



中国民航乘务英语等级考试The Civil Aviation English Proficiency Test (CAEPT) is an important assessment for cabin crew members in China. This test evaluates the English language proficiency of flight attendants, ensuring that they can communicate effectively with passengers and crew members during flights. The CAEPT is divided into three levels: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced. Each level assesses different aspects of English language skills, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing.The Basic level of the CAEPT focuses on simple English language tasks that are relevant to the duties of cabin crew members. This level assesses the ability to understand and respond to basic instructions, announcements, and conversations in English. Flight attendants at this level should be able to communicate effectively with passengers in routine situations, such as greeting passengers, providing safety instructions, and responding to basic inquiries.The Intermediate level of the CAEPT builds upon the skills tested at the Basic level and requires flight attendants to demonstrate a higher level of English proficiency. At this level, cabin crew members should be able to handle more complex communication tasks, such as dealing with emergencies, resolving conflicts, and providing detailed information to passengers. Flight attendants at the Intermediate level should also be able to understand and respond to a wider range of English language materials, such as safety manuals, announcements, and written instructions.The Advanced level of the CAEPT is the highest level of proficiency and is designed for flight attendants who need to communicate in English with a high degree of accuracy and fluency. At this level, cabin crew members should be able to handle complex communication tasks, such as giving detailed safety briefings, conducting in-depth conversations with passengers, and responding to challenging situations in English. Flight attendants at the Advanced level should also be able to understand and produce a wide range of English language materials, including technical documents, reports, and official communications.In order to pass the CAEPT at any level, flight attendants must demonstrate proficiency in all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. They must be able to understand and respond to spoken English, communicate effectively in English, read and comprehend English language materials, and write clear and coherent English texts. Flight attendants who pass the CAEPT at the Basic, Intermediate, or Advanced level will receive a certificate of proficiency, which is valid for two years.Overall, the CAEPT is an essential assessment for cabin crew members in China, as it ensures that flight attendants have the necessary English language skills to perform their duties effectively and communicate with passengers and crew members during flights. By successfully completing the CAEPT at the Basic, Intermediate, or Advanced level, flight attendants can demonstrate their proficiency in English and enhance the safety and efficiency of air travel.。



一、课程基本情况课程名称(中文):民航乘务英语(综合)课程名称(英文):English for Cabin attendants (Integratedcourse)总学时:128 (分两学期)理论学时:128 (分两学期)实验学时:课外学时:课程性质:专业基础课程适用专业:空中乘务专业适用对象:高职先修课程:考核方式:考试、平时成绩30% ,期终考试70%教学环境:多媒体教室开课学院:高职学院二、课程简介(任务与目的)(300字左右)本课程是一门为民航服务与管理专业学生在提高英语能力的同时学习空乘知识和技能的课程,具有系统性和实用性的特点。








本教材内容详实,所涉及内容有:乘务员素质,机上设备,航前准备,航后工作,机上娱乐,餐饮服务,危险品的处置,海关检疫,机场设施,紧急情况下如何控制乘客等每个单元还包括:1. 空乘专业术语:该单元主题的主要专业术语2. 主题文章:系统展示空乘服务所需要的专业知识,专业技能和相关的英语语言知识3. 本单元生词:方便学生阅读和理解4. 注释:对本单元的相关内容进行解释和补充5. 单元练习:强化主要民航知识点和英语语言实际应用能力的锻炼;加深对民航实际服务场景的理解和掌握四、教学课时安排《新世纪民航乘务英语中级综合教程》杨爱荣主编南开大学出版社 2003《新世纪民航乘务英语中级综合教程学习指南》杨爱荣天津教育出版社 2005六、撰写人朱海宁七、审核人朱海宁八、学院(部)审核(盖章)。

《 民航空乘英语》1

《 民航空乘英语》1
7. Hand out the arrival immigration forms to complete. 8. Give special attention to older passengers. 9. Ask the children not to leave their seats. 10. Make sure everyone has a blanket. 11. Check the number of meals. 12. Make coffee for the cabin attendants.
Thank you!
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, Welcome aboard Hainan Airlines’ flight HU482 from Boston to Beijing. Our flight
will take 24 hours and 55 minutes. To be safe, passengers are not allowed to use _m_o_b_i_le p_h_o_n_e_s_, remote controlled toys and other electronic devices throughout4 the flight, and the laptop computers are not allowed to use during _ta_k_e_-_o_f_f _ and landing. We will take off immediately. Now the cabin attendants are going to have a _s_e_c_u_ri_ty__ check. Please be seated, _f_a_st_e_n_ your seat belt and make sure your seat back is straight up5, your tray table is closed and your carry-on6 items7 are securely stowed8 in the overhead locker or under the seat in front of you. This is a _n_o_n_-_s_m_o_k_i_n_g_ flight. Please do not smoke on board.


8) PEPEC 测试评估被测试人的英语听说能力,而不评估其阅 读、写作技能;
9) 被测试人英语水平由多个评分员评定,充分体现考试结果 的公平性和可信性;
10) 民航局专家组通过对考试结果的数据分析,严格监控 PEPEC 测试的信度和效度;
11) 考试成绩评定及报告程序由局方控制,以便保证考试系统 的安全性和考试质量;
为了满足 ICAO 针对飞行员设定的新的语言测试和最低语言技能 要求,提高中国民航广大飞行人员的英语水平以满足航空运行要求, 为了更加有效、更加专业地评价飞行人员民航语言运用能力,根据 ICAO 规定的国际标准,中国民航局飞行标准司开发了基于网络的中 国民航飞行人员英语能力测试系统(Pilots’English Proficiency Examination of CAAC,即 PEPEC)。
为每分钟 100-120 词。该部分以选择题的形式进行测试。被测试人直 接在电脑上从四个选项中选择一个正确答案。听力部分成绩由计算机 系统判分,考试时间约 15 分钟。听力理解部分考试内容包括以下四 部分题型:



教案首页Period 1-2Ⅰ Self-introduction:ⅡImportance and Definition of Cabin EnglishCompared with the train and bus, plane is the fastest and safest way of transportation. Approximately 3 million passengers are carried on commercial aircrafts every day and delivered safely to their final destination, so it is very important for us to get some knowledge of Cabin English. It includes what passengers should do at the airport; who are airline personnel(航空工作人员);what CA’s should do before, in and after flight; how to deal with some difficult situations, etc.Ⅲ Lead–in 10’1 Ask the students to answer my questions: “Did you travel by air? Can you describe the experience?”2 I’ll introduce my experiences when I travelled by air twice.Ten years ago I travelled to Guizhou province with my friends. Because the train would last two days, we couldn’t bear it, so we chose to go there by air. Because it was the first time for me to travel by air, I was much interested in the flight, and everything was new to me. When the plane took off, I felt weight loss /weightlessness. Everything on the ground became smaller and dimmer gradually; at last what we could see was clouds. Clouds were flying in the sky like angels /fairies. How free they were! How clean they were! The food in the plane was delicious; the air stewardesses were rather pretty. Everything was perfect. Suddenly I felt dumpy, “What happened? Is there anything wrong with our aircraft? Will our plane crash?” I was frightened very much. After a while I was told that that was a little turbulence. Wow, only a false alarm! I released. After 45- minutes- flight, we arrived at Guiyang airport safely. That’s my first experience by air. It’s unforgettable! During this Winter Holiday, I travelled to Hainan province by air. We arrivedand left there at midnight, so I saw nothing but some flashing lights on the wings.Those were my two experiences by air. I believe you will have your own experiences in the future.General Ideas about Unit 1:Ⅳ Aims:1 to get some procedures of how to check in, how to pass through the security control, how to board an aircraft, etc.(了解如何办理登机手续、通过安全检查、登机等流程);2、to learn the key words and expressions.Ⅴ Teaching’s important points and difficulties(教学重点与难点):1 some key words and expressions:adept, approximately, overhead compartment, considerably, destination, detect,embarkation, emit, exceed,exile, expire, expiry date,practice, portable, quarantine,reject, suspect, turbulent,valid, air stairs, aisle seat,baggage allowance, baggage reclaim, baggage tag,conveyor belt, hand luggage, excess baggage,boarding bridge, boarding car /pass, boarding gate,Bureau de Change, business class, economic class,check in, customs control, passport control, declaration form, immigration form, departure lounge,duty-free allowance, go through customs, flight number,ground crew, health certificate, the certificate ofinoculation,terminal building, traveller’s cheque, etc.;2 to get some ideas of how to check in, how to pass through the security control, how to board the plane, etc. and more importantly, you can demonstrate the procedures by yourselves.(更重要的是能将从办理登机手续到登机的工作流程表演出来。




1. 考试的目的和对象:明确考试的目的是为了评估飞行人员的英语语言能力,考试对象是民航飞行人员。

2. 考试的形式和内容:确定考试的形式是笔试和口试结合的方式。


3. 考试的要求和标准:规定考试的要求是根据中国民航英语语言标准进行评估,考试的标准是根据飞行人员不同级别和岗位的英语语言需求确定的。

4. 考试的流程和时间:明确考试的流程包括报名、考试准备、考试和评卷等环节,以及具体的时间安排。

5. 考试的评分和证书:规定考试的评分标准是根据试题的难度和答题的准确程度进行评分,评分结果会根据不同等级进行划分,并颁发相应的证书。

6. 考试的管理和监督:制定考试的管理和监督措施,确保考试的公平性、科学性和规范性。






1. 听力理解:测试考生对航空相关场景对话、公告、广播等口语材料的听力理解能力。

2. 口语表达:考核考生在模拟航空服务场景中进行口语表达的能力,包括问询乘客需求、提供服务建议等。

3. 阅读理解:考察考生对航空文本材料的阅读理解和分析能力,如安全规章制度、乘

4. 写作表达:要求考生根据给定的航空主题或情景,进行书面表达,如填写表格、写信、发邮件等。






民航乘务英语考试大纲中国民航英语工程乘务英语考试大纲(试行)中国民航总局2001年10月第一章考试总则第一节考试性质民航乘务专业英语考试是由中国民用航空总局组织, 对民航系统内乘务人员的正规英语水平考试.第二节考试目的民航乘务人员的英语水平直接影响着中国民航的服务质量, 影响着中国民航的对外形象, 民航乘务专业英语考试的目的是用考试的方法促进民航乘务人员英语水平的提高, 也为各航空公司安排乘务工作时提供考察乘务人员英语水平的参考依据.第三节考试对象民航乘务专业英语考试的对象是中国民航系统内的在职乘务人员以及高校乘务专业的毕业学生.第四节考试内容民航乘务专业英语考试的内容涉及乘务员素质、机上设施、航前航后准备、机上娱乐、餐饮服务、危险品处置、客舱服务、紧急情况处理、机场设施、海关、检疫等方面的知识。

语言范围主要是基础知识. 内容如下:1.各级考生需掌握的相关的阅读和听说的词汇量. 分别为:初级------2000/1500中级------3500/25002.语音语调基本正确。





第五节考试重点一.理解能力1.能正确理解原文, 掌握所读材料的主旨和大意.2.根据所读材料进行一定的判断, 推理和引申.3.既理解个别句子的意义, 又理解上下文之间的逻辑关系.4.领会作者的观点和态度.5.能根据原文正确做出各种练习.二.运用能力1.能正确运用自己的基础知识完成各类试题.2.能听懂考试要求内容并能正确表达自己的观点.第六节考试等级民航乘务专业英语考试根据考试重点和难度设两个等级: 初级和中级.第七节考试形式民航乘务专业英语考试的两个等级均设笔试, 听力, 口试三种形式. 各级的具体考试形式如下:一. 笔试(100分)初级考试:100分1. 词汇句法题量20句. (20%)2.阅读理解题量4段20题. (40%)3.完形填空题量10个空(20%)4.英译汉题量8句(20%)中级考试:100分1. 词汇句法题量20句. (20%)2.阅读理解题量4段20题. (40%)3.完形填空题量10个空(20%)4.英译汉题量8句(20%)二.听力与口语(100分)I.听力初级考试:60分1.辨音数字题量10个音标.(10%)2.单句选择题量10句. (10%)3.简单对话题量10段. (20%)4.短文题量2篇10题(20%)中级考试:60分1.数字题量10个. (10%)2.单句选择题量10个. (10%)3.简单对话题量10个. (20%)4.简单文章题量2段10题(20%)II.口语初级考试:40分1.自我介绍(5分)2.广播词朗读题量1段(15分)2.简单对话题量10题(20分)中级考试:40分1.自我介绍(5分)2. 按要求编播广播词题量1段. (15分)3.回答问题题量8个(20分)第八节考试用时一.笔试初, 中级两个级别笔试的规定时间均为90分钟. 二.听力初级听力考试的规定时间为30分钟.中级听力考试的规定时间为30分钟.三.口试初级口试的规定时间为20分钟.中级口试的规定时间为20分钟.第九节考试方法初、中级的笔试均为书面答题. 所在答案必须写在答题纸上.听力为听录音并书面答题, 均需将答案写在答题纸上.口试均采用人机对话的方式进行.第十节阅卷每次考试结束后,由总局人教司或人教司委派某管理局科教部门监督阅卷。



《民航乘务英语(综合)》课程教学大纲一、课程基本情况课程名称(中文):民航乘务英语(综合)课程名称(英文):English for Cabin attendants (Integratedcourse)总学时:128 (分两学期)理论学时:128 (分两学期)实验学时:课外学时:课程性质:专业基础课程适用专业:空中乘务专业适用对象:高职先修课程:考核方式:考试、平时成绩30% ,期终考试70%教学环境:多媒体教室开课学院:高职学院二、课程简介(任务与目的)(300字左右)本课程是一门为民航服务与管理专业学生在提高英语能力的同时学习空乘知识和技能的课程,具有系统性和实用性的特点。












1. 听力理解:通过听力材料,测试考生对英语语言的理解能力,包括语音、语调、词汇、语法等方面的掌握情况。

2. 口语表达:通过与考官的对话,测试考生的口语表达能力,包括发音、流利度、语法、词汇等方面的表现。

3. 阅读理解:通过阅读英文文章或对话,测试考生对英语语言的阅读理解能力,包括获取信息、理解主旨、推理判断等方面的能力。

4. 写作能力:通过写作任务,测试考生的英语写作能力,包括语法、词汇、结构等方面的掌握情况。

1. 听力理解:通过播放录音材料,考生需在规定时间内完成听力理解题目。

2. 口语表达:与考官进行现场对话,考察考生的口语表达能力。

3. 阅读理解:提供阅读材料或问题,考生需在规定时间内完成阅读理解题目。

4. 写作能力:提供写作任务,考生需在规定时间内完成写作任务。

1. 考试时间:根据实际情况确定。

2. 考试地点:根据实际情况确定。

1. 考试成绩:根据考生的答题情况,给出相应的成绩。

2. 证书:根据考生的考试成绩,颁发相应的英语等级证书。































七、课程内容Unit 1 At the airport教学重点:1•阅读部分:机场的结构、登机程序、护照检查、安全检查等等。

《 民航空乘英语》6 2

《 民航空乘英语》6 2
mouthpiece3. Remember: don’t inflate it in the cabin. Do you understand? M: Oh, I see. Thank you. CA: You are welcome.
CA: Excuse me, madam. What would you like to drink? We have coffee, water, __o_ra_n_g_e__ju_i_c_e_, and
__re_t_u_rn_i_n_g__ to Beijing Capital International Airport due to6 the thick haze7. We __e_x_p_e_c_t_ to land at the airport at 8:40 a.m.
We apologize for any _i_n_c_o_n_v_en_i_e_n_c_e_. Your understanding is very much __a_p_p_r_e_ci_a_te_d____.
When facing an emergency, passengers should:
Step 1: Stay in your seats. Step 2: Remain calm. Step 3: pull down the oxygen mask over your nose and mouth
Ladies and gentlemen, Attention please. A ___f_ir_e____ has __b_ro_k_e_n__o_u_t in the cabin but we have _m__an_a_g_e_d_
to put it out. Please refrain from8 smoking and __k_e_e_p_c_a_lm___. Passengers sitting near the fire source9 are requested to move away immediately. All the other passengers __r_e_m_a_i_n_ in your seats, please.



专业代码:660108/520503商务英语(航空乘务方向)专业人才培养方案(校企合作专业)适用对象:高中学制:三年学历层次:大专适用年级: 2012 级计划执笔人:闵玉娟制定部门:南京化工职业技术学院经济管理系制定日期:2012 年 5 月2012级商务英语(航空乘务方向)专业/空中乘务(艺术类)专业人才培养方案目录一、培养目标及职业面向 (1)1.培养目标 (1)2.职业面向 (1)二、毕业资格 (1)1.学时学分要求: (1)2.技能证书要求 (1)三、课程设置及课时分配 (2)(一)公共基础课 (2)(二)职业基础课 (3)(三)职业技术方向课 (5)(四)素质拓展模块 (6)(五)实践环节 (7)四、必要说明 (8)附表一综合能力框图 (9)附表二课程体系框图 (10)附表三素质框图 (11)附表四专业课程设置一览表 (11)附表五教学进程表........................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

附表六课外必修、选修项目安排................................... 错误!未定义书签。




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  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

中国民航英语工程乘务英语考试大纲(试行)中国民航总局2001年10月第一章考试总则第一节考试性质民航乘务专业英语考试是由中国民用航空总局组织, 对民航系统乘务人员的正规英语水平考试.第二节考试目的民航乘务人员的英语水平直接影响着中国民航的服务质量, 影响着中国民航的对外形象, 民航乘务专业英语考试的目的是用考试的方法促进民航乘务人员英语水平的提高, 也为各航空公司安排乘务工作时提供考察乘务人员英语水平的参考依据.第三节考试对象民航乘务专业英语考试的对象是中国民航系统的在职乘务人员以及高校乘务专业的毕业学生.第四节考试容民航乘务专业英语考试的容涉及乘务员素质、机上设施、航前航后准备、机上娱乐、餐饮服务、危险品处置、客舱服务、紧急情况处理、机场设施、海关、检疫等方面的知识。

语言围主要是基础知识. 容如下:1.各级考生需掌握的相关的阅读和听说的词汇量. 分别为:初级------2000/1500中级------3500/25002.语音语调基本正确。





第五节考试重点一.理解能力1.能正确理解原文, 掌握所读材料的主旨和大意.2.根据所读材料进行一定的判断, 推理和引申.3.既理解个别句子的意义, 又理解上下文之间的逻辑关系.4.领会作者的观点和态度.5.能根据原文正确做出各种练习.二.运用能力1.能正确运用自己的基础知识完成各类试题.2.能听懂考试要求容并能正确表达自己的观点.第六节考试等级民航乘务专业英语考试根据考试重点和难度设两个等级: 初级和中级.第七节考试形式民航乘务专业英语考试的两个等级均设笔试, 听力, 口试三种形式. 各级的具体考试形式如下:一. 笔试(100分)初级考试:100分1. 词汇句法题量20句. (20%)2.阅读理解题量4段20题. (40%)3.完形填空题量10个空(20%)4.英译汉题量8句(20%)中级考试:100分1. 词汇句法题量20句. (20%)2.阅读理解题量4段20题. (40%)3.完形填空题量10个空(20%)4.英译汉题量8句(20%)二.听力与口语(100分)I.听力初级考试:60分1.辨音数字题量10个音标.(10%)2.单句选择题量10句. (10%)3.简单对话题量10段. (20%)4.短文题量2篇10题(20%)中级考试:60分1.数字题量10个. (10%)2.单句选择题量10个. (10%)3.简单对话题量10个. (20%)4.简单文章题量2段10题(20%)II.口语初级考试:40分1.自我介绍(5分)2.广播词朗读题量1段(15分)2.简单对话题量10题(20分)中级考试:40分1.自我介绍(5分)2. 按要求编播广播词题量1段. (15分)3.回答问题题量8个(20分)第八节考试用时一.笔试初, 中级两个级别笔试的规定时间均为90分钟. 二.听力初级听力考试的规定时间为30分钟.中级听力考试的规定时间为30分钟.三.口试初级口试的规定时间为20分钟.中级口试的规定时间为20分钟.第九节考试方法初、中级的笔试均为书面答题. 所在答案必须写在答题纸上.听力为听录音并书面答题, 均需将答案写在答题纸上.口试均采用人机对话的方式进行.第十节阅卷每次考试结束后,由总局人教司或人教司委派某管理局科教部门监督阅卷。



各项考试分分别为100分,即:笔试为100分, 听说为100分.考生要在笔试、听说成绩分别达到60分以上(听说考试中口语成绩不能低于20分)者为合格.第十二节考试结果每次考试结束后,主考单位应及时组织阅卷,并将成绩上报总局,最迟不得超过一个月,如有特殊原因应及时向总局人教司报告。


凡通过中级考试的考生,由民航总局人教司向其颁发相应的证书,证书有效期为5年.第十三节考试时间考试每年1月和7月各举行一次, 具体时间由民航总局人教司确定.根据各公司的培训和工作情况,需要在总局所规定考试时间以外安排考试的单位,应向总局人教司提出口头或书面申请,经总局人教司批准后,通知主考单位安排落实。

第十四考试地点各级考试的考场均设在中国民航学院(), 在考生较集中的单位,可由单位向主考单位申请设立分考场.第十五节考试命题各级考试题均由计算机随机命题. 在民航总局人教司的负责人员监督下, 开机提取, 编辑加工, 封闭印刷, 装订成册后全部密封备用.第十六节题库各级题库均以计算机软盘方式保存, 由民航总局人教司指定专人保存, 任何人不得复制.ENGLISH PROFICIENCY TESTFOR FLIGHT ATTENDANTS(LISTENING TEST)PART 1 Number IdentificationDIRECTIONS: In this part, you will hear 10 sentences. Each sentence contains one of the four numerical phrases marked A, B, C, and D given to you. Listen carefully and choose the right phrase, then mark it on your ANSWER SHEET.1. A.9418 C. 1948B. 9148 D. 91842. A.$49.99 B. $49.89C. $39.99D. $39.893. A. 8:25 C. 8:55B. 8:35 D. 8:454. A. 1726 B. 2762C. 1762D. 70625. A. 8 C. 800B. 80 D. 186. A. 001-232-5220 B. 010-232-5202C. 010-223-5202D. 001-223-52027. A.35-38 B. 34-39C. 35-39D. 34-388. A. 147,361,000 B. 14,736,100C. 1,473,610D. 147,3619. A. Sept. 13th…6th B. Sept.13th… 16thC. Oct. 13th… 6thD. Oct. 13th…16th10. A. CPG332T B. CPG323CC. CPG323TD. CPG332CPART 2 StatementsDIRECTIONS: In this part, you will hear 10 statements. To each statement, there are 4 choices printed on your test paper marked A, B, C, and D, only one of which, however, is closest in meaning to the sentence you've heard. Listen carefully, choose the one you think correct, and mark it on your ANSWER SHEET.EXAMPLE:You will hear: The flight leaves at 5:15 p.m.You will read: A. It leaves in the morning.B. It leaves in the afternoon.C. It leaves at 4 o'clock in the morning.D. It leaves at night.Sentence B. "It leaves in the afternoon." is closest in meaning to statement "The flight leaves at 5:15 p.m." Therefore, you should choose answer B, and mark it on your ANSWER SHEET.11. A. You enjoyed the lecture too, didn't you?B. I don't care for her lectures, do you?C. Her lecture was on a serious topic.D. She enjoys giving lectures.12. A. I don't want to see Jeff.B. At last Jeff wants to see me.C. Jeff was the last person to see me.D. I want to see Jeff least13. A. The passengers are satisfied with the service.B. The passengers are not satisfied with the service.C. The cabin attendants are very helpful on this flight.D. The passengers are very grateful to the cabin attendants on the flight .14. A. She is leaving by car.B. She is leaving by train.C. She is leaving by sea.D. She is leaving by plane.15. A. He lives in a warm climate.B. He doesn't live in a warm climate.C. He lived in a warm climate.D. He lives in a hot climate.16. A. The Martins visited us.B. We visited the Martins.C. The Martins were very busy.D. We didn't have time to visit the Martins.17. A. About a half hour before departure, the passengers begin boarding.B. About an hour before departure, the passengers begin boarding.C. Around an hour before departure, the passengers begin checking-in.D. Around a half hour before departure, the passengers begin check-in.18. A. Jane is feeling a sharp pain in her eyes.B. Jane has got a sharp ache in her legs.C. Jane has got a slight pain in her head.D. Jane has got a slight ache in her legs.19. A. The toilets are very clean.B. The toilets are very dirty.C. The toilets are occupied.D. The toilets are empty.20. A. You have a more selection of drinks on a plane.B. You have a good selection of drinks on a plane.C. You have a less selection of drinks at a bar.D. You have a good selection of drinks at a bar on the ground.PART 3 ConversationsDIRECTIONS: In this part, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about it. To the question you've heard, there are four possible answers printed on your test paper and marked with A, B, C, and D. Listen carefully, choose the best answer, and mark it on your ANSWER SHEET.EXAMPLE:You will hear: M: Excuse me, Miss. Would you please show me where my seat is?W: Your boarding pass, please. Your seat number is 15A, on the left side of the aisle. This way, please.Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place?You will read: A: In a restaurant. B. In a theater.C: On an airplane. D. In a waiting-room.From the conversation we know this talk is between a stewardess and a passenger, which is most likely to have taken place on an airplane. Therefore, "C. on an airplane" is the best answer. You should choose answer "C", and mark it on your ANSWER SHEET.21. A. Well-mannered. C. Good-looking.B. Good-humored. D. Intelligent.22. A. He likes bananas. C. He can only afford bananas.B. He wants nothing but bananas. D. He wants to lose some weight.23. A. A new suit. C. A new skirt.B. A new shirt. D. A pair of new shoes.24. A. Mrs. Smith's. C. Mrs. Morgan's.B. Mr. Smith's. D. Mr. Morgan's.25. A. He has only seen a Boeing 747 on TV.B. There is a TV set on the Boeing 747.C. He only watches TV.D. He likes watching TV on a Boeing 747.26. A. French dressing. C. Fresh dressing.B. Thousand Island dressing. D. Salad dressing.27. A. He isn't sure, but he'll try his best.B. He is sure to get there on time.C. He promises to get there on time.D. He can be there on time.28. A. The captain can't come.B. She hopes the captain won't comeC.. She thinks the captain will be on time.D. The captain will be late.29. A. If the cocktail service is very close to meal service.B. When drinks are served.C. When the cabin attendants are busy.D. When the meal service is served.30. A. Pick up the chair. C. Remain standing.B. Sit down at once. D. Leave in a minute.PART 4 PassagesDIRECTIONS: In this part, you will hear 2 passages, each followed by 5 questions. To each question, there are 4 possible answers marked with A, B, C, and D. You are to choose the correct one and mark it on your ANSWER SHEET.Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:31. A. At 11:00 B. At 1:00C. At 11:25D. At 2:0032. A. At 1:00 B. At 11:00C. At 11:35D. At 11:2533. A. It's just behind the international terminal.B. It's just beside the international terminal.C. It's just in the front of the international terminal.D. It's just on the opposite of the international terminal.34. A. When does he have to reconfirm his reservation before he returns?B. Where does he reconfirm his reservation?C. How does he reconfirm his reservation?D. Who will help him to reconfirm his reservation before he returns?35. A. He should do it 72 hours before.B. He should check with the information counter in the arrival lobby.C. He should ask for the ground attendants.D. He should do it 3 days before.Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:36. A. Because a modern airline pilot has to follow set routes and keep to a rigid schedule.B. Because flying is not as much fun as it used to be.C. Because everything a pilot does is governed by instruments.D. Because a pilot has to obey regulations.37. A. He has the responsibilities to obey the rules.B. He is responsible for all the instruments on board.C.. He is responsible for the aeroplane and the passengers.D. He has the responsibilities to look after all the crew members38. A. Because the aeroplane was smaller.B. Because the pilot was more able.C. Because a pilot had more experience.D. Because a pilot was free to go where he liked, when he liked.39. A. He could follow a railway line.B. He could land in a convenient field to ask the way.C. He could rely on his own experienceD.. Both (A) and (B)40. A. They spend much of their spare time reading about old aircraft or even rebuilding andflying them.B. They spend a lot of time talking about the good old days.C. They buy models of old aeroplanes.D. They like flying old aeroplanes.ENGLISH PROFICIENCY TEST FOR FLIGHT ATTENDANTS(ORAL TEST)PART 1 Self-IntroductionDIRECTIONS: In this part, within 2 minutes, you are required to make self-introduction about your occupation, your family, your hobbies and so forth.PART 2 AnnouncementsDIRECTIONS: In this part, you are required to make announcements according to the given clue within 2 minutes. Read it aloud in a professional way.The plane is delayed, because connecting passengers haven’t boarded the plane. Inform the passengers on board.PART 3 Free TalkDIRECTIONS: In this part, you are required to answer 8 questions you’ve heard on the tape.ENGLISH PROFICIENCY TESTFOR FLIGHT ATTENDANTS(WRITTEN TEST)PART 1 Vocabulary & StructureDIRECTIONS: In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Each of them is followed by four possible choices marked with A, B, C, and D. You are required to choose the correct or best one to complete each sentence. Mark it on your ANSWER SHEET.1. The physical examinations are required ______ for all flight service personnel.A. at timesB. in the event of an emergencyC. once in a life timeD. periodically2. Of all the duties that the stewardess performs on board, the one that occupies the greatestamount of her time is ______.A. helping passengers locate their seatsB. serving food and drinks to the passengersC. explaining the use of the passenger service unitD. making life jacket and oxygen mask demonstrations3. ______ of your safety, please fasten your seat belt.A. The sakeB. For the sakeC. With the sakeD. To the sake4. Often the cabin attendants report ______ , which means that the equipment is not workingproperly to the flight engineer.A. faulty equipmentB. service mistakeC. galley procedureD. purser's log5. I'm sorry but I must ask you to stop smoking because ______.A. it is safeB. for the sake of safetyC. of safety is concernedD. it is a matter of safety6. The plane is ______ when it is taken over by people with weapons, such as guns, knives,explosives, ect.A. on fireB. hijackedC. diverted to an alternateD. sprayed against insects7. Sometimes if none of the stewardesses can speak a passenger's language , it is possible______.A. not to serve him at allB. to communicate with him by writingC. to get help from another passengerD. not to keep him informed8. It is ______ to use the walkman during the flight according to the CAAC regulations.A. allowedB. prohibitedC. requiredD. expected9. Can I offer you ______, sir?A. to read somethingB. something to readC. to read anythingD. anything reading10. Jet stream can increase the speed of the plane flying ______.A. north to southB. south to northC. west to eastD. east to west11. My friend did not know _______ or not he passed the exam.A. whetherB. ifC. whyD. when12. Public television stations are different from commercial stations _______ .A. because they receive money differently and different types of showB. for money and program typesC. in the areas of funding and programmingD. because the former receives money and has programs differently from the latter13. She is ______ age ______ her workmate.A. same...asB. same...ofC. the same...ofD. the same...as14. My goodness, look at the time! It's nine o'clock ______ and I'm ______ at breakfast.A. already...yetB. yet... stillC. still...alreadyD. already...still15. Jane, as well as Alice and Martha, ______ nursing at the Queen College.A. is studyingB. are studyingC. were studyingD. has been study16. She wanted to serve some coffee to her guests; however,________ .A. she hadn't many sugarB. there was not a great amount of the sugarC. she did not have much sugarD. she was lacking in amount of the sugar17. The movie that we saw last week was quite interesting, ________A. wasn't it?B. was it?C. didn't it?D. weren't we?18. Tom said that no other car could go _______.A. so far like his car C. as fast like the car of himB. as fast like his car D. as fast as his car19. Can you see that man ______ a blue coat ______ a pair of glasses ______ his face?A. with ... with...inB. in...with...onC. in...on...onD. in...in...on20. His ideas were far ______ the age in which he lived.A. in front ofB. in advanceC. at an advantageD. in adventure ofPART 2 Reading ComprehensionDIRECTIONS: In this part, there are 3 passages. Each of them is followed by 5 questions, and to each question, there are four possible answers marked with A, B, C, and D. Please choose the correct or best answer to each question and mark it on your ANSWER SHEET.Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:Ever since humans have inhabited the earth, they have made use of various forms of communication. Generally, this expression of thoughts and feeling has been in the form of oral speech. When there is a language barriers communication is accomplished through sign language in which motions stand for letters, words, and ideas. Tourists, the deaf, and the mute have had to resort to this form of expression, many of these symbols of whole word are very picturesque and exact and can be used internationally; spelling, however, cannot.Body language transmits ideas or thoughts by certain actions, either intentionally or unintentionally. A wink can be a way of flirting or indicating that the part is only joking. A nod signifies approval, while shaking the head indicates a negative reaction.Other forms of nonlinguistic language can be found in Braille(a system of raised dots read with the fingertips), signal flags, Morse code, and smoke signals. Road maps and picture signs also guide, warn, and instruct people.While verbalization is the most common form of language, other system and techniques also express human thoughts and feelings.21. Which of the following best summarizes this passage?A. Although other forms of communication exist, verbalization is the fastest.B. Everybody uses only one form of communication.C. Nonlinguistic language is invaluable to foreigners.D. When language is a barrier, people will find other forms of communication.22. Which of the following statements is not true?A. The deaf and mute use an oral form of communication.B. Verbalization is the most common form of communication.C. There are many forms of communication in existence today.D. Ideas and thoughts can be transmitted by body language.23. Which form other than oral speech would be most commonly used among blind people?A.. Braille. C. Body language.B. Picture signs D. Signal flags.24. How many different forms of language are mentioned here?A. 9 C. 5B. 7 D. 1125. Sign language is said to be very picturesque and exact and can be used internationally exceptfor ______.A. expression C. whole wordsB. ideas D. spellingQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:Hotels for MotoristsThe first hotels were very different from today's hotels. They were small inns built along the road. Later, as people began to travel by train, hotels were built in the centers of large cities. Usually near rail-road stations, these hotels were many stories tall and had hundreds of rooms.Although trains were a popular means of travel for some time, automobiles slowly began to take their place. Automobile travel caused problems for city hotels, which did not have parking space for so many cars.People who traveled by automobile needed a different kind of hotel. They needed places to stay that were near highways and had room to park. Motorists did not like to drive in heavy city traffic to reach a hotel. The answer to the motorists' problems came when a new kind of hotel was built. These new buildings were called motels, a word made from the first part of MOTORIST and the last part of HOTEL.Motels were much smaller than hotels. Built on ground level, often in separate units, they were more convenient for people traveling. The separate units also made them quieter than hotels. Best of all, there was more than enough room for cars to park.Now, many big hotels in the cities are being torn down. They can no longer make enough money to stay in business. In their place, many small motels have been built on the outskirts of cities. Motels have become a big business in the United States.26. The first hotels were built ______.A. with hundreds of rooms.B. around the city centers.C. not far away from roads.D. near railway stations.27. Hotels became less popular because they usually did not have _______.A. a place for cars to park inB. large enough rooms for big families.C. sufficient ground rooms.D. quiet and convenient units.28. Motels are usually _______.A. large, high buildings built in the downtown area.B. small, low buildings built along highways outside the city.C. small, high buildings built on the outskirts.D. large, low buildings built around city center.29. The reason why many big hotels are being torn down is that _______.A. it costs too much money to stay in a hotel.B. people need the materials to build small motels.C. they are losing their competition to motels.D. cities are usually short of land for building motels.30. On the whole, this passage is about ______.A.. the reason why a new kind of hotel came into being.B. motorists' problems out on the highwayC. which place is better for people to stay for the night.D. how to find a place to park your car during travel.Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:The flight service crew members should always deal with the passengers and with each other in a professional and dignified manner. It is necessary to avoid excessive familarity with passengers. The cabin crew must also pay careful attention to their personal appearance during the flight. The airlines consider good grooming to be representative of the flight attendants' good will and personal pride.When the cabin crew is making its periodic checks, the passengers will often have questions about service, schedules, routes, and weather. The cabin attendants try to answer these questions pleasantly, and they should avoid airline jargon with which the passengers may not be familiar. In addition to making the regular cabin checks, the attendants should answer call buttons promptly and courteously.The cabin attendants are also responsible for the neatness and cleanliness of the passenger cabins. They keep the cabin, the lavatories, and the galleys clean at all times and clear of briefcases, purses, galley equipment, and so on. Cabin attendants report any item of equipment that is not working properly to the flight engineer.31. How should the flight service crew deal with the passengers and with each other?A. In a professional and dignified manner.B. In a dignified manner.C. In a good manner.D. In a professional manner.32. Why do the cabin crew pay careful attention to their grooming during the flight?A. Because every airline requires the flight attendants do so.B. Because it represents the flight attendants' good will and personal pride.C. Because passengers like it.D. Because the flight attendant likes to do so.33. How do the cabin attendants answer the passengers questions?A. Promptly. C. Quickly.B. Courteously. D. Pleasantly.34. What must be kept neat and clear of briefcases ?A. All the above. C. Lavatories.B. Galleys. D. Cabin.35. Which of the following statements is not true?A. The cabin attendants report any item of equipment which is not working properly to thepilot.B. The cabin attendants should answer call buttons promptly and courteously.C. The cabin attendants are responsible for the cleanliness of the galleys.D. The cabin attendants should avoid airline jargon when they answer passengers' questions.Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:There are standards of grooming for each airline, and they are clearly stated. There are differences from one company to another, but the general rules apply to most, since this is a major grooming concern. The important thing is that there should be an attractive, simple style reflecting current fashion. Extremes are to be avoided, as are styles that would interfere with proper wearing of the hat. The style must be maintained; if a stewardess does not have the time to do this properly, she must choose a more manageable style.Hair length is a matter of individual preference. The length should look well with the uniform, and it should suit the wearer. The hair may not be worn long and loose. It should not fall forward on to the face while serving meals and drinks. If hair is long enough to be tied back, it must be worn in a George Washington, a chignon, or some other contemporary style.36. If a stewardess does not have time to maintain her hair,_____________ .A. she must choose a more manageable styleB. it must be worn in a George WashingtonC. it must be fastenedD. it should suit the wearer37. The passage tells us something about _________ .A. how to become a stewardessB. groomingC. hat wearingD. general rules for stewardess38. What are the general guidelines for hairstyle?A. An attractive, simple style reflecting current fashion.B. Fashionable and extreme style.C. Old style.D. Short hair style.39. According to the passage which of the following statements is not true?A. Hair style is a matter of individual matter.B. Different airline has different guidelines for hair style.C. Hair may not be worn long and loose.D. If hair is long enough, it must be tied up.40. Why shouldn't hair be worn loose and long?A. Because it doesn't look fine.B. Because it is hard to control.C. Because it would interfere with serving meals and drinks.D. Because it would take much time to manage.PART 3 Cloze TestDIRECTIONS: In this part, the words and phrases are missing in the following paragraph. Choose the most appropriate from the words and phrases marked with A, B, C, and D, and mark it on your ANSWER SHEET.The price of hotels in Britain is going up 41 at any time since the war. There are a number of reasons for this but the 42 all is the Government’s economic policy. Managers in factories see 43 so they are attracted to the idea of owning 44 businesses. 45 Britain’s weather is often disappointing, the tourist industry is growing. Many people 46 like to combine a 47 holiday with the opportunity of improving their English. It is therefore not surprising that businessmen are buying hotels. The only thing 48 worries me is the kind of treatment their guests are 49 to receive since 50 of them know anything about hotel management.41. A. more fast than B. more fast than C. faster than D. more faster than42. A. most important of B. more important ofC. most important fromD. more important from43. A. to fall their standard of living B. falling their standard of livingC. their standard of living to fallD. their standard of living falling44. A. his proper B. his own C. their proper D. their own45. A. In spite of B. Although C. Even D. However46. A. in the Continent B. in the overseas C. abroad D. foreign47. A. fortnight B. fortnight’s C. two weeks D. two week’s48. A. that B. what C. as D. who49. A. like B. probable C. probably D. likely50. A. little B. a little C. few D. a fewPART 4 TranslationDIRECTIONS: In this part, there are seven sentences written in English. Translate these sentences into Chinese.51. Each airline flies specific routes, and each stewardess must be familiar with the routes and withthe cities that are served by the airline she represents.52. The way stewardesses dress and look may often determine whether a customer will choose tofly on that airline again.53. The flight service crew members should always deal with the passengers and with each other ina professional and dignified manner.54. New technological developments in recent years have simplified the operation, and now themechanical aspects of the film-showings are relatively simple and trouble-free.55. Each crew member, whether he or she works in the galley, the cabin, or the cockpit, has certainduties to perform, and these must be coordinated with those of the rest of the crew.56.I’ll give you whatever support I can within my ability.57.There is no denying the fact that the new management method has greatly increased theproduction.58.All living languages are characterized by sound changes that have occurred and will continue tooccur in the course of their history。
