• introduction • self-introduction • Deepening the speech theme • case analysis • Summary and Outlook
Identify the underlying causes of the problem using tools such as the 5 Whys or Fishbone Diagram.
Impact Assessment
Discuss the impact of the problem on the company's operations, finances, and reputation.
English has emerged as the lingua franca of the globalized world, with over a billion speakers worldwide. It is the language of international business, diplomacy, science, technology, and popular culture, making it an essential skill for individuals seeking to participate in the global economy and cultural exchange.
Summary and Outlook
Summary of speech content
Key points covered in the speech
精选高中3Unit3English Words Contest公开PPT课件
1. dot 2. narrow 3. conclusion 4. lightning 5. drawing 6. shortcoming 7. statue 8. document
1. sweat
2. anxious 3. reduce
4. grasp
2. The campaign is intended to _e_d_u_c_at_e_ the public to respect the environment.
1. He seemed a_n_x_i_o_us_ about the meeting, so he is _a_n_x_io_u_s_ly__ awaiting a decision. 2. If you worried about your health, share your _a_n_x_ie_t_y_ with your doctor.
7. 风沙,沙尘暴n.___s_an_d_s_to_rm_______
8. 研究者,调查者n___re_s_ea_rc_her
9. 意识到的,知道的adj.____a_w_a_re______
1. 混合,混合体n.____m_ix_ture
2. 官方的,正式的adj. ___o_ff_ic_ia_l
1. UNESCO stands for United Nations _ed_u_c_a_t_io_n_a_l _, Scientific and Cultural Organization that is meant to help people to receive_e_d_u_c_a_ti_o_n_ in the world.
高中英语写作---演讲稿 PPT
How can we solve these problems then? As far as I'm concerned, riding bicycles is a good solution. For one thing, bicycles don't need any petrol and they are energy-saving. For another, bicycles are environmentally friendly because they won't give off waste gas. What's more, riding bicycles is a good way for us to exercise and it is beneficial to our health.
[黄金模板] Boys and girls/Ladies and gentlemen,
It's a great honor for me to stand here and give my speech. My name is _________pic of my speech is ________________________(发言主 题).
2.内容 演讲稿的主题部分应该阐述清楚事情的缘由、结果和
要求。第一部分的内容应该以详细完整地介绍事情为主, 具体地讲,包括事情的发生、发展及结局。第二部分的内 容应该提出发言稿的主题,如欢迎、欢送、号召、建议、 个人看法等。
3.语言 演讲稿以简单句为主要的表达形式。同时,演讲稿的
语言必须有感染力,所以演讲稿可以使用祈使句、感叹句、 强调句等句式来达到这种目的。写作时要注意适当地使用 关联词承前启后,用词要得体,符合语言环境。
由 总 到 分 • - From that generexample
• - Time to stop generalizing and start being precise • - What specific points can be drawn from these conclusions? • - Do you want to be precisely wrong or approximately right?
• 澄清观点 • - I will try and put that more clearly/more simply... • - Just in case that wasn’t clear, I will rephrase it • - Don’t misunderstand me, what I mean is... • - I will just repeat that to make it clear. • - It’s impor tant not to confuse/to make a distinction
5• )结尾结要尾简洁,不要拉拉扯扯,说个没完。特别是不要受汉语影响,说些类似”准备不足,请谅解”,”请
批评指正”这样的废话。最普通的结尾就是:Thank you very much for your attention。
4. Ladies and gentlemen/ Boys and girls, I’m…I’m greatly honored to speak here on behalf of my school. I’m going to talk about…
高中英语书面表达专题:演讲稿课件 (共12 张)【 优秀课 件】
高中英语书面表达专题:演讲稿课件 (共12 张)【 优秀课 件】
Dear fellow students, It’s my great honor to give a speech here about
➢Step Ⅰ:明确演讲主题
➢Step Ⅱ:分析问题,展开论述
➢Step Ⅲ:提出解决方法或期待
Words and phrases:
➢significant/ significance ➢vital/ vitally ➢ count ➢attach importance/ significance to sth ➢stress/ emphasize ➢make a difference ➢lay/place emphasis on ➢last but not the least
As we all know, summer is the time when we students can relax and enjoy the family time. First of all, outdoor activities are clearly needed because, as we all know, spending too much time at home in front of our computer or TV is not the best way to spend the vacation.
Contestant 9 9号选手:刘静娜
Prepared Speech(命题演讲)
Three minutes(3分钟 )
Table Topic Speech(即席演讲) 0
8 4 10 9 0 7 5 1 2 3 6
Prepared Speech(命题演讲)
Three minutes(3分钟 )
Table Topic Speech(即席演讲) 0
8 4 10 9 0 7 5 1 2 3 6
Contestant 3 3号选手:欧阳蕾
Prepared Speech(命题演讲)
Prepared Speech(命题演讲)
Three minutes(3分钟 )
Table Topic Speech(即席演讲) 0
8 4 10 9 0 7 5 1 2 3 6
Contestant 12 12号选手:魏京
8 4 10 9 0 7 5 1 2 3 6
Contestant 6 6号选手:邓鸣宇
Prepared Speech(命题演讲)
Three minutes(3分钟 )
Table Topic Speech(即席演讲) 0
高中英语演讲比赛精品PPT 课件
7. unleasssk_e_d_t_o__. 8. 6.IfwIer_e__ you ,wIou_ld___ study hard. 9. [提示:虚拟语气]
1.This is the problem. The problem was settled so quickly last night.
1.She had __a__w_o_rr_i_ed__l_o_okon her face.
2.How do you want them to decorate your new room?
How do you want to your new room _d_e_c_o_rated ? 3.Asked to stop, the excited speaker kept
1.His father wrote a science book.The book sells well.
The science book _w_ri_tt_en__b_y his father sells well. 2.He found everything was arranged in good
3. force produced by pressing hard
4. to use: to make a formal request for sth
apply chock bandage pressure
5. not inside a building
6. feeling disturbed
Grammar Tasks
在这时候,你快疯了 By this time, you think getting crazy,
you feel you lost means of communication.
挫败感让你丧失 一切与别人沟通 旳能力和心情。
You realise you’ve been living in the fog
当然,真正旳成功可能还未到来,我们 还得不断努力~
to triumph completely.
Gosh! One day the company tell they can do without you.
天啊,有一天企业对你 说,他们不需要你了
you feel destroyed, 你感到糟糕
You realise you are cut off from everything.
when my time comes.
其实我懂得,可能这不是个适 合全部人旳考虑问题旳方式。 但至少我觉得,这么会使我很 幸福。
I do not know whether it is good for everybody, but I’m sure that at least I will have had a wonderful time… which by the way is what counts more.
We perform a goБайду номын сангаасd professional career filled with activity and efforts 我们看待工作时全心全意、充斥激情
高中英语演讲稿p pt高中英语演讲稿 pptE agle acq uired in a stron g wind a nd rainin the w ings, th e plum b lossom i n full b loom inthe cold weather assailthenost rils ofthe frag rance. I n today's petiti ve times, we wil l not be timid,lookingover, we will le arn to s urvive i n the pe tition,in the f ace of a dversity in life to writ e music. As a ph ilosophe r said:The abov e on the fate of the peo ple,con fidenceis the k ey to th e fate!Thorns i n frontofany p roblems, we will hold it constan t. Xue-H ai vast, we haveto do d own thebrave sa ilors, w ind andthe wave s, the f uture to gether,the anci ent sayi ng goes:The tri als andtribulat ions, as in Ru Y u. "Yout h in the footste ps of fi rms such as flow goes, t he prime years o f fighti ng can n ot affor d to was te point s. Fello w studen ts, letus seize the goo d life e very day, toward s the ot her side of thegold bef ore. Pro-yuan Xi an fish, itis b etter st ill acti ve and n etworks. We usethe wisd omand c ourage r aised th e idealof saili ng, with our you th and l ife play ed a str ong tone of thetimes! W hen we a bandoned thecon fusion,take the course; groundwhen weBlinded,tireleY aojiang, the fat e of the gates w ill be o pen to u s, tempt ing time will e! The fut ure is n ot a dre am today, in our hands!I f I were a boy a gain, Iwould pr actice p ersevera nce(毅力)m ore ofte n, and n ever giv e up a t hing bec ause itwas hard or inco nvenient. If wewant lig ht, we m ust conq uer dark ness. Pe rseveran ce can s ometimes equal g enius in its res ults. “T here are only tw o creatu res,” sa ys a pro verb, “w ho can s urmountthe pyra mids—the eagle a nd the s nail.”If I werea boy ag ain, I w ould sch ool myse lf intoa habitof atten tion; Iwould le t nothin g e betw een me a nd the s ubject i n hand.I wouldremember that agood ska ter neve r triesto skate in twodirectio ns aton ce. Thehabit of attenti on beespart ofour life, if webegin ea rly enou gh. I of ten hear grown-u p people say “Icould no t fix my attenti on on th e lectur e or boo k, altho ugh I wi shed todo so” ,and the reasonis, thehabit wa s not fo rmed inyouth.If I wereto livemy lifeover aga in, I wo uld paymore att ention t o the cu ltivatio n of the memory.I would strengt hen that faculty by ever y possib le means, and on every p ossibleoccasion. It tak es a lit tle hard work at first t o rememb er thing s accura tely; bu t memory soon he lps itse lf, andgives ve ry littl e troubl e. It on ly needs early c ultivati on to be e a powe r.If I w ere a bo y again,I would look on the che erful si de. Life is very much li ke a mir ror: ifyou smil e upon i t, I smi le backupon you; but if you fro wn and l ook doub tful onit, youwill get a simil ar lookin retur n.Innersunshine warms n ot onlythe hear t of the owner,but of a ll thate in con tact wit h it. “w ho shuts love ou t ,in tu rn shall be shut out fro m love.”Finally,instead of tryi ng hardto be ha ppy, asif thatwere the sole pu rpose of life, I would,if I wer e a boyagain, I would s till try harderto makeothers h appy.。
第九届英语文化周开幕式The Final Match(My dear friends,the competition is beginning,please switch off your cell phones, thanks for your cooperation. (比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!)You could see顶尖选手优中选优活跃多姿,展示自我You could see比拼强强相遇激烈精彩强者更强,见贤思齐竞赛内容与规则竞赛内容与规则LOGO竞赛内容:命题演讲和情景交流,时间分别为3分钟命题演讲题目:中澳:Studying Abroad BuildsBridges to Opportunities其他系:New College, My New Life要求:•演讲稿为英文•内容积极向上•紧扣主题,文体不限(诗歌除外)•稿件须原创作品情景交流即参赛者抽取一个场景题目,由外籍主考官对参赛者进行一对一的现场交谈,内容涉及以下几个方面:1)迎送、住宿安排、宴请、陪同购物、游览、就诊等;2)企业介绍:历史、现状等;3)产品介绍:类型、性能、规格、市场、小说等;4)涉外业务:合作意向、投资意向、签订合同、人员培训、专家待遇、议价、折扣、订货、交货、投诉等。
展示用英语展示自我带动学习气氛张扬个性自我思维立于学习引导学习深挖潜力,创造新锐English SpeechContest>>评分采用100分制(命题演讲、情景交流各50分),选手比赛结束后,评委当场打分去掉一个最高分,去掉一个最低分,取其他分数的平均分(计小数点后1位)。
高中 悲惨世界 英语演讲PPT
• Ran A Rang’s Convicted for stealing a loaf of bread, he is punished in prison for nineteen years. Rejected as former convict, Bishop Myriel turns his life around. He assumes a new identity to pursue an honest life, becomes a factory owner and a mayor. He adopts and raises Fantine's daughter, Cosette, and dies at an old age.
• Victor-Marie Hugo (February 26, 1802 – May 22, 1885) was a French poet, playwright, novelist, essayist, visual artist, statesman, human rights activist and perhaps the most influential exponent of the Romantic movement in France. He is sometimes identified as the greatest French poet. Outside France, his best-known works are the novels Les Misérables and NotreDame de Paris.
• • • • • • • • • •
Ran A Rang the prisoner. Javert the policeman. Cosette Fantine’s daughter. Marius Cosette’s lover Fantine a woman cheated by a dissolute manage.
NAME: **** SEX : girl AGE :20 CLASS: 25 GRADE: Two MAJOR:clinical medicine TEL : ********* QQ :*********
学会感恩 与爱同行
English speech contest
学会感恩 与爱同行
English speech contest
C 3.民主集中制是 ( )。
A.民主基础上的集中 B.集中指导下的民主 C. 民主基础上的集中与集中指导下的民主相结合
学会感恩 与爱同行
English speech contest
C 4.党章规定,“中国共产党党员是( )
A.最富有的人 B.掌握最新科学技术的人 C.中国工人阶级的有共产主义觉悟的先锋战士
NAME: **** SEX : girl AGE :20 CLASS: 37 GRADE: Two MAJOR: clinical medicine TEL : *********
学会感恩 与爱同行
English speech contest
Title:Be Grateful to Life
NAME: **** SEX : girl AGE :20 CLASS: 29 GRADE: Two MAJOR:clinical medicine QQ :**********
学会感恩 与爱同行
English speech contest
Title:Angles Are Always There
学会感恩 与爱同行
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would rather crop
good time
Word Guessing
you raise me up
Grammar Tasksቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Book5 and the unit 1 of Book6
• He got up early so that he could catch the first bus. in order • He got up early ___ ____ that he could catch the first bus.
go through
5. piece of material hung to cover a window 6. number of things that happen one after another
7. of no use
8. all the people in a country
more off
Group 6
1. brown(skin) from spending too much time in the sun 2. to make something or somebody free of 3. to become larger in size,number or amount 4. to make information and ideas known to many people
1.This is the problem. The problem was settled so quickly last night. This is the problem _____ settledso quickly last night. 2.He found he had been tied to the tree when he woke up. tied to the tree when he woke up. He found himself _____ 3.Alough I was engaged[参加]in my work, I managed to spare some time to accompany my son. Engaged in my work _____ ______ _____ ______,I managed to spare some time to accompany my son.
Had you 4.____ ____come here, you would have met the film star. 你当时要来这里的话,就能看见那位明星了。 5. You should not go back to your seat unless you are asked to do so. You should not go back to your seat unless___ ___. asked to would study hard. 6.If I were ___ you ,I ____ [提示:虚拟语气]
pump defeat
enquairy challenge
Group 2
1. to say or think that someone orsomething is responsible for something bad
2. to take in 3. a shirt for women 4. a large bowl-shaped container
1. to experience something 2. to take no notice of 3. staying close to and looking at somebody 4. to become quiet after nervous activity
calm down face to face
4.The massage is very important, so it is supposed ____ ___ ____ to be sent [send] as soon as possible. 5.John’s success had nothing to do with good luck, it is years of hard work ____[that/what] has made him what he that is today. 6.The soldier faithfully ________ 【忠实地】 carried Party’s policies to save the injured.
rid of
5. plants grown in largre amounts by farmers
satisfied with
6. pleaseed by having what one wants or needs
7. to provide with things necessary for a certain purposr 8. would prefer to
8. part of clothing that covers one's arm across
Group 3
1. a narrow piece of cloth to tie around a wound 2. cannot breathe properly because of sth in you throat 3. force produced by pressing hard 4. to use: to make a formal request for sth
Group 1
1. Someone who suffers when something bad happends 2. A doctor 3.To examine and think about something carefully 4.To connect with something else
1.The weather was ____ so cold that I didn’t like to leave my room. 2.His only wish for his money is to have the local government build a school for children from poor families. His only wish for his money is to have a school for children from poor families _____ the government. built _____ by 3.People are trying to make the once polluted _____ [pollute] rivers clean.
4.You will realize the importance of health only when you are in poor health. Only when you are in poor health_____ will ____ you _____the importance of health. realize 5.While one is driving, one should pay attention to traffic signs. While driving _____, one should pay attention to traffic signs. 6.If you ___ ___ [attend] the meeting had attended met yesterday, youwould ____ [will] have ___ ____[meet] her.【提示:虚拟语气】
1.She had ____ a worried ____ ____ look on her face.
2.How do you want them to decorate your new room? How do you want to your new room _____ decorated ? 3.Asked to stop, the excited speaker kept talking at the meeting. ____ ___ ____ ____ asked ____ ____ Although he was to ____, stop the excited speaker kept talking at the meeting.
5. something that tests strength,skill or ability 6. to win a victory over someone 7. a question you ask to get infornation 8. a machine for raising water
5. a line of light from the sun or other radiation
6. slightly wet
7. a special vehicle for taking people to hospital