
由于高第喜爱大自然,所以圣家堂的内 部完全仿造深入森林的感觉和阳光如树 叶般从天花板上落下的感觉,高第还用 了许多彩色玻璃让太阳照射时能呈现缤 纷的颜色,而支撑教堂的柱子都换化成 树枝和树干,高迪在中殿里的墩柱向内 倾斜,形成自身的扶壁,利用推力和反 推力系统使教堂得以稳固。
我不是粘土, 我是红石!
1883-1888,文生之家CasaVicens 1884-1887,奎尔别墅FincaGuell 1884-1926,圣家族大教堂SagradaFamí lia 1886-1889,奎尔宫PalauGuell 1888-1894,圣德雷沙学院CollegidelesTeresianes 1898-1904,卡佛之家CasaCalvet 1898-1915,奎尔纺织村及教堂ColoniaGuell 1900-1902,贝列斯夸尔德Bellesguard 1900-1914,古尔公园ParkGüell 1901-1902,米拉勒之门PuertadelaFincaMiralles 1904-1906,巴特罗之家CasaBatlló 1906-1910,米拉公寓CasaMilà 1909-1910,圣家堂教会学校SagradaFamiliaParishSchool
从整体结构来说,该教堂仍具有哥特式的 风格.但它已显露出了一种现代美学的观念,从 它的整个设计意念和装饰手法来看,已经突破 了传统的宗教建筑设计规范。这里,我们看到 了明显的个人艺术处理手法二强烈的艺术表现 欲望通过宗教建筑显示出来,结果产生了一种 不伦不类的怪异形式。在今天来看,它成了一 个起先河作用的杰作,并以其独具一格的姿势 闻名于世。
上帝的建筑 ——圣家堂
中文名称: 神圣家族大教堂 英文名称: Sagrada Familia 所在地: Barcelona Spain 建筑师: 高迪(Antonio Gaudi Cornet,1852-1926) 建造时间: 1884年至今 建筑结构: 砖石结构和水泥 建筑风格: 新哥特式

Each pinnacle have gathered in a spherical corolla cross.
Top of the grotesque pointed, the whole body rings around theshutters, looks like hollow out bigthe downtown barcelona in spain catalan center.
suffering Born
The church tower total of 18, with central 170 meters high that a representative of Jesus Christ.
This is the symbol of death "death gate" On the northern side of the tower will be a is 140 metres high, represent the virgin Mary,
On the wall of the cathedral of the holy family out all kinds of water mouth, lizards, monster, snakes and RongYuan, and many other sculpture.
Antonio Gaudi, the spanish architect。 The main works Herge park 、Bart Rom apartment 、The holy family church ,etc.
Today ,we will introduce about the holy family church.

尼· 高迪,西班牙建筑师,塑性建筑流派的代表人物, 属于现代主义建筑风格。设计过很多作品,主要有 古埃尔公园、米拉公寓、巴特罗公寓、圣家族教堂 等。 高迪一生的作品中,有17项被西班牙列为国家级文 物,7项被联合国科教文组织列为世界文化遗产。
located in Catalonia Barcelona, Spain, a large
Rome Catholic Church, by the Spanish architect Antonio Gaudi (1852 - 1926). Although the church has not yet completed, but has been a UNESCO World Heritage site.2010 in November, Pope Benedict has sixteen church called the apostolic temple.(位于西班牙加泰罗尼亚巴塞罗那的一座罗马天主教大型教堂,由
西班牙建筑师安东尼奥·高迪(1852–1926)设计。尽管教堂还未竣工,但已被 联合国教科文组织选为世界遗产。2010年11月,教皇本笃十六世将教堂封为宗 座圣殿。
Thank for watching
Anthony Gaudi, Spanish
architect, representative of onging to the modern architectural style. A lot of design works, mainly gouel Park, La Pedrera, bartlow apartments, the Holy Family Church. Gaudi life works, there are seven in Spain as a national heritage, seven by the United Nations Scientific and educational organization as the world‘s cultural heritage.(安东
圣家堂 英语Presentation

The night scene of Sagrada Familia
the Sagrada Familia was built from 1882, and has not been completed so far. Gaudy (高迪)was killed by the tram(电车) in 1926, the church is only completed a ear hall and one of the four towers; But the Spanish people don't mind to spend more than 100 years to complete the master’s effort of the work. “圣家族大教堂”这座大教堂从1882 年开始建筑,至今仍未完工。高迪 在1926年,不幸被电车撞死了,他 去世时,这座教堂仅完成了一个耳 堂和四个塔楼之一;但西班牙人并 不介意再用100年甚至更长的时间 来完成大师的心血之作。
Around the Sargrada Familia had many debate. someone making fun of it is just a heap(堆 ) of stones, and also someone praise that it can make a person feel very happy . Now the uncompleted church has become a destination to fans of architectural pilgrimage , and they will never overlook the scenery spot when they tourist to Barcelona. 围绕圣家族教堂曾有过许多争论。有 人取笑它只不过是“一堆石头”。也 有人赞叹它是“能够让人狂喜心碎的 建筑”。如今这座未完成教堂已成为 建筑爱好者的朝圣目的地,去巴塞罗 纳的游客不会忽略的景点。

教堂共计18座高塔,以中央170米高那座代表耶稣基督,其周围将环 绕 4座130米,代表4位福音传道者的大塔楼,北面的一座後塔将有 140米高,代表著圣母玛利亚,包括“荣耀立面”在内,目前没有一 座是盖好的。其余分别置于各立面共12座塔代表耶稣的十二门徒 , 各有100米高。
◆圣家族大教堂是一座宏伟的天主教教堂,整体 设计以大自然诸如洞穴、山脉、花草动物为灵感。 高迪曾经说:“直线属于人类,而曲线归于上 帝。”圣家族大教堂的设计完全没有直线和平面, 而是以螺旋、锥形、双曲线、抛物线各种变化组 合成充满韵律动感的神圣建筑
1884年,破土动工 1926年建筑师去世没有完工
飞扶壁由侧厅外面的柱墩发券,平衡中厅拱脚的 侧推力。为了增加稳定性,常在柱墩上砌尖塔。由于 采用了尖券、尖拱和飞扶壁,哥特式教堂的内部空间 高旷、单纯、统一。装饰细部如华盖、壁龛等也都用 尖券作主题,建筑风格与结构手法形成一个有机的整 体。
★ ★
“神圣家族堂”、简称为“圣 家堂”,堪称上帝的建筑,它 是西班牙建筑大师安东尼奥·高 迪的毕生代表作的。它位于西 班牙加泰罗尼亚地区的巴塞罗 那市区中心,始建于1884年, 目前仍在在修建中。尽管是一 座未完工的建筑物,但丝毫无 损于它成为世界上最著名的景 点之一教堂主体以哥特式风格 主,细长的线条是主要特色, 圆顶和内部结构则显示出新哥 特风格。

Picasso museum: Picasso , the same with painter Dali,construct talent Guadi, architects Miro,they were all the artistic master hold pride in Barcelona, he is from here to the world.
"Flowercelona located in the northeastern of Spain on the Mediterranean coast • Mediterranean climate, summer is hot and drought, winter is mild and much rain • The whole city area next to the capital Madrid,it is one of the world's most populous cities.
The buildings in the Elmer park is the masterpiece was made in Guadi’s creat mature period, the most fully shows his aesthetic thought.
• La Rambla avenue is the first spacious avenue in Barcelona. Now, it has already become Europe‘s most famous boulevard divided into 5 sections . There are many performance artists.

圣家族大教堂- 教堂精神建立教堂的目的在于使其成为维护社会秩序的精神支柱,同时也是城市社会活动中心,原计划不仅有教堂还有相应的学校、工厂、会议厅等等。

Paragraph 3
Tradiห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ional architecture materials and modern ones
Modern buildings are huge ,hard and unfriendly.
The temple of Heaven
Ancient architecture shows us many beautiful buildings.
Other parts look likeb_o_n_e_s.
Walls seem to be covered with the _s_k_i_n_ of a _f_is_h__.
The roof looks like the _b_a_ck_ of a _d_r_a_g_o_n_.
4. What do you find the ancient buildings? Ancient buildings stands much closer to nature.
the Temple of Heaven Tian’an men
What are your feelings about the designs of the 2008 Olympic Stadium ?
What do they have in common?
What do the words in bold refer to ?
that----Nature does not have any straight lines.
his----Antonio Gaudi’s
神圣家族教堂 Sagrada Familia

该教堂的正式名称是“聖家家庭聖堂和聖蘇穆逸爵聖堂”(Basilica i Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família),它位于加泰罗尼亚区的埃克斯普萨诺区,是巴塞罗那最重要的旅游景点之一。

Milan Cathedral (Italian: Duomo di Milano; Lombard: Domm de Milan)(括号内非英文可不读) is the cathedral church of Milan, Italy. Dedicated to Santa Maria Nascente (Saint Mary Nascent), it is the seat of the Archbishop of Milan, currently Cardinal Angelo Scola.The Gothic cathedral took nearly six centuries to complete. It is the fifth largest cathedral in the world and the largest in the Italian state territory.HistoryMilan's layout, with streets either radiating from the Duomo or circling it, reveals that the Duomo occupies what was the most central site in Roman Mediolanum, that of the public basilica facing the forum. Saint Ambrose's 'New Basilica' was built on this site at the beginning of the 5th century, with an adjoining basilica added in 836. The old baptistery (Battistero Paleocristiano, constructed in 335) still can be visited under the Milan Cathedral, it is one of the oldest Christian buildings in Europe. When a fire damaged the cathedral and basilica in 1075, they were later rebuilt as the Duomo. Architecture and artThe famous "Madonnina" atop the main spire of the cathedral, a baroque gilded bronze statueInterior view of the Duomo di MilanoThe plan consists of a nave with four side-aisles, crossed by a transept and then followed by choir and apse. The height of the nave is about 45 meters, the highest Gothic vaults of a complete church (less than the 48 meters of Beauvais Cathedral, which was never completed).The roof is open to tourists (for a fee), which allows many a close-up view of some spectacular sculpture that would otherwise be unappreciated. The roof of the cathedral is renowned for the forest of openwork pinnacles and spires, set upon delicate flying buttresses.The cathedral's five broad naves, divided by 40 pillars, are reflected in the hierarchic openings of the façade. Even the transepts have aisles. The nave columns are 24.5 metres (80 ft) high, and the apsidal windows are 20.7 x 8.5 metres (68 x 28 feet). The huge building is of brick construction, faced with marble from the quarries which Gian Galeazzo Visconti donated in perpetuity to the cathedral chapter. Its maintenance and repairs are very complicated.Milan’s cathedral has recently developed a new lighting system, based on LED lights.St. Peter's Basilica (Latin: Basilica Sancti Petri; Italian: Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano) is a Late Renaissance church located within Vatican City.Designed principally by Donato Bramante, Michelangelo, Carlo Maderno and Gian Lorenzo Bernini, St. Peter's is the most renowned work of Renaissance architecture and remains one of the largest churches in the world. While it is neither the mother church of the Roman Catholic Church nor the cathedral of the Bishop of Rome, St. Peter's is regarded as one of the holiest Catholic sites. It has been described as "holding a unique position in the Christian world" and as "the greatest of all churches of Christendom".By Roman Catholic tradition, the basilica is the burial site of its namesake Saint Peter, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus and, also according to tradition, the first Bishop of Rome and therefore first in the line of the papal succession. Tradition and some historical evidence hold that Saint Peter's tomb is directly below the altar of the basilica. For this reason, many Popes have been interred at St. Peter's since the Early Christian period. There has been a church on this site since the time of Constantine the Great. Construction of the present basilica, replacing the Old St. Peter's Basilica of the 4th century, began on 18 April 1506 and was completed on 18 November 1626. St. Peter's is famous as a place of pilgrimage, for its liturgical functions. Because of its location in the Vatican, the Pope presides at a number of services throughout the year, drawing audiences of 15,000 to over 80,000 people, either within the Vatican Basilica, or in St. Peter's Square. St. Peter's has many strong historical associations, with the Early Christian church, the papacy, the Protestant Reformation and Counter-reformation, and with numerous artists, most significantly Michelangelo. As a work of architecture, it is regarded as the greatest building of its age. St. Peter's is one of the four churches of Rome that hold the rank of Major Basilica. Contrary to popular misconception, it is not a cathedral as it is not the seat of a bishop; the cathedra of the Pope (as Bishop of Rome) is located in the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran.Crepuscular rays (曙暮辉光)are regularly seen in St. Peter's Basilica at certain times each day.(下方图片配字说明)。

Period 1
Module 1 Europe
by Yao Tang
1 第一页,共25页。
Revision 单词 识 (dāncí)
1.a__c_r_o_s_s__prep.横记过,穿过(chuān ɡuò) 2.c_o__n_t_i_n_e_n__t_al adj.大陆的,大洲的
the Parthenon
1 3 帕特农神庙(shén miào) a church
in Barcelona
The Sagrada Familia
4 a building
in Athens
The Eiffel Tower
The Uffizi Palace
7. A long time ago, Athens wTas the world’s most powerful
8. There were a lot of good writers in ancient Athens.
cities Paris
Paris, Athens
2. Which one is situated on the coast?
Barcelona 3. Which is famous for its places to eat?
4. Which one are or were important cities for

建造这座教堂的想法是由巴塞罗那书商朱塞佩-玛丽亚·博卡贝里亚 提出的。他是圣徒约瑟夫崇敬会的创始人,该会的会员纷纷为此慷慨 解囊,还聘请了建筑师弗朗西斯科·德比里亚设计并主持建造。但开 工不久建筑师与崇敬会吵翻了,撂了挑子,古埃尔便建议请高迪接手 主持其事。
飞扶壁由侧厅外面的柱墩发券,平衡中厅拱脚的 侧推力。为了增加稳定性,常在柱墩上砌尖塔。由于 采用了尖券、尖拱和飞扶壁,哥特式教堂的内部空间 高旷、单纯、统一。装饰细部如华盖、壁龛等也都用 尖券作主题,建筑风格与结构手法形成一个有机的整 体。
★ ★
“神圣家族堂”、简称为“圣 家堂”,堪称上帝的建筑,它 是西班牙建筑大师安东尼奥·高 迪的毕生代表作的。它位于西 班牙加泰罗尼亚地区的巴塞罗 那市区中心,始建于1884年, 目前仍在在修建中。尽管是一 座未完工的建筑物,但丝毫无 损于它成为世界上最著名的景 点之一教堂主体以哥特式风格 主,细长的线条是主要特色, 圆顶和内部结构则显示出新哥 特风格。
1936年 ,内战爆发 ,工程停顿下来 1952年重新开工 。 1954年西面的“受难立面”及其四座高 塔的工程开工。
1976年完工。 1987年完成了装饰工作。
目前已建成教堂正面的12个钟楼中的8个,尚有天国 墙面的四个钟楼、圣母玛丽亚塔楼和4位福音书的作 者的雕像有待建筑。教堂中殿的穹顶已经完工,现在 主要是修建教堂的翼部、十字厅堂和教堂后部的穹窿。
◆教堂的建设遵循赎罪的理念,资金从 一开始就只是来自于私人的捐赠施舍, 该形式延续至今。

A great architect was gone.
Gaudi ‘s funeral
• Since 1882,incomplete,a World Heritage Site
• Spires 尖塔
• a total of eighteen spires. individually represents: the Twelve Apostles 耶稣之十二信徒, the four Evangelists 4个传教士, the Virgin Mary
Nativity Façade诞生立面
• Built between 1894 and 1930, • the first faç ade to be completed. • faces the rising sun—dedicated to the birth of Jesus 3 porticos门廊 ><2 columns圆柱, • Turtle: symbols of time as something set in stone and unchangeable长寿之意,像徵耶稣永生 • 3porticos (Hope, Faith and Charity信望爱).
Passion Façade 受难立面 • austere, plain and simple • began in 1954 • Dedicated to the Passion of Christ Facing the setting sun— the death of Christ
It used to describe the suffering of Jesus during his crucifixion钉在十字架上,the faç ads of man
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An unfinished building The symbol of Barcelona...
Antony gaudy is famous in his unique architectural art, the most prestigious ( 有名望的 ) architecture almost all was built from his hand , and he is known as the most avant-garde, crazy building artist inபைடு நூலகம்Barcelona
安东尼奥· 高迪( 1852.6.25—1926.6.10 )
Chinese name: 圣家族教堂 English name: Sagrada Familia located:c,Barcelona, Spain architect: 高迪(Antonio Gaudi Cornet,1852-1926) build time: 1884 style: New gothic new movement in art(新哥特式、新艺术运动) Brief introduction :整体设计以大自 然诸如洞穴、山脉、花草动物为灵 感。圣家堂的设计完全没有直线和 平面,而是以螺旋、锥形、双曲缐 、抛物线各种变化组合成满韵律动 感的神圣建筑。
Sagrada Familia is located in the Catalonia region of Spain in Barcelona city center, founded in 1884, is still under construction.
Describing Sagrada Familia, a famous artist said "it is probably impossible to find a church building anything like it in the entire history of art"and others called it 'the most extraordinary personal interpretation of Gothic architecture since the Middle Ages.