电脑对生活和英语学习的影响 英汉对照

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In modern society, computers have come into every field of social life. Computers and the Internet have been closely linked with people's daily work, study and life, the human society now is in a historical leap, from highly industrialized era towards the initial age of computer network. We will use what kind of attitude and way to face the change of network technology has brought us the material level and spiritual level,.we must make a profound understanding and awareness because the network of social production and social life at all levels of the deep change.


1, the computer brings changes to our social life


(1) the modernization of Education


Due to the continuous development and wide application of computers, education shows the characteristics and development trend of Modernization: multimedia teaching is popularized;


Since the late 1970s, the application of computers in education has been an unprecedented development, it is widely used in various levels and fields of education. Such as the computer aided teaching, computer teaching management, remote education.


(2) Facilitation of production and life



Through the computer network, people can stay at home to complete the work and learning tasks, you can let everyone saves more time to deal with some other things, so that people in action and even thought have been liberated. In addition, we can make use of the computer network to put our thinking and methods of work into the machine inside, complete the task we are supposed to do in person. In the production, we can make a new design by computer through appearance, packaging.Enter the production process through the network, we can save a lot of manpower previously dominated production processes , let them go in a more flexible production activities, which can also be said to be a leap in the development of production in the history of mankind.


The Influence of Computer on English learning is mainly reflected in learning English by computer network

根据笔者的网上实践及众多英语网友的切身体验,互联网在英语学习中的潜在作用:一是能直接获取最新英语学习资料(电子期刊、英语学习游戏、音频文件、课程资料、授课方案、教学论文等);二是可借助于多元化的手段学习英语(收听英语网络广播、观看英语网络电视、欣赏英语歌曲、接受远程教育、浏览各种英语学习网站、查阅网上图书馆等);三是可长期处于自然纯正的英语环境中,养成用英语思维的良好习惯;四是能获得即时帮助(如使用网上词典、翻译软件、在BBC 上张贴学习困难、与全世界的英语学习爱好者交流学习体会和经验等);五是可扩充词汇,强化语法,学习俚语、成语等;六是能通过网上聊天及交流


According to the online practice of mine and many English users personal experience, the potential role of the Internet in English Learning: one is to directly obtain the latest English learning materials (electronic journal, English Learning Games, audio files, course materials, teaching plan, teaching thesis); two is by means of diversification of learning English (listening to English broadcast network, watch English television network, enjoy English songs, distance education, browse all kinds of English learning website, consult the online library); three is in a pure natural

long-term English environment, to develop a good habit of thinking in English; four is to get instant help (such as the use of the online dictionary, translation software, post learning difficulties, and the whole world of English learners can share the experience of learning and experience in BBC); five is the expansion of vocabulary, grammar
