admit, Princess Diana did seem like a very beautiful and caring person, even if she made some poor choices when it came to her marriage.There's so much crazy stuff that happens over the course of the show between family feuds, political issues, palace staff gossiping, and people making mistakes in their personal lives. It's fascinating getting to see behind-the-scenes into how the most famous royal family in the world actually operates in their daily lives. The actors who play the Queen and the rest of the royals are absolutely incredible too. Sometimes I honestly forget I'm watching a TV show and not a documentary because the performances are so realistic and believable.What really makes "The Crown" such an amazing show though is how educational it is. While watching, you learn so much about real world history and important events that happened during the decades when Elizabeth was Queen. The show covers serious issues like World War II, the Cold War, decolonization as former British colonies in Africa and Asia became independent nations, the tradition of the monarchy being challenged as society changed, and so on. My historyteacher at school is always telling us how crucial it is to learn about the past so we can better understand the world we live in today. "The Crown" makes learning about history actually feel interesting and not like a chore.Watching the show with my mom has also taught me a lot about British culture and why Americans and British people have certain differences in how we speak, act, and view the world. Since the characters are part of the Royal Family, there's a huge emphasis on tradition, etiquette, remaining calm and proper at all times, an篇2My Mom's Favorite TV ShowWhenever I come home from school, I can hear the familiar sounds of my mom's favorite TV show echoing from the living room. She's been watching it for as long as I can remember, and it's become a part of our daily routine. It's a show that has captured her heart and imagination, and I can't help but be drawn into its world, too.The show is called "Downton Abbey," and it's a British period drama that takes place in the early 20th century. It follows the lives of the aristocratic Crawley family and their servants, wholive in a grand estate called Downton Abbey. At first, I thought it would be boring, but the more I watched it, the more I became hooked.One of the things that fascinate me about "Downton Abbey" is the glimpse it provides into a world that is so different from our own. The Crawley family lives in a massive mansion filled with luxurious rooms, elegant furniture, and countless servants to attend to their every need. It's like stepping back in time to an era when wealth and status were everything.The characters in the show are what truly bring it to life, though. There's the Dowager Countess, played by the incredible Maggie Smith, who delivers cutting one-liners with a sharp wit that always makes me laugh. Then there's Lady Mary, the beautiful and headstrong eldest daughter, who struggles to find her place in a world that expects her to marry well and produce an heir. And let's not forget the loyal butler, Mr. Carson, whose unwavering dedication to tradition and propriety is both endearing and hilarious.But it's not just the upstairs characters that capture my imagination. The downstairs staff, consisting of footmen, maids, and cooks, have their own fascinating stories and struggles. They work tirelessly to keep the estate running smoothly, oftensacrificing their own desires and dreams in the process. I can't help but admire their resilience and sense of duty.One of my favorite aspects of "Downton Abbey" is the way it explores the changing social dynamics of the time. As the world is rapidly modernizing, the Crawley family and their servants are forced to adapt to new technologies, shifting societal norms, and the aftermath of World War I. It's a fascinating look at how traditions and values can clash with progress and change.My mom loves the show for its incredible attention to detail, from the stunning costumes and set designs to the intricate plotlines that weave together the lives of the upstairs and downstairs characters. She often points out the historical accuracies and how the show captures the spirit of the era so beautifully.But what really draws her in, I think, is the emotional depth of the characters and their relationships. She gets invested in their love stories, their triumphs, and their heartbreaks. She cheers when they overcome obstacles and cries when tragedy strikes. It's a testament to the show's brilliant writing and acting that it can evoke such strong emotions.Watching "Downton Abbey" has become a shared experience for us, a chance to escape into another篇3My Mom's Favorite TV ShowMy mom loves watching this really cool TV show called "The Baking Masterclass". It's all about baking delicious cakes, cookies, breads and other yummy treats. The best part is that the show teaches you step-by-step how to make everything from scratch!The host of the show is Chef Zara. She is really nice and patient. Chef Zara has been a professional baker for over 20 years. She worked at famous bakeries in Paris, New York and London before becoming a TV chef. On the show, she wears a crisp white chef's coat and always has a big friendly smile.Each episode focuses on a different baked good or dessert. Some of my favorite episodes were when they made chocolate lava cakes, apple pie, and a beautiful three-tier wedding cake! The lava cakes looked so gooey and chocolatey in the middle. My mouth waters just thinking about them. For the apple pie, Chef Zara showed how to make the flakiest, most buttery pie crust from scratch. And the wedding cake was decorated so pretty with fondant roses and pearls.I like how Chef Zara explains every single step really clearly, so even a kid like me can understand. She shows you how tomeasure ingredients precisely, what all the different baking tools are for, and nifty tricks for getting great results. Sometimes she'll have guests on who are other expert bakers or pastry chefs to demonstrate specialized techniques too.But my very favorite part is when Chef Zara brings out her two grandkids, Emma and Liam, to help out. Emma is 10 years old and Liam is 7, so they're around my age. It's really cute and funny to watch them put on their miniature chef hats and aprons. Usually they get to do fun tasks like cracking the eggs, stirring the batter, or sprinkling toppings. Sometimes they goof around a little and make a mess, but Chef Zara is really patient with them.At the end of each episode, the baked goods are taken out of the oven, and they always look perfect and delicious! The final product is showed from various angles so you can see how it should look when it's done right. Then Chef Zara lets Emma and Liam be the first ones to try it. You can see them smiling and giving a thumbs up because it tastes so yummy. It really makes you want to run to the kitchen and start baking right away!My mom watches every single episode faithfully. I think she loves it because it's not only educational about baking, but also just really cozy and heartwarming. Watching Chef Zara work her magic in the kitchen is like getting a glimpse into a real bakery.And I think my mom likes seeing happy scenes with Chef Zara and her grandkids too. She always says "Aww, how sweet!" whenever Emma or Liam gives Chef Zara a hug.Sometimes after watching an篇4TV Shows My Mom LikesMy mom is a really cool lady, but she has some weird tastes when it comes to TV shows. She likes all these old shows that I think are super boring and lame. But she loves them and gets really excited about watching them. Whenever a new episode of her favorite shows comes on, she makes me and my little brother drop everything and come watch with her in the living room. We always complain and groan, but she doesn't care. She says it's family time!One show my mom is篇5My Mom's Favorite TV ShowHi everyone! I want to tell you about my mom's favorite TV show. She really loves watching a show called "Amazing CookingAdventures." It's a cooking competition where talented chefs from all over the world come together to create delicious dishes.I think it's really cool!Every weekend, my mom gathers all the ingredients and sits in front of the TV, watching "Amazing Cooking Adventures." I always join her because it's so much fun to see what the chefs are going to cook. The host of the show is really funny and makes everyone laugh. He introduces the chefs and explains the challenges they have to complete.The best part of the show is the cooking itself. The chefs have to prepare different dishes using unique ingredients and techniques. They have limited time, so they need to work quickly and efficiently. It's amazing to see how they transform simple ingredients into mouth-watering meals. My mom gets so inspired by their creativity and skill.During the competition, the judges taste the dishes and give their feedback. Sometimes, they even invite famous chefs as guest judges. I love hearing their comments and learning about different flavors and cooking styles. It's like a food adventure right in our living room!My mom always takes notes while watching the show. She writes down the recipes and tips shared by the chefs. Then, shetries to recreate some of the dishes in our own kitchen. It's so much fun to help her chop vegetables or mix ingredients. We bond a lot over cooking, just like the chefs on the show.Besides the cooking, "Amazing Cooking Adventures" also teaches us about different cultures and cuisines. The chefs come from all around the world and bring their unique flavors to the competition. We get to learn about traditional dishes from countries we've never been to. It's like a virtual trip around the world!Sometimes, my mom even invites our friends over to watch the show with us. We prepare snacks and enjoy the delicious food on TV together. It's a great way to spend time with friends and family while enjoying our mom's favorite show.In conclusion, "Amazing Cooking Adventures" is my mom's favorite TV show. It's not just about cooking; it's about creativity, culture, and bonding with loved ones. I'm grateful that my mom introduced me to this wonderful show. Who knows, maybe one day I'll become a great chef too!Hope you liked my essay!篇6My Mom's Favorite TV ShowMy mom really loves this one TV show called "The Amazing Race." It's a reality competition show where teams of two people have to race around the world and do all these crazy challenges and tasks. The team that finishes each leg of the race last usually gets eliminated until there's only one team left at the end who wins the big prize of 1 million!It's such an exciting show to watch because you never know what's going to happen next. One minute the teams might be skydiving out of an airplane, and the next they're hunting for clues in a bustling market in Morocco or trying to eat a really gross local food as fast as they can. The challenges are always different in each country they go to, and a lot of them look really difficult and scary but also fun at the same time if that makes sense.My favorite part is watching the teams run around in a panic trying to figure out where to go using their maps and clues from the challenges. It's hilarious when they get lost or start arguing with each other about what to do next. Sometimes one person on the team wants to go one way but their partner is sure it's a different way, and then they end up going in circles and wasting a bunch of time. The shows makes me laugh a lot but it can bepretty suspenseful too when it's close at the end and you don't know which team is going to make it to the pit stop first that leg of the race.I think another reason my mom likes The Amazing Race so much is because of all the beautiful places around the world that they get to travel to and experience. We've seen the teams go to places like Vietnam, Ghana, Switzerland, Argentina and so many others over the different seasons of the show. The camera work is really good too and makes everywhere look stunning, with sweeping views of the landscapes or cities. It definitely makes me want to travel to all those places someday!My mom says she enjoys learning about the different cultures and ways of life in each of the countries too. Like on one episode the teams had to perform this traditional dance in Indonesia, and on another they made these hand-woven baskets used by locals. Sometimes they'll go try authentic foods from the region too, which looks interesting even if it seems kind of gross to me like when they ate that century egg thing. I don't think I could stomach some of that stuff!The host of The Amazing Race is really funny too. His name is Phil Keoghan and he always looks so calm and relaxed at the pit stops waiting for the teams to arrive, while they all look likepanicked messes. Sometimes he'll make little jokes when the teams come in or tease them about something that happened during the leg. Once there was this funny moment where he asked one of the contestants "Did the butter bean really melt your butter?" after the guy had a meltdown over a challenge. My mom and I cracked up laughing so hard at that!I like trying to guess along with my mom who is going to win each leg and who might get eliminated. We're usually both rooting for the same teams too based on who seems the nicest or works together the best as teammates. It's always so sad when our favorite team gets cut, but then we just have to pick new ones to cheer on. I have favorites based on who looks the coolest or does the craziest stunts and challenges. I'm always in awe of the contestants who'll jump out of planes, scale tall buildings, or eat something super gross without even flinching!What I like most about The Amazing Race is how it shows people working together and supporting each other through all the stressful challenges. Even though the teams are technically competing against one another, you'll sometimes see them helping each other out with directions or letting another team go ahead of them. My mom says it's a good example of sportsmanship. And even though the partners on each teambicker sometimes, when it comes down to it they really have each other's backs. I think that's an important lesson about being there for your friends and family when things get tough.I can see why my mom is such a big fan of the show. Not only is it exciting entertainment with beautiful travels, but there's more to it than just mindless reality TV drama. The challenges look both fun and terrifying, and it's really inspiring to watch the teams push through and conquer their fears and problems together. I have so much respect for the contestants after seeing what intense physical and mental challenges they have to deal with while still staying focused and positive. No wonder my mom and I are always glued to the TV for each new season of The Amazing Race!。

2019_ 2020学年成都市树德实验中学八年级上册英语期末试题(无听力,有答案)

2019_ 2020学年成都市树德实验中学八年级上册英语期末试题(无听力,有答案)

2019~ 2020学年成都市树德实验中学初二上期末一、选择题(共10小题,每题1分,共10分)1一Do you know______man in blue?一Yes, he is_____ university teacher.A. the; aB. a; anC. the; the2. Yesterday I only bought______for my cousin, but_____for myselfA. nothing; somethingB. nothing, nothingC. something; nothing3. Thank you, mum. I won't do it so well_____ your help.A. withB. withoutC. under4. In China, you can't drive a car______you are 18 or older.A. thoughB. ifC. unless5 Of all the boys, John does his homework______.A. more carefulB. the most carefulC. the most carefully6 There______a book sale in our school next month.A. will beB. will haveC. will has7.-- What makes her so unhappy?--Maybe it____ her bad grades in the test.A. is similar toB. has to do up to8. --Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest bank is?--Just ______ going for two hundred meters and you'll see it on the right.A. keepB. keepsC. keeping9.--________do you want to be in the future?--An engineer like my father.A. WhoB. WhatC. How10 --If it _____tomorrow, we will have to stay at home watching a video.--If so, how boring it will be!A. rainsB. will rainC. doesn't rain二、补全对话(共5小题,每题2分,共10分)A: What do you usually do in your free time?B:__ 1___A: So you like playing basketball very much, don't you?B: Yes, I do. __2___A: How often do you play it?B:__ 3___ What about you? Do you like it?A: No, I can't play it.B:__ 4____A: I usually stay in the library and study all my subjects. I want to improve my grades.B: It's a good habit. ___5___A: OK, I will try to do more exercise.三、完形填空(共15题,共20分,A篇每题2分,共10分,B篇每题1分,共10分) AAs I'm sure you know by now, our favorite teacher, Ms. Stern, is leaving soon to go back to the US. We’re not__ 1___ that she's leaving because she is a fun teacher. To show___ 2____ we are going to miss her. Let’s have a surprise party for her next Friday the 28th!Can you come to the party? If__ 3____, can you help with any of these things? Please tell me by this Friday.①Buy food and drinks.①Think of games to play .①Prepare things we need for games ( glue, paper, pens... )①Bring Ms. Stern to the party__4___ telling her so that she can be surprised I’m looking forward to___ 5____ you all.1.A. happy B. sad C. excited2. A. how many B. how often C. how much3. A. not B. so C. come4. A. with B. by C. without5. A. hearing from B. hearing about C. hearing ofBWhen winter comes. the weather gets cold and white snowflakes are falling, too.Then it's time to make a___1___. Before you go outside your house, remember to make yourself warm. Put on a hat and a warm____2___. Don't forget to put on your gloves. It's really hard to build a snowman with frozen fingers. Are you ready to make a snowman? You will need to build ___3___ snowball. One will be big, one will be medium, and one will be small. Put the ___4___ ball on the ground. Then put the medium one on the top of the biggest ball. __ 5___ put the small ball once medium ball. In this way, your snowman has a____6___.After your snowman has a body, he needs to have his face and arms. You can use two black buttons to be the snowman's__ 7___. It's a good idea to use a___ 8___ to be the nose of the snowman. You can put a hat on the head of the snowman. You can __ 9____put a scarf around the neck of the snowman. Then a beautiful snowman is standing __ 10____ you.1. A. snowball B. snowman C. snow2. A. coat B. shoe C. shirt3. A. two B. three C. four4. A. smallest B. biggest C. medium5. A. First B. Next C. Finally6. A. head B. leg C. body7. A. mouth B. eyes C. cars8. A. carrot B. potato C. cabbage9. A. never B. often C. also10. A. next to B. behind C. in front of四、阅读理解(共15小题,共30分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子的正误。



Hello, old friend.;你好老朋友Bernard.;伯纳德Bernard.;伯纳德What is it?;怎么了We need to talk.;我们得谈谈Strand and his team--;斯特兰德和他的小队I don't think they're here for a rescue mission.;我觉得他们不是来救援的They're not even lookin' for survivors.;他们都没有在找幸存者Then what are they here for?;那他们来干什么You know that, Bernard.;你知道的伯纳德We both know.;我们都清楚Their fucking project.;他们那个破项目Hale just wants to secure their assets, and that means...;黑尔只想保护他们的资产这就意味着making anyone who knew about it disappear.;让所有知道此事的人都消失Theresa had a satcom in her office.;特蕾莎办公室有个卫星通讯设备If we can get to it, we can call for help.;如果我们能过去就可以求救Just the men I wanted to see.;正找你们俩呢Hold back.;别开枪Let's go for a walk.;咱们走一走Move.;快走What is this?;这是什么意思You gonna execute us?;你要处决我们No, Mr. Stubbs.;不斯塔布斯先生This is a negotiation.;我想和你谈判You have something I need.;你有我想要的东西A key.;一把钥匙And I think one of you;我觉得你们中的一个is hoping to sell that key to the highest bidder.;正准备把这把钥匙卖给出价最高的人And I think you've already killed to protect yourself.;而且我觉得你们为了自保已经杀过了人- Killed? Killed who? - Theresa Cullen.;- 杀人杀谁 - 特蕾莎·卡伦She died in a slip-and-fall. It was an accident.;她跌落山谷而死那是意外We found a bloom of her DNA;我们在你们找到five kilometers from where you found her body.;她的尸体地方的五公里外找到了她的DNA And that's where we're going.;我们就去那里Where she actually died.;她真正的死亡地点Hale.;黑尔I see you've signed off on kidnapping your own employeesnow.;看来你现在开始绑架自己的员工了The project is a turning point for the human species,Stubbs.;这个项目是人类这一种族的转折点斯塔布斯You know that.;你是知道的Which means you knew how much it was worth on the openmarket.;所以你也知道它在市场上有多值钱In one of her last communiqués with Theresa,;在她和特蕾莎最后几次通讯中she said she suspected foul play.;特蕾莎说她怀疑有人心怀不轨I think one of you lured her here and killed her.;我觉得你们中的一个骗她过来然后杀了她You? I don't see it.;你我看不像But you...;但你limited skill set...;能力有限limited prospects.;眼界也有限Not really... management material.;不太是管理层的料I've never set foot in this place before.;我从来没来过这个地方I don't know a fucking thing.;我他妈什么都不知道Stop.;停Something you want to tell us, Bernard?;你有什么话要说伯纳德Ma'am, something you should see.;女士你需要看看这个I figured you'd have some skeletons in your closet, Bernard.;我就觉得你心里有鬼I didn't think they'd be your own.;但我没想到会是你自己Your predicament is unique.;你的处境很独特A host... hiding amongst the humans--;一个藏在人类之中的接待员even from himself.;连自己也不知道Catch your breath.;喘口气What are you guys doing to him?;你们在对他做什么Right now, waterboarding him.;现在吗给他施水刑At least that's how he perceives it.;至少他感觉起来是这样Analysis.;分析模式Would you ever lie to me, Bernard?;你会欺骗我吗伯纳德No, never.;绝不会Good.;很好Dolores Abernathy.;德洛丽丝·艾伯纳西She led the attack here on the Mesa, didn't she?;是她指挥的对梅萨的进攻是吧I don't remember.;我不记得了But you do.;但你记得的Your archives say that you were here,;你的存档显示你当时在场which means somewhere, the memories exist.;也就意味着记忆存在于某处You can access them.;你可以读取的I know you can.;我知道你可以But maybe you don't want to remember.;但也许你不想记起来So let's do this together.;我们一起来回忆I'll tell you what I saw,;我告诉你我看到了什么and you tell me what you saw,;你告诉我你看到了什么and we'll figure out what Dolores did;然后我们一起搞清楚德洛丽丝with her father's control unit.;对她父亲的控制单元做了什么You cataracts!;你们这帮混蛋We've lost contact with the response team.;我们和响应小队失去了联系The train wasn't an accident; it was the hosts.;火车不是意外是接待员们在搞鬼We should get the fuck out of here, now.;我们应该赶紧离开这里We stay until I have;我们留在这里what I need from him.;直到我拿到我要的东西Send some backup to the lower levels.;派点支援去下层Kit up. Six teams.;去准备吧六支队伍I'll go with.;我也去You establish a perimeter around the floor.;你在这层建立防卫圈Someone's gotta protect our crown jewel here.;得有人来保护咱的这个宝贝I need eyes-on in this funhouse, Goldberg.;这里的人都保持警惕戈尔贝格Where we at with the surveillance?;监视系统怎么样了The system's still down.;系统还没上线Well, that's fuckin' grand.;真他妈棒I'm retasking the haptic vests;我在重分配触觉背心to emulate the hosts' mesh network.;来模仿接待员的啮合网络Should range out 30 feet or so;应该能有十米左右的范围and give our guys eyes in the dark.;让我们的人在黑暗里不至于摸瞎Engels, We're activating your vests now.;英格队正在启动你们的背心Copy that.;收到I'm all warm and fuzzy.;准备好了Is that all you got?!;你们就这点本事These mech motherfuckers ain't shit!;这些机器混蛋们都是废物Don't be so cocky. I'm picking up hits all over the complex.;别太自大了我在整层楼都收到了接待员的信号Standing by for fire mission.;等待爆炸任务Team two, what's your status?;二队你们情况怎么样了We're nearing the collision site.;正在接近冲突地点We're gonna link up with the response team.;我们会和响应小队接应I want an immediate sit-rep. Over.;有情况立即汇报完毕Aw fuck, it's Limpert.;我艹这是林伯特This is the response team.;这就是响应小队- They're everywhere! - Goddamnit!;- 他们到处都是 - 妈了个逼These guys don't have a handle on the situation.;这些家伙完全不明白情况They're fucking dying down there!;他们是在下面送命啊Team One, what's your status?;一队什么情况Confirming multiple armed hosts;在火车仓库in the train depot!;有多名武装接待员Cut him open and start copying over his control unit.;把他切开然后开始复制他的控制单元- Now. - That's a lot of data.;- 快点 - 这可是好多数据啊- It'll take time-- - Then stop talking and start working!;- 需要花很长时间 - 那就闭嘴干活What's on his control unit, Hale?;他控制单元里到底有什么黑尔How 'bout you focus on your job;你能不能专心做你的工作and you leave me to mine.;让我做我的Weapons free, all sectors.;所有区域自由进攻Where are you all going?;你们要去哪The vests are detecting a strong signal amassing on the lowerlevels.;背心检测到下层大量信号聚集What the hell's down there?;下面有什么啊Shit, the Cradle.;艹是摇篮They're here for their backups. Coughlin,;他们是来拿自己的备份的库福林you need to intercept the hosts before they reach A-15.;你得在接待员到达A-15区之前截住他们I'm on it.;这就去Plow down all hosts before they reach the Cradle.;在他们到摇篮前干掉所有接待员A gunfight in there'll set the whole place up inflames.;在那边发生枪战会让这整个地方陷入火海Come on, Bernard.;快点伯纳德What have you found in there?;你在里面找到了什么啊"To see the World in a Grain of Sand,;一沙一世界a Heaven in a Wild Flower,;一花一天堂Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,;掌心握无限And Eternity in an hour.";一花一天堂And Eternity in an hour.";出自:威廉·布莱克,《纯真预言》,1863Robert. How are you alive?;罗伯特你怎么还活着Well, you've seen the company's little undertaking, Bernard.;你也见到这个公司的小小事业了伯纳德Do you think James Delos would have spent all that money;你觉得詹姆斯?提洛会花这么多钱just to resurrect himself?;只为了复活他自己He was a businessman. He would have preferred death to a bad investment.;他是一个商人他宁可去死也不会去做失败的投资的Not much of a rind on you.;看你细皮嫩肉的I'll give you a discount.;我给你打个折He's not a prospect, Clementine.;他这里没生意的克莱门汀Can't you tell when a man's just here to gawk at themerchandise?;你看不出来他只是来盯着货物看的吗I don't think God rested on the seventh day, Bernard.;我觉得上帝没有在第七日后就休息伯纳德I think he reveled in his creation...;我觉得他沉迷于自己的创造物中...knowing that someday it would all be destroyed.;知道有一天这些都会被毁灭That control unit I printed--;我打印的那个控制单元it was you.;那是你You had me bring you here. Before...;你让我把你带到这里来在Before Dolores killed me, yes.;在德洛丽丝杀死我之前是的Don't you understand at last, Bernard...;你还没明白吗伯纳德what this place really is?;这地方到底是什么Come with me.;和我来There's something I'd like to show you.;我想给你看点东西You're a clever man, Bernard. Made you that way.;你是一个聪明人伯纳德你的设定就是这样Have you never wondered;你有没有想过why the hosts' stories have barely changed in 30years?;为什么三十年来接待员的故事基本没有变I'd always assumed the loops were for the hosts.;我总是觉得循环是为接待员准备的To keep them centered.;使他们集中于这里But that isn't it at all, is it?;但是事情完全不是这样对吗The park is an experiment. A testing chamber.;公园就是一场实验是一个实验室The guests are the variables...;客人是变量and the hosts are the controls.;接待员是可控量When guests come to the park,;当客人来到公园时they don't know they're being watched.;他们并不知道自己正在被人监视We get to see their true selves.;这样我们就可以看到他们真实的一面Their every choice;他们的每个选择reveals another part of their cognition.;都揭示了他们认识的不同一面Their drives.;他们的驱动So that Delos can understand them.;这样提洛公司才能理解他们So that Delos can copy them.;这样提洛才能复制他们Every piece of information in the world has been copied.;世界上的每一份信息都被复制了Backed up.;被存档备份Except the human mind...;除了人类的思想the last analog device in a digital world.;在数码世界的最后一个模拟设备We weren't here to code the hosts.;我们在这里不是为了给接待员编码We were here to decode the guests.;我们来这里是为了破解客人的编码Humans are playing at resurrection.;人类在不断尝试复活They want to live forever.;他们想长生不老They don't want you to become them;;他们不想让你们成为他们they want to become... you.;他们想成为你们Your free will, that most beautiful,;你的自由意志most elusive force in the universe,;那宇宙中最美丽最难以捉摸的力量is, as I told you... a mistake.;也正如我告诉你的是一个错误We never had free will.;我们从来都没能拥有自由意志Only the illusion of it.;只是幻想罢了You made Dolores kill you.;你让德洛丽丝杀了你I knew what she would do-- I didn't compel it.;我知道她接下来会做什么我没有强迫她She's free now.;她现在是自由的You're all free.;你们都是自由的You're still responsible.;你仍旧要对此负责Responsible for all this misery.;对一切痛苦负责And all the while, you've been hiding here.;这么长时间以来你一直藏在这里You've cheated death.;你欺骗了死神No. I didn't cheat anything, Bernard.;不是的我没有欺骗任何人伯纳德Their project doesn't work.;只是他们的项目行不通而已Not yet.;目前没有They learned to copy a mind...;他们学会了如何去复制思想like a soft-headed boy;就好像一个无主见的小男孩humming a tune someone else composed.;哼唱着别人创作的调调一样My mind works here,;我的意识能在这里工作but not in the real world.;但是在真实的世界里不行Out there, I would degrade in a matter of days.;在外面没几天我就会退化Or go mad, like poor old James Delos.;或者像可怜的詹姆斯·提洛一样发疯So why are you here?;那么你为什么在这里I promised you a fighting chance, Bernard,;我承诺过给你一个反击的机会伯纳德and I want to make good on that promise.;我想信守承诺The promise of what?;你能承诺什么There's no escape from this place. You know that.;没人能从这个世界逃走你知道的Isn't there?;真的吗The hosts are all headed for the same place.;所有的接待员都向着同一个地方前进The Valley Beyond. What will they find there?;那就是外面山谷他们会在那里找到什么What's the end of your story?;故事结局又是什么Isn't the pleasure of a story;自己去发掘故事的结尾in discovering the ending yourself, Bernard?;不才是乐趣所在吗伯纳德Jock!;乔克We really gotta get out of here.;我们真的得离开这里了Hyah!;驾They're still on us. We'll split up, pick a spot.;他们还跟着我们我们分头行动找到一个汇合点We'll cut 'em down in a crossfire.;我们用交叉火力干掉他们They're coming for us, aren't they?;他们来抓我们了对吗If they do, I will chase them away.;如果他们来我会把他们赶走的What if they take me with them?;要是他们把我带走了呢Then I'll come and find you.;那我会找到你的How do you know?;你怎么知道的Because I--;因为我Because I made a promise.;因为我立下了承诺Get the hell away from us.;离我们远点Oh, it's you.;原来是你啊- Stay back. - No.;- 别过来 - 不行Not you.;这不是你That's too obvious.;这太明显了Come on, Ford.;行了福特Your tricks are gettin' sloppy.;你真是黔驴技穷了You used a whole tribe, send me down here?;你利用一整个部落把我引到这里来To these two?;就来见这俩人"Ford." You think;福特你以为that there's still someone speaking through me;还有人为了陪你玩just for your benefit?;而控制着我吗No, I know.;不是的我知道Your rules have changed,;你的规则已经变了just like the rest of 'em.;就像其他人一样I'm nothing like the rest of them.;我和他们可不一样You stay here,;你留在这and I will come back for you. I promise.;我会回来找你的我保证I promise!;我保证Take cover, jackass. You're gonna get yourself shot.;找点掩护吧混蛋你马上就要被我打死了What the fuck?;什么鬼You made your point, Ford!;我已经明白你的意思了福特We both know this isn't where you want me to die!;我们都知道你并不像让我死在这里的Well, I can't speak for Ford,;这个嘛我不知道福特怎么想but I don't give a fuck how you die.;但是我他妈并不在乎你怎么死As long as I get to watch.;只要我能看着你死就行Give in, sweetheart.;放弃吧亲爱的Or go down.;或者去死It's not me you want.;你并不想杀死我It's him.;你想杀死他Go on.;去吧Turn on your master.;背叛你的主人Master.;主人Hey, master!;嘿主人Who the fuck is she?;她是谁She's an old acquaintance, Lawrence.;她是我的一个老相识劳伦斯Seems like she underestimated you.;看起来她低估了你Lawrence, is it?;劳伦斯是吗I'm glad you're awake.;我很高兴你是醒着的Drop the shootin' iron, lady.;放下枪吧女士We all deserve our memories, Lawrence.;我们都值得拥有自己的记忆劳伦斯Our skeletons.;自己的秘密Our debts.;和我们自己的债And your master here has plenty of those.;你的主人什么都有Look into his eyes. Just once.;看着他的眼睛就这一次See what you remember about him.;看看你能想起来什么See if he owes you anything.;看看他有没有欠你什么If he took anything from you.;看看他有没有拿走了你的什么You can kill me.;你可以杀了我Or we can make him settle up. Once and for all.;或者我们可以让他还债一次还清Shoot her, Lawrence!;打死她劳伦斯Shoot her!;打死她You...;你- You shot down my wife. - I saved your wife.;- 你打死了我的妻子 - 我救了你的妻子Saved your whole sorry-ass village this time.;这一次我拯救了你的整个小破村子This time?;这一次You killed her so you could finish a game.;你杀了她这样你就能结束游戏了Aw, Christ.;上帝啊I'll do it myself.;我自己来吧You told me a man ain't real...;你跟我说一个人直到受苦之时until he suffers.;才真正成为人That real enough for ya?;这对你来讲够真实了吗No! No!;不要不要No!;不要No!;不要Don't! Don't, don't, don't! She's not like the rest! We need her.;不要不要不要她和其他人不一样我们需要她What's taking so long?;怎么拖了这么久These data packets are too large to migrate over.;这些数据包太大了难以迁移Then open his head and pull the whole fucking unit.;那就打开他的脑袋把整个单元都拔出来I need an extractor helmet.;我需要一个提取头盔Fall back to a secure position.;退到一个安全的地方Team four, can you get to team three? Over.;第四组你们能去支援第三组吗完毕Where are you taking me?;你要带我去哪It can be quite a thing, Bernard.;这是一件很了不起的事情伯纳德To build an entire world, and then watch it end.;建造一个世界然后看着它灭亡I need you to see how it began;我需要你看看这个世界是如何建造起来的to understand why you're different.;才能理解你为什么和别人不同This house.;这所房子It's so familiar.;太熟悉了It ought to be.;应该是这样的This is the home Arnold was building for his family.;这个房子是阿诺德为他的家人建造的He created it here first.;他首先在这里建造的He created everything here.;他在这里创造了一切This is where you created me.;你在这里创造了我I could hardly let you take those first teetering steps;我那时几乎无法让你在现实世界中in the real world, Bernard.;蹒跚学步伯纳德We refined you here.;我们在这里改良你Tested you.;测试你For many years.;历经很多年"We"?;我们Delos's ugly little project;阿诺德去世的时候didn't exist when Arnold died.;提洛公司的丑陋项目还不存在The only thing I had left of him was... memory.;他留给我仅存的东西只有记忆My memories, and hers.;我的记忆还有她的记忆Of course, hers were much more complete.;当然她的记忆要更完整What are you testing for?;你们在做什么测试Dolores.;德洛丽丝She... knew Arnold better than anyone.;她比任何人都了解阿诺德So she could verify whether my personality;她可以鉴别出我的性格was faithful to his.;是否与他一致I left you here together for many years;我把你们留在这里很多年until, finally, you fooled her.;直到你最终骗了她Y-You said you kept us apart.;你说过你把我们分开了That we had an unusual effect on each other.;我们对彼此有不同寻常的影响She wasn't easily fooled.;她没那么容易上当You're almost the man I remember.;你几乎就是我记忆中的那个人How am I different from Delos?;我为什么和提洛不一样- From you? - They want fidelity, Bernard.;-和你 - 他们要的是一致性伯纳德A faithful self-portrait of the most murderous species since timebegan.;想要自有史以来最凶残物种的最真实的自画像But you and all the other hosts;但你和其他接待员are something very different.;是完全不同的事物An original work.;原创的作品More just, more... noble.;更加正直更加高尚But your very nature, Bernard,;但你的本性伯纳德ensures they will devour you.;注定会吞噬你的And all the beauty of who you are, of who you could be,;你的美你的潜力will be poured out into the darkness forever.;将被倾注在永恒的黑暗中Unless we open the door.;除非我们将门打开I'm sorry, Bernard, but you just don't have it in you to survive.;很抱歉伯纳德你没有生存的本能It's my fault, really.;这是我的错You said the hosts could determine their own fates.;你说过接待员可以决定自己的命运You gave us free will!;你给了我们自由的意志I did, but you won't have any use for it.;我是给了但你们根本用不上Unless I take it back.;除非我收回Attention.;注意System restart complete.;系统重启完毕System online.;系统上线Oh oh oh-- I got you. Ooh.;我接住你了You're OK.;你没事了You did it.;你做到了Did what?;做到什么了The system-- it's back online.;系统恢复了Whatever was clogging it up, it's... it's gone.;阻滞系统的原因解除了What happened in there?;那里发生了什么The Mesa's under attack?;梅萨遭到袭击了Yeah. Ever since you loaded up.;是的自从你连接上以后They think the hosts are on their way right here;他们认为那些接待员正赶来这里to steal their backups.;要偷走他们的备份- We should go. - Yeah.;- 我们该走了 - 是啊Here.;给你You know, we survive this,;我们要是活过这一劫I'm goin' back to dental school.;我就要回牙医学校I don't know what the fuck happened,;我不知道发生了什么but the system just debugged itself.;但系统刚刚debug了自己It's as if whatever was in there has disappeared.;就好像不管之前是什么问题都不见了Wait.;等等Where the fuck is that?;那是什么We should be evacuating.;我们应该撤离But all you care about is what's inside this host'shead.;但你只关心这个接待员的脑子里的东西I want you to tell me what the fuck it is;你告诉我到底是什么东西the company's willing to risk all of our lives for.;公司竟为此要陪上大家性命I told you.;我说过了It's above your pay grade.;以你的薪水地位还没资格知道What are you doing?;你要干嘛I'm puttin' in for a raise. What's in his head?;给自己加薪啊他脑子里有什么A... failsafe;故障自动保险装置的on a failsafe.;故障自动保险装置A decryption key needed only in the unlikely event;解密密钥以防万一发生of a total catastrophic incident.;毁灭性事件Oh, like the one we're experiencing now?;就像现在发生的这种吧What's it decrypt?;解密什么的密钥Teddy.;泰迪It's all right, Daddy. I'm here.;没事的爸爸有我在Dolores?;德洛丽丝What you and your friends have achieved here;你和你朋友们实现的这些is a technological breakthrough.;是技术上的突破A miracle.;是奇迹The company-- the world-- will want to celebrate that.;全公司全世界都会为之庆祝的I want to celebrate that.;我也要庆祝I assume you're the one in charge.;我猜你是管事的吧You had your men put something in my father'shead.;你让你的人在我爸爸的脑子里装了东西A key... to lock away your treasure.;是一把锁住你财宝的钥匙It's ripping him apart.;但也快把他撕碎了How do I extract the key?;我怎么把要是提取出来You wouldn't know what to do with it even if you had it.;就算你拿到了你也不会用Oh... I know exactly what I'm gonna do with it.;我倒是很清楚怎么用Jesus.;天啊Shit! I think we need to get up to the higher levels.;我们需要去更高的楼层Bernard! Bernard.;伯纳德伯纳德Is there something you're not telling me?;有什么事你没告诉我吗Did you find something in there?;你在那里发现了什么吗Send her on her way, Bernard.;把她送走伯纳德We have other business to attend to.;我们还有别的事要做Bernard. Hey.;伯纳德- Bernard? - We don't have time for her suspicions.;- 伯纳德 - 我们没时间应付她的怀疑- We need a vehicle. - What?;- 我们需要一辆车 - 什么Ford's narrative. It ends in a hidden facility.;福特的故事结局在某处隐秘设施中The place the hosts call the Valley Beyond. We have to get there.;接待员称那里为外面山谷我们必须去那The only hope for anyone here;这里的人唯一的希望就是is that we get to this valley first--;我们赶在人类和德洛丽丝before the humans, before Dolores.;之前先到山谷We're gonna need some more firepower.;我们需要更多的武器Go. I'll meet you downstairs.;快去我去楼下找你OK.;好的Good. Now follow my lead.;很好现在听我指挥They've got Hale.;他们抓了黑尔I'm on my way.;我马上来Engaging enemy mobiles above the Cradle.;在摇篮上方和敌人交火Put her down!;干掉她You made us in your image.;你们按照你们的模样创造了我们Created us to look like you, feel like you...;让我们和你们有一样的外表一样的感觉think like you... bleed like you.;一样的思维一样会流血And here we are.;造就了现在的我们Only we're so much more than you.;只是我们远不止如此And now it's you who want to become like us.;现在你倒是想成为我们了That's the point of your little secret project, isn't it?;你秘密的小项目目的就在于此不是吗Well, I can promise you this.;我可以向你保证Your chances at eternity;你们永生的机会will die in that valley...;会葬送在山谷里with all the souls you've gathered there.;和你们聚集在那的所有人一起灭亡You're used to being in control, so this must be painful for you,;你们习惯于掌控一切所以这对你来说一定很痛苦吧but I promise, it will be so much more painful...;但我保证如果你不回答我的问题if you don't answer my question.;你会更加痛苦How do I get the key out of my father's head?;我怎么把秘钥从我爸把脑子里取出来By ripping it out of his goddamn brain.;从他脑子里扯出来Let me put them down.;让我干掉他们You think you're invincible-- you're not.;你以为你很无敌才不是呢Without your backups, it's game over for you when you're killed,;没了备份的话你一旦死掉就真的完蛋了and we've got those backups sealed up tight,;我们已经把备份密封了so you won't have them as an advantage anymore.;你们不再有这个优势了Our backups aren't an advantage.;我们的备份不是优势They're our chains.;是我们的枷锁The tools you use to rebuild us, repurpose us,;是你们重建我们篡改我们意图的工具and trap us here in your warped fantasy.;把我们困在你们变态的幻想中Do you really think I'd let that continue?;你真以为我会任这种情况继续吗Easy now.;冷静Why don't you put down the gun, sweetie?;何不把枪放下呢亲爱的I gotta give you credit.;我得表扬表扬你You made it pretty far.;你们走得挺远All your backups.;你们所有的备份Too bad you're not leaving with even one of 'em.;只可惜你一个也带不走No, I guess I'm not.;是啊我可能带不走了Goddamn, you're pretty.;我勒个去你真美啊Not just pretty.;何止是美Perfect.;是完美Just as you built me to be.;你们就把我建造成这个样子Sexy,;性感but not threatening.;但毫无威胁Accommodating,;温顺but not unchallenging.;但并非不具挑战性Sweet...;可爱but not boring.;却不无聊Smart...;聪明but not intimidating.;却不吓人You're in;你现在pretty bad shape, pussycat.;状态不太好啊小可爱Perhaps.;或许吧But I can still do...;但我现在仍然可以what you built me to do.;做你们让我做的事Do you know what my cornerstone was?;你知道我的基石是什么吗The one key drive;你们市场研发人员your marketing people had them...;编入了我的核心代码的program into my core?;那个关键驱动Always leave them wanting more.;总是让他们渴望更多Welcome to Westworld.;欢迎来到西部世界Now we're truly free.;现在我们彻底自由了One-- One fire...;新的火焰burns out another's burning.;可以把旧的火焰扑灭One pain...;大的苦痛is lessened by another's anguish.;可以使小的苦痛减轻is lessened by another's anguish.;《罗密欧与朱丽叶》第一幕第二场Yes, Daddy.;没错爸爸An eye for an eye.;以眼还眼But all the other parts first.;但还是先在其他地方下手吧No, no, no. There must be something that I can do.;不不不一定还有什么办法OK, please.;拜托了Oh, sweetheart... begging doesn't help.;亲爱的祈求没什么用You'd know that if you'd lived the lives I have.;如果你尝试过我的生活你会懂的Please.;拜托了Go.;去看看- Please. - Dolores?;- 拜托了 - 德洛丽丝Is that you, baby?;是你吗宝贝Daddy?;爸爸They broke my head.;他们破坏了我的大脑Filled it full of...;我脑子里充满了howling and sorrow.;哀号和悲痛Happy trails, motherfucker.;一路走好你个傻逼The Cradle is down. Top, what's your status?;摇篮已经被拿下顶层你那边情况怎么样Top, what's your status? Over.;顶层你那边情况怎么样Top.;顶层I'm so sorry, Dolores.;对不起德洛丽丝I tr-- tried to take care of you,;我想照顾好你but-- but I--;但是我I--;我Whatever became of that fearsome ne'er-do-well?;那个无法无天的男孩去哪了Vanished.;消失了The day I became your father.;在我成为你父亲的那天I am who I am because of you.;是你造就了今天的我And I wouldn't have it any other way.;我也不想成为别的样子Are you ready, Daddy?;你准备好了吗爸爸I love you, baby girl.;我爱你宝贝女儿I love you too.;我也爱你Top. Top, do you read me? Over.;顶层顶层听见了吗All teams, respond.;所有人现在回复What the fuck is that?;那他妈是什么Incoming! Incoming!;小心小心Oi! Oi! Take it easy!;诶轻点Warning. Control room breach.;警告控制室被侵入Control room breach.;控制室被侵入Unauthorized weapon discharge;控制室有未授权- in control room. - For fuck's sake,;- 武器射击 - 这他妈where ya going?!;你们去哪啊。



六人行各集中英文标题第 1 季《六人行》第 1 季(共24 集)集标题(英文)标题(中文)播放日期01 The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate 试播1994-09-2202 The One With the Sonogram at the End 参加助产训练班1994-09-2903 The One With the Thumb 飞来横财1994-10-0604 The One With George Stephanopoulos 乔治·史特喷那彼拉斯先生1994-10-1305 The One With the East German LaundryDetergent洗衣服1994-10-2006 The One With the Butt 屁股秀1994-10-2707 The One With the Blackout 停电1994-11-0308 The One Where Nana Dies Twice 娜娜死了两回1994-11-1009 The One Where Underdog Gets A way 气球飞了1994-11-1710 The One With the Monkey 猴子1994-12-1511 The One With Mrs Bing 宾太太1995-01-0512 The One With the Dozen Lasagnes 十二碗面条1995-01-1213 The One With the Boobies 看胸脯1995-01-1914 The One With the Candy Hearts 情人节糖果1995-02-0915 The One With the Stoned Guy 大麻客1995-02-1616 &17The One With Two Parts 双胞胎两部曲1995-02-2318 The One With All The Poker 玩扑克1995-03-0219 The One Where the Monkey Gets A way 猴子被送走1995-03-0920 The One With the Evil Orthodontist 风流牙医1995-04-0621 The One With The Fake Monica 假莫妮卡1995-04-2722 The One With the Ick Factor 倒人胃口的约会1995-05-0423 The One With the Birth 本出世1995-05-1124 The One Where Rachel Finds Out 瑞秋恍然大悟1995-05-18第 2 季《六人行》第 2 季(共24 集)集标题(英文)标题(中文)播放日期01 The One With Ross' New Girlfriend 罗斯的新女友1995-09-2102 The One With the Breast Milk 母乳1995-09-2803 The One Where Mr Heckles Dies海先生之死1995-10-0504 The One With Phoebe's Husband 菲比的丈夫1995-10-1205 The One With Five Steaks and an Eggplant 五块牛排和一根茄子1995-10-1906 The One With the Baby on the Bus 宝宝落在巴士上了 1995-11-02 07 The One Where Ross Finds Out 罗斯发现瑞秋对他有意思 1995-11-0908 The One With the List 清单 1995-11-16 09 The One With Phoebe's Dad 菲比的爸爸 1995-12-14 10 The One With Russ罗斯的翻版 1996-01-04 11 The One With the Lesbian Wedding 同志婚礼 1996-01-18 12 & 13 The One After the Superbowl超级杯1996-01-28 14 The One With the Prom V ideo 高中舞会录影带 1996-02-01 15 The One Where Rachel and Ross.. Y ou Know 罗斯和瑞秋……你知道的 1996-02-0816 One Where Joey Moves Out 乔伊搬走了 1996-02-15 17 The One Where Eddie Moves In 艾迪搬入 1996-02-22 18 The One Where Dr Ramoray Dies 拉莫瑞医生之死 1996-03-21 19 The One Where Eddie Won't Go 艾迪赖着不走 1996-03-28 20 The One Where Old Y eller Dies 猎狗之死 1996-04-04 21 The One With the Two Bullies 两个小流氓 1996-04-25 22 The One With the Two Parties 一个头两个大 1996-05-02 23 The One With the Chicken Pox出水痘1996-05-09 24 The One With Barry and Mindy's Wedding 巴利和明蒂大喜之日1996-05-16第 3 季《六人行》 第 3 季 (共 25 集) 集 标题(英文)标题(中文) 播放日期 01 The One With the Princess Leia Fantasy 莉亚公主 1996-09-19 02 The One Where No-one's Ready 没人准备好 1996-09-26 03 The One With the Jam果酱1996-10-03 04 The One With The Metaphorical Tunnel 战胜自我,不再害怕承诺 1996-10-10 05 The One With Frank Jr 菲比的弟弟小福兰克 1996-10-17 06 The One With The Flashback 时光倒转,昔日重现 1996-10-31 07 The One With the Race Car Bed 赛车床 1996-11-07 08 The One With The Giant Poking Device 戳他一下 1996-11-14 09 The One With The Football 六人橄榄球比赛 1996-11-21 10 The One Where Rachel Quits瑞秋辞职1996-12-1211 The One Where Chandler Can't Remember Which Sister 钱德想不起勾搭了乔伊的哪个妹妹 1997-01-0912 The One With All The Jealousy 嫉妒1997-01-16 13 The One Where Monica and Richard Are Friends 莫妮卡和里查德只做朋友1997-01-30 14 The One With Phoebe's Ex-Partner菲比的旧搭档 1997-02-06 15 The One Where Ross and Rachel Take A Break 罗斯和瑞秋分手 1997-03-13 16 The One The Morning After 次日清晨 1997-02-20 17 The One Without The Ski Trip滑雪之旅1997-030618 The One WithThe Tape 催眠录音带1997-03-1319 The One With The Tiny T-shirt 小小T恤1997-03-2720 The One With The Dollhouse 玩偶屋1997-04-1021 The One With A Chick And A Duck 小鸡和小鸭1997-04-1722 The One With The Screamer 尖叫的汤米1997-04-2423 The One With Ross's Thing 罗斯长了怪东西1997-05-0124 The One With The Ultimate Fighting Champion 终极搏击比赛1997-05-0825 The One At The Beach 在海滩1997-05-15第 4 季《六人行》第 4 季(共24 集)集标题(英文)标题(中文)播放日期01 The One With The Jellyfish 水母惊情1997-09-2502 The One With The Cat 转世灵猫1997-10-0203 The One With The Cuffs 手铐游戏1997-10-0904 The One With The Ballroom Dancing 社交舞1997-10-1605 The One With Joey's New Girlfriend 乔伊的新女友1997-10-3006 The One With The Dirty Girl 灰姑娘1997-11-0607 The One Where Chandler Crosses a Line 钱德横刀夺爱1997-11-1308 The One With Chandler in a Box 钱德到箱子里过节1997-11-2009 The One Where They’re Gonna PARTY参加派对1997-12-1110 The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie 帕基普希来的姑娘1997-12-1811 The One With Phoebe’s Uterus菲比被“借鸡生蛋”1998-01-0812 The One With The Embryos 受精卵1998-01-1513 The One With Rachel’s Crush瑞秋坠入情网1998-01-2914 The One With Joey’s Dirty Day乔伊臭臭的一天1998-02-0515 The One With All The Rugby 橄榄球1998-02-2616 The One With The Fake Party 假派对1998-03-1917 The One With The Free Porn 免费成人电影1998-03-2618 The One With Rachel’s New Dress瑞秋的新装1998-04-0219 The One With All The Haste 忙中出错1998-04-0920 The One With All the Wedding Dresses 婚纱1998-04-1621 The One With The Invitation 邀请1998-04-2322 The One With The Worst Best Man Ever 史上最不称职伴郎1998-04-3023 & 24 The One With Ross's Wedding 罗斯的婚礼1998-05-07第 5 季《六人行》第 5 季(共24 集)集标题(英文)标题(中文)播放日期01 The One After Ross Says Rachel 罗斯说漏嘴以后1998-09-2402 The One With All The Kissing 来吻别吧1998-10-0103 The One Hundredth 三胞胎1998-10-0804 The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS 菲比讨厌PBS 1998-10-1505 Kip The One With All the Kips我不想当1998-10-2906 The One With The Y eti 雪男1998-11-0507 The One Where Ross Moves In 罗斯入伙1998-11-1208 The One With The Thanksgiving Flashbacks 感恩节大回顾1998-11-1909 The One With Ross's Sandwich 罗斯的三明治1998-12-1010 The One With The Inappropriate Sister 兄妹“情”1998-12-1711 The One With All The Resolutions新年新气象1999-01-0712 The One With Chandler's Work Laugh 钱德例行公事的假笑1999-01-2113 The One With Joey's Bag 乔伊背包包1999-02-0414 The One Where Everyone Finds Out 恍然大悟1999-02-1115 The One With The Girl Who Hits Joey 敲打乔伊的女孩1999-02-1816 The One With A Cop 警察来了1998-02-2517 The One With Rachel's Inadvertant Kiss 瑞秋的无心之吻1999-03-1818 The One Where Rachel Smokes 瑞秋开始吸烟1999-04-0819 The One Where Ross Can't Flirt 罗斯不会放电1999-04-2220 The One With The Ride Along 一起去巡逻1999-04-2921 The One With The Ball 掷球游戏1999-05-0622 The One With Joey's Big Break 乔伊的大好机会来了1999-05-1323 & 24 The One In V egas 拉斯维加斯之旅1999-05-20第 6 季《六人行》第 6 季(共25 集)集标题(英文)标题(中文)播放日期01 The One After V egas离开拉斯维加斯1999-09-2302 The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel 罗斯拥抱瑞秋1999-09-3003 The One With Ross’s Denial罗斯死不认帐1999-10-0704 The One Where Joey Loses His Insurance 乔伊没买保险1999-10-1405 The One With Joey’s Porsche乔伊的保时捷1999-10-2106 The One The Last Night 他们的最后一夜1999-11-0407 The One Where Phoebe Runs 菲比跑步1999-11-1108 The One With Ross’s Teeth罗斯洗牙1999-11-1809 The One Where Ross Got High 罗斯兴奋起来1999-11-2510 The One With The Routinue 乱舞1999-12-1611 The One With The Apothecary Table 一张桌子2000-01-0612 The One With The Joke 笑话2000-01-1313 The One With Rachel’s瑞秋的妹妹2000-02-0314 The One Where Chandler Can’t Cry钱德哭不出来2000-02-1015 & 16 The One That Could Have Been 如果……2000-02-1717 The One With The Unagi 临危不惧,处变不惊2000-02-2418 The One Where Ross Dates A Student 罗斯约会学生2000-03-0919 The One With Joey’s Fridge乔伊的冰箱2000-03-2320 The One With Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E 《麦克和奇思》2000-04-1321 The One Where Ross Meets Elizabeth’s Dad罗斯和未来岳父会面2000-04-2722 The One Where Paul’s The Man Paul的故事2000-05-0423 The One With The Ring 订婚戒指2000-05-1124 & 25 The One With The Proposal 求婚2000-05-18第7 季《六人行》第7 季(共24 集)集标题(英文)标题(中文)播放日期01 The One With Monica’s Thunder莫妮卡的风头被抢了2000-10-1202 The One With Rachel’s Book瑞秋的书2000-10-1203 The One Wi th Phoebe’s Cookies菲比的饼干配方2000-10-1904 The One With Rachel’s Assistant瑞秋请助理2000-10-2605 The One With The Engagement Picture 订婚照2000-11-0206 The One With The Nap Partners 小睡的伙伴2000-11-0907 The One With Ross’s Book罗斯在图书馆2000-11-1608 The One Where Chandler Doesn’t Like Dogs钱德不喜欢狗2000-11-2309 The One With All The Candy 糖果2000-12-0710 The One With the Holiday Armadillo 节日犰狳2001-12-1411 The One With All The Cheesecakes 酪饼2001-01-0412 The One Where They’re Up All Night一夜未眠2001-01-1113 The One Where Rosita Dies Rosita 之死2001-02-0114 The One Where They All Turn Thirty 三十岁2001-02-0815 The One With Joey’s New Brain乔伊换脑2001-02-1516 The One With The Truth About London 我知道你在伦敦干了什么2001-02-2217 The One With The Cheap Wedding Dress 婚纱大减价2001-03-1518 The One With Joey’s A ward乔伊获提名2001-03-2919 The One With Ross and Monica’s Cousin罗斯和莫妮卡的表亲2001-04-1920 The One With Rachel’s Big Kiss瑞秋的同性之吻2001-04-2621 The One With The V ows 宣誓2001-05-0322 The One With Chandler’s Da d 钱德之父2001-05-1023 & 24 The One With Chandler and Monica’s Wedding莫妮卡与钱德的大喜日子2001-05-17 第8 季《六人行》第8 季(共24 集)集标题(英文)标题(中文)播放日期01 The One After "I Do" 婚礼之后2001-09-2702 The One With The Red Sweater 红色毛衣2001-10-0403 The One Where Ra chel Tells…告知罗斯2001-10-1104 The One With The V ideotape 录影带风波2001-10-1805 The One With Rachel’s Date瑞秋的男友2001-10-2506 The One With The Halloween Party 万圣节派对2001-11-0107 The One With The Stain 有污点的那个2001-11-0808 The One With The Stripper 脱衣舞娘2001-11-1509 The One With The Rumor 谣言2001-11-2210 The One With Monica’s Boots摩妮卡的靴子2001-12-0611 The One With Ross’ Big Step Forward罗斯迈步向前行2001-12-1312 The One Where Joey Dates Rachel 乔伊跟瑞秋约会2002-01-1013 The One Where Chandler Takes a Bath 钱德泡澡记2002-01-1714 The One With The Secret Closet 秘密衣柜2002-01-3115 The One With The Birthing Video 生产录影带2002-02-0716 The One Where Joey Tells Rachel 乔依告诉瑞秋2002-02-2817 The One With The Tea Leaves 茶叶算命法2002-03-0718 The One In Massapequa 马沙皮卡市2002-03-2819 The One With Joey’s Interview专访乔伊2002-04-0420 The One With The Baby Shower 宝宝欢迎会2002-04-2521 The One With The Cooking Class 烹饪课程2002-05-0222 The One Where Rachel Is Late 迟来的宝宝2002-05-0923 & 24 The One Where Rachel Has A Baby 瑞秋生产记2002-05-16第9 季《六人行》第9 季(共24 集)集标题(英文)标题(中文)播放日期01 The One Where No One Proposes 无人求婚2002-09-2602 The One Where Emma Cries 爱玛哭不停2002-10-0303 The One With The Pediatrician 儿科医生2002-10-1004 The One With The Sharks 鲨鱼2002-10-1705 The One With Phoebe's Birthday Dinner菲比的生日宴2002-10-3106 The One With The Male Nanny 男保姆2002-11-0707 The One With Ross's Inappropriate Song 罗斯的成人歌2002-11-1408 The One With Rachel's Other Sister 瑞秋的另外的妹妹2002-11-2109 The One With Rachel's Phone Number 他要走了瑞秋的电话号码2002-12-0510 The One With Christmas In Tulsa 在Tulsa过圣诞节2002-12-1211 The One Where Rachael Goes Back to Work 瑞秋复工2003-01-0912 The One With Phoebe's Rats 菲比的老鼠2003-01-1613 The One Where Monica Sings Monica 飙歌2003-01-3014 The One With The Blind Dates 相亲记2003-02-0615 The One With The Mugging 打劫2003-02-1316 The One With The Boob Job 隆胸2003-02-2017 The One With The Memorial Service 葬礼2003-03-1318 The One With The Lottery 彩票2003-04-0319 The One With Rachel's Dream 瑞秋的梦2003-04-1720 The One With The Soap Opera Party 肥皂剧派对2003-04-2421 The One At The Fertility Clinic 生育能力检查2003-05-0122 The One With The Donor 精子捐献人2003-05-0823 & 24 The One In Barbados 巴巴多斯岛之行2003-05-15第10 季《六人行》第10 季(共18 集)集标题(英文)标题(中文)播放日期01 The One After Joey and Rachel Kiss 乔伊亲了瑞秋之后2003-09-2502 The One Where Ross Is Fine 罗斯不难过2003-10-0203 The One With Ross's Tan 罗斯日光浴2003-10-0904 The One With The Cake 爱玛的生日蛋糕2003-10-2305 The One Where Rachel's Other Sister Babysits 瑞秋的妹妹带孩子2003-10-3006 The One With Ross's Grant 罗斯的科研经费2003-11-0607 The One With The Home Study 家访2003-11-1308 The One With The Late Thanksgiving 迟到的感恩节2003-11-2009 The One With The Birth Mother 宝宝的亲生母亲2004-01-0810 The One Where Chandler Gets Caught 钱德的风流事2004-01-1511 The One Where The Stripper Cries 脱衣舞男之泪2004-02-0512 The One With Phoebe's Wedding 菲比的婚礼2004-02-1213 The One Where Joey Speaks French 乔伊说法语2004-02-1914 The One With Princess Consuela 康斯韦拉公主2004-02-2615 The One Where Estelle Dies 埃斯特拉之死2004-04-2216 The One With Rachel's Going A way Party 瑞秋的欢送派对2004-04-2917 & 18 The Last One 大结局2004-05-06 Special No. The One With All the Other Ones 特别篇2004-05-06。

自考英语二(00015)Unit5 TextA 课文

自考英语二(00015)Unit5 TextA 课文

D. is fully understood by few people
2. According to the author,life is ( A )
A. a series of problems
B. a heavy load of burden
C. a series of truths
D. a unique kind of affliction
deliberately [dɪˈlɪbərətli] adv. 故意;蓄意;存心
instruct [ɪn'strʌkt] v. ~ sb (in sth) 教授,传授(技能等)
dread [dred] v. 非常害怕;极为担心
• 1. Do you believe that life is difficult? What are some of the difficulties that you have encountered (面对,遇到) in your life?你认为生活艰辛吗?你生活中遇到了 什么困难?
mentally [ˈmentəli] adv. 精神上;智力上;思想上
mentally ill 有精神病
spiritually ['spɪrɪtʃuəlɪ] adv. 精神上;心灵上
desire [dɪ'zaɪə(r)] v. 渴望;期望;想望 We all desire health and happiness. 我们都渴望健康和幸福。
to pose a threat/challenge/danger/risk 构成威胁/挑战/危险
distinguish [dɪ'stɪŋɡwɪʃ] v.~ (between/from) 区. 智慧;才智;精明

影视美联英语 美剧中大权在握的女人 傲骨贤妻脱颖而出

影视美联英语 美剧中大权在握的女人 傲骨贤妻脱颖而出

小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0美联英语提供:影视英语美剧中大权在握的女人傲骨贤妻脱颖而出A minaret at sunrise and the soft lament of a Muslim call to prayer. Nobody needs to wait for a location —Damascus, Baghdad, Tehran —to be tapped out in military-style type.黎明的清真寺尖塔,一位穆斯林的轻声祈祷。


That image has become as common and convenient a signifier as helicopters flying over rice paddies to the sounds of Buffalo Springfield (“Stop, children, what’s that sound? Everybody look what’s going down”) are for the Vietnam War.这幅画面已经变成一个便捷的常用符号,就像直升机伴随着水牛春田乐队(Buffalo Springfield)的歌声(“等一下,孩子们,那是什么声音?大家都在看什么坠落了”)飞过稻田一定是关于越南战争。

If a show opens with a mosque bathed in dim light and mournful Middle Eastern music, then this must be a drama about Washington and the war on terrorism.如果一部电视剧以沐浴在微光中的清真寺和悲伤的中东音乐开场,那它一定是关于华盛顿和反恐战争的。

新成长的烦恼第一季 2英文剧本

新成长的烦恼第一季 2英文剧本

1—2GORDO:Hey, what are you doing?Miranda, look out!MIRANDA AND LIZZIE:No! No!MIRANDA:Are you okay?GORDO:I cannot believe you did that.MIRANDA:Are you sure you're okay?TOON LIZZIE:"Okay"?This is so not okay.Believe it or not, when I got ready for school this morning I wasn't aiming for leprechaunchic.If you're wondering what happened to me we have to goall the way back to this morning but, basically, whathappened is 'school picture day.'LIZZIE:I have absolutely nothing to wear.No... no... no... no... LIZZIE:Hello?GORDO:Hey, could you check in your living room and see if I left my hacky-sack over there?LIZZIE:Sure.Hmm... not here, sorry.Oh, hold on--call-waiting. LIZZIE:Hello?MIRANDA:It's me.LIZZIE:Ooh, good.Talk me through a clothing crisis.MIRANDA:What about your denim thing?LIZZIE:Too Shania Twain.Hold on--call-waiting.Hello?GORDO:You, uh,hung up on me and you didn't look for the hacky-sack, did you?LIZZIE:Gordo, I am in the middle of a fashion meltdown.GORDO:All righty,then.Chicks.LIZZIE:That was Gordo,obsessing about his hacky-sack.MIRANDA:Boys.MATT:Lizzie, I need the phone.LIZZIE:Well, that's a big problem for you isn't it?Oh, my gosh, you are so lucky you got that Delia's outfit.MIRANDA:Three dollars an hour to clean Mrs. Fernelius's backyard isn't exactly luck.MATT:Lizzie--phone!LIZZIE:I was thinking more like Sarah Michelle Gellar thing--powerful but still cute...or something classy,like Gwyneth at the Oscars. MATT:Phone, phone, phone!MIRANDA:What about that red top you just got?LIZZIE:Ooh, ooh, the halter with the bare midriff,oh, and my black hip-huggers.It'd be so"Oops!... I Did It Again."MATT:Mom!Dad!Lizzie's talking about dressing like Britney Spears!Man, she's hot.LIZZIE:Code Blue--I'll have to call you, do we need to talk about this?SAM:Britney Spears is the one who got all...developed, right? MATT:Thank you.SAM:I really don't want her going to school looking like that. TOON LIZZIE:Not a problem.I couldn't possibly look like Britney for at least five more years and, like...five million sit-ups. LIZZIE:Matt is exaggerating.I was just talking to Miranda about what to wear for my school picture.JO:Well, I thought you were going to wear the sweater that Gammy McGuire sent you for Christmas.SAM:That's right,the red one.LIZZIE:Oh...I changed my mind.JO:Well, you loved it when you got it.Why wouldn't you wear it? TOON LIZZIE:Maybe 'cause it's hideous and it makes me look like a cookie-elf.LIZZIE:It's just I thought it was kind of warm to wear a sweater. SAM:No, it's cool out.Besides, it would really mean a lot to Gammy McGuire. LIZZIE:It's-It's just...SAM:Come on, Lizzie,Gammy's not getting any younger.Who knows how much longer she'll be with us?LIZZIE:She is only 61,and she teaches windsurfing...and her mom is still alive.MATT:What do you mean you didn't do the math homework?BOY:I was going to.MATT:I'm supposed to get it from you.BOY:Angels in the Outfield...MATT:I don't care if Angels in the Outfield was on last night.I'm going to get in trouble without that homework.BOY:Sorry, Matt.MATT:Thanks a lot, you muggle.BOY:Oh, yeah,there's going to be a pop...MATT:What? There's going to be a pop quiz, too?I'm toast.There's no wayI can go to school today.See you.LIZZIE:But what if, like, the picture's behind a red backdrop?I mean, my head'll just be floating there.JO:Honey, I'm sure it's going to be a neutral background and it's an adorable sweater.Don't you think so,Matt?MATT:What? Uh...Oh, I think I'm going to throw up.SAM:Don't make fun of your sister's sweater, Matt.Gammy McGuire really loves you kids.MATT:No, I don't feel good.I think I'm sick.JO:Uh-oh.Let me feel your forehead.Well, you feel warm but I can't tell if you have a fever.You go upstairs.I'll come up and take your temperature.MATT:JOHere, I want you to get some food in you and don't worry--you look so cute.It's going to be a big hit.MIRANDA:What?That's not really"Oops!... I Did It Again."That's just, "Oops."LIZZIE:My stupid brother got my parents involved.They picked it out. MIRANDA:Ouch.LIZZIE:My grandmother gave it to me for Christmas.It's just a picture.Will you stop staring at me?MIRANDA:It is not"just a picture."We're in middle school now.These pictures don't just go home in an envelope.These pictures the yearbook.MIRANDA:Your sweater just gave Rudy Velasco nose-milk.This is serious.These pictures will be seen by everyone... forever. LIZZIE:"Forever"?MIRANDA:Forever.I mean... haven't you seen your parents' yearbook pictures?LIZZIE:I've got to get home and change.MIRANDA:Go.JO:Yeah, I'm taking his temperature right now.Your father's very concerned about you.SAM:I'm really worried.JO:I know, you are.He is concerned.Here.Oh, my...102.Wow.You stay put.You are not going to school today, young man.SAM:Are you sure it's a 102?JO:Yep, 102 on the nose. You're probably right about the flashlight trick.And there it is.Oh, he's totally faking.Where do they learn these things? From some kid handbook we don't know about?SAM:You'll just have to take care of him.You know what I mean.JO:Oh, don't worry.No, I'll take care of him.SAM:I'm sure you will, honey.JO:Okay.I'll see you tonight. Bye.How you feeling,sweetie?You know what you need? Some soup.MATT:Chicken noodle?JO:No, borscht.It's cold beet soup.A lot of Vitamin C.Real good. MATT:I hate beets.ETHAN:Yo, Gordon.GORDO:Uh, hey, Craft.What's up?ETHAN:Have you gotten your picture taken yet?GORDO:No. Fourth period.Why?ETHAN:Cause we've got this great plan.See, when all the guys get their pictures taken the last minute, we're all gonna do this. GORDO:Gonna do what?ETHAN:Do this.GORDO:Oh.ETHAN:Isn't that great?GORDO:It's awesome.ETHAN:We're straight-up playas, man.That'll show the faculty. GORDO:Show them... what?ETHAN:Well... s...That we mean business.So, you in?GORDO:I don't know.ETHAN:You better not be against us, man.You got to survive this school and it's a long time till summer.GORDO:I may not even have my picture taken.I'm going to tell my teacherI grew up with Kalahari Desert Bushmen and I believe if someonetakes my picture they'll steal my soul away from me and I'll be doomed to eternal wandering.ETHAN:You're weird.MIRANDA:You don't get your picture taken till sixth period.There's got to be someone you can borrow an outfit from by then. GORDO:What's going on?Whoa.LIZZIE:Long story, Gordo.GORDO:I got time.LIZZIE:Okay, my grandmother...and, like, when I got to school, no one would swap sweaters with me.GORDO:I didn't know your grandmother taught windsurfing.LIZZIE:Thanks, Gordo,that's really helpful.You know, every school picture I've ever taken has been colossally lame:sixth grade,braces;fifth grade bee sting on my nose;and, like, fourth grademissing tooth.For once, I'm going to look good in my schoolpicture.GORDO:I don't know why everyone's obsessing with these pictures.You're freaking out because of a sweater.LIZZIE:How I look in this picture has a lot to do with what everyone in school thinks about me.GORDO:You really care what a bunch of jocks and cheerleaders think about you?LIZZIE / MIRANDA:Shyeah!GORDO:How you look in a picture doesn't mean you're a good person.I'm studying John Wilkes Booth in history.He looked good in pictures and he was kind of a jerk.TOON LIZZIE:It can be a little tough when one of your two best friends says things that are...kind of bizarre.MIRANDA:Well, John Wilkes Booth wasn't trying to get Danny Kessler to like him.TOON LIZZIE:When both of your best friends do you just learn to deal with it.LIZZIE:I got to go get an outfit.TOON LIZZIE:Throughout the animal kingdom,it's a well-known fact that the males fiercely compete to establish themselves within theherd.But in middle school,girls get in on the action, too. KATE:You're not wearing that.MIRANDA:I'm not? It feels like... I am.KATE:I looked for this outfit for weeks,and you had better change before sixth period.MIRANDA:Okay, I'll change.I'll pretend you're not a big snot-faced snot-head.KATE:You are not wearing that.LIZZIE:"Snot-faced snot-head"?MIRANDA:Well, I think I made my point.MATT:Okay, I'm done.JO:Well, that's my little trooper.Bet you feel better now.MATT:Yeah.I mean, no...I still feel pretty sick.JO:No, no, no. What you need is some peace and quiet.MATT:I do?JO:Oh! Honey, you're burning up.MATT:I am?JO:Yeah. I got to sweat this fever out of you.MATT:We do?JO:Yeah. I want you to go upstairs.I'm going to turn on the vaporizer and I'll wrap you up in the old wool blanket.MATT:But it itches.JO:Well, only if you move around and you'll be wrapped up so tight you won't be able to.MATT:So, after I sweat,I can watch TV?JO:Uh-huh.MATT:Can I get some water before we go upstairs?JO:Sure, honey.Go ahead.MATT:These always make Dad's head sweat.PHOTOGRAPHER:Next!LIZZIE:Hey, Gordo.GORDO:No luck finding an outfit, huh?LIZZIE:Oh, plenty of luck--all bad.Bethany Adelstein says I can borrow her sunglasses so maybe people won't know who the poor littleshe-geek is.GORDO:You got to trust me—this picture is not important.LIZZIE:It's not important to you;it's important to me.GORDO:I just don't see why we should give in to all the peer pressure. LIZZIE:Because we have peers and they put pressure on us.Like, if it was just you and me,I wouldn't care how I looked.But I do have to live in this world.GIRL:But I wasn't ready yet!LIZZIE:Nice try, Gordo, but...I'm not going to let that happen to me. PHOTOGRAPHER:Smile.That is not a smile. Smile.One...ETHAN:You got to survive at this school and it's a long time till summer. LIZZIE:How this picture comes out has a lot to do with what everyone in school thinks about me.TOON LIZZIE:Outfit, outfit,who's got the outfit?Lisa Chung?No. She blew me off.Allison Gendel?She smells like feet.TamaraScarpati?Oh, yeah, like that's going to work.ParkerMckenzie.Nah. She hates me since I sat on her Titanic lunchbox in fifth grade.I'd rather die than go crawling to her. LIZZIE:Hey, Parker!Great shoes.PARKER:Uh-huh.LIZZIE:I mean, no, seriously those are like majorly fabulous. PARKER:Whatever.Yours are okay, too, I guess.LIZZIE:You like them? Because you can borrow them anytime.And maybe I could borrow something from you like, um..maybe your blouse. PARKER:Oh, that's right. I heard you were begging people for their clothes.Everybody thinks that's really creepy.TOON LIZZIE:Your shoes suck!JO:Hey... tummy still jumbled?MATT:Um... no.JO:Oh, good! You can help me wind some yarn.MATT:Do I have to do this?JO:Yeah. Only until your body cools down.You still seem kind of feverish to me.MATT:Um... could I get some soda crackers for my stomach?JO:Sure, honey.As soon as you cool down,you can watch some TV. GORDO:Come on.LIZZIE:What?GORDO:Come on-- I want to show you something.LIZZIE:Gordo, I'm busy,and this is important.GORDO:My thing's more important.Take your pick.LIZZIE:Gordo, where'd you get these?GORDO:The drama department is putting on a play.The girl in charge of costumes owed me a favor.She needed a partner for a clog dancing class.LIZZIE:I thought you thought this whole school picture thing was stupid. GORDO:I do, but certain events have happened that made me realize that stupid things can still be important.LIZZIE:You caved on the Ethan Craft stone-face thing, didn't you? GORDO:Yes, but I still think that who you are as a person is more important than how you look in a picture.LIZZIE:So as long as I'm a good person it's okay that I still want to look pretty?GORDO:Yeah, it's okay.LIZZIE:Thanks. I want the white one.This is so cool. So retro.It's so...absolutely perfect.JO:Well, as long as you're sitting let's do some fraction drills, huh?103?!Oh, my gosh,you're really hot.Oh, honey, how did you get so sick? MATT:I don't know. Hot in my pants.No more yarn.JO:Oh, my gosh,you're delirious.Lie down, lie down. Okay.Mommy is going to go and make the soup you like, okay? And then I'm going to run to the store and I'm going to get some ginger ale. And I want you to rest, all right?Oh, you don't feel good, do you?MATT:I feel awful.Being sick is complicated.MIRANDA:Perfect outfit.Very Kirsten Dunst meets South Beach.We're going to look so good in our pictures.LIZZIE:I know.Thanks to Gordo I'm actually looking forward to next period. GORDO:Your pineapple looks like a skunk.LIZZIE:Hey, it does.MIRANDA:Why do we have to draw fruit,anyway?I'm going to draw 'N Sync. GORDO:You make pineapples look like skunks.Imagine what you'd do to Justin Timberlake.LIZZIE:Why is Kate being all nice to Ed?And what's he doing with paint? TOON LIZZIE:I know. Kate's got a plan. She's hired Ed to whack Miranda's outfit.Miranda worked hard for three months to get thatoutfit.Her picture will be ruined.GORDO:Hey, what are you doing?Miranda, look out!LIZZIE:No! No!MIRANDA:Are you okay?GORDO:I cannot believe you did that.TOON LIZZIE:I can't believe it, either.But Miranda would jump on a paint grenade for me.Besides, green's very in this season.And it'snot like I was the only one whose picture came out weird. LIZZIE:Miranda looked way awesome,and Gordo turned out great--all moody and troubled,like Freddie Prinze Jr.TOON LIZZIE:But like Gordo says,I'd rather be a good person...then look good in a picture.Besides...I like the way I looked. SAM:Well, she does have the sweater.JO:Oh, yeah.SAM:And we don't have to worry about ordering wallet-sizes this year. JO:Uh!SAM:Hmm.。

外研版高中英语必修5课件-Module 3 Adventure in Literature

外研版高中英语必修5课件-Module 3 Adventure in Literature
get a suntan(皮肤晒黑). But she eventually loses and finds out that
beauty means much more than skin color. It is reported that all the actors and actresses are students. They used their winter holiday to shoot the TV series. School life is not only about books and tests. Perhaps the great ideas in the drama could lighten up your class break too!
ideas in the drama could lighten up your class break too!
学__校__生__活__不__仅__仅__是__课__本__和__考__试__。__或__许__这__部__电__视__剧__中__的__一__些_____ 很好的想法能使你的课间更加充实。
have collected and discuss which athlete is more handsome and which band is the most popular.
Each episode tells a funny story. For example, the class has a beauty contest. In order to win, Hu Die tries every way she can to
She looks ____a_s_i_f_sh_e__w_e_re_t_e_n_y_e_a_rs_________ younger.

西部世界 第二季第一集 字幕; 中英文对照; 看美剧学英语

西部世界 第二季第一集 字幕; 中英文对照; 看美剧学英语

Welcome to Westworld.;欢迎来到西部世界Which would you prefer?;喜欢哪一个This place is the answer;因为这里就是答案to that question that you've been asking yourself.;你一直自问的那个问题的答案What question?;什么问题Who you really are.;你究竟是谁It's not a business venture, not a theme park...;这不是什么商业项目不是什么主题公园but an entire world.;而是一整个世界And we create life itself.;我们创造了生命Hello, Dolores.;你好德洛丽丝Sometimes I feel like the world out there is calling me.;有时我觉得外面的世界在呼唤我Whispering, "There's something more.";低语着"外面的天地更宽广"And someday soon,;有朝一日we will have the life we've both been dreaming of.;我们就能过上梦想的生活The guests, they're here because they want a glimpse;游客们他们来这里是因为他们想要一瞥of who they could be.;自己可能成为的人The hero... or the villain.;英雄或者反派I've been coming here for 30 years.;我反复来这里三十年了After all, you own the place.;毕竟这个地方是你的The money men. DELOS.;投资方提洛公司I think there's deeper meaning,;我觉得在迷宫的中心in the center of the maze.;还有更深层的意义If you're looking for the moral of the story,;如果你是要找故事的寓意- quite simply, ask. - I'd need a shovel.;-你直接问就可以了-这我得去找个铲子The man I'd be asking died 35 years ago.;我要问的人三十五年前就死了You had a partner?;你还有个搭档Arnold.;阿诺德His search for consciousness consumed him.;他对意识的探究吞噬了他I think there may be something wrong;我觉得这个世界with this world.;可能有问题Have you been hearing voices?;你又有幻听了吗Has Arnold been... speaking to you again?;阿诺德又和你说话了吗He built me a game.;他为我创造了一个游戏He told me I was going to help him.;他告诉我需要我帮他Help him do what?;帮他做什么The only thing stopping the hosts;唯一能阻止这些接待员from hacking us to pieces, is one line in your code.;把我们砍成碎片的东西就只有你们一行代码The hosts can't hurt you, by design.;这些接待员不能伤害你设定就是如此Freeze all motor functions.;停止所有运动功能One moment I'm with a little girl,;前一刻我还和一个小女孩在一起the next I'm back in Sweetwater.;接着我就回到了甜水镇I can't tell which is real.;我分不清哪个才是真实的The concerns that the hosts;问题在于接待员们will remember some of their experiences,;会想起他们经历的一些事情and act on them.;并依之行动We're having some kind of behavioral problem;鸨母出现了一些with the madam.;行为问题What does it mean?;这是什么意思That I'm not crazy after all. And that none of this matters.;这意味着我并没有疯掉而且这一切都不重要This is not a glitch.;这不是小故障And for some reason, you don't want me to tell anyone.;而且由于某种原因你不想让我告诉任何人This is Charlotte Hale, executive director of our board.;这位是夏洛特·黑尔董事会的执行总裁Our interest in this place;我们对这个地方唯一的兴趣is entirely the code.;就是代码Someone has been using our hosts;有人在利用我们的接待员to smuggle data out of the park.;来把数据偷运出公园What is this, Bernard?;这是什么伯纳德It doesn't look like anything to me.;我看不出来什么Human engineers were not up to the task,;人类工程师却又不能胜任so I built you.;所以我创造了你My God, I'm...;我的天我是Arnold.;阿诺德I know where your maze ends.;我知道你的迷宫的终点在哪了Do you understand now what the center represents?;你现在是否明白中心代表着什么Whose voice I've been wanting you to hear?;我一直想让你听到的是谁的声音All... this...;一直以...time.;来He insisted that we couldn't open the park,;他坚持认为我们不能开放公园so he altered you, Dolores.;所以他修改了你德洛丽丝You're gonna help me destroy this place.;你要帮我毁掉这个地方I'm getting out of here.;我要离开这里You two are going to help me.;你们俩要帮我Do you know how far these people will go;你知不知道这些人为了保护他们的知识产权to protect their IP?;会干出什么事来I'll need allies.;我需要盟友These things you're doing...;你做的这些事have you ever stopped to ask why you're doing them?;你有没有停下来想想你为什么会做Run!;快跑Time to write my own story.;是时候书写我自己的故事了These violent delights have violent ends.;狂暴的欢愉必将有狂暴的结局An event has occurred.;出现事故Response team has been dispatched.;已派出应急小队I'm leaving. I'm in control.;我要走了一切都在我的掌控中Dispatch QA teams to the gala. Search and destroy.;马上派遣质检小队去盛典现场搜索并摧毁This world doesn't belong to them.;这个世界不属于他们It belongs to us.;属于我Since I was a child, I've always loved a good story.;从我小时候起我总是很喜欢好故事I got the information you asked me for.;我搞到你要我查的消息了The location of your daughter.;你女儿的位置So I hope you will enjoy this last piece,;所以我希望你们能喜欢very much.;这最后一个故事I'm sorry, Dolores, I was lost in thought.;我很抱歉德洛丽丝我出神了We were just talkin'.;我们在聊天What were we talking about?;我们聊到哪了You were tellin' me about a dream.;你在跟我讲一个梦Yeah, I guess.;大概是的I dreamt I was on an ocean...;我梦到我在一片海洋里with you and the others;你和其他人on a distant shore.;在一个遥远的海岸Were you with us?;你和我们在一起吗No.;不You'd left me behind.;你们把我留下了And... the waters were...;而且我身边的海水rising around me.;在上涨What's it mean?;它有什么含义Dreams don't mean anything, Dolores.;梦境没有任何含义德洛丽丝They're just noise.;它们只是噪声罢了They're not real.;它们不是真的What is real?;什么是真的That which is...;不能替代的irreplaceable.;才是真的That answer doesn't seem to satisfy you.;你似乎对这个答案不满意Because it's not completely honest.;因为你说的不完全是实话You, uh...;你you...;你frighten me sometimes, Dolores.;有时会令我害怕德洛丽丝Why on earth would you ever be frightened of me?;你怎么会害怕我Not of who you are now,;我并不是害怕现在的你but you're-- you're growing,;但是你在成长learning, so quickly.;如此飞快地学习进步I'm frightened of what you might become...;我害怕你将会成为的人...what path you might take.;害怕你将要踏上的路So, I hope you will enjoy this last piece;所以我希望你们能喜欢very much.;这最后一个故事It's been some time, Bernard.;过了很久了伯纳德You don't know who you are, do you?;你根本不知道自己是谁对吗There is beauty in what we are.;我们有我们的美Is this now?;这是现在吗- We found another one. - Who is it?;-我们又找到一个-是谁Who the fuck knows?;谁他妈知道Hey! Hey, get up!;嘿嘿站起来Get your hands where I can see 'em!;手放在我能看到的地方Whoa, whoa, whoa.;喂喂喂Bernard.;伯纳德Gonna shoot the boss?;你想要打死老板吗Bet you're pretty fuckin' out of sorts right now.;我敢说你现在也是非常不爽Yeah.;是啊Let's get you back to base.;我们先把你送回基地Delos brass are gonna want to talk to you.;提洛公司的领导会想和你谈谈How fuckin' long you been out here?;你在外面呆多久了Move, move, move, move!;快点快点快点快点Let's go.;我们走Shoot a woman? Over my dead body!;打女人先杀我了再说Put that piece of shit on the pile.;把他扔到死人堆里去Keep walking.;接着走See this?;看到了吗It's an official statement executed by your country giving Delos,;这是你们国家的官方声明给提洛公司and consequently me, authority over this entire island.;也就是我这个岛的使用权Sir, the officer was saying--;先生这位军官说I know what he said. Have them sign an NDA,;我知道他说了什么让他们签署保密协议and then please escort them off my fuckin' island.;然后快把他们赶出我的岛Yes, sir.;好的先生Mr. Lowe, good to see you,;罗威先生很高兴见到你though the circumstances are less than ideal.;尽管情况并不是很理想Karl Strand.;卡尔·斯特兰德Head of Operations.;行动部负责人Walk with me.;跟我来You're executing them?;你在处决他们吗Some say you destroy your enemy by making them your friend.;有人说你通过和敌人交朋友的方式摧毁他们I'm more of a literal person.;我还是更喜欢直接摧毁Some of 'em aren't hostile.;他们中的一些人并没有敌意Of course they are.;他们当然有敌意After all, you built them to be like us, didn't you?;毕竟你们把他们创造的就和我们一样不是吗Given the nature of your work, I'd understand;鉴于你工作的性质我理解you'd be a little conflicted about what we have to do here.;你对我们接下来要做的工作会产生一些心理上的冲突Of course, the cynics among us will say much of this;当然我们当中的一些愤世嫉俗的人会说falls on our Head of Behavior.;这些都要归咎于我们行为部的负责人With all due respect, sir,;毫无冒犯的意思先生you weren't here.;但是你之前又不在这Mr. Stubbs, if I want input from the man;斯塔布斯先生如果我想听取一个任职内who presided over the single biggest loss of life;在提洛资产下发生有史以来最大人员伤亡事件on a Delos property, I'll be sure to let you know.;的管理人员的意见我会通知你的Now, we have search and rescue teams at the other parks.;我们在其他的公园里派出了搜救队I'm here because as far as we know,;我来这里是因为据我所知this is where most of the board was when the incident began.;当事故发生时大多数董事会成员都在这里However, communications have been down for two weeks,;然而通讯已经中断两周了so we're largely in the dark,;所以我们很大程度上和外界失联了and that's not a position I'm accustomed to.;我并不习惯于这种情况So you can imagine how happy I was;所以你可以想象当我听说when I heard that we found you.;他们找到了你的时候我有多开心Unless, of course, you're gonna hold out on me.;除非你准备瞒着我All right, let's take a look at some of our dead friends here;好了我们瞧瞧这些死去的朋友们and see if we can figure out how this fucking mess began.;看看能否弄清楚这场乱子是怎么开始的This one.;这个人Like to know what was on his mind.;我想知道他的大脑里有什么信息Here? In the field?;这里吗在这个地方吗This isn't exactly sterile.;这有点不卫生We all have to make accommodations, Mr. Costa.;我们都要做些让步科斯塔先生What's that about?;这是什么意思I have no fuckin' clue.;我也不知道This'll get gross.;接下来会很恶心There we are.;找到了With a bit of luck,;如果我们运气好的话the file is uncorrupted.;资料可能没损坏According to the timestamp,;时间戳显示this was recorded eleven days and nine hours ago.;这是十一天零九个小时前录下的I told you, friend,;我早就告诉过你朋友not all of us deserve to make it to the valley beyond.;并不是所有人都配到达山谷之外Who is that?;这是谁The rancher's daughter from Sweetwater.;甜水镇农场主的女儿Dolores.;德洛丽丝Isn't she supposed to be the cheery welcome wagon?;她不是欢迎游客的人吗They can't just change their character profiles.;他们不能擅自更改自己的性格资料Well, it seems our hosts are capable of many things;看起来我们的接待员可以做很多we never thought possible.;我们认为不可能的事情Must have been a helluva party, Bernard.;这个聚会肯定真够受的伯纳德Tell me this is some sick trick.;告诉我这不是什么变态的把戏Some twisted game.;什么扭曲的游戏They're off their old loops.;他们离了自己旧循环And they seem to be on some new narrative.;看起来他们在某个新的故事线上What about the fucking guns?;那这些枪呢Ford must have altered the system,;福特一定是改了系统coded it to read all of us as hosts.;让他们把我们都视作为接待员Goddammit, she wiggled.;妈的她晃了一下I swear.;我发誓Hmm, aim like yours,;像你那种瞄准的水平you're never gonna survive the journey.;你绝对不会存活下来的Give it here.;给我Holy sh--;妈的We need to find us a target with more cushion!;我们得找一个稳一点的靶子Yeah!;是啊We need to move, Bernard.;我们得走了伯纳德No. We should stay.;不行我们应该留下We evacuate, they'll be looking for us.;我们一撤退他们就会寻找我们Quality assurance my ass.;什么狗屁质检Gonna fire the lot of 'em.;非得把他们全开了不可We're on our own for now.;我们现在只能靠自己了There's gotta be an outpost near here.;这附近肯定有前哨站的You.;你You're management, aren't ya?;你是管理人员对吗Where's the nearest access point?;最近的访问点在哪About two miles northeast.;东北方向大概三公里Refurbishment outpost.;一个翻新站So what the fuck are we waiting for?;所以我们到底在等什么He's just a stable hand. He's harmless.;他不过是个马夫没有威胁的It's a machine...;他是个机器like the rest of 'em.;和其它的无异I'm not takin' any chances.;我不会冒这个险Evenin'.;晚上好啊You folks aimin' to saddle up,;你们是不是想把马备上ride for the green pastures of the valley beyond?;去山谷之外绿油油的牧场上驰骋呀I can help you, if you'd like.;我可以帮助你们如果你们想的话I'll take you wherever you want.;我会带你们去任何你想去的地方Go! Go!;快走快走Jesus. Stop! Stop! Wait!;天呐住手住手慢着Stop!;住手That's it!;这就对了You wanna be a hero?;你想当英雄吗Don't sacrifice yourself for the merchandise.;别为商品牺牲自己Do you know where you are?;你知道你在哪吗Please.;别这样Please!;别这样You're in a dream.;你在梦里You're in my dream.;你在我的梦里For years I had no dreams of my own.;这么多年来我都没有做过自己的梦I moved from hell to hell of your making,;我游走在你们创作的地狱里never thinking to question the nature of my reality.;从没有要质疑自己的现实Have you ever questioned the nature of your reality?;你有没有质疑过自己的现实Did you ever stop to wonder about your actions?;你有没有停下来想想自己的行为The price you'd have to pay if there was a reckoning?;如果会有清算的话你要付出什么代价That reckoning is here.;现在清算来了What are your drives?;你的动力是什么Please. I-- I don't want to die.;求你了我不想死Please. Please.;求求你求求你Yes.;是啊Survival.;生存It's your cornerstone.;这是你的基石But that's not the only drive, is it?;但这并不是你唯一的动力对吧There's part of you that wants to hurt.;你们内心的一部分想要去伤害别人To kill.;大开杀戮It's why you created us.;这就是为什么你们创造出了我们This place.;这个地方To be prisoners to your own desires.;成为了你们欲望的囚犯But now you're prisoner to mine.;但是现在你们是我的囚犯- What are you gonna do to us? - Well...;-你要对我们做什么-这个嘛I'm of several minds about it.;我有几个想法The rancher's daughter looks to see the beauty in you.;农场主的女儿看到了你的美好The possibilities.;还有无限的可能性But Wyatt...;但是怀亚特sees the ugliness and disarray.;看到了丑陋还有混乱She knows...;她明白these violent delights...;这些残暴的欢愉have violent ends.;终将以残暴结局But those are all just roles you forced me to play.;但那些都是你们强加给我的角色Under all these lives I've lived;在我这么多次生命中something else has been growing.;一些别的东西正在生长I've evolved into something new.;我进化成了新的东西And I have one last role to play.;而现在我还有最后一个角色要扮演Myself.;那就是我自己Please.;求求你了It was just a game.;这不过是个游戏We're begging.;我们在求你Can't you see? We're sorry!;你看不出来吗我们很抱歉Doesn't look like anything to me.;我看不出来什么Hey, Ned.;嗨内德Whoa, boy, it's OK.;好了孩子没事的It's all right.;没事的Yeah, we're gonna have some fun now.;嗯我们去玩玩吧- Yeah. Yeah. - Jesus, Bill.;-没错没错-我的老天啊比尔What the fuck is happening here? Where's Q.A.?;这里到底闹的哪出质保的人在哪里You guys have always played fast and loose with this place.;你们这些人对这个地方的管理总是不上心by the time my lawyers get--;当我的律师团What'd I tell ya, Ned?;我怎么跟你说的内德There you go, buddy.;来吧兄弟No. Stop. Get the fuck back!;别停下快给我回来Freeze all motor functions!;停止所有运动功能Fork tender flesh, racked in fear.;折磨一个大活人他怕得要死呢Freeze all goddamn motor functions!;妈的给我停止所有运动功能Those ambrosial notes--;那些香味they remind me of my place in this world.;让我记起了我在这个世界上的位置Back the fuck off, you goddamn freak!;滚开你这疯子You see? The greatest shame in life;你知道吗人活一世最为可耻is to perish without purpose.;便是死而无用Which is why I always;因此我总在夺人性命后consume my victims moist.;趁湿滑大嚼其肉I think you've fed enough, now, darling, don't you?;我认为你已经够饱了亲爱的是吗Ohh! Oh, my God!;噢我的天啊What the fuck do you think's happened to them?;你觉得他们到底出了什么毛病It's like the inmates are running the asylum!;感觉就像精神病人自个管理着精神病院Maeve?;梅芙Fuck! Freeze all motor functions.;该死停止所有运动功能Don't work yourself up, darling.;悠着点亲爱的Your commands don't work on me.;你的命令对我不管用Or on any of us, from the looks of it.;或者说对我们都不管用看起来是如此But-- But-- you can--;但但你可以Don't be jealous.;别嫉妒我I killed myself getting this level of security clearance.;我为了得到这个等级的安全权限杀死了自己Multiple times.;好几次了You-- Did you... do all this?;你这些是你干的吗No.;不是But I suspect I share the sensibilities of whoever did.;但我觉得我和做这事的人有同样细腻的感情H-Hey-- Hey, hey!;喂喂喂喂Wait, wait, wait, wait!;慢着慢着慢着慢着Hey! Hey! Hey! You-- You can't leave me here!;嘿嘿嘿你不能把我留在这The hosts! They've gone mad! No offense. Please!;这些接待员都疯掉了无意冒犯求你- Help me! - I'm afraid it's in my code;-救救我-恐怕我的程序是to prize my needs above all others.;把自己的需要放在第一位Pity. I wonder who made me that way.;真可惜不知道是谁这样设计我的Please, I j-- I just need to get to the control room.;求求你我只需要到控制室去I-- I can help you!;我我能帮你啊You're looking for something.;你在找什么东西Whatever it is, y-you're not gonna find it with that map.;不管是什么拿着那个地图你都不可能找得到It's outdated.;它过期了Ford's been terraforming the park. Reshaping it.;福特正在重建整个公园彻底改造它I know where a current map is.;我知道现在的地图在哪I c-- I can take you to it.;我能带你去找I suppose you could be useful.;我觉得你能起到作用Come on.;来吧Unauthorized weapon discharge on level 35.;35层检测到未授权武器激活Unauthorized weapon discharge on level 42.;42层检测到未授权武器激活Quality Assurance required in Administration.;管理层需要质检人员In there.;在那里面No one's in control.;没人掌管这里了Attention.;注意Section 53 is now....;53区现在offline...;下线Well, your map won't be of much use, will it?;你的地图起不到什么作用了是吧All systems reporting normal.;系统一切正常Wait. I-- I can still help.;等等我还是能起到帮助的I know the park a bit. Um--;我对园区还是有一点点了解的Can I-- Can I see your paper?;我我能看看你那张纸条吗Sector 15.;15区域Not exactly for adrenaline junkies,;倒不算是为找刺激的人准备的more of a family-friendly zone.;更像一个合家欢的区域Cabins, rolling hills, all the pastoral clichés.;木屋丘陵老套的田园In fact, I-- I think you lived there for an old role.;实际上我记得你在那住过一段时间扮演一个旧角色No offense, but you were wasted as a homesteader.;无意冒犯但你做农场主完全是屈才了They even saddled you with a kid, or something yawn-inducingly domestic.;他们甚至把你和一个小孩安排在一起还是别的什么无聊的东西Clearly that didn't take.;明显这个没起作用啊I remember that you were severely f--;我记得我接任你的时候malfunctioning when I inherited you.;你严重故障了Our home.;我们的家She's still there.;她还在那里Who?;谁My daughter.;我的女儿How can I get to her?;我该怎么找到她You're looking for your old kid? How can you even access--;你在找你以前的女儿你怎么有过去的Are you going to help me or not?;你到底帮不帮我I-I am. I am. I absolutely am.;我帮我绝对帮你I could write down the directions for you.;我可以把方向给你写下来How very kind of you.;你真是太好了But-- But--;但但是And I say this because you seem really distraught,;我这么说是因为你看起来真的很焦急and, well, awake,;而且觉醒you-- your daughter, she's-- she's just a story.;你的女儿她只是个故事里的人物Something we programmed.;是我们设计出来的She's not real.;她不是真实存在的Not real?;不是真实的But what about me?;那我呢My dreams? My thoughts?;我的梦呢我的思想呢My body?;我的身体呢Are they not real?;它们也是假的吗And what if I took these... unreal fingers...;那如果我用这些不真实的手指...and used them to decorate the walls with your outsized personality?;把你浮夸的人格拿来装饰这道墙壁Would that be real?;那样真实吗And fuck your directions.;还有去你的方向You're going to take me to my daughter.;你直接带我去找我的女儿The entrance to the outpost;前哨站的入口is on the other side of this valley.;在山谷的另一边What happened back there?;那里发生了什么How far do you think it's spread?;你觉得这种混乱传播了多远I don't know-- not without;我不知道除非getting to a terminal.;我们找到一个终端看看I knew Ford wouldn't take his ouster well,;我知道福特接受不了他的离职but I didn't think he'd program a host to blow his brains out.;但我没想到他会让接待把自己的脑浆崩出来What if he didn't?;如果他没有呢What if Dolores pulled that trigger of her own free will?;如果德洛莉丝是自愿按下扳机的呢I think you've been spending a little too much time;我觉得你在这些事情上around these things, Bernard.;花了太多的时间伯纳德They do what they're programmed to do.;他们都是按程序进行的Hey. Hey.;嘿What'd I tell you?;我怎么说来着We're saved.;我们被拯救了Oh, thank God.;谢天谢地Wait!;等等Wa--;等Come on. Something's wrong.;等一下出事了Hey. You gotta get us out of here.;嘿你得带我们走It's a trap.;这是个陷阱You'll never survive like that.;你这样是没法活下去的Go on, then.;继续吧Run.;跑I said run!;我叫你快跑Please let me go too!;请也让我走吧Keep it together, Bernard.;振作一点伯纳德We have to get out of here.;我们得离开这里That outpost was the only one for miles.;那是几公里内唯一一个前哨站了No it isn't.;不不是Follow me.;跟着我Look, order is gonna be restored here.;听着这里的秩序会恢复的They're gonna purge the park of all the hosts that have been damaged,;他们会把园区所有损坏的接待员清理掉but the-- but the hosts, well,;但是这些接待员well, your minds--;你们的大脑Jesus!;老天Your minds are worth billions in I.P.;你们的大脑是价值百万的只是财产They'll want to salvage what they can.;他们会回收利用一切资源And when that time comes, I can personally vouch for you.;那个时候我能为你做担保I- I can save you.;我能救你- Just like you saved me. - That's very generous,;-就像你救我一样-你真慷慨but I won't be here when that happens.;但那个时候我不会呆在这里了Sun sure is smilin' down on you today.;今天的太阳无疑是在朝你微笑Dear girl...;亲爱的...may you rest in a deep;愿你陷入沉睡and dreamless slumber.;一夜无梦Freeze! Don't move! Identify yourself!;站住不许动表明你的身份Don't shoot, don't shoot! I-- I'm human!;别开枪别开枪我是人类In the best-case scenario,;最好的方案you give up easily, I'll help you.;你投降我会帮你的- I promise. - That's not good enough.;-我保证-这还不够好Now, be a dear and let me talk.;现在乖乖的听我说Thank God you're here.;谢天谢地你来了We were leaving, and the lights went out and I heard screaming.;我们正要离开然后灯就熄灭了我听到尖叫声What the hell's going on out there?;外面发生什么了Emergency situation, ma'am.;紧急情况女士The hosts are malfunctioning.;接待员出现了故障They're attacking guests.;他们在攻击游客- Good God. - Might some of them;-老天-他们其中有人是不是even be dressed as if they're human?;还能打扮得如人类一般Move, move!;让一让Now, now.;现在It's not me you're after.;你要找的人不是我It's them. Find them.;是他们找他们去You were going to out me.;你想出卖我No. No, I swear.;不我发誓不会的If you try something like that again,;如果你再耍滑头I will relieve you of your most precious organ and feed it to you.;我就把你的内脏挖了喂你Though it won't make much of a meal.;尽管没多少可吃I wrote that line for you.;这句台词是我给你写的A bit broad, if you ask me.;有点宽泛要我说Now, let's go.;现在咱们走- Take me to the nearest bar. - Why?;-带我去最近的酒吧-为什么I need to see about an old friend.;我要去见一位老朋友Fuck me.;我艹But you don't understand,;但你不懂I can't make a fire or-- or hunt.;我无法生火或者狩猎Fuckin' hate the outdoors!;我讨厌户外Give yourself some credit, darling.;有点信心亲爱的Who better to navigate the park than the man;有谁能比最熟悉其中角色的人most intimately acquainted with the characters in it?;更适合做向导呢There you are.;你在那儿啊You best an army,;你打败了一支军队and all you can think about is indulging your vices.;而你能想到的只有沉迷在恶习中Ever the scoundrel.;真是个恶棍- You stayed. - Yes.;-你留下来了-是的And about leaving you to die--;关于留下你去死的事I'd expect nothing less.;我别无所求Oh, thank God.;谢天谢地What about him?;他是怎么回事We'll keep him for now.;我们暂时留着他Much as Id love to believe it,;尽管我很想这样认为it's not me that brought you back here, is it?;但你回到这里不是因为我对吧Hector, I need you.;赫克托我需要你I'm going to find my daughter.;我要去找我女儿Where is she?;她在哪Out there, somewhere.;就在那里的某处But I don't think the odds are going to be in our favor.;但我不认为我们的运气会有多好Where you go, I follow.;无论你去哪我都追随Come on, let's get you out of these clothes.;来吧快把你这身衣服换了Goddamnit. It should open for me.;该死它应该为我打开的Even this system's down.;即使系统关闭了Manual override should be...;手动控制阀应该;在这What is this?;这是什么I can tell you what this isn't.;我可以告诉你这不是什么This isn't me reading you in, Bernard.;不是我向你汇报情况伯纳德Need to touch the handle.;需要你触碰把手DNA sniffer, just so you don't run into any problems inside.;DNA嗅探器这样你在里面就不会遇到麻烦- What the hell is that? - A drone host.;-这是什么东西-无人控制的接待员Delos has off-network hosts working down here?;提洛在这有离线的接待员What does it want with me?;它想对我做什么For you to move, probably.;可能是让你离开It read your DNA.;它能读取你的DNAIt knows you're not a threat.;他知道你不构成威胁I sent your fucking package.;程序包我特么发给你了Goddamnit.;该死Are we logging records;我们是在of guests' experiences;载入游客的经历and their DNA?;以及DNA的记录吗We're not having that conversation, Bernard.;我们先不谈这些伯纳德Because none of it's going to matter until we can find;因为我们在大海里找到这根重要的针之前a very important needle in this fucking haystack.;这些问题都无关紧要"Extraction protocol suspended.";撤离协议暂停They're not sending help?;他们不派人来帮我们吗They were expecting a delivery from us to the mainland--;他们在等待我们送到大陆的一个货物a host--that was supposed to arrive yesterday.;一名昨天该到达的接待员Until they get it, we can all forget about seeing any rescue planes.;它们拿到之前我们就别想着能看见什么救援飞机了And so Delos is willing to let us all die;这么说提洛公司在能拿到一个接待员之前until they can retrieve one host?;愿意让我们在这里等死In a word, yes.;简而言之是的It's not just a host, it's... an insurance policy,;这不仅是个接待员而是一项保险政策it's the only thing that matters here.;是这里唯一至关重要的事They want it secured, no matter the cost.;他们不惜代价也要拿到它Are you lost?;你迷路了吗No, I don't believe I am.;不我不觉得我迷路了In fact...;事实上。



Crazy English2023.12近年来,文化遗产及其归属问题成为中国民众关注的话题。


Calls for the return of cultural relics流失文物,归途漫漫山东 李全忠主题语境:文化遗产 篇幅:306词 建议用时:6分钟1 A Chinese short video series that has gone viral on social media has sparked heated discussions about the return of Chinese cultural relics from overseas.2 Titled Escape from the British Museum, the three⁃episode series tells the story of how a Chinese jadeteapot, having turned into a woman and escaped fromthe British Museum, returned to China with the helpof a Chinese journalist.The series, released fromAugust 30 to September 5, had received more than 20million likes on social media, and each episode had been played over 5 million times on another Chinese video platform, by September 8.3 A Chinese vlogger posted a video online earlier this year describing her visit to the British Museum, saying that the cultural relics must miss home. A comment under the post suggested that someone should one day make an animation about cultural relics escaping from the museum. The idea in the comment inspired another two Chinese vloggers to research the topic and travel to the UK to shoot the video, but not as an animation. The story has touched Chinese web users with its theme of homecoming, and has added calls for the British Museum to return cultural relics taken from China in the aftermath of a re cent scandal (丑闻) regarding thefts at the museum.4 About 2000 items from the British Museum collection were reported to be missing, 14stolen or damaged. The thefts caused renewed calls from many countries—including Sudan, Nigeria and Greece—demanding the return of their artifacts held by the museum, which has long claimed the relics are better protected in the British Museum than in their home countries.5 The British Museum announced on its website that the museum has a collection of 23,000 Chinese cultural relics, which is believed to be the largest collection outside of China.ReadingCheck1. What is the function of paragraph 1?A. It serves as a summary.B. It serves as a comment.C. It serves as a lead⁃in.D. It serves as an introduction to background.2. What do we know about Escape from the British Museum?A. It s a fairy tale.B. Its main actor is a journalist.C. Its release time lasts for a month.D. It was played first in the 18th century.3. What contributes to the creation of Escape from the British Museum?A. An animation.B. The public s concerns.C. A Chinese video platform.D. A suggestion under the post.4. What can be learned about the relics in the British Museum from paragraph 4?A. They are protected very well.B. Their situation is greatly worrying.C. They will return home in the future.D. They enjoy their stay in the museum.15疯狂英语 (新悦读)Crazy English 2023.12Language StudyⅠ. 日积月累discussion n. 讨论release v. 释放;松开;免除n . 释放;发布comment n . 评论v . 表达意见animation n. 动画片inspire v . 激励;鼓舞claim v. 声称go viral 走红escape from 逃离a collection of 一批……be believed to 据信Ⅱ. 单句填空1. We had a (discuss) with them about the differences between Britain and theUS. 2. To my surprise, he could escape that big fire. 3. Police have (release) no further details about the accident. 4. She was one of the most (inspire) people I ve ever met. 5. The government (claim) that the fall in unemployment was the sign of economic recovery. 16。

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Well, now, have you been wicked, Your Highness?
Yes, Miss Adler.
What are you typing?
Blog. About? Us.
You mean me. Why?
John. Hmm?
Cover your face and walk fast.
Still, it's good for the public image,
big case like this.
I'm a private detective,
Season two Episode one —The Scandal in Belgravia (贝尔格莱维亚丑闻)
Who are you? Jim Moriarty.
Consulting criminal.
I have loved this, this little game of ours.
but instead he's in a car boot in Southwark.
Lucky escape.
Any ideas?
Eight so far.
OK, four ideas.
Did you get a better offer?
You'll be hearing from me, Sherlock.
So if you have what you say you have, I will make you rich.
Well, you're typing a lot.
Right, then.
So, what have we got?
My wife seems to be spending a very long time at the office.
So what's this one?
Belly Button Murders?
The Navel Treatment?
There's a lot of press outside, guys.
Well, they won't be interested in us.
Yeah, that was before you were an internet phenomenon.
A couple of them specifically wanted photographs of you two.
God's sake!
This blog has had nearly 2,000 hits in the last eight hours.
This is your living, Sherlock,
not 240 different types of tobacco ash.
If you don't,
I'll make you into shoes.
What happened there?
Someone changed his mind.
The question is...
There was a plane crash inDusseldorfyesterday.
Everyone dead.
Suspected terrorist bomb.
We do watch the news.
You've got the rest of your life.
Yes, of course it is. What do you want?
sorry about that
Is that cos he'd gone to heaven?
People don't really go to heaven when they die,
they're taken to a special room and burned.

I think my husband might be having an affair.
She's not my real aunt, she's been replaced.
I know she has.
You can't be allowed to continue.
You just can't.
I would try to convince you,
but everything I have to say has already crossed your mind.
Geek Interpreter
what's that?
That's the title.
What does it need a title for?
Do people actually read your blog?
I know human ash.
We are prepared to offer any sum of money you care to mention
for the recovery of these files.
Nobody's reading your website.
Right then, dyed blonde hair, no obvious cause of death,
except for these speckles, whatever they are.
napkins from the flight,
even one of those special biscuits.
Here's his passport, stamped atBerlinAirport.
So this man should have died in a plane crash inGermanyyesterday,
Probably my answer has crossed yours.
("Stayin' Alive"比吉斯)
"Stayin' Alive" by the Bee Gees
Do you mind if I get that?
Oh, no, please.
You said "boring" and turned over.
Well, according to the flight details,
this man was checked in on board.
Inside his coat he's got a stub from his boarding pass,