DNA是主要的遗传物质一、选择题1.关于染色体和DNA的关系,正确的是()A.DNA和染色体都是遗传物质B.染色体的组成成分之一是DNAC.一个染色体含有一条多核苷酸链D.DNA只存在于染色体上2.下列说法正确的是()A.一切生物的遗传物质都是DNAB.一切生物的遗传物质都是RNAC.一切生物的遗传物质是核酸D.一切生物的遗传物质是蛋白质3.噬菌体侵染细菌的实验能证明的是()A.DNA是主要的遗传物质B.蛋白质是遗传物质C.DNA是遗传物质D.DNA能产生可遗传的变异4.注射后能使小白鼠因患败血病而死亡的是()A.R型肺炎双球菌B.加热杀死后的R型肺炎双球菌C.加热杀死后的S型肺炎双球菌D.加热杀死后的S型肺炎双球菌与R型细菌混合5.T2噬菌体的结构组成为()A.蛋白质、脂类B.糖类、蛋白质C.蛋白质、DNAD.蛋白质、RNA6.用32P标记噬菌体的DNA,用35S标记细菌的蛋白质,用这种噬菌体去侵染大肠杆菌,则新生的噬菌体可含有()A.32PB.35SC.32P和35SD.二者皆无7.肺炎双球菌转化实验中,在培养有R型细菌的A、B、C、D四个试管,依次分别放人从S型活细菌中提取的DNA、DNA和DNA酶、蛋白质、多糖,经过培养,检查结果发现有R型细菌转化的是()A. B. C. D.8.噬菌体在繁殖的过程中所利用的原料是()A.自身的核苷酸和氨基酸B.自身的核苷酸和细菌的氨基酸C.细菌的核苷酸和氨基酸D.自身的氨基酸和细菌的核苷酸9.遗传物质的主要载体是()A.DNAB.染色体C.叶绿体D.线粒体10.所有病毒的遗传物质()A.都是DNAB.都是RNAC.是DNA或RNAD.是DNA和RNA11.车前草病毒是一种不含DNA的病毒,其遗传物质是()A.车前草的DNAB.车前草病毒的RNAC.车前草的RNAD.车前草病毒的蛋白质12.真核生物的遗传物质存在于()A.细胞核内B.细胞质中的细胞器内C.细胞质的基质内D.细胞核和细胞质内13.猴、噬菌体、烟草花叶病毒中参与构成核酸的碱基种类数依次是()A.4,4,5B.5,4,4C.4,5,4D.5,4,514.疯牛病病毒仅由一小团蛋白质构成,由其感染牛的脑细胞后,繁殖出的新个体仍含有与原来的一小团蛋白质,这个事实说明()A.一切生物的遗传物质是核酸B.DAN是主要的遗传物质C.RNA也可作为遗传物质D.蛋白质也可作为遗传物质15.现有两组实验数据:(1)测得豌豆中DNA有84%在染色体上,14%在叶绿体上,2%在线粒体上;(2)进一步测得豌豆染色体的组成是:DNA占36.5%,RNA 占9.6%,蛋白质占48.9%。
原创、低成本、接地气、________,这些节目内容清晰、风格充实,不仅触摸到了流淌在中国人血液中的文化情结,更直指世道人心,( )。
1.文中画横线的句子有语病,下列修改最恰当的一项是(3分)( )A.这些节目风格充实、内容清新,不仅触摸到了流淌在中国人血液中的文化情结,更直指世道人心。
[答案] C2.下列在文中括号内补写的语句,最恰当的一项是(3分)( )A.对社会风气起到了很好的引领作用B.社会风气逐渐变好,起着引领作用C.因此逐渐促进社会风气的良好转化D.良好的社会风气引领了其逐渐转化[解析]B项,前后主语不一致。
第Ⅰ卷(选择题部分 共36分)一、选择题(本大题共6小题,每小题6分,共36分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)1. 已知数列{}n a 的各项均为正数,其前n 项和为n S ,若}a {log n 2是公差为1-的等差数列,且83S 6=,那么1a 的值是( ) (A )214 (B )316 (C )218 (D )31212. 数列 ,221,,221,21,11n 2-++++++的前n 项和等于( )(A )n 2(B )n 2n -(C )2n 21n --+(D )n 2·n3. 数列{}n a 的通项公式为)1n 2)(1n 2(1a n +-=,前n 项和为199,则项数n 为( )(A )7 (B )8 (C )9 (D )104. 如果一个数列{}n a 满足h a a n 1n =++(h 为常数,*N n ∈),则称数列{}n a 为等和数列,h 为公和,n S 是其前n 项的和,已知等和数列{}n a 中,3h ,1a 1-==,则=0072S ( )(A )3 009(B )3 008(C )0083-(D )0093- 5.(2008·荷泽模拟)已知等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,若A 、B 、C 为直线l 上三点,P 为直线l 外一点,且PC ·a PB ·a PA 200028+=,则0072S 等于( )(A )2 008 (B )2 007(C )2 006 (D )1 0046.(2005·黄冈模拟)设n )1(4321S 1n n --++-+-= ,则*)N m (S S S 3m 21m 2m 4∈++++的值为( )(A )0(B )3(C )4(D )随m 变化而变化第Ⅱ卷(非选择题部分 共64分)二、填空题(本大题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分。
高考语文基础知识训练一1、下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一项是A、星宿(xiù) 馄饨(dùn) 贺岁片(piàn) 垂涎三尺(xián)B、粗犷(guǎng) 堤防(dī) 芝麻糊(hù) 瞠目结舌(chēng)C、属意(zhǔ) 歼灭(jiān) 数来宝(shǔ) 便宜从事(pián)D、烘焙(bèi) 唱和(hè) 挑大梁(t iāo) 风驰电掣(chè)1、B(A项“馄饨”读“hún tun”,C项“便”读“biàn”,D 项“挑”读“tiāo”)2、下列词语中,书写没有错误的一项是A、暮霭厮打脑血拴厝火积薪B、彪悍誉写蜡像馆大快朵颐C、宣泄愧怍调和油不稂不莠D、羸弱谙熟手动挡开源截流2、C(A项“脑血拴”应为“脑血栓”,B项“誉写” 应为“誊写”,D项“开源截流”应为“开源节流”)3.下列各句中,标点符号使用正确的一句是A.养殖业的发展要结合市场需求,更要结合国情。
决胜3.已知函数,曲线在处的切线方程为.()2e xf x ax =-()y f x =()()1,1f 1y bx =+(1)求的值:,a b (2)求在上的最值;()f x []0,1(3)证明:当时,.0x >()e 1e ln 0x x x x +--≥4.已知函数,.()()ln 1f x x x a x =-++R a ∈(1)若,求函数的单调区间;1a =()f x (2)若关于的不等式在上恒成立,求的取值范围;x ()2f x a≤[)2,+∞a (3)若实数满足且,证明.b 21a b <-+1b >()212ln f x b <-5.椭圆的离心率是,点是椭圆上一点,过点2222:1(0)x y E a b a b +=>>22()2,1M E 的动直线与椭圆相交于两点.()0,1P l ,A B (1)求椭圆的方程;E (2)求面积的最大值;AOB (3)在平面直角坐标系中,是否存在与点不同的定点,使恒成立?存在,xOy P Q QA PAQB PB=求出点的坐标;若不存在,请说明理由.Q 6.已知函数,.()21ln 2f x a x x⎛⎫=-+ ⎪⎝⎭()()()2R g x f x ax a =-∈(1)当时,0a =(i )求曲线在点处的切线方程;()y f x =()()22f ,(ii )求的单调区间及在区间上的最值;()f x 1,e e ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦(2)若对,恒成立,求a 的取值范围.()1,x ∀∈+∞()0g x <(1)求抛物线的表达式和的值;,t k (2)如图1,连接AC ,AP ,PC ,若△APC 是以(3)如图2,若点P 在直线BC 上方的抛物线上,过点的最大值.12CQ PQ +(1)【基础训练】请分别直接写出抛物线的焦点坐标和准线l 的方程;22y x =(2)【技能训练】如图2所示,已知抛物线上一点P 到准线l 的距离为6,求点P 的坐218y x =标;(3)【能力提升】如图3所示,已知过抛物线的焦点F 的直线依次交抛物线及准()20y ax a =>线l 于点,若求a 的值;、、A B C 24BC BF AF ==,(4)【拓展升华】古希腊数学家欧多克索斯在深入研究比例理论时,提出了分线段的“中末比”问题:点C 将一条线段分为两段和,使得其中较长一段是全线段与另一AB AC CB AC AB 段的比例中项,即满足:,后人把这个数称为“黄金分割”,把CB 512AC BC AB AC -==512-点C 称为线段的黄金分割点.如图4所示,抛物线的焦点,准线l 与y 轴AB 214y x=(0,1)F 交于点,E 为线段的黄金分割点,点M 为y 轴左侧的抛物线上一点.当(0,1)H -HF 时,求出的面积值.2MH MF=HME 10.已知双曲线的一条渐近线方程的倾斜角为,焦距为4.2222:1(0,0)x y C a b a b -=>>60︒(1)求双曲线的标准方程;C (2)A 为双曲线的右顶点,为双曲线上异于点A 的两点,且.C ,M N C AM AN ⊥①证明:直线过定点;MN ②若在双曲线的同一支上,求的面积的最小值.,M N AMN(1)试用解析几何的方法证明:(2)如果将圆分别变为椭圆、双曲线或抛物线,你能得到类似的结论吗?13.对于数集(为给定的正整数),其中,如果{}121,,,,n X x x x =-2n ≥120n x x x <<<< 对任意,都存在,使得,则称X 具有性质P .,a b X ∈,c d X ∈0ac bd +=(1)若,且集合具有性质P ,求x 的值;102x <<11,,,12x ⎧⎫-⎨⎬⎩⎭(2)若X 具有性质P ,求证:;且若成立,则;1X ∈1n x >11x =(3)若X 具有性质P ,且,求数列的通项公式.2023n x =12,,,n x x x 14.已知,是的导函数,其中.()2e xf x ax =-()f x '()f x R a ∈(1)讨论函数的单调性;()f x '(2)设,与x 轴负半轴的交点为点P ,在点P()()()2e 11x g x f x x ax =+-+-()y g x =()y g x =处的切线方程为.()y h x =①求证:对于任意的实数x ,都有;()()g x h x ≥②若关于x 的方程有两个实数根,且,证明:()()0g x t t =>12,x x 12x x <.()2112e 11e t x x --≤+-15.在平面直角坐标系中,一动圆经过点且与直线相切,设该动圆圆心xOy 1,02A ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭12x =-的轨迹为曲线K ,P 是曲线K 上一点.(1)求曲线K 的方程;(2)过点A 且斜率为k 的直线l 与曲线K 交于B 、C 两点,若且直线OP 与直线交//l OP 1x =于Q 点.求的值;||||AB ACOP OQ ⋅⋅(3)若点D 、E 在y 轴上,的内切圆的方程为,求面积的最小值.PDE △()2211x y -+=PDE △16.已知椭圆C :,四点中恰有三()222210x y a b a b +=>>()()1234331,1,0,1,1,,1,22P P P P ⎛⎫⎛⎫- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭点在椭圆C 上.(1)求椭圆C 的方程;(2)设直线l 不经过P 2点且与C 相交于A ,B 两点,若直线与直线的斜率的和为,2P A 2P B 1-证明:l 过定点.18.给定正整数k ,m ,其中,如果有限数列同时满足下列两个条件.则称2m k ≤≤{}n a 为数列.记数列的项数的最小值为.{}n a (,)k m -(,)k m -(,)G k m 条件①:的每一项都属于集合;{}n a {}1,2,,k 条件②:从集合中任取m 个不同的数排成一列,得到的数列都是的子列.{}1,2,,k {}n a 注:从中选取第项、第项、…、第项()形成的新数列{}n a 1i 2i 5i 125i i i <<<…称为的一个子列.325,,,i i i a a a ⋯{}n a (1)分别判断下面两个数列,是否为数列.并说明理由!(33)-,数列;1:1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3A 数列.2:1,2,3,2,1,3,1A (2)求的值;(),2G k (3)求证.234(,)2k k G k k +-≥答案:1.(1)极大值为,无极小值2e (2)证明见解析【分析】(1)求导,根据导函数的符号结合极值的定义即可得解;(2)构造函数,利用导数求出函数的最小值,再()21()()()2ln 12F x f x g x x x x x x =+=+->证明即可或者转换不等式为,通过构造函数可得证.()min0F x >()112ln 012x x x +->>【详解】(1)的定义域为,,()f x (0,)+∞()2(1ln )f x x '=-+当时,,当时,,10e x <<()0f x '>1e x >()0f x '<所以函数在上单调递增,在上单调递减,()f x 10,e ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭1,e ⎛⎫+∞ ⎪⎝⎭故在处取得极大值,()f x 1e x =12e e f ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭所以的极大值为,无极小值;()f x 2e (2)设,()21()()()2ln 12F x f x g x x x x x x =+=+->解法一:则,()2ln 1F x x x '=--令,,()()2ln 11h x x x x =-->22()1x h x x x -'=-=当时,,单调递减,当时,,单调递增,12x <<()0h x '<()h x 2x >()0h x '>()h x 又,,,(2)1ln 40h =-<(1)0h =(4)32ln 40h =->所以存在,使得,即.0(2,4)x ∈0()0h x =002ln 10x x --=当时,,即,单调递减,01x x <<()0h x <()0F x '<()F x 当时,,即,单调递增,0x x >()0h x >()0F x '>()F x 所以当时,在处取得极小值,即为最小值,1x >()F x 0x x =故,22000000(11()()12ln )222F x F x x x x x x ≥=+-=-+设,因为,2000122()p x x x =-+0(2,4)x ∈由二次函数的性质得函数在上单调递减,2000122()p x x x =-+(2,4)故,0()(4)0p x p >=所以当时,,即.1x >()0F x >()()0f x g x +>解法二:要证,即证,()0F x >()1()12ln 012p x x x x =+->>因为,所以当时,,单调递减,()124()122x p x x x x -'=-=>()1,4x ∈()0p x '<()p x 当时,,单调递增,()4,x ∞∈+()0p x '>()p x 所以,所以,即.()()4212ln 434ln 20p x p ≥=+-=->()0F x >()()0f x g x +>方法点睛:利用导数证明不等式问题,方法如下:(1)直接构造函数法:证明不等式(或)转化为证明()()f xg x >()()f xg x <(或),进而构造辅助函数;()()0f xg x ->()()0f xg x -<()()()h x f x g x =-(2)适当放缩构造法:一是根据已知条件适当放缩;二是利用常见放缩结论;(3)构造“形似”函数,稍作变形再构造,对原不等式同解变形,根据相似结构构造辅助函数.2.(1)0(2)证明详见解析(3)2a ≤【分析】(1)利用导数求得的最小值.()g x (2)根据(1)的结论得到,利用放缩法以及裂项求和法证得不等式成立.2211ln 1n n ⎛⎫+≤ ⎪⎝⎭(3)由不等式分离参数,利用构造函数法,结合导数求得的取ln (2)10xx x x a x -+--≥a a 值范围.【详解】(1)依题意,,()21ln (,0)2f x x x x t t x =-+∈>R 所以,()()()()ln 1ln 10g x f x x x x x x '==-+=-->,所以在区间上单调递减;()111x g x x x -'=-=()g x ()0,1()()0,g x g x '<在区间上单调递增,()1,+∞()()0,g x g x '>所以当时取得最小值为.1x =()g x ()11ln110g =--=(2)要证明:对任意正整数,都有,(2)n n ≥222211111111e 234n ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫+⋅+⋅++< ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭ 即证明,22221111ln 1111ln e234n ⎡⎤⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫+⋅+⋅++< ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎣⎦ 即证明,222111ln 1ln 1ln 1123n ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫++++++< ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭ 由(1)得,即()()()10f xg x g '=≥=ln 10,ln 1x x x x --≥≤-令,所以, *211,2,N x n n n =+≥∈222111ln 111n n n ⎛⎫+≤+-= ⎪⎝⎭所以222222111111ln 1ln 1ln 12323n n ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫++++++≤+++ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭ ,()111111111122312231n n n n <+++=-+-++-⨯⨯-- 111n=-<所以对任意正整数,都有.(2)n n ≥222211111111e 234n ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫+⋅+⋅++< ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭ (3)若不等式恒成立,此时,ln (2)10xx x x a x -+--≥0x >则恒成立,ln 21x x x x x a x -+-≤令,()ln 21xx x x x h x x -+-=令,()()()e 10,e 10x x u x x x u x '=--≥=-≥所以在区间上单调递增,()u x[)0,∞+所以,当时等号成立,()0e 010,e 10,e 1x x u x x x ≥--=--≥≥+0x =所以,()ln e ln 21ln 1ln 212x x x x x x x x x x h x x x -+-+-+-=≥=当时等号成立,所以.ln 0,1x x x ==2a ≤利用导数求函数的最值的步骤:求导:对函数进行求导,得到它的导函数.导函数()f x ()f x '表示了原函数在不同点处的斜率或变化率.找出导数为零的点:解方程,找到使得导()0f x '=数为零的点,这些点被称为临界点,可能是函数的极值点(包括最大值和最小值),检查每个临界点以及区间的端点,并确认它们是否对应于函数的最值.3.(1),1a =e 2b =-(2);()max e 1f x =-()min 1f x =(3)证明见解析【分析】(1)利用切点和斜率列方程组,由此求得.,a b (2)利用多次求导的方法求得在区间上的单调性,由此求得在上的最值.()f x []0,1()f x []0,1(3)先证明时,,再结合(2)转化为,从0x >()()e 21f x x ≥-+()21e ln e x x x x x+--≥+而证得不等式成立.【详解】(1),()e 2x f x ax'=-∴,解得:,;()()1e 21e 1f a b f a b ⎧=-=⎪⎨=-=+'⎪⎩1a =e 2b =-(2)由(1)得:,()2e xf x x =-,令,则,()e 2x f x x '=-()e 2x h x x=-()e 2x h x '=-是增函数,令解得.()h x ()0h x '=ln 2x =∴,也即在上单调递减,()h x ()f x '()0,ln2()()0,h x h x '<在上单调递增,()ln2,+∞()()0,h x h x '>∴,∴在递增,()()ln 2ln222ln20h f ==->'()f x []0,1∴;;()()max 1e 1f x f ==-()()min 01f x f ==(3)∵,由(2)得过,()01f =()f x ()1,e 1-且在处的切线方程是,()y f x =1x =()e 21y x =-+故可猜测且时,的图象恒在切线的上方,0x >1x ≠()f x ()e 21y x =-+下面证明时,,设,,0x >()()e 21f x x ≥-+()()()e 21g x f x x =---()0x >∴,∴令,()()e 2e 2x g x x =---'()()()e 2e 2x x x g m x '--==-,()e 2x m x '=-由(2)得:在递减,在递增,()g x '()0,ln2()ln2,+∞∵,,,∴,()03e 0g '=->()10g '=0ln21<<()ln20g '<∴存在,使得,()00,1x ∈()0g x '=∴时,,时,,()()00,1,x x ∈⋃+∞()0g x '>()0,l x x ∈()0g x '<故在递增,在递减,在递增.()g x ()00,x ()0,1x ()1,+∞又,∴当且仅当时取“”,()()010g g ==()0g x ≥1x ==()()2e e 210x g x x x =----≥故,,由(2)得:,故,()e e 21x x xx+--≥0x >e 1x x ≥+()ln 1x x ≥+∴,当且仅当时取“=”,∴,1ln x x -≥1x =()e e 21ln 1x x x x x+--≥≥+即,∴,()21ln 1e e x x x x+--≥+()21e ln e x x x x x+--≥+即成立,当且仅当时“=”成立.()1ln 10e e x x x x +---≥1x =求解切线的有关的问题,关键点就是把握住切点和斜率.利用导数研究函数的单调性,如果一次求导无法求得函数的单调性时,可以考虑利用多次求导来进行求解.利用导数证明不等式恒成立,如果无法一步到位的证明,可以先证明一个中间不等式,然后再证得原不等式成立.4.(1)单调增区间为,单调减区间为;()0,1()1,+∞(2)(],2ln 2-∞(3)证明见解析【分析】(1)求导,再根据导函数的符号即可得解;(2)分离参数可得,构造函数,利用导数求出函数的最小ln 1x x a x ≤-ln (),21x xg x x x =≥-()g x 值即可得解;(3)由,得,则,要证21a b <-+21a b -<-2112()(e )e e 1a a b f x f a b ---≤=+<-+,即证,即证,构造函数()212ln f x b<-222e112ln bb b --+<-22212ln 0eb b b +-<,证明即可.()()()12ln e x h x x x x =>-()1h x <-【详解】(1)当时,,1a =()ln 1,0f x x x x x =-++>,由,得,由,得,()ln f x x '=-()0f x '>01x <<()0f x '<1x >故的单调增区间为,单调减区间为;()f x ()0,1()1,+∞(2),()ln 2,1x xf x a a x ≤∴≤- 令,ln (),21x x g x x x =≥-则,21ln ()(1)x xg x x --'=-令,则,()ln 1t x x x =-+11()1xt x x x -'=-=由,得,由,得,()0t x '>01x <<()0t x '<1x >故在递增,在递减,,()t x ()0,1()1,+∞max ()(1)0t x t ==,所以,()0t x ∴≤ln 1≤-x x 在上单调递增,,()0,()g x g x '≥∴[)2,+∞()min ()2g x g ∴=,(2)2ln 2a g ∴≤=的取值范围;a ∴(],2ln 2-∞(3),221,1b a b a <-+∴-<- 又,在上递增,11()(e )e a a f x f a --≤=+1e a y a -=+ R a ∈所以,2112()(e )e e 1a a b f x f a b ---≤=+<-+下面证明:,222e 112ln b b b --+<-即证,22212ln 0ebb b +-<令,则,21x b =>12ln 0e x x x +-<即,(2ln )e 1xx x -⋅<-令,则,()()()12ln e xh x x x x =>-()22ln 1e xh x x x x '⎛⎫=-+-⋅ ⎪⎝⎭令,则,()2()2ln 11x x x x x ϕ=-+->()()2221122()101x x x x x x ϕ---=--=<>∴函数在上单调递减,()x ϕ()1,+∞,()(1)0x ϕϕ∴<=在递减,()()0,h x h x '∴<(1,)+∞,()()1e 1h x h ∴<=-<-所以.()212ln f x b <-方法点睛:利用导数证明不等式问题,方法如下:(1)直接构造函数法:证明不等式(或)转化为证明()()f xg x >()()f xg x <(或),进而构造辅助函数;()()0f xg x ->()()0f xg x -<()()()h x f x g x =-(2)适当放缩构造法:一是根据已知条件适当放缩;二是利用常见放缩结论;(3)构造“形似”函数,稍作变形再构造,对原不等式同解变形,根据相似结构构造辅助函数.5.(1)22142x y +=(2)2(3)存在,.()0,2Q 【分析】(1)由离心率及过点列方程组求解.()2,1M,a b (2)设直线为与椭圆方程联立,将表达为的函数,由基本不l 1y kx =+1212AOB S x x =⋅- k 等式求最大值即可.(3)先讨论直线水平与竖直情况,求出,设点关于轴的对称点,证得()0,2Q B y B '三点共线得到成立.,,Q A B 'QA PAQB PB=【详解】(1)根据题意,得,解得,椭圆C 的方程为.2222222211c a a b c a b ⎧=⎪⎪⎪=+⎨⎪⎪+=⎪⎩222422a b c ⎧=⎪=⎨⎪=⎩22142x y +=(2)依题意,设,直线的斜率显然存在,()()1122,,,A x y B x y l 故设直线为,联立,消去,得,l 1y kx =+221142y kx x y =+⎧⎪⎨+=⎪⎩y ()2212420k x kx ++-=因为直线恒过椭圆内定点,故恒成立,,l ()0,1P 0∆>12122242,1212k x x x x k k +=-=-++故,()2221212221224212111214414222122AOBk S x x x x x x k k k k ⋅+⎛⎫⎛⎫=⋅=⨯-=⨯-⨯= ⎪ ⎪+⎝-+-⎝++⎭⎭- 令,所以,当且仅当,即时取得214,1t k t =+≥22222211AOB t S t t t=×=×£++1t =0k =等号,综上可知:面积的最大值为.AOB 2(3)当平行于轴时,设直线与椭圆相交于两点,如果存在点满足条件,l x ,C D Q 则有,即,所以点在轴上,可设的坐标为;||||1||||QC PC QD PD ==QC QD =Q y Q ()00,y 当垂直于轴时,设直线与椭圆相交于两点,如果存在点满足条件,l x ,M N Q 则有,即,解得或,||||||||QM PM QN PN =00221212y y --=++01y =02y =所以若存在不同于点的定点满足条件,则点的坐标为;P Q Q ()0,2当不平行于轴且不垂直于轴时,设直线方程为,l x x l 1y kx =+由(2)知,12122242,1212k x x x x k k --+==++又因为点关于轴的对称点的坐标为,B y B '()22,x y -又,,11111211QA y kx k k x x x --===-22222211QB y kx k k x x x '--===-+--.方法点睛:直线与椭圆0Ax By C ++=时,取得最大值2222220a A b B C +-=MON S 6.(1)(i );(322ln 220x y +--=(2)11,22⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦故曲线在点处的切线方程为,()y f x =()()22f ,()()32ln 222y x --+=--即;322ln 220x y +--=(ii ),,()21ln 2f x x x =-+()0,x ∈+∞,()211x f x x x x -'=-+=令,解得,令,解得,()0f x ¢>()0,1x ∈()0f x '<()1,x ∈+∞当时,,1,e e x ⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦()()max 112f x f ==-又,,221111ln 1e 2e e 2e f ⎛⎫=-+=-- ⎪⎝⎭()2211e e ln e e 122f =-+=-+其中,()222211111e 1e 1e 20e 2e 222ef f ⎛⎫⎛⎫-=----+=--> ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭故,()()2min 1e e 12f x f ==-+故的单调递增区间为,单调递减区间为;()f x ()0,1()1,+∞在区间上的最大值为,最小值为;()f x 1,e e ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦12-21e 12-+(2),()21ln 22xg x a x x a ⎭-+⎛=⎪-⎫ ⎝对,恒成立,()1,x ∀∈+∞21ln 202a x x ax ⎛⎫-+-< ⎪⎝⎭变形为对恒成立,ln 122x a xa x<--⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭()1,x ∀∈+∞令,则,()(),1,ln x h x x x ∈=+∞()21ln xh x x -'=当时,,单调递增,()1,e x ∈()0h x '>()ln xh x x =当时,,单调递减,()e,+x ∈∞()0h x '<()ln xh x x =其中,,当时,恒成立,()10h =()ln e 1e e e h ==1x >()ln 0x h x x =>故画出的图象如下:()ln x h x x =其中恒过点122y xa a ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝=⎭--(2,1A 又,故在()210111h -'==()ln x h x x =又在上,()2,1A 1y x =-()对于2111644y x x =-+-∴点,即()0,6C -6OC =∵2114,14P m m m ⎛-+- ⎝∴点,3,64N m m ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭∴,22111316624444PN m m m m m⎛⎫=-+---=-+ ⎪⎝⎭∵轴,PN x ⊥∴,//PN OC ∴,PNQ OCB ∠=∠∴,Rt Rt PQN BOC ∴,PN NQ PQ BC OC OB ==∵,8,6,10OB OC BC ===∴,34,55QN PN PQ PN==∵轴,NE y ⊥∴轴,//NE x ∴,CNE CBO ∴,5544CN EN m ==∴,2215111316922444216CQ PQ m m m m ⎛⎫+=-+=--+⎪⎝⎭当时,取得最大值.132m =12CQ PQ+16916关键点点睛:熟练的掌握三角形相似的判断及性质是解决本题的关键.8.(1)详见解析;(2)①具有性质;理由见解析;②P 1346【分析】(1)当时,先求得集合,由题中所给新定义直接判断即可;10n =A (2)当时,先求得集合, 1010n =A ①根据,任取,其中,可得,{}2021|T x x S =-∈02021t x T =-∈0x S ∈0120212020x ≤-≤利用性质的定义加以验证,即可说明集合具有性质;P T P ②设集合有个元素,由(1)可知,任给,,则与中必有个S k x S ∈12020x ≤≤x 2021x -1不超过,从而得到集合与中必有一个集合中至少存在一半元素不超过,然后利1010S T 1010用性质的定义列不等式,由此求得的最大值.P k【详解】(1)当时,,10n ={}1,2,,19,20A = 不具有性质,{}{}|910,11,12,,19,20B x A x =∈>= P 因为对任意不大于的正整数,10m 都可以找到该集合中的两个元素与,使得成立,110b =210b m =+12||b b m -=集合具有性质,{}*|31,N C x A x k k =∈=-∈P 因为可取,对于该集合中任一元素,110m =<,(),都有.112231,31c k c k =-=-*12,N k k ∈121231c c k k -=-≠(2)当时,集合,1010n ={}()*1,2,3,,2019,2020,1010N A m m =≤∈ ①若集合具有性质,那么集合一定具有性质.S P {}2021|T x x S =-∈P 首先因为,任取,其中.{}2021|T x x S =-∈02021t x T =-∈0x S ∈因为,所以.S A ⊆{}01,2,3,,2020x ∈ 从而,即,所以.0120212020x ≤-≤t A ∈T A ⊆由具有性质,可知存在不大于的正整数,S P 1010m 使得对中的任意一对元素,都有.s 12,s s 12s s m -≠对于上述正整数,从集合中任取一对元素,m {}2021|T x x S =-∈112021t x -=,其中,则有.222021t x =-12,x x S ∈1212t t s s m --≠=所以,集合具有性质P ;{}2021|T x x S =-∈②设集合有个元素,由(1)可知,若集合具有性质,S k S P 那么集合一定具有性质.{}2021|T x x S =-∈P 任给,,则与中必有一个不超过.x S ∈12020x ≤≤x 2021x -1010所以集合与中必有一个集合中至少存在一半元素不超过.S T 1010不妨设中有个元素不超过.S 2k t t ⎛⎫≥ ⎪⎝⎭12,,,t b b b 1010由集合具有性质,可知存在正整数.S P 1010m ≤使得对中任意两个元素,都有.S 12,s s 12s s m -≠所以一定有.12,,,t b m b m b m S +++∉ 又,故.100010002000i b m +≤+=121,,,b m b m b m A +++∈ 即集合中至少有个元素不在子集中,A t S 因此,所以,得.20202k k k t +≤+≤20202k k +≤1346k ≤当时,取,{}1,2,,672,673,,1347,,2019,2020S = 673m =则易知对集合中的任意两个元素,都有,即集合具有性质.S 12,y y 12673y y -≠S P 而此时集合S 中有个元素,因此,集合元素个数的最大值为.1346S 1346解新定义题型的步骤:(1)理解“新定义”——明确“新定义”的条件、原理、方法、步骤和结论.(2)重视“举例”,利用“举例”检验是否理解和正确运用“新定义”;归纳“举例”提供的解题方法.归纳“举例”提供的分类情况.(3)类比新定义中的概念、原理、方法,解决题中需要解决的问题.9.(1),10,8⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭18y =-(2)或()42,4()42,4-(3)14a =(4)或51-35-【分析】(1)根据焦点和准线方程的定义求解即可;(2)先求出点P 的纵坐标为4,然后代入到抛物线解析式中求解即可;(3)如图所示,过点B 作轴于D ,过点A 作轴于E ,证明,推BD y ⊥AE y ⊥FDB FHC ∽出,则,点B 的纵坐标为,从而求出,证明16FD a =112OD OF DF a =-=112a 36BD a =,即可求出点A 的坐标为,再把点A 的坐标代入抛物线解析式AEF BDF ∽123,24a ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝+⎭-中求解即可;(4)如图,当E 为靠近点F 的黄金分割点的时候,过点M 作于N ,则,MN l ⊥MN MF=先证明是等腰直角三角形,得到,设点M 的坐标为,则MNH △NH MN=21,4m m ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭过点B 作轴于D ,过点BD y ⊥由题意得点F 的坐标为F ⎛ ⎝1FH =当E 为靠近点F 的黄金分割点的时候,过点∵在中,Rt MNH △sin MHN ∠∴,∴是等腰直角三角形,45MHN ︒=MNH △双曲线方程联立,利用韦达定理及题目条件可得,后由题意可得AM AN ⋅= ()()222131t t m -+=-所过定点坐标;②结合①及图形可得都在左支上,则可得,后由图象可得,M N 213m <,后通过令,结合单调性229113m S m +=-223113m λλ⎛⎫+=≤< ⎪⎝⎭()423313f x x x x ⎛⎫=-≤< ⎪⎝⎭可得答案.【详解】(1)设双曲线的焦距为,C 2c 由题意有解得.2223,24,,ba c c ab ⎧=⎪⎪=⎨⎪=+⎪⎩1,3,2a b c ===故双曲线的标准方程为;C 2213y x -=(2)①证明:设直线的方程为,点的坐标分别为,MN my x t =+,M N ()()1122,,,x y x y 由(1)可知点A 的坐标为,()1,0联立方程消去后整理为,2213y x my x t ⎧-=⎪⎨⎪=+⎩x ()222316330m y mty t --+-=可得,2121222633,3131mt t y y y y m m -+==--,()212122262223131m t tx x m y y t t m m +=+-=-=--,()()()()222222222121212122223363313131m t m t m t x x my t my t m y y mt y y t t m m m -+=--=-++=-+=----由,()()11111,,1,AM x y AN x y =-=-有()()()1212121212111AM AN x x y y x x x x y y ⋅=--+=-+++,()()()()22222222222222222132331313131313131t t t t t t m t t t m m m m m m -----++-=--++===------由,可得,有或,AM AN ⊥0AM AN ⋅=1t =-2t =当时,直线的方程为,过点,不合题意,舍去;1t =-MN 1my x =-()1,0当时,直线的方程为,过点,符合题意,2t =MN 2my x =+()2,0-②由①,设所过定点为121224,31x x x x m +==-若在双曲线的同一支上,可知,M N 有12240,31x x x m +=<-关键点睛:求直线所过定点常采取先猜后证或类似于本题处理方式,设出直线方程,通过题一方面:由以上分析可知,设椭圆方程为一方面:同理设双曲线方程为()22221y m x a b +-=,()2222221b x a k x m a b -+=化简并整理得()(2222222112ba k x a mk x a m ---+一方面:同理设抛物线方程为(22x p y =,()212x p k x n =+化简并整理得,由韦达定理可得12220pk x x pn --=2,2x x pk x x pn +=⋅=-(2)构造,故转化为等价于“对任()()()()()13131931x x xx f x k k g x f x +--==+++()()()123g x g x g x +>意,,恒成立”,换元后得到(),分,和1x 2x 3R x ∈()()11k g x q t t -==+3t ≥1k >1k =三种情况,求出实数k 的取值范围.1k <【详解】(1)由条件①知,当时,有,即在R 上单调递增.12x x <()()12f x f x <()f x 再结合条件②,可知存在唯一的,使得,从而有.0R x ∈()013f x =()093x x f x x --=又上式对成立,所以,R x ∀∈()00093x x f x x --=所以,即.0001393x x x --=0009313x x x ++=设,因为,所以单调递增.()93x x x xϕ=++()9ln 93ln 310x x x ϕ'=++>()x ϕ又,所以.()113ϕ=01x =所以;()931x x f x =++(2)构造函数,()()()()()13131931x x xx f x k k g x f x +--==+++由题意“对任意的,,,1x 2x 3R x ∈均存在以,,为三边长的三角形”()()()11113x f x k f x +-()()()22213x f x k f x +-()()()33313x f x k f x +-等价于“对任意,,恒成立”.()()()123g x g x g x +>1x 2x 3R x ∈又,令,()111313x x k g x -=+++1131231333x x x x t ⋅=++≥+=当且仅当时,即时取等号,91x=0x =则(),()()11k g x q t t -==+3t ≥当时,,因为且,1k >()21,3k g x +⎛⎤∈ ⎥⎝⎦()()122423k g x g x +<+≤()3213k g x +<≤所以,解得,223k +≤4k ≤即;14k <≤当时,,满足条件;1k =()()()1231g x g x g x ===当时,,因为且,1k <()2,13k g x +⎡⎫∈⎪⎢⎣⎭()()122423k g x g x ++<≤()3213k g x +<≤所以,即.2413k +≤112k -≤<综上,实数k 的取值范围是.1,42⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦复合函数零点个数问题处理思路:①利用换元思想,设出内层函数;②分别作出内层函数与外层函数的图象,分别探讨内外函数的零点个数或范围;③内外层函数相结合确定函数交点个数,即可得到复合函数在不同范围下的零点个数.13.(1)14x =(2)证明过程见解析(3),()112023k n k x --=1k n≤≤【分析】(1)由题意转化为对于,都存在,使得,其中(),m a b =(),n c d =0m n ⋅= ,选取,,通过分析求出;,,,a b c d X ∈()1,,2m a b x ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭ ()(),1,n c d d ==- 14x =(2)取,,推理出中有1个为,则另一个为1,即,()()11,,m a b x x == (),n c d =,c d 1-1X ∈再假设,其中,则,推导出矛盾,得到;1k x =1k n <<101n x x <<<11x =(3)由(2)可得,设,,则有,记11x =()11,m s t =()22,n s t =1212s t t s =-,问题转化为X 具有性质P ,当且仅当集合关于原点对称,得到,,s B s X t X s t t ⎧⎫=∈∈>⎨⎬⎩⎭B ,共个数,由对称性可知也有个数,(){}234,0,,,,n B x x x x -∞=---- ()1n -()0,B +∞ ()1n -结合三角形数阵得到,得到数列为首项为1的等比123212321n n n n n n x x x x x x x x x x -----===== 12,,,n x x x 数列,设出公比为,结合求出公比,求出通项公式.q 2023n x =【详解】(1)对任意,都存在,使得,,a b X ∈,c d X ∈0ac bd +=即对于,都存在,使得,其中,(),m a b =(),n c d =0m n ⋅= ,,,a b c d X ∈因为集合具有性质P ,11,,,12x ⎧⎫-⎨⎬⎩⎭选取,,()1,,2m a b x ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭ ()(),1,n c d d ==-则有,12x d -+=假设,则有,解得,这与矛盾,d x =102x x -+=0x =102x <<假设,则有,解得,这与矛盾,1d =-12x --=12x =-102x <<假设,则有,解得,这与矛盾,1d =12x -+=12x =102x <<假设,则有,解得,满足,12d =14x -+=14x =102x <<故;14x =(2)取,,()()11,,m a b x x == (),n c d =则,()10c d x +=因为,所以,即异号,120n x x x <<<< 0c d +=,c d 显然中有1个为,则另一个为1,即,,c d 1-1X ∈假设,其中,则,1k x =1k n <<101n x x <<<选取,,则有,()()1,,n m a b x x ==(),n s t =10n sx tx +=则异号,从而之中恰有一个为,,s t ,s t 1-若,则,矛盾,1s =-11n x tx t x =>≥若,则,矛盾,1t =-1n n x sx s x =<≤故假设不成立,所以;11x =(3)若X 具有性质P ,且,20231n x =>由(2)可得,11x =设,,则有,()11,m s t =()22,n s t =1212s t t s =-记,则X 具有性质P ,当且仅当集合关于原点对称,,,s B s X t X s t t ⎧⎫=∈∈>⎨⎬⎩⎭B 注意到是集合中唯一的负数,1-X 故,共个数,(){}234,0,,,,n B x x x x -∞=---- ()1n -由对称性可知也有个数,()0,B +∞ ()1n -由于,已经有个数,123421n n n n n nn n n n x x x x x x x x x x x x ----<<<<<< ()1n -对于以下三角形数阵:123421n n n n n n n n n n x x x x x xx x x x x x ----<<<<<< 1111123421n n n n n n n n x x x x xx x x x x --------<<<<< ……3321x x x x <21x x 注意到,123211111n n n x x x x x x x x x x -->>>>> 所以有,123212321n n n n n n x x x x x x x x x x -----===== 从而数列为首项为1的等比数列,设公比为,12,,,n x x x q 由于,故,解得,2023n x =112023n nx q x -==()112023n q -=故数列的通项公式为,.12,,,n x x x ()112023k n k x --=1k n ≤≤集合新定义问题,命题新颖,且存在知识点交叉,常常会和函数或数列相结合,很好的考虑了知识迁移,综合运用能力,对于此类问题,一定要解读出题干中的信息,正确理解问题的本质,转化为熟悉的问题来进行解决,要将“新”性质有机地应用到“旧”性质上,创造性的解决问题.14.(1)答案见解析(2)①证明见解析;②证明见解析【分析】(1)求出的导数,结合解不等式可得答案;()e 2x f x ax'=-(2)①,利用导数的几何意义求得的表达式,由此构造函数,()y h x =()()()F x g x h x =-利用导数判断其单调性,求其最小值即可证明结论;②设的根为,求得其表达式,()h x t=1x '并利用函数单调性推出,设曲线在点处的切线方程为,设11x x '≤()y g x =()0,0()y t x =的根为,推出,从而,即可证明结论.()t x t=2x '22x x '≥2121x x x x ''-≤-【详解】(1)由题意得,令,则,()e 2x f x ax'=-()e 2x g x ax=-()e 2x g x a'=-当时,,函数在上单调递增;0a ≤()0g x '>()f x 'R 当时,,得,,得,0a >()0g x '>ln 2x a >()0g x '<ln 2x a <所以函数在上单调递减,在上单调递增.()f x '(),ln 2a -∞()ln 2,a +∞(2)①证明:由(1)可知,令,有或,()()()1e 1x g x x =+-()0g x ==1x -0x =故曲线与x 轴负半轴的唯一交点P 为.()y g x =()1,0-曲线在点处的切线方程为,()1,0P -()y h x =则,令,则,()()()11h x g x '=-+()()()F x g x h x =-()()()()11F x g x g x '=--+所以,.()()()()11e 2e x F x g x g x '''=-=+-()10F '-=当时,若,,1x <-(],2x ∈-∞-()0F x '<若,令,则,()2,1x --()1()e 2e x m x x =+-()()e 30xm x x '=+>故在时单调递增,.()F x '()2,1x ∈--()()10F x F ''<-=故,在上单调递减,()0F x '<()F x (),1-∞-当时,由知在时单调递增,1x >-()()e 30x m x x '=+>()F x '()1,x ∈-+∞,在上单调递增,()()10F x F ''>-=()F x ()1,-+∞设曲线在点处的切线方程为()y g x =()0,0令()()()()(1e x T x g x t x x =-=+当时,2x ≤-()()2e x T x x =+-'()()2e xn x x =+-设,∴()()1122,,,B x y C x y 1x 又1211,22AB x AC x =+=+依题意,即,则,0bc <02x >()()220220004482x y c x x b =+---因为,所以,2002y x =0022x b c x -=-所以,()()00000242248122424S b c x x x x x -⋅=-++≥-⋅+=-=-当且仅当,即时上式取等号,00422x x -=-04x =所以面积的最小值为8.PDE △方法点睛:圆锥曲线中最值或范围问题的常见解法:(1)几何法,若题目的条件和结论能明显体现几何特征和意义,则考虑利用几何法来解决;(2)代数法,若题目的条件和结论能体现某种明确的函数关系,则可首先建立目标函数,再求这个函数的最值或范围.16.(1)2214x y +=(2)证明见解析(3)存在,7,,777⎛⎫⎛⎫-∞- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝+∞⎝⎭⎭ 【分析】(1)根据椭圆的对称性,得到三点在椭圆C 上.把的坐标代入椭圆234,,P P P 23,P P C ,求出,即可求出椭圆C 的方程;22,a b (2)当斜率不存在时,不满足;当斜率存在时,设,与椭圆方程联立,利():1l y kx t t =+≠用判别式、根与系数的关系,结合已知条件得到,能证明直线l 过定点;21t k =--()2,1-(3)利用点差法求出直线PQ 的斜率,从而可得直线PQ 的方程,与抛物线方程联14PQ k t =立,由,及点G 在椭圆内部,可求得的取值范围,设直线TD 的方程为,0∆>2t 1x my =+与抛物线方程联立,由根与系数的关系及,可求得m 的取值范围,进而可求得直线11DA TB k k =的斜率k 的取值范围.2l【详解】(1)根据椭圆的对称性,两点必在椭圆C 上,34331,,1,22P P ⎛⎫⎛⎫- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭又的横坐标为1,4P ∴椭圆必不过,()11,1P ∴三点在椭圆C 上.()234330,1,1,,1,22P P P ⎛⎫⎛⎫- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭把代入椭圆C ,()3231,20,1,P P ⎛⎫- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭得,解得,222111314b a b ⎧=⎪⎪⎨⎪+=⎪⎩2241a b ⎧=⎨=⎩∴椭圆C 的方程为.2214x y +=(2)证明:①当斜率不存在时,设,,:l x m =()(),,,A A A m y B m y -∵直线与直线的斜率的和为,2P A 2P B 1-∴,221121A A P A P B y y k k m m m ----+=+==-解得m =2,此时l 过椭圆右顶点,不存在两个交点,故不满足.②当斜率存在时,设,,,:l y kx t =+1t ≠()()1122,,,A x y B x y 联立,消去y 整理得,22440y kx tx y =+⎧⎨+-=⎩()222148440k x ktx t +++-=则,,122814kt x x k -+=+21224414t x x k -=+则()()()()222112************111111P A P B x y x y x kx t x kx t y y k k x x x x x x -+-+-++---+=+==,()()()()()()12121222222448218114141144411142t k k kx x t tk t k t k k t t x t x x x +-+=--⋅+-⋅-++===--+-+又,∴,此时,1t ≠21t k =--()()222222644144464161664k t k t k t k ∆=-+-=-+=-故存在k ,使得成立,0∆>∴直线l 的方程为,即21y kx k =--()12y k x +=-∴l 过定点.()2,1-(3)∵点P ,Q 在椭圆上,所以,,2214P P x y +=2214Q Q x y +=两式相减可得,()()()()04PQ P Q P Q P Q y xy x x x y y +-++-=又是线段PQ 的中点,()1,G t -∴,2,2P Q P Q x x x x t+=-=∴直线PQ 的斜率,()144P Q P QP Q P QPQ x x k ty y x y y x +==-=--+∴直线PQ 的方程为,与抛物线方程联立消去x 可得,()114y x t t =++()22164410y ty t -++=由题可知,∴,()2161210t ∆=->2112t >又G 在椭圆内部,可知,∴,故,2114t +<234t <213124t <<设,,由图可知,,221212,,,44y y A y B y ⎛⎫⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭223434,,,44y y T y D y ⎛⎫⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭2134,y y y y >>∴,()2121216,441y y t y y t +==+当直线TD 的斜率为0时,此时直线TD 与抛物线只有1个交点,不合要求,舍去,设直线TD 的方程为,与抛物线方程联立,消去x 可得,()10x my m =+≠2440y my --=∴,34344,4y y m y y +==-由,可知,即,11//ATB D 11DA TB k k =3142222234214444y y y y y y y y --=--∴,即,1342y y y y +=+1243y y y y -=-∴,()()221212343444y y y y y y y y +-=+-∵,()()()()()222212124161641161210,128y y y y t t t +-=-+=-∈∴,解得,即,()()223434416160,128y y y y m +-=+∈27m <()7,7m ∈-∴直线TD 即的斜率.2l 771,77,k m ⎛⎫⎛⎫=∈-∞- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝+∞⎝⎭⎭ 思路点睛:处理定点问题的思路:(1)确定题目中的核心变量(此处设为),k (2)利用条件找到与过定点的曲线的联系,得到有关与的等式,k (),0F x y =k ,x y (3)所谓定点,是指存在一个特殊的点,使得无论的值如何变化,等式恒成立,()00,x y k 此时要将关于与的等式进行变形,直至找到,k ,x y ()00,x y ①若等式的形式为整式,则考虑将含的式子归为一组,变形为“”的形式,让括号中式k ()k ⋅子等于0,求出定点;②若等式的形式是分式,一方面可考虑让分子等于0,一方面考虑分子和分母为倍数关系,可消去变为常数.k 17.(1)1y =-(2)2ln23-+【分析】(1)由题意,将代入函数的解析式中,对函数进行求导,得到1m =()f x ()f x 和,代入切线方程中即可求解;()1f '()1f (2)得到函数的解析式,对进行求导,利用根的判别式以及韦达定理对()g x ()g x 进行化简,利用换元法,令,,可得,12122()()y x x b x x =--+12x t x =01t <<2(1)ln 1t y t t -=-+根据,求出的范围,构造函数,对进行求导,利用导数得到322m ≥t 2(1)()ln 1t h t tt -=-+()h t 的单调性和最值,进而即可求解.()h t 【详解】(1)已知(为常数),函数定义域为,()ln f x x mx =-m (0,)+∞当时,函数,1m =()ln f x x x =-可得,此时,又,11()1x f x x x -'=-=()=01f '()11=f -所以曲线在点处的切线方程为,即.()y f x =()()1,1f (1)0(1)y x --=⨯-1y =-(2)因为,函数定义域为,22()2()2ln 2g x f x x x mx x =+=-+(0,)+∞可得,222(1)()22x mx g x m x x x -+=-+='此时的两根,即为方程的两根,()0g x '=1x 2x 210x mx -+=因为,所以,由韦达定理得,,322m ≥240m ∆=->12x x m +=121=x x 又,所以1212lnx x b x x =-121212121212ln 22()()()()xx y x x b x x x x x x x x =--=--++-,11211211222212()ln 2ln 1x x x x x x x x x x x x --=-=⨯-++令,,所以,12x t x =01t <<2(1)ln 1t y t t -=-+因为,整理得,2212()x x m +=22212122x x x x m ++=因为,则,121=x x 2221212122x x x x m x x ++=等式两边同时除以,得,12x x 212212=x x m x x ++可得,因为,212t m t ++=322m ≥所以,,152t t +≥()()2252=2210t t x x -+--≥解得 或,则,12t ≤2t ≥102t <≤不妨设,函数定义域为,2(1)()ln 1t h t t t -=-+10,2⎛⎤⎥⎝⎦可得,22(1)()0(1)t h t t t -'=-<+所以函数在定义域上单调递减,()h t 此时,min 12()()ln223h t h ==-+故的最小值为.12122()()y x x b x x =--+2ln23-+利用导数求解在曲线上某点处的切线方程,关键点有两点,第一是切线的斜率,第二是切点。
高考复习基础训练(四十一)(曲线运动——平抛运动专题)1、关于平抛运动的性质,以下说法中正确的有A.是变加速运动; B.是匀变速直线运动;C.是匀速率曲线运动;D.是两个直线运动的合运动。
2、作平抛运动的物体,在水平方向通过的最大距离取决于( ).(A)物体所受的重力和抛出点的高度(B)物体所受的重力和初速度(C)物体的初速度和抛出点的高度(D)物体所受的重力、高度和初速度3、如图所示,用小锤打击弹性金属片,金属片把A球沿水平方向抛出,同时B球被松开,A、B两球质量相等。
这个实验所得到的结论是平抛运动物体在竖直方向是自由落体,其依据是A.两球质量相等B.两球同时出发C.两球同时着地D.两球运动的路程相等4、物体做平抛运动时,下列描述物体速度变化量大小△v移随时间t变化的图像,可能正确的是5、如图所示,小球以水平速度v0正对倾角为θ的斜面水平抛出,若小球到达斜面的位移最小,则飞行时间t为:(重力加速度为g)A.B.C.D.6、平抛物体的初速度为v0,当水平方向分位移是竖直方向分位移的两倍时A.运动的时间 B.瞬时速率C.水平分速度与竖直分速度大小相等D.位移大小等于7、在同一水平直线上的两位置分别沿水平方向向右抛出两小球A和B,其运动轨迹如图所示,不计空气阻力。
要使两球在空中P点相遇,则必须A.使A、B两球质量相等B.在P点A球速率小于B球速率C.A球先抛出D.同时抛出两球8、倾角为θ的斜面,长为l,在顶端水平抛出一个小球,小球刚好落在斜面的底端,如图所示,那么小球的初速度v0的大小是A.B.C.D.9、如图所示是倾角为45°的斜坡,在斜坡底端P点正上方某一位置Q处以速度v0水平向左抛出一个小球A,小球恰好能垂直落在斜坡上,运动时间为t1.小球B从同一点Q处自由下落,下落至P点的时间为t2.不计空气阻力,则t1∶t2=()A.1∶2 B.1∶C.1∶3 D.1∶10、在高处水平抛出一物体,平抛的初速度为v0,当它的速度方向与水平方向成θ角时,物体的水平位移x与竖直位移y的关系是A.B.C.D.四、填空题11、某同学在做研究平抛运动的实验中,忘记记下小球做平抛运动的起点位置。
答案 D
2.(2021·安徽合肥期中考试)下列各句中的引号和文中“载道”的引号,作用相同 的一项是(3 分)( )
书法艺术一直承担着“载道”的功能。优秀书法“对于内身而说,足以陶冶人心, 有‘修身’之力;对于社会而言,则有移风易俗、感化人心之效”。
A.消息传开,聂将军收到了大批来自日本各地的电报和书信,日本人民称他是 “活菩萨”,是中日友好的使者。
案 与
解 答案 A
5.(2021·四川成都石室中学期中考试)请选出与文中画横线的句子中“好酒还得勤 吆喝”引号作用相同的一项(3 分)( )
全方位提高产品质量,必须系统发力,优化产品供销链条。尽管说“好酒还得勤 吆喝”,但把酒浆越酿越香,吆喝的底气才越足。
然而,自从 20 世纪 80 年代中后期有人提出“拒绝隐喻”“诗到语言为止”等口 号,一些诗人便不再讲究文辞、技巧,虽然形式上采取了新诗的分行形式,却不过是 将一句话分行排列,如梨花体的“一只蚂蚁又一只蚂蚁”、乌青体的“白云真白啊真 白”……等,用词直白随意,失去了汉语诗歌的美感,更不用提精神气质,风骨显然 早已荡然无存。所以,要重塑新时代诗歌,向新的诗歌高峰挺进,我们就要不断研究, 继承,发扬古典诗歌延续下来的“中国风骨”。
案 与
解 难环境下。B 项,破折号起“意思的转换”作用,表示对前文“十多年的汗水”的否定。
析 C 项,破折号起“话语的中断”作用,表示小通讯员的话没有说完。D 项,破折号起“总
A.在 2020 年广州花市展览会上,牡丹、吊钟、菊花、山茶、墨兰……春秋冬三 季的鲜花都在这里聚齐了。
虚拟语气基础训练100题1.If my brother ____ here last Sunday, he ____ me from going.A. had been; would have preventedB. had been; would preventC. were; would preventD. were; would have prevented2. The judge ordered that the thief ____ punished.A. would beB. should beC. were to beD. must be3. He talked as if ____ for many years.A. is living thereB. was living thereC. has lived thereD.hadlivedthere4. I wish I ____ you yesterday.A. sawB. did seeC. had seenD. were to see5. The rice ____ if you had been more careful.A. wouldn’t be burningB. would not burnC. would not have been burnedD. wouldn’t be burnt6. Without electricity, human life ____ quite different today.A. wouldB. will beC. would have beenD. would be7. I’d rather you ____ anything about it for the time being.A. don’t doB. didn’t doC. hadn’t doneD. won’t do8. If he ____ in a day or two, I would wait for him.A. returnsB. should have returnedC. were to returnD.havereturned9. I would go to the condert but I ____ no time.A. hadB. had hadC. haveD. have had10. How nice it ____ if I ____ a sister like you!A. should be; had beenB. would be; had beenC. would be; hadD.were;had11. ____ in your position, I would go.A. If IB. Were IC. If was ID. If I am12. _____ five minute earlier, you could have seen them off.A. If you should arriveB. If you arrivedC. Had you arrivedD. Should youarrive13. I am glad we had a map. I am sure we ____ if we ____ one.A. would have got lost; hadn’t hadB. would get lost; hadn’tC. couldn’t have get lost; had hadD. may get lost; don’t have14. The doctor insisted that this patient ____ seriously ill and he _____ on.A. should be, should be operatedB. should have been; had been operatedC. had been; should operateD. was; should be operated15. I wish my husband _____as well as ____.A. will dress; youB. be dressed; youC. dressed; youD. dress; you16. If we _____ hard in the past few years, things ____ so smoothly now.A. hadn’t worked; had goneB.hadn’tbeenworking;wouldn’tbegoingC. didn’t work; weren’t goingD. hadn’t worked; would have gone17.I_____eachofthegroupleadersimmediatelyworkoutapracticalplanofstudy.A. hopeB. expectC. wishD. suggest18. Without the air to hold some of the sun’s heat. The earth at night _____, toocold for us to live.A. would be freezing coldB. can freeze coldlyC.willbefreezingcoldlyD. would be frezon cold19. ---____ you booked the tickets in advance, we would have left for Italy.---If so, we ____ the ball and failed to see a lot of interesting people there.A. had; should missB. should, might have missedC. should; had missedD. had; would have missed20. I am not fee today. If I ____ free today, I ____ and visit some of my friends.A. am will goB. were; would goC. shall be; may goD.be;mustgo21. It is strange that she ____ so upset.A. isB. will beC. becameD. be22. You have been working on this morning. It’s time you ______.A. have a restB. will have a restC. had a restD.mighthavearest23. But for your help, I _____.A. should not have succeededB. had not succeededC. were to succeedD. have not succeeded24. If only the weather ____ fine!A. beB. isC. wasD. were25.---Iwon’tgoclimbignthemountainthisafternoonbecauseIwanttohavearest.---_____ change your mind, give me a call.A. Might youB. Should youC. Were youD. Would you26. What the workers insisted on was that they _____ more pay.A. should giveB. be givenC. would be givenD. were given27. ____ I _____ more money with me that day, I ______ you some.A. Did; have ;could lendB. Have; had; would lendC. had; have; would have lentD. Had; had; would have lent28. It is necessary that all the young trees ____ more water.A. be givenB. must be givenC. will be givenD. will have beengiven29. It is demanded that we ____ there on foot.A. no t to goB. don’t goC. won’t goD. not go30. John’s pale face suggested that he ____ ill, and his parents suggested that he____ a medical examination.A. be; should haveB. was; haveC. should be; hadD. was; has31. If my lawyer ____ here last Saturday, he _____ me from going.A. had been; would have preventedB. had been; would preventC. were; would preventD. were; would have prevented32. If Joe _____ in your position, he wouldn’t be different.A. had beenB. wereC. isD. would be33. We had time, we ____ another try.A. are going to beB. would haveC. should have hadD. had34. If the sun _____ in the west, my life wouldn’t be different.A. were to riseB. risesC. had risenD. has risen35. Give more time and money, we _____ better than what it is.A. didB. had doneC. would have doneD. would do36. I think it is high time that the children _____ to school.A. goB. will goC. wentD. are going37. Mr. Dean _____ a professor today if he had studied in a university.A. will beB. could beC. isD. had been38. Tom would bring you what you’ve been expecting if he _____ here tomorrow.A. comesB. would comeC. will comeD. should come39. My grandma would have died if the doctor _____ in time.A. should comeB. would comeC. hadn’t comeD. has no been40. If you _____ hard in the past few months, your lessons wouldn’t be going sosmoothly now.A. hadn’t been studyingB. haven’t studiedC. didn’t studyD.wouldnt’t study41. The teacher demanded that the students ____ late for class.A. are notB. will not beC. shouldn’t beD. wouldn’t be42. Even though my friend was very busy, he _____ me more help.A. might have givenB. may have givenC. might giveD. may give43. It was ordered that no smoking ____ in the library.A. should allowB. be allowedC. will be allowedD. is allowed44. Without your encouragement and support, I _____.A. would not succeedB. would not have succeededC.shouldnotsucceededD. would have succeeded45. The boss required that Amy______ at the company by eight.A. isB. would beC. beD. will be46. It’s high time that we _____.A. should startB. startC. would startD. will start47. Betty wished that she ______ Mary about the bad news.A. didn’t tellB. hadn’t toldC. hasn’t toldD. doesn’t tell48. I’d rather you just _____ in bed and ____ anything for at least three weeks.A. stayed; didB. would stay; didn’t doC. stayed; didn’t doD. stay; don’t do49. But for air and water, there _____ no life on the earth.A. will beB. isC. would beD. has been50. Take care in case you _____ cold.A. caughtB. should catchC. would catchD. catching51. My suggestion is that a few persons ____ to help us.A. will be sentB. sentC. are sentD. be sent52. ---If he ______, he ______ that food.---Luchily he was sent to the hospital immediately.A. was warned; would not takeB. had been warned; wouldn’t have takenC. would be warned; hadn’t takenD.wouldhavebeenwarned;hadn’ttaken53. ______ anyone call, please take a message.A. IfB. ShouldC. WouldD. Will54. If only we ____ a phone! I’m tired of queuing outside the public phone box.A. hadB. haveC. would haveD. should have55. She looks as if she _____ mad.A. beB. would beC. wereD. should be56. If the dog hadn’t woken us we _____ the fire and it ____ the house next door.A. hadn’t noticed; had spread toB. wouldn’t have noticed; might havespread toC. woul dn’t notice; would have spread toD. didn’t; notice; spread to57. I wish I _____ to talk this over with Mr. Zhang when he was here last night.A. had been ableB. should be ableC. have been ableD. were able58. If you were to do it, the result ___ different.A. will beB. would beC. should beD. would have been59. _____ today, he would get there by Saturday.A. If he leavesB. Was he leavingC. Would he leaveD.Werehetoleave60. It was a lovely day yesterday. I wish I ____ at the seaside then.A. wereB. will beC. should beD. should have been61. It is a great pity that he ____ so careless.A. wasB. will beC. should beD. can be62. Even if I _____ with you then, I ____ much for you.A. would be; would not doB. were, should not have doneC. had been; would not doD. had been; should not have done63. _______, I would not refuse his invitation.A. Were I youB. If I should be youC. If I was youD.IfIhadbeen you64. The whole family greeted me as though I _____ a member of the family.A. amB. wereC. wouldD. should be65. ______, man could not live at all.A. He had been hereB. Here he had beenC. Been here he hadD. Had he been here66. _______, man could not live at all.A. Were it not for the sunB. If it was for the sunC. Had it not been for the sunD. If it shouldn’t be for the sun67. Their suggestion that she ____ till next week is reasonable.A. waitB. are waitingC. will waitD. would wait68. If there were no subjunctive mood, English _____ much easier.A. will beB. would have beenC. could have beenD. would be69. If she had worked harder, she _____.A. would succeedB. had succeededC. should succeedD. would havesucceeded70. ---The experiment had failed.---I suggest you _____ again.A. tryB. tryingC. will tryD. would try71. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it _____.A. breaksB. had brokenC. were brokenD. had been broken72. We ____ the work on time without your help.A. hadn’t had finishedB. didn’t have finishedC.can’thavefinishedD. couldn’t have finished73. If only I ____ as young as you are!A. beB. amC. wereD. being74. Should it rain, the crops _____.A. will be savedB. would be savedC. had been savedD.wouldhavebeensaved75. It is important that we ______ wild animals.A. will protectB. should protectC. shall protectD.areprotecting76. He is not a pilot, but he _____ he _____.A. wishes; wasB. wants; wasC. wants; wereD. wishes; were77. Look at the clock! It’s time _____ home.A. we goB. we wentC. we are goingD. for us go78. They talked as if they ______ friends for years.A. areB. wereC. have beenD. had been79. I _____ the exam, but I failed.A. expected to have passedB. expected to passC. expect to passD. expectto have passed80. If you ahd taken your medicine yesterday, you _____ well now.A. would have beenB. should beC. would beD. will be81. If you _____ harder. You ____ tomorrow’s exam.A. studied; will passB. studied; should have passedC. had studied; wouldpassD. had studied; would have passed82. He ordered the work ____ started at once.A. beB. wasC. would beD. were83. You ____ ten minutes ago, but you didn’t.A. comeB. should comeC. would have comeD. should have come84. ---_____ you mind my opening the window?---Not at all.A. WouldB. WillC. ShallD. Should85. He insisted that we all ____ in his office at three o’clock.A. shall beB. beC. to beD. would be86. It is strange that he ____ such a mistake.A. have madeB. madeC. has madeD. makes87. Tom, you are too lazy! This job ____ three days ago.A. should finishB. must have finishedC.oughttohavebeenfinishedD. was about to finish88.“He is angry. So we ____ better be careful.”she said.A. hadB. shouldC. wouldD. might89. _____ I in good health, I _____ with you.A. Were; will goB. Was; wentC. Was; should goD. Were; would go90. But for air and water, nothing ______.A. can liveB. will be able to liveC. could liveD. couldn’t live91. If I were you, I _____ be worried.A. must notB. won’tC. shouldn’tD. shall not92. I wish I _____ well as she.A. could singB. can singC. singD. shall sing93. Without electricity, human life ______ quite different today.A. isB. will beC. would have beenD. would be94. I _____ study French than Japanese.A. should likeB. would ratherC. had betterD. would like to95. It’s necessary that you ____ spoken English now and then.A. might practiseB. must practiseC. should practiseD. practised96. My suggestion is that a few more people _____ there to help me.A. be sentB. have sentC. sentD. should sent97. It is high time that all of you _____ to bed.A. goB. will goC. must goD. went98. Everything will go on as usual as if _____ happened.A. nothing hadB. anything hadn’tC. nothing wasD.anythingwasnot99. The teacher demanded that the exam _____ before eleven.A. would be finishedB. must be finishedC. be finishedD.mustbefinished100. I’d r ather you ____ at home all day today.A. stayB. stayedC. should stayD. had stay虚拟语气基础训练100题答案:1—5:ABDCC 6—10:DBCAC11---15:BCADC16---20:BDADB 21----25:DCADB 26---30:BDADB 31---35:ABBAC 36---40:CBDCA41---45:CABBC46---50:ABCCB 51---55:DBBAC56---60:BABDD 61---65:CDABD 66---70:AADDA 71---75:CDCBB 76---80:DBDBA81---85:CADAB 86---90: ACADC91---95:CADBC 96---100:ADACB11/ 11。
主谓一致基础训练110题1.It’s necessary that every student _____ do exercises during the break.A. must doB. will doC. doD. does2. Many a man there _____ from Shanghai.A. comeB. comesC. have comeD. are coming3. Many scientists _____ studied animals and plants in the last two years.A. hasB. haveC. hadD. are4. A good many children _____ watching TV.A. likesB. is likingC. likeD. enjoys5. Tom with his parents ______ watching TV.A. areB. isC. areD. being6. Nothing but stamps and envelopes ______ for sale.A. areB. isC. are leftD. remain7. A library with thousands books _____ to the nation as a gift.A. is offeredB. has offeredC. are offeredD. have offered8. Nobody but Jane and Mary _____ the secret.A. knowB. knowsC. have knownD. is known9. All but one _____ here just now.A. isB. wasC. has beenD. were10. Peter, perhaps John _____ playing with the little dog.A. isB. areC. wereD. seems11. No one except Jack and Tom _____ the answer.A. knowB. knowsC. is knowingD. are known12. He as well as his parents _____ kind to me.A. isB. wasC. areD. were13. John as much as his brother _____ responsible for the loss.A. areB. wereC. wasD. have been14. Mary, along with her classmates ____ discussing the problem.A. wereB. have beenC. areD. is15. His furniture including a table and six chairs ____ being sold.A. isB. areC. wereD. have16. The teacher together with a number of students _____ in the classroom.A. areB. are talkingC. stayD. is17. The Arabian Nights ____ well known to English lovers.A. isB. wereC. areD. is being18. The Olympic Games _____ held in modern times every four years.A. areB. isC. wasD. has been19. On the wall _____ two large pictures.A. hangsB. hangC. hangedD. hanging20. The shoes ____ mine. This pair of shoes _____ my brother’s.A. are; isB. is; isC. are; areD. are; is21. The number of the teachers in our college ____ greatly increased this term.A number of teachers in this school ____ from the countryside.A. is; isB. is; areC. are; areD. are; is22. The public ____ puzzled at the news.A. isB. wasC. beD. were23. Fifteen miles _____ like a long walk to me.A. seemB. areC. wereD. seems24. Two hours _____ the limit of this examination.A. isB. areC. has beenD. be25. Ten dollars ____ enough.A. areB. beC. isD. were26. ____ of the money ______ used up.A. Three-five; areB. Three fifths; have beenC. Three-fifths; has beenD. Third-fifths; is27. The sheets for your bed ____ washing.A. needsB. are needingC. wantD. are wanting28. The poor ____ always unhappy.A. is notB. was notC. are notD. cannot29. The beautiful ____ higher than the good.A. isB. wasC. areD. were30. I, who ____ your friend, will try my best to help you.A. isB. wasC. areD. am31. I, not you ____ in the wrong. Not I but he ____ been invited.A. were; haveB. were; hasC. was; hasD. was; have32. It is you who ____ wrong.“You”____ a useful word.A. is; isB. is; areC. are; areD. are; is33. When and where to build the new factory ____ yet.A. is not decidedB. are not decidedC. had not decidedD.havenot decided34. How and why Jack came to China ____ not known.A. isB. areC. hasD. have35. Each soldier and sailor ____ a gun.A. are givenB. was givenC. were givenD. have been given36. Every boy and every girl _____ that each day and each hour bring _____ duty.A. know; theirB. knows; theirC. knows; itsD. know; its37. They each ____ been to Beijing.A. hasB. haveC. hadD. have no38. No teacher and no student ____ allowed to go in.A. areB. isC. beingD. be39. Tom is one of the boys who ____ the piano very well.A. playsB. playC. is playingD. was playing40. Davie is the only one of those people who ____ trouble making up their minds.A. hasB. haveC. areD. had41. There ____ a pair of glasses on the desk.A. isB. hasC. areD. have42. There ____ a lot of milk in the bottle.A. areB. isC. wereD. has43. There_____ some books, a pen and a ruler on the desk.A. areB. isC. haveD. has44. Zhang’s family ___ rather big with twelve people in all.A. isB. areC. beingD. was45. Her family ____ dancing and singing when the teacher entered.A. isB. areC. wasD. were46. Three-fourths of earth’s surface ____ covered with water.A. isB. areC. wasD. were47. Three-fifths of the homework ____ today.A. has finishedB. has been finishedC. have finishedD.havebeenfinished48. About 85 percent of the students ____ good, and part of them ____ interested inbiology.A. is; areB. are; areC. are; isD. is; is49. Gas as well as water ____.A. is matterB. are matterC. is mattersD. are matters50. A lot of people, including my teacher ____ what you just said at the meeting.A. don’t agree onB. don’t agree withC. doesn’t agree onD.doesn’t agree to51. More than one person ____ in the accident yesterday.A. were killedB. killedC. has killedD. was killed52. More friends than one ____ to his party.A. has been invitedB. have been invitedC. has invitedD.haveinvited53. Every means ___ tried, but he can’t find out the truth.A. have beenB. has beenC. areD. was54. Not only the teacher but also the students ___ English novels.A. is fond ofB. are fond forC. are fond ofD. is fond for55. Not only you but also he ____ to the meeting.A. have beenB. is goingC. are goingD. were going56. The writer and poet ___ to give us a lecture./A. are goingB. is goingC. areD. have57. The singer and the dancer ____ to the meeting.A. is comingB. comesC. has comeD. have come58. One hundred million dollars ____ a lot of money.A. areB. wereC. wasD. is59. Either you or your father ____ mistakes.A. isB. areC. haveD. has made60. Either you or I ________ going to do the work.A. amB. isC. areD. will be61. Apples of this kind _____.A. tastes goodB. tastes wellC. taste goodD. taste well62. The results of the examination ____ that you have all made great ____.A. show; progressB. show; progressC. show; progressesD.shows;progresses63. Here ____ some sweets, take some.A. isB. areC. wasD. were64. Basketball and football ______ his favorite sports.A. areB. isC. to beD. was65. What ____ the population of America?A. areB. isC. wereD. was66. A population of nine million ____ there.A. livesB. liveC. livedD. is living67. Seventy percent of the population of the city ____ workers.A. isB. areC. wereD. was68.Ourclass____betterthananyotherclassesatplayingbasketballinourschool.A. isB. areC. beD. were69. The government ____ to build new settlements in the north.A. wantB. wantedC. wantsD. wanting70. A traffic accident has just happened around the corner of the street. The police___ already there.A. areB. isC. wasD. be71. Do you know which team ____ won the Asian Cup Football Match?A. hasB. haveC. hadD. is having72. English, French, Japanese and so on ____ all social languages, but math ____ thelanguage of science.A. are; areB. is; areC. are; isD. is; are73. To learn a foreign language ____ not so difficult as you thought.A. isB. areC. wasD. were74. Reading aloud ____ very important in learning a foreign language.A. isB. areC. wasD. were75. There ____ just an old writing desk, a wooden bed and two chairs in his bedroom.A. isB. areC. wereD. was76. Neither of us _____ passed the exam, we both failed.A. hasB. haveC. hadD. is having77. The number of books on women published in China ____ growing.A. areB. isC. wasD. were78. A number of students in Class 5 ___ never used computers.A. hasB. hadC. haveD. is79. One-third of the population in this county ____ drinking of coffee.A. enjoyB. enjoysC. enjoyedD. are enjoying80. Physics ____ a difficult subject to learn, I think.A. isB. areC. wasD. were81. Neither he nor I ____ able to persuade her to change her mind.A. amB. isC. areD. were82. To start smoking ____ quite easy, but to give it up ____ courage.A. are; needB. is; needC. is; needsD. are; needs83. Nearly everyone ____ joined the group.None of us ____ got an envelope of the right size.A. has; haveB. have; hasC. is; haveD. has; has84. The army ____ going to remain in this town. The army ____ rescued the travelers.A. is; hasB. are; hasC. is; haveD. are; have85. Our family ____ not poor any more. My family all ____ the India language.A. is; speakB. are; speakC. is; speaksD. are; speaks86. I heard that the CAAC______ going to open an office in Ottawa.A. isB. areC. wasD. were87. A year and two ____ passed. Every hour and every minute ____ important.A. has; areB. has; isC. have; areD. have; were88. I think someone ____ forgotten to pay for the drinks.A. hasB. haveC. hadD. having89. I wonder if anybody ____ going to take me home when the party_____ over.A. is; areB. are; isC. is; isD. are; are90. Two and three ____ five.A. isB. areC. wasD. were91. One thousand pounds ____ a lot of money.A. isB. areC. wasD. were92. Here ____ a pen, a few envelopes and some paper for you.A. hasB. haveC. isD. are93. ____ you or he to blame?A. IsB. AreC. WasD. Were94. The news ____ bad.A. isB. areC. wasD. were95. Some people ____ to remain in the northern settlements.A. wantsB. wantC. is wantingD. are wanting96. One and a half years ____ passed since we last met.A. hasB. haveC. hadD. have been97. Tom rather than Jack ____ the author of this book.A. isB. areC. amD. be98. No one except John and Mary ___ late for school.A. isB. areC. amD. be99. A cart and horse ____ in the distance.A. are seenB. is seenC. are seeingD. is seeing100. Your or he ___ responsible for the mistakes.A. areB. isC. wereD. has101.Ideasofwhat____goodmanners____notalwaysthesameindifferentcountries.A. are; isB. is; areC. is; isD. are; are102. In the last few years, there ____ in computers.A. have been great changeB. has been great changeC. was great changeD. were great changes103. The United States _____ fifty states.A. haveB. hasC. isD. are like104. Nothing but the ruins of houses ____ after the fire.A. was leftB. were leftC. was lostD. were lost105. Bread and butter, besides milk, _____ enough for breakfast.A. areB. isC. seemD. looks like106. When and where this happened to ______ still unknown.A. the Smith isB. Smiths areC. Smith’s areD. the Smiths107. _____ sides of the road ____ lined with trees.A. Either; isB. Each; isC. Both; areD. All; are108. More than one car ____ in the accident last night.A. isB. wasC. areD. were109. Between our school and the Department Store _____ a 12-storeyed building.A. haveB. hasC. standD. stands110. The Chinese and Japanese singers _____ to sing the folk at the concert.A. are goingB. is goingC. will beD. is decided参考答案:1-5: CBBCB 6—10: BABDA 11—15: BACDA16—20: DAABA21—25:BDDAC26—30: CCCCD31—35: CDAAB36—40: BBBBA41—45: ABAAD46—50: ABBAB51—55:DBBCB56—60: BDDAA61—65: CABAB66—70: ABACA71---75:ACAAA76—80: ABCAA81—85: ACCCA86—90: CBACA91---95: ACBAB96—100:AAABB101—105: DABAB 106—110: DCBDA11/ 11。
(B) (3,12)
(C) (0,12) (D) (0,3)
高三年级总复习基础训练数学试卷第 2 页(共 8 页)
注意事项: 1.用黑色墨水的钢笔或签字笔答题; 2.本卷共 11 小题,共 105 分.
得 分 评卷人 二、填空题:本大题共 6 个小题,每小题 5 分,共 30 分.请 将答案填在题中横线上。
已知函数 f x aex 1 x2 b a,b R .
(Ⅰ)若函数 f x 在 x 0 处的切线方程 y x 1,求实数 a,b 的值; (Ⅱ)若函数 f x 在 x x1 和 x x2 处得极值,求实数 a 的取值范围;
(Ⅲ)在(Ⅱ)的条件下,若 x2 ≥2 .求实数 a 的取值范围. x1
高三年级总复习基础训练数学试卷第 3 页(共 8 页)
三、解答题:(本大题共 5 个小题,共 75 分.解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤)
得 分 评卷人
(1 所对的边分别为 a,b,c,满足 b2 c2 a2 c(a cosC c cos A) .
知 b1 a1 且 b1,b2,b3 12 成等差数列.
(Ⅰ)求bn 通项公式;
(Ⅱ)证明:an 为等差数列,并求an 通项公式;
(Ⅲ)设 cn
an (bn
1 ) ,求
an2 1
n i 1
高三年级总复习基础训练数学试卷第 7 页(共 8 页)
得 分 评卷人
(20)(本小题满分 16 分)
高三年级总复习基础训练 数学试卷
本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分.共 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟.第Ⅰ卷 1 至 2 页,第Ⅱ卷 3 至 8 页.
备战2023高考语文二轮高频考点解密14 小说文本阅读(环境描写)A基础训练一、阅读下面的文字,完成问题。
B 错误.甲球的水平位移大于乙球,由
x= vt 知,甲
8.(2013 ·黄冈质检 ) 如右图所示, 在倾角为 θ 的光滑斜面上有两个用
系数为 k 的轻质弹簧相连的物块 A、 B,质量均为 m,开始时两物块均
静止状态.现下压 A 再静止释放使 A 开始运动,当物块 B 刚要离开挡
A 的加速度的大小和方向为 ( )
须 ________ 才能进行测量.
(2) 图甲中电源电动势为 E,内阻可忽略不计; 电流表 具有一定的内阻, 电压表 的内阻不是无限 大, S 为单刀双掷开关, R 为待测电阻.当 S 向电压表一侧闭合时,电压表读数为 U1,电流表读数
为 I1 ;当 S 向 R 一侧闭合时,电流表读数为 I2.
解析: 探测器做匀速圆 周运动由万有引力充当向心力,
Mm 4π 2 Mm v2 Mm Gr2 = m T2 r , Gr2 = mr , Gr2 = mω 2r ,
Mm G = ma.由以上四式可知, T 减小则 r 减小, a、 v、 ω 均增大,故仅 A 正确.
答案: A
3. 如右图所示是真空中两个带等量异种电荷的点电荷
G1 的物体 A 在大小为 F、方向
α 的光滑斜面上.现将重为
G2的小物体 B 轻放在 A 上,则 ( )
A. A 仍静止
B. A 将加速下滑
C.斜面对 A 的弹力不变 D . B 对 A 的压力大小等于 G2
解析: 本题考查的知识点较多,整体法与隔离法、受力分析、超重失
【人教通用版】 2014 届高考物理一轮复习必拿分基础训练( 31)
B.中子数为20的氯原子: Cl
(2014备考)高考英语 复习专项训练 名词性从句基础训练200题
名词性从句基础训练200题1. ______ we’ll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.A. IfB. WhetherC. ThatD. Where2. I remember ____ this used to be a quiet village.A. whenB. howC. whereD. what3. It’s generally considered unwise to give a child ____ he or she wants.A. howeverB. whateverC. whicheverD. whenever4. _____ he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.A. WhatB. ThatC. The factD. The matter5. Go and get your coat. It’s ____ you left it.A. thereB. whereC. there whereD. where there6. _____ we can’t get seems better than ____ we have.A. What; whatB. What; thatC. That; thatD. That; what7. It worried her a bit _____ her hair was turning gray.A. whileB. ifC. thatD. for8. ----Do you remember _____ he came?----Yes, I do. He came by air.A. howB. whenC. thatD. if9. You may do ____ you take interest in.A. thatB. whichC. whateverD. however10. The old gentleman never fails to help ____ is in need of his help.A. whomB. whoC. whomeverD. whoever11. You can depend on _____ promise he makes.A. anything thatB. whichC. whateverD. whose12. _____ a plan to deal with it is important.A. What we should work outB. We should work outC. That we should work outD. That what we should work out13. _____ discovered America is well known.A. That whoB. Those whoC. Who thatD. Who14. ____ is a good meal and a good rest.A. That you really needB. What are you really needC. That you are really needD. What you really need15. ____ shall finish the work before May Day is possible.A. What weB. That weC. Because weD. We16. Can you tell me _______?A. who is that womanB. who the woman isC. whom is the womanD. that woman is17. The fact ____ she works hard is well known to us all.A. thatB. whatC. whyD. which18. The mountain is no longer _____ it used to be.A. whichB. thatC. whatD. as19. Jack said _____ to meet the American friends.A. which he pleasedB. he is pleasedC. that he was pleasedD. what he waspleased20. Lei Feng was always thinking of ______ he could help others.A. thatB. howC. whomD. which21. I have not found my bike yet, in fact, I’m not sure ____ I could have done with it.A. whetherB. whereC. howD. what22. Can you tell me ____ exercise is the easiest?A. whatB. ifC. whichD. that23. ---Doesn’t Helen live on this street?---No, this is ____ Leon lives.A. whichB. whereC. whoD. that24. The question is ____ you should do next.A. whatB. thatC. howD. why25. I know nothing about her but ____ she is from Canada.A. ifB. whenC. thatD. why26. It depends on ____ we have enough time.A. ifB. if or notC. thatD. whether27. ____ he doesn’t like them is very clear.A. WhatB. ThatC. WhichD. Where28. ____ is a fact that English is accepted as an international language.A. ThereB. ThisC. ThatD. It29. Can you tell me _____ the railway station?A. how I can get toB. how can I get toC. where I can get toD. where can I get to30. They want to know ____ do to help us.A. what can theyB. how they canC. what they canD. how can they31. These photographs will show you ____.A. what does our village look likeB. what our village looks likeC. how does our village look likeD. how our village looks like32. Can you make sure ____ the gold ring?A. where Alice has putB. where had Alice putC. where Alice had putD. where had Alice put33. George ____ he could get his best, but he did not have enough time to study.A. knew whenB. knew whereC. knew howD. knew what34. ____ he is a rich man is known to all in the city.A. BecauseB. ThatC. /D. Who35. The reason why he has been such a success ___ he never gives up.`A. is B. is because C. is that D. is what36. Sophia said ____ Alice would like to marry a tall man.A. ifB. whetherC. howD. that37. Difficulty lies ____ we have no money.A. thatB. in thatC. in the factD. in the fact that38. I don’t think the question of ____ they are old or young is important.A. whichB. whetherC. howD. why39. ____ the 2016 Olympic Games will be held in the city is not known yet.A. WhetherB. IfC. WhenD. That40. ____ leaves the room last ought to turn off the light.A. AnyoneB. The personC. WhoeverD. Who41.____ you may do, you must do it well.A. WhatB. WhereC. WhereverD. Whatever42. The fact ____ he was successful proves his ability.A. thatB. whatC. whichD. why43. A man’s worth lies not so much in ____ he has as in ____ he is.A. that; whatB. what; whatC. that; thatD. what; that44. ____ may say so, it is a lie.A. WhoB. No matter whoeverC. WhoeverD. Whatever45. The question he asked was ____ the electrical equipment should be stored.A. whatB. whichC. whereD. because46. _____ the earth goes round the sun is known to all.A. ThatB. WhetherC. IfD. It is47. ____ she will come or not doesn’t matter too much.A. WhetherB. WhenC. ThatD. If48. Do ____ you think is right.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. where49. ____ he was chosen made us very happy.A. WhatB. ThatC. WhichD. /50. The problem is ____ he will be willing to help us.A. ifB. whatC. whetherD. which51. There is no doubt ____ our team will win the game.A. whatB. whyC. aboutD. that52. I doubt ____ our team will win the game.A. whatB. thatC. whetherD. /53. I’m thirsty. _____ we need is water.A. All whatB. WhichC. AllD. That54. ----He was late for school. What’s the reason?----This was ____ he got up late.A. howB. thatC. whyD. because55. This is ____ they want for the experiment.A. whatB. howC. whichD. because56. ____ troubling me is ____ I don’t have experience in this kind of job.A. Who’s; whatB. All that; whichC. What’s; thatD. Which; when57. ____ they succeed or fail is not yet known.A. WhetherB. IfC. WhatD. As58. ____ we shall spend the night hasn’t been decided.A. WhatB. ThatC. WhenD. Where59. They have no idea at all ____.A. where he has goneB. which place he has goneC. where has he goneD. where did he go60. It happened ____ they were absent.A. whatB. thatC. whereD. if61. The news ____ he was kidnapped surprised us greatly.A. whatB. thatC. whyD. when62. He didn’t live up to ____ had been expected of him.A. whichB. whatC. thatD. all what63. Could you tell me ____ you have bought this fur coat?A. by whomB. to whomC. with whomD. for whom64. Spring is ____ the countryside is most beautiful.A. howB. whereC. whenD. why65. Tha t’s _____ I was born.A. whereB. place whereC. the placeD. the place which66. His suggestion ____ the meeting be delayed was turned down.A. whichB. thatC. /D. it67. The fire destroyed ____ was in the building.A. allB. whatC. thatD. which68. ----What’s your problem?----The problem is ____ we can get so much money.A. thatB. ifC. that howD. where69. ----The green typewriter is mine.----Do you know whose typewriter ____?A. is this blue oneB. this blue oneC. it is this blue oneD. this blue one is70. Please give the book to ____ wins the first prize.A. whomB. whoC. whoeverD. whomever71. ____ is not decided ____ we shall put off the meeting.A. It; thatB. That; weatherC. It; ifD. It; whether72. The reason ___ nothing on earth is motionless is ____ the earth is in constant motion(运动).A. why; thatB. that; whyC. of; thatD. that; because73. ______ was a well-known fact.A. That their team was weakB. That their team being weakC. As their team was weakD. Their team as being weak74. When ____ our sports meet is still a question.A. shall we haveB. do we haveC. we shall haveD. did we have75. ____ plastics can be widely used in industries.A. FindingB. To findC. The findingD. It has been found that76. _____ proves that my advice is right.A. It will happen thatB. That has happenedC. What has happenedD. What it happens77. It makes no difference ____ you will go today or tomorrow.A. ifB. whetherC. thatD. either78. All the books are here. You may borrow ____ you like.A. whichB. thatC. whatD. whichever79. What a pity ____ is ____ you didn’t arrive by daylight.A. there; becauseB. it; thatC. he; whenD. that; for80. He hoped ____.A. that Jenny would go with himB. Jenny to go with himC. Jenny’s to go with himD. Jenny go with him81. Energy is ____ makes things work.A. whatB. somethingC. anythingD. that82. Our city has changed a lot, and now it is quite different from ___- a few years ago.A. what it used to beB. that it used to beC. which it used to beD. what was it83. ----I believe ____ you have done your best and ____ things will improved.----Thank you.A. that; /B. / ; /C. what; thatD. /; that84. It was true ___ she did delighted every one of us.A. thatB. whatC. that whatD. what which85. We must do ____ the Party ____ us.A. as; tellB. as; tellsC. what; tellsD. that; tells86. Which of the following sentences is right? ______.A. Is when the meeting will be held decided yet?B. Is it decided when the meeting will be held?C. Is it decided when will the meeting be held?D. Has it decided when the meeting will be held?87. ____ his father was?A. What did you supposeB. You supposed whatC. What you supposeD. What did you suppose that88. Ask him how much the pen he bought ___.A. did it costB. does it costC. it costsD. it cost89. What you like is ____ I don’t like.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. no which90. ___ we need more practice is quite obvious.A. WhatB. WhenC. ThatD. /91. He ran back into the room to see if he ____ anything behind.A. has forgottenB. had forgottenC. has leftD. had left92. The trouble is ___ we are short of hands.A. whatB. thatC. howD. why93. That is ___ I had to take the risk of being washed away.A. whyB. reason whyC. howD. what94. ____ that not all government officials are honest.A. My believing isB. It seems to meC. In my opinionD. I think in my mind95. Do _____ you think is right ____ difficulties you may have.A. what; howeverB. that; whateverC. whatever; whoeverD. all; whatever96. I did _____ I could ____ the lost child.A. that; take care ofB. and; take care ofC. what; to take care ofD. what; take care of97. Father asked ____.A. what was wrong with meB. what was wrong with youC. what’s wrong with meD. what wrong was with me98. Which sentence is wrong?A. She said, “What a love day it is!”B. She said what a lovely day it was.C. She said that it was a lovely day.D. She said what was a lovely day.99. The teacher told the students that the sun ____ a great amount of light and heat.A. gave offB. send outC. gives offD. sent out100. That is ______ they parted.A. thatB. whatC. whichD. where101. Jane is no longer ____ she was four years ago.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. when102. I have no idea ____ he will start.A. whenB. thatC. whatD. /103. _____ you don’t like him is none of my business.A. WhatB. ThatC. WhoD. Whether104. ____ is hard is to do good all one’s life and never do anything bad.A. WhichB. ThatC. WhatD. All105. Can you tell me ____ size trousers you wear?A. howB. whichC. thatD. what106. I’ve come from the government with a message ____ the meeting won’t be held tomorrow.A. ifB. thatC. whichD. weather107. It remains unknown ____ Xiao Li didn’t go swimming yesterday.A. whyB. thatC. whichD. what108. ____ you succeed in the end will mainly depend on ____ you do and ___ you do it.A. If; what; whyB. Whether; what; howC. Whether; how; whyD. That; whether; how109. We all know the truth ____ there are air; water and sunlight, there are living things.A. whereverB. whereC. thatD. that wherever110. What he left me ____ but a few old books.A. isB. hasC. areD. have111. It matters little ____ a man dies, but ____ matters much is ___ he lives.A. how; what; howB. how; it; howC. why; it; whyD. that; what; that 112. We can see your factory from ___ we live.A. whatB. thatC. whereD. /113. ____ was of little importance.A. No matter he might pass the examinationB. Whether he passed the examination or notC. Though he might pass the examinationD. He might pass the examination 114. ____ people first appeared on the Earth.A. Nobody is sure whenB. Nobody is sure that whenA. That nobody is sure when D. That nobody is sure how115. What I say and think ____ no business of yours.A. isB. areC. hasD. have116. Take ____ much you want and ____ you want to.A. however; whenB. whenever; howC. however; whoeverD. however; whenever117. The teacher said that the sun ____ in the east and ___ in the west.A. rose; setB. rises; setsC. raises; setsD. raised; set118. Mother made a promise ____ she would buy me a gold ring.A. /B. whatC. thatD. which119. ____ computers are of great use to the development of science and technology.A. The fact is whatB. That the fact isC. What the fact is thatD. The fact is that120. ____ comes to the party is welcome.A. WhichB. WhoC. Which oneD. Whoever121. The true value of life is not in _____, but _____.A. how you get; that you giveB. which you get; what you giveC. what you get; what you giveD. what do you get; what do you give122. ____ you are the first one here.A. It seems that as ifB. It seemed thatC. It seems as ifD. It seemed as though123. This is one of the examples of ___ by telegraph.A. that messages are sentB. that are messages sentC. how messages are sentD. how are messages sent124. Though ____ he said was of little help to me, I thanked him all the time.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. who125. Is it decided ____ we’ll be sent to do?A. whyB. whenC. thatD. what126. No one can be sure _____ in a million years.A. what man will look likeB. what will man look likeC. man will look like whatD. what look will man like127. ____ puzzled the police especially was how the murdered died.A. The thingB. ThatC. WhatD. Which128. It’s not ____ I won’t do it, ____ I can’t do it.A. what; but thatB. that; but thatC. because; but whatD. what; but because129. ----Where can I find out the department store?----I can tell you ____ you want to know.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. which130. I want to buy some stamps. Can you tell me ___ near here?A. is there post officeB. where is the post officeC. if there is a postoffice D. whether is there a post office131. ____ he made an important speech at the meeting was true.A. ThatB. WhyC. WhatD. How132. ____ was lying.A. Those who told you thatB. Anyone told youC. Whoever told youD. Whoever told you that133. ____ is worth doing well.A. That is worth doing at allB. Whatever is worth doing at allC. What is worth doing it at allD. Whoever is worth doing it at all134. ____ or not she can win the first is still unknown.A. IfB. WhoC. WhetherD. When135. ----We never know ____ he is.----They say he is a salesman.A. whoB. whatC. whichD. whoever136. The problem ____ we can master modern science and technology in a short time.A. is ifB. is thatC. is whatD. is how137. That is just ____ you are mistaken.A. whenB. whatC. whereD. which138. It’s known to us all ____ a form of energy.A. water isB. that water isC. is waterD. that water to139. ____ surprised me most was _____ the picture was drawn by a little girl.A. That; whatB. What; thatC. What; whatD. That; that140. Can you tell me _____?A. whose dictionary belongs toB. whom does the dictionary belong toC. whom the dictionary belongs toD. to whom does the dictionary belong 141. When you were lost in the deep wood, it seems that ____ you turn, the forest looks the same.A. no matter how wayB. no matter whose wayC. no matter what wayD. no matter which way142. ______ we go swimming every day ____ us a lot of good.A. If; doB. That; doC. Whether; doesD. That; does143. _____ too much ____ you are going to do the job.A. It doesn’t matter; whatB. It is matter; howC. It doesn’t matter; howD. This doesn’t matter; when144. The workers considered it important ____ the boss would agree to give them a rise.A. whetherB. howC. whereD. which145. Don’t you know ____ he has done is right?A. that whatB. thatC. what thatD. that that146. The reason is ____ he is unable to operate the machine.A. becauseB. whyC. thatD. whether147. ____ I was at home that evening.A. It was happened thatB. It happened thatC. It is happened thatD. That happened148. Please tell me ____ you want your coffee – black, with milk or with sugar.A. whatB. whenC. whereD. how149. ----_______?----I think he is Charles.A. Who do you think he isB. Do you think who he isC. Do you think who is heD. Whom do you think is he150. The thought ____ he might be a scientist some day encouraged him to study hard.A. whetherB. thatC. howD. why151. The trouble was ____ I had lost his telephone number.A. thatB. whatC. whereD. whether152. I think he often tells lies, ____?A. isn’t itB. does heC. doesn’t heD. don’t I153. Does ____ matter whether she will bring a gift or not?A. thisB. thatC. itD. she154. ____ the students required was that they _____ more time.A. That; must be givenB. That; be givenC. What; must be givenD. What; be given155. The reason why he had an accident was ____ he was too careless.A. becauseB. forC. thatD. when156. They lost their way in the forest? And _____ made matter worse was that night began to fall.A. thatB. whatC. itD. which157. ____ breaks the law should be punished.A. AnyoneB. WhoeverC. HeD. Whatever158. The boy insisted that he ____ the windows.A. shouldn’t breakB. didn’t breakC. hadn’t brokenD. break159. ____ we can’t get seems better than ____ we already have.A. What; whatB. It; whatC. That; thatD. It; that160. ____ I will tell him the news is none of your business.A. WhetherB. IfC. EvenD. Which161. I’d like to know ___ tomorrow.A. if it rainsB. what’s the weather likeC. how’s the weather likeD. if it will rain162. I’d like to know ____ tomorrow.A. what he didB. what’s the weather likeC. how’s the weather likeD. what should be done163. He was poor in maths, but this time he passed the exam. It was all ____ he worked very hard these days.A. thatB. whyC. forD. because164. They asked ____ who had done it.A. how we can find it outB. how we can find outC. how we could find it outD. how we could find out165. They are trying to reduce the patient’s fear ____ he would die of the disease.A. of whichB. of thatC. whichD. that166. ____ worried her was ____ she had done might make things worse.A. What; thatB. What; whetherC. What; whatD. Who; what 167. It’ isn’t decided yet ____ he will be sent to Henan.A. ifB. whetherC. thatD. why168. I don’t doubt ____ my friend Lee will return to China after she graduates from college.A. thatB. whyC. whereD. whether169. When the room clerk opened the door, he asked Mrs. Smith _____ she liked the room.A. thatB. whyC. whereD. whether170. The question _____ was answered correctly.A. what is matterB. what matter isC. that matter isD. whether matter is171. He suggested that we ____ to the cinema.A. shall goB. are goingC. goD. will go172. _____ we will go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.A. IfB. WhetherC. ThatD. Where173. _____ he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.A. WhatB. ThatC. The factD. The matter174. After five hours’ drive, they reached ____ they thought was the place they’d been dreaming of.A. thatB. whereC. whatD. which175. _____ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.A. ThereB. ThisC. ThatD. It176. They want to know _____ do to help me.A. what can theyB. what they canC. how they canD. how can they177. ______ I can’t understand is ____ he changed his mind.A. That; thatB. What; whyC. Which; howD. That; why178. ______ the scientist who gave us a talk will go abroad.A. It said thatB. It says whenC. It is said thatD. He is said180. We were all surprised when he made it clear that he _____ office soon.A. leavesB. would leaveC. leftD. had left181. I remember ____ this used to be a quiet village.A. whenB. howC. thatD. if182. _________ his brother is?A. What you supposeB. What do you supposeC. What do you suppose thatD. You suppose what183. _____ the baby could speak made his parents very happy.A. ThatB. WhatC. WhyD. If184. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water. It looks as if it _____.A. breaksB. has brokenC. were brokenD. has been broken185. They have no idea at all ____.A. where he has goneB. where did he goC. which place had he goneD. where has he gone186. That’s ____ the party called on us to do.A. whyB. whatC. howD. that187. My school is no longer _____.A. what it used to beB. what it used toC. like it used to beD.what it used to like188. The order ____ the prisoner be set free arrived too late.A. thatB. whichC. whetherD. then189. ____ they were in the reading room that day.A. It happened thatB. It was happened thatC. That happenedD. It happened to190. The thought ____ he might fail the exam worried him.A. whenB. whichC. whatD. that191. It is impossible ____ he forgot _____ I said.A. that; thatB. what; whatC. what; thatD. that; what192. Their suggestion ____ another oil field here made us excited.A. that we open upB. that we must open upC. what we should open upD. when we should open up193. That is ____ I had to take him home at once.A. reason whyB. howC. whyD. what194. I was interested in ____ they had done for you.A. thatB. all thatC. all whatD. which195. The reason why I have to go is ____ .A. That she is badly illB. because she is illC. because of her illnessD. for she is ill196. You must think of ____ you can do more for others.A. thatB. howC. whatD. which197. Our school was quite different from _____ before.A. it wasB. what it wasC. that it wasD. where it was198. I don’t know ____ is _____ I was born.A. that; whyB. that; whatC. that; whereD. what; that199. Father made a promise _____ I passed the exam he would buy me a bike.A. thatB. that whetherC. that ifD. whether200. It will makes no difference _____ he comes today or tomorrow.A. thatB. eitherC. whetherD. when参考答案:1—5: BABAB 6—10: ACACD 11—15: CCDDB 16---20: BACCB 21---25: DCBAC 26---30: DBDAC 31---35: BACBC 36---40: DDBAC 41---45: DABCC 46---50: AACBC 51---55: DCCDA 56---60:CADAC 61---65: BBDCA 66---70:BBDDC 71---75: DAACD 76---80: CBCBA 81---85: AADCC 86---90: BADCC 91---95: DBABD 96---100: CADCD 101---105: AABCD 106---110: BABDC 111---115: ACBAA 116—120: DBCDD 121---125: CCCAD 126—130: ACBAC 131---135: ADBCB 136---140: DCBBC 141---145: DDCAA 146---150: CBDAB 151---155: ACCDC 156---160: BBCAA 161---165: DDDDD 166---170: CBADB 171---175: CBACD 176---180: BBCDB 181---185: ABACA 186---190: BAAAD 191---195:DACBA196---200: BBCCC。
高考复习基础训练(十五)(匀变速直线运动的研究)一、选择题1、图为一物体做直线运动的速度图象,根据图作如下分析,(分别用v1、a1表示物体在0~t1时间内的速度与加速度;v2、a2表示物体在t1~t2时间内的速度与加速度),分析正确的是()A.v1与v2方向相同,a1与a2方向相反 B.v1与v2方向相反,a1与a2方向相同C.v1与v2方向相反,a1与a2方向相反 D.v1与v2方向相同,a1与a2方向相同2.下列说法正确的是 ( )A.运动物体在某一时刻的速度可能很大而加速度可能为零B.运动物体在某一时刻的速度可能为零而加速度可能不为零C.在初速度为正、加速度为负的匀变速直线运动中,速度不可能增大D.在初速度为正、加速度为正的匀变速直线运动中,当加速度减小时,它的速度也减小3.沿一条直线运动的物体,当物体的加速度逐渐减小时,下列说法正确的是( )A.物体运动的速度一定增大B.物体运动的速度一定减小C.物体运动速度的变化量一定减小D.物体运动的路程一定增大4.图表示甲、乙两个作直线运动的物体相对于同一个坐标原点的s-t图象,下列说法中正确的是 ( )A.甲、乙都作匀变速直线运动B.甲、乙运动的出发点相距s1C.乙比甲早出发t1时间D.乙运动的速率大于甲运动的速率5.对于自由落体运动,下列说法正确的是( )A.在1s内、2s内、3s内……的位移之比是1∶3∶5∶…B.在1s末、2s末、3s末的速度之比是1∶3∶ 5C.在第1s内、第2s内、第3s内的平均速度之比是1∶3∶5D.在相邻两个1s内的位移之差都是9.8m6.物体作匀加速直线运动,已知第 1s末的速度是 6m/s,第 2s末的速度是 8m/s,则下面结论正确的是( )A.物体的初速度是 3m/sB.物体的加速度是 2m/s2C.任何 1s内的速度变化都是 2m/sD.第 1s内的平均速度是 6m/s7.如图所示的v-t图象中,表示物体作匀减速运动的是 ( )8.某作匀加速直线运动的物体,设它运动全程的平均速度是v1,运动到中间时刻的速度是v2,经过全程一半位置时的速度是v3,则下列关系中正确的是 ( )A.v1>v2>v3B.v1<v2=v3C.v1=v2<v3D.v1>v2=v39.物体沿一条直线作加速运动,从开始计时起,第1s内的位移是1m,第2s内的位移是2m,第3s内的位移是3m,第4s内的位移是4m,由此可知( )A.此物体一定作匀加速直线运动B.此物体的初速度是零C.此物体的加速度是1m/s2D.此物体在前4s内的平均速度是2.5m/s10.某物体作匀加速直线运动,先后通过A、B两点,经A点时速度是v A,经B点时速度是v B,则下列说法正确的是( )D.通过AB段的中点时的瞬时速度等于 AB段的位移和所用时间的比值11.几个作匀变速直线运动的物体,在相同时间内位移最大的是( )A.加速度最大的物体B.初速度最大的物体C.末速度最大的物体D.平均速度最大的物体12.图是甲乙两物体从同一地点沿同一方向运动的速度图线,其中t2=2t1,则( )A.在t1时刻乙物体在前,甲物体在后B.甲的加速度比乙大C.在t1时刻甲乙两物体相遇D.在t2时刻甲乙两物体相遇二、填空题13.质点从坐标原点O沿y轴方向运动到y=4m后,又沿x轴负方向运动到坐标为(-3,4)的B点,则质点从O运动以B通过的路程是________m,位移大小是_________m。
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高考复习基础训练(三十四)(牛顿运动定律)第一类:由物体的受力情况确定物体的运动情况(以下各题取)1,如图1所示,用F = 5.0 N的水平拉力,使质量m = 5.0 kg的物体由静止开始沿光滑水平面做匀加速直线运动.求:图1F(1)物体加速度a的大小;(2)物体开始运动后t = 2.0 s内通过的位移x.2,如图13所示,用F = 6.0 N的水平拉力,使质量m = 2.0 kg的物体由静止开始沿光滑水平面做匀加速直线运动。
图2F(1)求物体的加速度a的大小;(2)求物体开始运动后t = 4.0 s末速度的大小;3.(7分)如图11所示,用F1= 16 N的水平拉力,使质量m= 2.0 kg的物体由静止开始沿水平地面做匀加速直线运动。
已知物体所受的滑动摩擦力F2 = 6.0 N 。
求:图3F1(1)物体加速度a的大小;(2)物体开始运动后t=2.0 s内通过的位移x。
4.(7分)如图9所示,用F =12 N的水平拉力,使物体由静止开始沿水平地面做匀加速直线运动. 已知物体的质量m=2.0 kg,物体与地面间的动摩擦因数μ=0.30. 求:图4F(1)物体加速度a的大小;(2)物体在t=2.0s时速度v的大小.5,一辆总质量是4.0×103kg的满载汽车,从静止出发,沿路面行驶,汽车的牵引力是6.0×103N,受到的阻力为车重的0.1倍。
已知滑雪者与其全部装备的总质量m = 80kg,滑雪板与雪地之间的动摩擦因数μ=0.05。
从某时刻起滑雪者收起雪杖自由滑行,此时滑雪者的速度v = 5m/s,之后做匀减速直线运动。
7,如图所示,一个质量为m=20kg的物块,在F=60N的水平拉力作用下,从静止开始沿水平地面向右做匀加速直线运动,物体与地面之间的动摩擦因数为0.10,(1)画出物块的受力示意图图7F(2)求物块运动的加速度的大小(3)求物块速度达到时移动的距离第二类:由物体的运动情况确定物体的受力情况8、列车在机车的牵引下沿平直铁轨匀加速行驶,在100s内速度由5.0m/s增加到15.0m/s.(1)求列车的加速度大小.(2)若列车的质量是1.0×106kg,机车对列车的牵引力是1.5×105N,求列车在运动中所受的阻力大小.9,静止在水平地面上的物体,质量为20kg,现在用一个大小为60N的水平力使物体做匀加速直线运动,当物体移动9.0m时,速度达到6.0m/s,求:(1)物体加速度的大小(2)物体和地面之间的动摩擦因数10、一辆质量为1.0×103kg的小汽车正在以10m/s的速度行驶.现在让它在12.5 m的距离内匀减速地停下来,求所需的阻力.图3-2811、以15m/s的速度行驶的汽车,在关闭发动机后,经10s停了下来,汽车的质量是 ,求汽车所受的阻力。
12、质量为40kg的物体静止在水平面上, 当在400N的水平拉力作用下由静止开始经过16m时, 速度为16 m/s, 求物体受到的阻力是多少?第三类正交分解法在牛顿第二定律中的应用13、地面上放一木箱,质量为10kg,用50N的力与水平方向成37°角拉木箱,使木箱从静止开始沿水平面做匀加速直线运动,假设水平面光滑,(取g=10m/s2,sin37°=0.6,cos37°=0.8)F(1) 画出物体的受力示意图(2) 求物块运动的加速度的大小(3) 求物块速度达到时移动的位移14.如图,质量m=2kg的物体静止在水平面上,物体与水平面间的滑动摩擦因数,现在对物体施加一个大小F=8N、与水平方向夹角θ=37°角的斜向上的拉力.已知sin37°=0.6,cos37°=0.8,取g=10m/s2,F求(1)物体运动的加速度(2)物体在拉力作用下5s内通过的位移大小。
q17、如图所示,质量为m的人站在自动扶梯上,扶梯正以加速度a向上减速运动,a与水平方向的夹角为q.求人受的支持力和摩擦力.第四类牛顿第二定律的应用——斜面问题18、质量为m的物体从倾角为θ 的光滑斜面顶端由静止滑下,斜面长度为,求(1)物体的加速度(2)下滑到斜面底端所以时间(3)下滑到斜面底端时物体的速度19、质量为m的物体从倾角为θ 的粗糙斜面顶端由静止滑下,物块与斜面之间的动摩擦因数为,求(1)物体所受摩擦力(2)为何值时物体匀速下滑(3)为何值时物体匀加速下滑(4)为何值时物体匀减速下滑20、一个滑雪人从静止开始沿山坡滑下,山坡的倾角θ=30°,滑雪板与雪地的动摩擦因数是0.2,求5 s内滑下来的路程和5 s末的速度大小.21、一位滑雪者如果以v0=30m/s的初速度沿直线冲上一倾角为300的山坡,从冲坡开始计时,至4s末,雪橇速度变为零。
图3-4Fθm 23、质量m=4kg的物块,在一个平行于斜面向上的拉力F=40N作用下,从静止开始沿斜面向上运动,如图所示,已知斜面足够长,倾角θ=37°,物块与斜面间的动摩擦因数µ=0.2,力F作用了5s,求物块在5s 内的位移及它在5s末的速度。
(g=10m/s2,sin37°=0.6,cos37°=0.8)第五类牛顿第二定律的应用——两过程问题(水平面)24、质量为2kg的物体置于水平地面上,用水平力F使它从静止开始运动,第4s末的速度达到24m/s,此时撤去拉力F,物体还能继续滑行72m.求:(1)水平力F(2)水平面对物体的摩擦力25、质量为2kg的物体静止在水平地面上,在水平恒力F的作用下开始运动,4s末速度达到4m/s,此时将力F撤去,又经过6s物体停止运动,求力F的大小26、质量为1.5kg的物块,在水平恒力F的作用下,从水平面上A点从静止开始运动,运动一段距离后撤去该力,物块继续滑行t=2.0s,后停止在B点,已知AB之间x=5.0m,,求恒力F的大小27、如图,质量为2kg的物体,受到20N的方向与水平方向成角的拉力作用,由静止开始沿水平面做直线运动,物体与水平面间的动摩擦因数为0.4,当物体运动2s后撤去外力F,F则:(1)求2s末物体的速度大小?(2)撤去外力后,物体还能运动多远?()第六类牛顿第二定律的应用——两过程问题(平面+斜面)28、在某一旅游景区,建有一山坡滑草运动项目.该山坡可看成倾角θ=30°的斜面,一名游客连同滑草装置总质量m=80 kg,他从静止开始匀加速下滑,在时间t=5 s内沿斜面滑下的位移x=50 m.(不计空气阻力,取g=10 m/s2).问:(1)游客连同滑草装置在下滑过程中受到的摩擦力f为多大?(2)滑草装置与草皮之间的动摩擦因数μ为多大?(3)设游客滑下50 m后进入水平草坪,试求游客在水平面上滑动的最大距离.29、如图所示,ABC是一雪道,AB段位长倾角的斜坡,BC段水平,AB 与BC平滑相连,一个质量的滑雪运动员,从斜坡顶端以的初速度匀加速下滑,经时间到达斜面底端B点,滑雪者与雪道间的动摩擦因数在AB 段和BC段都相同,求:(1)运动员在斜坡上滑行时加速度的大小(2)滑雪板与雪道间的动摩擦因数(3)运动员滑上水平雪道后,在内滑行的距离x30、如图所示,水平地面AB与倾角为的斜面平滑相连,一个质量为m的物块静止在A点。
若人和滑板的总质量m=60kg,滑板与斜坡滑道和水平滑道间的动摩擦因数均为=0.50,斜坡的倾角,斜坡与水平滑道是平滑连接的,整个运动过程中空气阻力忽略不计,重力加速度g取10m/s2,求:(1)人从斜坡上滑下的加速度为多大?(2)若AB的长度为25m,人滑到B处时速度为多大?(3)若AB的长度为25m,求BC的长度为多少?第七类牛顿第二定律的应用——传送带问题32、水平传送带A、B以v=1m/s的速度匀速运动,如图所示A、B相距L=2.5m,将质量为m=0.1kg的物体(可视为质点)从A点由静止释放,物体与传送带间的动摩擦因数=0.1,(g=10m/s2)求:(1)滑块加速时间(2)滑块加速阶段对地的位移和对传送带的位移(3)滑块从A到B所用的时间33、水平传送带A、B以v=2m/s的速度匀速运动,如图所示,A、B相距11m,一物体(可视为质点)从A点由静止释放,物体与传送带间的动摩擦因数=0.2,则物体从A 沿传送带运动到B所需的时间为多长?(g=10m/s2)第八类牛顿第二定律的应用——整体法与隔离法34、光滑的水平面上有质量分别为m1、m2的两物体静止靠在一起(如图) ,现对m1施加一个大小为 F 方向向右的推力作用。
求此时物体m2受到物体 m1的作用力F135、粗糙的水平面上有质量分别为m1、m2的两物体静止靠在一起(如图) ,现对m1施加一个大小为 F 方向向右的推力作用,两物体与水平地面间的动摩擦因数均为。
求此时物体m2受到物体 m1的作用力F136、如图所示,两个质量相同的物体1和2,紧靠在一起放在光滑的水平面上,如果它们分别受到水平推力F1和F2的作用,而且F1>F2,则1施于2的作用力的大小为( )A.F1 B.F2 C.(F1+F2)/2 D.(F1-F2)/212F1F237、如图所示,质量为m的木块放在光滑水平桌面上,细绳栓在木块上,并跨过滑轮,试求木块的加速度:mM(1)用大小为F (F= Mg )的力向下拉绳子(2)把一质量为M的重物挂在绳子上第九类牛顿第二定律的应用——图像问题38、光滑水面上,一物体质量为1kg,初速度为0,从0时刻开始受到一水平向右的接力F,F随时间变化图如下,要求作出速度时间图象。