

名胜古迹介绍 英文PPT

名胜古迹介绍  英文PPT

Here we are! 我们到
了L!et’s rock and roll! 我们出 发吧!
Tian’an Square天安 门
Chengtian Men--1417
Tian’an Men—1651—main entrance to the Imperical City
Welcome to Beijing
Province Tian’an
! Chang’a
n Street
the Monument
to thly step this way!请往 这边走!
Tian’an Men Square
the Largest City Square in the World
the Symbol of modern
a Glorious Page of the
Birth of
1、scenic spot 景点 2、sightseeing 观光景点 3、Have endured times and changes 饱经沧桑 4、the Palace Museum 故宫 5、the Portrait of Chairman Mao 毛主席的肖像 6、the Gate of Heavenly Peace 天安门 7、Founding Ceremony 开国大典 8、Chang’an Street 长安街 9、the Monument to the People’s Heroes 人民英 雄纪念碑


大理全称大理白族自治州,地处云南省中部偏西,市境 东巡洱海,西及点苍山脉。这里气候温和,土地肥沃,山水 风光秀丽多姿,是中国西南边疆开发较早的地区之一,远在 四千多年前,大理地区就有原始居民的活动。大理有“风花 雪月”的美称,即下关风、上关花、苍山雪、洱海月。
大理素有“文献名邦”之称。悠久的历史留下了许多重 要文物古迹。大理风景区有国家重点文物保护单位4个,省级 重点文物保护单位19个,归纳起来可称为“三古”即古城、 古塔、古碑。
界 The park about Harry Potter will on in America 华纳公
司与奥兰多环球影城,在奥兰多环球影城内建造了一个以 “哈利·波特”系列小说为蓝本的“哈利·波特魔法世界”, 是“冒险岛”主题公园的一部分。这个“魔法世界”作为 环球影城冒险岛主题乐园的一部分,于2010年春季正式对 外开放。 “冒险岛”主题公园位于奥兰多环球影城度假村。 哈利·波特主题公园建成后成为了“冒险岛”公园中的“第 六座岛”。
“哈利·波特魔法世界”的目标游客为7岁到67岁的所有人群。 乐园中设有游乐项目、互动景点、商店、特色餐厅以及其他游客从 未体验过的新奇项目。
“哈利·波特魔法世界”将根据罗琳原著的故事和角色设计, 并邀请了包括“哈利·波特”系列电影的场景设计师克雷格在内的 数十名艺术家参与建造工作。据报道,在这个主题公园里,游客将 可以看到书中最具代表性的几处地点:包括霍格莫德小镇、神秘的 禁林、霍格沃茨魔法学校、九又四分之三站台等多个地方。游客们 还可以深入到城堡中心,参观校长邓不利多的办公室,以及小镇中 贩卖魔法用品的小店。此外,游客可以在破釜酒吧里吃饭,在霍格 莫德村的商店里购买巧克力蛙、黄油啤酒,在对角巷购买魔杖。不 过他们恐怕仍然得用“麻瓜”世界里的货币——美元购买门票和上 述商品。如果你觉得这还不够刺激,那么你可以体验在晚上自己选 择住在霍格沃兹四个学院(格兰芬多、拉文克劳、赫奇帕奇、斯莱 特林)的休息室中的任意一个。 另外,在电影中出现的猫头鹰屋 (Owlery)也将在主题公园中再现,游客们甚至可以通过猫头鹰 邮递(The Owl Post)从主题公园中寄出盖有霍格莫德村 (Hogsmeade)邮戳的信件。



Cave)is one of three noted grottoes in China
and also the largest,best preserved
and ,richest treasure house of Buddhist art in
the w莫orl高d.窟也称干佛洞,位十甘肃省敦熄
壁画,和精巧安排的莲花 砖,创建了一个神圣的佛 教的世界。
These statues and murals constitute a mirror of China in the thousand years from the 4th tothe 14th century,reflecting the society, production, life, transportation, architecture, art,music, dance, customs, and reB ligion of the people.
ATBvhiagelosBtoaoktidtuehesivsoafrtatMv,aaoiotnrnethytehae ns第的hnp第菩i第勒onr4萨olrian5t萨1巨1Crh像窟e9tt3fha像像i60oni观nv窟窟ortem音Chf中内eat1菩hin3v心的we西e0CeC“第佛石c壁4Ssaat5eu1坛胎龛vwv7tnere北泥窟a内tarl1al1侧塑北的C97l 6侧a的-弥藏tvh经ee"洞
In the caves are vivid statues,elegant apsaras, amazing
Thmeuraarlsc,haintdecetxuquraisiltealyrt o MacorrergaaantoginegGdarloohttoutlsyobwericsokrislds, moafiBnu洞ldy穴dnh中oism是te.栩d栩fo如r生t的he fo雕rm像,a优t.雅的飞天,神奇的


• Located on the eastern slope of Rattling Sand Mountain(Mingshashan) southeast of Dunhuang City in Gansu Province,the Mogao Grottoes(also known as Thousand Buddha Cave)is
oaannndde莫 肃,aorlf高 省isctohh窟 敦etrhsete也熄etlnra称市eoragtes干东eudsrt佛南ge,rho洞鸣botetuos,沙steesp位山orinef十 的sBCeuhr甘 东dvinedadhist art麓in 。the莫w高orl窟d.是中国三大名窟
of over 40 meters. The
ATBvhiagelosoBtkaoittduehesivsoaarftat,vaoonn tw第内htcC第M第塑aheea4北leanlv11弥5niste侧窟93tnohrr勒60rao1ret的观i窟窟lr9hnyt巨p6ae萨音hi中内nlaii像non像C“第菩tt心h的ffSCaCoeu西tv1aarh佛石tvew7mvre壁e窟aee1坛胎4si7龛Cn1t5的-a北3泥tvh0藏ee"经洞 侧的菩萨像
30is米t见he方m最a小st者er高pi不ec足e盈o尺f t。he existing buildings
从早期石窟所保留下来的中 心塔柱式这一外来形式的窟 型,反映了古代艺术家在接 受外来艺术的同时,加以消 化、吸收,使它成为中国民
cewntaetrtceomlupmlen((殿中堂心窟柱)窟) pipe roof wat(覆斗顶型窟) nirvananwirvaat(na涅w槃at窟()禅)窟)



The Forbidden City was built
begin in 1406 and it took 14 years
to built it. The first ruler who
actually lived here was Ming
Emperor(明朝皇帝) Zhudi. In 1987
• Big Ben
• It is located in the
city of Londof
the Thames River
It is
one of the most
famous and
historical bulidings
India • The Taj Mahal
(泰姬陵) • It is a mausoleum
located in Agra, India, built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his favorite wife, Mumtaz Mahal.
Italy • The Leaning Tower of
Pisa(比萨斜塔) • The Leaning Tower of Pisa
is the stand-alone bell tower,in the north of Pisa,the wonders of the square.
That's all
the Forbidden City was



The Great Wall
The history of Great Wall construction can be traced back to the Western Zhou Dynasty.
During the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States period, the Great Wall was built into the first climax, but the length of the construction was relatively short.
Soon, Lady Meng Jiang and Fan fell in love and decided to get married. But unfortunately, on the wedding day, a pair of soldiers broke in and took Fan Xiliang away to work at the Great Wall.
Terracotta Army
In ancient years, especially in Yin and Shang dynasties, slaves belong to the property of the slave owner.
After the death of the slave owner, slaves would accompany his owner as a funeral. With the change of society, funeral customs have had changed.
Part 02 Terracotta Army



The Most Beautiful Sight Spot NO.1玉龙雪山
谷玉 到龙 峰雪 顶山 具是 备云 垂了南 直亚亚 带热热 自带带 然、的 景温极 观带高 到山 寒地 带, 的从 完山 整脚 的河
Yulong Snow Mountain is extremely high in Yunnan subtropical mountain from the Valley at the foot to the peaks with a complete vertical band of subtropical, temperate to boreal landscapes
冰川公园大索道 ropeway
White River got its name because the mud of the lake bottom is white, when it rains, the water will become white, so called the White River.
Known as the Hawaii of the East 东方夏威夷 On The Merlion, we can overlook Sentosa Island with brightly light at night.
登 灯上 火鱼 辉尾 煌狮 的塔 圣, 淘俯 沙瞰 岛夜 。晚
多光一城小 Small 片 市 岛 说 沙 island continues to 继 , 滩 青 ” the 致更等 的 taste of 翠 味 续 Singapore 耐有自, 了 "the Garden 道 人 精 然 郁 City“. 新 寻 致 around, full Looking 景 郁 , 加 味 的green 放 坡 of 观 葱 and 。人自葱眼“ lush. .Needless to 文不。望花 say Sun-n-sand and 景 必 natural 阳去园 other , landscapes



dreamlike aura 梦幻的气氛
the representation of classics 古典 文化的代表 punctual 准时的 12
Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫
be listed as被列为world cultural heritage 世界文 化遗产
architecture 建筑风格 luxurious 豪华的 scale 规模 spectacular 引人入胜的
第一站:法国之旅 France
landmark 地标、标志 legendary 享 有盛名的 monument 不朽之作 3
lavender 薰衣草 perfume 香水 grape wine 葡萄酒
love sb. at the first sight 对…一见钟情 idyllic 诗情画
十二使岩徒The Twelve Apostles
attractive scenery 风景怡人 habitat 栖息地 masterpiece 杰作,名作 8
黄金海岸 Gold Coast
Surfers paradise冲浪者天堂 resort 度假圣地 旅游圣地
ferris wheel摩天轮 miracle 奇迹
Fujiyama 富士山
cherry blossom樱花
active volcano 活火山
Hokkaido 北海道
hot spring 温泉
第五站:Malaysia 马来西亚
tropical fruit 热带水果 17
Petronas Twin Towers双子塔

Jiuzhaigou Valley九寨沟中英文景点介绍ppt

Jiuzhaigou Valley九寨沟中英文景点介绍ppt

Jiuzhaigou is a world of water, which brings Jiuzhaigou its most enchanting views. Jiuzhaigou boasts many clear lakes, some of which ary the virgin forests. With a variety of shapes and sizes, these lakes look like (gleaming) mirrors projecting colorful light rings in the sunshine.
If you have time ,you can go to look this beautiful and mysterious place.
Rize Valley(日则沟)
• The 18 km long Rize Valley (日则沟) is the south-western branch of Jiuzhaigou. It contains the largest variety of sites and is typically visited first. Going downhill from its highest point, one passes the following sites:
• Jiuzhaigou is composed of three valleys arranged in a Y shape. • The Rize and Zechawa valleys flow from the south and meet at the centre of the site where they form the Shuzheng valley, flowing north to the mouth of the valley.


西湖不但风景优美,而且还有丰富的文物古迹、优美动人的神话传 说,自然、人文、历史、艺术,巧妙地融合在一起。
西湖到处都是名胜古迹,它拥有国家重点文物保护单位5处、省级文 物保护单位35 处、市级文物保护单位25处,还有39处文物保护点,它是 我国著名的历史文化游览胜地。
九寨沟是世界自然遗产,也是一个国家级自然保护区,它是中国著名 的风景区,九寨沟的森林覆盖率超过80%。国家级自然保护区的主要保 护对象是大熊猫等自然生态环境中的珍稀动物。在不同的地方,可以发 现九寨沟不同的迷人魅力,它成为中外游客向往的神奇的“梦幻世界AD FOR JIU ZHAI GOU
阳光、海滩、绝美的堡礁、迷人的城市和友好的多元化社会,以及热 情而舒适的人文环境,对于全世界的游客来说,都是不可抵挡的诱惑
Old Town of Li jiang is full of ancient cultural atmosphere, we can get a lot of excellent cultural knowledge The old town of Li jiang has a colorful local customs and recreational activities ,The Chinese government put it as a national historical and cultural city, it identifies the Li jiang city status in Chinese cities. Old Town of Li jiang fully reflects the achievements of China's ancient city construction, is one of the types of Chinese houses with distinctive feat现方式做保护处理对用户上传分享的文档内容本身不做任何修改或编辑并不能对任何下载内容负责



旅游景点介绍英文ppt以下是一个旅游景点——长城的英文ppt介绍:Slide 1: Title Slide- Title: The Great Wall of China- Background image: A stunning view of the Great Wall against a beautiful sunset.Slide 2: Introduction- Introduction to The Great Wall of China.- Mention that it is one of the most famous landmarks in the world. Slide 3: History- Brief historical background of the Great Wall.- Mention its construction started over 2,000 years ago.Slide 4: Length- Mention that the Great Wall stretches for about 13,171 miles (21,196 kilometers).- Visual representation of the length compared to famous landmarks or countries.Slide 5: Architecture- Discuss the architectural features of the Great Wall.- Mention that it is constructed with a combination of stone, brick, wood, and other materials.Slide 6: UNESCO World Heritage Site- Mention that the Great Wall is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.- Discuss the importance of its preservation.Slide 7: Visiting the Great Wall- Provide information on visiting the Great Wall.- Mention popular sections such as Badaling and Mutianyu.- Highlight the best times to visit and any necessary permits. Slide 8: Activities to do- Highlight the different activities that can be done at the Great Wall.- Mention hiking, taking a cable car, or even camping.Slide 9: Fun Facts- Share some interesting facts about the Great Wall.- Mention that it is visible from space and is often called the "Longest Cemetery on Earth."Slide 10: Conclusion- Summarize the main points discussed about the Great Wall.- Encourage the audience to visit this iconic landmark.Slide 11: Contact Information- Provide contact details for any further inquiries about the Great Wall.- Mention any relevant website or social media handles.Slide 12: Questions- Encourage the audience to ask any questions they may have. - Thank the audience for their attention and interest.Slide 13: Thank You- Express gratitude to the audience for their time and attention.- Thank any relevant organizations for supporting the presentation.。


• 吉隆坡的标志 性城市景观之 一.
• 是世界上目前 最高的双子楼 和第四高的建 筑物。
13、Madrid palace (西班牙马德里 王宫)
• 在1734年的圣诞节 被烧毁的巴奔堡皇 家宫殿基础上, 1736年,菲里普五 世和王妃依沙贝尔 .德法尔内西奥计 划修建新的王宫, 意大利的建筑家谢 瓦拉和萨凯提、萨 巴蒂尼等在1764年 10月,修建完成了 现在的这座王宫。

1、The Great Wall
The Great Wall
• 12,700 meters • The Wall climbs up and down, twists
and turns along the ridges of the Yanshan and Yinshan Mountain Chains through five provinces--Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Gansu--and two autonomous regions--Ningxia and Inner Mongolia, binding the northern China together…
• 320m high, world's tallest building until 1930
• Eiffel Tower and the Empire State Building in New York(纽约帝国 大厦), Tokyo Tower (东京电视塔) “the world's three famous buildings”
Significance of it
• designed as a celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the United States gifts



英语介绍旅游景点pptTitle: Introduction to a Tourist DestinationSlide 1:- Title: Introduction to a Tourist Destination- Introduction: Welcome to our presentation on one of the most iconic tourist destinations in the world!Slide 2:- Title: Destination Name- Description: Provide a brief overview of the destination, including its location, significance, and unique features.Slide 3:- Title: Historical Significance- Description: Highlight the historical importance of the destination, focusing on key events, landmarks, and cultural heritage.Slide 4:- Title: Natural Beauty- Description: Showcase the natural beauty of the destination, featuring stunning landscapes, wildlife, and any renowned natural landmarks.Slide 5:- Title: Local Culture- Description: Explore the local culture and traditions, including cuisine, art, music, and festivals, that make this destination a culturally rich experience for travelers.Slide 6:- Title: Must-Visit Attractions- Description: Present a list of must-visit attractions in the destination, ranging from famous landmarks to hidden gems known only to the locals.Slide 7:- Title: Popular Activities- Description: Display a variety of activities available for visitors, such as hiking, water sports, city tours, shopping, and any other popular recreational options.Slide 8:- Title: Accommodation- Description: Provide information about the available accommodation options in the destination, including hotels, resorts, and homestays, along with any unique features they offer.Slide 9:- Title: Transportation- Description: Discuss the transportation options available for travelers to reach and move around the destination, including airports, public transportation, and car rental services if applicable. Slide 10:- Title: Travel Tips- Description: Share useful travel tips for visitors to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience, such as recommended packing essentials, local customs and etiquette, and safety precautions.Slide 11:- Title: Conclusion- Summary: Recap the main highlights of the destination and end the presentation on a positive note, encouraging the audience to plan their visit soon.Slide 12:- Title: Contact Information- Description: Include contact information, such as a website, email address, or social media handles, for further inquiries and bookings.Slide 13:- Title: Q&A- Description: Allow time for questions and answers from the audience, providing additional information and addressing any queries they might have.Slide 14:- Acknowledgments: Thank any individuals or organizations that contributed to the presentation, including photographers, local tourism boards, and research sources.Note: Adapt the content and add relevant images or visuals to make the presentation engaging and visually appealing.。



著名旅游景点英文介绍集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-中国着名旅游景点英文介绍1. The Great wallThe Great Wall, located in northern China, is 6,700 kilometers long and thus known as the “10,000-li Great Wall”. Construction of the wall went on for more than 2,000 years, from 7th century to 14th century AD. The wall has become a symbol of both China’s proud history and its present strength.2. The Palace MuseumThe Palace Museum, also called the Forbidden City, is locatedin the center of Beijing. The imperial palace used by emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties is the largest and most complete ancient wooden-structure building in the world. Construction of the Forbidden City started in 1406 and lasted 14 years. 24 emperors were enthroned there.3. Zhoukoudian: Home of the Peking ManRemains of the Peking Man (homo erectus) are located on the Dragon Bone Hill at Zhoukoudian Village, Fangshan District, Beijing. In the 1920s, archaeologists discovered the complete skull of Peking Man. Later, more skull bones as well as stone and bone instruments were unearthed. Peking Man lived 690,000years ago, during Paleolithic times. Findings indicate that Peking Man knew how to make fires.4. Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum and Terra-cotta ArmyQinshihuang’s Mausoleum is located in Lintong District, 35 kilometers east of Xi’an, ca pital of Shanxi Province. Construction of the mausoleum lasted 38 years and involved over 700,000 workers. Over the years, a total of 50,000 important cultural relics have been unearthed. In 1980, two bronze painted horse-drawn chariots were unearthed. They are the largest and most complete bronze chariots and horses discovered so far. In 1974, farmers who were digging a well about 1.5 kilometers east of Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum discovered three vaults containing Qinshihuang’s Buried Legion. The largest of the three vaults contains 6,000 life-size terra-cotta warriors and horses. The collection of warriors is often dubbed the“e ighth wonder of the world”.5. Chengde Summer Resorts and Surrounding TemplesChengde Summer Resort, known as “The Mountain Hamlet for Escaping the Heat”, is located in northern Chengde, Hebei Province. Qing Emperors used to spend their summer days handling state affairs at the resort. Construction of theresort lasted from 1703 to 1792. It is the largest and best-preserved imperial palace outside the capital.6. Qufu, Confuc ius’ Mansion, Temple and CemeteryQufu, in southwestern Shandong Province, was the capital of the state of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC) and the hometown of Confucius, a great thinker and educator. Confucius’Mansion was the residence of Confucius’ eldestmale descendants for generation. The mansion holds more than9,000 volumes of archives dating from 1534 to 1948 and many cultural relics, ancient and costumes. Confucius’ Temple is famous for its 2,000 stone steles and more than 100 portrait stones from the Han Dynasty. Confucius’ Cemetery houses tombsfor Confucius and his descendants.7. Ancient Buildings on the Wudang MountainThe Wudang Mountain, located in northwestern Hubei Province, is a sacred Taoist mountain that is best known as the birthplaceof Wudang martial arts. The Gold Hall built on the mountain in 1416 represents advanced architectural style and building techniques of that period.8. The Lushan MountainThe Lushan Mountain, located south of Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, is one of the most famous mountains in China. The mountain features beautiful peaks, seas of clouds, waterfalls and historical sites. Bailu Academy is one of Chinese first schools of higher learning.9. The Emei Mountain and Leshan Giant BuddhaThe Emei Mountain is one of China’s four famous Buddhist Mountains. It is located 7 kilometers southwest of Emeishan City, Sichuan Province. There are 150 temples on the mountain. The mountain features more than 3,000 plant species and 2,000 varieties of animals. Leshan Giant Buddha is located on the east bank of the Minjiang River in Leshan city, Sichuan Province. The Buddha is carved out of a cliff and, being 70.7 meters tall, is the largest sitting Buddha in China. Carving of the Buddha started in 713 and was completed in 803. The body of Buddha has a water drainage system to prevent erosion.10. Lijiang Ancient CityLijiang ancient city, located in Lijiang, Yunnan Province, is an ancient town inhabited mainly by the Naxi minority people. The town was founded in 1127. The roads in the town are paved with colored pebbles produced in Lijiang, and there are manystone bridges and memorial archways built during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Most of the residences are made of earth and wood. Palace murals depicting religious themes were painted during the Ming Dynasty. The traditional Dongba Culture of the Naxi ethnic group has been preserved in Lijiang.11. Pingyao Ancient CityPingyao of Shanxi Province was built 2,000 years ago during the Zhou Dynasty. The city wall was renovated in 1370. It is one of China’s earliest and largest county-level city walls. Ancient streets, government offices, markets, stores and residences have been preserved, providing invaluable resources for research on China’s ancient Ming Dynasty cou nty seat.12. Suzhou GardensSuzhou in Jiangsu Province is a famous historic and cultural city that is more than 2,500 years old. Suzhou features more than 200 ancient gardens. The small private gardens are especially famous nationwide and reflect architectural styles of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.13. The Summer Palace of BeijingThe Summer Palace, featuring the best of China’s ancient gardens, is located in the western suburbs of Beijing. Thepalace was built in 1153 as a temporary imperial palace. It was rebuilt in 1888. The Summer Palace consists of the Longevity Hill and the Kunming Lake. The Long Corridor, painted with exquisite paintings, was included in the Guinness Book of World Records in 1992 as the longest corridor in the world. The corridor links the area where Empress Dowager Cixi handledstate affairs with the residential and sightseeing areas.14. The Temple of Heaven of BeijingThe Temple of Heaven, built in 1420, is located in southern Beijing. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, emperors came to the temple to worship the God of Heaven and pray for a good harvest.15. Jiuzhaigou Ravine(九寨沟)Located in Nanping County, Jiuzhaigou Ravine stretches 80 kilometers.The Shuzheng Scenic Spot is one of the central point of Jiuzhaigou’s landscape. With 40 lakes which extend five kilometers along a valley, the spot covers an area of three square kilometers. The lakes vary in color according to their depths, residues and scenery around them. Among which, Reed Lake is an ideal habitat of birds; Spark Lake appears to movewhile the jade-like Rhinoceros Lake is a good place for rowing, swimming and rafting. There are also the Shuzheng Waterfalls which have a backdrop of trees.The Sword-Shaped Rock Scenic Area consists of Goose Lake, Suspended Springs, Sword Rock, snow-covered Mountains and primeval forests. Sometimes you can see giant pandas. There is also the 17.8-kilometer Zechawa Ravine, the longest and highest in Jiuzhaigou. At the end of it is the eight-kilometer-long Changhai Lake, the largest in the area. In Haizi there is aFive-Color Pond, the brightest lake in Jiuzhaigou.Undoubtedly, the magnificent view in Jiuzhaigou willmake you reluctant to leave, and don’t forget that the autumnis the best season to visit it.16. Yellow Crane Tower(黄鹤楼)Bordering on the Yangtze River and crouching on the top of the Snake Hill, the Yellow Crane Tower is one of the three most famous towers on the south bank of the Yangtze River. (theother two are Yueyang Tower in Hunan and Tengwang Tower in Jiangxi)First built in 223 AD, the tower has a history of over 1700 years. It is not only an important scenic spot, but also a symbol of "piping times of peace"(太平盛世) in people's minds.Scholars in the past dynasties wrote hundreds of poems and scores of writings in praise of the magnificent Yellow Crane Tower. The legend about the tower has become a bright pearl of the Chinese literature.Rebuilt in 1985, the Yellow Crane Tower Park occupies a hilly area and consists of towers, pavilions and corridors, forming an architecture complex and a garden complex of man-made and natural scenery. It has become the symbol of Wuhan for its long history, its magnificent outlook and its imposing architectural style.17. Guiyuan Temple(归元寺)Guiyuan Temple, situated on Cuiwei Street, is one of the four biggest temples for Buddhist meditation in Hubei as well as an important Buddhist temple in China. It was first built in the early Qing dynasty (1644-1911) by two monks - Baiguang and Zhufeng. Guiyuan Temple has survived more than 300 hundred years of repeated cycles of prosperity and decline, and is the leading temple in Wuhan with prosperous public worship, flourishing Buddhist ceremony and many pilgrims. The temple was destroyed and rebuilt many times during the course of its history. Covering an area of 46,900 square meters with a floor space of 20,000 square meters, the temple mainly consists ofDaxiongbaodian Hall, Arhat Hall, Sutra Collection Pavilion, etc. Guiyuan Temple is famous not only for spreading Buddhism throughout the whole country, but also for its perfect architecture, excellent sculpture and rich collection ofBuddhist doctrine among the Buddhist temples. In 1956 Guiyuan Temple was listed as a preserved antiques unit of Hubeiprovince and in 1983, it was appointed as one of the keyBuddhist temple of Han nationality district in China by theState Council.18. East Lake(东湖)The East Lake is the pride and joy of the people of Wuhan. Millions of residents here get a lot of fun out of going for a walk along the lakeside in spring, swimming in summer, appreciating sweet laurel in autumn and admiring plum in winter.The lake covers 33 square kilometers and stretches farinto the distance. Ancient pagodas and temples scattered in 34 hills around the lake make the scenic spot more historic and imposing. All the six areas of the East Lake have in commongreen hills, clear waters, an abundance of woods and typicalstyle of Chu Culture. Perhaps you'll enjoy yourself most in two of them----Tingtao Pavilion and Moshan Hill.Willows dance gracefully and water lily sleeps deeply around Tingtao Pavilion, a three-storey palace building, in front of which the grand and lifelike statue of Qu Yuan is looking up at the sky and sighing sadly at the subjugation of Chu.Among all kinds of flowers, plum, lotus and cassia are of great reputation. The National Plum and Lotus Research Centreis set up here. The East Lake used to be a private farm several decades ago. In 1950 the farm was turned into a scenic spot. In 1982 the East Lake was rated by the State Council as one of the first group of national key resorts. It receives more than two millions tourists a year.19. First Bridge over the Yangtze River(长江一桥)For hundreds of years, it had been a dream to cross the natural moat of the Yangtze River.After the founding of New China, the central government decided to build the Yangtze River Bridge in Wuhan in 1950. Five years later, news came that the construction would soon begin and it became the focus of world attention. However, more overseas people were half believing and half doubting. Within two years, the Chinese engineers, technicians and workers, with the help of the Soviet experts, completed a double-deck bridgefor the dual use of automobiles and trains. The wish of "turning a deep chasm into a thoroughfare" was fulfilled.On October 15, 1957, thousands of people in Wuhan were overexcited. Cheering sound could be heard on and under the bridge. Trains, automobiles and pedestrians safely crossed the bridge.More than 30 years have passed. The Wuhan Bridge Bureau of the Railway Ministry has built other ten bridges over the Yangtze River in Nanjing, Chongqing, Zhijiang and Jiujiang.。


can be品he到ar正d,道th的e 一fl居avo加r 先of畔pu街re一 food。s tasted, daily Chinese,
traditional necessities bought here.
OK, Thanks
For Appreciat
徐敏 101003班 20103102
让你的眼睛跟随我旅游吧 Make your eyes follow me
Welcome to Li Jiang(云南丽江)

丽江,位于云南省西北部云贵高原与 青藏高原之间。与四川阆中、山西平 遥、安徽歙县并称为“保存最为完好 的四大古城”。是一个多民族聚居的 地方,其中以纳西族、彝族、傈僳族
The Most Beautiful Sight Spot NO.1玉龙雪山
Yulong Snow Mountain is extremely high in Yunnan subtropical
mountain from the Valley at the foot to the peaks with a complete vertical band of subtropical, temperate to boreal
picture to the Merlion Park.
Known as the Hawaii of the East
On The Merlion, we can overlook Sentosa Island with brightly light at night.
灯 火 辉 煌 的 圣 淘 沙 岛 。



Notre Dame de Paris
Arc de Triomphe
这座雄伟的建筑是 为纪念拿破仑1805 年12月在奥斯特尔 里茨战役中打败俄 、奥联军而建的, 12条大街以凯旋门 为中心,向四周辐 射,气势磅礴,形 似星光四射,所以 ,被称为“星形广 场”。1970年戴高 乐将军逝世后,遂 改称为戴高乐将军 广场。
新西兰位于南太平洋,西隔塔斯曼海与澳大利亚相望,西距澳大利亚1600公里 ,东邻汤加、斐济国土面积为二十七万平方公里,海岸线长6900千米,海岸线 上有许多美丽的海滩。 新西兰主要由南岛和北岛组成库克海峡将两岛分开。还 有许多较小的岛屿。全境多山,山地面积占全国面积的50%。南岛西部绵亘着雄 伟的南阿尔卑斯山脉。库克峰海拔3764米,为全国最高峰。
白马寺 White Horse Temple 鼓浪屿 Gulangyu Islet
Syd澳大利亚的大堡礁-Great Barrier Reef
世界上有一个最大最长的珊瑚礁群,它就是有名的大堡礁- Great Barrier Reef。它纵贯蜿蜒于澳洲的东海岸,全长2011公里,最宽处161公 里。南端最远离海岸241公里,北端离海岸仅16公里。在落潮时,部分的珊 瑚礁露出水面形成珊瑚岛。
4.长城 The Great Wall
5.人民英雄纪念碑 The Monument to the People's Heroes
6.天安门广场 Tian’anmen Square
Mount Huangshan
Ancient City of Pingyao
West Lake
Potala Palace
秘鲁印加遗址-Machu Picchu - Peru



英文介绍旅游景点pptTitle: Exploring the Beautiful Landmarks of [Destination] Slide 1: Introduction- Introduce the destination (name, location)- Talk briefly about the popularity and significance of the destination in the tourism industry- Include an eye-catching image of the destinationSlide 2: [Landmark 1]- Mention the name of the landmark- Provide a brief description of its history and significance - Showcase high-quality images of the landmark- Include any interesting facts or trivia about itSlide 3: [Landmark 2]- Mention the name of the landmark- Provide a brief description of its history and significance - Showcase high-quality images of the landmark- Include any interesting facts or trivia about itSlide 4: [Landmark 3]- Mention the name of the landmark- Provide a brief description of its history and significance - Showcase high-quality images of the landmark- Include any interesting facts or trivia about itSlide 5: [Landmark 4]- Mention the name of the landmark- Provide a brief description of its history and significance- Showcase high-quality images of the landmark- Include any interesting facts or trivia about itSlide 6: [Landmark 5]- Mention the name of the landmark- Provide a brief description of its history and significance- Showcase high-quality images of the landmark- Include any interesting facts or trivia about itSlide 7: Top Activities- Highlight the top activities that tourists can enjoy at the destination- Include images related to the mentioned activitiesSlide 8: Local Cuisine- Describe the local cuisine and mention some popular dishes- Showcase appealing images of the local delicaciesSlide 9: Tips for Travelers- Provide helpful tips for travelers visiting the destination (what to pack, best time to visit, local customs, etc.)Slide 10: Conclusion- Summarize the main attractions and unique features of the destination- Encourage the audience to visit and explore these mesmerizing landmarks firsthandSlide 11: References- List the sources used for gathering information and images- Include any acknowledgments, if applicableNote1: This is a basic outline for an English presentation about a tourist destination. You can customize the content and presentation style based on your specific needs and preferences.Note2: Remember to always credit and obtain permission if using images or information from external sources.。


雅鲁藏布大峡谷 Grand Canyon
纳木错 Nam Co
海一样辽阔的湖面, 玛尼堆连成的轨迹, 摇曳的五彩经幡,纳 木错圣洁的美让人无
The vast lake, Mani Dui in trajectory, swaying colorful flags, the beauty of Nagi Masaki people can not resist.
“九寨归来不看水”,水是九寨沟的精灵 ”Jiuzhai guilaibukan water ", water is the spirit of
Phoenix Town
凤凰古城是中国历史文化 名城,首批中国旅游强县, 国家4A级景区,曾被新西 兰著名作家路易艾黎称赞 为中国最美#34;.
Shangri-La a word, meaning moon of the heart
九寨沟位于四川省阿坝 藏族羌族自治州九寨沟 县漳扎镇,是白水沟上 游白河的支沟,以有九 个藏族村寨而得名
Jiuzhaigou is located in Sichuan Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture Jiuzhaigou County zhangzha Town, white ditch upstream river branch ditch, with nine Tibetan villages named
• 阿里Ali
• 林芝Linzhi
• 纳木错Nam Co


angelic choir boys
“A church and a street”, it’s the essence of this citys one of the most important commercial centers in
Rome is the capital and the
largest city of Italy,
which is located in the Tiber
River plain.It is Italian
politics,history,culture and
transportation center.And it
Church.Italy is the most
extensive area of Italy,the
most populous city,and one
of the world’s most famous
tourist sites.
The center of the Christian church of Rome, European Catholics and the Vatican papal pilgrimage to the Holy See,
Made by:丫猫柒 小莹
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