谷斯妈妈Mother Goose童谣精选集(一)

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谷斯妈妈Mother Goose童谣精选集

谷斯妈妈(Mother Goose)童谣起源于17世纪的欧洲,被广泛应用于儿童日常情感教育。经出版社数次翻译和再版,Mother Goose发展成为了总数有八百多首的童瑶,影响了数代欧美儿童。

体裁包含幽默故事、游戏歌曲、儿歌、谜语、摇篮曲、字母歌、数字歌、绕口令、动物歌等儿童经典读物。《小红帽》、《睡美人》、《灰姑娘》、《伦敦桥要塌了》、《奇异恩典》、《两只老虎》、《小星星》等中国儿童耳熟能详的传世经典,均源自Mother Goose。

本文收录了谷斯妈妈(Mother Goose)童谣里传唱度较高的部分童谣,这些都在欧美人群中有较高的共鸣,供大家交流学习。

《A cat came fiddling out of a barn》

A cat came fiddling out of a barn

With a pair of bagpipes under her arm

She could sing nothing but fiddle deedee

The mouse has married the bumblebee

Pipe cat dance mouse

We’ll have a wedding at our good house

《Blow Wind Blow! And Go Mill Go!》

Blow wind blow

And go mill go

That the miller may grind his corn

That the baker may take it

And into rolls make it

And send us some hot in the morn

Blow wind blow

And go mill go

That the miller may grind his corn That the baker may take it

And into rolls make it

And send us some hot in the morn 《Dr. Foster Went To Gloucester》Doctor Foster Went To Gloucester

In a shower of rain

He stepped in a puddle

Right up to his middle

And never went there again

《Sally Go Round The Sun》

Sally go'round the sun

Sally go'round the moon Sally go'round the chimney top

Every afternoon Boom

Sally go'round the sun

Sally go'round the moon Sally go'round the chimney top

Every afternoon Boom

《Sally Go Round The Sun》

Sally go'round the sun

Sally go'round the moon Sally go'round the chimney top

Every afternoon Boom

Sally go'round the sun

Sally go'round the moon Sally go'round the chimney top

Every afternoon Boom

《There Was An Old Woman》There was an old woman

There was an old woman

Tossed up in a basket Seventeen times as high as the moon And where was she going

I could not but ask it

For in her hand she carried a broom Old woman old woman

Old woman quothi

Oh wither oh wither

Oh wither so high

Just sweep the cobwebs from the sky

May i go with you by by and by

《Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush》

Here we go round the mulberry bush, The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush.

Here we go round the mulberry bush, so early in the morning.

This is the way we wash our clothes, wash our clothes, wash our clothes.

This is the way we wash our clothes, so early Monday morning.

This is the way we iron our clothes, iron our clothes, iron our clothes.

This is the way we iron our clothes, so early Tuesday morning.

This is the way we scrub the floor, scrub the floor, scrub the floor.

This is the way we scrub the floor, so early Wednesday morning.

This is the way we mend our clothes, mend our clothes, mend our clothes.

This is the way we mend our clothes, so early Thursday morning.

This is the way we sweep the house, sweep the house, sweep the house.

This is the way we sweep the house, so early Friday morning.

This is the way we bake our bread, bake our bread, bake our bread.

This is the way we bake our bread, so early Saturday morning.

This is the way we go to church, go to church, go to church.

This is the way we go to church, so early Sunday morning.
